Ecological resources of the White Sea. The meaning of the white sea

With scientific point The White Sea is considered to be a semi-isolated inland water body. Among the seas similar type(Black, Baltic, Mediterranean) it is the smallest in area. The outer (northern) and inner (southern) parts of the White Sea are separated by the so-called "throat", that is, a narrow strait. Today, almost all water bodies of the planet have a number of environmental issues, and the White Sea is also subject to pollution.


  • The pollution of the White Sea is anthropological, that is, it is a person who inflicts a blow on this part of the ecosystem. There are many forests near the sea where fur-bearing animals live. Already in the 14th century, the settlement of Kholmogory appeared on the shores of the White Sea. This body of water has been navigable since the 15th century. Started from here merchant ships loaded with grain, fish and fur. After Saint Petersburg was founded, through most of ships began to pass through the Baltic, and then through the Barents Sea. The White Sea is trade route has lost its meaning. The deepest sections of the bottom were covered with coal slag, which completely eliminated the biocenoses in them.
  • The ecology of the White Sea is influenced by the woodworking industry. In the century before last, sawmill waste was dumped into the strait between the islands. The consequences of this for the ecosystem are still being felt. The bottom of many rivers flowing into the White Sea is extremely polluted (in some places up to 2 meters from the bottom) with rotting bark from trees that were floated along these rivers. It breaks natural process breeding salmon and other fish species. Rotting wood draws oxygen from the water and releases carbon dioxide and decomposition products, which, of course, could not but have pernicious influence. Timber and pulp industries emit methyl alcohol, phenols and lignosulphates into the sea.
  • The ecology of the White Sea is affected by the mining industry. Businesses pollute water by dumping waste containing chromium, lead, zinc, copper and nickel. These metals tend to accumulate in the cells of plants and animals. On the this moment the gifts of the White Sea are considered safe, but if the pollution continues for at least another 5-10 years, then the fishery can be stopped due to the fact that the fish will simply become poisonous.
  • It is difficult to shift the acid balance in a large salty reservoir, but in the region acid rain. The acid concentration is quite weak, but still has Negative influence on biocenosis in freshwater reservoirs.
  • Leakage from tank farms is one of the main environmental problems of the White Sea. "Black gold" is poured into the water, which is catastrophic for all living things. Bird feathers lose their insulating properties, birds can no longer fly. This leads to mass death of birds from cold and hunger. The oil film blocks the flow of oxygen into the water, which is a death sentence for fish and plants. Fortunately, in most cases, oil spills are quickly eliminated. The remaining oil waves are knocked into lumps and drowned. Soon, such clots are drawn in by silt and neutralized.
  • Discharges into the White Sea of ​​small consignments of oil are more dangerous. Over time, "black gold" dissolves, water evaporates, and oil pollutes the hydrosphere. Poisonous substances provoke the development various diseases at marine life and fauna. Moreover, it is far from always possible to distinguish by sight whether this or that fish is healthy or sick.
  • Every year, at least 100,000 tons of sulfates are dumped into the White Sea and the same fuels and lubricants, 0.7 tons of household chemicals, 0.15 tons of phenols. With all this, the White Sea is considered one of the cleanest water bodies in Russia.

From a scientific point of view, the White Sea is considered a half-isolated inland water body. Among the seas of a similar type (Black, Baltic, Mediterranean), it is the smallest in area. The outer (northern) and inner (southern) parts of the White Sea are separated by the so-called "throat", that is, a narrow strait. Today, almost all water bodies of the planet have a number of environmental problems, and the White Sea is also subject to pollution.


The pollution of the White Sea is anthropological, that is, it is a person who inflicts a blow on this part of the ecosystem. There are many forests near the sea where fur-bearing animals live. Already in the 14th century, the settlement of Kholmogory appeared on the shores of the White Sea. This body of water has been navigable since the 15th century. Trade ships loaded with grain, fish and furs started from here. After St. Petersburg was founded, most of the ships began to pass through the Baltic, and then through the Barents Sea. The White Sea lost its significance as a trade route. The deepest sections of the bottom were covered with coal slag, which completely eliminated the biocenoses in them.

The ecology of the White Sea is influenced by the woodworking industry. In the century before last, sawmill waste was dumped into the strait between the islands. The consequences of this for the ecosystem are still being felt. The bottom of many rivers flowing into the White Sea is extremely polluted (in some places up to 2 meters from the bottom) with rotting bark from trees that were floated along these rivers. This disrupts the natural breeding process of salmon and other fish species. Rotting wood draws oxygen from the water and releases carbon dioxide and decomposition products, which, of course, could not but have a detrimental effect. Timber and pulp industries emit methyl alcohol, phenols and lignosulphates into the sea.

The ecology of the White Sea is affected by the mining industry. Businesses pollute water by dumping waste containing chromium, lead, zinc, copper and nickel. These metals tend to accumulate in the cells of plants and animals. At the moment, the gifts of the White Sea are considered safe, but if the pollution continues for at least another 5-10 years, then the fishery can be stopped due to the fact that the fish will simply become poisonous.

It is difficult to shift the acid balance in a large salt reservoir, but acid rain is constantly recorded in the region. The concentration of acid is rather weak, but still has a negative impact on the biocenosis in freshwater reservoirs.

Leakage from tank farms is one of the main environmental problems of the White Sea. "Black gold" is poured into the water, which is catastrophic for all living things. Bird feathers lose their insulating properties, birds can no longer fly. This leads to mass death of birds from cold and hunger. The oil film blocks the flow of oxygen into the water, which is a death sentence for fish and plants. Fortunately, in most cases, oil spills are quickly eliminated. The remaining oil waves are knocked into lumps and drowned. Soon, such clots are drawn in by silt and neutralized.

Discharges into the White Sea of ​​small consignments of oil are more dangerous. Over time, "black gold" dissolves, water evaporates, and oil pollutes the hydrosphere. Toxic substances provoke the development of various diseases in marine flora and fauna. Moreover, it is far from always possible to distinguish by sight whether this or that fish is healthy or sick.

Every year, at least 100,000 tons of sulfates and the same amount of fuels and lubricants, 0.7 tons of household chemicals, 0.15 tons of phenols are dumped into the White Sea. With all this, the White Sea is considered one of the cleanest water bodies in Russia.

natural border Russian Federation from the north is the Arctic Ocean. Once it was called the Icy Sea, or the Polar Basin. Today, the ocean basin includes six seas, which are officially called the Barents, White, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi. Unfortunately, throughout this natural area develops heavy We will take a closer look Environmental problems are made up of a number of factors. Among them are climate change, political uncertainty, hunting.

The sea covers an area of ​​more than 90 square kilometers and reaches a depth of up to 350 m. It is here that the Solovetsky, Morzhovets, Mudyugsky Islands are located, which are inextricably linked with the history of our country. On the first of this list is the famous Solovetsky Monastery.

Localization of the White Sea

Although it belongs to the Arctic Ocean, the sea is located inside the mainland, near northern shores Russia. Salinity reaches 35%. It freezes over in winter. Through the straits, the Throat, as well as the Funnel, connects with Barents Sea. With the help of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, ships can pass to the Azov, Caspian, Chernoye. This route was called the Volga-Baltic. Only a conditional straight line imitating the border separates the Barents and White Seas. The problems of the sea require an immediate solution.

Firstly, animals are massively exterminated, including marine ones, disappear biological resources. Some representatives of the fauna living in the conditions Far North, just disappeared.

Secondly, the state of the soil is changing, which goes into a thawed state from permafrost. This is global cataclysm warming, causing glaciers to melt. Thirdly, it is in the North that a number of states conduct their nuclear tests. Such activities are carried out under the label of extreme secrecy, so it is difficult for scientists to understand the true damage and extent of pollution resulting from atomic impacts. These are the main problems of the White Sea today. Summary this list is known to the whole world, but little is being done to address them.

Position of Russia and other countries

The first problem - the extermination of animals - was taken under state control at the end of the last century, when a moratorium was introduced on the capture of animals, birds, and fish. This greatly improved the state of the region. At the same time, on the melting of ice, as well as nuclear pollution it is quite difficult for one state to influence. The coastal region and the entire White Sea suffer from these factors. The problems of the sea will intensify in the near future due to the planned extraction of gas and oil in the ocean. This will lead to additional pollution of the ocean waters.

The point is that the territory Arctic Ocean still do not belong to anyone. A number of countries are engaged in the division of territories. Therefore, it is quite difficult to resolve the issues that have arisen. On the international level two questions are posed: economic use bowels of the Arctic and ecological state Arctic Ocean. Moreover, the development of oil and carbon deposits, unfortunately, is a priority. While the states divide with passion continental shelves, nature is experiencing more and more problems, the biobalance is disturbed. And the timing of when it will begin to deal with the accumulated issues has not yet been set.

Russia is looking at ecological situation states of the Northern Basin as if from the outside. Our country only cares coastline north and the White Sea. Environmental problems cannot arise only in one area - this is an issue that should be approached globally.

What is the priority?

When developing oil fields, people contribute to an even greater deterioration of the environmental situation. Neither the depth of the wells, nor their number, nor the fact that the region can be classified as environmentally hazardous does not stop. It can be assumed that large numbers of oil mines will be built at once. The wells will be located at a short distance from each other and at the same time belong to different countries.

Consequences from nuclear testing can be eliminated, and this really needs to be done, however, in the conditions of the north, it is quite expensive to carry out cleaning measures due to permafrost conditions. In addition, countries have not yet been given legal responsibility for these areas. The environmental problems of the White Sea are best studied. Briefly, the committee under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia tried to present them, while predicting the main development trends.


The boundary of the Siberian permafrost in its western part is constantly shifting due to global warming. Thus, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, in 2030 it will move by 80 km. Today, the volume of perpetual icing is decreasing by 4 cm per year.

This can lead to the fact that in Russia in fifteen years the housing stock of the north can be destroyed by 25%. This is due to the fact that the construction of houses here takes place by driving piles into a layer with permafrost. If the average annual temperature rises by at least a couple of degrees, then the bearing capacity of such a foundation is halved. Underground oil storage facilities and other industrial facilities are also at risk. Roads and airports could also be affected.

When there is another danger associated with an increase in volume northern rivers. A few years ago, it was assumed that their volume would increase by 90% by the spring of 2015, which would cause heavy floods. Floods are the cause of the destruction of coastal areas, and there is also a risk when driving on highways. In the north, where the White Sea is, the problems are the same as in Siberia.

Deep transformations

The methane gas released from the soil during the melting of deep glaciers is also dangerous for the environment. Methane leads to an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the atmosphere. In addition, gas adversely affects the health of people and local residents.

In the Arctic, over the past 35 years, the volume of ice has decreased from 7.2 million to 4.3 million square kilometers. This means a reduction in the area of ​​permafrost by almost 40%. The ice thickness has almost halved. However, there is also positive sides. On the south pole melting ice causes earthquakes due to the spasmodic nature of melting. In the North, this process occurs gradually, and general situation more predictable. To ensure the safety of residents of the northern territories, the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations decided to equip two expeditions with new land, and the ocean coast.

New dangerous project

Construction also has a significant impact on the environment. hydraulic structures such as power plants. Their construction refers to a large-scale impact on nature.

On the territory of the White Sea there is the Mezen TPP - a tidal power plant - affecting both the water and the geographic and ecological environment of the land part. The construction of a TPP leads, first of all, to a change in the natural circulation of waters. During the construction of the dam, part of the reservoir turns into a kind of lake with a different oscillation and current.

What are ecologists afraid of?

Of course, in the process of designing the complex, engineers are already able to predict the impact on the local biosystem, the White Sea. The problems of the sea, however, are more often manifested only during industrial operation, and engineering surveys are working on the ecology of the coastal area.

When the TPP starts operating, the wave energy will decrease, as well as the impact on the drift of ice fields, and the flow regime will change. All this will lead to a change in the sediment structure to seabed and coastal zone. It should be noted that the geography of the deposit plays important role in the biocenosis of the system. During the construction of the power plant, the mass of coastal sediments will be transferred to the depths in the form of suspension, and the entire White Sea will suffer from this. Environmental problems will worsen as the shores northern seas are not environmentally friendly, therefore, when they get to the depth, the coastal soil becomes the cause of secondary pollution.

Problem is like a spoon of salt in the sea

The study of the ecosystem of the Arctic today is the key to a prosperous state of nature in a few decades. Part of the coast along the Arctic Ocean was subject to greater study, such territory includes, for example, the White Sea. The problems of the Laptev Sea have not yet been studied. That is why just recently one small expedition was equipped here.

sponsored scientists oil company Rosneft. Employees of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute went on the expedition. Forty scientists made up the crew of the Dalnie Zelentsy ship. The purpose of the mission was announced by its leader Dmitry Ishkulo. According to Ishkulo, the priority was to study the links of ecosystems, to obtain information about the ecological and biological state of the sea.

It is known that both small fish and birds, as well as large animals, such as polar bear, whale. It is assumed that it is in the basin of this northern reservoir that legendary land Sannikov.

According to the organizers of the campaign, similar works with such a serious volume have never been carried out in the Arctic before.

The waters of the Black Sea are unique. Its exclusivity lies in the fact that 87% of the volume is occupied by waters saturated with hydrogen sulfide. This zone begins at a depth of about 100 meters, and the boundary gradually rises over the years.

Hydrogen sulfide area is deadly for living organisms. About 2,000 species of animals, 100 species of underwater plants and 270 species of benthic multicellular algae live in the Black Sea. The researchers of the Black Sea have revealed the crisis state of the ecological situation: chemical composition water shows significant pollution, biodiversity is declining. undergoes a significant load, which leads to the loss of the possibility of self-cleaning.

Pollution of the Black Sea with sewage, toxic substances and oil products

The ecology of the Black Sea leaves much to be desired, big problems associated with waste disposal.

AT more waste in the sea comes with the waters of the Dnieper, Danube and Prut. From utilities major cities and resorts, industrial enterprises are flowing Wastewater. Increased leads to the extinction of many species of fauna, catches are reduced.

oil pollution mostly due to catastrophes sea ​​vessels, as well as emergency emissions from industrial enterprises. Oil slick pollution is most often observed along the Caucasian coast and near the Crimean peninsula. In open waters, the level of pollution is relatively low, but in coastal waters it is extremely allowable norms pollution is often exceeded. Accidental spills are relatively small, but the construction of new oil storage facilities greatly increases the threat.

But along the coast there are zones with an excess of toxic ions of copper, cadmium, chromium, and lead. Pollution with heavy metals is carried out by wastewater from industrial enterprises, vehicle exhaust gases

Contamination with heavy metals is currently not too significant, as well as with pesticides, largely due to a decline in agriculture.

Eutrophication of water

The processes of eutrophication (blooming), i.e. the formation of zones of oxygen deficiency, are characteristic of the Black Sea. With the waters of the rivers, not only heavy metals and pesticides, but also nitrogen and phosphorus from the fields. Phytoplankton, receiving excess from fertilizers nutrients, rapidly multiplies, the water "blooms". Then the bottom microorganisms die off. In the process of decay, they use an increased amount of oxygen, which leads to hypoxia of bottom animals: crabs, squids, mussels, oysters, sturgeon fry. Kill zones reach 40 thousand square meters. km. All coastal waters of the northwestern area have been re-fertilized.

Accumulation of municipal solid waste

Bottom coastal zones and the coast are polluted huge amount household waste. It comes from ships, garbage dumps organized along rivers and washed away by floods, from the shores of resorts. In salt water, such garbage decomposes for decades, and plastic takes centuries. Decomposition (MSW) leads to the release of toxic substances into the water.

So it is possible to briefly characterize the environmental problems of the Black Sea associated with human life.

Biological pollution of the Black Sea ecosystem by alien species

As a result of the extermination of bottom biocenoses, the entire burden of water purification and filtration fell on the rock mussel. But in 2005, it was almost completely destroyed by the rapana, a predatory mollusk that got here with the ballast water of ships. Due to the absence of natural enemies, the rapana significantly reduced the number of oysters, scallops, mussels, sea shank.

Another invader is the comb jelly Mnemiopsis, which feeds on young mussels and plankton. As a result, the sea does not have time to absorb organic pollution, water filtration by mollusks decreases, eutrophication occurs. In addition, the comb jelly multiplied rapidly and disrupted the food base of the inhabitants of the Black Sea, which caused a decrease in the number of fish. The environmental problems of the Black Sea are of concern to scientists around the world.

Reduction of biological diversity. The decline of flora and fauna

A number of factors lead to a reduction in the number of biological species in the Black Sea. Along with biological pollution by alien species, this is pollution as a result of human activities, uncontrolled fishing, and the destruction of bottom biocenosis.

Bottom communities are destroyed due to a combination of reasons, the main of which are pollution of coastal waters and trawling. Especially great damage is caused by bottom trawling by industrial vessels, which does not allow the ecosystem to self-purify, as it destroys biocenoses that filter and purify water.

Also a constant rise upper bound hydrogen sulfide saturation zones change the structure of the biological community: the bottom field of phyllophora algae disappears, predatory fish have practically died out, the number of dolphins has significantly decreased, many are born with serious defects. The number of aurelia jellyfish, companions of pollution, is increasing. In 1965, 23 species of commercial fish were harvested in the Black Sea, at the moment there are five species left.

Decrease in the area of ​​forests and specially protected areas in coastal areas

The Black Sea coast is rich in unique broad-leaved forests and pistachio-juniper woodlands, more than half of which are relic species. Preserved separate territories forb-grass steppes - the richest ecocommunities in terms of species diversity. The tragedy is that natural resources located in an area subject to active economic development.
Unfortunately, their environmental value is often overlooked. On the territory of the reserves during the construction of oil pipelines, hectares of juniper forests are destroyed along with the animals living there.

Ways to solve environmental problems at the state level

The problems of the Black Sea are solved in Russia on state level. This requires a number of measures aimed at improving the environmental situation, as well as significant financial costs. Closely related to ecology economic problems.

  • It is necessary to develop fundamentally new concept nature management, creation of a structure responsible for the Black Sea environmental situation.
  • Strict control over the use of trawling and the transition to other methods of fishing. Underwater construction of "speed bumps" - massive artificial reefs made of special concrete and without reinforcement inside.
  • Tightening control over harmful emissions, commissioning of deep water sewage collectors.
  • Creation of conditions for the life of algae, shrimps, shellfish, which are powerful in themselves treatment facilities. Construction of underwater habitats.
  • Purchase of equipment for clearing coastal strip from pollution.
  • Restoration of protective forest belts along the perimeter of agricultural land and reconstruction of irrigation systems to reduce the release of fertilizers from the fields.
  • Creation modern system removal and disposal of solid waste.
  • The invention of methods for calculating the material damage caused to the region as a result of the misuse of relict forests and the coast for the construction of oil storage facilities and oil pipelines.

What should people do to improve the environment?

  1. Take away from the coast, not only their waste, but also part of someone else's garbage.
  2. cut down water flow to unload cleaning systems.
  3. plant green the territory of your locality.
  4. Maximum limit use of non-degradable packaging.
  5. Follow terms and conditions of disposal toxic substances and household waste.
  6. Demand from the administration settlements careful control over the environment.

The Black Sea is a closed water area, so the issues of pollution in it become especially acute. Active participation residents of coastal cities, indifference to environmental problems can save the Black Sea and prevent a natural disaster.

What is the significance of the White Sea you will learn from this article.

Geographical position of the White Sea

Its territory is the northern outskirts Western Russia. It belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin. Its difference from the Arctic seas is that this body of water is located in the southern part arctic circle, practically without going beyond its limits (only its small northern part went beyond the circle). The White Sea is cut far into the mainland, so almost all of its sides have natural boundaries. The only exception is the border with the Barents Sea: between them passes conditional line from Cape Kanin Nos to Cape Svyatoy Nos.

The White Sea belongs to the group of inland seas and is the smallest sea in Russia. The area is 90 thousand km 2. Max Depth- 350 m.

What is the significance of the White Sea?

The White Sea is of great industrial importance. It is dominated by: the extraction of algae, fishing for sea animals and fishing. White Sea herring, saffron cod, cod, smelt and salmon are harvested in these waters. People actively hunt ringed seals, seals and white whales.

This reservoir also has transport value- It transports passengers and goods. As a rule, timber and wood, chemical cargoes, fish products.

Climate of the White Sea

White Sea characteristic features continental and maritime climates, which is due geographic location and belonging to the Arctic Ocean basin. Winter is cold and long. During this period, cyclones are observed over the sea and southwestern winds dominate. The average winter temperature is 14 - 15°C. There are heavy snowfalls. Depending on the influence of the Atlantic winds and cyclones, the temperature can drop to -26 °C.

AT summer period Cool weather is observed in the White Sea due to the influence of the anticyclone. A zone of cyclones formed in the south and southeast. The average temperature is + 8 - 10°C. It often rains heavily. Sometimes the temperature rises to + 30°C.

Flora and fauna of the White Sea

The organic world of the White Sea is derived from the Barents Sea, but poorer. In total, there are 57 species of ichthyofauna. This pond gives an average of 1.2 kg of fish. Such poor variety due to the harsh winter, low salinity of the water, the youth of the White Sea fauna. Peculiarities organic world of the White Sea in that boreal fauna and flora live in the upper layer, and in the lower layer, deep layer arctic forms live. The pseudo-abyssal marine zone is inhabited by cold-water relics.

The most common fish and mammals in the White Sea are: saithe, herring, navaga, smelt, salmon, cod, saithe, seal, harp seal and white whale. Pink salmon, brown trout, salmon, grayling and trout spawn in the areas of the Mezen Bay and the Kanin Peninsula.

Of the vegetation in the White Sea, about 194 species of algae sprout, of which the most common are kelp, zoster and ahnfeltia.

Environmental problems of the White Sea

Among environmental problems, the sea is of great importance. a large number of coal slag in water. Hundreds of tons of petroleum products, used engine oil, solid waste and sewage enter the water. Rivers also contribute to the pollution of the White Sea. Utilities and industrial enterprises, bases and oil storage facilities, economic divisions navy, which are located along the flow of inflowing rivers and along the coast of the sea, discharge substances into the water with a decay period of hundreds of years, or even do not decay at all. Radioactive substances are especially dangerous.

We hope that from this article you have learned what is the significance of the White Sea.