How order and disorder affect the atmosphere in the house. Do not rush to judge those who have an eternal mess at home! Unexpected arguments even for me...

Clutter limits the brain's ability to process information and causes constant distractions. In a study conducted in Princeton University found that clutter limits the brain's ability to process visual information. Still, even finding something among the rubbish is a real test. But there are ways.

2. Makes us nervous

Clutter causes stress. Study University of California, conducted among families from Los Angeles, showed that cortisol levels increased when mothers watched a mountain of unwashed clothes and toys scattered around the house by children, and, conversely, decreased when they went to work or shopping.

3. Makes you procrastinate

Clutter, in fact, provokes procrastination. You think, “Yeah, we need to fix the chair,” and then you try to find right tool, get angry and put off the repair, which would have taken 3 minutes, indefinitely. If the mess is also in the workplace, then do not expect record productivity from yourself.

4. Eats money

Clutter eats up time, and therefore money. Think for yourself how much time you spend at work looking for the right file or document - and this is only part of the unproductive waste of time. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, Americans collectively spend 9 million hours a day on such unproductive processes.

5. Deteriorating health

Accumulations of things provoke the appearance of dust mites, which cause allergies and asthma attacks. So, in addition to the above, the disorder also harms your health and the health of your loved ones.

6. Turns us into fat people

Clutter causes stress, which in turn stimulates weight gain and bad habits. Peter Walsh, author of Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat, notes that constant desire eating more is also a kind of mess, and it's hard to argue with it. Promiscuity in nutrition and harmful snacks are the consequences of chaos in the head.

7. Does not allow you to live "here and now"

Feng Shui philosophy says that clutter is negative energy, provoking negative emotions. Order, on the contrary, brings harmony and a positive stream into life. Marie Kondo, Author books Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up says that true purpose cleaning is a return to your natural, calm state.

Cleaning is a way to surround yourself with items that you really needed. Marie advises to give up all unnecessary things: in her opinion, this will help to start new life. Here's another reason.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Do you love cleaning? You don’t have to answer, although I definitely know women for whom the ideal cleanliness of the house is something like a fad. And they rub, and wash, and wash them all the time, bringing their apartment to a sterile shine.

But the question of order in the house, it turns out, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Moreover, there is a psychological rationale for disorder in each case.

How does the habit of disorder develop?

The habit of disorder: scattered books, things, unwashed dishes, often occurs in childhood. And it is not at all necessary that the mother was a slut. Quite the contrary, such a situation occurs much more often when the house has been perfectly clean since childhood, and the child was constantly punished and scolded for scattered toys and slovenliness, demanding strict observance order.

Having grown up in museum cleanliness, the child unconsciously strives to find a place where he will feel comfortable, at least in his room, in a corner, but among his personal, native mess. He will feel the same when childhood is left behind.

True, psychologists say that disorder is also easy, convenient way move away from adult responsibility for your life, which allows you to demonstrate your helplessness and hope that someone will solve your problems for you. After all, since childhood, the mother took responsibility for the order, and the habit of this remains for life.

Clutter is often a way to draw attention to yourself, and a rather unconscious one at that. Have you noticed that a person who is constantly losing something, looking for and fussing, attracts attention, causes sympathy and a desire to help?

And indeed, those around them give up their business, starting to help the confused. Usually not very self-confident people act this way, they feel support, attention, which they lack so much, and they act In a similar way they are often instinctive, unconscious.

Depression is the cause of disorder in the house

It also happens like this: when there is discomfort in the soul, a state close to depression, then this internal disorganization, disorder is reflected in your home. Then there is simply neither the strength nor the desire to do something, to put things in order, because there is a constant feeling of devastation in the soul. This happens after a divorce, after big family and other problems.

This is very serious, because by allowing themselves to live in such conditions, people exacerbate the already serious condition. In this case, putting things in order, getting rid of unnecessary old things, rearranging the house also means putting things in order within oneself. After all, you definitely need to make room for new experiences, turn the difficult page of life and feel ready to live in the present, not the past.

If you want to clean up

So what to do if the mess is around you, there is no strength, but you still want to change everything? You should not grab onto everything at once, starting a big “general” cleaning. You simply don’t have enough strength for it, and instead of order, even more chaos will reign in the house, only at the same time your hands will drop altogether.

Start small: wash the dishes, take out the trash. Plan to clean out a closet or kitchen shelf the next day. So gradually you finish cleaning, and the house will become clean and comfortable.

Find an incentive for yourself, think about what will change in your life the established order. For example, you will be able to invite friends without being embarrassed about your apartment, you will appreciate the comfort and beauty of your environment, you will be pleased to cook something delicious in a clean and comfortable kitchen.

If you cannot find something in the rubble of things, do not rush to call the whole family for help. Do not get angry, do not scatter things, creating even more chaos, but gradually, laying out things, look for yourself. If you do not disturb others and demand from them heightened attention, you will quickly calm down yourself, and there will be more order.

Order in the soul - order in the house

But it may also happen that it is still difficult for you to free yourself from lack of concentration. This means that you should seriously understand yourself: in your emotions, fears, memories. Free your soul from the past, from worries and resentments. Freed from everything that clutters your inner world, you will solve the problems of domestic chaos.

Everything is so interconnected in our lives that often the explanation difficult situations may be the simplest and vice versa. How easy it is to decide that since there is a mess in the house, then there is a bad mistress, clumsy and lazy. But not everything is so simple. Even the mess in the house is ambiguous, according to psychologists.

Each room in our house has symbolic meaning that affects our subconscious. Clutter and clutter in each of the rooms causes inactivity, stagnation in certain aspects of your life.

So, a sloppy and dirty kitchen creates difficulties in nutrition and supply both on the physical and on the spiritual level. But cleanliness, comfort and order in the kitchen will create a feeling of security and comfort, which we all need so much.

Living room and dining room - rooms for communication with family, friends, relatives. Look at these rooms carefully - they will tell you about your relationship with the outside world.

These are the rooms in which you gather together with people close to you: with family, friends. Clutter can turn this space into a secluded lair. Look at the living room and dining room, they will tell you about your relationship with the outside world: whether you hide from it behind a pile of garbage and unnecessary things, or whether you expose yourself.

Bedrooms, a place to sleep, relax, have sex, perform important function updates of people and their relationships. Clutter in the bedroom is especially undesirable, because it brings weakness, takes away, and does not replenish energy. If you feel very tired, be sure to clean up this most personal space of yours, this will help you relax and move away from stress.

Lack of order, clutter in the corridor interferes with interaction different parts, not only your home, but your life too. Look at the corridor: is it well lit, is it easy to walk along it? If you feel difficulties in the interaction between work and family, yourself and other people, clean up the corridor.

Clutter in the bathroom may indicate low self-esteem, lack of self-care. Decorate your bathroom, make it clean and tidy, turn it into a place where you can hide from everyone, where you will feel safe.

Our home is a place where we can rest from the influence environment, hide from negative influences, relax, be alone with yourself, with your thoughts. In order to have such an opportunity, so that we can find ourselves, get rid of painful thoughts, there must be order and comfort in our house. Then it will settle good mood, joy and well-being for the whole family.

Clutter limits the brain's ability to process information and causes constant distractions. A study conducted at Princeton University found that clutter limits the brain's ability to process visual information. Still, even finding something among the rubbish is a real test. But there are ways.

2. Makes us nervous

Clutter causes stress. A UCLA study of families in Los Angeles found that cortisol levels rose when mothers watched the pile of unwashed clothes and toys scattered around the house by children, and, conversely, decreased when they went to work or shopping.

3. Makes you procrastinate

Clutter, in fact, provokes procrastination. You think: “Yeah, I need to fix the chair,” and then you try to find the right tool, get angry and put off the repair, which would have taken 3 minutes, on the back burner. If the mess is also in the workplace, then do not expect record productivity from yourself.

4. Eats money

Clutter eats up time, and therefore money. Think for yourself how much time you spend at work looking for the right file or document - and this is only part of the unproductive waste of time. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, Americans collectively spend 9 million hours a day on such unproductive processes.

5. Deteriorating health

Accumulations of things provoke the appearance of dust mites, which cause allergies and asthma attacks. So, in addition to the above, the disorder also harms your health and the health of your loved ones.

6. Turns us into fat people

Clutter causes stress, which in turn encourages weight gain and bad habits. Peter Walsh, author of Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat, notes that the constant desire to eat more is also a kind of mess, and it's hard to argue with it. Promiscuity in nutrition and harmful snacks are the consequences of chaos in the head.

7. Does not allow you to live "here and now"

Feng Shui philosophy says that clutter is a negative energy that provokes negative emotions. Order, on the contrary, brings harmony and a positive stream into life. Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, says that the true purpose of cleaning is to return to your natural, calm state.

Cleaning is a way to surround yourself with items that you really needed. Marie advises to give up all unnecessary things: in her opinion, this will help to start a new life. Here's another reason.

Many psychologists and specialists who study human bioenergetics claim that there is an effect of disorder in the house on mood and quality of life in general. You may not believe in this, but pay attention to your feelings, well-being and relationships in the family when you have everything tidied up or, on the contrary, everything is scattered and dirty. Without any doubt, a person feels much worse in disorder.

All people are different and live differently. For some, disorder is a temporary phenomenon associated with lack of time; for others, it is a way of life. By the state of the house, one can determine the character of a person, his way of thinking and his position in life. Again, note that people who are in harmony with themselves never live in a "mess".

The impact of clutter in the home on a person's life

It has long been noted that scattered things, dirt, dust, etc. adversely affect financial well-being, health and the atmosphere in the family. Why is this happening?

Untidy things and untidy rooms, as a rule, attract attention. Because of this, a person is distracted from more important matters, loses concentration. In addition, the disorder causes irritation, especially in women. Being constantly in a mess, and even more so living in it, begins to pursue Bad mood. There is a possibility of becoming discouraged and even in. But it is worth cleaning up, as well-being improves.

It is also noted that people living in a mess often suffer from low self-esteem. They consider themselves losers who are unable to cope even with putting things in order. A person is constantly in a state, loses his ability to work and the desire to do something. It turns out a certain vicious circle. Because of the mess, strength is lost, including for cleaning, the chaos in the house becomes even greater, but there is no energy to clean up ...

The influence of disorder in the house according to the Vedas

Mess in the kitchen

The kitchen symbolizes financial well-being and prosperity. Therefore, to avoid problems with money, it is very important to keep this room clean. In addition, a dirty stove, dishes, crumbs and mess in the kitchen as a whole affects the health of the household.

Mess in the bathroom

A neglected bathroom indicates that a woman has low self-esteem and no feeling dignity. As psychologists say, a dirty sink and mirror is a clear indicator of self-dislike. Mess in given space prevents happiness from coming to the residents of this house.

If, on the contrary, the bathroom is distinguished by order and cleanliness, then the woman is satisfied with herself and her life.

Clean up, put all things in their places. Special attention give a mirror and a sink - you will notice how your personal life is getting better, self-esteem rises, you even become more attractive outwardly.

It is necessary to give this room 10-15 minutes every day.

Mess in the hallway

It should be cleaned of unnecessary and old rubbish, which negatively affects the financial flow and relationships in the family. The corridor should also be given attention every day.

Mess in the living room

The state of this room speaks of your relationship with the people around you. The mess in the living room leads to loneliness. Spacious and clean space attracts positive and good people to your home.

Mess in the bedroom

This room must be organized so that it is freed from unnecessary things to the maximum. It should promote relaxation.

Cluttering the bedroom leads to insomnia, loss of energy, and even problems with the opposite sex. In women, the disorder can even cause diseases of the genitourinary system.

And purity has opposite effect- strong and trusting relationship, deep sleep and feeling of comfort in the house. The bedroom is responsible for happiness.

As you can see, the dirt and mess in the house significantly affects a person's life. Therefore, cleaning is not only useful occupation but also very necessary. Again, we repeat that it is easy to check the effect of the above statements, it is enough to turn on the observer. ;)

The order and disorder in the house affects relationships in the family. Everyone confirms this fact: psychologists have established a connection between these phenomena, adherents of esotericism argue about the negative energy of unrest and unnecessary things, and feng shui has grown into a whole science.

It doesn't matter what you believe in, in the scientific arguments of psychologists or the influence negative energy- there is order in the house direct influence on relationships between spouses. Proper organization of space in the house allows you to influence certain areas human life.

Clutter at home = clutter in your personal life

There is a claim that domestic disturbances can be determined problem areas in relationships. For example, a mess in the hallway indicates a fear of starting a relationship, and in a closet - an inability to control your emotions. Heaps in the kitchen indicate that a person is tired of watching own house. Blockages on the bed indicate a person’s desire to change his life. Rubbish behind the doors in the corners - a desire to move away from others, and a mess on the mezzanine - a person lives in the past.

Based on this, you can observe a person and catch his changes in his outlook on life. An attentive spouse can catch all these changes and try to change lives so that everything returns to normal. For example, blockages in the kitchen, as mentioned above, indicate that one of the spouses is tired of looking after the house. In this case, you need to find out the reason for this, to bring something new into the relationship. Maybe go on a trip, try something new, or just have a good time.

home comfort

The house should be made the best place on earth, a place of rest from outside world, place of presence loving husband and wives loving friend friend and your children. Each person is an individual who can be both upset and happy. Words, deeds, behavior in which love is manifested, allow you to win the hearts of your family.

Cleanliness and order in the house is a necessary condition for a successful family. But if you make putting things in order the main duty in life and devote all your time to this occupation, then there will not be enough time for your spouse and children. This will eventually negatively affect the relationship. Also, constantly monitoring the order in the home, do not forget about your appearance. Spouses should always remain neat and attractive to each other.

From here we draw a logical conclusion: the order in the house is very important part life, but you don't have to give it all your time. You can just “play too hard” and move away from your spouse, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in relations.

The effect of disorder on a person

Depression and disorder have a close relationship. So, depression is apathy, lack of interest in everything, including maintaining order. Clutter contributes to the further development of this condition, and repair or cleaning - getting rid of it.

Also, not well-groomed housing affects children. Educators say that a slight mess trains the child's memory and imagination, but there should be " golden mean". The most difficult thing is to instill accuracy, it is either there by nature, or it is not. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom to order systematically and under control. If you always clean up the mess after the children, then over time they will become irresponsible. At first, this will manifest itself in irresponsibility for one's own actions, and over time, in front of the family. In the future, this can lead to the destruction of family relationships.

So the mess:

Promotes the development of apathy, fatigue, despondency.

· Introduces disharmony and chaos into a person's life.

· Influences the attitude towards oneself and other people.

Generates the need to constantly clean.

· Takes away time that could be spent on loved ones.

Prevents you from reaching new heights.

How to get rid of it?

You can put things in order yourself, you just need to pull yourself together. Getting started is the hardest step. Set yourself up for the fact that cleaning is not a punishment, but rather an opportunity to do something better for yourself and your family. No need to analyze for a long time, think about what to put away, what to throw away, and what not. Just take it and throw away everything you don't need.

Disorder has a direct effect on family relationships. The more positive energy in the house, the more happiness each family member will have. Teach children from childhood to clean and organize the space around them. As children get older, it becomes more difficult to keep order. Chaos in a teenager's room is a standard that reflects the period of life characteristic of puberty. Therefore, instilling a love of order, you strengthen his faith in his abilities.

Maintaining a normal order in the house, not “museum cleanliness” and not “not going through, not passing”, but “golden mean”, you greatly strengthen your relationship with your spouse and children.