Safe way home from school. Summary of the lesson "My safe way to school"

Chechka Irina Vladimirovna
Extra-curricular event "Safe Route" Home - School - Home "

State Educational Institution "Pogost Educational and Pedagogical Complex

kindergarten - middle Soligorsk district school»

extracurricular activity

« safe route"House - school - home»

Chechka Irina Vladimirovna,

primary school teacher

v. Pogost - 1

1. Introduction…. …3

2. extracurricular activity« safe route"House - school - home» ….…. ….….4

3. Literature….….….12

4. Application…. ….…. 13


Now the world, the situation in the world has changed. On the roads, both the speed of movement and the density of traffic flows are increasing very quickly, and, consequently, the victims of this very traffic. Dies under the wheels of cars a large number of people, and many of them are children. Children are the cause of road accidents in half of the cases. And it is necessary to start with teaching the culture of behavior on the road to the smallest pedestrians - children, students, schoolchildren.

Teaching children the rules of the road in our school starts from kindergarten. Children should know what violations of the Rules of the Road by a pedestrian can lead to, what dangers lie in wait for a pedestrian on the roads. Only repeated repetition of the rules, playing and analysis of situations, training exercises on the streets locality, and daily positive example adults will allow the child to feel confident as a pedestrian, and also help to avoid emergencies and save life. That is why school play a decisive role in preventing child injuries on the roads. But the role of parents in this process cannot be ruled out either.

The current situation on the roads requires pedestrians to know the rules of the road, a good reaction in making decisions in assessing the traffic situation. And without a solid knowledge of the rules of the road, this is impossible to do. Therefore, with our work, we replenished our knowledge of the rules of the road and drew up a scheme safe movement from home to school and from school to home.

extracurricular activity

« safe route"House - school - home»

Theme: « safe route"House - school - home»

Target: formation of representations of junior schoolchildren about road safety rules.


repeat the rules for the movement of pedestrians along the street and the road;

develop in children the ability to find the most safe way from home to school;

promote respect for all road users.

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, proverbs, Pinocchio's picture, diagrams safe route to school, crossword, snowflakes.

"Beware of troubles while they are not"

Event progress

1. Organizational and motivational moment

Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you again.

Tell me, how are you?

I think it's great. Yes?

Let's start event with smiles, compliments,

So that our world consists of joyful moments.

(Children take turns complimenting each other)

"Beware of troubles while they are not"

Who can explain the meaning of these proverbs.

Today these proverbs will be our motto in the lesson.

2. Actualization of knowledge and goal setting

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

Name words that are close in meaning. (prudent, cautious, unhurried).

To find safe way to school What do you think you need to know for this? That's right, you need to leave the house on time, navigate the road well, know the rules of the road and avoid danger.

Creating a problem situation

Listen to the story about the fairy-tale hero Pinocchio. Appendix 1

- Buratino gathered in school. But on the way to schools nothing happened to him, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Pinocchio is doing something wrong, immediately clap your hands, that is, you warn.

- So, Pinocchio took "ABC" and went to school. All the people were walking along the sidewalk, and the fairy-tale man too. But here is the road. There were still three tremendous steps to the car, and Pinocchio decided that he would have time to run across. (Children clap their hands)

- Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio? (Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles)

- Pinocchio missed the car and crossed the road. Time before class starts at there were many more schools, because Pinocchio left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that met on his way.

"Boy, be careful!" Don't count crows. Go right - said passers-by. (Children clapping)(On the sidewalk you need to walk on right side so as not to interfere with people who go forward)

- While Pinocchio was reading the signs, there was little time left before the start of the lessons.

“We must hurry,” the wooden boy decided.

And there is another road ahead. The traffic light flashed its red eye in a friendly manner.

“I’ll cross the road,” Pinocchio decided. After all, there are no cars. (Children clap their hands). (Pinocchio wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. And you can’t cross like that, even if there are no cars. You have to wait until the green light turns on).

But the traffic light turned green. All pedestrians, and Pinocchio too, crossed the road. And here is school!

- Guys, you helped Buratino safely get to schools. But trouble could happen. What rules did you want to break? fairy tale hero? (Cross the street in front of nearby traffic, cross the street at a red traffic light, walk along the sidewalk not on the right side and interfere with oncoming pedestrians)

- What would you advise such children as Pinocchio? (Study the rules of the road)

3. Game "Road smarties"

Let's play the game "Goodies on the Road" together with Pinocchio, guess the riddles.

1. Carriageway with a hard surface. (Highway)

2. A person riding a vehicle. (Passenger)

3. A person making a movement on foot. (A pedestrian)

4. It can be prohibitive, permissive, informational. (Sign)

5. Bus waiting area. (Stop)

6. Transport powered by electricity. (Trolleybus, tram)

7. Ambulance phone number. (103)

8. A place where they leave their transport for a while. (Parking)

9. Multi-seat vehicle for the transport of passengers. (Bus)

10. Drivers - reckless drivers are very fond of doing it. (Overtaking)

11. Three-eyed guard. (Traffic light)

12. The most strict road signs. (Prohibiting)

13. This happens to those who do not follow the rules of the road. (accident)

14. Pedestrian crossing in a different way. (Zebra)

15. The most dangerous place for pedestrians. (Crossroad)

16. This “says” the yellow traffic light. (Attention)

17. Part of the car under which the gap falls. (Wheel)

18. Rule breakers fear him. (Inspector)

19. A gaping driver gets into it. (Ditch)

20. Path along the road, not for cars. (Sidewalk)

4. Historical background

Previously, there were no sidewalks on the streets. Every year more and more carriages appeared on the street, and the number of accidents grew. In 1782, a new theater building was built in Paris. A large number of carriages and pedestrians moved along the streets. Carriages collided, crushed people. And instead of the theater people ended up in the hospital. Then the city authorities divided the road between carriages and pedestrians. People began to walk on the sidewalk.

5. Road signs

When a person learns to read, he is shown letters. From letters he puts words, from words - sentences. At road language there are also letters - signs. They need to be put into words. One sign - one road letter means a whole phrase - a road signal.

- You can ask: “Why should I know these signs, I’m not a driver?” But after all, a competent pedestrian will be especially attentive where there is a sign indicating "Slippery road". Will be careful if there is a railway crossing ahead, or repair work is underway. After all, the road says something, the street screams about some kind of danger, and the pedestrian "no language" walks carelessly, because he does not understand the road sign, does not see the signal at the intersection, does not hear about the danger on the street. Ignorance of the road language is dangerous. It happens that for such illiteracy a pedestrian pays with his life.

Random signs do not exist, they are all invented for the good of the cause. Thirty years ago there were only fifty signs, and today there are more than a hundred. Why? (children's answers).

And what signs are most often found on our way on the way to school? (crosswalk, bus stop etc.)

Here is what the traffic police officers of the Salihorsk District Department of Internal Affairs advise you for the period of the autumn-winter bad weather: Appendix 2

If there is a longer one, but safe way to school


6. Game "Road maze"

A labyrinth is an intricate network of paths and passages. We must quickly solve the riddles and we will get out of it.

1. The intersection of two roads. (crossroad)

2. This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (bike)

3. Where would we across the road

Go to the store?

Behind these stalls

Where the arrow is at the gate

We are on this arrow ourselves

Read… (transition)

4. What a miracle this house is!

Light windows all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. (bus)

5. Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

Rails in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands. (trolleybus)

6. I blink my eyes

Relentless day and night.

I help cars

And I want to help you. (traffic light)

We completely forgot about our friend the traffic light. But he meets many guys on the way to school.

7. Game "Collect a traffic light"

On a chair near the board are a traffic light body and three circle: yellow, green and red. This game requires 4 people. You need to run to the chair and attach one to the board details: 1st attaches the body, 2nd - red circle, 3rd - yellow circle, 4th - green circle.

After the student attaches the part to the board, he returns to his place. Only then does the next one run. It is necessary to fold the traffic light correctly and quickly.

8. From the history of traffic lights

- The traffic light, which tells cars and people when to start moving and when to stop, was invented before the car.

One hundred and forty years ago, there were not many cars on the city streets, and horse-drawn carriages carried people. To prevent rushing horse-drawn carriages from colliding with each other, traffic lights were placed at the crossroads. The first traffic light was installed in English city London. If you saw this traffic light now, you would not immediately understand what it is. The first traffic light had only two colors - red and green. It was controlled by a special person who raised and lowered the arrow with a colored circle. A sharp transition from one signal to another was dangerous: one did not have time to stop, and the other had already gone. And then they came up with a warning sign - a yellow signal. Then traffic lights began to be installed on poles. A large black arrow crawled along the colored glass of the traffic light. The arrow was translated by the traffic controller. He turned on green light, then yellow, then red. Traffic controllers stood at each traffic light. Traffic lights were invented to protect the lives of pedestrians and prevent accidents and accidents on the streets. In all cities of the world, traffic lights are the same - tricolor. Color signals are located at the top down: red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go. Modern traffic lights are electric. They independently switch their lights at intersections and give orders to pedestrians and cars when to stop and when to move.

Do you always listen to traffic lights?

9. Fizminutka “Traffic light”

I have three circles: red, yellow and green. I will show them to you one by one, and you must perform movements:

Yellow - clapping;

Green - walking in place;

Red - squats.

You are flashing fun

Goodbye traffic light.

And they burn for you

traffic lights:

Red - stop!

Yellow - wait!

And green - come on!

10. Game « fairy stories» Annex 3



11. Conversation "Road to dark time days"

Any road in the dark becomes more difficult and dangerous because a significant part school year falls precisely on the autumn-winter season, when it gets dark early and dawns late. It is noticed that the number of accidents increases with the onset of twilight. There's nothing in it amazing: at this time of the year the weather worsens, it rains more often. Even in the evening it was dry and clear, and in the morning visibility deteriorates. Do not rely on the fact that the driver will see you - be careful, prudent! It is advisable to make sure that in any weather and in the dark your figure would be visible to the driver. This can be helped "flickers".

12. Introduction to the practical part

When you were little by yourself route to school and it was charted for you by your parents or other adults.

Today everyone student should know that the street is very dangerous for someone who does not know how to walk on it correctly. But the one who firmly knows and accurately fulfills strict rules traffic, may not be afraid of the fastest car. Let's repeat these rules. Appendix 4

Let's remember your path on the map (each student has the opportunity to show his path to school).

Now most you can do the work yourself. Take your time to say that the road is in school remains the same, there is nothing new on it, and that you know it well, and therefore make up route again is not necessary. Yes, maybe the road to school you are very familiar with. But did it make her any less dangerous? And did something new appear on it? think about it: why about half of all road traffic accidents that happen to children (and by no means to the smallest ones) occur precisely on the way to school and from school? (children's answers).

What signs are located near schools help us follow the rules of the road? (student answers, discussion)

On the section of the road that is adjacent to the territory schools, on both sides it is prohibited (or time limited) car parking. Temporary obstacles on the way to school(pits, trenches, piles of debris, soil, etc.) should have fences and signs, there should be no idle lights and unlit road signs.

To find safe way to school What do you think you need to know for this? (That's right, you need to leave the house on time, navigate the road well, know the rules of the road and avoid danger).

Check your way in school! It should be as short as possible, pass along well-maintained sidewalks, footpaths, to have as few intersections with the carriageway as possible. If the traffic is heavy, then traffic lights, road signs, markings should be installed at the intersections with the road.

If possible, it is better to let the cars pass both on the left and on the right so that you do not stop in the middle of the street when crossing.

Never call anyone through road: no relatives, no friends, no acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the rules of the road. Do not be shy to tell your comrades and even adults about this so that they do not do the same.

13. Practical work

Make a drawing on the topic “ Safe way to school and home”.

Way from home to schools, printed on the diagram, must be detailed and have the designation of all dangerous places. Here are the possible measures of such designations, the lines can be distinguished in different color: red - dangerous areas, green - possible path. Any obstacles on the way associated with the repair of facades, roads, digging trenches, etc., forcing you to go onto the roadway, should be reflected in the diagram.

Remember: scheme route to school is not made once and for all. Firstly, as soon as you find that there have been any changes on your way (put up a fence, dug a hole, the lamp went out, etc., immediately mark it on the diagram. Secondly, even if everything is still, you should at least 2-3 times a month check the scheme with the road to school. It will not only refresh your memory dangerous places but also help you avoid hidden danger which you are unaware of.

think over route, show and explain why you chose a particular path. Now start working. Annex 5 Student performance (picture story).

14. Consolidation of the studied material

Let's solve the crossword puzzle and remember the basic concepts of the road alphabet. Let's help Pinocchio guess:

1) Striped horse,

Her name is Zebra.

But not the one in the zoo -

People are walking along it (transition)

2) Along the path in the yard

Kolya rides on a horse.

Not a car, not a moped

A simple (bike)

3) From the edge of the city to another

The house walks under the arc (tram)

4) Not alive, but walking.

Motionless but leading (road)

5) I play with my eyes

Day and night,

I help cars

And I want to help you (traffic light)

6) The house is walking down the street,

It takes us to work.

Not on chicken legs

And rubber boots (bus)

7) ... light is a warning.

Wait for the signal to move (yellow)

8) On the side of the road

Like soldiers, they stand.

We all work together

Everything they tell us (signs)

9) Cars rush through the streets,

The tires are in there.

We went down the passage

The owner is there... (a pedestrian)

10) To help you

The path is dangerous.

Burning day and night

Green yellow, … (red)

11) Are you waiting for landing

On the allotted site,

You don't need dexterity

This place … (stop)

12) So that I can take you,

I don't need oats at all

Feed me gasoline

Give rubber to the hooves

And then, raising the dust,

Will run... (automobile) Appendix 6

o s 3. t o r o 7. w o s t

Well done! You did an excellent job with the task and helped Pinocchio answer all the questions.

15. Summing up

Which keyword did we solve this crossword puzzle? (caution)

How does this word relate to the topic of the lesson? What should be your path from home to school and back? (children's answers)

The game “It is allowed - it is forbidden” Appendix 7 Let's show Pinocchio how we learned the material. If it is forbidden, we stomp our feet; if it is allowed, we clap our hands.

Play on the pavement (forbidden)



Walk in a crowd on the sidewalk (permitted)





Walk on the sidewalk on the left (forbidden)





Wish your way in school has always been safe. I hope that the rules that we have remembered today will help you and ensure your road safety.

16. Reflection

rate event and the degree of their participation in it. Pin the snowflakes to the item that suits you.

1. I was not interested. Event seemed boring to me.

2. I was interested, but the questions left me indifferent activity.

3. I was interested. I enjoyed participating in event.


1. Three traffic lights. Didactic games, quiz. M: Enlightenment, 1998.

2. Filenko M.N. Schoolchildren about the rules of the road. M: Enlightenment, 1985.

3. Knyazeva R. A. 100 tasks for traffic rules. M: Pedagogy, 1997


5. http://open lesson. rf




Appendix 1

Annex 2

Councils of employees of the traffic police of Soligorsk ROVD:

As much as you want to sleep in on a rainy morning, try to get out of the house a little early so you don't rush. On a wet and icy road, it is easy for a pedestrian to slip, and the car's braking distance increases.

If there is a longer one, but safe way to school, in bad weather better choose it.

If an umbrella or a hood restricts the view very much, it is necessary, having approached the roadway, to move them, freeing the field of view.

Bypassing a puddle, one must not for a moment forget about road: It is better to wet your shoes or stain your clothes than to be under the wheels.

When it rains, numerous reflections in the puddles of headlights and lanterns disorient drivers and pedestrians. It is necessary to carefully choose a place for the transition. If possible, it is better to let the cars pass both on the left and on the right so that you do not stop in the middle of the street when crossing.

Annex 3

fairy stories

1. Winnie the Pooh is 9 years old. For his birthday, he was given a wonderful bike. Winnie the Pooh was delighted, sat on him and rolled. He drove 3 times around his house, drove around the yard 5 times and drove onto the road, heading for Piglet's house. (Under 14 years of age not allowed to drive)

2. Dunno was late for the train. Little Red Riding Hood hurried to pharmacy: Her grandmother is ill. They saw a boy who was riding a bicycle and began to ask him for a ride. Who will the boy pick up? (no one is allowed to ride a bike)

3. Vintik and Shpuntik rode bicycles. Suddenly, Shpuntik's bicycle broke down. It didn't get fixed right away. But Vintik did not leave his friend in trouble: he took Shpuntik's bike in tow and took it home. (bicycle cannot be towed)

4. Three little pigs were building a house. They bought long slats from the store and tied them to the bike. So the piglets decided to bring the slats home. (You can't carry bulky items on your bike)

Appendix 4

Traffic Laws

Rule 1: Pedestrians must only walk on ... the sidewalk. And you need to walk along it, adhering to the right side, so as not to collide with oncoming people.

Rule 2: if the road is small, pedestrians walk along the sides ... towards the traffic.

Rule 3: when crossing the street, be sure to look first ... to the left, and then ... to the right.

Rule 4: you can’t cross the road anywhere and anyhow! Where can you cross the street? ... at pedestrian crossings.

Rule 5: it helps to cross the road correctly at the intersection "three-eyed street commander"… traffic light.

Annex 5

Individual safe route movements learn __ ___ class

GDO "Pogostsky kindergarten-secondary school» ___,

residing___ at the address: ___

Movement in School Route compiled:

Movement from school Parent ___

Dangerous road sections Child ___

Appendix 6

1. p e 9. p m

e 2. in t e o

p e o 6. a w 10. k b

e l f w e r 11. o and

x o 4. d o t 8z x a s

o s 3. t o r o 7. w o s t

d i r b e a d n a

p a o u l k y n

e m g s t i o

Annex 7

The game "Allowed - prohibited"

Play on the pavement (forbidden)

Cross the street at a green traffic light (permitted)

Cross the street in front of oncoming traffic (forbidden)

Walk in a crowd on the sidewalk (permitted)

Crossing the street at a yellow traffic light (forbidden)

Help old men and women cross the street (permitted)

Cyclists to cling to passing cars (forbidden)

Walk around parked vehicles in front of the sidewalk (forbidden)

Walk on the sidewalk on the left (forbidden)

Run out onto the road (forbidden)

Riding a bike without holding the handlebars (forbidden)

Chatting and laughing out loud in transport (forbidden)

Respect traffic rules (permitted)

Appendix 8

Presentation to event

slide 1 slide 2

slide 3 slide 4

slide 5 slide 6

slide 7 slide 8

slide 9 slide 10

slide 11 slide 12

slide 13 slide 14

slide 15 slide 16

slide 17 slide 18

slide 19 slide 20

Cheboksary 2016

1. Project passport………………………………………………….………..….3

2. Relevance ……………………………………………….……………..….4

3. Analysis of the environment (external and internal)…………………………….…….…5

4. Goals and objectives of the project…………………………………………………….….….8

5. Participants and their role in the implementation of the project………………………………...8

6. Resources (material, informational, personnel, technical) ...... 9

7. Project Implementation Mechanism…………………………………………………9

8. Project Implementation Plan……………………………………………….….10

9. Expected results……………………………………………………..13

10. Perspectives further development project……………………….……13

11. References……………………………………………..………….14

12. Appendix…………………………………………………………..…….15


Project name

"Safe Road to School"

Project theme

Rules of the road in kindergarten.

Grigorieva Ekaterina Vladislavovna

Location of the project

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 5, preparatory for the school of groups "Rainbow"

The problem the project aims to solve

Safety of preschoolers on the roads and streets of the city.

Objective of the project

Project objectives

Project participants

Children, parents, teachers

Project implementation timeline


From 04/04/2016 to 04/29/2016

Expected results

Children have an idea about the rules of the road, the structure of the street and road signs;

Show caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;

Developed personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation;

Promotion of traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents has been intensified

Project relevance

Every year, adults and children die on the roads of Russia, as well as become disabled. Among the dead are minor children. These are irreparable losses, suffering, pain not only for relatives, but also for society. It has been established that most accidents are caused by gross violations rules of the road for both drivers and pedestrians. The main rules that are broken are:

Exceeding the speed limit;

Violation of the rules of overtaking;

Departure to the lane of oncoming traffic;

Not using child restraints in cars.

However, a considerable number of accidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians. The main causes of accidents involving pedestrians:

Crossing the carriageway in an unspecified place;

Transition of the carriageway to a prohibiting traffic light signal;

Unexpected exit due to vehicles.

According to traffic police officers, most traffic violations occur due to the lack of mutual respect between road users, as well as due to ignorance and direct disregard for traffic rules.

To prevent people from dying on the roads, our society has set a goal: to achieve maximum interaction and mutual understanding between all road users and show respect for those who drive and walk along the streets and roads of our country with us. Only strict observance traffic rules, rules public order will reduce the number of accidents on the roads and the severity of their consequences.

Almost every citizen is in the role of both a pedestrian and a driver, and our children through gaming activity also master these roles. Therefore, all drivers must remember that the life and health of people are in their hands. And parents should remember that the safety of children depends on their upbringing and attention. Children should know that only knowledge and observance of traffic rules will save their life and health.

In order for our children to become law-abiding pedestrians, it is necessary to acquaint them with the rules of the road and teach them to follow them unquestioningly. How earlier child learns these rules, the more chances he will have to save his health and life. So you need to start traffic rules training at preschool age. After all, it all starts in childhood. Special attention should be given to traffic signs for pedestrians. It is very important to instill in children a sense of responsibility for their behavior on the street and to ensure that compliance with the rules of the road becomes a habit for them. This task will be successfully implemented with the interaction of educators and parents, public organizations. But the main role is preschool institutions because children spend most of their time in preschool.

There will soon come a moment in family life when the child will go to school. This stage of his life will be associated with a number of problems, of which the most acute are the problems of the child's safety on the road. So the task of teachers and parents is to prepare him for a meeting with various difficult and sometimes dangerous situations on the road, to instill in the child the skills correct behavior outside. After all, help yourself difficult situation only the one who gets necessary knowledge about existing dangers, learn to recognize them in a timely manner, bypass them. The urgency of this problem is also connected with the fact that children before school age there is no protective psychological reaction on environment which is characteristic of adults.

Analysis of the external and internal environment

Analysis of the external environment

According to the Department of the Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Cheboksary, since the beginning of 2016, the number of traffic accidents involving minors has decreased by 31.3% on the roads of Cheboksary, 12 children were injured in 11 registered accidents.

The main type of traffic accidents involving children is collisions with pedestrians (54.5% of all accidents involving children). Drivers of vehicles committed 6 runs on children, 2 of which occurred in places intended for crossing the carriageway. In 2 cases, children were run over in the yards of residential buildings.

2 facts are related to traffic violations by children and adolescents at the moment when they were pedestrians. Children were injured as a result of riding down a hill and entering the road due to an obstacle that limits visibility. As a result of a collision with pedestrians, six children were injured, of which four were children of school age from 7 to 11 years old, in 2 facts children aged 12 to 15 years old were injured.

5 children were injured as passengers. In accidents that occurred through the fault of adults (speeding, driving into oncoming traffic), two out of five injured child passengers were in a car without restraints or were not wearing seat belts.

The largest number of affected children in the 1st quarter of this year. recorded on weekends, on Saturday and Sunday (3 and 4 victims, respectively). The most "emergency" time of day for minor road users is from 07.00 to 09.00 and from 12.00 to 15.00 (3 victims each).

In order to prevent child road traffic injuries, nationwide targeted preventive measures are being taken: “Attention - children!”, “Bus”, “Drunk driver”, “ Railroad crossing”, “Children” and a number of others. Huge contribution promote the safe participation of children in road traffic public organizations who systematically hold preventive meetings-lessons in educational institutions. This practice is carried out within social project"Young pedestrians and motorists of Chuvashia" active participation Association of motorists "AsAuto".

In all educational organizations Chuvash Republic students were given reflective elements. Currently 15 educational organizations Chuvashia have car parks.

Analysis of the internal environment

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 5" of Cheboksary of a general developmental type. There are 13 groups for children from 2 to 7 years old in preschool. Of which: 3 - second groups early age, 2- junior groups, 2 - middle groups, 3 - senior groups, 3 - preparatory groups for school.

DOW plays a decisive role not only in the study of the Rules of the road, but also in the prevention of road injuries in accordance with the Law on Road Traffic.

Event planning includes:

1. Working with subjects educational process to provide them methodological assistance in carrying out various different forms carrying out activities to study the Rules of the road.

2. Activation of work on the prevention of accidents with children at

street, organizing the work of the UID squad to explain the Rules of Conduct to children in in public places and prevention of traffic violations.

3. Creation and equipment of traffic safety corners, production of stands, models of streets, intersections, traffic lights, development of methodological, didactic materials and teaching aids for preschoolers.

4. Creation of special areas (attributes for indoor activities) for practical exercises according to the rules of the road.

5. Inclusion in the program additional education work creative association pupils in the study of traffic rules.

6. Working with parents to explain the Rules of the Road, holding various forms: meetings, conferences, joint game programs, exhibitions, competitions creative works(drawings, crafts).

7. Propaganda of the Rules of the Road through the district press, videos, participation in district and regional creative competitions(drawings, posters, essays, joint work children and parents, abstracts thematic classes; methodological developments for conducting game programs, quizzes, games, etc.). Registration methodical piggy bank organization and holding of the month "Attention, children!". Permanent contact of the administration educational institution with the traffic police inspector - necessary condition fruitful work on the study of the Rules of the road and the prevention of child road traffic injuries

Goals and objectives of the project


Formation in children of the skills of conscious implementation of the rules of conduct that ensure the safety of their life and health in modern conditions streets, transport, nature.


To acquaint children with the rules of the road, the structure of the street and road signs intended for drivers and pedestrians;

To develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;

Develop personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation;

Intensify work to promote traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents

Participants and their role in project implementation

Children of the preparatory school group "Rainbow" - participate in activities.

Parents (legal representatives) of pupils of the "Rainbow" group - receive information, participate in events, improve pedagogical competence, share experience.

Teacher - develops a project, interacts with project participants.



Scientific-methodical, fiction;


Internet resources;


educators and professionals;

Material - technical:

A laptop;



Music Center;

Software and methodological support:

Partial program "Safety" N.A. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin

Project Implementation Mechanism

Preparatory stage

main stage

The final stage

The study of scientific and methodical literature on the topic of the project.

Setting goals, objectives and relevance of the project.

Development of an action plan.

Parent survey.

Development of abstracts of events

Carrying out activities Playing out didactic and outdoor games according to traffic rules.

Solving game situations.

Quizzes on traffic rules.


Organization of the exhibition

Conducting a parent meeting.

Photo exhibition

Project Implementation Plan


Name of events


Location of the event


Preparatory stage

Selection of literature, Preparation of visual-illustrated material on the topic of the project.


Extracurricular activity on the topic

"Safe road from home to school"

Class - 1 "A" class. head Mashkina Marina Nikolaevna

Event objectives:

  • formation of the idea of ​​younger schoolchildren about road safety;
  • repetition of the rules for the movement of pedestrians along the street and the road;
  • developing in children the ability to find the safest way from home to school;
  • upbringing respectful attitude to all road users.

Equipment: rule cards, traffic lights, children's drawings, crossword, musical accompaniment, poster “ABC of safety”,

Lesson progress

I. Introductory part.

So that the streets without fear

You and I could walk

Need traffic rules

Definitely study.

Guys, every day you leave the house and find yourself on the street, where there are a lot of rules that you need to follow in order not to get into an unpleasant story. Every year there are more and more cars on the roads. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians.

Today we will talk with you about how to behave on the street, remember the rules of the road, get to know the road signs better. During our event “Pedestrian ABC”, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the language of streets and roads, the rules of behavior on the street and in public transport, and much more.

II. Student presentation.

And we will begin our event by listening to poems that your classmates will read to us.

  1. Adults and children know

It will be easier to live in the world

If no doubt

Know the rules of the road.

  1. If you break the rules

And you go to the red light

You get different injuries

And you end up in the hospital.

  1. If the light is green,

Go boldly, don't yawn

But still be careful

About the bus and cars

Never forget!

  1. If there is an intersection

Or just turn

Be careful teenager

Or just a pedestrian!

Guys, what do you think, who are the main road users? The main road users are drivers and pedestrians. Those who are on the sidewalks and the pedestrian part of the road are called pedestrians. The person who is driving the car driver . The person who gets into the vehicle. And the driver, if he got out of his car, becomes a pedestrian. Traffic rules exist for drivers, and for pedestrians, and for passengers.

Guys, the law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, does not follow the rules. But this law is also very kind: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only the constant observance of the rules of the road allows all of us to confidently cross the streets.

Now we will hold the relay race of road sciences.

III. Command presentation.

The traffic light team.

On duty at any time

Attention, staring

You have a three-eyed traffic light -

Green, yellow, red eyes.

He gives orders to everyone!

Team "Road Sign".

The smallest road sign

It's not just worth it

Be careful people

Respect every sign!

IV. Contests.

1) "Warm-up"

The captains draw lots on who to answer first. If the team does not answer the question, then the right to answer is transferred to the audience.

Questions for the traffic light team:

Where should pedestrians walk while on the street?

Who gives commands to a pedestrian traffic light?

What is a safety island for?

When should you start crossing the street if there is a traffic light at the intersection?

Where should pedestrians walk if there is no sidewalk?

Questions for the Road Sign team:

How many signals does a traffic light have?

Where is the safety island located?

What does a red traffic light mean?

Why do you have to walk on the right side of the sidewalk?

Is it possible to start crossing the street at a yellow traffic light?

2) "Collect a traffic light"

On the chairs near the board are the body of the traffic light and three circles: yellow, green and red. There are four people on the team. Each team member needs to run to the chair and attach one piece to the board: the 1st attaches the body, the 2nd - the red circle, the 3rd - the yellow circle, the 4th - the green circle.

After the child attaches the part to the board, he returns to his place. Only then does the next one run. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly folds the traffic light.

From the history of traffic lights

- The traffic light, which tells cars and people when to start moving and when to stop, was invented before the car.

One hundred and forty years ago, there were not many cars on the city streets, and horse-drawn carriages carried people. To prevent rushing horse-drawn carriages from colliding with each other, traffic lights were placed at the crossroads. The first traffic light was installed in the English city of London. If you saw this traffic light now, you would not immediately understand what it is. The first traffic light had only two colors - red and green. It was controlled by a special person who raised and lowered the arrow with a colored circle. A sharp transition from one signal to another was dangerous: one did not have time to stop, and the other had already gone. And then they came up with a warning sign - a yellow signal. Then traffic lights began to be installed on poles. A large black arrow crawled along the colored glass of the traffic light. The arrow was translated by the traffic controller. He turned on green light, then yellow, then red. Traffic controllers stood at each traffic light. Traffic lights were invented to protect the lives of pedestrians and prevent accidents and accidents on the streets. In all cities of the world, traffic lights are the same - tricolor. Color signals are arranged from top to bottom: red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go. Modern traffic lights are electric. They independently switch their lights at intersections and give orders to pedestrians and cars when to stop and when to move.

Do you always listen to traffic lights?

Traffic light ". (Fizminutka).

I have three circles: red, yellow and green. I will show them to you one by one, and you must perform the movements:

yellow - clapping;

green - walking in place;

red - squats.

You are flashing fun

Goodbye traffic light.

And they burn for you

Traffic lights:

Red stop!

Yellow - wait!

And green - come on!

3) "Riddle"

What a miracle - this house: Top - yellow, bottom - blue,

The windows glow all around, On his chest is a star.

Wears shoes made of rubber And above him are air lines

And is it fueled by gasoline? Wires stretched out.

(Bus) (Trolleybus)

Look, what a strong man: There are two rows of houses.

On the move with one hand Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

Stop accustomed And square eyes

Five ton truck. Everyone is looking at each other.

(Guard.) (Street.)

Striped horse, I blink my eyes

Her name is Zebra. Relentless day and night.

But not the one in the zoo, I help the cars

People are walking along it. And I can help you!

(Pedestrian crossing.) (Traffic light.)

The red wagon runs along the rails, The canvas, not the track,

All where necessary, he quickly rushes. Horse, not horse - centipede

The boisterous ringing is liked by children. It crawls along that path,

So what are we driving around the city in? The whole convoy is one lucky.

(Tram.) (Train.)

Guys, do any of you know where and when cars appeared? Listen, this is interesting!

It happened a very long time ago. So long ago that no one knows how it really was. Maybe so?..

There were two neighbors. One caught a wild horse, tamed it, rode it and began to brag: “This is the kind of horse I have. Jumps the fastest. The wind is overtaking. No one has one." He endured- endured his boasting of another. Didn't endure. Went to the steppe. Caught a horse, tamed it, traveled around. And he says to his braggart neighbor: “Let’s check whose horse is faster and which of us is the best rider!”. We agreed. We left for an open field. “There, let's jump to that stone!” .- “Come on!”. They hit the horse's flanks with whips, whooped and rushed off. Which of them jumped first is unknown. Yes, it doesn't matter. Something else is important. The first competitions in the history took place, where both people and horses were measured in strength - “live engines” that people controlled.

And now it's time to test your ingenuity.

4) “ funny questions by traffic rules."

  1. What cars can run a red light?

Papa and mother;


Fire, ambulance, special vehicles;


  1. Which road vehicles brake better?

On wet;

On the icy

With pits;

On dry.

  1. At what age can you ride a bike on the road?

When will you retire?

Since birth;

From the age of 14.

  1. Which side of the sidewalk is recommended for pedestrians?

For any;

On the right side;

On the left side.

  1. How to cross the street correctly and safely after getting off the bus?

Wait for the transport to leave;

Sit on the hood of another car and ask to be transported;

Go through the pedestrian crossing.

  1. The road can only be crossed on...

Red flashing traffic light;

Green light;

Yellow light.

  1. Why does a sentry need a rod?

Greet acquaintances;

Drive away flies;

For beauty;

Regulate traffic.

  1. When the traffic light turns green, what will you do?

You will miss all the old women and the lady with the dog;

You will run with all legs;

Remain standing still;

Make sure all vehicles have stopped and cross the road.

5) And now another one fun game “It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!”.

1. Which of you, when in a hurry,

Running in front of traffic?

2. Which of you goes forward

Where is the transition? (it's me, it's me...)

3. Who knows what the red light is

Does that mean there is no move? (it's me, it's me...)

4. Who flies forward so soon

What does not see a traffic light?

5. Who knows that the light is green

Does that mean the way is open? (it's me, it's me...)

6. Who, tell me, from the tram

Runs out onto the road?

7. Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement? (it's me, it's me...)

8. Which one of you is in a close tram

Giving way to adults? (it's me, it's me...).

V. Summary of the lesson

Drawing competition "This amazing road sign",

Here comes the end of our an amusing trip to the country of traffic. But before I say goodbye to you, I want to check what you managed to remember.

Who are traffic rules for?

Is it important to follow traffic rules?

What is the risk of non-compliance?

Why are road signs needed?

What are the colors of traffic lights?

What do they mean?

I hope that our event will help you guys to be more attentive and careful on the roads!

Memo for parents and students "My safe route

following "Home-School-Home"

Part 1. General part.

1. The "home-school" route for a student is a document that combines a diagram and a description of the recommended path for a student to move from home to school and back.

2. The "home-school" route is developed by parents with the participation of schoolchildren.

3. Purpose: Route "home-school":

1. improve the safety of the child's movement to and from school;

2. to teach the child to navigate in traffic situations on the way to and from school;

3. The route to school should not necessarily be the shortest, not necessarily the fastest, but definitely the safest for your child.

4. Working with your child to develop safety skills should be done regularly, gradually and in a way that is interesting to him. Let him develop stable reflexes in observing the basic rules of street safety.

Part 2. Drawing up the Route "Home - School - House"

1. Preparing the child to go to school independently, to reduce the risk of child injury and prevent dangerous situations, You must:

1.1. Have at least one conversation with your child safe behavior outside. Have the children at the beginning of the conversation name the types of danger they have to face on the street. If possible, first ask the children about the dangers that they think children may encounter on the way to school, and then compare them with your observations. Very often, the ideas of adults and children about the dangers that await them on the street do not coincide. It's worth taking a closer look at everything. possible situations.

1.2. Go around with him all the nearby streets, marking potentially dangerous places. When choosing a safe option, the easiest and safest street crossing places for the child are selected.

1.3. Develop a route for the movement of the child "Home -School -Home". Walk this route with your child at a calm pace, mark the time of movement along this route.

3. Draw a plan of the developed route, putting it on the street map from home to school.

4. Conclude an agreement with the child, according to which he will only move in the direction agreed with you. safe route, will not take shortcuts anywhere, and will not remain in the schoolyard when all classmates have already gone home.

This agreement is the basis of street safety. But at first, establish tacit control over the movements of the child.

Part 3. The procedure for using the route "Home-School-Home"

1. After compiling the route, parents. accompanying a son or daughter to school and back (in the first one or two weeks of school attendance for a first-grader and several times) they achieve practical mastery younger students methods of safe movement along the route.

2. Accompanying the student, parents work out the habit of early leaving the house, lack of haste, crossing the street only at a step. strictly at right angles, not obliquely, carefully inspecting the road before crossing, even if it is deserted.

3. It is extremely important to ensure that any object that interferes with inspecting the street is itself considered by schoolchildren as a danger signal.

4. Driving to school is used as training program to develop the skills of observation and assessment of the situation.

Dear Parents, Your child must:

Be able to make a timely decision when to run and call for help, and when to just be on the alert.

It's good to know your area.

Do not approach dense bushes, tree plantations, abandoned houses.

To know everything safe places where you can hide and get help.

To know that, having separated from the group, he becomes more vulnerable.

Don't draw attention to yourself defiant behavior and valuable things.

Contact the police quickly in case of incidents or crime.

Know the rules of the road.

Memo for parents on the rules of the road:

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also to teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents. Many parents, not realizing this, teach their children wrong behavior by personal example.

2. Being with a child on the roadway, do not rush, cross the road

measured step. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety.

3. Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

4. Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how fast you are. Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing". Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

5. Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him those cars that are preparing to turn, go with high speed etc. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car.

6. Do not leave the bushes or the car with your child without first examining the road - this typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

7. Do not send your child to cross or run across the road in front of you - this is how you teach him to walk across the road without looking around. small child one must hold the hand tightly, be ready to hold when trying to escape - this is a typical cause of accidents.

8. Teach your child to look. The child must develop a solid habit: before taking the first step off the sidewalk, he turns his head and examines the road in all directions. This should be brought to automatism.

9. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car or

motorcycle from afar. Teach him to look into the distance.

10. Firmly learn for yourself and teach your child that you can enter and leave any type of transport only when it is standing.

Dear Students, You should know:

When leaving the house, the view of the street can often be obstructed by trees.

The student crosses the street in the prescribed place, only after carefully examining it.

You have to walk step by step. It is unacceptable to run across the road, trying to catch the bus. You need to leave the house in advance so as not to rush. If parked cars are possible on the street, they can obstruct the view, be careful.

If the crossing is not controlled by a traffic light, be aware that when approaching

truck or bus, you may not see another car behind it! It is better to skip the car and, having missed it, wait until it drives away.

If the street crossing is regulated by a traffic light, you can only go on green light. If the red or yellow light is on, you can’t go, even if there is no car. When switching to a green light, you must also observe the situation, notice the cars that at that moment are preparing to turn right or left. crossing the pedestrian path.

Move only step by step. Take a close look at the street. Be especially careful


Repeat the rules of the road, the purpose of road signs;

Cultivate the habit of following the rules of safe traffic, crossing the street correctly;

Develop logical thinking, attention, observation;

Bring up careful attitude to your health and the ability to choose a safe path.


table with road signs, traffic light model, green, red and yellow flowers, posters.

move class hour

I. Organization of the class to work.

Get comfortable and let's start our class.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

Solve these riddles:

Now straight, then flat, then steep,

Will lead you around the world

Starts at the threshold

This endless ... (road).

What kind of animal lies on the road, does everyone walk along it? (Zebra)

Lies in the forest, runs through the field,

And as soon as it rises, it will reach the sky. (Path).

Children, which path do you choose when going to school?

Where should you cross the street? How should you cross the road?

What road signs do you know? (Table is used.)

What is the significance of traffic lights on the roads?

What can a traffic violation lead to?

III. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we will talk about road safety from home to school and back. The road to school leads us not only to the school premises, but also to great country Knowledge. Every day you rush to study at your school.


The best in the world is the road to school,

You walk on it as a child.

You will never forget her, never

She, like the sun, is in your destiny.


Road to school! Everyone has her own, so familiar, with eyes closed you can walk through it! But it turns out that it is not always safe, because someone needs to cross the carriageway of the street, someone - railway track, and someone else - to go through the forest, cross the square or park ... And therefore there is a danger that threatens your health and life.

Of course, at first, your parents drive you along this road so that you study it well and learn how to choose a safe place. And then you grew up, and your parents entrusted you to go to her. But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them in order to avoid danger.

And how should you go to always be safe?

(Student answers).


When going to school or returning home, go with friends or adults.

It is, firstly, more interesting, there is someone to talk to, and secondly, it is safer, because it is always easier together.

Be always in sight, that is, go in such a way where people walk, since there is a chance to meet with a dangerous person or animals. And then there will be no one to stand up for you. You will face adversity one on one.

Children who like to walk alone often put their lives at risk. But where there are at least two people, the probability of danger is halved, because in this case it is easier to find correct solution and way out. And criminals never attack a group of people because they don't need witnesses. They are waiting for lonely passers-by, over whom you can mock.

In a group, it is easier to avoid the attack of stray animals; as a rule, they do not attack a group of people. And therefore, never wander along deserted paths yourself, not only when it gets dark, but even during the day, so that no one offends you.

Be visible to call for help. Probably, more than once, some of you have heard that a child is missing, his relatives and the police are looking for him, and it is difficult, if not impossible, to find him. different reasons. You may have heard that children are kidnapped in order to obtain big money for them, etc. Therefore, be very vigilant and choose a busy and safe road and always walk along it so that adult family members know where to look for you. Never shorten your path by going straight, for the wisdom of the people says: "He who goes straight does not sleep at home." Therefore, choose a safe road, always walk on it.

And when you are gone for a long time, then mom and dad will come out to meet you.

And when towards the dog is walking and you're alone, what will you do?

(Student answers)

There are several options: she does not touch you and passes peacefully, then you never touch someone else's dog, it can be quite dangerous. First of all, never look the dog in the eyes, don't smile at him, because he thinks that you are showing his teeth to throw himself at him, because the dog shows his teeth (grins) before the throw. This is how she demonstrates her power. If you are very wary when meeting a dog, then she feels it and is the first to attack, so never show fear, and even more so - do not run away from her! If the dog is crouching to jump on you, then you must actively defend yourself with a stick, stone, or whatever comes to hand. If there is a tree nearby, you can climb it, and if not, then protect your throat, head with your hands, try to turn your back to the dog and fight back. When a dog has bitten, the wound must be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and be sure to consult a doctor, because saliva that has entered the bloodstream can contain many pathogenic microbes, viruses that are very dangerous for humans, and the worst disease is rabies transmitted to humans from sick animals.

The danger always increases with the onset of darkness. If you had to walk in the evening, then choose a lighted road, but it is better to drive up by transport or to be met by adult family members. Everyone has one life and should not be put at risk.

Never rush to leave the house until you have checked everything, because the friends who call you can wait, but trouble does not wait. Therefore, do everything so that there is less stress in your life. Your health also depends on it.

Listen to the question and choose correct option response.


1) What part of the street is for pedestrians?

a) road

b) sidewalk;

c) bike path.

2) How should pedestrians walk on the sidewalk?

a) stay in the middle

b) on the left side;

c) on the right side.

3) At what traffic signal can you cross the street?

a) red;

b) yellow;

c) green.

4) If there is no “zebra” on the road, then the road must be crossed:

a) anywhere

b) through an underpass;

c) wait until there is no traffic on the road and cross the road.

IV. Reading and analysis of the content of the educational story.

Children, listen to the story that happened to one boy. Kolya got 5 points in the mathematics lesson, he hurried home to brag to his mother about a good mark. He was in such a hurry that he did not look where he was running. And along the sidewalk was an old woman with a cane. Kolya did not notice her, knocked her down. The old lady fell and broke her leg. She ended up in the hospital, and was treated for a long time, because broken bones in the elderly grow together very poorly.

Children, what caused this incident?

How should you walk on the sidewalk?

And if you need to overtake a pedestrian, how should you do it?

How should you cross the road?

Physical education "Traffic light".

Now let's play a mindfulness game. It's called "Traffic Light" Rules of the game: when I show you a red flag, you stand. On yellow- clap your hands, and on green - step in place. In each row, if the student makes a mistake, he sits down. The team that makes the fewest mistakes wins.

V. Continuation of the conversation.

Imagine such​​ situation. The boy is cycling along the sidewalk without exceeding the speed limit. Reaches up tocrossroads and does not pay attention to the traffic light, leaves the carriageway when the red light was on.

What could be the consequences?

How should you cross the street when you are cycling?

VI. Lesson summary

So what are we talking about today?

Where do we need it?

Why should we know this?

Reminder for students

Always choose safe places wherever you go.

Analyze where is the best place to go.

Choose the path where there are fewer obstacles, where it is safer.

Cross the street at a pedestrian crossing, an underpass, an overpass - this is a bridge for pedestrians over the road, and when a traffic light is set, a green light for pedestrians, in a place where there are appropriate signs and road markings.

Never rush, thereby putting yourself in danger. It’s better to leave fifteen minutes early in order to be on time and have a few free minutes left for unforeseen situations.

Do not shorten the path, but always go the usual way.

Returning home in the evening, go with friends or adults, choose illuminated places.

If at the entrance or in the passage you met strangers, it’s better to pretend that you forgot something and go out so as not to be in danger, but go to your friends and call your parents from there to meet you.

If you stay with friends, be sure to tell your parents about it, and before leaving, call again so that they meet you.

On the way home or to school, be sure to pay attention and remember where the sewer manholes are, they can be open, you can accidentally fall there, even when there is a cover, but it does not lie correctly.