They will take full responsibility. Provide people with the resources they need

Almost everyone knows about responsibility, and many even portray it every day.

But, in fact, they remain victims of circumstances and other people. Maybe it's genetic or absorbed into us with mother's milk?

Undoubtedly, our beliefs are laid down in our childhood and our environment contributes to this.

But to the question: “Why do you live like this now, because you can change everything?” . They simply answer: “But, that’s how everyone lives.” And to be honest, I hear this answer in many areas of life.

So what's the deal?

Why do people not want to take responsibility for their lives?

The only answer is fear and mostly human laziness.

It is easier for them to obey and not strain their own brains.

  • That's what they said, and that's what I did. I'm not guilty of anything.
  • Children get sick .... these are such viruses and circumstances.
  • We get little .... this is the government or the bosses.
  • There is no business of life .... I do not know what to do.
  • Personal life does not add up ... this partner does not understand me.
  • There is no apartment ... in our country it is impossible to honestly buy an apartment.
  • I live with the unloved / unloved .... so everyone lives ...

And this is the reality in most cases in life happens to many people.

But what happens is that a person simply does not want to get out of his own swamp, change his thinking, environment, start thinking and finally act.

Who is to blame for this, the spouse who does not allow you to develop or the government?

Of course, only the person himself is to blame for his inaction.

You know, at one time I thought so too, and I now admit it.

But now I know that everything depends only on me. Surrounding people only show our imperfection or perfection. Everyone has their own reflection.
I took responsibility for what happens to me and around me.

There is no fatality and no evil karma. There is a daily choice of what and how we do.

We do not put our soul and effort into relationships, they end or merge into a minus. And then we again choose what to do with them, to endure or correct, or maybe completely go away.
Or maybe just to begin with, admit to ourselves that we simply don’t love this person, since we don’t put our soul into relationships?

In work, we also choose to work half-heartedly, or just because of lack of money ... without investing effort and soul. We again choose to become a high-class specialist, or so we turn around for a while, pretending to be a stormy activity.

We live in small town, crying that everything is rotten here .... and do nothing or make plans and implement other tasks, either making the city better, or changing it to another and more promising one.

And the question is who should take responsibility for these actions of ours?

And when we give responsibility for our lives to others, this is also our own choice.

And every person has a right to it.

Ways to Avoid Responsibility

1.To complain.

On life, on other people, on circumstances, and it is desirable to think it over more often and tell everyone

2.make excuses.

Constantly shift your responsibility to other people or circumstances, saying that you are not to blame for anything, it's all of them.


Look for the guilty and do not admit to your inaction.

4. defend yourself.

You are not to blame for anything. After all, you are not responsible for your life.

Of course, these methods are written with a share of sarcasm, to exaggerate and bring to the point of absurdity. But I think this is a better example.

Well, what do you really do?

How to take responsibility for your life

The answer probably suggests itself - just take responsibility for your life in your own hands.

  1. Accept that all your surroundings and events in your life you build yourself.
  2. Observe the space, correcting yourself according to what you see.
  3. Work with your emotions.
  4. Stop being in .
  5. Constantly develop and expand the boundaries and power of your consciousness.
  6. Build the right environment around us to inspire and help each other.
  7. Finally, take and do, and not wait for a miracle.

I hope I was able to convey the importance of responsibility for my life.

But in conclusion, I want to add that do not believe me, check everything for yourself.

And you have every right to give responsibility for your life to others.

The choice is always yours.

With love for you Marina Danilova.

Today they talk a lot about what is necessary to achieve success, but not everyone understands what it is and how to learn to take it upon yourself. Here's what it is and how to take responsibility, we'll talk further in this material.

The term has been known in many languages ​​for a long time. It involves the ability to respond to some external factors and has some consequences. Today, the ability to take responsibility has a less rigid meaning and implies the ability of a person to keep his word, to make decisions independently, taking into account the interests of others.

To learn to take responsibility, gotta be social personality, since this skill is formed only during interaction with other people. You must be able to be self-critical in order to develop the ability to take responsibility. These are the qualities of a leader. A leader is not a person running ahead of a locomotive. Those who think this way and act in accordance with these attitudes, sooner or later end up with a neurosis or a heart attack. Any responsibility is social phenomenon, backed up concrete action, the degree of which is chosen strictly according to specific person them on their own.

How to learn to take responsibility?

First of all, you need to understand that anyone who puts in the proper effort can learn to take responsibility. Becoming responsible is not easy, but it is possible. Try to evaluate yourself on the levels of responsibility below and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Responsibility levels

Level 0 It contains dependents who have shifted the care of themselves onto the shoulders of others.
Level 1 Such people are lazy and do something only when life forces them to do something. If you don't push him, he won't do anything.
Level 2 At this level, there are specialists who know how to do their job with high quality, but do it mechanically, without the slightest spark. These are people without initiative who will not take responsibility because they are not paid for extra gestures.
Level 3 This employee already assumes responsibility for the work performed by him. If it turns out to be of insufficient quality, he works on himself to improve this quality. Over time, it develops into professionals, because the results of the work are important to him, and not just their material reward from the authorities.
Level 4 It usually has a petty leader. One way or another, he has to take responsibility for himself and for others. Able to direct the execution of tasks in the area of ​​work entrusted to the mind.
Level 5 This is the head of the enterprise, in whose subordination are local managers. He is already responsible for the entire enterprise. But it is limited to the scope of work entrusted to him, the prestige of the position and salary.
Level 6 Full responsibility of the business owner. He himself organized and put this business on its feet, and therefore is responsible for the actions of everyone. At the same time, he rarely flickers in public.

Please note that these levels are levels, not positions. They reflect the personal and psychological state of a person.

Cultivating Personal Responsibility

It begins with the fact that you yourself learn to determine your obligations and fulfill them, to be ready to bear everything possible consequences. To learn how to do this, you can follow these steps:

1. Translate responsibility into the category of your own value, which will improve your life and which must be constantly improved.
2. Ask yourself the right questions. Don't ask what you want, ask yourself what you can do to get what you want.
3. Constantly in control, what else can you do to take full responsibility for what you are doing?
4. Find yourself a partner, or rather a mentor, who will wash you off to control, encourage or penalize.

Try to follow the above tips, and you will soon be able to learn and master the gift to take responsibility.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Very often we avoid responsibility, fearing to lose freedom and independence from circumstances. The habit of shifting the blame for failures onto anyone but yourself is dangerous and contagious.

Because of the fear of failing and not coping with the amount of hopes placed, a person is likened to the position of an ostrich and is terribly afraid of any manifestations of an act, whether it be marriage, a decision to have a child, or quit a hated job. How to take responsibility for your life and receive the well-deserved benefits of the Universe?

In today's material, I have selected 10 reasons that can turn your perception of responsibility and help you look at your own opportunities and prospects differently. Shall we start?

Reason 1. The role of the victim or the winner?

In order to understand the charm of self-imposed responsibility, it is worth taking a closer look at way of perceiving what is happening around. People who are afraid to float own brain, logic, will, as well as confidence in actions, suffer from strange complex - avoidance.

This is amazing ability, originates from victim position. The essence of this behavior doomed to fail, because whatever he does, the result will rest on the actions of other people.

For example, to the question: Why is everything like this?”, the individual will offer a set amazing facts-justifications, key figure which will perform collective mind , which is fundamentally out of hand. Bad state, era, epoch, neighbors, company director, diseases and other fount of lists.

In order to change approach to such a formation of beliefs, it is worth accepting true purpose- only you are responsible for how life is built!

No one but you is able to change or generate the right resources, for and needs.

Having built thinking in position of the winner, you will have many perspectives that bring choices and responsibility for actions.

Reason 2. Personal experience.

Sometimes a person may let strangers live their lives. You could see a sad picture - mom, although being one of the most important people on Earth, makes decisions when a child is 40, a friend always knows how to do business better, although he himself cannot boast of such an achievement, the other half is sure that her vision of the world is true and must certainly be translated into reality.

And where in all this abundance of lives and other people's decisions are you? Is it convenient for you to trust in all matters the opinion of other people who, not the fact that they are doing the right thing? And if things don't go according to plan, who do you blame? Yourself or the collective mind?

By purchasing someone else's experience, and not your own, you risk being left with nothing in the end. After all, ideas are not among your achievements, all work is also not the result. your pant, sweat and blood.

By refusing to blindly follow the path of other, two-legged beings, you will develop your own unique and inimitable strategy, bringing its own contribution to the treasury of achievements.

Reason 3. Habitual "tomorrow"

This point is shared by many individuals who fanatically believe that if sit and wait when someone solves all the problems - it will definitely happen.

Postponing life for later, for a ghostly tomorrow, you can end up with a real one Nothing and Never.

Paradoxically, but true! We convince ourselves in every possible way that we will begin to act when we enlist the support of means, motivation and the necessary concentration of desire.
For example: " When will we have a baby?' - you can ask your spouse, loving wife. And he gets a banal answer: “ Well, when we get on our feet, buy an apartment, get a dog and provide financial stability ". Familiar, isn't it?

What if this ghostly tomorrow does not happen at all? Random circumstances carry not only good, but sometimes bad news. Do not delay the implementation of the planned into a dark, phantom box. After all, tomorrow may not be, or suddenly, it will be much worse today?

Reason 4. An example to follow

In the event that adults do not take responsibility for their own lives, and are already parents, then what they set an example the rising generation?

Programming yourself and children with the principle: “ Oh, somehow it will resolve itself or is it better without me”, you reinforce the belief that you need to do nothing, but wait until the river brings you downstream to the shore. Is this the right coast? Did you want to swim to him?

Build your life carefully and perspective successful continuation of a kind. Only in this case, you will not degrade. After all, there is no static position in life: you either work on its improvement, or roll back to the plinth at the speed of sound.

Eradicating the ability to refuse, play up and find excuses- you progress and develop. Children picking up parent activity, their proper participation in life and control of all important areas - will definitely become than peers. I think you want your child to become better than you?

Reason 5. Conflictology and freedom!

It is possible that a person who refuses to take responsibility for what is happening does not know how to behave in. And they cut our hair on almost every corner. A team at work, a nervous boss, awakening loved ones on the wrong foot - all this is a reason to practice desired behavior under such conditions.

How does it usually happen? The man who is afraid be present in your life- sincerely strive to be unidentified, do not intrude on any difficult situations requiring an immediate solution. And the solution of the problem for him is a colossal stress and panic attack.

But without working through and practicing conflict situations, to receive necessary experience , you can simply be outside of reality. And do all the same evasive, stupid things.

By taking responsibility into your own hands, you will be able to be a free man and manage resources, yourself and the right to make a decision personally, without further explanation.

Reason 6. Adult child

What does it mean for modern man phrase: " You need to grow up!» ? No, it does not mean that it is necessary to walk with a serious face, to give up foolishness or games.
She says it's time take responsibility for your life and start it build with your own hands.

As children, we are used to the fact that everything is decided by adults. They provide a roof over their heads, a supply of food, and they have the last, decisive word.

This is logical when you are 18, but if you are 50, and the model familiar from the cradle has not been transformed, you should think hard: “ What will I do when I'm alone? »

Reason 7. Get the most out of it

desire to become outstanding personality and provide for yourself and your loved ones a comfortable life, happy living is not possible without your taking responsibility for what you do.

Each act carries with it the pursuit of some goal: to get a prestigious job, to gain the necessary acquaintances, etc.

Feeling innate intuition, can tell you right ways for the investment of strength, savings and rates. Self awareness as master of your life, can completely change your day, outlook and goals.

Once, the level of confidence that your actions focused on achieving dreams, and not avoidance - outweigh, then the desire to move faster will spur you on to unknown possibilities and will certainly please performance.

Reason 8. Try again! And again!

Sometimes, loss of control waits for us with bated breath. Life is full of mysteries, adventures and sometimes, not good news, knocking the ground out from under your feet.

Illnesses of loved ones, experienced stress, dismissal, deceit or setting up friends, hit on the head with an iron anvil and beat off anyone.

But! Do not dwell on failures and be afraid to try to improve your life again.

As they say, everything that is not done - for the better !

So take the best out of this situation - experience and move on without making the same mistakes.

A person is formed by the amount of effort applied and. Keep this in mind when the urge to give up is almost there victory over reason.

Reason 9. Under a lying stone, water does not flow!

This is not surprising, because how can something magical happens if you are busy all day important matter- spitting at the ceiling?

Activity is driven your desire to get the most out of life. If you ignore all the gifts and opportunities of fate, then what's the point in complaining about it?

When in last time did you do anything? Invested in education additional experience, master class, knowledge? How often do you spend time thinking strategies and plans for the future ?

It is thanks to your strength, fuse and perseverance that you can move mountains! So what are you waiting for, go ahead!

Reason 10. Stop whining and crying!

This is probably the most common behavioral misconception I've come across. I wonder where the desire to see the negative in everything and revel in self-pity comes from, while doing nothing and not changing ?

If something does not suit you, remember that you are not a tree! You have the right to tear off the sirloin from the sofa and take action in order to change negative factor impact.

Dear friends! That's all.

Subscribe to my blog update and recommend it to your friends for reading. In the comments, tell us about how, in your opinion, responsibility improves a person's life?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

If you take responsibility for your life, gradually everything will begin to change. Only for this you must be serious and decisive.

Indecision in this case, perhaps the scariest of all. How often we go with the flow, not managing our lives, allowing external circumstances to determine our fate.

Here is what famous entrepreneur and life coach Anthony Robbins advises.

  1. Make a decision at the moment of a surge of enthusiasm.
  2. Make a commitment to see it through to the end.
  3. Tell yourself that your decision is final and everything will happen as you planned.

Unfortunately, most of us constantly break our promises to ourselves, that is, lie to ourselves. And if you do not trust yourself, you simply will not be able to change anything in your life. How to be?

Challenge yourself

Don't dismiss this article. Don't put everything off until tomorrow. Make up your mind today. Let it be what you have long wanted or planned to do. Promise yourself that you're halfway there. Tell yourself that you already have all the necessary qualities. After all, otherwise this idea would not have tormented you all this time.

When we make commitments, especially publicly, the very desire to appear consistent motivates us to act on the decision, according to researchers. Can Commitment Change Behavior? A Case Study of Environmental Actions..

When we make a decision, we build a certain idea of ​​ourselves that corresponds to our new behavior.

We begin to perceive ourselves in accordance with this decision. If, as a result, our behavior for a sufficiently long time (about 4 months Commitment, behavior, and attitude change: An analysis of voluntary recycling.) corresponds decision our attitudes are changing.

Fake it until it's true? No. Make a decision to change and follow it. You don't have to pretend, but.


Make a decision, take responsibility for its implementation and communicate it to others. Compose rough plan actions. Think about what you want to achieve and what you need to do to get there.

And then create conditions in which you will inevitably fulfill your plan. Leave no loopholes for yourself. Over time, a responsible attitude to life will simply become a habit.

Each of us can become a master own life. We are able to independently achieve what we strive for, regardless of the circumstances and the people around us. Few people know, but the main reason why we fail to build our lives the way we want is the unwillingness to take on responsibility for her.

It often happens that without realizing it, we shift the responsibility to someone else, whether it be our boss or unfortunate circumstances. It would seem that there is nothing terrible in this, but in fact, by doing In a similar way, we transfer control of our lives into the wrong hands.

Each of us always has a choice: to take responsibility for what is happening, or to shift it to someone else. By choosing the latter, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to influence the situation, but at the same time you cannot refuse to be responsible for the consequences. If you take responsibility, you get unique opportunity create your own life.

You ask: “How is this possible? And how can I deal with emerging circumstances? Everything is very simple. Taking responsibility , You are getting absolute freedom think and act as you see fit. You cease to depend on the opinions of others and it is no longer they, but you yourself who manage your life. You are also able to resist an external circumstance, since you can always independently decide how to behave in a given situation, which means that you make a completely conscious choice whether to continue moving in the right direction or change tactics.

For example, if you are an entrepreneur, then it is likely that your company may experience hard times. At the same time, you can either surrender to the mercy of circumstances, or decide that you will continue to work, perhaps changing the style and direction of the business. In this case, you are responsible for own business, and now its development depends entirely on you. Awareness of this fact makes it possible to manifest the most best qualities such as creativity, discipline, perseverance, etc. In the same way, in any area, responsibility helps to reveal our best qualities.

Each of us daily faces a certain choice, which, in general, comes down to whether to take responsibility or refuse it. Try to evaluate each decision you make in terms of responsibility and make a choice in favor of it. This will help you control your relationship with other people, your career, your life. Stop blaming others for your failures, mentally return to past situations and see what you did wrong, and also if you did your best at that moment. Make it a rule to weigh your own capabilities each time, and do not rely on others. Do not wait for help, act as you see fit! Repeat regularly that you have everything necessary qualities in order to solve any problem that comes your way. Self-confidence makes it easier to take responsibility.