Highway M9 "Baltic": new Riga. "New Riga" will open this year

The reconstruction of the route will continue until the "second concrete"

Exactly two years ago, in February 2012, a large-scale, costing more than 18 billion rubles, reconstruction of the M9 "Baltic" highway began. During this time, the drivers managed to get used to traffic jams and mastered curly driving on unusually narrow lanes of the road. The builders, meanwhile, ahead of schedule and without blocking traffic on a busy highway, put into operation the first start-up complex of the first stage of the reconstruction of the M-9 "Baltic" highway, km 28+860 - km 37+586 km and 38+380 km - 48+110 km. Traffic is open, now this section has 4 lanes in each direction. And very soon all the work will be moved beyond the Small Concrete Ring.

Sergey Danilkin, a representative of the contracting company LLC Transstroymekhanizatsiya, deputy project manager, spoke to an IV correspondent about the pace of the reconstruction of the route.

Ahead of time

- Sergey Ivanovich, what makes it possible to stay ahead of the reconstruction schedule and does it affect the quality of work?

Indeed, we are building faster than expected by the project. Thus, the commissioning of the first section - from the Moskva River to the Small Moscow Ring (from 17 to 50 kilometers) was scheduled for March 2015, however, for the most part, all work here has already been completed, only interchanges and bridge structures remain. The rush is caused by the fact that motorists turn to Rosavtodor with a request to speed up the reconstruction of the route, and we are trying to optimize the construction time. We hope this year to fully open the section up to 50 km so that there are no obstacles and at least motorists reached the "concrete" quickly enough.

As for the quality of work, we live in the age of new technologies, when new technology including road, the productivity of which is 2-3 times higher. Our company keeps up with the times, the management follows all the technical innovations, every year we change the fleet of construction equipment, purchase the latest equipment. The equipment of the latest models comes to us directly from exhibitions, imported, high-performance. We have a serious organization, we accelerate the terms of work only due to highly qualified employees and equipment performance. In addition, we have two plants for the production of asphalt concrete in the Istra region, so we do not transport the main building material from far away. In the same place, in Kotovo, a dormitory for 700 people was built for our builders, who work in two shifts during the season.

- Nevertheless, now on some reconstructed sections of the road there is a rather noticeable undulation of the asphalt, and after all, when the speed limits are lifted and new Baltic it will be possible to drive at a speed of 130 kilometers, this will become a significant problem.

Indeed, there are such areas, this is due to the fact that the upper, finishing layers of asphalt were laid at in constant motion transport. According to technology, the asphalt paver must move without stopping, in front of it there must be open line, and in order not to completely block traffic, we had to lay asphalt sections of 200-300 meters, which is why bumps appeared in some places. But as soon as positive temperatures come, we will bring them to the standards.

- What difficulties did you encounter during the reconstruction process?

In fact, the track is quite difficult to repair, because here passes a large number of communications that have to be transferred - communications, electrical cables. There are many enterprises and cottage settlements along the Baltic, the whole of New Riga is entwined with these communications, and if we have any hitches with repairs, then for the most part they are all connected precisely with the removal of communications.

- Shouldn't this be provided at the design stage?

The reconstruction project was developed in 2008-2009, and at the same time, a sharp development of the Baltic began, began to appear cottage settlements, enterprises that “dragged” communications, electricity, etc. with them. For that not long time that the project was undergoing examination, along the route and more than half of the new communications appeared.

- How is the reconstruction going on technologically? You do not just remove the top layer of asphalt and lay a new one, do you?

To put it quite simply, the reconstruction consists in the fact that we complete one lane at the expense of the dividing lane and increase the route by one lane by attaching the edge lane, that is, we add two lanes in each direction. As for the deepening of the track, the designers calculated for us what the depth of the foundation should be: sand, crushed stone, concrete, and how much asphalt.

- The load on our roads due to constantly moving trucks is such that for some time ruts from heavy trucks appear on the asphalt, how did you solve this problem in the Baltics?

This is the problem of general construction. In the Baltic States, we took into account the possibility of rutting even during the design, so we make the finishing layer from modern material ShMA-20 (crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete), the main component of which is crushed stone, which is less susceptible to abrasion.
Innovative technologies are also used during the modernization of the system of drainage structures - trays. For this we use composite materials, the use of which allows to increase the service life and resistance of the structure to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures.

Geotextiles were laid on the indicated section of M-9 "Baltic" to strengthen the building structures. This non-woven material is superstrong and durable and performs several functions at once: protection against soil erosion, penetration of coarse-grained soils and materials, and damage to interlayers. A geogrid is used to strengthen the slopes of the embankment at the reconstruction site. Reinforcing and strengthening the soil, it prevents displacement and "spreading" in horizontal plane soil. Every day, two independent laboratories work on the road, which control the formulation of the material, the compliance of the components used with the requirements of current standards. Work at the facility is carried out around the clock. In total, more than 450 units of equipment are involved in the reconstruction.

- How long will the track be able to stand without repair?

The warranty period for the top coat is five years. Each road has its own indicators, the service life depends on the traffic intensity and on the traffic flow. Often, cars are overloaded, they carry abnormal weight, and since the road is not designed for such a weight, it begins to collapse faster. Modern technology capable of transporting large quantity cargo, so the load on the road increases two to three times, and it collapses faster.

In May, work will begin on the section from MMK to MBK

After the onset of positive temperatures, that is, already in May, we plan to begin the reconstruction of the section from Malaya to Bolshaya betonka. It will be easier to work there for several reasons, but the main one is that there is no such heavy traffic. When we, embarking on the reconstruction of the Baltic, measured the intensity diurnal movement, it turned out that its density in the section to the Moscow Small Ring is 120 thousand cars per day. It has been estimated that 20 percent of the cars leave the highway at Krasnogorsk, 40 percent of the cars at the Nakhabinskaya junction, and 30 percent of the cars exit around 50 kilometers. Then transit transport goes to Volokolamsk and Riga.

- So, work on this section of the route will go faster?

According to the contract, the completion of the reconstruction of the section from 50 to 83 kilometers is provided for in 2016, but again, the customer asks us to consider the possibility early delivery object. Therefore, this year we plan to launch full development the left side of the highway (to Moscow), and in 2015 the reconstruction of the right side of the road should be completed. The widening of the reconstructed section, which is about 33 kilometers, will take place at the expense of the dividing strip, which will allow adding one lane to the two existing ones in each direction. Currently, excavation work is already underway on the median strip without traffic restrictions.

After completion of work on the dividing strip, we will move on to widening the shoulder to bring it up to the normative indicators of the class 1B route. Now one link is working on this site, which is conducting preparatory earthworks. In addition, we import materials and prepare equipment. The reconstruction of the section itself will take place in two stages: widening of the road part - by May we will complete preparatory work, organize traffic, carry out earthworks and prepare Construction Materials. The second stage is work with bridge structures, which are handled by Mostotrest. In winter, bridgemen switched traffic and dismantled artificial structures. In May, we plan to launch construction in in full, and by August they should put the final layer of asphalt on the left lane.

I will add that at the second stage of the construction of the M-9 "Baltic" highway on the section km 50 + 016 - 82 + 878, all artificial structures and communications falling into the work area. Electric lighting lines will be built along the road.

Not all at once
- Construction equipment is already working behind the Small Moscow Ring, and meanwhile, some sections that are closer to Moscow are still not open to full-fledged traffic. What is it connected with?
- The delay of the reconstruction on the main section is due to the fact that we spent a lot of time on the release additional project on the organization of traffic, - says Sergey Danilkin. It is quite difficult to invent schemes that allow you to save the existing traffic lane, and this was the main condition of the customer - FKU "Tsentravtomagistral". Now the reconstruction of the overpass at the 26th kilometer is nearing completion; Finishing work so the cars move in the same direction. The work of the overpass at the 28th kilometer has not been completed, so there remains a narrowing of the carriageway.

Initially, the project provided for the closure of the entire direction of traffic, and the cars were to be allowed through the remaining part, that is, to narrow the traffic and engage in one side. We had to build one side of the roadway for two years, then transfer traffic to the repaired side of the road, and work on the reconstruction of the other direction for another two years. But due to the high traffic intensity, we keep the number of lanes, which takes a lot of effort and time, since all projects were developed differently.

First time on Russian roads ASUDD will appear

- Tell me, are the large stands on some sections of the road - these are supports for information boards?

These racks will house the display of the ASUDD pilot system, an automated control system road traffic. For Russia, this project is new and for the first time it will be tested on the Baltic track. Unlike electronic scoreboards on the Moscow Ring Road, which inform drivers only about weather conditions and speed limit, the ATCS system will collect information on the number of vehicles, determine percentage trucks, cars, buses. In addition, programs are being developed that will match the movement in the three subjects of the federation, that is, the driver, at the congress, for example, from the "concrete" will see on the scoreboard information about traffic jams and options for their detour.

- How many such ASUDD displays will there be, and at what kilometers?

They will be installed rationally, at exits from interchanges: at 48 km in the area of ​​the Small Ring, at 36 km in the Benelux area, at 31 km in the area of ​​the Nakhabinsky interchange, near the Vishnevsky hospital.


Photo by Roman MASHININ

On the basis of the administrative act of FUAD " central Russia” dated 13.01.2012 from February 15, 2012 until 2015, traffic is temporarily limited on the Baltiya highway in the section 17 km + 910 m - 50 km + 016 m, from the Moscow Ring Road to A-107 MMK (Small Concrete Ring).

Reconstruction of the federal highway "Baltic" (from 18 to 85 kilometers) within the framework of the program "Improvement and development of the road network of the Central federal district has been underway in stage II since February 2012.

I - on the section from 17 to 50 km, which, according to the contract, was supposed to be completed on March 15, 2015, but it is planned to be completed in October 2014. At this stage, the overpass for 50 km M9 "Baltic" will also be reconstructed.

On two overpasses at 21 and 22 km M9 "Baltic" it is planned to complete the work in August 2014. Work on the bridge over the river Moscow on 20 km M9 "Baltic" is planned to be completed in July 2014.

In October 2013, a ten-kilometer section of the route from 29 to 38 kilometers was put into operation.

In December, another section of the road was opened in both directions from 38 to 50 kilometers.

Despite the fact that the section is straight and safe, there is a speed limit of up to 60 kilometers per hour until the end of the work. Firstly, the track is still full of construction equipment. Secondly, road workers will have to install large information boards along the road on U-shaped and L-shaped pillars. During their installation, traffic will be organized according to a temporary scheme, for which only the lane next to which the supports will be installed will be blocked.

A big request to drivers - observe the speed limit, after all, there are places on the highway where traffic flows opposite directions they go close to each other, and there are frequent cases of head-on collisions. There are two types of violations that are inextricably linked: speeding and moving into the oncoming lane. And the severity of the consequences of such an accident is very high.

In areas where the reconstruction has not been completed, the number of minor accidents has increased: due to non-observance of the distance or lateral interval by drivers, errors in maneuvering ... As a rule, there are no victims in such accidents, but it is also possible to run over cars that have stopped as a result of the accident.

Driving along the reconstructed section of the highway, drivers should be especially careful.

Reconstruction during the period of mass departure of citizens to places of recreation and countryside will lead to an increase in traffic load on the roads M1 "Belarus", M10 "Russia", A-108, A-107, " volokolamskoe highway”, “Moscow - Borodino” and “Pyatnitskoe highway” - as the main alternative routes detour "Baltic". The load will increase in Krasnogorsk, Istra, Volokolamsk, Odintsovo, Khimki, Volokolamsk and Solnechnogorsk.

Choose detour routes! Good luck on the road!

Commander of the 11th Battalion of the 1st DPS Regiment (Northern)
Traffic Police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region
police lieutenant colonel R.V. Zmeevsky

Federal highway M9 "Baltic" (Moscow - Volokolamsk - state border with Latvia) stretched for 618 km. It is part of the European route E22, which runs along Baltic Sea. In Russia, the road lies on the lands of the Moscow, Tver and Pskov regions.

At the exit from Moscow, this is a luxurious eight-lane freeway with a futuristic interchange at the Moscow Ring Road, a median strip, bumpers and a wide shoulder. Then it narrows, narrows... After Volokolamsk (98th km), the dividing strip and the barrier fence disappear. As well as the signs "Magistral", allowing you to move at speeds up to 120 km / h. To the border with the Tver region, the route is still decent, and then the road turns into a testing ground even for all-terrain vehicles - this is 150 km of a nightmare to the Zapadnaya Dvina. Experienced drivers generally recommend passing this section only during the day - the risk of damaging the suspension is too great. Huge pits have been gone for five years now, but there are ruts, bumps and great amount patches, and narrow shoulders make ordinary overtaking very risky. In the Pskov region, drivers rate the track as a solid four. After the Tver section, it seems to many simply gorgeous.

In general, "Baltic" is replete with slides, difficult turns - and, accordingly, signs "Overtaking is prohibited." You have to be very careful: traffic cops with video cameras often hide in such places, especially in the Tver region. Their energy would be yes to repair the track ...

Like all other radial highways leaving the capital, Baltiya is overloaded at the head section: about 100 thousand cars pass here per day (60% cars, 40% trucks). And in the Tver and Pskov regions, the flow is sharply shallow - up to 3-5 thousand cars. But there are relatively more trucks. The plan for the reconstruction of the M9 highway, designed for the next five years, takes into account these features.

Already next year, reconstruction will begin on the section from the exit from Moscow to the intersection of the highway with the Small Moscow Ring (MMK, aka A107, 50th km). On the first section, to the Krasnogorskaya interchange, the road should be expanded to ten lanes (due to the narrowing of the dividing strip and partly of the shoulder), on the second section (to the intersection with the MMK) - up to eight lanes. And then part of the road from MMK to Volokolamsk is also going to be expanded - up to six lanes.

In addition, 30 artificial structures (including 6 bridges and 23 overpasses), 12 traffic interchanges and an elevated pedestrian crossing will be completely or partially rebuilt. Four years later, the entire route up to km 23 and the main road junctions become illuminated - let there be light! And the first 45 km of the road will be fenced off with noise barriers. And one more thing: it is planned to introduce on the highway automated system traffic management. They promise that then it will be easier for drivers to navigate, track traffic jams and congestion. And in the Tver region, the whole terrible area by 2013 should be brought to a standard state ...

And then we will fly: the speed limit in the Moscow region is up to one hundred and twenty! Further it will be also not bad - to the very border. It is clear that this is not a one-day task: reconstruction and overhaul work on the Baltiya highway will last at least four years.

Federal Highway M-9 "Baltija"- highway federal significance Moscow - Volokolamsk - the state border with Latvia, then passes into the Latvian highway A12. Part of European route E 22. The length of the route is about 597 km.

The M-9 highway starts in the north-west of Moscow from the Moscow Ring Road as a continuation of Krasnopresnensky Prospekt, then passes through the territory of the Moscow, Tver and Pskov regions. Prior to the opening of traffic on the Novorizhskoye highway in 1990, the highway ran along the old Volokolamsk road (through Krasnogorsk, Dedovsk and Istra).

Until December 2007, when a section of Krasnopresnensky Prospekt with Zhivopisny Bridge and Serebryanoborsky Tunnel was opened, M-9 was the only federal highway, not directly connected with the center of Moscow by the corresponding city outbound highway: for a long time the road rested against the Moscow Ring Road.

From MKAD to Volokolamsk, the highway is a classic motorway with a dividing strip, no intersections with other transport routes at the same level and corresponding speed mode. The highway was put into operation in the late 1980s (with the exception of the section from the Moscow Ring Road to the interchange with Ilyinsky Highway, which was put into operation in the mid-90s) and is called Novorizhskoye Highway.

After Volokolamsk, the roadway narrows to one lane in each direction, there is no dividing lane.

Reconstruction and development

Moscow region

As of September 2016:

- reconstruction completed highway M-9 "Baltic" in the section from 17 km (intersection with the Moscow Ring Road) to 50 km (intersection with A107 Malaya concrete road) 8 lanes were laid (4 in each direction), in the section from 50 km (intersection with A107 Malaya concrete road) to crossing with A108 Large concrete road laid 6 lanes (3 in each direction).

Tver and Pskov region

To the border with the Tver region (159 km) the road is two-lane with a wide asphalt roadside, after entering the Tver region the road narrows, the roadside is not asphalted, up to 195 km was repaired in 2011-2012. On the section 195-210 km the canvas is in a satisfactory condition.

Currently, work on the repair of the route continues. For example, in the fall of 2014, a section of the M-9 Baltiya highway in the Tver region (158 km - 419 km), located in operational management FKU "Uprdor" Rossiya "" will be brought into the normative state.

The main road traffic goes to Velikie Luki, then the main part of the traffic is heavy vehicles. The route passes away from major settlements(after Rzhev), roadside service at km 373, km 432 (Kunya), Velikiye Luki, Novosokolniki, Pustoshka.

General information

The road passes through slightly hilly terrain, separate sections- wooded and swampy. The temperature conditions on the road are basically the same, the average temperature in January is -10 °C, in July +18 °C.

road crosses major rivers Istra (near the city of Istra), Vazuzu (near the city of Zubtsovo), Mezh (near the city of Nelidov), Veles and the Western Dvina (near the city of Zapadnaya Dvina), Torop (near the city of Staraya Toropy), Lovat (near the city of Great Luke).

Country real estate and cottage boom

In the Moscow region, this is the second most popular and expensive direction, after Rublyovka, among buyers of dachas, land plots and private households, where near Moscow with early XXI centuries, the so-called "elite cottage settlements" have been actively built, and the price of a hundred square meters of land from 2004 to 2007 increased several times.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, cottage and dacha settlements have been actively built here. With the participation of the developers of these villages, a junction at the 19th kilometer and an overpass at the 25th kilometer from the Moscow Ring Road were built, the Nikolo-Uryupinskaya interchange at the 10th km was built with budget money. from the capital.

In the Russian media, among buyers and sellers of suburban real estate near Moscow, the slang name of this highway is used New Riga or Novoriga. One of the headings of the newspaper "On Rublevka", dedicated to the inhabitants of cottage settlements on the Novorizhskoe highway, is called "New Riga".

There are opinions in the media that Novorizhskoe highway becomes the second Rublyovka and its main competitor. Two large golf clubs, platforms for private helicopters and motorized hang gliders appeared in the suburbs of Moscow near the highway, infrastructure for wealthy residents is growing, and a water park is being built. A number of its inhabitants moved from Rublyovka to expensive cottage villages located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe highway, in particular, musician Andrey Makarevich, singer Yuri Loza and Mikhail Shvydkoy.

Interesting Facts

  • A correspondent for the magazine ID Kommersant "Dengi", who traveled along the highway from Moscow to Riga and back in 2005, noted that he had to wait in line for crossing the Russian-Latvian border for more than five hours, at the Russian border checkpoint he passed sanitary control: the paramedic asked him how he feels.
  • As LJ users note, in 2006 all road signs on highways, in particular, those located near Moscow, pointing to Riga, were replaced by those pointing to Pskov.
  • Correspondent of the Russian Reporter magazine Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich prepared a report "Road to the European Union", where he described the state of the highway in the Tver region. According to the journalist's observations, in the spring of 2008 the condition of the road surface was extremely poor:
With every kilometer it seems worse road it can’t be anymore, but the farther, the more and more dense the potholes, and there are fewer and fewer cars, especially cars. Each hole hits right in the heart. At short intervals of relatively smooth asphalt, you try to accelerate, but then you fly into another obstacle course. (...) Trucks huddle in columns and wind past the pits like giant snakes. Some of them try to crawl to the side of the road, but very soon they realize that this is not the best choice: the edges of the road have long since spread to the sides, and you can easily tip over into a ditch from them. There are almost no passenger cars here, especially with Moscow numbers. And those that still come across crawl, shaking their headlights up and down