Memories always remain they are not people. Quotes About Memories

Knowledge and skills are remembered differently

Many of us have noticed that forgetting the solution to a quadratic equation is relatively easy, but unlearning how to swim or ride a bike is almost impossible. This is due to the fact that theoretical knowledge and practical skills are stored in memory in different ways. Procedural memory, which is associated with remembering actions, uses older areas of the brain responsible for coordination, response to visual stimuli (when we see an obstacle and go around it, for example), and automatic motor reflexes. When we learn a new skill, different parts of the brain work as a team: the prefrontal cortex controls the setting of tasks and their distribution, nucleus basalis remembers models of interactive interaction and helps to quickly respond to visual information, and the cerebellum is responsible for finer coordination of motor actions. As a result, they form a very complex and sustainable system, which allows you to firmly remember the acquired skills. Procedural memory has evolved over hundreds of millions of years and exists in all animals.

And for abstract knowledge, like decision rules quadratic equations, responds to declarative memory, which is controlled by only one area - the cerebral cortex. Therefore, abstract memories are less “fixed” and fade faster if they are not used regularly. This kind of memory is relatively new and only familiar to primates.

The fate of a neuron depends on emotions

So far, the main hypothesis of how long-term memory works is that memories are stored in the hippocampus, a three-layered region located deep in the temporal lobes of the brain and which is part of the limbic system. This is one of the two regions of the brain where new neurons are formed during adulthood(the second is the olfactory bulb). Neurons are formed in the subgranular zone, from where cells subsequently migrate to short distances to gain a foothold in the granule cell layer.

If something happened to you significant event, this part of the memory is stored in the new neuron. But of all the new neurons formed in the granular layer, 98% will die. naturally over a period of several months to a year. They can survive (and the memories contained in them are retained as a long-term memory) only if the person periodically returns to this memory during this period.

Usually memories that have an affective load “survive” - they return as soon as you experience something that is associated with a past event that left a vivid emotional trace. The brain is constantly supplementing "working memory" with related events from the past, so memory often works by free association.

Scientists have managed to "catch" a specific memory in the brain

Science still cannot unequivocally answer the question of whether memories are focused pointwise in specific neurons or distributed over different parts of the brain. The distribution hypothesis states that each memory is stored in thousands of synapses and neurons, and each synapse or neuron is involved in thousands of memories. So if one neuron dies, there are hundreds of others responsible for maintaining the same memory - but at the same time, with the disappearance of each neuron, thousands of memories fade a little. At the same time, there is no such critical number of neurons, the death of which causes the erasure of memories.

But, according to another theory, each memory leaves a very specific trace in the brain - an engram. And if you trace this engram, you can theoretically remove it or change it. Evidence for this hypothesis was recently presented Nobel laureate Susumu Tonegawa is a professor at the Pickover Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT. Tonegawa and his colleagues at the institute showed that they were able to detect cells that are responsible for part of the engram a certain memory and activate them using optogenetics technology - a method of studying nerve cells using light pulses. Scientists were able to reactivate the engram under new conditions and with the help of this, implant a false memory in the brain of a mouse.

The researchers first placed mice in an unfamiliar cell A, after they got used to it, their memory cells were labeled with canalrhodopsin, a sensitive protein that, in response to blue light irradiation, can pass ions into the cell and thus allows targeted stimulation of brain regions. The next day, the mice were placed in a new cage B, not similar to A. After some time, the mice were hit with a medium electric shock. At the same time, the scientists used light to activate the cells that coded for the memories of room A. On the third day, the mice were again placed in cage A, where they froze in fear, waiting for the shock. False memories stuck: the rodents associated the shock received in room B with room A.

However, it is possible to introduce false memories without sophisticated surgical intervention: American psychologist Elizabeth Loftus conducted an experiment in which participants who had been to Disneyland were shown a photo of the park, in which one of the visitors shook hands with Bugs Bunny the rabbit. After that, about a third of the respondents remembered that they also met Bugs Bunny at Disneyland - although this was impossible, because this is a character not in the Disney world, but in the Warner Brothers universe.

Unpleasant experience can be edited

You can also change existing memories - this method helps to treat phobias, post-traumatic stress and other syndromes associated with increased anxiety. However, while this is the prerogative of psychologists, not neurophysiologists. One of the most promising methods of "overwriting" was developed by Harvard professor Roger Pitman and professor of psychiatry at McGill University Alain Brunet. It looks like this: first, specialists stimulate memory, prompting a person to re-experience the emotions that he once felt at the time of the traumatic experience. A person first writes down his unpleasant experiences from the past and rereads them before each psychotherapeutic session, having previously taken propranolol, a medicine for hypertension that suppresses palpitations, sweating and other symptoms of fear. As a result, the previous traumatic memory ceases to be associated with unpleasant sensations.

Obsession helps develop super memory

For an incredibly sharp memory for events own life exist separate term- hyperthymesia. True, this does not mean abstract mnemonic abilities, but autobiographical memory - attempts to force a hypertimetic to memorize the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary are unlikely to be successful, but he will remember the guests' wardrobe and playlist at his sixteenth birthday in detail.

First recorded official medicine a case of hypermnesia occurred relatively recently - in 2000, Broadway actress Marilu Henner wrote to a neurophysiologist University of California in Irvine to James McGough, claiming that all autobiographical memories are stored in her head like pictures on a DVD. She could memorize thousands of faces and remembered in detail every day of her life since the age of 11. Studies conducted by McGough and his colleagues confirmed this unusual abilities, which turned out to be very rare - since then only 20 people have been found with a similar “super memory” syndrome.

Magnetic resonance imaging showed that Marilou's incredibly sharp memory may be associated with brain features: the temporal lobe and caudate nucleus are enlarged, which is typical for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. And, indeed, there were some signs of OCD in Marilou's behavior: she strove to ensure that everything in her life was in order, including the events of the past.

From the outside, this ability looks like an incredible gift, but its flip side should also be taken into account: people with hyperthymesia not only vividly remember best moments of their lives, but they cannot forget a single bad event that happened to them.

We remember incomplete actions better

This phenomenon is called the "Zeigarnik effect" after the Soviet psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, a student of Kurt Lewin. According to Lewin's "field theory", memories live longer if you keep a certain energy tension that occurs at the beginning of any action. This can be done without letting the action complete. Levin conducted experiments with children, where the children were interrupted in the middle creative process and told them to do something else. But the unfinished business caused anxiety to the children, and at the first opportunity they tried to complete it.

Zeigarnik continued to investigate this phenomenon and conducted a number of experiments that confirmed that unfinished tasks create a certain tension in human memory - in other words, unfinished. It turned out that, on average, participants recalled incomplete actions 90% better than completed ones. Zeigarnik came to the conclusion that this feature is related to motivation - people with mental disorders affecting motivational sphere showed no such attention to unfinished activities.



noun, with., use often

Morphology: (no) what? memories, what? recollection, (see) what? memory, how? memory, about what? about remembrance; pl. what? memories, (no) what? memories, what? memories, (see) what? memories, how? memories, about what? about memories

1. Memories you name the images that arise in your mind when you think about someone or something related to your past.

Childhood memories washed over him. | Sitting by the fire, grandfather could reminisce for hours. | In my memories, she will forever remain young.

2. If from someone, something one memory left, then it disappeared from your life, leaving behind nothing but vague (usually pleasant) impressions.

From this beautiful youthful love one memory remains.

3. Memories you name notes or stories about the past containing the facts of your or someone else's life; memoirs.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War spoke at the evening. | The memoirs of contemporaries contain a lot of information about the personal life of the poet. | I'm going to retire and sit down to write my memoirs.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitrieva. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "memory" is in other dictionaries:

    Mystery of feelings * Remembrance * Desire * Dream * Pleasure * Loneliness * Expectation * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * … Consolidated encyclopedia aphorisms

    MEMORY, memories, cf. 1. What is preserved in memory; mental reproduction of it. Memories of childhood. Childhood memory. Old people live in memories. Pleasant memory. 2. only pl. Genus literary work,… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    memory- extract from long-term memory(see long-term memory) images of the past, mentally localized in time and space. V. can be arbitrary (remembering) and involuntary ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    memory- pale (Balmont); vague (Karenin); foggy (Balmont); obliging (Pushkin) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. recollection About the degree ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    MEMORY, I, cf. 1. Mental reproduction of what n. preserved in memory. V. childhood. There is one left in from what n. (nothing left; joke.). 2. pl. Notes or stories about the past. Literary Memories. Evening of memories. Explanatory … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    An involuntarily arose or voluntarily re-evoked content of consciousness that is more or less similar to the original experience or seems to be similar (the reliability of the memory and its delusions). The ability to accurately reproduce, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

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    Memory - 1. mental image(object, idea, conclusions), intentionally retrieved or spontaneously appearing in consciousness from memory stores. Usually memories are localized in the space and time to which they relate, and are associated with one or another ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy


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Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Memories are an integral part of our life. We often remember both good moments and sad ones. It helps us cheer ourselves up in difficult periods life or draw conclusions and not make new mistakes. The main thing is not to live only memories, but to create new ones every day :).

Quotes About Memories

Memories are like islands in an ocean of emptiness. Mikhail Shishkin "Venus Hair"

When our pain has already passed, the memory of it is already fascinated by memories. Jane Austen "Reason"

In the life of every person, probably, there are moments with memories of which he does not want to part. Wilkie Collins "Moonstone"

Memories are so ridiculous. Some of them are quite vague, others are absolutely clear, others are too painful, and you try not to think about them, and some are so painful that you will never forget them. Anna McPartlin "Wrap Me the Moon"

I love my memories. That is all I have. This is the only true valueClifford Simak "All the Traps of the Earth"

Memories are magical garments that do not wear out from use. R. Stevenson

We all need memories to know who we are... From to foreign film "Remember" (Memento)

Remembrance is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. J.-P. Richter

After all, memories are not as embarrassing as creature, although sometimes memories torment the soul! Alexandre Dumas "Three Musketeers"

What is it like to live when you have nothing, not even memories to haunt you in the middle of the night? From the cartoon "Lilo and Stitch"

It is useless to remember the past if these memories cannot help in the present. Charles Dickens "David Copperfield"

Memories are not yellowed letters, not old age, not dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry... K.G. Paustovsky

You can't live on memories alone. From the movie "Forbidden Love" (The Edge of Love)

The memory of experienced happiness is no longer happiness, the memory of experienced pain is still pain. J. Byron

You should not try to get rid of memories, you must learn to live with them. From the movie "1408"

Getting rid of memories is like stealing from yourself. Sometimes memories are all we have, and they taste sweeter than any fruit. Margaret Brenton "Pearl of the Damned"

Memory is our life. If it were not for it, as I. M. Sechenov said, people would remain in the stage of infancy, they would live by instincts alone. It has always been a value. Even in Ancient Greece was considered as a gift from God, the patroness of which was the goddess Mnemosyne. Often memory interferes, frightens, does not allow moving on. Learn how to get rid of this and much more.

Freud's memory

He considered it the most important component of the human psyche, which determines personality. He put forward the theory of three types of memory:

  • Conscious. Characterized by awareness of reality. That is, what happens to a person in this moment time. This is tactile sensation(book in hand) visual perception(what color is it) or gurgling in the stomach and so on. Consciousness, in this case, is determined by what is heard, seen and through feeling.
  • Preconscious. It's about about memories that the individual is not aware of at the moment, but which, if desired, can be recalled and activated, such as driving a car, dates of birthdays and anniversaries.
  • And unconscious. This memory is the most significant, includes experiences and memories that are not realized by a person, which sit deep in the memory, and access to them is limited. Freud believed that the unconscious bowl is filled with those images, pictures and feelings, that is, memories of the past that a person wants to forget.

Memories and the degree of their awareness determine the personality of a person.

What is a memory?

This is a reproduction (from English) of pictures of the past cut off in time and space from autobiographical (episodic) memory. It cannot be attributed to the whole past. This is just a sensual part of it: feelings and experiences. Experience, thoughts and evaluations are not included here.

Memories are different: joyful and sad, bright and gloomy, good and evil. Of course, I want to return to sweet memorable events Because you can't live in the past. Now we have general idea about past memories. Memories of the future will become a further topic of conversation.

It's about deja vu

A mysterious and little-studied phenomenon, at the occurrence of which the present, past and future intersect. The person gets the feeling that it has already happened to him once. For some reason, our consciousness travels in the future, remembers something there, as a result of which, before the onset of the event, there is confidence that we know what will happen, because we remember it from the past.

Everyone healthy man experience it at least once in a lifetime. What is it - a game of our imagination, fragments of memories, fragments of dreams, mental disorder or evidence that we are not living the first life? Or is this a misinterpretation of the timing of the event? There are many questions, but there is no reasonable answer. What if there is no time, and we can remember the future as well as the past?

Let's talk about magic

Let's talk about memories, about past lives. There are many myths regarding this topic, but reincarnation has been proven by scientists.

“Science cannot bring absolutely reliable arguments against the idea of ​​eternal return”

It also confirms. Ian Stevenson, a doctor of medicine from the USA, has devoted more than a dozen years to the study of past lives. He worked with children from Asia, who told him about memories, about the past. He was checking data that supported their story.

AT Eastern culture there is no prohibition to talk about past lives, the idea that there is only one life is not promoted there. Therefore, they talk about it calmly. Another scientist proved the past life theory through hypnosis.

Can you learn to see?

Definitely. Special techniques and trainings will help in this. Moreover, scientists argue that children under five years of age have this property, memories of past lives are not closed to them. Why do we need to know about them, you ask. It's simple - they contain the key to the future, or rather, to understanding what is happening to you in the present. Thanks to this, it is easier and faster to understand yourself than through childhood memories and an analysis of the comparison of situations within one current life. We remember only the accumulated experience that we received in past lives.

After all, you can see your talents and happy lives. Find out what you were good at, what made you successful and famous, how you achieved your goals, by what means, what kind of emotions you experienced at the same time. It is this state of inner uplift vitality ensures success. All this is really "re-living" again.

With the help of past lives, you can get answers to all your questions, understand why something does not work out, and remove obstacles to achieving your goal. It is understanding and re-awareness of the problem that helps to get rid of it.

Is there any benefit to looking at past lives?

Of course yes. This eliminates mechanical reactions. We use only 5% of the possibilities of the brain, and 95% are beyond our control, these are programs. That is, beliefs, hidden benefits, psychological features, oaths, taboos and so on that a person has formed or given in past lives. You can also get rid of your fears.

What are the reasons for remembering the past?

A person quite often returns to past events, thinks, plunging into them. Those, in turn, absorb. Obsessed with them, the individual harms the psychological and physical health. Here are the main situations that provoke it:

  • Death of a loved one or native person.
  • Treason, parting with your beloved half.
  • Unfulfillment in life, in particular, lack of demand in the profession.
  • Change of residence (different district, city, country).
  • Household monotonous life.

There are many reasons, but whatever they are, you can’t look back into the past, otherwise you will be doomed to constant failure.

You can get rid of the memories of past years. We give advice:

  • Analyze the past. It is necessary to forgive, admit the mistake and let go of the situation.
  • Extract errors.
  • Use meditations and positive affirmations.

It also happens that a person understands and tries to get rid of the memories of past years, but nothing comes of it. Here the individual is either dishonest with himself, or there really is a deep-seated reason in the subconscious. Then it might be better to go to professional psychologist.

Now, here are the statements of famous people

So, quotes about memories, about the past:

  • “Remembrance is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled” (J. Richter).
  • “Memories are so ridiculous. Some of them are quite vague, others are absolutely clear, others are too painful, and you try not to think about them, and some are so painful that you will never forget them ”(A. McPartlin).
  • “Getting rid of memories is like stealing from yourself. Sometimes memories are all we have, and they taste sweeter than any fruit” (M. Brenton).
  • “The paths parted, the memories remained” (S. Yesenin).
  • “Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget” (Erich Maria Remarque).

So many sayings famous people, and each definitely has its own truth, because it is not for nothing that these phrases have become catchphrases. Memories of the past, in a word - the key to the future. Of course, it is impossible to live with them, but it is possible and even necessary to use them as an experience in order to avoid committed mistakes.

How to get rid of torment?

The main thing is to understand that the past cannot be canceled and corrected, whatever it may be. Use it as a resource or experience. For example, before important negotiations, to cope with the excitement, remember the moments when you were successful.

Use bad memories of the past as an experience. Drawing a lesson from them, remember only about it, so as not to repeat previous mistakes. It's worth living in the present. It is at this moment that you can influence something and change the course of events. It is necessary to use and appreciate the past correctly, because the future will depend on it.

What do you do to stop living in the past?

Consider the algorithm of actions, so:

  1. In the event of the loss of a loved one or parting, a person experiences the deepest depression, pain. Of course, it will not be possible to forget everything quickly, but it is necessary to try to reduce this time. The main thing is to stop blaming yourself for this, to understand, to give assessments.
  2. As weird and silly as it may sound, take the time to experience it. Let it be, for example, a week, two or three, a month. Throw out your emotions as you like, only without harming others, and then pull yourself together and let go of the situation in the past.
  3. You can commemorate this event with a tea party or a feast. The main thing is to decide for yourself that there is no more pain. You start new life.
  4. Don't go back to the past. As soon as it starts to tighten again, switch. Suppose you come up with your own fairy-tale world, town or village, where you will be comfortable and calm, and return there.
  5. Improve yourself. Engage in a hobby or hobby. Go deeper into the profession, improve your skills.
  6. Cheer yourself up. Remember yourself in your youth, when you were full of strength and confidence. Transfer that energy to the present, start a new communication, get to know each other, enjoy life.

Concentrate exclusively on vivid dreams. Of course, it is very difficult to learn to let go of the situation, to forgive offenders and yourself, not to cling to the past. But you have to try. The past should serve only as an invaluable experience, and not become a source of troubles and bad mood.

human memory is a unique storage , which contains our memories of the soul, our experience, our past impressions. Sometimes it's so nice to get some past event out of your memory and plunge into it again with your head. Then our feelings come to life, the heart begins to beat faster and we seem to return again to those days that have long sunk into the past. Our memories are unique opportunity to live some moments of our life again, experiencing the same feelings and emotions.

Those people who have a good memory can only be envied, because they are able to remember everything to the smallest detail and often simply amaze others with their ability to remember details. But sometimes such abilities are not at all beneficial to the person himself. Admit it, at least once in your life you had to deal with people who remember only negative events and completely refuse to keep positive moments in their memory, good memories souls. At every opportunity, they get negative memories from the depths of memory, and each time they mentally return to past unpleasant situations, again and again experiencing negative emotions. Such people always have some horror stories heard on TV or from friends. It seems that they purposefully remember only what can upset or make you suffer again.

If you ask such a person what good things he remembers from his life, he will only wrinkle his forehead, but he will hardly be able to extract at least a few good memories from his memory. But, really in their life there was nothing good? It just can't be. The life of every person is made up of diverse events.. It contains both pleasant and not so pleasant memories. They are woven into our lives and form its fabric. However, is it really necessary to keep bad memories in mind? Is this burden so important that you can drag it on yourself throughout your life, periodically taking it out, blowing off the dust from it and again and again experiencing negative emotions?

What happens to us when we remember a past event that hurt us? A person is able to experience the past so vividly that all feelings and emotions come to life. and it turns out that a person is again involved in a situation of many years ago. If at the same time he experienced negative emotions, then, each time, returning to his memories, he will experience them again and again. Again and again destructive changes will occur in his body, caused by the feelings that he experiences. This can eventually lead to serious violations health, and, most importantly, the deterioration of the overall vitality. Let in ordinary life everything goes as it should, but a person, being in the power of the past, suffers and experiences heartache. Can you imagine what it's like to be in constant pain? A person becomes gloomy, he ceases to distinguish the colors of life.

On the contrary, if a person is able to remember only the good, he is optimistic about life and believes that everything will turn out. the best way. You need to learn how to keep in your memory only pleasant, positive, good memories of the soul.. They are able to charge us positive emotions, give us joy, inspire for future deeds. Good soul memories are a constant source of energy within you. from which you can recharge at any time. Such memories are needed, they decorate our life and make it richer. People who have made it a rule to remember only the good and not to keep the bad in mind are doing absolutely the right thing, because they do not dwell on the negative, but look boldly and optimistically into the future. Good memories of the soul allow you to fill your consciousness with light, and, most importantly, save about your life. positive impressions who will allow in old age to say to themselves: “I have lived happy life. She was so good!"

Do not fill your memory with garbage, do not store in it what needs to be disposed of. If you find yourself tending to remember only the bad things, be sure to rebuild yourself. Do not harbor resentment or anger at someone. Just let go of those memories. Something good is definitely happening to you. Focus on it. Concentrate on positive events and consciously keep them in your memory.

If you have a computer, then you absolutely clearly follow what is stored in its memory. You delete unnecessary files from your hard drive so that they do not take up space there. Do the same with your negative memories. Just delete them from your memory. Don't go back to them, stop bringing them into the light of day. You have many other, pleasant and useful things that should be kept.

Do you remember bad things? Does it need to be done? How do you think? Are there good soul memories in your memory? Share your opinion with us, we will post it on the site.