Always and in everything. – Is it known who was the founder of the monastery? Faith in yourself and attitude to win

I am 27 years old. the problem is in relations with my husband, we have been living together for 3 years, 2 children. Initially, I tried to make my husband respect and appreciate me, I tried to be offended so that he felt guilty about something, but over time everything changed, I am to blame for everything. Now it has come to the point that he called me, for example, yelled, I was offended, so he comes up and sees that I was offended and offended by me, like, oh, so you are with me, then I will be like that too. and doesn’t talk to me, or behaves coldly, trying to teach me a lesson. As a result, I always go up to him and try to discuss the problem, to say that it’s unpleasant for me that he offends me, for which I get a lot of evidence that I’m to blame for everything I. I made this scandal. Although I just want to be spoken to with respect, to be appreciated. But it turns out that they wipe their feet on me. He never calms me down, explaining that if I come up to you once, you will remember it and will always manipulate. I always feel guilty in front of everyone, I think this is from childhood, my father always mocked me, also from birth, I practically apologized to him for everything, for all sorts of nonsense, that, for example, he sat down to watch horrors, and I’m afraid of them, so he didn’t talk to me after that, and in order to improve our relationship, I had to approach him and, as it were, feel guilty about everything, apologize. And now, I simply do not have my own opinion and words, in front of anyone. My father and mother divorced when I was 7 years old, at the age of 10 my mother began to drink too much, and my grandmother took me to live with her father. At the age of 18, I ran away from them and began to live alone. because it’s impossible to live with him. I was just afraid. Now, apart from my husband and children, I have no one. They are everything to me. But I want a family, I want us to always live together, to love and appreciate each other. And my husband treats me worse and worse. Recently he said that he has no joy in life with me. And when good mood, then says that there is no better me. How should I behave, how to kill this feeling of guilt, how to learn to enjoy life. There are moments when I am truly happy, but basically I seem to live according to some kind of scheme, and try to please everyone.

Elena, about

How should I behave

read here -

and about what can help you - here:

Sincerely, Kiselevskaya Svetlana, master, psychologist - in person, skype, phone

Good answer 4 bad answer 1

Hello, Elena!

I know firsthand how hard it is to live with constant feeling guilt.

Elena, our loved ones treat us the way we treat ourselves. And it is useless to change their attitude towards themselves through insults or demands. You can't change another person, but you can change yourself. And then the other will also change.

How do I behave, how to kill this feeling of guilt, how to learn to enjoy life

Elena, the programs that have been with us through life since childhood are long and difficult to get rid of. The best thing in this case is to work with a psychologist. If you are not ready for such work now, look for materials on the topic: "how to get rid of guilt." The first thing to do is stop criticizing yourself. Then, allow yourself to make mistakes. At the same time, you need to work on unconditional acceptance of yourself and love yourself for who you are. And, of course, forgive yourself.

So, if you want a different attitude towards yourself, you will have a deep and long work. But this is the most rewarding work you can do, for the result of it is always a happy life.

All the best!

Perfilyeva Inna Yurievna, psychologist in Rostov-on-Don

Good answer 8 bad answer 0

Hello, Elena. You really love to please and endure. As soon as your husband figured this out, he stopped appreciating you and gradually became an ordinary psychological tyrant, making you chronically guilty for life. words move confidently to decisive behavior. Remind that love is not bringing the body into the house. It is mutual warmth, kindness, sympathy, response, acceptance, approval, gratitude to each other. And if he does not hear, tell him what you will do mirror. And stop feeding, washing, sleeping and respecting. If there is love for you, then a month of these exercises will be enough to realize that you can be lost. , and he can no longer Give, but only take and humiliate. Then you will have to make an important choice - remain a victim for all time or build your destiny anew.

Karataev Vladimir Ivanovich, psychotherapist-psychoanalyst Volgograd

The slogan "Take care of men!", alas, is not outdated. On the contrary, it has become even more relevant both because of the increased attention to reproductive health problems and because of the increase retirement age and because all over the world men live fewer women. In our country, this gap is especially noticeable. So it was, so it is and so it will be? Do not change the situation? The RG columnist talks about this with the head of the Men's Health public organization, director of the University Clinic of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Armais Kamalov.

Armais Albertovich, among the priorities of Russia's development for the period up to 2024 is an increase in the life expectancy of Russians up to 78 years. It took only 6 years to achieve this indicator. Really?

Armais Kamalov: Answering this question, it is necessary to determine exactly what is the situation today with the life expectancy of men and women. Russian men live 11-12 years less than women. Women - on average 72-73 years, and men - 61-62 years.

Killer data. Women are doomed to live out their lives alone. In Kalman's famous operetta there was a cheerful duet: "One cannot live in the world without women", but without men, it turns out, is it possible? Lonely women manage to somehow live, work. And even an increase in the retirement age is not as painful for them as it is for men.

There is IVF, there is surrogate motherhood. Is it because there are many single mothers, but we forget about the man, as the keeper of the hearth. This is a dangerous phenomenon.

Armais Kamalov: You remembered Kalman. So even he has all his thoughts only about women. And in our time, there are many medical and social programs aimed at the health and well-being of women and children. Where are the men?

Armais Kamalov: There are antenatal clinics in the country, which have shown their effectiveness. But there are still no men. A photo: Alexander Korolkov

Is that what you're asking me? Didn't you once create the public organization "Men's Health" and still lead it? Has this organization changed the men's situation in any way?

Armais Kamalov: I understand your skepticism for the simple reason that many public organizations really unable to change the situation. I am not saying that we are an exception, but since 2003 we have created several pilot projects to provide specialized medical care men. Unfortunately, they operate in some regions, one might say, on the bird's rights. This state support They dont have. I can't explain why this is happening. It is clear that the achievement of targets national program health care is impossible without federal program men's health care. It should concern, first of all, not the treatment of sick men, but the system of prevention at the primary level. Here I repeat that I have said more than once: there are antenatal clinics in the country, which have shown their effectiveness. But there are still no male consultations.

But still, there are now andrologists, there is andrological assistance. After all, andrologists are called upon to protect men's health?

Armais Kamalov A: I would like to clarify. Andrology, as a science of men's health, really exists in our country. But I would like you to name the polyclinics that have andrology rooms. I do not take into account private clinics, although they are not always available there. However, when we talk about the need to create men's consultations, or at least men's health offices in polyclinics, we should by no means limit ourselves to solving purely urological and reproductive problems. There are more questions.

One example. Few men know that if erection problems occur, then, as a rule, after four years, 40 percent have ischemic disease heart and cerebrovascular accident. And so, erectile dysfunction should be considered as a marker of the occurrence vascular problems in men. And to be completely accurate, then like a barometer full life. The conclusion is clear: the preservation of men's health requires an interdisciplinary approach. In men's offices, if they finally appear, there should be not only urologists, andrologists, but also cardiologists and endocrinologists.

I haven't talked to the Kremlin dreamer for a long time. What you are talking about is obvious, as is the fact that it is absolutely necessary. But this is not. Will it be in the foreseeable future? Or again good wishes?

Armais Kamalov: I treat the Kremlin medicine with great reverence, the basis of which was the system of consultations and personalized medicine. Then there was no term "personalized medicine", but it was in reality. Please note that many Soviet leaders lived a long time precisely thanks to the system of protecting their health.

Today, we have forgotten the main postulate, which Matvey Mudrov proclaimed a very long time ago: it is necessary to treat not the disease, but the patient. The system of standards and prescribed procedures for the provision of medical care, unfortunately, does not take into account individual features specific person. And the further, the more. The health service is most focused on pharmaceutical and technological breakthroughs in the treatment of complex oncological, cardiovascular diseases from which men mostly die. There is a general offensive of robots. And it is forgotten that robots are only a help in the work of a doctor.

In addition, sometimes no distinction is made between saving a life and preserving its quality. Though it's clearly not the same thing.

Armais Kamalov: The Ministry of Health of Russia is doing a lot to provide Russians with high-tech medical care. Including using robotic systems. But I agree with you: high-tech aid saves people in the most difficult situations, but does not always provide high-quality longevity. Meanwhile, I note that the largest financial injections into preventive medicine do not go to any comparison with the amounts that the state spends on the introduction of high-tech assistance. The simplest example. A person has bladder cancer. If this disease is detected in initial stage, then it can be successfully cured thanks to organ-preserving surgery. With minimal cost to the state. But this is our main trouble: at this stage, such ailments are rarely detected. More often we encounter cases that require complex treatment using surgical care, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The patient will live. Modern technologies will help that. But what is the quality of life of a patient without a bladder? It is better not to speak in detail.

According to WHO, in half of the cases it is male factors that are the cause of family infertility. However, in the reproductive health program, the role of men is in the background. It comes down to getting biological material.

Armais Kamalov: You are absolutely right. Perhaps that is why there is a program for the protection of motherhood and childhood. There are no men there. One gets the impression that one can do without them. There is IVF, there is surrogate motherhood. Isn't that why there are a lot of single mothers, but we forget about a man, as a keeper of the hearth, as a warrior, as a master in the house, a breadwinner. This is a dangerous occurrence.

Many diseases in men can lead to persistent reproductive dysfunction. We completely forget that today's boy is tomorrow's man. That illnesses suffered in childhood will almost certainly show up when he grows up. And it's not just about illness. It's about becoming a man, about inoculation family values and, I'm not afraid, sex education. Many modern young people are the victims of a failed sexual debut. Sometimes this forms a loser syndrome in them, affects the quality of not only sexual life but also position in society. Hence a lot of male suicides. In fact, many of them can be helped. But on one condition: that they know who and where to turn to for help.

There were no male consultations, and no. And there are not even specialized men's offices in primary care.

Armais Kamalov: Actually, your question contains the answer. Now addressed to the heads of several entities Russian Federation letters were sent with a proposal to create and implement regional programs for the development of a system for maintaining men's health. We received answers that confirmed that if such work is carried out in the regions, then it is of a non-systemic nature. In several regions, programs to preserve reproductive health and social longevity have been introduced in various forms. But only in a few. Although in Russia there are examples successful implementation pilot projects for men's health. They are used in the Penza, Rostov, Sverdlovsk regions and some other regions. Moscow University has prepared a draft federal program for the protection of men's health. Moscow State University is ready to act as the lead center for its implementation. We have begun preparations for the XV Congress "Men's Health". His motto is: "What a man wants, what medicine can." Today, the main task of health care is to provide conditions for preventive, preventive medical care for men, their high-quality longevity.

Help "RG"

According to the WHO, Russian men people of working age are twice as likely to die as the European average, and three times as likely as in Germany, the US and China.

– Father John, how did your church life begin?

– It started from Optina Pustyn. In 1996, one of my Moscow friends called me there for the feast of the glorification of the Optina elders. I was still far from the Church, and Yuri (that was his name) was the spiritual child of the shegigumen Elijah (Nozdrin). Then I confessed for the first time in my life - to Father Elijah. Then I went to Optina almost every Saturday and Sunday. In Moscow, he also began to go to churches. I lived not far from Sretensky, and I went to this monastery more often than to other places.

– And how did the decision to take monastic vows come about?

“You know, if I can explain it to you, you too will become a monk.” You do not think that this is some kind of secret that I want to hide. No, it's just very difficult - impossible - to reveal the state of the soul of a person who, in certain moment decides to leave the world once and for all.

Which of the priests most influenced your choice of the monastic path?

- Father Eli, Optina and Pechora modern inhabitants.

– How did your friends and relatives react to your decision to become a monk?

- Relatives are enough for a long time didn't know anything about it at all. And when they found out, they were surprised, and some even tried to convince me.

- Father, Father Eli, having learned about your desire to become a monk, blessed you to go to your homeland - to Georgia. Why? What do you think?

- Why? Only he knows this. I thought Father Eli would leave me at Optina or send me to Danilov or some other monastery. Batiushka also talked about the Georgian monastery on Mount Athos. I told him about my desire to become a monk during Great Lent 2000. He blessed me to come to him after Easter, and when I arrived, unexpectedly for me, he blessed me to go to Georgia.

– In what monasteries of Georgia did you labor?

- First there was the Zedazni Monastery, where he sent me His Holiness Patriarch throughout Georgia Iliya. This is one of the first Georgian monasteries, it was founded by St. John of Zedazni with his twelve disciples in the 6th century. But before leaving for Georgia, for a short time (for a week or two) I came to the Pskov-Caves Monastery, lived for some time in the Moscow Sretensky, even in the skete of the Danilov Monastery.

- And what obediences did you carry?

- In Pechory, I had several obediences. I worked in a flour warehouse: I cleaned flour bags; was on duty for main square monastery near the Assumption Church. He also prepared firewood for the kitchen.

I went to the Sretensky Monastery when I still lived after the institute in Moscow. Then I even lived in the monastery for a short time: the monastery was still being restored, obediences were in the refectory, on bookstore. I looked at the monks, at the governor, and my desire to live a monastic life grew stronger and stronger. I am very grateful to Father Tikhon (Shevkunov) for the support he has given me and is giving me. His activity for me is an example of care and love for the brethren and the Church.

In the Zedaznian monastery, for the most part, he was a reader and was present at the conversations of the rector with the brethren. Preparing a meal, washing dishes after it - the brethren did this together, and everyone prepared firewood for himself.

– You were also a novice of the David Gareji Lavra. What are your memories of this time?

- Let me just say: this is a monastery, where you always want to come again and stay here. The David Gareji Lavra is desert. Lavra is the only source drinking water- a cave where water collects drop by drop - they are called "tears of St. David." Per day, depending on the season, you can collect up to one hundred liters. It is also used for food purposes. For washing and household needs, only melt water or the water that is delivered from other places is used.

But the main thing that attracts to this monastery is that when a person who wants to become a monk comes to the Lavra for the first time, he immediately feels: this is what he is looking for. I can say this about my Gareji period: sweet monastic life is concentrated in this magnificent place.

– After your priestly consecration, you were sent to the diocese of Geret.

– When I was ordained in 2002, the diocese of Geret as such did not yet exist, it was formed later – with a cathedra in the city of Kakhi. It is located on the territory of Azerbaijan, 90 kilometers from the border with Georgia, in the gorge of the Kurmukhi River. This is an ancient Christian place. Hereti has been Christian since the time of St. Nina. Temples functioned there, there was an episcopal chair. Many chronicles and historical sources with a description of these places, for example, the chronicle of 1310, which tells how Bishop Kirill (Donauri) traveled around his Gish-Kurmukh diocese - it was named after the village of Gishi, which is not far from Kakha, and the Kurmukhi gorge.

– Did you receive your abbotship in Hereti?

– Yes, His Holiness the Patriarch rewarded me. It was for Ascension. Then Patriarch Iliya came to Baku, and then to Kakhi, to the monastery.

- And soon you were transferred to the Gurjaani diocese?

– I was transferred to the Ascension Monastery in the village of Vejini in the Alazani Valley, near the town of Gurjaani. In the monastery main temple in honor of the Ascension of the Lord from the VIII century. Cells were built in the men's monastery, and a year later, Vladyka gave his blessing to build a women's monastery at the Assumption Church, which is located on the slope a little lower, at a distance of a kilometer, in the gorge. In the Vedzhinsky Monastery, I carry the obedience of the abbot.

– It is known that in medieval Georgia Vedzhini was an important military-strategic object: there was the residence of the Kakhetian princes.

– Vedzha fortress is called the gates of Kakheti and Gereti. In general, in Georgia, especially here, in the Kakhetian side, there were many similar fortresses. But their functions were never limited to defensive ones. These were the centers religious life, there was usually a ruling bishop, and next to it, as a rule, there was a monastic monastery.

When was the monastery founded here? Is this known, father?

- The monastic life on the territory of the fortress became full-fledged (that is, with a cenobitic charter) in the 16th-17th centuries.

– Is it known who was the founder of the monastery?

– No, it is not known. Once again I will say: there used to be a fortress here, and then a monastery grew up.

- Father John recent times restoration work is being actively carried out in the monastery. What has already been done? What are the plans for the near future?

– The unique Basilica of the Ascension of the Lord has been completely restored. This is the main temple of the monastery. Helped us a lot with the restoration. charitable foundation who paid for the restoration (cleaning and strengthening) of the frescoes. But one of the temples of the monastery - in the name of John the Baptist - had to be dismantled: its wall threatened to fall on the Resurrection Church. It was impossible to strengthen it, since the collapsed part of the rock broke the foundation support. In the Ascension Church, the altar dates back to the 8th century, now it has been restored. Five meters from it is the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin with a bell tower - they literally "stand" on top of each other.

We also have churches outside the walls of the fortress: St. George - between the male and female monasteries; in the name of the Apostles Peter and Paul - in front of the convent.

In the women's monastery - the temple of the Assumption of the Mother of God. This is a basilica dating back to the 9th-11th centuries; a chapel with a dome was attached to it - this is already the 17th century. Everything is built very disproportionately, but very beautifully. The temple is small, and most importantly, it is smaller in height than the dome of the chapel. Such an original architectural solution! Only the dome is visible from the road. But the temple, despite its small size, makes a majestic impression.

Over the years, we have also solved issues related to everyday life cloisters: conducted water, built a reservoir to provide a convent, and so on.

– How many monks are there in the monastery now, and what are their main obediences?

– In the male monastery we have nine monks (a hieromonk, a hierodeacon, three monks and four novices), and in a convent there are four nuns and three novices. We received a blessing to build a women's monastery in 2006, and on December 29 of the same year, after the cells were built, the sisters settled in the newly built monastery.

- Exist different forms monastic life. Which of them seems to you the most appropriate for our time?

- It all depends on specific people who have a desire for monastic life. And there will always be opportunities - by the grace of God. If you have a mindset, determination, no one will bother you, no one will infringe on your desire to live alone. In our monastery, for example, there are both cenobitic and skete forms. The monks asceticize with us and so: they live in solitude, and come to the monastery on Sundays and on holidays. I repeat once again: as long as there is a desire to become a monk, no one will interfere. If the desire is there, it is always satisfied.

– What do you think is the essence of monastic life?

Difficult question, very individual. The word "monk" means "separated", and this separation serves to save the soul. Monasticism is a separation from worldly life. For many, it becomes a huge, indispensable tool in the salvation of the soul. Yes, monasticism is a burden, but the burden is not heavy, unless, of course, you are called to bear it. How hard can it be when the Lord tells us to give our hearts to Him and thus find peace in our souls?! We try to completely surrender to the will of God - this is the essence of the monastic life.

- And the obedience of the abbot - too light burden?

– I can’t say, because it’s not I who leads the brethren, but the Lord. To him I surrender my will. When a person begins to complain that it is hard for him, it means that he hopes for himself, therefore, you must always and in everything trust in God. And it will become immeasurably easier. Everything is easy with the Lord!

– Does your monastery somehow help the surrounding parishes?

- Recently, the church of St. George in the village of Vejini was consecrated. This is our monastery courtyard to help the monastery and parishioners. With the advent of the farmstead, parishioners from the surrounding area no longer need to climb the mountain to the monastery, they can visit the temple, which is no longer so far from their homes. The temple, with God's help, was built in as soon as possible- in just a year and a half. Now in our monastery, divine services are performed in three churches at once.

Shio Otarashvili spoke with hegumen John (Abasashvili),
2nd year student of SDS

26 , 9:29

This article is dedicated to everyone who blushes at unexpected invasions of guests or convulsively refuses if a friend asks to drop by for a drink of water. Because the reason for such reactions is not at all inhospitality, but simply a mess. Yes, let's call a spade a spade!

Just imagine how wonderful it is to live in a cozy, bright, uncluttered home. If your house is from such a category, then you will spend a maximum of 15 minutes on a light “fly” before the arrival of even not very invited guests. Remember a good Soviet proverb - “It is not clean where they clean it, but where they keep it clean!” 9 simple manipulations will not take much time, but it will be much easier and more pleasant for you to hear the word “cleaning” if you start putting them into practice!

1. Make your bed

In the morning, the most important thing is to fill in bed. Many psychologists seriously believe that it is a neat bed that gives the brain a signal about the beginning labor day. And at the same time organizes the entire space of the bedroom / living room. So do not be lazy and as soon as you get out of bed, fold all the linen, neatly arrange the pillows and enjoy the effect!

2. Empty sink in the morning

To many, this is painfully familiar. You get up in the morning, and there is a sink full of dirty dishes. And there is no joy in breakfast. And cook something too. Make it a rule to wash all the dishes in the evening, so that in the morning you will be greeted by a clean and dry sink. You will feel the difference very quickly.

3. Washing and ironing

Two whales of order in the house. There is no need to talk about any orderly scheme of life when there is a total overload in the laundry basket, as well as in the pile with dried up. Here's a little advice for you: if you don't like ironing, don't sit down for it just like that. Turn on your favorite movie and combine business with pleasure. And do washing with a certain regularity - 2 times a week.

4. Every little thing has its place

In this regard, you need to be very clear that the number of storage spaces is closely related to the order. And the more various baskets, boxes and boxes, the more order in the house.

5. Don't delay

Do you know this scary word- procrastination? This is a tendency to constantly put off even important and urgent things, leading to life problems and painful psychological effects. Naturally, you are familiar with it, otherwise the problem of an untidy house would not be so acute. Cut the Gordian knot without thinking, and life will become easier.

6. Fold clothes

Yes, after a hard working day, the last thing you want to do is meticulously hang dresses or trousers on a trempel. But it's vital, trust me. Then it is much harder to collect the same things in the corners, iron and put them in their places.

7. Wash immediately

For many, it is a secret that if you wash the dishes and stove in parallel with cooking, then you will not have to clean the kitchen until midnight. Or wipe the mirror with a window after you have looked into it and seen stains. Do not make a cleaning ritual, it is superfluous.

Golden Rule. The kitchen is a place that is designed to warm and feed us. Here we are more than anywhere gaining strength. And it is not surprising that when we come to a dirty kitchen in the morning, we feel overwhelmed. Yes, and smells, and stains, and dirt are easier to clean not the next day. It's 100%!

9. Plan

And then the unknown will not scare you. You will see exactly what needs to be done and when and what you have already done. And cleaning will no longer seem like a no-brainer!

Superiority has always moved a person forward, regardless of his moral principles, financial condition and physical development. Perhaps the desire to be the first is a kind of motor that pushes up and forward to the goal. However, there is also negative sides this concept. But first you need to sort out the pros.

Desire to be first: good

If the cave ancestors of man did not strive for perfection, say, housing, food, tools, then modern humanity it would have remained to climb trees and eat half-baked meat. Why is this happening? For example, to get the most beautiful woman, a primitive man needs to show himself as an alpha male and successfully score a "lunch" so that the lady can be convinced of his ability to feed his family and fight off enemies. This is where the desire to be the first arises.

What has changed over thousands of years? Nothing!

A person, in order to get all the best, must become the best. Therefore, it is not always good when parents constantly make comments to the child if he begins to show his leadership skills. In the future, such character traits will help an adult to pave the road, for example, to successful career. On the other hand, you should not support and advertise it too much, as leadership can develop into permissiveness. However, rivalry must be present at school, because it is not for nothing that schoolchildren are given certificates for academic success. What can we say about the effort in sports. Rivalry is also successfully exploited by employers who encourage their employees with bonuses and extra days off.

Desire to be first: bad

What can be included here? There are a lot of cons, but they depend on the person himself. known to all" star fever» ruined a large number of friendship, love, affection. If a person has achieved perfection in any business, then it is better not to turn up your nose, but to help people. If she won, then you should know that envy (moreover, of the darkest color) and gloating will become constant companion winner. And there will always be people who are ready to put a "pig" or rejoice at every careless step, trip up and just pretend to be.

Therefore, when climbing the ladder of superiority, the main thing is not to lose your humanity along the way and always be ready to help those who need support and help, but at the same time not harm others.

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Self-hypnosis has long worked wonders. The main thing is to believe with all your heart that yourself you say. In our difficult life, we often need to be stress-resistant and not succumb to depression. To do this, you need to inspire more often yourself that there is always a way out of any situation, and everything will be fine in the end.


Any self-hypnosis requires relaxation. Take a bath with fragrant foam, listen to pleasant music, and only then start talking to yourself. In this way, you will achieve a positive result faster than if you set yourself up for a positive one while standing in a traffic jam or in a huge line at the store.

Practice self-hypnosis regularly, try doing this procedure daily in front of a mirror for 10-15 minutes.

The selection of phrases is considered especially important, you can read them in books, listen to them on audio media, but most importantly, keep in mind that you must understand every word you utter. If you don't like one thing, replace it with a synonym, your goal is to feel mental comfort rather than thinking about what you say. AT individually choose the length of the text. Maybe you perceive short self-suggestions better, and perhaps texts 2-3 pages long will work for you.

Remember that in any self-hypnosis it is forbidden to use the words “no” and “no”. Any denial can only cause negativity in your subconscious. Self-hypnosis is helping the subconscious (and not action) in the formation of certain images. So do not pronounce self-hypnosis phrases thoughtlessly, just blankly reading them from a piece of paper. Let some images and situations appear in your mind. Imagine yourself the sound of the sea, the singing of birds, etc. Imagine yourself floating in a warm ocean or riding a convertible. positive thoughts add effect to spoken words. And all this taken together will set you up to believe that everything in your life will be fine.

Don't expect changes in yourself straightaway. Let the inner mood in a good way become a tradition and a good habit. And stop seeing the bad in everything. Maybe while you inspire yourself that everything will be fine with you, in fact, everything has long been adjusted.

Faith in one's own abilities, the ability to set goals, develop a strategy and tactics to achieve them guarantees the opportunity to become the best in everything. An all-consuming desire to win and achieve the highest result plays an important role.

The desire to be the best in everything is inherently very commendable. If it does not cross reasonable boundaries and does not turn into obsession. There is such a thing as compelling circumstances. You need to be able to realistically assess your capabilities. So, for example, having a small stature and a dense physique, it is difficult to claim that you will be able to become the best among the best in high jumps. In addition, no one has yet been able to embrace the immensity.
But, having a goal, a great desire and faith in yourself, you can achieve maximum success and deserve universal recognition. For those who are ready to reshape their lives, learn new things and achieve what they want, nothing is impossible.

The desire to become the best and opportunities for the realization of desire

The first rule for achieving success is, giving strength and time to the actual this moment goals, not to give up positions in those areas of activity in which there are already excellent results.

The second is to analyze how strong the desire to master new profession new skills and knowledge. Determine what is in end result can get from it. It could be universal recognition good income, academic degree or something that seems vital.

The third is to establish opportunities with the help of which there are high guarantees to achieve, master, receive something. Determine whether there are circumstances due to which the goal can never be achieved.

Fourth, develop a point-by-point action plan. Break it down, months, days and hours. Do not deviate from the plan, do not allow rollbacks. The movement must be only progressive.

Faith in yourself and attitude to win

Without an inner mood for the most high score without faith in own forces, any, the most reasonable, easily feasible, plan will not work. Believing in yourself works wonders. The strength of the human spirit is an extraordinary power. There are plenty of examples of the victory of the strength of the spirit over circumstances and the weakness of the body. They can and should be inspired. In biography facts, description life path draw strength for their accomplishments.

Do not deviate from the plan, do not let your desire fade away, do not give up when it seems that there are no results. Often and with pleasure dream about what will be the reward for perseverance and work.

The most important thing in striving to be the best in everything, do not forget to live happily and fully. Smile, communicate, be open to the world and all the joys that our life brings.

Gloomy, focused only on himself, obsessed with some idea, a person encounters additional obstacles on his way. They make it difficult to achieve success and prevent you from achieving what you want.

Often it is enough just to do every thing as well as you can.
The feeling that everything is working out perfectly gives strength to further victories

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