All Light Diploma. Appeal to Representatives of True Religions - Buddhists, Muslims, Orthodox

This is the Diploma of Everything about Everything, that is, Divine Knowledge in All Their Diversity and Harmonious Development.

What do the letters of the AllYA Light Diploma represent?

Planar mappings of Bukov VseYaSvetnoy Diploma are graphs of extremal mappings of multidimensional biological objects, each of which has its own gamut of color, sound, taste and other characteristics and is a "cut, private projection" of the Single "tangle" of the matter of the Universes and the Universes.

When and how did flat writing appear on planet Earth?

On the planet Earth, planar representations of the Books of the Diploma of Russia All the Light have been known for 7508 years. Until that time, People sacredly kept their Creation in the Image and Likeness of God and, therefore, had the opportunity to store the Knowledge of Everything about Everything in every Person. Here it is appropriate to recall that planar writing was given to people as a cheat sheet for stupefied humanity. Real, i.e. Biological Civilizations perceive the surrounding world in all its multidimensionality.

How many Beeches are in the Alphabet of the All-Light Literacy?

For the Matter of one limit of the speed of Light it is necessary to know 147 Beeches. In the Diploma of Russia of the All-Light, sigmatizing the Alphabets of the Worlds with different limits of the speeds of Light - 1234 Bukovs.

How much time does it take to study the All-Light Literacy?

You can get acquainted with the Bukovs, Having competently read our Alphabet, but They cannot be thoughtlessly memorized. It is necessary to feel each Bukova, try to see Her in color and volume, touch the multidimensionality of the Universe, the Universe inscribed in Her and described-built with Her participation. It is necessary to realize the necessity and importance of each Bukova so that they can become friends and helpers in Ascent. How quickly such skills will appear depends on the Kind of Generic (-Genetic) Memory of a Human, on the real desire to bring the acquired Knowledge into the surrounding World for His Benefit. Opportunities and Abilities that are restored when studying Literacy can only be used for Good, Hard Deeds.

What will the study of the All-Light Literacy give me and my loved ones?

The study of the All-Light Literacy gives the possibility of Ascension in Spaces and Times. At the "everyday" level - this is the feeling of one's Necessity and Significance, because. Conscious Perception of God's World helps to find one's unique place in this World, to understand the Task for which a Man is Born. Social disorder, loss value orientations and departure from spiritual development lead to nervous breakdowns and tragedies, Life filled with the Joy of understanding its need for the Universe, the Universe acquires a specific Meaning. A person who is familiar with the All-Light Diploma cannot stand aside from real, even unsettled yet, life, he tries to make it better, using the Opportunities that the Diploma of Life-Building opens up. Purity of thoughts, freedom of brains from clichés, avoidance of flat thinking contribute to the competent organization of the Human psyche and an adequate, reasonable reaction to events of both material and spiritual manifestations. One World.

What does the creation of Man in the "Image and Likeness of God" mean?

Briefly: "Image" - Divine Life Structure, filled with Solar (Light-Dawn) Thinking. "Likeness" - the Basis (-Under) of the Divine Life-Building for the Rightful Ascent of the Teacher-Student Bio-System (-Obie). Man is the Sigmamation of the n-th number of atoms and molecules of the Substances of the Universe, organized by the Spirit-Mind, i.e. Man is a particle of the Lord; moreover, the Spiritual-Soul and Flesh-Bodily Principles are God Himself in relation to the underlying Steps of the Mineral, Plant, Animal and other Worlds. Therefore, the Human Responsibility to Nature and the Living Organism of our Planet is so great. True People are the Hubs of the Universes.

What are the ways out of the technocratic impasse into which the humanity of the planet Earth has driven itself?

Mastering the All-Light Literacy gives People huge Biological Opportunities, such as, for example, in Consistency with the Weather, accelerated cultivation of forests and crops without the use of technology, real restoration of the planet's ecology, treatment of People and other Representatives of the Environment, restoration of lost organs without medical technologies, etc. At the first stage of the approach to Biologicality, it is possible to use true Bio(technologies), i.e. the benefits from the use of which many times exceed the damage caused to Nature and contribute to the replenishment and multiplication of the debt taken from Nature.


We are starting to publish materials dedicated to our ancient ABC, the All-Light Literacy.

The influence of the Beeches of the All-Light Letter (symbols) on man, the Earth and the Universe is enormous. Any Bukova (symbol), in addition to its visible, audible and felt form, carries an invisible, inaudible and imperceptible, hidden meaning and content. Reduction in the number of Bukov (characters of the Diploma) and the cessation of their use in Everyday life leads to the curtailment of the field structure of Bukov, and, as a result, to the curtailment of the field structure of a person and his spiritual impoverishment. As a result, the connection with the primary Living Source is lost, the connection with the Family is lost, which ultimately leads first to the illness and death of the person himself, and then to the people. "If you want to destroy a people, destroy their language."

But the opposite is also true - in order to revive a person and a people, it is necessary to revive our language, our ancient ABC. The study and use of the ABC allows you to restore the inner integrity of a person, awaken the Tribal memory, feel unity with the Universe and become spiritually and physically healthy and happy.

At present, the specialists of the Methodological Center Tree of the Family are working on the restoration of the Original Letter. At seminars and practical classes, which are held in our Center, you can not only learn more about our ancient ABC, but also really be convinced of its beneficial effect on a person.

Any reprinting and copying of these materials is welcome provided that the authors are indicated and a link to the site http: // site

For all questions and proposals for cooperation, please contact Alexander Doroshkevich by e-mail: [email protected] website


about the semantic impact on the field structures of biological objects


« If you want to destroy the people - destroy their language».

Shishkov Alexander Semenovich [ [i] ]

« If you want to revive a single people, revive its single language and write it in the Constitution».

People are being zombified by all sorts of methods and programs, some of which have already been described, and therefore they can be resisted, while the other has not yet been described, so it is impossible to resist. Therefore, we will describe a few more savage methods that few people have thought about in order to resist this type of zombie. This is one of the linguistic, semantic (in Russian linguistic) methods.

Any Bukova (symbol), except for its visible, audible, felt form, carries an invisible, inaudible, imperceptible hidden ( magical, marvelous, trusting, hidden, witchcraft, confidential, magical, mythical, invisible, secret, invalid, inaccessible, illegal, undiscovered, unreal, non-existent, implicit, hidden, sacred, secret (top-secret), fabulous, fantastic, enchanting, enchanting , miraculous, miraculous, secret ) meaning, content, meaning, use, and so on, as well as their codes and their sounds. From each Bukova (symbol) comes its own remote longitudinal and transverse wave, own sound, own tonality and others specifications these waves.

After the change in the visible form of the Bukov (symbol), the applied fonts automatically change the directions of energy flows, their saturation and relationships, both between different energies, and one energy considered in time. Each Bukova (character) of the alphabet (ABCs, Diplomas) is like a pixel (light-sensitive point) in a camera. The more pixels, the better the photo, the clearer and smoother the image with multiple magnification, the more small nuances that are invisible can be reflected without magnification. Accordingly, the fewer pixels (read: Bukov (characters)), the lower the quality of not only the image, but also everything perceived.

Reducing the number of Beeches (symbols) of the alphabet (ABCs, Letters) - ceasing to use them in practice - people shorten and collapse first the field structure of Beeches (symbols), then the alphabet (ABCs, Letters), and after them everything inside a person, and then the whole surrounding person, including Nature, Earth, Cosmos, because everything at the field level is inseparable or weakly separable from each other.

Our group has been photographing field structures since the lifetime of Academician Anatoly Fedorovich Okhatrin different objects(biological and non-biological), at the same time their influence on the objects themselves and the event series associated with them is studied. We have a fairly large photo library of field structures of various scales, from a specific detail to the entire globe.

If you can photograph any object, then we can get its field structure. If we have one photo, then we will get a planar version of a part of the structure, in which it is difficult, but it is already possible to reveal some kind of structure. If there are many photos from different angles of the same object, then volumetric structure can be revealed.

With the help of field structures developed by a conventional camera, you can:

  • determine the quality of objects, find even future defects in them;
  • see the invisible with the eye;
  • see at any depth, under the cover of any thickness (earth, water, air, and so on).

Field structures allow you to identify any object with absolute accuracy. Semantic structures have similar possibilities.

According to higher mind in our MetaGalaxy (Universe) at the time of the creation of Mirgrad (from which only solar system , and from Russian folk tales and fairy tales, it is known as “Far Far Away Kingdom, Thirtieth State”), 9.3x10 18 (9'358'767'542'390'764'198) Beeches (characters) were used, which were not divided into “ secular" (read "Swedish") and "sacred" (secret). It was from them that the Creator created words, in which there were from 75 to 49’154’518 letters (symbols). Each Bukova is formed star clusters- constellations, in which from 546 to 42'951'127 ​​stars, forming in a letter (symbol) from 20 to 9'753'441'914 frequencies. From these words, sentences were created in which there were from 27 to 1.4x10 13 (14’182’743’531’127) words. Thus, the program for the creation of all Existing was drawn up. It was according to the same source 9.7x10 16 (97’654’969’906’279’876) years ago.

Remember the prophetic words of Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich about the 33 heroes (read - Bukovs):

« Every day there is a miracle:

The sea rages violently

Boil, raise a howl,

Will rush to the empty shore,

Will spill in a quick run -

And stay on the beach

Thirty three hero,

In scales of golden grief,

All handsome young

The giants are gone

Everyone is equal, as in selection;

old uncleChernomor

With them comes out of the sea

And brings them out in pairs,

To keep that island

And bypass the watch -

And that guard is not more reliable,

Neither brave nor diligent». [ ]

Even these 33 heroes (Beeches, symbols) were enough for Guidon not only to defeat evil, to restore the truth with truth, but also to punish the guilty, but in this case they are obliged to stand in line according to the zero version of the Creator. Managed by the old uncle Chernomor, if they line up according to the first version (perversion - read - perversion), then they can reduce everything to lies, untruth, misrepresentation, and if according to the second version (read - sabotage), then they can bring on their enemies The Black Sea became a dead language that destroyed its speakers.

Now imagine the army of the Creator, which even the Bible mentions: “ Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them ”(see Genesis 2:1), of which there are far from 33 Bogatyrs, but 9.3x10 18 (9’358’767’542’390’764’198) Beeches, symbols. The SpheroDerzhava already has 700 such heroes in service, and there are at least five thousand more in reserve in the armament stage.

And then the wars of the forces of Evil and Darkness against the forces of Light began, which was reflected not only in the language, but even in the letters (symbols), as can be seen from Table No. time, the people have 33 Bukovs (symbols) left, and even then they are “Secular”, i.e. unsuitable for practical use due to poor recognition.

The existence of this ABC (Charter) was known to:

  • philosophers: Aristotle, Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates,
  • scientists: Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich, Lomonosov,
  • writers People: Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich, Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich, Tyutchev Fedr Ivanovich, Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich,
  • and others.

The source of information was the lectures of 1990-2005 on the history of the Russian language by Academician Shubin-Abramov A.F., custodian of the All-Light Diploma, chairman of the All-Russian public organization "All-Light Diploma". What is this Diploma about?

These Bukovs are the Living Elements of the Construction of all Matter and Ascension, They are Teachers, and Healers, and Warriors, and in general Life Itself. Of these, the Words of both True Blessing and the bitterness of damnation are composed, which both act directly.

From this ABC (Diploma) remains:

  • five thousand years ago 56 letters;
  • at the time of Cyril and Methodius, about 1000 years ago - 46 letters;
  • from Peter I to Old Church Slavonic alphabet left - 37 letters;
  • after 1918, 33 letters remained.

The Creator created our Universe, Nature and Man with the help of the Single Holistic Language, which scientists call the Proto-Language. It contains main principle"recognition": "like recognizes like" . To describe the beginnings according to which the World is arranged, a strict symbolic system is needed, which is a kind of synthesis of language and mathematics - no other is given. The Creator could not create without having mathematical language descriptions and programming of creation. If this Language is the basis for the design of Living Nature, then it is recognizable in Nature and with its help it is possible to control Living Systems or influence them in the desired direction. This language has been found and, as expected, it is the Living Language of Nature, the language of geometry, mathematics, programming, biology, psychology, sociology and other sciences. This is confirmed by Russian folk tales (tales):

  • "About Turnip" - the theory of pure numbers,
  • "Ryaba Hen" - the theory of matrix full numbers,
  • "Mashenka and the Bear" - the connection of Biomatrices with the bases of numbers and integer Biomatrices,
  • and so on.

Children's counting rhymes and folk proverbs converted into mathematical formulas.

Russian Language is dressed in impenetrable mathematical armor. Its quantitative alphabetical composition for today already has more than 700 Beeches, which have the exact origin, style and color. With its help, many “unsolvable” problems of antiquity were solved, the biblical “miracles” of Jesus Christ were unraveled, it was irrefutably proved that the Bible itself could only be written in the Slavic Language and its name directly means the coding of the Twelve-decimal counting system according to the rules of the Russian Language and Russian mathematics. A new "miracle" arises - where did the exact mathematical data come from in the Bible and how did Christ himself know Russian sacred knowledge, about which modern "science" knows nothing?

In 2009, UNESCO recognized 136 languages ​​in Russia as endangered.

Note that languages ​​are dying along with their speakers, and the revival of the original language of the Creator is not mentioned.

Therefore, our group asked the question: How could the Lord "mix" one language so that from one get many Languages ​​and many Nations?

Of course, the first thought admits that from such a wealth of the ABC of the Creator, the Lord could receive many languages ​​by dividing it into parts. But there is no mention of such actions. This means that the Lord himself was admitted only to a part of this alphabet (Charter), which he " mixed».

The action "interfere", "mix" are rotational movements.

Imagine that you have a homogeneous porridge at your disposal, which you turn into many different porridges by mixing with a spoon. It seems incredible, but it's a fact.

And here the second thought arises that by rotational movements of the same initial symbols, not by a different number of degrees like the Creator, but by a different number of revolutions, he received many alphabets, by which he divided a single people into many nations that did not understand each other.

That is why we took for the base nine(9) different alphabets:

1. English alphabet (Mother tongue: 309-400 million; Second language: 199-1400 million);

2. Greek alphabet (over 13 million);

3. Latin alphabet;

4. Jewish alphabet;

5. Chinese alphabet (1.3 billion)

6. Modern Secular (Swedish) Russian alphabet;

7. Old Slavonic or Church Slavonic alphabet;

8. All-Light Diploma of Abramov-Shubin;

9. Original Diploma - Diploma of God (Creator), restored by SD SVR (SpheroDerzhava "Holy Great Russia").

These alphabets include most of the human population of our Planet.

Accordingly, we proposed to check the influence of symbols (letters, hieroglyphs, and so on) that are identical in image, sound and meaning and their influence on a person and his Constitution, including the IEO-Constitution (NOO, Greek. nous- intelligence).

First by graphic image and likeness- by shape (topology and type of font, taking into account the change in the width and length of the line, the difference in angles and radii), by color (monochrome, color);

Then by sound image and likeness- by sound (topology and type of sound, taking into account the qualities of sound and intersound);

Then by semantic image and likeness- filling with something specific (meaning, meaning, interpretation, and so on) graphic, sound and other image and likeness.



Latin letter A: squeezes the throat, creates a dull resonance in the auricles, drowns out the sense of touch, dies the cartilage in the cervical spine.

Due to what comes the negative from this letter?

- rotation around the axis, transition to a number, smell, color and vice versa, return to a consolidated letter obtained as the sum of abbreviations, smell, color, connection with viruses, fungi, plants, trees, stones (minerals), elements of the periodic table and so on, reduces energy, creates distortion in information fields, kills vocal cords (low frequencies create tissue necrosis).

How many revolutions are the Letters A of the languages ​​indicated above from the letter A of the Original Letter of the Creator?

1. Original Diploma - Diploma of God (Creator), restored by SD SVR - 0 revolutions.

2. All-Light Diploma of Abramov-Shubin - 12 turns;

3. Old Slavonic or Church Slavonic alphabet - 64 turns;

4. Greek alphabet - 120 revolutions;

5. Modern Secular (Swedish) Russian alphabet - 128 revolutions;

6. Latin alphabet - 360 revolutions;

7. English alphabet - 580 rpm;

8. Jewish alphabet - 578 rpm;

9. Chinese alphabet - 298 rpm;

By the way, let's take dead Latin. All “medicine”, biology has been translated into it, Latin terms are crowded in mathematics, physics ... What does this lead to? In the clinic, you get a “case history”, and they call you nothing more than “sick”. Where is health? Recipes and diagnoses in Latin. Names of medicines in Latin. As a result, we are already witnessing a massive primitivization of the population of Europe and America, this has come to us under the guise of a “need” to learn, first of all, English. English tongue with his 580 turns, leads to the defeat of consciousness.

An analysis was carried out to determine the influence of the number of borrowings from foreign dialects when they are used as part of the native language. It turned out that at five percent borrowing language, and with it the unprepared consciousness begins to collapse, critical point(irreversible impact) is 34-35 percent. The following options have also been tested:

1. A Slavic Child from the age of 3 learns only his native language in the modern alphabet.

2. A Slavic Child from the age of 3 learns a foreign language along with his own.

3. A Slavic Child from the age of 3 years to 25 years old learns only his native language in the Slavic Protoalphabet, and the correct basic system knowledge.

In the first version, by the age of 25, the development of consciousness and worldview of the child to some extent corresponds to the values ​​​​accepted (it is not known by whom) - consciousness 3-5 percent, subconscious 95-97 percent, synchronous work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain 5-10 percent. Genetic changes and suppression of ancestral inheritance in to a large extent depend on the quality of education and the culture of the environment, in the modern school, students are taught a completely falsified system of "knowledge". Only a few can break through to a higher level of spiritual development.

In the second variant to 25 years we get a pure "biorobot". He is depressed the immune system, the functions of childbearing are violated, tribal memory is suppressed, the foundations of morality are destroyed, mental activity is reduced to flat binary thinking, imagery and perception of the world does not go beyond the ugly "dialectical materialism".

In the third option for 25 years, the following happens - the Consciousness / Subconsciousness ratio takes on the value 34-37 percent (without any additional influence), the synchrony of the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain reaches 50 percent, genetic and tribal memory, immunity, hidden reserves and abilities of the body are restored. From the point of view of a modern person, we get a brilliant personality.

Returning to the IEO-Constitution, we want to say that it is required to return to the state indicated in OLD TESTAMENT Genesis (11:1):

« 1 The whole earth had one language and one dialect ”, which corresponded to the Constitution given by the Creator, only the phrase “ , is and always will be ”, after which it will look like this:

« 1 All over the earth was , is and always will be only one language and one dialect ”, which will not allow even the Lord to interfere with the language of the Creator - God with impunity. And without this, every bureaucrat from linguistics considers it his duty to introduce his perversions (perversions) and even sabotage not so much into his native language as into a foreign language.

We suggest that all representatives of this forum who wish to live in peace with the Genus, Nature and Cosmos, appeal to all the rulers of all countries of the world and international organizations to direct their funds, resources and efforts to the revival of the Common Language of the Single People, at the same time holding accountable everyone who incites linguistic strife, starting from the Lord Jehovah and his followers, spreading this strife through the system of monotheism, where the main ones are: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

At the same time, anyone wishing to voluntarily part with own life and interrupt their ties with their Genus, Nature and Cosmos, they have the right to remain in their opinion and not change anything, but in this case they take full responsibility not only for themselves and their descendants, but also for all the others whom they denied the right to change and change this World to the initial state of the Creator.

The influence of Beeches (symbols) on man, Nature, Earth (planet) and Space is enormous. It reflects it great power, wisdom, understanding, and as soon as the “circumcision” (reduction) of the alphabet (ABC, Letters) begins, so it goes spiritual impoverishment a person, so a new biological object is being prepared, which can be controlled, created various designs ordinary robots - performing the will of the Master.

It's time to finally put everything in its place. Realizing one thing: Any eradication of the Language of a particular Nation leads to distortions of the ancestral memory and DNA, then to the loss of connection with the genus, the loss of the primary living source, and as a result, to illness and death, first of a person of this Nation, then of the Nation itself. But then, a language perverted to the state of a dead language begins to avenge its speakers - killing everyone who begins to use it without changing it, reviving it to the state of a living one.

If you want to live , then:

  • to begin with, stop destroying and distorting national languages, replacing in words and Bukovs (symbols) not only the visible, audible, felt form, but also the invisible, inaudible, imperceptible hidden ones ( magical, wondrous, confidential, hidden, witchcraft, confidential, magical, mythical, invisible, secret, invalid, inaccessible, illegal, undiscovered, unreal, non-existent, implicit, hidden, sacred, secret (top-secret), fabulous, fantastic, enchanting, enchanting , miraculous, miraculous, secret ) meanings, contents, rumors, proca, and so on, as well as their codes and their sounds.
  • then, start restoring national languages ​​to their original state, only
  • then begin to unite all national languages ​​into a single original language of the Creator.

As you work through this, you will see how stop disasters, conflicts, terrorist attacks and wars, and in parallel will start uniting peoples into one People, mentioned in all holy sources.

Everyone who opposes this process is not so much an enemy of the human race, but of all living Nature, a living intelligent United Cosmos, and therefore will be subjected to extrajudicial retribution by all existing systems from Microcosmos to Macrocosmos in all spaces, times, dimensions, images and so on.

Good health and blessings to you!!!

Your Personal, Collective and Universal Healer

University of Omniscience SpheroDerzhava "Holy Great Russia".

Larionova Lyudmila Vladimirovna - Leading specialist in healing systems of the Methodological Center "Tree of the Family", Moscow;

Lord- this is a divine essence that does everything in the reverse order to God - the Creator. The Lord differs from God the Creator in several ways. God the Creator creates, and the Lord creates and does, as you understand it different actions. Further, the Creator first creates the Sky, and only then the Earth, and after six days of creation, he rested (in Russian: fell asleep), and at the same time, the Lord, on the contrary, first creates (does not create) the Earth, and only then the Sky. All their actions are multidirectional. The Lord created Paradise for himself, planted a Garden in it, in which he planted a tree of knowledge, and created Adam to cultivate the garden, who later turned out to be Naga. Therefore, the Lord should not be confused with God.

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The All-Light Literacy has been known on the planet Earth in a planar display for more than 7500 years. This Information is intended for everyone interested in Russian Culture.
Here is the official website of the public organization VseyaSvetnaya Gramota -

You will learn about the Proto-Language of the Mind Bearers, about the history of writing and the origin of the ABCs of the Peoples of the World; about the true Meaning of Words; about the principles of the Creation and Development of Matter and much more!

Remember, People, that Holy Russia is the Last Stronghold of the Rights of Earthlings to remain Reasonable Bearers, and that you can only free yourself from the deception of the Hebrews and Save Your Civilization by This. The help of the Worlds of God IS and is already punishing those who have led s lust to measure the Last, Most Recalcitrant Stronghold of the Earthlings' Rights to Reason. This OpLOt is Holy Russia.

The All-Russian Public Organization is headed by the Chairman "All the Light Literacy", Honorary Academician ten Mipa Academies (including Co-Chairman of the Russian and Pushkin Academies, Co-Chairman of the Orthodox Academy), People's Academician Shubin-Abramov Ananiy Fedorovich, from the closed School of Teachers of the Great Initiation, Garanteev Gervyets Son Bor (s) her, Hereditary Custodian of the Diploma of Russia All Ya Light

There are Holy Russian Priests
Descendants of All-Light Speech,
Imi MoGUch at the Saints FRONT,
Human Keep HolyGenoFond,
Aiming (!) Eliminating nechi s be.

It is assumed that the pre-Christian alphabet of the Russian people reflects its philosophical outlook.

Therefore, it is persistently sought.

It is even believed that she died irrevocably.

But no! It turns out that a person lives in Russia, to whom the Knowledge of our ancient writing was passed on orally from generation to generation.

He is from the eighteenth generation of the boyar family of the Shubins, who gave Russia the commander A. Suvorov.This is People's Academician A.F. Shubin - Abramov - Guardian and Chairman of the Moscow public organization "All-Sveta Literacy".

“Ananiy Fedorovich Shubin-Abramov has been widely disseminating information about All-Light Russia since 1979. He claims that the Diploma of the Russian people in the pre-Christian period, created and stored in Slavic sanctuaries, fundamentally differed from the usual for us in the following features:

1. The All-Light Charter consisted of 147 Beeches, each of which carried a STRICTLY DEFINITE WORLD VIEW MEANING.

2. Letters of the All-World Letter are MULTIDIMENSIONAL, i.e. reflect the movement of the “thought of the Lord in space” from DIFFERENT POINTS OF INFORMATION RECEPTION ABOUT THE UNIVERSE.

3. Each Bukova performed not only the function of a letter, designation, symbol, but it also set a COGNITIVE task, which made it possible to COMBINE LEARNING WITH THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS.

4. Each Russian Bukova, in addition to the symbolic and cognitive function, performed a certain MORAL TASK IN TRANSFER FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION OF THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE KIND, TRIBE.

Most of the Bukov-concepts were crossed out and forgotten.

Let's try to find in our language, in the remaining ancient letters and words, that original meaning and imagine the WORLD VIEW SYSTEM of our “pagan” ancestors, magnificent experts on the Earth, Nature and the Starry Sky.”

(Belyakova N.E. All-World Diploma: 1000 years of oblivion. “For the Russian Cause” No. 2, 1994).

Ananiy Fedorovich teaches the All-World Literacy in the form in which it was read from the Cosmos thousands of years ago.

Of course, it is difficult to explain the meaning of each of her Bukovs.
Nevertheless, many people have already learned and loved the All-Light Letter of Great Russia.

Shubin-Abramov has students-interpreters (“Abramov's school”), one of whom is Nina Evgenievna Belyakova, a former teacher at the military academy.

Here is what A.F. himself writes. Shubin-Abramov:

“From the beginning, people possessed the Divine Abilities to Communicate with the World around them, being the Children and Grandchildren of God the Creator.

They possessed the All Light Knowledge of Everything, Everywhere and about Everything.

In short, people were able to Shout All Lights with the Word.

People were able… to fly, bending the Space, they were able to organize rough Matter into BioLogical with their Bio-Energy… they could also Create Matter themselves” —(Shubin-Abramov A.F. Bukovnik of the All-World Diploma. M., 1996).

Sergey Alekseev Source:

The following statement belongs to O. M. Gusev (the book "The White Horse of the Apocalypse"):

“Reading the Book of the All-World Literacy, I also realized that it opens not a narrow hole for penetrating into the deepest past of the Russian people, but a high road! With the help of the All-Sveta Literacy, one can decipher the most ancient toponyms and ethnonyms, penetrate the holy of holies of Russian history, extract reliable information from our Russian epics and fairy tales, translate the Word about Igor's Campaign into modern Russian, expose the intrigues of the ideologists of antiquity undertaken against Great Russia, etc. P. Thanks to the work of Shubin-Abramov and his students, we will no longer have to move in complete darkness ... "

Further materials are placed from the page of the official website of the public organization VseyaSvetnaya Gramota -
Site keeper YURASOV DVOR - Yurasov Yu.A.

Good Health, Friends and Friends!
The Vedic tradition of Ancient Russia has preserved for us the knowledge that many thousands of years ago on our blue planet Ter. Ra - Tereme Ra - Tereme of the Sun ("Ra" - the Name of the God of the Sun in Ancient Russia and Ancient Egypt) there was a single Lordship of Kiev Rus with the capital of the whole Earth, the Capital City of Kiev, a single Glorious People, a single Religion and a single Language.
Our Ancestors greeted each other like this: “Joy to you”, i.e. “Ra-Sun of Achievement to you”, because they knew that we are the Children of the Sun. And they answered: "Freedom in Unity (Unity)". And whoever comprehends this Truth will be Free. They also knew that the Great Word “Slave” is Ra-Sun, “B” is of the Divine level, and this Word cannot be used in the meaning of “slave”. And if something was done well, with soul, then they exclaimed in admiration: “Well done”, without calling it labor, since the words “labor”, “corpse”, “trash”, “drone” can only be used to denote mutilation something. They also didn't use the expression "wow." Then to whom? All enemies of the Human Race? And nothing for yourself? No home, no land, no knowledge? Now very common in everyday speech expression "whatever". Let's think, can a penny be equal to a million, a bad thing - a good one?! Our Literate Ancestors said: “Everything is one”, “Everything is one”, knowing about the Unity of the World, the Unity of everything that exists on Earth. “Try” - to torture yourself, “understand” - disassemble yourself, “fight” - fight yourself, because the particle “sya” means “yourself”. And they said "concentrate" - to focus oneself, that is, to concentrate, generalize large amounts of Information - Knowledge to the point and make some right decision.
Knowing the Literacy of Life Ascension, our ancestors could sow fields with the Word, fill the seas and oceans with Life, track into a wolf, fly a falcon, swim like a pike, even sign up on the Ray of Light and move in Spaces and Times, i.e. they were able to Shout with the Word of All Lights (Screamer - Plowman). For this Mighty Gift of the Almighty God they were called Pagans, i.e., the Creators of the Language. And the Peoples in ancient times were called “languages” or “languages” in Slavic.
Competent combinations of Beeches evoke bright and kind feelings in People. These feelings are able to work miracles, overcome physical and mental illness, contribute to the Revival of Consciousness, inherent in People biological civilizations. There should be no symmetry in combinations and combinations of Beeches (the rule of symmetry is claimed by some false teachers), but Eternal Development and Ascent to more high levels Consciousness and Spirituality.
Many already know that Prayers are certain Literate Combinations of Beeches, which are built by enlightened People with God's Help. The forces of sla strive to take away from the Man the opportunity to use the Grace emanating from these combinations. To do this, they are trying to change the "language" - they introduce distorted "words" and remove the Literate ones, replacing the Meaning of them. Earlier in our language there were 147 Letters for the Earth Plane of Perception and 1234 Letters for the Universal Plane. Now there are 33 left, and, for example, on some computer keyboards and typewriters, the Bukovs “Yo” and “b” have been removed. With each Bukova crossed out of our Consciousness, Knowledge was taken away from the People.
People began to forget that in view of the Greatness of Rights, People have Great Duties. And when a large gap between Rights and Responsibilities is allowed, there is a kind of tumor formation with the waste of Healthy.
And gradually, it began to enter into the Human EcoNish, even among the people, half-sized people began to appear, who lost their Divine Abilities due to the crippling of the Meaning of Words, Proverbs, Sayings, Fairy Tales; destroying themselves with smoking, drunkenness, drugs, sexopathy, etc. Therefore, our Ancestors could not keep all the Knowledge about the Universe in every person, and they began to be kept secret from those who could, either through unreason, or consciously use them in slo . Knowledge began to be given only to Benevolent People. Thus arose the language of the hidden rank - Sanskrit. But since 1979, the Universal Mind (Divine Forces), in connection with the catastrophic situation of the Bio-Civilization of the Earth, has been allowed to openly teach the All-Light Literacy to everyone. Thus, Humanity has the opportunity to perceive Ancient Knowledge that allow you to make a qualitative leap in your Spiritual Formation.
Joy to you, Friends, in the knowledge of the Truth! ____________________________________________

We remind the rule to everyone, sloe and slykh write through s (-very) in order to be spared from the lust of the wicked siads. The mention of this was still preserved in the dictionary of I. I. Sreznevsky, the edition of the Department of the Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in 1893.

Message to the Earthlings.

You, Earthlings, should have seen how beautiful our Planet Earth is still - Terem Ra, that is House of Sunshine. But now, as we approach Terra its monstrous woundedness is more and more visible. When you fly closer, you aurally hear, as it were, a Child's cry for help. The position of the planet Earth on the verge between death and rebirth - only two ways.
Remember, people, your former Power: You all knew how to biologically fly not only on Earth, but also in the Universes. You all knew how to take rough energy and build Biological (multidimensional) objects from it, that is, you were Piitami(possessed the ability to weave from Light means of protection from sla, extreme temperatures, etc.) and, therefore, had connections with the Higher Beings.
All of you did not forget the languages ​​of communication with the Nature around you (you knew the language of plants, animal and mineral worlds), since you learned these Languages ​​even in the prenatal state and exalted yourself through Them. You all knew how to communicate directly with God and with other civilizations. You all knew how to Create Planets and Galaxies. That is, you were created by Supreme Image and Likeness by the Children of Almighty God (!) and are intended for the development of the Collective Spirit-Mind. And who have you become now ... You now remember God only in extreme situations, and then you only make requests: give, help, protect, save ... You knew how Orati (- Plow) Word AllILights. Now you have almost completely forgotten about the abilities given by God and especially about life tasks. People, it's time for you to stop suicide, to which the enemies of the Human Race are pushing you, imposing their false morality, their false values ​​(false glory, seizure of power, sex, enrichment by any means, etc.).
The Higher Lord Forces repeatedly send their Sons and Daughters to you for your own awakening and return to Humanity. How did you allow and continue to allow the Jews to deal with the Messengers of God? Jude the Buddha was deyski killed and His Teaching mutilated. Jude Christ is deedically betrayed and killed; His Teachings are distorted. Jude they killed Mohammed in a demonic way and scattered parts of His Body over the territories of the Earth, distorting His Teachings. And many others were betrayed and savagely tortured by the traitors of the formerly Mighty Human Race. The inter-ethnic robbery rabble continues to act more and more viciously against Humanity and to destroy the Foundations of the Divine Life Stray. Humanity has also reached the point of betrayal of its very essence. ChelovEk (Man in ecos - protection) was originally created immortal and is not intended for fattening worms, to which earthlings are now intensively accustomed.
Let's understand: who is to blame? God the Father gave Adam, Eve and Abel to the World. What is hain (cain)? Who is eager to curse the human, choosing for ridicule attacks in the Human Form, eager to exalt the base and belittle Dignity? Who is the measurer of Icons, that is, the satyr (om) of Icons? Who killed Buddha, Christ, Mohammed and others, seeing after that that they had fulfilled their commandment: kill the best - considering themselves supposedly "God's chosen ones"? Who in any Nation are "fermenting yeast" and, in view of the trampling of human foundations, equally undesirable? Who, not working, but usury and speculation, rakes material wealth, mutilating Spiritual? Who has distorted the History of the People of the Planet - all Its Nations, sowing wars, robberies, violence, sexopathy, but is eager to grab all the best for themselves, and for further mutilation? How to translate to Arabic language in one word "thief - rapist - murderer - transgressor of the law"? All these abominations are summarized in one word - "Hebrew". It was the Hebrews - this inter-ethnic band of robbers of traitors to the Human Race - who organized all the world wars, revolutions, perestroika, etc. Now these "fermenting yeasts", using the funds stolen from the People, are eager to finish off the last Stronghold of the Planet's Spirituality - Holy Russia.
The True Holy Fathers (for example, Sergius of Radonezh and others), uniting the True Nations, Called and Called to the Battle for Life worthy of those Created in the Highest Image and Likeness. Recall, for example, that in the Battle of Kulikovo, “two regiments of enlightened Tatars” were the first to fall for Mother Holy Russia, and it was the Hebrews who pitted people. Who betrayed Holy Russia and is now providing those "revolutionary ferment"? Who invented the first concentration camps, multiplied and led them, burned people in ovens? Who paid for the most heinous anti-human regimes from the funds stolen from the People? The world population today is 6 billion. There are about 68 million people who have retained the ability to think sensibly and reason independently of the combining "mass media", but this small number, unfortunately, continues to decline.
Think, People, draw conclusions!!!
Yes! - Avelism! Not! - hainistam!
Say your firm "no" to Hebrewism!
Only with a return human form we will acquire the Right to remain on the Planet as the true "Carrier" of the Spirit-Mind. We have only two ways: to perish under the "guidance" of the Ivritoids and slurp them, or, having parted with them forever (!), worthily ascend to the Truly Human.


Appeal to Representatives of True Religions -
Muslims, Orthodox.

There comes a critical moment for all of us True Believers, when the servants of the sla - due to our inaction, indifference - broke into Human Society. As long as there is no Order in Our Shrines, including the Scriptures, Rites, Commandments, etc., we do not have the Right to call ourselves Right Faithful, Glorious, Enlightened, i.e. Orthodox, Muslims and Buddhists. For as long as we allow enemies inside the Spiritual Core of Religions, we allow a direct threat to the Religions themselves, feeding the enemies of Humanity with this.
“Divide and rule”, “Be merciful to murderers”, “Correct the Created in the Image of God”, “Be humble with the broken” - these are the few false precepts that kill us day by day, by analogy with how earlier Jude. the deeds poisoned the Buddha (they said that the Buddha seemed to have plunged into Nirvana); Jesus will be crucified (before this, the Jews, having severely maimed Jesus, demanded to crucify Him three times, threatening to raise an uprising in the reservations in which they were kept by the Romans, who received Jews from all over the world); chopped into ten thousand parts Mohammed (they stumbled that Allah was a fool and His Creation should be gradually corrected). After these and other monstrous crimes, Jude. The deevs have the audacity to swear that they are supposedly "God's chosen people." Hebrew, translated from Ancient Arabic, is a thief, a rapist, a murderer who has transgressed the Commandments. The Romans and Arabs Rightly kept them only in reservations, since these plants are not on their own.
Now it goes - in connection with the occupation of Judas. deeds of Holy Russia, the last stronghold The rights of Earthlings to wear Reason - the third world war. People read the protocols of the Zion "wise men" Sergei Nilus. Because of the exposure of the criminal activities of the Zionists in Palestine, now the Hebrews have issued a decree on the occupation of the southern republics Soviet Union with the aim of colonizing them under the false state of the "great Khasar Khaganate". Then the Christians, Buddhists and Muslims would have been completely destroyed in these territories. Even workers and engineers among those remaining in other territories Judas. The dei would like to allow only themselves to be served during the day, driving out those who served at night. To do this, the enemies in every possible way are eager to push through the false law on the sale of land (the story of Palestine would be repeated). Then the enemies are eager to destroy all the officers (even pensioners) of the Republics of the former Soviet Union, having now prepared photographs of the generals' dachas in order to hang them on Moscow squares and stick these photographs on their chests, and also bags of money on their necks to suppress this discontent people. To carry out such an action Jude. The dei have now decided to launch wagons with unsecured dollar waste paper in the Republics of the former Soviet Union, for which they are inflating the hype with the depreciation of the currency of Our Country. The rebellious peoples of Judah want to be suppressed by mercenaries from the UsA rapid response units in order to later replace the Earthlings with biorobots from the underground conc. cities. Similar mercenaries were already tested in October 1993. By the year 2000 Jude. dei would like to completely replace Earthlings with biorobots.
It would seem that Satan is the enemy. But after all, it is impossible without harm to Humanity to call slo not by its proper name! If you call Good - slom, and slo - Good, then how to know the truth? Therefore correct name of this - seroton - a village through erota he. Satan is the Word (- C) of Competent Ascension (- At) Graceful (- Ana). It is no coincidence that erotica is so imposed on us instead of Love, sex - instead of the Highest Unity.
Is it possible to call a person Orthodox if he (even if unknowingly) eats at the Holy (?) Communion the Flesh of the Son of God, drinks His Blood, implying that instead of the Heart, the Son of God seems to have a distillery? You can no longer see the Orthodox, who wear near their Hearts the True Ten-pointed Life-Creating Cross without the Son of God crucified on Him. After all, the Life-Creating Cross is the Bio-Energy Core of those created in the Highest Image and Likeness! Let us remember that the enemies only temporarily reached out with their Judas. deyskimi grabastalkami to the Unattainable and - there is no reason to prolong these torments of Jesus permanently. It is all the more insulting when People, instead of Overshadowing themselves with the Sign of the Cross, cripple Health with non-Orthodox triplets. But it is enough just to look at the Icons of the Saints in order to understand how to correctly fold the fingers of the hand.
Is it possible to call a person a True Muslim if he circumcised his Flesh contrary to the commandment of Mohammed: "Do not mutilate your members" (5.5 Koran). Is this not a betrayal of Mohammed! It got to the point that women were circumcised! Meanwhile, seroton says that this is supposedly for hygiene, so that the body is “cleaner”. But if so, then all Muslims will also be ordered to cut their nose and ears, where there can be even more dirt. At true love to Allah it is impossible to indulge seroton either in the small, or, moreover, in the Great.
The name of the Buddha speaks for itself - Wake up the House for Novi. This is the Great Meaning and Direction for the Achievement of Perfection for every True Buddhist. And how to treat a person who “lives up to his ears” in mud, among parasites, who does not give a damn about his Body under the pretext of “humility” and “enlightenment”? His place is not in the Divine Expanses, where the spiritually deformed fly through meditations and mantras, but among masochists and perverts with a changed sex and pierced noses.
After all, it is clear that there is no place for a pig in the Government of the Country (which is often observed in recent times), and among the Gods there should not be entities that have not reached the High Organization of the Spirit, Soul, Flesh and Body (which is not the same thing).
All True Religions - and Islam, and Orthodoxy, and Buddhism - have their own characteristics, but Their Essence is One!
slo in any form - slo.
Therefore, now is the time for us, the Believers, to raise our Swords in Unity in the Fight against unacceptable attacks in the Holy of Holies. Only when the Orthodox put things in order in the Temples, the Muslims in the Mosques, the Buddhists in the Pagodas and Stupas, and when they cut off the head for trying to set one religious denomination against another, then Judas. dei and their owner - seroton will descend into hell, i.e., where they belong!!!
May the Believers of all True Religions Unite in Struggle!

“How our word will respond” - whether with an empty sound or a bright image.

That is the question!

at first small digression. Once in Moscow in the year around 1998, I filmed the First All-Union Conference “Problems of energy-information exchange in nature” for the program “Step Beyond the Horizon”. It was there that I first heard that A. S. Pushkin, after he had written and already published the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, wrote the well-known preface “At Lukomorye there is a green oak ...” where, it turns out, “cat” is not “ cat", and "oak" is not "oak", but something else - a kind of encrypted message written by the poet after the poet's initiation into a certain All-Light Charter.

What is this Grade? Who knows the secret of her cipher?

Some time later, fate gave me a meeting with the founder, or rather, the revivalist of the All-Light Diploma, Ananiy Fedorovich Shubin-Abramov. From him I learned that more than 7 thousand years ago the Diploma was brought to the Earth. In that pre-Christian era, the ancient Slavs, knowing this Diploma, understood the language of animals and birds, possessed knowledge in the field of higher mathematics, astronomy, music, and so on.

This alphabet had 147 letters - for mere mortals and 1254 for the initiates. Imagine how much information each word contained! The range of communication was many times greater.

What particularly struck me was that each letter of the All-Light Alphabet had its own spelling, meaning, sound, color, smell, taste - which corresponded to those sense organs with which a person evaluates the world around him. The letter moved in a special way, changed, joined with other letters in a unique multidimensionality.

They were written on three levels: nav, right, reality.

I will not describe in detail the properties of this ABC, just inquisitive, but not curious (pleased to torture) I send to the website "All the Light Letter".

“Define the meaning of words, and you will free humanity from many worries,” I read from Descartes.

The image appears not only behind every word, but also behind every letter.

A correct understanding of the meaning of the letters gives the key to deciphering any word. On the other hand: the first part of the word means who or what performs the action, the middle part - how, by means of which this action is performed, the final part of the word - means for what purpose, for what it happens. By applying these simple rules, you can understand why "in the beginning was the Word ..."

The “WORD” itself means “with people to see all four sides” (OVO), or to catch the Universe (“O”). There are other readings of this word.

Many discoveries have already been made on the basis of the All-Light Charter.

Our compatriot Petr Petrovich Oreshkin found the key to deciphering the Etruscan mirrors, the Phaistos disk, and the inscriptions of the ancient Egyptians and others. ancient documents. The key used by the author to unravel the mysteries of millennia is simple - it is the Old Slavonic language and the writing of our ancestors.

“The oldest documents are written in different alphabetic systems, but in the same language, and here lies the key to their decipherment. The signs are different, the language is the same,” said Pyotr Oreshkin.

“The whole earth had one language and one dialect.

Here, at some point in the Deliberate catastrophe, the One Language was broken and fragmented into parts. " big word"turned out to be, as it were, torn into pieces, which were then distributed to the" builders ", who for some reason suddenly forgot what the original looked like, it can be restored in our darkened consciousness only by laying the "bricks" of the destroyed Tower of Babel where it was probably kept valuable information, the possession of which has become threatening, ”writes Pyotr Oreshkin in the preface to his work.

Oleg Gusev, editor of the newspaper Za Russkoe delo, introduced me to a photocopy of the manuscript of the book The Babylonian Phenomenon in St. Petersburg. The book itself was published in a modest edition in one of the universities of Rome.

In one of the chapters, Peter Oreshkin writes: “The very word “Etruscans” gives reason to say that they were an ancient Slavic tribe of Russ. "This is Russian" - clearly readable. However, many "specialists" seek to "link" Etruscan, it seems, with all Indo-European languages, with the exception of Old Slavonic.

In order to understand the mechanics of Etruscan writing and understand the complexity of its decipherment, it must be emphasized that the ancient priests did not at all seek to simplify the alphabet. Just the opposite!

They sought by all means to complicate it, resorting to ingenious tricks, with one goal: to hide from outsiders the very principle of writing. As if writing in "childish" handwriting. To hide the "mechanism" of writing, the initiates had several tricks. The direction of the letter kept changing. The text could be read either from left to right or from right to left. Letters were sometimes written upside down. Some letters were deliberately distorted. The vowels were omitted in writing.

It turns out that the text is read from right to left, and from left to right, and from top to bottom, and from bottom to top, and even vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

Recently, I have acquired the habit of reading inscriptions, posters, signs in reverse side. I see, for example, the inscription of the store "Mars" - I will not go there. This is probably part of the clue to Pushkin's "cat scientist keeps walking around the chain." "Cat" in the opposite direction is read as "current" that goes through the circuit.

Deciphering the name Buddha in the system of All-Light Literacy

Try to chant "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" in direct and reverse order and it will be revealed to you: who was this “Boyan is prophetic, if anyone wants it”, why “Yaroslavna cries loudly in Putivl early in the morning”, what is the Troyan Trail, etc. By the way, the text of the “Words” like other ancient literary monuments, were written in a continuous line, without spaces. The same text had different meanings. Isn't that why there are so many translations of the same "Tale of Igor's Campaign". As in Goethe, “Everyone sees the world in a different guise…”

Previously, there were many ways of learning the images of words. I will not dwell on them, I will say the main thing:

The ancient language was intended not so much for reading, but mainly as a system for extracting an image from words and texts.

In Russia in Vedic times, the great single Old Russian language had a more developed phonetics, grammatical structure than the modern Russian language.

What is now considered the "Russian" language has little in common with the language that our ancestors spoke.

What led to the loss of the image in the words of the Great Mighty Russian Language?

First of all, it is the abbreviation of letters.

Of the 147 letters, only 33 remained. To express an idea, we use only 33 characters. Isn't that why we are so verbose today? Moreover, only a shadow display of these letters has been preserved. What can you learn by looking at a shadow?

All the "reforms" of the last centuries were aimed at simplifying, losing the imagery of the language. Cyril and Methodius were the first to reduce the ABC to 49 characters. Documents have been preserved where they themselves repented of this sin.

Peter Ι brought their number to 38. Including removed the letter "M" - "think." Why should a Russian person think?

Nicholas II and Lunacharsky settled on 33 letters.

In 1917, an extraordinary event took place in the reform of the Russian language. On December 23, instead of the alphabet, the alphabet appeared, and with it the phonetic reading of the symbols, giving only an everyday understanding of the text.

Our contemporaries no longer understand the difference between the alphabet and the alphabet. In the alphabet, letters are just icons.

In the alphabet, letters are an image and a meaning.

Phonetic reading of letters does not give (for rare exception) opening access to the understanding of the information of the semantic image embedded in readable text. Reading phonetically, we seem to be sliding on the surface, unable to go into depth.

To go into depth is to master not a combination of letters, not spelling, but a combination of images, a connection in essence: why it is said this way, and this is different, and what a diverse meaning is embedded in it.

With the transition to a phonetic way of extracting information, our language has become, ultimately, ugly. It can also be read by the innocent.

Until 1917, elementary education in without fail gave knowledge of the basics at least Old Church Slavonic. Education began with this - access to ancient texts, without which further education was considered meaningless.

Before the language reform of 1917, each letter of the alphabet had its own name.

It is written "A", read - AZ, means - I ("I" is not the last letter in the alphabet). It is written "B", it is read - BUKI, means - LETTER, BOOK. It is written “B”, it is read - LEAD, it means - KNOW, KNOW, etc.

Az Buki Vedi - I Know God (I Know).

Az is the basis, the beginning.

Verb Good - speak, do good.

"Burn people's hearts with the verb." To speak is to do Good.

Good Is Life. Life is good.

Live Zelo Earth. Live on earth.

And How People Think - He Is Our Peace.

That is how you people think - this is your world. What goes around comes around.

Rtsy Word Firmly. Speak the word firmly.

In order to create something, you need to form an image.

What is IMAGE? The etymology of this word is far from clear.

In Ozhegov's dictionary: result; perfect shape display of objects and phenomena of the material in the mind of a person; appearance, appearance; type, character; order; direction, etc.

Dahl: portrait, likeness, hand-written face, icon.

Among the Slavs, everything else is voluminous wooden figures of the Gods.

Deciphering the name Jesus Cross (Jesus Christ, Old Slavonic) in the All-Light Diploma

Each of us, when reading or writing a word, has our own image. Each has its own “cow”, its own “house”.

Each letter of the Russian alphabet is a symbol of something.

For example, the letter "Zh" is a symbol of life, "D" is a house.

Behind each letter, our ancestors had certain images.

What images are behind the letters now?

B - drum

B - crow, etc.

Although, if you look closely, then “watermelon” is “ar” or ra - the sun, “buz” is a tooth, “crow” is a thief, etc.

It is believed that the alphabet is just letters arranged in a certain order. And that's it!

Perhaps that is why they were so easily and simply removed from the Russian alphabet. There are 33 letters left. Moreover, in ancient times there were 19 vowels, and today there are only 5 of them, and vowels are the basis of the energy of the language. Each vowel has its own color.

For example, "A" - red, "E" - light green, "I" - blue, "O" - yellow, "Y" - green, "Y" - brown, "E" - orange, "Yu" - turquoise, "I" - pink-red.

Together with color, vowel sounds affect our internal organs, since each organ operates at a certain frequency. No wonder the chanting of Indian mantras or prayers has a beneficial effect on the body.

After the reduction of letters, the imagery of the language was lost, for example, after the destruction of the letters Ъ and і (there were already ten of them), the images and meanings in the words were lost: For example: L. N. Tolstoy called his novel "War and Peace", i.e. " War and the People", and not just "peace" in the sense of "let's hug a passerby." N.V. Gogol wrote his work called “Dead Souls”, and not “Dead Souls”.

Then they changed the "Z" to "C". The word “narrative” was changed to “story”, “bridle” to “bridle”, etc. With this replacement, the glorification of the demon is obtained: “inglorious” (inglorious), “useless” (useless), “uncivilized” (devil cultural), “heartless” (heartless), “inhuman” (inhuman), “unscrupulous” (devil conscience), “disorderly” (dishonest), “priceless” (priceless), etc.

Today, they are trying to remove the vowel letter “Yo” from the ABC. Often it is simply omitted when writing, and in some books it is not printed at all. On computers, it was placed not in the letter row, but on the side of the numbers.

Without the letter “Ё” it is impossible to distinguish the meaning of words. For example: “tree” and “tree”, “donkey” and “donkey”, “chalk” and “chalk”, “film” and “film”, etc. Why should we write “child” and say “child” ”, or - “mother-in-law” and “mother-in-law”

Our education leaders say that further simplification is inevitable if we are to live by European standards. But who said that they locale above? They have already reduced it to 24 letters!

Why do we need so many letters? - they asked me indignantly after the program about the All-World Letter, - the English get by with 23 letters, and they have enough. Why do we need a hundred and forty-seven!

Overseas languages ​​are almost completely built not on figurative principles, but on sound codes.

Two letters join to form new image. Like editing different shots in a movie.

We can understand an image as a set of versatile knowledge that combines into a specific description of an object or phenomenon.

The figurative construction of ancient speech included many synonymous words and variants of their assembly. Each image carries a deep essence, which makes it possible to understand the purpose and existence of this image.

In modern man, due to the simplification of the language and the lack of figurative thinking many processes of the brain are inhibited. The brain of our ancestors worked far from the modern 3%.

In ancient times, our ancestors considered the alphabet as a cipher of the Creator's creation. The word has always been perceived as the beginning of creation, and the letter was, as it were, a unit, an atom of creation. Each letter had its own meaning, its own image, its own meaning. Among many peoples, the alphabets were deified. When interpreting words, interaction occurs on images.

But not all words need to be interpreted figuratively, because many concepts have now lost their figurative meaning. The simplification of the alphabet has led to the fact that conspiracies and slander no longer affect our body, because they are pronounced with the wrong frequency and vibration.

A group of Russian scientists G. S. Grinevich, L. I. Sotnikova, A. D. Pleshanov and others proved that our alphabet contains knowledge about the laws of the universe in encrypted form.

The very word EDUCATION - literally making images...

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said that in the process of EDUCATION, it is not development that is important, but the goal of development is the creation of a harmonious person.

It turns out that the modern education system does not provide a holistic worldview and attitude at all. Only a set of academic knowledge, and sometimes contradictory, that cannot be applied in life.

Even before 1700, each letter in the ABC had its own numerical value.

Deciphering the name Mohammed (Muhammed, Old Slavonic) in the All-Light Diploma

For example: A - 1, D - 4, C - 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter I. Before that, all numbers were denoted by letters with a special icon on top - “title”. Pythagoras claimed that letters and numbers have the same vibrations.

It turns out that the alphabet is a system of numerical codes. By pronouncing words, we communicate with the Cosmos. The universe responds to our vibrations.

Language is given to man not only for communication among themselves, but also for communication with the Cosmos.

This is another facet of the ABC, which our ancestors knew.

The letters have certain form, graphics.

With the discovery of torsion fields, another component of the letter became known. Since each letter has its own form, and the form creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information of the field of Consciousness. It turns out that by cutting down the ABC, we disconnect from the area of ​​the general information field of the Universe.

Another interesting point is the repetition of letters in dance poses, where each position has a text reading. Why do Russians love Indian cinema?

We have just touched the great Russian language, which our ancestors have professed for thousands of years. Today, its figurative meaning is revealed to everyone exactly as much as he is prepared for the perception of the recognizable. When you yourself build barriers in the knowledge of the past, then this is your problem. The main thing is that you yourself want to understand and accept this. In Russia in Vedic times, the great Old Russian language had a more developed phonetics, grammatical structure than the modern Russian language.

The Russian language is still the language of images of deep meaning, unlike European ones, which give a superficial understanding of the transmitted information.

Our language, our thoughts are material substances and have a wave nature. Russian scientist Peter Garyaev compared mathematical models human speech and genetic code. It turned out that they have the same geometry, that is, DNA is built according to the laws of human speech. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Creator created DNA and all living things with the help of the Word. In addition to the fact that DNA emits a melody, it can be read letter by letter from right to left, and from top to bottom, and in the opposite direction - just as they once read the All-Light Letter.

It is the letters of the Russian alphabet that are the symbols through which our reality is created.

Not everything is lost!

Gene memory when reading letters, even in a truncated shadow display, helps to convey to us all the "33 pleasures". And sound, and color, and volume, and smell, and the beauty of writing, and, most importantly, figurative perception of the world. In the very structure of simple words of the Russian language, fundamental knowledge about everything. Anyone who knows Russian can remember them. The study of the images of the Russian language alone can awaken the genetic memory. I repeat the call of Peter Oreshkin: “The door is open, come in!” But few heard it.

I will finish my reflections with the words from the Gospel: "He who knows the true word of life, he must, is obliged to communicate it to his ignorant, wandering in darkness brother."

But who needed these "reforms" of the Russian language?

Not here and not for me to answer this question.

Yuri Svetlakov, cinematographer, associate professor of the Department of Photo and Video Creativity of the KemGUKI.

All-World Diploma- this is the original speech that was left to us by our ancestors. From which we eventually got various languages world, including modern Russian, English, Greek and other languages. Those. the all-world literacy is the basis on which modern languages ​​were built, successively breaking into smaller and smaller components, which are known to us today.

No matter how one approaches the issue of linguistics (linguistics), the ancient languages ​​still have even more ancient foundation. Information can be encrypted in various ways, writing them in planar form (2D) using various symbols. But it is the all-worldly literacy that has the cosmic foundations of each letter, which one way or another remained in the different languages ​​​​of the world used today, although they have changed in many ways, and have also lost part of themselves ...

What it is?

Bukov, those that you know (MODERN) are based on more ancient three-dimensional (3D) semantic images, which also had two-dimensional representations (2D). They were compiled in accordance with the universal harmony, the laws of the universe and the rules of being. They are not directly related to either religion or politics, they are part of the thread that connects us today with our ancestors - forefathers. modern society(CIVILIZATIONS).

This collection allows you to plunge into deep antiquity, it reveals such secrets that gradually can simply turn your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world around you, space, were (stories - from the Torah). After all, even the modern language, cut off and mockingly devoid of many letters, has some “breadcrumbs” that can lead any applicant to amazing secrets that actually lie in the most prominent place.

Using the knowledge gained about the ancient proto-language, you will be able to revise many concepts from modern speech, you will SEE alien words and tune in to the original - correct ones. Each time you use the correct original words, each time you gain new knowledge about our native language, you will discover new facets of your own personality, perceptions of the world around you, and all new and hitherto unknown inner sensations. This magic will happen to anyone who wants to know the truth about who we are and what kind we are...

A lot of strength was spent by opponents of everything primordial, true knowledge and images about our glorious past, but there comes a time when you yourself can change this whole world in such a way that everyone, even opponents and enemies, is comfortable in it. The more each of us will learn (or rather, remember) our past, and most importantly, our native speech, the faster we can break the shackles of lies, thereby creating the right thought-images for right life by horses.

You lost your mind?

Naturally, an unprepared person will NOT be able to immediately perceive the INFORMATION of this KIND. In order to understand what in question in the video, first try to turn off the stereotypes you have that everything old is nonsense to anyone. And also that you already know everything. If you want to change yourself, those around you, try watching these videos without criticism. They explain everything in more detail.

But what about Russian lessons?

Unfortunately, what we are taught in schools / universities (most) is absolutely false (superficial or unsaid) information. Because, for example, we completely forgot that each letter has its own semantic image, and when combined together (into a word), they CREATE a variety of images with which you can understand the essence and meaning (and most importantly, a three-dimensional IMAGE), which carries with it the word [something similar can be felt when you read the word BANANA - it will immediately appear in your mind as a three-dimensional IMAGE ...]. It was for this that the oral and written speech. So that people can convey their thoughts not only to those who surround them and can perceive information in various ways (including telepathically), but also to their descendants.

Russian lessons in modern schools very depleted of information about the origin and parsing of our speech, which indicates that we completely forgot and resigned ourselves to the fact that our speech was cut off, 5508 YEARS were stolen from us, and also allowed to be subjugated to different levels and in different ways.

Those. the knowledge that is presented today in schools and universities (the majority) are only fragments of what speech really is. But she is a link not only between two or more people who want to exchange thoughts, but also:

  • a link between generations, ancestors and ancestors, Kashchei and forefathers (GODS);
  • as well as a link for the inner world of each of us (both programming our own reality and the world around us).

That is, having lost the level of knowledge about our own speech, inherited from our great ancestors, we not only lost contact with them, but also destroyed ourselves from the inside, gradually breaking the connection even at the level of cells, genes, organs.

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of speech when you understand what level of knowledge, what levels of images our ancestors thought. How much knowledge each of them received literally "with mother's milk" ... Each generation, depleting its own vocabulary– moves further and further away from its ancestors, the source, drives it deeper and deeper into a corner and allows it to be controlled, managed, in fact, turning itself into a commodity or convenient slaves.

What to do?

Try watching these videos. In them you can find answers or links in the chain that will lead you further along the right path...

You will find here:

Eight lectures from 10.1999 to 05.2000. (video frame size 720×540).
Ten lectures between 1994 and 1996. (video frame size 720×540).
Video message to the Earthlings. (video frame size 320×240).
Piitika movements - Gymnastics (from practical application Bukov). (video frame size 512×384).
The Device of the World is a scientific film about many things, including the All-Light Letter. (video frame size 320×240).
The All-Lighting Diploma from the cycle "Step Beyond the Horizon". (video frame size 335×271).
Recordings from old cassettes - lectures from Okunevo. (video frame size 664×575).