Route m 11 today. Contractors strike and complain they are not being paid

Professional photography of infrastructure facilities: roads and railways, artificial constructions, power lines, gas pipelines. Shooting from the air. Phone: +79210258768.

By numerous requests non-TV viewers, I return to the stories about the progress of the construction of the M11 motorway. In fact, it remains to build two sites. About the first, in the Moscow and Tver regions,. But the second one is more difficult. It's not that easy to get there. local roads not there, these are the swamps of Myasny Bor, so any shooting has to be coordinated. If everything goes according to plan, then I will report on the progress of construction on the site from Myasny Bor to the Luga-Lyuban road every two weeks. Further, as it turns out. But then you can manage without me, there are all areas in plain sight.

1. Of the 669 km of the M11 toll motorway, 412 km (61%) have now been put into operation. This year, they plan to introduce a 52 km section bypassing Zavidovo and Spas-Zaulka in the Tver and Moscow regions. But we, as residents Novgorod region, more interested in the section from Myasny Bor to St. Petersburg.

My general impressions are positive. The non-opening of the site this year has been known since the start of construction. Crimean bridge so there are no surprises here.

But the pace of construction over the past two weeks has been a surprise. In some places, one gets the impression that they want to open the section of Myasny Bor to the Tosnenskaya bypass already this year. Indeed, there is nowhere to go. There will be only two intermediate exits on the section from Myasny Bor to St. Petersburg: the first at the intersection with the A120 South Semi-Circle, and the second in the Slavyanka area with an exit to Sofiyskaya and Kolpino.

I also suddenly realized the wild monotony of this area. While they are building, it is not so conspicuous: here and there they stick out different kind viaducts and bridges. But they disappear after they are closed by the body of the motorway. There is still a feature on the site - they are all low, there is not a single high one.

Some variety appears at the entrance to St. Petersburg. First, the bridge over the Izhora (the largest in this section), then the overpasses over the Vitebsk railway passage, then over the Vitebsky Avenue, then the tunnel under the Varshavsky railway passage, and then again flat and uninteresting until the very exit to the Ring Road. And there, at the exit, the main disappointment is that the exit to Pulkovo airport is not being built. Taking into account the peculiarities of access to the ring road, the distance to the airport increases by 15 km, and the travel time is no longer predictable.

2. Overpass at the intersection with the railway Chudovo - Veliky Novgorod.

The section of the M11 motorway under construction begins near the village of Myasnoy Bor, Novgorod Region. The toll collection point and the overpass for the exit to the M10 Rossiya, which were put into operation in June this year, also belong to the facilities of the M11 stage 7 under construction, where the Italian-Turkish concern ICA (Ichtash Astaldi) is the general contractor.

They were put into operation earlier than other facilities, because without them it would be impossible to go to the already existing 6th stage.

Now at the interchange in Myasnoy Bor construction of two overpasses is underway, located on the main course in the body of the motorway. The first one is at the intersection with the M10 "Russia" highway and the second, which is in the photo, at the intersection with the Chudovo - Veliky Novgorod railway.

The toll collection point is located at km 547, and the overpasses at km 547 and 548.

3. Overpass at the intersection with the railway Chudovo - Veliky Novgorod.

The steel elements of the spans are manufactured at factories and delivered to the construction site by road. Further, on assembly slipways - special scaffolding located next to the finished bridge supports - an enlarged assembly is carried out: blocks weighing 10-11 tons are interconnected in sections. Then they are lifted by cranes and installed on auxiliary supports in a position close to the design one.

After the spans are finally assembled and installed in the design position on the main supports, it will be possible to start work on concreting the roadway slab. Concreting of the slab on the adjacent overpass is almost completed.

The roadway slab will need to be polished and waterproofed. Then it will be possible to start work on the installation of fences, lighting poles, painting, strengthening slopes and asphalting. These works can take from 4 to 8 months.

4. 548 km, view towards St. Petersburg

From Myasnoy Bor to the intersection with the Ushaki-Tarasovo road (Tosnenskaya bypass area), two layers of asphalt pavement have been laid on the future highway. A third layer of crushed-stone-mastic asphalt concrete (ShMA) was laid on a large number of sites.

There is no asphalt only in the area of ​​construction of artificial structures. In such places, the movement of construction equipment is carried out on a temporary road.

5. Animal Pass at 549 km. At this point, the motorway tangentially passes through a place called "Death Valley".

Death Valley is a place northwest of the village of Myasnoy Bor, Novgorod Region. You can find it by the remains of a wartime narrow-gauge railway. During the Great Patriotic War here, on a relatively small area, tens of thousands of Soviet, German and Spanish soldiers died. Currently, the area around is very swampy and the road to Death Valley is difficult.

It is worth recalling that even before the start of construction, there were prospecting work and demining. The white threads used in demining are clearly visible.

The shells often did not explode due to the marshy ground - a headache for pyrotechnicians on both sides. In general, an experienced pyrotechnician determined the caliber and type of ammunition by rupturing the projectile. There were practically no roads, only roads built with incredible difficulty.

About 30 small bridges and overpasses are currently being built on the section from Myasny Bor to the intersection with the A120 St. Petersburg Southern Semi-Circle Highway, where the next exit with a toll collection point will be located. The overpass in the photo above is intended for the passage of wild animals.

Various overpasses are now on different stages construction, and so far none have been put into operation. Several overpasses are almost ready, and labor movement they can be opened within a month.

6. Bridge over the Polist River, 552 km.

The next artificial structure is a bridge across the Polist River at km 552 of the motorway, as well as most of bridges, is built from prefabricated monolithic reinforced concrete spans. The span beams on this bridge have already been installed, and work is underway to equip a monolithic slab of the roadway.

7. 552 km, view towards St. Petersburg.

Throughout the entire period, work is underway on the arrangement of communications. Communication lines and electric cables are located along the axis of the highway and will be used for lighting and automatic traffic control system (ATMS).

8. 552 km, view towards St. Petersburg.

Many complain that the M11 motorway is boring and monotonous, with nothing to catch the eye when moving. The site under construction looks even more boring against the background of the already open ones: there are practically no curves, all bridges and overpasses are low, there are no ravines and hills. The surface of the site is characterized by a flat, sometimes slightly undulating relief with a general slope to the north. Bog-podzolic and marsh soils predominate within the projected area.

9. 553 km, view towards St. Petersburg. Barriers have already been installed in some areas. Two weeks ago, there were almost no such sites.

10. Bridge across the Glushitsa River at 558 km. Two-span of prefabricated monolithic reinforced concrete spans. The bridge supports are already ready for painting, and the concrete slab is gaining brand strength.

11. An important part work is the layout of slopes and landscaping in the ROW. The slopes are strengthened by filling with fertile soil, after which the grass is hydroseeded. A special emulsion, which includes seeds, fertilizers, water and dye, is sprayed using a hose, permanently installed on a special vehicle.

12. 559 km, view towards St. Petersburg

13. Animal Pass at 562 km.

The overpass over the wildlife passage at km 562 is almost ready, it will probably be the first one to be opened to labor traffic. Painting work has already been completed on it and slopes are being strengthened.

14. Animal Pass at 572 km

Drivers and passengers will not know anything about the existence of such overpasses and bridges. If bridges over rivers are marked with signs, then such artificial structures do not stand out in any way. Only an experienced driver can distinguish them by changing appearance breakout fence.

15. Crossing with power lines 750 kV.

The first place that will catch your eye when driving along a section of the motorway is the intersection with the 750 kV power line Leningradskaya - Kalininskaya NPP.

16. Animal Pass at 564 km.

Three-span overpass from prefabricated monolithic reinforced concrete spans. Here, as well as on many other overpasses, the passage of logging equipment and the passage of wild animals are combined.

Now, taking advantage of the opportunity, active logging is being carried out along the highway. Previously, it was extremely difficult to get into this swampy area, but after the highway is put into operation, temporary working roads will be dismantled, and there will be no access to the forest again.

The function of the overpass as a driveway for logging equipment will not be in great demand.

17. Animal passage at 565 km.

It should be noted that a large number of residents of the Novgorod region take part in the work on the site under construction. In other areas, they were almost non-existent.

18. A temporary water drainage system is used to protect slopes that are not yet reinforced with grass roots. After the grass gets stronger, and drainage is finally installed along the edge of the roadway, the temporary pipes will be removed.

19. Animal passage at 568 km. Another candidate for starting a labor movement.

20. Swamp of Gazhya Sopka.

One of the most interesting and beautiful sections of the motorway. It is unfortunate that there are no plans to build recreation areas in this area. A great place for hiking for cranberries and cloudberries, watching migratory birds and just contemplation.

21. The motorway runs along the western edge of the swamp. Here it was necessary to carry out work on excavation, the depth of which was up to 7-8 meters. Peat was taken out, and sand was poured in its place.

22. There is a bit of chaos in the area now with the construction of additional drainage channels in the slopes of the highway embankment. Additional drainage channels will prevent water from the road from entering the swamp directly.

23. Bridge over the river Kerest.

The bridge over the Kerest marks the beginning Leningrad region. The bridge is combined with a technological turn. On the map of 1917, the villages of Sennaya Kerest (33 yards), Koelyakova and Olkhovka (32 yards) are marked in this area. Now only tracts remain from the villages.

24. The bridge over the Kerest is also small: only three spans.

25. Kerest River.

26. Knitting reinforcement. Sometimes they ask to take a picture. No problem.

27. 575 km, overpass over the passage of the technological turn.

The very first overpass in the Leningrad region is very different from what was built on the rest of the M11 sections. Here, the project provides for the installation of a reinforced soil retaining wall. Both walls were assembled in less than two weeks.

28. In some areas, the third layer of crushed-stone-mastic asphalt concrete is being laid.

29. Here, in addition to asphalt pavers and rollers, two feeders are involved. The task of the feeders is to mix the asphalt to achieve temperature uniformity and, if necessary, burn it a little until the standard temperature is reached. The feeder is used as an intermediate element between the dump truck and the asphalt paver.

30. Asphalt laying on M11.

31. When there are more than three rollers, the action begins to resemble a dance.

32. Two groups of rollers worked here. Three just behind the pavers, five doing the final compaction and one for the edges.

33. This is the case when even a wide paver is not enough.

34. Bridge over the river Ravan, 589 km.

35. Grass is already growing in the ROW. I think that such work will be carried out as in the sixth stage, including after the launch of the movement.

36. In the construction of roads, it often seems that the work is carried out extremely passively. This is due to the fact that most of the work is done with the help of heavy equipment. A large number of people are concentrated only on certain objects and only in certain jobs.

37. Bridge over the Hutan River, 590 km. One of the lowest bridges on the entire M11.

38. Intersection with the road Luga - Lyuban.

At the intersection with the Luga - Lyuban road, it was originally planned to build an interchange with a toll collection point. A forest was cut down under it, but the work was postponed for more late deadline. M11 will be put into operation without this decoupling. Thus, the distance between interchanges in Myasny Bor and A120 will be a record 102 km.

The road Luga - Lyuban is unpaved. In certain seasons, it is used when traveling from St. Petersburg to Tesovo-Netylsky.

39. Bridge over the river Tigoda. Exactly 600 km from Moscow.

40. Closer to Tosno, the M11 motorway looks like this.

41. Bridge over the Sunya River, 615 km. The closer to St. Petersburg, the lower the readiness of artificial structures.

42. Technological U-turn at 618 km.

43. Bridge across the river Suvatel at 624 km.

44. Bridge over the river Ushachka at 625 km.

45. The first section without asphalt begins in the Tosnenskaya bypass area. Two weeks ago, you could take great photos here from a high pile of soil. But now it has been dismantled by builders who are actively carrying out earthworks.

46. ​​Bridge over the river Tosna.

47. In the Tosnenskaya bypass, view towards St. Petersburg.

48. Typically, one bulldozer or grader and one soil roller are involved in backfilling the canvas. Dump trucks come and go, it is impossible to quickly understand their number.

49. Soil is being developed right there. Four excavators and one bulldozer are involved.

50. There are few areas where excavation is required, but they are. Their total length does not exceed five kilometers.

51. Overpass at the intersection with the road Tosno - Lisino Korpus.

52. Overpass at the intersection with the road Tosno - Eglizi - Pogi.

Strange names? Do not forget that from time immemorial the territory of the Leningrad region was inhabited by Veps, Karelians, Izhora, Vod and other Finno-Ugric peoples. On the same road is the village of Myza. In Russian, this term refers to the Petersburg dialect and is used mainly in the northern, western and southwestern parts of the Leningrad region, as well as in the Pskov and Novgorod regions. True, in the latter the term received a slightly distorted meaning. This is due to the fact that in the Smetaninskaya manor near Veliky Novgorod there is mental hospital. The word manor is called separately standing manor with a farm or estate. AT Latvian it is muiža, in Estonian myis (mõis), and in Finnish moisio (moisio).

56. Overpass at the intersection with the railway Mga - Gatchina.

Three man-made structures are of concern. The first is this overpass. The beams of span structures have not yet been mounted on it. The other two are the bridge over the Izhora, where archaeological research is being carried out, and the toll collection point at the main exit to the ring road of St. Petersburg (679 km).

57. Bridge over the Izhora.

With north side archaeological research is underway on this bridge, and the overpasses on the roads Yam-Izhora - Voiskorovo and Yam-Izhora - Fedorovskoye have just begun to be built. There aren't even any supports.

58. Overpass over the railway St. Petersburg - Pushkin and further to Vitebsk (Vitebsky way).

59. Overpass at the intersection with Vitebsky Prospekt, 676 km.

Back in August 2017, the installation of reinforced concrete beams of the superstructure was completed here. The length of the overpass is 86 meters.

54 reinforced concrete span beams 24 meters or 33 meters long were mounted in stages. For the period of installation of the beams of the central span of the overpass, a temporary restriction of traffic was introduced road transport along Vitebsky prospect from Petersburg highway to Pushkinskaya street. During this period, builders mounted 33-meter beams over the carriageway of Vitebsky Prospekt - 3 beams per night.

The tunnel was built by a phased construction of a tray, walls and a vault made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The soil was removed as the monolithic sections of the tunnel were being built.

Here, the technology of horizontal arrangement of bored piles was used. Over the past two weeks, part of the builders' camp has been dismantled here. Now work is underway to finish the tunnel.

62. After the tunnel, the M11 motorway goes along railway tracks Warsaw direction and goes to the ring road of St. Petersburg in the area of ​​​​Pulkovo interchange.

Unfortunately, the construction of a direct exit from the M11 to Pulkovo airport was postponed, as was the interchange at the intersection with the Luga-Lyuban road. Taking into account the fact that the exit to the Ring Road is designed so that it is impossible to get to Pulkovo Highway from the M11, to travel to Pulkovo you will have to go to the Ring Road and turn around through Predportovaya Street and Dunaisky Prospekt. This will add not only 15 km to the distance, but also significantly reduce the predictability of the travel time from Veliky Novgorod to Pulkovo Airport.

65. Overpass at the exit from the M11 to the Ring Road in east side(Moscow and Murmansk highways).

66. An exit from M11 to the Ring Road to the west (WHSD and Tallinn Highway) was built into the Pulkovo interchange.

Professional photography of infrastructure facilities: roads and railways, artificial structures, power lines, gas pipelines. Shooting from the air. Phone: +79210258768.

It seems that the passions for bypassing Solnechnogorsk and Klin have subsided, now we can talk about the second part of the second stage of the M11 toll highway. This is a section from Yamuga in the Moscow region (97 km) to the village of Voskresenskoye in the Tver region (149 km). In general, the section is only 52 km, and after the Novgorod region, where 217 km were opened at once, it looks completely insignificant. Nevertheless, the road is important, as it bypasses the rather busy section of the M10 Rossiya with Yamuga, Spas-Zaulok, Zavidovo, Mokshino, Bezborodovo and other traffic light villages.

After bypassing Solnechnogorsk and Klin, we can safely say that the first part of the second stage is going to be opened after the completion of the construction of the overpass at 97 km of the toll highway.

1., I'll start this one with him. The main part of the overpass is actually ready. Even the guard rails are already in place. But the mounds have not yet been withdrawn. In emergency mode, builders removed such embankments in a week, including asphalting work.

3. View from the overpass across the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway towards Moscow. In the background is the overpass at the intersection with the Reshetnikovo - Vozdvizhenskoye road (108 km), a little closer is the overpass through what remains of the Reshetnikovo - Turkmen railway (km 110.1). Passenger traffic on it was stopped in 1994.

4. At 111 km, the construction of an overpass across the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway is underway. Here it was necessary to transfer a large number of communications laid along the railway tracks. The overpass has four main tracks.

launch high-speed traffic on the railway St. Petersburg - Moscow led to the cancellation a large number suburban trains. The problem was most acute near Moscow. It all ended with the fact that in 2015, the third and fourth main tracks were additionally laid on the section from the Leningradsky railway station to the Kryukovo station. Now about 130 pairs of suburban trains pass through the Khimki station a day, including 12 pairs of Lastochka trains to Tver. 40 pairs of long-distance trains pass through Tver, of which 10-12 pairs are Sapsan.

The overpass on the M11 highway is being built taking into account the prospect of laying the third and fourth main routes from Kryukovo to Tver.

5. Retaining wall of the overpass across the railway.

6. View in reverse side. The embankment at the overpass has already been raised to the design levels, a layer of crushed stone-sand mixture has been laid under the asphalt. A little further on, the first layer of asphalt was laid. This is approximately 112-113 km.

7. This photo illustrates middle level readiness of the section 97-149 km. In some places readiness is higher, in some places lower. But on average it's like this.

8. Bridge over the stream at 114 km. Beams have been installed, work is underway on a prefabricated monolithic superstructure.

9. From 114 to 124 km, work is underway to lay the top layer of SMA (crushed-stone-mastic asphalt concrete).

10. It was hot, couldn't help but have some fun with atmospheric distortion. Distortions spoil photos, but allow you to shoot the effect of wet asphalt.

11. This is the foundation for a transformer substation or an elevated pedestrian crossing. And all because it is necessary to study the project documentation before the trip, and not after.

12. No human has set foot on this asphalt before me.

13. Priming with bituminous emulsion is done to increase the adhesion between the layers of asphalt concrete pavement.

14. If the priming has been done, then the next layer of asphalt will be laid right now. There are three of them on the M11 motorway, the total thickness of the asphalt concrete pavement is 39 cm.

15. For the first time I found work on the installation of fixtures. The motorway will be illuminated along its entire length, except for the section 15-58 km.

16. At km 123-124 there will be an interchange with a toll collection point. Here it will be possible to get off to Novozavidovsky, Mokshino and Konakovskoe highway towards Dubna. Long time no work has been carried out here, and now they have begun to equip embankments for the overpasses.

17. After the PVP there is one of the most interesting objects and main brake construction - a bridge over the river Shosha.

18. The bridge itself is located at 127 kilometers. But it is preceded by a mound 1.5 km long.

19. An embankment near the bridge over the Shosha River. View from the bridge towards Moscow.

20. This part of the river is called the Shoshinsky reach and belongs to the Ivankovsky reservoir, which is sometimes called the Moscow Sea. Nearby is located railway platform Moscow Sea.

21. Bridge over Shosha. The sliding has been completed, but the superstructures have not yet been brought to the design position. Because of this, the bridge looks crooked.

Contrary to the skeptical statements of some experts, the new highway is being put into operation in stages. Highway M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg: latest news 2018 read below. The publication announced the cost of travel and the status of work to date. Open parts are detailed and tariffs are presented. We present to your attention a map of the M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway with an indication of the speed limit, travel time and estimated fare.

What was before and what will be

The current M-10 highway, connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg, was laid along the route of the postal route. old road built in the first half of the 18th century. It passed through more than 60 settlements.

The new M-11 highway will run parallel to the old track. The intersection of the two roads is scheduled for sections 58, 49, 208, 258, 334 and 543. For this, the construction road junctions on the various levels, which, of course, will allow transferring part of the flows to the high-speed highway.

The designers set the speed of the new highway at 150 km/h. On the open areas speed mode provided within the range of 110-130 km / h.

Basically, movement on a paid autobahn is planned in 4-6 lanes. In the Moscow region - this is 10 traffic lanes. At the entrance to the Northern capital of Russia - 8 lanes.

The streams of cars are separated by modern fenders. Provision is made for the installation of lighting throughout the road. The autobahn scheme provides for 36 interchanges and 325 additional structures:

  1. Bridges.
  2. Overpass.
  3. Cattle drives.

Latest news from the M-11 highway

The sixth section of the highway has already been put into operation. This is a 200 km segment of the route passing through the territory of the Tver and Novgorod regions.

Perhaps the most difficult of the already open areas. The road was laid in a swampy area that goes around the Valdai national park, Bologoe and Okulovka.

For the first time in the practice of building a high-speed autobahn in Russia, the soil above the highway was completely replaced. Particularly problematic sections are equipped with pile fields and many kilometers of embankments. Feedback on the quality of the new road surface from drivers is good and not devoid of positive emotions.

Photo: Highway M11 St. Petersburg - Moscow on the map.

According to Avtodor officials, this makes it possible to operate the expressway under any weather conditions. Today, 107 bridge structures have already been erected on this section. In particular, 42 road bridge, the length of which is 4 thousand km. One of the major bridges was commissioned new road across the Volkhov river. In addition, 63 overpasses with a length of 7 km were built. The highway has acquired the following necessary infrastructure:

  1. As a rest area for drivers.
  2. Cafe.
  3. Automated gas stations.

There are only 7 gas stations operating on a self-service system in an open area.

You can fill in fuel using a bank card, as Sergei Kelbakh, head of the Avtodor state company, told reporters in an interview. Provided emergency call emergency commissioners in unforeseen situations.

On the section from 334 to 543 kilometers, the permitted speed is 130 km / h. The fare on the M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway is 240 rubles if the driver has a T-pass transponder. In its absence, the fare will be 300 rubles. (we are talking about cash). For owners cars the fare from 208 to 543 km without discounts is 660 rubles. For those who have purchased a transponder, the fare will cost 396 rubles.

When will traffic be opened along the entire route and how much will it cost

The opening of the route, with a length of 669 km, is scheduled for the end of 2018. Specialists and managers of the state company Avtodor say that a 609 km long section will be fully commissioned before that time.

In September 2018, it is planned to complete the construction and put into operation sections 7 and 8, which will bypass Tosno and Chudovo from 543 to 684 km from St. Petersburg.

Today, the state of the network of infrastructures in open areas corresponds to the construction plan in in full, declare officials Avtodor.

Travel along the entire highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg will cost 2,200 rubles without discounts. With a discount, the fare costs 1200 rubles.

Company " Avtodor ” plans to commission a toll highway by September 2019 M-11 Moscow, Saint Petersburg. The head of the company, Sergei Kelbakh, said that they had only recently received permission to continue construction, but due to the approaching winter season, work would have to be postponed.

- We are already in the winter season. Therefore, we will not deliver in the spring, we are now working on signing an additional agreement with commissioning in September 2019- said Sergey Kelbakh.

He noted that this will not affect the tariff in any way, since it is enshrined in the basic agreement.

Recall that the construction of sections 7 and 8 of M-11 was suspended due to important archaeological finds from the early Iron Age. It happened at the 663rd kilometer of the road under construction. More than 400 items were found at the site, including fragments of ceramic vessels, a fragment of a grinding ax and traces of a Slavic settlement in the period of the 14th-15th centuries, RIA Novosti reports.

/ Wednesday, November 14, 2018 /

themes: Avtodor M11 Moscow-Petersburg

It is planned to open traffic along the entire M-11 highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg in September 2019. Such a new term was announced on the sidelines of the ITSONROAD forum on November 14 by the Chairman of the Board of the Group of Companies “ Avtodor ” Sergei Kelbakh, writes Interfax.

According to Kelbakh, the builders will not have time to put into operation stages 7-8 in the spring, so now “ Avtodor ” is working on an additional agreement with the concessionaire Highway of Two Capitals, according to which commissioning should take place in September 2019. The official also noted that archaeologists have issued the necessary permission to resume construction of a section of the highway near St. Petersburg.

Recall that in the spring of 2018, on the site near the future bridge across the Izhora River at the 8th stage of M-11, builders discovered an cultural layer and the remains of an ancient hearth, after which work on the site had to be suspended for more than six months.

It should be noted that the contract concluded with the concessionaire is valid until December 2018. In October current year specialists of the "Highway of the Two Capitals" portal " DorInfo ” that, taking into account the seasonal nature of the work, it is impossible to put the 7-8 stages of the M-11 highway into operation before the second half of 2019.

We also note that in addition to 7-8 stages (from km 543 to km 684), which pass through the Novgorod and Leningrad regions, as well as through the territory of St. Petersburg, the section beyond the bypass of Solnechnogorsk and Klin in the Moscow region, from km 97 to km 149 (stage 2), which was going to be opened to traffic in September 2018.

Traffic on the highway is planned to be launched in September 2019, the Chairman of the Board of the Group of Companies told reporters. Avtodor ” Sergey Kelbakh on the sidelines of the ITSONROAD conference in Skolkovo.

. . . . . Therefore, in the spring we will not hand over, we are now working on signing an additional agreement (with a concessionaire. - Note "IF ") with commissioning in September 2019", - quotes Kelbach “ Interfax ”.

He also noted that the postponement will not affect the tariff in any way.

"Tariffication is fixed by the basic agreement. We start charging fees later, and later, respectively, we will start paying the investment payment. We are simply shifting in terms of time"- said the head of the company.

Previously, it was reported that the Avtodor ” may postpone the completion of the construction of the 7th and 8th sections of the M-11 highway due to the road found in the right of way archaeological finds.

The M11 Moscow-Petersburg toll highway is scheduled to open in September 2019 due to downtime due to excavations.

Chapter “ Avtodor ” Sergey Kelbakh said that archaeologists have already given permission to continue construction, but due to the onset of the winter season, it will not be possible to hand over all the work in the spring. On the this moment additional agreements are being worked out with the concessionaire to put the road into operation in September 2019.

Kelbakh noted that the deviation in the schedule will not affect the fare for drivers, since the tariffing was fixed by the basic agreement. . . . . .

Chapter “ Avtodor ” explained that the commissioning of the 7th and 8th traffic sections, where construction was suspended, cannot be divided. The route departs from the M10, has no jumpers and joins only before the interchange to Pulkovo, because of this, all 139 kilometers of the aforementioned route will have to be opened at once.

Recall that earlier there were reports that the passage from Moscow to northern capital on the M11 highway will cost about two thousand rubles.

. . . . . The launch of the route was postponed for six months due to the fact that several archaeological finds were found on the 663rd km of the road.

"Archaeologists allowed (to continue construction - ed.) literally on the third day. . . . . . This will not affect the tariff in any way, the tariffication is fixed by the basic agreement. We start charging fees later, and later, accordingly, we will start paying the investment payment," the head of the company explained. Avtodor ” Sergei Kelbakh (quote from RIA Novosti).

The fact that the construction of the M11 highway was suspended due to archaeological finds was reported "Neva news". At the construction site, experts found fragments of ceramics and a grinding ax, hearths and traces Slavic colonization approximately XIV-XV centuries. In total, more than 400 utility and post pits were found. Construction was suspended during the excavation period.

The length of the new high-speed highway is 669 km. It will pass through the territories of the Central and North-Western federal districts around all settlements.

SKOLKOVO, November 14 - RIA Novosti/Prime. State company " Avtodor ” plans to put into operation the entire toll highway M11 Moscow-Petersburg in September 2019, the head of the ITS told reporters at the ITS forum “ Avtodor ” Sergei Kelbakh.

. . . . .

He explained that the peculiarity of section 7-8 of the M11, where construction was suspended due to important archaeological finds and subsequent surveys, is that it cannot be divided into separate sections - "it retreats from the M10, has no jumpers and joins only before the interchange to " Pulkovo ”, so the input will be all 139 kilometers".

In October, the state-owned company announced that the postponement of the commissioning of the entire high-speed toll road Moscow-Petersburg for 2019 is associated with the discovery of objects from the era of the early Iron Age at the 663rd kilometer of the road under construction.

According to " Avtodor ”, more than 400 household and pillar pits have already been found at the excavation site, they contain fragments of ceramic vessels of hatched ceramics, quartz flakes and a fragment of a grinding ax, several hearths, as well as traces of Slavic colonization of the area around the 14th-15th centuries: ceramic vessels characteristic of the Slavs, whorl, knives, jewelry.

According to the terms of the contract, the builders notified the state-owned company about the find, after examining the site together with historians, it turned out that we are talking about a valuable find - an object of archaeological heritage, explained “ Avtodor ”. According to the law, construction was suspended, historians and archaeologists worked at the site.

The deadline for commissioning the seventh and eighth stages (from 543 km to 684 km) of the route M11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" postponed to September 2019 due to ongoing archaeological work in the Leningrad region, the chairman of the board of the state-owned company told reporters “ Avtodor ” Sergei Kelbakh.

"Archaeologists have just given permission to continue work. . . . . . We are currently working on signing additional agreement between the state company and the concessionaire with commissioning in September 2019 ", - said S. Kelbakh. between Moscow and St. Petersburg will be opened in September next year, writes on Thursday the newspaper “ Vedomosti".

"The track is being built parallel to the free M-10, the speed is new motorway will be limited to 130 kilometers per hour: this will allow motorists to drive the entire distance in less than six hours (now you can get there in 9-11 hours)", - noted in the article.

Formerly Chairman of the Board of Avtodor ” Sergey Kelbakh promised to open the track for the World Cup, but the builders did not have time until the end of 2018, by the deadline approved by the government. Opening the road to the World Cup was the initiative of the state-owned company. Her representative said that the new term is already final.

The newspaper notes that the construction of the seventh and eighth sections of the M-11 was extended after the archaeological heritage of the Iron Age was found at the 663th kilometer of the road in the spring. The construction had to be stopped under the law "On objects of cultural heritage".

Kelbakh said that the work of archaeologists has already been completed, permission has been received to continue construction.

. . . . .

The new high-speed highway M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg will stretch from the Moscow Ring Road to the junction with the Ring highway around Saint Petersburg. Total length motorway is 669 km. The highway will pass through the territories of the Central and Northwestern federal districts, through the Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions, bypassing all settlements.

The new road M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg mainly runs parallel to the existing highway M-10 "Rossiya" and crosses it at km 58, km 149, km 208, km 258, km 334, km 543 with traffic interchanges at different levels. This allows you to switch the movement of traffic flows from the M-10 "Russia" to the expressway and vice versa. The construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway is carried out in several stages, each of which is independent investment project. The sequence of project implementation is determined by the extent to which throughput of the corresponding section of the existing federal road M-10 "Russia" does not correspond to the volume of current traffic.

Technical specifications expressway:

  • road category - IA (motorway);
  • design speed - 150 km / h;
  • number of traffic lanes - 4, 6, 8, 10 (depending on the stages of construction);
  • lane width - 3.75 m;
  • dividing strip width -6 m;
  • lighting throughout the motorway, including road junctions; traffic interchanges at different levels - 36 pcs.;
  • artificial structures (bridges, overpasses, overpasses and cattle passes) 325 pcs.;
  • traffic interchanges at different levels, depending on the category of roads crossed, are mainly designed according to the clover leaf type;, “double pipe”, “pipe”.

Measures to reduce the impact on environment to provide environmental safety object:

  1. reduction of noise level when passing the road near settlements and nature protection areas with the use of noise barriers and green spaces;
  2. arrangement of special runs in the body of the embankment of the projected road for the migration of wild and domestic animals;
  3. application of efficient designs treatment facilities for treatment of surface runoff within water protection zones.

Enhance Security traffic is achieved by the development of a traffic management project using modern energy-intensive barrier fencing, the use of modern materials for drawing a road marking and installation of road signs and indexes. For better and timely information content of road users in the section of intellectual transport systems scoreboard developed and applied variable information and multiposition pointers. The new highway will be the first new highway built in the European part of modern Russia.

On paid sites installed base stations mobile operators, Megafon has already provided full uninterrupted network coverage cellular communication all along the road. The road is equipped with comfortable rest areas for all types of vehicles. December 15, 2017 State company Avtodor opened traffic on a new section of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed highway under construction (km 208-543).

A closed toll collection system operates on the toll sections of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway 58 km - 97 km and 208 km - 543 km. A closed tolling system involves paying for the distance actually travelled. When entering the toll sections, the user registers in the system at the entry toll collection point (in the presence of a transponder in automatic mode, without a transponder by taking a ticket from the machine on the travel lane). The user makes payment only at the exit toll collection point.

  1. Km 15 - km 58 in Khimki and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region, bypassing Khimki. The traffic was opened on December 23, 2014. The payment regime was introduced on November 23, 2015. This site was built and operated under a concession agreement concluded with North-Western Concession Company LLC.
  2. Km 58 - km 97 in the Solnechnogorsk and Klin districts of the Moscow region, bypassing the cities of Solnechnogorsk and Klin, as well as in the Konakovo and Kalininsky districts of the Tver region. The section was opened to traffic on September 1, 2018, on the same day the collection of fees began. The construction of the section between km 97 and km 149 is being carried out as part of a long-term investment agreement concluded with Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC and will be completed in 2019.
  3. Km 208 - km 258 in the Torzhok district of the Tver region, bypassing Torzhok. Traffic opened on December 15, 2017
  4. Km 258 - km 334 in Torzhoksky, Spirovsky and Vyshnevolotsky districts of the Tver region, bypassing Vyshny Volochok. The section was built and opened for traffic on November 28, 2014 under a long-term investment agreement with OJSC Mostotrest.
  5. Km 334 - km 543 in the Vyshnevolotsky and Bologovsky districts of the Tver region, Okulovsky, Malovishersky and Novgorod regions Novgorod region. The site goes around the settlements of Bologoe, Uglovka and Okulovka. Traffic opened on June 06, 2018
  6. Km 543 - km 684 in the Novgorod and Chudovsky districts of the Novgorod region, Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region. The section will bypass Chudovo and Tosna and in St. Petersburg. Concession agreement on financing, construction and operation of paid basis of this section, the State Company Avtodor and LLC Highway of Two Capitals signed on November 18, 2014. This section will be completed in 2019.

Rules for driving on the high-speed highway M-11 "Moscow-St. Petersburg":

Without transponder:

  1. Entry. When entering toll sections, the user needs to take a ticket (coupon) at the entrance lane of the Toll Collection Point. Users who are going to pass the toll sections for cash or with a bank card must select the appropriate lane for passing through the Toll Station, take a ticket and be sure to keep it before leaving the toll section.
  2. Departure. At the exit from paid sections with cash payment or payment bank card to determine the correct fare, it is necessary to present the ticket to the cashier-controller, he will calculate the fare and the user will need to pay for the fare.

With transponder:

  1. Entry. You need to choose a lane for driving on the transponder and reduce the speed to 30 km / h. At the entrance, the system recognizes the presence of a transponder and a positive balance on the account for paying for the fare, the fare is recorded automatically, without the participation of the cashier-controller.
  2. Departure. When leaving the lane for the owners of transponders, they are also automatically written off Money for travel.

If for some reason it is not possible to determine at which point the car entered the paid section(there is no ticket, the transponder does not work, etc.), then the maximum fare is charged to the user. This is largest size toll, which may be collected at a particular Toll Station for vehicle the corresponding category.

IMPORTANT! If the transponder is not connected to the service, from October 22, 2018, for transit passage of sections 15 km - 58 km and 58 km - 97 km, when entering the sections, you must first take a ticket, and leave the paid section through the lane with the cashier-controller with the presentation of the ticket and payment in cash or by credit card. To activate the interoperability service, the owners of the T-pass transponder need to personalize it in Personal account, please use .

The maximum fare applies in the following cases:

  • Travel by transponder, without a specific point of entry.
  • Loss of the ticket by the user.
  • The travel ticket does not contain information about the point of entry or exit.
  • More than 24 hours have passed since the entry to the paid site and the exit from it.
  • Entry with a travel ticket, and exit with a transponder without stopping and transferring the device to the cashier-controller for reading.