I will solve the exam geography assignment. USE test structure

Last task The exam in geography is similar to the previous one - it also needs to solve a small problem. However, this time it is connected with the definition not of natural increase, but of migration, so there will be somewhat more calculations.

Let's say that we need to know this value for 2013.

The algorithm is this:

  • subtract from the resident population in 2014 this figure for 2013;
  • subtract from the resulting number natural increase population in 2013.

What happened is the migration population growth.

On the answer sheet for given task two actions and a response must be recorded. If all this is done correctly, it is worth 2 points. If there is only one action, or when calculating the answer, an error was made and it is incorrect, but two actions are recorded and the first one is correct, 1 point is given. In all other cases, points for task 34 are not awarded.

For successful implementation 34 numbers of the exam, again, it is necessary to fill out the algorithm for its implementation well. Unlike the previous one, there is no need to write any ppm here, so the risk of confusing something becomes less. The main thing is to carefully look at the year for which you need to calculate the indicator.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 34 USE in geography

The first version of the task

Based on the data in the table, calculate the size of the migration population growth for Belgorod region in 2015. Write down the solution.

Number and natural increase of the population in the Belgorod region

The answer looks like this:

  1. 1 550 137 – 1 547 936 = 2201
  2. 2201 – (-3717) = 5918

Answer: 5918.

The second version of the task

Using the data in the table below, calculate the migration growth of the population for the Republic of Buryatia in 2015. Write down the necessary calculations.

Number and natural increase of the population in the Republic of Buryatia

Write down the answer:

  1. 982 284 – 978 495 = 3789
  2. 3789 – 5795 = -2006

Answer: -2006.

The third version of the task

Based on the indicators given in the table, calculate the size of the migration growth of the population in Kostroma region in 2013. In your answer, also write down all the calculations performed.

Number and natural increase of the population in the Kostroma region

Let's write the answer:

  1. 656 389 – 658 925 = -2536
  2. -2536 – (-2218) = -318

Answer: -318.

Population and its movement

In the thirty-third task of the USE in geography, you need to solve a small problem related to the population and its natural movement. Usually they are asked to determine the rate of natural increase in ppm. It must be remembered that in this task this is always done according to the following algorithm: we divide the rate of natural growth for the year by the average annual population and multiply by a thousand. The answer is usually rounded to the nearest tenth.

On the answer sheet, it is imperative to write down not only the resulting figure, but the entire course of the decision. This affects the score that will be received for the task. If a solution record is given and the correct answer is received, 2 points are given, and if there is no solution record, 1. numerical value The answer is given only 1 point. If only a rounding error is made, 1 point for the task is still given.

This USE number not complicated at all - just remember the formula and solve a few training tasks. The main thing is not to confuse the signs and carefully look at the indicator of which year you want to calculate.

Analysis of typical options for assignment No. 32 USE in geography

The first version of the task

Based on the data presented in the table, determine the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for Voronezh region in 2012. Write down the solution and round your answer to the nearest tenth.

Number and natural increase of the population in the Voronezh region

The response should look like this:

  1. Solution: -11,081: 2,331,298 1000= -4.7531.
  2. When rounding, we get -4.7

Answer: -4.7‰

The second version of the task

Using the data in the table below, calculate the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for Vladimir region in 2013. Write down the answer, round the answer to tenths.

Number and natural increase of the population in the Vladimir region

We write the answer:

  1. Solution: -4131:1 417 531 1000= -2.9142
  2. Round to -2.9

Answer: -2.9‰.

The third version of the task

Based on the data in the table, determine the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for the Republic of Karelia in 2014. Record the calculation by rounding your answer to the nearest tenth.

Number and natural increase of the population in the Republic of Karelia

The answer looks like this:

  1. Solution: -1429/633 468 1000= -2.2558
  2. Rounding will be -2.3

USE in geography - the final test required for admission to a number of higher educational institutions, but not included in the list compulsory exams. This exam is not popular - 1-5 people pass it in schools, it is required for admission to such specialties: geology, cartography, ecology, meteorology, geography. The passing score depends on the individual requirements of the higher educational institution- The university sets the minimum required when submitting documents. Fundamental changes in the structure and features of the exam for last years not visible. In 2018, it was enough to successfully complete 12 tasks to cross the threshold.

  • The work consists of 17 questions different types and difficulty levels
  • In the process of completing assignments, you can use a card that is issued along with the examination paper directly in the classroom;
  • The primary score varies from year to year;
  • Tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty: basic, advanced, high difficulty;
  • It is allowed to use a protractor, a ruler and a non-programmable calculator;
  • The student gets 180 minutes to solve all tasks - how to allocate time for different tasks, depends on the subject.
All exam questions and tasks are divided into two thematic blocks - physical and socio-economic geography. Tasks are distributed equally.
  • Physical geography: required theoretical knowledge features natural areas, relief, lithosphere, meteorology, hydrology, geology. For preparation, terms, patterns, processes are carefully studied.
  • Topography: skills to work with topographic map, the tasks are quite typical, so it is necessary to carefully study the tasks of past years.
  • The program of the 6th grade is the features of the Earth as a planet.
  • Nature management: it is required to repeat the terminology and laws of ecology, the development of the natural environment.
  • Socio-economic geography of Russia - economic regions, demographic features.
  • Socio-economic geography of the world.

The main thing in the preparation process is to carefully read USE program on the subject, so that the repetition process is systematic, thoughtful and effective.

Preparation methods:

  • School education is the foundation, it cannot be neglected in order to get the basis for successful self-education;
  • Self-education: study of textbooks, reference books, specialto the exam in geography;
  • Lessons with a tutor: the opportunity to work through assignments of varying complexity, analyze errors, solve problems;
  • Online training: "I will solve the exam in geography" allows you to try your hand at passing exams, allows you to rationally allocate time, not to get lost in the process of filling out the exam form.
    How more tests a student passes online - the stronger and more reliable his knowledge is.
Online training is an opportunity not only to effectively prepare for exams, but also a way to get rid of unnecessary worries, properly plan the time spent. Use of testing in online mode allows you to more accurately identify the difficulties that can be solved with a tutor.

The average general education


USE-2018 in geography: we analyze the most difficult tasks

We bring to your attention an analysis of the most difficult tasks from USE demos 2018 in geography. The article contains detailed analysis assignments, solution algorithm and recommendations up-to-date benefits to prepare for the exam, as well as a selection of materials on geography published earlier.

Exercise 1

(“Geographic models. Geographic map, site plan"). 1 point

In this task, you need to find a point on the map with the proposed coordinates. The following algorithm is suitable for this task.

1. Find a point with coordinates 0°w. 0°d. It is located at the intersection of the equator and the zero (Greenwich) meridian in the Gulf of Guinea.

2. The first coordinate of the desired point is always its latitude, i.e. distance in degrees from the equator to the given point. To find it, you need to move from the point 0 ° w. 0°d. along the zero meridian up (if the latitude of the desired point is north) or down (if it is south). AT this case we are moving 58 degrees (57°50´ round for convenience) up as north latitude.

Explanation for those who do not understand how we found the latitude.

Since the latitude values ​​(degrees of parallels) are signed at the left and right edges of the map in 20° steps (0°, 20°, 40°, 60° and 80°), we find the range in which desired point(40°˂58°˂60°), and mentally divide it first into 2 parts (by 10 degrees), then into 2 more parts (by 5 degrees), and finally into 5 parts (by degree). In this case, we need to step back 60° - 58° = 2° from the 60° parallel down.

3. The second coordinate of the desired point is its longitude, i.e. the distance in degrees from the prime meridian to the given point. To find it, you need to move from the point found in paragraph 2 on the zero meridian to the right (if the longitude of the desired point is east) or to the left (if the longitude of the desired point is west) along (i.e. keeping indent from) the nearest parallel. In this case, we are moving 30 degrees (29°58´ round) to the right, as east longitude.

Explanation for those who did not understand how we found the longitude.

Since the values ​​of longitudes (degrees of meridians) are signed at the upper and lower edges of the map with a step of 20° (0°, 20°, 40°, etc. up to 180°), we find the range in which the desired point is located ( 20°˂30°˂40°), and mentally divide it first into 2 parts (by 10 degrees), then into 2 more parts (by 5 degrees), and finally into 5 parts (by degree). In this case, it is enough for us to perform only one partition and place the point exactly in the middle between the 20th and 40th meridian.

4. Determine the country in which the desired point is located (Dno city).

Thus, we found out that the city of Dno is located in the Russian Federation.

2. Now let's determine the latitude. From the point found in paragraph 1 (60 ° N, 110 ° E) we move along the meridian towards North Pole(up) by 2°32′ (62°32′ - 60°). This will be a quarter of the distance to the intersection with the 70th parallel.

3. Specify the longitude. From the point obtained in paragraph 2 (62°32′ N, 110 E) we shift along the parallel to the east (to the right and slightly up in this case) by 3°57´ (113°57´ - 110° ). This will be about 2/5 of the distance to the intersection with the 120th meridian.

4. We determine the subject of the federation in which the desired point is located (the city of Mirny).

Thus, we found out that the city of Mirny is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Task 3

("Natural resources. Rational and irrational nature management"). max 2 points

To complete this task, it is necessary to learn to distinguish rational (competent, reasonable, sustainable) nature management from irrational. Some examples of both types are shown in the table below. A few blank lines are left at the end so that you yourself can complete the table with examples of rational or irrational nature management that you met during the preparation.

Table "Main types of nature management"




drainage of swamps in the upper reaches of the rivers

recycling water supply

felling trees in the upper reaches of the rivers

integrated use of raw materials

creation of waste heaps

complete extraction of raw materials

virgin soil plowing

land reclamation

mole alloy wood

protective forest belts

(longitudinal) plowing of slopes

clearing the forest from dead wood, fields from boulders, riverbeds from debris, etc.

soil compaction (for example, due to the use of heavy agricultural machinery)

slope terracing

associated petroleum gas flaring

drip irrigation

construction of hydroelectric power stations on lowland rivers

transfer of thermal power plants from coal to natural gas

use of secondary raw materials (metals, waste paper)

Thus, in the given task, the correct answer is: 124.

The attention of schoolchildren and applicants is offered a new manual for USE preparation, which contains 30 variants of typical examination papers by geography. 31st option - control. Each option is compiled in full accordance with the requirements of a unified state exam, includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity. At the end of the book, answers are given for self-examination of all tasks. Suggested training options help the teacher prepare for final certification and for students to independently test their knowledge and readiness to pass the final exam. The manual is addressed to senior students, applicants and teachers.

Task 8

("Geographical features of the reproduction of the world's population. Sex and age composition. The level and quality of life of the population"). 1 point

In this task, you must select a country with greatest proportion of older people. There may be options where they ask you to find a country with least proportion of the elderly or with the highest/lowest share children in the structure of the population. All these questions are based on one pattern: what more economically developed country, topics in the structure of its population smaller share children and more share elderly of people . Accordingly, the implementation of this task is reduced to the choice of the most economically developed country.

This choice is complicated by the fact that economic development country depends not only on the size of per capita GDP, but also on a number of other factors: the structure and degree of diversification of the economy, development social sphere etc. The table below will help compare most countries in the world in terms of eq. development: it decreases from the G7 countries to the NES of the 1st wave and further from the BRICS countries to the poorest countries in Africa and Asia.

Table "Typology of the countries of the world according to the level of socio-economic development"

Countries of the world

economically developed


countries Big Seven(G7)

USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan

BRICS countries (BRICS)

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

others the developed countries Europe

Examples: Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Ireland, Czech Republic

developing countries Europe

Examples: Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria, (Turkey, Kazakhstan)

NIS (new industrial countries) 1st wave

so-called "Asian Tigers": South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong (Currently Province of China)

NIS (newly industrialized countries) of the 2nd wave

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

SPK (countries of resettlement capitalism)

Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Canada, South Africa

countries Latin America(majority)

Examples: Mexico, Argentina, Chile

NES (oil exporting countries) of the 1st wave

UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Oman

NES (oil exporting countries) of the 2nd wave

Examples: Venezuela, Algeria, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Nigeria

poor countries in Africa and Asia (GDP>1000 $/person)

Examples: Kenya, Pakistan, Mongolia

poorest countries Africa and Asia (GDP<1000 $/чел)

Examples: Liberia, Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan

Obviously, the above scheme is greatly simplified and has its own “inconsistencies” (for example, countries such as Canada, South Africa, Venezuela “fall” into several groups at once), but in general it gives an idea of ​​the degree of development of a country with relatively simple memorization .

Thus, in the given task, the correct answer is: 4.

("Structure of employment of the population. Sectoral structure of the economy."). 1 point

In this task, it is necessary for each country to select a diagram that reflects the structure of employment in it. To do this, you need to arrange the countries listed in the list in descending order of the degree of economic development (see table for task 8).

AT most economically developed countries with post-industrial economies, the leading sector of the economy, which employs most of the economically active population, is services sector.

AT least economically developed countries, the economy is agrarian and most of the population is employed in agriculture.

Most countries with medium level of economic development have an industrial structure of the economy, and a significant part of the population in them is employed in industry.

Thus, in the given task, the correct answer is: 213.

The book contains materials for the successful passing of the exam in geography: brief theoretical information on all topics, tasks of different types and levels of complexity, methodological comments, answers and assessment criteria. Students do not have to search for additional information on the Internet and buy other manuals. In this book, they will find everything they need to independently and effectively prepare for the exam. The publication contains theoretical information on geography on all topics tested at the exam, as well as tasks for self-control. Answers and comments are provided at the end of the manual. The publication will provide invaluable assistance to students in preparing for the exam in geography, and can also be used by teachers in organizing the educational process.

Task 16

("World economy. Economy of Russia. Regions of Russia"). 1 point

Which of the following conclusions about the trends in mining volumes, based on the analysis of the data in the table below, is correct? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Dynamics of mining volumes
(as a percentage of the previous year)

1) The volume of mining in the Samara region increased annually from 2008 to 2011.

2) The volume of mining in the Krasnoyarsk Territory decreased annually from 2008 to 2011.

3) The volume of mining in the Tomsk region increased annually from 2008 to 2011.

4) The volume of mining in the Kamchatka Territory increased annually from 2008 to 2011.

To solve this task, you need to pay attention to one feature: all data in the table is presented as a percentage. This means that in order to evaluate a particular trend, you need to compare the numbers not with each other, but with 100 percent. That is, if the number in the cell over 100, then this means growth indicator this year, if less than 100, then the fall.

Let's look at an example. Thus, the change in the indicator of the volume of mining in the Tomsk region in 2008-2009 from 102.2% to 100.6% means slowdown in growth prey, but not her fall. Since in 2009, minerals were mined by 0.6% more than in 2008.

And vice versa, the change in the indicator of the Kamchatka Territory from 96.2% to 98.3% in 2008-2009 not means an increase in production, but only speaks of slowdown her fall(from 3.8% in 2008 to 1.7% in 2009).

In this task, you may come across a variety of indicators from different regions of Russia or countries of the world, but the mathematical basis for its implementation always remains the same: the table does not contain absolute (tons, cubic meters, rubles), but relative (percentage) indicators.

Thus, in the given task, the correct answer is: 13.

The book contains tasks of different types and levels of complexity on topics, knowledge of which is tested at the exam, as well as comments. All questions are answered. It will help to practice in completing assignments, repeat the material covered and effectively prepare for the exam. The book is addressed to high school students to prepare for the exam in geography.

Task 23

("Stages of the geological history of the earth's crust. Geological chronology"). 1 point

In this task, it is necessary to arrange the geological periods in the correct order. In principle, even learning their names is optional. It is enough to remember the mnemonic rule, which is known to every first-year student of the Faculty of Geology:

Table "Geological periods"

Geological periods

Mnemonic rule

To embryos

To every

O reddovik

O excellent

With ilur

With student

D ewon

D must

To arbon (Coal)

To suffocate

P erm

P onchiki.

T rias

YU ra,

M al.

P aleogene

P rinesi

H eogen

H quaternary

H eburek.

Note: there are two pairs of periods starting with the same letter (K e mbry and K a rbon; P e rm and P a leogen) In order not to get confused in their order, it is enough to remember that in the first of them the second letter is “e”, in the second “a”.

Thus, in the given task, the correct answer is: 123.

The manual contains training options that are fully consistent with the structure of the examination paper and compiled taking into account all the requirements of the exam. Each option includes tasks of different types and difficulty levels. Instructions for the implementation of the examination work, answer forms are given. In the process of working with the book, students can familiarize themselves with the structure of the test, complete it in real time, practice filling out forms, and also assess their level of readiness for the exam. At the end of the manual, answers to all tasks and assessment criteria are given. The publication is addressed to high school students to prepare for the exam in geography.

Task 32

(“Earth as a planet, the modern appearance of the planet Earth. Shape, size, movement of the Earth”). max 2 points!

Task 32 is one of the most difficult in the exam in geography. According to statistics, it is solved by less than 30% of those who took the exam. At the same time, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, if you strictly adhere to the algorithm for solving it.

In the first of the types of task 32, it is necessary to find the point at which the sun rises above the horizon earlier (or later). It depends on two factors:

1. Longitude points. The sun rises in the east, therefore, the further east a point is located, the earlier the sun will rise above the horizon in it.

2. Latitude of the point. The time of year is important here.

In the summer of the northern hemisphere (from March 21 to September 23), the length of the day will increase from the South Pole to the North, therefore, the further north the point is located, the earlier the sun will rise there.

In winter, everything changes exactly the opposite. The length of the day will increase when moving south, therefore, the further south the point is located, the earlier the sun will rise there.

In the above task, points A and B are located east of point C, therefore, at point C, the sun will rise later. Since points A and B lie on the same meridian, the time of sunrise will depend on the length of daylight hours in them. On December 20, the day will be longer at point B, because it lies south of point A.

Therefore, the sun will rise above the horizon at point B earlier.

Empirical hint: in about 85% of cases, the desired point is located "at the top" of the angle formed by the three points. Those. on one parallel with one of the points and on one of the meridians on the other.

Type 2. Determine in which of the points whose geographical coordinates are indicated in the table, on March 18 the Sun will be uppermost above the horizon at 15 hours GMT solar time. Write down the rationale for your answer.

1. Latitude of a point. The closer a point is to the equator, the higher the sun is above the horizon.

2. Longitude points. The closer the point is to the noon meridian, the higher the sun is above the horizon.

Thus, the main difficulty in performing this type of task is related to finding the noon meridian - the meridian on which it is noon at a given time. Because the circumference of the earth is 360°, and there are 24 hours in a day, then in one hour the earth rotates 360: 24 = 15°. Therefore, to find the noon meridian, you need to multiply the time difference between the zero and noon meridians by 15 °.

In the given task at Greenwich, 15 hours, therefore, the difference with the time of the noon meridian is 3 hours (15 - 12), and the degree measure of the latter will be (15 - 12) 15 ° = 45 ° W.L. The longitude is west because the noon meridian lies west of Greenwich (there it is already three o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun moves from east to west).

Points A and B lie closer to the midday meridian than point C. At the same time, point A is located closer to the equator, therefore, it is there that the sun will be located highest above the horizon.

Empirical hint: if you perceive information better in a graphical form than in a tabular one, then draw schematically on the draft two parallels and two meridians and place the indicated points at their intersections.

The exam in geography is somewhat different from the classic version, which provides for a detailed story and work with a map. But, despite this, schoolchildren pass the exam in geography quite successfully. Apparently the test version makes the task easier, and finding the right answers is much easier. But do not rely on this conditional lightness. The USE in geography still remains the final exam, on which the place at the institute depends. So don't be lenient on him. It is necessary to prepare for it as carefully as for other exams. After all, even one ball can deprive you of a budget place in the chosen one.

Trial online USE test in geography on the site

The educational portal site contains trial versions of online USE tests. Anyone can try their hand at one or another subject. On our site there are no restrictions on the time and number of times you pass tests. Each visitor to the site can test their knowledge and use the trial online USE test in geography to prepare for the real exam. After all, this does not require registration or SMS. And this distinguishes our educational portal from other services that provide their services only to registered users.

Benefits of online USE tests

Any training improves the final result, and online USE tests will contribute to the successful writing of the final exam. Experts in the field of psychology and pedagogy say that the exam is a huge stress. And it is stress that worsens the results in the exam. But frequent training in the USE format helps you get used to the situation and reduces the stress level at the final USE. And this has a positive effect on the points received. So everyone can practice in their free time. It doesn't even take a lot of effort to do this. Just take the test and test your knowledge. In addition, it is possible to identify weaknesses and forgotten material, who will allow timely elimination of gaps in knowledge. Such control of your knowledge does not take much time, but it has a positive effect on the results.

The science of geography contains knowledge about the world from the beginning of time to the present day. She knows the era of dinosaurs, all the great geographical discoveries, as well as the traditions and life of all the peoples of the Earth.

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