Techniques for creating creative images in the process of imagination. Techniques for creating images of the imagination

The creation of images of the imagination is associated with the use of a number of techniques. One of them is combination, a combination of individual elements various images items in new, more or less unusual combinations. It is used by artists, writers, scientists, inventors.

Combination is not a simple movement or regrouping of elements, not a mechanical combination of the sides of different objects, but the result of a complex analytical and synthetic activity, during which the elements themselves, from which the structure is built, are significantly transformed. new image. As a result of combination, not just a new combination or a combination of invariably taken elements is obtained, but a new image in which individual elements are not just summed up, but transformed and generalized. Writers, artists, scientists, inventors purposefully select elements and transform them, guided by a specific idea, design, and overall composition.

A special case of combination is agglutination - the creation of new images based on "gluing", combining individual representations into a single whole. On its basis, many fabulous images were created, which are a combination of parts of the human body and some animal or bird - a mermaid, a hut on chicken legs, a sphinx, etc. Agglutination manifests itself not only in art, but also in technology. An example is the creation of a trolleybus (bus and tram), snowmobiles (airplane and sleigh), etc.

Another technique of imagination is accentuation, emphasizing certain features. This is achieved through the selection, abstraction and transformation of individual features. At the same time, some of them are completely omitted, others are simplified, freed from a number of particulars and details. As a result, the entire image is converted.

One of the types of accentuation is sharpening, emphasizing any signs. This technique is often used in caricature. Another type of emphasis is a decrease or increase in all the features of the depicted character (hyperbole). An example of excessive exaggeration is the depiction in fairy tales and epics of giant heroes of unprecedented size and unprecedented strength. An example of a reduction in size is the fabulous "boy-with-a-finger".

In scientific and technical creativity great importance have such techniques for creating images of the imagination as schematization. When schematizing, individual representations merge, differences are smoothed out, and similarities clearly stand out. The synthesis of individual representations in the imagination can be done with the help of typing. Typification is characterized by highlighting the essential, repeating in homogeneous facts and their embodiment in specific image. This approach is widely used in fiction.

Types of imagination

When classifying imagination, various criteria can be used. The difference in the types of imagination may be due to how consciously and actively a person's attitude to the process of creating new images. By this criterion Distinguish between passive and active imagination.

passive imagination proceeds in a person as if by itself, without a predetermined goal. It can manifest itself in dreams, daydreams and some illusions.

active imagination, on the contrary, is distinguished by purposefulness and is necessarily accompanied by volitional efforts. It manifests itself in the form of a recreative (reproductive, reproducing) and creative imagination, as well as a dream.

The division of the imagination into creative and recreative is based on the criterion of novelty and "independence" of the created images.

Recreating - a kind of imagination, during which a person has new images based on descriptions, diagrams, drawings, mental and material models.

Creative is a kind of imagination, during which a person independently creates new images and ideas. When creating such images, a person shows maximum independence.

Any creative process consists of the following main stages:

1. Statement of the problem (creative idea), i.e. clarification and definition of what a person wants to achieve as a result of his creativity.

2. Work on the implementation of the task. This is the most difficult "rough" stage. At this stage, everything that has been done in this area previously is studied. The plan is being refined, and preliminary attempts at a practical solution are being made.

3. Solution of the problem, i.e. practical implementation according to creative intention.

The creative process often takes years, sometimes decades.

A special form of creative imagination is a dream. Unlike its other types, a dream is the creation of images of a desired future.

Types of imagination can be distinguished by the ratio of images to reality. Here, realistic and fantastic imagination are distinguished.

Realistic imagination most fully and deeply reflects reality, anticipates the development of events and to the maximum extent embodies its main functional capabilities. Typical products of this kind of imagination are artistic works of realistic art.

Fantastic imagination significantly "flies away" from reality, creates implausible images, the elements of which are incompatible in life. Mythical images are clear examples of such imagination.

The fantastic, unrealistic imagination also includes such, the images of which are weakly connected with life. This includes absurd "fantasy", an empty dream, daydreams, "manilovism".

The imagination of one person differs from the imagination of another in a number of ways. Among them should be noted such as:

Strength, which is characterized by the degree of brightness of emerging images;

Breadth, determined by the number of images that a person is able to create;

Criticality, which is determined by the extent to which fantastic images man-made are close to reality.


1. Introduction to psychology / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M., 1995.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Sobr. cit.: V 6 t. M., 1982. T. 2. S. 436-454.

3. Gamezo M.V., Domashenko I.A. Atlas of psychology. M., 1998.

4. Korshunova L.S., Pruzhinin B.N. imagination and rationality. M., 1989. S. 18-39; 83-97; 113-138.

5. Neisser U. Cognition and reality. M., 1981. S. 141-165.

6. Nemov R.S. Psychology: In 2 books. M., 1994. Book. one.

7. Rozet I.M. The psychology of fantasy. Experimental and theoretical study of the internal patterns of productive mental activity. Minsk, 1977.

8. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology: In 2 vols. M., 1989. T. 1. S. 344-360.

9. Nikiforova O.I. Research on the psychology of artistic creativity. M., 1972. S. 4-50.

10. Poluyanov Yu.A. Imagination and ability. M., 1982.

Task plan for independent work

1. Conduct a self-assessment by defining the concepts: agglutination, imagination, dream, schematization, creativity, typification.

2. Prepare for an oral presentation at a seminar on the topic "Imagination and its role in cognition." Use the recommended literature.

3. Make a diagram of the types of imagination. Describe each type and show its significance in human practice.

4. Identify features of the recreative imagination of students in your class. To this end, read 2-3 passages from literary works. Then offer to analyze the features of the given texts and answer the questions: does the text affect the nature of the content reconstruction? If yes, what is the reason for this?

Invite the subjects to look at the drawings various items and then draw:

Then they must answer the questions: “What is shown on the plan?”, “What did you depict in the drawing?”, “Is there enough source material to complete it?”, “Does the drawing take into account all the details of the plan?”, “What kind of imagination appeared in this case

The work done will help to make sure that the recreated imagination can be deployed on the basis of diagrams, drawings.

5. Identify experimentally some features of creative imagination.

” The subjects listen to the beginning of the story, then they are asked to come up with a continuation and ending of the story. The time given is 10 minutes.

” The following indicators are used as evaluation criteria: the completeness of the story, the brightness and originality of the images, the unusual plot twist, the unexpected ending.

” The subjects are invited, using the words “key”, “hat”, “boat”, “side”, “office”, “road”, “rain”, to compose a logically connected story. Evaluate using the criteria specified in the previous task.

” Offer to draw a circle with a diameter of 2 cm in a notebook, and then add as many strokes as you like to it and get a meaningful finished drawing of the subject:

Next, the same circle is drawn, but placed on the right and left along the dash. This will be the source material. You need to add as many other strokes as you like to it and get an image of the object. After completing the entire task, it is proposed to compare which option solves the problem easier and why. This task will reveal the features of creative imagination.

6. Determine the features of the imagination with the help of a simple technique "Draw a house".

The subjects are given the instruction: "Draw what immediately arises in your imagination when you mention the word" house ". The nature of the figure will allow us to draw a conclusion about some features cognitive activity including imagination. Compare the drawings with the given standards.

city ​​house

It's about about a multistory building. This drawing allows us to judge the features of dry, closed person, who tends to focus on his own problems, which he does not share.

small low house

A person who draws a house with a very low roof most likely feels tired, tired, likes to remember the past, although he usually does not find anything pleasant in it either.


Such a drawing reveals something childish in character, frivolous, frivolous. It means the exaggerated imagination of a person who usually does not have time to cope with his duties.

Spacious rural house

It means the need to expand your living space. If a person who draws such a house is childless, lonely, then perhaps this expresses his need to create a family, raise children. If the house is surrounded by an iron fence, then this most likely indicates a closed character. If there is a “hedge” around the house, then this means the opposite - trust in others. The lower the fence (fence), the higher this person's propensity to communicate. A huge window most likely speaks of openness, cordiality, friendliness. One or more small windows, windows with bars, shutters - an indicator of secrecy, the presence of complexes, greed, the inability to neither give nor accept anything from others.


If they are located in the middle of the facade, this indicates friendliness, hospitality. And the porch is about even greater generosity, a sense of self-confidence.

Opened door means sociability. Closed - closed. If the door is located on the side, this is a sign of insufficient sociability. Such a person is not so easy to get in touch with. If the door closes almost the entire facade, this indicates frivolity, unpredictability in actions, but also generosity, sometimes even excessive.


The absence of a pipe in the figure is a sign of insensitivity. A chimney that does not emit smoke means the same thing, but this character trait is caused, no doubt, by a number of disappointments in life. A chimney with smoke is a sign of generosity, and if, moreover, even bricks are drawn on the chimney, some small ones flew, then this indicates optimism in life.

Draw conclusions from the work done.

7. Solve the following psychological problems. Determine what techniques (agglutination, hyperbolization, sharpening, typing) are used to create images of creative imagination. By what signs can this be established?

The myths and legends of the ancients describe various fantastic creatures - centaurs (creatures with a human head and a horse's body), sphinxes (creatures with a human head and a lion's body), dragons, etc.

What methods of creating an image of the imagination were used by the inventors when designing snowmobiles, amphibious tanks, airships, excavators, trolleybuses and other mechanisms?

"...old old man

Thin as winter hares

All white and hat white,

High, with a band

From red cloth

Nose with a beak, like a hawk,

Mustache gray, long

AND - different eyes:

One, healthy - glows,

And the left one is cloudy, cloudy,

Like a pewter!

(N.A. Nekrasov. “Who should live well in Russia”)

A dream is an image of the desired future, a motive for activity, necessary condition implementation creative forces person.

Recreating is the imagination that recreates images according to the description, on the basis of a text, a story, on the basis of previously perceived images.

When creative imagination occurs independent creation new images.

By the nature of the images, imagination can be concrete and abstract.

Specific operates with single, real, with details images.

abstract operates with images in the form of generalized schemes, symbols.

But these two types cannot be opposed, because there are many mutual transitions between them.

The value of a human personality largely depends on what types of imagination prevail in its structure. If prevails creative imagination implemented in activity, then this indicates high level personality development.

One of higher species creative imagination is dream.

In this regard, a person's dream is one of his meaningful characteristics. The dream reflects the orientation of the personality and the degree of its activity.

The process of imagination is not purely arbitrary, it has its own mechanisms. To create images of fantasy, a person uses enough limited number tricks.

1. combination- a combination of data in the experience of elements in new combinations (usually this is not a random set, but a selection of certain features). This method is very common and is used in science, technical invention, art, artistic creativity. A special case of combination is agglutination- "gluing" of various parts, properties that are not connected in real life.

Examples of agglutination are fabulous and fantastic images - a hut on chicken legs, a flying carpet, a mermaid, a centaur, an amphibian man, etc.

2. Hyperbole- exaggeration of the subject; change in the number of parts of the object and their displacement - dragons, multi-armed goddesses, Serpent-Gorynych, etc.

3. Accent- highlighting, emphasizing any features and aspects of an object or phenomenon. Emphasis is actively used by satirical writers, artists when creating friendly caricatures, expressive images.

4. Typing- a specific generalization, which is characterized by the selection of the essential, repeated in homogeneous facts and their embodiment in a specific image. Typification is widely used in art, fiction. For example, the image of the "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov created by combining typical features contemporaries, the image of Natasha Rostova, according to the memoirs of L.N. Tolstoy, includes the typical features of his own ideal woman.

In addition to these techniques, the imagination uses other transformations:

allegory(allegory, metaphor, etc.)

symbols where image and meaning merge.

// Comment on the following example from the standpoint of the psychology of imagination.

The student expressed his understanding of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Cliff": "A cloud is a fleeting joy that has visited a person. She warmed him, left good memory and flew away. And this person, after a fleeting joy, feels his loneliness even more sharply ... "

Name the techniques for creating images of the imagination in, the following examples:

“... monsters are sitting around the table: one in horns with a dog's muzzle, the other with a rooster's head. Evil witch with a goat's beard, here I am a proud skeleton, there is a dwarf with a ponytail, but here is a half-crane and a half-cat ”(A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”: Tatiana’s dream).

“... an old old man: thin as winter hares. The whole is white and the hat is white, high with a band of red cloth. The nose is beaked like a hawk, the whiskers are gray and long. And different eyes ... ”(N.A. Nekrasov“ Whom in Russia to live well ”).

“Even worse, even more wonderful: here is a cancer riding a spider, here is a skull on a goose neck, spinning in a red cap, here is a mill dancing in a squat and crackling and flapping its wings” (A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”: Tatyana’s dream).

“And then the nightingale whistles, but in a nightingale way. He screams - a villain, a robber - like an animal. And from him or something from the whistle of a nightingale. And from him or something from the cry of an animal. Then all the grass-ants gobble up, All the azure flowers crumble "... (epic" Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber ").

The creation of images of new objects by a person is conditioned by the needs of his life and activity. Depending on the tasks that arise before him, some traces of previous impressions are activated and new combinations are formed. associations. This process happens of varying complexity depending on the purpose, content and previous experience person.

The most elementary form of synthesizing new images is agglutination (from Latin aglutinare - gluing). This is the creation of images by combining qualities, features or parts taken from different objects. For example, such are the fabulous images of a mermaid - half a woman, half a fish, a centaur - half a man, half a horse, in technical creativity - a trolley bus - a combination of the features of a tram and a car.

The technique for creating new images is analogy. The essence of this technique lies in the fact that the created new image looks like a real one. existing object, but it is designed fundamentally new model phenomenon or fact. A new branch of engineering is based on the principle of analogy - bionics. Bionics highlights some of the features of living organisms, which become the main ones regarding the design of new technical systems. So many different devices were created - a locator, an "electronic eye", etc.

New images can be created with underlining. This technique lies in a special strengthening in the object of some features that are dominant against the background of others. Drawing a friendly caricature or caricature, the artist finds something unique in the character or appearance of a person, inherent only to her, and marks this with artistic means.

You can create new images by exaggerating (or reducing) the characteristics of the object. This technique is widely used in fairy tales, folk art when heroes are endowed with supernatural power (Dobrynya Nikitich, Serpent Gorynych, etc.) and perform feats.

by the most in a complicated way creating images of the imagination is to create typical images. This method needs a long creative work. The artist creates previous sketches, the writer creates versions of the work. So, when creating the painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People", the artist O. Ivanov made about 200 sketches.

The imagination that is present in artistic creativity can be illustrated by the expression of K. Paustovsky: “Every minute, every word and glance thrown by chance, every deep or playful thought, every imperceptible movement of the human heart, as well as the flying fluff of a poplar or the fire of a star in the night puddle, they are all grains of gold dust.

We, writers, have been extracting them for decades, these millions of grains of sand, collecting them imperceptibly for ourselves, turning them into an alloy and then forging our own from this alloy. golden rose» ? story, novel or poem. Flow creative process associated with many associations. Their actualization is subject to the goals, needs and motives that dominate in the acts of creativity. Big role in creating images of the imagination plays Practical activities. As long as the created image exists only “in the head”, it is not always fully understood. By embodying this image in a drawing or model, a person checks its reality.

The basis for the creation of images of the imagination is the interaction of two signaling systems. The ratio of sensual and linguistic, image and word is gaining momentum. different nature in different types imagination, depending on the specific content of the activity, which includes the creation of images.

Imagination is a process in which a person mentally creates images of material things, imagines his future and fantasizes about what could have happened to him if he had acted differently in the past.

Thanks to him, new models of clothes, appliances, machines are created, paintings, poems, plays, songs are written and buildings are designed - this is an indicator of work.

But the passive allows us only to create an imaginary world that does not materialize, we imagine ourselves in some other role or living in another country, we model this or that situation, we mentally put on the clothes we have created, but we do not embody this in real life.

The process of creating images of the imagination

Our consciousness cannot create anything without any knowledge and experience. Only by owning certain information can we mentally draw a new object. Imagination processes work in stages. First, we present an already familiar object material world, which we saw live or in pictures, and then endow it with new properties and functions, figure out how it can be used for other purposes, and several objects are often combined in one.

For example, phones are endowed with new features - cameras and camcorders, Internet access, and some foods are used for cosmetic purposes - oatmeal is used as a face and body scrub, and berries act as a nourishing mask. By the same principle, paintings are painted, fairy tales are invented and sculptures are created.

The process of creating imagination, based on previous experience, proceeds differently for everyone, it can be developed using various techniques and games.

But you need to understand that not one technique will even help mentally create a picture for a person blind from birth, but a deaf person with early age unable to come up with melodic music, similar to the song of a nightingale. Only based on the sensations and impressions received, you can create something new, which is why creative people so often try their skills in various directions, travel and read a lot.

Presentation: "Imagination"

Techniques for creating images of the imagination

Our thinking creates new objects using various techniques the processing of existing knowledge and impressions is a technique of imagination, there are several of them.

The most common ones are:

  • combination - combining several parts of different objects, for example, a phone with a camera, multifunctional tools, fairy-tale heroes- little mermaid, centaur, hut on chicken legs;
  • analogy is a technique for creating objects similar in their functions to something that already exists, according to this principle, aircraft were created, the prototype of which is birds, photo and video cameras are arranged the same way as our eyes;
  • hyperbolization - when an object is endowed with the properties of an excessive increase or decrease in any of its parts and properties, Gulliver, Thumbelina were invented using this technique, ships in bottles and figures in the ears of a needle were created;
  • emphasis - such imagination techniques are based on strengthening existing qualities, for example, the authors of many books create goodie and constantly emphasize this in the context of the text;
  • typification - highlights the main features of a group of similar objects, so a generalized opinion about national costumes is created different peoples, their appearance and customs;
  • addition - this technique endows objects with functions that are not characteristic of them, in fairy tales such are walking boots and a flying carpet;
  • displacement - a technique that subjectively moves an object into conditions that are not characteristic of it, this is how new plant varieties are created and zoos were created according to this principle.

Presentation: "The development of the imagination of younger students"

Techniques of imagination, as a rule, work in a complex. A prime example is to create a modern smartphone that combines the capabilities of a phone, a computer, a Wi-Fi router and a photo and video camera, which is created according to the principle of the work of our eyes, but, despite the equivalent work of these functions, the emphasis is placed, nevertheless, precisely on that it's a phone.

What is our imagination capable of?

Many consider it to be something secondary and not important, but the power of imagination is capable of much. When we dream, we endow familiar things with new properties, which are subsequently brought to life by leading development companies. Scripts for plays and films are also being created, gathering entire halls. But technology and art are not the limits of our imagination.

The power of imagination affects all our cells, because the brain does not distinguish between seeing or feeling something specific in real life or simply imagining.

So for example, imagine that you are chewing a slice of lemon. Do you feel the increase in salivation? This happens with all our thoughts.

There are many techniques that, with the help of imagination, allow not only to achieve your goals, but to cope with diseases. Their essence is that a person thinks only about positive things, as accurately as possible modeled its near future and what will happen to it in 5-10 years. It really works, only you need to do it periodically, but constantly.

By creating mentally positive pictures of one's future and present, not only good mood, which helps to cope with all current problems and diseases, but also forms plans, goals and methods for achieving them. The power of imagination can also be used to form negative images, in this case we give a negative attitude to the whole organism and it is very difficult to avoid diseases in this case.

Try to think only about the positive, and it will be attracted to you.

Dubrovina I.V. Psychological mechanisms or techniques for creating images of the imagination // Practical psychology and speech therapy. - No. 4 (33). - 2008. - P.46-49

In the images of the imagination there are always features of various images known to man. But in the new image they are transformed, changed, combined in unusual combinations. The essence of imagination lies in the ability to notice and highlight in objects and phenomena specific features and properties and transfer them to other objects. There are several psychological mechanisms or techniques for creating images of the imagination.

combination- a combination of individual elements of various images of objects in new, more or less unusual combinations.

But combination is a creative synthesis, not simple sum already known parts, it is a process of significant transformation of the elements from which a new image is built. For example, A. S. Pushkin:

By the seaside, the oak is green, golden chain on that oak, And day and night the cat is a scientist. Everything goes around in circles. He goes to the right - the song starts, To the left - he tells a fairy tale ... There are miracles, there the goblin roams, The mermaid sits on the branches ...

special case combination - agglutination(from lat. aggluttnare - to stick). This is a way to create a new image by connecting, gluing completely different objects or their properties, for example, a centaur, a dragon, a sphinx or a magic carpet: the ability of birds to fly was transferred to another object. it fabulous image- the conditions under which the carpet could fly are not taken into account. But the very imaginary transfer of the ability of birds to fly to other bodies is justified. Then they studied the flight conditions and fulfilled their dream - they invented an airplane. In technology, these are snowmobiles, an amphibious tank, etc.

By combining the properties of one object are transferred to another. The details that are combined into a new image can also be given in words. This technique was used by the famous Italian storyteller J. Rodari, who came up with a special "fantasy bean". With the help of this binomial, you can learn to invent different stories and fairy tales.

"Binom" means "consisting of two parts." Two words are taken for the binomial. But it doesn't have to be any words. These should be words whose neighborhood would be unusual. Here is how J. Rodari writes about it: “It is necessary that two words be separated by a certain distance, so that one is sufficiently alien to the other so that their proximity is unusual - only then the imagination will be forced to become more active, trying to establish between said words kinship, to create a single, in this case a fantastic whole ... ".

J. Rodari compares the combinations "horse - dog" and "wardrobe - dog". In the first, from his point of view, "imagination remains indifferent." Quite another matter - the second combination. “This,” writes J. Rodari, “is a discovery, an invention, a stimulus.” This is the "fantasy bean".

accentuation- emphasizing the individual features of a person, creature, object. This technique is often used when drawing caricatures and friendly caricatures, exaggerating, sharpening individual features of the characters.

Emphasis manifests itself in several specific actions:

a) exaggeration - deliberate emphasis on features appearance person, qualities of an object;

b) hyperbolization - exaggeration or miniaturization - understatement (a boy with a finger, a giant, Thumbelina, the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych).

Exaggeration and exaggeration of individual features are often used in fairy tales, works of art. For example, the curious Pinocchio a long nose. Highly big nose and the hero of the play by E. Rostand "Cyrano de Bergerac". This nose largely determines the character of the hero. Here's what one of the characters has to say about it:

"A nose! Not only is he great

He's downright abnormal!

It's not for nothing that Cyrano's nature is so proud,

And he wears his nose with Gascon pride;

But everyone, seeing that nose, involuntarily asks:

"When does he take it off?" Lord!

He never takes it off."

These techniques are very widely used in a variety of human activities. For example, microcircuits were created in technology with the help of miniaturization, without which many modern devices would not be possible.

opposition- this is the endowment of an object, being with signs, properties that are opposite to the known ones. For inventors, this technique is called "do the opposite." For example, to make the immovable mobile. As in the fairy tale "At the command of the pike" - the stove starts to move. You can turn the bad into the good. With angina, for example, you can not eat anything cold. But sometimes patients with angina are specially given ice cream. Can be turned permanent signs object into time and vice versa.

There is a famous problem that psychologists have given to many people. It was invented by psychologist K. Dunker. A person is given a scale with two bowls (an object is placed on one bowl, and weights are placed on the other), a set of various small objects, among them a box of matches and a candle. It is proposed to set the candle and other items on the scales so that at first the bowls are in an equal position, and after a while this balance is upset by itself.

Only a few of those who were offered this problem were able to solve it, and even then only after prompting the experimenter.

What is the difficulty of this task? Usually, an object to be weighed is immediately placed on one scale pan, and they do not touch it anymore, and all attention is focused on the other scale pan, where they put it. miscellaneous items- they are called weights - in order for the scales to align. These weights are added, removed, changed. This is how most of those who participated in these experiments acted. And few people guessed "that it requires" an action in reverse "- to perform an action on an object that is being weighed. In other words, light a candle that will burn out and its weight will decrease.

Reception "all the way around" is used in the vacuum cleaner. Typically, a vacuum cleaner sucks in air, and with it dust. But in some models, an operation is provided that allows the vacuum cleaner, on the contrary, to blow out air. Such vacuum cleaners are used for painting walls and ceilings.

Typing- highlighting the essential, repeating in homogeneous images.

This mechanism is often used to create literary images- such character traits that characterize many people come to the fore. Typing is the most hard way creating an image of creative imagination, this is a generalization and emotional richness of the image. M. Gorky wrote that those writers who are well versed in the methods of observation, comparison, selection of the most characteristic features people and the inclusion of the "imagination" of these features in one person.

Knowledge of these techniques made it possible to control the creation of images. It made it possible to teach people to train their creative imagination, to come up with something new.

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