Those who like spicy can. People who like spicy food have a light temperament

How to determine the character of a person by what he likes to eat? For all my long life we are meeting with huge amount of people.

Some of them are close to us in terms of business or other work issues. With some we can have fun, getting into the same company. Such situations can be remembered enough.

But it happens that we still do not know anything about a person, but we are very eager to tell something about him. Of course, just having met, we will not ask everything at once. But curiosity still takes over.

Here the subtleties and facts noticed by the people come to the rescue. Paying attention to many points, you can learn enough about a person.

For example, one can learn about the character and habits of a person only by what he prefers in food. What is the best thing to pay attention to in the first place? Now let's talk about this.

Everyone has certain food preferences. Of course, no one is limited to just one or two types of products. In the diet specific person there is a variety of food.

But there are still foods that we love the most. And without noticing it, we use them more often than others. This subconscious choice will tell us about the character of a person.

meat lovers

Meat lovers are quite self-confident and active people. They rush through life at a rapid pace, commit a lot of deliberate and thoughtless actions. Therefore, it is not strange that in their life there are ups and downs.

But nothing really upsets them. Having stumbled or suffered trouble, they are not upset, they do not have time for this at all. Meat-eaters move on, without slowing down, to new achievements and achievements.

And such sharp swings from triumphant victories to crushing defeats befall meat lovers everywhere, including in their personal lives.

Therefore, they need to be a little more careful and try to control everything they have done, so as not to harm themselves, but only to reach heights.

Fish and seafood lovers

Those who eat fish and seafood are characterized by calmness. Unlike meat-eaters, these are quite melancholy people. On the contrary, they do everything at a measured pace and with long deliberation.

To accept the right decision, lovers of everything fish need a lot of time. This helps them evaluate and analyze all the positive and negative points. Only then do they make their choice.

People who often eat seafood and fish also famous diplomats and careerists. This happens because they are good at analyzing, making correct conclusions, predict the turn and course of events and predict the outcome of the situation in advance.

Ultimately, this makes it possible to build good career or a good way to climb the corporate ladder.

In personal life, everything happens exactly the same. But there is a small downside here. With their miscalculations and foresight, they spoil all the raspberries in a romantic relationship.

vegetable lovers

Those who often eat meat or other animal products can also love vegetables. It's just that those who primarily love vegetables, most often monitor their health. They try to balance their diet and eat more vitamins.

People who love vegetables are strong in character. They know exactly what they need from life and all possible ways achieve this. Achieving your goals is their life credo.

It has been noted that vegetable lovers often occupy a leading position in society. Leadership is in their blood. They are almost always right and stubbornly prove it to others.

Among other things, vegetable eaters are looking for everything correct solution and that's just how they do it. From the outside, such people look like egoists, because they always insist on their own. But this is not at all the case, because they only point others to the true solutions.

In their personal lives, vegetable lovers also always hold the upper hand and manage all the processes that take place in their family. Because them family life always clearly and correctly planned.

fruit lovers

People who are in their daily diet prefer fruits, they are very sensitive and creative natures. Such people live for the world around them. They are always ready to come to the rescue, give a helping hand when needed.

Fruit lovers are very attentive and caring. They always subtly notice the mood and problems of others and try to help in every possible way.

And what is characteristic, they may not be great bosses or directors at all, but their work and creative impulses will always be noticed and appreciated from the outside. Therefore, their own efforts bring them both pleasure and glory.

In their personal lives, fruit lovers are big romantics. You can expect pleasant gestures and surprises from such people. different kind. Regarding specific fruits, there are some disagreements.

Apple lovers are somewhat conservative people. They all and always calculate ahead.

Pears. Those who prefer the pear are very cheerful and sociable. This is faithful friends with whom you will never get bored.

Bananas. Banana eaters are vulnerable and very sensitive people. It's easy to offend them and make them cry. These are great romantics, for them the world is visible in rose-colored glasses.

Grape. Grape lovers do not tolerate loneliness, therefore they always have a lot of friends.

Strawberry. Those who often eat strawberries are very sociable and talkative. There is always something to talk about with them.

Cherry, cherries. Lovers of cherries and cherries are very open and friendly. They love holidays, fun and all sorts of surprises.

oranges. The most self-confident and assertive are orange lovers. Such people always know what they need from life. Energetic and decisive, they know how to be the center of attention and attract the views of others.

spicy lovers

About such people there are two diametrically opposite points vision. And both are justified by different scientific research. I don’t know who to believe, so I’ll give both, but the character of such people will have to be judged by some other signs.

Option 1. Such people are prone to adventure, prone to adventures, they are characterized by ease of communication and the absence of any complexes.

Option 2. It would seem that such people are quite assertive and self-confident. But here everything is just the opposite. Because lovers of spicy are often ordinary hackneyed inhabitants of this world.

They have a clear algorithm - home, work, home - which they adhere to on a daily basis. But just all these spicy foods are their only consolation, such a pepper in a boring life.

With the help of these products, these people bring to their boring life a few bright colors. Similarly, in their personal lives, they will sit quietly and not stick their noses anywhere. Therefore, they need strong-willed soul mates so that they can give a good shake, show all the sweetness of life.

sweet lovers

Sweet lovers are very sentimental, crying for them is like an elixir of calm. There is a belief that by eating sweets, they sweeten their lives, thereby eating all the bad and negative.

But here you can disagree, because often they eat sweets to cheer themselves up and bring them to active work your brain. Because sweets are often eaten by people who work hard mentally.

Now you know a lot of nuances. And if you liked someone at a party with friends, then by observing his food preferences, you can determine character traits. What will help you start a conversation with this person in the right way and find the right words.

More recently, scientists have made a kind of discovery. It turns out that how a person eats directly speaks about his character and type of his personality, state of mind. It turns out people who love sweets and in large quantities eat chocolate, in fact, deep down they feel lonely, they want to be shown more love, attention, they feel a strong lack of care and kindness.

However, if you like dairy products, then this directly indicates that you lack affection. There is a direct association with mother's milk here. In our subconsciously, that early stage of life is associated with security, we were surrounded by love and care.

So you can talk about all taste preferences. These or other products give out the character of a person and his psychological features behavior. In particular, if a person likes nuts, hard fruits and vegetables, and other tough foods, this indicates his strong character and desire to be a winner in life. If a person loves thrills, then he will constantly add pepper to his food.

Psychologists explain this dependence by the fact that in childhood or at any time happy for us, we ate certain foods, some were associated with joy, others with despair and loneliness.

Everyone in childhood was given certain treats as a reward. At home, when my mother cooked, it was associated with safety and tranquility, and subsequently similar food will cause similar feelings in the future. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when a person has an urgent need for certain products, this is nothing more than a desire to return happy moments life.

There is another very interesting pattern. People who love meat, especially beef, are more aggressive and nervous in life than people who eat more fruits and vegetables. These, in turn, are calmer.

A long time ago, the scientist Danilevsky conducted one very entertaining experiment. He conducted an experiment with pigeons, divided them into two groups, for several weeks he fed one group of pigeons with vegetable food, peas and other vegetables, while the other pigeons ate meat. And after some time, huge differences in their character and behavior really began to appear. Pigeons that ate meat became more aggressive, and if they continued to be fed meat, they became real predators. And the pigeons that ate peas, on the contrary, became even more balanced than they were before. After this, the theory of the good-naturedness of vegetarians became widespread.

Russian scientist Makarov revealed an even more detailed pattern between food and personal qualities of a person. People with a wide generous soul are very fond of tomatoes. Cucumbers, on the other hand, prefer romantic and sophisticated natures with a sensitive character. If a person lacks determination and self-confidence, then he himself, without realizing it, begins to eat cabbage and beans. But if a person eats only vegetables, then by nature he is very squeamish and cowardly.

Also, the way vegetables are cooked speaks volumes. For example, if a person loves fresh vegetables, raw carrots or an apple, which means that the person is mentally healthy. However, if a person gives more preference to various pickles and pickled vegetables, then this is clearly a sign of the presence of tyranny. Such pickles and products with a sour taste were loved by such tyrants as Stalin and Ivan the Terrible.

There are also specific differences in the use of animal products. People who love sausage, boiled meat are very diligent, patient, you can count on such people in difficult moments, they are not afraid of obligations. And people who prefer lard, bacon and pork ribs, in general fatty foods, they often turned out to be jealous, they had a strong sense of possessiveness.

People who love barbecue are 100% romantics. These people love to travel. Dreamy natures prefer to eat seafood. As a result, cheese lovers turn out to be very reliable and gentle people.

It means the pursuit of goodness and happiness. A person who loves sweets strives for optimism, for being happy. However, adults can eat sweets only in the morning - from 6 to 9. From this, psychic energy rises. If a person wants sweets for lunch, it means that he has an unwillingness to fulfill his duties, he wants someone else to take them upon himself. Sweet lunch gives laziness. It sort of relieves the tension associated with the unwillingness to finish something. A person who loves sweets in the evening is disappointed in life, he seeks to artificially maintain optimism in himself. However, the result is a violation of hormonal functions and metabolism, as well as excess weight.

It has bread, cereals (except buckwheat), as well as vegetables. Astringent taste means the ability and desire to work, not to get tired. He is loved by hardworking people. If a person likes to eat astringent at lunch, he acts correctly, works hard and knows how to relax. The desire to eat something astringent in the morning is associated with greed, a person wants to do more, earn a lot. This leads to depletion of prana. The use of astringent tastes in the evening leads to the loss of the ability to rest. Bread at night does not allow a person to relax, tension accumulates. An astringent taste at the wrong time is a tendency to stubbornness.

The sour taste is associated with the purification of psychic energy. If a person loves sour for lunch, he knows how to relax, relieve stress. Sour in the morning increases mental sensitivity, makes a person twitchy. So, often people with allergies love something sour in the morning. All this leads to irritability and irritability. Sour in the evening means resentment and anger. Such a person is offended by fate, health, anything. He heavily pollutes his prana.

Pungent taste means the ability to be active. It increases prana, strengthens temperament, gives the ability to transform thoughts, bring ideas to life and achieve success. If a person likes spicy lunch, he is inclined to deeply comprehend the essence of things. Spicy eaten in the morning makes the mind excessively caustic. The person becomes bilious and keenly notices the shortcomings and mistakes of others. The desire to eat spicy in the evening indicates a strong decrease in the ability to concentrate.

Salty taste tones up prana, gives the ability to work for a long time without feeling tired. A person who loves salty for lunch knows how to work and maintain a good tone throughout the day. Those who consume salty in the morning make the tone excessive, which leads to overstrain, as a result, hypertension and neuritis may appear. Salty in the evening is the inability to relax. This taste in the evening greatly depletes the body and protective abilities, it leads to sleep disturbance, memory loss. Salty is often loved by those who tend to overwork at the wrong time.

The bitter taste at dinner is the acceptance of the difficulties in life, as well as the love to overcome them. Its use in the morning speaks of the fear of obstacles and difficulties, and also leads to depression and feelings of helplessness. The desire to eat bitter in the evening indicates that a person is experiencing some kind of grief. The situation is especially difficult if bitter is combined with sour in the evening.

From the lecture by Oleg Torsunov "Five senses and their connection with diseases"

It seems to be an absurd question, but many experts, and not only in the field of medicine, psychology, but also in the very creativity of food - cooking, will tell you that every locality, every season, every specific situation requires its own, including a culinary decision or preference.

Maybe it's preferences, because. having an inner intuitive connection with the body, we listen and sometimes hear the requests of our body, addressed to us, about what it needs at any particular moment in time. After all, a person, living in a dual world, in that world that has positive and negative, left and right, right and wrong meaning, decision, opinion .... still strives for the ideal, for his whole, for his harmony. And the food is here, only as part of outside world, which a person absorbs and with the help of his physiology makes himself, every time food serves him as this addition to the whole, this remedy for our human imperfection.

Remember ancient sayingWith say what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are... Therefore, if a person has certain taste preferences, it may be worth thinking about his character, or if a person's taste, daily set of products has changed dramatically, then this symptom can tell a lot - starting from the fact that a person decided to start new life, changed jobs, outlook, before development somatic disease. After all, each product has its own history and its own character, its properties, and, getting into human body, each time he encourages us to a certain and very specific work on ourselves, on our essence.

Dairy lovers.

This is a rather diverse audience, tk. Dairy products are a very broad category of products, from milk to cheeses.

Milk for a person is the very first food that he receives from his mother. Remember, when feeding takes place, communication takes place at the same time, in which mother or another close person(because let's not forget about those people who grew up on artificial mixtures) gives tenderness, care, affection, a sense of love and security. Therefore, milk lovers are sensual and vulnerable people, highly appreciating comfort, safety, attention, tenderness and needing them.

Kefir seems to be also milk product. However, observations indicate that lovers of fermented milk products are very independent, active people who like to keep a lot under control, capable of tough leadership.

vegetable lovers.

As a rule, people are scrupulous, thoughtful and serious. They are purposeful, ambitious, and make a good career. This is strong people, maybe that's why they rarely show their aggression, because they like to achieve their goal peacefully, through negotiations and finding a compromise. They are inquisitive, take care of their health, appreciate and love life.

A separate word must be said about vegetarians and more strict vegans, because. serious, honest and at first glance unpretentious vegans have very strict requirements for their food. And it turns out that they constantly demand to themselves special treatment, this is well known to those who have ever had such a guest in their house. The owner has to try hard to please him and satisfy his "non-standard needs". Agree, there is something to think about. Maybe this is one of those cases where veganism is a special lifestyle in which most of of time and human strength involuntarily revolves around the plate, because of which others are no less important aspects lives are left unattended and ignored.

For fruit lovers.

Despite the fact that these people have a sense of tact, subtly perceive and feel the world, these are lovers to argue. It is important for them to get to the very essence of the issue, to understand, literally “bite into the issue” and it is also important to be understood. It is very inquisitive and sociable people who at first glance may seem careless, because they prefer creativity in their lives. They love and seek non-standard solutions, appreciate life, can and know how to enjoy it.


For example, the category of these people is also diverse, because there are lovers of fatty meat, there are those who prefer lean beef, there are people who enjoy tender poultry meat, and there are connoisseurs of sausages.

In any case, the one who prefers juicy meat steak or barbecue to some extent - a hunter, getter and winner. As a rule, these people are impulsive and quick-tempered to such an extent that in the heat of a quarrel they can even use physical strength not to mention rude and harsh expressions. But they cool down very quickly, although they rarely openly and directly admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. For the most part, these are passionate and temperamental natures, magnanimous and generous, inclined to give expensive and beautiful gifts, because. it is among these people that you will find real connoisseurs of beauty, in all its manifestations in life. They are independent, active and do not tolerate control over themselves, they value their freedom very much. Usually their life and career is uneven, where periods of take-off can be replaced by long stagnation, although their ambitions are quite high.

About who loves chicken and turkey often referred to as a good family man. These people really value their home, family rules and traditions. They are kind to all their loved ones, both to their parents and to their children. They love and appreciate coziness and comfort, often among them there are many who lead healthy lifestyle life. For the most part, they are kind, gentle and warm-hearted people.

If you met sausage lover, then, most likely, in front of you is a person who always does not have enough time. It is difficult to achieve some kind of order from him in his room, and in relationships, and in life. Many people around them consider them selfish, because they are creative, inquisitive and freedom-loving natures who contemptuously treat many conventions. These people love travel and adventure, and therefore they can sit for hours at a book or a computer game that is interesting to them.

fish fans.

Almost all of them are considered calm and balanced people. It is true that most of them are sensitive, attentive, tactful people who do not want to cause anxiety and inconvenience to others. However, it is precisely these qualities that such people cause inconvenience to themselves, because. so as not to offend or offend anyone, they will endure a lot. Such people are usually good loyal friends and reliable partners. Maybe someone will find them too boring and insipid, this is a mistake, because. they are deep and whole natures that can only be revealed in a long-term relationship. Often they are neat, they know how to live slowly, they love order and sophistication.

Sweet tooth.

These people are usually cheerful, pleasant and open in communication. As a rule, they are very impressionable and sentimental. Often they want to be loved by everyone and everyone will like it, and therefore they are often disappointed both in people and in life. They study well and know how to work. But often being in a team or family, they can consider themselves very lonely, misunderstood, underestimated people. Their emotional hunger, which they unsuccessfully try to extinguish with chocolate, a piece of cake, ice cream, is formed in childhood. Meanwhile, the sweet tooth is gentle, soft-hearted and altruistic, they just have increased vulnerability, vulnerability and, so to speak, poor tolerance for the realities of life. Very often they are dissatisfied with themselves and suffer from excess body weight.

Despite some playful tone of the article, sometimes you can see behind taste preferences character, condition or mood of a person. Here keyword- discern! The main thing is to be a thinking person, not indifferent, attentive and observant to yourself and others. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “ Sowa thought reaps an action, sow an action reaps a habit, sows a habit reaps a characteryou sow character, you reap destiny».

Some experts believe that preference in tastes is associated with a person's blood type. Astrology associates these preferences with belonging to a particular zodiac sign. Many doctors believe that the choice of food taste is associated solely with the state of health of each patient.

And they are largely right. The state of a person's health is directly related to the system in which he eats (or lack thereof). Statistical Research confirm that people who abuse meat products most often suffer from stomach cancer. And those who follow a vegetarian diet are significantly less likely to get sick. The influence of products on the body continues to be studied, and it is important for a person to listen to his body in order to maintain health.

How are human health and eating habits related?

If the body often asks for sour, it is worth going to an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Perhaps the acidity of your stomach is greatly reduced. It can also pull on sour during a cold, because. “sour foods” contain vitamin C, which is so necessary for the body during colds. In addition, the sour taste is an excellent appetite stimulant.

Craving for salt is manifested in people whose bodies have any chronic inflammation or infection. Often people who strive to salt each of their dishes suffer from cystitis, prostatitis, reduced immunity, and inflammation of the appendages. Do not be reminded that salt in excess amounts harms the body, do not be zealous.

If you feel cravings for bitter and spicy tastes, it means that your body is prone to intoxication. Spicy foods thin the blood, remove fats, cleanse the blood vessels. In moderation, spicy foods can be very beneficial to the body. But be careful, acute can irritate the mucous membrane.

A bit of psychology

Every craving for taste has its own psychological aspect. So, for example, people who prefer sour are prone to resentment, revenge, malevolence. Those who are zealous with sweets may be lazy, seeking excessive pleasures. Those who are accustomed to richly salt their food are usually hardworking, hardy, focused on results, and those who like pepper and spicy dishes are passionate, used to getting to the bottom of things.