Task number 13 exam Russian language. Spelling of different parts of speech

Task 13 USE in Russian

Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words

Consolidated spelling:

    Compound words with a connecting vowel O or E

    Words without a connecting vowel, the first part of which is presented in the initial form (time-measuring)

    Words containing air-, agro-, aluminum-, asbo-, astro-, audio-, aero-, baro-, benzo-, biblio-, bio-, velo-, vibro-, saw-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, homo-, grapho-, deca-, dendro-, zoo-, iso-, quasi-, cinema-, cosmo-, pseudo-, litho-, macro-, mega-, meta-, meteo-, micro- , mono-, motto-, multi-, neuro-, neuro-, geo-, onco-, ortho-, pan-, paleo-, para-, pneumo-, poly-, pseudo-, psycho-, radio-, seismo -, socio-, spectro-, stereo-, tele-, thermo-, turbo-, tetra-, phyto-, photo-, phono-, evaco-, exo-, eco-, electro-, endo-, entero-, ethno-

    Compound words and abbreviations

    Compound words, the first part of which is a verb stem and ends in I

    Words formed from geographical names, written with a hyphen

    Words with the first part board-, words with the second part -meter, - count

    One of the parts is not used independently

    If you cannot insert AND or BUT between two adjectives

    Adverbs formed from the basis of O or E and an adjective or participle and used as terms

    Words without a connecting vowel, the first part of which is a cardinal number

    Included in compound words ninety, one hundred, a quarter, used in the form of the nominative case

    Derivative words from the word forty have a connecting vowel A (but: forty-leg, fortyOput, forty-mouth)

    Words two, three in the composition of compound words have the forms of two-, three-, two-, three-, tre-

    half- (semi-), if the word does not begin with a vowel, with the letter L or with capital letter

3) Adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions look in dictionaries and remember

Hyphen spelling:
1) Adjectives and nouns:

    Which are geographical or administrative names and begin with: north, south, south, east, west, north, east, south, west

    Complex terms naming devices, mechanisms, devices, professional concepts, with roots block-, vacuum-, diesel-, dynamo-, camera-, press-, stop-

    Dishes and plants


    Name of socio-political associations

    Names where the first word is common name, the second is more specific

    Plant names containing a verb or conjunction

    Formed from the bases of adjectives, between which unions AND, BUT can be inserted

    Denoting shades of colors

    Formed from a combination of a first name and patronymic, a first name and a surname or two surnames, etc.

2) Numeral names and words that have numerals in their composition:
FLOOR - (half), if the word begins with a vowel, the letter L, or an uppercase letter.

3) Adverbs:

    With the prefix something

    With suffixes -something, -either, -something, -the same

    With a prefix in - and suffixes -om (-him), -i

    With a prefix in- (in-) and a suffix –s (-s)

    with the same roots

4) Pronouns:

    With the prefix something

    With suffixes -something, -either, -something

-something, -either, -something, -ka, -de, -s, tka, -tko, -taki

Separate spelling:
1) Nouns:
If the words are Mini, Maxi come second

2) Adjectives:
If the adverb is quickly used in direct meaning
The word forever is always written separately (except for the word evergreen)

3) Numeral names and words that have numerals in their composition:
FLOOR - (half), if there is an adjective or pronoun between it and the word.
Quantitative combinations that include the word half

4) Adverbs, prepositions and particles should be looked up in dictionaries and memorized

Test options for task 13 from the Unified State Examination in Russian:

Try to solve them yourself and compare with the answers at the end of the page

Example 1:

(FOR) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed that Kirill's words at the meeting did not make any impression, but (IN) SOON it turned out that the whole department was discussing his speech.
(AT) THE BEGINNING of the young writer's novel it was difficult to judge the author's talent, but (AT) AFTER the readers appreciated his work.
Pavel Petrovich (NOT) ONCE helped his brother when he was tormented, thinking of HOW (WOULD) dodge and find the missing amount.
The thought of (ABROAD) BORDER, of the need to buy suitcases, tickets, choose a route, leads Oblomov, (B) UNLIKE his friend Andrei Stolz, into a state close to panic.
We (Little by little) moved forward and just as (SAME), as before, did not get tired of being surprised by the beauty of nature.

Example 2:

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Oh, WHAT (WOULD) I just not give in return for those moments of happiness! (WHY) WHY did I leave my homeland?
Orchid seeds, (B) DIFFERENT from ficus seeds, are (FOR) SO small that they look like dust.
We went down to the valley and, (AS) JUST found water, THAT (HOUR) stopped.
Be as polite in words as in deeds, say THAT (SAME) what you think.
At this moment, the sparrows THAT (SAME) noticed the danger and rushed (B) Scattered.

Example 3:

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FROM) HOW this meeting will go, a lot depends, (FOR) THIS I'm so worried.
On a sunny day, aspens gathered at the edge of the forest, AS (IF) they became cold and they went out to warm themselves, as in the villages people leave their houses and (IN) THE PLACE they sit on the rubble.
(FROM) WHAT do people not fly and (WHY) WHAT do they not have wings?
Ivan Petrovich stood with eyes closed HOW (WOULD) gathering with thoughts WHAT (WOULD) say final word.
Misha silently watched the arguing brothers, Vasily SO (SAME) (IN) DURING the entire discussion did not utter a word.

Example 4:

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) IN VIEW of the refractoriness and high chemical resistance of platinum, laboratory glassware is made from it, as well as corrosion-resistant parts of the equipment.
Poem " Mountain road”is perceived completely (ON) DIFFERENT, (ON) BECAUSE that feelings of anxiety, sadness, sadness come to the fore in it.
(B) THE COURSE OF LIFE Richter toured a lot in different countries world, (ATTENTION) the most interesting of his tour, he considered a concert tour of Russia.
(IN) TIMES A.S. Pushkin, the ballerina A.I. shone on the St. Petersburg stage. Istomin. She shines SO (SAME) in "Eugene Onegin".
(B) DURING the whole morning, Kirill did not leave the feeling AS (IF) the air was washed with spring water.

Example 5:

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(NOT) DESPITE the ambiguity in the interpretation of certain provisions, general theory Relativity is widely recognized (FROM) FOR its fundamental simplicity.
Salts, (ON) EXAMPLE, can be represented (B) as the results of the interaction of acidic and basic oxides.
(C) CONCLUSION It should be said that both Pushkin and Griboyedov managed to psychologically correctly portray the noble society of their time, (C) PARTICULARLY the Moscow nobility.
(FOR) AS MUCH the artist freely chooses methods and plans, then he, (WITHOUT) DOUBT, is free to be independent in his work.
(On) DO NOT WILL right decisions accepted (C) HOT.

Example 6:

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

WHAT (WHAT) the guest said, Katerina looked SO (SAME) strictly, as before.
Only with the recognition of Ilya Ilyich to Olga (AT) AT THE BEGINNING of the second part of Oblomov does the plot appear, and (FOR) THEN the action of the novel, which was absent in the first chapters.
(C) THE BEGINNING Marina was uncertain in the village and even, seeing Lena in the distance, she went into a tall, dense rye overgrown with cornflowers, THAT (WOULD) just not catch her neighbor's eyes.
Oblomov draws his ideal to Stolz family life with reference to spiritual requests unknown to his ancestors, but (B) GENERALLY maintaining the patriarchal-idyllic spirit: walks (B) TWO after a hearty breakfast, unhurried conversations with friends.
SOMEWHERE in the forest a long howl was heard, but (NONE) of the hunters even flinched.

Example 7:

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) IN THE BEGINNING of August, the heat is unbearable - even the most determined person is not able to hunt, the most devoted dog, exaggeratedly sticking out his tongue, humbly wags his tail, but (B) does not go BEFORE.
IF (IF) nature could feel gratitude to a person (FOR) THAT he penetrated into her life, exalted and glorified her, this gratitude would fall to the lot of Prishvin.
Quietly the sun sank behind the mountains, threw (TO) TOP farewell green beam, and Baikal (THOT) HOUR reflected in itself a delicate greenery.
Andrei Rublev was (TRULY) an outstanding master of ancient Russian painting, but little is known about him: (FROM) THAT distant time, only a miniature depicting the artist has been preserved.
NOT FOR ANYTHING in the world did Marusya agree to part with (FROM) ME.


    first, soon

    also, scattered

    why why

    in view also

    hastily, hardly

    first to

    Option number 4


    1) Not in a certain kingdom, but SO (SAME) and not in a certain state, but in my imagination there once lived a beautiful girl. SO (HOW) in every fairy tale it is necessary to draw the appearance of the heroine, then we, my dear reader, will try to do this.

    2) She was slender, lithe, (ON) GIRL charmingly clumsy. But what was most beautiful in her was the tenderness that emanated from her SO (SAME) simply, like light and warmth from the sun ...

    3) - Give me my baby as soon as possible, I will love her (B) TWO because she, poor thing, is so ugly. Let us pray that her bodily ugliness will be balanced by the wonderful gifts of the soul, heart and mind.

    4) The faithful people repeated the same thing when they heard about the ugly appearance of the newborn infanta. The people idolized her and (ON) EVERYWHERE saw her off with blessings.

    1) Her scales shone with gold, her fins were (BRIGHT) RED. And suddenly HOW (THAT) the forest immediately ended, and we came out of the fog.

    2) Multi-colored terry carnations bloomed, as well as (SAME) levkoy. (FOR) THEN dahlias, peonies and asters bloomed magnificently with their cold, arrogant beauty, spreading an autumn, grassy, ​​sad smell in the sensitive air.

    3) - WAIT (KA). Let me introduce you to the officers. With a groan, the stranger lifted (TO) UP his pale face, the features of which were escaping in the semi-darkness, and nodded his head.

    4) (DURING) the Polish uprising, he once refused to shoot prisoners, (NOT) DESPITE his personal order regimental commander.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) And the next morning, kind-hearted Erna collected (SOME) WHAT rare delicacies left over from yesterday's feast in a hand basket and went to the mountains to visit her wet nurse, to whom she was very passionately attached. It only seemed to her a little strange why the casket was so in plain sight: the nurse always took care of it in a secret place, and when, it happened, her milk daughter (B) had seen enough, she wrapped it in a piece of smart cloth and carefully hid it.

    2) Believe me, the same thing will be told to you by the person who is destined to become your husband. On the one hand, it (the shard of the mirror) was red, and on the other, it was silver, shiny and AS (IF) deep.

    3) Clouds wandered under her feet (B) in the form of thick gloomy fogs. Under her feet, the blue haze of the abyss darkened and the deaf roar of waterfalls was heard, as if hanging (C) TOP with white ribbons.

    4) (FOR) THEN said clear language gentle, grateful and admiring gaze of his black eyes. But (THAT) HOUR, his long eyelashes closed, a deadly pallor spilled over his face, and the young man fainted on the chest of Princess Erna.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) subtle hearing did not deceive Vera. She went (TO) THE MEETING. Vera, on the other hand, was strictly simple, coldly and a little (C) HIGHly amiable with everyone, independent and royally calm.

    2) The shore was not visible from the bench, and (FROM) THAT the feeling of infinity and greatness sea ​​space intensified even more. Do you remember the forest we have in Yegorovsky? .. How can he EVER (EVER) get bored?

    3) - EVERYTHING (I EQUALLY), I love everything, - Anna answered. - And most of all I love my sister, my prudent Veronka. However, EVERYTHING (TAK), let's go and see what we're doing there.

    4) Anna, greedily curious about everything, demanded WHAT (WOULD) be brought to her to show the gurnard. Plentiful black clusters, emitting a faint smell of strawberries, hung heavily between the dark, (SOME) WHERE greenery gilded by the sun.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) She raised her eyebrows (TO) TO THE TOP - an ugly face does the SAME (SAME) thing.

    2) He did not forget to tell Erne about the horoscope that the great French predictor Nostradamus made for him at his birth. I have too long legs, too small feet and hands, too high a waist, too big eyes of a nasty blue, not a wonderful yellow color, and the lips are curved (IN) THE LIKENESS of an onion.

    3) And in wild mountains in the NORTH (EAST) you will see (C) death STARTED, then blue star; She will shine on you for the rest of your life.

    4) I find him (son) handsome, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that he looks like you, looks like me and is not at all like my good compatriots. But (K) IN THE BEGINNING of September, the weather suddenly changed dramatically and quite unexpectedly.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Task number 13 (merged-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

    Option number 5

    Determine the answer option in which both underlined words are written TOGETHER. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    1) WHAT (THAT) unusual sound came to her (C) BOTTOM, through the rumble of the waterfall.

    2) The groaning man was SOMEWHERE very close, under the platform. He is SO (SAME) ugly, this unfortunate traveler, like me, like my glorious ancestor Ern the Great.

    3) (APPEARS) all three of us are of the same special breed. And (FROM) WHAT is the blood running so fast in my veins, my cheeks are burning and my heart is beating?

    4) Barely recovering, she (nurse) rushed (B) TRAIL to her dear daughter. Erna TO (SAME), as best she could, conveyed to Charles the history of her royal house.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) When close acquaintances gathered at the Sheins or Friesse, after dinner they usually played poker, AS (AS) both sisters were ridiculously fond of gambling. Prince Shein, (NOT) DESPITE his prominent position in society, and perhaps because of it, could barely make ends meet.

    2) And then it was as if standing in the air, not moving (B) FORWARD, a three-masted ship, dressed in uniform white slender sails, bulging from the wind. He always went unarmed, in an (OLD) FASHIONABLE frock coat, a cap with large brim and with a huge straight visor.

    3) If he (DURING) DURING the usual morning walk I had to meet with acquaintances, then passers-by for several blocks heard the commandant screaming and how his pugs barked in unison (B) FOLLOWING him. The wedding, according to the narrator, was a LITTLE (LITTLE) did not take place

    4) He was wanted (AFTER) two years later peaceful service resign, but Anosov was stubborn. He himself was once married, but so long ago that he even forgot about it.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) The entire population of the great city of Paris came out (TO) MEET the Crown Prince, whom everyone loved for his kindness, simplicity and generosity. And she held this conviction for a very long time, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that minstrels and troubadours praised the charms of her face and character in all parts of the world, and all the knights of the state wore blue colors for her eyes.

    2) It was pitiful, and sad, and disgusting to look through the muddy muslin of rain at this miserable belongings, which seemed so worn out, dirty and beggarly; on maids and cooks sitting (ON) TOP of the cart on a wet tarpaulin with WHAT (THAT) irons, tins and baskets in their hands, on sweaty, exhausted horses.

    3) She in many ways, imperceptibly for him, denied herself and, (TO) AS MUCH as possible, saved in household. The youngest - Anna - inherited the Mongolian blood of her father, Tatar prince, whose grandfather was baptized only (IN) THE BEGINNING 19th century and ancient family which ascended to Tamerlane himself.

    4) She was a (HALF) HEAD lower than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. AS (IF) I see for the first time a huge, solemn miracle.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) We got (C) START into the cloud, it was very damp and hard to see, and we all climbed (B) UP along the steep path between the pines.

    2) It happened that ANY (ANYWHERE misguided lieutenant, sent for a (LONG) TIME stint from such a backwater, where there was not even a guardhouse of his own, admitted that he, due to lack of money, was content from a soldier's boiler.

    3) But FOR (THAT) in the middle of the bracelet rose, surrounding SOME (THAT) strange little green pebble, five beautiful cabochon garnets, each the size of a pea.

    4) Anna (FROM) DALY, (IN) THE VIEW of gratitude, closed her eyes for centuries, and her sister immediately understood her.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) Oh, I totally understand. It must be SOMETHING very funny? All four laughed heartily, and this (BY) LITTLE drew guests here, not busy cards.

    2) Lying down on a stone and hanging his head (B) DOWN, Erna saw him. He (HALF) LAYED on the pointed top of the cliff, clinging with one hand to its ledge, and with the other to the thin trunk of a crooked mountain pine.

    3) On the sheet of the album there was a deliberately (FOR) CHILDLY drawn figure of a girl, with a face in profile, but with two eyes, with broken lines sticking out (IN) THE PLACE of legs from under the skirt.

    4) (AT) THE END he dies, but before his death he bequeaths to give Vera two telegraph buttons and a bottle of perfume - filled with his tears ... - You must have been (C) YOUNG very beautiful?

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Task number 13 (merged-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

    Option number 6

    Determine the answer option in which both underlined words are written TOGETHER. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    1) General Anosov, (NOT) DESPITE his protests, the sisters forced him to put on a coat and wrapped his legs in a warm blanket. “Grandfather, tell me frankly,” Anna asked, “tell me, did you experience fear (DURING) DURING the battles?

    2) Anna even involuntarily quite (FOR) CHILDLY spread her elbows on the table and laid her chin on the drawn heels of her palms. There was SOME cozy charm in his leisurely and naive narration.

    3) Here HERE (THAT) a terrible adventure happened to me. Once (IN) THE MORNING, when I got out of bed, it seemed to me that I was not Yakov, but Nikolai, and in no way could I reassure myself of that.

    4) (C) BEGINNING he had to be taught and corrected, but he quickly got used to the rules of poker, and it didn’t even take (half) an hour before all the chips were in front of him.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) During the war of 1877-1879, he very quickly rose to the rank of colonel, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that he was poorly educated, or, as he himself put it, he graduated only from the “bear academy”. You were married yourself. So, EVERYONE loved?

    2) Like many deaf people, he was a passionate lover of opera, and sometimes, (DURING) ANY (ANYTHING) languid duet, suddenly his resolute bass was heard throughout the theater: “But he took it clean, damn it! Just cracked a nut."

    3) But, yelling (TO) FULL, without any transitions and pauses, he inquired where the officer was getting dinner from and how much he pays for it. (C) THE BEGINNING was once: youth, revelry, cards, war ...

    4) When our campaign from those places followed, we gave an oath to a FRIEND (FRIEND) in eternal mutual love and said goodbye (ON) ALWAYS

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) At tea, a leg under the table AS (IF) accidentally touches you ... Anosov, who retained, (NOT) LOOKING FOR years, amazing vigilance, had to help his companion.

    2) - This Lyudmila Lvovna is funny, - the general suddenly spoke, as if continuing (B) HEARING the course of his thoughts. - Either he spies, gloats and gossips, or he climbs to arrange someone else's happiness, or he breeds verbal gum arabic (AT) ACCOUNT of sublime love.

    3) And then (BY) a LITTLE away, and nothing remained but contempt. - Have you ever seen (EVER such love, grandfather? - Vera asked quietly.

    4) (C) IN THE BEGINNING of his letters were vulgar and curiously ardent, although they were quite chaste.

    And a man disappeared ... in the meanest way ... He became a beggar ... he froze SOMEWHERE (THAT) on the pier in St. Petersburg.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) Suddenly (TO) MEET them there is a freight train. It goes very slowly (B)UP, along a rather steep slope.

    2) AT THE SAME time, a loud roar of a car was heard behind, and the road, pitted with wheels, shone with white acetylene light. She also (FROM) DALI heard loud voice brother Nikolai and saw his tall, dry figure, quickly scurrying from corner to corner.

    3) I insisted for a long time that (WOULD) stop these stupid letters. The matter, (IN) MY, goes beyond those boundaries where you can laugh and draw funny pictures ...

    4) - No, no, the bracelet must be sent back! exclaimed Vasily Lvovich. – I THAT (SAME) think so, – Vera agreed, – and as soon as possible... But at THAT (SAME) moment, as if not noticing his greeting, Nikolai Nikolaevich turned his whole body to Shein.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) Zheltkov (B) CONTINUED for several seconds gasping for air (AT) THE END, he uttered with difficulty, pointing to the sofa and bowing awkwardly: - I humbly ask. Sit down.

    2) - (FIRST) FIRST, let me return your thing to you, - he said and, taking out a red case from his pocket, he carefully laid it on the table. - She, of course, does honor to your taste, but we would very much ask you that such surprises should not be repeated again.

    3) Since then, he kept silent about love and began to write only (FROM) RARE: on Easter, on New Year and on her name day. Princess Vera told SO (SAME) about today's parcel and even almost verbatim conveyed a strange letter from her mysterious admirer ...

    4) - You see, Mr. Zheltkov, - continued Nikolai Nikolaevich, AS (AS IF) not having heard last words Zheltkov. I am very glad that I found in you decent person. - (I) SO, you said that you wanted to resort to the help of the authorities? ..

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Task number 13 (merged-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

    Option number 7

    Determine the answer option in which both underlined words are written TOGETHER. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    1) Sergei was a little terrified amid this majestic silence, in which his steps were heard so distinctly and boldly, but at the SAME (SAME) time, WHAT (THAT) tickling, dizzying courage was overflowing in his heart.

    2) There were several moments, (B) DURING which Sergey felt hesitation in his soul, almost fear. But he overcame these tormenting feelings in himself and whispered: - EVERYTHING (THAT) I will climb! Does not matter!

    3) (AT) THE END he could not stand it. His fingers clinging to sharp corner, unclenched, and he rapidly flew (B) DOWN.

    4) She is getting thinner and weaker every day. WHATEVER they do with her, she doesn't care, and she doesn't need anything. In a (HALF) HOUR he returns with an expensive, beautiful toy.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) He stumbled over the roots, fell, breaking his hands into blood, but immediately got up, not even noticing the pain, and again ran (B) FRONT, bending almost (B) TWO, not hearing his cry.

    2) It can be seen from the eyes of the German that he THAT (SAME) wants to ask if Nadya’s father has a headache ... But the father hastily explains what’s the matter: his only daughter, Nadya, is sick with WHAT (THAT) strange disease, which even doctors do not understand properly.

    3) The girl is not at all interested and even bored, but, WHAT (WOULD) not upset her father, she whispers meekly: - I thank you very, very much, dear dad. A tall, thin woman, with a haggard, tired face, as if blackened with grief, was kneeling near the sick girl, straightening her pillow and at the SAME time, not forgetting to push the rocking cradle with her elbow.

    4) The elephant again stretches out its trunk and blows warm strong breath into the very face of the girl, (FROM) WHICH the light hair on the girl’s head scatters in all directions. Then Mertsalov could LITTLE (SLOWLY) make out an old man of small stature, in a warm hat, fur coat and high galoshes.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) (B) FIRST for our long acquaintance, I began to hear this word from her. What it meant (FOR) CAT, I do not presume to say.

    2) Two flexible, dexterous bodies - a dog and a boy - quickly and gently jumped (B) DOWN onto the road. (B) NEXT they rushed, like a dirty stream, nasty, ferocious abuse.

    3) (B) IN THE BEGINNING of January, my father found a place, Mashutka got on her feet, my brother and I managed to get a place at the gymnasium at public expense. The elephant, which was taken to the menagerie at night, THEN (SAME) sees in a dream a sweet, affectionate girl.

    4) He stands (C) START on his hind legs, sits down, stands on his head, walks on wooden bottles, walks on a rolling barrel, turns the pages of a large cardboard book with his trunk. They always mix up SOMETHING (ANYTHING), forget it, and then start blaming each other ...

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) The German in surprise opens his eyes wide and even his mouth, (FROM) WHICH the cigar falls to the ground. And his face AS (IF) would immediately change, brighten up and become almost beautiful.

    2) Around him, (NOT) LOOKING AT the late hour, a large crowd. Tina was already running headlong there, (TO) MEET a whole crowd of kids, smiling, ruddy from the cold.

    3) To this end, Mertsalov ran around almost (HALF) OF THE CITY, begging and humiliating himself everywhere. He carried himself with such graceful, imperceptibly casual and at the same time majestic simplicity, which is characteristic only of people big light.

    4) Yuri heard him talking on the go about SOMETHING (THAT) to the owner asking him: - Please, my kindest Arkady Nikolaevich, do not ask. He played (ON) ALTERNATELY waltzes, polkas and quadrilles.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) He began to play, at first timidly, hesitantly, much worse than he played the first time, but (Little by little) courage and inspiration returned to him. The presence of that powerful and extraordinary person WHY (THAT) suddenly filled his soul with artistic excitement.

    2) He knew the road very well and therefore confidently ran all the time (B) FRONT. The Great Dane did the SAME with his tail and bared his white teeth widely.

    3) Jack defiantly twirled his tail (TO) TOP and began to slowly approach the stranger, pretending to look away.

    4) (IN) IN THE MIDDLE of the cage lay, stretching out a clever muzzle, an old white poodle. The poodle (APEARS) APPEARED to be philosophically stoic about his position.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Task number 13 (merged-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

    Option number 8

    Determine the answer option in which both underlined words are written TOGETHER. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    1) But SO (HOW) the greyhound and the dachshund joined Jack's request, the old man, not wanting to be impolite in front of the ladies, had to give some details. I am strong. I am stronger than all dogs in the world. They will recognize it even (FROM) DALY by my smell, by sight, by look.

    2) (C) CONCLUSION I will say that people are hypocritical, envious, deceitful, inhospitable and cruel ... This was reflected in that decisive push of his emaciated body, with which he jumped (TO) MEET the taken aback Jack.

    3) AT THE SAME time, Sasha squinted first one eye, then the other, collected (TO) TOP long wrinkles on his bald, sloping back skull, moved his lips comically and smiled in all directions.

    4) In order to understand each other, people need external differences, words, changes in voice, look and touch. And she, when we play, THAT (SAME) is not offended if I sometimes wag my tail and knock her down.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) He THAT (SAME) should now go down into the mine, but the people of his party have not yet gathered, and he is waiting for them. He also has the nickname "Mamkin", given to him (FOR) THE fact that, entering the service, to the question: "You, piglet, whose will you be?", He naively answered: "A mamkin!"

    2) Every now and then the old man pulled black freaks out of the net, rejoicing in them SO (SAME) sincerely and loudly, like me, a ten-year-old boy. And for each crayfish, he certainly sentenced SOMETHING funny before lowering it into a watering can.

    3) Vaska has only (HALF) YEAR since he came from a distant village. Only (SOME) WHERE in deep and narrow beams, between steep cliffs overgrown with sparse shrubs, wet bluish shadows still lie, reminding of the bygone night.

    4) Out of habit, I (C) START could not see anything. But (SLOWLY) the crowd dwindles, pouring into a narrow wooden door, above which is nailed a white plaque with the inscription: "Lamp".

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) A minute passes, another, (B) THE CONTINUATION of which nothing is heard, except for the puffing of the car and the clanging of the running chain, and another platform, but no longer with coal, but chock-full of wet, black and trembling people, flies out from under earth, accurately thrown (ON) TOP terrible force.

    2) When he speaks to a person, he looks him straight in the eyes with his cold eyes. big eyes, but he looks as if he is looking through this person WHAT (THAT) is visible to him alone.

    3) So, for example, Vanka the Greek arranged a boy in the very the best place on the bunk, feet to the stove, (NOT) LOOKING AT the protest of Uncle Cartilage, to whom this place used to belong. There (B) FAR away flashed the red fire of torches illuminating the lifting machine.

    4) A signal rang out, and at that (SAME) moment Vaska felt an extraordinary lightness in his whole body, as if wings had grown behind him. Trembling and rattling, the platform (B) BOTTOM flew.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) However, the Greek did not drop his miner's dignity for ANYTHING, betraying his morbid condition with ANYTHING.

    2) When he returned (FOR) the SECOND time empty, he was still (FROM) DALI struck by some strange sounds emanating from a lava hole.

    3) SOMEONE (THAT) moaned and wheezed, AS (IF) they would strangle him by the throat.

    4) (C) THE BEGINNING Vaska had the thought that the miners were fighting. Lights in the evenings big city, who ran high (ON) TO THE TOP, beckoned them like magical luminous eyes.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    1) Everything went on as usual, AS (IF) there was no war at all, no Sasha's captivity in Nagasaki. SO (SAME) the fishermen in giant boots celebrated the happy catch of the beluga and the thieves' girlfriends danced.

    2) According to old memory, Gambrinus was still visited by sea and port fellows from those whom the war did not entail (FOR) DEATH and suffering. Sashka (STILL) was clowning around, winking and collecting wrinkles on his forehead, but Madame Ivanova felt that he was pretending.

    3) (SOME) WHERE in the mine it was necessary to bend down, THAT (WOULD) not touch the low ceiling with your head.

    4) The well-known Leshka-accordionist, a thief by profession, but who decided, (IN) AS A CONSEQUENCE of marriage, to seek right ways. They THAT (SAME) ordered Sasha their oriental songs, consisting of a dull, nasal monotonous howl on two or three notes.

    ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    Chopin IMMEDIATELY (SAME) conquered the Parisian salons with his original and unusual performance, as well as (SAME) with his brilliant humor and brilliant improvisations.

    TO (WOULD) more fully experience the course of life, in the fall of 1877 Tchaikovsky leaves (FOR) BORDER: he lives for a long time in Italy, Switzerland, and France.

    Picasso's "Self-Portrait of an Artist with a Palette" and Picasso's "Girls of Avignon" have much in common: THE SAME facial expressions, the SAME eyes, similar color tones.

    (SO, speech etiquette- a universal phenomenon, but at that (SAME) time, each nation developed its own specific system of rules for speech behavior.

    The gift was prepared (B) SECRETLY from others, (B) HALF-VOICE talking in the evenings.

    Explanation (see also Rule below).

    Here is the correct spelling.

    Chopin IMMEDIATELY conquered the Parisian salons with his original and unusual performance, as well as with his brilliant humor and ingenious improvisations.

    TO more fully experience the flow of life, in the autumn of 1877 Tchaikovsky went ABROAD: he lived for a long time in Italy, Switzerland, and France.

    Picasso's "Self-Portrait of an Artist with a Palette" and Picasso's "Girls of Avignon" have much in common: the SAME facial expressions, the SAME eyes, similar color tones.

    SO, speech etiquette is a universal phenomenon, but at the same time, each nation has developed its own specific system of rules for speech behavior.

    The gift was prepared SECRETLY from others, talking in an undertone in the evenings.

    Abroad- a noun means: foreign countries, for example: trade with abroad, love abroad, live abroad; abroad will help us.

    Overseas, overseas- a combination of a preposition with a noun, means: in foreign countries, in foreign states; outside, outside the homeland, for example: live abroad, travel abroad.


    Live abroad and live abroad

    Rule: One-piece, separate and hyphenation words. Task 14.

    Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling various parts speech.

    According to the "Specification" in this task, knowledge of the most voluminous, most diverse and therefore the most complex material is checked. AT this section"Reference" will systematize the rules school textbooks, as well as supplemented with the information that is necessary for successful implementation USE assignments and mastery of practical literacy. The set of rules that will be analyzed is not accidental: the creation of the list was preceded by work on the study of tasks from past years, the FIPI bank, as well as printed publications, the authors of which are the creators of KIMs (Tsybulko I.P., Egoraeva, Vasiliev I.P. and others ).

    Table 1 contains the words distinctive feature many is the presence of homonyms, that is, words that sound the same, but have different spelling. To indicate parts of speech and explanations abbreviations used:

    noun - noun

    num. - numeral

    nar. - adverb

    places. - pronoun

    dep. - gerund

    n / n - derivative preposition

    n / n - non-derivative preposition

    a/c - introductory word

    fe - phraseological unit

    Bwould, bmerged only in union in order to. I went to bed earlier to don't miss the train. ( union = in order to would cannot be moved or removed) To not to be left without a certificate, you will have to study how the particle "by" is written. So that Don't forget, I'll write it down in my diary.
    separately in all other cases: What would should I read? ( local + frequent, would can be moved or removed.) Said would before; how would do not be late; what would did I do without you? I will return that would neither happened.
    ATafter allaccording to the rule of writing a particle - the same. Always with a hyphen.
    in the end

    unlike (difference)

    in the dark


    in general (not at all)


    all time

    does not matter

    no matter what

    always separate

    at the bottom

    double (triple...)

    back home


    always together

    due tomissed due to disease (n / n, \u003d because of)

    have in mind (FE)

    decoration as butterflies

    up, abovelook (where? adv.) up; located ( where? adverb) up

    aim (into what?) to the top(what?) tree, target ( )

    deep intoleave deep into (where? bunk.)

    leave deep into (what?) the woods ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    In the endto weaken In the end (as? adv., = final)

    rearrange the phrase In the end (what?) suggestions ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    instead, together

    to the place, to the place

    spoke instead of me ( n / n, \u003d for), together(adverb) with me. Impossible: instead of me

    get ( into what?) instead of fall, found ( where?) at the location ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    away, away

    in the distance, in the distance

    watch ( where?, adverb) into the distance; seen away (where? adverb.)

    into the distance ( what?, n/n + n. in Rod. case) seas; seen in the distance (what?) seas ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    at firstdifficult at first(when? nar.)

    at first ( what?) books ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word

    in timedo in time (when? bunk.)

    hurts during (what?) sleep ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    down, downfell ( where? bunk.)way down; located ( where? adverb)at the bottom

    take aim ( into what?) way down (what?) tree, target ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), at the (very) bottom of the mountain

    up tolearn up to am ( n / n, \u003d to)

    clothe ( into what?) in the flesh and blood ( noun+n/a)


    into dense

    come up back to back (as? adv., = very close)

    wrap up into dense paper ( what? adj.+n/a)

    rightturn right(where, adverb)

    into what? to the right possession of an inheritance noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    entitledentitled to know ( f/s, = has the right)

    share in(in what?) law apartment ownership ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), in criminal ( what?) right

    in continuation

    in continuation, in continuation

    a preposition that specifies a period of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

    Noun continuation in different cases with the preposition in: in continuation ( into what?) novel will introduce new characters. In the continuation of the novel in what?) we learn about their fates.

    firstsee first (when? bunk.)

    miss first days ( which? number+n/a)

    due to

    in consequence, in consequence

    flight delayed due to (n / n, \u003d due to) bad weather

    Noun consequence in different cases: intervene ( into what?) as a consequence(noun+n/a) ; errors in (preliminary) investigation(noun+n/a)

    afterwatch ( where, what?) after(adv.) for the outgoing train to go after him, after another ( n / n, \u003d for)

    to follow (to follow) noun+n/a)


    during, during

    a preposition that specifies a period of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

    Noun flow in accusative or prepositional with a preposition in: during ( into what?) rivers; ( about what) about the flow of the river.


    always the same

    ANDSameAlways separated by the particle rule. The particle contributes an amplifying value.

    Necessary same, tell same, how same possible as same, this is same wrong, one and the same same, then same most, at that same time, exactly same.

    Not to be confused with unions ALSO and ALSO (see table)

    Wwork and live abroad

    for lack of time or money

    at the expense (treat at the expense of the institution)

    always the same

    before dark

    always the same

    thenAdverbs and conjunctions:

    then (when? adv., = later) we will leave;

    Why asked? ( adv., = for what purpose?);

    small, but (union = but) smart.

    Pronouns with prepositions:

    I came for topics (which one?) a kitten that I liked; I got in line for topics (which one?) by a man who went to the window.

    Likewise: for how(namely) queue? ( local + n / a, = for which product?) For what (exactly) did you come back? For the keys.

    Likewise: I thank you for then(for what exactly?) that you helped me; I'm not offended then (for what exactly?) that you did not come, but for that ( for what exactly?) that deceived me.


    for often

    often no result ( adv., =often) for frequent change of mood ( for what? adj.+n/a)
    Andfrom afaralways together
    soSo let's start the lesson! ( introductory word)

    twisted so and so ( as? people + union); so (how so?) many times, so all time

    To-KAAlways hyphenated by the particle rule.

    Bring -ka, tell -ka, see -ka

    Toin a rowRepeatedly in a row (like, adverb = in a row) sneezed

    To a row(why, noun name + n \ n.) numbers, to a row acquaintances

    as if



    always the same

    LLi (particle)

    Always the same and separate.




    not far away

    Always the same


    always the same


    to a meeting

    go towards(where? bunk.); go towards(to whom?) friend (p / n)

    go on the(long awaited) meeting with a friend ( noun+n/a)

    finallyfinally he fell asleep adv., = after everything)

    postpone finally months ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


    to the front (rarely!)

    I know everything ahead(as? adv., = in advance)

    fell on the front cars ( )



    figure like ball ( n / n, = like)

    a task ( for what?) like triangles ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    for example

    for example

    Was, for example, (introductory word) is such a case.

    note on the(this) example (noun+n/a)



    destroyed half (adv., = partially)

    claim ( for what?) half at home ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    aboutto know about (n/n, =o) tickets

    put money on the(bank) check(noun+n/a), don't take it personally (FE)


    back (rare!)

    turn around back (where? bunk.)

    look on the(broken) ass car ( noun+n/a)

    up, up

    up, up*

    climb up(where? bunk.), upstairs (where? bunk.) it was cold

    climb to the top (what?) the mountains ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), on the ( how?) on top of a building, on top of bliss (figurative)

    violentlyviolently kept (how? adv., = with with great difficulty )

    hope on the(my) force (for what? noun+n/a)

    how much

    how much

    How much It's right? ( adv., = to what extent?)

    How much raise your pension? (local + n / a)


    so much

    so tired to sleep to what extent? bunk.)

    What number so much less? ( = for the same number, places + n / a)



    Maybe, it will be raining. ( introductory word = probably)

    Maybe business let's go! ( adj. + n / a, for what business? correct)

    to death

    to death

    beat to death(as? adv., = to death)

    They were sent on the(correct) death.(n.+n/a)


    on the head

    enemies are defeated utterly (as? adv., = final)

    bandage on the head (for what? noun+n/a)

    vying with each other

    for interruptions

    started talking vying with each other (as? adv., = interrupting each other)

    to complain on (permanent) interruptions water supply ( for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


    for cleanliness

    talk frankly (as? adv., = frankly)

    note for cleanliness in room ( for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    on the facedata on the face (ext., = available)

    apply cream on the(own) face (for what? noun+n/a)

    for a long timeleave for a long time(nah, for how long?)

    watch for a long time dancing girl ( dancing how? long, adv. + n / a)

    forever and ever

    forever and ever

    leave forever and ever(nah, for how long?)

    watch on the always neat girl ( neat when? always, adv.+n/a)

    in spite of


    fled, in spite of fatigue ( n / n, \u003d contrary to)

    fled, despite under your feet ( dep., = without looking)

    regardless of


    Regardless of fatigue, we went to explore the city ( n / n, \u003d contrary to)

    I tried to sit regardless of surrounding and hiding his eyes ( dep., = without looking)

    Ofrom there

    always the same

    from this

    always separate

    becauseI didn't receive a notice because and didn't show up. ( adv., = for this reason)

    From that who is not nice, and the gift is disgusting. ( from whom? local + n / a, \u003d from a person)

    pushed off from that shores ( from what? local + n / a, \u003d from adj.)

    from whatFrom what You did not sleep? ( adv., = for what reason?) Because it worked.

    From what did you refuse? ( local + n / a) From work, from the task.

    partlyPartly you are right. ( how much? adv., = partially)

    He refused from(larger) parts income. ( from what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)



    because the

    little by little

    one by one

    always together


    compared with)

    with the flow

    always separate

    andThe thing is beautiful and inexpensive. ( union, = besides, in addition)

    What does will you stay? ( local + n / a, \u003d with what?) At what ( local + n / a) Are the parents here, if he is to blame?

    besidesThe thing is beautiful besides inexpensive. ( union, = besides, in addition)

    At volume manual has an application. ( at what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.)

    becauseHe stayed because, who wants to know the truth. ( why? adv., = for that reason)

    go because shore ( on what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.) guessed because what I saw ( local + n / a, \u003d according to what he saw)

    whyWhy are you silent? ( adv., = for what reason?) Because I don't want to talk.

    Why are you doing? ( local + n / a, \u003d for which allowance?) According to Rosenthal's textbook. Why do you miss the most? In the summer, in the sun.

    that's whyworked a lot, that's why tired ( nar., why? for what reason?)

    study that's why textbook ( local + n / a, according to what? =adj.)



    it truly a rare thing. ( adv., = actually)

    People are bored on(real) truth. (noun+n/a)

    at first

    at the beginning

    miss at first (adv., = first time)

    guess on(to myself) beginning novel ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

    FROMwith time

    always separate

    immediately, right away

    always the same

    firstfirst think ( when? bunk.)

    Shouldn't the fairy tale start With(himself) start? (why? noun+n/a)

    at allat all not enough sleep ( as? adv., = perfect)

    left at all property ( with which? local + n / a)

    shoulderedswung shouldered(as? adv., = immediately)

    take off With(own) shoulder parrot ( why? noun+n/a)

    TTakiIt can be written either with a hyphen or separately.

    broke still, again still, directly still after verbs, adverbs, particles through a hyphen

    Me still hired, I still late - in all other cases separately

    immediatelyappeared immediately (as? adv., = immediately)

    has come that hour (local + noun, what time is it? that) when I saw you again

    Homonyms: there are unions too, also

    I too just like you, I'm learning foreign languages. (union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

    I have a cat and you too..

    I'm into music and also I love to read very much. ( union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

    The cat loves to sleep also hide in new packages.

    Homonyms: pronoun with a particle same. She amplifies the meaning, see SAME

    Meet at Same time. ( local + frequent, what time exactly?) - at that time; same

    Brother advised Same as you. ( local + frequent, advised what exactly?) - then; same you can omit it, replace it with a union and you can’t!

    You same way as young as ten years ago. (nar., how young?) - so; same can be omitted, replaced by a union and cannot).

    right here

    always separate

    Xat least, at least

    always separate

    Table 1 is based on the materials of the Russian language teacher Kryukova M.A. (website "Deep in the OGE and the Unified State Examination!")

    Adverbs are written through a hyphen, formed:

    1) from full adjectives or pronouns using a prefix on- and ending in -mu, -him, -tski, -ski, -i

    act in a friendly way sing in a Kazakh way live in a new way do it your own way in a hare cowardly

    2) from ordinal numbers to -oh, -them using an attachment in- (in-)

    secondly thirdly fifthly

    3) by repeating the same word or root, complicated by prefixes, suffixes

    barely, exactly the same day-to-day, more or less

    4) by combining synonyms

    unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I’ll pick up, I’ll say hello to

    5) using a prefix something and suffixes something, something, something

    somewhere, sometime, somewhere, anywhere

    Semi- is always written together: crescent, half a year.

    For the correct completion of the thirteenth task of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, graduates can receive one primary score. To do this, write out two words from the sentence that satisfy the condition. The task contains only such parts of speech as conjunctions, particles, prepositions, pronouns, adverbs and allied combinations. It is important to be able to distinguish between the meanings of homonymous words, which will help the following theoretical material.

    Theory for assignment No. 13 USE in the Russian language

    Spelling of different parts of speech

    SlitnoSeparatelyThrough a hyphen
    UnionsBecause, because, since, because, but, why, also, too, moreover, moreover, as if, as if, so that, then so that, ifAs if, that is, since, if, as if, or, due to the fact that, then ... then,
    Allied combinationsDue to the fact that, due to the fact that,not that... not that
    PronounsNobody', nothing',From someone, from somethingSomeone (-someone, -or, -someone, something)
    Not who, not what, not whatwith no one, with no one,
    the same as; the same, the same, the same
    AdverbsFrom everywhere, from now on, in part, in general,Tirelessly, side by side, eye to eye, in general, so far, abroad, abroad, everything is the same, exactly the sameSomehow (something, -something, something, something),
    soon, in an undertone, alone, in advance, at first, at first, at first, little by little, completely, why, then, immediately, immediatelyRussian, I think
    hare, firstly,
    barely, barely, barely, today or tomorrow,
    de jure, de facto
    PrepositionsAs a result, due toDuring, in continuation, in conclusion, in contrast, in order, in force, in measure, in the form, in the field,Because of, from under, over
    towards, aboutthroughout, with respect to, except for,
    like, followingon account,
    over, instead of,not to mention
    inside, in view
    in spite of,
    regardless of
    ParticlesEven, really, reallyWhether, would,Anyway, let's
    just what for

    Derivative prepositions / nouns with a preposition

    derived prepositionNoun with preposition
    -during the winter- in the course of the river = in the fast flow of the river
    -in two hours
    In continuationIn continuation
    Answers the questions “How long? When?"An adjective or participle can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    - for a whole week-in the sequel of the movie = in the long-awaited sequel of the movie
    - for two months
    Due toIn consequence, in consequence
    Can be replaced by the preposition "because of"; answers the question "Why?"An adjective or participle can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    - due to illness- in the investigation of the case = in the long investigation of the case
    -to the investigation of the case = to the sensational investigation of the case
    TowardsFor a meeting
    Can be replaced by the preposition "to"; answers the question "Where?"
    - towards him- to meet a friend = to a long-awaited meeting with a friend
    In view ofKeep in mind
    Can be replaced by the prepositions "because of" and "because of"; answers the question "Why? From what?"Set expression
    due to bad weather
    AboutTo account
    Can be replaced with the preposition "o (about)"An adjective can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    - make arrangements for a trip-to the fund's account = to the fund's bank account
    Can be replaced with the preposition "like"I mean the geometric term
    - like lunch
    FinallyIn custody
    Can be replaced by the words "completing, in the end, in the end"An adjective can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    -in custody = in strict custody
    FollowingTrack to track
    It means "where"Meaning "for"
    -we watched the departing train-Children follow each other

    It is important to remember spelling following words: in connection with, in contrast to, after (= behind), in the middle, near, instead of, throughout

    Derived prepositions / gerunds

    Conjunctions/pronouns with a particle

    UnionPronoun with particle
    ToWhat would
    Can be replaced by unions "in order to, in order to"; "would" can not be removed from the phraseCan be replaced by a noun; "would" can be rearranged
    -I came to tell you = I came to tell you-I asked what else I should read = I asked what book I should read = I asked what else I should read
    Also, alsoSame, same
    You can replace the union "and", putting it at the beginning of the sentence; "same" can not be removed from the phrase"yes" can be rearranged
    - I also saw this movie = and I saw this movie-I have also read this book = I have read the same book
    ButFor that
    Can be replaced by the union "but""that" can be replaced by a noun, adjective or adverb
    - we rarely see each other, but often call each other = we rarely see each other, but often call each other- don't take on things you don't like = don't take on things you don't like
    Can be replaced by the words "to sum up, therefore"It means "very"
    - so, we can say that = summing up, we can say thatWe were tired and so hungry that we decided to stay at a hotel.
    BecauseFrom that
    Meaning "because"Can be replaced by a noun with a preposition
    -it happened because = it happened because-from what he will do = from the act that he will do
    Moreover, andAt the same time, at what
    Can be replaced by the words "in addition", "at the same time""volume" can be replaced by an adjective
    -it works quickly and also qualitatively = it works quickly and also qualitatively-at that building there is beautiful garden= at tall building there is a beautiful garden

    Task execution algorithm

    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language.
    3. Write down the correct answer.

    Analysis of typical options for task No. 13 USE in the Russian language

    The thirteenth task of the 2018 demo

    1. (FOR) BECAUSE L.N. Tolstoy, his relatives could guess (ON) HOW hard his brain is working now.
    2. From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright.
    3. (B) CONSEQUENCE, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting "Bogatyrs", in which V.M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civic understanding of Russia.
    4. Physical properties interstellar gas essentially depend (FROM) on whether it is in comparative proximity to hot stars or, (IN) REVERSE, is sufficiently distant from them.
    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
      • (FOR) BECAUSE L.N. Tolstoy, his relatives could guess (ON) HOW hard his brain is working now.- FOR THAT we write separately, since this is a preposition with a demonstrative pronoun; HOW we write together, since it can be replaced by the pronoun HOW.
      • (C) SUBSEQUENTLY, scientists found that magnesium plays important role in the regulation of the level of potassium in the body, and ALSO (SAME) regulates the work of the adrenal glands.- AFTER we write together, since this is an adverb that can be replaced by an adverb THEN; We ALSO write together, since it is impossible to omit the particle SAME without losing the meaning.
      • From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright.- AS if we are writing separately, since the particle can be omitted without loss of meaning; IMMEDIATELY we write together, as it can be replaced IN THE SAME INSTANT.
      • (B) CONSEQUENCE, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting "Bogatyrs", in which V.M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civic understanding of Russia.- AFTER we write together, since we can replace THEN; We write the SAME separately, since it is possible to omit the particle without losing the meaning.
      • The physical properties of interstellar gas essentially depend (FROM) THAT whether it is in relative proximity to hot stars or, (ON) REVERSE, is sufficiently remote from them.- FROM THAT we write separately, since this is a preposition and demonstrative pronoun, which can be replaced by a noun; On the contrary, we write together, as it can be replaced with an adverb OPPOSITE.
    2. Write down the correct answer: subsequently, also.

    The first version of the task

    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
      • We decided to go (IN) THIS alley, BECAUSE (BECAUSE) it is quiet: there is no traffic here at all.- both words are written separately; “because” is a union, and “for this” is written separately, since this is not an expression of a consequence and is the word “lane”.
      • (C) DEPENDING on the situation of communication, people behave (ON) DIFFERENTLY.- “depending on” is always written separately, and “differently” is hyphenated.
      • (NOT) ALWAYS we understand the meaning of toponyms, (FOR) OFTEN sounding strange to the ear of a modern person.- "not always" is never written together; “often” is written together, but the task says that both words in the sentence should be written together.
      • (THIS) HOUR, he strives to achieve his goal at WHAT (WHAT) IS POSSIBLE.- it is written together “now”, replaced by the combination “on this moment»; but "by all means" is always written separately.
      • Set an alarm clock, (WHAT) WOULD NOT oversleep and get up (FOR) EARLY.- “to” is written together, as it is replaced by the combination “in order to”. “Early” is an adverb that is always spelled together.
    3. Write down the correct answer: to, early(Remember to write your answers without spaces or punctuation marks on the exam).

    The second version of the task

    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
      • Nobody travels THIS path, BECAUSE the road here is in disrepair.-"On this path" - separately; can be replaced, for example, with the combination "the old way". "Because" - again, separately.
      • (TO) THE MEETING we were late, although (FROM) DUE TO the snowfall we left the house an hour earlier.-“For a meeting” - separately, since you can replace “for a business meeting”, or “for important meeting”, and “due to” is written with a hyphen, as it indicates the reason.
      • AND(SO), (C)CLOSING let me thank you for your cooperation.- “So” is written together, but “in conclusion” - separately.
      • (B) SEE unstable political environment a trip to Egypt, planned by us (ON) HURRY, had to be postponed.- “In view of” is written together - it is replaced by the word “because of”; "hurriedly" - an adverb, written together.
      • (B) GAVE from civilization you AS (IF) are aware of all the imperfection of our modern world.- "away" is written together (replaced by "far"), but "as if" - always separately.
    3. Write down the correct answer: I mean, hastily.

    The third version of the task

    Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
      • WHAT (WHAT) they say about Russia abroad, but the country has long been (NOT) THE same as it was in the 90s.- “Whatever” and “not that” are written separately: in the first case, “would” can be rearranged - “whatever they say about Russia”, and in the second it is simply impossible to write together.
      • I tell you the SAME thing that Andrei, WHAT (WOULD) you have the same information.- “The same” is written separately, but “in order to” is written together, we replace it with “in order to”.
      • (APPOINTINGLY) Alexey did not hear what I answered him, (FOR) BECAUSE he repeated his question.- “Apparently” - an adverb that we write with a hyphen; “because” is merged as part of the union “because”.
      • Pushkin (THAT) HOUR became addicted to billiards, although he did not become a serious player (SO).- "Immediately" - an adverb, written together; "So and" are written separately.
      • My sister sang (B) HALF A VOICE, I THAT (SAME) began to quietly sing along.- The last sentence remains; "in an undertone" is always written together; We also write “too” together - we replace it with the union “and”.
    3. Write down the correct answer: in an undertone, too.