What prevents you from making a lot of money. poor people

For me personally, this is no longer surprising. I used to be lazy myself. And I see how lazy and passive people are now. Everyone wants to get into the “ladies” right away.

People want to do nothing and get a lot of money for it.

The most dangerous thing is that over time, this illusion becomes reality. That is, dreams of such a life develop into a strong conviction that this is exactly the case.

I noticed this when I was employed and ran my own business. When I advertised vacancies, I was surprised when crowds of people began to flock to me, wanting to receive from 30 000 rubles and above, and do nothing.

No one said so openly, about doing nothing. But, before voicing the salary, I always asked what a person can do, what merits and achievements he has, both in life and in previous jobs. What will a person do while working in the position for which he is applying.

Then, I voiced what would need to be done and said what the salary would be. It was so interesting to see how their facial expressions changed))

Wherein, salary was not bad. But when I described in detail what would need to be done, then all the enthusiasm of the applicants disappeared somewhere. The majority.

Now, when I look at the results of this vote, I noticed some joy in my soul or something. Why? Yes, because I understand how few competitors I have in life.

One of my positive qualities is industriousness. Add perseverance, perseverance, strength of character here and you get a good formula for successful life.

Just understand me correctly, I'm not boasting, but describing my advantages I ask you a question: what are your positive traits?

How will you compete with me, or with people like me, in the struggle for a better life?

The second most popular answer was: Absence necessary knowledge to earn more. So answered 161 man from 506 (32% ) who voted.

This is already a more interesting answer, and I impress people who answered in this way. Because I myself am in a constant search for knowledge that will help me:

  • Earn more
  • Better to live
  • Be the first
  • Build a life own rules
  • Become an extraordinary person

What can I say, I answered this question myself.

That is why I am now spending a lot of money on my development in these matters. Interestingly, I already knew this. But he could not find a suitable place of study and form.

Higher education is bullshit. They don't teach what people want. They teach what business and the state need.

And I am very glad that over the past few years we have developed so rapidly the field of non-traditional education, into which I, no less, rapidly joined.

I'm talking about various trainings, courses and seminars, in which you can take part via the Internet, or order a CD by mail.

For me, a much more preferable education is the course of some young guy who earns a few thousand dollars on the Internet than 5 years of sitting in his pants in boring universities that give “crusts” for a job.

And I believe that our society will develop by leaps and bounds after the appearance of this form of education.

And finally, 17% responders ( 87 man from 506 ) said they did not have any additional money to develop any income.

Actually, this is not a problem. Today, you can create a bunch of extra income without any major investment. Actually, in the course of “”, I just talked about this. I created 16 streams of income without any major investment.

In my practice, the largest investment in additional income became an investment in the business. When I opened my small tanning studio, I invested in it all the funds available at that time and even borrowed a little.

But then again, I saved up the required amount in just a couple of years. What is a couple of years? This is quite a bit. Look back, agree that time flies very quickly. And if you set a goal for yourself, to save money for some business, then in a couple of years you will be able to collect good money.

So, the problem with the lack of additional money for the development of their own income is not a problem. This is the problem of your head, your attitudes, your priorities.

Have questions?

Hello, friends! Today, in continuation of the topic "", we will talk about what prevents us from earning more money that give us independence, more freedom, provide security and the opportunity to do what you want.

Let's be realistic. Not all, due to different life circumstances, beliefs, lack of skills, ideas and time, manage to do it. Often we do not see the opportunities that circumstances and life itself throw at us, and we pass into again past. We do not know how to act quickly and hesitate to make a decision, losing our benefit. We do not set big ambitious goals and get a reality and a life that meets our low demands.

And we also do not know how to think correctly about wealth and money. Thought is material and determines our actions, which in turn are transformed into success (or vice versa). Tomorrow, what we thought about today can happen to us.

However, these claims are not undisputed. Do thoughts really materialize? Probably no one knows the exact answer. Although most scientists are materialists who are convinced that this is impossible. And yet, many believe in this (and provide evidence), and some even learn all kinds of techniques for fulfilling desires.

In a word, to believe or not to believe is a purely individual matter. But it’s hard to disagree with one thing - thoughts exist, although we are not fully aware of the degree of their impact on a person. And, if you believe that they do materialize, then the thought that you definitely don’t have enough mind, energy and abilities to start your own business, that you absolutely do not deserve anything good and you don’t have the strength to do something change in your life, will become your reality.

If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right either way.

Henry Ford

In our head, we ourselves create barriers and obstacles on the way to wealth, we are mistaken and blindly believe in unverified hypotheses and “authoritative” opinions, we are deceived for years, limit our capabilities and convince ourselves that we are good only in one thing and will never achieve success in something else.

“Poverty and wealth are not economic, but psychological categories”, said renowned wealth and success expert Randy Gage. In fact, in the minds of many of us, installations from the pioneer and Komsomol times are firmly stuck, each time standing up as an insurmountable barrier when trying to revise the value system.

And not only this. Money has always influenced the fate of a person, and for many centuries a lot of stereotypes of money thinking, mythical fears associated with the “golden calf” have been deposited in his mind, which have been passed down from generation to generation, overgrown with superstitions, prejudices and other fables. Money was deified, endowed magical properties and at the same time hated them.

This is natural and dangerous. Because negative beliefs and ideas about money block attraction. cash flows and do not contribute to success. The absence or presence of financial problems in a person depends on the feelings and emotions that he experiences in relation to money.

Problems will not arise if money brings a person a sense of freedom, joy, independence, prosperity, confidence in tomorrow. And, on the contrary, they will definitely appear if money irritates, causes a feeling of shame, disappointment and fear.

It is impossible to raise the financial bar without removing these psychological obstacles within oneself, which stand as a wall to protect the inner “demon of poverty”.

Poverty is not a vice, but a condition that needs to be got rid of. It's hard to forget the school of life. And to get rid of the habits of poverty and completely eradicate the mindset of the poor, even if you have not been one for a long time, is even more difficult.

Sometimes they accompany a person all his life, shape his thinking and really interfere with becoming a successful and self-confident person. To change this mindset, you need to change your habits and develop strong immunity against the "infection of poverty."

negative thoughts

Some of us live with a negative monetary attitude, that "money is not given so easily, it must be earned with sweat and blood, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel." And the result of such thinking is mere pennies for hard everyday work.

And why? Yes, because out of two equally working people, wealth will come to the one who not only works hard, but also thinks correctly. First you need to learn how to think like a rich person, and imagine at least in your head the path that can lead to prosperity.

People with positive thinking Those who think through their actions make money easier, more often and doing what they like. If, however, everything is done, as they say, “through a stump-deck”, with disbelief in oneself and bad thoughts- the result will be appropriate.

Being rich is embarrassing

Psychologists say that the most difficult thing is to admit that you have the right to be rich. This is not at all facilitated by such thoughts as “money is evil”, “money is dirt”, “being rich is shameful”, “money cannot be earned honestly”. By sending such information to the Universe, we ourselves, as it were, push away the possibility of having money, showing them our dismissive attitude.

And a person who believes in the truth and correctness of such statements, in fact, believes that he is above money, treats it passively and does not even strive to earn it. And, at the same time, next to those who never get out of debt, they live completely ordinary people to which money is attracted like a magnet.

Why? It's probably all about psychological mood and way of thinking. Everything can change if you once understand and take for granted that we all have the right to live well and be rich, and money is, in fact, neither good nor bad. This is just a means to live with dignity, to achieve goals, to solve problems.

And, of course, despite the importance of their presence in our lives, we should not strive to earn money for the sake of money.

Money scenario

We are entering adult life with a certain set life priorities, including with the skills of spending and receiving money (money scenario), formed under the influence of family, parents, environment, ideology. As a rule, at the head of solving financial problems is education and permanent job(most often one) with a stable salary (often small).

We firmly believe that "you can't jump above your head." So is it worth trying? The philosophy of the poor man is that he firmly believes that whatever he does and whatever he does, all his efforts will be useless, in vain and doomed to failure, he will never achieve anything. And if you believe in it, then it will be so.

Not everyone succeeds in breaking out of this programmed flow of life. Probably because to live money scenario convenient and familiar, safe (no risk) and, to a certain extent, comfortable. There is no particular need to change something drastically.

Going beyond this scenario, changing it is, first of all, changing oneself, one's thinking, one's attitudes and getting rid of the financial limiter that is in the head. Realizing this and learning to think differently, the understanding will come that you can live differently and earn more.

If you want to have what you never had, start doing what you have never done.

Envy is a destructive feeling that eats a person from the inside, deprives the joy of life, lowers self-esteem, develops an inferiority complex and does not contribute to success. If you can’t do something and money doesn’t “love” you, don’t try to blame someone and look for the reason in others - most likely, only you yourself are to blame.

Only by believing in yourself and luck, taking responsibility for your results and changing reality, you can achieve success. It is not worth it, like a shield, to close yourself from prosperity and wealth with such negative attitudes like envy, passivity, narrow-mindedness, lack of initiative, and allow the habits of poverty to corrode, like rust, one's consciousness.

Big money is the result of luck

Many are convinced that only the lucky ones, to whom fate (it is not clear why) threw an expensive gift, for example, in the form of a huge inheritance, a decent amount won in the lottery, rich parents, etc., can become owners of untold wealth and big money.

Anyone who is familiar with the life stories of rich people probably knows that many millionaires started almost from scratch. So is it worth waiting all your life for a miracle, which, most likely, will never happen? It is wiser to make any efforts yourself, to believe in yourself and your luck. More chances that everything will work out.

You can only make money when you're young

Many people think so. And, having barely crossed the fourth decade, they bury all their dreams and plans to put together at least some more or less decent fortune.

This negative monetary attitude and existing stereotypes are easily destroyed if, again, we turn to the life stories of the rich and famous. Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Abraham Lincoln are often cited as examples, who succeeded at a very mature age.

You can become rich at any age.

Living in a comfort zone is easy and simple

It is difficult to pull yourself out of the familiar, comfortable and safe environment. And, to be honest, sometimes I don’t really want to. It is much more peaceful to live, not sticking out anywhere and not showing up in any way, “like everyone else”. Many are convinced that big money brings big problems. So is it worth the risk to somehow change and improve your life? After all, nothing can come of it.

Yes, in fact, money requires to be active, ingenious, to take risks. There may even be some problems. But, you see, in many cases it is money that helps to solve problems and feel more confident and easy. And a poor person, whose life is much worse, and no less problems, does not have such a tool to solve them.

Is a lot of money a blessing?

“Happiness is not in money” - how often do we repeat this phrase in moments of disappointment and loss, in fact, having neither happiness nor money. At the same time, we are ashamed to admit to ourselves that we do not know how, do not want or are not able to earn them.

Of course, money is not the whole happiness. But its essential and integral part. Without them, happiness cannot be complete. And it is absolutely certain that money can in no way prevent a person from being happy. On the contrary, they enhance this feeling, make it more full and bright, open up new possibilities and make you even happier already. happy person. And lack of money, restrictions and deprivation never contributed to happiness.

Who is "loved" by money?

Money is easily given into the hands of persistent, stubborn, purposeful, confident, attentive to detail, not greedy, creative, searching and doubting people who do not seek to make money for the sake of money. In addition, it is important to remember that in order to earn millions, you need to work very hard, passionately love your work and, at a minimum, do not consider money to be evil.

And yet, to become rich and successful, you need to learn from millionaires: think the way they think, act the way they act. After all, they, too, were not always rich and, perhaps, not at all smarter than you. It’s just that they weren’t afraid to make mistakes, didn’t quit when something went wrong, but repeated their attempts again and again until they found their brilliant solution.

See you! For now, for now...

A colleague at work is buying a brand new sports car, and you don’t even have money to repair a battered sedan? An old friend is going on a cruise, but you are not able to take your family to the sea? Is your best friend showing off an expensive brand bag while you take yours in for repairs? Why do some people have money, while others absolutely do not know how to earn it, says psychologist and radio presenter Anetta Orlova.

Reason #1 "Big money is not for me"

Often people earn little, not because they do not have some kind of competence or qualification: they are simply convinced that decent earnings and good money are not for them. Usually the roots of such an attitude come from childhood. For example, houses were constantly pronounced the following phrases: "We have never lived richly, it is better not to start"; “rich people are bad”; “You are stupid, you are unlikely to succeed”; "Of course you will be deceived." Having such deep convictions, a person sincerely believes that material success is the prerogative of other people who are more successful and intelligent, and he is not worthy of having what he wants. Alas, inner feeling"I'm not worthy" actually has a fairly clear equivalent in sums.

I recommend doing a very simple but revealing experiment: imagine a salary that seems natural to you. You will see that there is a certain “ceiling” and an order of amounts that initially seem unattainable to you. This feeling is the very obstacle that prevents you from moving forward. You are internally convinced that you cannot claim big money.

Reason number 2. "I'm not him"

The second reason is the endless and absolutely unconstructive comparison of oneself with others. Usually, having such a habit, people begin to act according to two scenarios. Some, looking at other people's successes, move forward even more actively, a competitive spirit wakes up in them. This does not mean happiness and satisfaction with life, such individuals have their own difficulties. However, in part social success they achieve quite good results, because they have benchmarks that they look up to.

The second category - people compare themselves with others and tritely envy other people's success, but do nothing at the same time. They are convinced that they themselves are not capable of achieving something (very often this is a consequence of the first point that I mentioned above). Constantly watching the victories of others, envious people usually devalue their actions in every possible way, explaining other people's successes by a simple coincidence of circumstances, luck, assertiveness, etc. They are different ways they are trying to prove to themselves that if they were as lucky as the conditional Petya (Tanya, Masha), they would also be able to achieve a lot. This type of people usually intensely waits for life to do something for them.

Reason number 3. “I want everything at once”

The third type is infinite spotlights. In fact, they are deeply convinced that they can earn a lot, are not envious, and are really set on a lot of money. In their heads are constantly born incredible projects and plans. But at the same time, such people want everything at once, and are not at all ready to go towards the goal gradually, i.e. they have no system, but there is endless fantasizing and striving for gigantism. Getting settled in a new place, such a person immediately wants to be the head of a department of a large company or the head of a cool advertising agency. Just go and start doing something inside the department - not for him. At any job, a projector usually gets the feeling that he is being used, so he cannot sit in one place for a long time, if there is not immediately a swift career development(and it's nowhere to be found!).

The desire to get the maximum and the inability to invest often lead to the fact that really talented individuals are left with nothing. Yes, sometimes their ambitions work, but if you look at the statistics, you will understand that this is a rarity. Over time, such people become passive-aggressive individuals who are unhappy with everything, sad and do not realize their own potential. Naturally, this is reflected in the character. They may even be prone to scams, because through such actions there is a chance to achieve a quick (and usually short-lived) rise.

Reason number 4. "Back to the past"

Another reason: a person tends to focus on the negative, focuses on what he did not succeed. For example, he walked along his road of life perfectly, achieved a lot, but then there was a failure that provoked a breakdown. Instead of going through a difficult moment, getting up and moving on, a person falls into a state of failure, stops believing in himself, and at some point completely disappears into the past - again and again he lives his life. negative experience, devalues ​​the positive moments of the present and absolutely cannot give all the best here and now. it main mistake, because in order to achieve results and financial achievements, energy must be directed to the present, to the activity that you have here and now.

Reason number 5. “Money limits”

People with low internal meaningfulness of earnings earn little. For example, a person has deep-seated beliefs that money limits, for him they are not an instrument of power (if they were, the picture would be exactly the opposite) and security. AT this case we are dealing with individuals for whom a fairly calm, balanced mode of life is more important than those bonuses that give material benefits.

In order to earn more, it is important to have some kind of goal, an understanding of why you are doing this. If a person has only an instrumental motivation “I want to earn a lot”, but he does not understand why, of course, there is no need to talk about some outstanding result here.

Today I would like to say about making money. Many people ask each other: where and how to make money? Some ask, others readily answer. There are even people who have made such lectures their specialty. They professionally earn by telling people how to make money.

Highly interesting business… In fact, there are wonderful coaches among them, such as Robet Kiyosaki, for example. They give great advice. And it's a sin not to follow their advice. But when people listen to such great business coaches, I get the feeling that they are sitting like in a movie. We came to see a movie. An interesting and useful film. They like it. But they perceive passively. They sit, and something pours into their ears. Here the lecturer speaks, here his assistant gives him a marker, here he drew something on the blackboard. If the assistant is cute, then in general there is something to see.

Learned - apply!

Most people don't get to the point. There is one well-known specialist in the field of info-business on the Internet. He conducted his seminars online in a conference format. He gave homework. Taught. Then he stopped doing it. In an interview, he explained: I don’t understand why this is necessary if people pay money to attend a seminar, and then they don’t extract any knowledge, don’t do their homework, don’t start their own business? They don't even try!

People subscribe to numerous mailing lists with useful information, people buy information products(e-books, video courses, etc.). And often they do not even insert the purchased disk into the computer. Do not unpack ZIP archive with e-book. Or, having opened, they run through their eyes obliquely. And they put it off until tomorrow: they say, tomorrow I will start new life, and today it is better to relax with your favorite solitaire or some other game.

The same thing will happen tomorrow. That's just terrible. Vicious circle. Where is the activity, where is the willpower?! What kind of business can be built like that?!

What's stopping you from making money?

Let's be honest.

  • Firstly laziness.
  • Secondly - fear of selling something.

Do you know what "laziness" means in this case? This is not enough motivation. There is no real need to make money. At least some money! One witty but very evil person once joked:

Why is business in America doing better than in Russia?
Answer: because an American sits and thinks: how can I earn $50? And our man sits and thinks: what would happen if in 1905 Russia went the other way?

Let me reiterate that this is bad joke. I don't like her at all.

However, please note: in this joke, one sets himself a specific and achievable goal. (earn $50). And the other poses an incomprehensible abstract question to whom. What do you think is more important to bet?

It is more important for a philosopher, apparently, to be able to pose an abstract question. And for business man- a specific goal.

And what could be more specific than fifty dollars? Only one hundred dollars!

I want money, but I don't want to trade

As you remember, I said: the second obstacle to earning is unwillingness to sell something.

Why? Yes, because money comes to a person in exchange for goods. This is the law of economics. And most people only think about money. How to attract money, how to save money, how to make money out of thin air, and so on.

Seems, simple truth: money is given in exchange for something. But when a person begins to dream about big money, he imagines anything: a fat wallet, gold bars, an expensive mansion, a villa, a yacht, a car, an office of his company, a platinum credit card... But you never know! Every dreamer - to the extent of his imagination.

And it does not occur to me that this imaginary money will remain a fantasy. If you don't think about it. There will be business - money will come. Business is selling a product. The product can be different: a bunch of radishes (if you are trading in the market) or a CD with your new album recording if you are a popular artist.

If these things are good and you promote them well, then a lot of people will pay money for them. They will pay you money.

It's obvious, you say. Yes, obviously. But for some reason, this simple truth is turned off when a person begins to dream about big money.

Paradox: when you give money away, you give it away quite specifically, for something specific. For example, for a carton of milk in a store. But when you receive money in your dreams, you receive it abstractly. Not in payment for goods. Because you don't have any. Therefore, in life you do not receive money. Only salary.

And we are also shy

Yes, many are embarrassed to sell. It's just kind of awkward. It's better to give it away. Selling "somehow ugly." Uncomfortable. I remember my grandfather who spoke in similar cases: “it is inconvenient to wear trousers over the head.” Rough, I agree. But on business.

Such “money shyness” is our legacy Soviet era. Even if you were not in the world in the 80s of the last century, your parents already were. And they lived according to the rules of a society in which there was no private property. And they were imprisoned for private enterprise. And a person who bought something cheaper and sold something more expensive was called a speculator. And he deserved to be condemned.

Since then, these oddities have been going on. When, for example, instead of advertising: “Women's demi-season coat for sale (price such and such)”, the lady calls her friend and offers to give away this very coat for free, which she herself no longer needs. Like, maybe it will suit my daughter, I need to try it on ... It seems to be a good friendly gesture. And in fact, she would not refuse money. Just afraid of something. Afraid to say: I'm selling!

There are, of course, some kind of “sharks of capitalism” who are ready to trade anything, even for desert island find a buyer. But many, especially intelligent people afraid to sell.

But keep in mind:

He who avoids selling avoids money.

“Do you want checkers or go?”

So, we got to the truth that to earn means to sell something. Sell ​​profitable. For money.

And here is another paradox. The topic of earning money on the Internet is very popular. How to make money online? People ask this question with maniacal persistence.

Weird. I would like to ask: why on the Internet, my friends? You need money? Or - only money earned on the Internet, and no others.

I understand that the Internet is a great tool to make money offline, regardless of regular work, superiors, etc. Yes it is. But do not forget that the Internet is only a tool, not an end in itself.

Use the Internet, endless possibilities. But remember that the main thing is to make money in life. And with or without the use of the Internet - this is a matter of technology.