Psychological features of working with the elderly in the field of social services for the population reference - document. Problems of social work with the elderly


Chapter 1. The main social and psychological problems of the elderly and old people

1.1 Older people as a social community

1.2 Psychological characteristics of the elderly and old people

Chapter 2 Features social work with old and old people

2.1 Legislative framework for social work

2.2 The main directions of social work with the elderly and old people





One of the trends observed in recent decades in developed countries world, - the growth of the absolute number and relative proportion of the population of older people. There is a steady, rather rapid process of decrease in total strength population of the proportion of children and young people and an increase in the proportion of the elderly.

Thus, according to the UN, in 1950 there were approximately 200 million people aged 60 and over in the world, by 1975 their number had increased to 550 million. According to forecasts, by 2025 the number of people over 60 will reach 1 billion 100 million people. Compared with 1950, their numbers will increase by more than 5 times, while the world's population will only increase by 3 times (18; 36).

The main reasons for the aging of the population are a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the life expectancy of people of older age groups due to the progress of medicine, and an increase in the standard of living of the population. On average, in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, life expectancy for men has increased by 6 years over 30 years, and for women - by 6.5 years. In Russia, over the past 10 years, there has been a decrease in average life expectancy.

Relevance of the study: About 23% of the country's population are elderly and old people, the trend towards an increase in the proportion of elderly people in total mass population remains, it becomes clear that the problem of social work with the elderly is of national importance. The topic requires further development.

Object: social work with the elderly and old people.

Subject: features of social work with the elderly and old people.

The purpose of the work: To study the problems of the elderly and old people and consider the main directions of social work with them.

1) Identify the main social problems of the elderly and old people.

2) Consider psychological features elderly and old people.

3) Analyze the legislative framework on which social work with the elderly and old people is based; consider the main directions of this work.

For writing the work were used various sources and research. Among them:

Collection of regulatory legal acts on the basis of which social work with the elderly and old people is built (compiled by N. M. Lopatin) (10);

The book by E. I. Kholostova "Social work with the elderly" (19), which deals with the social and psychological problems of the elderly and old people, as well as various directions social work with them;

V. Alperovich's manual "Social gerontology" (1), which deals with the main problems associated with aging;

The book of the famous psychologist I. Kohn “Personality Persistence: Myth or Reality?” (7), in which he singles out and describes different types old people and the relationship of old age”;

Article Z.-Kh. M. Saralieva and S. S. Balabanov, which presents the data of a sociological study on the situation of the elderly and old people in modern Russia(13), etc.

Research methods:



Chapter 1. The main social and psychological problems of the elderly and old people

1.1 Older people as a social community

The socio-demographic category of older people, the analysis of their problems, theorists and practitioners of social work determine with different points vision - chronological, sociological, biological, psychological. Functional, etc. The population of older people is characterized by significant differences, which is explained by the fact that it includes persons from 60 to 100 years old. Gerontologists propose to divide this part of the population into "young" and "old" (or "deep") old people, just as in France there is the concept of "third" or "fourth" age. The border of the transition from the "third" to the "fourth age" is considered to be overcoming the milestone of 75-80 years. "Young" old people may experience different problems than "old" old people - for example, employment, headship in the family, distribution of household responsibilities, etc.

According to the World Health Organization, the age of 60 to 74 is recognized as old; from 75 to 89 years - senile; from 90 years and older - the age of centenarians (19; 234).

The rhythm of aging significantly depends on the lifestyle of older people, their position in the family, standard of living, working conditions, social and psychological factors. “Among the elderly, the most different groups: vigorous, physically healthy; sick; living in families; lonely; satisfied with retirement still working, but burdened by work; unhappy, desperate in life; sedentary homebodies; spending intensively, diversified their leisure time, etc. ”(1; 28).

In order to work with elderly and old people, you need to know their social status (in the past and present), mental characteristics, material and spiritual needs, and in this work rely on science, sociological, socio-psychological, socio-economic and other types of research. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the social problems of the elderly.

For older people, the main problems are:

Deterioration of health;

Maintaining an acceptable material standard of living;

Getting quality medical care;

Change in lifestyle and adaptation to new living conditions.

Life limitation.

The aging process is closely related to the constant increase in the number of patients suffering from various diseases, including those inherent only in the elderly and senile age. There is a constant increase in the number of seriously ill old people in need of long-term medication, care and care. Polish gerontologist E. Piotrovsky believes that among the population over the age of 65, about 33% are people with low functionality; disabled; aged 80 years and older - 64%. V.V. Egorov writes that the incidence rate increases with age. At the age of 60 and older, it exceeds the incidence rates of persons younger than 40 years by 1.7-2 times. According to epidemiological studies, approximately 1/5 of the elderly population is practically healthy, the rest suffer from various diseases, and multimorbidity is characteristic, i.e. a combination of several diseases that are chronic in nature, poorly responding to drug treatment. So, at the age of 50-59 years, 36% of people have 2-3 diseases, at 60-69 years old, 4-5 diseases are found in 40.2%, and at the age of 75 years and older, 65.9% have more than 5 diseases (1 ; 35).

Typical ailments of old age are diseases caused by changes in organs due to aging itself and associated degenerative processes.

The structure of the incidence of elderly and senile age has its own characteristics. The main form of pathology is chronic diseases: general arteriosclerosis; cardiosclerosis; hypertension, cerebrovascular disease; emphysema, diabetes mellitus; eye diseases, various neoplasms.

In the elderly and senile age, the mobility of mental processes decreases, this is manifested in the strengthening of deviations in the psyche.

Financial situation is the only problem. Which can compete in its importance with health. Elderly people are worried about their financial position, inflation rate, high cost of medical care.

According to Z.–Kh. M. Saralieva and S. S. Balabanov, every fifth family of pensioners has difficulty in purchasing clothes and shoes. It is in this group of families that there are people living "from hand to mouth" (!3; 29).

Many older people continue to work, and for material reasons. According to ongoing sociological surveys, 60% of pensioners would like to work.

In such a situation, it is impossible to talk about the continuation of a diverse, dignified life rich in spiritual and cultural values. Old people are fighting for survival (survival).

The situation of the elderly and old people largely depends on the family they live in, as well as on their marital status.

The increasingly widespread nuclear family (it consists of spouses and their children) leads to a change in relationships and ties with older people. A person in old age is often separated from children who have become independent, and in old age he remains alone, the reasons for which are often social in nature and are caused by alienation, social injustice, and the contradictions of social progress. A lonely person can be seen as the result of a weakening of ties with a particular social group (family, team), a decrease in social lability, and a devaluation of social values.

The well-being of elderly and old people who live in a family is largely determined by the prevailing atmosphere in the family - benevolent or unfriendly, normal or abnormal, by the way responsibilities are distributed in the family between grandfathers (grandmothers), their children and grandchildren. All this affects the desire of older people to live together with their children and grandchildren or separately (20; 47). Held in different countries research shows that some older people would prefer to live separately from their children and grandchildren, while others would prefer to live together. This should be taken into account, in particular, in urban planning, the distribution of apartments. It should be possible to exchange apartments and so on.

The importance of marriage and family is not the same different stages human life. An elderly and old person needs a family, primarily in connection with the need for communication, mutual assistance, in connection with the need to organize and maintain life. This is due to the fact that an elderly person no longer has the same strength, the same energy, cannot endure stress, often gets sick, and needs special nutrition.

When it comes to older people, the main motive for marriage is the similarity of views and characters, mutual interests, the desire to get rid of loneliness (1/3 of single people in our country are people over 60 years old). Although, of course, at this age, emotions and sympathy also play an important role.

As evidenced by the data state statistics, the growth in the number of late marriages is predetermined mainly high rates divorces. As a rule, these are remarriages. Social workers can play a significant role in addressing older people's loneliness through remarriage by organizing dating services for middle-aged and older people (12; 29).

The transition of a person to the group of the elderly significantly changes his relationship with society and such value-normative concepts as purpose, the meaning of life, goodness, happiness, and so on. The lifestyle of people is changing significantly. Previously, they were associated with society, production, social activities, and in old age they lost their former social roles. Retirement is especially difficult for people whose labor activity was highly valued in the past, and is now recognized as useless, unnecessary. The gap with labor activity negatively affects the state of health, vitality, and the psyche of people. And this is natural, since labor (feasible) is a source of longevity, a condition for maintaining good health. And many pensioners would like to work more, psychologically still young, educated, professionals in their field with vast work experience, these people can still bring a lot of benefits. But, unfortunately, up to 75% of older people do not work or are only partially employed. For example, in 2003, 82,690 pensioners applied to employment centers in search of a job. Only 14,470 pensioners tripled their jobs (12; 59).

So, the transition of a person to a group of elderly people changes his life, which acquires a number of new, far from always favorable and desirable features. There's a problem social adaptation elderly and old people. Here, social gerontology can come to the aid of a social worker - a field of study of the final stage of ontogenetic development of a person, sociocultural attitudes and expectations in relation to a certain socio-demographic stratum - the elderly (4; 73). Special attention should be given to the psychological problems of the elderly and old people.

1.2 Psychological characteristics of the elderly and old people

The aging process is a genetically programmed process, accompanied by certain age-related changes in the body.

In the period of human life after maturity, there is a gradual weakening of the body's activity. Older people are not as strong and not able, as in their younger years, to withstand prolonged physical or nervous stress; general stock energy becomes less and less.

At the same time, materials are accumulating that lead scientists to understand aging as an extremely complex, internally contradictory process, which is characterized not only by a decrease, but also by an increase in the activity of the body.

The strengthening and specialization of the action of the law of heterochrony (unevenness) is noticeable; as a result of this, the work of some body systems is preserved and even improved for a longer time, and in parallel with this, an accelerated, at different rates, involution of other systems occurs, which is explained by the role, significance that they play in the main, vital processes.

The complex and contradictory nature of human aging as an individual is associated with quantitative changes and qualitative restructuring. biological structures including neoplasms. The body adapts to new conditions; in contrast to aging, adaptive functional systems develop; various systems of the body are activated, which preserves its vital activity, allows to overcome the destructive (destructive, negative) phenomena of aging. All this forms the conclusion that the period of late ontogenesis is a new stage in the development and specific action of the general laws of ontogenesis, heterochrony and structure formation. Scientists have proven that there are different ways increasing biological activity various structures organism (polarization, redundancy, compensation, design), which ensure its performance as a whole after the completion of its reproductive period (2; 53).

Along with this, there is a need to strengthen conscious control and regulation of biological processes. This is carried out with the help of the emotional and psychomotor spheres of a person. After all, it is well known that a certain system of training can improve the functions of respiration, blood circulation and muscle performance in the elderly. The central mechanism of conscious regulation is speech, the importance of which increases significantly during the period of gerontogenesis. B. G. Ananiev wrote that “speech-thinking, second-signal functions oppose common process aging and themselves undergo involutional shifts much later than all other psychophysiological functions. These most important acquisitions of the historical nature of man become the decisive factor in the ontogenetic evolution of man” (quoted in: 3; 111).

Thus, various kinds of changes in a person as an individual, occurring in the elderly and senile age, are aimed at actualizing the potential, reserve capabilities accumulated in the body during the period of growth, maturity and formed during the period of gerontogenesis.

According to a study by domestic and foreign scientists, the heterogeneous nature of the aging process is also inherent in such psychophysiological functions of a person as sensations, perception, thinking, memory, etc. When examining the memory of people aged 70-90 years, the following was found: mechanical imprinting suffers especially; logical memory is best preserved; figurative memory weakens more than semantic memory, but at the same time, what is remembered is better preserved than with mechanical imprinting; the basis of strength in old age are internal and semantic connections; logical memory becomes the leading type of memory (3; 54).

The elderly and old people do not constitute a monolithic group. Further changes during the period of gerontogenesis depend on the degree of maturity specific person as a person and subject of activity. There are numerous data on the preservation of high viability and working capacity of a person not only in the elderly, but also in old age. Big positive role many factors play a role in this: the level of education, occupation, maturity of the individual, etc. Of particular importance is creative activity personality as a factor opposing the involution of a person as a whole (15; 43)..

Unfortunately, the typical personality manifestations of an old person are considered to be: a decrease in self-esteem, self-doubt, dissatisfaction with oneself; fear of loneliness, helplessness, impoverishment, death; gloom, irritability, pessimism; a decrease in interest in the new - hence the grumbling, grouchiness; closing interests on oneself - selfishness, self-centeredness, increased attention to one's health; uncertainty about tomorrow- all this makes old people petty, stingy, overcautious, pedantic, conservative, lacking initiative, etc.

Fundamental studies of domestic and foreign scientists, however, testify to the diverse manifestations positive attitude old man to life, to people, to himself.

K. I. Chukovsky wrote in his diary: “... I never knew that it was so joyful to be an old man, that not a day - my thoughts are kinder and brighter” (Quoted from: 3; 36).

Mental aging is diverse, the range of its manifestations is wide. Therefore, psychologists distinguish different types of elderly and old people.

In the typology of F. Giese, three types of old people and old age are distinguished:

1) an old man is a negativist who denies any signs of old age;

2) old man - extroverted, recognizing the onset of old age through external influences and by observing changes;

3) introverted type, which is characterized by an acute experience of the aging process (3; 38)

I. S. Kon identifies the following socially - psychological types old age:

1) active creative old age, when veterans continue to participate in public life, in the education of youth, etc.;

2) pensioners are engaged in things that they previously did not have enough time for: self-education, recreation, entertainment, etc. This type is also characterized by good social and psychological adaptability, flexibility, adaptation, but the energy is directed mainly at themselves;

3) this group is made up mainly of women, who find the main application of their forces in the family, in the household; satisfaction with life in this group is lower than in the first two;

4) people whose meaning of life is caring for own health: various forms of activity and moral satisfaction are associated with this. At the same time, there is a tendency (more often in men) to exaggerate their real and imaginary illnesses, increased anxiety.

Along with the prosperous types of old age, I. S. Kon also draws attention to the negative types of development:

a) aggressive old grumblers, dissatisfied with the state of the world,

criticizing everyone but themselves, teaching everyone and terrorizing others with endless claims;

b) disappointed in themselves and own life, lonely and sad losers, constantly blaming themselves for real and imaginary missed opportunities, thereby making themselves deeply unhappy (7; 56).

The classification proposed by D. B. Bromley is quite widely supported in the world psychological literature. She identifies five types of personality adaptation to old age (3; 39):

1) a constructive attitude of a person towards old age, in which the elderly and old people are internally balanced, have good mood satisfied with emotional contacts with other people;

2) dependency relation when an old man materially or emotionally dependent on a spouse or child;

3) a defensive attitude, which is characterized by exaggerated emotional restraint, some straightforwardness in one's actions, reluctant acceptance of help from others;

4) the attitude of hostility towards others. People with this attitude are aggressive, explosive and suspicious, tend to shift the blame for their failures to others, hostile to young people, withdrawn, prone to fear;

5) the attitude of hostility towards oneself. People of this type avoid memories because they have had many failures and difficulties in their lives. They are passive, suffer from depression, experience a feeling of loneliness, their own uselessness.

All classifications of types of old age and attitudes towards it are conditional, are indicative in order to form some basis for specific work with people of the elderly and old age.

The main stressors of elderly and senile people can be considered the lack of a clear life rhythm; narrowing the scope of communication; withdrawal from active work; "empty nest" syndrome; withdrawal of a person into himself; a feeling of discomfort from a closed space and many other life events and situations. The most powerful stressor is loneliness in old age. The concept is far from clear. If you think about it, the term "loneliness" has a social meaning. A person has no relatives, peers, friends. Loneliness in old age can also be associated with living separately from younger family members. However, more significant in old age are psychological aspects(isolation, self-isolation), reflecting the awareness of loneliness as misunderstanding and indifference on the part of others. Loneliness becomes especially real for a person who lives a long time. The center of attention, thoughts, reflections of an old person may be an exceptional situation that has given rise to a limitation of the circle of communication. The heterogeneity and complexity of the feeling of loneliness is expressed in the fact that the old person, on the one hand, feels a growing gap with others, is afraid of a lonely way of life; on the other hand, he seeks to isolate himself from others, to protect his world and stability in it from the intrusion of outsiders. Practicing gerontologists are constantly faced with the fact that complaints of loneliness come from old people living with relatives or children, much more often than from old people living separately. One of the very serious reasons violation of ties with others lies in the violation of ties between old people and young people. Not the most humanistic position is being consolidated: the absence of a real life projection for the future is clear both for the oldest person and for his young environment. Moreover, such a relic phenomenon as gerontophobia or hostile feelings towards old people can be called not uncommon today (5; 94).

Many of the stressors of the elderly and old people can be prevented or overcome relatively painlessly precisely by changing attitudes towards the elderly and the aging process in general.

In order to work with the elderly and old people, it is necessary to clearly understand the social and psychological problems of the elderly and old people. In this work, it is necessary to rely on such sciences as, for example, sociology, social gerontology, geriatrics, psychology; rely on data from sociological, psychological, socio-economic and other types of research.

Chapter 2. Features of social work with the elderly and old people

2.1 Legislative framework for social work

The problem of social work with the elderly is of national importance. Legislative and legal basis social work are:

1) Constitution Russian Federation

In Russia, as in welfare state the right of citizens to social protection is guaranteed by the Constitution and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation

2) Laws: "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation" (December 2001); "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (November 2001); "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (July 1995); "On Veterans" (January 1995); “On the Fundamentals of Social Services in the Russian Federation” (December 1995); "On social services for the elderly and disabled" (August 1995)

3) Of great importance for solving the problems of the elderly and disabled are the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation: “On measures to create an accessible living environment for disabled people”; "On Additional Measures of State Support for the Disabled" (October 1992); "On the scientific and information support of disability and disabled people" (July 1992) and a number of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation: "On federal list state-guaranteed social services provided to elderly and disabled citizens by state and municipal institutions social service»; “On the Procedure and Terms of Payment for Social Services Provided to Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons by State and Municipal Institutions of Social Services” (April 15, 1996); "On the development of a federal target program « Older generation"(July 18, 1996).

The above and other documents define the structure of social work, its goals and objectives, sources of funding; formulated a program social protection the elderly and the disabled. All efforts are aimed at improving the living conditions of older people, their social services, strengthening additional social support measures, helping to achieve longevity, and ensuring a peaceful old age (10).

The Russian state, developing and adopting relevant legislative acts, harmonizes them with the initial positions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference (1975), and the European Social Charter adopted in 1961. and updated in 1996.

The main principles of social protection are: humanity, social justice, targeting, comprehensiveness, ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual, as well as consistency, competence and preparedness of specialists.

In recent years, a mechanism has been established for providing social services to the elderly and the elderly. The elements of such a mechanism include social service centers, including departments social assistance at home, departments of emergency social assistance, medical and social departments, departments day stay. In addition, for those who need constant medical care, they cannot do without outside help, there are stationary boarding houses for the elderly; mini boarding schools, social hotels, hospices. Specific technologies of social work with the elderly and elderly have been developed (!9; 79).

The Department for Elderly and Disabled Citizens of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation prepared a number of regulations on the creation and organization of the work of institutions of stationary and non-stationary social services, including resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia:

From June 27, 1999 No. 28 “On Approval of the Model Charter of the State (Municipal) Institution “Social and Health Center for Elderly and Disabled Citizens”;

July 27, 1999 No. 29(31), "On Approval of the Exemplary Charter of a State (Municipal) Institution", "Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population";

Much work is carried out within the framework of the federal target program "Older Generation". The Older Generation program should promote social support for the elderly, help create favorable conditions for the realization of their rights and full participation in the economic, social, cultural and spiritual life of the country. The program includes measures complete solution issues, taking into account age characteristics, health status of all categories and groups of pensioners.

The main directions of the social policy of the state in relation to the elderly:

1) Improving the living conditions of the elderly, their social services, strengthening additional measures social support, help in achieving longevity, ensuring a peaceful old age.

2) Further formation legal framework social protection and public services.

3) Development of methodological, scientific base social work with the elderly and old people;

4) Training of modern professional personnel.

2.2 The main directions of social work with the elderly and the elderly

1) Social security and service

Social security and services for the elderly and elderly people include pensions and various benefits; maintenance and care of the elderly and disabled in special institutions bodies of social protection of the population; prosthetics, benefits for the disabled; helping the homeless.

Social security is carried out government bodies, enterprises, individuals, at the expense of contributions (deductions from wages) workers. In the latter case, the payment from the funds is determined not by the labor contribution and length of service, but by the amount of contributions. This practice is very common in Western countries (6; 34).

One of the important directions social security is the improvement of pension provision. It is solved in different ways. In some countries, a pensioner receives a pension and wages completely regardless of their size and in any sector of the national economy. In other countries, so-called deferred pensions are widespread, that is, an increase in pensions by certain percentage depending on number working years after retirement age. This is also in Russia. Voluntary old-age insurance (the right to an additional pension) also has a perspective. But our pension provision is still insufficient, despite the regular increase in the size of pensions (16; 204).

They also provide assistance to the elderly local authorities authorities: differentiated additional payments to non-working pensioners are increased; various categories for the elderly, benefits are established for paying for housing, travel in suburban transport in the summer, medicines are dispensed free of charge according to doctor's prescriptions, free vouchers to sanatoriums are provided, and so on.

Social services for the elderly and the elderly are provided by the Centers for Social Services for Senior Citizens.

In 2005 in the system of social protection of our country, there were 1959 stationary institutions for the elderly and disabled, more than 900 social service centers, 1100 departments of social assistance at home, as well as a number of other institutions of social assistance (psychological and pedagogical, emergency psychological) (12; 75) .

The Center for Social Services for Elderly Citizens, as a rule, includes several departments:

Department of day care (calculated for at least 30 pensioners). Food, medical and cultural services are organized here. It is desirable to have a special workshops or part-time farms and the feasible labor activity of pensioners in them.

Department of temporary stay (not less than 15 people). It carries out health-improving and rehabilitation measures; cultural and domestic services; meals around the clock.

Department of social assistance at home (serves 120 people in the city, and 60 people in the countryside). It provides permanent or temporary (up to 6 months) social services at home for pensioners who need outside help (free of charge or on paid basis).

The emergency social assistance service provides a wide range of services: providing those in dire need with free hot meals or food packages; provision of clothing, footwear and essentials; one-time provision financial assistance; assistance in obtaining temporary housing; emergency psychological help, including by "hotline"; provision of legal assistance; provision of other types and forms of assistance due to regional and other specifics.

A new form of care has appeared - hospice. Here doctors, social workers, priests and volunteers have united their efforts. Their credo: a person should not end his life on a state-owned hospital bed among strangers (29; 69).

Social service centers also work with the elderly and elderly living in families and provide them with paid services.

Here is how, for example, the work is organized in the Center for Social Services at Home "Mercy" in the city of Kalinin. The center helps about 1110 lonely elderly and disabled people. Under it, there are departments of medical and social assistance, special and hospice care at home, a geriatric department for 15 places in a local hospital, and a charity canteen. There is a day care unit for the elderly. It is intended for household, medical and cultural services, organization of recreation for pensioners. The issue of opening a nursing care unit on the basis of the district hospital (free of charge) is being considered. In addition, the Center provides specialized medical and social assistance to lonely seriously ill people (17; 239).

In our stormy, sometimes incomprehensible and cruel life, it is very difficult for an elderly person to navigate, it is difficult economically. This often leads to fatal mistakes. Now every single old man who has his own living space is a potential hostage of mafia-commercial structures that “work” in the housing market. According to the statistics of the Main Department of Internal Affairs only for 2007. out of 37 thousand people who exchanged housing with the help of dubious firms, only 9 thousand were registered for a new place of residence. A special service, Mossotsgarantiya, is now successfully operating in Moscow. It is accountable to the Government of Moscow and the Committee for Social Protection of the Population. The essence of Mossotsgarantiya's activities is simple: lonely old people receive monthly monetary compensation, medical and social assistance, and in exchange for these services, after death, they leave their living space to the city. To do this, in accordance with the law and all legal norms, an agreement on life maintenance with a dependent is concluded. The decision is made by the commission of the Committee for Social Protection (17; 203).

In a crisis situation in Russia, targeted social assistance to the elderly is essential. First of all, it turns out to be the most needy: lonely pensioners, the disabled, the elderly over 80 years old.

One of the new forms of service for lonely elderly people living in remote areas is the organization of the so-called mercy trains. They include doctors of various specialties, social workers. They provide a variety of assistance: medical, social, domestic, advisory.

2.) Social care for the elderly

Guardianship of the elderly is one of the main directions in social work with them.

Guardianship is “one of the social and legal forms of protection of personal and property rights and interests of citizens. It is established over capable adult citizens who, for health reasons, cannot protect their rights and interests themselves. The guardian must: protect the rights and interests of the ward, live with him (in most cases) and provide the necessary living conditions for him, care for him and his treatment, protect him from abuse by third parties. A guardian over a capable person may be appointed only with the consent of the ward” (14; 143).

The forms of guardianship are very diverse. The main one is the functioning of the system of boarding schools.

At the beginning of 1975 in the RSFSR, there were 878 homes for the elderly and disabled, in which more than 200 thousand people lived. At the beginning of 2001 in Russia there were 877 boarding houses and 261 thousand people lived in them. Now there are 959 of these houses. But the need for boarding houses common use decreased. This is due to the fact that the practice of providing assistance at home to disabled citizens is expanding. Now people who have completely lost the ability to move and require constant care come to boarding schools.

The most common reasons why older people end up in boarding schools are: loneliness (48.8%); unsatisfactory state of health (30%); conflict in the family and the initiative of relatives (19%) (!2; 63)..

In nursing homes general type help the elderly to adapt psychologically to new conditions. The newcomer is informed about the services provided, the location of rooms, offices. The features, needs, interests of older people are studied in order to resettle them in accordance with their individual psychological properties, so that they can find people close to them in terms of temperament, interests, and do not feel lonely. Employment needs and leisure preferences are being studied.

Medical care is also provided, a whole range of rehabilitation measures is provided (for example, medical and labor workshops).

Three groups of people can be distinguished among the residents of boarding schools:

1) those who came here at will alone;

2) arrived at will, living with families;

3) those who do not want to be in a boarding school, but are forced to come here for various reasons (material, climate in the family).

Naturally, older people want to live in their own home, in a familiar environment. And this allows expanding home care. Home services guaranteed by the state, in recent times become more diverse. This is catering and home delivery of groceries; assistance in purchasing medicines, essential goods; assistance in obtaining medical care and accompaniment to medical institutions; home cleaning help assistance in the provision of ritual services and the burial of the lonely dead; organization of various social and domestic services (renovation of an apartment; delivery of firewood, water); assistance in the preparation of documents, the exchange of housing.

Back in the 80s, special departments were created in some boarding schools, in which the elderly, in need of constant care, lived there during the absence of relatives from the house (business trip, illness). Now these are temporary residences.

There is a completely new experience. The elderly are settled in residential buildings, in which all household needs are taken into account. On the ground floor there are: a shop, a dining room, a laundry, a hairdresser's, medical offices. The residents of these houses are served by social workers. In 2003, there were 116 special residential buildings in Russia for single elderly citizens and married couples. 9 thousand people lived in them (9; 94).

3) Medical and social rehabilitation

Older people can be alert and active, but of course the need for medical care increases with age. There are a number of chronic diseases that often lead to disability. Therefore, medical and social rehabilitation is of particular importance, that is, a set of measures aimed at restoring, strengthening the state of health, preventing diseases and restoring the ability to social functioning. The nature of rehabilitation measures depends on the state of health, on the type of pathology.

Tasks of medical and social rehabilitation of the elderly and old people (20; 76):

1) coordination and coordination of work with medical institutions cities.

2) development and testing of new non-traditional methods of rehabilitation.

3) organization of specialized medical and social advisory work on the basis of medical institutions of the city.

4) organization and implementation of medical and social patronage of lonely elderly, and elderly living in families

5) teaching family members the basics of medical and psychological knowledge to care for elderly loved ones.

6) assistance in providing disabled people with the necessary aids(crutches, hearing aids, glasses, etc.)

7) implementation of recreational activities (massage, water procedures, physiotherapy)

Old age is the age when "the expansion of death into the territory of life is especially strong." At this age, the risk of cancer increases. When a person can no longer be cured, the hospice helps him to live his remaining days with dignity. Hospices are a humanistic, treatment facility for terminal cancer patients. The fundamental difference between a hospice and traditional hospitals is to create conditions for a full-fledged, normal life hopeless patient" is the way to get rid of the fear of suffering that accompanies the onset of death, the way to its perception as a natural continuation of life. The experience of hospices convinces us that in conditions of effective palliative care (when pain and other painful symptoms can be brought under control), reconciliation with the inevitability of death is possible, which people accept calmly and with dignity. The hospice employs social workers, doctors, priests, volunteers (16; 276).

The geriatric center has much in common with the hospice. Here interact such areas of knowledge as gerontology, gerontopsychology, geriatrics.

4) Providing psychological assistance

As already mentioned in Chapter I, the transition of a person to a group of older people significantly changes his relationship with society and value-normative concepts (good-evil, and so on). Therefore, the main task of psychological and social assistance is social adaptation, that is, the process of active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment. This requires the following measures (1; 138):

The organization of the psychological advisory assistance(personal problems, family conflicts, stress)

Leisure activities (organization of interest clubs, folk art studios, sports events, attraction to social activities, cultural life)

Usage information methods(various meetings, talks, Q&A evenings)

Solving the problems of employment of the elderly

Patronage of families in which elderly people live (with the consent of the family and the elderly person);

Support for single people (interest clubs, dating clubs);

Recruitment of religious organizations.

The problem of social work with the elderly and old people is of national importance. A legislative and legal framework for social work has been created, which defines the goals and objectives of social work; sources of financing; programs of social protection of the elderly and elderly have been formulated.

1) social security and social services;

2) medical and social rehabilitation;

3) social guardianship;


Elderly and old people are special category population, which is extremely heterogeneous in terms of age and other characteristics. More than anyone, they need support and participation. It is in connection with these circumstances that older people, as a special social group need increased attention society and the state and represent a specific object of social work.

In order to work with the elderly and old people, it is necessary to clearly understand the social and psychological problems of the elderly and old people. In this work, it is necessary to rely on such sciences as, for example, sociology, social gerontology, geriatrics, psychology; rely on data from sociological, psychological, socio-economic and other types of research. The problem of social work with the elderly and old people is of national importance. A legislative and legal framework for social work has been created, which defines the goals and objectives of social work; sources of financing; programs of social protection of the elderly and elderly have been formulated.

The main areas of social work with the elderly and the elderly are:

4) social security and social services;

5) medical and social rehabilitation;

6) social guardianship;

4) provision of psychological assistance.

The need for social services, social guardianship, medical, social and socio-psychological rehabilitation of the elderly arises as a result of disability; changes in the social status of a person; bad financial situation. All areas of social work are closely interconnected with each other and serve the same goal: to restore broken or weakened, lost public relations and relationships, the loss of which occurred as a result of age, serious illness, disability.

Further necessary:

Contribute to the restoration of an atmosphere of mercy, humanism in relation to the elderly and old people. The efforts of the state and the church should be united; revive centuries of experience work in this area.

Develop a legislative framework for social work with this age category;

Prepare personnel; develop social technologies.

In connection with the increasing importance of the work of social service centers, develop standard projects for the construction of centers; allocate modern technology for these centers;

Solve the problem of employment of the elderly, to do this, improve the legislation on the labor of the elderly.

Create a database of elderly and old people in need of specific types help;

Improve the quality of medical and social assistance and psychological assistance.


1) Alperovich V. Social gerontology. Rostov n / a, 1997.

2) Amosov N. M. Overcoming old age. M., 1996.

3) Gamezo M.V., Gerasimova V.S., Gorelova G.G. Age-related psychology: personality from youth to old age. M., 1999.

4) Dementieva N.F., Ustinova E.V. The role and place of social workers in servicing the disabled and the elderly. Tyumen, 1995.

5) Dmitriev A. V. Social problems of the elderly. M., 2004.

6) Dolotin B. "For the older generation" // Social Security No. 7, 1999.

7) Kon I.S. Permanence of personality: myth or reality? M., 1987.

8) The Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation. M., 1993

9) Kravchenko A.I. Social work. M., 2008.

10) Lopatin N. M. Social protection of citizens of the elderly and advanced age. Collection of normative acts. M., 2006.

11) Elderly: Dictionary-reference book on social work. M., 1997.

12) Pochinyuk A. Social work for the elderly: professionalism, partnership, responsibility // AiF Long-Liver 2003. No. 1 (13).

13) Saralieva Z.-Kh. M., Balabanov S.S. Old man in central Russia// Sociological research. 1999. No. 12. P. 23 - 46.

14) Dictionary-reference book on social work / Edited by E.I. Single. M., 2001.

15) Smith E.D. You can age beautifully: A guide for the elderly, the elderly and those who care for the elderly. M., 1995.

16) Social work with the elderly. Desk book social work specialist. M., 1996.

17) Old age: A popular reference book / Ed. L. I. Petrovskaya. M., 1996.

18) Population aging in the European Region as one of the important aspects contemporary development: materials of the consultation of the international seminar. M., 1995.

19) Kholostova E. I. Social work with the elderly M., 2003.

20) Yatsemirskaya R.S., Belenkaya I. G. Social gerontology. M., 1999.


1 2 3 a 3 b 4 a 4 b 5a 5 B 6a 6b 7a 7 b 8 Ka
1 79 94 26 18 18 12 28 26 33 19 12 13 11 39
2 54 132 27 16 12 15 14 24 21 11 3 12 9 43
3 69 111 36 15 11 18 16 27 27 29 5 17 20 42
5 84 95 21 17 25 11 11 28 26 38 7 17 16 44
5 92 119 24 19 21 18 18 22 27 18 13 15 15 44
6 54 121 28 13 20 20 21 28 52 26 5 12 14 36
7 68 75 34 20 16 13 24 29 27 32 8 14 9 41
8 85 72 21 12 18 15 21 21 43 27 7 17 18 42
9 93 62 41 11 14 17 23 23 33 23 11 17 14 44
10 114 68 22 16 17 17 24 14 22 28 10 21 17 43
11 117 69 26 17 18 29 21 21 26 24 7 21 13 39
12 87 85 24 14 26 13 17 26 28 19 8 25 14 44
13 96 83 37 18 24 13 18 27 43 20 7 13 16 43
14 79 97 41 20 22 18 21 18 47 18 9 14 19 44
15 86 86 22 21 23 17 27 21 43 19 11 12 19 45
Wed score 83,8 91,27 28,67 16,47 19 16,4 20,27 23,67 33,2 23,4 8,2 15,87 14,93 42,2


1 2 3 a 3 b 4 a 4 b 5a 5 B 6a 6b 7a 7 b 8 Ka
1 67 99 26 19 18 25 20 29 13 19 8 21 21 39
2 65 138 21 25 12 15 14 29 21 18 3 25 19 36
3 69 130 24 29 11 28 12 27 27 29 5 26 20 38
5 75 112 21 18 12 29 11 28 26 38 5 15 23 39
5 84 128 22 19 11 14 12 29 26 38 6 17 18 40
6 54 138 28 29 13 24 17 28 33 28 8 12 19 42
7 66 111 24 29 12 27 15 29 27 36 5 14 19 39
8 69 92 21 18 18 29 16 19 27 29 5 19 19 39
9 76 82 31 21 12 27 17 27 29 33 11 27 14 38
10 85 98 31 29 11 27 14 19 26 29 8 25 17 34
11 96 99 26 30 18 29 21 18 25 34 7 27 18 39
12 87 89 24 14 16 17 13 27 28 39 8 25 14 41
13 67 123 26 18 24 18 11 27 37 28 6 16 21 40
14 75 132 27 14 20 18 19 28 48 28 6 14 19 39
15 64 115 22 27 15 22 27 26 33 29 7 17 19 42
Wed score 73,27 112,24 24,27 22,6 14,87 23,7 15,93 26 28,4 30,33 6,53 20 18,67 39

Working pensioners Non-working pensioners
1 5 4
2 5 5
3 4 7
4 6 5
5 8 6
6 4 4
7 5 8
8 9 7
9 7 5
10 6 4
11 7 6
12 8 4
13 7 4
14 6 4
15 8 7
Wed score 6,33 5,33

1.Result: temp = 1.9

Critical values

p≤0.05 p≤0.01

The obtained empirical value of t (1.9) is in the zone of insignificance.

2. The obtained empirical value of t (2.9) is in the zone of significance.

3аThe obtained empirical value of t (2.2) is in the zone of uncertainty.

3b The obtained empirical value of t (3.6) is in the zone of significance.

4аThe obtained empirical value of t (2.6) is in the zone of uncertainty.

4b The obtained empirical value of t (3.8) is in the zone of significance.

5аThe obtained empirical value of t (2.6) is in the zone of uncertainty.

5b The obtained empirical value of t (1.6) is in the zone of insignificance.

6a The obtained empirical value of t (1.5) is in the zone of insignificance.

6b The obtained empirical value of t (2.9) is in the zone of significance.

7a The obtained empirical value of t (1.9) is in the zone of insignificance.

7b The obtained empirical value of t (2.4) is in the zone of uncertainty.

8The obtained empirical value of t (3.5) is in the zone of significance.

Ka The obtained empirical value of t (3.9) is in the zone of significance.

Self-esteem the obtained empirical value of t (1.9) is in the zone of insignificance.

One of the most important forms social protection of the elderly and disabled - social services, which are the activities of special services for the provision of social services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of older citizens. In this regard, social services considered as an organizational form of social work with the elderly. Currently, social services have developed in complete system which is constantly being improved, as evidenced by the creation of new social service institutions, the introduction of new types of services, etc. Important role In this process, the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to improve the living conditions of the elderly and disabled in state and municipal inpatient institutions of social services for the population" dated January 29, 2000 and "On additional measures to improve the living conditions of the elderly and disabled in state and municipal inpatient and semi-stationary institutions of social services for the population” dated December 25, 2000.

Forms of social services for citizens, their rights, guarantees of these rights are provided for by the Federal Laws “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” (10.12.1995), “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and the Disabled” (02.08.1995). In accordance with the last of the laws mentioned above, social services include a set of social services: care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, support in vocational training, employment, leisure activities, assistance in organizing funeral services, etc.

Of no small importance in social work with the elderly is a block of general laws, which contains norms governing education, sports and leisure activities of older citizens. Among them are the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Education", "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation", "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture", "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation", "On Library Science".

Other legislative and by-laws are also aimed at resolving the priority tasks of social support for the elderly, in particular: the Civil, Family, Housing Codes of the Russian Federation, the Laws “On Health Insurance of Citizens”, “On Public Associations”, “On charitable activities and charitable organizations”, “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression”, “On the status of military personnel”, etc.

Inpatient care for the elderly in the system of social protection is carried out in boarding houses of a general type, gerontological centers, neuropsychiatric boarding schools, orphanages, social institutions for the homeless, special boarding schools for the elderly and disabled.

A significant place in the work with the elderly is occupied by social service centers. There are more than 1,800 of them in our country. They build their activities on the basis of the regulation “On the Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens”, approved by the Ministry of Labor and social development in 1997. These institutions have departments for home social services, day care, temporary residence, departments for social and medical care at home, emergency social services, and social rehabilitation departments.

Thus, the department of social services at home was created for temporary (up to 6 months) or permanent assistance. His clients are people who have partially lost the ability to self-service and need constant support. Now the number of home care offices in Russia is about 12,000.

Social workers provide many different services at home, including: home delivery of food and hot meals; essential goods; assistance in paying for housing, utilities and other services; delivery of things and household items for washing, dry cleaning, repair; assistance and receipt of medical care, including accompaniment to medical institutions, visits to hospitals; assistance in passing the medical and social examination; assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium treatment, including preferential ones; providing assistance in matters of pension provision and provision of other social benefits; organization of housing repairs, provision of fuel, processing of personal plots, water delivery; assistance in providing books, magazines, newspapers, attending concerts, film screenings, exhibitions; assistance in writing letters, paperwork, including the exchange and privatization of residential premises, etc.

Most home services are provided free of charge to those in need. True, some services are paid for by the clients themselves, but only on the condition that they receive a supplement to the care pension. The conditions for the provision of social services to elderly citizens are determined by a regulatory document approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1996. The differentiated system for the provision of services and the procedure for their payment are based on such criteria as the amount of pensions served in relation to the subsistence minimum, the amount of pensions his relatives in relation to the subsistence minimum, the size of the average per capita income in relation to the subsistence minimum in the family where the person lives.

Funds for the service are credited to the accounts of the centers and directed to their development; From these receipts, overalls for social workers are purchased, their work is stimulated. The network of specialized departments of social and medical care at home is constantly developing. It is important to note that elderly people in need receive comprehensive services - social assistance and medical care.

For more effective social assistance, branches are created in the structure of social service centers, field teams of social service specialists, road trains to the countryside, etc. are organized. Instructive is the experience of the work of integrated mobile teams, which are a temporary association of specialists of various profiles working in social services, health care, consumer services enterprises, legal institutions and organizations related to the provision of services to citizens at the place of residence. There is a "hot line" for emergency social and psychological assistance to those in need; "an exchange of exchange services", designed to help people to each other; self-help and self-help groups in neighborhoods and other forms of social work.

Some centers open social pharmacies, libraries, laundries, shoe repair shops, clothes, household appliances, communication clubs, rental points for medical and rehabilitation equipment, social taxi services are organized on preferential terms.

Work at social service centers branchesday stay. They are intended for social, cultural, medical care of citizens who have retained the ability to self-service and movement, to organize their meals and recreation, to involve them in feasible work activities and to maintain an active lifestyle. The activities of the departments help older people overcome loneliness and isolation. In some regions of the country open departments of the times24/7 stay old people. Within 24 days they are provided with social and medical care and three meals a day. The services of such branches are primarily needed by rural residents, especially in autumn and winter.

In many subjects of Russia, on the basis of social service centers, social rehabilitation departments, organizing health and rehabilitation activities for the elderly who have retained the ability to self-service and movement. The departments have medical rooms: physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises. Occupational therapy is carried out in special rooms equipped with simple mechanisms, tools, devices for manual labor.

A common type of social support for the elderly in non-stationary conditions is urgent socialhelp one-time nature to people in dire need of support. This service provides services such as the provision of shoes and clothing, basic necessities; provision of free hot meals or food; financial assistance, referral to medical and social departments; provision of legal and psychological assistance; assistance in registration and employment; organization of rental of household appliances, household equipment, etc. Emergency social assistance departments serve more than 12 million people.

The services listed above are provided by more than 10,000 social workers. AT last years in such departments, positions that were not provided for by the staffing table began to be introduced: hairdressers, nurses, workers in the preparation of firewood, home renovation, carpenters, electricians, etc. In some regions of the country, teams of emergency social and domestic assistance are being created - from plowing gardens and transporting fuel to cleaning harvest.

Among the institutions of social service for the elderly, an important place is occupied by stationary social institutions -special homes for singles and the elderly. Their activities are built on the basis of a regulation approved in April 1994 by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation. Such houses are intended for permanent residence of single disabled people, participants in the Great Patriotic War (who do not have able-bodied children), as well as single widows of servicemen who died during the Great Patriotic War, who retained full or partial ability to self-service and need to create conditions for the implementation of basic life needs. .

Special homes for singles and the elderly consist, as a rule, of one- and two-room apartments and include a set of social services: a medical office, food intake points, food orders, delivery of linen and things to the laundry or dry cleaning.

With such a house, a permanent control center is organized, provided with internal and external telephone communications. Expenses for its maintenance, operation and repair are carried out at the expense of the local budget (with the exception of rent and utilities). Elderly people who move to a special house rent out the housing they occupy to the executive authorities, freeing themselves from its repair. Living space in a special house is not subject to privatization, redemption, exchange, sublease. Persons living in such a house are not allowed to register and move other persons to their living space.

Now there are about 700 special homes for lonely and elderly people in the country, about 20 thousand people live in them. Contraindications to living in such houses are chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, mental, skin and venereal and oncological diseases that require treatment in specialized healthcare facilities.

Since the early 1990s in the Russian Federation provide social services to single citizens (married couples) of the older generation in exchange for housing. Lifetime maintenance contractsdependency are concluded on a voluntary basis with single pensioners who have reached the age of 65; single disabled people who have reached the age of 60; with married couples, if each of the spouses belongs to any of the categories of citizens named above.

The following payments and services may be provided to persons who have entered into life maintenance agreements with dependents and transferred their living quarters to municipal ownership: monthly allowance; payment for housing and utilities (including repayment of arrears on rent and utilities); ritual rent.

Stationary institutions of the system of social protection of the population have become widespread in the Russian Federation - nursing homes for the elderly and disabled. As a rule, elderly and disabled people who need care and medical care. There are a number of reasons for their stay in a boarding house. Socialranks: lack of housing or the threat of losing it, the minimum pension, the lack of social services near the place of residence. Psychological reasons: incompatibility of characters and the related impossibility of living in the same family with relatives and relatives. Medical and social reasons: advanced age, the need for constant medical supervision and care. The main tasks of the boarding house are: material and household support for the elderly and disabled, creating favorable living conditions for them, close to home; organization of care, provision of medical care; implementation of measures aimed at their social and labor rehabilitation.

A sharp change in the life of an elderly person who finds himself in a boarding house requires him to adapt to a new place of residence, as a rule, permanent. During this period, the social worker plays an important role. Its functions are largely determined by the main stages of the new life of the elderly. First, they are sent to the admission and quarantine department. The social worker explains to newcomers the functions of this institution, introduces them to the daily routine, the location of domestic services and medical offices, the opening hours of the administration, and the living conditions in the boarding house for the elderly.

In order to avoid a complete break with the previous way of life, the department must have a radio, TV, desk clock, calendar, newspapers. After a two-week stay in the admission and quarantine department, a person is transferred to a permanent place of residence, i.e., to the department.

Here, too, the social worker must make life easier for the elderly in the new conditions. At this stage, he becomes social psychologist, and a social educator who constantly interacts with the doctor and medical staff.

The next, longer stage: after 6 months of living in a boarding house, in accordance with regulatory documents, a person will have to make the final choice - to stay in a boarding house or return to their former place of residence. Duty social worker- help an elderly person get used to the rhythm of life at a boarding school. This goal is achieved mainly through comfortable living conditions, employment and meaningful leisure. At the same time, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of an elderly person, his needs, level of education, profession before retirement, etc.

In general, the activity of a social worker throughout the entire period of adaptation of an elderly person in a boarding house is very important. He controls this process, carrying out his functions in close contact with a psychologist, a doctor, and the administration.

One of the new forms of work of stationary institutions of the social protection system is gerontological centers, currently operating only in major cities Russian Federation (Stavropol, Samara, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl, etc.). In such centers, in contrast to boarding schools, mainly rehabilitation activities are provided.

In addition to the aforementioned stationary institutions of the system of social protection of the population, began to appear mini-boarding houses for citizens of the older generation who are able to pay for their content themselves or with the help of children.

There are 60 specialized geriatric institutions in Russia war veterans hospitals over 10 hospitals and rehabilitation centers, more than 50 departments for war veterans. The most promising models of geriatric institutions, including a hospital and a network of outpatient departments, are successfully operating in St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions. Special rehabilitation centers for the disabled and war veterans have been set up in the Republic of Dagestan and in St. Petersburg.

In the mid 1990s. in Russia, social institutions are being created for people who have served their sentences in places of detention. In April 1995, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution "On the development of a network of special boarding schools for the elderly and disabled", providing for the creation of such institutions in each subject of the Russian Federation. The direction to special boarding houses is given by institutions of internal affairs. Taking into account the specifics of the contingent, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were introduced into the staff of service personnel. In December 1995, by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Approximate Regulations and Approximate Internal Regulations in these institutions were approved.

In order to improve the situation of the elderly in the Russian Federation, since 1997, the target program "Older Generation" has been operating. It is one of the most important federal targeted social programs. Its stages were considered and approved by government decrees.

The program includes the following tasks:

Formation of the foundations of the all-Russian strategy regarding the aging of the population in the medium and long term;

Increasing the effectiveness of regulatory mechanisms in the field of protecting the rights and interests, protecting health, employment and social security of the elderly;

Providing comprehensive assistance and services to eliminate and prevent any form of discrimination;

Ensuring citizens' awareness of the situation of older people and measures to improve preparedness for life in old age;

Optimization of the disease prevention system, increase in the volume and quality of the provision of qualified medical and social assistance;

Strengthening the interaction of state, municipal and other systems and services designed to help solve the social problems of the older generation;

Development of scientific research on the aging of the population and the introduction of the achievements of modern domestic and foreign science into practice;

Improving the training of specialists who carry out social work with the elderly and old people.

The program provides for specific measures aimed at improving the legal protection of older citizens, developing sets of state standards related to the quality of products and services, improving the health of older citizens and optimizing their living environment, as well as creating favorable conditions for the realization of their intellectual and cultural needs. , improving the statistical and information base, providing training, postgraduate education and advanced training for social specialists.

As part of federal program the material and technical support of institutions of social services to the population is carried out with technical means that facilitate the care of the elderly.

The topics of population aging, quality of life in old age are of concern to non-governmental organizations, as well as socially responsible businesses and individuals.

The circle of non-governmental organizations is expanding, the number of volunteers has exceeded 8 million people. In 2006, state support for non-governmental organizations amounted to 500 million rubles; in 2007, 2.5 times more funds were provided for these purposes. With the assistance of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, a competition of social projects for grants from the President of the Russian Federation was held.

The well-being of the elderly is determined not only by material wealth, but also by the quality of free time - leisure. Since antiquity, it has been recognized as an integral part of human life.

Gradually, several interpretations of leisure emerged: free time, i.e. the time that a person manages at his own discretion, not associated with immutable duties, obligations; part of a person's living environment, intended for rest, overcoming fatigue, exhaustion, restoration of physical and mental health.

To understand the boundaries and scope of leisure, free time is usually called the time when an elderly person is not engaged in labor in the public economy, satisfaction of physical and domestic needs, and domestic work.

Important for understanding the leisure of the elderly is the idea of ​​the historically established infrastructure of public leisure, as a set of social institutions, facilities and structures that are the material basis for providing leisure for the population. The public leisure infrastructure includes several groups of institutions.

The first group includes institutions that offer, as it were, passive leisure: catering establishments (bars, restaurants, cafes), billiard rooms, clubs, etc. This group includes places of recreation - parks of culture and recreation, recreation areas, etc.

The second group of leisure infrastructure institutions offers intellectual leisure as a spectator: theaters, cinemas, concert halls, museums, libraries, exhibition halls and galleries.

In leisure institutions, the third group organizes sports pastime. Sports associations of the elderly, health groups that help keep a person in good health can work here. physical form. In recent years, clubs have become widespread, where different types sports exercises and other measures individually for each person for the purpose of general improvement and body shaping. Fitness includes physical activity, body and face care, healthy eating, etc. However, this type of leisure facilities is practically not available to the bulk of the elderly.

The fourth group of institutions creates conditions for independent pastime: sports equipment rentals, video rentals, tourism and travel agencies, including trips to holy places. Unfortunately, while this sphere of leisure is poorly developed and also poorly accessible to older people.

The fifth group is club institutions of various departmental affiliations (cultural departments, trade union organizations, military units, enterprises, institutions, etc.)

Unfortunately, in modern conditions, a significant role in the free time of older people is played by home leisure activities: reading books, watching TV shows, videos, listening to music. This indicates the domestication of the leisure of the elderly. For the vast majority of them, their free time is actually entirely occupied by watching television programs.

Sometimes boredom and monotony, monotony of life oppress the elderly. In this case, they talk about the organized free time of the elderly, recreational activities that need to be supported. Excursions, games, holidays, friendly meetings - all this, with a certain culture of entertainment, is a boon for an elderly person.

In terms of content, the leisure structure of an elderly person includes: communication, sports and recreation activities, outdoor recreation, walks, active intellectual and cognitive activities (classes in circles, visiting interest clubs, etc.) and passive nature (watching TV, listening to music, reading) amateur activity of an applied nature (sewing, knitting, etc.); social activity.

Leisure culture is important for the process of organizing free time for older people. To a large extent, it depends primarily on internal culture a person, suggesting that he has certain personal qualities that allow him to meaningfully and usefully spend his free time. The mindset, character, organization, needs and interests, skills, tastes, desires - all this makes up the personal, individual aspect of the leisure culture of the elderly. There is a direct relationship between the spiritual wealth of a person and the content of his leisure.

Of course, in professional and social status, people are heterogeneous. Different categories of older people differ from each other in needs, level of cultural preparation, education, etc. A social worker, a student-trainee working with the elderly should take this circumstance into account.

During the practice, and in his extracurricular activities, the student often has to act as an organizer of the leisure of the elderly: spending holidays on the Day of the elderly, evenings and meetings in various clubs for the elderly, boarding schools, social service centers, etc. (For more on this, see: Basov N.F. Leisure for the elderly. - Kostroma, 2010.). Of course, each elderly person rests in his own way, based on his own capabilities and conditions. One is attracted by fishing, the other by participation in the choir of veterans, the third by classes in the health group, work in various creative circles and associations. However, there are a number of general requirements that the leisure of the elderly must meet in order to be complete. These requirements stem from social role which leisure is intended to play.

It is important, filling the free time of the elderly, to take into account their needs and age characteristics. Emphasis should be placed on creative types of leisure activities, to develop the activity of older people.

The next requirement for organizing leisure activities for this age group is that it be varied, interesting, accessible, and unobtrusive in nature. It is important to carefully select the content and forms of the proposed activities, entertainment, which should meet the interests of the elderly, organically perceived by them. Perhaps the only way to provide just such leisure is to provide everyone with the opportunity to actively express themselves, their initiative in various types recreation and entertainment.

The most accessible and convenient forms for this have long been worked out by life - amateur associations, interest clubs. They attract with their versatility: sports, tourism, health, nature lovers, gardening, readers, songwriters, collectors, book lovers, weekends, elderly families, etc.

A club can bring together a relatively small circle of people covered by common interest, occupation:

Exchanges of recipes may become traditional;

Members of the clubs are very active, participating in the organization of exhibitions of their creative works, crafts, etc.

The atmosphere in the club is conducive to trust and revelation. Elderly people talk about their hobbies, childhood, first love, children and grandchildren, travel, interesting meetings.

It has become a tradition in many clubs to celebrate holidays and birthdays together.

Helping an elderly person get rid of the monotony of everyday life, loneliness is an urgent task of the future social worker, and its solution is certainly impossible without creativity in order to make leisure interesting and meaningful.

It is important to remember that the sphere of leisure of the elderly has its own specifics, its own characteristics. These include features of the emotional sphere of older people, limited physical abilities largely determined by their state of health.

Features of remote control with people middle age

The ancient Greeks sometimes called this age “acme”, which meant the peak, the highest degree of something, the blooming time, that is, the moment of the fullest flowering of the human personality, self-identity.

Acmeology is a science that studies the phenomenology, patterns and mechanisms of human development at the stage of his adulthood and, especially when he reaches the highest level in this development (at the junction of natural, social, humanitarian, technical disciplines).

This period covers from 30 to 60 years. And in some periodizations, sub-periods are distinguished: transitional (30-35), maturity (35-50), old age (51-60).

In modern developmental psychology, there are various points view of the problem of development in adulthood:

    According to many psychologists, development itself stops, is replaced simple change individual psychological characteristics;

    another point of view is that this age is considered not just as a stage in the preservation of everything previously acquired, but as a phase further development personality, where the peak of a creative approach to life problems. Consequence positive development during this period is the achievement of a sense of self-actualization;

    in Ananiev's studies, it was shown that it is rebuilt within the parameters of adulthood, as physical state of a person, and his characteristics as a personality and a subject of activity. A sign of maturity is the consciousness of responsibility and the desire for it;

    There is also an opinion according to a number of authors that average age is the time of greatest anxiety, depression, fear, death, stress, and crises: the midlife crisis (40-45 years Jax, 1965) or the “decade of doom” (35-45 Shii, 1976).

Main characteristic: awareness of the discrepancy between dreams, goals and the reality of existence. A person is faced with the need to revise their plans and correlate them with the rest of life. The direction of the crisis is determined by the natural predisposition, the quality of life lived, the margin of physical strength, value orientations, knowledge and skills as a subject of activity.

The main problems of the midlife crisis: the decrease in physical strength and attractiveness, sexuality, rigidity.

Entering the Stabilization Stage: reformulation of goals oriented towards a realistic and restrained point of view; awareness of the limited life time of any person; own I loses its exclusive position, orientation to family, friends; there is an ever-increasing tendency to be content with what is, to be limited in plans for the future; the tendency to feel one's own position is quite decent.

Modern researchers have shown that in adulthood, many people experience such a mental phenomenon as an identity crisis. An identity crisis is understood as a certain non-identity of a person to himself, his inability to determine who he is, what his goals and life prospects are, who he is in the eyes of others, what place he occupies in a certain social group, in society, etc.

The timing and intensity of this crisis depends on individual features the life of the individual.

Causes of an identity crisis in a mature person: the dynamics of generational change; specificity of creative labor activity.

Resolution of the crisis: on the basis of introspection, restore identity to oneself in new conditions, which means finding a place for oneself and one's Self in new conditions, developing an appropriate form of behavior and mode of activity.

The nature of the problems and their resolution differ between men and women.

Intellectual development of people of mature age. The optimum volume and selectivity of attention is at the age of 33, its stability is 34. The peak of non-verbal intelligence is 32, 33 years, after which its level decreases.

Intellectual ability is determined by: internal and external factors(giftedness and education). It remains at a high level for a long period, decreasing by the age of 60. Critical periods in the development of intelligence: 20, 23, 31, 34, 43, 43 years. Sensitive periods: 19, 24, 25, 30, 44, 49. Creative activity is related to the nature of the activity.

Characteristics of the psychophysiological nature of maturity:

    stabilization of the functional levels of the main activities and the formation of a long steady state, (genetic psychology);

    gradual, not frontal, but heterochronous course of involutionary processes (gerontology);

    the presence of formation processes, structural and dynamic transformations of a constructive nature.

Thus, the nature of the psychophysiological development of maturity is heterogeneous and contradictory. The relationship of physiological changes with the mental functioning of the individual is traced.

If in the work of leisure institutions with young people their specific needs and interests are to some extent expressed, then in relation to the age group from 30 years to retirement age, the problem of a differentiated approach has not only not been resolved, but not even raised.

The period from 30 to 55-60 years is called middle or mature age. More than any other age group, people aged 30-35 and older are involved in social activities, being leaders in various fields social production, entrepreneurs.

For this lifestyle age group characterized by a large labor and social burden. However, at an age closer to retirement, creativity decreases, and cultural activity also decreases.

According to sociologists, the maximum time spent on cultural activities occurs at the age of 15-19 years, and the minimum - at 35-39 years. Compared with young age, the number of visits to cinema, theaters, sports performances, and participation in amateur art circles is significantly reduced.

To involve this age group in club activities, leisure workers need to know the social characteristics and needs of the population.

The age group, which unites people over 35 years old, quite actively expressed their interest in such mass events as evenings of rest, concerts, competitive and entertainment programs.

The age group of people over 30, 35 years old is interested in such forms of work, during which they can acquire knowledge, skills and abilities that make it possible to use them in everyday life, in the family.

Among these forms are amateur associations of gardeners, gardeners, flower growers. There are many such people among the inhabitants of small towns, villages, cities. It is necessary to identify them, find ways to attract them to a leisure institution by organizing competitions, exhibitions, etc.

This age group can also attend arts and crafts classes: wood carving, embossing, embroidery, knitting, etc.

It is also possible to create a public workshop in a leisure institution, where household items and radio equipment can be made and repaired.

Activities to promote pedagogical knowledge, child pedagogy and psychology, family education, can find an active audience among this age group.

In practice, work is underway to organize family clubs.

Meeting the cultural needs of this age group may be associated with sports and physical education. Running clubs unite mainly people of mature age. According to the Tourism and Travel Laboratory, the most active tourists are groups of people aged 35 to 50, that is, a certain part of people of mature age are involved in tourism and travel.

Features of working with the elderly

The current trend of population aging leads to an increase in its structure of people of retirement age.

Retirement - crucial moment in human life. In most cases, when retiring, a person has a fairly high industrial qualification, practical skills, worldly wisdom. An urgent task is the inclusion of older people in various spheres of social and cultural life, which would allow them to realize their potential.

According to demographers, the average retirement period is approaching 20 years, i.e. covers quite a significant stage life path.

At the same time, the unemployment of a certain part of pensioners in any socially useful activity, the rupture of ties with society can lead to the degradation of an elderly person. And therefore, some pensioners are active, active, help their families, take part in social activities, others look like degraded, indifferent people, their shortcomings and weaknesses are intensifying. In order for pensioners not to feel the rupture of direct ties with society, it is important to find such forms of leisure activities that would help them expand their spiritual contacts with people.

The main directions in the work of DU with pensioners

    The use of moral professional experience representatives of this age to deepen the relationship between generations, education of youth.

    Meeting the cultural needs of the elderly

The needs of pensioners are in direct accordance with the main social function of the DU. That is why leisure institutions should help an elderly person find such areas of social and cultural life that would help expand his contacts with people, help pensioners to self-determine at a new stage of life.

Particular attention deserves the work of a leisure institution focused on the realization of educational opportunities for pensioners. A feature of the life of the older generation is the direct involvement in all those events that have now become history. Activation of interest in the history of the country, native land presented through the specific fate of fellow countrymen, can become one of the aspects of the activity of a leisure institution for the upbringing of the younger generation.

In this work, veterans can take pride of place at the meeting of generations, share memories and at the same time be active organizers of such events.

Military-patriotic education is one of the activities of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, of which there are very few left today. For employees of leisure institutions in this matter it is important: 1) to have a permanent asset of pensioners who are inclined to this kind of work; 2) maintain close contact with veterans who participate in military-patriotic education in museums, libraries, schools. Leisure facilities here should provide a mass audience.

Seeing off youth to the army, memorial evenings, theme evenings, dedicated to events Great Patriotic War, their memoirs, documents that they can comment on, give great persuasiveness and concreteness. Some participants in the Great Patriotic War can find themselves in the youth army movement. This especially applies to those cases when they can participate in the creation of an annals of battles, books of military glory, and albums. Participation in such a movement can be both at the place of residence and at the place of military operations during the war.

The problem of the influence of the club of veterans on the process of patriotic education of the younger generation is solved in various ways. One of the ways is the close relationship of the veterans' club with teenage youth clubs.

The most interesting forms of joint work of veterans and young people are born out of practice itself. Courage lessons, military sports competitions, search expeditions, conducting the ceremonies "Seeing the Army", "Initiation to the Workers" - these are the forms of work of the club of veterans with youth.

Joint work on organizing events brings together representatives of different generations, allows you to directly perceive their values ​​and assessments.

In addition to intra-club work, veterans can reach a wide audience. This may be lecture work, the organization of the club "Young local historian", work in children's courtyard clubs. Each pensioner with cultural knowledge and skills is of particular value to society. One of the possible ways to attract such people to club activities is to appeal to collectors, to those who collect records, art postcards, badges, and literature on certain branches of knowledge.

Retired teachers have significant cultural potential. Some of them get a job as educators in a hostel, where they organize educational work well.

In addition, pensioners can be involved in the leadership of children's groups focused on arts and crafts.

Pensioners take part in amateur performances ("Chorus of Veterans"), in interest clubs and amateur associations ("Hardening Clubs", "Veterans Clubs", "Club of Good Advice")

Topic:“Audience KDU. The work of the KDU on the organization of leisure for people of mature age "

Question outline: 1.0 features of age. 2.Problems of age 3.The role of KDU in organizing leisure activities for people of mature age a. The main directions and content of the work of the CDU on the organization of leisure for people of mature age 6. Leisure forms

The adult audience varies featured: - socio-demographic;(sex, age, nationality)

- socio-cultural(creativity, talents, talents,

hobbies. cultural material and spiritual needs formed in the process of development and formation of an adult)

- socio-psychological(lifestyle, factor of the environment in which the life of an adult takes place)

and on the following criteria:-by age


By marital status

At the place of residence

By social affiliation

According to the traditional conduct of their consolidated time

1. An adult person is a person with a developed self-consciousness, reflecting his personal world education, experiences.

The cultural potential is realized in the conditions of life, the upbringing of children.

People are involved in social activities, determine the moral situation in the family, at work, in their environment. They have a certain level of satisfaction with their position in society, their place in it and life in general. Much more are involved in a complex network of interpersonal relationships. The central place is occupied by labor, which determines the relationship, the interaction of the individual with environment and society as a whole; mastered public

relationship norms. High level mental and physical employment, lack of free time, a steady downward trend in interest in art, sports, and communication. Active search for a life partner, self-realization and self-affirmation. Striving for promotion. Enjoys the rights, duties, freedoms of citizens. Stable environment (friends, team), Free time absorbed by everyday life, family responsibilities. Gaining autonomy and independence. High level of creativity.

2. Problems of age: lack of free time, bad habits, social passivity develops, heavy workload at the main job, total employment, dissatisfaction with one's life, environment, dissatisfaction with the level of material support, failures at work, dissatisfaction with relationships with colleagues and friends. Family problems. Inability to organize the "desired" leisure and other problems with raising children.

Topic:“Audience KDU. The work of the KDU on the organization of leisure for the elderly "

Question outline: 1.0 features of age. 2Problems of age

3. The role of the KDU in organizing leisure activities for people of mature age a. The main directions and content of the work of the CDU on the organization of leisure for the elderly

6. Leisure forms

The time of the physiological age of the elderly is from 50-60-70 years old, when a lot is lost. At the age of 50 -55 a person retires and immediately his rhythm of life changes dramatically. Retirement is a turning point in life for a lifelong worker. During this period, there is a break in ties with society, the team, the usual, well-established circle of contacts, the narrowing of contacts. Functions and abilities are lost, which equally affects age and later life. The creative level, cultural activity decreases, a person quickly gets tired, there is a lack of working capacity, unwillingness to perceive the new and reckon with the requirements of time and society. There is a gradual degradation, an appeal to activities that are harmful to health. Bad habits may develop.

But at the same time, the production qualification remains high, practical skills and abilities, work experience in their field of activity are preserved. The need to work for the good of the people. An elderly person is an educator, mentor, teacher and good adviser, has wisdom and significant life experience. He has a solid stock of impressions, observations, empirical and theoretical knowledge. Uses public rights and norms. He can successfully influence young people, passing on experience in various spheres of life. During this period, a large amount of free time appears and therefore there is a search for such forms of leisure that would be close in spirit to an elderly person and would be associated with his former work activity, interests and habits. For example, interest in history, collecting, the bygone past, etc., develops.

In that age period There are many unsolvable problems facing the elderly:

Severing ties with society, lack of demand and even forgetfulness, isolation of a pensioner from society and the usual circle of friends;

Poor health, fatigue;

Lack of proper attention from relatives and relatives. reluctance with them

Gradual degradation, indifference to the outside world;

Search for another environment to compensate for the lost familiar social circle.

Lots of free time, nothing to do.

KDU- these are cultural institutions that are designed to provide leisure to an elderly person. These are libraries, museums, parks of culture and recreation, planetariums, houses of culture, theaters and a philharmonic society, etc. They build their work on organizing the leisure of an elderly person

according to the following example directions:

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federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education

"Russian Academy of National Economy

and public service

under the President of the Russian Federation"


Faculty of State and Municipal Administration

Specialty "Social work"

Department of Social Work and Sociology


in the discipline "Theory of social work"


Khabarovsk 2012



1. Theoretical basis social work with the elderly

1.1 Socio-psychological characteristics of older people

1.2 Key concerns of older people

2. Technologies of social work with the elderly

2.1 Technology of social service for the elderly

2.2 Technology of social rehabilitation of the elderly


List of used sources and literature


Relevance of the topic. Today, there is a constant increase in the proportion of older people. There are two reasons for this process. First, advances in health care, taking control of a number of dangerous diseases, the increase in the level and quality of life leads to an increase in the average life expectancy of people, which today in developed countries has approached 80 years, and for the female population has exceeded this indicator. Therefore, the opportunity to live to a very advanced age has become massive. In the population of the Russian Federation, it is possible to single out, as it were, several “generations” of older citizens. Thus, in 2000, the number of elderly people was 30.2 million people, of which 1,387 thousand people were aged 85 years and older, and 15,558 people aged 100 years and older. Characteristically, over the past 20 years (since the 1979 general census), the number of elderly people aged 85 and over has more than doubled, while Russia's population has increased only slightly.

On the other hand, the process of a steady decline in the birth rate, below the level of simple replacement of generations, a decrease in the number of children born to one woman over her entire reproductive period, leads to the fact that the level of natural mortality in our country exceeded the birth rate. Each generation is succeeded by the next smaller generation; the proportion of children and adolescents in society is steadily declining, which causes a corresponding increase in the proportion of older people.

How to make the life of an elderly person worthy, full of activity and joy, how to save him from feelings of loneliness, alienation, how to make up for the lack of communication, how to satisfy his needs and interests - these and other questions are currently worrying the public around the world. Humanity is aging, and this is becoming a serious problem, the solution of which must be developed on global level. As the institution of social workers and specialists in the field of gerontology is being created, disabled citizens can already receive more qualified and diverse social assistance and support. elderly person social work

Analysis of the studied sources and literature. Features of social work with the elderly are reflected in the works ...

Objective. aim term paper is to study the features of social work with the elderly.

Based on this goal, the following tasks:

1. identify the main social problems of the elderly

2. Learn personality traits in old age.

3. To reveal the features of social work with the elderly

4. explore the problems of interaction between a social worker and an elderly person

Object of study are the elderly as a socio-demographic group

Subject of research- features of social work with the elderly.

1 . Theoretical foundations of social work with the elderly

1.1 Socio-psychological characteristics of the elderly

A social worker working with the elderly should be aware of the psychological characteristics of people of this age. This will help him build his work correctly, find mutual language with the elderly, objectively assess the situation, the reasons psychological discomfort client, as well real ways problem solving.

The formation of the psyche of all people, and the elderly in particular, is influenced by biological and social factors, under the influence of which the following changes occur in an elderly person:

In the intellectual sphere, difficulties arise in acquiring new ideas and adaptations to unforeseen circumstances. Such difficulties may be the most different circumstances, including those that were easily overcome in young years (an illness of one's own or someone close, the denomination of the ruble). But sometimes the impression of weakening mental capacity an elderly person is wrong. For example, the time between asking an old man a question and his answer may be longer, making it seem that mental processes in an elderly person, they proceed more slowly and it takes him more time to assess the situation. But in fact, such phenomena very often occur due to hearing impairment, which an elderly person may try to hide.

AT emotional sphere- a gradual weakening of the controlling and inhibitory functions of the cerebral cortex entails the manifestation of certain traits of character and temperament, which, in younger years, to some extent, were kept in check and masked, and by old age they became more noticeable, so behavior becomes more aggressive , or vice versa, there is a tendency to sadness, unfortunately, tearfulness, The reason for such reactions may be an old movie, lost old thing, a situation reminiscent of the events of youth.

In the moral sphere, refusal to adapt to new norms, values, behavior patterns can lead to conflicts between an elderly person and others, and isolation in his own world.

Two can be distinguished character traits life style of the elderly and aged people: hypertrophy of events and a peculiar sense of time.

Hypertrophy of events. As a rule, the life of an elderly person is not rich in various events. However, these events fill all his individual space and time. As a result, an event that is perceived by younger people as an insignificant episode, for an old person becomes a matter of a whole day. For example, talking on the phone, meeting with other people, neighbors, the arrival of a social worker.

Kind of a sense of time. An old person always lives in the present. His past is also present in the present - hence the thrift, frugality of older people, They are, as it were, preserved in the moment, and spiritual world, its values. Knowing these features of the psyche of older people, a social worker will treat older people with more understanding.

The reason for many conflicts between non-professional social workers and older people may be a misunderstanding of the tendency of older people to talk about their past life. At this time, a person feels young, handsome, strong again, he relives his successes again, mentally meets with old friends, At the same time, something is attributed, embellished, but when repeated, the narrator himself appears to be a reality. Gerontologists are convinced that memories create emotional and intellectual comfort for an elderly person, they are a kind of creativity, they expel apathy, inspire vigor. Therefore, one should not deprive the elderly of their favorite pastime - indulge in memories, but, on the contrary, encourage it.

And yet it is wrong to associate only regressive phenomena with the period of old age. There are known facts of high creative activity and productivity of scientists, representatives of art and other professions, not only in the elderly, but also in old age. V. Frankl rightly writes: “A person who leads a fruitful life does not become a decrepit old man, on the contrary, mental and emotional qualities, developed by him in the process of life, are preserved, although physical strength weakens." Throughout life, a person forms an attitude and lays down a program for his old age.

Domestic scientist V.V. Boltenko, based on studies of people in nursing homes, identified a number of stages psychological aging, which do not depend on the passport age.

At the first stage, a connection is maintained with the type of activity that was leading for a person before retirement. As a rule, this type of activity was directly related to his profession. This connection can be direct, both episodic participation in the performance of the previous work, and mediation - through reading special literature, etc. If this connection breaks immediately after retirement, then the person, bypassing the first stage, falls into the second.

At the second stage, there is a narrowing of the circle of interests, due to the loss of professional attachments. In communication with others, conversations on everyday topics, discussion of television news, family events, successes or failures of children and grandchildren already predominate. In groups of such people, it is already difficult to distinguish who was an engineer, who was a doctor, who was an accountant, and who was a professor.

At the third stage, personal health care becomes the main thing, it also becomes the most favorite topic for conversation - about medicines, about methods of treatment, about herbs ... The attending physician becomes the most significant person in life, his professional and personal qualities.

At the fourth stage, the meaning of life becomes the preservation of life itself, the circle of contacts is narrowed to the limit: the attending physician, social worker, those family members who support personal comfort, neighbors - peers.

For decency to them out of habit - rare telephone conversations with old acquaintances, mainly to find out if everyone has already “left” or if someone still remains.

And, finally, at the fifth stage, the needs of the vital order are actualized (food, rest, sleep...). Emotion and communication are almost non-existent.

Thus, an approximate list of common difficult situations that create problems in the life of an elderly person is as follows:

1. Awareness of the need for individual assistance. Differences in ability to cope in everyday life. The condition of the feeble old.

2. Identification various diseases elderly: Alzheimer's disease, demenesia, stroke, fractures, mental illness and etc.

3. Disability of the elderly, backwardness in mental development, impaired vision and hearing.

4. Problems of drug addiction and alcoholism in the elderly.

5. Older people with mental traumas of the past: incest, war and evacuation, complex human relations experienced accidents.

6. Problems related to the place of residence: for example, the loneliness of older people in countryside, problems of lonely and sick pensioners living outside their country.

7. Understanding the gender specifics of aging and old age.

8. Elderly people with different stress factors: loneliness, recent widowhood, depression and pre-suicidal state, mistreatment, bitterness from a failed life.

9. Elderly people caring for an adult sick child at home, elderly people caring for each other.

10. Problems of relationships with relatives caring for the elderly, problems of relationships between generations in the family.

11. Elderly people suffering from family problems, aging family, family conflicts, domestic violence, jealousy.

12. Problems of older migrants upon their return to their homeland.

13. Economic problems old people: low level pensions, poverty.

14. This list is not exhaustive, its purpose is to draw attention to the fact that old people have the same difficult life situations as young people that they also need the help of a professional.

It is important for a specialist in the field of social work with the elderly to know:

* Features of their psychology;

* Possess communication skills and etiquette of communication with clients of the "third age";

* Have personal qualities and competence that contribute to the formation of a stable, optimistic, life-affirming position of an elderly person in relation to himself, his age, the world around him.

1.2 The main problems of the elderly

Among social conditions the lives of older people in one of the first places is traditionally health. The declining quality of life experienced by older people is used as indicators of health status. It is often generated by the incidence rate in the elderly is 2 times, and in old age - 6 times higher than in young people. These are chronic diseases (articular, cardiovascular, etc.), hearing loss, vision loss, orthopedic problems. On average, one elderly patient in Russia has from 2 to 4 diseases, and the cost of treating the elderly is 1.5-1.7 times more than the young contingent.

Financial situation. Elderly people are alarmed by their financial situation, the level of inflation, high cost medicines. The rise in prices for food and non-food products has led to a deterioration in the diet of older people; it is in this group of families that there are people living “from hand to mouth”. The family of pensioners experiences difficulties in acquiring clothes and footwear, expenses for social and cultural needs are decreasing. All this renders Negative influence on the health of the elderly, gives rise to uncertainty about the future.

For many older people important issue is loneliness - a socio-psychological state characterized by the narrowness or lack of social contacts, behavioral alienation and emotional non-involvement of the individual. The main causes of loneliness in the elderly and old age are the destruction of business ties, prolonged illness, death of loved ones, friends, spouse, relatives.

In Russia, there is a huge difference in numbers between older women and men. The number of women is more than twice that of men. This is due to the low life expectancy of men compared to women.

The death of a spouse is perceived differently by men and women. An older man perceives the death of his wife more quickly, because he is less adapted to living alone, but it is not difficult for him to find a replacement for her. An old woman, when she is left alone, has little chance of remarrying, but she, as a person, has the skills to lead household makes friends easily and takes care of herself. For old people, a partner is especially desirable in the sense that he shares financial problems with him, is an interlocutor, as well as a person who can be relied upon, who can be taken care of. At the same time, many older people view life alone as a value, a symbol of freedom and independence. Some of them deliberately go to reduce their involvement in social life and are very pleased with it. Social work with such people should first of all be aimed at giving them the opportunity to stay at home as long as possible. This is the provision of social and social and medical services at home, the organization of day care centers, assistance in paying for housing, fuel.

Social work with those who are burdened by their loneliness may involve their involvement in self-help groups, club work, organization of day care centers, home help, or placement in stationary institutions.

Thus, the most topical issues for the elderly becomes:

1. preservation of health, which is estimated by the elderly as the main value and creates motivation for its maintenance, preservation, protection;

2. Financial security - due to the low size of the pension. It is the main incentive for pensioners to continue working.

3. The problem of loneliness, which arises in connection with the destruction of business ties, the death of loved ones and indicates the insufficient adaptation of older people in society.

2. Technologies of social work with the elderly

2.1 Technology of social service for the elderly

Elderly people and disabled people in the Russian Federation have the full range of socio-economic and personal rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions of the constituent republics, and others. legislative acts. However, a change in the social status of a person in old age and a disabled person, associated with the termination or restriction of labor and social activities; transformation value orientations, lifestyle and communication; experiencing difficulties in the social and domestic psychological adaptation to new conditions, gives rise to serious social problems.

Most acute problem is the restriction of the life of the elderly and the disabled. Life restriction is understood as a complete or partial lack of a person's ability or ability to carry out self-service, movement, orientation, communication, control over their behavior, and also engage in labor activity /5, p.21/.

In solving this problem, the improvement of the system of social rehabilitation and social assistance to the elderly and disabled is of paramount importance.

Social rehabilitation is a complex of socio-economic, medical, legal, professional and other measures aimed at ensuring necessary conditions and the return of these populations to full-blooded life in society.

An integral element of the social protection of the elderly and disabled in present stage is the provision of social assistance, i.e. security in cash and in kind, in the form of services or benefits, provided subject to the laws established by the state social guarantees for social security. It is, as a rule, in the nature of periodic and one-time additional payments to pensions and benefits, payments in kind and services in order to provide targeted, differentiated social support to these categories, eliminate or neutralize critical life situations caused by unfavorable socio-economic conditions.

Social services and provision for the elderly include pensions and various benefits; the maintenance and service of the elderly and the disabled in special institutions of the bodies of social protection of the population; prosthetics; benefits for the disabled; helping the homeless.

Social security is carried out by state bodies, enterprises, individuals, at the expense of contributions (deductions from wages) of workers. AT last case payment from the funds is determined not by labor contribution and length of service, but by the amount of contributions. This practice is very common in Western countries.

Consider the content of the work of the Center for Social Services (for the elderly and disabled). It usually includes several departments. In the department of day stay (designed for the content of at least 30 pensioners and disabled people), food, medical and cultural services are organized. Participation in feasible labor activity in special workshops or subsidiary farms. The temporary stay department (designed to accommodate at least 15 people) carries out medical, health-improving and rehabilitation measures, cultural and consumer services, meals around the clock.

The department of social assistance at home (it serves 120 people in the city, 60 people in the countryside) provides permanent or temporary (up to 6 months) social services at home for pensioners and disabled people who need outside help (free of charge or on a paid basis). ). One of priority tasks The activities of the departments of social assistance at home is the active identification of disabled citizens in need of home care.

The Emergency Social Assistance Service of the Center for Social Services provides a wide range of services: one-time provision of those in dire need of free hot meals or food packages; provision of clothing, footwear and essentials; one-time provision of financial assistance; assistance in obtaining temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance, including through the "helpline": provision of legal assistance within its competence; other types and forms of assistance due to regional and other specifics.

In a crisis situation in Russia, targeted social protection of the elderly is essential. First of all, it turns out to be the most needy: lonely pensioners, the disabled, the elderly over 80 years old.

Sociological studies in our country have shown that the main areas for ensuring the well-being of the elderly (in their opinion) are: increasing pensions, improving pension provision, developing home care services for them, increasing the number of nursing homes and improving living conditions in them. Improving pension provision is one of the major areas social security in modern states.

It is necessary to pay attention to social services for the elderly. Here it is important to provide, taking into account the loss of the ability to self-service, the provision of special comfortable shoes, clothes, various kinds of devices and devices that would make it easier for old people to move along the street, do housework, and perform certain hygiene procedures.

Since 1986, the so-called Social Service Centers for Pensioners began to be created in our country, which, in addition to departments of social assistance at home, included completely new structural units- day care units. The purpose of organizing such departments was to create a kind of leisure centers for the elderly, regardless of whether they live in families or alone. It was envisaged that people would come to such departments in the morning and return home in the evening; during the day they will have the opportunity to be in a comfortable environment, communicate, spend meaningful time, participate in various cultural events, receive one-time hot meals and, if necessary, first-aid medical care.

The main task of such departments is to help older people overcome loneliness, a secluded lifestyle, fill their existence with new meaning, form an active lifestyle, partially lost due to retirement.

Initially, such Centers were created at nursing homes, since these institutions have such a material and technical base that could provide the department with the appropriate area, its equipment, and provide visitors with hot meals. Branches were designed for 25-50 visitors per day. The period of visits at the first time of the functioning of the departments was not limited. Payment for food was charged from the visitors of the department, differentiated, depending on the amount of the pension received.

When the first centers were created, the rotation of visitors to day care departments through certain time. However, the positive experience of these institutions has made them popular among the population of retirement age, found big number wishing to use the services of the day care department. In this regard, taking into account the number of pensioners living in the service area of ​​the Center and the number of those who applied to visit the department, in many territories the terms for which one group should be recruited were calculated so that during the year everyone could visit the center two and more times.

The department enrolls pensioners and disabled people, regardless of their marital status, who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement, on the basis of a personal application and a certificate from a medical institution on the absence of contraindications for admission to the department. The department provides premises for an office of first aid, club work, a library, workshops, etc.

Thus, along with the provision of traditional forms of social security: cash payments (pensions, benefits); natural security; services and benefits; stationary and non-stationary types of service, - importance is given to new forms of emergency social assistance to disabled, needy citizens of the Russian Federation. The considered issues of the creation and development in Russia of a social assistance service for disabled citizens give reason to predict their further improvement, in which new cadres of social work specialists, whose training is currently given the most serious attention, will take an effective part.

2.2 Technology of social rehabilitation of the elderly

A conversation with a client. The first conversation usually aims to find out the right of the client to receive social services. A lot depends on the quality of the conversation. A conversation with a client can most accurately be defined as communication (communication) or interaction. This is art and science. Novice workers who encounter this form of activity need to have knowledge and understanding of the explicit and secret reasons one or another human behavior, i.e. behavioral motives. Knowing this contributes to work efficiency and tolerance towards people. Only attentive listening and observing how people seek help can turn objective facts and subjective feelings into part. interpersonal communication, including open and closed messages, their decoding and reaction to various levels communication.

The basic skills needed to initiate a conversation include these 10 principles. First, inform the client about the duration of the conversation; start a conversation after the client understands the situation; try to be friendly in order to create a free, relaxed atmosphere; try to see the situation through the eyes of the client; recognize the danger of making judgments rather than accepting a person as he is; develop skills social communication eg smiling to help communication, avoiding questions that can be answered with yes or no at first; do not speak, do not think for the client; take your time, don't fuss, and learn to deal with the client's pauses and silences (usually this is the time when the client is thinking hard).

Each conversation is usually fixed on some basic issue, such as, for example, an investigation of the client's financial problems, his illnesses, grievances, relationships, etc. Each conversation-acquaintance should have a clear scheme, i.e. beginning, middle, end. Each subsequent conversation-meeting with the client should somehow be based on the content of the previous one, while written or video recordings should be used.

In the course of the conversation, referring to the same difficulties or even denying them can give the employee some kind of “key”. Pay attention to inconsistencies and omissions. For example, an abused person may not want outside interference. Such unexpected changes, or that the client associates one idea with another, so they both mean nothing.

A social worker interview differs from everyday conversations in that they have a theme aimed at achieving specific purpose, the time frame is usually determined, positive or negative development of the relationship is assumed. Let's consider the last aspect in more detail. The first meeting between the social worker and the client, in addition to purely informative function has at least 3 goals: the desire to make an alliance with the client regarding the methods of treatment, i.e. the social worker tries to understand the thoughts and feelings of the client; tries to instill in the client a sense of hope that he will cope with the situation; demonstrates methods and forms of work. If these factors are not taken into account, then the situation cannot be managed. This is especially important if there is a negative reaction from the client.

If the client is physically handicapped, mentally, auditory, speech impaired, then alternative methods of communication may be needed. But even experienced workers sometimes anticipate events or think out for the client what he would like to say or express is unrealistic. It is better to give the client the opportunity to speak as freely as possible, because if a person is given the opportunity to tell his own story, it is amazing how soon he himself comes to the solution of his problem. Stereotyped attitude towards the client creates obstacles. You should not consider the client as belonging to a certain class, etc., as this distorts the idea of ​​him and leads to hasty conclusions: people are too complex, sensitive and prone to dynamics to jump to conclusions about them.

Our task is to highlight the moments when this method hinders or helps in helping the client. For example, a social worker asking questions in a suspicious or accusatory manner, and in an uninterested or friendly tone, will evoke feelings of fear and distrust in the client. The words here are less important than the tone and manner of the speaker. Quest a large number questions can look like an interrogation, and too few questions can prevent important points from being revealed.

The skillful use of questions is something little studied in the practice of social work. It is very important, because it is not only information gathering, but also one of the ways to start the process of change. The reporter type of questions can sometimes succeed if the opponent's arguments are deliberately put forward in front of the correspondent in order to lead to a change.

A good social worker has the following six qualities: sympathy or understanding - an attempt to see the world through the eyes of another person; respect, responding to the client's problem in such a way as to convey confidence that he himself can cope with it; specificity, clarity, so that the one who advises understands the problem as clearly as possible; knowing oneself and helping others to know oneself; sincerity, the ability to behave naturally in relationships with the client; immediacy, to deal with exactly what is happening in this moment meetings.

A particular challenge for novice social workers is the ability to determine what difficulties they may encounter in communication and, accordingly, what skills need to be continued to practice. Based on this, when working with clients, a social worker can be given the following recommendations: it is necessary to have knowledge and understanding of the obvious and secret causes of human behavior; have interpersonal communication skills; skillfully ask questions; try to remove communication barriers that lead to misunderstanding.

Thus, having studied this section It can be seen that social workers must be able to listen, observe and respond. Acquiring the skills of visiting clients, understanding the specifics of their lives, the skills of asking questions, solving problems, planning actions - all this is far from easy. To become an experienced adviser (consultant) it is not enough to be caring and understanding, one must also skillfully put into practice numerous techniques and methods of work.

Estimated analysis. An important feature of working with individual clients, in particular with the elderly, is evaluative analysis. Evaluative analysis is a continuous process, the purpose of which is to understand people in relation to their environment: it is the basis for planning what needs to be done to maintain, improve or change the state of a person or his environment. The skill of conducting an evaluative analysis, obtaining results depends on the administrative talent of a social worker in conjunction with the skills of human relationships. For such work, a person is needed who can organize, systematize and analyze the information received, while he must subtly feel the situation and be able to understand the uniqueness of each specific situation. Basic data such as facts are very important, but just as important are the thoughts, feelings, and intuitions of the social worker.

Traditionally, evaluative analysis in social work tends to follow the path that leads to sources (resources) rather than the path of needs. Consider models that separate ends and means. Good ones practical results stem from a broad, comprehensive evaluation analysis, rather than a narrow one focused only on social services. This broader approach makes it possible to see the shortcomings of the service system and possibly eliminate them. Of course, this kind of analysis for older people can lead to improvements in services: clients will be able to live longer independently, and the quality of life for them and their caregivers will improve. An illustration of this may be the following example: a group of old people who neglected food because they had no appetite or could not cook for themselves, or forgot to eat, began to gather together in a help house in their place of residence, where they were given meals, and this service was created especially for them.

Evaluative analysis is the process of selecting, organizing, categorizing and synthesizing data. It is possible as a result of a systematic and careful consideration of the needs of the client, and not simply the provision of possible services. The methods used may be: questions, self-assessment, role-playing game, screening tests, sketches, diaries, etc.

Evaluative analysis suggests the possibility of error or prejudice of the social worker. To avoid this, cross-checking of the data should be carried out.

Based on this, we can recommend: to develop self-control when considering the data received; to be able to resist those who have more high status or authority and oppose their opinion if necessary; consider all assessments as working hypotheses that should be filled with content as information and knowledge become available.

Interdisciplinary evaluation analyses. main goal service to people is the creation of mobile structures focused on a specific person, while the social worker organizes the provision of services by independent, voluntary and government organizations, he is also responsible for cooperation with medical institutions and agencies different kind. In this regard, the manager (the one who manages the work with a particular client) organizes and coordinates the conduct of an interdisciplinary evaluation analysis. In the case of an assessment of the health of the elderly, this may take place at home, in a day center or hospital.

Keeping records. The main purpose of record keeping is to improve the quality of services. One of the difficulties for aspiring social workers is to determine which necessary information they need to focus. Inexperience leads to long reports that are redundant and lack quality information.

At a minimum, records should contain: the nature of the problem or situation; available and necessary sources and resources; short, medium, and long-term goals; action plan and client's point of view.

Systematic records are maintained in four separate sections: assessment document, monitoring map, periodic record forms, expenditure information.

Periodic record forms, used every three months to review the progress of care, are considered most valuable in times of crisis or change. They include details about the problems themselves and the changes that have been made, the changes that are being made, the activities of the social worker, other services, practical services, and required but not available resources.

The fourth document is the cost information. This is a record of the social worker's spending on helper fees, home help, lunch on wheels, day care, and institutional care. This information was divided into thirty weekly blocks, entries. Each page covered the cost of maintaining each customer for the quarter of each year.

Thus, social workers must be able to anticipate the new needs of those who will need their help in changing socio-economic conditions, and must be flexible in finding ways to optimally meet such needs. urgently needed research work to determine the nature and extent of needs, to ensure the effectiveness of programs and their cost-effectiveness without compromising quality, to stimulate new types of services.


The transition to the category of older people (retirement) is associated, first of all, with a person’s awareness that he is entering into final stage own life. Ahead of the inevitable aging, disease, complete or partial limitation of life. Awareness of all this, reflections on the inevitability of approaching death cause complications. psychological plan, and the level of these complications depends on the subjective qualities of the individual. And finally to psychological problems can be attributed to a sharp narrowing of the contacts of an elderly person, which can lead to all alone. The decrease in opportunities for communication is due to the fact that a person “drops out” of labor collective spending more time at home. At this age, many friends, relatives and peers pass away, which also narrows contacts, and making new friends becomes difficult. This problem is especially relevant for older people living separately from their adult children.

The material and financial problems of this category of the Russian population undoubtedly include the low level of pensions, which is often below the poverty level. Another social problem of the elderly, the solution of which would greatly contribute to improving their well-being.

Today, children are firmly of the opinion that a person in old age needs to be helped not only in business everyday life but also to help him overcome his feelings of loneliness and longing. To a certain extent, the ability of people to quickly adapt to an increase in life expectancy will depend on the attitude of society towards aging. The striving for individual and community development will fill life with meaning, make it attractive, will contribute to the creation of a calmer and more benevolent civilization. This is especially important as the time is rapidly approaching when every third inhabitant of the planet will be over sixty.

In conclusion, we also note that social workers must be able to foresee the new needs of those who will need their help in changing socio-economic conditions, and must be flexible in finding ways to optimally meet such needs.

List of used sources and literature

1 Abramova G.S. Age psychology: Uch. allowance for university students.- 4th ed.-M.: Academician. Project, 2003

2 M.V. Romm, T.A. Romm. Theory of social work. Tutorial. Novosibirsk. - 1999

3. Antsyferova L.I. Psychology of old age: features personal development during late adulthood. //Psych. Magazine. Volume 22 No. 3. 2001

4. Ivanov V.N., Patrushev V.I. Social technologies: Lecture course. - M .: Publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz", 1999. - 432 s

5. Nikitin V.A. Social work: problems of theory and training of specialists. Proc. allowance. - M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2002. - 236 p.

6. Fundamentals of social work: Textbook / Ed. ed. P.D. Peacock. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Infra - M, 2003. - 395 s

7. Asmolov A. G. Psychology of personality: Textbook. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1990. - 367 p.

8. Social politics: Textbook / Under the general. ed. ON THE. Volgin. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 736 p.

9. Psychology family relations with the basics family counseling: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / E. I. Artamonova, E. V. Ekzhanova, E. V. Zyryanova and others; Ed. E. G. Silyaeva. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 20

10. Social work: theory and practice: Proc. allowance / Resp. ed. d.h.s., prof. Kholostova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. Sorvin. - M.: INFRA - M, 2004. - 427

11. Theory of social work. Textbook / Ed. prof. TZZ E.I. Single. - M.: Lawyer, 1999. - 334 p.

12. Theory of social work: Proc. allowance. / M.V. Romm, E.V. Andrienko, L.A. Osmuk, I.A. Skalaban and others; Ed. M.V. Romm. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of NSTU, 2000. Part II. - 112 s

13. Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. Theory of social work: Textbook for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Humanitarian ed. Center VLADOS, 2001. - 432 p.

14. Kholostova E. I. Social work with the elderly: Textbook. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2003. - 296 p.

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Psychological features of working with the elderly in the field of social services for the population


In recent years, the proportion of older people in the total population has increased significantly. If today it is 14% in economically developed countries, then by 2030, according to forecasts of sociologists, it will reach 25%. According to the UN classification, a nation is considered "old" if more than 7% of its population is made up of people who have crossed the 65-year mark. In Germany there are 14.9%, in the USA - 12.6%, in Japan - 12.5%, in Russia - more than 20%.

The goal of working with older people is to maintain their activity, energy capabilities, ability to self-service, help in understanding the value and acceptance of the life they have lived.

Old age is the final period of human life, the conditional beginning of which is associated with the withdrawal of a person from direct participation in the productive life of society.

In old age, there is a "sharpening" personality traits. Characterological personality changes are also typical, characterized by a peculiar polarity: stubbornness, rigidity of judgments are combined with increased suggestibility and gullibility, reduced emotional responsiveness - with sensitivity and tearful weakness. In old age, the "sharpening" of personality traits is manifested. Characterological personality changes are also typical, characterized by a peculiar polarity: stubbornness, rigidity of judgments are combined with increased suggestibility and gullibility, reduced emotional responsiveness - with sensitivity and tearful weakness.

New knowledge is formed with great difficulty, it is difficult to fill it with emotional experiences, to form new motives. New role relationships are poorly formed, it is difficult to get used to new values, to new ideas about oneself and others.

Old experience is valued. Any change causes backlash. Identification value decreases (old friends). Social identification is difficult (there is no new society).

Difficult adaptation. Often there is a withdrawal into the disease (exaggeration of the disease, the desire to arouse pity, attract attention, an attempt to achieve material privileges).

5 types of personality adaptation to old age

constructive attitude. Elderly people are internally balanced, have a good mood, and are satisfied with contact with others.

Dependency relation. People who do not have too high life claims, willingly leaving the environment.

defensive attitude characterized by exaggerated emotional restraint and reluctance to accept help from others.

An attitude of hostility towards others. Aggression, explosiveness, suspicion, the desire to shift the blame and responsibility for their own failures to others.

An attitude of hostility towards oneself. People of this type avoid memories. They are passive, prone to depression and sadness.

The two main types of older people

The first includes people who are grumpy and difficult to communicate with. No one wants to be around them, because they seem to be consciously striving to flaunt the most unsightly traits of their character in the most unbearable way.

The opposite type of elderly people is worthy of all admiration. Over the years, they seem to become better and demonstrate more and more attractive traits of their character.

According to Erickson, the main task of old age is the achievement of value, awareness and acceptance of the life and people lived.

Happy old age is a particularly favorable form of aging. As N. F. Shakhmatov writes, often older people say that in old age they first experience feelings and joys unfamiliar to them in a past life, they first experience satisfaction with themselves and those around them. Happy old age is satisfaction with a new life, with one's role in this

positive stereotype- it is based on the value of life experience and wisdom of old people, the need for respect for them and appropriate care.

negative stereotype- an old person is viewed as unnecessary, superfluous, useless, a "freeloader", and his experience is regarded as outdated and inapplicable in the present

Principles for working with the elderly

Breitspraak identifies three main principles for working with older people for professionals:

    preventing older people from being drawn into a negative image of aging, for example by helping them see and understand that the source of their problems lies in the situation, not in themselves;

    require older people to take responsibility for their lives where possible;

    encourage older people to engage in activities that support a sense of integration and wholeness of life.

To understand an older person, it is necessary to see him in the context of his whole life, including all the problems successfully or unsuccessfully solved at earlier stages of his life path. The old age of each person is individual and unique, therefore approaches to social work with older people should be strictly individual.

    A social worker must take into account the peculiarities of the psyche of people of elderly and senile age, win over the client, win his trust. In a conversation, you need to show attention and interest.

    You should encourage the client, create a good mood in him. Lack of compassion, impatience, haste, careless gestures cause negative emotions, sharply reduce vitality, can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, cause aggression.

    It should be borne in mind that many elderly and old people suffer from loneliness, self-isolation. Good advice, assistance in changing lifestyle, relationships with loved ones - often the main factors contributing to the normalization of their health.

    Particular attention is required for the elderly and old people who have recently lost loved ones, discharged from the hospital, lonely (especially those who cannot serve themselves), recently retired and have not yet adapted to the new situation in the family and society. This is the so-called threatened group. This group includes all persons aged 70 and over.

    During home visits, interviewing older and older people takes longer than interviewing young people. It is necessary to take into account possible hearing, visual impairment, slow reactions.

    Speech should be crisp, clear and somewhat slow. Speech should be crisp, clear and somewhat slow. The initial survey of a client with signs of senile dementia should be conducted only with the participation of relatives.