Is it good to eat meat? Meat, myths and facts

The debate about whether meat is good or bad seems to never end. One has only to declare to meat lovers that without the use of this product a person will not be able to fully exist, as they are immediately retorted by vegetarians who claim that meat is main reason almost all of our diseases. Which side to take on this issue? Is it possible to live without meat and what is the danger of its excessive consumption?

Among the main virtues of meat- its taste characteristics. Of course, meat dishes are one of the most delicious, no wonder no feast is complete without them. On the other hand, spices and sauces give such a taste to meat - unseasoned meat itself is far from being so tasty.

Meat contains protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins. One of the arguments in favor of eating meat is the prevention of anemia due to its iron content.

However, meat does not contain other components important for our body. So, it does not contain fiber, which contributes to the normalization of work. gastrointestinal tract- that's why meat is hard to digest, and the body has to spend a lot of energy on its processing. But this very energy in meat is just not there - it does not contain carbohydrates. But there are more than enough heavy fats and cholesterol in it!

The discoveries of scientists in recent years also do not please meat lovers. One by one, studies are being conducted, the result of which is disappointing: eating meat is the cause of many serious diseases, including asthma, diabetes and cancer, problems with cardiovascular system and joints (arthritis, osteoporosis). And in the list of causes of early death, meat ranks third after smoking and!

Excessive consumption of meat is fraught with constant processes of decay in the intestines. At the same time, the liver and kidneys begin to work hard to neutralize the toxins resulting from putrefactive processes. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the work of these important organs.

The harm of meat
greatly enhanced modern methods its processing. Various hormones to enhance the growth of livestock and poultry, feed rich in nitrates and pesticides, harsh conditions slaughter of animals, chemicals to give the meat a beautiful color - all this practically does not leave its useful substances in the meat, aggravating harmful properties.

If it was previously believed that for a full-fledged human life, you need to consume 150 g of protein per day, then modern nutritionists do not recommend exceeding the norm of 45 g. Moreover, if it was previously believed that these should be both animal and vegetable proteins, now experts in the field of nutrition they assure that the body's need for proteins can be completely and completely satisfied by eating exclusively plant foods.

Of course, it is impossible to force absolutely all people to stop eating meat. After all, if for some it is quite simple to do this, then others simply cannot imagine their life without this product. Besides, complete exclusion of meat from your diet can also lead to health problems. True vegetarians face a shortage of vitamins D and B2, a number of important amino acids. Disorders nervous system, impotence, fragility of bone tissue - this is what a complete rejection of the use of meat products is fraught with. Vegetarianism is also unacceptable. childhood and during puberty. Therefore, it is so important to find a golden mean in this matter.

What to do? How not to harm your health and satisfy your needs?

First of all, it is worth remembering the main rule healthy eating: you need to eat a balanced diet. If in your daily diet in addition to meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, legumes are present in sufficient quantities - the harm of meat will be significantly reduced, it will be easier for the body to process and assimilate it.

In no case should you exceed the prescribed rate of meat consumption. Even the most notorious meat-eaters are recommended to arrange a “fasting” day without meat once or twice a week.

If we talk about which meat is the most harmful, then this is, first of all, the meat of mammals: beef, pork, lamb. Less harmful is poultry meat, especially white (chicken fillet), as well as offal. Fish meat is practically devoid of harmful properties. Try to give preference to less harmful types of meat.

Take Special attention choice of meat and its preparation. Buy only fresh meat, if possible - environmentally friendly. In this regard, of course, it is good for those people who maintain their own household - alas, not everyone can afford such a luxury.
Before preparing a dish using meat, soak it for an hour in cold water. The first meat broth should never be used - it must be drained. Meat can be boiled, stewed, grilled (and can be included in this category) or baked, but in no case - fried or smoked. Do not overuse spices in meat dishes.

Very important is the combination of meat with other products, which can enhance or, conversely, weaken its harmful properties. So, it is highly undesirable to eat meat with vegetables containing starch (potatoes, pumpkin, corn, radish, squash). It is preferable to take fresh herbs (lettuce, parsley, sorrel, dill), cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, onions as a side dish for meat. Green vegetables act as a good iron inhibitor, which will allow you to get maximum benefit from eating meat.

To eat or not to eat meat, and if so, what kind and in what quantities, of course, it is up to each of us to decide. We only gave information for reflection - perhaps it is after reading it that someone decides to change their lifestyle, approach to nutrition.

The debate about whether meat is healthy or not seems to never end. One has only to say to adherents of meat that in the absence of the consumption of this product, a person will not be able to fully live, as vegetarians immediately object to them, stating that meat is the main root cause of almost all of our diseases. Which side to take this issue? Is it possible to live without meat and what is the danger of its excessive consumption?

Among the big pluses of meat is its taste. Undoubtedly, meat dishes are one of the most appetizing, no wonder no feast goes without them. If you look at it from a different angle, spices and sauces give meat such a taste - without all this, the meat is not so tasty.

Meat contains protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins. One of the arguments in favor of eating meat is the prevention of anemia due to its iron content.
But there are no more useful substances in meat for our body. So, it does not contain fiber, which helps to normalize the work - as a direct result of this, meat is difficult to digest, and the body will spend a lot of energy processing it. And it, by the way, is just not in meat - it does not have carbohydrates. Moreover, it contains a large number of heavy fats and cholesterol!

Is it good or bad to eat meat?

The discoveries of scientists last years also do not please adherents of meat. One after another, studies are being conducted, the effect of which is disappointing: meat consumption is a prerequisite for the occurrence of almost all serious diseases. Well, in the list of causes that contribute to early mortality, meat is in third place after smoking and alcohol!
Excessive consumption of meat leads to constant processes of decay in the intestinal tract. With all this, the liver and kidneys begin to work hard to neutralize the toxins formed as a result of putrefactive processes. In addition, such processes lead to disruption of the work of these organs.

The harm of meat increases significantly in modern ways its processing. All sorts of hormones that enhance the growth of animals, food in which a large amount of nitrate and pesticides, chemicals that give the meat an attractive color - all this actually does not leave useful substances in the meat and generally enhances harmful qualities.

If it was previously believed that for the full viability of a person it is necessary to consume 150 grams of protein per day, then progressive nutritionists do not recommend exceeding the norm of 45 grams. In addition, if earlier it was argued that it must be both animal and vegetable proteins, then on this moment nutrition professionals convince us that the body's need for proteins can be completely and completely satisfied by the consumption of exclusively plant foods.
Of course, it is impossible to force absolutely all the inhabitants of our planet to stop eating meat. Since if for some it is quite simple to do this, then it is difficult for others to imagine their life without this product. In addition to all this, the absolute exclusion of meat from the menu can also lead to health problems. Genuine vegetarians face a lack of vitamins D and B2, as well as some essential amino acids for health.
How to proceed? How not to harm your well-being, and satisfy your own needs?

First, you need to remember the most important rule Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet. When vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes are present in your daily menu in addition to meat, the harm from meat will be significantly reduced, it will be easier for the body to digest and assimilate it.

Never exceed the prescribed rate of meat consumption. Including the most notorious meat-eaters, it is recommended to organize a day without eating meat at least once a week.

If we talk about what kind of meat is considered the most harmful, then this is primarily the meat of mammals. The least harmful is considered white poultry meat, as well as offal. In fact, fish meat does not contain harmful properties. Try to eat less harmful types of meat.

Pay special attention to the choice of meat and the method of its preparation. Purchase only fresh meat. Here, of course, those people who have their own households are lucky - unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

Before preparing a dish of meat, soak it for an hour in cool water. You also need to remember that you can not use the first meat broth - it must be drained. Also, meat should not be fried, it should be boiled, stewed or baked.

The correct combination of meat with other products that can enhance or, on the contrary, weaken its harmful qualities is considered extremely important.

It is highly undesirable to eat meat with vegetables that contain starch. It is best to take fresh herbs, cucumbers, green beans, onions as a side dish for meat.
Whether it is worth eating meat, of course, is up to each of us to decide. We only gave information for reflection - probably, it is as a result of reading it that someone decides to adjust their diet.

Because only meat contains a complete set of amino acids 1, easily digestible iron 2, as well as a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamins A, B 12, D.
1 Amino acids are essential for protein synthesis. If there is not at least one of the ten essential amino acids in human food, then protein synthesis in the body will stop, protein starvation will begin. When eating animal food, this will never happen, but most plants do not contain complete set necessary for a person amino acids.

2 Plants contain quite a lot of iron, sometimes even more than meat, but meat iron is “heme” (included in heme, which, in turn, is part of hemoglobin), so meat iron is absorbed much better than vegetable iron.

But what about vegetarians?

First, most vegetarians drink milk, which contains all.

Secondly, most vegetarians eat mushrooms and honey, which is also oh-so.

Thirdly, combining various plants, you can collect a complete set of amino acids. (Let's imagine that the first plant has all amino acids except for the 5th and 8th, in the second - all but the 8th and 16th, and in the third - all but the 5th and 16th.

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If you eat only the first plant all the time, then the 5th and 8th amino acids will run out in the body and the person will die. But if you have all these plants together, then they will complement each other, and there will be no problems.)

And if you also take into account that no one forbids vegetarians to eat multivitamins, it turns out that a vegetarian diet, in principle, can provide good nutrition.

Why do I hate vegetarianism?

Because from the point of view of a village biologist (fierce defender scientific truth and at the same time tender romance in the soul), most of the slogans of vegetarianism are superficial and inconsistent. Let's analyze some of them.

1. "A vegan diet can provide complete nutrition." In order to eat well, to me in my village it is enough to eat a quarter of a chicken every day with potatoes and onions (meat contains all amino acids and iron, potatoes - carbohydrates, onions - vitamin C). With vegetarianism, it won’t work out so easily, there it is necessary combine. Thus, a complete vegetarian diet is much more difficult to implement. Somewhere in Copenhagen, probably at any time of the year, you can buy fresh broccoli, artichokes and avocados, as well as tofu, seitan and tempeh. But in our village store, the saleswoman Olya does not even know such words. What kind of plants (except onions) will I be combine somewhere in February?

2. "The life of any creature is sacred and unjustified killing is a violation of the laws of Nature." Well, as for the laws of nature, vegetarians, of course, had more than enough: in nature, some living beings constantly eat others, and it is due to this that the flow of energy flows and the circulation of substances spins. However, primitive ignorance of biology is a trifle, the main thing that irritates me is the word "unjustified". Feel the stink double standards? Vegetarians reserve the right to kill innocent worms in their intestines. Openwork mosquitoes that just want to leave a little offspring. An amazingly beautiful lion absently eating up an awkward old tourist woman in his Serengeti. Sweet black-eyed rat, you see, able endure human diseases ... Why is killing all these living beings justified, but killing a stupid broiler specially grown for meat is unjustified?

3. "We don't eat corpses." Finally, imagine a plant. It hatches from a small seed, reaches for the Sun, fights for life, grows, and now it grows. Whether a three-meter apple tree, or a small tomato - like all living things, the plant is perfect, it is whole huge world. Just like us, the plant breathes. Just like us, reacts (only slower). Just like us, it seeks to leave offspring. In seeds and tubers, the plant stores food for its children so that they can grow up in the same way. next year... But now it comes out of the blackout terrible person - Vegetarian! It tears and breaks the fragile body of the plant, kills and devours it, and then, with a guttural growl, devours its children right in front of the astonished public. Curtain.

Vegetarianism is useful

The falsity of the philosophy of vegetarianism, however, does not negate its relative usefulness, caused, in my opinion, by three reasons:

1) Residents of the "first" and "second" world, having seized upon meat, consume it in excess - much more than is allowed by hygienists (20%). It leads to:

  • accumulation of cholesterol in the body (increases the risk of heart attack and stroke);
  • poisoning the body with nitrogen metabolism products (the risk of gout and kidney failure increases);
  • obesity (excess meat turns into fat no worse than extra rolls).

Nothing like this happens to vegetarians.

2) Vegetarians (I hope) consume less canned food (do not poison their body with preservatives), respectively - more fresh (they get more plant vitamins, in particular vitamin C).

3) Finally, what does a person need to be a vegetarian and calmly walk past the notorious sizzling cutlets? High level education, a good salary (for the purchase of tofu and avocados) - and willpower, the ability control yourself! So, complete with vegetarianism can go smoking cessation, alcohol and overeating! (And would anyone agree overeat asparagus?!) And then these people will tell gullible scientists that the reason for their health is vegetarianism.

Conclusion: I believe that vegetarianism is extreme, food extremism. But at the same time, it would be quite reasonable for any “normal” person:

  • eat less meat food;
  • eat less canned food;
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

There are more and more adherents of vegetarianism. Everyone has different reasons refusal of meat and other products of animal origin: some do it because of moral principles, others take care of their health. The main motive for refusal is their harm to the human body.

The benefits of essential acids and those contained in meat have been instilled in people since childhood. And one of the favorite arguments of meat eaters is that vegetarians do not get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other substances. But this is another myth, as they are found in many plant products. For example, spirulina, hemp seeds and Chia include all 9 irreplaceable organic compounds. And foods such as broccoli, legumes, spinach, etc. are saturated with protein, which is faster and better absorbed by the human body, gives it energy, and does not take it away.

If meat-eating is so beneficial, then why do the doctors who promote it prescribe a meat-free diet to people suffering from heart problems, digestion, etc.? Is it possible to remove a product that is exclusively beneficial and gives a surge of strength from the diet of patients? And where will they take the protein for the period of treatment? :) Worth thinking about.

Our ancestors didn't eat meat

If you start to deeply study the diet of our ancestors, you will notice that it was based on plant products. The ancient Romans and Greeks, for example, ate mostly fruits. By the way, the well-known great philosophers Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato were vegetarians. AT Ancient Sparta meat was forbidden, the Spartans ate cereals. Everyone knows about their strength and power to this day.

Pay attention to Slavic fairy tales. It is worth noting that they never meet on the table products of animal origin. Heroes eat cereals and vegetables. Watch the fairy tale and you will see what role meat plays in it.

Jesus Christ followed a plant-based diet. The Bible says:

“And God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed: this shall be food for you!

The effect of meat on the human body

Meat steals energy

First of all, food should give us energy. This is its most important value. Meat food, in other words, dead body", cannot give it to a person. It has no fuel value, since 3-4 hours after the death of the animal, bacterial decomposition of tissues begins due to the coagulation of protein substances. In order to slow down the process of rotting the corpse, the meat is stored in refrigerators. Cooling slows down decomposition, but does not stop it completely, it does not stop even during cooking.

The rotting meat that enters your stomach continues to rot there too, since it takes about 5 days for it to be completely digested and excreted from the body (by the way, the main signs of internal decomposition are breath and fetid sweating). Continuing to decompose, the "dead meat" releases cadaveric poison, bacteria, hormonal preparations, pus, worm eggs, nitrates, herbicides and insecticides, dyes, cholesterol, fat, transgenes, etc. It is not surprising that such a long stay of meat in the human body leads to poisoning and premature wear of the whole organism.

Meat poisons the body

Undigested meat settles in the folds of the intestines and forms toxic lumps called "fecal stones". Piping in the human body, they interfere with digestion and the movement of products through the esophagus. This is very dangerous, especially for those people who are "treated" by fasting. Not receiving food, the intestines begin to feed and absorb into the blood what can be sucked out of the remnants of food that covers its walls. In other words, there is an absorption of toxins and poisons contained and accumulated in fecal stones. This causes internal poisoning of the body. Most likely, you often noticed that you get a headache when you haven’t eaten for a long time. Now you will know true reason such a phenomenon. Therefore, it is recommended that before starting therapeutic fasting, clean the intestines with the help of.

Meat causes disease

Eating meat leads to serious diseases such as cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, etc. The occurrence of cancerous tumors is associated with the presence of carcinogenic substances in this product, as well as with a high content of fats, which increase the secretion of bile in the intestines. The development of soreness in the joints occurs due to the distribution of unabsorbed meat uric acid throughout the body.

Meat hurts the heart

Eating carrion leads to more serious consequences.

Today, in America, heart disease has become an epidemic. What do you think is the reason? And everything is very simple. The US is the #1 meat eating country!

Decide this problem simpler than it seems at first glance. There is no need to conduct long-term studies and, moreover, to use various medications, it is enough just to completely abandon food of animal origin. After all, they contain saturated fats, which clog human vessels with cholesterol, making it difficult for blood to move through them, and as a result, blood pressure rises and serious heart diseases occur, such as ischemia and hypertension. It has long been proven that vegetarians, and even more so raw foodists, are much less likely than meat-eaters to die of heart defects.

By the way, the same Americans are the most "fat country", a country suffering from obesity ... It's worth thinking about, isn't it?

Blood vessels at different system nutrition

Meat causes aggression

Meat-eaters are characterized by irascibility, aggression and irritation, fatigue and stress, they are often in a depressed mood. The reason for this, again, is the long digestion of meat. While the energy of the body is directed to assimilation, a person experiences weakness, so very often after eating you want to lie down and relax. What kind of energy from meat can we talk about here? Mortality only leads to wear and tear premature aging organism.

Meat is business

If meat products are so harmful, then why is it not abandoned? The answer is quite simple. Unfortunately, our world has become too material, everyone wants to get their own benefit. Industrial sectors are aimed at reducing the cost of introducing their business, and increasing profits from it. This is also mentioned in the article. The animals are kept in appallingly unhygienic conditions, stuffed with cheap chemical feed, and pumped with hormones and antibiotics. All these actions accelerate their growth and increase mass. Animal meat becomes even more harmful to humans.

In addition, they are treated very cruelly. After watching the film, you are horrified from where people have so much hatred, anger and aggression. Every time you eat meat, remember that it was a living being.

We can safely say that meat brings only harm from both physiological and psychological point vision. all sorts of medical research always show that vegetarians and raw foodists get sick less often than omnivores. Therefore, the choice is yours. You can help your body in self-purification and self-healing on your own, without the help of doctors. You just need to change the food culture.

Video Harm of animal proteins

We never promote anything, we always advise WATCHING! Listen to your body and watch how it reacts to certain foods. Turn on awareness, and then you yourself will see and understand everything.

  • Anatoly Skalny, specialist in bioelementology, doctor medical sciences, Professor.
  • Stanislav Drobyshevsky, anthropologist, Researcher Faculty of Biology Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Marina Popovich, nutritionist, researcher at the State Research Institute of Preventive Medicine.

“Meat makes you old”, “meat is poison” - whether we like it or not, the discussion around “meat-eating” and the myths surrounding it mixed with real facts imprinted in the mind. In order to understand if it's true human body feels the need for meat and what is possible harm we turned to the experts. their arguments.

Followers of vegetarianism convince us that meat is a sinful food, incompatible with spiritual growth, and that the energy of slaughtered animals is harmful not only to spiritual, but also to physical health.

This idea is not new at all, it has archaic roots: primitive tribes believed that by eating animal meat, a person appropriates its qualities - courage, cunning, quick reaction, visual acuity, etc. Modern version of these ideas is this: the one who eats meat becomes aggressive or stupid - in a word, enhances his animal qualities, degrades. This is a matter of faith, not scientific evidence.

Is man really born carnivorous?

According to the structure of your body and digestive system we are different from both carnivores and herbivores. Man is precisely omnivorous, in a certain sense universal. This omnivorousness once gave us a certain evolutionary advantage: compared to plant foods, meat quickly saturates, but in its raw form it requires a lot of energy to digest, so all predators sleep after hunting. When the human ancestor learned to cook meat on fire, he got the opportunity to use time not only for getting daily bread, but also for intellectual activity - rock art, making tools.

Can plant foods replace meat for us?

Partly. The protein content in meat is 20-40%, while in boiled vegetables, legumes - from 3% to 10%. Nuts and soy contain comparable amounts of protein to meat, but, unfortunately, this protein is less digestible. Energy and vital Construction Materials derived from meat are quickly included in metabolic processes. And for the digestion and assimilation of products plant origin the body often needs to apply more effort (enzymes, digestive juices) for each unit of extracted beneficial substance. The point is also that plant foods contain substances that bind useful nutrients, such as phytin, tannins, and dietary fiber.

Is it true that “meat makes you old”?

It is a myth. Optimal intake of animal proteins is one of the main prerequisites for good immunity. Deficiency of building components (proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, etc., mainly obtained by us from meat) in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system reduces bone density, leads to muscle and joint weakness. For example, selenium deficiency causes dystrophy of the muscles, including the heart muscle, and dystrophy connective tissue- ligaments, joints. In a word, they age quickly rather from a lack of animal protein in the diet. Although its excess is also harmful.

What is the harm?

Too much high content protein in the diet leads to loss of calcium and overload of the urinary system, increases the risk cardiovascular diseases, strokes and tumors. High protein intake may be justified by increased physical activity. And with an inactive lifestyle, the harm from excess meat on the menu will be more than good.

How much meat to eat and how often?

Of course, this is a purely individual question. But you can answer it based on WHO recommendations: for an adult, about 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is recommended per day. Moreover, this norm should only half consist of animal protein, and the rest - from vegetable. It turns out about 50 grams of meat per day. On the other hand, according to WHO statistics, those who consume more than 100 grams of red meat daily have a much higher risk of developing stomach cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to use it no more than three times a week, and the rest of the time to replace it with white poultry meat, fish, and liver.

Is it true that meat is the main supplier of toxins that enter our body?

This is true. But this is more likely due to the quality of the meat and the conditions in which it is produced: when growing animals, antibiotics, hormones and feed saturated with a variety of chemicals are used. In the process of storage and sale, meat is treated with preservatives.

Are there ways to somehow reduce the harm, to minimize it?

Give preference to fresh meat, rather than meat products and convenience foods. Rinse, and even better - soak the meat in cold water. Ideally, do not use the first broth (that is, bring the water in which the meat is cooked to a boil, drain, pour again cold water and cook the broth). However, in "organic" meat or in the meat of wild animals, these chemical substances practically absent.

Ethics, economics, ecology

Humanity should consider these three aspects

Tens of billions of animals are killed every year to be used as food. The tightness and poor conditions in which they are grown are not just ethical problem. Such artificial system cultivation leads to more and more massive use of hormones, antibiotics, etc., which ultimately affects our health. In addition, animal husbandry is one of the most environmentally polluted industries. US environmentalists estimate environmental protection Agency, it accounts for 28% of all methane emitted into the atmosphere.

And finally, the economy: animals raised for meat, for example in the United States, consume five times more grain than the entire population of this country, calculated David Pimentel, a professor at Cornell University (USA). This grain could feed about 800 million people, he says. The so-called organic meat on a human scale is a real luxury. What is the way out? In 2006, a group of scientists from the Netherlands patented a special meat production technology that allows growing a steak of a given structure and fat content from individual cells. So far, this is a very expensive procedure, but it is hoped that over time it will be much cheaper than raising animals.