Fluctuations in the electromagnetism of the Sun have a huge impact on the human body. This and many other channels have learned to recognize when there is a significant solar flare or solar storm by how they feel.

Chapter 11

What to Expect During and After the Shift

We consider it appropriate to return to this topic, despite the fact that it is touched upon throughout this book. As previously reported, when the physical body is mutated and the ascension template is activated, the physical senses are also transformed to see what is happening in the other realms.

At the same time, as the vibration accelerates to the vibration of the ethereal realms, you actually get closer to the frequency of those realms and begin to feel them more directly.

You may have seen fantastic paintings by many of your artists. They use acrylic paints that vibrate and shine. This is what you should expect to see when you enter the etheric realms. You will begin to notice that everything has an aura. And if you look closely, you will see a flicker in the form of tiny vibrations. It's like everything is breathing.

Many people see sparks of light before their eyes, and this is not just blood moving through the capillaries of the retina. You can observe what you call "spheres" - tiny space-time tunnels that link the physical dimension to the astral and ethereal realms. They can even be photographed with high-speed cameras.

As you continue to ascend, you may begin to see movement in the corners of your eyes (peripheral vision). The things you look at will dissolve into energy patterns. You can observe sacred geometries swirling around ordinary objects such as mountains and trees. The aura of the people will become apparent and you will see the outline of this energy with your physical eyes.

Feelings will change significantly. Already, many people feel electricity running through their bodies in the form of waves or tingling. You will feel that you are swimming in a sea of ​​vibrating energy, and you are. You may feel like you are floating through life instead of walking.

Emotions will take on color and texture. You will notice how emotions affect your aura and the auras of others. You will immediately feel powerful emotions others as soon as they enter the room and see the room bathed in the light of their emotions.

The sense of time will also change. Hours can seem like minutes, and minutes can feel like hours. You will find that you always have enough time for the really important things, but not enough time for what needs to go. Suddenly you can feel that you are carried in the stream of life, and at the same time, that you have an infinite amount of time at your disposal to put your life in order. On occasion, when you fall out of higher awareness, you will feel that you do not have enough time to do everything that is needed.

People will come and go from your life. Closer to you will be those who understand what you are going through. Others will stop talking to you. They may think that you are diving into the pool. Deep meaningful relationships can develop, lasting only a few seconds or minutes. You can feel connected to every person on earth. You may even feel that each person is your friend or relative. There will be a feeling that "we are all in this together."

Familiar places will start to look like you've never seen them before. You will notice things you never noticed. As consciousness ascends, you will begin to appreciate the little things in life, such as blades of grass or dew on a web. You will experience Oneness with everything you see and feel. You will be able to communicate with a rock or a plant, not on spoken language but thanks to instant understanding.

Telepathic abilities will increase. You will find that you often communicate with souls telepathically, even if the lower selves of those souls are not aware of what you are doing. You realize that you did not say anything out loud, but said telepathically. With others who are sufficiently aware, there will arise unspoken knowledge and recognition that does not require words.

Psychic and intuitive abilities will continue to develop. You will know where you are needed and where you are not. You will learn to recognize when leadership comes from higher levels and when it does not. Although you will learn to feel home and safe wherever you go, you will be easily and effortlessly guided to the place that is right for you. You simply do not want to be where you are not needed or where it is not safe.

You will begin to hear sounds that were not once in the audible frequency band, including a variety of high and low tones. In time you will hear what some mystics call "the music of the spheres" - something like the sound of "OM".

There will be a feeling that everything is in perfect Divine Order, and this is so. Impatience, anxiety and excitement will disappear. You will know that everything happens at exactly the right time, and you will gain confidence that you will be in right place at the right time.

You will learn to appreciate every moment. And although you will gain confidence in the future, every moment will feel new, everything will be like the first time (and it is). You just let the future unfold without worry.

For some time, the negative human emotions of fear, anger and sadness and the positive emotions of happiness will still persist. However, they will control you less and less. You will feel like a huge being of light (which you really are) with a tiny human emotion of fear. Fear will be recognized, experienced and felt, but will still remain a small part of life. The same is true for anger and sadness. They will be felt, experienced and understood as they really are, no more, no less.

You will gain a sense of security. You will not care about the negativity of the world. Even if you watch violence or chaos, everything will be as if you are watching an interesting movie without emotional attachment to the result.

As the pace of Earth's changes accelerates, you will view the changes from the "eye of the storm" or the center of being as if watching a play with a climax approaching. Some characters will delight, others will disgust, but you will never be mistaken and will not take the play for reality. You will feel compassion for the characters in the play who have forgotten that they are actors and have begun to identify with their characters. You realize that you are still the characters and you are playing your part in the play, but you will no longer forget that you are an actor.

As the Earth continues to ascend, you will experience the planet as a powerful state of consciousness. You will feel her pain and joy. You will see weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions as simply expressions of her consciousness. You will feel a loss when you see a group of souls leaving their bodies, but at the same time you will feel that they just changed forms and did not really leave you.

You will continue to be led where you can serve the highest and in the best way. You will enjoy the journey. You will most likely have to travel a lot, or others will come to see you. Only a few will remain in the place where nothing happens. You will learn to get rid of attachments to material things. If a car is needed for the move, it will be provided by someone sent specifically for the purpose. Everything you need will come to you in the most fair way. There will be an equal exchange of energies, although at times it will not look like it. You will feel that the entire universe supports you in completing tasks. (Assignments are given by your soul.)

Most people will have love and compassion for all things and people, regardless of the ability to directly influence. Some will be touched by your service, others will hardly notice it. You will not care who or what will benefit from the expression of compassion. You will express it anyway. You will do what seems natural, serving in the highest and best way, without caring about how it looks or feels from the outside. You will recognize someone who has benefited from your actions, and, of course, will be grateful for it, but this is not the main thing. This is important only from the perspective of the ego. You know that you - good man and that goodness is your natural state, and that will suffice. You will freely radiate Love where it is needed.

You will become aware of cosmic cycles and become more sensitive to astrological influences, tides, the moon, stars, and so on. You will know when the Sun is emitting intense bursts of energy and you will be taught how to respond to them. You will see the effects of the intensifying bursts of energy on those around you, but you will stay in the "now" moment and refrain from fear of change, knowing that it is just unfolding and you have already been warned.

People will feel a soft presence in you, and will reach out to you for comfort and well-being. You will become their refuge and fortress only because you see the same God in them that you see in yourself. Naturally and spontaneously, you will become a channel for the Divine Presence, along with other guides with whom you have spiritual contracts. In daily activities, you will come from the Divine Presence, live with it all the time and use the ego only when it is absolutely necessary. The main function of the ego will be to talk to others in terms they can understand. You will not get involved in the actions or feelings of others, but only experience love and compassion for them.

Specific Prophecies

As for specific prophecies, other than those given in the sections of sociology, economics and politics, we will not give them because they are mainly a function of free will. We'll talk more about universal cycles and describe how we see you as people coping with change. We will talk about the most likely scenarios, but keep in mind: your free will will interfere with the absolute accuracy of predicting all the intricate details of a particular situation.

You are apprentice gods, and we cannot paint a picture for you, although we can teach you how to hold a brush, what to do with a canvas, and so on. We can show beautiful pictures painted by those who have traveled this path before you. We can suggest ideas for creating even more beautiful paintings in the future. But it is your hand that holds the brush. And it is your mind that decides what to draw.

Undoubtedly, we can look at what you have already drawn, and, based on this, almost accurately predict what you will draw in the future. Given the varieties of free will, we can predict what you will do next based on your current level of awareness. With relative accuracy, we can say: about 75% of the Earth's population will leave the planet and incarnate in another world, and 25% will "inherit" the Earth. And only a small group will move directly into the forms of the etheric crystalline light body.

We can say with certainty that the Earth will be trying to rebalance and this will be accompanied by many changes, some of which you are already seeing. Insofar as magnetic poles move, energy points and vortices will also move. The climate will undergo many changes, due in part to changes in the Sun as it moves into the galactic shift.

Although the burning of fossil fuels contributes to climate change, it is not the main cause. This only exacerbates the existing circumstances. However, there are many human-instigated events that will trigger corrective reactions on the Earth itself. For example, deforestation will be resisted by growth in places where it was previously impossible.

More and more souls will be awakening on Earth, and this will stimulate even more change. According to the law of cause and effect, the planet will always reflect the collective state of consciousness of the beings that inhabit it. Those who believe in punishment will feel at the mercy of Mother Earth, although, in fact, Mother Earth is simply balancing herself.

At this time, a lot of karma will come and go, and much faster than before. In the next few years, the souls will work off the karma accumulated in many lifetimes. Most people will be forced to face what has been repressed and denied. That's the way it should be. This is part of the Divine Plan. Everything will unfold as if by magic.

For those who understand what is happening, it will be an amazing sight. Those who fear and deny will feel as if the comfort and security of life has been knocked out from under their feet. It is also good. Each soul will receive what he or she truly desires. And this can be costly for those who refuse to see what is right under their noses.

Whether decisions are made consciously or ignorantly, they are decisions nonetheless. Only a few souls will consciously choose to leave the earth plane through disease, war, famine, pestilence, and so on. But those who leave in this way will manifest choices made on some level of their being.
Reunion of Spiritual Families

As you ascend, relationships will change. Most people come here as part of a spiritual group or spiritual family. You have a spiritual group, usually consisting of 12 individuals, half of whom are always on the earth plane at the same time. You also have a large group of 144 souls, approximately 72 souls are always on the earth plane at the same time. As you grow and develop, you will complete more and more karmic lessons and create fewer and fewer karmic relationships.

As you end karmic relationships, they will either develop into what the channel calls "co-creation" or disappear. As soon as they disappear, members of the spiritual family will begin to be attracted to you, and superficial relationships will be replaced by a deep spiritual community.

Those vibrating in 5th density will become ambassadors to 4th density communities of Light. You will find that you have a deep spiritual connection with almost everyone in your life.

Some will create extended families. They will be the forerunners of enlightened self-sufficient spiritual communities. While on the ascension path, you will live among 4th density spiritual family members not yet ready to move into 5th density, or with other 5th density souls in small healing or educational centers, including ashrams and orphanages.

It is very likely that you will create partnerships and cooperatives, both for the purchase of land and real estate, and the joint ownership of physical resources.

As the need for physical resources diminishes, you will focus on sharing shared energy and ideas. Perhaps you and your 5th density spiritual family members will teach 4th density people the ways of living an enlightened life.

Most people will come into contact with members of their spiritual families who are in higher realms. If you have spiritual family members who are in 5th density, then when you yourself reach 5th density, there will be a joyful reunion; you will be able to communicate with each other directly instead of a spirit guide/person relationship. Spirit family members above 5th density will still be primary spirit guides, but the bond will continue to grow stronger and stronger.

Some members of the spiritual family will visit you in spaceships if their vibration rates are compatible with the Earth.

As mentioned before, ETs will come and go from the enlightened communities of the Earth. You will enjoy the privilege of traveling to the stars with some alien guests, while most 4th density humans will not be able to maintain the vibration needed to board ships and visit distant stars.

Many of the 5th density humans will run mystery schools and temples of wisdom in different parts Earth. It is very likely that you will often have to travel between different centers of Light, sharing information and knowledge, as well as establishing communication between centers with each other.

When you no longer need to stay on Earth, you and your spiritual family members will make a choice: go on spaceships to other planets in other star systems, or stay and enjoy Earth a little more. Eventually you will ascend to 6th density and the vehicle, the Merkaba of light, will evolve to the point where you no longer need spaceships. Then you will finally return to 7th density "home" and the journey will be completed.

As you know, this is not the end of the story. Once you reach 7th density, you will begin to move on a very different spiral of evolution until you reach 12th density. But that is another story.

This book will be distributed to those who are willing to listen to the messages it contains. In the coming days, through this and other channels, much more information, that is, a complete picture of what is happening will be transmitted.

The true authors of the book of life are you, and the life you create is wonderful and inspiring. It gives us great pleasure to work with you. We thank you for your attention to our lessons, and we know that they will continue to influence you in the coming years.

We love you and your world very much, and we foresee the day when you will take your proper place among the Creator Gods of this universe. Beloved Creators, only a tiny fraction of your potential is now revealed, and the learning process goes on forever, even at our level of being. Once you have completed your exploration of this universe, you will go to a larger and more wonderful universe. You will never reach the end of Divine Creation, for it extends into Infinity.

In the meantime, you have a lot to achieve on Earth. You live in a very difficult and dangerous time but carry the consciousness of God within you, which will guide you safely through the storm. Let us serve as shelter, rock and fortress as you create and shape your future.

We hope that the description of the future will stimulate and help move forward to greater awareness.

Dear Creators, the future is in your hands.

We are the Founders. We are always with you in the Light of One.

Download Sal Rachel - Earth Change and 2012 (book 2)

Sal Rachel

Part 1

Required basic information

Chapter 1

The nature of the universe.

let me introduce myself

Hello, We are the Founders. Let's start with getting to know each other. We are what you call the Creator Gods. Only a small part of our energy comes through this channel. We find it difficult to project into your world more than a tiny part of ourselves. Therefore, we prefer to do this in a way known as telepathic transmission. It is through this method that about Most of our energy is "uploaded" into the higher minds of the various channels.

It is difficult for you to understand the feeling of our real time. However, we are appearing at a frequency very close to real time because we have important messages for humanity. In this format, we come here only at the end or at the beginning of each great cycle on Earth. You could say: we visit our experiments every time to see how things are going.

This universe is an experiment

Now, you can react to the last sentence and say: "I am an independent entity, created in the image and likeness of my God. I am not an experiment."

We understand your reaction. But, nevertheless, this particular local universe that we are watching along with other groups of Creator Gods is more of an experiment than anything else. Let's just say Divinity is the leader of the experiment. Everything else is like a university setting up a commission of observers to oversee the scientific and research work being done by the chemist in the laboratory. The university funds the scientist. But he is rarely alone with his work; figuratively speaking, and perhaps literally, there is always someone behind his shoulder.

Therefore, in this sense, when Divinity empowered us to create human form, we tried very hard, although to some extent we acted by trial and error. It was a very ambitious project. We well understood how the universe expands and spreads, and how it reproduces itself through form and pattern. We fully understood Universal Laws and Universal Principles. However, we knew that we would face the problem of creating an atomic structure that in one organism would combine the universe of free will and the universe of predestination. We sought to create a life form, or rather a creative structure, capable of inhabiting sensory mechanisms (bodies a) so as to have virtual access to all 12 levels of Creation.

What do we mean? Let me explain.

Density definitions and measurements

Throughout the book we will be dealing with densities and dimensions. If we are talking about certain vibrational states, we will use the word "density", when we are talking primarily about the realm of existence, we will use the term "dimension". In previous works, the author has explained in detail the characteristics of each density and dimension. And although the following summary easy to understand, if we fail to make these concepts easier to understand, we recommend reading A life on the advanced.

In all our messages we will talk about "higher" and "lower" densities and dimensions. The words "higher" and "lower" refer only to certain frequencies, not to personality traits or self-esteem. "Higher" is not necessarily better than "lower", it's just much broader and more comprehensive.

To help understand our perception of Creation, we will use a variety of approaches and teaching methods because the Earth has many connected layers of vibrational levels or densities.

There is what is known as the 1st density of the Earth. Roughly speaking, this is your realm of minerals - rocks, rocks and geological layers that you find in earth's crust.

You have what is called 2nd density Earth. It includes plant life, life subject to certain laws and principles of reproduction.

There is a 3rd density of Earth, which includes animal forms and what might be called lower human qualities, including the parts of the human being mainly concerned with procreation, sexual instincts, hunting instincts, and the like.

You have 4th density Earth, which includes the world of higher human and refined intelligence - painting, music, conscious awareness, imagination, creativity, what you call "metaphysics" and so on.

And finally, there is the 5th density of the Earth, which includes the form etheric body the light of man, which in most cases is still in potential. In chapter 6 we will look in detail at the characteristics of 5th density form.

We will now refrain from describing densities 6 through 12, as this is only an introduction to the material of the following chapters.

How Higher Density Beings Explore the Earth

Let me clarify some things regarding the problems and difficulties that we and other higher density beings face when attempting to communicate with the peoples of Earth.

Most of transmitted to people information is sent to the higher mind in the form of energy packets, which are then dispersed and uploaded to the conscious mind.

Why is the information provided the way it is? Because there is a phenomenon known as "dropping." We are descending from our normal 12th dimensional vibration.

In electricity, you have step-down transformers. They are supplied with voltage from high-voltage power lines, usually 220 kilovolts. Transformers step down the voltage to 220 volts (in this country) and 110 volts (in some North American countries). Therefore, when the electricity comes into the outlet, it is a thousand times less than in high-voltage power lines that receive electricity from the power plant.

Similarly, our energy is transferred to your electrical distribution system. And in order for our words to come through this voice and in a form that you can comprehend, our energy has to go through different levels frequency reduction. Only in this way can you put into practice the information received.

Information comes energetically, and it about Most of it is conveyed in a non-verbal context. Words are meant to satisfy your logical minds. In order for proper connections to arise in your minds between the energy you receive and daily lives in what you call the 3D world, we have to speak English language.Information is distributed in book format. Therefore, it is very difficult to explain the terms used, since we do not have a real-time dialogue between you and the channel.

One of the biggest difficulties in conveying channeled messages is semantics, linguistics, or terminology, for not every soul on Earth or anywhere else that uses language understands words in the same way.

For example, your word “knowledge” may have a different meaning for someone who comes from a different country or culture. It is for this reason that we are going to choose words carefully, as well as repeat, paraphrase, and clarify some of the ideas presented. Therefore, we will not give what you call the "core" message. We hope that most readers have some understanding of science, philosophy, and psychology, and that you are consciously on the spiritual path.

Role of the Founders

Our role is to come to the planets at the end of their cosmic cycles or major cyclical events and assist in what has been called "harvest" or "ascension". Our minds are able to help ascending souls who wish to go through the ascension process.

This is a rather difficult journey for us due to incompatibility with your vibration in general. This means that there are very few souls who have reached 5th density consciousness, but we belong to 12th density.

The events that will take place over the next 30 years will have a huge impact on all life forms that live on Earth. In our messages, we will go into the details of many of the changes and explain the latest from several perspectives so that you can better understand what is happening. We'll start by looking at the Creator's perspective.

As such, this introductory chapter on Earth changes and things to come will answer the question, “Why?” Let's start with the story of Creation.

Nature of Creation

The Infinite Creator created ALL THAT IS: all universes, galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planets, life forms, planes, sub-planes, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, energy and of course spirit. Everything is from God. Everything IS God. God exists in time and outside of time. It exists in all circuits of time, timelines and dimensions. God exists in the void, although in this case the concept of existence is irrelevant.

Your language is not adequate to describe many aspects of God, but we will try to highlight the aspects regarding Earth changes.

To clarify many of the points presented in this book, we will briefly touch on some of the concepts that are least understood by mankind.

The idea that God is male or female is a distortion based on a limited understanding human mind(and the minds of similar races on other worlds). However, it sometimes helps to think of God as having a personality and a humanoid mind, since you are all made in the image and likeness of the Creator. Because God is All, he is both male and female, both and neither. Given the limitations of your language, and for the sake of simplicity, we will refer to God as "He" in this book. This in no way diminishes the importance of the feminine aspect of God.

Each person is created in the image and likeness of the Creator, with all creative characteristics Father/Mother God. In the beginning (because your souls are concerned about it), God created not only Heaven and Earth, but also individual souls as extensions of Himself, in order to more deeply explore and experience His Creation.

Individual souls appeared in the waves of Creation. Some souls have entered an individualized state close to their place of creation, which this channel calls 12th density. Others have appeared at a lower frequency known as 7th density. Most readers of this material appeared during the 7th wave of Creation.

The first individual souls emerged from Divinity billions of Earth years ago as 12th density beings. They then chose to lower their vibrations in order to explore the outer worlds of Creation. At the beginning of this universe, there were only a few dimensions in it. The outer worlds were vibrating in what today you would call 7th density and above. Therefore, "old souls" often began soul journeys at level 7 and gradually worked their way back to level 12. As they ascended, they matured. By the time the souls returned to level 12, they were fully capable adults. They went through all the stages of growth (childhood, adolescence and adolescence) and finally became adult (mature) souls, they became the Creator Gods, of which we are a part.

Additional waves of Creation that followed the birth of ancient souls produced souls and soul clusters that separated from Divinity over billions of years ago.

Countless changes followed. While there were definite patterns of souls appearing and mathematically accurate explanations for most of what happened in the early days of Creation, there were always exceptions to the rule. Some souls appeared as single sparks of light, others combined in pairs or in three-, four-, six- and twelve-pointed clusters. Still others arose in the form of large clusters, and then disintegrated into smaller clusters, descending into the manifested Creation.

evolution process

Dear Creators, we believe that this basic information is vital to understanding your evolution as a soul and understanding what is happening on planet Earth. So forgive us for going deeper into these concepts. To clarify our ideas, we will repeat some of them using slightly different language.

Many of you have asked, “Since we came into existence as individual souls, will we return to the Source in the future?” We will offer an intermediate version of the answer.

Infinite Divinity created us all. This omnipresent Being is known as the Radiant One, the Source of All That Is, the Great Central Sun, or by whatever name you wish to give it. This nameless, formless being (with countless names and forms) desired to explore Its Creation through the individual facets of Itself. In the form of billions of tiny needles (like sea ​​urchin) with small tentacles at the ends, God managed to get out, get in touch with His Creation and tell the Center what was discovered. (In order to use your language, we have to simplify the concept enormously.)

When aspects of God expanded Themselves outward into Creation, He decided that each aspect must be unique and explore Creation in its own unique way. Then infinite universe investigated to the maximum extent possible. So some aspects have gone all the way to what you call 3rd density, while others have gone only to 7th density or somewhere in between. Still others have gone into 5th density, and so on.

Then, they all returned to the Center to tell about everything they had experienced. But they didn't just merge with the Center and disappear. On the contrary, the process can be likened to the children you give birth to on Earth. As they get older, they don't try to go back to their mother's womb and merge with your physical form. They become like you, create like you, and in many cases surpass your level of creativity. This is the process of evolution of the soul. It is very similar to the birth and upbringing of a child.

This local universe was created by the Creator Gods

As Creator Gods, we emerged from Divinity, moved into 7th density, and then told Her about our experiences as we evolved into 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th density.

When we reached 12th density, we were like kids growing up and graduating from college. We have learned enough about what it is to be children of our Creator. From now on, we could go out and create like our parents. In this case, we have learned to create entire universes.

Do you know how limitless Creation is to explore? In the primary Creator Universe, the local universe you live in is actually created by one of the Creator Gods. Did you know it? We repeat: the universe in which you live was created by one of the Creator Gods. But all universes are contained in the eternal Universe of our Father/Mother God. Some call it the Omniverse or the Multiverse. Everything you explore in your universe is created by God, our Father/Mother God, our creative Source. But there are also aspects of your universe created by the Creator Gods, sons and daughters of God who have reached the level that they are able to create like their parents. (Above 7th density the concept of gender becomes irrelevant, but we use your limited language, so bear with us.)

Essentially, it doesn't matter if your planet Earth was created directly by Father/Mother God himself or by God the Creator. From the point of view of the essence, it does not matter. We mention this only to help clarify the concept of who we really are as Creator Gods.

The part of Creation created by God with the help of God the Creator resides in what you call levels 1 through 6. These are the levels of the outer Creation. As souls, you are free to explore any of the six levels as you are endowed with the gift of free will.

multiple universes

Let me repeat the above idea in a slightly different way. The Creator of this universe is actually God the Creator who created and expanded versions of himself in the form of you. But there is an Omniverse or Multiverse (whatever name you use) in which the parent of this Creator God resides.

If the definition of God is "all that is", then, by definition, it must include all universes contained in the Omniverse and all creations of the Creator Gods, including your.

Suffice it to say, if there are ten billion souls that have evolved to 12th density, then theoretically there could be ten billion different universes, each containing souls that are extensions of each Creator God. And they could be what you would call sub-universes, which would be additional creations of each of the soul extensions that evolved to 12th density. In fact, there is no limit to what can be created as long as it is consistent with universal principles a specific universe in which creation takes place, as well as with the universal principles of the Omniverse or Multiverse.

And again, we remind you: this is a topic that is very difficult to convey in your imperfect language. Therefore, we prefer to stop and move on to the next topic.

Time and timelessness

You have been taught that God is beyond time and space, and that there is an unchanging and eternal aspect of God. The unchanging aspects of Divinity do exist, but they are not available to your level of perception, as you perceive movement as an idea leading to time and space. In fact, the true nature of time and space is quite different from what you are able to perceive. Time in your world is defined as a measure of relative motion. The perception of timelessness is possible only when there is no movement.

In what you call the highest realms of Creation, creative process proceeds quite differently than in what you call linear time. For all practical purposes, it takes place in timelessness. So what you would call the unchanging aspects of Divinity certainly exists. But because Creation is a process of expansion and expansion, and because it is continually transforming itself into new configurations of matter and energy (whether 3rd density matter or 12th density primal substance), there is an aspect of God that is constantly changing. And in this ever-changing spectrum, there are principles that govern change, but do not change themselves.

For example, look at a fractal. A fractal is a pattern found in nature, but it can also be created artificially, using what in mathematics you call recursive functions. In infinity, such a pattern continually changes, grows, shrinks, expands, divides, and combines. But the function that creates the fractal does not change. All aspects of the fractal contain the function of encoding the fractal, just as every cell in your body contains the template of your DNA. Therefore, the function is similar to one characteristic of God, one Divine Principle that does not change in this universe (a certain fractal).

Since God is everything, then linear time is also part of God. There are aspects of God that do not change and aspects of God that change. There are fractal-like aspects of God that are present everywhere in Creation. The fractal is God, and the function that creates the fractal is also God. The function that creates the fractal does not change, while the fractal itself is constantly changing.

You, we and all souls in Creation are aspects of our One Creator, therefore there is an unchanging aspect of "I" in us and in you. However, there are many aspects of "I" that are constantly growing, developing, expanding, expanding and expanding awareness, because the radiating aspects of God continuously radiate further and further into the unmanifest empty aspect of the Self.

And again, it seems that your words are confusing you. We don't currently have translations that absolutely describe what we're trying to convey.

The unmanifested void, which can be likened to the 13th dimension, is the aspect of God who has not yet known Himself, if you want to use that expression. This is not the same as the unchanging aspect.

The unchanging aspect is the radiations emanating from the central suns of different universes. The creation of energy and mind gradually finds ways out into more and more dense aspects of the unmanifested emptiness. You can think of it like a plant growing in a liquid medium. The roots and stems of the plant continuously create branches and expand until they fill the environment in which they grow. The environment in which the organism grows is the unmanifested emptiness. The pattern in the seed of a plant is part of an unchanging aspect of the organism and of life itself.

We hope this example of time and timelessness helps to clarify the concept a bit. Essentially, you are living in both linear and non-linear reality at the same time. We'll talk more about this soon.

All of you are potential Creator Gods

All souls develop, but due to the presence of free will, some souls develop faster and more joyfully than others. As a result of evolution, your children are much closer to becoming Creator Gods than most of you. Those who come to Earth during the transition period are often more evolved souls willing to take part in the grand adventure known as the galactic shift. In the second part of this book, we will talk more about precessional alignment and galactic shift.

As you raise your vibration and expand your awareness to include the greater potential of the Self, you will eventually realize that you are 12th density beings, the Creator Gods. As you expand your awareness of who you really are to include more high aspects"I", you are able to act as suitable guides for other souls who wish to incarnate on Earth to explore the physical dimensions of life and participate in the evolution of their species.

Most parents have children who have come from higher density worlds to bring the knowledge of these experiences to the earth plane. This is part of the current Divine Permission. In Chapter 2, we will discuss the various Permissions that have been in effect on Earth up to the present.

Some of the children incarnating now have been on Earth before. Others have never been to Earth in your linear time loop. Some have gone through a physical ascension in another world before coming to Earth.

The enlightened children are here to help accelerate your understanding and awareness in the ascension process. They are here to help you in your daily lives by reflecting aspects of your consciousness so that you can learn faster.

We will discuss enlightened children in the next chapter and the ascension process in chapter 6.

What Happens When Higher Density Entities Lower Their Vibration

You could say, “The Founders are in 12th density. They must be capable of doing everything.” Yes, the truth is that we can indeed do most of what you can imagine.

However, in order to do this, we must maintain the 12th density vibration. The law “like attracts like” or the law of attraction says: “You become what you focus on”. The level at which you place your dominant energy is the level at which you vibrate. That is, if you focus on 12th density, over time you will vibrate exactly at 12th density. But if you decide to come down and help awaken 3rd density people, you will need to focus on 3rd density enough to be able to communicate in this realm. To do this, you will have to lower your vibration well below 12th density. But once you lower your vibration, you are no longer able to do everything you can imagine. Understandably?

As we said before the main objective of this communication is to assist in ascension to higher densities. What most people see ahead of them as the next stage in their evolution is the ability to gradually move through 4th density into 5th. By "gradually" what we really mean is "very quickly" because a few years or even a few decades is not much time in the grand scheme of the cosmos.

In our subtle 12th density we can blink our eyes and a million years pass on your planet (we don't really have eyes because we are formless). This compression of time partly explains the idea that the Creator created the world in seven days. To 12th density consciousness, millions of years can seem like just a few days. Such is the nature of time in the higher realms.

In the higher realms, we can manipulate time at will. We are able to speed up, slow down, stretch or compress time and use it for our own purposes. We can do it just like your tape recorder works. That is, we can fast forward a tape, rewind it, fast forward, fast forward, or even take one cassette out of the tape recorder and insert another. A cassette recorder can be likened to our consciousness, and cassettes can be likened to our perception. We are able to change our consciousness and perception, as well as change time.

We will periodically describe the nature of time and timelessness using analogies that you can understand. So sorry for the new terminology.

There are different carriers to study different densities

Your physical form, what you call a body or vehicle with eyes skimming this page, is designed specifically for 3rd and 4th density. For 3rd density, a physical form with only a rudimentary animal mind is sufficient. In 4th density, a higher mind is superimposed on the rudimentary mind, what you call intelligent awareness; therefore this form is suitable for 4th density. In 4th density, a person begins to realize himself as a soul and learns to create using his mental abilities. This is what you call the metaphysical state, the interaction of mind and body.

The vehicle for 5th density exploration is an ethereal crystalline lightbody, a body that uses silicon as its base element rather than carbon. During the ascension process, the carbon body you now inhabit is being chemically transformed into a silicon body of light. We engineered DNA so that the transition from carbon-based bodily form to the silicon-based body of light is accomplished gradually. 5th density form does not age or die

6th density has a body similar to the 5th density body, except that it glows much more than the 5th density body. It exists in the form of pure light, not a crystal (silicon).

The 7th density body (the level of density corresponding to the vibration of your primary soul before falling into 3rd density) is a vibration of pure light that "dresses" the template of the human form. Therefore, it looks like a humanoid, only very transparent. If you had clairvoyance, you could already visualize 7th density beings.

The 8th density form often looks like a collective soul cluster. This is a single being, consisting of many sub-beings. The 8th density "I" is often referred to as the "oversoul". The nature of the oversoul will be dealt with later.

The 9th density form is the larger soul cluster. The process of aggregation continues further up to 12th density associated with Divinity. We are a 12th density form. In Chapter 5 we will explore in more depth the nature and evolution of the soul through the spectrum of densities.

Since the words we use to convey these ideas are inherently inadequate, our description of reality will be inaccurate. There are no words in your language to describe our reality.

Omniverse (infinity) is the totality of all possible multiverses, an infinite, all-encompassing universe. It contains a multiverse (a tree of possible states) and other forms of organization of the worlds (for example, without time).

The multiverse is the multiverse, the universe plus all of its Parallel Worlds or probabilistic options.

The Founders are a group of beings from what I call the 12th dimension. The twelfth dimension is a vast realm of Creation that exists far beyond what ordinary people can comprehend. To this channel, the Founders appear as giant bluish-white balls, several balls gradually descend into the Earth's atmosphere to transmit information and enlighten humanity. More detailed description who the Founders are, we left them to themselves. As you read the following chapters, little by little you will begin to understand their origin and consciousness. The most a big problem in providing information, the communication of their sphere with our sphere so that the information is complete and useful for the evolution of mankind.
In order for the Founders to communicate with us at all, they have to lower some of their vibration from what is called 12th density to 7th density before even trying to upload information into my higher mind. Let me explain.
To download an idea into the superconscious mind of a human being, the Founders use what is commonly called "telepathic transmission". They say that in order to communicate in this way, they lower the vibration of a tiny part of themselves. The information flows into the higher mind and is then deciphered and translated into the languages ​​of the Earth to be understood by the conscious minds of humans.
The founders often remind the reader that this is not easy process. The ideas and concepts presented are difficult to explain using limited vocabulary languages ​​of the earth. However, most of the material can be assimilated at the energy level, even if it is difficult to understand it with the mind. As you read these letters, pay attention to energy level your body and notice what impressions you get “between the lines”.
In keeping with the often used tradition of repeating information over and over again, each time a little differently, let me rephrase what we have said so far.
It is not easy to present logically coherent information transmitted by a consciousness developed far beyond human understanding. While the messages below may appear to represent a real-time dialogue between two or more entities, most of the information transmitted by the Founders was "uploaded" as a "package" into the channel's superconscious mind. It was then translated into the conscious mind for distribution as written language. They chose me as one of the channels because I have the ability to mix science and spirituality, as well as the ability to verbalize and express.
Now many Gods-Creators speak through people. It's just one group and one channel. We encourage you to seek additional material, delivered to Earth by other groups of Creator Gods and other channels. In most cases, it will be very close to this information.
Keep in mind: communication between people and the Founders is energetic. As you read these words, a small part of their energy will envelop you. Allow some of the energy that resonates with your soul to come and help you awaken.

Topics we will discuss in this book

We will begin the journey by having the Founders initiate us into the nature of the universe, then we will look at the true history of the Earth and what is commonly referred to as the alien presence on and around Earth. The focus will then shift to the evolution of the soul and what is often referred to as "ascension."
The founders will explain what a Merkaba wearer is and how it works. They will cover the topics of the soul, soul families, soul groups, kindred spirits, twin souls and the like. An attempt will be made to clarify the division of the soul and how fragmentation occurs. They will discuss which types of fragmentation are useful and which are not, and then discuss how to achieve soul unification. Also, the material will help to understand the concept of timelessness.
Next, we will be led to discover the true nature of DNA, including the DNA light keys and DNA codes that are precursors to the formation of the DNA molecule. We will be looking at aspects of DNA not understood by earth scientists. The purpose of the so-called "junk DNA" will be explained. In fact, there is no garbage in God's Creation because all of nature is part of an intelligent design. All creations are aspects of Divinity. Therefore, everything that God created has a purpose.
There is no part of the physical body that does not have a purpose. And by removing organs from the physical body, we reduce its usefulness to some extent. All parts of the body perform their function. Some of them, such as the appendix, have minimal functions, but nevertheless, each part of the body has its place in the grand scheme.
Likewise, every part of DNA has a function, and one aspect of the so-called "junk" DNA is to write extraterrestrial life souls. This brings us back to the topic of aliens. Two chapters are dedicated to her. In Chapter 3 the Founders will provide an overview of the ET presence on Earth, in the second part of the book they will detail the roles assigned to our ET helpers as we move through the dimensions of Earth.
In the second part of the book, the Founders intend to explore the nature of the changes, including the 2012 precessional alignment and the galactic shift - what it is, how it works, and why it is happening. great importance. A brief overview of the science of axis precession will be offered. Adhering to the scientific explanation of the changes taking place on the Earth and in the solar system, the Founders will describe in detail the different aspects of the changes, considered from the point of view of many areas of study related to this topic. Partially, biology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics and politics will be included.
And finally, we will take a little look at what life on Earth will be like after the changes.
It gives me great pleasure to be the host as the Founders take you on such an amazing journey. I invite you to join and enjoy the journey!

Sal Rachel

The nature of the universe.

let me introduce myself

Hello, We are the Founders. Let's start with getting to know each other. We are what you call the Creator Gods. Only a small part of our energy comes through this channel. We find it difficult to project into your world more than a tiny part of ourselves. Therefore, we prefer to do this in a way known as telepathic transmission. It is through this method that most of our energy is “uploaded” into the higher minds of the various channels.
It is difficult for you to understand the feeling of our real time. However, we are appearing at a frequency very close to real time because we have important messages for humanity. In this format, we come here only at the end or at the beginning of each great cycle on Earth. You could say: we visit our experiments every time to see how things are going.

This universe is an experiment

Now, you can respond to the last sentence and say, “I am an independent entity, made in the image and likeness of my God. I am not an experiment."
We understand your reaction. But, nevertheless, this particular local universe that we are watching along with other groups of Creator Gods is more of an experiment than anything else. Let's just say Divinity is the leader of the experiment. Everything else is like a university setting up a commission of observers to oversee the scientific and research work being done by the chemist in the laboratory. The university funds the scientist. But he is rarely alone with his work; figuratively speaking, and perhaps literally, there is always someone behind his shoulder.
So in that sense, when Divinity empowered us to create the human form, we tried very hard, although to some extent it was trial and error. It was very ambitious project. We well understood how the universe expands and spreads, and how it reproduces itself through form and pattern. We fully understood Universal Laws and Universal Principles. However, we knew that we would face the problem of creating an atomic structure that in one organism would combine the universe of free will and the universe of predestination. We sought to create a life form, or rather a creative structure, capable of inhabiting sensory mechanisms (bodies) in such a way as to have virtual access to all 12 levels of Creation.
What do we mean? Let me explain.

Density definitions and measurements

Throughout the book we will be dealing with densities and dimensions. If we are talking about certain vibrational states, we will use the word "density", when we are talking primarily about the realm of existence, we will use the term "dimension". In previous works, the author has explained in detail the characteristics of each density and dimension. While the following summary is easy to understand, if we fail to make these concepts easier to understand, we recommend reading Life on the Frontline.
In all our messages we will talk about "higher" and "lower" densities and dimensions. The words "higher" and "lower" refer only to certain frequencies, not to the quality of personality or self-esteem. "Higher" is not necessarily better than "lower", it's just much broader and more comprehensive.
To help understand our perception of Creation, we will use a variety of approaches and teaching methods because the Earth has many connected layers of vibrational levels or densities.
There is what is known as the 1st density of the Earth. Roughly speaking, this is your realm of minerals - the rocks, rocks and geological layers that you find in the earth's crust.
You have what is called 2nd density Earth. It includes plant life, life subject to certain laws and principles of reproduction.
There is 3rd density Earth, which includes animal forms and what might be called lower human qualities, including the parts of the human being that are primarily concerned with procreation, sexual instincts, hunting instincts, and the like.
You have the 4th density of the Earth, which includes the world more tall man and refined intelligence - painting, music, conscious awareness, imagination, creativity, what you call "metaphysics" and so on.
And finally, there is the 5th density of the Earth, which includes the form of the human etheric lightbody, which in most cases is still in potential. In chapter 6 we will look in detail at the characteristics of 5th density form.
We will now refrain from describing densities 6 through 12, as this is only an introduction to the material of the following chapters.

How Higher Density Beings Explore the Earth

Let me clarify some things regarding the problems and difficulties that we and other higher density beings face when attempting to communicate with the peoples of Earth.
Most of the information transmitted to people is sent to the higher mind in the form of energy packets, then they are dissipated and uploaded to the conscious mind.
Why is the information provided the way it is? Because there is a phenomenon known as “downsizing”. We are descending from our normal 12th dimensional vibration.
In electricity, you have step-down transformers. They are supplied with voltage from high-voltage power lines, usually 220 kilovolts. Transformers step down the voltage to 220 volts (in this country) and 110 volts (in some North American countries). Therefore, when the electricity comes into the outlet, it is a thousand times less than in high-voltage power lines that receive electricity from the power plant.
Similarly, our energy is transferred to your electrical distribution system. And in order for our words to come through this voice and in a form that you can comprehend, our energy has to go through different levels of frequency reduction. Only in this way can you put into practice the information received.
Information comes energetically, and most of it is transmitted in a non-verbal context. Words are meant to satisfy your logical minds. In order for the proper connections to arise in your minds between the energy you receive and daily lives in what you call the 3D world, we have to speak English. Information is distributed in book format. Therefore, it is very difficult to explain the terms used, since we do not have a real-time dialogue between you and the channel.
One of the most great difficulties when transmitting channeled messages - semantics, linguistics or terminology, for not every soul on Earth or anywhere else where language is used understands words in the same way.
For example, your word “knowledge” may have a different meaning for someone who comes from a different country or culture. It is for this reason that we are going to choose our words carefully, as well as to repeat, paraphrase and clarify some of the ideas presented. Therefore, we will not give what you call the "basic" message. We hope that most readers have some understanding of science, philosophy, and psychology, and that you are consciously on the spiritual path.
Role of the Founders

Our role is to come to the planets at the end of their cosmic cycles or major cyclic events and assist in what has been called "harvest" or "ascension". Our minds are able to help ascending souls who wish to go through the ascension process.
This is a rather difficult journey for us due to incompatibility with your vibration in general. This means that there are very few souls who have reached 5th density consciousness, but we belong to 12th density.
The events that will take place over the next 30 years will have a huge impact on all life forms that live on Earth. In our messages, we will go into the details of many of the changes and explain the latest from several perspectives so that you can better understand what is happening. We'll start by looking at the Creator's perspective.
As such, this introductory chapter on Earth changes and things to come will answer the question, “Why?” Let's start with the story of Creation.

Nature of Creation

The Infinite Creator created ALL THAT IS: all universes, galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planets, life forms, planes, sub-planes, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, energy and of course spirit. Everything is from God. Everything IS God. God exists in time and outside of time. It exists in all circuits of time, timelines and dimensions. God exists in the void, although in this case the concept of existence is irrelevant.
Your language is not adequate to describe many aspects of God, but we will try to highlight the aspects regarding Earth changes.
To clarify many of the points presented in this book, we will briefly touch on some of the concepts that are least understood by mankind.
The idea that God is male or female is a distortion based on a limited understanding of the human mind (and the minds of similar races on other worlds). However, it sometimes helps to think of God as having a personality and a humanoid mind, since you are all made in the image and likeness of the Creator. Because God is All, he is both male and female, both and neither. Given the limitations of your language, and for the sake of simplicity, we will refer to God as “He” in this book. This in no way diminishes the importance of the feminine aspect of God.
Each person is created in the image and likeness of the Creator, with all the creative characteristics of the Father/Mother God. In the beginning (because your souls are concerned about it), God created not only Heaven and Earth, but also individual souls as extensions of Himself, in order to more deeply explore and experience His Creation.
Individual souls appeared in the waves of Creation. Some souls have entered an individualized state close to their place of creation, which this channel calls 12th density. Others have appeared at a lower frequency known as 7th density. Most readers of this material appeared during the 7th wave of Creation.
The first individual souls emerged from Divinity billions of Earth years ago as 12th density beings. They then chose to lower their vibrations in order to explore the outer worlds of Creation. At the beginning of this universe, there were only a few dimensions in it. The outer worlds were vibrating in what today you would call 7th density and above. Therefore, "old souls" often began soul journeys at 7th level and gradually worked their way back to 12th level. As they ascended, they grew up. By the time the souls returned to the 12th level, they were fully capable adults. They went through all the stages of growth (childhood, adolescence and adolescence) and finally became adult (mature) souls. They became the Creator Gods of which we are a part.
Additional waves of Creation that followed the birth of ancient souls produced souls and soul clusters that separated from Divinity over billions of years ago.
Countless changes followed. While there were definite patterns of souls appearing and mathematically accurate explanations for most of what happened in the early days of Creation, there were always exceptions to the rule. Some souls appeared as single sparks of light, others combined in pairs or in three-, four-, six- and twelve-pointed clusters. Still others arose in the form of large clusters, and then disintegrated into smaller clusters, descending into the manifested Creation.

evolution process

Dear Creators, we believe that this basic information is vital to understanding your evolution as a soul and understanding what is happening on planet Earth. So forgive us for going deeper into these concepts. To clarify our ideas, we will repeat some of them using slightly different language.
Many of you have asked, “Since we have come into existence as individual souls, will we return to the Source in the future?” We will offer an intermediate version of the answer.
Infinite Divinity created us all. This omnipresent Being is known as the Luminous One, the Source of All That Is, the Great Central Sun, or by whatever name you wish to give it. This nameless, formless being (with countless names and forms) desired to explore Its Creation through the individual facets of Itself. In the form of billions of tiny needles (like a sea urchin) with small tentacles at the ends, God managed to get out, get in touch with His Creation and tell the Center what was discovered. (In order to use your language, we have to simplify the concept enormously.)
When aspects of God expanded Themselves outward into Creation, He decided that each aspect must be unique and explore Creation in its own unique way. Then the infinite universe would be explored to the maximum extent possible. So some aspects have gone all the way to what you call 3rd density, while others have gone only to 7th density or somewhere in between. Still others have gone into 5th density, and so on.
Then, they all returned to the Center to tell about everything they had experienced. But they didn't just merge with the Center and disappear. On the contrary, the process can be likened to the children you give birth to on Earth. As they get older, they don't try to go back to their mother's womb and merge with your physical form. They become like you, create like you, and in many cases surpass your level of creativity. This is the process of evolution of the soul. It is very similar to the birth and upbringing of a child.

This local universe was created by the Creator Gods

As Creator Gods, we emerged from Divinity, moved into 7th density, and then told Her about our experiences as we evolved into 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th density.
When we reached 12th density, we were like kids growing up and graduating from college. We have learned enough about what it is to be children of our Creator. From now on, we could go out and create like our parents. In this case, we have learned to create entire universes.
Do you know how limitless Creation is to explore? In the primary Creator Universe, the local universe you live in is actually created by one of the Creator Gods. Did you know it? We repeat: the universe in which you live was created by one of the Creator Gods. But all universes are contained in eternal universe our Father/Mother God. Some call it the Omniverse or the Multiverse. Everything you explore in your universe was created by God, our Father/Mother God, our creative source. But there are also aspects of your universe created by the Creator Gods, sons and daughters of God who have reached the level that they are able to create like their parents. (Above 7th density the concept of gender becomes irrelevant, but we use your limited language, so bear with us.)
Essentially, it doesn't matter if your planet Earth was created directly by Father/Mother God himself or by God the Creator. From the point of view of the essence, it does not matter. We mention this only to help clarify the concept of who we really are as Creator Gods.
The part of Creation created by God with the help of God the Creator resides in what you call levels 1 through 6. These are the levels of the outer Creation. As souls, you are free to explore any of the six levels as you are endowed with the gift of free will.
multiple universes

Let me repeat the above idea in a slightly different way. The Creator of this universe is actually God the Creator who created and expanded versions of himself in the form of you. But there is an Omniverse or Multiverse (whatever name you use) in which the parent of this Creator God resides.
If the definition of God is “all that is”, then by definition it must include all universes contained in the Omniverse and all creations of the Creator Gods, including yours.
Suffice it to say, if there are ten billion souls that have evolved to 12th density, then theoretically there could be ten billion different universes, each containing souls that are extensions of each Creator God. And they could be what you would call sub-universes, which would be additional creations of each of the soul extensions that evolved to 12th density. In fact, there is no limit to what can be created, as long as it is consistent with the universal principles of the specific universe in which creation takes place, as well as with the universal principles of the Omniverse or Multiverse.
And again, we remind you: this is a topic that is very difficult to convey in your imperfect language. Therefore, we prefer to stop and move on to the next topic.

Time and timelessness

You have been taught that God is beyond time and space, and that there is an unchanging and eternal aspect of God. The unchanging aspects of Divinity do exist, but they are not available to your level of perception, as you perceive movement as an idea leading to time and space. In fact, the true nature of time and space is quite different from what you are able to perceive. Time in your world is defined as a measure of relative motion. The perception of timelessness is possible only when there is no movement.
In what you call the highest realms of Creation, the creative process is very different from what you call linear time. For all practical purposes, it takes place in timelessness. So what you would call the unchanging aspects of Divinity certainly exists. But because Creation is a process of expansion and expansion, and because it is continually transforming itself into new configurations of matter and energy (whether 3rd density matter or 12th density primal substance), there is an aspect of God that is constantly changing. And in this ever-changing spectrum, there are principles that govern change, but do not change themselves.
For example, look at a fractal. A fractal is a pattern found in nature, but it can also be created artificially, using what in mathematics you call recursive functions. In infinity, such a pattern continually changes, grows, shrinks, expands, divides, and combines. But the function that creates the fractal does not change. All aspects of the fractal contain the function of encoding the fractal, just as every cell in your body contains the template of your DNA. Therefore, the function is similar to one characteristic of God, one Divine Principle that does not change in this universe (a certain fractal).
Since God is everything, then linear time is also part of God. There are aspects of God that do not change and aspects of God that change. There are fractal-like aspects of God that are present everywhere in Creation. The fractal is God, and the function that creates the fractal is also God. The function that creates the fractal does not change, while the fractal itself is constantly changing.
You, we, and all the souls in Creation are aspects of our One Creator, so there is an unchanging aspect of “I” in us and in you. However, there are many aspects of the Self that continuously grow, develop, expand, expand and expand awareness as the radiating aspects of God continuously radiate further and further into the unmanifest empty aspect of the Self.
And again, it seems that your words are confusing you. We don't currently have translations that absolutely describe what we're trying to convey.
The unmanifested void, which can be likened to the 13th dimension, is the aspect of God who has not yet known Himself, if you want to use that expression. This is not the same as the unchanging aspect.
The unchanging aspect is the radiations emanating from the central suns of different universes. The creation of energy and mind gradually finds ways out into more and more dense aspects of the unmanifested emptiness. You can think of it as a plant growing in liquid medium. The roots and stems of the plant continuously create branches and expand until they fill the environment in which they grow. The environment in which the organism grows is the unmanifested emptiness. The pattern in the seed of a plant is part of an unchanging aspect of the organism and of life itself.
Hopefully this example of time and timelessness will help clarify the concept a bit. Essentially, you are living in both linear and non-linear reality at the same time. We'll talk more about this soon.

All of you are potential Creator Gods

All souls develop, but due to the presence of free will, some souls develop faster and more joyfully than others. As a result of evolution, your children are much closer to becoming Creator Gods than most of you. Those who come to Earth during the transition period are often more evolved souls willing to take part in the grand adventure known as the galactic shift. In the second part of this book, we will talk more about precessional alignment and galactic shift.
As you raise your vibration and expand your awareness to include the greater potential of the Self, you will eventually realize that you are 12th density beings, the Creator Gods. By expanding your awareness of who you really are to include the higher aspects of self, you are able to act as suitable guides for other souls who wish to incarnate on Earth to explore the physical dimensions of life and participate in the evolution of their species.
Most parents have children who have come from higher density worlds to bring the knowledge of these experiences to the earth plane. This is part of the current Divine Permission. In Chapter 2, we will discuss the various Permissions that have been in effect on Earth up to the present.
Some of the children incarnating now have been on Earth before. Others have never been to Earth in your linear time loop. Some have gone through a physical ascension in another world before coming to Earth.
The enlightened children are here to help accelerate your understanding and awareness in the ascension process. They are here to help you in your daily lives by reflecting aspects of your consciousness so that you can learn faster.
We will discuss enlightened children in the next chapter and the ascension process in chapter 6.

What Happens When Higher Density Entities Lower Their Vibration

You could say, “The Founders are in 12th density. They must be able to do everything.” Yes, the truth is that we really can do most of the things you can imagine.
However, in order to do this, we must maintain the 12th density vibration. The law “like attracts like” or the law of attraction says: “You become what you focus on.” The level at which you place your dominant energy is the level at which you vibrate. That is, if you focus on 12th density, over time you will vibrate exactly at 12th density. But if you decide to come down and help awaken 3rd density people, you will need to focus on 3rd density enough to be able to communicate in this realm. To do this, you will have to lower your vibration well below 12th density. But once you lower your vibration, you are no longer able to do everything you can imagine. Understandably?
As we have said before, the main purpose of this communication is to assist in ascension to higher densities. What most people see ahead of them as the next stage in their evolution is the ability to gradually move through 4th density into 5th. When we say “gradually,” what we really mean is “very quickly,” because a few years or even a few decades is not much time in the grand scheme of the cosmos.
In our subtle 12th density we can blink our eyes and a million years pass on your planet (we don't really have eyes because we are formless). This compression of time partly explains the idea that the Creator created the world in seven days. To 12th density consciousness, millions of years may seem like just a few days. Such is the nature of time in the higher realms.
In the higher realms, we can manipulate time at will. We are able to speed up, slow down, stretch or compress time and use it for our own purposes. We can do it just like your tape recorder works. That is, we can fast forward a tape, rewind it, fast forward, fast forward, or even take one cassette out of the tape recorder and insert another. A cassette recorder can be likened to our consciousness, and cassettes can be likened to our perception. We are able to change our consciousness and perception, as well as change time.
We will periodically describe the nature of time and timelessness using analogies that you can understand. So sorry for the new terminology.

There are different carriers to study different densities

Your physical form, what you call a body or vehicle with eyes skimming this page, is designed specifically for 3rd and 4th density. For 3rd density, a physical form with only a rudimentary animal mind is sufficient. In 4th density, a higher mind is superimposed on the rudimentary mind, what you call intelligent awareness; therefore this form is suitable for 4th density. In 4th density, a person begins to realize himself as a soul and learns to create using his mental abilities. This is what you call the metaphysical state, the interaction of mind and body.
The vehicle for 5th density exploration is an ethereal crystalline lightbody, a body that uses silicon as its base element rather than carbon. During the ascension process, the carbon body you now inhabit is being chemically transformed into a silicon body of light. We have designed the DNA so that the transition from a carbon-based body form to a silicon-based light body is gradual. 5th density form does not age or die
6th density has a body similar to the 5th density body, except that it glows much more than the 5th density body. It exists in the form of pure light, not a crystal (silicon).
The 7th density body (the level of density corresponding to the vibration of your primary soul prior to falling into 3rd density) is the vibration of pure light that “dresses” the template of the human form. Therefore, it looks like a humanoid, only very transparent. If you were clairvoyant, you would already be able to visualize 7th density beings.
The 8th density form often looks like a collective soul cluster. This is a single being, consisting of many sub-beings. The 8th density self is often referred to as the "oversoul". The nature of the oversoul will be dealt with later.
The 9th density form is the larger soul cluster. The process of aggregation continues further up to 12th density associated with Divinity. We are a 12th density form. In Chapter 5 we will explore in more depth the nature and evolution of the soul through the spectrum of densities.
Since the words we use to convey these ideas are inherently inadequate, our description of reality will be inaccurate. There are no words in your language to describe our reality.

We are extensions of God

Below we are going to describe Creation in a slightly different way than at the beginning of this chapter. You will notice repetitions and they are intentional. Please be patient while we explain some of the points above.
In fact, there is no separation or separation anywhere in Creation. There is simply God. We will continue to talk about God in the masculine gender. This in no way implies that we are male chauvinists or believe that the male form is better than the female.
Let us repeat the previous lesson: God created individual souls as extensions of Himself, just as the needles of one of the sea urchins are extensions of the sea urchin itself. For those who have never seen a sea urchin, they are vertebrate creatures that live in the shallow waters of many of the Earth's oceans. Some of them purple. They look like pincushions; so you can imagine Divinity having the body of a sea urchin, with billions and billions of needles coming out of the body. Each needle represents an individual soul.
Each individual soul has levels or what you call densities. The 12th density of the individual soul is directly related to Divinity. She resides near the center of God's being. If you were to try to imagine the sea urchin analogy, then a 12th density soul would be outer shell associated with inner body sea ​​urchin.
The 12th density shell has an 11th density component that can be likened to a finely fitted sheath over the shell. The shell is directly connected to the center of the body, with no real circuitry other than material change. The 11th density sheath is over the 12th density sheath. Between them there is something like a dividing line or a piece of discrete material, indicating that something else is happening, and that someone is a little further from the center of the organism.
To describe the 8th, 9th and 10th densities, you can use the analogy with a tree.
A 10th density soul aspect can be likened to the branching system of a tree if it has a central stem or base and one large root in the Earth's crust. The root and the system of branches are directly connected with the organism and delimited from it by discrete units of energy protruding from the body of the tree.
The level of the 9th density of the soul can be likened to a series of thick branches, which, connecting at the trunk, depart from it in the form of branches. In your world, the 9th level is often referred to as the atmanic, atmic, monadic, or avatar level. For the sake of simplicity, we will call it the master oversoul level or the oversoul oversoul level.
The 8th soul level resembles even smaller branches branching off from the larger branches of the 9th density master oversoul level. These are individual souls.
The 7th density soul level is like leaves and flowers sprouting from small branches of a tree (8th density oversoul), which in turn sprout from larger branches of a tree (9th density oversoul master), and so on. The leaves and flowers of the tree (representing 7th density) have filaments, hairs, pistils and stamens sticking out. They can be likened to aspects of the soul exploring worlds more low densities.
In our sea urchin analogy, outer levels souls are like individual hairs or needles of a sea urchin. The hairs at the very end of each needle can be likened to sensory mechanisms moving into 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd densities. Through each sensory mechanism (of the body), the soul experiences in the lower density worlds.

Different forms of the soul

Each of the six lower levels or soul densities creates a form in which a particular level or density is explored. The DNA molecule condenses through some form of birth process, although in 5th and 6th density there is no birth process in the sense that you can understand as human beings. In 4th density, the birth process is very similar to the birth process in 3rd density.
The densification of the soul occurs in the form of division or fragmentation, depending on how the soul is formed. Soul division is the process by which individual souls emerge from the oversoul. The process takes place in different densities, but most often at the 8th level, passing into the 7th. That is, the oversoul sends individual aspects of itself - 7th density souls - to explore the planes or realms of the 7th dimension.
Typically, an 8th density oversoul spawns 12 individual pieces that become 7th density souls. But there are exceptions in this and other universes. Some oversouls are only divided into 6, 4, 3 or 2 pieces, but the most common configuration is 12 segments. Each of the 12 pieces is continuously connected with the oversoul and, of course, with God. Each piece is an integral and complete sovereign entity, just as cells after division become integral and complete cells.
Usually, souls emerge from Divinity in different waves. At the very beginning of Creation, some souls went straight to 12th density, but most of the souls first explored individuality at the 7th level. In essence, the process of dividing or branching from the 12th to the 7th level occurred almost simultaneously. Therefore, we can say that you emerged directly from Divinity as 7th level beings (individual souls). As you raise your vibration to the 7th level and begin the next spiral of evolution, from the 7th to the 12th level, you will explore the levels of oversoul, master oversoul and God in a way that you did not explore when you first stepped out of Divinity.
In other words, you came out of Divinity as child souls, without full awareness of what was happening. But as you ascend back to Divinity, you will do so with full awareness as adult souls. Throughout this book, we will be constantly reminded that the concept of souls merging with Divinity is a fallacy. You are ascending into 12th density with full God consciousness, but you are sovereign beings, gods by right, children who have grown to resemble their cosmic parents.
Let me now return to the discussion of the oversoul and its division. Don't worry if it's a little hard to understand. The transmission of energy that comes with our words will gradually allow these concepts to make sense.
This channel refers to the twelve pieces of the oversoul as the "primary soul family" or "primary divisions of the soul." In most cases, 12 individual souls come as six pairs of souls. In other words, one region of the oversoul creates one pair of souls, another region of the oversoul creates another pair of souls, and so on, until six pairs of souls emerge from the oversoul. Such couples are known as twin flames or twin souls. Essentially, this means that as a couple they came out of the same oversoul.

Nature and the Journey of Twin Souls

In most cases, twin souls appear in higher densities, then one member of the couple will choose to explore the outer realms of Creation, 5th to 1st level, while the other member remains ascended, usually 6th or 7th. th density. Depending on the needs of each soul, the ascended member of the couple may guide the incarnated member from higher densities, or explore other levels and worlds, leaving the descended member to fend for themselves.
Sometimes twin souls will descend into lower densities at the same time, but in that case they rarely go to the same world. It is very rare for twin souls to incarnate on Earth at the same time. Usually one will stay in higher densities and the other will stay in 3rd or 4th density. This helps to keep the descending member of the couple clean. If the part of the twin soul that explores the outer densities gets caught up in the outer density (identifies with it or forgets that it is part of everything, part of the whole), the higher density member of the couple gently but insistently reminds the second member (who is in the lower density), why is he there, what is his purpose or mission, and who is he more high level.
We will return to this concept in Chapter 5, but now we will provide an overview of how the universe works. Later we will explore the characteristics of the soul, how it develops and how it divides or fragments. We will consider the idea of ​​the existence of pieces or fragments of the soul that are not the result of division or integral sovereign entities. In the lower or outer realms of Creation, specifically at levels 3 and 4, there are processes that cause the soul to feel trapped or separated and experiences that cause souls to split or fragment into pieces that are not sovereign beings. In chapter 5 we will explain this process.
Let me summarize what we have said about the process of Creation.
Some souls entered Creation very early (from the Earth timeline perspective) and evolved into 12th density beings capable of creating entire universes. They are known as the Creator Gods. We belong to the Creator Gods. A tiny part of our energy has been projected into 7th density and it is from there that we can contact our channels, including this one.
Most readers of this book appeared during one of the big waves Creation, and it happened about 100 million years ago. In this wave, you separated from Divinity at the 7th density vibrational level. You then had the choice of exploring lower density worlds (below 7th density) or evolving from 7th density to 12th density.
During that period of your soul evolution, you condensed your vibration into 3rd density and are now moving into 4th. Some are ready to move from 4th density to 5th. A description of the characteristics of each density is given on different stages this discussion. The “fall from grace” and its consequences will also be described.

Free will and falling out of favor

There are several Divine Principles at work in the creation and maintenance of different universes and galaxies. Although many universes were created by the Creator Gods and not directly by Divinity Itself, the same Divine Principles apply to these local universes. However, not all universes have what you call "free will." This principle only applies to a small number of universes, including yours.
When Divinity gave souls free will, you would call it an experiment designed to see how Creation would unfold. Like any good scientist in the lab, the Creator experimented with many different possibilities. He commissioned us and us like us to create a DNA molecule - one of the precursors of life in the universe. For many millions of earth years we have perfected the aspect of DNA in connection with the humanoid form. Although all forms were created by God, it was we who played important role in creating the uniform you are "wearing" now. Undoubtedly, the purpose of this form was to provide a carrier capable of exploring the worlds of lower densities and dimensions in great detail.
“Falling out of good will” was the result of an expression of “free will” not intended by the Creator - souls were trapped in lower densities. How did it happen? The intensity of soul experiences during incarnation has caused many souls to "forget" who they really are. They began to believe they were bodies (and personalities associated with bodies).
Forgetting your true identity, you slowly made your way back through the lower densities. One day you will remember your true essence, your soul, and free yourself from illusions more low worlds. Without Divine Intervention, this day would have been far away for a very long time. Therefore the Deity, in His infinite wisdom, created a series of Divine Permissions. (More on this in the next chapter). These are decisions that affect the course of evolution. To aid your understanding, let me give you a definition of evolution.
Evolution has two definitions. (1) The development of the mind in a given life form, such as the human body/spirit complex. (2) Expanding soul awareness from lower to higher densities. In our lessons, we will use these definitions interchangeably. We will simply refer to physical evolution as “evolution” and/or “mutation” depending on the rate of change of species, and the evolution of the soul as “wheel of reincarnation” and/or “ascension spiral” depending on the level of consciousness of the soul.
There is much confusion in understanding physical evolution and soul evolution. Although there is no absolutely accurate way to describe these patterns using your language, relatively simple idea is this: think of the physical form as a car, and the soul as a driver of the car. The computer that you now use to read the various teachings in electronic format transmitted by this and other channels dates back to the era of vacuum tubes, tape drives, and teletypes. The physical form you wear began with the evolution of the mineral, plant, and animal, and developed through what your biologists call “ natural selection”.
The purpose of the physical form you wear is to enable direct research outer spheres of Creation. As the soul develops into more and more high frequencies awareness, it needs a vehicle suitable for each realm it enters. Similarly, an engineer needs a fast, sophisticated, and modern computer, while a high school graduate is fine with a simpler model.
There are seven dimensions that require a specific carrier for direct investigation. While the soul is working through the seven dimensions, it needs a vehicle suitable for each dimension. As mentioned earlier, there are a number of ways to move through different areas creations. In the 3rd and 4th dimensions you use the wheel of reincarnation, which is one of the Divine Permissions described in the next chapter. As you work in the 5th and 6th dimensions, you will be using the ethereal crystalline lightbody that is part of the ascension spiral (another Divine Permission described below).
Before we start discussing Permissions, it's important to recap the analogy from earlier in this chapter. There is an erroneous conception on Earth of how souls achieve Oneness with God. First, we are all One with God, regardless of our vibration level. It is impossible not to be One with God, for God is everything and we are part of everything. The idea that souls rise higher and higher in vibration and then eventually merge with the Divine is not true. The best analogy to explain this process is the process of human birth. You emerge from your mother's womb and slowly grow and develop into an adult just like your parents. Then you yourself become parents, continuing to spread the species. But when you become an adult, you certainly do not fit in the womb.
Souls emerge from Divinity as "baby" souls that gradually grow and develop into mature souls. As soon as they reach maturity, they become like their Divine Parents. They realize that they are part of the All, the Unity of Creation, but by right they are individual gods, capable of creating entire Universes, like their Parents.
Although you have free will in the lower worlds, you also have a delightful destiny - to grow into Creator Gods like us. Well, not exactly like us, as each soul is unique and makes a unique contribution to Creation, but you get the idea.
In Chapter 5 we will spend more time discussing the evolution of the soul, but the subject of this book is Earth changes and 2012. Therefore, we will now look at the Permissions that worked in your world, since this information is directly related to the topic of this book.

Sal Rachel - Earth Change and 2012

Your biology is constantly changing. Such is the nature of bodies in the lower realms. Almost every 7 years, all of the cells in your physical form go through a death and rebirth, although the DNA patterns remain relatively constant. During the period Galactic shift DNA patterns will change under the action of vibrations electromagnetic field. This will force your body to go through various "Ascension symptoms" as you call them. Some people will experience extreme energy swings, from manic to depressed, even if they don't psychological problems that evoke such feelings. Others will experience flu-like symptoms without any visible invading organisms, bacteria or viruses. Most people will experience tingling and energizing from time to time. What you feel is NOT an actual increase in energy or frequency, but rather the body's resistance to an increase in energy or increase in frequency.

Gradually, your physical form will begin to feel more energy most time. Less hours of sleep will be required. Sometimes you will feel immensely tired and need more sleep, but this is only during the transitional period. Your body may want to stay awake when society dictates it should sleep, and vice versa.

Ideally, your life should be organized to allow your body to go through unusual sleep patterns while it adjusts to the new frequencies of the Galactic Shift.

We are your teachers who created DNA over 100 million years ago. Your DNA has 10108 possible configurations. This number is the DNA of one human being. When the Creator instructed us to develop the human form, we did not create complexity and a vast number of configurations. We just learned how to use what the Creator created and continued to accelerate the process of Creation in the DNA spirals by lighting the codes and keys that form the spirals. When the sperm “activates” the egg during conception, the DNA codes and keys trigger the growth and reproduction of the pre-programmed patterns contained in the codes. As the process continues, the organs and tissues known to you develop, and you have an embryo. All codes are locked in this tiny embryo and the keys necessary for the growth of a human being in life size and with all features.

The codes and keys contained in much of the DNA are the various ethereal memories and hereditary bloodline patterns of the parents of the emerging child. Your scientists know this quite well. But what they do not understand is that the "junk" part of the keys and codes of DNA contains the memory of the past lives of the soul, parallel lives and lives in other worlds - in fact, the entire history of the soul from the emergence from Divinity many millions of years ago. Also in the DNA codes and keys is the program that launches Ascension. Evolution does not stop at a fully formed human being, it continues up the Ascension Spiral until you become beings of pure light.

Codes and keys determine how and when patterns will be recombined and transformed.

Your free will influences the formation and growth of DNA molecules. You can change DNA with a simple desire. If your will is captured by the desires of the ego, mutations will cause disharmony and disease. If you could learn to rise above the traps of the ego and enter into a state of co-creation with your Higher Self, the mutations created by the free will exercise would force the DNA helixes to accelerate not only Ascension but also the development of psychic and intuitive abilities. They would also create numerous other abilities and creative talents that you are not even aware of now.

In some of the previous teachings, we have described the different strands of DNA and explained what they serve. To recap briefly, you have 24 strands of DNA arranged in 12 pairs. There is a pair for each density level. Your scientists can only detect the pair that corresponds to the level of vibration of the third density. As you enter the Ascension Spiral and begin to vibrate at higher densities, you will activate the dormant spirals corresponding to the higher densities. In addition, you have four spirals corresponding to the first and second densities. So a third density person has six activated coils, a fourth density person has eight activated coils, and so on.

Built into your DNA are predetermined activation programs that automatically “ignite” dormant coils as soon as you reach a certain moment its evolution. One such program is the Ascension Master Template.

There is a set of pre-programmed codes and keys in the DNA that tell how and when Ascension will unfold. At the same time, you have free will to significantly change the sequence and timing of events. You can slow them down and speed them up. You can let them unfold according to the highest and most the best opportunities for the education of the soul. Or you can choose a path that makes the soul feel dissatisfied. You can make them relatively simple and straightforward, or you can make them complex and intricate.

Your soul essence has infinite patience and will wait while you experiment with different scenarios. But there is a limit to how much you can delay the inevitable course of evolution.

The Earth itself is going through a shift in its planetary DNA and has already made its choice to ascend into a fourth density world. This means that those minerals, plants and animals that now live on its surface will also be subject to a major shift. The same will happen to people who choose to stay with her.

Contrary to the belief of some people, a fourth-density world does not take away life from first, second, and third densities. It just has fourth density expressions of the Self as its dominant form. Those organisms and life forms that do not "align" with the higher frequencies of fourth density, whether minerals, plants, animals or humans, will leave the earth plane. (In fact, most minerals and some plants will remain, but their genetic makeup will change. There will also be a small fraction of animals left, about a quarter of the species that were originally programmed for third-density Earth.)

Like most 3D humans, those animals that cannot hold the fourth density vibration of Earth will pass away in their spiritual form and incarnate on a planet more suited to their level of vibration. Not all planets that will take on 3D humans will be able to take on animal forms as well. Some of the remaining 3D planets will have a great abundance of animal life, while others will be largely devoid of it. Animals can be great teachers of love and compassion. They will be able to volunteer to serve people who need these qualities on another 3D planet.

You can already see evidence that animals are leaving the Earth as you watch the rapidly declining number of species on your world. It seems that some species are dying out due to environmental pollution or overpopulation of the planet by people, others are disappearing due to climate change. However, a huge number of endangered species are species that cannot or will not adapt to changing frequencies. Therefore, they will take refuge on another third density planet or return to Divinity and appear in a new form.

Now we are not going to study in detail the evolution of plants and animals. Instead, we will say a few words about the activation of the Ascension Template. Again, you will see that some of the information has been suggested before, but we feel the need to refresh your memory.

Launching the Ascension Template

The actual activation date of the Ascension Template is initially set by your soul. And in many cases, this predetermined event was planned even before you came into embodiment. However, due to the complex relationship between free will and predestination, this date can be changed. If, after incarnating on Earth, you discover that the soul's lessons and experiences are much more difficult than anticipated, or take longer to learn than originally planned, the activation date may be delayed. On the other hand, if your development as a soul is going more smoothly than expected (which is very rare in this turbulent world), the date can be brought closer.

There are a number of ways to speed up the Ascension process, including Ascension Activation Meditations.

It is possible to move too fast and trigger the Ascension Template when you are not yet ready. Unfortunately, some techniques are taught in your world that move souls into the Ascension process too quickly.

What happens when the soul moves too fast? What is literally happening is that the slower parts of the Self rebel and create disease in the body and/or emotions. In some cases, the soul may end up leaving the body, which significantly slows down the process of physical Ascension (according to at least, for one life).

Everything happens in perfect Divine Synchronicity. If you understand this truth and align different aspects of yourself with it, all will be well. Those who are trying to hasten the Ascension process are usually those who have a strong underlying fear that they are not good enough.

The Master Template is activated most effectively when you fully accept yourself for who you are. If your motivation for Ascension is to "get rid of this vile and nasty planet" then there will be many challenges as you move forward. If you shun people, run away from them and think that Ascension is the ticket to Heaven, then your Ascension will be abrupt. .

Being too attached to the physical form of the 3D Self can be as much of a barrier as impatience.

For example, if you are engaging in a very powerful process designed to trigger the Ascension Template but feeling tired, uncomfortable, or anxious, your ego may be resisting the Ascension movement, or the technique used may not be right for your soul vibration. If you are unable to recognize the difference between ego resistance and inappropriate technique, there are several ways to deal with this situation. The simplest approach is to ask the Divine Presence (your twelfth density Self) for advice on how and when to start the initiation process.

Any negativity you feel about specific method or the Ascension process, will almost always come about through ego resistance and not through inappropriate method. Overcoming the resistance of the ego, you will hear the voice of the soul more and more, and it will become easier and easier to know what suits you and what does not.

The events taking place on your planet will accelerate the activation of the Ascension Template. As the precessional alignment moves into position, the mutations caused by the flashes of electromagnetism will integrate into the DNA and activate many codes and keys, including the Master Template. Most readers of this book have already activated the basic template. However, there will be additional activation. Cells will continue to mutate as more and more scalar electromagnetic pulsations enter the Earth.

Over time, you will notice that you have stopped aging and getting sick. You will have more energy and less need for long hours of sleep. You will be eating small amounts of very clean food. The activities that you enjoyed will suddenly lose all attractiveness, completely different things will attract your attention. It doesn't matter how old your physical body is. Even if you are in your 70s or 80s, you can physically ascend if that is your soul's desire. You will find that whatever choice you make, its effects will become more visible as the Earth rises in vibration. If you choose to leave, your so-called "deadly" illness may push you out of your body sooner than you planned. On the other hand, if you thought it would take years to get younger and vibrate higher, you're in for a pleasant surprise.

Greetings, beloved Creators, we are the Founders. Events that will take place over several next years, will have a huge impact on all life forms living on Earth. In the messages below, we will go into the details of many of the changes and explain the latest from multiple perspectives so you can better understand what's going on. We'll start by looking at the Creator's perspective.

Essentially, the introductory message regarding Earth changes will answer the question, "Why?"

The Infinite Creator created ALL THAT IS, including all universes, galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planets, life forms, planes, sub-planes, dimensions, densities, laws, principles, forces, energy, and of course spirit. Everything is from God. Everything IS God. God exists in time and outside of time. It exists in all time frames, timelines and dimensions. God exists in the void, although in this case the concept of existence is irrelevant. Your language is not adequate to describe many aspects of God, but we will try to highlight the parts regarding Earth changes.

To fully explain the ideas we present, this and other channels can create illustrations (diagrams, figures, tables, and so on). There is an expression in your world: "A picture is worth a thousand words." We will do our best to explain the ideas and concepts presented here without the need for illustrations. However, if illustrations are offered, we expect that they will contribute to a better assimilation of the material.

To clarify many of the points presented in this book, we will briefly touch on some of the concepts that are least understood by mankind.

The idea that God is male or female is a distortion based on a limited understanding of the human mind (and minds like races on other worlds). However, it sometimes helps to think of God as having a personality and a humanoid mind, since you are all made in the image and likeness of the Creator. Because God is All, he is both male and female, both and neither. Respecting the limitations of your language, and for the sake of simplicity, we will refer to God as "He" in this lesson.

In the beginning (because your souls are concerned about it), God created not only Heaven and Earth, but also individual souls as extensions of Himself so that He could more deeply explore and experience His Creation. Individual souls appeared in the waves of Creation.

Some souls entered Creation and ended up close to the place of conception. The channel calls such souls twelfth density souls. Others have appeared at a lower frequency known as seventh density. Most readers of this material appeared during the seventh wave of Creation.

The first individual souls emerged from Divinity billions of Earth years ago as twelfth density beings. They then chose to lower their vibrations in order to explore the lower realms of Creation. At the beginning of this universe, there were only a few dimensions, and the outer worlds vibrated in what today you would call seventh density and beyond. Therefore, "old souls" often began their soul journeys at the seventh level and gradually moved back up to the twelfth level. As they ascended, they grew up. Returning to the twelfth level, the souls matured, went through all stages of growth - childhood, adolescence, adolescence - and, finally, became adult (mature) souls.

Note for those who are not familiar with this channeled material. The difference between "density" and "measurement" is explained later in this book. It is also explained in detail in the channel book Life on cutting edge» ( Life On the Cutting Edge).

Additional waves of Creation that followed the birth of ancient souls produced souls and soul clusters that separated from Divinity over billions of years ago.

Countless changes followed. While there were definite patterns of souls appearing and mathematically accurate explanations for most of what happened in the early days of Creation, there were always exceptions to the rule. Some souls appeared as single sparks of light, others combined into pairs or twelve-pointed clusters. Still others arose in the form of large clusters, and then disintegrated into smaller clusters, descending into the manifested Creation.

The first book discussed soul clusters, oversouls, monads, and other configurations of soul emergence. Before diving into this book, we recommend that the reader be familiar with the concepts introduced in the first book. In some places we will describe how souls return to group soul clusters and aggregates (otherwise called soul families), but for now we will simply outline the scope of what we will talk about in this book. Let me summarize what we have said using slightly different terminology.

Some souls entered Creation very early (from the Earth timeline perspective) and evolved into twelfth density beings capable of creating entire universes. They are known as the Creator Gods. We belong to the Creator Gods. A tiny part of our energy has been projected into seventh density, and it is from there that we can contact our channels, including this one.

Most of the readers of this book appeared during one of the great waves of Creation, and this happened approximately 100 million years ago. In this wave, you separated from Divinity at the level of the seventh density of vibration. You then had the choice of exploring lower density worlds (below seventh density) or evolving from seventh density to twelfth density. The first book describes these processes in detail.

During that period of your soul evolution, you condensed your vibration into third density and are now moving into fourth density. Some are ready to move from fourth density to fifth. A description of the characteristics of each density is given at different stages of this discussion. The "fall from grace" and its consequences will also be described.

There are several Divine Principles at work in the creation and maintenance of different universes and galaxies. Although many universes were created by the Creator Gods and not directly by Divinity Itself, the same Divine Principles apply to these local universes. However, not all universes have what you call "free will." This principle only applies to a small percentage, including your universe.

When Divinity endowed souls with free will, you would call it an experiment designed to see how Creation would unfold. Like any good scientist in the lab, the Creator experimented with many different possibilities. He commissioned us and us like us to create a DNA molecule - one of the precursors of life in the universe. For many millions of Earth years, we have perfected the humanoid form aspect of DNA. While God created all forms, we were instrumental in creating the form you are "wearing" now. Undoubtedly, the purpose of this form was to provide a carrier capable of exploring the worlds of lower densities and dimensions in great detail.

You already know from previous messages that "falling out of favor" was an event of expressing "free will" not intended by the Creator when souls were trapped in lower densities. How did it happen? The intensity of soul experiences during incarnation caused many souls to "forget" who they really were. They began to believe they were bodies (and personalities associated with bodies).

You, having forgotten your true identity, slowly made your way back through the lower densities. One day you will remember your true essence, your soul, and free yourself from the illusions of the lower worlds. Without Divine Intervention, this day would have been far away for a very long time. Therefore, the Divine, in His infinite wisdom, created a series of Divine Permissions or decisions that affect the course of evolution. To aid your understanding, let me define evolution.

Evolution has two definitions:

one). The development of the mind in a given life form, such as the human body/spirit complex.

2). Development of soul awareness from lower to higher densities.

In these lessons, we will use these definitions interchangeably. We will refer to physical evolution simply as "evolution" and/or "mutation" depending on the rate of species change, and soul evolution as "wheel of reincarnation" and/or "ascension spiral" depending on the level of consciousness of the soul.

There is much confusion in understanding physical evolution and soul evolution. While there is no absolute way to describe these patterns in your language, the relatively simple idea is: think of the physical form as a machine and the soul as the driver of that machine. The computer you are now using to read this book dates back to the age of vacuum tubes, tape drives, and teletypes. The physical form you wear began with the evolution of the mineral, plant, and animal, and evolved through what your biologists call "natural selection."

The purpose of the physical form you wear is to enable direct exploration of the outer realms of Creation. As the soul evolves into higher and higher frequencies of awareness, it needs a vehicle suitable for each realm it enters. Similarly, an engineer needs a fast, sophisticated, and modern computer, while a high school graduate is fine with a simpler model.

There are seven dimensions that require a specific carrier for direct investigation. While the soul is working through these seven dimensions, it needs a vehicle suitable for each dimension. As described in previous messages, there are a number of ways to move through the dimensions. In the third and fourth dimensions, you use the wheel of reincarnation, which is one of the Divine Permissions described below. As you enter the fifth and sixth dimensions, you will be using the ethereal crystalline lightbody that is part of the Ascension Spiral (another Divine Permission described below).

Before we start discussing Permissions, it's important to repeat the analogy passed down in previous sessions. There is an erroneous conception on Earth of how souls achieve Oneness with God. First, we are all One with God, regardless of our vibration level. It is impossible not to be One with God, for God is everything and we are part of everything. The idea that souls rise higher and higher in vibration and then eventually merge with the Divine is not true. The best analogy to explain this process is the process of human birth. You emerge from your mother's womb and slowly grow and develop into an adult just like your parents. Then you yourself become parents, continuing to spread the species. But when you become an adult, you certainly do not fit in the womb.

Souls emerge from Divinity as "baby" souls that gradually grow and develop into mature souls. As soon as they reach maturity, they become like their Divine Parents. They realize that they are part of the All, the Unity of Creation, but by right they are individual gods, capable of creating entire Universes just like their Parents.

Although you have free will in the lower worlds, you also have a delightful destiny - to grow into Creator Gods like us. Well, not quite like us, as each soul is unique and makes a unique contribution to Creation, but you get the idea.

Another concept that is difficult to understand is the idea of ​​group-soul aggregates. As individual souls, you have the ability to form a shared energy matrix with other souls to explore the combined energies of the group. Essentially, you can think of it as a way of climbing up the spiral of evolution while you return to the clusters from which you first emerged. Again, this is not entirely accurate, but until you reach a certain level of awareness, the inadequacy of language and intellectual minds make it difficult to understand the difference between group soul complexes and monad/oversoul clusters. Therefore, in order for you to understand these concepts, a diligent and persistent process of explanation will be required. We will carefully explain these ideas in the proper sequence and at the proper time. Since the topic of this book is the Earth Changes and 2012, we will return to the discussion of the Permissions that are in effect on your world, since this information is directly related to the topic.

From Divinity came several basic Permissions related to your development as individual souls. Here is a list of them in chronological order:

  1. A response to separation or fall from favor.
  2. Galactic shifts occurring approximately every 108 million years.
  3. Precessional alignment of the Earth, occurring approximately every 25,920 years.
  4. The wheel of transformation.
  5. Ascension Spiral.
  6. Mass Ascension.
  7. The intervention of God's Helpers in major civilizations.
  8. The emergence of highly developed children.