Between student and teacher. Relationship between teacher and students

The soul of a child is as complex as the soul of an adult.

It is also full of such contradictions. She is in the same tragic eternal struggles: I strive and I can’t, I know what I need, and I can’t force myself.

In the screensavers, the teacher looks down at his student. So in real life. It is this mismatch of viewing planes that creates many reasons for the violation of the relationship between them. practical advice can be given immediately: if you want to establish a friendly relationship with a child, keep your eyes at the level of his eyes. Do not "rumble" from above.

Relationship is the relationship between teacher and students. A lot depends on them: how children perceive school, teachers, their school duties, what they can afford and how far they can go. The relationship of the teacher with all children and with each individual student is influenced by many factors: The situation in society, economic conditions, level public culture, professional training teachers, their morality, communication style and many others. The relationship between teacher and students is confirmed Scientific research, can become and often become the causes of deviant behavior of schoolchildren.

In the classroom, the teacher enters into two types of relationships: 1) his relationship to the class as a whole and 2) his relationship with each student individually. Both of these types of relationships are necessary and important, but the relationship with each individual child is more important.

How do they stack up? what can be? What kind of relationship should you strive for? We will get answers to these questions by considering the typical patterns of teacher-student relationships, their advantages and disadvantages.

See pictures P - U. The teacher and the student are neutral towards each other, they do not communicate closely. Between them there are only formal relations, the official distance is observed. The teacher is not interested in the student, the student avoids the teacher. This is not a form of relationship, but of coexistence. There is no need to talk about the educational influence of the teacher. Feeling the indifference of the teacher, the student pays him the same. If mutual indifference continues long enough, then the student gets used to looking at the school and the teacher as formal attributes that do not oblige him to anything. Reasons for occurrence deviant behavior more than enough. The teacher's indifference is the main incentive for this.

P - U. An attempt by the teacher to establish a relationship with the student, to persuade him to fulfill the requirements, tasks, routines. There is no emotional response from the student. He is indifferent to the intentions of the teacher, but he continues to insist. This one-way connection is very unstable and cannot last long.

Beating like a fish on ice, teacher for the most part retreats and stands on the authoritarian ground of orders, coercion. It is rare that anyone has the intelligence and strength to figure out why a child is closed, how to break through his self-isolation. There are reasons for the occurrence of deviant behavior of the student.

P - U. The student seeks support from the teacher, tries to draw attention to himself both in the classroom and during breaks. He agrees to carry out any assignments, tasks at school and at home. But the teacher's attention is drawn to other children or their own affairs. Therefore, the relationship between them is one-sided, formal. The student can only hope. This type of relationship, from a pedagogical point of view, is unacceptable, because it direct violation professional ethics. The reasons for the occurrence of deviant behavior are on the part of the teacher.

P - U The desire of both parties to mutual contact. The relationship exists, it is constant and deepens. Cooperation develops, successes and upbringing grow. The teacher knows the characteristics and abilities of the student well. This is the optimal model of relations between participants pedagogical process. Reasons for occurrence school maladaptation no deviant behavior.

P - U. Deterioration of the initially good relationship between the teacher and the student, initiated by the teacher. The reasons are most often that the student does not live up to the expectations of the teacher. This is manifested in the fact that the teacher begins to perform his duties in relation to the student worse or completely ceases to fulfill them. The actions of the teacher seem unconvincing to the child. The situation is favorable for the emergence of deviant behavior.

P - U. The situation is reverse to the previous one: the deterioration of relations between the teacher and the student occurs at the initiative of the student. The reasons most often are unfair assessments of the teacher, severe punishments, disrespect, distrust, restriction of rights. The child is suffering. One of its consequences is depression. The deviant behavior has already occurred. The situation is difficult for both sides.

P - U. Strong tension in the relationship. The lack of observation on the part of the teacher when assessing the success of the student, a deep analysis of his actions, the inability to analyze his own behavior, the unwillingness to understand the student put the teacher in a difficult position. The teacher and the student are either in a strong conflict, or close to it.

P - U. An attempt by the teacher to upset the balance in relations with the student that is not conducive to education. As a result of self-analysis of his actions, the teacher comes to the need to revise the methods of education, the style of communication with the student, and the revision of the system of his actions. His actions are aimed at improving contacts with the student. But he still does not understand the intentions of the teacher, perhaps he does not believe him, takes a wait-and-see position, remains in his former closed position. The situation should gradually improve, the reasons for the occurrence of deviant behavior of the student should become less.

P - U. The student is trying to restore contact with the teacher, the balance in their relationship. The teacher takes a wait-and-see attitude. The situation is complex and unpredictable. After several attempts, it may improve, or it may worsen. The teacher will either deny the student his attention, show that he is angry, dissatisfied with the child, or bring him closer to himself. This is an occasion to revise relations, move them into a new phase and, perhaps, to a higher level.

P - U. A situation in which both parties are trying to improve relations without finding out who is to blame for what, who will take the first step. The teacher is obliged to start, but this is not always the case. The parties become more aware of their strengths and weak sides. The student also advances in his knowledge human relations, begins to revise his own "I".

As you can see, the world of relations between a teacher and a student is complex. People are guided not only common sense but also personal experiences, ambitions. Reason often goes on about emotions. If it is permissible for the student, then it does not suit the teacher. Having studied the typical schemes of relationships and having found himself in them, the teacher will rise above resentment towards children, recognizes their right to have own opinion and express your displeasure

In the course of its professional activity the teacher, in addition to his immediate duties related to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, has to communicate with colleagues, students, and their parents.

It is hardly possible to do without conflict situations in daily interaction. And is it necessary? After all, having correctly resolved a tense moment, it is easy to achieve good constructive results, bring people together, help them understand each other, and make progress in educational aspects.

Definition of conflict. Destructive and constructive ways to resolve conflict situations

What is conflict? The definitions of this concept can be divided into two groups. AT public consciousness conflict is most often a synonym for hostile, negative opposition of people due to incompatibility of interests, norms of behavior, goals.

But there is another understanding of the conflict as an absolutely natural phenomenon in the life of society, which does not necessarily lead to negative consequences. On the contrary, when choosing the right channel for its flow, it is an important component of the development of society.

Depending on the results of conflict resolution, they can be designated as destructive or constructive. Bottom line destructive collision is the dissatisfaction of one or both parties with the result of the collision, the destruction of relations, resentment, misunderstanding.

Constructive is a conflict, the solution of which became useful for the parties who took part in it, if they built, acquired something valuable for themselves in it, were satisfied with its result.

Variety of school conflicts. Causes and solutions

Conflict in school is a multifaceted phenomenon. When communicating with participants school life The teacher has to be also a psychologist. The following "debriefing" of collisions with each group of participants can become a "cheat sheet" for the teacher in exams on the subject "School conflict".

Student-student conflict

Disagreements between children common occurrence including school life. AT this case the teacher is not a conflicting party, but sometimes it is necessary to take part in a dispute between students.

Causes of conflicts between students

  • struggle for authority
  • rivalry
  • deceit, gossip
  • insults
  • resentment
  • hostility towards the teacher's favorite students
  • personal dislike for a person
  • affection without reciprocity
  • fight for a girl (boy)

Ways to resolve conflicts between students

How to constructively resolve such disagreements? Very often, children can resolve the conflict situation on their own, without the help of an adult. If intervention by the teacher is necessary, it is important to do so in a calm manner. It is better to do without pressure on the child, without public apologies, limiting himself to a hint. It is better if the student himself finds an algorithm for solving this problem. Constructive conflict will add social skills to the child's experience that will help him communicate with peers, teach him how to solve problems, which will be useful to him in adulthood.

After permission conflict situation important dialogue between the teacher and the child. It is good to call a student by name, it is important that he feels an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. You can say something like: “Dima, conflict is not a reason to worry. There will be many more such disagreements in your life, and that's not a bad thing. It is important to solve it correctly, without mutual reproaches and insults, to draw conclusions, certain work over mistakes. Such a conflict would be beneficial."

The child often quarrels and shows aggression if he does not have friends and hobbies. In this case, the teacher can try to correct the situation by talking to the student's parents, recommending that the child be enrolled in a circle or sports section according to his interests. A new activity will not leave time for intrigue and gossip, it will give you an interesting and useful pastime, new acquaintances.

Conflict "Teacher - parent of the student"

Such conflict actions can be provoked by both the teacher and the parent. Dissatisfaction can be mutual.

Causes of conflict between teacher and parents

  • different ideas of the parties about the means of education
  • dissatisfaction of the parent with the teaching methods of the teacher
  • personal animosity
  • the parent's opinion about the unreasonable underestimation of the child's grades

Ways to resolve conflict with the student's parents

How can one constructively resolve such grievances and break the stumbling blocks? When a conflict situation arises at school, it is important to understand it calmly, realistically, without distortion, look at things. Usually, everything happens in a different way: the conflicting person closes his eyes to his own mistakes, while simultaneously looking for them in the opponent's behavior.

When the situation is soberly assessed and the problem is outlined, it is easier for the teacher to find true reason, evaluate the correctness of the actions of both parties, outline the path to a constructive resolution of an unpleasant moment.

The next step on the road to consensus will be open dialogue teacher and parent, where the sides are equal. The analysis of the situation will help the teacher express his thoughts and ideas about the problem to the parent, show understanding, clarify the common goal, and together find a way out of the current situation.

After the conflict is resolved, the conclusions drawn about what was done wrong and how to act so that a tense moment does not come will help prevent similar situations in the future.


Anton is a self-confident high school student who does not have outstanding abilities. Relations with the guys in the class are cool, there are no school friends.

At home, the boy characterizes the guys with negative side, pointing out their shortcomings, fictitious or exaggerated, shows dissatisfaction with teachers, notes that many teachers underestimate his grades.

Mom unconditionally believes her son, assents to him, which further spoils the boy's relationship with classmates, causes negativity towards teachers.

The conflict erupts when a parent comes to school in anger and complains about teachers and school administration. No persuasion or persuasion has a cooling effect on her. The conflict does not stop until the child finishes school. Obviously, this situation is destructive.

What can be constructive approach to solve an urgent problem?

Using the above recommendations, we can assume that Anton's class teacher could analyze the current situation something like this: “The conflict between mother and school teachers provoked by Anton. This speaks of the boy's inner dissatisfaction with his relationship with the guys in the class. The mother added fuel to the fire by not understanding the situation, increasing her son's hostility and distrust towards the people around him at school. What caused the return, which was expressed by the cool attitude of the guys towards Anton.

The common goal of parent and teacher could be the desire to rally Anton's relationship with the class.

A good result can be given by the teacher's dialogue with Anton and his mother, which would show wish class teacher help the boy. It is important that Anton wants to change himself. It is good to talk with the guys in the class so that they reconsider their attitude towards the boy, entrust them with joint responsible work, organize extracurricular activities that help bring kids together.

Conflict "Teacher - student"

Such conflicts are perhaps the most frequent, because students and teachers spend almost less time together than parents with children.

Causes of conflict between teacher and students

  • lack of unity in the demands of teachers
  • excessive demands on the student
  • inconsistency of the teacher's requirements
  • non-compliance by the teacher
  • the student feels underestimated
  • the teacher cannot accept the shortcomings of the student
  • personal qualities of the teacher or student (irritability, helplessness, rudeness)

Conflict resolution between teacher and student

It is better to defuse a tense situation without bringing it to conflict. To do this, you can use some psychological techniques.

A natural reaction to irritability and raising the voice are similar actions.. The consequence of a conversation in raised tones will be an aggravation of the conflict. That's why right action on the part of the teacher there will be a calm, friendly, confident tone in response to the violent reaction of the student. Soon the child will be “infected” with the calmness of the teacher.

Dissatisfaction and irritability most often come from lagging behind students who dishonestly perform school duties. You can inspire a student to succeed in his studies and help him forget his discontents by entrusting him with a responsible task and expressing confidence that he will do it well.

A friendly and fair attitude towards students will be the key to a healthy atmosphere in the classroom, and will make it easy to implement the proposed recommendations.

It is worth noting that in the dialogue between the teacher and the student, it is important to take into account certain things. It is worth preparing for it in advance in order to know what to say to the child. How to say - a component no less important. Calm tone and absence negative emotions- what you need to get good result. And the commanding tone that teachers often use, reproaches and threats, is better to forget. You need to be able to listen and hear the child.

If punishment is necessary, it is worth considering it in such a way as to exclude the humiliation of the student, a change in attitude towards him.


A sixth grade student, Oksana, does poorly in her studies, is irritable and rude in her communication with the teacher. At one of the lessons, the girl prevented other children from completing assignments, threw papers at the children, and did not react to the teacher even after several remarks addressed to her. Oksana didn't respond to the teacher's request to leave the class either, remaining seated. The teacher's irritation led him to the decision to stop teaching, and after the bell to leave the whole class after the lessons. This, of course, led to the discontent of the guys.

Such a solution to the conflict led to destructive changes in the mutual understanding of the student and the teacher.

Structural solution The problem could look like this. After Oksana ignored the teacher’s request to stop interfering with the children, the teacher could get out of the situation by laughing it off, saying something with an ironic smile to the girl, for example: “Oksana ate little porridge today, her throw range and accuracy suffer, the last piece of paper never reached the addressee. After that, calmly continue to lead the lesson further.

After the lesson, you could try to talk to the girl, show her your benevolent attitude, understanding, desire to help. It's a good idea to talk to the girl's parents to find out. possible cause such behaviour. Give to the girl more attention, to trust responsible assignments, to assist in the performance of tasks, to encourage her actions with praise - all this would be useful in the process of bringing the conflict to a constructive outcome.

A single algorithm for resolving any school conflict

Having studied the recommendations given for each of the conflicts at school, one can trace the similarity of their constructive resolution. Let's designate it again.
  • The first thing that will be helpful when the problem is ripe is calmness.
  • The second point is the analysis of the situation without vicissitudes.
  • Third important point is an open dialogue between the conflicting parties, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to calmly state one's view on the problem of the conflict.
  • The fourth thing that will help to come to the desired constructive result is detection common purpose , ways of solving the problem, allowing to come to this goal.
  • The last, fifth point will be findings, which will help to avoid communication and interaction errors in the future.

So what is conflict? Good or evil? The answers to these questions lie in the way you deal with stressful situations. The absence of conflicts at school is an almost impossible phenomenon.. And they still need to be addressed. A constructive decision brings with it trusting relationships and peace in the classroom, a destructive one accumulates resentment and irritation. Stop and think at the moment when irritation and anger surged - important point in choosing their own way of resolving conflict situations.

Photo: Ekaterina Afanasicheva.

Vasilyeva V.N.

Teacher and student: problems of mutual understanding and interaction

The two main figures in the school are the teacher and the student. Their communication in the classroom extracurricular activities, at leisure become important condition the effectiveness of the educational process, a means of shaping the personality of the student. Based on the axiom that the relationship between student and teacher is the foundation of all social formations created by people long years it can be concluded that the student and the teacher are not connected by other aspects of life, except for learning, so they do not know too much about each other. Their union brings only psychological satisfaction and excludes close contact. Meetings between teacher and student are usually limited in time and continue for a certain period.

However, the relationship with the teacher is very important in children's lives. important place, and children get very worried if they don't add up. In this situation, the teacher, as a more experienced one, has the task of creating and maintaining goodwill and mutual understanding. The relationship between the teacher and the student is based on their joint work, as well as success in achieving the goal. The learning process depends on what kind of relationship develops between the student and the teacher.

It all starts with the teacher, with his ability to organize pedagogically expedient relationships with schoolchildren as the basis for creative communication. The teacher is the one who shares knowledge, wisdom and experience, and the student adopts them. Additional education is based on the principle of freedom of choice, and if the parameters of interaction "teacher - student" are not adequate to the needs of both subjects, then there is no need to talk about the quality of education, because the very fact of interaction will not be real. There is also the opposite problem: it is possible to build very comfortable relationships with a student, but their constructiveness in terms of solving educational and developmental problems will be minimal. Thus, it is necessary to find an answer to the question: how to build a relationship with a student so that interaction with him allows you to receive maximum result in education and personal development, and at the same time would remain promising for further constructive communication. The answer to this question can be a teacher-student interaction model, the purpose of which is to optimize the learning process.

Teachers are not always aware of their leading role in organizing contacts. The main thing in communication between teacher and students should be a relationship based on respect and exactingness. The teacher needs to pay attention to the promptness of the beginning of contact, the formation of the basis of democratization - the feeling of "we", the introduction of personal aspects in interaction with children, the demonstration of one's disposition towards the class, the demonstration of the goals of the activity, the transfer of students' understanding by the teacher of their internal state, organize solid contact with the class, change stereotyped negative attitudes to individual students.

A teacher with a stable emotionally positive attitude towards children, a business-like response to shortcomings in academic work and behavior, in a calm and even tone in the address, the schoolchildren are relaxed, sociable, trusting. Right Style communication creates an atmosphere of emotional well-being, which largely determines the effectiveness of educational work. Correctly found style pedagogical communication, corresponding to the unique individuality of the teacher, contributes to the solution of many problems.

An important point in teaching in general is that each student can be convinced of the importance of not only mastering solid knowledge, but also developing mental capacity. The student is not alone at school. He works together with others: students and teachers. They turn to each other for help, not being afraid to admit that they do not understand something.

The most important aspects of cooperation:
- the ability to listen to each other;
- make joint decisions;
- to trust each other;
- feel responsible for the work of the group.

Pedagogical tact, a sensitive attitude towards students, certainly play a decisive role in the success of a teacher's work. This is very important side the skill of the teacher. And it largely depends on the relationship between the teacher and the student. But pedagogical tact does not completely solve the problem of relationships.

Foreign researchers in their studies also indicated that children tend to prefer teachers who have the following characteristics:
1. Human qualities- kindness, cheerfulness, responsibility, balance.
2. Organizational qualities - justice, consistency, honesty, respect for others.
3. Business qualities- usefulness, democracy, the ability to interest.
4. Appearance- well dressed a pleasant voice, general attraction.

In high school, popular teachers were those who know how to present educational material vividly, vividly, problematically.

I want to note that in the relationship "teacher - student", in addition to the selected ones or other personal or professional qualities teacher, it is also supposed to take into account the expectations of the student, which are partially expressed in specific requirements for the behavior of the teacher. It is important to study them in terms of age, i.e. find out what students want and expect from teachers different ages, and how those expectations change from one class to another.

The inability of the teacher to meet the expectations of the student and inattention to these expectations can lead to negative attitude to the teacher himself, to his subject, lead to sharp conflicts.

Conflicts are extremely diverse phenomena.
They can be intrapersonal, the clash of two incompatible
desires, opposite tendencies, when the main
needs of the individual, damage to the values ​​\u200b\u200bof "I".

Usually in schools there are conflicts between a teacher and a student in
adolescence. It is important here that the teacher must clearly understand the main causes of conflict relationships and know real ways their warnings.

Specific Causes of Teacher-Student Conflicts
1. Insufficient professionalism of the teacher as a subject and educator, manifested in the nervous relationship of the teacher with children:
in demonstrating their superiority, their special status;
in serious errors of interaction, such as discrimination in relation to individual students, open or masked violation of pedagogical ethics on the basis of the struggle for leadership;
in the pedagogically unprofessional actions of teachers: commanding tone, teacher's cry, which often provokes gross violations discipline by students;
in preconceived notions teachers to students, manifested in the systematic underestimation of grades, in the allocation of "favorites";
in the unauthorized establishment by the teacher of the number and forms of testing the knowledge of students that are not provided for by the program and sharply exceeding the normative teaching load children;
unable to organize cognitive interest students to their subject;
in labeling, for example failing student;
in focusing the attention of others on psychological problems and shortcomings of the student;
in the assessment of the act, based on the subjective perception of the personality of the student;
inability to organize classes with all students.
2. Violation school requirements students: unpreparedness at home
assignments; intentional violation of discipline; absenteeism without good reason.
3. The manifestation of personal conflicts of both the student and the teacher.

How do students want to see their teacher?
1. Moral quality (fair, respects human dignity, trusts).
2. Love for your subject.

3. A high-quality good class teacher, wants to make the life of children exciting, interesting, does not like to command, gives good advice.

Negative qualities of teachers:
1. Shouts, interrupts, does not listen to the end.
2. Highlights individual students.
3. Picky, tries to punish for every misconduct.
4. Requires unconditional submission from the student.
5. Treats them like they are small.
6. Disrespectful.
7. Doesn't know how to keep a secret.

How can conflicts be prevented and how to ensure that teachers and students are in good relations:
1. Skillfully conduct Organizing time lesson, not to leave a single student in inactivity.
2. Create an atmosphere of continuous communication with the class.
3. Demanding to himself and to the students about the full readiness for the lesson.
4. Knowledge of the subject "excellent", Fluency them. Application different methods and forms of education.
5. Fulfillment and striving to fulfill the set goal: to achieve complete assimilation of the material with all students without exception.
6. Rational use time, cherishes every minute of the lesson.
7. Achieve complete assimilation of the material.
8. Organization individual work, especially with those who are given a difficult subject. They should be asked more in the lesson, tugged at and disturbed more.
9. Organize work with "difficult" children, continuously ask, make them think, find more interesting ways teaching.
10. Respectful attitude to the personality of the student, not to allow different kind insults, nicknames, remarks.

Can be specified by at least the three most significant features of the type of learning interaction.

First, each student is included in the solution productive tasks not at the end, but at the beginning of the process of assimilation of new subject content, on the basis of a specially organized active interaction and cooperation with the teacher and other students.

Secondly, situations of interaction and cooperation, being a specific means of solving productive problems and a condition for mastering student methods cognitive activity and interpersonal relationships, undergo changes in the process of communication, thereby ensuring the formation of mechanisms for self-regulation of the behavior and personality of the student.

Thirdly, in the process of jointly solving productive tasks, students first of all master the mechanism of meaning formation and goal formation, which ensures a more productive and motivated mastery of the operational and technical means of performing a new activity.

And no matter what innovations are introduced, in the school, like hundreds and thousands of years ago, there are participants educational process: teacher and pupil. Between it (always) is an ocean of knowledge and reefs of contradictions. And that's okay. Any ocean contradicts, hinders, but it endows those who overcome it with constantly changing landscapes, the vastness of the horizon, the secret life of its depths, a long-awaited and unexpectedly growing coast. And the teacher will always be the captain in this voyage, the main navigator of the wiring through the reefs.

In the life of a child, the main thing is not only to establish relationships with classmates, but also with the teacher. The student will have to learn how to properly respond to comments and marks. And parents will have to learn how to communicate and establish contacts with both teachers and own child. Too rigid, as well as too loyal attitude towards students, can cause feelings of protest. This is especially true for adolescence.

Relationships between teachers and students are changing, attitudes towards learning are also changing. And as a result, contradictions and conflicts arise. We want to see a teacher who respects the student, develops him as a person. The teacher must make demands on the student. It is very important that the teacher treats weak and shy children with understanding. But what if there was a conflict?

The most common conflicts

1. Disobedience. The student refuses to comply with certain requirements for any reason. Refusal may be caused by a desire to defend one's opinion.

2. The conflict of unity. In order not to be considered a "weakling" or "sissy", a teenager acts "like everyone else."

3. Leadership conflict. The teenager tries not to lose authority. And in the teacher he sees a competitor.

4. Conflict of dislike. It happens that the teacher is treated without due respect, they drive him crazy. In such cases, teenagers provoke situations so that the teacher loses his patience.

If the parents found out about the conflict with the teacher:

1. First you need to teach the child to resolve the situation himself. At the first stage, don't interfere;

2. But if things have gone too far, then talk to your child. He should tell you about the participants in the conflict, about the reasons from his point of view. Find out how long the conflict has been going on. Try to look at everything from the side. Discuss with your child possible exits from the situation. Find out what's the matter, do not scold the child;

3. Do not discuss the shortcomings of the teacher with the child. Explain that the teacher may be tired and irritable;

4. Do not delay the resolution of the conflict. Try to resolve the relationship at the very beginning.

How can you find mutual language?

1. Involve the student, teacher and psychologist in the conversation.

2. The main thing is that the child understands that he needs knowledge. The priority should be good knowledge subject and receive an appropriate grade. To do this, it is not at all necessary to establish friendly relations in the classroom with the teacher. Try to be diplomatic.

3. The child must attend all classes, complete assignments. Otherwise, there can be no question of any solution to the problem.

It's time to intervene in the conflict.

1. Talk to the teacher. If the problem concerns the class teacher, then start with a personal conversation. If the conflict has affected the subject teacher, then ask him to connect, and school psychologist. Maybe your child complex nature, transition period? Consult together how to find leverage on the child. A competent teacher will always respond. In a conversation, there is no need to get personal, reproaches. To resolve the conflict sometimes you have to wait a while. Stay in constant contact with teachers, attend meetings. Try to overcome personal dislike for the teacher if you have such feelings. Remember that the further peace of your child at school depends on you.

2. Talk to other parents. If you think your child is being treated with prejudice, talk to other parents. You will find out their opinion in relation to the teacher, and maybe they have similar problems. Together they are much easier to solve.

If conversations with the teacher did not bring the expected success, and the teacher does not want to look for a way out of this situation, then it is time to visit the head teacher or principal. Schools usually fight for their reputation. The management will surely help you.

When should you change schools?

1. If your child, even after the conflict is resolved, continues to nervous breakdowns and he refuses to attend school. Such an environment will not be conducive to student achievement. His self-esteem is reduced to a minimum.

2. After the “resolution” of the conflict, your child’s grades deteriorated sharply. But you know that the child knows the subject very well. Of course, in such a school your child will not see a good certificate.

3. If the school administration is aware of the problem, but does not intervene in the conflict. On the self-esteem of the child, as well as on academic performance, this is not in the best way will affect. You can continue to fight. But is it worth the effort? It is better to transfer the child to another school.

The culture of relationships with the student is relevant for any teacher. Only a teacher's deep understanding of students, the study of their individual abilities will make it possible to carry out the educational process.