How will the northeast chord pass. Section of the northeast chord opened

The North-Eastern chord with a length of 26.6 km will connect the south-east and north of Moscow along the periphery. It began to be built as a continuation of the only already erected section of the Fourth Transport Ring in the area of ​​​​the Enthusiasts Highway.

The chord will pass from toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg from the western side of Oktyabrskaya railway, along the Small Ring of Moscow Railways to new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway. The route will connect major highways in the north-eastern part of Moscow: Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye and Otkrytoye highways.

I have somehow got used to the fact that in the area of ​​​​the Enthusiasts Highway there is an endless construction. Flyovers are erected from above, something is opened or closed there. But that such a construction was unfolding there, I realized only when I saw it from above. Let's look at the section under construction (and partially operating) from the Entuziastov highway to the Shchelkovo highway.

1. General scheme chord traces.

2. Interchange under construction from the highway of Enthusiasts.

3. And her scheme.

4. But you understand the scale of this only from above.

5. "Oh." This is what I said when I saw these frames on the screen.

6. A new interchange is being built between an oil refinery, an oil storage facility, and a bunch of railway tracks.

7. General view.


8. And what about the two railway tracks on the left that rise to the embankment?

9. Fantastic denouement.

10. Partially traffic on it was opened in September 2012.

11. On the site of the construction complex there is a huge PDF with a diagram of this site. Beware, the file is very heavy and complex.

12. Surprisingly, the Moscow Electrode Plant was not touched. By the way, if you believe the map, then there was a separate railway section on it. It is clear that it is not used, but it is clearly visible in the satellite image.

13. The site that was opened in 2012 rests on such a ridiculous exit to the Second Street of the Izmailovsky Menagerie.

14. Very nice new bridges of the district railway.

15. Ahead - Shchelkovo highway.

16. And there - the highway of Enthusiasts.

17. Here, communications are in full swing. Where it is free or has already been shifted, the construction of a flyover begins.

18. Pay attention to how many pits have been dug for communications.

19. The very beginning of the construction of the flyover.

20. It costs a hell of a lot of money to transfer all these communications :(

21. The bridge of the district railway and the station on it.

22. And finally, the future denouement with Schelkovo highway.

23. I remember that there were industrial zones and garages here...

24. General view.


25. Here the chord of Shchelkovo highway will cross in the tunnel.

26. Interestingly, did the designers of the stall take into account that there would be a tunnel here, or now they had to puzzle over how to untie this knot?

27. Letter Zyu.

28. It's sad here at rush hour. :(

30. Tolerate. Will be completed soon.

31. Former Cherkizon.

33. Former Central Stadium of the USSR. I. V. Stalin. It began to be built in 1932 according to the design of the architect N. Ya. Kolli. The project has been partially implemented. The stadium had to accommodate 100 thousand spectators and was designed in such a way that military parades could be held there. It was assumed that the tanks would be able to freely enter the stadium and leave it in columns. In connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War construction was put on hold. According to legend, there is a tunnel from the stadium to the Partizanskaya metro station. As the degree of drinking increases, the tunnel turns from a pedestrian tunnel into a tank one, which goes all the way to the Kremlin. To the question "why?" the narrators were unable to answer.

In 2019, Muscovites will be able to drive along the North-Eastern Expressway. The 35 km long highway will run from new route M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg to the Kosinskaya flyover (interchanges at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway).

The chord will connect the major highways of the city - the Moscow Ring Road, the Enthusiasts highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoe, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye highways. That is, the north, east and southeast of the capital and nearest cities The suburbs will be able to travel to each other without turning into the center. For example, it will be possible to get from Lyubertsy to Yaroslavl Highway without traffic lights in just 15 minutes.

By the end of this year, one of the most difficult sections of the chord will be launched - from the Entuziastov highway to Izmailovsky highway. It has been under construction since 2008. Drivers are already driving here on the segment from Perovskaya Street to Izmailovsky Highway. In addition, there are exits on the Enthusiasts Highway towards the center and towards the region.

To ensure normal traffic, 15 overpasses with a total length of almost 10 kilometers are to be built at the interchange of the North-Eastern Chord with Entuziastov Highway and Budyonny Avenue, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said during a recent inspection of the construction site. - I hope that the main works will be completed by the end of the year. Construction equipment will leave the Enthusiasts Highway and Budyonny Avenue.

The route of the section will run along the tracks of the Moscow central ring(MCC) and will cross the highway of Entuziastov in the area of ​​the metro station of the same name. Now construction and reconstruction are taking place not only on the highway itself, but also on neighboring Perovskaya Street, Anosova Street, Elektrodny Proezd and local driveways. Five overpasses are already ready. By the end of this year, five more flyovers, five pedestrian crossings, as well as 7.3 km of tram tracks will appear.

After the launch of this section, the Izmailovskoye and Shchelkovskoye highways, the Entuziastov highway and Budyonny Avenue will be unloaded. At the same time, transit traffic will open from Perovskaya Street to the North-Eastern Chord and further to the Sokolinaya Gora, Preobrazhenskoye, East and North Izmailovo areas. As a result, it will become easier for Enthusiasts to drive on the highway.

The northeastern chord was divided into seven sections (see diagram). Of these, two are already ready - from the Businovskaya transport interchange to festival street, from Izmailovsky to Shchelkovskoye highway (except for the tunnel under Shchelkovskoye highway). Three more sections are currently being built - from the Moscow Ring Road to the Entuziastov highway, from the Entuziastov highway to Izmailovsky highway, from Festivalnaya street to Dmitrovskoye highway.

At the end of 2018, it is planned to open a 5-kilometer section from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway. Four overpasses, five kilometers of exits from them, an overpass over the railway and a bridge across the Likhoborka River will be built here. The road will have 3-4 lanes for traffic in each direction. As a result, it will be more convenient for residents northern regions Moscow - Golovinsky, Koptev and Timiryazevsky.

In the future, in the north of the capital, the North-Eastern chord will be connected with the North-Western chord (it will run from Skolkovo to Yaroslavl highway). To do this, they will build a turnaround overpass on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, ramps and side passages along the Oktyabrskaya railway. The main major roads for the connection different districts cities are going to finish in the next year or two.

In 2018, we will complete the North-Western Expressway, which will actually cross the entire city from north to west, said Moscow Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin. - By the beginning of 2019, except for one or two sections, we will build the North-Eastern Expressway. At the same time, we will complete the construction of the South Rokada. This is an extension of the Rublevsky highway, a connection with Proletarian Avenue and then exit to the Moscow Ring Road. These three key roads should replace the fourth transport ring.


The northeast chord will stretch from Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya street, Dmitrovsky, Yaroslavl highway. Then it will cross Otkrytoye, Schelkovskoye, Izmailovskoye highways and enter the section of the fourth transport ring under construction from Izmailovsky highway to Entuziastov highway.

From the highway of Enthusiasts the chord will go to the interchange of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway, then to the borders with the area for connection with federal highway Moscow - Noginsk - Kazan.

This autumn, the North-Eastern and North-Western chords in Moscow will be connected by a turning overpass on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street. Pyotr Aksenov, First Deputy Head of the Construction Department, told journalists about this when he visited one of the sections of the North-Eastern Expressway under construction.

As RG already wrote, the metropolitan chords can be compared with the Moscow Ring Road or the Third Transport Ring in terms of the scale of construction and the impact on city traffic. They will save Muscovites from tens of kilometers of reruns, which they are now forced to do in order to get to the neighboring area. Chords will allow you to cross the city through and through, without stopping at the historical center. Both highways will be free.

In particular, the SZH will run from Dmitrovsky to Skolkovskoye Highway, and the SZH will run from the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road to the interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy interchange. After the highways are fully launched, the load on the outbound routes, according to the calculations of the NI and PI of the General Plan of Moscow, will decrease by 20-25 percent.

Separate sections of chords are already used by motorists, and some of their elements are still being completed. For example, the junction of Festivalnaya Street and Dmitrovskoye Highway. It is almost 11 km long, and half of this path goes along bridges and flyovers. Artificial structures were specially designed so that they went as far as possible from the houses and did not cause inconvenience to their residents. Nevertheless, just in case, in the skyscrapers of the northeast, builders replaced 6,000 windows with silent ones. However, construction is already over. Visually, the overpasses are almost ready, there is still something left to finish on the engineering side.

We have indeed completed 90 percent of the work, Aksenov said. - But there was a slight delay. On one of the plots there is the Khovrinsky pumping station, where communications need to be shifted. In winter, this could not be done so that 3.5 thousand would not suffer local residents whose houses are powered by it.

Turning off the station, it turned out, is possible only on May 15. According to Aksenov, the northern section of the chord can really be launched by the City Day in September. This will complete the work for almost the entire length of the temporary storage warehouse. Construction is still ongoing on the section between Shchelkovsky and open highway.

Infographics "RG" / Alexander Chistov / Sergey Babkin

In the near future, in the south-west of the city, the North-Eastern passage will connect with the North-West. In the area of ​​Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, it is planned to build several connecting overpasses at once. The first of them, a reversal, will be completed in October this year. It allows you to drive from one chord track to another without wasting time on a detour. Dmitrov highway. Let me note that the Moscow authorities expect to complete both chords by 2020-2021.

These strange words in the title - the name of grandiose objects road construction in Moscow. One way or another, you heard them - the North-Eastern Chord, the North-Western Chord and the South Rokada. - just an exit from the Schelkovo highway to the temporary storage warehouse in the direction of the Entuziastov highway. And now let's look at these construction sites from the air. The first part on TSW was published by me in May -.

In Moscow, 104 km of roads were built in 2016, which is a record commissioning.

In total, over the past 6 years (between 2011 and 2016), 544 km of roads have been built and put into operation (about 12.5% ​​of the entire existing road network cities), including:
- 162 artificial structures (overpasses, tunnels and bridges) and 160 off-street pedestrian crossings were built;
- 8 outbound highways (126 km) were reconstructed, full-fledged understudies were created, as well as dedicated traffic lanes public transport total length 150 km (this is 60% of the entire length of the existing dedicated lanes in the city - 250 km), 350 driving pockets have been created;
- built and reconstructed 13 largest and most complex transport interchanges at the intersection of highways with the Moscow Ring Road.

In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structure and 36 pedestrian crossings.

All aerial surveys completed sturman from . He has on channel on youtube you can find many interesting videos.

1. The diagram shows the mileage only by chords: how much has already been done, what is in work, and what is still being designed.

2. Let's start with Southern Rokada, where at the intersection with Warsaw highway, the first stage of construction is in full swing - the construction of an overpass for Warsaw highway.

3. Scheme of the site.


4. The second stage, as I understand it, will be the construction of a tunnel for South Rokada. By at least, there is such a scheme and rendering.

5. We managed to fly, right before the squall.

6. The construction of the tunnel under the railway will be completed, as usual, without stopping traffic.

7. And now the famous T-junction in the air. This is the denouement Southern Understudy Kutuzovsky prospect from Mosfilmovskaya street.

8. Monstrous scheme.


9. Junction of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

10. In the center of the road, a backlog was left for the continuation of the southern understudy to the center, along the railway.

11. The south understudy will go to the left and the appendix will be connected to it.

12. But very unusual view, certainly.

13. And this is the junction of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with South Rokada. It is also shown in the diagram above.

14. The most delicious - the construction of a new bridge across the Moscow River on the site Northwest chord.

15. Scheme of the site.


16. It is being built parallel to the existing Krylatsky bridge.

17. The superstructure of the old bridge is made in the form of a continuous steel beam with a ride on top, the span formula is 51.2 + 90.0 + 51.2 m. The structure is based on two box-shaped beams 2.5 m high, 2.74 m wide, covered with an orthotropic slab. The beams rest on two common V-shaped supports. The total width of the bridge is 25.4 m, including the carriageway - 18.0 m (4 lanes). As far as I understand, the new bridge will be a copy of the old one according to the scheme.

18. Section of the North-Western Chord from the bridge to northern understudy Kutuzovsky prospect.

19. And this is the beginning of work on the construction of a 300 meter cable-stayed bridge through gateway No. 9

20. He will connect the street People's Militia with Nizhniye Mnevniki over the lock along an oblique line, not far from the existing small Karamyshevsky bridge. At the same time, it is planned to create pedestrian zones and an observation deck on the suspension bridge.

21. View towards the junction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street.

22. And already in the evening we stopped at the construction of the North-Eastern chord in the area of ​​​​Festivalnaya Street.

23. Scheme of the site. Notice the gray branch to the east. If you want to get acquainted - then here is a link to another scheme.


24. Partially commissioned junction of temporary storage warehouse with Festivalnaya street.

25. Beautiful, damn it.

26. View towards the Moscow Ring Road.

27. If anyone forgot, then the scheme for the already built site. By the way, when we walked under the flyovers, there is a surveillance camera on each support!!! There are no dead zones at all. Wow.


28. View towards the platform "NATI", "Likhobory" MCC, depot "Likhobory" LDL.

29. See that in order to save the access railway line, the pitch of the supports had to be changed.

30. View towards Festivalnaya.

31. Interchange of temporary storage warehouse with a section that will go to the east.

32. Station "Likhobory" MCC.

33. Likhobory station and temporary storage warehouse under construction.

34. Interchange at temporary storage warehouse. On the right you can see the new depot "" of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line.

35. And 3D panoramas. To see and spin them - welcome here:

36. Grand construction.

37. Moscow is changing before our eyes

38. In total, 561 km of roads have been built in Moscow over the past 6 years. This is approximately 12.5% ​​of the entire existing street and road network of the city. Reconstruction of 13 transport interchanges at the intersection of major highways with the Moscow Ring Road, 8 outbound highways was carried out. The length of backups and dedicated public transport lanes was about 150 km. In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

39. Happy Builder's Day!