Patterns on the fields. The most famous crop circles in history

Many crop drawings share a common meaning: some are repeated in essence, but outwardly differ because they are applied different methods symbols to clarify the meaning. It is impossible to show in this book all the found and photographed drawings in the fields of the planet. Let us dwell only on those that provide information in the most vivid way. expressed images. The reader who has received knowledge from previous books, in some cases he will be able to interpret the missing drawings himself, including intuition and inner knowledge, because the Children of Light have this knowledge "sealed" in the spiritual body.

This image symbolizes the first stage incarnations of the Absolute. This is the Trinity, standing at the center of all the Hierarchies of the universe, reflecting the three main Aspects and the innate divine qualities of the Spirit of the Lord of the Eternal Light:

  • Father - Aspect of Will;
  • The Son is the Aspect of Love and Wisdom;
  • The Holy Spirit is the Aspect of active Intelligence and knowledge, the Higher Mind.

These basic spiritual qualities belong to the Existing Consciousness of the Creator and are the “core” that is always present in the Consciousness of His Children. The rest of the qualities are developed in the process of gaining the experience of Existence.

Trinity Manifestations of the Absolute

In the center - the highest Spirit of the Deity (a circle with a dot). Then there are three Aspects, reflecting the divine basic qualities. They have personality and creativity. Together, these Consciousnesses create worlds with the help of the Hierarchy of the Beings of Light. They are always together, and their Consciousnesses represent the Single harmonious Consciousness.

In the figure, each of them is expressed by a sphere of Light clothed in luminous Matter. Each Aspect of God in the process of materialization is manifested through the main Ray of the Trinity. If we consider the essence of the cosmic Man, then his consciousness in miniature reflects the Consciousness of the Divine and is a trinity Spirit (three Angels of the Presence, which are Particles of Consciousness of the Spiritual Monad).

Here are figuratively reflected descending and ascending Streams of Being, descending and ascending Hierarchies of Cosmos. A total of twelve major great Levels or Dimensions are displayed.

Above and below are two Great Sources "The Beginning of All Beginnings". Two threads of Life, two Streams, each one takes energy from its own Source. Before the impulse to Creation begins, both Sources are in a state of sleep and coiled up in one space, connected by an energy bridge in the same way as the two hemispheres of the brain are connected by the corpus callosum, a membrane.

When the Creation begins, then first there is a descending Flow of energies and there is an expansion of spaces, differentiation of the main Rays of the Creator of the central Source as long as it is possible. The ascending Spiral of Life is fed from another Source “The Beginning of All Beginnings” and elevates Life to its Creator. The great spheres on the Streams signify the central Suns of the great space systems, through which there is an energy exchange, an exchange of experience and information of descending and ascending Hierarchies.

winged creature symbolizing God in manifestation. His Body consists of luminous spheres, denoting the central Suns of cosmic systems. Here you can see that in the duodecimal scheme there is double standard set of divine Rays. The two wings reflect the state of polarity of systems enclosed in spaces. The creature's body is depicted as a spiral symbolizing evolution.

Creation of the Worlds. The system of the Worlds in the chain of unfolding spaces arising in the process of creation

The worlds of Light and Darkness alternate as the "Original" space and the "Reflection" space. This is an image that gives an understanding that the space of Light is the Source of life for its Reflection. It is a prerequisite for the emergence of worlds in which evolving numerous forms of life develop. The Spheres of Light are inhabited by Creators, God-born Beings, in the reflected spaces - God-created beings, evolving towards Light. All the Spheres of Existence are held by the densest space, which we see in the figure as a dark circle. It is the Foundation of all cosmic constructions.

The Cosmic Architects in the process of the birth of cosmic bodies form the spaces of stellar systems. At first, they may look like chaotic clusters of stars, but over time they form into certain images that reflect creative intent.

Corridor of Time

The figure conventionally shows the planes of spaces lying in different time coordinates (Dimensions). To get to one of them, it is necessary to move towards the Center, then change it at an angle of 90 degrees to the plane of the visited space.

Inside the conditional plane there can be a huge number of spaces vibrating on different frequencies, therefore, the energies in them will differ in quality, and Matter in density and properties. The large circle denotes the all-encompassing Consciousness of the Lord of the system, which contains the consciousnesses of all life forms.

The image of a wonderful creature symbolizes
The Body of the Manifestation of the Master of the Universe

The large bright sphere is the Top, the control center of the universe. There is the Abode of the Lord of Eternal Light. The body of a miraculous being is a combination of the spaces of the Isle of Paradise and the Central Universe of Havona. Hierarchies of the Forces of Light are concentrated here. The Paradise-Havona system symbolizes the brain of the embodied Being, which is the cause of the emergence of life in this sector great cosmos.

- The “Reflected” Body of the Being in the form of a chain of descending Spheres with central Suns symbolizes a huge number of spaces with star systems, materialized energies. Wings are Power, Strength, Will, flight and life in the boundless space of Existence.

Note that the wings are facing up, indicating direction in motion. On the this moment of cosmic Time, the Supreme Divine Being, embodied in the universe, is in the descending Stream (descends “down”), that is, it comes from central region higher cosmos. Above the image of the Being, spheres of energies go up and down, signifying the infinity of Creation. Our universe is only a small grain of sand in the vast Ocean of cosmic Life.

There are twelve superuniverses in the Maleon universe. Each of them manifests itself in a double spectrum of energies.

In the figure we see an image of the cosmic Levels of spaces or great Dimensions (the sectors are separated by transverse lines, conventionally denoting the boundaries of the Levels). The superuniverses are depicted as sectors divided into two zones of influence of the qualities of energies (the boundary lines of the Levels do not coincide).

The twelve superuniverses of creation

In space, the universe looks like a complex torus. In the center is the central Sun (Island of Paradise), surrounded by seven circles (spaces) of the central universe of Havona. It is separated from the evolving spaces by an energy curtain.

At some distance from Havona are the twelve superuniverses with their inner systems, at the center of each of them is the great central Sun incarnating one of the Sons of Lord Havona. The spaces seem to be superimposed on one another, indicating the interaction and unity of the Forces that control the energies of the central Suns, united in a single Chain of Life.

Superuniverse Orvonton(we are in it) consists of ten manifested large sectors. By space concepts a large sector is a galaxy. Each sector is divided by cosmic Plans. Among them there are “light” and “dark” spaces, called so conditionally, because in “light” spaces Matter is more ordered, they have intelligent life forms, and “dark” ones are considered transitional, they have more chaos. Holding the entire superuniverse system internally is a central sun.

In the center of the image is a three-dimensional World. Three-dimensional space in geometric terms is a cube. This is the densest space, the coordinates of which correspond to the third Dimension.

From the figure, we can determine that there are also other Dimensions, conventionally indicated by relief lines. In every plane geometric figure there are three, four, five and so on Dimensions in which there is a huge number of worlds, including inhabited ones.

Our solar system is located in one of the sectors of the Milky Way galaxy. Cosmic name of the galaxy Soleus

In the picture at the bottom this sector is symbolically depicted, and inside - our sun, located on one of the cosmic Plans of this space. The Lord of the Sun in the esoteric sense is the Son of the Being who embodies the great central Sun of the galaxy. We see this Sun, depicted in the upper left part of the picture. It is surrounded by two semi-arcs, not connected together. They symbolize two cycles: descent and ascent. At the ends of the lower arc, circles are visible, meaning two ascending Particles of a single Higher Mind, two Twin Souls, standing at the head of the Hierarchy of the central Sun.

Where the drawing of the sector is located, two small spheres are visible outside of it, symbolizing these creatures, which are the Lords solar system. The lords of stellar systems are always outside their domain, in a higher system that controls the evolution of systems in the reflected lower spaces.

The space of the planet Earth in the third dimension

You see a diagram that shows (from top to bottom) the Earth, the Moon and a fragment of a planet that died in antiquity, which is located behind the Moon, but in the fourth Dimension (below).

Between the Earth and the Moon (in the figure in the form of a zigzag) in the fourth Dimension there is an artificial cosmic body created by the Builders of our system to hold the satellite of the planet. Together with a fragment of the dead planet, it plays the role of a magnet, fixing the Moon in a position so that it cannot rotate around its axis.

The aliens call an artificial body in the gap between the Earth and the Moon an outer space observation station (SOOS). This is a portal through which you can get into the tunnel through the tunnel. internal spaces planets. This is the main customs house of the Earth, controlled by the Master of the planet, the head of the Hierarchy of those beings who were the Builders of the Earth in the Antiworld (fine-material structures of the planet).

In the figure above, above the sphere depicting the planet, a circle is visible, symbolizing space, indicating the central entrance from the higher Worlds. For the Earth, this is the northern portal, from the side of the SNCP - the southern portal, connecting it with the spaces of the Moon. In essence, the Moon and the Earth have a common Bramfatura, but within it the spaces of the Moon and the Earth are divided into spheres of government of the planetary Hierarchy.

The Moon is ruled by Alien Builders from the constellation Ursa Major. The Lower Worlds are owned by the Antilogos of the planet. The Worlds of the Supermirror are owned by the Logos of the planet ( higher Plans Earth).

The Moon has a movement around the Earth along a trajectory of the "eight" type, going around the SNCP. The Earth and the Moon are moving in a spiral relative to each other, and in this they are helped by an invisible object that keeps them in this orbit. The figure shows the direction of movement of objects, indicated by a wavy line.

Crystalline Grid of Consciousness and planet Earth

In the Cosmos these subtle structures are called Cosmic Mirrors. They represent a multilayered structure consisting of ethereal Matter of different density.

Imagine a thin-material sphere with a cellular surface. The planet is inside this structure and receives energy from the Cosmos through the Mirror in a reflected form.

The earth can be thought of as a large magnet with a north and south pole.

The core of the planet on the subtle Plan is a space surrounded by one of Crystalline Grids, producing energy that feeds all life forms in the Under-mirror (spaces below the Middle Mirror of the planet). The core itself represents esoterically Black Sun where the thermonuclear process takes place. Its energies warm the planet and maintain the tone of life. The picture shows that inside the planet there is a source from which energies come.

The Earth's energy Axis is a conditional "rod" that passes through the central source and two poles. Numerous points on the lines of force show that so-called spatial magnets are located inside space, trapping and transmitting energies into given direction, preventing the energies from dissipating and fading, while maintaining the field strength. This is necessary in order to create a flow of energies, setting a certain flow rate for it, that is, creating time in the contours of the bodies (globes) of the Earth. Here we only see etheric body planets, but she has several bodies just like a person. Each body-space has an energy system for feeding it with the energies of the stars and the Earth, which penetrate into it through the system of Crystalline Grids (cosmic Mirrors).

Embodied Consciousness of the planet- a multidimensional Being, has several bodies, like a person. The Earth has four bodies-globes that develop in the Under-mirror - these are parallel Realities, but they are held by the Center, in which there are communications that unite the energies of life and consciousness of embodied beings into a single energy-information field (first figure). In addition, each globe of the planet has several Layers-spaces (second figure). They develop various forms life.

Human identity symbol

The general circle unites the Consciousness of the Soul with the consciousness of the four lower bodies. Through these bodies the Soul knows the world and your possibilities. A jumper between the two inner circles indicates that they are held in a “bundle” by something resembling a tourniquet or twisted cord. This is the Sutratma, the energetic Thread of life. Here it is folded and has the shape of a figure eight, symbolizing the infinity of its length.

When the separation of the astral and mental bodies occurs during the sleep of the physical body, they hold together and are in continuous connection with the etheric body, the holder of the Thread of life. The etheric body holds the form of man: it never leaves it until disincarnation.. Human consciousness is a mental component produced with the help of his bodies. A person who has not overcome the space of the Middle Earth Mirror, who has not received enlightenment of consciousness, has only four bodies and is constantly in the Under-mirror (the space of the Antiworld), because the lower bodies are not adapted to high-frequency energies.

This picture reflects the state of Consciousness of the Spiritual Monad of a rational being at different Levels of the existence of the solar system.

In the central part of the space, the higher Spirit at the level of the Consciousness of the Logos for the embodied Souls is the higher "I", the Spiritual Monad. He can incarnate the twelve Monads. In the figure, we see one Monad on each Ray of the Spiritual Monad. Her Consciousness works on the Plans of the Spirit through two Understudies or Twins.

The sphere of manifestation of the Monad contains the consciousness of two Doublers (two points each, indicated next to the sphere of the Monad). The next "expansion" takes place on the Plans of the Soul of the solar system. The Monad creates hologram souls that can enter forms. Doublers appear in antiparticle souls working in antisystems polar worlds, embodying spiritual "sparks" in sentient beings. Spiritual monad always stays on own plan, and its particles gain experience of knowledge through forms in different spaces. With the expansion of the field of its activity, a double reflection of the consciousnesses of the particles of the Monad in the material occurs (in the figure - two hemispheres, symbolizing the Mirror of the Earth). Further to the periphery, particles of the consciousness of the Monad are depicted as its reflections. The essence of the “spark” embodied in the form of consciousness only remotely reminds of the greatness of the Being that gave it life. A spark of a great flame of fire lives for one moment. So the “spark” from the Flame of the Spiritual Monad lives a short life according to cosmic time. Her life could become practically eternal if she could pass Return trip and merge with the higher "I".

Energy centers of man. Let's list them starting from the bottom.

  • Muladhara is the center of survival. Sleeping energy of Kundalini.
  • Svadhisthana - sexual and creative energies.
  • Manipura is the center of consciousness of unenlightened people, the accumulator of energies.
  • Anahata - the heart center, connects the lower and upper chakras.
  • Vishuddha is the center of communications and spiritual creativity.
  • Ajna is the center of clairvoyance.
  • Sahasrara is the center of clairvoyance.

The Sahasrara Chakra is the place of connection with the Consciousness of the Angels of the Presence. There are three of them in total, they are indicated by spheres above the head. Through them there is a contact with the higher "I" and a connection with the Cosmos.

Human Soul Consciousness Crystal

The crystal of consciousness is a program for the development of the Soul in eight evolutionary directions, eight energy flows. We have already considered these main directions before. They form the basis of life, the evolution of form and mind (the four Kingdoms of Nature, developing in two polar Worlds).

The top of the crystal is directed upwards to the spiritual Sun and symbolizes the striving towards the Light.

solar space

The orbit of the planet Earth is indicated. Our planet in the superuniverse is considered the most interesting planet because it develops a huge number of species and forms of life. This is the lowest spatial Level at which a person develops.

Our planet is like a precious black pearl in an openwork frame created from numerous worlds. The time will come when it will be transformed in the rays of the spiritual Sun and will shine with its own radiant Light.

Image of our solar system Monmatia

Not all orbits of the planets are displayed, since the Supreme Intelligence in this case wants to show only what is relevant to our planet.

Our planet is third. Between the orbit of Venus and the Earth, we see a free orbit. The Earth must move to another orbit, which is one level higher, closer to the sun. The figure shows that Mercury, Venus are closer to the sun, then a free orbit, and then the Earth.

Free space is prepared to receive our planet in another Reality.

The diagram shows the third planet from the sun - this is the Earth. Further in a straight line from it is the Moon, and behind it is a fragment of the ancient planet Lucifer, holding it in a certain position in which it cannot rotate. This planetary fragment is in the fourth Dimension, but it has a magnetic effect on the Moon, because it is a strong spatial Magnet. It has a movement corresponding to the movement of the moon.

A little higher and to the right in the figure is another planet in the distance, which is not yet known on Earth. This is a new globe on which the humanity of the Future will develop, a new body of the Soul of the planet Earth.

The diagram is symbolic. You should not pay attention to the size of space objects and distances, because this is just a picture that gives an idea that a time of great change is coming.

Solar system Monmatia

The central part of the picture symbolizes the manifested Consciousness of the Divine Trinity, the Spirit of the solar system.

Next - nine planets known to us, and in the distance one more planet is visible, secret. This is the new body of the Soul of the Earth. As a person, the Soul of the planet changes its physical bodies. The new globe is located in another spatial Dimension. After the Transition, the wave of life will be transferred to its space.

Interpenetration of the two Worlds in the state of planetary changes and the Transition. The three-dimensional space of the planet enters the four-dimensional space. All this takes place within the solar system.

Space Man

You see an image of a winged man on the field. Wings symbolize spiritual freedom and power acquired after a long evolutionary period, which ends with the ascension to the highest spiritual Plane. During the cycle of development in the solar system, the Monad of man has incarnations in turn on all planets, mastering the energies either in the space of the World, or in the space of the Antiworld. She masters the lessons taught to her by the Angels of the Presence on all the spatial Levels of the solar system. In the figure, you can distinguish between the upper and lower Levels, which depict the planets in the form of spheres. There is duality in the energies of the spaces, so the wings have double image levels. In the upper part of the human body - the worlds of Light, in the lower part - the worlds of Darkness. On the head of a person - something like antennas. This is an image of a divine channel that connects a person with his higher "I" (Spirits), God and the universe. A butterfly is born from the cocoon in which it was long time In the dark. The sacrament of the birth of a spiritual person takes place in the same way.

Two drawings depict Bramfatura of the Earth. On the first one we see four globes-the bodies of the Earth, on the second - five globes of the planet. All the globes symbolically display seeds that have sprouted, but each seed has two "roots". Esoterically, these drawings have the meaning of the "seeds" of life that were sown on each globe of the Earth, but due to the polarity of the Worlds, each "seed" mastered the energies of the lower and upper frequency ranges of the energy spectrum. That is the great duality! The Wave of Life has bypassed four globes, and the fifth segment of the Circle of Life in Bramfatura of our space is still empty (picture one).

In the second figure, we see that there are five globes in the multidimensional space of the planet, and all of them are inhabited by life forms. The next wave of Life will be transferred to the fifth globe already in the new space. This will take place after the Transition to the higher Reality. The transition is conditionally marked with several steps. These are the steps of the ascent of Souls along the “ladder” of knowledge. You can master them while in embodiment on Earth in the process of enlightenment of consciousness. The new globe of the Earth is already ready to move in higher space. It is not visible from Earth because it is located in the fifth Dimension of the solar system.

Solar system. Preparatory process for
galactic transition.

The alignment of the planets in a certain order with the help of a special mechanism, called in the Cosmos a system of spatial magnets, attracting and holding the planets in the place intended for them. The Sun is the main powerful magnet, which will become a "draft force" dragging the entire system along the prepared spatial corridor to another galaxy.

First, an electromagnetic circuit of the space is created, into which the planet is introduced. In the figure, it is indicated in the upper part, where the direction of the planet to it is indicated (arrows). This circuit is held force fields sun and powerful power plants, equalizing the fields, creating the impression of a "trap". Then the coordinate system in space is determined for the planet, where it will be teleported along the spatial corridor prepared in advance. The alignment of the planets will be made as they Transition to the route positions from which they will be teleported and fixed, their movement around the energy axis will be stopped. Life from planetary bodies (from the worlds of inhabited Spheres) will leave even before preparations for the galactic Transition begin.

Scheme of the movement of the planets in the process of alignment before the start of the galactic Transition of the solar system

Due to the fact that the planets have several body-globes, in the beginning the Transition is made inside the planetary schemes. The globes inside them must take the appropriate position in space (in the figure, these spaces are limited by contours).

After that, in a certain order, the globes of the planets will be transferred as part of the collective planetary Mind to one of the new orbits of the solar system. In addition to the fact that the planets have several globes, each of them includes a large number of inhabited worlds inhabited by diverse material forms of life.

In the second figure, we see the "continuation" of planetary bodies in the form of energy chains of parallel worlds, symbolizing the energies of the inhabited Spheres and the interaction between them.

Drawings in the fields

The first crop circles were seen in 1972, when two eyewitnesses, Arthur Shuttlewood and Bruce Bond, sat on a hillside hoping to see that mysterious unidentified flying object that made this part of England a mecca for ufologists. But what they saw on this moonlit night was somewhat more extraordinary: at a hundred feet they saw a portion of the ears of wheat fall fan-shaped into an even circle. Since then, there have been about eighty reports of exactly the same incidents. The circle takes about twenty seconds to appear, and is often accompanied by a creaking sound, which was recorded on tape and later recognized by NASA as an artificial sound. A decade later, the phenomenon began to manifest itself quantitatively. By that time, there were already more than 9,000 reports of CNI around the world, 90% of which came from England.

It would also be useful to note that most circles have not even been reported, since in general people simply do not represent
what it is, and even if they represent, they do not know where to turn. If you think that all these circles were made by two old women using a plank and a rope, then you are not in the minority. Once again, the government is trying to subjugate public opinion about the unknown, using a method of disinformation called "debunking"; a method invented during the Cold War to control public opinion about the UFO phenomenon. (This was the main task of Robertson Panel in 1953, but it was only discovered in 1977 thanks to the US Freedom of Information Pact). This method is quite effective as the media does not provide any scientific or technical information on which you can form your own opinion. The phenomenon is then ridiculed by comparing it to other "extreme" topics, or by inviting various "experts" to explain everything as bad. weather conditions or someone's hooligan antics. Let's follow the story of debunking to the end.

According to the documents, all the KNPs were made by two old men named Doug and Dave. As we now know, they were instructed by the British government at the request of the CIA, and were instructed to admit that all KNI were made by them. According to information received from high officials in the British Ministry of Defense, the government brought these two "jokers" forward in order to discredit the phenomenon, and thereby suppress the ever-growing public interest in the KNP.

But when they were shown some figures in a TV interview, Doug and Dave suddenly changed their story and began to claim that they had never made these figures, although before that they claimed that they had made all the figures in England. They were also told that about half of all known figures were discovered fifty miles west of Silburry Hill, but they denied any involvement in these circles either. This went on and on, and by the end of the program, even the perpetrators of the events themselves were not sure which of the circles they had made. But in such programs, the real fruits of their labor have never been shown. Instead of crooked, trampled small spots on wheat, we were shown large, precise and beautiful figures. This technique is ubiquitous in news programs making cheap scoops (trust me, I worked for an ad agency). Since Doug and Dave, a lot of scammers have come on the scene, some for money, some for fame, and some just trying to answer mysterious forces (there were some pretty interesting results that I mentioned in my articles). On average, about 30 percent of the figures are made by people.

Not too long ago, a group of notorious scammers were hired by the NBC news program to travel to New Zealand and make
a very high-quality figure, which would still not pass the test for authenticity. The fact is that not one false circle does not contain a set of features that a real figure contains. At the moment, we have about seven thousand KNP created by an unknown force. modern science. The problem with falsification is that the wheat must be pressed down with some physical object that will surely break the ears. In the real figures, the ears are not broken, but only bent about an inch from the ground, where the first knee of the ear is. It appears that the plants are briefly exposed to heat, which softens them, and causes them to lean towards the ground at almost a right angle, where they become rigid again. Mankind does not know the technologies with which it would be possible to do this. This method is the main one in determining the authenticity of the figure. Also, falsifiers cannot reproduce such signs as thickening of the ear, and expansion of its knot, changes in the germ in cereals, and the appearance of cavities in plants, as if they were heated from the inside. Also in the present figures, changes in the cellular structure are observed. But still, the plant does not die, and continues to grow. Not a single fake has been able to reproduce this.

In general, there are differences. Real figures are mathematically accurate, in some various complex theorems are encrypted. The edges of real figures are very different from fakes, as they are deduced with surgical precision. The ears are twisted into a spiral, which uses the same logarithmic proportions as in the Fibonacci numbers or the golden ratio, which, however, can also be found in nature, for example, in a shell or a ram's horn. The bottom of the figure can have up to five layers, and the wheat in each layer is twisted in the direction opposite to the previous one. Each spike in them lies neatly next to the other. In the center of the circle, the ears can intertwine in a cunning way, and often there can be only one upright ear in the center (usually there is an untouched bunch of ears in the center). Unlike real circles, in fakes, the ears are simply dumped in different directions and trampled, and, of course, broken. Another feature of real circles is the increased infrared radiation inside and outside the figure. Also, when making a real circle, mysterious forces use extremely complex forms of Euclidean geometry to change the magnetic structure, which is why compasses cannot determine which is north and which is south, cameras, mobile phones and the batteries do not function, and the aircraft's instruments start to fool when flying over the figure, (most likely a change in the magnetic structure has nothing to do with it, and everything is also to blame for the unknown field or radiation, as in anomalous zones - approx. Translator) Geiger counters show an increase in radiation about three times the normal background. Also, animals from nearby farms avoid the piece's place on the field even before the piece appears. Very often, car batteries in the surrounding villages are completely discharged, and sometimes the electricity is turned off in the entire village.

Real figures also like to be located on top of the energy lines of the Earth, influencing the energy pattern of the area. They often follow the characteristic size, shape, and direction of the local Neolithic, and can be "scanned" with a vine, and include about 20 layers of concentric patterns. Even when the crop is harvested, and the next year the field is again plowed and sown, the dowser will be able to determine the place where the figure was.

Usually circles form at night, between 23:30 and 4:00 hours. At the time of year when nights are shortest in the UK, hundreds
military, farmers, scientists, and ufologists are carefully watching the fields, hoping to become eyewitnesses of the very moment the figure appears. Two of the few lucky ones who happened to notice something watched as large luminous balls sent a yellow beam of light into the field, and the next day a figure was found at this place. Many brought sensitive equipment with them, but the figures appeared right under their noses. Once the figure materialized right on the lawn of the residence of the British Prime Minister, in a strictly protected area. In 1996, a pilot flying over Stonehenge reported that everything was clean in the surrounding fields, but after 45 minutes a figure appeared depicting a computer fractal Julia Set. This figure was 900 feet long and contained 145 small circles. The figure was formed in the immediate vicinity of the well-guarded monument, but neither the guards nor the visitors noticed the very moment of formation. I visited this figure with 11 researchers no later than five hours after its formation.

Text by Freddy Silva, translation by Evgeny Varnavsky.

Video filming of the formation of circles on the field can be downloaded from the section "

Amazing and out of nowhere giant crop circles - one of unrevealed secrets to this day. Someone explained their appearance by "mowing demons", someone - by the intervention of aliens. They can appear overnight and haunt for centuries.

(Total 10 photos)

The earliest mention of the mysterious crop circles, known to mankind, refers to 1678. In just one night, a circle appeared inexplicably on a field in Hertfordshire. A pamphlet reporting the strange event was published on August 22, 1678, under the heading The Mowing Devil, or Strange News from Hertfordshire.

The figure shows a demon carefully carving a circle on the field with his oblique. The text says: "This true story about a farmer who bargained with a poor mower to cut three and a half acres of oats. The mowerman asked too much, and then the farmer swore that the devil would sooner mow than him. And so it happened that very night. The oats crop was as if on fire, but the next morning it was so neatly mowed by the devil or some infernal spirit that no mortal could do such a thing.

In Longwood Warren, Hampshire, on June 22, 1995, this circle appeared, depicting the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth and the orbits of Jupiter. Interestingly, such an arrangement of the planets, as on a circle, was observed on the day when the Wright brothers proved that a person can fly, November 6, 1903, and then on July 11, 1971, during the mission of the Mariner 9 apparatus to Mars .

This highly symbolic drawing was discovered on July 17, 1991 at Barbary Castle. It depicts the creation of the Universe by three sources of light, which are also called the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The picture shows the Tree of Life from the Book of Genesis.

The British calculated that the area of ​​each circle is 31,680 square feet (2943 square meters), which corresponds to the Greek numerology of the estate of Jesus Christ. The sum of all digits is divided by 3168, and the result is 6660, which links this number with the Number of the Beast.

A circle with a very complex design appeared on the field near Barbary Castle. Its diameter is 150 feet. It looks like the image was an encrypted interpretation of the first ten digits of pi - 3.141592654. This startled the researchers. The circle is formed from ten angular segments with radial transitions. The comma in pi is indicated by a dot in the center, and the tenth digit is properly rounded.

Another intricately shaped marginal structure is known as the "Julia Set". It appeared on the field opposite Stonehenge in July 1996 and got its name because it is a complex computer fractal with the same name. For musicians, this is a treble clef, and for marine biologists, it is a section of the spiral of a clam shell.

The Julia Set was spotted by a pilot flying over the field at 18:15. Prior to that, he flew there at 17:30 with a passenger, a doctor who took pictures, and at that moment there were no circles. Stonehenge guards also confirmed that there were no circles in that field earlier that day. A woman appeared, claiming to have stopped by the road and witnessed the creation of the circle. She also said that there was a taxi driver and a passenger who, along with her, watched the circle draw itself on the field under a swirling cloud.

As the aeronauts flew over a wheat field near Reistting in southern Germany, they noticed a formation of clipped circles. Christoph Huttner claims that he has nothing to do with the strange pattern that appeared on his field, but at the same time refuses to believe that this is the work of aliens, and blames the children. The circle is almost 76 meters in diameter. It is unlikely that the neighboring children could mow such a picture.

This rectangular field formation with a face that looks like the famous Martian face appeared in August 2001 near the Chilbolton Radio Observatory in England. There was no sign of human intervention or the use of tools around the perimeter of this drawing. Nearby, another formation appeared with a complex binary code in the same format as the message sent by mankind into space in 1974.

Many crop circles are the work of pranksters with beams and ropes. Nevertheless, the origin of a sufficient number of circles cannot be explained. In addition, many of them carry mysterious messages. Some argue that in this way alien life forms are trying to communicate with us. Others believe that it is the spirits of the Earth who want to be heard. Everyone has their own interpretation, but the question remains open.

Crop circles have always been awe-inspiring to people, as this is not the first era in which they began to appear, as you can see. They talk to the subconscious mind, which sees the patterns and senses their meaning, but the conscious mind does not. It is clear that the images are becoming more complex, they often contain circles that can be seen as planets or suns in the solar system, and their interaction to varying degrees. The creators of real circles speak to the person's subconscious, which understands the message, even if the person's more inert consciousness resists understanding. Therefore, the consciousness sees crop circles as a rebus, and the subconscious mind understands them. The creation of the Crop Circle is run by a group of aliens who cannot take part in the Transformation of the Earth in any other way, since they are a life form that lives in water, and, accordingly, their ships are filled with water - the atmosphere that they breathe.

Observers noted that Crop Circles appear almost instantly. They flicker, and then you can see that something has changed in the perspective in front of them. What process is used to create the figures? If it's ships that land and impact on a piece of land, then the time seems too short for that.

If energy beams or a force field are used, then none of this is mentioned in the reports of observers. Creating a Crop Circle does not require the ship to land or physical strength. Grasses lay down because a change in the structure of the stem is taking place - one side of the stem grows rapidly in a process that is the reverse of when plants reach for the light.

This sudden and dramatic increase in growth occurs low to the ground - a special beam is focused there, similar to laser surgery. The swirl is created by the circular motion of the impact beam, which spins like the hand of a clock, causing the grass stalks to fall down as if they all fell together at the same time.

That's just recent cases appearance of crop circles:

Crop circle laid in Hod Hill, Dorset, UK June 1, 2014. Sharp edges and precise symmetry suggest authentic crop circles.

The most notable feature of this 2014 composition is the pendulum movement in the middle. Crop Circle compositions tend to focus on one aspect of the passage, as to do otherwise is to mute the main message of a particular composition. This composition conveys the ferocity of the Earth wobble, which will eventually develop into a major Last Weeks wobble. The Earth at the center of the composition, in an attempt to evade and then align with the approaching magnetic field of Planet X, will flip its N Pole up and down and back.

Planet X is not idle during this approach, but wobbles from side to side, similarly trying to steer away from Earth's N Pole by tilting its N Pole to one side or the other. What else could cause these throwing of the Earth, one wonders, if not something has changed. The composition in Hod Hill conveys the approach of Planet X as a despotic and indomitable force that has engulfed the Earth, which will dodge in every way in attempts to evade this force. The Earth wobble has worsened recently and will worsen even more steadily as the Pole Shift approaches. This piece of evidence that the passage is approaching humanity is one of the strongest and thus expressed, and is currently sunk into the subconscious of most of humanity.

In the Pictogram in Grasdorf, Germany 1991, 3 Metal Discs were found. Farmer Werner Harenberg woke up early on July 23, 1991 to find the first truly spectacular crop circle in Germany near the village of Grasdorf, Lower Saxony. Seeing that the stems were not broken, in fact, harmonically curved, he declared, nothing less than that, that it could not have been done by amateurs. In three symbols of the composition of the pictogram from the earth, from a depth of 18 inches, three large metal plates of extremely pure Gold, Silver and Bronze were extracted, each containing the complete composition of the pictogram in a relief image of the field.

From metal plates with pictograms found in Grassdorf, Germany, it is clear that the original crop circles created there in 1991 had predecessors. An identical composition was laid in the past, and fixed, for safekeeping, on metal plates. The metal of these plates - Silver, Gold and Bronze - seems to be of such purity that it is doubtful that it could come from human counterfeiters. The location of the crop circles is close to the Egsternstein stones which contain the Solstice viewing hole, which may have been correct prior to the last Pole Shift.

So who created the metal plates, and what was the purpose of their burial in the ground? The purity of the metal implies that they were not tampered with by humans, nor were the plates buried by aliens, as their crop circle warnings are on the surface of the earth and are visible. The Solstice viewing hole at Egsternstein was made by the Annunaki, in a similar fashion to how they used the Great Pyramids in Egypt as a viewing device for the incoming Nibiru before the last Pole Shift. Humanity has been warned by ETs of the pending passage of Nibiru, in the same way they are doing today, of the double 270 degree turn that Nibiru is making as it passes through the Ecliptic. The Anunnaki wanted to record this detailed diagram by marking key points in the composition, and achieved this by burying the plates.

Banbury's composition is indeed genuine, later modified by forgers who added wings with labyrinths. These attempts by the establishment to change the message intended by the circle makers have been going on for several years now. A specially assigned group immediately swoops in and distorts the original, paid handsomely for their speed, but as you can see on closer inspection, not for their competence. Here again the original has flawless lines, even those that cross the ruts in the field, while the introduced distortion has jagged lines. If we remove wings with labyrinths from the composition, then the resulting original can be taken into consideration.

without wings

Bunbury focuses on the Earth wobble and the forces that drive it. We have described the grip that Planet X has taken on the Earth as a grip on the Earth "in a funnel" so that it cannot slip out in any direction due to the vortex of particles coming from behind Planet X. In fact, this composition of circles is remarkably similar. on the drawing of the funnel.

The Earth wobble has many aspects depending on where Planet X is in its fluctuations, and depending on whether the N Pole of the Earth leans away from or towards Planet X during the opposition lean. Ultimately, during the Last Weeks, the components of the wobble are fixed at the values ​​at the moment the rotation stops, the Earth freezes, and then, during the passage, so to speak, dies off.

Humanity knows, both consciously and subconsciously, that the weather has become unpredictable, that the polar caps are melting, that the surrounding fauna and flora are migrating and behaving differently than usual. People see halos around the moon, airplane contrails cross clouds differently, and, mind you, no one seems to know a reasonable explanation for all of this. Crop circles actually show the relationship of the approaching planet with other planets in the solar system.

Here are the most impressive drawings of recent years, a transcript of some or a chat:

The Secklendorf crop circle brought together many elements of the coming pole shift. We have warned that the pole shift will occur towards the end of the magnetic trimester and the trimesters are clearly the focus of the circle design. Jagged circles indicate fracture points, with major trauma at the end of one trimester. Less trauma is experienced during the year of the pole shift into other trimesters. What about the balls on the outer circle? They seem like planets, the same size in many manifestations, but what does their location mean? Earth, Venus and the Dark Twin are about the same size. Earth and Venus are allowed to crowd closer, caught in a funnel, swirling current in front of Planet X as they have different orbits and this keeps the distance between them. A third planet of the same size, the Dark Twin, is behind the Earth in their common orbit as the Repulsion Force keeps them apart. But what is this strange group on the opposite side of the circle - planets of a different size. On the way to the pole shift, approaching the end of the magnetic trimester in which the pole shift will occur, there will be conflicts between the planets, including collisions with Planet X itself. X, in fact to a larger ball. The Dark Twin falls out of the funnel at this point, thus becoming a lesser element in the last weeks.

The dragonfly represents Planet X tearing through the crowded ecliptic and it still applies to this more recent drawing. But what has changed? This time, the circulations that occur during the pole shift are depicted on the dragonfly's tail. Flip from one side to the other. Periods when there will be a long night on Earth or short night. This is what comes with the strong swing and is one of the first entry scenarios in recent weeks.

Here you can see an increase in the size of the Planet X complex as the time of passage approaches. On both sides of the body of the planet, twisted double spirals flutter. Folklore reports that just before the passage, the complex in the sky grows in size, growing to a size equal to the size of the Sun or Moon. This growth is not only because Planet X is continuously moving outward towards the Earth, but primarily because the Earth is pulling towards Planet X.

This beautiful design is in the shape of a butterfly, as all mankind is familiar with their fluttering wings, which are directed upward together when at rest, or sideways when dried in the sun and aired. And yet, regardless of position, at the base, the wings always touch the body of the butterfly, where the center of rotation is. We have stated that Planet X is coming to Earth in a retrograde orbit, now slightly to the right of the Sun, as the Earth is scurrying back in its orbit to avoid the pressure of magnetic particles coming from Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole towards Earth . As Planet X rotates in place, and the Earth is involved in an extremely violent wobble due to the push of its respective N Pole, Planet X will appear to move to the right of the Sun, into the position described by the ZetaTalk Triangle, becoming in fact more visible in the sky from Earth, because now it can reflect sunlight at the proper angle. Does this repositioning mean that there will be less stress on the Earth as the N Pole of Planet X is temporarily pushed to the other side? No, because, as with butterfly wings, there is some point where magnetic fields touch, and it is impossible to avoid this point of contact.

Many, if not most, areas of the Netherlands are below sea level and will be devastated by high tides as storms begin to build up and hit their dams. This image says that a person in the Netherlands, if he is not already located in more safe place Gotta grow wings and fly!

This crop circle pattern indicates that the writhing dust cloud of Planet X will appear to an observer on Earth as dancing like a snake as Planet X comes closer and the Earth wobble intensifies. Planet X appears (in the figure) to be coming from the Sun from the left, so when viewed from Earth, it is visible to the right. The dust cloud reacts to the Earth's magnetosphere, first leaning to one side, then to the other, as the Earth wobbles. The cloud of dust emerging from the N Pole of Planet X, from which the magnetic particles are ejected, most in tune with the behavior of Planet X itself. But it also scatters solar wind and tends to pull aside the moving Planet X. Normally, the dust cloud is attracted to the South Pole of the Earth, which draws in the magnetic particles, but because during earth wobble South Pole moving back and forth, a cloud of dust wriggling first in one direction, then in the other. The serpent's head represents Planet X itself, with the double helix of its main moon swirls located on either side of the body. The writhing tongue of the serpent shows that the charged tail of Planet X appears to be turning and attacking in an elaborate dance.

Clearly representing a bird in flight, these crop circles send a message about what path Planet X will take during the passage. The double spirals of dust swirling on each side are represented by wings, with a tail flowing outward behind the passing planet. What cannot be missed by anyone looking at this image is that the magnetic fields of the three planetary objects - the Sun, the Earth - and Planet X itself are aligned. The Earth is tilting to accommodate the magnetic field of Planet X. This is shown by the two smaller balls. The Sun's magnetic field is precisely cut across, in the Ecliptic. This is shown by a large ball. The position of the magnetic fields is the dominant thing during the passage and that is the message these crop circles carry.

The stinging jellyfish is well known to the populace, and this crop circle pattern must undoubtedly be recognized as a symbol of such a sting, often fatal. As we have described so often, Planet X has many trailing moon swirls, circling around it and giving the complex over recent weeks view of a dragon writhing in the sky. The tail, filled with debris and red dust, lashes the Earth, showering it with a hail of stones. This is a warning that even after the monster itself appears to have passed, the tail may continue whipping and lashing the Earth for the next few hours after the passage. It is the jellyfish's stings that burn and poison, not its soft head.

The Poirino drawing reiterates the concept of orbit blocking used as a background, so the focus is shifted to something else. Those unaware of the presence of Planet X, but nonetheless aware that the Earth appears to be going through a period of increased quakes, irregular weather, and a surge in sinkholes, are alarmed. On the one hand, they are told that everything is fine. But they feel that this is not so, and subconsciously seek answers. This crop circle pattern simply tells them that their sense of abnormality is correct.

The ancient Winged Orb symbol was considered by many to be simply a symbol of the wandering planet Nibiru, but as it has recently been revealed, it is actually supposed to reflect the sight of this approaching monster. This is what the crop circles at Avebury say. Planet X is now most commonly seen as the Second Sun, which is sunlight reflected off a massive dust cloud. The Second Sun is always reflected sunlight from some part of the complex, and therefore is perceived simply as a spot of light from a single source. But gradually more of the hidden parts of the Planet X complex can be seen as Planet X approaches the Earth, closing the distance to it, and pressing Venus against it, it will increasingly take on the appearance of a Winged Globe in the sky. This image is hinted at by many crop circles, the form of a bird in flight with a long tail flowing behind, etc. is also used.

What is a sequence of stacked balls? This is a daily growth of not only the scope of the environment big balls, but also the size of the balls themselves. Here is a figurative representation of what we have been trying to convey about the new earth wobble, which we will now begin to call the earth rumble. The Earth is moving in multiple directions at once or in rapid succession, twitching back and forth, following the often conflicting directions of the Earth's violent magnetic field, which is also trying to follow the rapidly changing directions from the dominant magnetic field of Planet X. The sweep of the environment represents a change in relation to where The earth was only moments before, so the past influences the future. For example, the Earth may perform its usual 8-figure wobble pattern and suddenly be pushed into the opposite position. The strength and frequency of this kind of rattling of the Earth will continue to increase.

This picture shows an orbital blockage, and there is a sense of constriction here. The message is that the Earth cannot escape its orbit.

This picture from the Windmill Hill crop circle depicts the pole shift itself, with the collision becoming more powerful than the influence causing the Earth wobble. Superimposed in Serpent Dance additional attack which has great power. It is shown applied to the side of the serpent, representing the influence on the Earth that will affect it from the side during the pole shift, and at the time prior to the pole shift, during the left lean that precedes the 3rd day of darkness. This diagram seeks to convey to humanity the degree of magnetic disturbance and subsequent corrective response movements that the Earth will be forced to experience. Although the Serpent Dance created the current increase in earthquakes and the erratic nature of your weather, your Earth wobble today, it was all just a couple of trinkets, a cakewalk. The real dance is yet to come, and it will be terrible.

Here again appeared the image of Planet X with its tail and twisted double helixes.

This crop circle drawing depicts a 5.9 day stoppage of rotation that will end in a 90 degree crustal shift during the hour of the pole shift. Planet X is approaching in a retrograde orbit, approaching Earth during the passage in a clockwise direction. This is shown by lines going clockwise that transition into a crustal shear. During these 6 (5.9) days of stop, there is an increase in tension represented by the balls increasing in size during this time period, and after this increase there is a magnetic push which is represented by the data added on the second day. At this time, it seems as if the Earth is almost in pincers, which it is. She experiences the dictates of the Sun and the dictates of Planet X, to which she finally succumbs.

This is another image of a collision between Planet X and three planets caught in the vortex in front of it. Planet X has a retrograde orbit and also rotates in a retrograde manner - clockwise. Planet X has the same effect as the sweeping arms of the Sun, invisible to man, but pushing the planets in their orbits forward, counterclockwise, in the direction of the Sun's rotation. Sweeping arms, expressed to some extent, have all the rotating planets. This collision is also part of the factor that causes the Earth to slow down to a stop before the passage, when the Earth and Planet X approach each other.

It's just a reminder of what it looks like normal condition Earth and its seasons, its calm unperturbed orbit around the Sun. Each month is different from the next, and yet a little mixed with the previous and following, there is a uniform change in the seasons. This is meant to be able to compare this drawing with other crop circle drawings depicting collision and distress.

Are Crop Circles more effective than words? Undoubtedly. They register in many parts of the brain, and tell a much deeper story. A picture is better than a thousand words. The symbols reflect astronomical phenomena, the impact of one celestial body on another, movement and direction, speed, change, and to those who understand their meaning, they also convey proportions (ratios), and relative strengths. Stand in front of these images and let your subconscious mind speak to you, and be more willing to see the forest through the trees. Do not the patterns presented in increasing complexity correspond to the Earth's internal response to the approach of her brother? Crop circle starts with simple circle, which says that the Earth's orbit is now calm. Then, the double circles and rings reflect the increased interaction between the Earth and her brother, the 12th Planet. Rings, of course, are an increase gravitational influence. Long lines connecting circles - isn't the 12th Planet coming as a comet? The secondary circles are the rest of the planets in or outside the solar system that the 12th Planet encounters during its journey.

What about the Scorpion's Tail, a series of connected and curving dots? Well, doesn't the comet travel accompanied by its minor moons? Since the giant comet with its gravitational field dominates the scene, the moons do not argue about their place. They follow their master like a string of ducklings. Are the moons of the 12th Planet spinning like the moons known to man do? It is believed that the circular motion of the moons occurs due to the balance between centrifugal force and gravity. home planet while there are other variables. The revolving moons are in motion as they gravitate towards the Sun and other planets, like a whirling dancer forever in doubt about his partner.

The helix, mistakenly interpreted by many as a molecular chain of DNA, is graphical representation of the Earth's rotation and the manner in which it begins to align its rotation due to the approach of the 12th Planet. As we have explained, the Earth's rotation is caused by the movement of parts of the Earth's core seeking to escape or succumb to the influences of the larger solar system. The rotation of the Earth is already slowing down - this fact was noted by scientists, and various "apologies" and explanations about this have already been heard in the media. For those who doubt that the influence of the 12th Planet can be strong enough from afar, we will point out a more subtle state of things in nature (approx. per. - than people guess). The normal rotation of the Earth is a delicate balance that takes into account all factors in the solar system and beyond. To upset the balance of the scales when they are perfectly balanced is a mere trifle, and the 12th Planet influences in a similar manner from afar.

A ball of overlapping circles, each touching inner circle, reflects a new phenomenon taking place on Earth, preparing those who see it to unveil this phenomenon. The Earth's magnetic field is currently bending far into space in such a way that on the Earth's surface the compass needle almost always points North. As the rotating core of the Earth is pushed against the magnetic field of the approaching 12th Planet, it will increasingly emit minor magnetic fields that do not point North, and then wrap around the Earth, returning back in the manner shown by the overlapping circles.

Crop Circles provide a glimpse into the coming decade. As the Pole Shift approaches, they will represent accurate weather predictions, guidance for family affairs, timetables for finishing things and preparing for the future, the true benchmark to be given to humanity. Visit them more often, if only they are in the form of a picture, and let the message seep through.

I recommend reading the book "Turn Eternity": and also visit the society "Property of citizens of the USSR-Russia" with a new message.

Crop circles - decoding from the position of the DNA of the cosmos.

Getting acquainted quite recently on the Internet with the latest materials on Egypt, I accidentally opened the section of the site on the so-called "crop circles".
Looking at the images of circles, I realized that these images are well perceived, and their content is understood from the standpoint of the structure of DNA structures.
Although many pictograms could be deciphered, I have chosen and present several, in my opinion, characteristic images, according to which I want to present the decoding of the symbols of these circles. I think the reader will find it interesting. Moreover, science for many years is still at a loss to offer anything to explain this phenomenon.
Graphic images of complex matrix topologies periodically appear on fields with even grass coverage in different places on the planet. They always appear almost overnight. These objects, united by the term "crop circles" cause fierce disputes - from assertions that all crop circles are fakes, to the recognition of some of them as a message from extraterrestrial civilizations.
The first crop circles were seen in 1972, when two eyewitnesses, Arthur Shuttlewood and Bruce Bond, sat on a hillside hoping to see a mysterious unidentified flying object that made this part of England a mecca for ufologists.

Rice. 72. Crop circle 06.07.2003

But what they saw on this moonlit night was somewhat more extraordinary: not far away in the field, they saw how part of the ears fell like a fan, forming an even circle on the field. Since that moment, about eighty reports of exactly the same incidents have been received, some were even allegedly filmed by someone on videotape. The circle takes about twenty seconds to appear, and is often accompanied by a creaking sound.
A decade later, the crop circle phenomenon began to manifest itself quantitatively. By that time, there were already more than 9,000 reports of "crop circles" around the world, 90% of which came from England (Source of information:
There are many materials provided on the Internet in crop circles. It makes no sense to describe.

Rice. 73. Crop circle 21.08.2005

The reader can introduce himself. However, we did not find intelligible real interpretations of the pictograms in the literature, except for the decoding of the circle (an image of the type of DVD disc) discovered on August 14, 2002, at 8 o'clock in the morning by tractor driver Sydney Collis in the field of farmer Mike Burg (Mike Burge of Vale Farm) near the village of Pitt (Hampshire, UK, about 5 miles east of Chilbolton Observatory).
I will focus on deciphering other circles (very briefly), those that most characteristically carry the symbolism of DNA. I’ll make a reservation right away that I won’t remove the labeling of sites with photos of circles from where they were downloaded. And also, I will not discuss the topic of creating circles by people. In my opinion, the creation of such topologically complex circles overnight is simply unrealistic. The author of the book can say this, because he has the specialty of a surveyor with extensive field work experience. It is simply impossible to bring to life the most complex, extraordinarily accurate drawings of objects using a stick and rope - and at night in the dark! Maybe earthly craftsmen have found a way, for example, with a microwave device, to apply drawings with aircraft? I think not, because the pictograms in graphic symbols encode knowledge that people do not yet own - below I will definitely prove this statement again.
What does it say? This suggests that some "unearthly artists" of the circles help humanity in mastering it. higher knowledge.
I immediately dismiss the natural origin of the pictograms as an untenable assumption: images of a man, a horse, a sacred scarab (Fig. 73), etc., cannot be depicted by any magnetic fields and ball lightning.
The author has previously used three pictograms in the text of this work to demonstrate his DNA developments.

Rice. 74. Crop circle 10.07.2005

Figure 74: Graphical interpretation of the algorithm for the structure of the unfolding of the foundation of the universe - the octahedron - the first step: "The ten inexpressible Sephiroth have ten infinities:
endless beginning and endless end
infinite good and infinite evil,
infinite height and infinite depth,
endless East and endless West,
endless north and endless south,

and over all the One Lord God, true king. He rules over all and everything from His sacred abode from age to age.”
(Kabbalah. Sefer Yetzira: 5.).
Figure 75: Graphical interpretation of the structure of the Matrix of the Universe.

In a stylized, symbolic form, an animal of the “eagle” type is depicted in circles.
At the top of the icon are four circles: a large one and three small ones. The big one symbolizes Ain Sof (Kabbalah), the three small ones are the Sephiroth: Crown, Hochma, Binah - the First Palace. The First Palace is separated from the middle part of the pictogram by a structure separating the Matrix and the three elder Sephiroth. Figure 73 of the pictogram, depicting the sacred scarab of the Egyptians, is the symbol of the First Palace, which rolls the embryo of the Matrix. The body of the scarab already has the gene code for dividing the world into Left and Right parts.

Rice. 75. Crop circle 06/12/2009

The middle part of the pictogram is occupied by the actual "eagle". It is depicted in a large circle. The large circle and the symbols in the circle, in fact, are symbolic image Matrices of the Universe.
The small circle of the pictogram in which the eagle's head, contains Matrix head symbols. In the head of the Matrix, the worlds Left and Right are already encoded in the form of three circles to the right and left of the “eagle” body. Wings of the Matrix in a large circle of pictograms contain near the body of the "eagle" on the right and left along seven feathers. Compare with seven lamps Lamp of the Ark of the Covenant and its three branches on the right and left (Bible. Exodus. 25.26).
Further, the seven feathers of the "eagle" pass into twelve feathers in its right and left wings to their periphery. The number twelve symbolizes Jacob's ladder, as well as the sacred ladder of the Egyptians, that is, in the Matrix, the Almighty laid down 12 "structures - worlds" of the Left and Right parts of the world (in the physics of the world and anti-world).
The structure of the Matrix of the Universe is based on the regularly repeating algorithm of the Platonic solid, the dodecahedron (Fig. 75 depicts one face of the dodecahedron). The symbol of the philosopher's stone of the alchemists is the dodecahedron. One face of the dodecahedron is regular pentagon- Pentogram.
The star of Solomon is a pentacle - a five-pointed star inscribed in a pentagram - the face of a dodecahedron. The ratio of the side of the pentogram (the edge of the face of the dodecahedron) to the side of the pentacle (the diagonal in the pentagon) is 0,618 and is the golden section of the space of the Matrix and space-time ("tail of an eagle") of our world.

Rice. 76. Crop circle 22.07.2000

The third part of the pictogram - eagle tail. The entire pictogram of the "Eagle" is a symbol of the HOUSE of the Almighty (Kabbalah), including the "tail" in it. Where is our world? And how to understand its location? By analogy, a hard drive (carrier) contains a certain program. The program that unfolds the world on the monitor screen is figuratively our world. Structurally, in the PC it is separate and at the same time, it is located in the hard drive - the “tail” of the Matrix-HOUSE. That is why teachers - Kabbalists indicate the position of our world in the core of their graphic image-symbol of the world, and sometimes they describe it as the outer part of the world around the Tabernacle of Moses, outside the copper court.
Two small circles adjacent to the tail of the "eagle" on the pictogram mean a symbol of two physical worlds - Left (anti-world) and Right (our world).
Sixteen tail feathers is the symbols of the following constructions of the matrix of our world: sixteen structural units of the daily movement of the bodies of COSMOS(section 3.3.5. part 2), including a photon, organic matter DNA of a cell, the Earth, the Sun, etc., as well as 8 “rope” structures of the DNA nucleofilament matter of the Left and Right worlds (section 4.10. part 2 fig. fifty).
By the way, modern Kabbalists, alchemists and Freemasons could long ago decipher the pictograms of crop circles. It's easy for them. They have knowledge of the structure of the world.
I assume that the highest consecrated priests of religions related to Christianity also have them, but not for everyone.
The high priests of Islam, Judaism and Hinduism, moreover, have sacred, higher order knowledge of the world order.
The hermetism of the knowledge of the great religions and teachings, as they call it, from the "profane" of science (and non-science), gave rise to extremely negative consequences for the development of the latter. And, as an example, science is not able to decipher and evaluate the information of crop circle pictograms with the rare exception of one applied task in mathematics and one problem direct message(so-called disk) "artists". In principle, this is not good and not bad - everything has its time.
Figure 76: The last row contains 27 rhombic elements at the top and the same number at the bottom of the circle. In this case, the "artists" laid the symbol of the structure of the centriole of the cell. The right and left worlds of the cell (male and female chromosomes) are separated by a double membrane, which is clearly seen in the circle drawing.

Rice. 77. Crop circle 13.08.2005

Figure 77: The symbolism of this pictogram also refers to the Matrix of the Universe, that is, its symbols complement the symbols of Figure 78.
The center of the pictogram is made up of a dodecahedron and a cube, or rather, the matrix lattice in its central part is formed by the vertices of the Platonic solids: the dodecahedron and the cube inscribed in it. A cross section of a dodecahedron gives a regular hexagon. That is why the molecular bonds between the ends of one nucleo-pair (stack) of human DNA is a hexagon.
It is very likely that this six-pointed star of the pictogram symbolizes a part of the Matrix related to Zeir Anpin, that is, to the lamp of the Tabernacle of Moses. Where does this conclusion come from? "The Ten Sephiroth (the ten properties of the Inexpressible One) are the Foundation of all things" (Kabbalah. Sefer Yetzira. 2).
Each of the six Sephiroth of Zeir Anpin also consists of ten Sephiroth in turn. Between the six rays of the star, the pictograms are located ten more rays each.
The Almighty shapes the four worlds with the sacred Sephiroth. Each world is also based on ten Sephiroth. Inner corner the square contains ten rays-sefiroth.
The pictogram depicts a square as a symbol of the four cardinal points, which means the design of the four worlds along the vertical of the Matrix - Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira and Assiya (Kabbalah), as well as horizontally each world (for example, Assiya, in the matrix of which our world is located): Dense, Subtle and Fiery, in turn, have three worlds vertically, and each in turn consists of 4 worlds in form.
This pictogram reflects the four higher worlds of 16 rays each ( external structures on each side of the square), symbolizing the 72 "stones" of the Kabbalists and Freemasons of their symbol of the spiritual pyramid (image on the US dollar bill).
Why 16 beams and not 12? Calculation of the systemic and structural nature of the worlds can be removed according to various parameters. Many crop circle pictograms contain seven repeating characters, 12 each; 5; 3 elements of symbols of symbolism, and so on. All this is the structure of the non-linear space of the Matrix. The matrix cannot be built in a linear graphical form, as in Fig. 75. It's very rare case, when it is possible to construct symbols in a sequential form.

Rice. 78. Crop circle pictogram 06/08/2009

All pictograms depict the same thing - the structure of the universe with different parties: its qualitative, quantitative, structural, vector and other characteristics and parameters.
And it cannot be said about the real world that the world of Beria is ending, but Yetzira begins. All of them are one in one, like a nesting doll in a nesting doll, or even one penetrates another world, like the Left and the Right are in the same space with being in each other without crossing.
The Dense, Subtle and Fiery worlds are vectrally deployed relative to each other.
The pictogram with three fish (Fig. 78 is a symbol of these three worlds. Why are fish depicted on the pictogram? Fish (fisheye) is a symbolic sign of overlapping in space of the spheres of the GNS of the Earth and the Sun (DGNS = 72.77×10*6 km).
Here is a look at the symbol of the physical world "Fatima's hand". Three fingers down show the structure of the physical world, consisting of three sub-worlds - three fish.

Rice. Hand of Fatima.
Moreover, the symbol of the hand, as historians dubbed them - amulets, is found in human burials more than 3 thousand years BC.
The vectority of the worlds' turn in space is set by the algorithm of the daily movement of bodies (the sphere of the VHS) along the dodecahedron. The vertex of the dodecahedron contains three edges - three counterclockwise walks around the dodecahedron (a volume curve located on a sphere) are outlined in section 3.3.5 part 2.
In the microcosm, the movement of quarks is encoded in space also by this algorithm: three rounds of the body from the top of the dodecahedron along three edges. It turns out that three vectors of motion of a particle are, designated in physics, three quarks of a proton. Particle movement from opposite peak The dodecahedron forms the neutron of the atom's nucleus.

Rice. 79. Crop circle 07.07.2007

The algorithm of movement along the dodecahedron of a quark explains the reason for the rotation of quarks in the space of the proton and neutron by 36 degrees relative to each other in physics. As well as given explanation The structure of the atomic nucleus makes it possible to understand the nature of the regular inversion of a proton into a neutron, and vice versa, the transition of a neutron into a charged state of a proton.
This process is due to the structure of the DNA of the atomic nucleus, more precisely, the spatial position of the quark particle, similarly, the color of a photon is also determined by its spatial position in its movement along the DNA trajectory. This pictogram is a graphic structural symbol of the DNA of the micro, macro and mega worlds of the physical and matrix levels of matter.
Figure 79: This pictogram again demonstrates the symbols of the structure of the three worlds of the "tail" of the Matrix Fiery, Subtle and Dense. The structures of these worlds are the same: the yin-yang sign (Chinese beliefs) symbolizes YIN - the DNA of the Matrix, which underlies the structure of the world (Castaneda's nagual)), and YANG - the actual world of movements (Castaneda's tonal): the cell body, the solar system, the atom, galaxy, etc.
The disk framing the yin-yang sign contains 12 "herringbones" - vertical line and three horizontal lines, symbolizing 12 sub-worlds of the worlds of Fiery, Subtle and Dense. Three horizontal lines - three matrices of the physical world, four in each submatrices. Twelve months of the Egyptian calendar were divided into three seasons of four months - the sacred amulet of Egypt, the ladder - a symbol of our physical world. At the same time, our world in form contains four worlds (four parts of the human body: arms and legs), which each have a vertical component of the world: Fiery, Subtle and Dense. Total 12 submatrices of the world - 12 tribes of Israel - the Gregorian calendar (four quarters of three months) - Jacob's ladder (Bible. Old Testament and the Torah of Judaism).
The question arises, maybe Kabbalists or Freemasons are the "artists" of crop circles? With full confidence I can say that it is not them, and none of the people on Earth. Why?
On August 20, 2001, a pictogram, as it was called, “binary code” was discovered in a wheat field near the town of Worwell in the county of Hampshire (England) next to the buildings of the Chilbolton Observatory (Chilbolton, built in 1965) (Fig. 80). The approximate dimensions of the "binary code" are 60 × 25.5 meters.
At first glance, the pictogram looks like the Arecibo Message.

Rice. 80. Message 1974 (left) and pictogram 08/20/1991. "binary
code” (on the right).

The Arecibo Message is a radio signal that was sent on November 16, 1974 from the Arecibo Observatory in the direction of the ball star cluster M13, located at a distance of 25,000 light years in the constellation of Hercules. The message lasted 169 seconds, the wavelength was 12.6 cm. This was done in honor of the discovery of a powerful radio telescope. From top to bottom, the message says:
1. atomic numbers(number of protons in the nucleus of an atom) elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus;
2. formulas of sucrose and nucleotide bases in deoxyribonucleic acid;
3. the number of DNA nucleotides and other DNA information;
4. person;
5. solar system;
6. radio telescope in Arecibo and the dimensions of the transmitting antenna.
The recipient must be able to understand prime numbers as the sides of a rectangle. The probability of successful decryption is significantly reduced if the most familiar shape for the recipient is not a rectangle, but, for example, the honeycomb shape common in insects. The condition for deciphering is also the possession by the host civilization of our knowledge in algebra and geometry.
However, the location of the rectangle is not obvious and is not set in any way. Of the two possible positions, vertical and horizontal, the correct one must be selected by the recipient. When the rectangle is recognized, should be used binary system reckoning to read the information. Now the recipient should be able to perceive information in optical (or any similar) form and recognize the depicted objects.
Since the message was sent, there have been many discussions about the possibility of processing it. Some critics believe that the message is incomprehensible, requiring many mathematical tricks to decipher. It is pointed out that if such a message had arrived on Earth in 1800, it would not have been understood (although it could not have been received).
As it turned out, the recipient did not need 25,000 light-years to receive the Arecibo message, the answer "came" 27 years later in the form of a pictogram in a field near the Chilbolton Observatory. 27 years is a very significant number - it is a person who has 27 pairs of chromosomes, of which only 23 pairs of chromosomes are visible under a microscope.
Let's compare these two figures and draw our own conclusions.
calls big doubt that the recipient will “figure out” that the Arecibo station is drawn at the bottom of the message. We, for example, having no information on the message, would have deciphered it in such a way that McDonald's eateries are indicated here. And what? On all continents, most of these eateries with the letter M above the entrance. At the same time, there is no Arecibo (human product) on the galaxies of the M13 star cluster.
Whereas Bottom part the drawing of the "artists" on their pictogram is easily deciphered (Fig. 80), especially since they provided us with a hint pictogram for this (Fig. 81). She appeared along with the "binary code" and "face" icons next to the observatory.

Rice. 81. Crop circle near the Chilbolton Observatory.

This pictogram shows the structure of the universe - a "big man", which in the pictogram "binary code" (Fig. 80) is repeated above its structural image in the form of a man with big head(not a freak "alien" at all, since all intelligent organic beings in the universe are from a hundred trillion galaxies - have the same DNA code, a big head emphasizes the great intelligence of the universe).
In the center of the pictogram, two circles (with a dot in the middle of these circles) mean its matrix. Two circles on the right and on the left symbolize the Right and Left worlds - their nuclei with a nucleolus in the middle, as in a galaxy and as in a human cell.
Four worlds adjoin the nuclei of the Right and Left worlds (the head and four parts of the human body). Well, further on the pictogram shows the following structures of each world from the indicated four on each side of the universe.
"Krishna appeared in His true four-armed form and finally assumed His two-armed form..."(Chapter 11. Text 50. Bhagavad - Gita).
The presence of two, four, eight, etc. hands of the gods of Hinduism means only the form and structure of the movement of matter ( torsion, rotation, reversal...).
But the biggest sensation of the response-message of the "artists" lies in the curves denoting the shape of DNA. Here, knowledge is open to people that is not yet available in genetics and biology.
The fundamental difference between the radio signal and the pictogram is that the radio signal transmitted information about the solar system and man, and the pictogram contains information about the universe (big man), universal DNA and elements encoding the DNA of EVERYTHING.
The radio transmission contains data on the solar system (a number of planets and the sun under a person). Whereas the solar system, as its science understands, that the Sun attracts planets to itself and holds with its mass, is not in the DNA.
Then the number of planets for "artists" means the following. The three bodies depicted below the “big man” (they are raised in a row) symbolize the Sun (four dots mean a large circle, not four small ones - this can be seen from the drawing at the bottom of the message. That is how they designated the circle), the Earth and the Moon. It is these three bodies that are the "city-forming" of our galaxy according to the curves of DNA.

Since the "aliens" depicted exactly the information on DNA, it is now difficult to decipher what the remaining seven cells to the right of three and to the left of four from the Sun, Earth and Moon mean. Possibly clues to the formation of the DNA nucleotide sequencing system. Which of the planets are involved in the formation of the sequence of nucleotides, it is difficult to say now, since we have not yet taken on the calculations of the trajectories of the rest of the planets of the solar system.
We can only say the following unequivocally: if the main DNA curve is indicated to the right of the human figure, then the sequence of DNA nucleotides is set by Mercury and Venus - the curve to the left of the human figure. Otherwise, this sequence is set by Mars. More research is needed on the "binary code" pictogram.