What contribution did the East make to the Russian language. A short summary of scientific activity a

VOSTOKOV (pseudonym; real name Ostenek) Alexander Khristoforovich, Russian philologist, paleographer, poet, translator, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841), real state councilor (1843). In 1794-1802 he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Secretary of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts (since 1802). In 1803-44 he served in various government places, including from 1815 in the Imperial Public Library (in 1828-44 the keeper of manuscripts), from 1831 he was a senior librarian in the Rumyantsev Museum. Member since 1820 Russian Academy. In 1839-45 Chief Editor Archaeographic Commission. Proceedings on comparative grammar Slavic languages, grammar of the Russian language, lexicography of the Church Slavonic and Russian languages, paleography.

The founder of comparative-historical linguistics in Russia (“Discourse on the Slavic language ...”, 1820); singled out 3 periods in the history of the Slavic languages, established a phonetic correspondence in the field of vowels between the Slavic languages ​​as proof of their primordial closeness; discovered the existence of nasal vowels in Old Church Slavonic. The study of grammar was based on a living spoken language.

Vostokov put forward a number of promising ideas in the field of studying Russian syntax: proposed a new understanding of the most common types of sentences as two-term (two-part), raised the question of forms of expression compound predicate, showed the variety of nominal, verbal and adverbial types of phrases, made valuable observations in the field of word arrangement. He singled out the nouns singularia tantum and pluralia tantum (see Number), nouns generic and etc.

Vostokov prepared and carried out in 1843 the first scientific publication Ostromir Gospels. "Description of Russian and Slovenian manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum" (1842), compiled by Vostokov, contained fundamental paleographic, archaeological and literary description 473 monuments of the Old Russian language.

He made his debut as a poet in 1802; author of the collection "Experiences lyrical and other small works in verse" (parts 1-2, 1805-06). An experimental poet, Vostokov, turning directly to the ancient classics, created Russian equivalents to the ancient logaeda (“Vision in May night" and etc.). Another area of ​​interest for Vostokov was the Russian "folk" size: a 4-foot trochee with non-rhyming dactylic endings ("Pevislad and Zora") and a tonic tact player (" Russian rivers”, “Serbian songs”). Vostokov's poetic experiments, which expanded the boundaries of poetic thinking in an era when a new canon of artistic taste was being established in relation to the classic, are theoretically substantiated by him in the "Experience on Russian versification" (1812, separate edition - 1817), where for the first time the connection between the properties of languages ​​and systems is outlined. versification and developed the tonic theory of Russian folk verse.

Cit.: Russian grammar of A. Vostokov, according to the outline of his own Abbreviated Grammar, more fully stated. SPb., 1831. 12th ed. SPb., 1874; Dictionary of the Church Slavonic language. SPb., 1858-1861. T. 1-2; Grammar of the Church Slavonic language, set out according to the most ancient written monuments. SPb., 1863; Philological observations. St. Petersburg, 1865 (bibl.); Poems. M., 1935.

Lit .: Karelkin N. P. A. Kh. Vostokov, his scientific and literary activity // Otechestvennye zapiski. 1855. T. 98. No. 1; Grotto Ya. K. A. Kh. Vostokov // Slavic Review. 1892. No. 4; Maykov L. N. To the biography of A. Kh. Vostokov. SPb., 1896; Orlov V. N. Russian enlighteners of the 1790-1800s, 2nd ed. M., 1953; Amirova T. A., Olkhovikov B. A., Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Essays on the history of linguistics. M., 1975; Zeitlin R.M. Academician of the Vostokov as a Slavist // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1982. No. 2; Golubeva O. D. Vostokov A. Kh. // Employees of the Russian National Library - workers of science and culture: Biographical Dictionary. SPb., 1995. Vol. 1; Kolesov VV History of Russian linguistics. St. Petersburg, 2002; Sreznevsky I. I. Review scientific papers A. Kh. Vostokova. SPb., 1865.

T. A. Golikova, A. P.

A. Kh. Vostokov in the Imperial Public Library

All the works listed above, despite their importance for scientific biography A. Kh. Vostokov, could not be decisive for him until he began to study the Old Slavic language directly from handwritten monuments. But handwritten originals long time remained inaccessible for Vostokov. The first direct source from which Vostokov could draw information about the ancient Slavic language was a notebook with the list of the Izbornik of 1076 presented to him in 1803 by his friend at the Academy of Arts A.I. , where he diligently takes up the study of the Ostromir Gospel, comparing its text with the Gospel of the Kyiv press. Probably, A. Kh. Vostokov's own handwritten extracts from the annals with summing up discrepancies belong to this time.

The year 1815, when Vostok was appointed to the Imperial Public Library as an assistant curator of manuscripts, can be considered a turning point in the scientist's life. Favorite occupations have merged with office work - a wide scope has opened up for him. scientific activity. Subsequently, in a letter to the famous teacher and publicist, rector of Moscow University A. A. Prokopovich-Antonsky, he characterized his work on the study of the evolution of language in connection with the study of monuments: "While my sources were limited printed books and having heard a living language, I was zealously engaged in my lexicography, carried away by the temptation of this work that was not brain-teasing, but abundant with discoveries .... But when chance led me to see Slovenian manuscripts, as well as some early printed books, and in them in many ways different from those used in the later language, then I was convinced of the need to deal with grammar first, i.e. study and demonstration of the properties of the language and its various forms with the changes that these forms have undergone over the centuries in Russia and other Slovenian lands".

The first fruit of the painstaking work of A. Kh. Vostokov on the manuscripts was his famous “Discourse on the Slavic language, which serves as an introduction to the grammar of this language, compiled according to the oldest written monuments onago” - a work that is cornerstone Slavic philology. Here Vostokov substantiated whole line provisions that have changed the concepts of the Slavic language that have hitherto prevailed in Western European science. The thoroughness of Vostokov's work on linguistic material is evidenced by his manuscripts.

Being at the origins of the organizational formation and formation of the funds of the First Public Library of Russia, Alexander Khristoforovich was engaged in the acquisition, description and cataloging of manuscripts.

The thoroughness of the work on the acquisition of funds is evidenced by internal documentation, for example, the OR RNB. F. 542. Unit. ridge 1031."))"> A. Kh. Vostokov's memo to A. N. Olenin regarding the acquisition of the manuscript with the latter's resolution.

The task of describing handwritten collections required the solution of many fundamental theoretical problems. First of all, it is the systematization of the arrangement and encryption of books. A. Kh. Vostokov's approaches to solving fundamental questions storage arrangements are reflected in his voluminous Report for submission to the library director.

Of great interest to the history of library science is the OR of the National Library of Russia compiled by A. Kh. Vostokov. F. XVIII. 12. Fragment"))"> manuscript inventory, consisting of six main and several additional departments. A. Kh. Vostokov sequentially registers the main data about each manuscript, on the wide margins left for notes, often notes the name of the previous owner of the manuscript.

The paleographic interests of A. Kh. Vostokov are reflected in his extracts from manuscripts. A drawing of the “seal of the wise King Solomon” copied by his hand with a decoding of the inscription and comments on the cryptography (“gibberish alphabet”) has been preserved.

The Depot of the Manuscripts in the time of Vostokov was a repository not only of manuscripts, but also of various rarities. Obviously, the duties of A. Kh. Vostokov included an inventory of these sections of the fund. Curious what he did "Painting on coins and medals stored in the Imperial Public Library". This collection, which included antique, Anglo-Saxon, Russian, Oriental coins - gold, silver, copper and even leather - in the 1850s. was transferred to the Hermitage.

Until now, the Department of Manuscripts has a unique collection of antique vases, in recent times attracting the attention of experts. The first inventory of these items was made by A. Kh. Vostokov.

Extracts of A. Kh. Vostokov from the annals.
OR RNB. F. 542. Unit. ridge 489. Fragments.


Ostromir Gospel of 1056-1057. Edition of A. Kh. Vostokov.
SPb., 1843. Title page and individual pages books

Editions short grammar A. Kh. Vostokov, published in 1831, 1848 and 1874.
Title pages and table of contents

Vostokov A.Kh. Report to the curator of the manuscripts of the Public Library from his assistant for presentation to the director of the library. Oct 1 1819
OR RNB. F. 542. Unit. ridge 490. Fragment

Vostokov A.Kh. Extracts from handwritten collections with comments.
OR RNB. F. 1000. Unit. ridge 478.

Vostokov A. Kh. Painting on coins and medals stored in the Imperial public library.
OR RNB. F. 1000. Unit. ridge 482.

Vostokov A.Kh. Register of Etruscan vases stored in the Department of Manuscripts.
OR RNB. F. 1000. Unit. ridge 481.

Draft of Vostokov's work. Notes on vocabulary Russian language.

Vostokov Alexander Khristoforovich (March 16, 1781-February 8, 1864), poet, Slavic philologist. Member of the Russian Academy (since 1820), academician (since 1841). Was the illegitimate son of a baron H. I. Osten-Sackena . He studied in St. Petersburg, first at the Land Cadet Corps, then at the Academy of Arts. In 1801 he joined the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts and for many years was the secretary of the society. In 1805-06, his “Lyrical experiments and other small works in verse” (2 hours) were published. In 1812 he published An Experiment on Russian Versification (separate edition of 1817), highly appreciated by A. S. Pushkin, one of the first in-depth scientific studies of the system of Russian tonic versification. Vostokov's lyrics express scientific and philosophical ideas, created image of a poet, imbued with civil pathos. As a poet of the East developed high genres (ode, philosophical lyrics), introduced a solemn oratory and "vitality" in poetic language. Great importance Vostokov had aspirations to update Russian versification, use Russian folk verse. Vostokov studied Russian songs, proverbs, collected materials for etymological dictionary. In 1815 he joined the Public Library and from that time devoted himself entirely to the study of monuments. Old Slavic writing, grammar of Slavic languages, especially Russian. In 1820 he published Discourse on the Slavonic Language, containing important discoveries from the history of the Old Slavic languages ​​and laid the foundation for a comparative Slavic linguistics. From the later works of Vostokov stand out: 2 grammars of the Russian language - "lengthy" (1813) and "short" (1831), repeatedly reprinted in the 19th century; "Description of Russian and Slovenian manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum" (1842), containing paleographic and linguistic characteristics of 473 manuscripts of various Slavic editions; exemplary edition of the Ostromir Gospel (1843); "Grammar of the Church Slavonic language" (1863). Vostokov participated in the compilation of the "Dictionary of the Church Slavonic and Russian Language" (1847), edited the "Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary" (1852) and "Supplement" to it (1858). Compiled a dictionary Church Slavonic"(2 volumes, 1858, 1861). For the first time he published the oldest dated monument of Slavic-Russian writing "Ostromir Gospel 1056-1057", he was specially engaged in the study of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

Site materials used Big Encyclopedia Russian people - http://www.rusinst.ru

Vostokov, Alexander Khristoforovich (March 16, 1781, Arensburg, Livonia Province, - February 8, 1864, St. Petersburg) - Russian poet, Slavic philologist. Member of the Russian Academy (since 1820), academician (since 1841). He was the illegitimate son of Baron H.I. Osten-Saken. He studied in St. Petersburg, first at the Land Cadet Corps, then at the Academy of Arts. In 1801 he became a member Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts and for many years was the secretary of the society. In 1805-1806 his "Experiences lyrical and other small works in verse" (2 parts) were published. In 1812, he published "Experience on Russian versification" (separate ed. 1817), highly appreciated by A.S. Pushkin (see Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 7, 1958, p. from the first deep scientific studies of the system of Russian tonic versification. In the lyrics of V. close to creativity Radishchev poets contain freedom-loving tyrannical motives, scientific and philosophical educational ideas are expressed, the image of a poet imbued with civic pathos is created. As a poet, V. developed high genres (ode, philosophical lyrics), introduced solemn oratorical speech and "floridity" into poetic language. Of great importance were the aspirations of V. to update Russian versification, to use Russian folk verse. V. studied Russian songs, proverbs, collected materials for an etymological dictionary. In 1815 he joined the Public Library and from that time devoted himself entirely to the study of the monuments of ancient Slavic writing, the grammar of Slavic languages, especially Russian. In 1820 he published Discourse on the Slavonic Language, containing important discoveries from the history of the Old Slavic languages ​​and laying the foundation for comparative Slavic linguistics. Of V.'s later works stand out: 2 grammars of the Russian language - "lengthy" (1831) and "short" (1831), repeatedly reprinted in the 19th century; "Description of Russian and Slovenian manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum" (1842), containing paleographic and linguistic characteristics of 473 manuscripts of various Slavic editions; an exemplary edition of the Ostromir Gospel (1843); "Grammar of the Church-Slovenian language" (1863). V. participated in the compilation of the “Dictionary of the Church Slavonic and Russian Language” (1847), edited the “Experience of the Regional Great Russian dictionary" (1852) and "Additions" to it (1858). Compiled the Dictionary of the Church Slavonic Language (2 vols., 1858, 1861).

Brief literary encyclopedia in 9 volumes. State scientific publishing house " Soviet Encyclopedia”, vol. 1, M., 1962.

Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov, an outstanding Russian Slavist and poet, was born on March 27, 1791 on Ezel Island in Livonia (now Latvia) and was the illegitimate son of Baron H.I. Osten-Saken. From his father, he received the surname Ostenek, which he then transformed into Vostokov. He studied at the land gentry corps and the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. He began to write poetry, which was highly appreciated by V.A. Zhukovsky, Batyushkov and other poets. In 1815, Vostokov joined the Public Library and since then devoted himself entirely to the study of the monuments of ancient Russian literature, becoming the founder of Russian scientific Slavic studies. The beginning of his scientific fame was the publication of the work "Discourse on the Slavonic Language" (1820), which marked the beginning of the development of the comparative historical method. linguistic research in Russian Slavic studies. Vostokov collected materials for the "Dictionary of the Church-Slovenian language" (more than 22 thousand words), which were used by I.I. Sreznevsky and F. Mikloshchich. The scientist published a grammar of the Russian language (1831) and a grammar of the Church Slavonic language (1861), prepared scientifically exemplary editions of the most ancient Slavic monuments: "Freisingen passages" of Latin writing (1827), "Ostromir Gospel" of Cyrillic writing (1862) and also "Description of Russians and Slavic manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum in 1842. The works of Vostokov were highly appreciated by the largest foreign and domestic Slavists: I. Dobrovsky, E. Kopitar, F. Mikloshich, I. I. Sreznevsky, etc. The scientist died on February 20, 1854 in St. Petersburg.

Used materials of the book: Russian-Slavic calendar for 2005. Authors-compilers: M.Yu. Dostal, V.D. Malyugin, I.V. Churkin. M., 2005.


Poems, L., 1935;

[Poems], in the book: Radishchev poets, 2nd ed., L., 1952;

Philological Observations, St. Petersburg, 1865 (there is an index of V.'s scientific works compiled by I.I. Sreznevsky);

A. Kh. Vostokov's notes about his life [reported by V. I. Sreznevsky], St. Petersburg, 1901;

Correspondence, St. Petersburg, 1873 (Collection of the Department of Russian Language and Words of the Academy of Sciences, vol. 5, issue 2).


Orlov V., Russian enlighteners of the 1790-1800s, M., 1950;

Yagich I.V., History of Slavic Philology, St. Petersburg, 1910 (Encyclopedia of Slavic Philology, vol. 1);

Vinogradov V.V., From the history of the study of Russian syntax, M., 1958.

Read further:

Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts, 1801-1825

SLAVICITY(Special project of CHRONOS within the framework of the program "Forum of Slavic Cultures").

(Ostenek Alexander Voldemar) (03/16/1781, Arensburg, Livonia Province - 02/08/1864, St. Petersburg), Slavic philologist, poet, paleographer, archeographer, academician, in the PB 1815-44.

Illegitimate son of Baron X. I. Osten-Saken. He was educated in the land gentry cadet, corps (1788-94) and Acad. Arts (1894-1903), where he became friends with A. I. Ermolaev m. From 1801 he began to print poetry. In 1801 - member. Islands of lovers of the elegant, will soon be renamed. in VOLSNH. Published in "The Scroll of the Muses" (Book 2, 1893), ed. O-vom. In 1809 he finished tr. "Etymological vocabulary". Scientific searches in versification subsequently took shape in the book. "Experience on Russian versification" (1817). In 1803 he began serving in the Acad. pom. b-rya. Under the influence of Ermolaev, he began to study the Slavs, yaz. and monuments of the ancient Slavs. writing.

In 1804 he moved to the service of an interpreter in Komis. according to comp. laws, where he worked until May 1824, at the same time in 1811 he was a translator in Dep. heraldry.

Dec 1 1815 admitted to the staff of the PB, worked in it for almost 29 years: in 1815-28 pom. custodian of the Depot of Manuscripts, and from July 12, 1828 to March 15, 1844 - custodian. Work in B-ke expanded his scientific. opportunities for the study of the Slavs, yaz. and paleography. In 1820 his Discourses on the Slavic Language appeared. He took part in the acquisition and description of manuscripts, while serving readers, he performed scientific. consultations, took part in round-the-clock duty. At the request of many scientists copied manuscripts for them. In 1821 he made a register of "rare and curious manuscripts". Corrected all descriptions in previous inventories. He proved the impossibility of distributing manuscripts according to bibliogr. system of A. N. Olenin, proposed his own system - to arrange the manuscript. book. in lang. in the alphabet of auto., anonymous - in the alphabet of subjects. In the 1830s, he was also assigned the head. printed books. On him. and Polish. lang. and duties of a secret; from 1843 he conducted "current affairs in foreign languages." hosted Active participation in "Bibliographic sheets" (1825-26), ed. P.I. Koeppen. March 15, 1844 dismissed from the PB.

From May 1824 to May 1844 he worked in the Rumyantsev Museum, first as the personal library of N. P. Rumyantsev, then Art. b-rem and from March 22, 1828 - ch. museum curator. Wrote a project ex. museum, brought to Alf. and chronol. the order is all manuscript. book. and manuscripts. In 1842 the "Description of Russian and Slovene Manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum" was published. Resigned from the museum May 15, 1844.

On the instructions of M-va nar. education prepared "Abbreviated Russian grammar for use in lower educational institutions"(1831) and" Russian grammar. According to the outline of an abbreviated grammar, more fully stated "(1831), which received the Demidov Prize. In 1843 he published the Ostromir Gospel" with a "word index" and " Grammar rules Slavonic language, extracted from the Ostromirov Gospel". The publication was also awarded the Demidov Prize. He published 2 volumes of the "Dictionary of the Church Slavonic Language" (1858, 1861), "The Grammar of the Church Slavonic Language, set out according to the most ancient written monuments thereof."

From 1820 - member. Ros. acad. In 1826 he was elected Corresponding Member. Academy of Sciences, in 1841-ordinary, acad. From 1839 - member. and Ch. ed. Archaeological comis. Honor, prof. Tubingen University, member. Russian Department of the Copenhagen Royal Island North. antique dealers Dr. Prague Charles University, member. Islands of History and Antiquities of Yugoslavia, member. Islands of Serbian literature, honor, member. Moscow and Kharkov University.

Awarded with orders: Vladimir 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree, Anna 1st and 2nd degree, Anna 2nd degree, decoration. imp. crown. He had the rank of D. Art. owls.

Buried at the Volkovsky cemetery. In Petersburg.

Op.: Lyrical experiments and other small compositions in verse (In 2 hours of St. Petersburg, 1805-06; 2nd ed.: In 3 books, 1821); Experience in Russian versification (St. Petersburg, 1817); Discourse on the Slavic language (St. Petersburg, 1820); Russian grammar. According to the outline of an abbreviated grammar, more fully stated (St. Petersburg, 1831; 3rd ed. 1838); Description of Russian and Slovenian manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum (St. Petersburg, 1842); Dictionary of the Church Slavonic language. T. 1-2 (St. Petersburg, 1858-61); Grammar of the Church Slavonic language, expounded on the basis of its most ancient written monuments (St. Petersburg, 1863); Philological observations (St. Petersburg, 1865); Correspondence of A. Kh. Vostokov in time order / Note. I. Sreznevsky // Sat. ORAS. 1868. Vol. 5, no. 2; Notes by A. Kh. Vostokov about his life // Ibid. 1902. Vol. 70, No. 6; Unpublished translations from Goethe //LN. 1932. Vol. 4-6; Poems (M., 1935); Poems. Tell in verse. Bohemian songs. Serbian songs // Radishchevtsy poets. L., 1952; Serbian songs of Alexander Vostokov / Per. R. Marojevic (Gornji Milanovac, 1987).

Bibliography: Sreznevsky V. I. Time-based index of scientific printed works of Vostokov // Vostokov A. X. Philological observations. Pb., 1865; His own. List of poems by A. Kh. Vostokov // Sat. ORAS. 1902. Vol. 70, No. 6.

Ref.: TSB; CLE; Brockhaus; Vengerov. Sources; East Slavic linguists. Minsk, 1976; Gennady. Literature; Gennady. Vocabulary; Bibliology; Mezhov. Story; Muratova (1); NES; Rus. writers; Slavic studies.

Lit.: Pletnev P.A. Ivan Andreevich Krylov //Contemporary. 1845. V. 37, No. 1; Karelkin N.P. Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov, his scientific and literary activity // OZ. 1855. Vol. 98, No. 1, sec. 2; Sukhomlinov M. I. History of the Russian Academy. T. 7. St. Petersburg, 1885; Kochubinsky A. A. Admiral Shishkov and Chancellor gr. Rumyantsev: Began, years Rus. Slavic studies. Odessa, 1887-88; Sobolytsikov V. I. Memoirs of an old librarian // IV. 1889. V. 38, No. 10; Petukhov E. Several new data from scientific and literary activity A. X. Vostokova // ZhMNP. 1890. No. 3, sec. 2; Grot Ya. K. A. X. Vostokov // Slav, review. 1892. No. 4; Ikonnikov; Maykov L. N. To the biography of A. X. Vostokov. SPb., 1896; Sreznevsky V. I. Notes on Vostokov's poems relating to his life // In memory of L. N. Maykov. St. Petersburg, 1902; I. V. Yagich. History of Slavic Philology; SPb., 1910; Rozanov I. A. Vostokov // Rozanov I. Russian lyrics. M., 1914; Sobolevsky A. I. In memory of A "X. Vostokova // Izv. . P. General history and its representatives in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Part 1. L., 1929; Sergievsky I. Vostokov and Gnedich // Lit. review 1936. No. 11; Derzhavin N. S. The contribution of the Russian people to world science in the field of Slavic philology // Uch. app. Moscow university 1946. Vol. 3, book. 2, no. 107; Orlov V. N. Russian enlighteners, 1790-1800. M., 1953; Zeitlin R. M. Brief essay history of Russian lexicography. M., 1958; Konovalova M. N. A. Kh. Vostokov - librarian of the Public Library: (On the 100th anniversary of his death) //Tr. /GPB. 1964. Vol. 12; Amirova T. A., Olkhovikov B. A., Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Essays on the history of linguistics. M., 1975; Priyma F. Ya. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" in the Russian Historical and Literary Process of the First Third of the 19th Century. M., 1980; Golubeva O. D. Keepers of wisdom. M., 1988; Her own. What did the autographs say? SPb., 1991.

100th anniversary. pp. 142-43.

Necr.: Sev. mail. May 6, 1864; News. Apr 12; Day. Feb 22; Grotto Ya. K. Vostokov's funeral. SPb., 1864.

Arch.: Arch. RNB. F. 1, op. 1, 1815, No. 14; RGALI. F. 1237; PFA RAS. F. 108.

Iconography: Munster; Rovinsky; Adaryukov; Rus. writers.

O. D. Golubeva

VOSTOKOV, ALEXANDER HRISTOFOROVICH(1781–1864), Russian linguist, philologist, poet. He was born on March 16 (27), 1781 in Ahrensburg (Kuressaare) on the island of Saaremaa (now Estonia). German by origin, real name - Ostenek. Studied in Saint Petersburg Cadet Corps, then at the Academy of Arts, from which he graduated in 1802. He worked in the Public Library, from 1831 the senior librarian of the Rumyantsev Museum. Academician since 1841, Ph.D. of the University of Tübingen (1825) and Doctor of the University of Prague (1848), member of foreign learned societies. AT early period wrote poems for his work Lyric experiments and other small compositions in verse, 2 vols., 1805–1806); in Experience on Russian versification(1812), highly appreciated by A.S. Pushkin, for the first time determined the size of Russian folk verse. Vostokov died in St. Petersburg on February 8 (20), 1864.

Of outstanding importance for its time was Discourse on the Slavic language, which serves as an introduction to the Grammar of this language, compiled according to the most ancient written monuments thereof Vostokova. This work, which was published in 1820, i.e. almost simultaneously with the works of F. Bopp, R. Rusk and J. Grimm published in 1816–1819, put Vostokov on a par with the founders of comparative historical linguistics and laid the foundation for scientific study history of the Slavic languages. AT reasoning the relation of the Church Slavonic language to Russian was determined, three periods were singled out in the history of the Slavic languages.

In 1831 Vostokov published two educational grammars Russian, short ( Abbreviated Russian grammar for use in lower educational institutions) and complete ( The Russian grammar of Alexander Vostokov, according to the outline of his own abbreviated grammar, is more fully stated), which was repeatedly reprinted in the 19th century. He was the first to single out words in Russian that have only one numerical form ( walking, sled and other varieties) and words of the general gender (such as headman), made a number of other observations, expressed ideas that influenced further development grammar theory in Russia.

He has edited important editions of documents: Acts of history relating to Russia, extracted from foreign archives (1841), Description of Russian and Slavic manuscripts of the Rumyantsev Museum(1842). In 1843 he published the most important Slavonic monument of the 11th century. Ostromir gospel . Participated in the compilation and editing Dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian(vols. 1–4, 1847) and Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary(1852). Author Church Slavonic Dictionary(2 vols., 1858–1861) and Grammars of the Church Slavonic language (1863).