When the section of the road is completed, fungi is a red hill. Happy denouement: plot on Dmitrovskoe shosse reopened after reconstruction

The section of Dmitrovskoye Highway from the 44th to the 47th kilometer was opened after reconstruction. The roadway was widened and traffic lights were removed. Now, instead of kilometer traffic jams, there is a new safe road at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. On the grand opening the site was visited by the correspondent of "360" Victoria Masyagutova.

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happy ending road history. And it's literally: discovery new interchange and the reconstruction of the Dmitrov highway from the 44th to the 47th kilometer became a holiday for the residents of the Moscow region. And especially for the locals.

We made an overpass and built a bridge in the body of the road, across the railway. Naturally, there was no interchange, there was a traffic light, traffic jams. We have video surveillance, cameras, and traffic monitoring

Petr OlkhovskyGeneral Director of JSC "Centrodorstroy".

Lots of traffic lights, ground crossings. As a result - kilometer traffic jams. So it was before on this segment of the Moscow-Dmitrov-Dubna road. Now the highway has been expanded from four to six lanes, all traffic lights have been removed. In order not to slow down the flow, bridges with elevators were built for pedestrians, lighting and more than 3 kilometers of noise screens were also installed. The work at the facility was carried out by the general contractor, the Tsentrodorstroy company.

“Today, one of the most important sections of the Dmitrovskoye Highway is opening, today this section, as soon as it opens, will be used by about 100,000 residents of the Moscow Region. This is part of the reconstruction of the Dmitrov highway. We assume that the general reconstruction from 0 to 29 km will be completed at the end of next year,” said Igor Treskov, Minister of Transport and Roads of the Moscow Region

The length of the section was 3 kilometers, and 3 billion rubles from the federal budget was spent on the entire reconstruction. The Tsentrodorstroy company began work in 2014. Built using the most modern materials and technologies.

"This is one of the best automotive federal highways regarding the application of technology. This is crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete, this is thermoplastic marking, we are sure that this road will be comfortable and safe,” said Roman Starovoit, head of the Federal Road Agency.

Photo source: TV channel "360"

abundance ski resorts and holiday villages - because of this, the Dmitrov highway was heavily loaded both in winter and in summer. But now you can drive along the new section, which used to be one of the most problematic, 120 kilometers per hour. And no traffic jams.

In Moscow and the Moscow region this year will open a large number of new interchanges, overpasses and roads. Plots are being completed Northeast chord, interchange on Dmitrovsky highway, a large bridge in Dubna. At the same time, the road workers are preparing to start new construction on the Yaroslavl, Dmitrovsky, Rublevo-Uspenskoye highways, in Lyubertsy: in these places, drivers need to prepare for overlaps and traffic jams. In parallel with this, the planned replacement of asphalt begins on many roads and streets. Details - in the material "Kommersant".

Expected road facilities of the Moscow region

Territory of Moscow:

suburban roads:

  • Highway M-10-Spoons-Povarovo-Friday in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Junction at the intersection of Kooperativnaya Street and the entrance to the highway "Entrance to the city of Zhukovsky from the highway M-5 "Ural"" to the city of Zhukovsky. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Interchange at the intersection of Volokolamskoye and Ilyinsky highways. Completion date: the first stage (partial opening of the interchange) - December 2018.
  • An overpass on Gagarin Street in Domodedovo (as part of the Kashirskoye Highway-Kiselikha highway). Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Bridge across the Volga in Dubna. Completion date: end of 2018.
  • Starosheremetevskoe highway (reconstruction). Completion date: second quarter 2018.

Seasonal replacement of asphalt begins in the Moscow region

Rosavtodor and the Moscow Region Ministry of Transport announced the start of work on the federal and regional roads of the Moscow Region: the replacement of asphalt and markings will begin approximately April 16.

Among the regional roads, sections of the routes will be repaired: Voskresensk-Vinogradovo, Zaraisk-Bogatishchevo, Dedinovo-Selnikovo, Barynino-Vayukhino, Kalinovo-Kalugino, etc. Full list- on the website of the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region. Completion of works expected in September.

In Moscow, the scheduled replacement of asphalt began on April 8. Details - in the first deputy head of the State Budgetary Institution " Car roads» Raisa Chiglikova.

New facilities to be built in the Moscow region in 2018

Territory of Moscow:

suburban roads:

  • Reconstruction of Oktyabrsky Prospekt and Zeninsky Highway in Lyubertsy.
  • Overpass across the railway in the direction of Mira Street in Mytishchi.
  • Reconstruction of Lobnenskoye Highway in the section from Sheremetyevskoye Highway to Lenin Street (Lobnya railway station) to four lanes.
  • Reconstruction of Tupolev street in Zhukovsky.

Federal highways of the Moscow region:

The future detour of the Oktyabrsky settlement as part of the M5 "Ural" highway

  • Reconstruction of the M-8 Kholmogory highway on the section from km 29 to km 35 (work has already begun). Construction of a junction between M-8 and Staroyaroslavskoye Highway.
  • Construction of the road M-5 "Ural" bypassing the village of Oktyabrsky.
  • The next stage of the project for the reconstruction of the Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway at the entrance to the city of Odintsovo.
  • Construction of a transport interchange at the 27th km of the M-7 Volga motorway at the exit from Balashikha (work has already begun). It is planned to expand the roadway to six lanes in the section from 26 to 30 kilometers, the construction of reversal loops in two levels at the 26th and 30th km to organize U-turns and left-turn exits.

The planned turning loop at the 27th kilometer of the M7 "Volga"

Photo: FKU Uprdor Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod

Sources of information: Department of Construction of Moscow, Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region, FKU Tsentravtomagistral and FKU Uprdor Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod of the Federal Road Agency.

The city authorities promise to complete the reconstruction of the Dmitrovskoye highway from the Moscow Ring Road to the city borders (near the village of Gribki) by the end this year. The road in this section will be widened and rid of traffic lights. Last Monday, the capital's mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened the traffic on the left-turn exit from the highway to the ring highway.

Dmitrovka is one of the most problematic city highways. The number of traffic jams here increased sharply after the development of the Severny settlement, where 25,000 people now live. To solve transport problems, since March 2012, the outbound highway has been reconstructed on the section from the Ring Road to the city borders. According to the project, the existing interchange at the intersection of Dmitrovka and the Moscow Ring Road will be reconstructed, and three overpasses and pedestrian crossings will appear on the 8 km section from Koltsevaya to the village of Gribki.

As for the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Dmitrovskoye Highway, a complex of structures is being built here, and without stopping traffic. In fact, the existing "clover" interchange at 82 km of the Moscow Ring Road will be rebuilt, it will become more convenient for motorists. According to the project, two of the existing four “petals” are being dismantled. They will be replaced by directed congresses. For example, such as a new 660-meter overpass, which allows you to turn on the Moscow Ring Road in the direction of Altufevskoye Highway when driving from the region. From June 16, entry to inside The Moscow Ring Road from the region is carried out only along this overpass. Thus, for motorists, the entrance to Moscow was significantly simplified. morning hours peak. On the same day, after the reconstruction, the right-turn exit from Dmitrovka from the center towards the MKAD-east started working. The total length of the two sections is over 1.5 km.

“Today we have completed the first stage of reconstruction, during which more than 10 km of roads will be built,” Sergei Sobyanin said before the opening of traffic.

At the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Dmitrovka, by the end of this year, a tunnel and an overpass through railways Savelovsky direction railway. From the Y-shaped tunnel, motorists will be able to drive both to Dmitrovka in the direction of the region, and to Koltsevaya in the direction of the Leningrad Highway, if moving from the center. According to the general contractor, the work is proceeding according to the schedule. The overpass across the railway tracks is 95% ready, it remains to lay the asphalt. There are minor difficulties with the construction of the tunnel, but they will not affect the deadlines. According to the mayor, after commissioning Dmitrov interchange will be the most large object of this kind in the metropolitan area.

Work continues on the section from the Moscow Ring Road to the borders of the city. Of the three flyovers, one has been handed over so far last year - at the intersection of Dmitrovka with Chelobitevsky and Dolgoprudnensky highways (motorists use it to leave Dmitrovka for the region). The second one - at the exit from the fourth and ninth microdistricts of the Severny settlement - will be completed in July. The third overpass is being built on the border of Moscow and the region, near the village of Gribki, turn to Povedniki. This property is likely to be handed over in next year, since a gas station and private houses that need to be removed fall into the development zone. In addition, an underground pedestrian crossing at the traffic police post was commissioned, and construction of two more elevated covered passages with elevators is underway.

Where residential neighborhoods and private houses adjoin the highway, six-meter noise screens will be installed. In the area of ​​overpasses under construction, residents will be protected from noise by four-meter screens. In addition, in houses No. 13, 17 on the 9th Northern Line from the side facing the highway, windows will be replaced with noise-proof double-glazed windows. According to the project, these activities are designed primarily for residents of new buildings in the 9th microdistrict of the Severny district (22nd km of Dmitrovskoye Highway).

According to the designers, after all the facilities are completed, the throughput of Dmitrovka will increase by 2.4 times - from 2070 to 4910 cars per hour. Thanks to the new overpasses and pedestrian crossings, the section from the Moscow Ring Road to the borders with the region will become traffic-free. The highway itself will increase from three to five lanes. Additional lanes will be used to drive into micro-districts and villages located on both sides of the highway, as well as to create a "separated" for public transport. As a result, residents of the Severny settlement, the cities of Mytishchi, Dolgoprudny and Lobnya will be able to get to the Altufievo metro station, railway stations Mark and Lianozovo are much faster.

AT most New settlers of the Severny settlement will benefit from the reconstruction, the population of which will double - up to 53 thousand people. More than 400,000 sq. m. will be additionally built there. m of housing with all the infrastructure. New production facilities will appear, for example, the MIPT Phystech-XXI technopark for 1.5 thousand jobs with an administrative and business center, educational buildings, hotels and sports facilities. With the opening of the Seligerskaya metro station of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line, it will be possible to get to the metro from Severny by bus or minibus along a dedicated lane in 10–15 minutes.

Moscow region


A 3D model of the renovated road junction at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with Dmitrovskoye Shosse can be seen on the website of the Moscow Construction Complex stroi.mos.ru.

The problem remains the reconstruction of the Dmitrov highway outside Moscow, on the territory of the Moscow region. If the highway is not widened, the traffic flow will run into " bottleneck". At present, it is known about the plans of Rosavtodor to reconstruct the A104 highway "Moscow - Dmitrov - Dubna" in the Moscow region. It's about on the extension of the section from km 24 to km 29, to a branch to Rogachevskoye Highway, as well as on the construction of an interchange at km 46, at the intersection with the Moscow Small Ring. The work will be carried out at the expense of the federal budget. In addition, it is planned to reconstruct the Rogachev highway from Dmitrovka to Lobnya near Moscow.

According to the plan, the highway in the Moscow region will also increase to five lanes, a special lane for passenger buses and off-street pedestrian crossings will appear. However, as with the construction of the flyover near the village of Gribki, the main problem remains the resettlement and demolition of private houses adjacent to the road.

According to the deputy mayor of Moscow for construction, Marat Khusnullin, the project for the reconstruction of Dmitrovka in the region is completely ready and has passed the examination. Work could begin this summer and be completed in 2016. Now the authorities of the capital are negotiating with Rosavtodor to speed up work so that the Moscow and Moscow Region sections are handed over at the same time. According to M. Khusnullin, out of the five regional kilometers to be upgraded, the narrowest section is 800 meters, so the reconstruction can be completed a year earlier.

The capital asks the authorities of the Moscow region for support in the seizure of regional lands for infrastructure projects in Moscow - primarily for the reconstruction of roads. This is stated in a letter from Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin to Governor Sergei Shoigu (available to Izvestia). We are talking about 72 sites in Mytishchi, Leninsky, Odintsovo districts and Khimki.

As follows from Sobyanin's letter, 35 sites in the village of Gribki and the village of Vinogradovo will have to be vacated for the reconstruction of Dmitrovskoye Highway - most of them are occupied by residential buildings.

For the sake of building an understudy of the Leningradskoye Highway, “removal of a part land plot» at a dozen car parks and shops, including furniture shopping complex"Grandee". The Grande declined to comment. Unofficially, the company's employees expressed the hope that in the end they would decide to lay the understudy of Leningradka bypassing their store.

The current legislation does not spell out the mechanism for withdrawal land plots in the Moscow region to accommodate facilities financed by Moscow, and vice versa, according to Sobyanin's letter. The mayor's office has already developed a draft procedure for interaction and sent it to Shoigu for approval. The Moscow authorities offer the region to decide on the choice of the site. And the capital intends to deal with the seizure, registration of rights, redemption and new construction on its own.

The Moscow region authorities are generally ready to cooperate, the minister told Izvestia building complex and housing and communal services of the Moscow region German Elyanyushkin. According to him, the region understands the problem of freeing up territories for important construction projects.
- When there is a need for the development of transport and engineering infrastructure, the issue of land acquisition arises. There is also the issue of border areas. Schemes, plans must be coordinated. An eight-lane road cannot leave Moscow and run into a two-lane one,” the minister said.

For the first time in history, Moscow demands the release of regional lands for state needs and draws up rights to them, Vitaly Mozharovsky, a partner at Goltsblat BLP, confirmed. According to him, the procedure for the transfer of sites should be agreed upon by both regions.
According to supervisor Research Institute of Transport and Roads of Mikhail Blinkin, in this case demolition is inevitable.
Most likely, money will compensate for the cost of the property, the head of the Land Affairs Office, Ilya Sviridov, believes.

Selecting a similar plot is another deal that will drag out time, the expert says. At the same time, the cost of the lands chosen by Moscow is quite high. So, the village of Gribki is located just 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road. Here the cost of 1 sq. m in a cottage on a plot of five acres - from €1 thousand.

The city will select an appraiser through a competition to determine the amount of compensation.

For some, a hundred-year-old oak may mean more than a barn. And you can demand compensation for his loss, but usually the state appraiser does not do this, Sviridov warns. According to Mozharovsky, the cost of the site, calculated by the state appraiser and the appraiser invited from outside, may differ by several times. The courts in these cases usually take the side of the state.

The last time large-scale seizures of land for state needs in Russia were carried out in the Sochi region. The purchase of plots for the construction of Olympic facilities was accompanied by a number of high-profile scandals. Residents complained about appraisers imposed on them and the short timeframe for resettlement, which made it impossible to challenge the appraisal.

Reconstruction of the section of Dmitrovskoye Highway from the Moscow Ring Road to the region consists of two main stages:

1st stage of reconstruction:Reconstruction of the section of Dmitrovskoye Highway located on the territory of the city of Moscow (to the village of Gribki) Funded from the federal budget.
Preliminary estimate cost of reconstruction - 800 million rubles The length of this section is more than a kilometer, but the problems are associated with the purchase of real estate, which will need to be carried out for the work. Project reconstruction of the Dmitrovskoye Highway outside the Moscow Ring Road to the city border (up to the village of Gribki) provides for construction works in three areas.

One of them is the construction of directed ramps at the "clover" interchange at the intersection of Dmitrovka and Moscow ring road. Here it is supposed to build two directed congresses in order to exclude the intersection of car flows. To turn from Dmitrovskoe highway (when driving from the region) to the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road, an overpass is being built, and to exit the highway (when driving from the city center) to outside builders are laying a tunnel along the ring highway, which will be combined with a transit tunnel for traffic from the center towards the region. In the future, this three-level roundabout will provide continuous movement both along the Moscow Ring Road and along the Dmitrov highway.
The second section is the construction of a two-level transport interchange at the intersection of Dmitrovsky, Dolgoprudnensky and Chelobitevsky highways. At this busy intersection, builders will erect a transit overpass along the main course of Dmitrovskoye highway, which will pass over the intersection with Chelobitevsky and Dolgoprudnensky highways. Side two-lane driveways will also be built along Dmitrovka from both sides, which will provide entry and exit from the highway to the Severny settlement and adjacent territories.
Another construction site - from a two-level interchange at the intersection of Dmitrovsky and Dolgoprudnensky highways to the borders of Moscow. According to the project, two transit overpasses will be built on this section of the highway along the main course of Dmitrovka, and alternates will be equipped along the highway.

The second stage of reconstruction: Reconstruction of the section of the Dmitrov highway located on the territory of the Moscow region (from the village of Gribki).

It is financed from the federal budget. The reconstruction project of the Podmoskovny section of the Dmitrovskoye highway plans that by 2015 the Moscow-Dmitrov-Dubna highway will be completely reconstructed and expanded to the turn to Lobnya, and a multi-level traffic interchange will be built on the section of km 46 + 450 m of the intersection with the Moscow Small Ring.
The project for the reconstruction of Dmitrovskoe highway provides for the construction of a new highway from Dmitrov to Dubna, which, bypassing the village of Zaprudnya, will go in parallel to Poludenovka old road, and then sharply turn right - in the direction of a special economic zone with access to the Volga River in Dubna. At the entrance to the village of Zaprudnya, it is planned to build an elevated reinforced concrete flyover - multi-purpose road junction. Reconstruction of the Dmitrovskoye Highway will significantly reduce the time of traffic from Moscow to Dubna, and will directly connect the Moscow and Tver regions.

Project reconstruction of this section of Dmitrovskoye Highway is currently under development.

Reconstruction (expansion) of Dmitrovsky inside the Moscow Ring Road

Currently underway active work for the reconstruction of Dmitrovskoye Highway, which will make Dmitrovka a modern and fast highway. The planning project for the section of Dmitrovskoye Highway from the projected two-level traffic interchange to the city boundaries proposes the reconstruction of Dmitrovskoye Highway and the construction of 2 interchanges in different levels. The considered section of the Dmitrov highway has a length of 3.5 km. The project for the reconstruction of Dmitrovskoye Highway on the section from the city center of Moscow to the Moscow Ring Road provides for:
1. A two-level traffic interchange will be built at the intersection of Dmitrovskoye Highway with Dolgoprudnensky Highway. As part of the interchange, the planning project provides for the construction of new flyovers along the axis of Dmitrovskoye Highway; equipment of side passages along the flyover on both sides; arrangement of two passages under the overpass along the highway Dolgoprudnenskoe shosse - Chelobityevskoe shosse and along the highway projected passage N229 (adjacent to Dolgoprudnenskoe highway) - projected passage N241; the device of a single-lane U-turn along Dmitrovskoye Highway towards the region. The transport interchange at the intersection of Dmitrovskoye Highway and the Moscow Ring Road will be built at different levels (cloverleaf type) with all right-turn and left-turn exits.
2. In order to improve bandwidth junction, the transport and planning solution provides for the construction of 2 directed left turns in the third and fourth levels and, as a result, the construction of new routes for the other two left turns and for three of the four right turns. Also, as part of this work, it is proposed to build an underground pedestrian crossing across Dmitrovskoye Highway on the way to the interchange from the side of the center and the traffic police post - at stopping point ground public transport "Platform Mayak".