Dative case of nouns. Declension of Lake by Cases - Singular and Plural




The dictations presented here are conducted with students of the 4th grade of secondary educational institutions. The purpose of writing dictations is to check the degree of assimilation of the 4th grade students of the studied topic. The level of complexity of dictations and other tasks corresponds to the level of preparation of students in the 4th grade of elementary school.

Selective dictations

Write out phrases with nouns singular in indirect cases.

1) The bees flew to the apple tree. 2) The rider jumped off the horse. 3) Grandpa was walking up the stairs. 4) The ship approached Kazan. 5) Crossbills circled over the spruce. 6) It smelled sweet of strawberries. 7) The baby sleeps in the crib. 8) There is a rug by the door. 9) Vaska the cat is lying on the sofa. 10) Cars raced across the square. 11) Dad worked as a combine operator. 12) Snowflakes were spinning in the air. 13) Lilac flowers have blossomed. 14) Seagulls circled over the sea. 15) In sky blue the larks sang.

Distributive dictations

Write nouns in two groups: the first with the ending e, in the second with the end and .

1) On the Volga, on the pier, on the lake, on the apple tree, on the lilac, on the cedar, in the sky, in the azure, in the valley, on the train, along the square, along the stairs, along the platform, to the horse, to the door, in the palm of your hand, on a finger, on a palm, on a branch, from a grandmother, from a gatehouse, near a fence, near a clearing, about courage, about a hero.

2) On a horse, on a horse, on a tablecloth, on a napkin, in a notebook, in a notebook, in bed, in bed, by the path, about a friend, about help, because of a blizzard, in the sun, on the ground, from old age, in village, by the river, to the hut, in the desert, in the portrait, by the path, to the apple tree, on the street, to Aunt Katya, from Uncle Kolya.

Restored dictation

Write out nouns from the text, putting them in initial form, then write down the listened text using the written out nouns in the required case form.

Galya carefully approached the moose cow. In the palm of her hand, the girl held a crust of bread. The moose raised her head and sniffed the air through her nostrils. It smelled so delicious from a small palm! The guest deftly picked up the treat with thick, moist lips. Thus began the friendship between Gali and moose cow.

(G. Kolesnikov)

Explanatory (warning) dictations


The kinglet is the smallest bird in our country. She lives on top of a tall spruce. The nest is built on the tip of a spruce branch. The bird sings its modest quiet song all year round. All summer and early autumn, beetles spend in coniferous forests. In autumn and winter, they can be found in the city park, in the garden, in the garden on the hedge.

(F. Ostapov)


The eagle built a nest on high road away from the sea and brought out the children. Once people were working near the tree, and the eagle flew up to the nest with a big fish in its claws. People saw the fish, surrounded the tree and began to throw stones at the eagle. The eagle dropped the fish and sat on the edge of the nest. The eagles lifted their heads and began to squeak. They asked for food.

(L. Tolstoy)

In the taiga

A blizzard swirled across the taiga. Hazel grouse Fyr sat on a fir and flew several times from branch to branch. The chipmunk Chishka was snoring loudly on a clean bed of dry grass. The hard worker has not yet slept. On an earthen shelf in a mink, he laid out all sorts of delicious roots. And Top lay alone in the den, he was bored. From the den he will not see his mother and brother Ryk-Rychka until spring.

(G. Nemchenko)

snowy owl

Polar owls live in the tundra. In the silence of the night they fly over the snows. The owl is patiently on duty at its post. She waits for hours for her prey. Many hares have been in the claws of the polar owl. The hunter rarely manages to approach the bird. The winter plumage of an owl seems whiter than snow.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Free dictation


By autumn, heavy cones hung on the old spruce. They have matured seeds. The spruce was preparing to feed the birds and animals.

It became hungry in the winter in the forest. Here a squirrel jumped out into the clearing. She climbed a tree, took a cone and began to eat. The motley woodpecker hurries to the spruce. He plucked a cone and flew into the forest. Flocks of crossbills descended on the spruce. The crossbills stuck their crooked noses under the scales of the cones and took out the seeds.

Many cones remained on the spruce until spring. The sun warmed up. Light seeds flew out of the cones. The seed will fall into wet ground, will grow. It will give life to a new tree.

(G. Skrebitsky)

Words for reference: vysko chi la, seed, seeds, bolts, sprout, in them.

Where did caterpillars originate? (Apple, plum)

What was the garden planted with? (Cabbage)

  1. Write, adding endings. Determine the case and declension of nouns.
Ride on the tram..., take care of your comrade..., see in the mirrors..., be in the museum..., write in a notebook..., jump around the square...

  1. Give examples of nouns of three declensions in prepositional.

  2. Write, replacing the singular nouns given in brackets with plural nouns. Determine their incidence.
Winter. Sleep ... l ... lives on (tr ... kick), on (bench and roof). On (Christmas tree) green needles are covered with hoarfrost.

  1. decline the words work, fields.

Winter, spring, night, notebook, pen, pencil, bird, bullfinch, thrush, river, lake, tree, apple tree, lilac, news, danger, desert, street, square, iron, seeder.

  1. Take it as a part of speech.
(over) the lake

Level 2

  1. Write down the dative case endings of nouns in three declensions. Give examples.

  2. Write sentences by adding case endings. Specify the declension and case of nouns.
The herd approached the river .... We walked along a narrow path ... to the edge ... of the forest. Father returned from a trip ... along the Volga .... The car drove along the roads ... to the villages ... . The path led us to the lakes ... .

  1. Write, replacing the singular nouns given in brackets with plural nouns. Insert the missing letters. Define the fall.
The (field) is buzzing in… the south. On (river and lake) from (frost) tr ... shield ice.

4. Sleep. Indicate the declination with a number.

Blizzard, apartment, swamp, planet, title, palm, calendar, Vasya, carrot, carrot, autumn, hour, minute, year, day, icicle, pride.

5. decline the words bullfinch, tasks.

6. Take it as a part of speech.

(k) apple tree

Level 3

  1. Write, adding endings. Specify the case and declension of nouns.
Raindrops drummed on the roofs…. Tomorrow we will go to visit aunts ... and uncles ... . The children wrote a letter to their father... The boy went to the window .... A car drove through the village. The mother came up to the bed... of the child.

  1. Sleep. Indicate the declination with a number.
Paul, rye, sowing, aspen, iron, square, street, field, seeder, notebook, apple tree, road, cabbage, cucumber, poplar, birch, notebook.

  1. decline the words birch, girls.

  2. Write these words in the dative and instrumental cases.
Game - to game, game

Lamp - …, …

Pie - …, …

Notebook - …, …

  1. Write out the plural nouns. Define the fall.
Somebody's houses often hang from the branches of apple trees. The inhabitants of these houses are caterpillars. Caterpillars - worst enemies trees.

6. Take it as a part of speech.

Changing words by numbers and cases

called inclination.

Consider the declension of nouns

by cases.

How to determine the case of a noun? To do this, you need to find the word to which the noun refers, and put a question from it. On this issue and the preposition to determine the case.


The hare jumped in the swamp. → rode through (to whom? what?) swamp.

There are six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional. Let's analyze all the cases in order.


  • in nominative case answers the questionswho? what?(there is). Example: An airplane is flying high in the sky. → flies (what?) plane (IP);
  • in genitive case answers the questionwhom? what?(no), used with prepositions from, to, from, at, without, for, about, with, around, after, except. Example:It's hard to live without a friend. → live without (whom?) friend (RP);
  • in dative case answers the questionto whom? what?(to give), used with prepositions to, by. Example:A sailing ship approached the pier. → the ship has approached the (what?) berth. (DP);
  • in accusative answers the questionwhom? what?(I see), is used with prepositions through, about, in, on, for. Example:A woodpecker picks a cone on a spruce, brings it to a birch. → the woodpecker will pluck (what?) a bump. (VP);
  • in instrumental answers the questionby whom? how?(satisfied), used with prepositions over, between, with, for, under. Example:The dwarf moved his beard. → the dwarf moved (with what?) his beard. (TP);
  • in prepositionalanswers the questionabout whom? about what?(think), always used with prepositions at, about, about, in, on. Example:It's sad in the spruce forest, and the field is so empty. → sad (in what?) in the spruce forest. (PP).

So, as nouns change, let's decline a pair of nouns, like bird and pine.

Nominative case: who? -bird, what? - pine;

Genitive case: whom? -birds?, what? - pines;

Dative case: to whom? -bird?, what? - pine;

Accusative case: about whom? -bird, about what? - pine;

Instrumental case: with whom? - Withbird, with what? - With pine;

Prepositional case: about whom? - aboutbird, about what? - about pine.

In the nominative case, the noun in a sentence is the main member of the sentence and is never used with a preposition.

My father built a beautiful house.

In the accusative case - minor member sentences and is used both with and without a preposition.

A narrow path passes through the village. → passes through (whom? what?) the village. (VP)

In the accusative case, nouns with prepositions в, на answer the questions for what? into what? (where?)

My friends went to the disco. → went (where? for what?) to a disco.

In the prepositional case with the same prepositions, they answer the question in what? on what?

Mushrooms grew on a hillock. → grew (where? on what?) on a hillock.

Nouns come in 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions.

First declension:

Nouns feminine and male with endings-a, -Iin the nominative case.
Example: news a, apple tree I, youth a.

Second declension:

masculine nouns with zero ending and neuter with endings-about and -ein the nominative case. Example:student, hero, link about, hearts e.

Third declension:

nouns female Withsoft signat the end in the nominative case. Example:area b, ate b, night b.

So, in order to determine the declension of a noun, it is necessary to determine its gender. Then we highlight the ending of the noun in the nominative case of the singular. By gender and at the end, we determine the declension.

For example:

Saturday a- she, mine - a feminine noun with the ending-ain the nominative singular. Hence the noun Saturday1st declension.

apples about- it, mine - a neuter noun with the ending-aboutin the nominative singular. Therefore, the noun apple2nd declension.

Joy b- she, mine - a feminine noun withsoft signat the end, in the nominative singular, the ending is null. Therefore, the noun joy3rd declension.

Nouns of the same declension have the same stressed and unstressed case endings.

For example:

1st declension

IP rivers á - river a

RP rivers and - river and

DP rivers é - river e

VP rivers at- river at

TP rivers oh- river oh

PP about rivers e- about the river e

Spelling of unstressed cases


1st, 2nd and 3rd declension.

So, what unstressed endings should be checked, and which ones should just be remembered. Check for unstressed endings-e, -andin genitive, dative, and prepositional nouns. Remember unstressed endings in nouns in the instrumental case.

1st declension: -oh(-her) memo oh, villages her.

2nd declension: -ohm(-eat) yearohm, flooreat.

For check correct definition unstressed ending of a noun, the case should be determined (see how to determine it). ). Then determine the declination (how to determine see ). Next, we recall the ending of the noun of a certain declension in the required case.


In the summer the children swam in the lake.

The guys were swimming (where? in what?) In the lake , so this prepositional.

lakes about (it, mine) - a neuter noun, has an ending-about, so it belongs to the second declension. The noun of the second declension in the prepositional case has the ending-e. So, we write:

The guys were swimming (where? in what?) PP 2nd cl., -e) in lakes e .

Another way to check the ending of a noun is to insert instead of a noun with an unstressed ending, substitute a noun of the same declension and in the same case, but with a stressed ending:the boys swam in the rivere, in lakes e .

Now let's look at the spelling unstressed endings nouns in all cases.

The declension of a noun is determined bynominative case and we talked about it in



A noun in the genitive case answers questionswhom? what? (from where? where?) . Suggestions used:from, to, from, without, at, for, about, with .


1st declension: -and, -s.

2nd declension: -a, -I.

3rd declension: -and.

Example: Sheep have soft long wool . → Wool (who?) sheep s - 1st declension.


Noun in the dative case answers questionsto whom? what? (where? where?) . Suggestions used:to, by .


1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -y, -Yu.

3rd declension: -and.

It plays the role of a minor member in the sentence.

Example: The boy ran to the lake . → fled (where? to what?) to the lakes at - 2nd declension.

AT genitive casenouns of the first declension have the ending-and, in dative- the ending -e.

Nouns of the third meaning in both cases have the ending-and.

2nd declension: -a, -I.

Example: Herons can often be found in swamps . → Meet (whom?) heron Yu - 1st declension.

Nouns ingenitive and accusativecase can be distinguished by prepositions. In the first declension, nouns in these cases differ in endings.

Instrumental case.

A noun in the instrumental case answers questionsby whom? how? (where? where?) . Suggestions used:with, behind, under, over, between .

1st declension: -oh(-her).

2nd declension: -ohm(-eat).

3rd declension: -Yu.

It plays the role of a minor member in the sentence.

Example: Fish are caught with a rod . → Catch (how?) fishing rod oh - 1st declension.


Noun in the prepositional case answers questionsabout whom? about what? (where?) . Suggestions used:about (about), in, on, at .

1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -e.

3rd declension: -and.

It plays the role of a minor member in the sentence.

Example: We talked about autumn . → We talked(about what?) about autumn and - 3rd declension.

For teachers of the Russian language

explanation lesson new topic in the 5th grade "Cases"

1. Deepen knowledge about cases

2. To form the skills of partial morphological analysis of the noun, working with encyclopedias, clustering, spelling and punctuation. develop speech

3. Cultivate a feeling of love for a small homeland

Karst, -a, m.(specialist.). The state of the earth's surface in areas whose soil is formed from soluble natural waters sedimentary coarse-grained rocks. adj.karst,- oh, - oh. Karst phenomena(formation of underground caves, funnels, basins, dips, rivers and lakes). Karst cave.

PLATEAU, neskl., cf. A plain lying relatively high above sea level and separated from the neighboring area by steep slopes, ledges. Alpine p.

VISCOUS, -th, -th; -zok, -zka and-zka, -zko; more viscous.

1. Viscous, sticky. Viscous substance.

2. Sticky, sucking, boggy. Viscous mud. Viscous swamp. On clay road it is viscous(in the meaning of a tale).

noun viscosity,-and, and.

RECREATION, -and, and.

1. Rest, recuperation after work (special).

2. In educational institutions: a lounge for students to relax (colloquial). adj. recreational, -oh, -oh. R. forest (intended for recreation, recuperation). R. hall (in educational institution; obsolete).

SHPK - agricultural production cooperative

FIGHT, -yelling, -yelling; owls.

1. whom (what). Get the upper hand over someone. P. opponent.

2. trans., what. The same as overcoming. P. has a feeling of fear.

1. Preparation for perception

1) The game "Field of Miracles"

We live in a wonderful area. One of the attractions of our region -

2) Cluster to the word “LAKE” (we select nouns)

3) Determine the declension of written nouns

2. Explanation of the new topic

1) Consideration of the table

3. Table " Cases”

Cases Questions Values ​​and Syntactic Functions
Nominative There is Who? What? Case of the main member of the sentence
Genitive Not Whom? What? Case of definition and boundaries of movement in space
Dative I give To whom? What? case indirect addition, destination function
Accusative I see Whom? What? case direct complement, object function
Instrumental I create By whom? How? Case of a tool or method of action, as well as time, space, comparison
Prepositional Think About whom? About what? The case of being in space and time, as well as the case of explanation

4. Slide show (A computer)

1) Decline 5 nouns from the text LAKE WHITE in Concise Encyclopedia"Yalchik district" ( page 116)

Physical education minute

2) From the history of the origin of case names

The word case comes from the Latin casus (fall). This means that words, used in speech, “fall” in one form or another. The names of Russian cases (except instrumental and prepositional) come from Latin and represent them literal translation. Nominative- the name of the subject - the initial form of the name. Genitive literally means "obtained from birth". This name arose because in the genitive case without a preposition, a noun very often has a face. Being a parent, creator, owner (son of Ivan, house father, dress sisters). Dative from the word “give”, since its most typical meaning is to designate the addressee, the one to whom they give something . Accusative so named because the object of the action, denoted by the noun, is the cause that causes the action itself (read book, sew dress, do charging). Do not get lost, novice literate, if you meet a masculine noun in a sentence, ... gender, answering the question what? If you don't know which case it is - nominative or accusative - substitute a feminine noun (I see house- nominative or accusative? I see mother, book- accusative) Instrumental- is associated with the verb “create” and means an instrument of action (write with a pencil, cut with a knife). Prepositional the case is so named by Lomonosov, since it is not used without a preposition. (Originally this case was called descriptive )

4. Consolidation of the studied

2) Determine the case of nouns in the text

Our White Lake is located between two villages. It is a favorite resting place of our fellow villagers. In summer, you can meet both children and adults near the lake. Villagers love to swim in it. Minnow, carp and other fish live in our lake.

Lazy case
Lezhebokin was asked:
- Come on, tell me.
Why do you hate so much
Don't like cases?
A long time ago, all schoolchildren
They are known by heart.
Learn them in two years
Only you couldn't.
He answered angrily:
- It's not my fault.
Let them scientists first
They change names
After all, I am the creative case
I do not study on purpose:
work hard, and even more
I don't want.
Such a case as Dative,
Since childhood, I can not stand:
share something
With friends
I do not like.
Prepositional I hate:
So as not to teach a lesson,
Have to invent
Any suggestion.
And in the accusative case
And at all I am angry:
Father in every prank
Always blames me
- Yes, alteration, it seems,
Serious need.
And you yourself could new
Come up with names?
- I've been thinking about it for a long time.
lying down,
And finally
(G. Graubin)

4. Dictation

I have long dreamed of going fishing, but still could not decide to get up early. Finally managed to overcome sleep. And so early in the morning I go to the lake. The sun is barely rising above the horizon. The morning is calm and cool. On such a morning it should peck well. I hope for a rich catch - otherwise why get up so early.…

1) A long time ago, all schoolchildren
Cases know by heart.

2) We are proud of our WHITE LAKE

D \ z Learn cases, their questions

Determine the cases of nouns from the dictation and write a continuation

Start work on the project “WHITE LAKE - THE PRIDE OF OUR VILLAGE”

(topics may vary:


Topic. Declension of nouns. Case endings for nouns. Speech development. A culture of speech. "Avid Fishermen"

Purpose: to develop the skills of students to recognize the types of declensions of nouns, write the case endings of nouns correctly; develop and enrich the speech of students.

Equipment: textbook, educational texts, cards with an individual task.



1. Checking homework

Rewrite by opening parentheses. Underline the case endings of the changed words.

1) A bright yellow carpet from the (top) of the hill to the very (road) stripes (wheat) stretch. 2) It is inexplicably good to sail along (Volga) on an autumn night, sitting on the stern (barge). 3) Sergey told about the construction (power plant). 4) In the summer the whole family went to (grandmother Maria Petrovna). 5) Grandfather lived on (outskirts) (village). 6) The student responded well to (lesson) (story).

Card number 2

Rewrite the sentences, inserting word endings; indicate the cases of nouns.

1) A bird .. a branch is more expensive than a golden cage .. . 2) The red kochetok is running along the perch. (Fire) 3) Cause - time, fun .. - hour. 4) White sheep peek out from under the stove. (Teeth) 5) Tell only chickens .., and she - all the streets .. . 6) In a cramped hut .. canvases of an old woman are woven. (bees)

Card number 3

Rewrite the nouns by putting them in the nominative singular. Consider staging after the sizzling.

Nights, reeds, rooks, rolls, snakes, huts, garages, things, raincoats, drawings, wastelands, little things, speeches, tornadoes.

Card number 4

Rewrite the sentences with word endings. Underline the nouns of the third declension and indicate their cases.

1) Gourmand sheep to the sun .., and the Cossack to the ox .. 2) Chickens in autumn .. count. 3) Check a friend in danger ... 4) Every thing is good in its place ... 5) ABC - to wisdom .. step. 6) From the songs .. you can’t throw out the words.

Card number 5

Write complete answers to the questions, putting in the right case words from the right column.

Open the brackets by putting the nouns in the genitive plural.

Planting (cherries, sweet cherries, apple trees); collection (songs); landscaping (villages); cleaning (stables); purchase (cooking); detour (village).

Make up and write down phrases that would include these words in the prepositional case with the preposition in or on.

Ball - to dance at the ball, boron - to walk in the pine forest, shore - to sit on the shore; view, cart, edge, moat, snow, cupboard, ice, garden, bridge.

Write down sentences, inserting endings into nouns and indicating cases. Orally comment on the choice of a vowel in the case ending.

1) In the Crimea .. the grape harvest has begun .. . 2) Lena bought some grapes... 3) The processing of sheets of tea is in progress.. . 4) Bring two hundred grams of tea .. . 5) At the factory, kerosene is cleaned ... 6) Buy two liters of kerosene... 7) He reads everything indiscriminately... 8) In the garden .. jasmine bloomed.

1) Come up with a title for the text (Ex. 419).

2) Make sentences from these words (Ex. 421).

3) Make suggestions for this beginning(Ex. 422).

4) Make phrases (Ex. 423).

5) Prove that the words given in ex. 423, - single root. Specify how these words are formed.

6) Do exercise. 424.



Repeat theoretical material lessons 36-37. Ex. 414, 418. Choice task: compose an oral story (Ex. 427) or memorize the poem "Fisherman" (p. 194).