In the Kaliningrad region, two newest thermal power plants were launched at once. Energy without limits

Location: Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad
Installed electrical capacity: 900 MW
Installed heat output: 680 Gcal/h
Main and reserve fuel: natural gas
Emergency fuel: diesel fuel
Commissioning: October 28, 2005

Director of the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 branch of JSC Inter RAO – Electric Power Plants:

Year of birth: 1963


Ivanovo Order "Badge of Honor" energy institute them. V.I Lenin.

academy National economy under the Government Russian Federation - professional retraining under the program "Management of the development of the company" in the specialty "Management".

Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Professional experience:

July 2011 - present - director of the branch "Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2" JSC "Inter RAO-Electrogeneration".

2006 - 2010 - Deputy Director - Chief Engineer branch of JSC "OGK-6" Ryazanskaya GRES.

2006 - Deputy Executive Director - Chief Engineer of OAO Ryazanskaya GRES.

2002 - 2006 - chief engineer-first deputy CEO OAO Ryazanskaya GRES.

2001 - 2002 - chief engineer of OAO Ryazanskaya GRES.

2001 – Acting Chief Engineer of OAO Ryazanskaya GRES.

2001 - Deputy General Director for Production Issues at OAO Ryazanskaya GRES.

1996 - 2001 - Deputy General Director for general issues OAO Ryazanskaya GRES.

1991 - 1996 - Deputy Head of the Boiler Department of KTC-1, OAO Ryazanskaya GRES.

1990 - 1991 - Process Engineer of the 1st category of the Ryazan State District Power Plant of the POEiE "Ryazanenergo".

1990 - senior engineer of the power unit of the 7th group of the boiler-turbine shop-1 of the Ryazan State District Power Plant of the POEiE "Ryazanenergo".

1989 - machinist of the power unit of the 7th group of the boiler-turbine shop of the Nizhnevartovskaya state district power station.

1988 - 1989 - foreman of the 2nd group of the fuel and transport shop of the Kostroma CHPP No. 2.

1987 - 1988 1999-1999 - shift supervisor of the boiler and turbine shop-1 of the Ryazan State District Power Plant "Ryazanenergo".

1986 - 1987 - Senior engineer of two power units of the boiler-turbine shop-1 of the Ryazan State District Power Plant "Ryazanenergo".

1986 - machinist of the power unit for the turbine of the boiler-turbine shop-1 of the Ryazan State District Power Plant "Ryazanenergo".

1985 - 1986 1998-1999 - Engineer - lineman of the power unit for turbine equipment of the boiler-turbine shop-1 of the Ryazan State District Power Plant "Ryazanenergo".


2018 - Honorary title"Honorary Power Engineer".

2012 - Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

2013 - Certificate of honor from JSC INTER RAO UES.

2004 - Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation.

2001 - Gratitude of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

2014 - Commendation from JSC INTER RAO - Electric Power Plants.

2012 and 2013 - Thanksgiving letters JSC INTER RAO UES.

2002 - Diploma of RAO UES of Russia.

2006 - Board of Honor of OAO RAO UES of Russia.

Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is one of the most modern power plants in Russia, operating on the basis of combined cycle technology with the discharge of exhaust gases into waste heat boilers. The station was designed and built to ensure the energy self-sufficiency of the Kaliningrad region with the prospect of entering the Lithuanian energy market. Kaliningrad CHPP-2 is the most important strategic energy facility in the Kaliningrad region.

The first power unit of the station was put into operation in October 2005. On December 21, 2010, the second power unit with an installed capacity of 425 MW was launched at the station. On October 28, 2010, a heating main was put into operation from KTETs-2 to southern part Kaliningrad. This made it possible to significantly increase the reliability of urban heating systems and improve ecological situation regional center due to the closure of oil and coal boilers. In the future, it is planned to build a second heating main.

Location of CHP on the territory big city imposes special requirements on its activities related to ensuring environmental safety. Used CCGT-450 are highly economical combined-cycle plants operating on natural gas, with full utilization of heat from flue gases and high rates environmental safety. Environmental activities of the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2, organized in accordance with Russian legislation and the Environmental Action Plan, is aimed at reducing all types of impact on the region's ecology.

Kaliningrad region, the most western region Russian Federation, part of the Northwestern federal district. The population of the region is about 946 thousand people, 78% of them live in cities. administrative center region is the city of Kaliningrad. The region has a developed transport infrastructure, represented by branched railway, road and shipping routes, as well as the main gas pipeline Russia - Belarus - Poland. The main industrial sectors are mechanical engineering (shipbuilding), metalworking, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, as well as oil and amber extraction. Developed energy complex and availability raw materials mainly meet the needs of the region in electricity and heat.

Installed electrical capacity: 875 MW
Installed heat output: 680 Gcal/h
Main and reserve fuel – natural gas
Emergency fuel: diesel fuel
Commissioning: October 28, 2005
Location: Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad

Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is one of the most modern power plants in Russia, operating on the basis of combined cycle technology with the discharge of exhaust gases into waste heat boilers. The station was designed and built to ensure the energy self-sufficiency of the Kaliningrad region with the prospect of entering the Lithuanian energy market. Kaliningrad CHPP-2 is the most important strategic energy facility in the Kaliningrad region.

The first power unit of the station was put into operation in October 2005. On December 21, 2010, the second power unit with an installed capacity of 425 MW was launched at the station. On October 28, 2010, a heating main from KTETs-2 to the southern part of Kaliningrad was put into operation. This made it possible to significantly increase the reliability of the operation of urban heating systems and improve the ecological situation of the regional center due to the closure of fuel oil and coal-fired boilers. In the future, it is planned to build a second heating main.

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Kaliningrad CHPP-2 is the largest thermal power plant Kaliningrad region, located in Guryevsky municipal area, on the southeastern outskirts of the city of Kaliningrad. Part of the Inter RAO Group.

Kaliningrad CHPP-2 is one of the first combined-cycle power plants in Russia. It consists of two PGU-450 power units, each of which consists of two GTE-160 gas turbines and a T-150-7.7 steam turbine, two P-96 waste heat boilers, two T3FG-160-2MU3 turbogenerators, one T3FP- 160-2MU3 and three block transformers TDTs-200000/110 and TDTs-200000/330. The main type of fuel is natural gas, emergency fuel is diesel. Power output is carried out via six lines with a voltage of 110 kV and two lines with a voltage of 330 kV, main circuit- two working, partitioned busbar systems with a bypass for 110 kV and one and a half for 330 kV. The connection between the 110 and 330 kV outdoor switchgear is made by an ATDTSTN-200000/330/110/35 autotransformer. Coefficient useful action stations in condensing mode 51% (at conventional stations with steam power plants, the efficiency does not exceed 40%). Specific fuel consumption is 255 g/kWh.

Since October 2010, after the commissioning of the heat main and the heat pump station, the CHPP has been supplying heat to the southern part of the city. In 2012, the supply of thermal energy amounted to 144.6 thousand Gcal. Electricity generation for the same period - 6726.1 million kWh of electricity.

The plant's installed electric capacity is 875 MW, or 91.7% of the total installed capacity of the power plants of the Kaliningrad energy system.

In 1990, in the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, it was written that the station would consist of three power units of 180 MW each. In 1991 the borders were defined land plot. Later, in 1994, a decision was made to use a combined cycle plant and increase the plant's capacity to 900 MW (two CCGT-450 power units). Since 2002, active construction has begun, on October 28, 2005, the first power unit was put into pilot operation. On October 12, 2007, a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the construction of the second power unit CCGT-450 was adopted, the construction completion date is December 22, 2010. As part of the restructuring of RAO "UES of Russia" on July 1, 2008, JSC "Kaliningrad CHPP-2" was merged with JSC "INTER RAO UES" and transformed into its branch. At the end of 2010, the second power unit was put into operation. With its commissioning, the Kaliningrad region became self-sufficient in electricity.

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Kaliningrad CHPP-2 is a thermal power plant located in close proximity to the city of Kaliningrad. This enterprise Energy is part of the Russian company INTER RAO UES JSC as a production branch. 100% of the shares of the first power unit of the Kaliningrad combined heat and power plant No. 2 belong to the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 branch of INTER RAO UES, and unit No. 2 of the station is owned by OAO Gazprom.

Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is the newest operating power plant in Russia, built on the basis of combined cycle technology with the discharge of exhaust gases from gas turbines into utilizing boiler units. The installed electric power of the plant is 900 (875) MW, the installed thermal power is 680 Gcal/h.

As mentioned above, at present, the CHPP consists of 2 CCGT-450 power units, each of which includes 2 GTE-160 gas turbines, a T-150-7.7 steam turbine, 2 P-96 waste heat boilers, 2 T3FG-160 turbogenerators -2MU3, 1 turbogenerator T3FP-160-2MU3 and 3 block transformers TDTs-200000/110.

The main type of fuel used by the station's boilers is natural gas. As an emergency - diesel fuel is used. Power output from Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is carried out via 6 power transmission lines with a voltage of 110 kV. In the condenser mode, the CHP efficiency is 51%, and the specific fuel consumption is 255 grams per kWh.

According to the project of the Kaliningrad CHPP-2, which was approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in 1990, it was supposed to consist of 3 power units with a capacity of 180 MW each. In 1991, a construction site was selected, and in 1994, it was decided to build a station on the basis of a combined cycle plant, as well as increase the installed electric power of the station to 900 MW (2 CCGT-450 power units).

The construction of the station began in 2002. Commissioning of the first power unit for pilot operation was carried out on October 28, 2005.

On October 12, 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to build the second power unit CCGT-450, which was completed on December 22, 2010.

The composition of the main equipment of the power unit CCGT-450 of the Kaliningrad CHPP-2

1. General information.

Commissioning of the power unit CCGT-450 st. No. 1 of the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 was held on October 28, 2005 with the signing of the Acceptance Commission Act, approved by the order of RAO UES of Russia dated November 10, 2005. No. 734.

The commissioning of the heat main from the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 to the southern part of the city of Kaliningrad (after a comprehensive testing from October 18 to October 20, 2010) made it possible to start from October 21, 2010 the commercial heat supply to external consumers from the power unit st. No. 1.

The design technical and economic indicators of the first start-up complex with the CCGT-450 power unit are characterized by the following data:

Name of indicator



Annual supply of electricity

million kWh;

Average annual specific fuel equivalent consumption for supplied electricity

Average annual specific fuel consumption per supplied heat energy

Efficiency (gross) in condensation mode

The second power unit of the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 in terms of its technical specifications similar to the first, its installed capacity is 450 MW. The total installed capacity of the entire power plant after the completion of construction will reach 900 MW (two power units of 450 MW each).

2. Description and technical specifications main equipment

Power unit PGU-450 st. No. 1.

Power unit CCGT-450 st. No. 1 is a binary steam-gas plant with two steam pressure circuits, designed for the production of electricity and heat in the basic mode of operation. The main fuel is natural gas, emergency (in case of gas supply failure) - liquid (diesel) fuel.

As part of the CCGT-450 st. No. 1 includes the following main equipment:

two horizontal double-circuit waste-heat boilers of type P-96 developed by OAO IK ZIOMAR and manufactured by OAO ZIO-Podolsk;
one steam turbine of the T-150-7.7 type manufactured by OAO LMZ with a turbogenerator of the TZFP-160-2MUZ type;

2.1. Gas turbine plant.

The GTE-160 gas turbine plant is designed to drive the electric generator TZFG-160-2MU3 with a rotation speed of 3000 min-1 (50 Hz) and to utilize the heat of the flue gases in the waste heat boiler (HRSG). Due to the heat of the exhaust gases in the heating surfaces of the boiler, the condensate is heated (part of which is used for the needs of district heating, and the other part is used in the circuit of the supply and deaeration tract) and the generation of high and low pressure steam entering the steam turbine (ST).

GTE-160 is a heat engine, in which useful energy is obtained by burning fuel in the combustion chamber in the environment of outdoor air compressed in an axial compressor to a certain pressure. The gas turbine plant is a turbine unit operating according to a simple thermodynamic cycle, with an initial gas temperature according to the ISO 2314 standard of about 1060 0С and a gas temperature at the outlet of the gas turbine of 537 0С. The design of the unit uses two remote combustion chambers, which are adapted to operate on natural gas and liquid (diesel) fuel.

Electric power of GTE-160 according to the results of regime tests at external conditions according to GOST 20440 (outside air temperature +15 0С, air pressure 101.3 kPa, humidity 60%, compressor inlet resistance 1 kPa, turbine outlet resistance 3.3 kPa) and the lowest calorific value gaseous fuel 49318 kJ/kg is 149.6 MW.

The electrical power of the GTE-160 at an average annual (for the Kaliningrad region) outdoor temperature of + 7.1 0С and calculated external conditions according to GOST 20440 is 157.8 MW.

2.2. Recovery boiler.

Waste-heat boiler (complete utilization plant) of type P-96 (factory design for manufacturing E-232/45-7.75/0.5-510/226) of a horizontal design, made of a drum type, with natural circulation of the steam-water medium in the evaporative surfaces of high and low pressure. Along the gas flow (after the gas turbine) in the waste heat boiler are located in series: superheater high pressure(HP), HP evaporator, HP economizer; superheater low pressure(ND), LP evaporator, gas condensate heater (GPC).

The main parameters of the waste heat boiler during the operation of the CCGT-450 power unit in heating and condensing modes:

Name of quantities

Meaning of quantities

Characteristics of modes.

Outside air temperature, 0 С



Indicators of the waste heat boiler.

High pressure circuit:

Steam capacity, t/h

Steam pressure at the outlet, MPa

Low pressure circuit:

Steam capacity, t/h

Steam outlet temperature, 0 С

Steam pressure at the outlet, MPa

3. Description and technical parameters of the main equipment

Power unit CCGT-450 station No. 2.

Power unit CCGT450 st. No. 2 of the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 was also built on the basis of modern combined cycle technology and is a unit that provides combined generation of heat and electrical energy based on the control and management of automated process control systems. The power unit includes the following main equipment:

two gas turbine units of the GTE-160 type manufactured by OAO LMZ with turbogenerators of the TVFG-160-2MUZ type;
two horizontal double-circuit waste heat boilers of the PK-63 type, developed and supplied by OAO Podolsky machine building plant"(JSC "ZiO");
one steam turbine of type T-150-7.7 manufactured by OAO LMZ with a turbogenerator of type TZFP-160-2MUZ.
Supply of natural gas for power unit CCGT-450 st. No. 2 is carried out from the main high-pressure gas pipeline Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Kaliningrad along the second (separate) branch of the gas pipeline.

The design technical and economic indicators of the second power unit CCGT-450 for the condensation mode are characterized by the following data:





N mouth

E vyp.

10 6 kWh

Electricity consumption for own needs


10 6 kWh

B e otp

In nat

10 6 m3

Unit efficiency for electricity supply

The second power unit of the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 can produce heat output up to 340 Gcal/h. Realization of thermal energy supply is possible after the construction of main heating networks to the Northern and Eastern parts of the city of Kaliningrad.

The design technical and economic indicators of the second power unit CCGT-450 for the heating mode are characterized by the following data:





Installed (marking) electric power of the unit

N mouth

Installed (marking) thermal power of the unit

Q set

Annual electricity generation

E vyp.

10 6 kWh

Electricity consumption for own needs


10 6 kWh

Annual supply of thermal energy

Q otp.

0 3 Gcal

Specific reference fuel consumption for electricity supply

B e otp

Specific reference fuel consumption for heat supply

B t rep

Annual consumption of natural fuel (gas with Q n.r. = 7950 kcal/m3)

In nat

10 6 m3

Fuel heat utilization factor

Electrical power: 875 MW
Thermal power: 680 Gcal/h
Annual electricity generation: 6,282 million kWh
Year of commissioning: 2005
Number of employees: 437 people
Main fuel: gas
Auxiliary fuel: diesel
Condition: in use

The Kaliningrad region is the most amazing subject of the Russian Federation, which has no borders with the rest of the country.
Let's leave aside the political moment and reasoning about why this happened.
Today I will talk a little about the energy situation in the region.

AT this moment The Kaliningrad region receives electricity from Russia, it goes through the territory of Lithuania.
This is a rather difficult and dangerous moment - the region runs the risk of becoming dependent on the EU countries, and even in an energy blockade - in the event of an accident, the existing energy facilities will not cope with the loads.
On the last week an event took place that could turn the tide in the energy sector of the region.

2. July 14 in Kaliningrad solemn ceremony laying of as many as three gas-fired power plants - one of them - Pregolskaya - will be adjacent to the Kaliningrad CHPP-2, Mayakovskaya TPP will be built in the city of Gusev, Talakhovskaya TPP - in the city of Sovetsk.

3. The power system of the Kaliningrad region will become more flexible.

4. It is also planned to build a coal power station Primorskaya TPP, which will reduce dependence on the use of natural gas.

5. Within a couple of years, the Kaliningrad region will be fully provided with its own electricity, moreover, it will be possible, if necessary, technically feasible and economically feasible, to export energy to the Baltic countries and North-West Europe.

6. The laying ceremony of three stations took place on the territory of the future Pregolskaya CHPP, next to the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2.
The ceremony was attended by Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Nikolai Tsukanov, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kravchenko, Chairman of the Board of Inter RAO Boris Kovalchuk.

7. A TV broadcast was organized, where it was possible to watch the laying of two other stations.

8. I recently told you about my trip to Rybinsk, where they were preparing a turbine for shipment to Kaliningrad.
Now this turbine will operate at one of the new Kaliningrad power plants.
In total, the Rybinsk enterprise will supply eight such installations to all three stations.

9. It is very interesting to watch all the stages of construction of a new large facility!
And then for Sasha and me russo organized an excursion to the power plant, which I had previously seen only from the air during my last visit to Kaliningrad.

10. The largest thermal power plant in the Kaliningrad region, CHPP-2, located in the Guryev municipal district, on the southeastern outskirts of the city of Kaliningrad.

11. The installed electric power of the station is 900 MW.
The main type of fuel is natural gas, emergency fuel is diesel.

12. Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is one of the first combined-cycle power plants in Russia.

13. Kaliningrad CHPP-2 is one of the most modern power plants in Russia, operating on the basis of combined cycle technology with the discharge of exhaust gases into waste heat boilers. The station was designed and built to ensure the energy self-sufficiency of the Kaliningrad region with the prospect of entering the Lithuanian energy market.

14. Kaliningrad CHPP-2 is the most important strategic energy facility in the Kaliningrad region.

15. There are currently four thermal power plants, one hydroelectric power plant and two small hydropower plants operating in the region.

17. Consists of two PGU-450 power units, each of which consists of two GTE-160 gas turbines and a T-150-7.7 steam turbine, two P-96 waste heat boilers, two T3FG-160-2MU3 turbogenerators, one turbogenerator T3FP-160-2MU3 and three block transformers TDTs-200000/110 and TDTs-200000/330.

18. The first power unit of the station was put into operation in October 2005.

19. The location of the CHPP in the territory of a large city imposes special requirements on its activities related to ensuring environmental safety.

20. Since October 2010, after the commissioning of the heat main and the heat pump station, the CHPP has been distributing heat to the southern part of the city.
Used CCGT-450 are highly economical combined-cycle plants operating on natural gas, with full utilization of exhaust gas heat and high environmental safety.

21. Cleanliness and order at the station.

22. Main Control Board.

23. The walls of the main control room are decorated historical photographs Kaliningrad.

24. Scheme of the station.

27. Power is output via six lines with a voltage of 110 kV and two lines with a voltage of 330 kV, the main circuit is two working, sectioned bus systems with a bypass for 110 kV and one and a half for 330 kV. The connection between the 110 and 330 kV outdoor switchgear is made by an ATDTSTN-200000/330/110/35 autotransformer.
The efficiency of the station in the condensing mode is 51% (at conventional stations with steam power plants, the efficiency does not exceed 40%). Specific fuel consumption is 255 g/kWh.

28. View of the construction site of the Pregolskaya TPP from the Kaliningradskaya TPP-2.
The power system of the Kaliningrad region is being prepared for independent operation.

Today is a landmark event in the history of the development of the energy system of the Kaliningrad region. Two twin stations with a total capacity of 156 MW each were put into operation. And since I literally grew up at a thermal power plant, any shooting of energy facilities is a thrill for me. Especially when we are talking about new and beautiful stations like these.

1. In those days when Moscow was overtaken by snowy Armageddon, Sasha and I russo barely managed to fly away from the swelling and seething Sheremetyevo. Huge queues at the counters, delays and cancellations of flights, cursing and anger. And so we arrive in Kaliningrad, and then the sun and spring! And also these huge and tasty chebureks in the Talpak roadside canteen. A completely different life.

2. With pasties inside, we start shooting Mayakovskaya TPP, which is located in the east of the Kaliningrad region near the city of Gusev. It's hard to believe that two years ago there was a wasteland here. The station was built in record time. Her the main task- coverage of peak loads in the network. The station will be launched taking into account the schedule of maximum electricity consumption. Feature in the quick start of gas turbines and access to full power in just 20 minutes.

“After the collapse of the USSR, the Kaliningrad region's own power generation capacity was very meager - no more than 200 MW. Electricity was supplied through neighboring states, which did not guarantee a safe supply of the region, since they, neighboring states, sometimes behave very strangely.

To provide the Kaliningrad region with electricity, it was decided to build the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 with a capacity of 900 MW. The commissioning of all its capacities took place in 2010. In principle, the commissioning of this station blocked the entire shortage of electricity in the region. But there is, as they say, one "but". Firstly, supplying the region from one station is simply not energetically safe. In the event that one block is stopped for repairs (and any block is waiting for a planned overhaul) or an accident, the remaining 450 MW will not be enough for the region. Now, in such cases, there is import from Lithuania, but Lithuania wants to separate from our energy system, and then there will be a shortage.

Secondly, now that both units of CHPP-2 are in operation, excess energy goes to Lithuania. If there is no connection with Lithuania, then the electricity will have nowhere to go, therefore, it is necessary to turn off the second 450 MW unit. And this will again create an energy shortage in the Kaliningrad region.

In 2008, a decision was made to build the Baltic NPP with a capacity of 2.4 GW. In 2012, the main concrete work began at power unit No. 1, but already in 2013, construction was stopped. And, most likely, the nuclear power plant will never be completed, since the construction of two power units with a capacity of 1.2 GW will not solve the problem of the maneuverability of the region's power grids. Although there were a lot of reasons for stopping construction.

Instead nuclear power plant it was decided to build four thermal plants with a total capacity of 1 GW. The main purpose of the construction of generation facilities is to ensure energy security and increase the reliability of the region's energy supply in the face of the threat of technological separation of energy systems Baltic countries and the Kaliningrad region from the UES of Russia. And the construction of the coal-fired Primorskaya TPP will make it possible to reduce the energy technological dependence on the supply of natural gas, which also goes through neighboring countries.”

Excerpt from Sasha's reportage for 2016: Energy security of the Kaliningrad region

4. The stations are designed for two types of fuel: the main one is natural gas. Reserve - natural diesel. In the photo - Mayakovskaya TPP.

5. And this twin sister, Talakhovskaya TPP, not far from Sovetsk. The stations were built according to the same project using the same equipment.

6. The only difference in the photos is that it was sunny and dry in Gusev, and cloudy and snowy in Sovetsk. In the foreground are storage tanks for emergency diesel fuel. Both stations are equipped with their own treatment facilities.

8. From the outside, the station looks quite small. But it is worth climbing on foot to the roof, so the feeling of diminutiveness immediately disappears.

9. Here's industrial climbers for scale.

10. Three pipes of a hot water boiler house for own needs.

12. Fast forward to the turbine hall. Everything here is clean, tidy and boring. This is the case when the street is more interesting than inside. The turbine halls of the Mayakovskaya and Talakhovskaya TPPs differ only in the color of the gas turbine covers.

13. Two gas turbines PG6111 with a capacity of 77.9 MW, manufactured by Russian Gas Turbines LLC, are installed in the turbine hall.

14. Electrical efficiency – 35,5%

16. Gas turbine inside the shelter.

21. Gas turbine plants have the best performance in terms of nitrogen oxide emissions, the value of which does not exceed 30 milligrams per cubic meter of exhaust gases.

23. Dry cooling tower fans and outdoor switchgear in the background.

24. Chelyabinsk cookies Kurabye)

26. Sasha plays with the switch of the cooling unit.

27. Block control panel. Here everything is white and in the monitors, nothing interesting.

28. New power sources will ensure the energy security of the region and make the energy system of the Kaliningrad region more maneuverable: in the event of an accident, as well as when operating power units are taken out for repair, the stations under construction are able to fully cover the peak loads in the network. In the future, if there is a technical possibility and the condition of economic feasibility, electricity generated at new TPPs can be exported to the Baltic countries and North-Western Europe.

29. His Majesty, outdoor switchgear.

31. Block of transformers manufactured by SverdlovEnergo. Prior to the Crimea, transformers were produced and purchased from the Kharkov plant.

32. Outdoor switchgear is used to receive and distribute electrical energy of one voltage class. From here, the electricity goes through the power lines to consumers.

34. Let's walk a little more around the station.

36. The workshop, the name of which I did not hear, was very loud.

37. Systems of gas input to the station.

39. Water treatment workshop.

40. Sensors of the anti-icing system for cooling towers.

41. Baltic sky.

43. I congratulate the residents of the Kaliningrad region on the commissioning of two new stations. This is not only an uninterrupted supply of electricity, but also additional jobs.

44. Thanks a lot press service of Inter RAO for organizing the trip, and thanks to everyone who accompanied us around the stations!
Sasha's report