How to increase your motivation to work. How to increase your own motivation

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Hello dear friends!

Today I decided to answer the questions of many readers and subscribers, which sound something like this:

Do you have motivational slump? When something did not work out or your hands dropped - what do you do in this case? How to raise your motivation?

What do I do when motivation is gone?

I sit in the room and start sobbing loudly until all the tears come out.

And now I will try to answer seriously.

I'll answer the first question first.

Do I have motivational lapses?

In fact, of course, there are. There are no robots, you are always in a state of high spirits and super-cool energy is simply impossible.

If you depict this in the form of a graph, then in principle the life of any person is sinusoid. That is, up and down, up and down.

If we consider specifically emotional energy, then it just works according to this principle.

1st way to increase your own motivation

Consider on real example. I recently went to training. Any training, any event is an emotional lift for me. In those days he was at the peak of efficiency. Accordingly, I arrived after this event - I had a "waste" for 2 days. I need to do something, I walk so sour ... Sometimes at such moments I want to get out of my body and beat myself. But I understand what it is natural process And you don't need to beat yourself - you need to give yourself a rest.

And when you feel like you have a motivational slump, you go down

Yes, go downstairs, watch some more movies, watch horrors, cry, get even more emotions, get emotions so much that you later want to take off from this point again ...

How to take off? Or the fastest way to boost your motivation.

Live events. How often do you attend live events?

I have a live event every week. One way or another, either this is a think tank with my colleagues, or some kind of business environment, or I go somewhere for trainings, or I conduct trainings ...

So here comes the harmony. I went - charged - discharged, charged - discharged.

For those people who sit in one place, they don’t move anywhere, everything is more or less the same - “neither fish nor meat”, as they call it in the common people, when neither here nor there.

To live in harmony happy life and constantly develop, you need a constant surge, recession, surge - recession, surge - recession. Actually, this is the whole idea.

So here is the answer to your question: “What to do?”.

3rd way to motivate yourself

You can still "go down" on emotions, or another option: emotional energy is well pumped through the physical. If this is the state, not hunting, etc. - run, go to the gym, swing.

If a woman, go for a walk. But a woman has other ways to restore emotional energy: go to nature to talk, talk, it’s good to go to the water, where there are trees, take a walk.

But in any case, what is useful for a man, what for a woman physical work, exercise stress. Therefore, if the technique of “going down the emotions does not help,” then transform the physical into emotional energy.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that there are at least 3 effective ways boost your motivation:

  1. “Go down”, that is, artificially lower your motivation even more.
  2. Live events.

Use these methods and write in the comments below about the results. Share your ways to increase motivation.

Every person experiences Hard times when you don't want to do anything, especially work. At this point, many people think about how to increase motivation. We propose to deal with the term "self-motivation" from the very beginning.

Self-motivation (personal motivation)- a situation in which a person induces himself to certain actions. She performs important function to achieve what you want. Surely everyone knows that without motivation or incentive it will be difficult to do boring work. If motivation does not prevail, then sooner or later laziness will take its place under the sun, which will encourage you to come up with new excuses that close all the doors in front of your nose.

To achieve what you want in the most short time, you need to overcome laziness and increase your own motivation by all possible ways. To motivate yourself means to start an imaginary “motor” that can help you achieve your desired goal. How does this engine start?

Here are some ways to start a personal motor:

The visualization method helps to constantly remind yourself of what you want. For example: you have long dreamed of a new apartment in which you can live separately from your parents. But due to financial difficulties, it seemed impossible to you. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to work long and monotonously, which does not always cause good mood for further work.

What should be done? Constantly remind yourself of how you will furnish your new apartment, celebrate housewarming with friends, how cozy it will be, and most importantly, yours. When you think about it, the desired will gradually become feasible due to the fact that you have a desire to work. As a result, you will still be able to save up for a long-awaited apartment, and your visualization will turn into unforgettable moments.

Praise yourself. Provided that the planned work is completed on time, you can afford to relax, do your favorite things or have fun. If you can earn more than usual, then treat yourself to nice gifts, and if laziness takes over, imagine how you will make the purchase of this gift.

For many, an effective way is to attend all kinds of trainings for motivation or read books on this topic. The story of someone else's success amuses the soul and increases self-motivation. Reading would be a great inspiration. similar stories people who were preoccupied with the same goals as you. For example: you want to lose weight, but your desires to eat something tasty occupy your thoughts, and you put everything off until later. Pull yourself together, read stories from someone else's experience about effective weight loss, view photos with results. Some had problems with weight and worse, but were able to find the strength to achieve the coveted number on the scales. These stories will inspire you and push you to take small steps that will turn into a stunning success. Get inspired and everything will definitely work out!

Never compare yourself to others! best example for you is yourself. This method perfectly increases prospects and self-esteem. Opposite actions will exacerbate the situation, causing you to become frustrated with yourself.

Do not pay attention to how many more steps you have to take towards the desired goal, pay attention to the steps already taken. Think about whether you are ready to give up everything one step before your dream comes true. Believe in yourself!

Let go of the past, including your mistakes. The constant thought of past disappointments puts a barrier to future success! Wake up with the thought of a new day, new achievements. This will help you get away from committed mistakes, wrong actions. Don't miss your chance to fix it!

Get a successful and positive company. If you want to learn how to play the guitar, the most effective way is to spend time with a couple of good guitarists. Such a company will be able to support you, point out your mistakes in the game. Do not shy away from criticism, it is better to take note of it and try to correct the mistake. Another thing is if it will be a bunch of people who will oppress you as a person, criticize your hobby. Then, of course, you will not be able to succeed, but on the contrary, you will withdraw into yourself.

As Richard Branson said: “To hell with everything. Take it and do it." by the most effective advice will forget about problems and enjoy life, which has a very positive effect on mood, which improves motivation. Realize that no one will do everything for you. You build your own life, calling it destiny. If you want to achieve the best - start acting right now! Tear your ass off the sofa, don't let laziness take over you, start acting step by step, because everything big starts small. Get inspired! We wish you good luck in achieving your goals.

One of the main reasons people don't reach their goals is because they fail to either start or keep going once the resistance gets tough. You can counter by saying that the main thing is discipline and willpower, while motivation is for the weak. But one thing does not contradict the other - a person with huge force will, which achieves its goals, is usually also sufficiently motivated.

Therefore, in our article we will focus on motivation as a fuel on which you can get to your goal. At the same time, one should not forget that motivation is a limited resource and it should be constantly replenished. Fortunately, there are many different strategies which you can use to motivate yourself to work towards your goals.

Make sure the goal is yours

Nothing will drain your energy as much as trying to follow someone else has put in front of you that you don't believe. Think of the difference between the effort you have to make to go uphill versus the effort you have to make to go down a mountain.

  • You go uphill when you are pursuing a goal that someone has set for you. You were not born for this, so you have to force yourself.
  • You come down the mountain when the goal is yours. You are drawn to it by gravity, and inspiration and motivation arise on their own.

Use affirmations

Useful affirmations are:

  • Taking small steps, I will eventually achieve my goal.
  • I have the ability to achieve everything I want.
  • Whatever the problem, I will find a solution.
  • Every time I fall, I get up.

Do what you love the most

As the great entrepreneur Charles Schwab once said, “A man can succeed in almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.”

Napoleon Hill, author of the multi-year bestseller Think and Grow Rich, explains that enthusiasm comes easily when a person is inspired by the desire and passion to do something. So you need to set goals that you are excited about. Think of enthusiasm as a flame that fuels your motivation.

Surround yourself with enthusiastic people

Other people can either dampen your enthusiasm and motivation or help keep it going. Make friends with those who will encourage and challenge you to achieve your goals.

In addition, enthusiasm is contagious. When you associate with people who are enthusiastic about their lives and their goals, their enthusiasm will inspire you.

If you can't find enthusiastic people, surround yourself with videos and books of enthusiastic people like Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar.

Learn to enter a state of higher enthusiasm

Napoleon Hill explains that everyone has something that boosts their enthusiasm - it could be something like this:

  • Museum visits
  • Listening to music
  • Spending time in nature
  • Wearing pretty clothes
  • Reading books by authors you admire

He adds that everything prominent people discovered ways and means to move themselves into a state of high enthusiasm. You need to figure out what kind of activity makes your enthusiasm skyrocket.

Ask yourself questions

Earl Prewett, author of How to Turn Your Ability Into Cash, explains that one of better ways generate enthusiasm in yourself are questions about your abilities, ideas and progress. Similarly, if you want to generate enthusiasm in others: “Ask enough questions and you will find the answer. When you ask questions, you start an endless chain of ideas. Most inventions and improvements are the result of questions. Someone wanted to know the answer."

Questions spark ideas, provoke reactions, stimulate interest, and create desire. That is, they generate enthusiasm. Here are some questions you can use:

  • How can I have more fun doing this?
  • What's good about this situation?
  • How can I keep moving?
  • Which the next step can i do?
  • What do I want here?
  • How can I increase the speed of work?

Create a "Yes, but..." list

Whatever the goal, you can probably find a long list of reasons why you won't be able to achieve it. These doubts are born in the depths of your mind, killing motivation. However, there is a way that you can use to remove these doubts.

Sit down and write down all the reasons why you think you won't be able to reach your goals. Then, counter each of them with a "yes, but." Here is an example:

  • Reason: I can't reach my goal, I'm too old to relearn.
  • Answer: yes, I am older, but my life experience is an advantage that young people lack.


Another way to generate enthusiasm is to draw your attention to what you are doing. Prewett explains that all work requires concentration of thought: "It's not measured in hours, but those people who can focus on something for a long time create more and make more money."

Try the "As if" principle

Norman Vincent Peel writes about getting enthusiastic on purpose. The process looks like this:

  • Fix the image of enthusiasm in your mind.
  • Get down to business, acting as if you already have high enthusiasm.
  • Believe it.

Focus on the current reality

Let's imagine that you are currently working for someone and your goal is own business. What can you do to improve your life right now? Look at the following two scenarios:

Scenario one: You wake up, go to a job you hate, and then come home, read magazines or watch TV until it's time for bed.

Second scenario: You wake up earlier than usual and use that extra hour to work on your goal of starting your own business. Then you go to work, come home, get some rest, and go to bed early to repeat the process the next day.

Following the second scenario, you will be filled with motivation and enthusiasm every new day, because you started it with your dream.

Keep Motivated and Enthusiastic with Appreciation

One emotion that helps generate enthusiasm, and therefore helps keep you motivated, is gratitude. Feel gratitude for everything you have that helps you reach your goal. Here are three examples:

  • Feel grateful that you have the health you need to reach your goal.
  • Feel grateful for access to the Internet, which allows you to quickly find necessary information to achieve your goal.
  • Feel grateful that through books you have access to the stories of people who have already achieved what you are trying to achieve.

Make your trip more enjoyable

If working on a goal doesn't satisfy you at the moment, think about what you can do to make your journey more enjoyable. Here are some ways:

  • Add Variety
  • Balance between physical and mental work
  • Involve your friends and loved ones
  • Avoid unpleasant things
  • Make your job fun

Motivate with the Past

Make a list of all your past successes. Whenever you feel unmotivated, read this list. Remind yourself of all that you have achieved - great way"refuel".

Expect obstacles

If you are trying to do something worthwhile, then there will definitely be obstacles. Accept that overcoming them is part of the process of reaching your goals. This applies to all kinds of obstacles: people, events, circumstances, and so on.

Just start

Whatever you want to achieve, start. As Prewett explains, the law of nature is: "Do this and you will have strength."

We wish you good luck!

There is a motivation system that includes several practical steps, which will help increase motivation and achieve any goal.

1. Block escape routes.

If the goal is really serious and important, it makes sense to burn bridges and cut off the retreat, leaving yourself no choice but to go forward. This could mean being fired from unloved work, ending an unhappy relationship, moving to a new place of residence, or, for example, a statement publicly about the termination bad habit such as smoking.

This step means that the person himself has created conditions for himself that force him to change his lifestyle and move towards the goal. This is a conscious increase in motivation. As long as the bridges are not burned, the subconscious mind understands that retreat is possible. And if difficulties begin in business, as always happens with serious goals, then the person will retreat. Therefore, in order to achieve success, it is important not to even leave yourself the opportunity to give up.

2. Surround your space with motivational symbols.

These can be posters with motivating inscriptions hung in prominent places, a motivating screensaver on a computer, pictures with a cherished goal, which are also located near the workplace or in your room. It can be a reminder on the phone, with important message yourself. The more often a person remembers the cherished goal and experiences inspiration on this occasion, the closer success is.

3. Associate with positive and optimistic people.

You need to get acquainted with positive-minded people and spend more time with them. If a person shares your goals and inspires you to achieve them, then this is your person. In turn, it is worth limiting your communication with those who do not share your goals and treat them with obvious skepticism or indifference.

It is useful to make acquaintances among those who have already achieved the goals that you are only striving for. They are able to charge with faith in success and transmit their positive attitude. There is a suggestion that you can see your future by looking at the people you interact with the most. If such a prospect does not look too tempting, it is worth changing the circle of contacts, despite the fact that this can be difficult.

Life views and thoughts are highly contagious. Therefore, it makes sense to spend more time communicating with people whose worldview is worth adopting.

4. Inspire yourself every day.

The easiest way to boost your motivation is to listen to and read inspiring books every day. Whatever the goal is, it is important to read the books of those who have already achieved it. Even 15 minutes a day can give a serious recharge for motivation and inspiration. Books written by highly motivated people can convey a positive attitude and increase motivation.

5. Eliminate sources of negativity and replace them with positive sources.

If a person experiences great difficulty motivate himself, most likely, his life is full of negativity.

It is necessary to analyze all sources of information that affect mood. It can be books, magazines, news, TV programs. If an untidy apartment causes irritation or apathy, this is also worth paying attention to.

You need to reduce your viewing of the news, ideally completely, because you will never find positive information in them. When reading, it is also worth giving preference to inspiring books rather than heavy ones. The same applies to cinema - it is better to avoid heavy and gloomy films, and watch light films, comedies, as well as films in which good triumphs over evil.

It is important to cultivate laughter, joy, and positivity, and try to eliminate emotions such as fear, worry, and anxiety.

6. Look like you've already achieved success.

Each time, passing by a mirror in a new image, a person receives a significant dose of motivational reinforcement. It is necessary to imagine yourself in the image of yourself in the future, what you would like to be and take a closer look at how this new “you” looks like. What clothes and hairstyle he wears, how he behaves, what perfume he uses. And without waiting for the cherished and distant day, start looking like this today. This action has a powerful motivational effect.

7. Visualize success.

Visualization is best done in a relaxed mood, with music that inspires and energizes. positive energy. It is enough to devote only 15-20 minutes a day to this activity. You need to imagine yourself having achieved your goals and revive this image. bright colors and living embodiment. Introducing yourself, you need to see yourself as if from the outside, and not from own body. This is important so that the subconscious mind defines the goal as the one to be achieved, and not as already achieved.

This exercise is a great way to start a new day, it can be done even without getting out of bed, at the stage of awakening. Music should be changed from time to time so that the emotional response does not decrease over time from listening to the same compositions.

8. Act boldly!

If the goals are defined and set, it is necessary to act immediately. Don't worry about detailed planning or you may never get out of the planning stage. As Napoleon said: A case is considered well thought out if it is thought out by a third».

Details will be thought out later, and in this moment you need to start doing the first action that you can take now. Do not constantly weigh the pros and cons, you just need to start acting. All the details will become clear later, during active operations, and much will become clear directly in practice, something that could not be calculated at the planning stage.

It is important to remember that the energy of action feeds motivation, while thinking and procrastination kill it. How more people feeds his motivation, the more he realizes that he will never back down.

If you consistently apply all 8 tips in practice, then you can increase motivation to such an extent that nothing can shake it. This is a pleasant state when you move towards the goal every day and enjoy the process itself, because you are focused on the positive aspects of achievements, instead of difficulties. positive energy inside always translates into a positive result outside.

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How to increase motivation? To answer this question, we propose to use the family effective ways. Take action, and the result will be waiting for you!

We all want to optimize our time and do what we enjoy. Every day we strive to get closer to achieving our goals and live happy, successful life. However, just waiting for inspiration to start moving forward is not enough. You must act, and not assume that everything will happen somehow by itself. Only one action can bring, even small ones, and give you new experience. The only question is how to force yourself to act, and how to find motivation?

1. Want to increase your motivation? Then learn to simplify!

Approach your life planning from a creative point of view. Give up those activities that you do not like and take up too much time and energy. It's very hard to find motivation when your mind is full of thoughts about the tasks you need to complete. Therefore, simplify. One way to simplify is to start merging various activities. Think about which ones you can reduce to one action. Thus, you will have more time, as well as a feeling of satisfaction, which in turn increases motivation.

2. Set achievable goals

Remember that we must always put ourselves specific goals, which can be completed within quite real period time. This well helps the brain to focus only on those things that are achievable. When we make visible progress towards our goals, we become much happier, and as a result, we have the motivation to move on.

3. Develop New Habits

Sometimes the smallest changes in life bring the biggest results. When you start going to the gym, recording videos or practicing singing, key factor in doing these is consistency and repetition. If you can't seem to finish a project, just start doing some small things every day, even if it only takes you five minutes. Remember that small actions can lead to big results.

4. Work with your subconscious

The human brain is a fantastic problem-solving tool. If you have questions that you are looking for answers to, take a few minutes before bed to rethink everything. Imagine what the solution might be. Visualize goals and ways to achieve them. After sleep, write down everything that comes to mind and start acting.

5. Focus on your surroundings.

The people you spend time with influence and change your life in one way or another. Surround yourself with people who support and motivate you. We can always choose who we spend the day with and what we spend our time on. You can always decide for yourself: stay with a person who sucks energy out of you and morally puts pressure on your personality, or stay with a person who inspires you and is happy with your success.

6. Visualize your ideal future

If you're not motivated, try focusing on a goal that leads to what you want to achieve in the future. A great way to increase motivation is to think more about your ideal future. Where would you like to be in 5 years? What is your the main objective? What needs to happen for you to be very satisfied with your accomplishments?

7. Don't be afraid to take action

Learn to resist. We all have a lot to do and sometimes it's easy to feel completely overwhelmed with work. However, you can always start small and work your way up to something bigger. Gradually, step by step. The main thing is not to sit idly by.