The population of Kherson for the year is. Creativity associated with Kherson

The southern Ukrainian city of Kherson was founded in 1778 on the site of a military fortification. The founder of the city was Prince Grigory Potemkin. There is still no consensus on the origin of the name of the city. Someone connects it with ancient Chersonese. Some linguists are looking for Turkic roots in it. There is an opinion that the night before the announcement of the name of the new settlement was sleepless at the brightest Potemkin-Tavrichesky (TV program "Gorodok"). Construction was carried out in three directions at once. City, fortress and shipyard. Almost a year later, the battleship "Ekaterina" was launched in Kherson. True, he gave a leak already when launching, tk. was built from raw wood. However, the next 66-gun ship "Glory of Catherine", launched in 1783, marked the beginning of the Black Sea Fleet. And its name became the prototype of the world-famous exclamation "Glory to the CPSU!". Not far from the railway station, tourists are met interesting view musicians built according to the recipe of the once famous Russian singer Alena Apina "I blinded you from what was ..."

It is very difficult to get lost in the city. Ushakov Avenue descends from the station to the Dnieper, which divides Kherson into two approximately equal parts. The Church of All Saints is located on the territory of the city necropolis. Where many respected citizens of Kherson are buried.

There is another building nearby. like a chapel.

John Howard, an English humanist doctor who died in Kherson during a typhus epidemic, is buried outside.
The monument was designed by the famous Russian architect Stasov. Long time was in disrepair. Restored in 1990. Above is a sundial.

Kherson Maritime Academy occupies a whole block.

At the entrance there is a monument to Admiral Ushakov. who served in the Black Sea Fleet.

The shopping complex nearby is named "Admiral".

The School of Music is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The building looks younger. Not surprising, good music always contributes to longevity and excellent health.

Former hostel. Maxim Gorky lived here for some time. Healed wounds after being beaten by peasants (tried to stand up for a woman).
It is believed that his stay here was later reflected in his works. Now it is the House of Folk Art.

Church of Saint Alexandra.

Nowadays, almost always life success- there is financial success. Fashion for pilots
and geologists passed. You need to prepare for the banking future from a young age. The appearance of the first kindergartens with an economic focus is not far off.

And if you become a professional in your difficult business, then the direct path here. To the local branch of the National Bank of Ukraine. (To start).

The Spartak stadium building is no older than a bank. By passport. And he looks like an old man. Not
in vain they say that professional sports will not lead to good things.

There are enough such buildings that have lived and seen in Kherson. I must say that they do not cause anything but respect. Their walls, and some of their facade paint, remember this...

And the newlyweds are right in line to take pictures at these ruins.

But the registry office building is in perfect order.

One more favorite place young people have a monument to Prince Potemkin.

The city planetarium is housed in a former synagogue.

Now only one works, and once there were several dozen.

The former manufactory of the Kaminsky brothers.

And the former hotel "European".

This building was a shopping center. Now there is a temple here.

They say that much here is made by the hands of parishioners.

Near the Cathedral of St. Catherine.

Prince Grigory Potemkin is buried in it.

On the territory of the cathedral there is a chapel-belfry.

Near the city fortress. Or rather, its remnants. Two gates have survived. This is Ochakovsky.

There is also a go-kart track.


has long been a prison.

The building that housed the aviation school successfully changed its sexual orientation and became a antenatal clinic.

Economic court of the Kherson region.

Before the revolution, the St. Petersburg Bank was located in the Goldenberg house.

Nice mansion near Sberbank.

And a couple of modern banks.

A few more Kherson houses that seemed interesting.

And the streets in the old city.

What about in the yards? Someone may ask... And he will be right. Yards in Kherson are good.

Holy Spirit Cathedral.

Chapel on its territory.

The territory of the present famous Ukrainian city Kherson has been inhabited since ancient times. As became known, archaeological finds they talk about the stay of the first person here in the copper era. Where the Kherson fortress was located, archaeologists discovered Scythian burials of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC.

The construction of the city of Kherson dates back to June 18, 1778, when Catherine II signed a decree on the construction of a fortress and a shipyard. Already on October 19 of the same year, a fortress and a city were erected, which later received the name Kherson, as is known in honor of ancient Greek colony Chersonese. The person who founded the city is considered to be G.A. Potemkin is a favorite of the Russian Empress Catherine II. Kherson became the basis Black Sea Fleet, economic political center region, which at that time was called Novorossiya. The first governor just became famous statesman- G.A. Potemkin.

After finishing Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791, according to the peace treaty Russia got the Black Sea coast, thanks to this event Kherson lost its importance border fortress. Later, Nikolaev was erected, where in 1789 the Admiralty was transferred and Kherson became an ordinary city.

However, already in the middle of the 19th century Kherson continued its development. In 1834, a school of merchant navigation was opened here, a little later, a zemstvo agricultural school. In the second half of the same century, a theater and a library were built, as well as various museums and exhibitions were opened. Soon the movement was launched railway, which connected Nikolaev and Kherson.

Also, shipping is still developing in the city. In 1847, a steamboat connection arose here between Kherson and the famous Odessa. The city port had a huge sailing and steam fleet. Other crafts also developed: already in 1847, a cloth manufactory, tanneries, mills and much more were opened here.

Beginning in 1861, significant economic growth was noted. Industrial enterprises produced food, light industry, agricultural engineering, forestry and much more. In 1908, the city's first power plant was opened.

During civil war the city fell into neglect, but with its end, work began again on the revival of such an industry as industry and the economy of the city as a whole. In 1923 Kherson became the center of the Kherson region. As you know, until 1925 it was part of the Odessa province.

During the Great Patriotic War many manufactories and factories were closed or moved to the east. The occupation took place from 1941 to 1944. Thousands of people daily helped build the fortifications of the city and provided assistance to the soldiers. March 13, 1944 Kherson was liberated from occupation.

AT post-war years the city became a major industrial, agricultural and Cultural Center om in the southern part of Ukraine. In 1977, the famous Antonovsky Bridge was built.

In 1978, Kherson was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the special merits of workers in revolutionary movement, as well as the fight against fascist german invaders during the Great Patriotic War.

Modern Kherson is primarily an industrial and cultural center of the Kherson region. The city is divided into three administrative district, the main of which is Suvorovsky.

Kherson is located in the southern part of Ukraine, not far from the Azov and Black Seas. This wonderful city rich in luxurious nature, unique history as well as architectural and cultural monuments. Therefore, at any time of the year there are many tourists who like to walk along the streets and boulevards of the city, sit on the embankment or explore the historical sights of Kherson.


Since ancient times, Kherson has been populated city, archaeological finds testify to this. At first, the Scythians roamed the Taurian steppe, then they were replaced by the Sarmatians. During the reign Kievan Rus passed the Trade Route along the Dnieper. Military and statesman G. A. Potemkin is the founder of this city. Catherine II in 1778 instructed him to build a city with a shipyard, as well as a fortress and a trading pier. This ensured the protection of the southern borders of the empire. See the weather of Kherson and other cities of Ukraine in a special section of our website.

There are two legends connected with the origin of the city's name. The first says that at one time, when Catherine II studied Greek, being on the picturesque bank of the Dnieper, she called it Kherson, which means "shore" in translation from Greek. However, in general, a different opinion is considered a more reliable source. Initially, Kherson was called Chersonese, Prince Vladimir was baptized there. During the revival of Byzantium, the city received its new name.

N. Korsakov and I. Hannibal were engaged in the construction of the city and the fortress. Already in 1787 Kherson became a full-fledged defensive fortification. Today, the remains of the Kherson fortress tell about its great history that survived the war and restoration.

Hotel prices and prices in shops

Businessmen often stay in Kherson hotels, because it is convenient to hold business meetings there. In addition, tourists prefer to stay in local hotels to make it more convenient to stroll through the squares and historical monuments. Experienced guests of Kherson can easily rent a room, but most new guests have some difficulties. As a rule, the main question concerns the cost of hotel rooms. It is noteworthy that Kherson hotels offer a different range of prices. For example, in the hotel "Legend" you can find a suitable room at an affordable cost. Thus, the minimum cost of an average room is 300-400 hryvnia.

Shopping in Kherson is also an interesting entertainment, because during the period of seasonal discounts you can buy various goods, while saving a decent amount of money. In large shopping centers you can see both modern and national goods. Souvenir shops sell various interesting items inherent in Ukrainian people. Tour operators often offer special tours for those wishing to travel around Kherson shops. This is a very exciting adventure, because at the same time there is an opportunity to visit local markets.

What sights can be seen in Kherson

First of all, in Kherson it is worth visiting the main attraction in the city - these are the magnificent remains of the gates and ramparts of the fortress, which was built in the 18th century. In addition, along with it there is a beautiful historical center dating back to the 19th century. A notable place is the building of the Black Sea Hospital, built by the famous architect Zakharov. Special attention deserves the Admiralty Arsenal, created in the 18th century. As well as the park of the regional lyceum - "Kazenny Park".

There are many monuments in Kherson religious architecture. For example, the Spassky Cathedral with a bell tower, the Church of St. Alexandra, the Chabad synagogue, as well as the ancient Greco-Sophia Cathedral are very popular. The oldest church in the city is Nicholas Church, which was built in 1819.

The modern monuments of Kherson are the Kherson TV tower, as well as the Adzhigol mesh lighthouse, which was built in 1910 by Shukhov. The height of the structure is seventy meters. Museum lovers can also find many interesting exhibits in the city. Therefore, to get around all the sights of the city, it will take at least two days, this will allow you to enjoy the beauties of Kherson to the fullest.

Neighborhood of Kherson

The most important sights of the city are its surroundings. The first of them is the village of Zmievka, founded by Catherine the Great in the 18th century. This unique Swedish village is distinguished by its original architecture, which stands out against the background of the local nature. Interesting excursions by ferry are organized from Kherson. In a fifty-minute walk you can see a picturesque bird's corner, a biosphere reserve and the city of Geroisk. By the way, in this settlement not only rich story but also distinctive nature, lifestyle and architecture. You can get to Geroisk only by sightseeing trips, so you need to plan this trip in advance.

pedunculate oak

The symbol of the city of Kherson is a hundred-year-old oak, which is located in the park named after Lenin. In the city it oldest park, its construction is celebrated in 1785. It is believed that Emperor Alexander II planted the Pedunculate Oak, which grows at the intersection of park paths. However, according to another version, the tree was planted by a former vice-governor. At one time the park underwent complete felling but was later restored. One of the paths goes to the church of St. Theodore Ushakova. There are always a lot of strollers in the park near the Pedunculate Oak. Near it, tourists like to arrange photo shoots.

Choosing a way to get there

By plane, you can fly to Kherson from Vnukovo Airport. The airline S7 is engaged in the implementation of flights. The air journey takes about two hours. Since last year, Motor Sich Airlines has started providing flights between Kherson and Moscow.

Long-distance trains take you to Kherson in about two or three days. A direct train from Moscow, which leaves the station every day, will take you to Kherson in one day. In addition, today tourist buses for long trips make it possible to comfortably get to destination. As a rule, buses to Kherson depart from the Kievsky railway station in Moscow. However, you need to know that the path is not short, the travel time is more than twenty hours.

The easiest and cheapest route can be chosen if you plan to travel by car. First, you need to get to Kaluga by the Kaluga direction, then go to Bryansk. You need to get to the border of Russia and Ukraine along the highway, which is located after Bryansk. Therefore, first of all, it is worth arming yourself with a map so as not to deviate from the desired road. Total time by car is about 18 hours. Under unforeseen circumstances, travel time may exceed 20 hours.

Kherson Photos

This city is famous primarily for its huge and delicious watermelons. In addition, it is an important port on the Dnieper River. Where is Kherson? When was it founded and why is this city interesting?

This locality not too big, but not small either. Almost 300 thousand people live in it today. Where is Kherson?

The city is located in the south of Ukraine, on the banks of the largest European river Dnieper. He is administrative center the region of the same name, as well as an important river and seaport of their country.

Own beautiful name the city received from the most famous Crimean colony of Chersonese. And the ancient Greek word "Chersonese" can be translated as "peninsula".

Ukrainian Kherson has six foreign cities sister cities, including Oslo, the capital of Norway.

Kherson: a brief historical background

In the place where Kherson is located today, people lived in pre-Christian times. This is evidenced archaeological excavations held here. In particular, on the territory of one of the parks of the city, Scythian burial, dated by scientists to the sixth century BC.

To date, about a hundred different enterprises operate in Kherson. Among them are a commercial port, a shipbuilding and combine plant, a cotton and shoe factory, a plant for reinforced concrete structures and others.

The main sights of Kherson

In the historical center of the city, enough a large number of ancient buildings. The most interesting of them are the gates of the Kherson fortress of the 18th century, the Arsenal, the building of the Black Sea hospital, the city hall, the Church of the Heart of Jesus, the Chabad synagogue and others.

important historical architectural monument Kherson is the Cathedral of the Savior, the oldest building in the city, erected in 1786.

Where is Kherson? Brief history and sights of the city

The one-domed temple, decorated in the style of classicism, was built from local sandstone building materials. Many famous personalities are buried in this cathedral. Among them are Grigory Potemkin, Major General Ivan Sinelnikov, Moldavian Prince Emmanuel Rossetti and others.

Interest among tourists can also be caused by the central city ​​cemetery Kherson. The oldest burial on it dates back to 1790. Well, in the vicinity of the city you can see the miracle of engineering technology Adzhigol lighthouse. It consists of steel shears and has a hyperboloid design. The author of the highest lighthouse in Ukraine (65 meters) is an outstanding engineer and architect Volodymyr Shukhov.

Thus, in Kherson there is something for tourists to see. After all, delicious, juicy and sun-drenched watermelons, why not come to this wonderful southern city?


Lot interesting places, villages and cities hides the country of Ukraine. Kherson is one of them. The city was founded in 1778 and named after the ancient colony of Khersones, located in the Crimea.

Now you know where Kherson is located, familiar with its history and main tourist attractions.

Related materials:

The history of the origin of the city of Kherson.

Kherson is located on the right bank of the Dnieper, 25 km from the confluence of the river into the Black Sea estuary. Today the city is one of the largest railway junctions in Ukraine. On the territory of Kherson there are large sea and river ports. In the southern part of the country, the city is the most important economic center. On the territory of Kherson, various bronze and copper items were found, which are dated (III-II millennium BC). According to history, this period is considered to be the beginning of the history of the development of the city.

The ancient Scythians roamed the territory of modern Kherson in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC. During the reign of Kievan Rus (IX-XII centuries), one of the most important river trade routes of the Slavs, who inhabited the Big Potemkin Island, passed through the cities.

At times Russian-Turkish war, which lasted from 1735 to 1739. on the territory of Kherson, the fortification of Alexander-Shanz was formed.

The real history of the development of Kherson received from the decree of Catherine II, which dates back to June 18, 1778. From that moment on, the settlement received the status of a city. From this period, shipbuilding development began, the creation of an impregnable fortress in the city center.

Prince Potemkin became not only the governor-general of Kherson, but also the founder of the city. According to legend, the Prince found on the territory modern city ancient Greek gate, where the inscription was engraved - "From here it is necessary to follow to Byzantium." Hence it follows that the city received its name in honor of the find. Chersonese is an ancient Greek village.

The leading scientists, engineers, designers of that time worked on the architecture of the city: Germa, Korkasov, Boruzha, Starov. By joint efforts, a real fort was created on the territory of the city of Kherson with an impregnable fortress, ditches, defensive structures and drawbridges.

The Kherson shipyard created the first 66-gun ship, which was named "Glory to Catherine". Since 1783, the port of the city has become the main trade hub between European countries: Spain, France, Italy, etc.

In the 19th century, the city received a new impetus for the development of the economy and industry. On the territory of the Kherson shipyard, almost 200 ships were created during the period from 1833 to 1843.

Since 1838, the only newspaper at that time began to appear - "Kherson Gubernskie Vedomosti".

Where is Kherson? - city on the map and coordinates

In the 19th century, local history and archaeological museums were built on the territory of Kherson, Opera theatre, schools, libraries, as well as the first railroad station between Kherson and Nikolaev.

Since 1908, the first power plant began its work on the territory of the city, which supplied most cities.

From January 17 to January 18, 1918, the defensive battalion of the Central Rada was defeated by the forces of the Red Guard.

For three years from 1917 to 1920, Kherson came under the control of the Directorate of the UNR, Hetman Skoropadsky and the Austro-German troops.

February 4, 1920 Soviet authority forces of Uborevich's army established full control over Kherson.

From that moment, from 1920 to 1940, large-scale industry was successfully developing on the territory of the city. An oil refinery, a confectionery factory, an electric machine building plant, a cannery and others appeared in Kherson.

March 18, 1941 German troops captured Kherson, which was occupied until March 13, 1944.

AT post-war period Kherson becomes leading industrial center southern Ukraine.

Since 1951 has become milestone development of the city, when the construction of the Kherson shipyard began. Already in 1954, the largest tankers were launched from its stocks: Kerch, Grozny, Kherson, Kakhovka.

Today Kherson is the largest economic, industrial and industrial center in the south of Ukraine.

Sights and interesting facts about Kherson

Kherson is a port city located on the high bank of the Dnieper, not far from the mouth of the river. At 20 km from Kherson, the Dnieper flows into the Black Sea estuary. The city was founded in 1778 by Prince Potemkin by decree of Catherine II as a military fortress. The location of the fortification a few kilometers from the exit to the Black Sea made it possible to organize a powerful shipyard here. The floodplains were the source of ship wood, and the mouth of the river guaranteed natural protection.

Geographical coordinates of Kherson: 46°39′20″ northern latitude and 32°37′04″ east longitude. This is the southernmost Ukrainian region. Modern Kherson is an industrial and cultural center, with the largest shipbuilding plant in Ukraine and one of the largest shipbuilding enterprises in Europe. Architecture, monuments, and sights bear the stamp of the city's history.

What is the story about?

The name of the city was promoted by the idea of ​​the revival of Byzantium, which was floating in those days, the city was offered the role of a new Chersonese. The new fortress occupied 100 hectares and impressed Catherine with the second speed of its construction. Today, only a few buildings have survived: two entrance gates, an arsenal building and a cathedral with a bell tower.

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    Geography. Where is Kherson

    Many streets here have retained their original appearance and buildings, which are 200 years old. There is the building of the former Musical Society, the building of the district court, the houses of wealthy landowners, enterprising merchants and chiefs of the admiralty.

    There are former gymnasiums and tenement houses (hotels), a Catholic church, a Jewish synagogue, as well as a number of Christian cathedrals: Catherine's, Cathedral.

    The buildings are decorated with bas-reliefs, columns, sculptures (atlantes), domes, made in Romanesque and Moorish styles, Berlin Art Nouveau of the late 19th century, Renaissance, Neoclassicism.

    The city center is a well-preserved history of architecture of the last two centuries, where monumental representatives of different times are located side by side, harmoniously complementing each other.

    Here, in the center, there is Potemkinsky Square and a monument to the founder of the city, Grigory Potemkin. In the central part of the city there is also a monument to Suvorov and the house-headquarters of the great commander has been preserved.

    The modern heritage of Kherson is the monument to Shipbuilders (1972) - the builders of ships. It is installed on the embankment, where ships and frigates for the Black Sea Fleet were once built.

    Of interest is a unique historical complex - an old cemetery or necropolis. The list of graves is a clear demonstration of Russia's military campaigns. Soldiers of the Russian-Turkish war, defenders of Sevastopol, Zaporozhye and Black Sea Cossacks, French and British prisoners of war from the Crimean War, the Civil War, the First and Second World Wars are buried here. In addition, an old church of the early 19th century is located on the territory of the cemetery.

    In addition, the city has many options for cultural pastime: theaters, museums, a philharmonic society, as well as temples, churches and monastic territories.

    The age of Kherson is a little over two hundred years. The city was planned as a major port center, the cradle of the future Black Sea Fleet and military fortification on South Russian Empire. After construction, it became the economic and political center of a vast region called Novorossia.

    In labor and battles, the path of your centuries. The city, and enemies, and gods changed; Where the fishermen's nets dried, Suddenly the sound of swords - and the barbarian on the threshold! Divakov

    Ancient Chersonese, the ruins of which are located in Sevastopol on the coast between Quarantine and Pesochnaya bays, was founded, according to researchers, in the distant VI century BC. ancient Greeks, immigrants from Heraclea Pontus - an ancient Greek colony, which was located on the southern coast of the Black Sea, in the place of the present Turkish city Eregli. Lack of food or political strife between aristocrats and democrats forced them to leave their native policy and go on a dangerous journey in search of new lands.

    Soon, a slave-owning republic with a democratic form of government was formed in the southwestern part of the peninsula, to which Kerkinitida (Evpatoria) and Kalos-Limen (now the village of Chernomorskoye) were subject.

    In memory of their homeland, the Greeks called their city Heraclea, but this name did not take root, and the city two thousand years of history It was called Chersonese, which means "cape, peninsula" in translation.

    On the territory of this ancient city, covering an area of ​​about 30 hectares, you can explore the fate of several civilizations.

    Born as Greek colony, he is from the 1st century AD. falls into dependence on Rome, and from the 4th century, after the Roman Empire collapsed, it becomes the stronghold of the Byzantine Empire in the Crimea.

    For many centuries, since ancient times, Chersonesos flourished, being on the busy caravan routes that connected Greece, Byzantium and Rome with Scythia, and the strong fortifications of the city were impregnable for enemies who approached its walls more than once.

    In the IX-XI centuries. Chersonese played big role in the development of relations between Kievan Rus and byzantine empire. Rapprochement with the mighty ancient Russian state especially intensified from the beginning of the 10th century, when in 944 Prince Igor concluded an agreement with Byzantium, which belonged to Kherson, according to which Kyiv took upon itself the obligation to defend the "Korsun land" from the attack of the black Bulgarians who roamed the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

    The siege of Korsun (Chersonesos) by the army of Prince Vladimir. Miniature from the Radziwill Chronicle, 13th century

    Strengthened positions even more Kyiv state in Taurica after, in response to the failure of the Byzantine emperors to fulfill their obligations to Kyiv, Grand Duke Vladimir took possession of Kherson (Chersones) subject to the empire. Byzantine emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII were forced to conclude an equal treaty with Vladimir, to recognize the political rights of Kyiv in Taurida, and the marriage of Vladimir to their sister Anna, which followed after Vladimir converted to Christianity, also became a political union.

    Vasnetsov V.M. Baptism of Prince Vladimir (1890)

    From Chersonese, Prince Vladimir brought to Kyiv liturgical books, icons, as well as craftsmen who built and decorated the first Kyiv churches. So Chersonesos became not only a center of transit trade between Northern Europe and the Mediterranean, but also a center for the spread of Christianity and Byzantine culture. Kievan Rus during the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich was among the most powerful powers medieval world.

    AT X-XIV centuries a large number of monasteries arose in the vicinity of the city. Some of them have survived to this day. The most famous are St. George's Monastery on Cape Fiolent and St. Clement in Inkerman.

    Cape Fiolent. St. George's Monastery

    The decline of Chersonese, which flourished for many centuries, came in the 13th century, when new trade routes and new trading centers appeared in Crimea - Kaffa (Feodosia) and Sugdeya (Sudak), where the Venetians and Genoese ruled.

    In the 13th century, Tatar tribes appeared on the peninsula. They call Kherson Sary-kermen, which means "yellow fortress". 1299 was a sad year for Kherson - like other cities of the peninsula, it was devastated by the Golden Horde temnik Nogai, and a hundred years later, in 1399, the city was burned and finally destroyed by the ruler of the Golden Horde Edigey (Edigey). In the middle of the 15th century, life in Chersonesos froze completely, and the last inhabitants left the city.

    So ended glorious history Chersonese. Its majestic ruins were covered with the dust of time. Only 300 years later, when the construction of the new city of Sevastopol began nearby, the glory of Chersonesos would come to life.

    Chersonese is one of the best-preserved archaeological sites of the Crimea. And today you can see the powerful fortress walls and towers, city gates, the remains of an ancient theater, streets and quarters with courtyards, wells, residential and public buildings of the ancient Greek policy, the medieval tower of Zenon, a cruciform temple with a mosaic floor, basilicas, a baptismal and much more.

    Excavations in Chersonese. Late 19th century


    Garmash P.E.

    Hero City Sevastopol. Guide. - Simferopol: "SONAT", 2004.

    Meet - Crimea is amazing! Guide to the cities and environs. - Simferopol: "RuBin", PE Binkin, PE Litvinova, 2006.

    Sevastopol: travel guide. - Sevastopol: "Bibleks", 2009.

    Kherson squares

    Freedom Square

    It was first recorded in the city plan of 1855 as Fair Square. Modern name received in 1917.

    In the early 60s of the 19th century, annual Trinity Fairs were organized on the square, opened in early June, and since 1889 in September, the weekly Bogoroditsky Fair. Laborers came here - poor peasants from different districts to take seasonal work on the estates of wealthy owners. It was one of the markets for cheap labor, where laborers came who could not get hired at the Kakhovka Fair. On the turn of XIX– In the 20th century, the square was gradually built up, in its modern form formed in the 1950s and 60s.

    At first, the Fair Square occupied vast territory between the streets of Govardovskaya (pr-t Ushakov), Pestelevsky Boulevard (st. Perekopskaya) and the ramparts of the Kherson fortress. By 1910, it had halved due to the development on the side of Pestelevsky Boulevard.

    In 1902, on the square - the most high point in the city - a water tower was built, located at the northern facade of the hospital of the Red Cross Society.

    After the revolution of 1917, it was named Freedom Square. In 1918, during the stay of the Austrian troops in the city, the square was called Narodnaya. Later, in the center of the square, a symbolic cemetery of the “fallen for the revolution” was arranged.

    Y. Tutushkin Square

    Located at the exit of Ushakov Avenue to the Dnieper embankment.

    Formed in the second half of the 19th century.

    In the 18th century, the place where Odessa Square was subsequently formed was the only one within the civilian suburb of Kherson, to which ships could land - the rest of the coast was swampy. Therefore, it was here that the first city pier was built in the form of a wide (about 15 meters) wooden bridge 140 meters long.

    By the end of the 18th century, this pier fell into disrepair and was dismantled, and in early XIX century, the city of Kherson became the provincial center and the pier was restored. In the immediate vicinity of the current square, to the east of it, in late XVIII- early 19th century there were slipways of the Kherson Admiralty Shipyard - the cradle of the Black Sea Fleet. AT mid-nineteenth century, when work was underway on the construction of the Dnieper embankment, the barracks of the prisoner company were built next to the square, which was used in the work.

    After 1856, the R.O.P.iT pier settled on this site. ( Russian society shipping and trade), which carried out freight and passenger transportation to the cities of Aleksandrovsk (Zaporozhye), Nikolaev and Odessa. Odessa direction was the most popular. It is no coincidence that already on the plan of 1874 the area was called "Odessa".

    In 1967, Odessa Square was renamed into Oktyabrskaya Square. The name "Odesskaya" was transferred to the "Square of the river and sea stations." In 1972, at the place where the shipyard had been laid two hundred years before, a monument to the first Kherson shipbuilders was erected - a three-masted sailing ship on a high pedestal.

    In 2007, at the initiative of the employees of the Kherson Commercial Sea Port, the area was renamed in honor of Yury Ivanovich Tutushkin, the former director of the port.

    Hannibal Square

    The square faces Potemkinskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Nikolaevskoye shosse and Pugacheva streets. Formed on the spot former cemetery. It received its current name after World War II.

    It is one of the busiest traffic areas, since it is through it that the main flow of transport passes from the city center to the Zhilposelok, Tavrichesky and Shumensky microdistricts.

    Odessa area

    Located on the coast, at the confluence of the river. Koshevoy with the Dnieper; connected with other districts of the city along Vorontsovskaya street.

    The area was formed during the 20s - late 50s of the twentieth century. For a long time it was called the "Square of the sea and river stations", and only at the end of 1967 received its modern name.

    station Square

    Formed after World War II. The building of the railway station was built in 1907, and in October 1907 it was opened railway communication with Nikolaev.

    Since 1960, the first trolleybus route has connected the city with the Station Square.

    Chornovil Square

    Kindianskoe highway and Khersonskaya street overlook the square.

    In May 2011, the Kherson city council decided to give the name of Vyacheslav Chornovol to an unnamed square near shopping center"Firework". In August of the same year, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, a granite commemorative sign, which depicts the coat of arms of Ukraine and indicates that this area is named after Vyacheslav Chornovil.

    Kherson is located on the right bank of the Dnieper, 25 km from the confluence of the river into the Black Sea estuary. Today the city is one of the largest railway junctions in Ukraine. On the territory of Kherson there are large sea and river ports. In the southern part of the country, the city is the most important economic center. On the territory of Kherson, various bronze and copper items were found, which are dated (III-II millennium BC). According to history, this period is considered to be the beginning of the history of the development of the city.

    The ancient Scythians roamed the territory of modern Kherson in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC. During the reign of Kievan Rus (IX-XII centuries), one of the most important river trade routes of the Slavs, who inhabited the Big Potemkin Island, passed through the cities.

    During the Russian-Turkish war, which lasted from 1735 to 1739. on the territory of Kherson, the fortification of Alexander-Shanz was formed.

    The real history of the development of Kherson received from the decree of Catherine II, which dates back to June 18, 1778. From that moment on, the settlement received the status of a city. From this period, shipbuilding development began, the creation of an impregnable fortress in the city center.

    Prince Potemkin became not only the governor-general of Kherson, but also the founder of the city. According to legend, the Prince found an ancient Greek gate on the territory of the modern city, where the inscription was engraved - "From here it is necessary to follow to Byzantium." Hence it follows that the city received its name in honor of the find. Chersonese is an ancient Greek village.

    The leading scientists, engineers, designers of that time worked on the architecture of the city: Germa, Korkasov, Boruzha, Starov. By joint efforts, a real fort was created on the territory of the city of Kherson with an impregnable fortress, ditches, defensive structures and drawbridges.

    The Kherson shipyard created the first 66-gun ship, which was named "Glory to Catherine". Since 1783, the port of the city has become the main trade hub between European countries: Spain, France, Italy, etc.

    In the 19th century, the city received a new impetus for the development of the economy and industry. On the territory of the Kherson shipyard, almost 200 ships were created during the period from 1833 to 1843.

    Since 1838, the only newspaper at that time began to appear - "Kherson Gubernskie Vedomosti". In the 19th century, local history and archaeological museums, an opera house, schools, libraries, as well as the first railway station between Kherson and Nikolaev were built on the territory of Kherson.

    Since 1908, the first power plant began its work on the territory of the city, which supplied most of the city.

    From January 17 to January 18, 1918, the defensive battalion of the Central Rada was defeated by the forces of the Red Guard.

    For three years from 1917 to 1920, Kherson came under the control of the Directorate of the UNR, Hetman Skoropadsky and the Austro-German troops.

    On February 4, 1920, the Soviet government established full control over Kherson with the help of Uborevich's army.

    From that moment, from 1920 to 1940, large-scale industry was successfully developing on the territory of the city. An oil refinery, a confectionery factory, an electric machine building plant, a cannery and others appeared in Kherson.

    On March 18, 1941, German troops captured Kherson, which was occupied until March 13, 1944.

    In the post-war period, Kherson became the leading industrial center of southern Ukraine.

    Since 1951, it became an important stage in the development of the city, when the construction of the Kherson shipyard began. Already in 1954, the largest tankers were launched from its stocks: Kerch, Grozny, Kherson, Kakhovka.

    Today Kherson is the largest economic, industrial and industrial center in the south of Ukraine.