The most famous ships in history. The most famous ghost ships

legends about mysterious ghost ships for centuries they have been in awe of experienced sailors and residents of coastal cities. Vessels with missing crews still roam the seas and oceans today.

Flying Dutchman

A legendary ghost sailboat that cannot land and is doomed to sail the seas until the Second Coming. Meeting him is considered a bad omen. A ghost sailboat is often seen near the cape Good Hope.
There are many versions of the legend about him. According to one of them, the ship, commanded by Captain Philip van Der Decken, was returning from the East Indies in 1641. A young couple traveled on board, the captain liked the girl, he proposed to her to become his wife, but the girl refused and Van Der Decken killed her lover. After that, the girl jumped overboard. When trying to go around the Cape of Good Hope, the ship got into a storm. A riot began among the sailors, the navigator offered to wait out the storm in one of the bays. Needless to say, after that the navigator was also killed. The captain swore on his mother's bones that no one would go ashore until they rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Van Der Decken kept his word: the ghost ship is still maneuvering at the cape. The first written mention of it appears in 1795.


English merchant ship. In 1775 it was returning from China. Found drifting off the coast of Greenland. The whole team froze and died. The ship's log showed that the crew tried to pass through the Northwest Passage, which would be successfully overcome only at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1906. A ship with a frozen crew drifted among the pack ice for 13 years.

Mary Celeste

Merchant ship. For an unknown reason, it was abandoned by the crew. Found 400 miles from Gibraltar on December 4, 1872. The ship was in normal condition, the holds were full of food, the cargo (the ship was carrying alcohol) was intact, no trace of the crew was found. On November 7, 1872, the ship left the port of New York. There were 13 people on board: Captain Briggs, his wife, their daughter and 10 sailors.
The ship was launched into the water in 1860. For 10 years, he changed owners, and the bad reputation. In the end, he also changed his name - he was "Amazon", and became "Mary Celeste" - Mary of Heaven. Last owner changed his name, hoping to end a string of bad luck. Did not help.
The vessel was missing a ship's log and boats, which were discovered in 1873 off the coast of Spain. They contained a body wrapped in an American flag and five more unidentifiable corpses. There were no women or children among them.


It was built in 1911 in Sweden. The merchant ship was carrying skins. The main course is Northwest Canada. In 1931, during the voyage, the ship got stuck in the ice, a week later the ice under the ship cracked, and the sailors were able to continue their journey. But after 8 days the ship got stuck in the ice again. The team went ashore, deciding to wait for the thaw. A month later, the sailors returned to the place of imprisonment of their ship, but the Baichimo disappeared. And the team decided that the ship sank. However, after a week Coast security reported that the ship was 45 miles from the team's camp, and it was again in the ice. The Hudson's Bay Company - the owner of the Baichimo - decided to leave it, as the ship was badly damaged. But Baichimo was again freed from captivity and plied the waters of the Bering Strait for another 38 years. The ship has been seen many times. Last meeting with him took place in 1969, near Alaska. In 2006, the government of Alaska launched a campaign to capture the ship, but it was not successful.

Orang Medan

Cargo ship. The course is the Strait of Malacca. In 1948, two American ships received an SOS signal at once. A man who called himself a member of the Orange Medan team asked for help - "everyone is dead, it will come for me" - that was the message. Then a strange noise appeared and the signal stopped. The ships moved to help. A crew was found on board, all in defensive postures, with an expression of horror on their faces. The temperature of the bodies was significantly increased, the team died 6-8 hours ago. When trying to tow the ship, a fire suddenly started on it, it cracked in half, an explosion thundered, and the ship sank.
The theory has been put forward that there is no Orang Medan and that it is all a hoax, since such a ship was not listed by Lloyd, but there is a lot of evidence from relatives of the disappeared sailors that they were hired on this ship and disappeared . Only one photograph remained of the Orange Medan, which was taken by the wife of one of the crew members.

Lyubov Orlova

Soviet cruise ship built in 1976. Until 1999, it belonged to the Far East shipping company, after it was sold to the American cruise company Quark Expeditions, which in 2010 sold the ship for scrap for debts. As of February 22 of the year before last, the ship was in free drift in the Atlantic Ocean, without a crew and marker lights. In January 2014, it was reported that a ship inhabited by cannibal rats could wash up on the coast of Ireland or the UK.


Australian catamaran yacht, crew went missing under unclear circumstances in mid-April 2007. The incident generated huge media interest, which compared the disappearance of the team to the case of the "Mary Celeste". There were 3 people on board. On April 18, 2007, a yacht free-floating near the Great Barrier Reef was accidentally spotted by a coastal patrol flying over it. No crew members were found on the yacht. The yacht was in perfect working order, the engine was in working order, dinner appliances were placed on the table, the laptop was working, all life jackets were in place, the anchor was raised. There are three main versions of what happened: falling overboard due to a storm (the yacht slightly deviated from the original course and fell into a bad weather zone), abduction to another unidentified vessel, the yacht ran aground, the crew went down to push it, but it was blown away by a gust of wind .

The 14th of February. /TASS/. February 14, 2016 marks the 95th anniversary of the launch of the world's largest training sailing ship Sedov.

"Sedov"- a four-masted barque, the world's largest training sailing ship (in different years also Magdalene Vinnen II, Kommodore Johnsen). Currently owned Federal Agency in Fisheries (Rosrybolovstvo), assigned to the Murmansk State Technical University (MSTU). The captain of the sailboat since 2015 is Viktor Nikolin. The ship's call sign is UELO. International Maritime Organization (IMO) identification number - 7946356: MMSI identification number - 273510000.

History of "Sedov"

Sailboat with steel hull and auxiliary engine internal combustion was designed in 1919 in Germany. In 1920, she was laid down by order of the Bremen shipowner Friedrich Vinnen at the shipyard "Germany" Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft in Kiel, originally bore the name Magdalene Vinnen II ("Magdalena Vinnen II") in part of the daughter of the customer. Launched on February 14 (according to other sources - March 23), 1921, entered service in the same year and went on its maiden voyage on September 1.

Initially, the bark was used to transport goods (timber, coal, pyrites, wheat, etc.) between the ports of Europe and South America, Australia, South-East Asia and Oceania.

With the beginning of the world economic crisis 1930s the operation of the vessel became unprofitable, and in 1936 Friedrich Winnen sold the bark to the shipping company Norddeutscher Lloyd ("North German Lloyd"; Bremen, Germany), which was supported by the state. The new owner named the ship Kommodore Johnsen ("Commodore Johnsen"; in honor of the sailor merchant fleet Captain-Commander Nicholas Johnsen), equipped it with cabins for 70 cadets and began to use it not only for cargo transportation, but also for training purposes.

During the Second World War, the ship was listed as part of the auxiliary fleet. Nazi Germany, was used as a towed barge for the delivery of military cargo.

Post-war years "Sedov"

In December 1945, the sailing ship passed to the Soviet Union as part of reparations and was renamed in honor of the polar explorer Georgy Sedov (1877-1914). Transferred to the class of training ships in January 1946.

The training ship made its first voyage under the Soviet flag in June 1952, and in 1956 it was refitted. Until 1966, it belonged to the Navy of the USSR, in 1966-1991 - to the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR. In 1975-1981. passed overhaul and modernization at the Kronstadt Marine Plant, having received cockpits for 164 cadets, classrooms, assembly hall, wardroom, canteens, gym, museum, sauna.

In 1981-1991 the port of registry was Riga: "Sedov" was part of the Riga detachment of training vessels of the Latvian fishing industry production association ("Latrybprom") of the USSR Ministry of Fisheries. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR in 1991, it was transferred to the Murmansk State Technical University (now a subordinate educational institution of the Federal Agency for Fishery) and Murmansk became the port of registry.

Future captains, navigators, mechanics, radio operators are trained on the Sedov.

In 2000, the barque was arrested in French Brest following a lawsuit filed by the Swiss company Noga ("Leg") on account of debts Russian government, however, lawyer Michel Quimber, who represented the interests of the Murmansk State Technical University, proved to the court that the ship cannot be considered government property.

In 2001, the Bank of Russia issued commemorative coins in denominations of 100 and 1000 rubles. with a picture of a sailboat.

Bark participated in the filming of the films "Black Rose - the Emblem of Sorrow, Red Rose - the Emblem of Love" (1989, USSR; director - Sergei Solovyov) and "The Pamir Tragedy" (2006, Germany; Kaspar Heidelbach).

Achievements and records "Sedov"

From 1966 to 2016 the vessel made almost 100 training flights.

In 1987, in the Mediterranean Sea, the barque set a world speed record for sailing ships of this class (12.6 knots, 23.34 km/h). "Sedov" took the second (1992), third (1994) and first (1995) places in the international sailing regatta The Cutty Sark Tall Ships "Races (now - Tall Ships" Races).

On September 23, 2010, the barque crossed the 78th parallel of north latitude and moored in the Russian port of Barentsburg, setting a new record for ships of this class - such sailboats had never sailed so far north in the cold season. In 2012-2013 "Sedov" made its first round-the-world voyage, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood, passing 47 thousand kilometers in 14 months. nautical miles(over 87 thousand km).

In 2016, three training flights of the Sedov are planned: from the Kaliningrad region to Murmansk and back (March-July) and with a call to the Mediterranean Sea (August-November).

Specifications of the barque "Sedov"

Barque length - 97.9 m (with bowsprit - 117.5 m); - width - 14.66 m; - draft - 7.52 m; - the height of the masts from the waterline - 58 m; - power plant- diesel engine with a capacity of 2 thousand 176 horsepower (1 thousand 600 kW); - displacement - 6 thousand 148 tons; - sail area - 4 thousand 192 sq. m; - speed - up to 18 knots (33.3 km / h) under sail, 10 knots (18.5 km / h) - under the engine; - crew - 54 sailors, 146 cadets.




Four-masted bark, training sailing vessel of the Baltic State Fishing Fleet Academy (Kaliningrad). Built in 1925-1926. in Geestemünde (now Bremerhaven, Germany) as Padua ("Padua"), in 1945 it passed through reparations to the Soviet Union, renamed in honor of the navigator Admiral Ivan Krusenstern (1770-1846). Repeatedly made transatlantic and round the world expeditions. Port of registry - Kaliningrad.

Vessel length - 114.5 m;

Width - 17.4 m;

Draft - 6.3 m;

Displacement - 5 thousand 220 tons.

Sailing area - 3 thousand 640 square meters. m

Speed ​​under sail - up to 17.4 knots (32.2 km / h)

The power plant is diesel, with a capacity of 2 thousand horsepower;

Crew - 70 sailors, 164 cadets.


Three-masted frigate, training sailing vessel of FSUE "Rosmorport" (until 2014 belonged to the State University of Maritime and river fleet them. Admiral S.O. Makarov). Built in 1986-1987. by order Soviet Union in Gdansk (Polish People's Republic, now Poland). Port of registry - St. Petersburg.

Vessel length - 109.6 m;

Width - 14 m;

Draft - 7 m;

Displacement - 2 thousand 247 tons;

Speed ​​under sail - up to 21 knots (38.8 km / h);

Crew - 49 sailors and 144 cadets.


Three-masted frigate, training vessel of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University (Vladivostok). Built in 1988-1989. commissioned by the Soviet Union in Gdansk (Polish People's Republic, now - Poland). Named after the legendary frigate "Pallada" of the Russian Navy, on which in 1852-1855. fulfilled diplomatic mission Admiral Putyatin to Japan. Used for educational and research purposes. Port of registry - Vladivostok.

Vessel length - 108.6 m;

Width - 14 m;

Draft - 6.6 m;

Displacement - 2 thousand 284 tons;

Sailing area - 2 thousand 771 square meters. m;

Speed ​​under sail - up to 18.7 knots (34.6 km / h);

The power plant is diesel, with a capacity of 1 thousand 140 horsepower;

Crew - 51 sailors, 144 cadets.


Three-masted frigate, FSUE "Rosmortport" training vessel (until 2014 belonged to the Marine state university them. Admiral G. I. Nevelsky). Built in 1989-1991 commissioned by the Soviet Union in Gdansk (Polish People's Republic, now - Poland). Annually makes training flights across the Pacific Ocean, visiting the ports of Japan, China and other countries of the Far East region. Used for research purposes. Port of registry - Vladivostok.

Vessel length 109.4 - m;

Width - 14 m;

Draft - 7.3 m;

Displacement - 2 thousand 984 tons;

Sailing area - 2 thousand 768 square meters. m;

Speed ​​under sail - up to 18 knots (33.3 km / h);

The power plant is diesel, with a capacity of 1,224 horsepower;

Crew - 50 sailors, 143 cadets.

Royal Clipper ("Royal Clipper")

A five-masted cruise sailing vessel of the Swedish company Star Clippers Ltd ("Star Clippers Limited"). Built in 1999-2000 in Gdansk (Poland) modeled on the German sailing ship Preussen ("Prussia", 1902-1910). The longest sailboat in the world. Port of registry - Malta.

Vessel length - 134.8 m;

Width - 16.5 m;

Draft - 5.6 m;

Displacement - 5 thousand 61 tons;

Sailing area - 5 thousand 202 square meters. m;

Speed ​​under sail - up to 10.9 knots (20.19 km / h);

The power plant is diesel, with a capacity of 22 thousand 500 horsepower;

Crew - 106 sailors, passenger capacity - 227 people.

INS Tarangini ("Tarangini")

Three-masted barque, training sailing ship Navy of India. Built in 1995-1997. at the shipyard Goa Shipyard Limited ("Goa, Shipyard Limited", Goa, India). Port of registry - Kochi.

Vessel length - 54 m;

Width - 8.5 m;

Draft - 4.5 m;

Displacement - 513 tons;

Sailing area - 1 thousand 35 square meters;

Speed ​​under sail - up to 10 knots (18.5 km / h);

The power plant is diesel, with a capacity of 640 horsepower;

Crew - 16 sailors, 45 cadets.

USS Constitution ("Constitution")

Frigate Military naval forces USA, museum ship. The oldest sailing ship in the world that is still afloat. Also known by the nickname Old Ironsides ("Old Ironsides", English. "Iron-side old"), in 1917-1925. was named USS Old Constitution. Built in 1794-1797. in Boston (pc. Massachusetts, USA). The last sailing trip to date was made in 2014, since 2015 it has been under scheduled repairs. Included in the list of the most important attractions in the United States. Home port - Boston.

Vessel length - 62 m;

Width - m, draft - 7.2 m;

Displacement - 2 thousand 200 tons;

Speed ​​under sail - up to 13 knots (24 km/h);

Crew - 450 people (of which 55 marines and 30 jung);

Armament: 52 guns (long-range guns, carronades, etc.).

Sailing Yacht A

The world's largest sailing yacht. By order of the Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko, it has been built since 2014 at the Nobiskrug shipyard in Kiel (Germany), in n. in. passes sea ​​trials before delivery. Designed with the participation of designer Philippe Starck, who previously created for the same customer Motor Yacht A - motor yacht "A". The body is made of steel, some of the elements are made of composite materials. The vessel has eight decks and a helipad.

Vessel length - 143 m;

Width - 25 m;

Displacement - about 12 thousand 700 tons;

Speed ​​under sail - 21 knots (38.9 km / h);

The power plant is diesel-electric, with a capacity of 9 thousand 654 horsepower;

Crew - 54 people, passenger capacity - 20 people.

The material was prepared by TASS-DOSIER /Valery Korneev/.

From the very moment that Caveman suddenly realized that a tree can swim, not sink, the sea has become an integral part human history. Starting from a pie hollowed out of wood and ending with modern ships with atomic engines, a person did not lose contact with the ships. Before the age of steam engines, this was essentially the only way to move goods around the world.

We can safely say that ships are an integral part of civilization. Yes, and as a military means, they were actively used. All the innovations in maritime history, from steam power to construction machinery, are associated with improved ship design. Thus, the ships continue to fascinate us, sometimes having a mystical attraction to them.

To imagine the future without them is simply unthinkable. Over the millennia, mankind has managed to build millions of ships, some of which have managed to influence history. Some of the ships became famous for their achievements, while others became a kind of symbol that unites peoples. All these legends survived the centuries, and they will be discussed below.

Santa Maria. Although this boat was only about 70 feet (21.4 meters) long and, by and large, it was slow and inconspicuous, few can deny its glory. It was this that brought Christopher Columbus to the New World. Although the traveler ended up with a bad reputation, especially for his cruelty as governor of Hispaniola, but despite all his weaknesses, fame brought him courage. After all, Columbus was not afraid to go into the unknown, having managed to cross the Atlantic as a result as many as 4 times. Unfortunately, the fragile Santa Maria could not repeat the journey of her captain - she ran aground on Christmas Day in 1492. Her timber was saved and she was being prepared for the construction of a new ship, La Navidad, which means "Christmas", as the wreck happened to be on that date. The original legendary ship has long since disappeared, but at least four replicas of the Santa Maria have been built since then, and all of them could go to sea. Unfortunately none of them can be named. an exact copy, as no records remain of the original design of the ship. This made it possible to create various configurations of the former Santa Maria.

H.L. Hunley. This early prototype submarine was actually more dangerous to its own naval crews than to adversaries. However, it was this vessel that began a revolution in naval engineering, the fruits of which we still enjoy today. The boat was created by the Confederates in 1863 specifically to sink the ships of the northerners, who blocked a number of ports. The boat made only a few trips, during which 13 crew members were killed, including the creator himself, H.L. Hunter. The first battle baptism was scheduled for the evening of February 17, 1864. Few people wanted to serve on Hunley, so a team of men with suicidal tendencies crept up. Attached to the prow of the ship was a pike with a lethal charge attached to it. Captain Dixon chose the target, the steam sloop Housatonic. The pike was stuck in the starboard, the submarine reversed, and the trigger cord caused the charge to detonate. The resulting explosion sank the Housatonic, becoming the first ship in history to be sunk by a submarine. Unfortunately, the small boat did not return to the dock, sinking for unknown reasons. For 136 years she remained at the bottom along with eight crew members. Only after 136 years in the harbor of Charleston H. L. Hunley was discovered and raised in August 2000 with great fanfare. The vessel is surprisingly well preserved; today it is stored in a special container. And before the novel by Jules Verne "20 thousand leagues under the sea" was as much as 5 years ...

USS "Monitor" and CSS "Virginia" (or "Merrimack"). Even though the many hours of battle between these battleships in Hampton, Virginia, was relatively unspectacular and ended in a draw. But this battle is considered one of the most important in the history of the navy. After all, for the first time in a duel, two ships made not of wood, but of iron, went down. The monitor also had the honor of being the first ship with a rotating gun turret. This design changed the direction of ship building in the next century. The Confederate ironclad, Virginia, was built on the basis of the Merrimack frigate salvaged from the bottom, which had been sunk earlier. This is what caused the confusion with the names. The Merrimack was scuttled when Norfolk was taken prisoner by the Confederates in April 1861. The raised ship was equipped with massive metal plates. It proved not only impervious to cannon fire, but also became a dangerous weapon of the southerners, used to flood a couple of traditional wooden ships Union the day before historical battle. Neither the "Monitor" nor the "Virginia" played a significant role in the war, soon sinking. Virginia was bombed in May 1862 as Allied forces retook Norfolk. The monitor was lost in a storm off Cape Hatteras on New Year in the same 1862. Then 16 crew members also drowned. By the way, the wreck of this ship off a cape in Virginia in 1973 was marked with a national monument. Since then, many artifacts from the ship have been found, including turrets, cannons, propeller, anchor, engine, personal items of the crew. All items are currently on display at Maritime Museum in Newport News, Virginia.

USS Constitution. In America, this ship is known as "Old Ironsides". The ship, due to its solid construction, is the country's oldest intact ship and serves as a museum in Boston, Massachusetts. The Constitution has been afloat for 213 years, its service life is unusually long. The ship was in operation from 1797 until civil war, after which they made a training ship out of it. The Constitution periodically went to sea until its final retirement in 1881. During her life, she managed to participate in two conflicts. First, in the first Barbarian War, when the "Constitution" fought against the most real pirates in the Mediterranean Sea and in the war of 1812, when the ship distinguished itself by defeating the British frigates "Guerrier" and "Java". It was these circumstances that gave the "Constitution" the reputation of a ship that could repulse the British in personal combat. At that time, this was no small feat, given that the Royal Navy was at that time the largest and most powerful in the world. It was glory that saved the ship from destruction since 1907. It began to act as a museum on the water. The "Constitution" has been restored and repaired so many times that today even the keel contains only a fraction of what was left of the original. The rest of the parts have changed several times over the decades. The Constitution is still on the move, as it proves every year when it is towed into Boston Harbor. There she demonstrates her sides in all their beauty, meets regattas. Officially, the "Constitution" is still a warship, today on board there are sixty crew members who are full members of the US Navy.

Battleship Missouri. Even if this ship was not an active participant in major naval battles. Nevertheless, "Mighty Mo", as the crew members called it among themselves, received the honor of becoming the very ship on which the documents on the end of the Second World War were signed. It happened in tokyo bay September 2, 1945. But not only this war was noted in the fate of the ship. Battleship with a displacement of 48 thousand tons long time was at sea. Decommissioned after the war, it resumed operations during the Korean War and again in 1984 when it became part of Ronald Reagan's 600-ship plan. The Missouri saw service during the first Gulf War in 1991, when the ship launched cruise missiles and 16-inch rounds against targets in Iraq. Today, the ship is in eternal peace at Pearl Harbor, serving as a museum and war memorial. It is interesting that from the mooring place there are only a few hundred meters from the crash site of the battleship Arizona. In fact, from the deck of the ship you can see the places where the war began for the Americans and where it ended.

HMS Victoria. HMS stands for "Her Majesty's Ship". No other ship served better as a symbol of the power wielded by the Royal Navy in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. After all, Victoria was the famous and, in fact, the legendary flagship of Lord Nelson. The ship is one of the largest wooden ships ever built. He saw significant action in recent decades eighteenth century, namely the fight against both the French and Spanish fleets. The Victoria made history during the famous Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. After all, it was on her board that Admiral Nelson was mortally wounded, having managed to defeat the combined fleet of the French and Spaniards before that. This victory made it possible to save England from a military invasion. The ship was originally planned to be decommissioned after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. The story goes that the Victoria was saved by the wife of the Minister of the Navy, who, having learned that the ship that had served so long and bravely, would be destroyed, simply burst into tears and demanded that her husband cancel the scrapping of the ship. The official was not a fool, he understood how to maintain family balance, and did exactly what his wife demanded of him. As a result, the ship became a training school for sailors for the next hundred years. In 1922, the British government carried out extensive restoration work. The ship now operates as a museum in Portsmouth, making the Victoria one of the oldest ships afloat in the world.

Battleship "Maine". Some ships became famous not for what they did, but for what they represented in general. The battleship Maine was tiny compared to the battleship monsters that would later appear based on it. But the death of this ship was the reason for the start of the Spanish-American war. Those events united the nation. The ship was located in the shallow harbor of Havana, when suddenly, on February 15, 1898, it was torn in two by a mysterious explosion. Of the 355 crew members, only 89 people survived, while the Maine itself sank in a matter of minutes. The cause of the explosion remained unclear. Today, some historians and naval engineers speculate that it could have been the result of an accidental detonation of ammunition inside a ship due to a coal fire. However, the authorities immediately suspected a deliberate sabotage. Allegedly, the Spaniards had planted a mine in advance. These events involved the country for the next few months in a war, short but incredibly successful. The participation of the Spaniards in the incident in the end has never been proven, it would be disadvantageous for them. But experts say that a mine would have formed a hole in the ship's hull, while it was torn in half. In any case, the Americans received the battle cry "Remember the Maine", which remained popular for several decades after that. As for the ship itself, in 1911 its remains were raised along with mud from the bottom of the Havana port, as they began to pose a danger to other ships. Pieces of "Maine" were taken out to the open sea and flooded with everyone military honors. Thus, the end of the battleship became worthy. Although he did little in his lifetime, he became the cause of many consequences and the redistribution of colonial possessions.

German battleship Bismarck. The Bismarck became the main threat to the British fleet in the spring of 1941. Vessel 823 feet long with maximum speed at 30 knots was the fastest to be afloat. At the end of May, the Bismarck left the base in Gdynia, Poland, intending to hunt British merchant ships. Further developments became the largest naval hunt in the history of the Royal Navy, which was remembered by both sides for a long time. On the morning of May 24, near the coast of Iceland, the Bismarck battle took place with English cruiser"Hood" and the battleship "Prince of Wales". After a brief exchange of fire, the Hood exploded - a shell, apparently, hit the cellar. As a result of the death of the ship, 1417 crew members drowned, only three managed to escape. "Prince of Wales" was heavily damaged and was forced to flee from the battlefield. The Bismarck itself was damaged and rushed to the French coast for repairs. During the campaign, the ship was also attacked by English torpedo bombers. As a result, the German ship was overtaken by the English battleships Rodney and King George V. Their firepower was able to send Hitler's pride to the bottom. As a result of a two-hour battle, the already wounded ship was finally finished off. About 2000 members of his crew drowned, only about 200 sailors survived. The site of the sinking of the Bismarck was discovered only in 1989 by Robert Ballard, who had discovered the Titanic three years earlier. The German battleship has been carefully studied. Despite the years that had passed, it appeared that the heavy damage from the last battle had left his hull virtually intact. However, serious design flaws were found that resulted in loss of control when the rudder was damaged. This made it possible to assume that the battleship was still not sunk by the British, but was flooded. Last Stand"Bismarck" showed that battleships had lost their importance - the leading role at sea was transferred to aircraft carriers.

Battleship Arizona. Among American veterans, there are few such ships that evoke emotions of a special kind. One of them is Arizona, named after one of the states. The ship managed to take part in the First World War, without noting anything special, and its Active participation World War II lasted only 15 minutes. That's how long it took the Japanese bombers to sink this battleship. During the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor, four heavy bombs hit Arizona at once. They broke through several decks and exploded deep inside, where the shells and fuel supplies were located. A terrible shot tore the battleship apart, a wave formed like a tsunami. As a result, out of 1,400 crew members, 1,177 were killed, including the captain and admiral. The remains of the ship burned for several more days. Arizona was so badly damaged that there was no point in restoring it. The ship has remained in Pearl Harbor Bay to this day, already as a war memorial, which is visited by millions of people every year. Given the fame of the ship today, it is interesting that little even the Americans themselves know about the fate of Arizona during the next few years after the war. Military censors kept silent about the fact that the battleship lay forgotten in shallow water for decades after that attack. The memorial appeared only in the late 1960s. becoming a symbol of America's determination and a tribute to the fallen. Every year on December 7, a prayer service for the fallen is held here, the newly elected president of the country traditionally visits it. For a long time, engine oil seeps drop by drop from the engine room of the ship, spreading over the water in a lilac spot. Arizona cries for its crew...

British liner Titanic. It is easy to name the most famous ship in history - this is the Titanic. This luxurious vessel was designed to showcase all the technological possibilities of man at that time with brilliance. Instead, there was only a display of arrogance. The Titanic became the largest and fastest passenger ship of its time. The White Star Line steamer left England on April 10, 1912, making its maiden voyage to New York. However, five days later the giant collided with an iceberg and the ship sank. Although it seemed that two and a half hours from the moment of collision until the moment the Titanic sank under water should be enough to evacuate all 2,300 people on board, in reality it turned out that there were only half lifeboats. This caused the death of 1,500 people who found themselves a watery grave in the North Atlantic. The disaster came as a shock to the entire maritime community, as a result of which radical changes were made to the rules for the mandatory number of lifeboats on board, as well as other security measures. In the end, the name "Titanic" became not only synonymous with tragedy, but also with greed, indifference and class privilege. After all, most of the dead were third-class passengers. The history of the Titanic is shrouded in mystery, which only grows with the years. In 1985, the ship was discovered at a depth of 3750 meters, and since then has served as an even greater source of inspiration for both documentaries and feature films. It is quite possible to say that the Titanic taught mankind a hard lesson, the consequences of which we experience to this day.

It is perhaps impossible to tell about all known courts. The Russian battleships "Potemkin" and "Aurora" (which became symbols of the revolutions of 1905 and 1917), and HMS "Bounty" (a British frigate, famous for the mutiny on it), and HMS "Endeavor" (on which Captain Cook studied the islands) deserve attention. Pacific Ocean), and the Mayflower (on which pilgrims were delivered to Massachusetts in 1620), the Louisitania (her death in 1915 served as a catalyst for the US entry into the First World War), USS Independence (the most outstanding aircraft carrier of the US Navy in World War II), the Japanese battleship Yamato (the largest built battleship) or the English galleon "Golden Doe" (on which Sir Francis Drake made his first full trip around the world in 1577-1580).

Pirates have always been associated with adventurers, robbers, robbers and brawlers who have gained fame not only at sea, in love affairs, but even in politics. But let's look at their activities in the open sea, since it was she who brought those fabulous riches that are still being sought. Even titles pirate ships were designed to intimidate their opponents, and the Jolly Roger flag instilled panic fear in the crew of the attacked ship.

The most famous pirates

Speaking about the era of piracy, it should be borne in mind that not all adherents of this way of earning and existence were exactly pirates in the direct sense of the word. In those days, there was a division into outright robbers, corsairs, privateers, filibusters, etc.

Interestingly, privateering was legalized in England, which did its best to prevent Spain from entering the New World. Roughly speaking, the English crown secretly issued patents for the robbery of Spanish galleons, which returned with gold and silver from both Americas.

But in general, if you make a list of the most desperate and famous personalities of that era in their field, it could look something like this:

  • Captain Kidd.
  • Edward Teach "Blackbeard".
  • Henry Morgan.
  • L'Ollone.
  • Jetrow Flint.
  • Olivier Le Wasser.
  • William Dampier.
  • Aruj Barbarossa.
  • Jen Shi and many others.

Famous names of pirate ships. List

Naturally, each of these thugs preferred to have his own ship, and, if possible, a fleet of three or more ships. However, if the secondary ships had sometimes even satirical names, the flagship in without fail had to bear such a name that it was on everyone's lips. Allegories or frankly defiant names were often used. Here is an incomplete list of the most famous ships of that time (the names of pirate ships in English or French are given along with the Russian translation):

  • "Golden Doe" (Golden Hind);
  • Galley "Adventure" (Adventure Galley);
  • "Revenge of Queen Anne" (Queen Ann's Revenge);
  • "Careless Corsair" (El corsario descuidad);
  • "Periton" (Le Periton) - a flying deer;
  • "Avenger" (Avenger);
  • "Ouida" (Whydah);
  • "Royal Fortune" (Royal Fortune);
  • "Fantasy" (Fancy);
  • "Happy Delivery" (Happy Delivery);
  • "Rising Sun";
  • "Retribution" (Revenge), etc.

And that's not all. Very often one could also come across the names of pirate ships like "Omnipresent Death", "Victoria - Bloody Baroness", "Prize of Luck", "Bell", "Cerberus", "Black Widow", "Leviathan", "Shaving Water", in In general, fantasy was enough in abundance. But let's dwell on what the famous pirate ships were. Their names did not always reflect the true nature of the threat, because by and large the Spanish galleons were 36-48-gun frigates, which it was not possible to board for capture. A pirate ship would have been shot on approach, no matter how well it maneuvered.

Therefore, usually the robbers were content with frigates of a lower rank. To have 24, 36 or 40 guns on board was considered riding. And escort by several ships with 20 or even 12 guns on board could play a decisive role in the battle.

The main characteristics of the ships

Despite the loud and sometimes intimidating names of pirate ships, they could not always be compared with the same Spanish ships or the English fleet.

So, for example, "Adventure" by William Kidd was a 34-gun frigate brigantine of an unusual type (with straight sails and an oar crew).

"Queen Anne's Revenge", originally called "Concorde", was more powerful, with 40 guns. "Golden Doe" first descended from the stocks as under the name "Pelican", according to various estimates, with 18-22 guns.

The most famous literary hero and his squadron

In the literature, the names of pirate ships were replenished with one more famous character- Captain Blood (Rafael Sabatini - "The Odyssey of Captain Blood", "Chronicles of Captain Blood"), whose unrequited love to the daughter of the governor of Barbados (and then Jamaica) forced to name the 36-gun frigate Cinco Llagos captured from the Spaniards after her. Since then, "Arabella" has become a thunderstorm of the seas.

By the way, the work mentions and but is called literary hero Levaceur, and his ship is called "La Foudre" ("Lightning"). There is also the name "Avenger" (Avenger) of one of the constant opponents of the protagonist - Captain Easterling.

Captain Blood himself, in his characteristic humorous manner, gave names to secondary ships like "Elizabeth" (in honor of the Queen of England) or in honor of three Greek goddesses- "Atropos", "Kloto" and "Lachesis".

Only towards the end of the story was the 80-gun frigate Victorieuse, commanded by Baron de Rivarol, captured. But according to the plot, the author could not rename it, because Blood became the governor, and his ships became part of the Jamaican squadron.


And how to do without the "Black Pearl" from the quadrology "Pirates of the Caribbean"? Here, too, there are nuances. The name of Captain Barbossa clearly echoes Barbarossa.

And about " Flying Dutchman"There is no need to speak at all. In the film, it is indicated that this is a ship, although in reality no one knows who owned this ghost ship, and whether it exists at all and whether it is only in a single copy.

Instead of an afterword

Well, if we take into account that kids love this kind of adventure, it’s easy to come up with the name of a pirate ship for children, because their imagination is often much more developed than that of an adult. Even common names like "Thunderstorm" or "Thunder" will do. Here, children are masters of using associations that frighten their peers.

But, seriously, the names of pirate ships are very often associated not with abstract concepts or mystical phenomena, but rather with the history of England, because most of these fortune seekers, one way or another, were associated with the English crown, and by and large fought against the Spaniards. Naturally, there were those who robbed indiscriminately, but privateering in those days was, so to speak, the most gentlemanly trade with a huge number of restrictions. Take the same Henry Morgan, who later became the vice-governor of Jamaica, or sir (English admiral). History is full of surprises...

Names of pirate ships from the thematic section (website) "Jolly Roger" (from the pirate site Spiral):

"Brig" Black Ghost. Once belonged to a famous pirate. Merchants were afraid of this ship like fire. He is famous for appearing out of nowhere and carrying out his attacks.

pirate frigate "Le peritone"(peryton)

The mighty flying deer peryton could, perhaps, be compared with the Greek Pegasus. As ancient legends testify, the beast had one distinctive feature.
It cast a human shadow, thanks to which scientists believed that the peryton is the spirit of travelers who died far from home. Winged deer were often seen in ancient times on the islands mediterranean sea and near the Strait of Gibraltar. It was believed that perytons feed on people. They all herd attacked the bewildered sailors and devoured them. No weapon could stop the mighty and terrible beast.

"El corsario descuidado" In Spanish - "Careless Corsair". The young owner of this most beautiful red-sailed brig never knew defeat. He won battle after battle as he rose higher and higher in the financial ladder. He was hunted - each of the powers wanted to get the head of a corsair.
One day, a young pirate, after another successful robbery, filled the hold of his ship to capacity. The ship moved slowly and constantly sank. Yes, and a leak in the stern of the brig was not by the way ...
The Careless Corsair came to an abrupt halt and staggered. "What happened?" thought the young pirate. Looking overboard, he realized that the end of his exploits had come. The bottom of his ship was torn to pieces by reefs. Spare boats have already managed to dismantle the team.
The young pirate stood at the prow of his ship, not believing what was happening. Tears welled up in his eyes, and his head drooped. "From what?!" - The pirate raised his hands to the sky. - "For what?"
"For carelessness" - the boatswain standing nearby answered, not wanting to leave his captain.
The ship was sinking.

Frigate "Omnipresent Death" It's a storm in the Caribbean. An unknown pirate who walks on it plundered all the colonies of the new world. When meeting this ship at sea, merchants simply pray to stay alive, which does not happen. Since there is no money in the colonies, now he is heading for the waters of Madagascar to a paradise for pirates
most romantic name
corvette "Violet" - named after the captain's daughter. This name was given to her by her father in honor of the most magnificent flower
the most majestic name
betlisp "Peter I" is a thunderstorm from Russian State for Britain. This is the flagship of the squadron containing 6 other ships.

Corvette "Victoria Bloody Baroness"- the ship is named after a pirate girl who is known for her quick temper and incredible cruelty. She sailed on this ship herself. Graceful, fast as the wind, corvette, with white sails and incredibly beautiful. But, as always expected, justice prevailed - the pirate was executed, and the ship itself was given to the Spanish governor.

Frigate "Black Revenge" the horror of all sailors, his captain is a real devil, his ship develops unprecedented speed, and the hull is impenetrable for nuclei, according to rumors, the boatswain on the ship can break a small ship with 1 blow ...

Corvette "Luck Prize" it was ridden by an unknown pirate who
was lucky. His Corvette was quite powerful and fast. To catch up and break.

Frigate "Bad Girl"
This is the popular name of the ship, since no one knows its exact name ..
A certain captain appeared in the waters of the Caribbean archipelago, who robbed ships, leaving only two witnesses: one without eyes, the other without a tongue ... Apparently in order to terrify people ... I must say that the "couples" succeeded in this with a vengeance ... From the words of the "lucky ones" a picture of the attacks was drawn up.
Everything happened in cloudy weather, in the early morning before sunrise, when there was still fog over the water ... The dead silence was broken by girlish laughter penetrating to the bones. It was heard from everywhere, now from one side, then from the other ... From this sound, people's eardrums burst, blood flowed, some of them, unable to endure any longer, were thrown overboard, while others from panic fear could not move from their place .. The frigate approached silently, without single shot. The team of the "girl" took away the cargo, the surviving people, and also quietly set off, leaving two witnesses ... No one saw more captured people and did not hear anything about them ...
Apparently, the pirate captain made a deal with Lucifer himself, who got the souls of people ..

the most majestic name
battleship "Sentence"
The captain of this pirate ship was a man of honor, so he always gave his victims a choice - to surrender, and then they would be given life, or to fight and then let the Devil judge them ... By their actions, people themselves signed the Sentence

Most profound title
Bombardier ship "Bell"
The motto of this ship is: "Ringing it is not for him"
The ship was created specifically to fight against coastal fortifications, equipped with the most powerful and long-range guns.
When a "ringing" was heard from one of the sides of this ship, it could mean only one thing - for a long time the fateful volley would echo in the ears of the survivors.
the name of the ship was given by Peter I during the construction of the Azov fleet

Frigate "Cerberus".
For a long time, the pirate island of Bermuda has been a haven for corsairs. But this skeleton did not have a strong defense in the form of a fort or other fortifications. The only protection its had numerous rocks and reefs. But over time, maps of this island were drawn up and in calm weather these natural obstacles no longer posed a danger. A large number of pirate ships were sunk off the coast of Bermuda by English and Spanish squadrons. The corsairs were in deep despair and even wanted to leave this island forever. And in these most difficult times for them, the black frigate under the banner " Jolly Roger” alone began to resist all the ships trying to attack the “Pirate Settlement”. Like a ghost, he emerged from the mist and crushed his enemies. This ship has always stood guard over the island of Bermuda, like a watchdog, it did not let any enemy near the island. The crew of this ship was numerous, characterized by incredible rage and bloodlust. At the head of the team was their captain and two lieutenants loyal to him. For this, the corsairs dubbed the black frigate the name "Cerberus" in honor of the three-headed dog with a snake's tail, and on the back of the head of snakes. Just like a mythical dog guarding the exit from realms of the dead Aida, so this frigate stood guard over the pirate island.

Battleship "Shakespeare".
This battleship is the flagship of the English squadron of Jamaica Island. In the entire Caribbean Sea, and indeed beyond its borders, there is not a single ship that could compare with it in terms of firepower or speed. He was named "Shakespeare" after the English playwright William Shakespeare. Each of the battleship battles was a work of art, and "Shakespeare" was the author of these works. When you watch his fight, one of William's dramatic plays immediately comes to mind. Just as sad, but still great.

Schooner "Black Widow".
After the death of a famous pirate in an unequal battle with Spanish battleships, his wife, being the daughter of a captain and familiar with maritime affairs firsthand, is a desperate and brave woman, having sold her house and all property, buys a schooner, and having hired a team of brave men, goes to sea to take revenge murderers of her husband

Schooner "Alkonavtika".
This name was given to the ship for the wild addiction of its captain and crew to rum, wine, ale, well, by the way, to all liquid substances that have alcohol in them. It was impossible to see the personnel of this ship without drinking. Not a single corsair can remember when at least one member of the crew of the Alkonavtika ship was sober, or at least hungover. Even the ships of England or Spain do not attack them when they meet them on the high seas. For the friendly attitude of these pirates to others, they became welcome guests on all the islands that pirates were allowed to swim on.

Brig "Horizon".
Being a philosopher, the captain of this ship often liked to meditate on board his ship, looking at the sea stretching across the horizon. He said that at the most inopportune moment, a ship belonging to any nation could appear on the horizon. Whether he was friendly or hostile to the captain was not known. And this circumstance did not depend on anyone except God alone. For the mystery and unpredictability that the horizon combined, it was decided to call this brig "Horizon" by that name.

Frigate "Zodiac"

No one knows where he came from and where he was built, since his mizzen wore slanting sails, which made him even faster. Attacking exclusively at night and even in a storm, he did not leave anyone a single chance for salvation. Rumor has it that after his appearance, Morgan himself began to feel uncomfortable in the archipelago.

Corvette "Angels tears"
Got its name after tragic history happened to one corsair
For a long time alone fearless, daring and noble corsair on your corvette "Sword of the Apocalypse" terrified everyone Spanish coast New World. From Belize to Kumana, in every city, in the squares and in the taverns, there were signs with the promised reward on his head. But they could not catch this "El Diablo" in any way. And yet somehow he fell into a trap arranged for him. Having withstood a terrible battle with superior forces and miraculously remained afloat, the Sword of the Apocalypse, almost completely broken, with the remnants of the team, headed to its lagoon to lick its wounds, but a fierce storm broke out along the way. With the last of their strength, struggling with the elements, the already wounded team did everything possible to save their beloved ship. Realizing that all efforts were in vain, the captain ordered: - Everyone in the boats! Leave the ship! - The team rushed to fulfill the order, and soon the boat with the surviving sailors began to move away from the sinking corvette. And only after moving a certain distance, the sailors suddenly noticed that the captain was not with them. And the captain, standing on the bridge, looked at the sea and, together with the ship, plunged into the water. Soon the sea completely swallowed the ship.
- real captain never leaves his ship, said the boatswain. - But we must survive.
They managed to get to the land and for a long time in the taverns the surviving sailors retold this story and swore that when the last klotik disappeared through the water, they saw an angel in the sky.

Longboat "Daring and Beautiful". The captain of this ship considers himself the most daring pirate of the Caribbean, and his longboat - the most beautiful ship of all times and peoples. I thought ... Until one day I ran into the open sea with the Golden Fleet of Spain. The pirate was daring. The boat was beautiful.

Manowar "Leviathan". This masterpiece was built by the British at the shipyard of the city of Portsmouth. The best shipbuilders of the state participated in its creation. A huge amount of money has been invested. The construction of the ship was very difficult and slow. And the result ... fully justified itself. And Leviathan was born. A vessel of unprecedented power and beauty. Manowar was sent to the Caribbean to reinforce the British naval forces. And soon became the strongest ship in these waters. It's not even a ship, it's a force of nature that degrades a person. Sea monster. Leviathan.

Corvette "Shaving Water". This ship belongs to one of the most dangerous pirates in the Caribbean. A man called Raven. No one knows the true history of this ship, except for the captain himself. It is known that the Shaving Water is the fastest ship in the Caribbean. Not one ship can match it in speed. When people see how a corvette plows the sea, it seems that the ship is shaving the water. Like a sharp razor it cuts through the waves.

Frigate "Beloved". The captain of this ship, Nicholas, was a privateer in the service of France. He honestly and devotedly served his power, carrying out the most difficult assignments of the governor of island N. At one of the audiences with the governor, he met his daughter, charming Jacqueline. Soon the girl was kidnapped. But Nakolas found and snatched Jacqueline from the clutches of scoundrels. Nicholas and Jacqueline fell in love and wanted to get married. But Jacqueline's strict father forbade the wedding until Nicholas became rich and famous. Nicholas accepted these terms. And thanks to his determination and courage, he soon received the title of baron and the rank of admiral French Navy. And the governor had no choice but to marry his only daughter to a privateer. And there was a wedding. No one in the Caribbean has ever seen or heard such a wedding. Even the famous Versailles faded. And in honor of this event, the governor gave his son-in-law a magnificent frigate. Without thinking twice, Nicholas named it "Beloved" in honor of his beloved wife.

Caravel "Circle of Life". Lions are predators. They eat antelope. Antelopes are herbivores, they eat grass. The lions die and grass grows in that place. The antelope eats this grass. And this means that all life is closed in a circle. Circle of life. Back in the 17th century, this was noticed by one scientist and researcher who studied nature South Africa. And on the same day, he named his caravel "Circle of Life".

"Pandora" Possessing the divine flame stolen by Prometheus, people ceased to obey the celestials, learned different sciences, and got out of their miserable state. A little more - and they would have won complete happiness ...
Then Zeus decided to send punishment on them. The blacksmith god Hephaestus fashioned the beautiful woman Pandora from earth and water. The rest of the gods gave her: some - cunning, some - courage, some - extraordinary beauty. Then, handing her a mysterious box, Zeus sent her to earth, forbidding her to remove the lid from the box. Curious Pandora, barely having come into the world, slightly opened the lid. Immediately all human disasters flew out of there and scattered throughout the universe.

So the appearance of my "Pandora" on the horizon promised only grief and disaster to careless merchants

Corvette "Black Scorpio" (Black Scorpio)
Powerful and swift, he appears from nowhere and disappears into nowhere, like a scorpion, he hunts down his victims and attacks like a ghost, leaving them no chance. When they realize what is happening, it is already too late - their fate is sealed...
This ship and its captain appeared in the Caribbean to take revenge... To take revenge on a beautiful girl whose life ended so quickly, cut off in the dungeons of the Holy Inquisition. The unquenchable thirst for revenge enveloped the soul of the young captain so much and enslaved his mind that he stopped seeing the world in any other colors than black and killed ... He killed without looking back, and indiscriminately, killed in order to kill. His ship, a magnificent corvette - swift as a panther, powerful as a lion and dangerous as a scorpion... Black Scorpion...

Schooner" Weightlessness"
At that time, weightlessness was not known, ships did not fly into space, but there were magnificent sailboats, an endless ocean and endless love, the fire of which swelled even more under the fresh sea breeze. Two people, two halves of one heart were now in the same captain's cabin, and their ship, as if on wings, as if weightless, rushed into the sea, towards infinity ...

Frigate " dead water"
A terrible pirate ship that seems to have gathered on board the most notorious thugs from all over the Caribbean archipelago. The captain of the ship, devoid of any compassion, and his heart must have long ago turned into a hard, cold as marble, stone. At the sight of this ship on the horizon, sailors preferred to jump into the sea before meeting it face to face.
After themselves, these pirates do not leave a single living soul, and dump all the bodies into the sea... The water in these places will remain dead for a long time...

Manowar "Judas"
It was a huge manowar, which was part of the Spanish punitive expedition in the New World. He brought many troubles to the enemies Spanish crown. This powerful ship became a terrible tool in the hands of the Holy Inquisition.
But once, sailing away to carry out another assignment to Bermuda, "Judas" never returned ... What happened to him, no one knows to this day ...

Frigate " transcendentis" ("Overflowing") lat.

The ship lived up to its name, instilling confidence in its crew and terror in the opposing team.

Corvette" Grin"- a huge wolf's head with a terrible grin was made on the bow of the ship.
Only her appearance terrified cowardly merchants and made even experienced warriors tremble.
In combination with excellent performance and a team shifted to the full head, led by the captain, for a long time sowed terror throughout the archipelago.

Frigate " black revenge", the horror of all sailors, huge guns and a bunch of skeleton pirates who survived their lives. Both lugger and battleship fear him. He takes a speed of 19 knots in seconds, 2 hundred guns of 48 caliber, well, how not to be afraid of him? .. "