Mysticism and stones. Secrets of the Crystal Skulls

 5.12.2011 23:13

In 1943 in Brazil after an attempted robbery local museum agents of the German society "Ahnenerbe" were detained. During interrogation, they testified that they had been taken to South America secret ship of the Abwehr - the yacht "Passim" - with special task find and "seize" the crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death". Several other groups were abandoned for the same purpose. And although many were also arrested, it is possible that someone was successful. According to ancient legends, there were thirteen crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death" and they were kept separately from each other under the watchful eye of priests and special warriors.

These traditions have long been passed down by word of mouth in Central America. According to Maya and Aztec beliefs, our world was destroyed four times, and we live under the fifth sun. Under the first lived giants, they were destroyed by water. The kite destroyed the people who lived under the second sun. He turned people into monkeys, and only two were saved - a man and a woman. The inhabitants of the third world ate only fruits. He was destroyed by heavenly fire. Under the fourth sun people died of starvation. The end of the fifth world will come from the shaking of the earth and all life will cease.

The Mayan calendar counts down from August 13, 3114 BC. and ends on December 21, 2012. It is associated with Venus. The accompanying manuscripts, called codices, contain numerous predictions. It also says that 13 crystal skulls have existed since the time when 12 planets were inhabited. Their inhabitants gave the skulls to the Atlanteans. And the Maya got them already from them.

For a long time scientists did not attach importance to these words until the Mitchell-Hedges find made them think. The story of the 13 Skulls began in 1927, when Mitchell undertook an expedition to Central America, hoping to find the remnants of the vanished civilization of Atlantis. And, without knowing it, he discovered them on the ruins of the "City of Fallen Stones", in which the Maya once lived.

On the day of her seventeenth birthday, Anna, Mitchell's adopted daughter, discovered under the rubble of an ancient altar a life-size human skull made of transparent quartz and polished. Strange things began to happen to those who touched this skull. For the first time this happened to Anna herself. One evening she placed an amazing find next to her bed. And all night she had strange dreams about the life of the Indians millennia ago.

At first she did not connect these dreams with the skull. But strange dreams continued to visit her whenever the crystal skull was next to her headboard. These were all new details of the life of the ancient Indians, including those previously unknown to anyone. Something similar to what Anna Mitchell-Hedges saw in her dreams was also experienced by the researchers of another, the so-called "British Crystal Skull". Psychics and highly sensitive people unanimously say that skulls bring them special, almost hypnotic states, accompanied by unusual smells, sounds and vivid visual hallucinations. Sometimes they were visited by "strange visions from the distant past, and possibly from the future."

Crystal skulls are credited with mystical power. If you peer into the eye sockets for a long time, you can see in them: "other skulls, bony fingers, stones, distorted faces and mountains." Moreover, the researcher Dordland admitted that while working with the skull, he often heard mysterious sounds: “the ringing of silver bells, quiet but distinct ... voices of people singing strange songs in chorus on incomprehensible language... whispers and various taps.

The crystal skulls do have an effect on those who approach them. Some experience discomfort and incomprehensible fears. Some even faint and lose their memory for a while. Others, on the contrary, strangely calm down and even experience bliss. There are people who, after "communication" with the Mitchell-Hedges skull, were cured of serious illnesses.

And a certain Jose Indiquez spoke about the completely mystical properties of the crystal skull, in his conversation with famous researcher Joshua Shapiro. In 1990 in Las Vegas, this respectable and very wealthy gentleman said that even in his youth in the ruins ancient city Maya found a crystal skull with carvings on it incomprehensible characters.
He kept the find all his life, like a magic talisman. The fact is that Indikez accidentally discovered the amazing property of the skull: if you squeeze it tightly in your hands and at the same time clearly formulate your desire, it will certainly come true. That is how Indikez achieved everything he wanted in life. Three years after this conversation, Indikez died, and the miraculous skull mysteriously disappeared.

In the early 60s, art historian Frank Dordland took up the study of the Mitchell Hedges skull. He discovered in it a whole system of lenses, prisms and channels that create unusual optical effects. It is striking that on perfectly polished crystal, even under a microscope, no traces of processing were visible. He decided to seek advice from the famous Hewlett-Packard firm, which was considered the most authoritative in the examination of quartz.

The results of the examination shocked everyone. A study conducted in 1964 in a special laboratory of Hewlett-Packard showed that the skull was made long before the appearance of the first civilizations in this part of America.

In addition, rock crystal is so High Quality does not occur in these areas at all. The "antediluvian" skull was made from a single crystal, contrary to all known laws of physics.
But here mystery stories associated with skulls is just beginning. In the winter of 1994, a rancher near Creston (Colorado, USA), riding a horse around her property, found a human skull from clear glass or crystal. But he was crumpled and twisted as if before hardening, he was very plastic. Where he came from and why he was so mutilated remains a mystery to this day. Interestingly, it is in this area that UFOs that mutilate cows are most often observed.

Intrigued by the finds, historians and ethnographers have found ancient Indian legends about thirteen crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death". They were kept separately from each other under the watchful eye of priests and special warriors. Thirteen clergymen in different places had to peer into "their" skull at the same time and thus could communicate and receive information about everything - past, present, future, that is, they were kind of computers connected to the entire Universe.

And legends also said that the initiates could see in the skulls the day of the return of the gods, including Kukulkan himself - a white-skinned bearded "god from the planet Venus", who once, "in times of complete darkness", descended from heaven and gave the Indians knowledge : writing, mathematics, astronomy, taught to build cities, use the calendar, grow rich crops.

Similar skulls were found not only in America (in Mexico, Brazil, USA), but also in Europe (in France), and in Asia (in Mongolia, Tibet). There were more than thirteen of them. But not all were as perfect as the Mitchell-Hedges. It seems that these were later and not very skillful attempts to create something similar to the ideal skulls, which, as the Indians believed, the gods once gave people.

It turned out that the ancient crystal skulls are of interest not only to historians, but also to some secret societies. So, literally from under the noses of archaeologists in Honduras, the so-called “Rose Quartz” disappeared without a trace. The investigation found that prior to his disappearance, the priests of a secret cult tried to steal him several times.

Crystal skulls interested and serious state structures. In 1943, in Brazil, after an attempted robbery of a local museum, agents of the German society "Ahnenerbe" were detained. During interrogation, they testified that they were brought to South America with a special task to find and seize the crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death". But why should the most secret institutions Nazi Germany need crystal skulls?

The secret goal of the Third Reich was not only to conquer the land, but also to seize power in invisible world. This was done by the main research institute of the SS of the order "Ahnenerbe" ("Heritage of the Ancestors"). " Privy Cardinal"of this mystical order was a descendant of an ancient magical family, the bearer of the "knowledge of the devil" SS Gruppenführer Karl Maria Wiligute. It was on his initiative that the Ahnenerbe emissaries scoured the world in search of magical props.

They were especially interested in the methods of the priests of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped that this knowledge of the “progenitor of the Aryan race” would allow them not only to create a superman, but also to subjugate the rest, subhumans, with the help of magic.

Today, some researchers suggest that the found crystal skulls were born in Atlantis and only miraculously survived during the disaster. One of the most authoritative researchers of crystal skulls, Frank Joseph, became interested: who could have owned the Mitchell Hedges skull? Two independent groups worked on this task: the New York Police Laboratory and psychics. Both those and others stated that the crystal skull belonged to a young girl, whose portraits turned out to be very similar.

However, not all skulls are human. There are also those (for example, "Mayan Skull" and "Alien Skull") that have the features of animals and aliens. Maybe they belonged to other intelligent beings who once visited the Earth? Collected together, they could tell about our past and help avoid disaster. There is still time until 2012, and perhaps the crystal skulls left to us as a gift by more advanced civilizations will tell us how to do it.

Mysticism and the unknown are always very exciting and attract us. Reading another story about some mysterious little thing, we, imperceptibly for ourselves, in the depths of our souls hope that we will be able to somehow unravel the secret, or at least put forward our own hypothesis. Moreover, the more mysterious the subject of discussion, the more versions we have that we like to go over in our heads, thinking about how it could actually be.

Crystal skulls are just one of such "objects of close attention" of millions of people around the world. The objects are so unusual that many popular publications dubbed them "the main find of the 20th century"! The mysterious skulls have truly surprised and intrigued the world! Perfectly polished, crystal clear, shining in the dark. The true origin of the skulls is still shrouded in mystery. There is something in them that causes shock, awe and admiration.

How were the crystal skulls found?
Reports of crystal turtles began to appear in the world press around the middle of the 19th century. Pre-Columbian values ​​immediately aroused great interest among the widest audience. The first crystal skull was discovered in 1927. Found this one mysterious artifact the famous English archaeologist and traveler F. Albert Mitchell-Hedges, when he traveled to Central American cities. More precisely, not even him, but his wonderful assistant. But first things first.

Mayan Crystal Treasures

In order to truly understand how amazing these strange crystal or, as they say, crystalline skulls with inexplicable power are, you need to immerse yourself in history a little and briefly travel to the habitats of the ancient Mayan civilization. It was no coincidence that the famous scientist traveled to these stunning lands, where the notorious Maya Indians lived many centuries ago. Three years before the discovery, the clearing of the ancient Mayan city began, which hid among the tropical jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula. Here in the emerald paradise, in the midst of abundant wet vegetation, were hiding unique ancient structures created by the hands of the Maya. To speed up the search process, they decided to simply burn the tropical jungle. In the ashes of the forest, fantastic structures were discovered - stone pyramids, the preserved walls of ancient cities. The Mayans even had their own amphitheater! Mitchell-Hedges began to call the found settlement "the city of fallen stones." That is how it is called to this day. Together with the scientist on the expedition was his 17-year-old daughter Anna, who once discovered a transparent crystal skull, walking in the middle of the ruins of one of the ancient Mayan altars.

It was a one-to-one scale human skull, made of crystal clear quartz, surprisingly perfectly polished. There was one significant drawback of the find - the skull was missing the lower jaw. But at the same time, the value of the skull did not decrease. And the missing jaw was found nearby, safe and sound, 3 months later. The crystal jaw was suspended on special hinges made of the same crystal, and moved as soon as it was touched, which looked very plausible.

Strangeness at every turn

I must say that from the very first hours of acquaintance with this find, the members of the expedition realized that they were faced with something incredible and mystical, with fantastic unusual object. Everyone who touched real crystal skulls and looked at them felt that something inexplicable had entered their lives. The first oddities began to happen to Anna. The very first evening, when she was about to go to bed, she placed the crystal skull next to her bed and immediately fell asleep. What was her surprise when, waking up in the morning, she realized that she had been dreaming all night about the ancient Mayans! The dreams were so vivid and believable that Anna even doubted - were they dreams? Before her appeared clear and incredibly naturalistic pictures of the life and life of the Indians, which she could not see anywhere before. Her father, professor and archaeologist Albert Mitchell-Hedges, was shocked at how authentic his daughter's "dreams" were - after all, he was well acquainted historical facts of that era. A 17-year-old girl simply could not come up with such a thing and did not have such knowledge before. Interestingly, it was only the next day that it dawned on the members of the expedition - this crystal skull so influenced the consciousness of the sleeping girl! They decided to continue the amazing experiment, and the girl fell asleep every evening, looking at the miracle find, stroking the perfectly polished surface. And every morning she woke up and told more and more details about the life of the ancient Maya Indians. All stories shocked Mitchell-Hedges with their accuracy and correspondence to historical events. Moreover, when the girl was sleeping not next to the skull, but at a great distance from it, the visionary dreams immediately stopped. But as soon as the incredible find was next to Anna, the dreams continued. According to her, dreams were full-fledged color films with absolutely realistic events and a sound component. The mystical crystal repeater transmitted "movies" about Everyday life Mayan Indians, demonstrating the ancient rituals of sacrifice and the life of the ancient dwellings of the "city of fallen stones".

It's been more three decades before the crystal skull fell into the hands of an international team of researchers. All this time, the find was kept in the Mitchell-Hedges family, and only after the death of her father, Anna was able to transfer the skull into the hands of other scientists. Neither she nor her father could find a reliable answer to the question of the origin of the Mayan crystal treasures. The fact is that their polishing was so skillful and perfect that it is incredibly difficult to perform it even in modern conditions using high precision grinding equipment. How could the Maya Indians, who lived a millennium earlier, do this?

The experienced scientist Dordland found that the crystal skull was embedded whole system lenses with built-in prisms and channels, which, apparently, created those fantastic effects that the archaeologist's daughter Anna Mitchell-Hedges experienced. The prism, located at the base of the back of the skull, reflects any light that enters the mysterious structure through the eye sockets. The fact that scientists could not find any traces of processing of the skull was absolutely amazing! The studies were carried out using microscopes and other high-precision optics - no traces of grinding were found. There was a complete impression that the object was cast from liquid quartz. But how? Considering completely unique system prisms and lenses? The creation technology used is clearly unearthly in origin.

Fantastic Research Results
Professor Dordland was consulted by the then well-known company Hewlett-Packard, which produced quartz oscillators in 1964 and acted as a leading expert in the properties of quartz minerals.
The results of the examination shocked first scientists, and then the whole society. First it was found that the age of the skulls is much greater than the age human civilizations who lived on earth. Another interesting fact is that there are no rock crystal deposits on North American continent. Moreover, the mineralogists immediately declared that rock crystal of such the highest quality simply does not exist on our planet! The discovery of the researchers was truly shocking: the skull was created from a single piece of crystal. How is that possible given the complex lens system inside it? Such structures cannot be created under the laws of terrestrial physics.
The crystal skull is made from a single piece of rock crystal, including the lower jaw. With a sufficiently high hardness of quartz, it is impossible to cut it with anything other than diamond. At the same time, absolutely no traces of cutting were found, as noted above, not a single microscopic scratch! Taking into account physical properties quartz, cut a product such complex shape is not possible - the crystal will simply crack. However, the crystal skull exists. And it was executed contrary to all the laws of physics. To this day, scientists have not succeeded in unraveling the technology for creating the skull.

Confirmation of the incredible hypothesis
In the winter of 1994, farmers in the US state of Colorado discovered a second crystal skull, which was immediately identified and handed over to researchers. What the scientists saw confirmed their wildest hypotheses: the crystal skull was in a crumpled and twisted state! As if he was molded from plasticine and crushed. But the technology for creating these items and the authors who made them are still not established. An interesting fact is that it is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis ranch where the deformed skull was found that UFOs are regularly observed. In addition, the loss of livestock for unknown reasons very often occurred on this farm.

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Many historians and ethnographers have struggled with this riddle for a single year. Perplexed by such an incredible find and inspired by a great desire to unravel it, the researchers began an active search for the rest of the Mayan crystal skulls. And soon enough they were found not only in the states, but also in other countries - Brazil, Mexico, France, Mongolia, Tibet. It was possible to find about three dozen skulls, but none of them could compare with the perfect creation that was found by Anna Mitchell-Hedges. These were crude copies that people apparently tried to create in order to get the magical power of genuine skulls. Scientists have established that these are prototypes of a female skull. Some of the found skulls had clearly inhuman anatomical proportions and shapes and rather resembled the heads of aliens.

The Hunt for the Crystal Skulls
The more the world learned about the mystical turtles, the more intriguing details surfaced. The magical power of skulls attracted the attention of not only scientists, but also various representatives occult communities. A real hunt for crystal skulls began, one by one they began to disappear without a trace. One of the first to be stolen was the "Rose Quartz" skull, which was perfect in shape and very valuable in the world's collection of crystal skulls. It was almost as good as the first Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull found. According to the keepers, representatives of secret societies repeatedly tried to kidnap Rose Quartz, and in the end they achieved this.

Representatives of the special services of various states also took part in the hunt for Mayan crystal treasures. In 1943, agents of the infamous Ahnenerbe fascist society were detained in Brazil while trying to kidnap. As it turned out, in the occult Hitlerite society, entire secret operations were developed and implemented to search for unique historical items. To seize absolute power in the real and metaphysical world was the Fuhrer's main goal, to which he aspired regardless of human sacrifice or material costs. The Nazis were in a hurry, by all means, to take possession of everything that was of value. On the "Ahnenerbe" worked 50 secret research institutes. The Third Reich paid great attention to the secrets of the sunken Atlantis. The Fuhrer's bloodhounds managed to establish a connection between the crystal skulls and the inhabitants of Atlantis, who, according to numerous legends described by the ancient Greeks and Romans, possessed unique magical knowledge and could perform incredible actions - soften stone, desalinate water, etc. Hitler repeatedly said that the Aryans are the descendants of the Atlanteans, and therefore are the "direct heirs" of everything that belongs to them. The calculation of the Nazis was that the possession of sacred knowledge would provide the Reich with complete control over the world. In search of magical secrets, agents of the Third Reich scoured the world - in Europe and Asia, America and Africa, and also explored the mysterious expanses of Antarctica.

Legends, mysteries and incredible events
Most of all, the Nazis, like all scientists involved in crystal skulls, were interested in the question of what exactly they were intended for. Many versions were worked out - for healing, for clairvoyance, etc. The main information about the properties of skulls came from the owners of mystical objects, who shared what happened in their lives. One of them is Joan Parker, who at one time was given one of the crystal skulls by a Tibetan monk. Parker described in detail that he used this item for medicinal purposes quite successfully. After touching the skull, people got rid of incurable diseases, discovered new abilities in themselves and noticeably rejuvenated. But a curious fact turned out: not all people were “allowed” by the crystal skull. Many who longed for contact with him could not get close to the mystical object, experiencing terrible headaches and other extremely discomfort. Some of the subjects lost consciousness for a while, and then could not remember the events of the current day. Others, on the contrary, having approached the skull, experienced inexplicable and indescribable bliss, being instantly healed of the most serious diseases.

Joke von Ditan is the famous owner of one of the skulls, which was shaped like an alien's head. According to her testimony, she made every effort to take possession of the skull, as she was literally dying from a brain tumor. At the first contact with the Mayan crystal treasure, the doctors recorded a reduction in the cancerous tumor in the woman, which disappeared without a trace in just a few days. Since then, Joque von Ditan has not parted with the mystical skull for a day.

Dreams similar to the "movies" of Anna Mitchell-Hedges were seen by the owners of another famous skull - the "British Crystal Skull". Everyone in contact with this subject fell into a trance state and saw vivid and very detailed stories about the life of the North American Indians. Moreover, what is most surprising is that the subjects even felt smells and sounds, which, of course, is truly amazing. It is interesting that fantastic sensations and visions were experienced not only by people who are very emotional by nature, but also by quiet and withdrawn people who had never seen dreams before, did not feel strong emotions. The magical power of the crystal skull seemed to open invisible doors in them, through which violent energy flows began to flow into their aura. The skulls surprised with their appearance - during the sessions they glowed strangely, moreover, each time in a different way. Sometimes, out of nowhere, a mysterious white fog formed in them, which slowly spread around, bewitching the observers. Through this fog, people saw mysterious emerald forests, crystal waterfalls and rivers, as well as many other all kinds of stories that overwhelm a person with gigantic amounts of energy. People who experienced such an experience, as a rule, radically changed their lives - they became researchers, ethnographers, and devoted all their time to searching for new information about mystical turtles made of pure transparent solid quartz. In one Mayan manuscript, a description was found of an ancient ritual in which 13 dedicated guardian priests, being in the very different parts Earth, simultaneously looked into their crystal skulls and thus saw and formed the future. Also, the priests with the help of such a ritual contacted the gods. For example, with the main Indian god Kukulkan, this is the white-skinned bearded god of the planet Venus, who at one time descended from the sky and gave the Maya Indians secret knowledge, including writing, mathematical formulas, astronomical knowledge, etc.

In the ancient manuscripts of the Maya, it was possible to find a record that says that the Indians revered a certain goddess of Death, who has direct relation to 13 crystal skulls. The manuscripts noted that all the skulls were at a great distance from each other and were guarded by priests.

As Mayan legends say, all 13 crystal skulls, brought together in one place on a certain day, are able to start a new era of light and prevent the Apocalypse. The remaining Maya Indians living in Central America to this day transmit this ancient legend to my children. The Mayans and Aztecs believed that our world was destroyed 4 times, and our current generation is already living under the 5th sun. Under the 1st sun lived giant people who were destroyed by water. The people who lived under the 2nd sun were killed by a kite, turning all the inhabitants of the Earth into monkeys, leaving only one man and one woman. The people of the 3rd world ate only fruits and died from heavenly fire. The people of the 4th sun starved to death. The people of the 5th world will perish from strong earthquake and life on Earth will cease. In the same Mayan legends, it is reported that 13 crystal skulls appeared back in those days when twelve planets were inhabited, the inhabitants of which transferred the crystal skulls to the Earth to the Atlanteans. In turn, the Atlanteans handed over the skulls to the Maya Indians.

All crystal skulls have been examined by scientists inside and out. The researchers, of course, were eager to find out the reason for the magical power of the crystal miracle. So, it was possible to find powerful lenses inside the eye sockets, which were the strongest reflectors. When the skulls were illuminated from below, powerful rays were emitted from the eye sockets. Dordland, one of the owners of the crystal skull, said that he peered into the eye sockets of the skull for a long time and observed fantastic pictures there, which, as it turned out, during their analysis, accurately reflected past events. The researcher also saw absolutely incredible pictures, which, according to the descriptions, were rather parallel worlds or pictures of the future. Some contactees also heard sounds, and the sounds were so unusual for our earthly consciousness that many even lost speech for some time from admiration or shock. Dordland in his notes noted more than once that he woke up at night from the cries of the Indians, the sounds of the forest, the growls of huge predators, and much more.

Another well-known researcher, an American named Shapiro, said that once a wealthy gentleman told him a curious story of how he found a crystal skull among the ruins of one of the most ancient cities of the Mayan Indians. According to a wealthy stranger, with certain rituals, the skull helped him achieve his goals, which allowed him to create a powerful business empire. The rich man admitted that for the first time he shared such sacred information with anyone, but only because the researcher has been searching for information about crystal skulls for many years, and he himself told him a lot of priceless information. The interlocutors exchanged business cards. A little later, Shapiro decided to contact the lucky owner of the crystal skull to inform him important information and avoid mistakes. But suddenly it turned out that this man had died, and the crystal skull had disappeared without a trace.

Alien trail
Most scientists immediately began to develop a version that the crystal skulls were used as powerful transmitters or receivers of energy, which were created and used by alien intelligence. Too incredible and truly unearthly were the characteristics and arrangement of the crystal skulls. As we have already said, it is not yet possible for a person to create such a thing. Through a system of prisms, overcoming any temporal and spatial barriers, images and thought forms were transmitted to an unknown space, from where visual and other information came to our world. According to the assumption of many researchers, with the help of such powerful receivers, communication was carried out between the earthly and parallel worlds. Some researchers argue that this can be done today. In any case, experiments with mystical skulls do not stop to this day.

An interesting story is connected with one of the crystal skulls, which bears the name "Max". Its owner at one time was the psychic Star Johnson, who said that he managed to make contact with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. However, it is almost impossible to verify this information - for this you need to get in touch with aliens yourself with the help of a crystal miracle. The psychic said that upon contact with the skull, he had the gift of understanding all languages ​​​​and mastering them, and thus, he was able to communicate and contact with representatives parallel worlds. On his tape recorder, the medium recorded some fragments of such conversations. At the same time, out of contact with the skull, he lost his understanding of alien languages. According to him, most often it was possible to communicate with representatives of Atlantis.

Medium Star Johnson, who is said to be in contact with higher civilizations Universe, outlined the version of the purpose of the crystal skulls heard from them. It turns out that in crystal turtles, in this most complex system of prisms and lenses, full information about ancient civilizations our galaxy. The most important and most powerful of them is the Max Crystal Skull, which stores the entire world history of mankind, as well as information about the history of other planets. solar system.

It encodes holographic data about the vast chronicles of Atlantis, which can only be read by mediums and mental translators. In the future, humanity must learn to decipher the encoded information using crystalline receivers. It is recorded on it in the same way as records on a computer.

Also in the crystal skull "Max" is stored all the information about the Pleiadians and Arcturians, who brought them to Earth in those days when earthly world knew complete perfection and was a manifestation of the Etheric Spirit. The Atlanteans also worked with genuine crystalline skulls. But in our time, there are many fakes that are passed off as originals for the purpose of sale.
According to the medium, the original crystal skulls were created extraterrestrial civilization and represent the prototype of the perfect human consciousness.

Skull "Max" contains a model of 12 layers of DNA of a fully conscious and developed person. The knowledge that is stored in genuine Crystal Skulls is the knowledge of the Universal Mind. There are even more powerful keepers of information, which contain holographic data about civilizations outside our galaxy, but the Universal Mind closes this information for the harmonious development and safety of mankind.

Of course, one can be skeptical about the legends and stories about crystal skulls, their properties and purposes. But let us recall that even the illustrious and venerable Edgar Cayce reported on crystal turtles long before they were discovered by mankind.

What do the crystal skulls remember?
Researchers throughout the study of crystal skulls, of course, worked out more mundane versions of their mystical properties. Many mineralogists and crystallographers are still working on a hypothesis that explains all the wonders of the properties of crystals to remember and store information.
Rigid structure, unique spatial crystal lattice can provide all magical properties crystal skulls. Crystal cell like quartz gramophone record“records” information and, under certain circumstances, broadcasts it to the contactee.
In addition, the particles of crystals have the properties to pass into another energy state which has not yet been fully explored by scientists. This is the so-called "energetic memory", which can "fall asleep" and "wake up" when it comes into contact with other types of energies. Particles of crystals at this moment emit light quanta and broadcast what happened to them. In fact, crystals are capable of storing limitless amounts of information.
Crystals have memory in the so-called fine biofield range, they remember and transmit information. The same property of crystals can provide the mysterious glow of crystal skulls, noticed by all researchers and contactees. Psi-fluorescence is a glowing process that can be fully explained using the laws of physics.
Be that as it may, the presence of many versions and the long-term work of scientists does not answer the question: “How did you manage to create such a super-complex device?”
Embedded in the crystal skull complex system lenses with built-in prisms and channels, which, we remind you, are made of a single piece of quartz contrary to all the laws of physics! The polishing is so skillful and perfect that it is incredibly difficult to perform it even in modern conditions using high-precision grinding equipment, not to mention the Maya Indians. Under the microscope, not a single scratch is visible, which should have been left during cutting. The found crumpled crystal skull confirms the hypothesis that these items were made in the "soft" state of the crystal. Such technologies are unknown to mankind and inexplicable from the point of view of terrestrial physics.

Crystal skulls today

Today, 13 crystal skulls are known to the world.
Nine of them are in private collections.
Four crystal skulls on display at Washington DC National Museum natural history of the Smithsonian Institution, as well as the Museum of Primitive Art in Paris and the British Museum in London.
Three of them were found in the jungles of Guatemala by Eugene Boban, an antiquary and archaeological adviser to the Mexican emperor Maximilian. After numerous studies, it was found that they were made in the 19th and 20th centuries - these are rather crude fakes of the original. The last 13th skull was found in German Bavaria. It is historically attested that this copy once belonged to Nazi General Heinrich Himmler. The crystal skull was found in a dusty attic in Himmler's Bavarian home. The artifact was hidden in a leather backpack in old wooden windows.

The world does not forget about the crystal turtles - they still excite the minds and excite millions of people. The topic of crystal skulls with supernatural properties is regularly raised in popular culture- in the television series Star Gates"There is a series" Crystal Skull ". Steven Spielberg recently directed Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The story of the crystal skull is at the heart of the television series The Secret Circle. Mystical crystal skulls are used in the computer games Corsairs, The Sandra Fleming Chronicles, Assassin's creed and many others. Today, even Crystal Head vodka is produced, the bottle of which is made in the form of the famous crystal skull.

We hope that sooner or later, the mystery of the mystical crystal skulls will still be revealed, and humanity will finally find out what is inaccessible to its modern consciousness.

The mysterious crystal skulls of ancient American civilizations have long been known. Now, one of these alleged "Skulls of the Gods" was found in Europe, namely in Bavaria (Germany). Once, probably, this copy (see photo) belonged to one of Nazi leaders Heinrich Himmler!

According to the Swiss journalist Luc Burgin in the magazine "Secrets", the skull (weight - 12 kilograms, dimensions - 17.5 x 21 centimeters) was found in the attic of one of Himmler's former Bavarian informants. The artifact was hidden in a cache in old wooden windows. There it was kept in a heavily worn leather backpack.

Obviously, the artifact somehow got to Europe from Central or South America, where Mayan or Aztec priests sent religious rituals with them.

According to legend, all 13 skulls put together on December 21, 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends, will create new era light and prevent the apocalypse.

In Bavaria, a Nazi list of hidden rarities is kept. The four-page document names 35 valuable art treasures that needed to be transported shortly before the end of World War II from the Sudetes (South Bohemia) to Augsburg in Bavaria. Item 14 of the document states: "Crystal skull. 263-2 FRSS collection Rahn, No. 25592, leather case, crystal skull, South America. (Der Kristallschädel. 263-2 FRSS Sammlung Rahn, No 25592, Lederkoffer, Kristalltotenkopf, Kolonien, Südamerika. ).

According to the list, the skull belonged to the former German explorer Otto Rahn.

The scientist participated in the Nazi expedition sent in search of the Holy Grail, and in 1939 he was killed under mysterious circumstances.

Hocus pocus or sensational discovery?

The authenticity of the existence of the legend of the crystal turtles is disputed. Scientists have already questioned the authenticity of the alleged skull of the Gods from british museum.

According to researchers studying skulls with electron microscope, in the found copy, the grinding of crystal was most likely carried out in the 19th century, and the skull itself could have been made in Europe. At that time, some grinding centers were already operating, such as Idar-Oberstein (Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate).

However, doubts remain forever, because the age of the crystal cannot be dated exactly.

It is quite possible that the found skull, in addition to magic, could serve as a decor item from Idar-Oberstein.

crystal skulls

The sensational discovery of the English archaeologist F. Albert Mitchell-Hedges confirmed the ancient legend of the Mayan tribe that there are 13 crystal skulls on earth that can prevent a planetary catastrophe. It falls in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar.

This legend has long been passed down by word of mouth in Central America. According to Mayan and Aztec beliefs, our world has been destroyed four times, and we live under the fifth sun. Under the first lived giants, they were destroyed by water. The kite destroyed the people who lived under the second sun. He turned people into monkeys, and only two were saved - a man and a woman. The inhabitants of the third world ate only fruits. He was destroyed by heavenly fire.

Under the fourth sun people died of starvation. The end of the fifth world will come from the shaking of the earth and all life will cease. The Mayan calendar counts down from August 13, 3114 BC. and ends on December 21, 2012. It is associated with Venus. The accompanying manuscripts, called codices, contain numerous predictions. It also says that 13 crystal skulls have existed since the time when 12 planets were inhabited. Their inhabitants gave the skulls to the Atlanteans. And the Maya got them already from them. For a long time, scientists did not attach importance to these words, until the discovery of Mitchell-Hedges made them think. The story of the 13 Skulls began in 1927, when Mitchell undertook an expedition to Central America, hoping to find the remnants of the vanished civilization of Atlantis.

And, without knowing it, he discovered them on the ruins of the "City of Fallen Stones", in which the Maya once lived. On the day of her seventeenth birthday, Anna, Mitchell's adopted daughter, discovered under the rubble of an ancient altar made of transparent quartz and a polished human skull in natural Strange things began to happen to those who touched this skull. The first time it happened to Anna herself. One evening she placed the amazing find next to her bed. And all night she had strange dreams about the life of the Indians millennia ago. At first she did not connect these dreams with the skull, but strange dreams continued to haunt her whenever the crystal skull was near her head. These were all new details of the life of the ancient Indians, including those previously unknown to anyone. Something similar to what she had seen in her dreams, Anna Mitchell-Hedges, the researchers also experienced another, the so-called "British Crystal Skull". Psychics and highly sensitive people unanimously say that skulls bring them special, almost hypnotic states, accompanied by unusual smells, sounds and vivid visual hallucinations.

Sometimes they were visited by "strange visions from the distant past, and possibly from the future." Crystal skulls are credited with mystical power. If you peer into the eye sockets for a long time, you can see in them: "other skulls, bony fingers, stones, distorted faces and mountains." Moreover, the researcher Dordland admitted that while working with the skull, he often heard mysterious sounds: "the ringing of silver bells, quiet but distinct ... the voices of people singing strange songs in unfamiliar language in chorus ... whispering and various tapping." Crystal skulls really affect on those who approach them. Some experience discomfort and incomprehensible fears. Some even faint and lose their memory for a while. Others, on the contrary, strangely calm down and even experience bliss. There are people who, after "communication" with skull "Mitchell-Hedges" were cured of serious illnesses.

And about the completely mystical properties of the crystal skull, a certain Jose Indiquez told in his conversation with the famous researcher Joshua Shapiro. In 1990, in Las Vegas, this respectable and very wealthy gentleman reported that even in his youth, in the ruins of an ancient Mayan city, he found a crystal skull with incomprehensible symbols carved on it. He kept the find all his life, like a magic talisman. The fact is that Indikez accidentally discovered the amazing property of the skull: if you squeeze it tightly in your hands and at the same time clearly formulate your desire, it will certainly come true. That is how Indikez achieved everything he wanted in life. Three years after this conversation, Indikez died, and the miraculous skull mysteriously disappeared. In the early 60s, art historian Frank Dordland took up the study of the Mitchell-Hedges skull.

He discovered in it a whole system of lenses, prisms and channels that create unusual optical effects. It is striking that on perfectly polished crystal, even under a microscope, no traces of processing were visible. He decided to seek advice from the famous Hewlett-Packard company, which was considered the most authoritative in the examination of quartz. The results of the examination shocked everyone. appearance of the first civilizations in this part of America. In addition, rock crystal of such high quality is not found in these places at all. The "antediluvian" skull was made of a single crystal, contrary to all known laws of physics. But here the mysterious stories associated with skulls are just beginning. skull made of transparent glass or crystal.But it was crumpled and twisted as if before it hardened, it was very plastic.Where it came from and why it is so mutilated remains a mystery to this day.Interestingly, it is in this area that most often observed UFOs that maim cows Intrigued by the finds, historians and ethnographers have found ancient Indian legends about thirteen crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death". They were kept separately from each other under the watchful eye of priests and special warriors.

Thirteen priests in different places at the same time had to peer into "their" skull and thus could communicate and receive information about everything - past, present, future, that is, they were kind of computers connected to the entire Universe. And legends said that the initiates could see in the skulls the day of the return of the gods, including Kukulkan himself - a white-skinned bearded "god from the planet Venus", who once, "in times of complete darkness", descended from heaven and gave the Indians knowledge: writing, mathematics, astronomy, taught to build cities, use the calendar, grow rich crops.Such skulls were found not only in America (Mexico, Brazil, USA), but also in Europe (France), and Asia (Mongolia, Tibet). thirteen. But not all were as perfect as the Mitchell-Hedges. It seems that these were later and not very skillful attempts to create something similar to the ideal skulls, which, as the Indians believed, the gods once gave people.

It turned out that the ancient crystal skulls are of interest not only to historians, but also to certain secret societies. So, literally from under the noses of archaeologists in Honduras, the so-called "Rose Quartz" disappeared without a trace. The investigation found that the priests of a secret cult tried to steal it several times before disappearing. Serious state structures were also interested in crystal skulls. In 1943, in Brazil, after an attempted robbery of the local museum, agents of the German society "Ahnenerbe" were detained. During interrogations, they testified that they were brought to South America with a special task to find and seize the crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death". But why did the most secret institutions of Nazi Germany need crystal skulls? The secret goal of the Third Reich was not only to conquer the land, but also to seize power in invisible world.

This was done by the main research institute of the SS of the order "Ahnenerbe" ("Heritage of the Ancestors"). The "secret cardinal" of this mystical order was a descendant of an ancient magical family, the bearer of the "knowledge of the devil" SS Gruppenführer Karl Maria Wiligute. It was on his initiative that the Ahnenerbe emissaries scoured the world in search of magical props. They were especially interested in the methods of the priests of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped that this knowledge of the “ancestor of the Aryan race” would allow them not only to create a superman, but also to subjugate the rest with the help of magic , subhuman. Today, some researchers suggest that the found crystal skulls were born in Atlantis and only miraculously survived during the disaster. One of the most authoritative researchers of crystal skulls, Frank Joseph, became interested: who could have owned the Mitchell-Hedges skull?

Two independent groups worked on this task: the New York Police Laboratory and psychics. Both those and others stated that the crystal skull belonged to a young girl, whose portraits turned out to be very similar. However, not all skulls are human. There are also those (for example, the “Mayan Skull” and “Alien Skull”) that have the features of animals and aliens. Maybe they belonged to other intelligent beings who once visited the Earth? Collected together, they could tell about our past and help avoid disaster. There is still time until 2012, and perhaps the crystal skulls left to us as a gift by more advanced civilizations will tell us how to do it.

Crystal Skull Mitchell-Hedges

Mayan crystal skulls have been discovered in South America and other parts of the world. and for several decades represented an unsolvable riddle for scientists. Some consider them extraterrestrial artifacts, others linked their origin to Atlantis. Later, information appeared that the skulls were fakes and were of no historical interest.

Finding on an ancient altar

Anna Mitchell-Hedges, the adopted daughter of a British archaeologist, celebrated her seventeenth birthday in 1927 not for festive table, but at the excavations of an ancient Mayan temple in the ruins of Luaantuna in British Honduras.

On the ancient altar liberated from the earth, the girl found a crystal skull made in full size by an unknown master.

The note: "The find has received three different names - the Skull of Mitchell-Hedges, the Skull of Doom and the Skull of Destiny."

The skull was originally found without mandible, which was discovered three months later by the same Anna, one and a half meters from the place of the original find.

The jaw was attached to the cranium by smooth hinges and when touching the skull, she began to move, giving the impression that the skull was talking. The skull weighed 5.13 kg and measured 197 mm long, 124 mm wide and 147 mm high.

Some archaeologists were alarmed by such a find and they repeatedly suggested that the father simply threw the skull to please his daughter. But the question arises where did Mtchell-Hedgens get it from? Did you find it during excavations or brought it from Europe?

Mysterious dreams and phenomena

With the advent of the crystal skull, according to Anna's stories, she began to have amazing dreams. One day, before going to bed, the girl examined the find and placed the skull at the head of the bed. That night, she had an unusual dream in which she saw in every detail the life of the ancient Indians.

Soon Anna noticed a pattern: as soon as the skull was at the head of the bed, she had amazing dreams about the daily life of the Indians, their rituals and sacrifices, life and traditions.

There was an assumption that the skull is a storehouse of information about the life of the disappeared Maya Indians. The girl even began to keep a diary in which she described her dreams.

The mysterious phenomena of the skull were also noticed by art historian Frank Dorland. He said that sometimes the skull glowed, images of unfamiliar landscapes and buildings, stones, mountains and distorted faces appeared inside it, as well as the ringing of bells, tapping, growling of jaguars, whispering and voices of people singing strange songs in a chorus in an incomprehensible language.

According to some researchers, Mayan crystal skulls are a kind of amplifiers of human psychic energy. Quartz, due to its structure, has a mysterious effect on the human brain and allows you to travel to the past and the future.

skull killer

According to the book by Mitchell-Hedges “Danger is my ally”, the found crystal skull is at least 3600 years old and, according to an ancient legend, the priests could doom any person to death with its help. The skull was allegedly the embodiment of universal evil.

After the discovery of the skull, rumors arose that a number of deaths had been linked to it. Concrete facts confirming this in the literature could not be found. Perhaps the rumors were spread by Mitchell-Hedges himself to give his find a mystical touch and attract the attention of the public.

However, the owner of the skull, Anna Mitchell-Hedges, lived happily for 100 years. Here is what she said in a 1970 interview: “Sometimes I sincerely regret that I didn’t cut down my father’s wish - he wanted me to put the skull in his coffin. This would probably be the most suitable place for such a strange thing, because in the wrong hands it will begin to do evil.

Artifact study

In the 1960s, after the death of her father, art critic Frank Dorland persuaded Anna Mitchell-Hedges to allow scientists to study the crystal skull. Experts immediately determined that the prototype of the artifact was a real female skull.

Frank Joseph made an attempt to recreate the image of a lady whose skull was used to create a unique piece of rock crystal. To do this, he turned to the New York Police Laboratory, which specializes in facial reconstruction from skulls, for help.

At the same time, Joseph asked a group of psychics to determine appearance owners of such a skull. Surprisingly, the scientific reconstruction and descriptions received from psychics almost coincided. It turned out that the prototype of the crystal skull was the skull of a young Indian girl.

Frank Dorland asked his friend L. Barre, who worked for the well-known Hewlett-Packard firm in Santa Clara (California, USA), to study the mysterious skull. The company's specialists, who are experts in quartz, were shocked. According to them, such a product simply could not exist in reality: a piece of rock crystal, from which the skull and jaw were cut, consisted of three or four splices and had to fall apart for another initial stage processing. Moreover, even if there is modern technologies until it is impossible to produce such a product. According to experts, it would take seven million hours to polish such a skull. At the same time, it is striking that no traces of mechanical processing were found on the crystal skull.

At the end of the study, engineer L. Barre made the following conclusion: “We studied the skull along three optical axes and found that it consists of three or four splices ... Analyzing the splices, we found that the skull was carved from one piece of crystal along with the lower jaw. On the Mohs scale, rock crystal has a high hardness equal to seven (second only to topaz, corundum and diamond), and it is impossible to cut it with anything other than diamond.

But the ancients somehow managed to process it. And not only the skull itself - they cut out the lower jaw and the hinges on which it was suspended from the same piece. With such a hardness of the material, this is more than mysterious, and here's why: in crystals, if they consist of more than one intergrowth, there are internal stresses. When you press on the crystal with the head of the cutter, it can break into pieces due to stress ... But someone made this skull from one piece of crystal so carefully, as if they did not touch it at all during the cutting process. We also found some sort of prism carved into the back of the skull, at its base, so that any ray of light that enters the eye sockets is reflected back into them. Look into his eye sockets and you can see the whole room through them."

Legend of the 13 Crystal Turtles

It turns out that the Nazis were well aware of the crystal turtles. There is a mention that in 1943 agents of the German society "Ahnenerbe" were captured in Brazil, who tried to enter one of the local museums. During the interrogation, it was found that the purpose covert operation The Germans were searching for and delivering crystal skulls to Germany.

There is a legend about 13 crystal skulls, according to which there were thirteen crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death" which contained all the knowledge of the world from its origin to the distant future. These skulls were kept separately from each other, each of them was looked after by special priests who were fluent in martial arts and were able to protect the relics from any encroachment. The legend said that when humanity was on the verge of death, all thirteen skulls would come together and give people saving information for them.

At first there were twelve skulls. In the spring of 2011, the news spread around the world about the thirteenth skull discovered in a cache in the attic of an old house in Bavaria (Germany). A version immediately appeared that the skull belonged to one of the Nazi leaders, Heinrich Himmler.

Artifact or fake

In addition to the skull of Anna Mitchell-Hedges, another crystal skull has been kept in the British Museum since 1898. This skull is monolithic and, unlike Anna's, does not have a separate mandible. According to the original version, this skull was brought to Europe in the 1860s by a Spanish officer from Mexico. According to experts, the skull is female and, in terms of its parameters, is practically commensurate with real skulls and is made in full size.

In 1996 and 2004, a crystal skull from the British Museum was carefully studied by scientists from the universities of Cardiff and Kingston. The results of the study of the skull using an electron microscope and X-ray spectroscopy showed that it was presumably made in Europe with jewelry tools. late XIX century. Its surface was processed with a rotating wheel with diamond and corundum chips.

The crystal skull of Anna Mitchell-Hedges has also been criticized. According to archaeologist Norman Hammond, the holes at the bottom of the skull were made with a high-speed metal drill. This conclusion was also supported by Professor R. Distelberger from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Anthropologist Jane McLaren noted that this skull completely lacks the features characteristic of the sculptural images of the Aztecs, Mayans and the cultures that preceded them. In 1982, after careful research, Professor R. Distelberger concluded that the skull was a fake.

It is believed that Mitchell-Hedges bought the crystal skull in 1943 at Sotheby's for £400. The item was put up for auction by antique dealer Sidney Burney, who has owned it since 1933. Where the skull from the antiquarian has no information.

The Mystery of the 13 Mayan Skulls

There is a lot of text, but it is worth reading it.Many of the lines are simply breathtaking!

The sensational discovery of the English archaeologist F. Albert Mitchell-Hedges confirmed the ancient legend of the Mayan tribe that there are 13 crystal skulls on earth that can prevent a planetary catastrophe. It falls in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar.

According to Mayan and Aztec beliefs, our world has been destroyed four times, and we live under the fifth sun. Under the first lived giants, they were destroyed by water. The kite destroyed the people who lived under the second sun. He turned people into monkeys, and only two were saved - a man and a woman. The inhabitants of the third world ate only fruits. He was destroyed by heavenly fire. Under the fourth sun people died of starvation. The end of the fifth world will come from the shaking of the earth and all life will cease.

The Mayan calendar counts down from August 13, 3114 BC. and ends on December 21, 2012. It is associated with Venus. The accompanying manuscripts, called codices, contain numerous predictions. It also says that 13 crystal skulls have existed since the time when 12 planets were inhabited. Their inhabitants gave the skulls to the Atlanteans. And the Maya got them already from them.

For a long time, scientists did not attach importance to these words, until the discovery of Mitchell-Hedges made them think. The story of the 13 Skulls began in 1927, when Mitchell undertook an expedition to Central America, hoping to find the remnants of the vanished civilization of Atlantis. And, without knowing it, he discovered them on the ruins of the "City of Fallen Stones", in which the Maya once lived.

On the day of her seventeenth birthday, Anna, Mitchell's adopted daughter, discovered under the rubble of an ancient altar a life-size human skull made of transparent quartz and polished. Strange things began to happen to those who touched this skull. For the first time this happened to Anna herself. One evening she placed an amazing find next to her bed. And all night she had strange dreams about the life of the Indians millennia ago.

At first she did not connect these dreams with the skull. But strange dreams continued to visit her whenever the crystal skull was next to her headboard. These were all new details of the life of the ancient Indians, including those previously unknown to anyone. Something similar to what Anna Mitchell-Hedges saw in her dreams was also experienced by the researchers of another, the so-called "British Crystal Skull".

Psychics and highly sensitive people unanimously say that skulls bring them special, almost hypnotic states, accompanied by unusual smells, sounds and vivid visual hallucinations. Sometimes they were visited by "strange visions from the distant past, and possibly from the future."

Crystal skulls are credited with mystical power. If you peer into the eye sockets for a long time, you can see in them: "other skulls, bony fingers, stones, distorted faces and mountains." Moreover, the researcher Dordland admitted that while working with the skull, he often heard mysterious sounds: "the ringing of silver bells, quiet but distinct ... the voices of people singing strange songs in a chorus in an incomprehensible language ... whispering and various tapping."

The crystal skulls do have an effect on those who approach them. Some experience discomfort and incomprehensible fears. Some even faint and lose their memory for a while. Others, on the contrary, strangely calm down and even experience bliss. There are people who, after "communication" with the "Mitchell-Hedges" skull, were cured of serious illnesses.

And about the completely mystical properties of the crystal skull, a certain Jose Indiquez told in his conversation with the famous researcher Joshua Shapiro. In 1990, in Las Vegas, this respectable and very wealthy gentleman reported that even in his youth, in the ruins of an ancient Mayan city, he found a crystal skull with incomprehensible symbols carved on it.

He kept the find all his life, like a magic talisman. The fact is that Indikez accidentally discovered the amazing property of the skull: if you squeeze it tightly in your hands and at the same time clearly formulate your desire, it will certainly come true. That is how Indikez achieved everything he wanted in life. Three years after this conversation, Indikez died, and the miraculous skull mysteriously disappeared.

In the early 60s, art historian Frank Dordland took up the study of the Mitchell-Hedges skull. He discovered in it a whole system of lenses, prisms and channels that create unusual optical effects. It is striking that on perfectly polished crystal, even under a microscope, no traces of processing were visible. He decided to seek advice from the famous Hewlett-Packard firm, which was considered the most authoritative in the examination of quartz.

The results of the examination shocked everyone. A study conducted in 1964 in a special laboratory of Hewlett-Packard showed that the skull was made long before the appearance of the first civilizations in this part of America.

In addition, rock crystal of such high quality is not found in these places at all. The "antediluvian" skull was made from a single crystal, contrary to all known laws of physics.

But here the mysterious stories associated with skulls are just beginning. In the winter of 1994, a rancher near Creston (Colorado, USA), riding a horse around her property, found a human skull made of transparent glass or crystal. But he was crumpled and twisted as if before hardening, he was very plastic. Where he came from and why he was so mutilated remains a mystery to this day. Interestingly, it is in this area that UFOs that mutilate cows are most often observed.

Intrigued by the finds, historians and ethnographers have found ancient Indian legends about thirteen crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death". They were kept separately from each other under the watchful eye of priests and special warriors. Thirteen priests in different places at the same time had to peer into "their" skull and thus could communicate and receive information about everything - past, present, future, that is, they were kind of computers connected to the entire Universe.

And legends also said that the initiates could see in the skulls the day of the return of the gods, including Kukulkan himself - a white-skinned bearded "god from the planet Venus", who once, "in times of complete darkness", descended from heaven and gave the Indians knowledge : writing, mathematics, astronomy, taught to build cities, use the calendar, grow rich crops.

Similar skulls were found not only in America (in Mexico, Brazil, USA), but also in Europe (in France), and in Asia (in Mongolia, Tibet). There were more than thirteen of them. But not all were as perfect as the Mitchell-Hedges. It seems that these were later and not very skillful attempts to create something similar to the ideal skulls, which, as the Indians believed, the gods once gave people.

It turned out that the ancient crystal skulls are of interest not only to historians, but also to certain secret societies. So, literally from under the nose of archaeologists in Honduras, the so-called "Rose Quartz" disappeared without a trace. The investigation found that prior to his disappearance, the priests of a secret cult tried to steal him several times.

Crystal skulls were also interested in serious state structures. In 1943, in Brazil, after an attempt to rob a local museum, agents of the German society "Ahnenerbe" were detained. During interrogation, they testified that they were brought to South America with a special task to find and seize the crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death". But why did the most secret institutions of Nazi Germany need crystal skulls?

The secret goal of the Third Reich was not only to conquer the earth, but also to seize power in the invisible world. This was done by the main research institute of the SS of the order "Ahnenerbe" ("Heritage of the Ancestors"). The "secret cardinal" of this mystical order was a descendant of an ancient magical family, the bearer of the "knowledge of the devil" SS Gruppenführer Karl Maria Wiligute. It was on his initiative that the Ahnenerbe emissaries scoured the world in search of magical props.

They were especially interested in the methods of the priests of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped that this knowledge of the "progenitor of the Aryan race" would allow them not only to create a superman, but also to subdue the rest, subhumans, with the help of magic.

Today, some researchers suggest that the found crystal skulls were born in Atlantis and only miraculously survived during the disaster. One of the most authoritative researchers of crystal skulls, Frank Joseph, became interested: who could have owned the Mitchell Hedges skull? Two independent groups worked on this task: the New York Police Laboratory and psychics. Both those and others stated that the crystal skull belonged to a young girl, whose portraits turned out to be very similar.

However, not all skulls are human. There are also those (for example, "Mayan Skull" and "Alien Skull") that have the features of animals and aliens. Maybe they belonged to other intelligent beings who once visited the Earth? Collected together, they could tell about our past and help avoid disaster. There is still time until 2012, and perhaps the crystal skulls left to us as a gift by more advanced civilizations will tell us how to do it.