Ideas for the Art Olympiad. Architectural Achievements of Ancient Rome. Holidays and rituals of the peoples of the world (2 hours)



1.1. On the literacy of writing historical terms.

Task 1. Name the term.

1. Herbaceous plant in the form of stylized leaves and stems, used as decoration on the capitals of the columns of the Corinthian order.

2. The temple tower, the sanctuary of the main deity in the architecture of Mesopotamia, which is a stacked high, like a truncated pyramid, terraces (from 3 to 7), built of raw brick.

3. In Hinduism, the incarnation of the god Vishnu in the guise of heroes, animals and fabulous creatures.

4. Wide and flat fired brick, basic construction material in Byzantine architecture and Russian temple architecture XI - XIII centuries.

5. Picture idyllic peaceful life shepherds and shepherdesses in the bosom of nature, their love and serene rural spirit in fine arts.

6. Jewelry made from twisted metal threads, usually bent in the form curls and forming a complex lace pattern.

7. The head scarf of the Egyptian pharaohs, usually striped, with long drooping ends on the shoulders.

8. A song to the accompaniment of a lute, mandolin or guitar, addressed to a beloved.

Task 2. Define the term.

1. Bushido; 2. Iaru; 3. Ramayana; 4. Scriptorium; 5.Transept; 6. Charisma; 7. Royal Doors;

8. Ennead.

Task 3:Enter the correct letter ( correct letters) instead of gaps and explain what the term means.

1.; 2. G...relief...; 3. D...lm...ny; 4. Per ... fr ... r; 5. M.. .m.. .r.. .alny.

Task 4. Write the correct letter(s) instead of the gaps.

1. Pr ... skene - the protruding part of the stage structure (skene) in the ancient Greek theater.

2. Enk ... set ... ka - a technique of painting with hot wax paints.

3. Eng...zh...ment - an invitation to the artist for some period of time to participate in the play.

4. D.. .zab.. .lye - light loose home clothing.

5. Kr.. .n.. .lin - a special cut of a dress or skirt in 18th - 19th centuries

Task 5.: "Linguistic Constructor". Write definitions using all the words and phrases given. historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. You can add prepositions, change words by case, change places, etc.

1. Visual arts, everyday culture, inner meaning, genre, painting.

2. Style, Russian culture, pretentiousness, ornate forms, Western European culture, color contrast, XVII - beginning. XVIII centuries, whimsicality, splendor, decorativeness.


2.1. Series (continuation of the enumeration, define the element of the series, etc.)

Exercise 1.Specify extra name among Russian artists of the beginning 19th century:

1) O.A. Kiprensky; 2) S.F. Shchedrin; 3) A.D. Zakharov; 4) V.A. Tropinin.

Task 2.What or who is superfluous in the series (write out the extra word and briefly explain your choice)?

A) Perun, Stribog, Plutos, Svarog, Veles.

B) N.N. Ge, I.N. Kramskoy, V.G. Perov, K.P. Bryullov, I.I. Shishkin.

Give a short answer to the mythology question:

Exercise 1.

1. How to figurative language mythology and poetry is called the tree located in the center peace?

2. What is "reality", "nav" and "right" in Slavic mythology?

3. What goddesses Greek mythology control the fate of people?

4. How many years did Adam live according to the Bible?

5. His images in ancient Egypt served as amulets and jewelry.

b. The beauty of this goddess was sung in hymns ancient Babylon: "Goddess be sung,

especially revered among the goddesses."

Task 2.

1. What Scandinavian god could take on any guise?

2. What was the name of the Creator of the entire Universe in ancient Indian mythology?

3. On the paternal side, he considered himself a descendant of Hercules himself, and on the maternal side - Aeacus, grandfather of the famous Achilles, the hero Trojan War. His father established dominion over all of Greece. Who is it?

4. Which goddess helped Perseus defeat the Gorgon Medusa?

5. The name of which semi-mythical hero was very popular in Assyrian literature?

6. Who was the supreme deity of the all-Chinese pantheon?

7. According to legend, one of the apostles of Christ was in Kyiv. Who is it?

Task 3.

1 . Who is out of place here? Cows of Geryon, Kerberos, Trojan horse, apples of the Hesperides.

2. Bird of paradise with human face: Alkonost, Phoenix, Vargan.

3. The priests of the ancient Celts, who were both soothsayers, and doctors, and teachers: Druids, shamans, healers, magicians.

4. Ice giant in Scandinavian mythology : Surt, Hold, Ymir.

5. The character of Russian folklore, half-man - half-dog, endowed with horse hooves: Kerberos, Centaur, Polkan.

6. About what god ancient egypt say: "He has a wise heart"? Ra, Osiris, Thoth.

7. Which one of the wonders of the world is associated with the name of Nebuchadnezzar? Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Colossus of Rhodes.

Give short answers to the questions artistic culture Middle Ages:

Exercise 1.

1. This is a book and news, history and teaching, knowledge and good news.

2. What were the main signs of papal authority and papal power?

3. How was God portrayed in the Qur'an?

4. What was the name of one of the iconographic images of the Mother of God, which was formed

in the Middle Ages and had roots in the early Christian art of Byzantium and Ancient Russia?

What is its feature?

Exercise 2.

1. How architectural styles the following verses are devoted to the Middle Ages?

But a secret plan betrays itself from the outside:

Here, the strength of the girth arches took care,

So that the mass of the heavy wall does not crush, -

And the vault of the impudent ram is inactive.

O. Mandelstam

And the arch, like a skull from the inside,

Raised eyebrows and arches,

Without gilding and tinsel,

Only cheeks magnificently puffing out,

They play silver pipes

Babies are angels in heaven.

K. Nekrasova

2.With these words begins the famous poem in Old French, the pearl of medieval literature. What is its name?

Our king Karl, the great emperor,

Fought seven years in the Spanish country

All this mountainous land to the sea took,

He took by storm all the cities and castles,

He toppled their walls and destroyed their towers. Aoi!

Only the Moors did not surrender Zaragoza.

Marsilius - infidelity reigns omnipotently there,

Honors Mohammed, praises Apollo,

But he will not leave the Lord's punishment.

(Translated by Y. Korneev)

3. About what characteristic of the science of the Middle Ages in question in verse:

And here again, before the light, calcinate, highlight, strain and distill

Through clay, chalk, and even through protein, through a sieve, borax, potash, ash, sand,

Through realgar, waxed canvas and haired mixed clay,

Through different coal, wax, dry manure; mix saltpeter, vitriol,

Antimony and minium, sulfur and arsenic, or tartar, brown iron ore,

Or all sorts of alloys ...

(From J. Chaucer's poem "The Canterbury Tales"

4. What grandiose structure, the citadel of Orthodoxy and Islam, is referred to in the poem :

Beautiful is the temple bathed in peace,

And forty windows - a triumph of light;

On sails, under a dome, four

Archangel is the most beautiful.

And a wise spherical building

Peoples and centuries are going through,

And seraphim's booming sob

Will not warp dark gilding.

O. Mandelstam

What is interesting and famous for this temple, why did it unite the two religions?

Task 3.

1. Singers - poets in medieval Scandinavia were called skalds, but what were they called in Scotland?

2. This temple was consecrated in 537, and the famous historical figure, involved in the construction of this temple, exclaimed: "Glory to the Lord, who honored me to do such a thing! Solomon, I defeated you!" What is this temple and who is this historical figure?

3. What did medieval students call their university? What does that mean?

4. In " Divine Comedy"Dante named six names of the greatest, from his point of view, poets. Who are they?

5. In medieval Europe the mask was the property of itinerant artists. What were they called? Gradually, the mask became part of the comedy theater. This is how the comedy of masks originated in Italy. What name did she get? Name the main characters of these comedies.

6. In the 16th century, the style of "abstract animal ornamentation" appeared in the art of ornamentation. What does it mean?

7. This technique in painting was developed by the famous artist of the Renaissance and represented in painting and graphics a softening of the outlines of objects with the help of a picturesque recreation of the light and air environment surrounding them. What is this technique and who developed it?

Task 4.

1. During the first religious reform, Prince Vladimir established a pantheon of Slavic gods in Kyiv. Among the gods named below, one name is superfluous. Which? Perun, Hora, Dazhdbog, Stribog, Simargl, Veles, Mokosh.

2. Oral folk art Eastern Slavs special place occupied the epic epic. What were such works called in ancient times?

3. Nestor in "The Tale of Bygone Years" tells the following about the founding of Kyiv: "And there were three brothers: named Kyi, the other - Shchek, the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister was ...". What was the brother's sister's name?

4. According to ancient Slavic beliefs: a brownie is a good patron of the house, and who brought evil into the house?

5. What word did the ancient Slavs denote the personal name of a person?

Task 5.

1. This very "Byzantine" temple was erected in Chernigov by Greek masters in the 11th century and has survived almost entirely to our times. What is it called? What architectural element distinguishes this temple?

2. It is believed that this icon appeared miraculously after the artist sent by the king of Edessa Abgar could not depict the Savior. How did the image of Christ appear and what name did the icon get?

Task 6. Determine where this image is located, who is depicted in it?

Task 7.Determine where this image is located, who is depicted in it? What does this image symbolize?

Task 8. Determine which temple is shown in the picture, where it is located. Describe the main architectural elements of the temple.



Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. "Temple as a Model of the World in Medieval Culture".

2. "Space and Time in Antiquity and the Middle Ages".

3. "Thing in culture" .

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Volodinsky average comprehensive school»

Krivosheinsky district Tomsk region

Educational program

distance training students for the olympiad

on world art culture

"Solution of tasks for the MHC"

Compiled by:Sabova Tamara Ivanovna,

world artistic culture

and visual arts.

Volodino 2013

Explanatory note

The course was developed in the discipline "World Artistic Culture". According to the program of Danilova G.A.

    The course is called Solving tasks for the MHC”and is intended for remote preparation of schoolchildren for the 9-10 grade Olympiad in the MHC subject.

    Course objective: to acquaint in depth with the main topics of the MHC.

    Course objectives:

    meet to summary themes and study them;

    view presentations and videos for a deep understanding of the course content;

    solve test tasks;

    discuss topics of the most difficult, little-studied topics

    The course structure includes 29 core topics in 10th grade, 18 topics in 9th grade.

Relevance of the program

Every society needs gifted people, and the task of society is to consider and develop the abilities of all its members. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to develop their abilities. A lot depends on the family and the school.

The task of the family is to see in time, to discern the abilities of the child, while the task of the school is to support the child and develop his abilities, to prepare the ground for these abilities to be realized. It is at school that the foundations for the development of a thinking, independent, creative personality. The thirst for discovery, the desire to penetrate the innermost secrets of being are born on school bench. Each of the teachers has encountered such students who are not satisfied with working with school textbook, they are not interested in the work in the lesson, they read dictionaries and encyclopedias, study specialized literature looking for answers to their questions in various fields knowledge. That is why it is so important at the school to identify all those who are interested in the ICC, to help implement their plans and dreams, to lead schoolchildren on the path of search in science and life, to help them fully reveal their abilities.

When we hear the word "Olympiad", we associate it with strong students, excellent students. Participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiads different levels It has whole line Attractive moments for the student, and for parents and teachers:

    enables schoolchildren and their teachers to defend the honor of their school;

    creates a situation of success, raises students' interest in studying the subject;

    attracts students from primary school to participate in the Olympics, in a few years, being high school students, they will become "veterans" of intellectual tournaments, which can be safely sent to any competition;

    Olympiads are held in the same test format as the USE, giving students the opportunity to master the this form testing;

    following the results of the Olympiad, teachers, students and their parents can get acquainted with the results of all participants according to several criteria: by class, by region, by settlements, find out your result and compare it with the best;

    each participant has the opportunity to receive a diploma of a winner or a participant, a certificate for a school portfolio, which can serve as an extra "trump card" when entering a university.

Form of study: full-time - correspondence with the use of remote educational technologies

The trajectory of preparation for the MHC Olympiad

Training system:

    basic school preparation by subject;

    training received within the system additional education(circles, electives, elective courses);

    self-training (reading scientific and popular science literature, independent solution tasks, searching for information on the Internet, etc.);

    purposeful preparation for participation in a certain stage of the competition in a particular subject (as a rule, such training is carried out under the guidance of a teacher who has experience in participating in the Olympiad movement).

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

    Awareness of the importance of this work by each member of the team and, in this regard, increased attention to the problem of forming a positive motivation for learning.

    Creation and continuous improvement methodological system and subject subsystems of work with gifted children.

    Recognition by the team of teachers and school management that the implementation of the system of work with gifted children is one of the priority areas school work.

    Constant work to improve the educational process in order to reduce the educational and psychological overload of students.

MHK grade 9

Lesson topic

Civilization and culture

Unity and Diversity of Culture

Features of the artistic culture of ancient Egypt.

The originality of artistic culture ancient east.

Greece is the "cradle European civilization»

Artistic Achievements of Pre-Columbian America.

The ideal of man in the culture of the peoples of the world.

Hero and defender of the Fatherland.

The image of a woman-mother through the ages.

Man in the natural world.

Man. Society. Time.

Heroic epic of the peoples of the world.

Holidays and rituals of the peoples of the world

originality of architectural traditions.

Fine arts of the peoples of the world

originality musical culture.

Theater of the peoples of the world.

The originality of dance culture.

1. Civilization and culture (2 hours)

The relationship between the concepts of "civilization" and "culture". What does it mean to be cultural and civilized man. The concept of world artistic culture. Artistic symbols peoples of the world.

Subject control: test

2. Unity and diversity of culture (2 hours)

Unity of world culture. The world tree as a reflection of the unity of the world. Diversity and national identity of culture..

Subject control: test

3.Features of the artistic culture of Ancient Egypt. (2 hours)

Human life in art. Artistic canon in art. "Houses of eternity" gods and pharaohs.

Subject control: essay writing

4. The peculiarity of the artistic culture of the Ancient East. (2 hours)

The symbolic nature of art. Nature and man - nice theme oriental art. Religious beliefs and their reflection in art.

Subject control: test

5. Greece - "the cradle of European civilization" (2 hours)

"Land of Heroes and Gods". Walk on the Athenian Acropolis. Looking for a person.

Subject control: make an itinerary for a tour of the Acropolis of Athens.

6. Artistic achievements of pre-Columbian America. (2 hours)

The peculiarity of the culture of the Olmecs. Character traits Aztecs.. features of the artistic culture of the Maya. Monuments of artistic culture of the Incas.

Subject control: do comparison table Olmec, Aztec, Maya, Inca cultures.

7. The ideal of man in the culture of the peoples of the world. (2 hours)

The concept of the ideal. The ideal of man in the religions of the world. Saints and Holiness.

Subject control: make a comparative table of the ideal of man in the religions of the world

8. Hero and defender of the Fatherland. (2 hours)

George the Victorious is a valiant defender of the Fatherland. The ideal of noble chivalry. Alexander Nevsky is a patriot of the Russian Land.

Subject control: test

9. The image of a woman-mother through the ages. (2 hours)

"Venus" of the first artists of the Earth. Sacred face of the Mother of God. Renaissance Madonnas. The majestic Slav in the work of A.G. Venetsianov. The woman is the mother in the art of the 20th century.

Subject control: essay writing

10. Man in the natural world. (2 hours)

Human and nature. A look through the ages.

Subject control: essay writing

11. Man. Society. Time. (2 hours)

Space and time in the mirror of myths. Man of the Roman Empire. Man "in the center of the world" (Renaissance). Man of the New Age.

Subject control: compliance task

12. Heroic epic of the peoples of the world (2 hours).

The concept of heroic epic. Heroes and themes of the peoples of the epic. Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala"

Subject control: essay writing

13. Holidays and rituals of the peoples of the world (2 hours)

Every soul is glad for the holiday. Religious holidays and rituals of the peoples of the world. Carnivals.

Subject control: script a holiday

14. Originality of architectural traditions. (2 hours)

Features of temple architecture. A house is a human dwelling.

Subject control: dictation in architecture

15. Fine arts of the peoples of the world (2 hours)

Byzantine mosaic art. Old Russian icon painting. The art of book miniatures. Sculpture Tropical and South Africa.

Subject control: test

16. Originality of musical culture. (2 hours)

Music in the temple. The song is the soul of the people. At the origins of American folk music.

Subject control: essay

17. Theater of the peoples of the world. (2 hours)

The birth of Russian folk drama. in the musical theaters of the world. The art of puppet theater.

Subject control: analysis dramatic work

18. The originality of dance culture. (1h)

Flamenco..Rainbow of Russian dance. The art of Indian dance.. To the sounds of tom-toms. (dances of the peoples of Africa)

Subject control: test

MHK grade 10

Calendar-thematic plan

Lesson topic

The art of primitive man.

Artistic culture of Ancient and Western Asia.

Architecture of Ancient Egypt.

Fine Arts and Music of Ancient Egypt.

Artistic culture of Mesoamerica.

Aegean art.

Architectural appearance of Ancient Hellas.

art Ancient Greece.

architectural achievements ancient rome.

Fine art of ancient Rome.

Theater and Music of Antiquity.

World of Byzantine culture.

Architecture of the Western European Middle Ages.

Visual art of the Middle Ages.

Theater and Music of the Middle Ages.

Artistic culture of Kievan Rus.

Development of Russian regional art

Art of the united Russian state.

Theater and music.

Artistic culture of India.

Artistic culture of China.

Art of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Artistic culture of Islamic countries.

Fine Art of the Proto-Renaissance and Early Renaissance.

Italian Renaissance architecture.

Titans of the High Renaissance.

Masters of Venetian painting.

Art of the Northern Renaissance.

Music and Theater of the Renaissance.

1. The art of primitive man.

The first artists of the earth. Ancient structures of mankind.

Music, dance and pantomime.

Subject control: test

2. Artistic culture of Ancient and Western Asia.

The emergence of writing. Mesopotamian architecture. Art. Musical art.

Subject control: essay writing

3.Architecture of Ancient Egypt.

Pyramids - "dwellings of eternity" of the pharaohs. Rock temples and tombs.

Subject control: test

4. Fine arts and music of Ancient Egypt.

sculptural monuments. Reliefs and frescoes. Treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb. Music, theater, poetry.

Subject control: test

5. Artistic culture of Mesoamerica.

Artistic culture of the classical period. Artistic culture of the Aztecs. Mayan artistic culture. Artistic culture of the Incas.

Subject control: make a comparison table of cultures

6. Aegean art.

Masterpieces of architecture. Frescoes in the Palace of Knossos. Vase painting in Kamares style.

Subject control: essay writing

7.Architectural appearance of Ancient Hellas.

Archaic architecture: Greek order system. Classical architecture. Athens Acropolis.

Hellenistic architecture. Pergamon altar.

Subject control: create a tour itinerary

8. Fine art of Ancient Greece.

Sculpture and vase painting of the archaic. Visual art of the classical period. Sculptural masterpieces of Hellenism.

Subject control: test

9.Architectural achievements of Ancient Rome.

Architecture of the period of the Roman Republic. Architectural masterpieces of the Roman Empire.

Subject control: make a comparative table of the culture of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire

10. Fine art of Ancient Rome.

Roman sculptural portrait. Fresco and mosaic compositions.

Subject control: essay writing

11. Theater and music of antiquity.

Tragedians and comedians of the Greek theater. Theatrical and circus art Ancient Rome.

Musical Art of Antiquity.

Subject control: make a comparison table

12. World of Byzantine culture.

Achievements in architecture. Shimmering light mosaics. The art of icon painting. Musical culture.

BUT) Before you are four images of Christ, made in Italy in the period from the 4th to the 9th century AD. Arrange the images so that the resulting row reflects the change in the image of Christ from ancient to typically medieval.

Write down the numbers of the images in the order that reflects the chronological development of the image of Christ from the earliest to the latest.

Answer : 3, 2, 1, 4.

For each correctly indicated place in the chronological order - 1 point.

In total for part A - a maximum of 4 points.

B) Look at the mosaic ancient city Philippopolis, which depicts the ancient hero Orpheus. This image, especially popular in the era of late antiquity and early Christianity, was in many ways close to the image of Christ, which took shape in the first centuries of our era. Find among first four images, which, in your opinion, is closest to the image of Orpheus. Briefly describe the symbolic and stylistic similarities and differences between the image of Orpheus and the image of Christ you have chosen.

Reasoning Evaluation Criteria

In total for part B - a maximum of 6 points.

In total for task 1 - a maximum of 10 points.

Task 2

Before you is a mosaic of the monastery of Osios Loukas in Phokis (Greece, 10th century), a painting by the artist Jacopo Tintoretto (Venice, 16th century) and a fragment of the text of the 13th chapter of the Gospel of John. All of them are dedicated to one episode. last days earthly life of Jesus Christ, which took place during the Last Supper, the so-called "Footwashing".

Compare how the same plot is depicted in the text of the Gospel and in works of fine art. Pay attention to how each of the authors shows the main character, his appearance, actions. How others look next to him characters And how do they relate to the main character? What details do the authors draw the attention of the reader/viewer to? What do space and scene look like? What role do color and color play in the perception of an image? How is the composition built?

What is the similarity and difference between the interpretation of this scene in the text, the mosaic and the picture?

Based on these questions and your observations, write a short discussion (100‒110 words 1) on the topic “The foot washing scene in the Gospel and works of fine art.”

1 Here the minimum estimated amount of reasoning is indicated, the maximum amount not limited.


(Gospel of John, Chapter 13, verses 1-20)

1 Before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that His hour had come to pass from this world to the Father, showed by deed that, having loved His beings in the world, He loved them to the end.

2 And during the supper, when the devil had already put into the heart of Judas Simonov Iscariot to betray Him, 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given everything into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, 4 got up from supper, took off his outer garment and, taking a towel, girded himself. 5 Then he poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and wipe them with the towel with which he was girded. 6 Approaches Simon Peter, and he says to Him: Lord! Would you wash my feet? 7 Jesus answered and said to him: What I am doing, you do not know now, but you will understand later. 8 Peter says to Him, You will never wash my feet. Jesus answered him: unless I wash you, you have no part with me. 9 Simon

Peter says to Him: Lord! not only my feet, but also my hands and my head. 10 Jesus tells him: He who has been washed only needs to wash his feet, because he is all clean; and you are clean, but not all. 11 For He knew His betrayer, therefore He said: You are not all pure.

12 When he had washed their feet and put on his clothes, he lay down again and said to them, Do you know what I have done to you? 13 You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you speak correctly, for I am exactly that. 14 So, if I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, then you must also wash one another's feet.

15 For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, and a messenger is not greater than the one who sent him. 17 If you know this, blessed are you when you do it. 18 I'm not talking about all of you; I know who I chose. But let the Scripture come true: “he who eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me.” 19 Now I tell you before it happens, so that when it happens you will believe that it is I. 20 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives whom I send, receives Me; but he who receives me receives the one who sent me.

(Gospel of John, Chapter 13, verses 120)

Criteria for evaluating written reasoning

The criteria for evaluating written reasoning are built in such a way that the ability to reveal and describe the meaning is highly valued in the participants' works. artwork through the analysis of means of expression.

When evaluating work, you should be guided by the following criteria:

A. Interpretation and understanding

The work demonstrates the ability of the participant to consistently and reasonably:

  • compare dissimilar texts;
  • see deep meanings;
  • make subtle observations to identify them;
  • engage to reveal meanings wide circle associations.

Grading scale: 0–9–17–25.

In total, according to criterion A, a maximum of 25 points.

B. Creating text

The work includes:

  • constant reliance on the analyzed work (citations, description of details, examples, etc.);
  • compositional harmony, logical narration;
  • stylistic uniformity.

Grading scale: 0–3–7–10.

In total, according to criterion B, a maximum of 10 points.

C. Literacy

There are no language, speech and grammatical errors in the work.

Grading scale: 0–2–3–5.

In total, according to criterion C, a maximum of 5 points.

Note: A continuous check of work according to the usual school literacy criteria with a full count of errors is not provided. If there are language, speech and grammatical errors, seriously complicating the reading and understanding of the text (on average, more than five gross errors per 100 words), the work on this criterion receives zero points.

In total for task 2 - a maximum of 40 points.

Explanation of the rating scale

In order to reduce subjectivity in evaluating works, it is proposed to focus on the rating scale that is attached to each criterion. It is in line with the usual Russian teacher four-point system: the first assessment is a conditional two, the second is a conditional three, the third is a conditional four, the fourth is a conditional five. Points between grades can also be set - they correspond to conditional pluses and minuses in the traditional school system.

The assessment for the work is set first as a sequence of assessments for each criterion (the student must see how many points he scored for each criterion), and then as a total score. This will allow, at the stage of showing works and appeals, to focus on discussing the real pros and cons of the work.

Maximum 50 points for work.