Origin of Yaroslav the Wise. Briefly about the years of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav the Wise - one of the greatest princes of the era of the Old Russian state. In Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054), Kievan Rus expanded territorially, relations with foreign states were established and dynastic marriages. Yaroslav the Wise - the winner of the Pechenegs - steppe nomads, who have been hosting in the Black Sea steppes for a long time. The victory over them near Kiev freed the territory of the steppe from the oppression of nomads for two decades. During the reign of Yaroslav, the first Russian, and not the Greek, Metropolitan Hilarion was elected, culture reached its peak - the famous St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Kyiv, Metropolitan Hilarion wrote the “Word of Law and Grace”.

Before conducting a detailed conversation about the great reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, it is worth telling how he came to the throne of Kiev.

Since 1010, Yaroslav has reigned in the Novgorod land. Novgorod was the second city after Kyiv, that is, Yaroslav was directly subordinate only to his father Vladimir Svyatoslavovich.

In 1014, Yaroslav rebelled against his father, refusing to pay tribute to Kiev. Vladimir began to gather an army for a campaign against his rebellious son, and Yaroslav called on the Varangian squad to fight with his father. But soon St. Vladimir died, and the bloody civil strife was briefly averted.

In 1015, an internecine war broke out between the sons of St. Vladimir - Svyatopolk the Accursed and Yaroslav the Wise. By official version, Svyatopolk treacherously killed his two brothers Boris and Gleb, who are the first Russian saints.

In 1016, Svyatopolk and Yaroslav met near the town of Lyubech. Yaroslav brought the Varangians and Novgorodians, and Svyatopolk brought his squad and the Pechenegs. Both troops stood opposite each other for 3 months and did not dare to cross the river. But, in the end, the army of Yaroslav crossed the river, crushed the squads of Svyatopolk and won. Thus, Yaroslav became the great prince of Kiev. But Svyatopolk was not going to give up.

In 1017, Svyatopolk, together with the Pecheneg troops, besieges Kyiv. The siege did not bring success, and Svyatopolk was forced to flee to Poland to his father-in-law, the Polish king Boleslav the Brave. In 1018, Yaroslav was defeated at the Battle of the Bug. Svyatopolk the Accursed took the throne of Kyiv. The angry inhabitants of Kyiv raised an uprising against the Poles of Boleslav and drove them out of the city. For help in taking the throne, Boleslav received Cherven cities from Svyatopolk.

Yaroslav, who fled to Novgorod, gathered a new army in 1019 to fight his brother. Having learned about the size of the army of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, Svyatopolk hastily left Kyiv, fled to the Pechenegs and surrendered the throne without a fight.

In 1019, Svyatopolk gathered a new squad and clashed in the decisive battle of the internecine war near the Alta River. In a cruel and bloody battle, Svyatopolk was defeated, fled from Russia to Poland and died on the way. Thus, from 1019 begins Kiev reign Yaroslav Vladimirovich.

Having defeated Svyatopolk, Yaroslav was still not the only ruler united Russia. His main competitor was his brother Mstislav. In the Battle of Listven (1024), Yaroslav's army was defeated, and an agreement was concluded between him and Mstislav, according to which Yaroslav reigns over right side Dnieper, and Mstislav - on the left. This agreement was observed by both parties until the death of Mstislav in 1036. Only in this year Yaroslav becomes the sole ruler of Kievan Rus.

It is worth noting the following events in the foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise: the annexation of the Cherven cities, the complete and final defeat of the Pechenegs in 1036 (the Black Sea steppe became a safe territory), a campaign against Lithuanian tribes, the foundation of a strong fortress Yaroslavl, the foundation of the city of Yuryev (Derpt), which strengthened the position of Russia in the Baltic states, holding last war with Byzantium (1043), which ended in complete failure. Yaroslav led a consistent foreign policy, which made it possible to significantly strengthen the Old Russian state.

Yaroslav the Wise was the first ruler of Russia, who created a written set of fundamental laws, called "Russian Truth". It has three editions - Short, Long and Abbreviated. Yaroslav is the author of the first 17 articles " short truth". The main sources of the first Russian legislation are customary (law based on custom) and Byzantine law. Russkaya Pravda contains norms of procedural, commercial, criminal and inheritance law. Truth Yaroslav in his first article allows blood feud: “If a husband kills a husband, then a brother avenges a brother, or a son takes revenge on a father, or a brother’s son, or a sister’s son; if no one takes revenge, then 40 hryvnias for the murdered.” However, in Yaroslav's Pravda, there are already noticeable trends towards replacing blood feuds with the payment of a fine (the so-called "vira").

Yaroslav Vladimirovich received the nickname "Wise" for the following reasons: he was very an educated person of his time, had a rich library, and most importantly, he patronized culture and art. Under Yaroslav the Wise, another large temple was created - the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The most important cultural achievement of the era of Yaroslav is the construction of the majestic St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Sophia Cathedral, made in the cross-domed style, was built in 1037 on the occasion of the victory over the Pechenegs. This magnificent temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Under Yaroslav, schools were actively opened at churches, monks compiled chronicles and copied books. The election of the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion was carried out, who is the author of the "Sermon on Law and Grace", which is a philosophical and religious sermon.

Dynastic marriages and relations with foreign states

During the reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, many dynastic marriages were concluded with large and influential states of that time: Poland, Germany, Hungary, Byzantium, Norway and France. The conclusion of numerous dynastic marriages indicates that Russia during the reign of Yaroslav was considered a strong and powerful state.

Izyaslav Yaroslavich was married to the daughter of the king of Poland, Vsevolod Yaroslavich was married to a Byzantine princess. From this marriage was born Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh, a worthy successor to his grandfather's work.

Igor Yaroslavich was married to a German princess. Yaroslav's daughter Elizabeth was married to King Harold of Norway, daughter Anastasia became the wife of the King of Hungary.

But most of all we know about Anna Yaroslavna, who was the wife of the King of France.

Through the conclusion of many dynastic marriages, Yaroslav achieved a significant strengthening of the position of the Old Russian state in the political arena.

Ladder order of succession. Specific system of reign

By the middle of the 10th century, the Rurik dynasty had grown significantly. The number of young princes grew, and they needed to allocate land for management. The lands owned by the princes were called "destinies". Yaroslav was well aware of the consequences of internecine wars: even his father Vladimir Svyatoslavovich won the throne of Kyiv in a fierce struggle with Yaropolk Svyatoslavich, and Yaroslav himself acquired the throne as a result of an internecine war with Svyatopolk the Accursed, and he could call himself the sole ruler of Russia only after the death of Mstislav Daring in 1036

Yaroslav was well aware that after his death, his sons would begin to wage war for absolute power. Yaroslav made his will as follows: Izyaslav was imprisoned in Kyiv and Novgorod, Svyatoslav - in Chernigov, Vsevolod - in Pereyaslavl, Igor - in Vladimir, Vyacheslav - in Smolensk.

Yaroslav bequeathed to his sons to live in peace, not to violate the borders of their principalities and not to plunge Russia into a terrible abyss of civil strife. Unfortunately, almost immediately after the death of Yaroslav the Wise, discord began between his sons. This long strife led to finalization feudal fragmentation. It was actually enshrined at the Lyubech Congress of Princes, where the following was proclaimed: "Let everyone keep his fatherland." Based on this principle, each prince settled in a certain land and became the sole ruler there. After the death of Yaroslav, the disintegration of the Old Russian state began, which was again briefly united by Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh and his son Mstislav the Great. After the death of these great princes, fragmentation finally took hold in Russia.

The ladder system of succession to the throne was a specific order of ascension to the throne that existed in Kievan Rus and was introduced by Yaroslav the Wise. According to this order, the elder brother succeeded, then the younger brothers, then the sons of the older brothers, then the sons of the younger brothers, and so on. This system had the following feature: if one of the brothers died without having time to get the reign, then all his sons and subsequent descendants were deprived of all rights to reign. Such princes were called "outcasts". It is clear that the outcast princes also wanted to receive own land to gain power and increase income. The desire for their own destiny prompted the princes to internecine struggle. A vivid example of such a prince is Oleg Gorislavich, described in The Tale of Igor's Campaign, who brought the Polovtsy (nomadic steppe people who came to the Black Sea region instead of the Polovtsy in 1054) with him to conquer the principality. Oleg's actions led to the fact that Russia was mired in even greater civil strife.

The ladder system was not effective way for a successful succession to the throne. It was confusing, the order of precedence was often violated. This system led to the fragmentation of united Russia into principalities, and then the principalities were divided into even smaller specific principalities. The more princes there were, the more principalities there were. All this weakened Russia in the political sense, which became main reason Mongol conquest.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise is not without reason called the dawn of the Old Russian state: a significant expansion of territories, strengthening international relations through dynastic marriages, obtaining church autonomy from Byzantine, the flourishing of culture, the widespread construction of schools and temples, the creation of the first legal code. Of course, Yaroslav the Wise did everything possible for the prosperity of Kievan Rus. During the 34 years of his reign, impressive successes were achieved. The role of Russia in world politics was significant, this is proved by the fact that foreign princes wooed Russian princesses. Yaroslav put an end to civil strife, expelled the Pechenegs, who were ruining the Russian borders of Russia.

During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, Kievan Rus reached true prosperity. However, one should not forget that Yaroslav could not prevent the emergence of feudal fragmentation. In fact, it is not Yaroslav's fault at all that the united Old Russian state broke up into separate parts that were at war with each other. The Rurik dynasty grew very large, the number of princes hungry for the throne increased significantly, and Yaroslav had to do something. He chose the option with a ladder system of succession to the throne. Unfortunately, it turned out to be ineffective. But modern historians look at the process of fragmentation as natural phenomenon: grew big cities, local centers developed, complete domination subsistence farming and the absence of a serious external threat did not contribute to the unity of Russia under the leadership of one prince, the famous trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" lost its significance. Therefore, it would be unfair to blame Yaroslav for the fragmentation of united Russia into small fragmented principalities. This was natural process which could not have been avoided at that moment in time.

YAROSLAV VLADIMIROVICH called the Wise (978−1054) - Prince of Rostov, Grand Duke of Kyiv and Novgorod. Founder of Yaroslavl

Blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Artist S.N. Gusev. Icon-painting workshop "Sofia" (Yaroslavl). 2009

The fourth son of Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich from Rogneda, Princess of Polotsk. He reigned in Rostov from the end of the 10th century. or the very beginning of the 11th century. and until 1010, when he accepted the reign of Novgorod after the death of Vysheslav, the eldest son of Vladimir I. During the years of reigning in Rostov, at the mouth of the river route from the Volga to Rostov, Yaroslavl was founded as a military princely outpost, in the vicinity of which the military trading posts of Scandinavians and Slovenes allied to Yaroslav were located - Novgorodians.

The legend about the founding of Yaroslavl, which came down in the list of the XVIII century. ( published below), shows Yaroslav as a prince-priest in the sacrificial ritual of the sacred tribal bear cult and at the same time as a Christian prince who converted the local pagans to the Christian faith. These legends speak in favor of the early date of the emergence of Yaroslavl at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, at the time of the Christianization of Russia during the life of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, when Yaroslav controlled Rostov and the Upper Volga route to Novgorod. According to the old Yaroslavl legend, he built the first wooden church in Yaroslavl in the name of St. Prophet Elijah on the Volga at the mouth of the Medveditsa ravine.

Relying on hired Scandinavian squads and Novgorodians, from 1016 he established himself on the grand prince's table in Kyiv, defeating his elder brother Svyatopolk, the murderer of the brothers-princes Boris and Gleb. He created the prerequisites for their future canonization as passion-bearers, the first patron saints of the Russian land. Being a prince of Novgorod, Yaroslav made a campaign in 1024 in the Suzdal land to suppress the anti-Christian and anti-feudal uprisings of the priests of the old pagan tribal cult.

In 1026, Yaroslav established himself in Kyiv, “dividing the Russian land along the Dnieper” with his brother Mstislav, and after his death in 1036, “taking over his entire power and being the autocrat of the Rus’ land.” In 1037 he built the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kyiv, under which he established a metropolis, a book-writing school and a library. He patronized the spread of book-Christian culture in Russia, for which he received the nickname "Wise". The chronicle article of the Tale of Bygone Years under 1037 contains praise for books and Prince Yaroslav the Wise.

He contributed to the appointment as metropolitan in Kyiv of the first Rusyn metropolitan Hilarion, whose sermon at the consecration of St. Sophia in Kyiv - "The Word of Law and Grace" - became the program manifesto of Russian Young Christianity.

Blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise began to be revered in Russia immediately after his death, although he was not formally included among the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. On March 9, 2004, in connection with the 950th anniversary of his death, he was included in the calendar of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, and the following year, with the blessing His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, February 20 (March 5) was included in the calendar as the day of memory of the right-believing Prince Yaroslav the Wise. By the definition of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church of February 3, 2016, a general church veneration of the Right-Believing Prince Yaroslav the Wise was established.


The legend of the construction of the city of Yaroslavl

(According to the book: A. Lebedev. Temples of the Vlasevsky parish in Yaroslavl. - Yaroslavl, 1877.)

In those years, when the Grand Duke of Kyiv Volodymyr enlightened the Russian land with the light of the Christian faith, then this Christ-loving prince gave his son a city for possession, and a city great Rostov I gave the region to my son Boris, and then to his brother Yaroslav. In this region, however, not a long way from the city of Rostov, as if on 60 fields at the banks of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers, a certain place lies, on which the glorious city of Yaroslavl was subsequently created. And this place was very empty: for a tall tree growing, but grassy pastures would be found here. The man of the abode is one. And this was the settlement recommended by the Bear's Corner, in it the inhabitants of the people, the filthy faith of the tongues, are angry. And this place was very scary, for the people living on it live according to their own will, as if they did many robberies and bloodshed to the faithful. In doing it is meaningful, I always cling to the beast or the fishing of fish, holding these people and many cattle, and with these I will satisfy myself.

The idol, to whom these bow down, was Volos, that is, the god of cattle. And this Volos, living in it without living, as if creating many fears, standing in the middle of the lair, called Volosova, from here and cattle, as usual, exiled to pasture. To this many-witted idol and keremet was created, and the sorcerer vdan was created, and this unquenchable fire was held by Volos and the smoke sacrificial to him. Such when the first time the cattle came to pasture, the sorcerer slaughtered him a calf and a heifer, at the usual time from wild animals the sacrificial burning, and in some very sick days and from people. This sorcerer is like a pestun of the devil, wise by the power of the primordial enemy, according to the outcome of the incense of the sacrificial mind, and all the secret and the verb of the words that happened to that person, like the words of this Volos. And Velma is honored by the speed of this sorcerer among the Gentiles. But we would torture you fiercely, when the fire at Volos ceased: decide the sorcerer on the same day and hour, and choose another by lot, and this slaughtered the sorcerer and, kindling the fire, burning his corpse in this, as if I would be satisfied with the sacrifice to gladden this formidable god. So the primordial enemy of the human race darken the heart of these people, and so these people live for many years.

But in a certain summer, the noble prince Yaroslav was sent to sail on the boats with a strong and great army along the Volga River, on the right bank of it, where that settlement, called the Bear Corner, stood. Prince, see, as some people cruelly inflict death with a court marching with goods along the Volga; the merchants, on these ships, are firmly defending themselves, but it is impossible to overcome the power of the accursed, as if these robbers and their courts betrayed the flames of fire. Watching all that was happening, the noble prince Yaroslav commanded his retinue to intimidate and disperse the vacillation of these lawless ones, so that the infidels would be saved. And the Prince's squad bravely attack the enemies, as if these penances began to tremble from fear and in great horror soon rushed in boats along the Volga River. The squad of the Prince and Prince Yaroslav himself, chasing the infidels, but with abusive weapons will destroy them. And, oh great God's mercy, and how inexpressible and unsearchable are his destinies, and who can confess his mercy to Christians! with the prayers of the Most Pure Theotokos and the saints of his princely army, defeat the enemies on the spot, where some sewage waters go to Kotorosl, behind him the village is standing. And the Blessed Prince teach their people how to live and do not offend anyone, but most of all, knowing their ungodly faith, pray for them to be baptized. And these people, by an oath at Volos, promised the prince to live in harmony and give him the customs, but they do not even want to be baptized. And so the Blessed Prince departed for the throne city of his Rostov.

Not for a lot of time, Prince Yaroslav planned to arrive in the Bear's Corner. And this came with the bishop, with the presbyters, deacons and churchmen, masters and soldiers; but when you enter this settlement, let this people out of the cage of a certain fierce beast and dogs, so that they will stir up the Prince and those who are with him, but the Lord save the Blessed Prince; with this ax defeat the beast, and psi, like lambs, did not touch anyone from them. And in the sight of godlessness and evil people, all this, horrified and falling down on their faces to the Prince, and as if they were dead. Blessed Prince, with a powerful voice, exclaim to these people: who are you, are not these people, who by oath assuring before your Volos faithfully serve me, your Prince? Cue is he a god, as if the oath with him was made by yourself transgress and trample? But the news, as if I had come not for the amusement of the animal or for the feast, I came to drink, but to create victory. And hearing these words, it is impossible for unbelieving people to answer a single word.

According to this, the Blessed Prince dangerously looking at the whole place is empty, but on the utria, from his tent, he carried the icon of the Mother of God with Her eternal Infant Our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the bishop, and with the presbyters, and with all the spiritual rank, and with the masters and with the soldiers came to the banks of the Volga, and there on the island, establish the rivers Volga and Kotorosl and the flowing water, put the icon of the Mother of God in the place prepared and command the bishop to create prayer singing before her and bless the water and sprinkle the earth; the Blessed Prince himself erected a wooden cross on this earth and laid the foundation for the holy temple of the prophet of God Elijah. And dedicate this temple in the name of this holy saint, like a predatory and fierce beast, defeat him on his day. According to this, the Christ-loving Prince commanded the people to cut wood and clean the place, where they intended to create a city. And taco workers began to build the church of St. the prophet Elijah and the city of building. This city, the Blessed Prince Yaroslav, calling his name Yaroslavl, populated it with Christians, and put presbyters, deacons and clerics in the church.

But when the city of Yaroslavl was built, the inhabitants of the Bear Corner did not partake of the city, living an individual and bowing to Volos. Been in the days of a certain drought in this region, as if from fierce heat and grass and all the cereals of the village were burned, and at that time there was great sorrow in people, and cattle to death from famine came. In the sadness of disbelief, these people tearfully pray for their Hair, let it rain on the earth. At this time, on some occasion, pass at the keremeti of Volosovo, one from the presbyter of the church of the prophet of God Elijah, and this, behold weeping and sighing a lot, speech to the people: O foolish heart! Why tear down and pitifully cry to your God? Or blind you, as if Volos had a strong success, so will your prayers and the stench of the sacrificial arouse him? All this is vain and false, like Volos himself, you bow to him, like a soulless idol. So work hard for yourself. But do you want to see the power and glory of the true God, to whom we bow and serve? This God created the heavens and the earth, so he cannot create and give? Let's go to the city, let us see His power and glory.

And unbelievers, even though to shame the presbyter, as if she had spoken a lie, the city has gone. And when that one came, the pious presbyter commanded the unbelieving people to stand up from the church of St. St. Elijah, and he himself unite the entire sacred spiritual order and shut himself up with him in the temple. Dressed there in sacred clothes, and pray much and tearfully in the Trinity to the glorious God, the Most Holy Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy glorious prophet of God Elijah, may these unbelievers turn to the true faith of Christ and be enlightened by the light of baptism. And, having made a prayer, the presbyter commanded that they strike the heavy church beaters and carry them out of the church of St. icons and put these on the analogies at the place where the infidels stood. Arrange all this, pious presbyter with a cross in your hand, exclaim; if the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the holy prophet Elijah, see their own mark, the Lord will accept the prayer of us, His sinful servants, as if on this day the rain will pour down on the earth, then will you believe in the true God and will the kiijo be baptized from you in the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit? And these people say: let us believe and be baptized!

And so the presbyter with other presbyters and deacons and the clergy of the church and with all Christians before the icons, perform prayer services and, kneel with weeping and great sighing, as if lifting your hands to heaven, pray to the Lord and the creator of all kinds, may he command the rain to pour out on the earth . And that hour the cloud was fraught and formidable, and great rain fell; seeing the presbyters and all Christians together, glorify God and the Most Pure Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and St. prophet of God Elijah. Unbelieving people, seeing this miracle, cry out: great Christian God! And having left the city, do a lot of dirty tricks to Volos, as if spitting nan and crushing him to pieces and crushing him to death and betraying him to a fiery incineration. Follow these people with joy to go to the river to the Volga and there the presbyters, standing on the riverbank and crying out in prayer, baptize every age and gender male and female in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thus, by the grace of God, true faith is here and the godless dwelling has become a Christian monastery.

But after a certain time, when these people have accepted the Christian faith, the devil, who hates all good, does not even see this faith in people, repair them many times of insurance in place, where Volos once stood: there they sniffed and harp and singing many times resounding and some dancing apparently used to be; cattle, always in this place I go, unusually thinness and illness indulging in. And about this, these people grieving greatly, telling the presbyter, and saying that all this attack was the wrath of Volos, as if he had turned into an evil spirit, so that he would crush the people, their cattle, how crushing him and keremet. The presbyter, however, comprehend that delusion of the devil, as if by this evil obscuration and fear and disease of cattle, this primordial enemy only wants to destroy the people of Christ. And the presbyter did not teach the people a little, but follow the advice, and let these people ask the Prince and the bishop on the spot, where they stood keremet, to build that temple in the name of St. and save the cattle of the Christian people.

And so these people pray to the Prince, may he command to build a temple, and the Prince pray to the bishop to give a blessing to build a church of the Drevyan in the name of the holy martyr Vlasy. And, oh great miracle! When you sanctify the temple, create a demon of fear and crush cattle in the pasture, and for this visible miracle, people praise God, who is so beneficent, and thank his saint, St. Blaise the Wonderworker.

Thus, the city of Yaroslavl was built and this church of the great saint of God Blasius, Bishop of Sebaste, was created.


Yaroslav I Vladimirovich the Wise

(Article from encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron)

Yaroslav is the son of St. Vladimir and Rogneda, one of the most famous old Russian princes. Even during his lifetime, having made the first division of land between his sons, Vladimir planted Yaroslav in Rostov, and then, after the death of his eldest son Vysheslav, transferred him to Novgorod, in addition to the eldest - Svyatopolk of Turov, who, according to Ditmar, was then under the wrath of his father and even in custody.

Being the prince of Novgorod, Yaroslav wanted to break all dependence on Kyiv and become a completely independent sovereign of the vast Novgorod region. He refused (1014) to pay his father an annual tribute of 2,000 hryvnias, as all Novgorod posadniks did; his desire coincided with the desire of the Novgorodians, who were always burdened by dependence on southern Russia and the tribute imposed on them. Yaroslav was also unhappy with the fact that his father preferred his younger brother, Boris. Angry at Yaroslav, Vladimir prepared to personally go against him and ordered to fix roads and build bridges, but soon fell ill and died. The grand-princely table was taken over by the eldest in the family Svyatopolk, who, fearing Boris, beloved by the Tevlyans and wanting to become the sovereign ruler of all Russia, killed three brothers (Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav); the same danger threatened Yaroslav.

Meanwhile, Yaroslav quarreled with the Novgorodians: the reason for the quarrel was the obvious preference that Yaroslav and his wife, the Swedish princess Ingigerda (daughter Swedish king Olav Sketkokung), provided a hired Varangian squad. The Varangians, using their influence, aroused the population against themselves with cruelty and violence; it came to bloody retribution from the Novgorodians, and Yaroslav in such cases usually took the side of mercenaries and once executed many citizens, luring them to him by cunning. Considering the fight against Svyatopolk inevitable, Yaroslav sought reconciliation with the Novgorodians; the latter easily agreed to go with him against his brother; to refuse help to Yaroslav and force his prince to flee would mean resuming dependent relations with Kiev and accepting a posadnik from there; in addition, Yaroslav could return from across the sea with the Varangians and take revenge on Novgorod. Having gathered 40 thousand Novgorodians and several thousand Varangian mercenaries, whom he had previously hired for the war with his father, Yaroslav moved against Svyatopolk, who called on the Pechenegs to help him, defeated him in an evil battle near the city of Lyubech, entered Kyiv and occupied the grand prince's table (1016 BC). ), after which he generously rewarded the Novgorodians and sent them home.

The fleeing Svyatopolk returned with the regiments of his father-in-law, Polish king Boleslav the Brave, who was glad to have the opportunity to cause confusion in Russia and weaken it; together with the Poles came more squads of Germans, Hungarians and Pechenegs. The Polish king himself was at the head of the troops. Yaroslav was defeated on the banks of the Bug and fled to Novgorod; Boleslav gave Kyiv to Svyatopolk (1017), but he himself soon left Kyiv, having learned about Yaroslav's new preparations and having lost many Poles who were killed by the people of Kiev for violence. Yaroslav, having again received help from the Novgorodians, with a new large army, utterly defeated Svyatopolk and his Pecheneg allies, on the river. Alte (1019), at the place where Boris was killed. Svyatopolk fled to Poland and died on the way; Yaroslav in the same year became the Grand Duke of Kiev.

Only now, after the death of Svyatopolk, Yaroslav firmly established himself in Kyiv and, in the words of the chronicler, "wiped his sweat with his retinue." In 1021 Yaroslav's nephew, prince. Bryachislav Izyaslavich of Polotsk, announced claims to part Novgorod regions; having been refused, he attacked Novgorod, took it and plundered it. Hearing about the approach of Yaroslav, Bryachislav left Novgorod with many captives and hostages. Yaroslav overtook him in the Pskov region, on the river. Sudome, broke it and freed the captured Novgorodians. After this victory, Yaroslav made peace with Bryachislav, ceding the Vitebsk volost to him.

Having barely ended this war, Yaroslav had to begin a more difficult struggle with his younger brother Mstislav of Tmutarakan, who became famous for his victories over the Kasogs. This warlike prince demanded from Yaroslav the division of the Russian lands equally and approached Kiev with an army (1024). Yaroslav at that time was in Novgorod and in the north, in Suzdal land, where there was a famine and a strong rebellion caused by the Magi. In Novgorod, Yaroslav gathered a large army against Mstislav and called on hired Varangians, under the command of the noble knight Yakun the Blind (see). The army of Yaroslav met with the army of Mstislav near the town of Listven (near Chernigov) and was defeated in a fierce slaughter. Yaroslav again retired to his faithful Novgorod. Mstislav sent him to say that he recognized his seniority and did not seek Kyiv. Yaroslav did not trust his brother and returned only having gathered a strong army in the north; then he made peace with his brother at Gorodets (probably near Kyiv), according to which the Russian land is divided into two parts along the Dnieper: regions along east side The Dnieper went to Mstislav, and along the western side to Yaroslav (1025).

In 1035, Mstislav died and Yaroslav became the sole ruler of the Russian land ("he was an autocrat", in the words of the chronicler). In the same year, Yaroslav put his brother, Prince. Sudislav of Pskov, slandered, according to the chronicles, before his elder brother. The reason for Yaroslav's anger at his brother is unknown; probably, the latter expressed claims to the division of escheated volosts, which passed entirely to Yaroslav. In the hands of Yaroslav, all Russian regions were now united, with the exception of the Polotsk principality.

In addition to these wars associated with princely civil strife, Yaroslav still had to make many campaigns against external enemies; almost all of his reign is filled with wars. In 1017, Yaroslav successfully repelled the Pechenegs' attack on Kyiv and then fought them as allies of Svyatopolk the Accursed. In 1036, chronicles record the siege of Kyiv by the Pechenegs, in the absence of Yaroslav, who had gone to Novgorod. Having received news of this, Yaroslav hastened to help and utterly defeated the Pechenegs under the very walls of Kyiv. After this defeat, the attacks of the Pechenegs on Russia cease.

Yaroslav's campaigns to the north, against the Finns, are known. In 1030, Yaroslav went to Chud and established his power on the banks Lake Peipus; he built a city here and named it Yuriev, in honor of his angel (the Christian name of Yaroslav is George or Yuri). In 1042, Yaroslav sent his son Vladimir on a campaign against Yam; the campaign was successful, but Vladimir's squad returned almost without horses, due to a case.

There is news of a Russian campaign under Yaroslav to the Ural Range, led by some Uleb (1032).

On the western borders Yaroslav waged wars with Lithuania and the Yotvingians, apparently to stop their raids, and with Poland. In 1022, Yaroslav went to besiege Brest, whether it was successful or not is unknown; in 1030 he took Belz (in the north-east of Galicia); next year, with his brother Mstislav, he took the cities of Cherven and brought many Polish captives, whom he resettled along the river. Rosi in the towns to protect the land from the steppe nomads. Several times Yaroslav went to Poland to help King Casimir to pacify the rebellious Mazovia; last trip was in 1047

The reign of Yaroslav was marked by the last hostile clash between Russia and the Greeks. One of the Russian merchants was killed in a quarrel with the Greeks. Not receiving satisfaction for the insult, Yaroslav sent a large fleet to Byzantium (1043), under the command of his eldest son, Vladimir of Novgorod and governor Vyshata. The storm scattered the Russian ships; Vladimir exterminated those sent to pursue him Greek Navy, but Vyshata was surrounded and captured at the city of Varna. In 1046 peace was concluded; prisoners on both sides were returned, and friendly relations were sealed by the marriage of Yaroslav's beloved son, Vsevolod, with a Greek princess.

As can be seen from the annals, Yaroslav did not leave such an enviable memory as his father. According to the review of the chronicle, “he was lame, but he had a kind mind and was brave in battle”; at the same time, it is added that he himself read books - a remark testifying to his amazing scholarship for that time.

The reign of Yaroslav is important as the era of the highest prosperity of Kievan Rus, after which it quickly began to decline. The significance of Yaroslav in Russian history is based mainly not on successful wars and external dynastic ties with the West, but on his works on internal device Russian land. He greatly contributed to the spread of Christianity in Russia, the development of the education necessary for this purpose and the training of Russian clergy. Yaroslav founded in Kyiv, on the site of his victory over the Pechenegs, the church of St. Sophia, splendidly decorating it with frescoes and mosaics; built the monastery of St. George and the monastery of St. Irina (in honor of the angel of his wife). Kyiv Church of St. Sophia was built in imitation of Tsaregrad. Yaroslav did not spare funds for church splendor, inviting Greek masters for this. In general, he decorated Kyiv with many buildings, circled it with new stone walls, arranging in them the famous Golden Gate (in imitation of the same Constantinople), and above them - a church in honor of the Annunciation.

Yaroslav made a lot of efforts for the internal improvement of the Orthodox Church and the successful development of the Christian faith. When at the end of his reign it was necessary to install a new metropolitan, Yaroslav ordered the council of Russian bishops to appoint the priest s. Berestov Hilarion, originally from Russian, wishing to eliminate the dependence of the Russian spiritual hierarchy on Byzantium. In order to instill in the people the beginnings of the Christian faith, Yaroslav ordered the translation of handwritten books from Greek into Slavonic and bought a lot of them himself. Yaroslav put all these manuscripts in the library of the St. Sophia Cathedral he built for common use. To spread the letter, Yaroslav ordered the clergy to teach children, and in Novgorod, according to later chronicles, he set up a school for 300 boys. Under Yaroslav, church singers arrived in Russia from Byzantium, who taught the Russians to octagonal (demestvenny) singing.

Yaroslav remained the most famous to posterity as a legislator: the oldest Russian monument of law is attributed to him - the "Charter" or "Sud Yaroslavl" or "Russian Truth". Most scientists (Kalachev, Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Sergeevich, Klyuchevsky), for very good reasons, believe that Pravda is a collection of laws and customs in force at that time, compiled by private individuals. As can be seen from the monument itself, Pravda was compiled not under Yaroslav alone, but also after him, during the 12th century.

In addition to Pravda, under Yaroslav, a church charter or Pilot Book appeared - a translation of the Byzantine Nomocanon. With his legislative activity, concerns about the spread of Christianity, about church splendor and enlightenment, Yaroslav so exalted himself in the eyes of the ancient Russian people that he received the nickname of the Wise.

A significant role in Yaroslav's activities was also played by concerns about the internal improvement of the land, its peace and security: he was the prince-"dresser" of the land. Like his father, he populated the steppe spaces, built cities (Yuriev - Dorpat, Yaroslavl), continued the policy of his predecessors to protect the borders and trade routes from nomads and to protect the interests of Russian trade in Byzantium. Yaroslav fenced with fences southern border Russia with the steppe and in 1032 began to set up cities here, settling captive Poles in them.

The time of Yaroslav was the era of active relations with the states of the West. Yaroslav was related to the Normans: he himself was married to the Swedish princess Ingigerda (Irina in Orthodoxy), and the Norwegian prince Harald the Bold received the hand of his daughter Elizabeth. Some sons of Yaroslav were also married to foreign princesses (Vsevolod, Svyatoslav). Princes and noble Normans found shelter and protection from Yaroslav (Olav the Holy, Magnus the Good, Harald the Bold); Varangian merchants enjoy his special patronage. Yaroslav's sister Maria was married to Casimir of Poland, his second daughter Anna - to Henry I of France, the third, Anastasia - to Andrew I of Hungary. There is news from foreign chroniclers about family ties with English kings and about the stay at the court of Yaroslav two English princes who sought asylum.

Yaroslav's capital, Kyiv, Western foreigners seemed to be a rival of Constantinople; its liveliness, caused by quite intense trading activity for that time, amazed the foreign writers of the 11th century.

Yaroslav died in Vyshgorod (near Kiev), 76 years old (1054), dividing the Russian land between his sons. He left a will in which he warned his sons against civil strife and urged them to live in close love.

Each historical milestone corresponds to some outstanding personality. So, at the dawn of the formation of Russia, princes are known who united the people and territories, baptized the Russian people and strengthened the Christian faith. The name of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, Prince of Kiev, is associated with the appearance of Russkaya Pravda, a document that determines according to what laws the Russian state should exist, the foundations of the future legislation of the state. It is known that he was born around 972 and died on February 2, 1054.

Son of Vladimir Red Sun

Grand Duke Vladimir is popularly called the Baptist for his deeds connected with the emergence of Christianity in Russia. The people called him the red sun because, according to N.I. Karamzin, he was a father for the poor people.
George, and that was the name of Yaroslav I at birth, was born a concubine, and then the wife of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Rogneda. The son of the Polotsk princess, Yaroslav was one of the many children of the Grand Duke of Kiev. And just like other sons, he received a fiefdom in which he could reign - the city of Rostov, later called Yaroslavl. Yaroslav also reigned in Novgorod as a recalcitrant prince. Being the unloved son of Vladimir, he did not obey his will, refusing to pay tribute. The father's plans were to punish the disobedient son, but this was prevented by the death of Vladimir.

Yaroslav - Grand Duke

The main throne of Russia, Kyiv, was to go to the beloved sons of Prince Vladimir, Boris and Gleb. But the nephew of Vladimir the Red Sun - Svyatopolk Yaropolkovich, called the Accursed by the people, became the prince of Kiev. By cunning, having risen to the throne, he treacherously killed the beloved sons of Vladimir, after which they were canonized by the church as saints - the first saints in Russia.
The same fate awaited Yaroslav, but he, having united with his brother Mstislav, called the Udaly by the people, conquered Kyiv. In this he was helped by the inhabitants of Novgorod, outraged by the actions of Svyatopolk. Interestingly, the Novgorodians did not always treat Yaroslav with respect, resenting his preference for warriors - the Varangians. This was due to the fact that the prince's wife, baptized by Irina, was the daughter of the king of Norway. Novgorodians changed and began to support Yaroslav after he changed his attitude towards the inhabitants of free Novgorod.
With the funds collected by the townspeople, Yaroslav hired the Varangians, which decided the fate of the Kiev throne after the battle with Svyatopolk. A few years later, after the death of the nephew of Vladimir the Baptist, Yaroslav became a full-fledged sovereign of Kiev. Yaroslav's brother Mstislav remained in Novgorod, he did not interfere with the sole power of the Kiev prince.
Changes in domestic and foreign policy during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise
The first achievements of Yaroslav are considered to be his complete victory over the Pechenegs. In honor of this event, a cathedral was erected in Kyiv, called Sophia. This was followed by the conquest of the Chud tribes and the erection of the city of Yuryev. Not only by the sword was the return of the former lands and the annexation of new ones. The prince wisely conducted foreign policy, without unnecessary bloodshed, using his family ties. Yaroslav was a relative of many rulers Western countries thanks to his wife Ingegerda and his second wife, Anna, a Byzantine princess. But he also strengthened family ties through marriages between his children and the children of the Swedish, Norwegian and Polish rulers.

Prince Achievements

The reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich led to the flourishing of Kievan Rus, a time when Rus became the strongest European state. Powerful states sought an alliance with Kievan Rus, and Rus itself was catching up with other states in the development of social, political and cultural relations.
Under Yaroslav, the first Christian monasteries of Russia appeared: Kiev-Pechersky and Yuryev Novgorod. By order of the prince, a stone wall was erected around Kyiv, and the Golden Gate was erected near it.
The prince appointed Hilarion, the creator of the Sermon on Grace and Law, as metropolitan.
The acts of Yaroslav the Wise contributed to the growth of the literacy of the people in Russia, thanks to the opening of the first monastic schools.
The prince was married twice and had nine children. Having lived for 73 years, having ruled for 37 years, Yaroslav was buried in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, but it is currently unknown where his remains are.
In the annals, the prince is characterized as a man with a good mind and brave in the army. A man who loved to read, did a lot for the appearance of books for Russians, copied from Greek monks.
The people nicknamed the commander and prince of Kyiv the Wise, that is how all his deeds can be called, including the structure of the Russian state and the place of honor of Kievan Rus among other countries.

Prince Yaroslav the Wise was one of the most prominent statesmen the era of the Middle Ages. Was born future ruler throughout the Russian land around 988. He received an excellent home education, knew several languages. Despite a slight injury, the prince showed himself to be an excellent warrior, whose courage and courage were set as an example. AT mature years showed himself wise politician and an excellent diplomat. During the years of his reign, Kievan Rus experienced an unprecedented flourishing in culture, education, writing and architecture.

Kyiv after the death of Vladimir

The death of Volodymyr the Great caused a fierce power struggle between his sons. In 1015 Svyatopolk took the throne of Kyiv. Prince Yaroslav of Novgorod opposed him and defeated him in the battle near Lyubich. Svyatopolk asked for help from his father-in-law, the Polish king Boleslav the Brave. He agreed and, leading a large army, invaded the borders of Russia. In the battle near Volhynia, in 1018, Yaroslav was defeated and retreated to Novgorod. Power in Kyiv again belonged to Svyatopolk. But the atrocities of the Polish army, robberies and looting angered the people of Kiev, and they raised an uprising. Boleslav the Brave returned to Poland, having annexed the Cherven cities to his kingdom - a small territory in Volyn with the cities of Shepol, Cherven, Volyn.

Rise to power

Gathering his own army, Yaroslav went to Kyiv. Svyatopolk, whom the historical chronicles will henceforth call the Accursed, turned to the Pechenegs for help. The decisive battle took place in the summer of 1019 on the river. Alte near Pereyaslav. The victory was for Yaroslav. This date is considered the beginning of his reign as the prince of all Russia. But in 1021, Yaroslav was forced to recognize the independence of Bryacheslav, the ruler of the Principality of Polotsk. And a year later, the Tmutarakan prince Mstislav, who defeated the prince of Kiev, spoke out against Yaroslav. Negotiations began, which ended in 1026. As a result, it was decided to divide the land. Mstislav got left-bank Russia with Chernigov, Yaroslav - the right bank of the Dnieper with Kiev, Bryacheslav confirmed his rights to reign in Pereyaslavl. Later, Bryacheslav recognizes the supremacy of Kyiv. Only after the death of Mstislav in 1036 did Yaroslav receive full power over Kievan Rus.

Development of Kyiv

Understanding the significance of Kyiv as a spiritual and political center of the entire state, Prince Yaroslav the Wise began large-scale construction and strengthening of his capital. The ruler planned to turn the Russian capital city into a second Constantinople. Ramparts 3.5 km long were supposed to strengthen the city. Poured by hand, they were about 14 m high and 30 m wide at the base. These fortifications were designed to protect Kyiv from nomadic raids. The decoration of the city was the Golden Gate - the main entrance of the nearby Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin. The territory of the new city expanded, its area increased to 70 hectares. New churches appeared - in 1037 the St. Sophia Cathedral was opened - an outstanding monument of world architecture, in 1051 a male Kiev Caves Monastery. In the same years, the church of St. George and the church of St. Irina were built. The Golden Gates and the Church of St. Sophia became symbols of Kyiv's sovereignty, and the architectural and artistic ensemble revealed the idea of ​​the divine origin of the princely dynasty.

True Yaroslav

The development of society demanded to legitimize the changes in relations between different layers population. Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise decided to streamline the existing legal norms. In 1016, the “truth of Yaroslav” saw the light - a letter issued to Novgorod, in which the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise began. The letter was part of the "Russian Truth" - the charter of legal norms and laws of the ancient Russian society. "The Truth of Yaroslav" contained 18 articles. The document dealt with punishments for murder and injury, for damaging someone else's property, riding someone else's horse, and so on. The issue of blood feud was considered separately. The law left the right to take revenge on the offenders, but at the same time offered to replace the murders with a fine. Around 1025, a decree “Pokon Virny” was issued, which determined the amount of tribute collected from the population for the maintenance of the squad.

Church activity of Prince Yaroslav the Wise

The domestic policy of Prince Yaroslav the Wise paid great attention to the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. Long negotiations with Byzantium did not give the desired results - Eastern empire did not grant autocephaly to Kiev, i.e. church independence. Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise was forced to agree to the arrival of a Byzantine bishop in Kyiv. He, however, soon went home. In 1051, by order of Yaroslav, the post of metropolitan was occupied by the Russian Hilarion, about whose life and work very little data has been preserved. But the Patriarch of Constantinople refused to approve Hilarion, and after some time Prince Yaroslav the Wise agreed to accept the new Byzantine metropolitan.

Development of education and writing

Russian Prince Yaroslav the Wise was one of the most educated people in Russia. He loved and revered books, brought the so-called scribes closer to him - the wise men of that time. The activity of scribes was carried out in St. Sophia Cathedral. By decision of the prince, about 960 books were collected, which became the basis of the first state library. Libraries were also opened in other cities - collections of books are known in Belgorod, Chernigov, Pereslavl.

The activities of Prince Yaroslav the Wise did not ignore the problems of education. Before him, children were educated at home. During the reign of Yaroslav, much attention is paid to schools. open educational establishments, private and church, the first church schools appear. There were notable achievements in the literature as well. For example, in 1039 work on the annalistic Kiev code was completed. Illarion wrote famous work"A word about law and grace", in which he substantiated the idea of ​​equal rights for Russia among other Christian states.

Foreign policy

Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise interstate relations adhered to his father's policies. He preferred not military action, but mutually beneficial political alliances. At the end of the 40s. the main activity of Prince Yaroslav the Wise is the rise of Russia among European states. Friendly relations are being established with Hungary, France, Germany, Norway, and relations with England are being improved. by the most a prime example international recognition of Kievan Rus were the desire of European monarchs to establish dynastic marriage relations with the house of Yaroslav. Thus, Yaroslav's daughter Anna became the French queen, Anastasia took Hungarian throne and Elizabeth married the Norwegian king. Three sons of Yaroslav the Wise were married to representatives of the most noble families in Europe. It is not for nothing that Yaroslav the Wise, the prince of Kyiv, received the nickname "father-in-law of Europe" from his contemporaries.

Relations with Byzantium did not develop very well for Yaroslav. In 1043, a war began with the empire, in which Russia was defeated. Prince Yaroslav the Wise agreed to the signing of an agreement, according to which Byzantium was obliged to compensate the damage caused by the empire to Russian merchants in Constantinople and the Russian monastery in Athos. The prince was also worried about the defense of the southern borders of the state - on the cordons with the Pechenegs and Polovtsians, fortress cities were built and ramparts were poured.

Russian Prince Yaroslav the Wise pursued a balanced and consistent foreign policy aimed at strengthening international position state and maintaining the authority of their country.

Testament written by Yaroslav the Wise

The Kyiv prince perfectly understood the inevitability of the struggle between his sons for the main, Kyiv throne. In order to somehow prevent this tragedy, Yaroslav the Wise, the Grand Duke of Kyiv, made a will, which outlined the main provisions of the succession to the throne. The document also spoke of the division between the sons of the Russian land into separate possessions - destinies. Yaroslav bequeathed to his sons to respect, love and support each other, otherwise "destroy the land of fathers and grandfathers." The implemented system of inheritance of power provided that sovereignty will belong to a group of princes - relatives, interconnected by vassal-hierarchical relations. According to the will, the throne of Kyiv should be inherited by the eldest son of Yaroslav.

Thanks to the foreign and domestic policy of Yaroslav the Wise, Kievan Rus experienced a political and cultural flourishing. The prince's wise rule strengthened political positions ancient Russian state for many years.

Father, grandfather, uncle of some rulers of Europe. During his reign in Kyiv, the first code of laws in Russia was published, which entered the history of the state as "Russian Truth". Ranked among the saints and revered by the Russian Orthodox Church as "pious".


Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich, known in history as Yaroslav the Wise, was born into the family of the Baptist of Russia, Prince of Novgorod and Kiev Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and presumably Polotsk princess Rogneda in 979. He is from the Rurik family. The year of birth, like the mother of the prince, has not been reliably established. The well-known historian N. Kostomarov expressed doubts about Rogneda as the mother of Yaroslav.

The French historian Arrignon was sure that Yaroslav's mother was Byzantine princess Anna. His confidence is confirmed by the intervention of Yaroslav Vladimirovich in the internal political affairs of Byzantium in 1043. The version according to which Rogneda was the mother of Vladimir is considered official, as most sources indicate this. This is what the majority of Russian and world historians adhere to.

If doubts about the mother can be explained by the lack of proper information, a series of certain events that researchers need to somehow explain, then the dispute over the date of birth confirms the assumption of historians that the struggle for the great reign of Kiev was not easy and fratricidal.

It should be recalled that the reign of Kiev gave the title of Grand Duke. In the ladder form, this title was considered the main one, and it was passed on to the eldest sons. It was Kiev that was paid tribute by all other cities. Therefore, all sorts of tricks were often used in the struggle for seniority, including changing the date of birth.

Year of birth

Historians, based on chronicles, found that Yaroslav Vladimirovich was the third son of Rogneda, after Izyaslav, Mstislav. After him came Vsevolod. This is confirmed in the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years". The eldest son, it is assumed, was Vysheslav, whose mother is considered to be the first wife of Vladimir, the Varangian Olov.

Between Mstislav and Yaroslav was another son of Prince Vladimir, Svyatopolk, born of a Greek woman, the widow of his brother, Prince Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich of Kiev. He died in the struggle with Prince Vladimir for the throne of Kyiv, and his wife was taken by the latter as a concubine. Paternity was controversial, but Prince Vladimir considered him to be his own son.

Today it is precisely established that Svyatopolk was older than Yaroslav Vladimirovich, his year of birth fell on 979. This is confirmed by a number of chronicles. It was found that the marriage of Prince Vladimir and Rogneda was in 979. Taking into account that he is the third son of Rogneda, it can be assumed that the date of birth is set incorrectly.

Many scientists, including S. Solovyov, believe that Yaroslav Vladimirovich could not have been born in 979 or 978. This is confirmed by studies of bone remains in the 20th century, they indicate that the remains presumably belonged to a person aged 50 to 60 years.

Even the historian Solovyov expressed doubts about the life expectancy of Yaroslav - 76 years. Based on this, we can conclude that the date of birth was incorrectly set. This was done in order to show that Yaroslav was older than Svyatopolk, and to justify his right to rule in Kiev. According to some sources, the date of birth of Yaroslav should correspond to 988 or 989 years.

Childhood and youth

Prince Vladimir granted various cities to his sons to rule. Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich got Rostov. At this time, he was only 9 years old, so the so-called breadwinner was attached to him, who was the governor and was called Budy or Buda. Almost nothing is known about the Rostov period, since the prince was young enough to rule. After the death in 1010 of the prince of Novgorod Vysheslav, the ruler of Novgorod was appointed Rostov prince Yaroslav, who at that time was 18-22 years old. This once again confirms that the time of his birth in the annals of temporary years is indicated incorrectly.

Foundation of Yaroslavl

A legend is connected with the history of the emergence of Yaroslavl, according to which Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise founded the city during his journey from Rostov to Novgorod along the Volga River. During the stay, the prince with his retinue went to a large cliff, suddenly a bear jumped out of the thicket of the forest. Yaroslav, with the help of an ax and run up servants, killed him. A small fortress was built on this site, from which the city, called Yaroslavl, later grew. Maybe this is just a beautiful legend, but, nevertheless, Yaroslavl considers the date of his birth from 1010.

Prince of Novgorod

After the death of Vysheslav, the question arose of ruling in Novgorod principality. Since Novgorod was the second most important city after Kyiv, where Vladimir reigned, the administration was to be inherited by the eldest son, Izyaslav, who was in disgrace with his father, and died by the time the ruler of Novgorod was appointed.

After Izyaslav came Svyatopolk, but he was imprisoned on charges of treason against his father. The next son in seniority was Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise, whom Prince Vladimir appointed to reign in Novgorod. This city had to pay tribute to Kiev, which amounted to a size equal to 2/3 of all taxes collected, the rest of the money was only enough to support the squad and the prince. This caused discontent among the Novgorodians, who were waiting for a pretext to revolt against Kyiv.

AT short biography Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise during the reign of Novgorod is not well known. All generations of Ruriks ruling in Novgorod lived in Gorodische, located not far from the settlement. But Yaroslav settled in the city itself in the trading place "Yaroslav's Court". Historians also refer to this period the marriage of Yaroslav. His first wife, according to some sources, was called Anna (not literally established). She was of Norwegian origin.

Revolt against Kyiv

At the end of his life, Grand Duke Vladimir brought his younger son Boris, to whom he transferred control of the army and was going to leave him the throne of Kyiv, contrary to the rules of inheritance by his eldest sons. Svyatopolk, at that time the elder brother, whom Vladimir threw into prison, spoke out against him.

Yaroslav decides to go to war against his father for the abolition of tribute to Kiev. Not having sufficient troops, he hires the Varangians, who arrived in Novgorod. Having learned this, Vladimir was about to go on a campaign against the rebellious Novgorod, but became very ill. In addition, in the middle of the summer of 1015, the Pechenegs invaded Kievan Rus. Instead of going against Novgorod, Boris was forced to fight against the steppe nomads, who fled under the onslaught of the Russian army.

At this time, in Novgorod, the Varangians, languishing from idleness, engaged in robbery and violence, which raised the local residents against them, who killed them. Yaroslav was in his suburban village Rakoma. Upon learning of what had happened, Yaroslav ordered the instigators of the massacre to be brought to him, promising to forgive them. But as soon as they appeared, he ordered to seize them and execute them. What brought the wrath of most of Novgorod.

By this point, he receives a letter from his sister, who informed him of Vladimir's death. Understanding that it is impossible to leave unresolved problems, Yaroslav asks for peace from the Novgorodians, promising to give out a certain amount of money for each killed person.

Fight with Svyatopolk for the throne in Kyiv

Prince Vladimir dies in the city of Berestov on June 15, 1015. The board was taken over by the eldest of the brothers Svyatopolk, whom the people called the Accursed. To protect himself, he kills his younger brothers: Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav, beloved by the people of Kiev. The same fate awaited Yaroslav Vladimirovich, the reign of Novgorod strengthened him as a politician, and he was a danger to Svyatopolk.

Therefore, Yaroslav, with the support of the Novgorodians and called Vikings in 1016 he defeated the army of Svyatopolk near Lyubich and entered Kyiv. The accursed several times approached the city in alliance with the Pechenegs. In 1018, the king of Poland, Boleslav the Brave, came to his aid - Svyatopolk's father-in-law, who entered Kyiv, captured Yaroslav's wife Anna, his sisters and stepmother. But instead of handing over the throne to Svyatopolk, he decided to seize it himself.

Saddened, Yaroslav returned to Novgorod and decided to flee abroad, but the townspeople did not let him go, declaring that they themselves would go against the Poles. The Varangians were also called up again. In 1019, the troops moved to Kiev, where the locals rose to fight the Poles. On the Alta River, Svyatopolk was defeated, wounded, but managed to escape. Yaroslav Vladimirovich - the Grand Duke of Kyiv reigned on the throne.

Yaroslav's personal life

Historians also disagree on how many wives Yaroslav had. Most tend to believe that the prince had one wife, Ingigerda, the daughter of the king of Sweden, Olaf Shetkonung, whom he married in 1019. But some historians suggest that he had two wives. The first is the Norwegian Anna, from whom he had a son, Ilya. They, allegedly, with the sisters and stepmother of the Great Yaroslav Vladimirovich, were taken by King Boleslav in full, and taken to the Polish lands, where they disappeared without a trace.

There is a third version, according to which, Anna is the name of Ingigerda in monasticism. In 1439, nun Anna was canonized as a saint and is the patroness of Novgorod. Ingigerda was given as a gift by his father the lands that were adjacent to the city of Ladoga. They were later called Ingria, where St. Petersburg was built by Peter I. Ingigerda and Prince Yaroslav had 9 children: 3 daughters and 6 sons.

Kievan rule

The years of Yaroslav Vladimirovich's reign were full of military confrontations. In 1020, the prince's own nephew Bryachislav invaded Novgorod, taking many prisoners and booty from it. Yaroslav's squad overtook him on the Sudoma River near Pskov, where he was defeated by the prince, leaving his prisoners and booty, and fled. In 1021, Yaroslav gives him the cities of Vitebsk and Usvyat.

In 1023, the Tmutarakan prince Mstislav invaded the lands of Kievan Rus, younger brother Yaroslav. He defeated the army of Yaroslav near Deciduous, capturing the entire left bank. In 1026, having gathered an army, Yaroslav returns to Kyiv, where he concludes an agreement with his brother that he will rule on the right bank, and the left bank will belong to Mstislav.

In 1029, together with Mstislav, they made a trip to Tmutarakan, where they defeated and expelled the Yases. In 1030, he conquered the Chud in the Baltic and founded the city of Yuryev (Tartu). In the same year, he went to the city of Belz in Galicia and conquered it.

In 1031, the king of Norway runs to Yaroslav Harald III Severe, who later becomes his son-in-law, marrying his daughter Elizabeth.

In 1034 Yaroslav sets Prince of Novgorod his beloved son Vladimir. In 1036 he brought sad news to him - Mstislav died suddenly. Worried about the possibility of challenging the Kievan possessions by the last of the brothers - Sudislav, he imprisons the prince of Pskov in a dungeon.

The meaning of the reign of Yaroslav

Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich Wise rules data into land management as a prudent host. He constantly multiplied territories; strengthened the borders, settling on steppe spaces southern limits captured Poles who defended Russia from the steppe nomads; strengthened western borders; stopped forever the raids of the Pechenegs; built fortresses and cities. During his reign, military campaigns did not stop, which made it possible to save the state from enemies and expand its territories.

But the meaning of government was not only this. The time of his reign supreme flowering state, the era of prosperity of Kievan Rus. First of all, he helped spread Orthodoxy in Russia. He built churches, promoted education in this area and the training of priests. Under him, the first monasteries were opened. His merit is also in the liberation of the Russian Church from Greek and Byzantine dependence.

Together final victory over the Pechenegs, he built the Cathedral of St. Sophia, decorated with frescoes and mosaics. Two monasteries were also built there: St. George, in honor of his patron George the Victorious and St. Irene, in the name of the angel of his wife. The Kyiv church of St. Sophia was built in the likeness of Constantinople, this can be seen in the photo. Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise contributed to the construction of the cathedrals of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the construction of the monastery.

The whole of Kyiv was surrounded by a stone wall, in which the Golden Gates were built. Yaroslav, being an enlightened man, ordered to acquire books and translate them from Greek and other languages. He bought a lot himself. All of them were gathered at the St. Sophia Cathedral and were available for general use. He ordered priests to teach people, and schools were formed in Novgorod and Kyiv under him.

Why was Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich nicknamed Yaroslav the Wise?

Historians attach particular importance to the collections of laws compiled under Yaroslavl that were in force in Kievan Rus. Code of Laws "Russian Truth" was the first legal instrument that laid the foundation for legislation Russian state. In addition, it was supplemented and developed in late time. This suggests that the laws were used in everyday life.

A church charter was drawn up, it was translated from the Byzantine language. Yaroslav took care of the spread of Christianity, did everything to make the churches shine with splendor, and ordinary Christians were taught the basic Orthodox laws. He took care of the prosperity of the cities and the tranquility of the people inhabiting the lands of Kievan Rus. It was for these deeds that Yaroslav Vladimirovich was given the nickname the Wise.

During the time of Kievan Rus, dynastic marriages played importance. It was they who helped to establish foreign policy ties. He intermarried with many noble families of Europe, which allowed him to solve many cases without bloodshed. His policy made it possible good relations with his brother Mstislav and together with him to participate in new campaigns.

Prince Yaroslav the Wise died, as is commonly believed, on February 20, 1054, in the arms of Vsevolod, his son. They were given a covenant to their children: to live in peace, never to fight with each other. Many famous historians disagree on the date of death, but it is the generally accepted date nonetheless. He was buried in the Hagia Sophia in Kyiv. In the 20th century, the crypt was opened three times; in 1964, during the opening, its remains were not found. It is believed that they were taken out in 1943 by Ukrainian henchmen of the Nazis. The remains are believed to be in the United States.