Message about the exploits of Ilya Muromets. Ilya Muromets from Murom

At the very beginning of October, according to legend, the legendary Ilya Muromets was born. But that's just a legend, historical annals his name is not mentioned, the exact place of his birth is unknown, and there is no data on the date of death. However, the hero really existed, but was buried in the deep caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, along with 68 other saints.

“Some researchers are still skeptical about the reality of the existence of Ilya Muromets - his biography seems very fabulous to modern scientists,” shares information Researcher National Institute History of Ukraine Sergey Khvedchenya. - However, the materials collected by the researchers made it possible not only to restore the biography of the great Holy Russian hero, but also to answer some contentious issues about life path Ilya Muromets, which baffled many historians.

Sensational evidence

Back in 1988, the established Interdepartmental Commission held Scientific research the surviving relics of St. Ilya of Muromets. The results of the work were amazing. The remains belong strong man, who died at the age of 45-55 years, quite tall - 177 centimeters. Given the fact that in the 12th century the average population growth was 165 centimeters, Ilya, of course, was very tall man for its time. Moreover, on the skeleton of Ilya, scientists have identified traces of many battles - broken ribs, multiple fractures of the collarbones, traces of a sword, spear, and saber. This confirmed the ancient myths that the hero Ilya Muromets was a powerful warrior and participated in fierce battles.

But most of all, scientists were struck by something completely different: they unanimously assert that, as indicated in folk legends, Ilya really could not walk on his own for a long time! According to the conclusion of the researchers, the main reason for this was an extremely serious disease - poliomyelitis or tuberculosis of the bones. This led to paralysis of the legs.

The hero Ilya Muromets was born between 1150 and 1165 in the city of Murom. And he died when he was about 50 years old, as scientists suggest, during the capture of Kyiv by the army of Prince Rurik Rostislavich in 1204, when the famous Pechersk Lavra was destroyed and plundered by the Cumans, allied with Rurik. Death came from a blow to the chest with a sharp weapon (sword or spear).

Terrible curse and miraculous recovery

Such a story was spread among the people. As if the grandfather of the future Russian hero Ilya Muromets was a real pagan and, refusing to recognize Christianity, once cut an Orthodox icon with an ax. Since that time, a curse has fallen on his family and all boys must be born crippled.

10 years later, the grandson Ilya was born, and it seemed terrible curse turned out: the boy could not walk. Numerous attempts to cure him were unsuccessful. But Ilya himself did not wilt, he stubbornly trained his hands, strengthened his muscles. However, having strong arms and he was unable to walk. Probably, he was repeatedly visited by thoughts of resigning himself to fate and remaining crippled forever.

But on the day when Ilya turned 33 years old, the impossible happened. Prophetic elders came to his father's house - poor wanderers (passing kaliki) and asked Ilya to give water. He explained that he could not get up. But the guests, as if they did not hear him, persistently repeated their request, which had already sounded like an order. And the sick Ilya, suddenly feeling an unprecedented strength, rose to his feet for the first time ...

Miraculous healing? But is it possible to assume that the strange guests were able to miraculously heal the seemingly terminally ill? There are various assumptions about this. Perhaps the wanderers were magicians or sorcerers and knew the secrets of ancient healing conspiracies. It is not known for certain and science is not yet able to explain the fact of the healing itself ...

And yet, Ilya got on his feet after a long 33 years of real estate. And the scientists who conducted the study of the relics confirm the fact that the bone tissue this person miraculously fully recovered. Moreover, as indicated in the conclusion, after thirty years, Ilya led full life, which fully corresponds to the epics.

The exploits of the Russian hero

From the moment of miraculous healing, the hero Ilya Muromets, as is inherent in heroes, performs many feats. Most famous feat hero - a battle with the bandit Nightingale the Robber, who occupied the direct road to the capital of Russia, Kyiv, and did not allow free passage "neither on horseback nor on foot." Cleansing by the epic hero of the direct path to Kyiv (approximately 1168) is confirmed historical facts. At that moment, when Ilya arrived in Kyiv, Prince Mstislav sat on the throne, who ordered to organize the protection of trade caravans going to the capital from the Polovtsians who mercilessly robbed them. Most likely, the prince of Kyiv entrusted this to his hero Ilya Muromets, who was in the prince's squad.

Nightingale was a robber who hunted for raids and thefts on the road, and the nickname stuck to him for his ability to whistle loudly. Ilya Muromets defeated the whistler in a duel and freed the "straight road", which undoubtedly had a great economic importance. The cleansing of the straight path from the robbers did not go unnoticed and was equated by the people with a real feat.

But if Ilya Muromets really historical figure, why is there not a single mention of him as a Russian hero in the annals?

First, very little has survived from that time. written sources. And this is not surprising, if we take into account the turbulent history of Russia. Hordes of various conquerors repeatedly burned and completely destroyed cities. Once, during a fire, books from the library of the Pechersk Lavra also burned down.

Secondly, in the ancient Germanic poems, written down in the 13th century, but based on earlier legends, there is a mention of the great hero Ilya the Russian. Legend says that in one very fierce battle the hero Ilya almost fell, but miraculously saved his life and vowed to settle in a monastery, devote himself to serving God and never again raise a sword. Ilya approached the walls of the Lavra, threw off all his armor, but, however, could not throw his sword on the ground. He became a monk of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and most He spent his days in his cell in constant prayer.

But one day the enemy approached the walls of the monastery. The mortal blow struck the abbot of the Lavra right in front of Ilya. And then the hero, despite this vow, again raised the sword. But suddenly he felt that his legs refused to serve him. At that moment, the enemy dealt a mortal blow to his chest, but Ilya's strength left and he could no longer defend himself ...

Life epic hero after death

The hero Ilya Muromets managed to survive own death, leaving a noticeable imprint in the memory of people and provide a huge impact for all subsequent generations.

But not only an imperishable memory remained from the Russian hero. The body of Ilya, like the remains of other monks who are buried in the caves of the Pechersk Lavra, is incorruptible. But, unlike the remains of the Egyptian pharaohs, it turned into a mummy not due to treatment with mummifying compounds, but due to an unknown modern science reason. The Orthodox are sure that if the human body does not decompose, but gradually turns into relics, this indicates a special gift from God, inherent only to the saints. They say that the relics of the Holy Russian hero Ilya Muromets are able to heal those who suffer terrible diseases spine and those with completely paralyzed legs. The hero of epics continues to serve people even after death...

  • Victory over the Nightingale the Robber.
  • Tsar Kalin and the battle for Russia.
  • Victory over the Idol.

Battle with Nightingale the Robber

Once Ilya decided to help the common people build a road through the forest. I took my heavy club and went to break trees. So he went to the Smorodina River, where the Nightingale the Robber was sitting. Angered by the fact that the hero walks through his forest, the robber took in more air into his lungs and whistled with all his strength. However, Ilya Muromets was not afraid, he took a wooden bow, took an arrow, pulled the bowstring harder and shot at the robber. Nightingale slain well-aimed shot Elijah, stopped whistling and fell. Then Ilya took the robber and carried him to the king in Kyiv. He decided to check whether the Nightingale the Robber is really so strong. The king ordered to whistle the robber sparing no effort. The nightingale took a breath and whistled, so much so that everyone in the hall fell from strong wind. The king was afraid of such a force and hid behind Ilya. The hero got angry, went up to the Nightingale and cut off the head of the robber with his sword.

Ilya Muromets and Tsar Kalin

Ilya once quarreled with Tsar Vladimir, so much so that the Tsar decided to put him in prison. That's where the trouble happened. Tsar Kalin went to war against Russia. Vladimir did not have a good army and came to Ilya, asking for forgiveness and helping the enemy to win. The hero took pity on the king of Kyiv, equipped himself for battle and went to the enemy. Tsar Kalin did not know about the power of the hero and sneered at him in every possible way. Ilya got angry, took the conceited king by the leg and began to smash the enemy army with him. And of course, our glorious warrior won.

Victory over Idol

Ilya decided to check the borders of Russia. In the meantime, he was gone, the filthy Idolishche captured the capital. The hero returned to the city, put on a simple shirt and went to pray. But on the way he was caught, tied up and brought to Idolishche. Idolishche knew about the exploits of Ilya Muromets, but he thought that in front of him ordinary resident costs. The invader began to laugh and mock him. The hero could not stand it, took Idolishche and smashed it on the floor. Then the servant interrupted him. So Ilya liberated the city from the filthy Idolishche.


What feats did Ilya Muromets accomplish? The first fight of Ilya Muromets

December 24, 2014

Epic heroes and their exploits were the embodiment of heroism for the Russian people. After all, these warriors put the defense of the Fatherland and people in the first place. During the baptism of Russia and the era of the reign of Prince Vladimir, a whole epic cycle appeared, the main character of which was the hero Ilya Muromets. He was the embodiment of justice, experience, wisdom, sobriety, reliability, fidelity, courage, strength and peacefulness. Before we talk about what feats Ilya Muromets accomplished, let's talk about miraculous healing hero.

miraculous healing

A Russian warrior was born in the village of Karachaevo (near Murom) in peasant family. The boy was a long-awaited child, but was born sick, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The amazing healing of Ilya Muromets is one of the most important moments in his life. According to epics, the future warrior lay on the stove for 33 years. Then calicos came to him and completely cured him. Ilya had to overdo himself and bring them water from the well.

Who are the Kaliki? These are wanderers who wandered around the villages and cities, passing on rumors and news about how people live in neighboring areas. To the accompaniment of the harp, they sang epics and legends. By the way, in the future, it was thanks to the Kaliks that the Russian people learned about the exploits of Ilya Muromets, summary which you will read below. But it would be a mistake to consider them only wandering artists. Kaliki have been the guardians of the magical tradition since the time of the ancient Magi. Then their knowledge was transformed under the influence of Christianity.

They probably cured Ilya with the help of slander on well water, Orthodox prayers and hypnotic influence of guslar music. This well exists to this day near the village of Karachaevo. Above it is a cross, and locals consider its water healing.

The exploits of the hero Ilya Muromets

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For my long and interesting life this warrior fought many battles and defeated many villains. But the most famous are the three exploits of Ilya Muromets, which have been passed from mouth to mouth for more than one generation. We will tell you about them.

Ilya and the Nightingale the Robber

One day, Ilya Muromets decided to help people and pave the way through a dense forest. He took a club and began to knock down trees. Having reached the Smorodina River, he saw the Nightingale the Robber on the other side, who shouted to him: “What kind of ignoramus walks through my forest?” And then he began to whistle and growl at the hero like an animal. Muromets was not afraid, but took out a bow and fired an arrow at the robber. The wounded Nightingale fell from the oak, and the hero picked him up, tied him to the saddle and took him to Kyiv. In general, the first fight of Ilya Muromets ended in an easy victory.

Our warrior arrived in Kyiv, and there a feast was going on at Prince Vladimir. The hero says to him: "I brought you the Nightingale the Robber as a gift." Vladimir decided to test his strength at the princely court. After all the people had gathered there, Ilya ordered the Nightingale to whistle and growl. Scored robber more air and whistled with all his might. Here the glass in the chambers burst, the roofs of the towers were melted, and all the heroes fell to the ground. The prince himself, turning pale, hid under the caftan of Muromets. The hero got angry, grabbed a sword and cut off the Nightingale's head. To celebrate, Vladimir, who knew what feats Ilya Muromets had accomplished, threw an even greater feast. And after the festival, he took the war to his service.

Ilya and the filthy Idolishche

Once Muromets went to check the borders of Russia. And during his departure, Idolishche filthy attacked Kyiv and captured the city. Ilya returned, put on a simple peasant shirt and went to the capital city to ask for alms. They caught him in the street and brought him to Idolishche. Muromets did not answer his questions. The hero just stood silently.

Idolishche knew what feats Ilya Muromets performed, but he thought that he was an ordinary beggar peasant. Therefore, he began to brag to the hero: “Yes, I drink a barrel of wine and eat a bull in one sitting, but you, a cripple, can only drink a glass and eat a roll.” Idolishche mocked him for a long time. Then Ilya could not stand it, grabbed Idolishche and smashed it on the stone floor, and then raised the oak table and killed all his servants with it. And then he put on armor and went on a journey through the Russian land.

Ilya and Tsar Kalin

Once Muromets quarreled with Prince Vladimir. The prince was so angry that he put Ilya in prison. And then the trouble happened. Tatar king Kalin went to war in Russia. There was no one to help Vladimir. Only one hero remained, sitting in the dungeon. The prince came to him, fell on his knees and began to pray for help. Ilya got up, shook off the heavy chains from his mighty shoulders and went to put on his armor. Then he jumped on a horse and galloped to the Tatar camp.

Tsar Kalin did not know what feats Ilya Muromets performed, so he began to call names and humiliate the hero. Our warrior got angry, grabbed the Tatar by the leg and began to beat the enemy army with it. After everyone had died, the hero cut off the king's head and went home to Kyiv.

Now you know the three exploits of Ilya Muromets. There is also a fourth one. It is not so popular, but we will still briefly describe it.

Ilya and the Bogatyr-invader

Once Ilya Muromets went to check the borders of Russia. And he saw a strange hero in his native land, who began to mock him and praise himself. Ilya was very angry. He drew his damask sword and rushed into battle. They fought for three days, and then our warrior grabbed the boaster with his hands and smashed him to the ground.

fatal wound

You already know about the first fight of Ilya Muromets. But nothing is known about the latter, except that the hero was wounded in it. Scientists who examined the relics of Muromets found a trace of a spear on his chest. He probably tried to intercept him on the fly, and this reduced the depth and force of the blow. The resulting wound did not heal to the end and constantly became inflamed, which led to infection and the subsequent death of Muromets.

If we consider military history Middle Ages, the cause of Elijah's death seems quite plausible. After all, at that time well-armed and strong war, which was rather difficult to deal with in open combat, was killed at a distance with an arrow or spear. This helped save the lives of their own soldiers.


In our time, the exploits of Ilya Muromets, a summary of which was given above, still attract attention. It remains to be hoped that behind the guise of an invincible war you will see a man who devoted his whole life and deeds to the glory of the Russian people.

The Russian land is rich natural resources, full of historical values ​​and full of wonders. Special place here the lives of great people who made history are occupied. But what more degree prescription of an event, the more likely it is to encounter discrepancies in historical facts. This also applies to such a person as Ilya Muromets. The biography of this person is still controversial and gives rise to speculation.

Russian bogatyrs

Great importance in history is given to people who defended native land. At all times of unrest, strife and wars, there were heroes, those who often at the cost of own life defended their homeland. Sometimes the course of the battle can depend on one person. Especially if these people led the troops, like Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, princes Igor and Svyatoslav.

More than others, the family of Rurikovich succeeded in this. From time immemorial they have defended the Russian land from pagan raids. And as the story goes, Russia was often invaded by foreigners.

They began to talk about heroes from the time of the reign of Prince Vladimir. In 988, the Grand Duke made the most important decision in history for the Russian lands. But even after the Baptism of Russia, its lands were subjected to numerous attacks from enemies.

However, this is precisely what contributed to the glorification of the defenders, among whom the Russian hero Ilya Muromets is also included. The biography of this hero is not fully disclosed. History also tells about impostors who wanted to take advantage of someone else's glory.

Ilya Muromets: biography through history

The birthplace of the defender of Russia is the village of Karacharovo, near Murom. There is no official data on the date of birth, but it was more than eight hundred years ago. It is known that his parents were peasants of advanced age.

chief key point, based on epics, is the acquisition of strength by the hero. The first mention of the defender is dedicated to the story of where Ilya Muromets came from. The biography tells about the miraculous healing of the future hero.

The miracle that gave Kievan Rus a defender

Up to 33 years old (in different sources there are discrepancies in age) Ilya Muromets did not control his arms and legs, being a cripple from birth. Once, when he was alone at home, passers-by elders came under the windows. They asked him for alms and a drink. Ilya invited them to the house, but said that he would give alms if he could walk. Then the elders ordered him to get up from the stove and go. Having obeyed them, the future hero got down from the stove and, to his great surprise, went, as if he had not been sick before.

And when the elders drank the water brought to them, they ordered him to drink the rest. Ilya drank water and felt such strength in himself, as if he could turn the whole earth over. After that, the elders told him to find a horse and go to serve the prince. And so began the service of the hero in the defense of the Fatherland.

About exploits

Ilya Muromets was a legendary person. The biography is summarized in epics and legends that praised him.

In the service of Prince Vladimir, Ilya Muromets gathered a mighty squad and was appointed by the prince in chief over the soldiers. By that time, the existence of many other famous heroes is also reckoned. And Ilya had someone to learn from. After all, his godfather was famous hero. Samson Samoilovich was also a member of princely squad, which included Ilya Muromets.

The biography, the summary of which says about the exploits of the hero, however, is transmitted short epics who walked among the people. And here one can only guess whose prototype was the enemies of Ilya Muromets.

It is known that the great defender kept the Russian lands from enemy raids, fought with other foreign heroes, as well as heroes of epics. All of them posed a threat to Russia, robbed or tried to seize power and land. In epics, these heroes are named: the Nightingale the Robber, the Pogany Idol, the dragon and others.

The memory of the venerable saint

The hero Ilya Muromets, whose biography speaks of numerous exploits, is most often identified with Saint Elijah of the Caves. The relics of the monk are still kept incorrupt in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. However, it follows from this that the hero lived 150-200 years later than Vladimir the Great, who is mentioned in epics. But this can be explained by the fact that Prince Vladimir was more famous than his successors, and therefore was mentioned in folk tales even after his death.

Scientists have established that Ilya Muromets was killed in battle by a blow to the heart. And his relics testify to numerous combat injuries. Perhaps exactly severe wounds in battle served as an occasion to take the veil as a monk.

Folk fiction and epics

Epics circulate in the homeland of the hero, identifying his image with the holy prophet Elijah. However, this cannot be considered true. The only thing that unites these people is the name. Although not accurate information about the years of life of Ilya Muromets, but all historical facts about him testify to the reign of Russian princes.

And this means that the history of the hero can be attributed to approximately 970-1200 years. While the prophet Elijah lived until the birth of Christ. It turns out that more than a thousand years of time pass between the lives of these people. In addition, it is believed that the prophet Elijah, the only one of the people, except for the Most Holy Theotokos, was ascended by God to heaven without dying, along with the body. And the relics of Ilya Muromets are kept to this day.

In the life of great people there is always a place for folk speculation and legends, especially if it is backed up by time. So the life of the Russian hero remained undisclosed, shrouded in a veil of secrecy. And epics and folk tales about him are also widespread far beyond the borders of Russian land. And everyone knows perfectly well who Ilya Muromets is. The biography of the hero has to write books and create films about a selfless defender.

Some researchers are still skeptical about the reality of Ilya Muromets - his biography seems too fabulous to scientists, - says Sergey Khvedchenya, doctor geographical sciences, researcher at the Institute of the History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv).

However, the materials collected by the researcher made it possible not only to completely restore the biography of the Holy Russian hero, but also to answer controversial questions about the life of Ilya Muromets, which baffled many researchers.

Elijah's healing

According to the epics, God sent Elijah to his parents in his old age. Until the age of 30-33, he, who was distinguished by a heroic physique, "sat on the stove," because "there was no walking at his feet," until he was healed by "passing stones", after the visit of which the hero immediately entered the military service. Studies of the remains of St. Elijah from the city of Murom, which were carried out in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra by scientists, fully confirmed the epic version of the life of Ilya Muromets.

Elijah's height was 177 cm - for that time he was a very tall man (the height of other saints from the Lavra was 160-165 cm). Well-developed tuberosities were found on the bones of the mummy - this means that a person had a well-developed muscular system. An x-ray examination revealed changes characteristic of acromegaly, a disease that disrupts the proportional growth of bones and internal organs), - such people have disproportionately large limbs, big head, "an oblique fathom in the shoulders." Studies have shown that the hero also had spondylarthrosis - a disease similar to sciatica and preventing movement. Good chiropractor can, by adjusting the vertebrae, quickly put a person on his feet. The cross-country Kaliki were, most likely, chiropractors who restored Ilya's mobility.

Fight with the Nightingale the Robber

The most famous feat of Ilya Muromets is the battle with the Nightingale the Robber, who seized the direct road to Kyiv and did not give anyone a pass - "neither on horseback nor on foot." Liberation epic hero way to Kyiv (1168) is confirmed by historical facts. During the arrival of Ilya in Kyiv, the throne was occupied by Prince Mstislav, who set the task of organizing the protection of trade caravans, which were mercilessly plundered by the Polovtsy. Most likely, the prince entrusted this to Ilya Muromets, who is in the prince's squad.

Nightingale, it seems, was a robber who hunted thefts on the road, and he was nicknamed Nightingale for his ability to whistle well. Ilya Muromets, having defeated the whistler, cleared the straight road, which was of great economic importance. If a straight road is five hundred miles, then a roundabout way is “a whole thousand”. Cleansing the straight path from robbers was equated by the people with a feat.

Elijah's departure to the monastery

If a feats of arms Elijah is widely reflected in epics, little is known about the monastic period of his life. Most likely, the wound forced him to leave for the monastery of the hero. holy relics Reverend Elijah testify to severe injuries - a fracture of the right clavicle and two right ribs after being hit with a battle club. Scientists have established that the hero-monk died in battle! At the end of the XII century. attacks on Kyiv became more frequent, and the monks had to defend their monastery. Holy Russian hero died from a wound in the region of the projection of the heart, penetrating into the chest cavity. Death, apparently, came instantly.