How many people are in the Windsor family. Windsor dynasty: history, genealogy

July 17 marks exactly 100 years since the royal decree that changed the name of the British monarchy. Instead of Saxon-Coburg-Gott members august family became the Windsors.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Europe froze in a state of unstable equilibrium. The monarchies still held out, but the specter of change was already actively roaming the cities and towns.

The last parade of the outgoing era was the funeral of the British king, the son of Queen Victoria, Edward VII on May 20, 1910.

End of an era

The funeral procession of Edward VII on the streets of London

Representatives of all the reigning dynasties rode in the funeral cortege. Strictly according to protocol, emperors and kings rode first, followed by dukes, archdukes, electors and princes. Representatives of democracies, even those as powerful and wealthy as the United States and France, were sent to the back of the procession.

Nine kings gathered for the funeral of Edward VII. In the second row from left to right: King Haakon VII of Norway, King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, King Manuel II of Portugal, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, King George I of Greece and King Albert I of Belgium. Front row from left to right: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George of Britain V and King Frederik VIII of Denmark

Those who rode in the forefront did not yet suspect that soon they would either have to adapt to the changed realities, or even disappear from the horizon.

For the British Royal Family important part adaptation was the change of the name under which the ruling family acted.

German dominance

Coronation of George V

To be honest, it is not entirely clear how English patriots get along with this fact (I emphasize that they are English, not British), but after the Tudors, relatively pure-blooded English did not sit on the English, and then on the British throne at all.
That is, some family ties, of course, were traced (the monarchs were always quite strict with this matter), however, starting from George I, from 1714, the St. James court was headed by the Germans.
And it all started with the fact that the British categorically refused to live under the scepter of the Catholics.

It doesn't matter where you were born, it matters how you were baptized.

Parliament offers the crown to William and Mary. Unfortunately, neither they nor their successor Anna had children.

The Stuarts with the British throne did not work out. Charles I was beheaded, his son had to make noticeable concessions to parliament during the restoration, and James II was forced into exile. In fact, most likely, no one would have touched him if he had not converted to Catholicism, falling under the influence of his first wife.

By that time, the British had developed a persistent allergy to Catholics, and parliament decided to invite the daughter of the deposed king, Mary, who, fortunately, was a Protestant, plus married to Duke William of Orange, to the throne. Well, he (that's really lucky, so lucky!) Was also related to the British monarchs. His mother was the eldest daughter of Charles I, the same one who was executed by Cromwell.

Unfortunately, the Stewarts did not have much luck with heirs. Neither Mary and Wilhelm nor their successor Anna had children.

The Prolific Queen and the Cousin War

Nicholas II and George V. III cousin- German Chancellor Wilhelm - was on the other side of the front line

The First World War in Europe is called the war of the cousins, or the war of the cousins.

Fatal 1917

The death of the Lusitania provoked a powerful surge of anti-German sentiment in Europe and the United States, becoming one of the reasons for the United States to enter the First World War.

After three years of war, no one remembered family feelings.

Anti-German sentiment in Britain reached its apogee.

The turning point came in 1915, when the entire British Empire, as well as the people of the United States, were horrified after a German submarine sank the American civilian ship Lusitania. 1200 people died. For ethnic Germans still living on British Isles The situation has become deadly.

Cartoon from Punch magazine two weeks after the sinking of the Lusitania. Caption: "Kaiser - I propose a toast to ... Death - To vengeance!"

Anti-German pogroms swept through London, Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle.

In London's East End, where many Germans ran bakeries, angry mobs smashed shop windows, ripped open flour sacks, and crushed already-baked loaves with wheels.

The pogroms led to the fact that for some time the bread in this part of the city practically disappeared.

Streets of broken windows

Mob smashes German shops in London's East End

In Bradford and Nottingham, naturalized Germans rushed to sign letters swearing allegiance to the country and the king, wishing the British army victory and giving their word of honor that they were sleeping and seeing the defeat of Germany.

In this case, not only the Germans were in danger.

Here is what the Times wrote at the time:

In the streets of Poplar (a district in east London), the crowd smashed the German shops with such thoroughness that everyone whose surname did not sound very English was the victim.

In Leytenstone, the crowd took one look at the name of the owner of the pub (he was a Scot named Strahan) and immediately broke all the windows.

The crowd smashed all the shops, the names of the owners of which did not sound in English. On the boarded-up window there is an inscription: "We are Russians"

It should be noted that the newspapers supported this madness. They demanded that all ethnic Germans of draft age be isolated from society. At that time, about 60,000 Germans, Austrians and Turks lived in the British Isles, plus another 8,000 naturalized citizens of "hostile origin".

Moreover, the same Times warned: "We are seeing a growing perception that naturalization does not guarantee freedom from pogroms."

preemptive strike

The subjects of George V already had little to do for victory. He was still suspected of sympathy for Germany. In this photo, the king inspects troops from New Zealand before being sent to the front lines.

Of course, you can’t vouch, but it can be assumed that if George V read that issue of the Times, he became very uneasy.

Although it was possible to figure out which way the wind was blowing for quite some time.

As early as 1914, the Austrian-born Prince Ludwig of Battenberg was forced to resign as First Lord of the Admiralty - solely because of his German roots.

By 1917, absolutely all members of the royal family began to feel pressure about their "Germanness".

Joe Little, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine (“Majesty”), once wrote that politicians simply forced the king to change the name of the dynasty: “We found ourselves in a situation where even if you had a sausage”), you were already considered a German. Increasingly, it was believed that the king was secretly supporting Germany. The politicians left him no other choice!”

With a flick of the pen, Saxon-Coburg-Gott becomes…

Punch caricature congratulating the king on the fact that he and the entire royal family have abandoned German name and German titles. Garbage being swept out by the king says "Made in Germany"

And so it happened that on the night of July 16-17, 1917, the royal family went to bed with German Saxon-Coburg-Gotts, and woke up with purely English Windsors. Its members overnight lost their German titles of princes and dukes and became British lords.

The Battenbergs, for example, took the path least resistance and simply translated their surname from German into English, becoming Mountbatten.

"Windsor" turned out to be a beautiful name for the dynasty, at the same time being the quintessence of all things English and all things royal.

This genious idea came to the mind of the king's private secretary, Lord Stamford.

On that memorable night, Ludwig of Battenberg visited his son at the base of the Royal Navy in Scotland. In the visitor's book, he wrote: "Prince Hyde has come, Lord Jekyll has gone."

So what is the nationality of the queen?

In 1947, the then Princess of Wales, Elizabeth, married Prince Philip. He himself bore the surname Mountbatten and came from the royal family of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg.

At that time the second World War was a very recent past, and upon marriage, Philip refused all German titles.

On the advice of Winston Churchill, who had a long conversation with the Queen Mother, Elizabeth, upon accession to the throne, did not include the name Mountbatten in the name of the royal house and left it exclusively to Windsor.

But are there any doubts about the "Britishness" of Elizabeth?

Here is how the royal columnist for the Telegraph newspaper Dominic Selwood answers this question: “The Queen's family has lived in Britain for many centuries. Her native language is English and she speaks fluent French but not German. She was born on Braton Street in Mayfair, London. She grew up at 145 Piccadilly, Richmond and Windsor Castle. She drove a truck during World War II. She is modest, incredibly diplomatic, and often laughs. She rides without a safety helmet and loves pigeon racing. But most importantly: the whole world knows how much she loves dogs and horses. So it’s simply impossible to be more “British!”

Is there anything more English than the love of dogs?

And the royal family still opens Christmas gifts on the evening before Christmas. And this is a purely German tradition!

Yana Litvinova

The Romanovs in Painting

ace, when the entire Internet writes about the wedding of the English prince William and Kate Middleton, I wanted to talk about the striking parallel in the fates English dynasty Windsors and the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, who, moreover, were related. Our Russian history, which I want to remind you, is, of course, known and deserves a series of posts, however, I will try to state it “shortly”, but I will dig into English history with pleasure. So!

House of Romanovs

At the emperor Alexander II Nikolaevich (April 17 (29), 1818 - March 1 (13), 1881) and his wife, daughter of the Grand Duke Ludwig II of Hesse, Empress Maria Alexandrovna (July 27 (August 8), 1824 - May 22 (June 8), 1880) was eight children: Alexandra (1842-1849), Nikolai (1843-1865), Alexander (1845-1894), Vladimir (1847-1909), Alexei (1850-1908), Maria (1853-1920), Sergei (1857-1905) ) and Pavel (1860-1919).

Nikolai Lavrov Emperor Alexander II Liberator. 1868
Francois Xavier Winterhalter Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna 1857

The eldest son Nikolai was brought up as the heir to the throne. Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov (8 (20) September 1843, Tsarskoye Selo, near St. Petersburg - April 12 (24), 1865, Nice, France) bore the titles of His Imperial Highness the Heir Tsarevich and Grand Duke after the death in 1855 of his grandfather Emperor Nicholas I and the accession to the throne of his father. Nicholas was named after his grandfather and after his alleged accession to the throne was to become Nicholas II. He was the ataman of all Cossack troops, Major General of His Majesty's Retinue and Chancellor of the University of Helsingfors.

Sergei Zaryanko Portrait of the Grand Duke of the heir Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. 1866

As contemporaries note, the boy grew up as a universal favorite, distinguished by intelligence, good looks and character. Parents and grandparents doted on him, his mother was especially passionately attached to him. Of the brothers and sisters, Nicholas was the closest to his next in age (two years younger) brother Alexander, the future emperor. Alexander III.

Sergei Zaryanko Portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich in a retinue frock coat. 1867

In the early 1860s, Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, accompanied by his tutor, Count S. G. Stroganov, made study trips around the country. In the spring of 1864 he went abroad.
While in Denmark, Nikolai proposed to his daughter Danish king Christian IX - Princess Dagmar (November 14 (26), 1847, Copenhagen, Denmark - October 13, 1928 Widöre Castle near Klampenborg, Denmark). September 20, 1864 - on his birthday, on which he turned 21 - the official engagement of Nikolai and Dagmar took place.

Heinrich von Angeli Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Fiodorovna.

Before the wedding, Nikolai went on a trip to Italy, where he felt unwell: after a bruise, he began to have severe back pain, from which he soon fell ill. When the health of the elder brother became threatening, the younger brother Alexander hurried to him in Nice, along the way he was joined by Princess Dagmar and her mother.

Heir Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich with his bride Princess Dagmar 1865

But they found the heir to the throne already at death. On April 13, 1865, the Tsarevich died suddenly in France from tuberculous meningitis. spinal cord. The unexpected death of the young heir to the throne shocked Russian Empire and the Romanov family. Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna wrote that with the death of her eldest son, "the soul was taken out of the Empress."

By law, the second son was proclaimed crown prince and heir to the throne. Alexander Alexandrovich (February 26 (March 10), 1845, Anichkov Palace, St. Petersburg - October 20 (November 1), 1894, Livadia Palace, Crimea), who, after the death of his father on March 1 (13), 1881, became Emperor Alexander III.

Even before his death, Alexander II intended to marry the heir to the throne to the Danish princess Alexandra, who had a reputation for beauty. But these plans were frustrated by the efforts of the British Queen Victoria, who hastened to marry her son Albert (later King Edward VII).

In the summer of 1866, Tsarevich Alexander went to travel around Europe and on the way stopped in Copenhagen to the bride of his late brother, who liked him at the first meeting. He wrote to his father: “I feel that I can and even love dear Minnie (that was the name of Dagmar in the Romanov family), especially since she is so dear to us. God grant that everything will be arranged as I wish. I really don't know what dear Minnie will say to all this; I don't know her feelings for me, and it really torments me. I'm sure we can be so happy together. I earnestly pray to God to bless me and arrange my happiness.” There is a legend that before his death, the elder brother Nikolai asked Alexander not to leave Dagmar.

On June 17, 1866, their engagement took place in Copenhagen, and three months later the betrothed bride arrived in Kronstadt. On October 13, a ceremony of betrothal, anointing and naming a new name took place - Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna. The marriage took place in winter palace October 28 (November 9), 1866. Thus, the bride of the late Nicholas became the wife of his brother, the future emperor.

Ivan Kramskoy Portrait of Alexander III. 1886
Ivan Kramskoy Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna.

They say that Alexander III named his eldest son and heir, who was born three years after the death of Nikolai Alexandrovich, in honor of his beloved older brother. After 26 years, this boy will become the last emperor Nicholas II (May 6 (18), 1868, Tsarskoye Selo - July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg).

Ernest Lipgart Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II. 1900

By the way, Nicholas II had a striking portrait resemblance to his cousin - British king from May 6, 1910, George V, son of King Edward VII and Dagmar's sister, Alexandra of Denmark.

Russian Emperor Nicholas II
English King George V.

Now it is time to move on to the history of the British.

Windsor dynasty

In England, until May 6, 1910, the eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Consort Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the first of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (now Windsor) dynasty, the king Edward VII (November 9, 1841, Buckingham Palace, London - May 6, 1910, ibid.).

Franz Xaver Winterhalter Albert Prince Wales. 1864

Since his mother lived a long time and died in January 1901, Edward came to the throne at the age of 59. Prior to his accession to the throne, the Prince of Wales was better known by his baptismal name Albert (abbreviated to Bertie), and his mother (in memory of her late husband) wanted her son to reign under the name Albert Edward I. However, since the kings of Britain with the name Albert are not was (this name is considered German by the British), there were no precedents and the use of double names, the second name, Edward, became the throne name of Victoria's successor.

Samuel Luke Fildes King Edward VII. The National Portrait Gallery, London

The coronation of the new monarch was scheduled for June 26, 1902, but a few days before this date, the king suffered a severe attack of appendicitis, which required immediate surgery, so for the only time in the history of Great Britain, the coronation was postponed, and it took place on August 9 of the same year. Edward was called "the uncle of Europe" as he was the uncle of several European monarchs, including Nicholas II and Wilhelm II. He was the first British monarch to visit Russia and made a great personal contribution to the creation of the Entente. However, I am not talking about the reign of the English monarch here.

Kiing Edward VII in Balmoral. 1904

Edward, while still heir to the throne, the Prince of Wales, on March 10, 1863, married, as I wrote above, Alexandra of Denmark (December 1, 1844, Copenhagen - November 20, 1925, Sadringham Palace), eldest daughter Danish King Christian IX and his wife Louise von Hesse-Kassel, as well as the sister of the Russian Empress Maria Feodorovna (Dagmara), wife of Alexander III.

Samuel Luke Fildes Portrait of Alexandra of Denmark. 1905

While still the Prince of Wales, Edward was not allowed by his mother to public affairs, so he was known for his passion for running and hunting, and was known as a great admirer of the fair sex (among his favorites was Sarah Bernhardt). However, he did not particularly hide this from Alexandra, who maintained an even relationship with these women. By the way, the great-granddaughter of his last mistress, Alice Keppel, became the mistress, and then the wife of the current Prince of Wales Charles - this is Camilla Parker Bowles.

In the marriage of Edward and Alexandra, six children were born: Albert Victor (January 8, 1864 - January 14, 1892),
George (June 3, 1865 - January 20, 1936), Louise (February 20, 1867 - January 4, 1931), Victoria (July 6, 1868 - December 3, 1935), Maude (November 26, 1869 - November 20, 1938) and Alexander John (April 6, 1871 - April 7, 1871), who died in infancy.

Eldest son of the Prince and Princess of Wales Albert Victor was born on January 8, 1864 in Windsor, two months before his due date. Queen Victoria's grandson in the direct male line, he was second in line of succession british crown after his father. Prince Albert, known as "Eddie", was trained with his younger brother George. Teachers noted his absent-mindedness and weak learning abilities, possibly associated with prematurity or illness (it was said that the prince had a mild form of epilepsy and even hearing impairment).

Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence.

As a naval cadet, Albert Victor traveled a lot around the world, made two trips around the world, then formally served in the army, without performing any duties. On May 24, 1890, Albert was created Duke of Clarence and Avondale, Earl of Athlone.
At the same time, the parents decided to marry their eldest son. The candidates for his bride were Alice of Hesse (the future Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II) and the great-granddaughter of Louis-Philippe I Elena of Orleans, to whom Tsarevich Nicholas II Alexandrovich himself was wooing.

Princess Alice Victoria Helena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt (May 25, 1872 - July 17, 1918) was the fourth daughter of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by the Rhine, and Duchess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England. Alice was born in Darmstadt and lived in Hesse. In 1878, a diphtheria epidemic spread there, from which her mother and younger sister May died. After that, Alice lived in the UK and was considered the favorite granddaughter of Queen Victoria, who called her Sunny (“Sunny”).
Her older sister Ella (in Orthodoxy - Elizabeth Feodorovna) married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, son of Alexander III. In January 1889, she came to her sister in Russia and met the heir, Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (the future Nicholas II). A romance broke out, but that's another story.

Alexander Sokolov Portrait of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1901

But between Albert Victor and Elena, mutual feelings flared up, but, despite the fact that this proposed marriage was supported by both grandmother Victoria and mother Alexandra of Denmark, Elena's father and Pope Leo XIII strongly objected to him, who did not want the princess to betray Catholicism and accept Anglicanism (this is required by the Act of Dispensation of 1701, according to which the husband of a Catholic woman cannot be heir to the British throne).

Helena of Orleans 1885

In 1891 Duke Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, became engaged to Mary of Teck, Princess May. Victoria Maria Augusta Louise Olga Paulina Claudine Agnes (26 May 1867 – 24 March 1953) was the daughter of Prince Franz of German family the princes of Teck - the morganatic branch of the Württemberg house.

Queen Mary, as Duchess of York. 1890s

Victor had sincere feelings for Maria Albert, but in January 1892, much to the shock of his parents and still living grandmother Victoria, he died during a flu epidemic, a week after his birthday (he turned 28 years old) and a month and a half before the scheduled wedding .

Many legends are associated with the personality of Albert Victor, which, however, are not documented and even refuted to some extent. There were rumors that Prince Albert was involved in the Cleveland Street homosexual brothel scandal, discovered in London in 1889, allegedly the Queen's grandson visited this brothel. In 1962, a story appeared in the press that identified Albert Victor with Jack the Ripper, but it was refuted by the chronology of the movements of the prince himself. They also said that Albert did not die, but was removed from the line of succession by agreement of family members, since such a scandalous figure could not be king. Which seemed completely crazy!

Princess May placed her bride's wreath on the groom's coffin. And in the next year, 1893, she married younger brother her fiancé, Prince George, with whom she was brought together by a common mourning for a loved one. In general, as in the story with Alexander III, both the brother's bride and his rights to the throne went to the second son of Edward VII - George (June 3, 1865 - January 20, 1936).

Samuel Luke Fildes George V in coronation robes. 1911

George received a naval education. For three years from 1879 he served as midshipman on a corvette. In May 1892, Queen Victoria conferred on her grandson the title of Duke of York.
On the death of his grandmother in January 1901, he received the duchies of Cornwall in England and Rothesay in Scotland. On November 9, 1901, after the coronation of his father Edward VII, he became the Prince of Wales, and in 1910, after the death of his father, he became King George V. The coronation took place on June 22, 1911 in the same as yesterday, Westminster Abbey.
Before her husband's accession to the throne, Mary of Teck was also Princess of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall (1901-1910) and Duchess of York (1893-1901), after which she became Queen Mary, as well as Empress of India and Queen of Ireland (since 1910).

Mary of Teck, Queen Mary.

George V and Mary of Teck had six children: Edward VIII (23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972), Duke of Windsor, who renounced his rights to the throne due to a morganatic marriage to Wallis Simpson, George VI (14 December 1895 – 6 February 1952 ), King of Great Britain (1936-1952), who in 1923 married Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, and they had a daughter, Elizabeth - the current Queen of Great Britain, Mary (April 25, 1897 - May 28, 1965), Henry (March 31, 1900 - June 10 1974), George (December 20, 1902 - August 25, 1942) and John Windsor (July 12, 1905 - January 18, 1919), who died at age 14 of epilepsy.

King George V is famous for some interesting facts his biography.

During the First World War, it was he who abandoned all personal and family German titles and changed the name of the royal house from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor.
On December 25, 1932, the king delivered the first New Year's address in the UK, the text of which was written by Rudyard Kipling.
While still a prince, Georg became a passionate philatelist. In 1893 he became an honorary vice-president of the London Philatelic Society, from 1896 to 1910 he was the president of this society.
In addition, George V entered the history of etiquette. Once, in a fit of emotion, he banged his hand on the dining table and pricked his hand on a fork, after which he issued a decree: from now on, put the forks with the cloves down.
Well, and also by the fact, I wrote about this above, that George V was outwardly very similar to his maternal cousin, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

Tsar Nicholas II and George V. magazine "Niva" (detail) 1914

Photo of Tsar Nicholas II and King George V in Berlin. 1913

Here is such an interesting interweaving of the fates of the English and Russian thrones.

Biographies of the courtiers are taken from WIKIPEDIA.

How much do we know about them, about the Windsors?

That's what she is, a queen! Elizabeth Alexandra Mary:

At home they called her Lilibet.

Who knows and who doesn't, but initially Elizabeth was not considered as a real heiress: her place in line for the throne was doubtful, because the girl's father was not the crown prince of Britain at all, but the second son of George V - Albert Frederick Arthur Georg.

Let's show the Queen's grandfather - he cousin of our Nicholas II, by the way.

About dad.

The father of the future queen was also not a direct heir to the throne. The prince studied at the Royal Naval College and was thinking about serving in the army.
True, his health let us down: appendicitis and stomach ulcers did not fit well with service at sea. But, nevertheless, Prince Aothbert became a pilot on western front. Sent in general, fly, since you can’t swim)
The title of Duke of York - that is, potentially the second heir to the throne after the Prince of Wales - Albert received in 1920.

Since 1921, the prince began to stubbornly seek the hand of a certain Lady Elizabeth Angela Margaret daughter of Claude George Bowes-Lyon, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne.

And now about mom.

Lady Elizabeth was the tenth child in the family. she was brought up, presumably, in strict Victorian traditions - up to 8 years old at home, in the Scottish castle of her parents.

There is evidence that the girl was familiar with her future husband from the age of 5. They say that at the celebration, little lady Elizabeth treated the future king with sugar-coated cherries... One way or another, Lady Elizabeth received her first official marriage proposal from the Duke of York in 1921.
And she refused the prince.

He, in turn, said that he did not want to know other contenders for the role of his wife. Well, this story is very reminiscent of the love ardor of his older brother, Edward VIII, who could not imagine happiness without the American W. Simpson. But this story happened much later. For now, let's go back to 1921.

Love and crown.
Whether Elizabeth Buoz-Lyon loved her admirer or not is, of course, a moot point, and today it is unlikely that anyone will give an exact answer to it. What stopped a young lady from agreeing to become a princess: feelings for another man or fear of being tied to royal family? Is it a joke! This is very responsible!
The wording of the lady's refusal is known: I am afraid that I will never again be able to "think, speak and act freely, not the way I feel, but the way I should."
Looking ahead, let's say that all the passions of both princes, grandsons of Elizabeth I, answered in much the same way ...

So, Prince Albert said that he would marry only Lady Elizabeth Bouoz-Lyon ... The Queen Mother went to get to know the alleged daughter-in-law better and was apparently pleased with her, because. in 1922, Albert, Duke of York proposed to the girl for the second time.
But Elizabeth again refused her crowned admirer!

It happened after the wedding of Albert's sister, Princess Mary. Probably, the man hoped that such events would set up Lady Elizabeth, who was a bridesmaid, in a romantic way. But the girl remained unmoved.
However, Albert (after all, German blood gives people stubbornness) was not going to give up and still besieged impregnable bastions.
Finally, in January 1923, Lady Elizabeth agreed to become his wife.

A family.
Wedding of the Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon took place on April 26, 1923.
Interestingly, on the way to the altar, the bride placed a bouquet on the grave of the unknown soldier. And thus she gave rise new tradition in the British royal family. With the only exception that after all the girls, getting married in Westminster, put a bouquet on the grave after the wedding.
Lady Elizabeth became the Duchess of York and was now entitled to the title "Your Royal Highness".

The life of the couple was eventful: the duke and duchess regularly traveled on public and military affairs of the British crown.
Their first child, the future Queen of Great Britain, was born in 1926. Princess Elizabeth was called at home Lilibet)

The second child of the couple was a princess Margaret.

And everything would have gone on as usual if not for the love of King Edward for a twice-divorced woman of a dubious profession, not an aristocrat and not even an Englishwoman...
Because of this love, the king abdicated. So, Prince Albert became King George VI in 1936. Why George? Look at the last name of the man :)
In May 1937, the couple were crowned.

Since 1938, the king and queen began to actively fight against fascism. Interestingly, the previously peaceful Lady Elizabeth and the "smiling queen" earned from Adolf Hitler the nickname "the most dangerous woman Europe".

When London was bombed by the royal family in full force was there. When asked to leave the city, the queen replied: "The children will not go without me. I will not leave the king. And the king will never leave the country."
When visiting hospitals and hospitals, the queen always dressed in light dresses, representing a "rainbow of hope", trying not to appear in public in black attire.

Born, the little princess was only third in the line of succession to the throne after her uncle and father.
But since 1936, as the eldest daughter of the king and queen, the girl became the first heir to the throne. Fortunately, there has been no salic law in England for several centuries, and therefore there are no problems with male heirs. But while the boys were not born in the family, and Elizabeth was the first heir of her father.
From the age of 10, little Princess Elizabeth lived in Buckingham Palace.

Upbringing and education, as you understand, the child of royal blood in those years was given home. But it's good.
Since childhood hallmark the future queen was a love of horses and racing. Lilibet loved horseback riding.

During World War II, Princess Elizabeth made her first radio address to her subjects.

In 1943 (she is 17 years old), Elizabeth made her first independent performance in front of the public: it was a visit to the regiment of the Guards Grenadiers.
A year later, the princess was included in the number of state advisers - that is, persons who, in the absence of the king, could perform his functions.

Since 1945, the princess joined the ranks of women's self-defense units, received the specialty "driver". For five months, Elizabeth managed to serve in the army until the complete surrender of fascism.

Or does anyone else think that being born into a royal house means doing nothing?

When the princess came of age in England, she went on the radio with a promise to devote her whole life to the British Empire. Actually, the girl kept her word :)

Marriage to the Prince of Greece and Denmark.

It is clear that, like any representative of the royal family, the princess needed to marry an equal in order to continue the dynasty.
The spouse of the future queen was the grandson of the King of Greece George I, the great-nephew of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, the great-grandson of the Danish king Christian IX, the great-great-grandson of the English Queen Victoria and the Russian Emperor Nicholas I - Prince Philip.

The history here is also very interesting.
Let's start with the fact that the Greek crown professes Orthodoxy, and, according to the laws of the Anglican Church, the monarch and his spouse can only be a Protestant (and also undivorced and without children). Therefore, in order to be able to marry Elizabeth, Philip had to give up not only the faith of his family, but also all the titles he had: Prince of Denmark and Prince of Greece.

I explain: when the British allow their queen to take a European prince as her husband, then, according to the marriage contract, the children from this marriage can inherit the crown of England, but cannot inherit the crown of the country from which the father was a native.

There is no Salic law, but there are British ones) And Prince Philip had to comply with them.
However, I do not think that he was very sorry about the lost titles after he became the Duke of Edinburgh and the husband of his beloved woman.

Yes, just imagine the marriage of Elizabeth and Philip took place for love.

And it was like this: when Prince Philip, as a descendant of Queen Victoria, studied at the same Royal Naval College, he met his fourth cousins: Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Correspondence began between Philip and Elizabeth, and in 1946 the prince had already asked the king for permission to marry the heir to the throne.
What happened next, I wrote above)

Philip and Elizabeth had four children:

  • Charles, Prince of Wales (b.1948)

  • princess Anna (b.1950),

  • Prince Andrew, Duke of York (b.1960)

  • Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (b.1964).

The princess's father died on February 6, 1952.
Queen Elizabeth II was crowned at Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953.

Her husband refused the title of Prince Consort. The Queen's husband devoted himself entirely to the service of the family, performing numerous ceremonial and charitable duties.

Couple in old age

On July 17, 1917, the "rebranding" of the ruling house of Great Britain took place - the dynasty of Saxe-Coburg-Gothachanged name and became known as Windsor

From wise monarchs to reckless heirs, from world domination to the collapse of the empire, from crises and wars to prosperity and economic growth - over the 100 years of rule, the Windsor dynasty has gone through ups and downs, preserving not only the very institution of the monarchy, but also their country. TASS tells how three kings and one queen made the UK what it is today.

Detail from John Speed's Berkshire map showing Windsor Palace. The illustration dates from around 1570

First of the dynasty

The history of the Windsor originates from the legendary Queen Victoria. Her son Edward VII is the first representative of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, which would later become Windsor. Edward VII ascended the throne in 1901, at the age of 59, and became famous as one of the brightest statesmen of that time, an outstanding orator and diplomat. He was called the "uncle of Europe" (he was the uncle of several European monarchs), and the "Peacemaker" (he managed to establish relations with England's old enemy - France). Edward VII died in 1910, passing the throne to his son George, the first of the Windsors.

The surname of the dynasty was changed due to anti-German sentiments during the First World War - in the midst of the conflict, the British smashed Bavarian butcher shops and even stoned German dachshunds. Historians believe that one of the reasons for the rebranding of the dynasty was the bombing of London by the German plane Gotha G.IV - the very name of the aircraft was reminiscent of the surname worn by the king, and it was humiliating.

On July 17, 1917, George V issued the Deliverance Proclamation ruling dynasty from the former name. The name "Windsor" refers to Windsor Castle - one of the main residences of the British monarch. The descendants of Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert in the male line, who are British subjects, were declared members of the House of Windsor, with the exception of women who had already married members of other families.

In addition to changing the name of the dynasty, the king renounced all personal and family Germanic titles. The monarch took the war with Germany extremely seriously - he wore only khaki clothes, introduced a Spartan regime in the royal court, worked tirelessly with the military and visited hospitals with wounded soldiers.

Don't be surprised if George V reminds you of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II - they were maternal cousins. Another cousin of the monarch - Wilhelm II - the last Emperor Germany. The Kaiser abdicated in 1918 when the November Revolution broke out in Berlin and other German cities, and subsequently fled to the Netherlands. Nicholas II, who also left the throne during the February Revolution, could have received political asylum in Great Britain, but at the decisive moment George V opposed this. In his opinion, the arrival of the disgraced emperor would have a negative impact on the state of affairs in the country - the king did not want a repetition of the events of the Russian revolution in Great Britain. According to recently declassified documents, British intelligence nevertheless, she planned to rescue the tsar from Bolshevik captivity in the spring of 1918, but this plan was never destined to come true.

The overthrow of the relatives was an important lesson for Georg - he came to the conclusion that in order to prevent revolutions, the monarchy must be more democratic and close to the people and the working class. So the king supported a good relationship with moderate politicians from the Labor Party, communicated with representatives of trade unions and actively participated in all internal political affairs. During the miners' strike and the general strike of 1926, George V used every opportunity to reconcile the parties. He personally addressed the then Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin with a request not to use force against the protesters. To the premier's objections that "revolutionaries" allegedly took to the streets, the king replied: "Try to live on their salary before condemning them."

King George V and his wife, Queen Mary, along with their sons, Prince Edward and Prince Albert.London, 3 July 1930

George V finally secured his status as a "people's" monarch in 1932, when for the first time in the UK he made a Christmas radio address, the text of which was written by Rudyard Kipling. The king initially did not like this idea, but he changed his mind when he was convinced that "this is what the people want." The novelty was really liked and became a tradition. Three years later, during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the ascension to the throne, George V admitted that he did not expect such people's love: "I can't understand this ... After all, I'm just a pretty ordinary guy."

Prince Charming

Meanwhile, relations within the royal family were not cloudless - because of the hostility between the king and the heir. The throne was to go to the eldest son of the monarch - Edward - a young and popular member of the House of Windsor, whom the British jokingly called "Prince Charming" - for his beauty, spontaneity and other virtues. His visit to New York in 1924 was covered in the press as the most sensational event of the year - he was invariably followed by crowds of reporters and admirers who tried to win the favor of the main bachelor on the planet. Any news of Edward's visit immediately made it to the front page of the newspapers, so articles came out under such ridiculous headlines as "The heir to the throne laughed at a joke" and "The prince ran away from the girls on the polo field."

Such crazy fame, royal duties, etiquette and lifestyle were disgusting to Edward. In a letter addressed to one of his mistresses, the prince wrote that he was infuriated by "camouflaged smiles and so-called affability." "Perhaps I will become the same as my damn dad, or even worse if I lose you," the young man lamented. His passion then was Frida Dudley Ward - the wife of a deputy, known in British secular circles. In general, the prince twisted more than one novel, apparently inheriting the passionate disposition of his grandfather Edward VII.

King George V, Queen Mary and their granddaughter Elizabeth greet the crowd from the balcony of Buckingham Palace. London, 6 May 1935

George V knew about his son's addictions and disliked him for his behavior unworthy of a monarch. But he did not look for souls in younger son Alberta and granddaughter Elizabeth (Georg affectionately called his granddaughter Lilibet, and she called him "Grandfather England"). The king secretly hoped that it was the two of them who would pass the throne: "I pray to God that my eldest son will never marry, and nothing will come between Bertie (Prince Albert - Note. TASS), Lilibet and the throne". About the heir, he spoke differently: "When I die, this boy will destroy himself in 12 months."

The words of the king became almost prophetic: after the death of George V, his son Edward VIII ruled the country for only 10 months (from January 20 to December 11, 1936) and was not even crowned. He abdicated to marry twice-divorced American Wallis Simpson. The British government could not give consent to the union, because such a marriage is unacceptable for the monarch and, moreover, the head of the Anglican Church. Edward VIII voluntarily signed the abdication law and, on the night of December 11, 1936, made a radio speech with a speech: "I found it impossible to bear the heavy burden of responsibility and fulfill the duties of the king without the help and support of the woman I love." Prince Albert, next in line of succession, automatically became King of Great Britain (later he was crowned George VI), and his daughter Elizabeth became heir to the throne.

The king speaks

Like his father, George VI was the youngest of the direct heirs to the throne, and therefore was not prepared to lead the country. Bertie was a decent family man, a modest and shy person, and he also suffered from a severe stutter. He had a military background and a brief career in the air and navy, but he never thought he would have to run an empire at war. George VI intended to prevent conflict and personally address Adolf Hitler with a "pacifying" message, but he invariably ran into resistance from the then Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. In 1938, he signed the Munich Agreement with Hitler, Mussolini and Daladier and, returning to London, proclaimed to the public "I have brought you peace!" Already next year it became clear that the policy of appeasement did not bring results - the Second World War began.

King George VI addresses the British by radio after the start of World War II. London, 3 September 1939

In the eyes of the British, the royal family has become an example of resilience and self-sacrifice. Despite regular air raids, George VI and his family hardly left Buckingham Palace, although they often spent the night at Windsor Castle. They also restricted themselves from eating and using running water. During the "London Blitz", from which the East End area suffered the most, two bombs exploded right on the lawn of the royal residence. Queen Elizabeth (not the daughter, but the wife of George VI) then said: "I'm glad that we were bombed. Now I feel that we can look the East End in the eye."

German bomberDornier 217 in the sky over London

Throughout the war, George VI and his wife visited military units, factories and hospitals to raise morale British. The king regularly practiced shooting from different types weapons, and met at lunch every Tuesday with the new Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, to discuss the state of affairs in a relaxed atmosphere. Historians call their union "the closest personal relationship between a monarch and a prime minister in modern times." british history", although at first George believed that Churchill was not suitable for the post of prime minister.

King George VI (second from right) and Queen Elizabeth during a visit to one of the military units. July 31, 1941

In parallel, the king continued to work on his stuttering and, under the guidance of a self-taught Australian speech therapist, Lionel Logue, almost completely got rid of the disease. In 1939, he gave a nine-minute Christmas speech on the radio, which was of tremendous importance for the rallying of the British. About this, 70 years later, the film "The King's Speech!" - an Oscar-winning, but rather inaccurate, from a historical point of view, drama. One of the director's "fictions" is the enthusiastic crowds that meet the king at Buckingham Palace after his speech. Nothing like this happened in 1939. But on May 8, 1945, on European Victory Day, thousands of Britons really gathered at the royal residence and shouted laudatory slogans such as "We want a king" (We want the king). To the delight of the crowd, the monarch and the rest of the royal family appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, accompanied by Churchill.

Princess Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill, George VI and Princess Margaret on VE Day. May 8, 1945

The post-war reign of George was marked by the collapse of the British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations. The foundation for this process was laid during his father's time - in 1931, the Statute of Westminster was adopted, which secured the de facto independence of the British dominions in all matters except foreign policy. Until 1947, all dominions, colonies and protectorates were formally subordinate to the British monarch, but after the transformation of the empire into the Commonwealth of Nations, his role became symbolic (in 17 states of the Commonwealth, the British monarch is still de jure head of state).

King George VI, Princess Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Princess Margaret and Queen Elizabeth look at young Prince Charles sitting on a sculpture of a deer. Balmoral Castle, August 1951

The stress of the war had a detrimental effect on the health of George VI, who, in addition, smoked a lot (in September 1951, he had one lung removed). In January next year he found the strength to take his daughter on vacation to Kenya and at the airport asked her former nanny: "For my sake, look after Lilibet!" A week later, on February 6, George VI died in his sleep from a coronary thrombosis. Lilibet returned from Kenya as Queen Elizabeth II.

record queen

The oldest among the current monarchs, the longest-reigning head of state in world history, the record holder for the time spent on the British throne - it seems that modern Britain is no longer imaginable without the "grandmother" Elizabeth II. But in 1952, when her father George VI died, Lilibet was only 25 years old. Active participation in the affairs of the country, the future queen began to accept even earlier - at the age of 18 she became one of the five "state advisers" (that is, persons entitled to perform the functions of the king in the event of his absence or incapacity). In 1945, the heiress joined the women's self-defense squad and became an ambulance driver, ending her service with the rank of lieutenant. After the war, she spoke on the radio, accompanied her parents on trips, and also married 26-year-old Philip Mountbatten, an officer in the British Navy, a member of the Greek and Danish royal families and great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria. George VI reluctantly agreed to the marriage, considering it not a very successful match.

In the face of the princess, the British saw a new, young England, and many, without exaggeration, were crazy about her. "When we were kids, she was sweet. We were about 11, she was 21, and she looked great. And what a figure she had ... I shouldn't talk about Her Majesty like that, but in school years we said:" Check it out what forms she has!” recalled The Beatles member Paul McCartney. less Elizabeth II was adored by the press and only rising television. The coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II was televised for the first time, and this event is considered to have significantly contributed to the growth in the popularity of television broadcasting.

Queen Elizabeth II returns to Buckingham Palace after her coronation ceremony. June 2, 1953

From the point of view of traditional genealogy, in which kinship is determined through the male line, the Windsor dynasty should have ended with Elizabeth II. Prince Charles and his descendants would have to belong to the Glücksburg branch of the House of Oldenburg, from which the husband of Elizabeth II Prince Philip comes (also belonged to this house Russian Emperor Peter III and all his descendants in the male line).

However, in 1952 the Queen issued a proclamation that her descendants, although not descendants of Victoria and Albert in the male line, would continue to belong to the House of Windsor. So the future king, Prince Charles, his son William and grandson George - the direct heirs to the throne - will retain their former surname.

History could have turned out differently. According to royal family biographers, Prince Philip insisted that the Queen take his surname Mountbatten and was furious when Elizabeth, on the advice of Churchill, retained the title of Windsor. “I am the only man in the country who cannot pass on his last name to children. I am nothing but a damn amoeba,” Prince Philip lamented in conversations with friends. Elizabeth II sincerely loved her husband, his outbursts of anger brought her to tears. As a compromise, it was proposed that all subsequent descendants of Elizabeth and Philip, with the exception of princes and princesses, would bear the double surname of Windsor-Mountbatten. True, the rule turned out to be not "iron" - the royal daughter, Princess Anna, during her marriage in 1973, signed with a double surname.

During the reign of Elizabeth tectonic shifts occurred both in the UK itself and in the outside world. Some of the former colonies of the United Kingdom (India, Australia, Canada and others) have themselves become strong international players. Meanwhile, the country was experiencing better times- in the 1970s, the economy of the kingdom experienced serious difficulties, and the royal family almost found itself on the verge of bankruptcy.

In 1979, Britain received its first female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, who, in keeping with the George VI tradition, spoke to the Queen every Tuesday about public affairs. Women often disagreed with each other - the queen was against economic policy Thatcherism, but always kept herself above the political fray and never publicly expressed her political likes or dislikes. The same was true of the numerous palace intrigues that unfolded in the Windsor family in the 1980s and 1990s.

This detachment had back side- in 1997, after the death of Princess Diana, the queen's long silence was criticized by the public and the press as disrespectful to her former daughter-in-law. "Show you care, ma'am," the Express wrote scathingly. It was one of the most difficult periods for the Windsors - according to opinion polls, every fourth resident of the country supported the abolition of the monarchy. Five years earlier, Elizabeth II had endured what she herself called annus horribilis, "a terrible year." In 1992, two of the Queen's four children - Prince Andrew and Princess Anne - divorced their spouses, Prince Charles separated from Princess Diana, and Windsor Castle suffered a massive fire. In addition, for the first time in history, the Queen was made responsible for paying income tax, and the funding of the royal court was markedly reduced.

The American brawler writer Kitty Kelly, having disgraced Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Frank Sinatra and Nancy Reagan in her biographies, this time took up the Windsors.

In his new book "The Royals" - " royal dynasty", she reveals unheard-of facts from the life of the English monarchy.

The story turned out to be so scandalous that in England the author and publishers were afraid to publish it, since a trial in this case would be inevitable. In France, such problems do not exist - and in a matter of hours the book became a bestseller.

We bring to your attention excerpts from this novelty, the most read in the world now.

English monarchs spoke only German

According to Kelly, "the House of Windsor was created in 1917 in order to hide the German roots of the king and queen, because the Germans were then hated in England. Until that time, there were many kings in England who ... did not speak English at all, since since 1714 Until the beginning of the 20th century, the German branch ruled the British Empire.

My comments:

Inaccuracy. In 1876, London was still Army. According to the rewritten History until 1876, modern England was the Novgorod Republic of Czartoryski-Conde, the White Generals of the Karus Angels: "Russia is coming."

So, Prus came to London, then still Luntertun, only in 1876 with the entire old red (Prussian) guard of the Cossacks of Elston-Sumarokov.

Romanov Cossacks are not Russian, but Prussian Jewish Cossacks of the Old Red (Prussian) Guard of Elston-Holstein 1853-1953.

And first, let them tell us how they captured Russia in 1853-1903. the entire red army of German Jewish Cossacks, and then they plant their German-Jewish Red Army kings, even all over the planet. But only in strict accordance with the hostilities between the Whites and the Reds all over the planet in 1853-1953.

And then they didn’t manage to capture London Novgorodsky in 1876, and already they impaled their Jewish Red Army war kings: without passports.

She died like this: first, prove when you appeared there with the entire Red Army, and then tell about your Red Army kings in the White Tsarist Russian Army with the Czartorysky-Konde alive, tell me.

So it turns out that until 1903, in London captured by the Cossacks, some kind of Cossack mishandled was hanging around, whom the Holstein Jews then soaked in the Buckingham toilet. And only then, in the White Tsarist Russian Army London, Angelov (Karusov) Land, captured by the Cossacks, the first Jew without a passport appears from the Holstein-Gottorp group of Little Russian Polish Jews Holstein in 1854, who served themselves the Prussian nobility together with the Jew Rothschild.

Think with your own head. With all of Russia, the Army of the Empire of Karus Angels within the borders of 1352-1921, in 1853-1921. St. Petersburg Red Cossacks of Elston-Sumarokov are fighting with all their puppy strength.

All Cossacks are Army men and they know perfectly well what the White Officers Angela Karusa will do to them for this senseless and merciless Cossack rebellion.


First Law of the Sea:

- Mutiny on the ship: hang everyone!

And the Cossacks know perfectly well that they are doomed for this rebellion in the Army. And what will all the Army men do with them: Karus and the same Cossacks who fought with the red gangs of Elston?

Therefore, the Reds were so fierce, but fought with the despair of the doomed.

Why did both armies die: White and Red? Yes, because two equal-sized Forces fought: on both sides the same Army. Only the Whites - it was the State Army, the Legislative. And the red one is the bandits, the Cossacks-perjurers. Treason to the motherland is too strong an article of the Criminal Code, even in our times. And then it was generally unthinkable. About the Treason to the Motherland of the Red Army in 1853-1921, these types of "winners" were afraid to hint all the years of their Soviet power in the USSR.

And imagine a situation when the Cossacks of Elston, who put at stake not only their lives, but also the lives of all their families, all their future numerous offspring, having captured St. Petersburg, Moscow, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, will plant Jews there into power?

Naturally not. There will be only solid Elston Cossacks everywhere. And they were there.

It is for this reason that the Jews had to destroy all Cossack books, so that the power of the Cossacks did not emerge throughout the occupied Russia-Angels Land, throughout the World, until 1903.

A War of the Cossacks with Karus: "Tsars", "Angels" 1853-1903. was removed from all history books.

Now we are not talking about contemporary Cossacks and Jews (the Red Army), but we are restoring the entire chain of military-historical events in the captured Russia-Petersburg and Moscow for 1352-1952. And we need an accurate picture.

And doxology to the Little Russian Polish Jews-Red Army soldiers from the Holstein-Gottorp group of 1853-1953. are disinformation and are already used by the Jewish soldiers of the old Red (Prussian) guard, who are already modern to us, as an information curtain of the entire History of the Karus Army. Peace. What is a violation of Human Rights and a fundamental human right: the right to information.

So, until 1852, there was a single mega-state with planned economic management and local self-government throughout the planet: "Power of the people."

On the day of the 500th anniversary of the Foundation of the State, the Cossacks of Elston went to Treason, arranging a Riot in the Army.

The French Revolution is the Soldiers' Revolution, the rebellion of the Cossacks in the Army. Treason to the Motherland.

In 1853-1921. goes terrible war between the entire Army and the rebellious Cossacks: the soldiers of the Red Army. It was the Cossacks with their Red Army who became the horror of that French revolution, which took place not in modern France, but in modern Russia. In modern France, the Cossacks broke through only in 1870-1871. And starting from November 21, 1852, the Cossacks thrashed Russia from all trunks. And all the horrors of the French Revolution of our Romanov, Lenin and Stalinist Cossacks were in Russia today.


The capital of the Czartoryski-Konde, the White Generals, is modern Petersburg. And in the Winter Palace until 1854, inclusive, lived the Czartorysky-Konde: "Tsariruski" - the Government of Russia and the Command of the White Tsarist Russian Army, State and National.

That Novgorod Republic of the Czartoryski-Konde, Angels Karusov, among the Jews is simultaneously called and Russian Republic Czartoryski-Conde, White Generals and the Russian Federation of Czartoryski-Conde, White Generals, in its state borders 1352-1921

All modern states are former regions The Russian (Novgorod) Republic of Czartoryski-Konde, the White Generals of the Angels Karus, the only State that was all over the planet in the entire History of the World: 1352-1921.

And there was nothing else there and nothing should be in History.

1853-1921 this is a rebellion of the Cossacks in the Army and the War of the entire Army against the Cossacks of Elston: the Red Guard. They didn't even call themselves an army, because "Army" is the Name of the Karus: Bella Arm Air Kondrus, the name of the State, is a proper name. For this reason, the words: "Russians-Latins", "Russians", "Rus" are always written with a capital letter, since this is a proper name.

1853-1903 this is the time of the First War of the Karus Army with the Cossack rebels, traitors to Russia and military criminals.

All Jews at this time: 1853-1903, are part of the troops of the red army of the Elston Cossacks and are subordinate to the Cossacks.

Those "Germans" from the 19th century, these are our Cossacks, translated from Russian into Russian, the word: "nemets" means: naked, proletarians, beggars, professional unemployed, union of stubborn beggars. AT modern version: "gopniks", "urki", "gopnot".

In a literary translation, this is English: social - stubborn beggars; social (criminal) bottom. Crime.

They hated those Germans (Cossacks + Jews) not because they were German residents who call themselves Boshi and Deutsch, but because they were Red Guard bandits in 1853-1903. A cruel beast in the form of a man. They killed and robbed in such a way that the Bolsheviks were afraid to show the realities of the second half of the 19th century in the USSR. That Romanov's paradise, which is now being deceived into suggesting to everyone.

Censorship, political prisons and torture, concentration camps for dissidents, slavery - this appeared in Russia captured by the Cossacks already in the 1860s. And these concentration camps, factories of death, in Russia captured by the Cossacks (Germans + Jews), worked until March 1917 inclusive.

And the Bolsheviks inherited this whole system of concentration camps from the good Germans Romanovs (Jews of Holstein). Those who lived in Siberia at that time said that the Bolsheviks settled their dissidents in those barracks that remained from Romanov's paradise. These concentration camps were ready.


To do correct conclusions, you need to know what was really there? But in fact, in 1853-1921. throughout Russia there was a Russian (Army) War with these red gangs of Elston Cossacks (Germans + Jews, slave).

Reading what they write about that time, one must constantly keep in mind the dates of this War of the 19th century of the Red Cossacks of Elston with the entire Army in 1853-1921.

And draw a picture for yourself: Cossacks fighting the Army, sharing power among themselves in the captured Karus Army, a centralized state, in 1853-1903.

Will the Cossacks (Germans) allow the Jews to rule over themselves in their Great Cossacks (Germany)?

Naturally not. We all remember very well the attitude towards Jews in the USSR and in Germany. And not only in the USSR and Germany. It was then the same throughout Europe and America. Only no one in the USSR explained that the events of the first half of the 20th century were a continuation of the events of the second half of the 19th century. And that those Russian-Prussian Jews-Red Guards in 1853-1903. were with weapons in their hands and ... the same German slaves with whom the whole world fought in 1853-1921. That is, the attitude towards the Jews of the first half of the 20th century was a go-ahead for the attitude of the Jews towards the White (Russian) Army Aryan Families in 1853-1921. And then the crying of a child for being beaten? And what is the beat for? Does not speak.

This is what you need to remember. Our Cossacks are rebelling. That's all. And the Jews are all there with weapons in their hands and all in the red army of the Cossacks, the same Germans-slave.

What happened before 1903? We do not know, because the Little Russian Polish Jews-Red Guards from the Holstein-Gottorp group, who in 1903-1917. seized power over all of Germany (Great Cossacks), destroyed all Cossack books, along with the Cossacks themselves and their families. Therefore, the Cossacks, risking their lives, saved these books on the history of Russia. There was an excuse for the Cossacks, at least to some extent.

Judging by the fact that Jews seized power in Germany (Great Cossackia) over the German Cossacks in 1903-1917, it means that before 1903 there was another war, this time between Jews and Cossacks, in the Red Army. Simply put, the Jews gained experience from the Cossacks and staged the same revolution for the Cossacks as the Cossacks staged the entire Karus Army.

And judging by the fact that the Holstein-Gottorp group of Little Russian Polish Jews seized power in Germany, and all the ancestors of the Windsors were from this Holstein-Gottorp organized criminal group, it turns out that that grandmother Victoria was from somewhere in Polish Little Russia, like the Romanovs. And all her kinders were from the same place: Little Russian Polish Jews from the Holstein-Gottorp group.

And the Cossacks who staged that Riot in the Karus Army of 1853-1921 were guilty. and dragged Jewish slaves into their revolution.

In his " Captain's daughter" Pushkin describes the atrocities of the Red Guard Cossacks in Russia captured by them in 1853-1903. The Red (Nikolaev) terror was terrible.

And the Cossacks riot throughout the Russia they captured in 1853-1921. against Czartoryski-Konde: "Tsariruski" - the Government of Russia and the Command of the Russian Army.


And only after the Cossacks, with the help of blacks and Jews-slave: the red (Jewish) race, captured that Russia Angelov Karusov - "Army" (Peace, Rome) in 1853-1903, that's when the Holstein Jews got out , who in 1854 served themselves to the Prussian nobility together with the Jew Rothschild.

Then and only then, after 1903, when the Jew Holstein-Wilhelm, the son of the Kyiv bandit Jew Karl Holstein, brother or friend of Rothschild the first, settled in Berlin, Little Russian Polish Jews from the Holstein-Gottorp organized criminal group could appear in the captured Petersburg, Moscow and London as military occupant-commandants of the St. Petersburg Fortress, the Moscow Fortress, the London Fortress. Governors.

And Wilhelm was the president of Germany, like Putin and Obama are modern to us.

And no Jewish "monarchies" on Hebrew. Kindly translate your Jewish occupational language into Russian constitutional, so that you do not need an interpreter from Russian into Russian.

Hebrew: "monarch", this is "monk", without the letter "r", because in English the letter "r" is not pronounced. And the modern Slavic-Jewish Red Army language is the English bandit language of the Cossacks, copied by the Jew Pushkin spelled Cyrillic with errors and without translation.

There is no need to be more Russian than the Russian Army in the occupied Russia-Petersburg and Moscow.

Conclusion. Little Russian Polish Jews from the Holstein-Gottorp group of Holstein Jews could appear in captured London only in 1903 and as relatives, members of the Holstein Jewish Family, who in 1854 served the Prussian nobility together with the Jew Rothschild.

- How will you begin to introduce to the christening or to the town, well, how not to please your own little man.

The power of the Jews over the Cossacks was seized by force of arms, the Cossacks were defeated by the Jews, and the Jews of Holstein put their people everywhere in key positions throughout Germany occupied by the Jews, which was also renamed by the Jewish Cossacks Russian Federation Czartoryski-Conde: "Army of Karus Angels", White Generals.


Democracy is the seizure of power by the German Holstein-Gottorpsky party, in Russia: "Social Democrats". The authority of the dimacresi social commune party intelligences.

That's why the Jews needed to give the right to vote to everyone and introduce secret ballots. The price of one vote in favor of the Bolsheviks in 1917 was 1 ruble.

Under the Army in the Army, the right to vote belonged only to those who lived permanently in these territories, had property and pedigree. That is, his Rod participated in the construction centralized state, in the construction of these cities, in which power was chosen, and which bore full responsibility for order in these cities and regions. All voting was open. So that no one can fake the results of the voting.

The Jews did very cunningly: they seized power in Germany with the entire party of socialists, communists, democrats. They gave the right to vote to all drunkards, to all homeless people and prostitutes, and introduced a secret ballot, when the one who counts the votes will always be right. It started already in the 19th century and is not invented now.

And since all the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other Windsors are in the leadership of this German party Holstein-Gottorpsky: "Social Democrats", then power over the entire planet: "Power over the World, Rome, the Karus Army" will forever remain with them: members of the Social Democrats since 1853.

And Lenin and Trotsky only worked for them, because all the deputies of the State Duma, convened before 1916, were members of this German Holstein-Gottorpsky party: "Social Democrats".

And we don’t need to fool our heads with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels when we have the Founding Father of the German Social Democrats: the Jew Holstein, who in 1854 served the Prussian nobility together with the Jew Rothschild.

All these Hebrew words: monarchism, tsarism, capitalism, socialism, communism, this is just a smoke screen for the seizure of power by the Jews in Germany (Rus) 1853-1921. and taking over the entire planet, occupation. Whatever you call it, it will happen every time serfdom, which was introduced by the Cossacks and Jews for everyone in Russia captured by them on the whole planet.

Restored a single chain of military-historical events in the City of Ruse (Petersburg) and Moscow in 1352-1952. gives clear indications of the capture of the planet in 1853-1921, the occupation of the planet, and the origin of all Prussian Jews-Red Guards: "Romanovs" - Little Russian Polish Holstein Jews, who in 1854 served the Prussian nobility together with the Jew Rothschild.

And all these Romanovs, Windsors, Hohenzollerns, in 1903-2003. were one friendly family Prussian Jewish Red Guards of Elston-Sumarokov and were subordinated to the Cossacks in 1853-1903.

That is, as Nikolai Kostomarov, the personal biographer of the Romanovs, said, look for the origin of all the Romanovs, Hohenzollerns, Windsors, Rothschilds in the territories of Polish Little Russia, modern Ukraine and Belarus, on the border of Poland and Lithuania:

- Police Department of the Prussky district of the Russian district of the Lithuanian province of Greater Poland.

The first Romanov was ... a commonwealth, Ukrainian lad and ... an orphan from Kazan, a homelessness. Beggar. He came on foot from Ukraine to Moscow, to be hired by Czartoryski-Konde, the White Generals Angels Karus, to serve in the Army as a simple mercenary soldier, like a true Commonwealth. This is the first version of the biography of Petri Romanov, told by the personal biographer of the Romanovs: Nikolai Kostomarov. Published in the USSR. It was not a state secret.


And all the first portraits of "Catherine" were with the appearance of a purebred Khokhlushka and she was dressed in national Ukrainian costumes. But then the Ukrainian origin of the Little Russian Polish Jews of Holstein-Gottorp ceased to suit the Holstein Jews themselves, and even more so, the Bolsheviks. With such a biography that the Romanovs had while the Romanovs were alive, the Windsors could only shoot themselves.

So the Bolsheviks had to ennoble the Prussian Jews-Red Guards of Holstein-Gottorp from the Little Russian Polish Jews-soldiers of the old Red (Prussian) Guard to cosmic heights, writing a great story for them by the entire union of Soviet writers.

Now the original text:

In 1915, England finally received King George V, who, although with an accent, spoke English.

The king watched with sadness as his subjects threw stones at German houses, and orchestras refused to play Mozart and Beethoven. One of his first steps was rather bold. The Royal Navy was led by his cousin, Prince Louis de Battenberg, which caused discontent among his subjects. Then the king ordered the prince to change his surname - and Lord Mountbatten appeared. After him, all the relatives began to change their surnames to Anglo-Saxon ones.

My comments.

In 1876-1917. England, captured by Prussian troops, as well as modern German Russia 1858-1917, were under German occupation.

The point is that all of England was under the German occupation of the Jewish soldiers of the old Red (Prussian) guard of Elston-Sumarokov. Therefore, the Germans: the dynasty of the Windsor Palace and hated in occupied by Germany, England.

Until 1876, all of England was the Novgorod Republic of the Czartoryski-Conde, the White Generals of the Karus Angels. The name of England comes from the name of the Karus Angels and English was the language of the Karus Angels.

In the same way, these Prussian Jewish German Red Guards were hated in the Germany they captured.

In the same way, after 1917, all Germans disappeared from Russia. They first became Jews, and then Russians ... according to their passports.

Under the living Stalin Don Cossacks were Jews. Grishka Melekhov was a Jew by Sholokhov with a purely Jewish name, in my opinion: "Mordychai", something like that. But Stalin did not like this and he ordered to make the Don Cossack Jew "Russian" and change his name.

The Cossacks themselves called traitors not only the Russian (Kuban) Cossacks, but also all the Don Cossacks.

And what was unthinkable in the families of the Army (Russian) Bela Cossacks became permissible in the behavior of the Don Cossack Jew Grigory Melekhov: adultery and taking someone else's wife out of the house. This is not the behavior of the Army, not the Bela Cossacks. For those, family comes first.

But if you know that the Don Cossacks are Jews disguised as Russian (Army) Bela Cossacks, then everything should be so.

Original text:

What did the Windsors whisper to Hitler about?

The most prominent representative of the monarchy was, according to Kitty Kelly, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the mother of the current queen. When the Germans bombed London, she refused to leave the capital, which caused universal admiration. Even Hitler called her "the most dangerous woman in Europe."

Having reached the age of 90, the queen mother, however, can, on occasion, put pressure on parliament .... Not so long ago, she did everything possible to prevent Parliament from making public the secret pact of the Windsors with Hitler, concluded in 1937. According to this document, which is now kept in her personal safe, Hitler wanted to seize England in 1940, capture the Queen's uncle, the Earl of Windsor and his wife, and take them to Berlin. From there, after the completion of the occupation of Europe, the count was to call on the English people to overthrow the government and sign peace with Germany. After which he would return to England immediately to the throne.


When the eldest daughter Elizabeth, the current Queen of Great Britain, was 13 years old, Lord Mountbatten started a conversation with her mother about possible marriage princess with his nephew, Philip of Greece. In 1930, Philip's four sisters married German nobles. One of them was an SS colonel at Himmler's headquarters, others simply supported the Nazis during the war. One of the sisters named her son Karl Adolf in honor of Hitler ... "

In 1946, Philip asked Elizabeth for her hand in marriage, and the future queen agreed. But George VI, the father of Elizabeth, answered with a categorical refusal, since Philip was a foreigner and, in addition, the king regularly received reports of Philip's adventures in the brothels of Alexandria and London. Then Elizabeth threatened that she would abdicate the throne in order to marry Philip. The wedding took place in 1947.
The queen believed that Dante was a horse.

“Before her marriage, Elizabeth practically did not travel outside of England. She spoke French well, but did not understand anything in mathematics and in other sciences, she understood only dogs and horses.

The only poem she was able to memorize was called "Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace" - a nursery rhyme.

One day she suddenly asked the governess: "Is Dante a horse?" - "Not". - "So, jockey?"

"The Palace's official communiqué of 4 June 1948 read: 'Her royal highness, Princess Elizabeth has not made any public commitments since the end of this month." Which meant the princess was pregnant.

When the king died in February 1952 and Elizabeth ascended the throne, her husband Philip automatically became her subject. He had to walk four steps behind and call her "Your Majesty" in public.

Loving mom for half an hour a day

Leaving the child in the care of her grandmother and nurses, she did not see either the first steps or the first tooth of Charles. The prince's first word was not "mother", but "nana", as he called his beloved nanny.

“The royal family treats children like cattle,” John Gordon wrote in the Daily Express after it became known that Charles was taken to the hospital with an appendicitis attack at night, and the Queen remained in bed to rest.

However, the queen did not completely abandon her motherly duties. She changed her daily routine to see the children before they went to bed. And every morning she gave them thirty minutes.

The nannies brought the children to the salon at nine in the morning and took them away at nine-thirty, and the queen sat down at the table. Daughter Anna, as a rule, did not want to leave, and Charles pulled his sister by the hand: "Let's go, don't interfere with mom. She plays queen."


Charles himself could not recall a single manifestation of maternal tenderness, except that one day the queen came into the bathroom, sat behind the nanny and watched her son being bathed. After 8 years, she never kissed him at all.

Although modern Windsors can trace their roots back to the Anglo-Saxon period, it was Windsor House that came into existence in 1917. Germans by blood, the Windsors decided to change their name at the very beginning of the First World War, so as not to once again remind their subjects of their German origin(Note, in purely practical interests). Thus, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty turned into the Windsor proper. The name of the dynasty was given by the summer residence of the British monarchs - Windsor Castle, which is also depicted on the dynastic coat of arms. The very word "Windsor" of geographical etymology came from Wyndlesora, which in literal translation means "winding coast". Be that as it may, the British subjects took the “rebranding” favorably, considering it an act of patriotism.

George V issued a proclamation that all male descendants of Victoria and Albert would be members of the House of Windsor, with the exception of women who married members of other royal families. This was important, because Victoria alone had five daughters who dispersed throughout Europe, entering into politically advantageous marriage alliances with the heirs of the largest royal houses. Do not accept them all as members of the House of Windsor.

Here is the official answer of the Windsor Palace dynasty to the broad masses of the people about their literary pedigree: all Prussian Jews-Red Army soldiers, recorded in the literary history of England captured by Prussian Jews, such as “relatives” to the Windsors, Romanovs, Hohenzollerns, with a pedigree according to Baba Vika, Baba Lisa is not related!

Official statement of the Windsor Palace dynasty. As soon as it came to the money of the Family, it immediately turned out. that Baba Vika with her brood of poor Prussian princes and princesses of Jewish nationality, modern Windsors are NOT RELATED to us !!!

Everything is decided by money. As soon as it came to money, we immediately had to show real family ties between modern Elizabeth and those of her pseudo-relatives according to the LITERARY MYSTIFICATION about Victoria of Hanover of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, so that they would not even think of claiming money from the Holstein Jewish Families, who in 1854 served themselves the Prussian nobility together with the Jew Rothschild.

And Victoria goes into oblivion, like a LITERARY HOIST. It did not pass the most important Jewish test: money and privatized state property of the Czartoryskis.

And what a beautiful legend they ruined! What song was ruined?!

Therefore, Victoria was awarded only the nominal title of "Grandmother of Europe". It must be said that she tried very hard to strengthen this title, looking for parties that were advantageous in the geopolitical sense for her granddaughters. Victoria gave parting words to each of her daughters and granddaughters: “On your wedding night, close your eyes and think about the fate of Britain.” The marriage of the future great-great-granddaughter of Victoria, Elizabeth II, was arranged in the same way. Princess Elizabeth was married to the Lord's nephew Mountbatten Philip of Greece when she was only 13 years old. When the engagement was already “on the ointment”, a scandal erupted: the father of the bride, the king of Great Britain, found out about the adventures of his future son-in-law in the brothels of Alexandria and London. If Elizabeth had not had time to truly fall in love with her betrothed, the engagement would not have taken place. The princess threatened her father that she would renounce the throne if he did not bless her for marriage with Philip. George VI surrendered under such pressure.


The retired prince and delicate matters

The most famous representative of the Windsors today is, of course, Elizabeth II, who recently celebrated her diamond jubilee on the throne.

According to the principles of traditional genealogy, the Windsor dynasty should have ended with Elizabeth II. The first pretender to the throne, her son Charles, already belongs to the dynastic branch of the Glücksburgs on his father's side.. However, Elizabeth, with her royal word, returned Charles to native family. The Queen's Proclamation ordered the oldest Prince of Wales (as well as his descendants) to "hang" on Windsor family tree. This decision was accepted favorably, because the Windsors have proven themselves well in their history and have become a real example of royal traditions. Unless the late Princess Diana somewhat "tarnished" the reputation of her mother-in-law, but that's another story.

Duplicate priceless cargo

Queen Elizabeth is the only person in the entire vast kingdom who is legally allowed not to have a passport..

Even around the world Elizabeth "cuts", not having identification documents with her. She has a visa-free regime everywhere. (However, it would be interesting to look at the customs officer who dared to demand documents from the queen).

And all because in England from time immemorial the principle has been proclaimed - "The state is the king!", And who does not know the king by sight! Therefore, Elizabeth does not bear the surname.

However, royal offspring are still registered under the name Mountbatten.(name of Prince Philip, husband of Elizabeth). This surname is now worn by the heir to the throne, Charles, and his wife Camilla, and Princes William and Harry, and Duchess Kate (nee Middleton). However, monarchs practically do not use their last name.. For example, Princes William and Harry in the registry of the University of St. Andrews were recorded as William of Wales and Harry of Wales.

No passports, no names, no identity documents!

Married (since February 10, 1840) to Duke Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (August 26, 1819 - December 14, 1861), children: Victoria (November 21, 1840 - August 5, 1901), since 1858 married to Frederick III), Albert Edward VII (November 9, 1841 - May 6, 1910), Alice (April 25, 1843 - December 14, 1878) married Louis of Hesse, Alfred (August 6, 1844 - July 31, 1900), Duke edinburgh, married to Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, daughter of Emperor Alexander II, Elena (May 25, 1846 - June 9, 1923), married to Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Louise (March 18, 1848 - December 3, 1939), married to John Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll, Arthur (1 May 1850 - 16 January 1942), Duke of Connaught, Leopold (7 April 1853 - 28 March 1884), Duke of Albany, Beatrice (14 April 1857 - 26 October 1944) , married to Prince Battenberg

If you look at all their intermarriages, it turns out that the Hohenzollerns, Romanovs, Windsors - it will be one and the same Family: Little Russian Polish Jews Holstein, who in 1854 served the Prussian nobility together with the Jew Rothschild. Members of the German Holstein-Gottorp Party: in Russia: "Social Democrats". First International.