Rules for survival during the "black sky. The danger posed by the "black sky mode", the consequences for health

How not to spoil your health?

The expression "black sky mode" is familiar to every Krasnoyarsk citizen. What is happening at this time in the air over Krasnoyarsk and what should the citizens do?

What is black sky mode?

Official name- "unfavorable weather conditions"(NMU). Due to the combination of two factors - calm weather and humidity - industrial emissions, automobile exhausts, dust and smoke accumulate in the city air. It usually lasts two or three days, sometimes longer.

The smog formed over Krasnoyarsk is often visible to the naked eye. This is the "black sky". Although in fact these days it is not black, but gray-brown.

Why announce the regime of "black sky"?

To warn citizens of danger and force factories to reduce air pollution. There are three degrees of danger of NMU, the most harmful is the third.

During the black sky regime, factories are required to reduce emissions:

  • at the first degree of danger NMU - by 15-20%;
  • with the second - by 20-40%;
  • with the third - by 40-60%, and sometimes completely.

Authorities monitor emissions from 28 plants in Krasnoyarsk (six each in Sovetsky and Railway areas, five in Central, four in Sverdlovsk and Lenin, three in Kirov). The semi-legal shop smoking on the outskirts of the city can easily continue to poison us.

What to do during black sky mode?

In short, everyone should smoke, dust and stink less. Factories are required to reduce emissions. It is forbidden to make fire. City services should wash sidewalks and roads. Citizens are asked not to use cars if possible.

"Black sky" is unhealthy: cardiovascular, pulmonary and other chronic diseases may appear or worsen. It is best to leave the city for this time.

At the first degree of danger of NMU:

  • go out less;
  • when you get home, take a shower;
  • flush your nose and throat clean water or saline;
  • if you suffer chronic diseases, take the necessary medicines when going out;
  • open windows less often, use air conditioners and air purifiers;
  • do wet cleaning daily;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol, it is an extra load on the body.

At the second and third degree of danger NMU - the same as at the first, plus:

  • on the street, use respirators of the "petal" type;
  • drink more liquid- milk, tea with milk, mineral water;
  • eat less salty, fatty and indigestible foods;
  • rinse your mouth with 2% soda solution;
  • if there are signs of poisoning, take Activated carbon and see a doctor immediately.

Good afternoon, dear reader! In our city, with a certain regularity, they announce the "black sky" mode. There are 365 days in a year, 250 of which are "black sky" days! What kind of regime is this? This is when the threshold of pollutants is exceeded in the air, sometimes so much that a very dense haze hangs over the city, it can be seen with the naked eye and the air is saturated with technical gases and there is a stench. This is especially felt at night. Everyone knows the reason for this situation, but nothing can be done. Cars are not getting smaller, mini-enterprises and manufacturing giants are trying to do something, reduce emissions, under the control of the relevant authorities, but it is better not to become.

What should we, the inhabitants of a large metropolis, do?

  • go out less;
  • when you get home, take a shower;
  • flush your nose and throat with clean water or saline;
  • if you suffer from chronic diseases, take the necessary medicines when going out;
  • open windows less often, use air conditioners and air purifiers;
  • do wet cleaning daily;
  • do not smoke and do not abuse alcohol, this is an extra burden on the body.
  • on the street, use respirators of the "petal" type;
  • drink more fluids - milk, tea with milk, mineral water;
  • eat less salty, fatty and hard-to-digest foods;
  • rinse your mouth with 2% soda solution;
  • in case of signs of poisoning, take activated charcoal and consult a doctor immediately.

The founder of our city, Andrei Dubensky, was sent 380 years ago to choose a place for the future prison. When the governor saw these stunning hills next to the river, he immediately realized that this was the very place where the prison should be located.

The place was not only stunningly beautiful, but had a good strategic location. Andrey Dubensky gave a name to these hills - Krasny Yar. As you already understood, our city got its name from the name Krasny Yar. But he had no idea what beautiful place will turn into gas chamber open type)))

I will not delve into the consequences of such a residence ...

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On the night of February 10, I went out onto the balcony: there were no street lamps, no earth, no sky, no neighboring buildings to be seen. But what was left instead of air was perfectly visible - dusty chemical mass moved, swayed in a gentle wind, went in waves.

And in the morning the deputies and members of the government of the region gathered in once more to discuss the permanent ecological catastrophe in Krasnoyarsk. However, the authorities do not use this term. They think constructively and argue about “strategic measures to improve environmental situation in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

What is there to discuss endlessly from year to year is incomprehensible. There can only be two strategic measures, because Krasnoyarsk is being poisoned from two sources. According to the contribution, these are: a) the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant (KrAZ), b) coal-fired thermal power plants. Assets of Deripaska and Melnichenko, respectively. The black sky mode is either the wind from the east, i.e. from KrAZ, or calm, when emissions accumulate in the city basin.

KrAZ must be closed. Or take it out of the city. Or reduce production to design capacity and radically modernize. CHP to convert to gas. Well, or not so radically: you can simply not heat with brown Kansk-Achinsk coals, you can switch to smokeless coal combustion at high temperatures, you can get gas from coal and put it on for heating, and the resulting coke - for metallurgy. And you can generally heat the whole city, only utilizing the heat of KrAZ, which is now emitting gases into the atmosphere. Technology is full. They are known to all specialists, only the Krasnoyarsk authorities are not in the know.

That's it, two solutions for two assets - one plant and three thermal power plants. And there is nothing more to discuss.

But that's just how it seems. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory Alexander Simanovsky. I quote him from the press release of the Legislative Assembly: “Today one of the main air pollutants in the city is transport. Is it possible to limit its quantity? I think that this is possible, using the experience of Beijing. In the Chinese capital, cars whose registration numbers end in an even number can only leave on an even day, and vice versa, on an odd number on an odd day. But it should be spelled out at the legislative level.”

No one seemed to be interested in the deputy in casting a shadow on the fence, withdrawing KrAZ and CHPP from sanctions, and bringing them down on the people? Not? Here is another quote from that press release.

“Monitoring and research on air will not stop emissions into the atmosphere,” MP Vladimir Reinhard said. - How the people heated the stove brown coal, from which there is much more pollution than from stone, it will be so. All Yemelyanovo (11 thousandth settlement near Krasnoyarsk.A. T.) in winter it is heated with brown coal, and the wind rose pulls all this smog […]. What's going on with public transport? As a rule, they buy used diesel-fueled buses, from which the smoke comes out.”

Deputy Sergei Tolmachev proposed to hold a separate meeting on air pollution by road transport.

There is no dispute, motorists also pollute. But according to official data, motorists crap half as many enterprises. In the state report of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the state of the environment in 2015 (no newer) it is said that 0.2 tons of pollutants fell on one Krasnoyarsk citizen in the city, and in total that year 195 thousand tons were thrown into the air. Of these, 129 thousand are enterprises. And 66 thousand are cars.

And most importantly. Our cars are not a deputy's business. Each machine allows at least occasionally to escape from the black sky, and in general transports people or goods, benefiting someone. And what is the use of Krasnoyarsk from KrAZ so beloved by the deputies? Take an interest in insignificant figures: how much does he pay taxes? one

venture with license plates deliberately provokes its violation, and it is not feasible. That's why it's harmful. And why not recall a different Chinese experience? The withdrawal of industry outside the cities? And such aluminum plants, as in Krasnoyarsk, smoking according to the antediluvian, already centuries old, Soderberg technology, China completely closed. Fully. All. Or remember the experience of Shanghai - ​the use of drones that break through the inversion layer of the atmosphere that holds smog. Here, by the way, is about the haze that locks smog in the city, preventing emissions from dissipating. This is the third source of the black sky, and a third measure could be associated with it, but it is not strategic, but is due to the first two. We are talking about the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station (also the property of Deripaska). Thanks to the criminal mistake of the designers, the Yenisei stopped freezing for 300 km, and here, thanks to the large temperature difference between flowing waters and the surrounding space constantly hangs fog, accumulating poisons. The HPP provides KrAZ with electricity. The city is supplied with electricity from a thermal power plant. If the authorities decide to close KrAZ and the thermal power plant, the city can be powered from the hydroelectric station - so that at least it’s not in vain to spoil. If the thermal power plant is converted to gas, and KrAZ is buried, then the need for a source of electricity for it will disappear, the river can be freed. The trouble, however, is that the authorities, in principle, do not undertake to discuss any measures if they affect the interests of Deripaska and Melnichenko.

1 According to official data, in 2015 KrAZ paid about 600 million rubles. income tax. Most of This amount goes to the budget of the subject of the Federation.

Monument to the Krasnoyarsk artist Andrei Pozdeev. Last year, Vladislav Gultyaev put respirators on him and on other sculptures on Prospekt Mira. Photo: Vladislav Gultyaev

The deputies, of course, were not the first to come up with the idea not to talk about those who cannot be talked about. Talk about anything - global warming, fires in the taiga, complex terrain, climatic features, just don't notice the elephant in the room. This is a ritual. local governor Tolokonsky talks about frosty weather and smoke from the furnaces of the private sector, his wife advises to disperse the black sky with the power of pure thoughts. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Uss, complains about the urban planning policy, which does not take into account the wind rose and the influence of high-rise buildings on it. Deputy Prime Minister Lapshin commemorates the Siberian (Asian) anticyclone and vertical air currents with a downward direction.

Soon we will hear discussions on how to make the winds blow differently and smooth out the spurs of the Sayans. Just don't remember the default status figures!

An alloy of nickel and aluminum did not exist in nature until the early 2000s. So far, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a tradition has been established to elect the Legislative Assembly mainly from “blunt-pointed” and “pointed-pointed” ones — some are sent to protect the people’s interests by Norilsk Nickel, others — by Rusal. Who is aluminum to the waist, who is copper-nickel, but they are together.

Meanwhile, the regional Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor launched a project to adapt the younger generation to smog. To copper, cadmium, benzapyrene, everything that makes up the local air chemistry. To reduce the toxic load and increase sustainability, a special food complex has been developed for kindergartens.

Last year, only officially, the black sky regime was introduced 24 times. If you count in days, that's 58 days. In the state report of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the state of the environment, “a trend towards an increase in the incidence of malignant neoplasms among the population (an average annual rate of 4.99%)” was noted. This is by region. Moreover, if in general in oncology in 2015 compared to 2014 there was a decrease, then cancer of the trachea, bronchi, and lung increased from 37.6 cases per 100 thousand people to 43.1. In Krasnoyarsk itself, the level of newly diagnosed cancer “due to exposure to environmental factors” (cases per 100,000 population) increased from 372.5 in 2014 to 400.2 in 2015. The growth of diseases of the circulatory system (cases per 1 thousand) per year - from 32.1 to 34.4. Diseases endocrine system(per 1 thousand people) from 14.4 to 16.3, and for children under 14 - from 17.2 to 19.4.

The expression "black sky mode" is familiar to every Krasnoyarsk citizen. What is happening at this time in the air over Krasnoyarsk and what should the citizens do?

What is black sky mode?

The official name is "adverse meteorological conditions" (NMU). Due to the combination of two factors - calm weather and humidity - industrial emissions, automobile exhausts, dust and smoke accumulate in the city air. It usually lasts two or three days, sometimes longer.

The smog formed over Krasnoyarsk is often visible to the naked eye. This is the "black sky". Although in fact these days it is not black, but gray-brown.

Why announce the regime of "black sky"?

To warn citizens of danger and force factories to reduce air pollution. There are three degrees of danger of NMU, the most harmful is the third.

During the black sky regime, factories are required to reduce emissions:

At the first degree of danger NMU-on ...

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The long-awaited heat did not have time to come, as in Krasnoyarsk the “black sky” regime was already introduced twice. Recall that last summer the regime of adverse weather conditions was announced four times.

Smog over the city

On the afternoon of June 16, when the thermometer rose to 30 degrees, many felt that there was nothing to breathe. “We woke up early in the morning from a suffocating smell,” says Irina, a resident of the Sovietsky district. “It was scary that just a little bit more and there would not be enough air at all.”

It is especially difficult to breathe near highways. The information posted on the Internet and in the media by the Central Siberian UGMS sounded ominous: “From 20.00 on June 16 to 20.00 on June 18, a regime of adverse weather conditions (RNMU) was introduced on the territory of Krasnoyarsk. In this regard, enterprises are recommended to reduce the amount of emissions.”

The situation repeated itself for the second time on the night of June 24-25: Krasnoyarsk residents complained about a sharp chemical smell, which they felt at 4 am. On June 25, the authorities again announced...

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In Krasnoyarsk, the “black sky” regime has been extended again. Unfavorable weather conditions for dispersal harmful impurities will continue from 19:00 July 22 to 19:00 Monday, July 25. This was reported in the Central Siberian UGMS.

The regime is extended "to reduce the anthropogenic load." Harmful impurities in the air are associated with increased concentration smoke in the atmosphere, meteorologists said.

Recall that for the first time the “black sky” regime was introduced this month on July 17. After that, it was extended several times.

During the "black sky" period, residents are advised to minimize work that causes air pollution. Waste incineration during the NMU regime is prohibited. It is recommended that enterprises strengthen control over compliance with emission standards.

Smoke in the atmosphere of Krasnoyarsk occurred due to forest fires blazing in the north of the region. The smoke from the burning forest reached western regions Siberia: so, the inhabitants of Tomsk and Kemerovo region also complained about the smell of burning and strange ...

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In 9 months of 2015, the "black sky" regime was announced more often than in the entire last year. What is the reason? What citizens have to breathe, and where to go if the smell on the streets becomes unbearable - the answers to these questions are in our new special project "Life on the Inhale". Right now - about what the "mode of adverse meteorological conditions" is, and what is its use.

Hydrogen sulfide, benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia... This is just a small fraction of the chemical diversity that is in the city air. Quantity per year harmful emissions exceeds 194 thousand tons. 180 kilograms for each citizen of Krasnoyarsk.

- These are the displacement trajectories air masses for the next two days, that is, in this way we determine whether there will be an unfavorable wind direction in the next day.
- Will?
- No, it will not.

This lovely lady is the very person who makes the responsible decision whether or not to introduce the "black sky" regime in Krasnoyarsk. By the way, experts...

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In Krasnoyarsk for the whole weekend from 19:00 on June 11 to 19:00 on June 14, a regime of adverse weather conditions of the first degree of danger is introduced.

This means that calm weather will be established in the city, and harmful impurities will be poorly dispersed in the air.

Recall that under the first NMU regime, enterprises must reduce the concentration of pollutants in the air by about 15-20%.

It is clarified that these measures are of an organizational and technical nature, and do not lead to a decrease in the productivity of the enterprise.

Behind last week in the air, an excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of suspended solids, as well as such poisons as formaldehyde and hydrochloride, was recorded.

On Monday, June 6, suspended solids were found in the air: 1.4 times higher in the Sverdlovsk region, 1.2 times higher than the norm in the Leninsky and Zheleznodorozhny regions.

On the same day in the air Kirovsky district hydrochloride was found - 1.3 times higher than normal.

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The gray veil that has enveloped Krasnoyarsk, apparently, is not going to recede. Meteorological conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of harmful impurities in the air (HMO) will last until 19.00 on January 15. And experts do not exclude that it will be necessary to extend the “black sky” regime more than once.

Hoping for snow

However, there have been some improvements.

If on January 11, NMUs of the second degree of danger were announced, today they have changed to the first, which means that the citywide level of pollution has improved. Not by much, but decreased, - explained Natalya Shlenskaya, head of the Central Siberian UGMS. - This was facilitated by measures taken by industrial enterprises - they reduced the amount of emissions by 20-40%. Yes, and many citizens moved, as recommended, from a personal car to public transport.

By the way, weather forecasters give encouraging forecasts: light precipitation is expected tomorrow night, which, perhaps, will be able to “clean” the air a little.

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Leveling the ceiling with Rotband: features of the work

Published - May 18, 2016
The ideal thickness for rotband plaster is 20 mm, so when installing beacons, you should focus on this particular figure. To apply plaster, you need: spatulas, a building rule, a building level, a building falcon and graters of various sizes.

Penalty for expired transit numbers: avoiding violation

Published - May 18, 2016
Now the car owner must pay 1,000 rubles every 20 days if he does not have time to complete the planned actions. Re-registration of transport takes place in any department of the traffic police on the territory of the Russian Federation, so you don’t have to worry about this.

Harizma - Corrugated tongs for hair Pro Salon (3 attachments)

Published - May 18, 2016
After styling with professional Harizma PRO Salon tongs, the hair becomes no less silky and shiny. As a result of their influence, the scales of the hair cuticle close, receiving a neutralizing ...

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Unfavorable meteorological conditions will continue in Krasnoyarsk throughout the week.

"Black sky" and a pungent smell of burning appeared in the city on the morning of July 17. The NMU regime of the first degree was planned to be removed today, July 18, in the evening.

From 7 pm on July 18 to 7 pm on July 22, meteorological conditions persist on the territory of the regional center that are unfavorable for the dispersion of harmful impurities in atmospheric air related to the haze of the atmosphere of the city of Krasnoyarsk. To reduce the anthropogenic load, NMUs of the first degree of danger are being extended, the Central Siberian UGMS reported.

As noted at the operational meeting with the Governor, Deputy Minister natural resources and ecology of the region Dmitry Yekhanin, a mobile laboratory was working in the city all weekend, which recorded the localization and nature of emissions. This morning, ministry employees, together with the environmental prosecutor's office, went on a raid on enterprises that may have violated the emission regime.

And the governor's wife...

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The smoke that enveloped Russian cities, clearly visible from space satellite images. Burning since spring Irkutsk region and Buryatia. Now the hot spots are Krasnoyarsk region, as well as Yamal-Nenets District. Fires in the Perm region.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the taiga burns out for weeks. The data provided by the Greenpeace Forest Service is depressing: fires covered 1.1 million hectares. The main area of ​​fires falls on the Evenk forestry. Formally, most of the epicenters of the spread of fire are located in "zones of control" that can not be extinguished: there are no settlements, infrastructure facilities, etc. nearby. Moreover, these fires are not taken into account in official statistics: since it is “not necessary” to put out, it means that they do not seem to exist. According to one of latest reports Avialesookhrana, currently there are 107 forest fires throughout the country on an area of ​​11,093 hectares. That's about a percent of what Greenpeace quotes!

The one whose data is closer to reality is evidenced by at least one ...

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Soon New Year… Fantastic time. Time for miracles, hope for the best… Time to start something new, turn another page. The time when the present meets the future. Every year we become not only older, but also wiser. By at least, I want to believe it.
When I was little, I often visited my grandmother in Novosibirsk in the summer. It also has its own Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. I remember the first time I saw a sign traffic- “Bicycle path” (by the way, something like that has not caught my eye yet in Krasnoyarsk). So, besides this, there were signs everywhere: “Do not go.” If you think about it, ecology is a very delicate thing. This is perhaps the only thing that can be said: it is better to do nothing than to do. The best we can do to improve environmental situation It means doing nothing, that is, not harming nature. Of course, I'm not talking about those cases when it is through the fault of a person that changes occur, and when he is forced to them ...

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In Krasnoyarsk, the "black sky" regime has been extended. According to the Central Siberian UGMS, until Monday evening in regional center weather conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of harmful impurities in the air will remain. The first mode of emission reduction is introduced at the enterprises. Residents of Krasnoyarsk are advised to leave the city if possible, or limit their stay in the air, and also refuse to use personal transport.

Recall that the regime of "black sky" is introduced for the fourth week in a row. Previously, NMU regimes were introduced at the end of October - from the 29th to the 30th, then the "black sky" regime lasted from November 5 to 7, and then from November 12 to 17. According to weather forecasts, a frosty windless weather will remain in the regional center over the next week.

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When the threat of unfavorable (NMU) looms over the inhabitants of the city of Krasnoyarsk, a special situation is declared in the city. It usually lasts up to four days. The authorities give residents standard recommendations for this period. Another, more common name for such a situation is " black sky". About what kind of regime it is and how to behave in this case, will be discussed in the article.

Factors causing special treatment

If both factors came together over an industrial city - calm weather and humidity, then all emissions from production will accumulate in the air. They will be joined by car exhausts along with dust and smoke. The authorities declare NMU or "black sky mode" - another, more famous name adverse weather conditions over the city.

In such situations, the authorities give the population standard recommendations:

  • leave the city limits (if possible);
  • in the absence of the possibility of leaving, try not to go out;
  • it is impossible to ventilate the premises;
  • use saline to rinse the nose and throat.

As a rule, the "black sky mode" lasts up to four days. But there are special cases when the declared NMUs have to be extended.

Most often, residents of Krasnoyarsk face such a regime. When smog forms over a city, it can be seen with the naked eye. That is why such a name arose - "black sky". Although its color is not black, but gray with brown tints.

Why is the black sky regime announced in the city?

Sometimes you can hear a surprising question: are NMUs really so dangerous for a person, maybe there is no need to exaggerate? In fact, there are three degrees of air pollution, with the third being the most dangerous. But it cannot be said that nothing threatens people's health at the first time. Based on this, the authorities are introducing a "black sky mode" to warn residents of the city about the danger. At the same time, they impose restrictions on factories, forcing them to reduce emissions into the air.


When NMUs are introduced, industrial enterprises are obliged to reduce environmental pollution:

  • 1st degree of adverse weather conditions - from 15% to 20%;
  • 2nd degree - from 20% to 40%;
  • 3rd degree - from 40% to 60% (in special occasions generally up to 100%, i.e. completely).

When a black sky regime is declared, everyone must adhere to the rules. Otherwise, the goal will not be achieved and the unfavorable situation may drag on. However, no matter how the authorities monitor the fulfillment of the conditions of the regime, there are those who ignore it, because they put profit above people's health, and their own too. Everyone should limit their even ordinary citizens with their cars. A person must be aware of the importance of the position. By breaking the rules, he harms, first of all, himself!

If a "black sky regime" is declared in Krasnoyarsk, executive authorities control emissions from 28 factories. Factories are required to reduce emissions. You can't make fire. Municipal municipal enterprises are obliged to wash sidewalks and carriageways. Citizens are advised to refrain from traveling by car.

All residents must understand what the "black sky regime" declared in the city means, and what degree of NMU. Above, recommendations were made by the authorities to residents regarding the unfavorable period. It can be added to them that with the second and third degrees of danger, when going out into the street, it is better to wear respirators (petal). At this time, it is strongly recommended not to drink alcohol or smoke, as the load on cardiovascular system already very strong.

The danger posed by the "black sky mode", the consequences for health

NMU are very harmful to health. Residents of the city may become aggravated or manifest pulmonary, cardiovascular and other diseases, especially chronic ones. Of course, it is better to leave the city for this period. If you can’t leave in any way, then you must definitely follow all the recommendations. In the presence of chronic health problems, it is necessary to visit a doctor, control pressure and other indicators physiological state organism. You can not neglect health, so as not to arise serious problems up to fatal cases. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with a 2% soda solution, and at the first signs of poisoning, take activated charcoal and immediately seek medical help.

Those who have chronic diseases should not leave home without medicines that can alleviate the condition in case of deterioration of well-being. At the first dangerous symptoms need to call a doctor. To ventilate the room, it is worth using air purifiers and air conditioners.

Drink liquids more often: mineral water, tea with milk, and milk itself. Salty, indigestible and fatty foods are best excluded from your diet.

A set of events and what "black sky mode" (NMU) means

Due to the accumulation of harmful substances in the atmosphere, smoke, various chemicals, various toxic fumes and burning over locality unfavorable weather conditions are introduced. An important point the introduction of such a regime is the fact that there is no dissipation of the accumulated smog. It's windless outside. The concentration of harmful impurities reaches the limit.

If weather forecasters announced a "black sky mode" - this indicates the actual ecological disaster. Large industrial cities know about the NMU problem firsthand. For example, on April 24, 2017, Krasnoyarsk introduced (not for the first time) a special ecological situation because of the black sky. The regime lasted until seven o'clock in the evening on 04/26/2017. The Krasnoyarsk Territory most often announces such a situation, even more than once a year. In this region, this mode is announced most often. In addition, in addition to working industrial enterprises in the city, grass ignites. It was also such that the city was in smoke for three weeks in a row.

Who is responsible for the sky above the city?

The main body vested with authority in the system of ecology and monitoring of the Krasnoyarsk region is the Central Siberian Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. This federal structure has the right and opportunity to monitor changes in weather conditions, contributing to the accumulation of pollutants in the atmosphere, and initiates the introduction of the NMU regime.

At adverse conditions in the atmosphere, calm weather, because of the accumulated smog it is difficult to breathe. Therefore, if the "black sky mode" is introduced in Krasnoyarsk, all enterprises are required to comply with the working conditions under appropriate level danger. In addition to reducing emissions, they limit maintenance and dust generation, stop gas filter cleaning and coal unloading. These are mandatory measures for the introduction of the regime of the second and third degrees. At the first - they are obliged to reduce emissions, and to limit work whenever possible.


Doctors know that as soon as the “black sky regime” was announced in Krasnoyarsk, the number of patients increases dramatically. And even vice versa: if the number of applications to medical institutions is growing rapidly, wait for the announcement of the NMU.

In the ranking of the all-Russian environmental organization Krasnoyarsk is ranked 12th in terms of atmospheric emissions. Territory of ecological disaster - this is the name of the city. No wonder! The city itself has the largest aluminum plant in the world. Here great multitude metallurgical enterprises.

In addition, they are adjacent to a cement plant, three large thermal power plants and numerous boiler houses. The city's thermal power industry is all built on coal. Yes and transport system leaves much to be desired. In general, there is something to smoke and pollute the atmosphere. In summer, residents do not often open the windows. If you decide to ventilate, then a sharp smell will immediately appear in the apartment instead of fresh air. Then it will be impossible to breathe at all! And this is not an exaggeration.

It happens that Krasnoyarsk residents move around the city in short dashes. Otherwise, they run the risk of inhaling all sorts of filth and even poisoning. From the upper floors of the houses, the border of smog and relatively clear skies is clearly visible.


AT recent times residents of Krasnoyarsk are constantly different kind environmental petitions, appeals to the authorities. They even wrote to President Putin. This petition received 80,000 votes, and the authors received a response from the presidential administration with the assurance that they would look into the issue. But for now, the question remains open. Of course, it is not at all easy to solve a problem of this magnitude. After all, it is impossible to close all enterprises of such a large industrial center. Yes, and it is impossible to quickly re-equip the factories - this is a huge amount of money.

Reality and statistics

Therefore, while smog is gathering over the city from impurities of phenol, benzapyrene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, suspended solids, dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Pollution standards are very high. Data on the amount of pollution is in the relevant documents, but there is an opinion that even they are underestimated. In addition, not all emission sources are officially accounted for.

As a rule, statistics speak of large enterprises, and in the city there are many small boiler houses, mini-asphalt plants, the smoke from which is a column. In addition to these enterprises, there are a sufficient number of other small, but capable of polluting the atmosphere. It is unlikely that this is reflected anywhere.


Surprisingly, the authorities seem to be doing little, turning a blind eye to many things. Perhaps they have to do nothing? In any case, not only ordinary citizens breathe this smog, but also the city authorities. Is it really not interested in the reconstruction of treatment facilities? It is necessary to ring all the bells and change the system. This is an irreparable harm to the environment and the population. Of course, we are talking about expensive innovative technologies, which, most likely, cannot be mastered at a rapid pace.

Although, in order for citizens to get information about the sources of pollution in the city and the general environmental situation, the regional Ministry of Nature has created a special website. It provides information about current state air in the atmosphere over the city.

The ministry is often criticized for extra information. The site administrators take into account all comments and work on the availability of the submitted material. When queries in search engines, the site appears in the first lines.

Moreover, if someone has identified a source of contamination, they can report it to hotline Ministries. She works around the clock.

Work to improve the ecology of the city of Krasnoyarsk is underway. It's just that it's not obvious yet.

It is also interesting that not only enterprises are responsible, but also the citizens of the city. For example, if garbage is burned in the courtyards, then such a person or group of people is held accountable.

Of course, starting to deal with any problem is difficult. But you can't stop! It is necessary to confidently, albeit in small steps, but move forward to change the environmental situation. It just sometimes seems that the reaction from the authorities is zero. Most likely, this is an erroneous opinion, and they are probably working in the direction of ecology. Let's believe that common sense people on whom the situation depends will prevail over the desire to receive super profits at the expense of people's health and, as a result, the future generation. Let's believe in the victory of reason!