The word birch is animate or inanimate. What is the Animation Category

  1. Animated nouns
  2. Grammar Features
  3. Topic quiz

What is animate nouns?

Animation is a grammatical category of nouns, which determines the relation of words according to their meaning to the class of living beings or to the class of “inanimate objects. In Russian, animate and inanimate names nouns.

Animated nouns

To animate noun include words denoting the names of living beings (people, professions, animals, card and chess pieces, literary and mythological characters, toys). Animated nouns answer the question - Who?

Examples of animate nouns: with sister, boy, teacher, carpenter, chicken, horse, mermaid, Koschey, rook, pawn, parsley.

Also animate are nouns that call dead people: drowned man, deceased, dead man(exception: inanimate noun - dead body).

Inanimate nouns

Inanimate nouns are names inanimate objects- objects, phenomena of reality, plants, sets of living beings, heavenly bodies. Inanimate nouns answer the question - What?

Examples of inanimate nouns: floor lamp, boat, sea, ash, chamomile, Mars, Jupiter, delight, sadness, youth, humanity.

Grammar Features

In addition to the peculiarities of meaning, animate and inanimate nouns have a number of morphological differences:

  • For animate nouns in the plural, the form V. p. coincides with the form R. p. (saw girlfriends - no girlfriends; fed the rabbits - forgot the rabbits);
  • In the inanimate in the plural, the form V. p. coincides with the form Im. P. (tables are standing - wipe the tables; clouds are floating - look at the clouds);
  • All inflected animate nouns male in the singular, the forms of V. p. coincide with the forms of R. p. ( greet Andrey - no Andrey; invite a carpenter - fire a carpenter);
  • In inanimate masculine nouns in the singular, the form V. p. coincides with the form Im. P. ( buy a backpack - the backpack lies; to conduct the Internet - the Internet works).
  • For other nouns, the forms I. p and V. p. differ.

All nouns are divided into animate and inanimate.

Animated nouns include the names of people, animals, insects, etc., i.e. Living creatures. Inanimate nouns are the names of objects, phenomena of reality that are not classified as living beings.

However, the distinction between the category of animateness and inanimateness in the grammar system does not fully coincide with scientific notions about living and dead nature. So, all plant names refer to inanimate nouns, and the words dead, dead; jack, queen and some others - to animate nouns.

The difference between animate and inanimate nouns is grammatically expressed in the fact that when declensed in the plural, the form accusative for animate nouns it coincides with the form genitive(I see boys, girls), and for inanimate nouns - with the form nominative case(I see streets, houses).

For masculine nouns (except for nouns ending in -a, -я), the distinction between animateness and inanimateness is also consistently made in the singular (I took a kitten, but bought a chair).

The belonging of nouns to animate or inanimate is also indicated by the forms of adjectives that agree with them: adjectives that are consistent with animate nouns form an accusative case similar to the genitive case, and those that are consistent with inanimate nouns - similar to the nominative case; saw a young friend; I bought a large crucian - I saw a young month; bought a big table.

Basically, animate nouns include masculine and female. There are few animate nouns of the middle gender in Russian: these include several nouns with the suffix -ische (monster, monster), individual nouns formed from adjectives or participles (mammal, insect, animal), and nouns child, person (meaning "man" ).

Animated nouns with verbs to act, to produce, to enter, and some others, denoting a transition to another state or position, in constructions with the preposition в have the accusative case plural, coinciding in form with the nominative: to make an officer, to become an actor, to become a pilot.

Words from collective meaning, denoting a set of animate objects, grammatically change as inanimate nouns: teachers, students, humanity, etc.

In relation to some words, fluctuations are observed when they are assigned to animate-inanimate. So, the names of microorganisms: bacillus, microbe, bacterium, as well as the words larva, germ, embryo are used (especially in special literature) with the endings of animate nouns, however, according to the norm of the modern Russian language, it is more correct to classify them as inanimate: to describe microbes, to nourish the embryo, but: ... You cannot nourish the embryo with nerves (Boborykin). The use of these nouns with the endings of animate names is an archaic form.

The word face (in the meaning of a person) in literature XIX in. could also be used as an inanimate noun: It was enough to look at these faces to see that they were all running to get dressed (G. Usp.); for modern literary language more common is the use of this word as animated: Include in the list of the following persons.

Names of fish and amphibians own meaning are animate nouns (to catch lobsters, sprat), but the same words as the names of dishes most often have the form of the accusative case, coinciding with the nominative (more typical for colloquial speech): eat all the figs, serve boiled crayfish, serve sprats, sprats, etc. for a snack.

The names of heavenly bodies are inanimate nouns; the same words as the names of the gods are animate nouns. Cf .: Fly to Mars - the ancients hoped for Mars; to study Jupiter is to honor Jupiter.

When using words in figurative meaning the grammatical category of animateness turns out to be more stable than the category of inanimateness. Thus, animate nouns are sometimes used to refer to inanimate objects, and in this case they retain their grammatical indicators of animation (in declension, the accusative case coincides with the genitive): people” (M. G.); Nadya Zelenina, having returned with her mother from the theater where they gave "Eugene Onegin", and having come to her place ... quickly sat down at the table to write such a letter as Tatyana (Ch.); On weekdays after school, we, little ones, ran around the park ... flew kites (Morozov); A brand new gymnastic horse was brought into the gym.

Animated objects

Animated objects

ANIMATED OBJECTS . Items with the ability arbitrary movement, i.e. people and animals, in contrast to inanimate objects and abstract or abstract concepts, i.e. signs of objects considered in abstraction from the objects themselves. In Russian. category O.P. on the one hand and inanimate. objects and abstract concepts, on the other hand, differ grammatically in that masculine nouns and adjectives in the singular that agree with them and nouns and adjectives in the plural, which are the names of O.P., have one general form for the accusative and genitive cases, different from the nominative case, and masculine nouns and adjectives in the singular and nouns and adjectives in the plural, which are the names of inanimate objects and abstract concepts, have a common form for the nominative and accusative cases, different from the genitive form case. The grammatical distinction between nouns denoting animate objects and nouns denoting inanimate objects and abstract concepts also exists in other Slavic languages, and is also known to some not. Slavic languages e.g. Scandinavian.

N.D. Literary Encyclopedia: : In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925

See what "Animated objects" are in other dictionaries:

    Animated objects- ANIMATED OBJECTS. Objects that have the ability to voluntarily move, that is, people and animals, in contrast to inanimate and abstract or abstract concepts, that is, signs of objects considered in abstraction from ... ... Vocabulary literary terms

    animate objects- Objects that have the ability to voluntarily move, that is, people and animals, in contrast to inanimate objects and abstract or abstract concepts, that is, signs of objects considered in abstraction from the objects themselves. In Russian …

    INANIOUS OBJECTS. Things or objects that do not have the ability to voluntarily move, that is, all objects except people and animals. See Animate Objects. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 x vol. / Under ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    inanimate objects- INANIMATE OBJECTS. Things or objects that do not have the ability to voluntarily move, that is, all objects except people and animals. See Animate Objects... Dictionary of literary terms

    inanimate objects- Things or objects that do not have the ability to voluntarily move, that is, all objects except people and animals. See Animate Objects... grammar dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms

    Noun endings- 1. In nouns that have before case endings vowel and, written in prepositional singular(for feminine words also in dative case) a letter and, for example: about a genius, in Gogol's "Vii", on a billiard cue, to sisters ... ... A guide to spelling and style

Nouns have constant sign animation and inanimateness, which underlies the division of nouns into two categories. Most often, animate nouns name something living: people, animals, and answer the question who? Inanimate nouns usually name something inanimate: objects, phenomena, and answer the question what? But it must be remembered that the characterization of words as animate and inanimate in grammar does not fully correspond to the characterization of living and inanimate in the sciences of nature. For example, the nouns rowan, maple, plant belong to the category of inanimate in grammar, while the goose (with apples), the dead man, the deceased are considered grammatically as animate objects.

A grammatical indicator of animation is the coincidence of the form of the accusative plural with the genitive plural: I know students, teachers - accusative (compare: no students, teachers - genitive).

A grammatical indicator of inanimateness is the coincidence of the form of the accusative plural with the form of the nominative plural: I see huts, fields, forests - the accusative case (compare: these are huts, fields, forests - the nominative case).

For masculine nouns (except for words ending in -a, for example, a young man, dad), the distinction by animation / inanimateness is consistently carried out in the singular: bought a puppy - no puppy, bought a table - this is a table.

Grammar indicator of animateness/inanimateness indeclinable nouns can serve case form agreed definition: I saw funny kangaroos, but multi-colored saris, funny entrechat.

Feminine and neuter nouns that have only singular forms (for example, students, peasantry, youth, children, cod) do not have grammatical indicators of animation / inanimateness.

Some nouns can behave both as animate and inanimate. You can say I study microbes and microbes, fly a (air) kite and (air) kite. In this case, the word in one meaning has a fluctuation on the basis of animation / inanimateness. There are also words different meanings which are decorated in different ways: I see a genius (person) and appreciate the genius (mind), I see janitors (people), I see janitors (mechanism).

Thus, characterizing a noun on the basis of animateness / inanimateness, you need to choose one of four possible answers:

  • animated noun;
  • inanimate noun;
  • a noun with an oscillating sign of animation/inanimateness;
  • the noun has no grammatical indicators of animateness/inanimateness.

Russian language lesson in 5th grade

Textbook: "Russian language: textbook for grade 5
educational institutions»
/ T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, T.M. Baranov and others

Nouns are animate and inanimate.

Target: As a result of the lesson, students should learn:

  • understand animateness and inanimateness as grammatical category nouns;
  • be able to divide nouns into animate and inanimate, determine the case of a noun;

Formed UUD: regulatory (goal-setting)

Communicative (planning)

Lesson script.

1. Actualization of knowledge.

Before you are nouns, divide them into 2 groups and justify your choice.

Written on the board are the words:willow, spring, mermaid, rooks, drops, hare, forester, corpse, deceased.

Students put forward hypotheses, the teacher fixes their answers on the board. As a result, students come to the conclusion that the words had to be grouped according to the basis of animation / inanimateness. They name the signs by which the animateness / inanimateness of a noun is determined (questions WHO? WHAT?, animate nouns denote living beings, they breathe, walk, etc.)

Most likely, students will make a mistake when determining the animation of the word DEAD.

2. Students formulate the topic of the lessonwhich is written on the blackboard and in notebooks.

3. Creation of a problem situation.

The teacher shows on the board (or on a slide) the correct division of nouns into animate / inanimate. Students should be surprised that the word DEAD refers to animate noun. The teacher asks, “Why does this word refer to animate nouns?” Students do not have this question.

So, there is some other sign, in addition to questions of WHO? WHAT?, which helps to determine the animateness / inanimateness of a noun.

4. Formation of UUD: goal setting.

Formulate in front of you learning goal, continuing the words: LEARN, LEARN.

What needs to be done to achieve the set goals?

5. Learning new material.

1) Reading the text by receiving an insert.

You not only have to read the text, but also mark your understanding of the text with the appropriate signs.

\/ - “already knew”, + “new”, (-) - “thought differently or did not know”,? - did not understand, there are questions.

text read by students.



Hello guys! It's great to see everyone in my class! Today we will talk about animate and inanimate nouns, - with these words, Professor Link began her lesson at the school of Russian language lovers.

What is there to say? And so everything is clear: if the word denotes a living object, then the noun will be animate, and if it is inanimate, then it will be inanimate, - someone's voice was heard.

Eee ... not everything is so simple ... - answered the professor. - What does it mean - a living thing? Here, for example, the words "plant, tree" where to attribute? Who will turn his tongue to say that a plant is something inanimate? But in Russian, these words refer to inanimate.

Well, this is probably due to the fact that plants themselves cannot move. So they seem to be inanimate, - the girl sitting on the first desk timidly suggested.

To correctly determine whether a noun is animate or inanimate, you need to remember a few rules:

Animated nounsidentify faces and animals and answer the question WHO? ;

Inanimate nounsdesignate objects, plants and phenomena inanimate nature and answer the question WHAT?

But there are still exceptions. from this rule. There are very convenient way distinguishing between animate and inanimate nouns, especially if you don’t know exactly what kind it belongs to given word. The fact is that animate and inanimate nouns different forms accusative plural. In the animate, the accusative form coincides with the genitive, and in the inanimate, with the nominative. For example:

2) What new did you learn from what you read? How to determine the animate / inanimate noun?

THEN. In Russian, the division of nouns into animate and inanimate occurs according togrammatical feature.

3) Let's convert our output into a formula. As a result of this work, the following formula should be obtained:Odush: V.p. = R.p. (plural)

Neodush: V.p. = I.p. (plural)

4) Let's see how this formula works on the example of the words CORSE and DEAD.

6. Practical work.

Holding a small research work paired with.

Now you will need to a little research. You will have to determine whether the nouns given to you on the cards are animate or inanimate. As a result of the work, a table “Animated and inanimate nouns". And then one of your couple will defend their work. But before you get started, remember how to work in pairs. There is a memo “How to work in pairs in a lesson” on your desks, read it, and then proceed to the task.

Formation of UUD: planning.

Memo "How to work in a lesson in pairs"

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. If you are doing a task with a friend who is approximately equal in strength to you, then try to divide all the work equally. Help each other in case of difficulties.
  3. If your friend is doing better than you, do not hesitate to ask him for help, ask him to explain something. Do not be offended by a friend if he corrects this or that mistake.
  4. If you see that your friend is doing worse than you, help him, but try to do it in such a way that he himself works with full effort. If your friend makes mistakes, tactfully and kindly correct them.

Remember the main rule: in any collective cause what is needed is coherence of actions and readiness to help one's comrade. You are responsible for him. He is for you.

MATERIALS for research:

What category of nouns (animate or inanimate) do they belong to?

1 row

  • Names of gods and mythical creatures: mermaid, goblin.
  • Names of chess and card pieces: lady, queen.

2 row

  • Nouns that name toys: doll, matryoshka
  • Nouns denoting the totality of living beings: battalion people.

3 row

  • Collective nouns:youth, humanity.
  • Plant nouns: chamomile, birch.

In the course of the performance of two pairs from each row, a table is filled on the board.



Names of gods and mythical creatures

Nouns denoting a collection of living beings

Names of chess and card pieces

Collective nouns

Nouns that name toys

Plant nouns




2) Self-assessment: 0 mistakes - 5 points

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 points - 3 points

8. Practical work (if time permits).

Read a poem by S. Yesenin. Determine whether they are animate or inanimate are the nouns highlighted in bold. Why are they spoken of as animate? What is the name of such an approach?

The stars dozed off gold,
The mirror of the backwater trembled,
Light shines on the river backwaters
And blushes the grid of the sky.

Sleepy birches smiled ,
Tousled silk braids.
Rustling green earrings,
And silver dews are burning.

The wattle fence has an overgrown nettle
Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl
And, swaying, he whispers playfully:
"Good morning!"

9. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

Let's go back to the objectives of the lesson. Have they been achieved?

Answer the questions:

1. What was the most useful thing for me in the lesson?

2. What was the most interesting thing for me in the lesson?

3. What was difficult for me in the lesson?

10. Homework(differentiated).

Paragraph 91 ex. 480, 481

OR write a story or poem using personification.