F Bogachev Russian model of effective seduction. An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands

Dedicated to my mother

and Galina Yakovenko.

To two women who turned my worldview upside down.

Philip Bogachev

Russian Model Effective Seduction

Tutorial for training successful men.


This book was supposed to come out in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the publication of the book was briskly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was reworked. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

I remember the first RMES workshop, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people have passed it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, gave answers to my ideas, tested my assumptions and, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you study with me - know. It is to you that I am writing this gratitude, it is from you that I learned.

And now this book is almost exactly what RMES is now. "Almost" - because the exercises that we do in the seminars, not all can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown, or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can break seven sweats. And only then will it be easy.

Special thanks I want to say to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

I want to thank my teachers, from whom I had the honor to study:

Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farelli, Frank Pucelik, Sergey Gorin, Andrey Koenig, Tatiana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gauden.

Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Szandor LaVey (r.i.p), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konere Andreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Brandenburg.

Thanks to these teams for the sounds that I have been working on this book for seven years:

Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergei Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream , catharsis.

Thank you so much to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Julia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalia, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Julia.

An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands

Well, I can only congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I did not learn what I know now somewhere by my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those space rakes that lie in wait for the usual young man with the first five or six girls.

After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven, we are sure that children are found in cabbage, up to 12 we know that from dad and mom, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at thirteen we will see the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of about twenty (whoever to whom later) we are lucky to know the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem is this long stretch the time from first viewing pornography to first performing it live is a lack of learning. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

There are sources of information, but what are they? Cinema where at best case will show a couple of banter dialogues, in worst case the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you yourself, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until the age of twenty, and after twenty years you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I generally keep quiet. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they cannot even wipe their asses in the toilet. The paper is hard.

And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such an injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where to look for that Seneca modern man? Correctly. Now it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up party in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means a quick pick-up of a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born, for the first time the idea was thrown to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this party began to slowly die down, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, they will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

At the end of 1998 I created the first website prototype www. lover. en, and already in 1999 he was known throughout Russia. At the project forum began to gather interesting people, we began to actively meet, and at the beginning of 2000, the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches can be typed, but none of them reflects a complex model from and to. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating a relationship, from creating a relationship to breaking up.

And then the most interesting began. It turned out that each of those people who stood at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has almost unique set techniques and personal qualities that work almost exclusively for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.

We lived and live in different cities and different countries but were able to meet periodically and exchange experiences. Bit by bit, a model of what is now RMES was born. And here are the people who stood at the very beginning, generating ideas and transferring their experience to my knowledge box:

Andrey Alikberov (Moscow), Andrey Afanasiev (Chelyabinsk), Anton Matorin (Ryazan), Bulat Ziganshin (Naberezhnye Chelny), Semyon Paramonov (Moscow), Evgeny Stolyarov (Moscow), Konstantin Zverev (Munich), Alexey Stepanov (Tomsk), Roman Kuznetsov (Moscow), Arseniy Metelin (Moscow), Lev Dolgachev (Tallinn), Mikhail Kuznetsov (Moscow), Mikhail Cheremisinov (Moscow), Alexander Gordeev (Moscow), Alexey Titov (Peter), Alexey Khizhnyak (Minsk), Kirill Batalov ( Moscow), De Cavallo Daniel (Moscow), Konstantin Viktorov (Moscow), Valery Yamshanov (Chelyabinsk), Boris Kharitonov (Novosibirsk).

Maybe I missed or forgot someone. It is possible that this did not happen malice, but now that the gingerbreads have been distributed, let's move on to the most important question:

what is the Russian Model of Effective Seduction

The answer to this question is best given point by point. Let's start with the first one.

Russian. The main idea of ​​creating RMES is that we created it for Russian girls and Russian boys. In the conditions of our time and our Russian mentality, in terms of speaking in Russian and communicating with Russian people. It was possible to take the works of Jeffreys or DiAngelo (both from the States) as a basis, but the methods that these preach respected people, without adaptation all the same do not work. And after adaptation, they become very similar to what we ourselves have come to.

Model. The idea of ​​the model is that we do not come up with numerous theories and test them on rats (as is often done clinical psychologists), but we take a person who does something and start thinking why he does it. Roughly speaking, we take a skill and begin to disassemble it into small cogs, adding new details and observing the result. And one person can have five such skills in communicating with a girl. And the other person does not have these skills, but women still give him. Why? How? And it turns out that you can come to bed in different ways. And here the most interesting begins. What skills are more useful? What is more - a kilogram or light? Moreover, not every woman has a perception of the skill that is. And what happens in the end? A big, drop-dead chest with screwdrivers, but only her own will suit each particular woman. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the model is that you and only you will decide which of the ideas and features described in this book will work for you. Try to apply: like it, take it for yourself. If you don't like it, leave it in the book. You yourself can build any house from that brick machine that is here.

Effective. Well, of course. You can beg one woman for five years to become your wife, or you can beg one woman for five years to stop introducing you to new girlfriends, because your schedule is full for a couple of months in advance. Efficiency is the achievement of results at a lower cost than before. And what will be the result - you decide. Do you want to find a wife, or seduce a particular woman, or get fucked for twenty years in advance, it's up to you. Here I explain and teach techniques that will help you seduce any woman with equal ease, I repeat any woman. The only question is the cost of your effort, time and money on it.

Seduction. Yes exactly. Basically, what does a man want from a woman? Of course, but laundry and cleaning after seduction, and if before, then this is called a "coming housewife." There are many people who offer to teach you anything because it helps in seducing women too. "Sex magic" alone is worth a good-natured banter, but what about more primitive things? About those guys who consider themselves "pick-up artists", that is, they know how to get acquainted with girls. They do it cool, fun, cool. And very rarely do they call the phone she gave him. We know that acquaintance is a small, short step on the path to seduction, and not an end in itself. We place accents in the direction we need, and we teach how to achieve goals. Seduce women.

Conclusions: This book is ambiguous. There is no instruction “take a step, turn your left breast counterclockwise until it clicks, then ...”. Seduction cannot be described in terms of sequence and causation - investigative connection. Seduction can be described with the word "creativity" and only in this way.

This book is a close intertwining of theory and practice. On the other hand, this is not a textbook higher mathematics, which is studied chapter by chapter, strictly sequentially. Here, almost every chapter is a complete study and describes the application of one skill or talks about a specific idea. Therefore, you can start reading the book from anywhere, but it is better to start with the table of contents in order to know where and what is located.

The book has several large parts. The first part is purely theoretical, it tells what and how to do, and what, why and how it happens. The first part gives the basic ideas that you will benefit from reading and confirming with your own experience.

The second, third, fourth, fifth parts are a step-by-step presentation of the structure of seduction with tools that can be applied precisely at this stage of seduction.

There is also a part called "Theory of 100 Points", which describes in great detail exactly the creation of male sexual attractiveness.

And another part of cookbook". In this part, simply answers to the questions “why and how” are collected. Answer and question, theory elsewhere.

And there are a couple of apps. Or maybe there are a couple of parts that are already forgotten, or not specifically named, so that it would be more interesting for you to read.

Yes, by the way, a big request. Draw conclusions from the book only after you have read it. fully read. Otherwise, it will turn out, as in the old days, “the writer’s work was not read, but we deeply condemn it.”

P.S. If you come across an unfamiliar term, then everything is fine. There are many of them. See the "dictionary of terms" or look for this term in the table of contents. Everything is there.

Part 1. The foundation of the foundations, or basic concepts RMES

This part deals with general laws communication (communication) of men and women, as well as simple skills that are necessary for this very communication within the framework of effectiveness. You can safely skip this chapter and read it last when you want to find answers to your “why” questions. On the other hand, starting reading the book from this chapter, you will receive answers to many questions that you have not even asked yourself. This part has what is called a "base". The basis of our communication, the basis of our effectiveness, the basis of the Russian model of effective seduction.

Chapter 1 Communication Structure

during the battle, the commander automatically switches to the mat, and the information content of speech increases threefold ...

from a lecture on ergonomics.

Somehow we men yearn for women. This is how it happened. And at the same time, we try to be as efficient as possible. And there are still people who think in this direction. For example me. Today I will be boring, drive all sorts of smart nonsense and draw graphics. I will talk about the structure of relationships. I will talk about the strategy of establishing a relationship with a woman. And at the same time, I will sincerely believe that I am right. The rest you can try to figure out for yourself.

PartI- Communication.

Who invented the Rubik's Cube?

Question from a collection of riddles for blondes.

Any of our communication with a woman falls under the definition of communication. This is how it seems to me. There is a notion of communication structure, or certain sequence actions by which communication occurs. These steps are only 5, they are simple and clear. Here they are:

    Establishing contact


  1. Parting

    The experience of communication.

These steps follow one after the other, and they are. Let's take this structure as a basis and move it to a more general level. Consider this structure as communication with a woman. There is something in it, right? Especially if you replace the word in the third paragraph with “sex”. Let's look further. Namely, to the standard and socially established for us with the help of many external factors influence scheme of communication with a woman.

Now you can think about how to apply this communication scheme, and why it is needed. Like any other law human communication, it has consequences and applications at a higher or higher simple level communication. As an example, this scheme is suitable both for the process of getting to know a woman in general, and for describing the entire process of the relationship between a man and a woman. Now let's move on to a detailed schedule of the steps of the communication structure. For example, dating a woman.


She produced good impression. Smart, educated, has a sense of humor.

And then we decided to meet. It would be better if she stayed on her Internet.

From life stories

Establishing contact - main part in communication. Moreover, how will this contact be established, in this case doesn't matter. I can assume that the standard contact pattern will be visual. Or, in other words, we establish contact with a glance. It is highly desirable that the contact be mutual, so that you are seen in the same way as you are her. Otherwise, your acquaintance will begin with a fright, when on the street you touch the girl's ass. Wherein rare exceptions only confirm the rule.

For example, in the case of meeting a girl on the street, the contact phase begins with the fact that you singled out this particular girl from a wild heap of other people, you turned your attention to her. Everything, contact is established. What will happen next?


At the stage of acquaintance, we get the first feedback from a person. The person shows us that she noticed us, he also singled us out from the crowd, he let us know that contact was on his part too installed. If you used to think that acquaintance is to give your name and pick up the phone, then this is the topic of the next paragraph.


At this stage of communication, information is collected and this information is exchanged between the participants in communication. It is important to note that information is transmitted not only with the help of words (verbally), but also with the help of the body, facial expressions, gestures and other non-verbal factors. And that the non-verbal flow of information is much greater than the verbal one. It is recommended to think about this.


We cannot always communicate with another person. That's the way we are. And we will part. When to do it? The most accurate strategy in this case is that parting follows immediately after the fulfillment of the purpose of communication for which this communication was. If you talked with a girl in order to get her phone number from her, then it is very desirable to leave immediately after performing this action. Was there a purpose for communication? What the hell were you talking about?


The very train of emotions that remains with us after we have finished communicating with a person. The impression this man made on us. Those thoughts that encourage us to make a couple more loops of communication with this person. Our experience, our emotions. The period of time when it is permissible to think about communication.

And after I have described here for some reason the structure of spherical communication in a vacuum, we will move on to how to make this communication much more effective.

Part 2 - the effectiveness of the communication structure.

What is efficiency anyway? For me, this is the cost of fewer resources to achieve a greater result per unit of time. The less resources we spend to achieve the result per unit of time, the higher the efficiency. Mathematically, this can be written as E=C/T*R, where E is efficiency, C is the Goal (result), T is the time spent to achieve the goal, R are the resources required to achieve the goal. In this case, the goal is determined in advance, and it is easy to understand that the more time we spend on achieving the result, the less efficiency drops. The same is true with resources. In this case, we can say that resources are our emotions or material values ​​that we spend to achieve the goal.

Establishing contact

In the family of a knight, they do not click the visor.

Medieval proverb.

The effectiveness of communication can be increased at each individual step of this structure. Even at the contact stage. Let's start with some theory - we have three main senses, which NLPers call VAK, or Sight, Voice, Sensations (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic parts of experience). Each perception system has its own characteristics in terms of the speed and volume of transmitted information, and even in terms of the range of information transmission. It is very easy to check this if we try to establish kinesthetic contact - it is limited by the length of our arms. If we summarize the features of each perception system, we get the following picture:

Vision - perception a large number units of information, maximum range, maximum speed transmission.

Sensations - the perception of one unit of information at the same time, the slowest speed, the smallest radius.

This stage of communication is most effective when all perceptual systems are involved. That is why I insist on the importance of kinesthetic contact in the first moments of acquaintance. Although it is already difficult to establish auditory and kinesthetic contact here, it will rather be an addition to the experience from communication with sensations. More on that below.

As I wrote above, maximum efficiency is achieved, including, minimal cost time. In support of this point, there is the following observation, which was summarized in group studies. In total I have data from 24 groups, total strength more than 800 people. In each group, in each pair of people, there was an effect of raising the emotional state immediately after establishing contact and, after some time, in the absence of activity from the second participant in communication, a decline emotional level with uncomfortable sensations from the beginning of communication. The critical threshold for the transition from comfort to discomfort looks like this:

Thus, we receive a gift that must be used very, very quickly. If we wait more than 3 seconds, then we need to spend more resources or spend more time, which will ultimately affect the effectiveness of all communication. Here we are faced with the traditional mistake of a young seducer who, at this stage, launches his internal dialogue, skipping everything that is given to him. How to improve efficiency in this case? One method is known to me with absolute accuracy. It's work and experience. And remember about the epigraph to this part.


-Girl, what is the melting point of asphalt?

-87 degrees Celsius

from the classics

In fact, acquaintance begins from the very moment you open your mouth. How you will build your acquaintance is not important to me. I can only tell you that the concept of efficiency exists at this stage of communication as well. The main purpose of dating is to attract attention to yourself, create a positive impression of your presence and create a positive reserve for further communication. And the worst thing is that you have exactly 12 seconds for everything. You have just so much time to translate the process of dating into the process of communication. That is why I leave the pioneers to come up with super dating templates for 35 words and 18 actions. We have 12 seconds of efficiency, which must be used to the fullest. It is clear that launching an internal dialogue is strictly prohibited here. What remains? There is just enough time left to say exactly what you think. The usual phrase that first came to mind. For example: “You are awesome. Let's go for a walk".

In a huge way, the effectiveness of this stage raises your naturalness, which is also very desirable to develop in yourself. Evil NLPers call this naturalness the word "Congruence".

Additionally raises the efficiency of this stage appearance and the creation of rapport already at this stage. At a minimum, join by body position, movement speed and preferred this moment modalities.

Another important factor useful for preliminary analysis step "Contact-Acquaintance" - a woman makes a decision about the sexual attractiveness of a man in the same 15 seconds. The form of this decision is approximately the following: “I could sleep with this man”, in this version. If the form is “I want this handsome man”, then what are you doing here?


- I told him: tell me.

-So what?

- Well, he told me the history of the Moscow metro.

-How is your virginity?

- I'm moving in that direction.

- We must not move, we must move

"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Block"

So, you've already got to know each other. Now you are in communication. I understand that your effectiveness implies setting a goal from meeting directly BEFORE meeting, right? Okay, I was just asking, just in case. I assume that you want to get from another person with whom you are now communicating, very resourceful and positive period aftertaste, the formation of which must begin now. The peculiarity of this stage of communication is that there are no more gifts from our subconscious in the form of bonus resources. Further development communication occurs from the starting state obtained during the acquaintance. What will help us at this stage? The most important thing, of course, is to establish rapport. Moreover, the rapport is the maximum possible for this situation. A sufficient indicator of excellent rapport is adherence to the logical level of values. There are many ways to do this:

    models indeterminate language according to Milton Erickson (probably for skiers it can be very important sometimes to be in nature).

    You can use the walking pattern logical levels"What does this mean to you?" (And when you are in a state of erotic arousal, what does that mean to you?).

    The card splitting pattern "Absolutely, maybe" (Absolutely, group sex can be very important for achieving nirvana).

Once we have created the required depth rapport on several levels, including verbal and non-verbal, we can remember that it is important to make some kinesthetic contact during communication as well. At this stage, he is in the right place. After all, what could be more natural than giving a woman a hand while walking? Although yes, other times, other customs. Well, bite her on the ear. I don't mind.

What is required of us next? Further, in a state of deep rapport, we bring a person into a state of resource. Here you will need the skills of leading in a state of rapport. The resource state is generally useful in life, and in communication it plays, if not the most important, then the second role. We draw a graph.

seduction. M., 2005. 472 p.doc Bonevits F. Real...

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    An introduction to modern NLP. Psychotechnologies of personal efficiency Kocharyan G.S. - Therapeutic techniques of neurolinguistic ... Bogachev Philip - RussianModelefficientseduction Bogachev Philip, Buchin Sergey - Effectiveseduction by 200%...

  • Philip Bogachev

    Russian Model of Effective Seduction

    Tutorial for training successful men.

    Dedicated to my mother and Galina Yakovenko.

    To two women who turned my worldview upside down.


    This book was supposed to come out in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the publication of the book was briskly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was reworked. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

    I remember the first RMES workshop, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people have passed it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, gave answers to my ideas, tested my assumptions and, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you study with me - know. It is to you that I am writing this gratitude, it is from you that I learned.

    And now this book is almost exactly what RMES is now. "Almost" - because the exercises that we do in the seminars, not all can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown, or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can break seven sweats. And only then will it be easy.

    Special thanks I want to say to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

    I want to thank my teachers, from whom I had the honor to study:

    Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farelli, Frank Pucelik, Sergey Gorin, Andrey Koenig, Tatiana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gauden.

    Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

    Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Szandor LaVey (r.i.p), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konere Andreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Brandenburg.

    Thanks to these teams for the sounds that I have been working on this book for seven years:

    Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergei Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream , catharsis.

    Many thanks to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

    Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Julia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalia, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Julia.

    An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands

    Well, I can only congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I did not learn what I know now somewhere by my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those space rakes that lie in wait for an ordinary young man with the first five or six girls.

    After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven, we are sure that children are found in cabbage, up to 12 we know that from dad and mom, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at thirteen we will see the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of about twenty (whoever to whom later) we are lucky to know the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem in such a long period of time from the first viewing of pornography to the first performance of it live is the lack of training. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

    There are sources of information, but what are they? A movie where, at best, they will show a couple of banter dialogues, at worst, the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you yourself, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

    Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until the age of twenty, and after twenty years you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I generally keep quiet. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they cannot even wipe their asses in the toilet. The paper is hard.

    And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such an injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where to look for that Seneca to modern man? Correctly. Now it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up party in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means a quick pick-up of a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born, for the first time the idea was thrown to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this party began to slowly die down, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, they will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

    In late 1998, I created the first prototype of www.lover. , and already in 1999 he was known throughout Russia. Interesting people began to gather at the project forum, we began to meet actively, and in early 2000 the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches can be typed, but none of them reflects a complex model from and to. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating a relationship, from creating a relationship to breaking up.

    And then the most interesting began. It turned out that each of those people who stood at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has an almost unique set of techniques and personal qualities that work practically only for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.

    We lived and live in different cities and different countries, but we were able to meet periodically and exchange experiences. Bit by bit, a model of what is now RMES was born. And here are the people who stood at the very beginning, generating ideas and transferring their experience to my knowledge box:

    Andrey Alikberov (Moscow), Andrey Afanasiev (Chelyabinsk), Anton Matorin (Ryazan), Bulat Ziganshin (Naberezhnye Chelny), Semyon Paramonov (Moscow), Evgeny Stolyarov (Moscow), Konstantin Zverev (Munich), Alexey Stepanov (Tomsk), Roman Kuznetsov (Moscow), Arseniy Metelin (Moscow), Lev Dolgachev (Tallinn), Mikhail Kuznetsov (Moscow), Mikhail Cheremisinov (Moscow), Alexander Gordeev (Moscow), Alexey Titov (Peter), Alexey Khizhnyak (Minsk), Kirill Batalov ( Moscow), De Cavallo Daniel (Moscow), Konstantin Viktorov (Moscow), Valery Yamshanov (Chelyabinsk), Boris Kharitonov (Novosibirsk).

    Maybe I missed or forgot someone. It is possible that this did not happen out of malice, but now that the gingerbread is distributed, let's move on to the most important question:

    what is the Russian Model of Effective Seduction

    The answer to this question is best given point by point. Let's start with the first one.

    Russian. The main idea of ​​creating RMES is that we created it for Russian girls and Russian boys. In the conditions of our time and our Russian mentality, in terms of speaking in Russian and communicating with Russian people. It was possible to take the works of Jeffreys or DiAngelo (both from the States) as a basis, but the methods that these respected people preach do not work anyway without adaptation. And after adaptation, they become very similar to what we ourselves have come to.

    Model. The idea of ​​the model is that we don't come up with numerous theories and test them on rats (as clinical psychologists often do), but we take a person who does something and start thinking about why he does it. Roughly speaking, we take a skill and begin to disassemble it into small cogs, adding new details and observing the result. And one person can have five such skills in communicating with a girl. And the other person does not have these skills, but women still give him. Why? How? And it turns out that you can come to bed in different ways. And here the most interesting begins. What skills are more useful? What is more - a kilogram or light? And not every wife...

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    By decision of the copyright holder, the book "Russian Model of Effective Seduction" is presented as a fragment


    100% +

    Dedicated to my mother and Galina Yakovenko.

    To two women who turned my worldview upside down.


    This book was supposed to come out in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the publication of the book was briskly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was reworked. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

    I remember the first RMES workshop, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people have passed it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, gave answers to my ideas, tested my assumptions and, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you study with me - know. It is to you that I am writing this gratitude, it is from you that I learned.

    And now this book is almost exactly what RMES is now. "Almost" - because the exercises that we do in the seminars, not all can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown, or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can break seven sweats. And only then will it be easy.

    Special thanks I want to say to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

    I want to thank my teachers, from whom I had the honor to study:

    Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farelli, Frank Pucelik, Sergey Gorin, Andrey Koenig, Tatiana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gauden.

    Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

    Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Szandor LaVey (r.i.p), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konere Andreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Brandenburg.

    Thanks to these teams for the sounds that I have been working on this book for seven years:

    Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergei Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream , catharsis.

    Many thanks to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

    Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Julia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalia, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Julia.

    An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands

    Well, I can only congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I did not learn what I know now somewhere by my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those space rakes that lie in wait for an ordinary young man with the first five or six girls.

    After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven, we are sure that children are found in cabbage, up to 12 we know that from dad and mom, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at thirteen we will see the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of about twenty (whoever to whom later) we are lucky to know the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem in such a long period of time from the first viewing of pornography to the first performance of it live is the lack of training. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

    There are sources of information, but what are they? A movie where, at best, they will show a couple of banter dialogues, at worst, the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you yourself, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

    Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until the age of twenty, and after twenty years you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I generally keep quiet. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they cannot even wipe their asses in the toilet. The paper is hard.

    And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such an injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where to look for that Seneca to modern man? Correctly. Now it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up party in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means a quick pick-up of a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born, for the first time the idea was thrown to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this party began to slowly die down, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, they will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

    In late 1998, I created the first prototype of www.lover. , and already in 1999 he was known throughout Russia. Interesting people began to gather at the project forum, we began to meet actively, and in early 2000 the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches can be typed, but none of them reflects a complex model from and to. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating a relationship, from creating a relationship to breaking up.

    And then the most interesting began. It turned out that each of those people who stood at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has an almost unique set of techniques and personal qualities that work practically only for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.

    We lived and live in different cities and different countries, but we were able to meet periodically and exchange experiences. Bit by bit, a model of what is now RMES was born. And here are the people who stood at the very beginning, generating ideas and transferring their experience to my knowledge box:

    Andrey Alikberov (Moscow), Andrey Afanasiev (Chelyabinsk), Anton Matorin (Ryazan), Bulat Ziganshin (Naberezhnye Chelny), Semyon Paramonov (Moscow), Evgeny Stolyarov (Moscow), Konstantin Zverev (Munich), Alexey Stepanov (Tomsk), Roman Kuznetsov (Moscow), Arseniy Metelin (Moscow), Lev Dolgachev (Tallinn), Mikhail Kuznetsov (Moscow), Mikhail Cheremisinov (Moscow), Alexander Gordeev (Moscow), Alexey Titov (Peter), Alexey Khizhnyak (Minsk), Kirill Batalov ( Moscow), De Cavallo Daniel (Moscow), Konstantin Viktorov (Moscow), Valery Yamshanov (Chelyabinsk), Boris Kharitonov (Novosibirsk).

    Maybe I missed or forgot someone. It is possible that this did not happen out of malice, but now that the gingerbread is distributed, let's move on to the most important question:

    what is the Russian Model of Effective Seduction

    The answer to this question is best given point by point. Let's start with the first one.

    Russian. The main idea of ​​creating RMES is that we created it for Russian girls and Russian boys. In the conditions of our time and our Russian mentality, in terms of speaking in Russian and communicating with Russian people. It was possible to take the works of Jeffreys or DiAngelo (both from the States) as a basis, but the methods that these respected people preach do not work anyway without adaptation. And after adaptation, they become very similar to what we ourselves have come to.

    Model. The idea of ​​the model is that we don't come up with numerous theories and test them on rats (as clinical psychologists often do), but we take a person who does something and start thinking about why he does it. Roughly speaking, we take a skill and begin to disassemble it into small cogs, adding new details and observing the result. And one person can have five such skills in communicating with a girl. And the other person does not have these skills, but women still give him. Why? How? And it turns out that you can come to bed in different ways. And here the most interesting begins. What skills are more useful? What is more - a kilogram or light? Moreover, not every woman has a perception of the skill that is. And what happens in the end? A big, drop-dead chest with screwdrivers, but only her own will suit each particular woman. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the model is that you and only you will decide which of the ideas and features described in this book will work for you. Try to apply: like it, take it for yourself. If you don't like it, leave it in the book. You yourself can build any house from that brick machine that is here.

    Effective. Well, of course. You can beg one woman for five years to become your wife, or you can beg one woman for five years to stop introducing you to new girlfriends, because your schedule is full for a couple of months in advance. Efficiency is the achievement of results at a lower cost than before. And what will be the result - you decide. Do you want to find a wife, or seduce a particular woman, or get fucked for twenty years in advance, it's up to you. Here I explain and teach techniques that will help you seduce any woman with equal ease, I repeat any woman. The only question is the cost of your effort, time and money on it.

    Seduction. Yes exactly. Basically, what does a man want from a woman? Of course, but laundry and cleaning after seduction, and if before, then this is called a "coming housewife." There are many people who offer to teach you anything because it helps in seducing women too. "Sex magic" alone is worth a good-natured banter, but what about more primitive things? About those guys who consider themselves "pick-up artists", that is, they know how to get acquainted with girls. They do it cool, fun, cool. And very rarely do they call the phone she gave him. We know that acquaintance is a small, short step on the path to seduction, and not an end in itself. We place accents in the direction we need, and we teach how to achieve goals. Seduce women.

    Conclusions: This book is ambiguous. There is no instruction “take a step, turn your left breast counterclockwise until it clicks, then ...”. Seduction cannot be described in terms of sequence and cause and effect. Seduction can be described with the word "creativity" and only in this way.

    How to read this book

    This book is a close intertwining of theory and practice. On the other hand, this is not a textbook on higher mathematics, which is studied chapter by chapter, strictly sequentially. Here, almost every chapter is a complete study and describes the application of one skill or talks about a specific idea. Therefore, you can start reading the book from anywhere, but it is better to start with the table of contents in order to know where and what is located.

    The book has several large parts. The first part is purely theoretical, it tells what and how to do, and what, why and how it happens. The first part gives the basic ideas that you will benefit from reading and confirming with your own experience.

    The second, third, fourth, fifth parts are a step-by-step presentation of the structure of seduction with tools that can be applied precisely at this stage of seduction.

    There is also a part called "Theory of 100 Points", which describes in great detail exactly the creation of male sexual attractiveness.

    And also part of the "cookbook". In this part, simply answers to the questions “why and how” are collected. Answer and question, theory elsewhere.

    And there are a couple of apps. Or maybe there are a couple of parts that are already forgotten, or not specifically named, so that it would be more interesting for you to read.

    Yes, by the way, a big request. Draw conclusions from the book only after you have read it. fully read. Otherwise, it will turn out, as in the old days, “the writer’s work was not read, but we deeply condemn it.”

    P.S. If you come across an unfamiliar term, then everything is fine. There are many of them. See the "dictionary of terms" or look for this term in the table of contents. Everything is there.

    Part 1
    The basis of the foundations, or the basic concepts of RMES

    This part discusses both the general laws of communication (communication) between men and women, as well as the simple skills that are necessary for this very communication within the framework of effectiveness. You can safely skip this chapter and read it last when you want to find answers to your “why” questions. On the other hand, starting reading the book from this chapter, you will receive answers to many questions that you have not even asked yourself. This part has what is called a "base". The basis of our communication, the basis of our effectiveness, the basis of the Russian model of effective seduction.

    Chapter 1 Communication Structure

    ... during the battle, the commander automatically switches to the mat, and the information content of speech increases threefold ...

    from a lecture on ergonomics.

    Somehow we men yearn for women. This is how it happened. And at the same time, we try to be as efficient as possible. And there are still people who think in this direction. For example me. Today I will be boring, drive all sorts of smart nonsense and draw graphics. I will talk about the structure of relationships. I will talk about the strategy of establishing a relationship with a woman. And at the same time, I will sincerely believe that I am right. The rest you can try to figure out for yourself.

    Part I - Communication.

    Who invented the Rubik's Cube?

    Question from a collection of riddles for blondes.

    Any of our communication with a woman falls under the definition of communication. This is how it seems to me. There is a concept of the structure of communication, or a certain sequence of actions by which communication occurs. These steps are only 5, they are simple and clear. Here they are:

    1. Making contact

    2. Acquaintance

    3. Communication

    4. Parting

    5. Experience the impressions of communication.

    These steps follow one after the other, and they are. Let's take this structure as a basis and move it to a more general level. Consider this structure as communication with a woman. There is something in it, right? Especially if you replace the word in the third paragraph with “sex”. Let's look further. Namely, on the standard and socially established scheme of communication with a woman with the help of many external factors of influence.

    Now you can think about how to apply this communication scheme, and why it is needed. Like any other law of human communication, it has consequences and applications at a higher or simpler level of communication. As an example, this scheme is suitable both for the process of getting to know a woman in general, and for describing the entire process of the relationship between a man and a woman. Now let's move on to a detailed schedule of the steps of the communication structure. For example, dating a woman.


    She made a good impression. Smart, educated, has a sense of humor.

    And then we decided to meet. It would be better if she stayed on her Internet.

    From life stories

    Establishing contact is an important part of communication. Moreover, how this contact will be established is not important in this case. I can assume that the standard contact pattern will be visual. Or, in other words, we establish contact with a glance. It is highly desirable that the contact be mutual, so that you are seen in the same way as you are her. Otherwise, your acquaintance will begin with a fright, when on the street you touch the girl's ass. However, rare exceptions only confirm the rule.

    For example, in the case of meeting a girl on the street, the contact phase begins with the fact that you singled out this particular girl from a wild heap of other people, you turned your attention to her. Everything, contact is established. What will happen next?


    At the stage of acquaintance, we receive the first feedback from a person. The person shows us that she noticed us, he also singled us out from the crowd, he let us know that contact was on his part too installed. If you used to think that acquaintance is to give your name and pick up the phone, then this is the topic of the next paragraph.


    At this stage of communication, information is collected and this information is exchanged between the participants in communication. It is important to note that information is transmitted not only with the help of words (verbally), but also with the help of the body, facial expressions, gestures and other non-verbal factors. And that the non-verbal flow of information is much greater than the verbal one. It is recommended to think about this.


    We cannot always communicate with another person. That's the way we are. And we will part. When to do it? The most accurate strategy in this case is that parting follows immediately after the fulfillment of the purpose of communication for which this communication was. If you talked with a girl in order to get her phone number from her, then it is very desirable to leave immediately after performing this action. Was there a purpose for communication? What the hell were you talking about?


    The very train of emotions that remains with us after we have finished communicating with a person. The impression this man made on us. Those thoughts that encourage us to make a couple more loops of communication with this person. Our experience, our emotions. The period of time when it is permissible to think about communication.

    And after I have described here for some reason the structure of spherical communication in a vacuum, we will move on to how to make this communication much more effective.

    Part 2 - the effectiveness of the communication structure.

    What is efficiency anyway? For me, this is the cost of fewer resources to achieve a greater result per unit of time. The less resources we spend to achieve the result per unit of time, the higher the efficiency. Mathematically, this can be written as E=C/T*R, where E is efficiency, C is the Goal (result), T is the time spent to achieve the goal, R are the resources required to achieve the goal. In this case, the goal is determined in advance, and it is easy to understand that the more time we spend on achieving the result, the less efficiency drops. The same is true with resources. In this case, we can say that resources are our emotions or material values ​​that we spend to achieve the goal.

    Establishing contact

    In the family of a knight, they do not click the visor.

    Medieval proverb.

    The effectiveness of communication can be increased at each individual step of this structure. Even at the contact stage. Let's start with some theory - we have three main senses, which NLPers call VAK, or Sight, Voice, Sensations (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic parts of experience). Each perception system has its own characteristics in terms of the speed and volume of transmitted information, and even in terms of the range of information transmission. It is very easy to check this if we try to establish kinesthetic contact - it is limited by the length of our arms. If we summarize the features of each perception system, we get the following picture:

    Vision - the perception of a large number of units of information, the maximum range, the maximum transmission rate.

    Sensations - the perception of one unit of information at the same time, the slowest speed, the smallest radius.

    This stage of communication is most effective when all perceptual systems are involved. That is why I insist on the importance of kinesthetic contact in the first moments of acquaintance. Although it is already difficult to establish auditory and kinesthetic contact here, it will rather be an addition to the experience from communication with sensations. More on that below.

    As I wrote above, maximum efficiency is achieved, among other things, with minimal time. In support of this point, there is the following observation, which was summarized in group studies. In total, I have data from 24 groups, totaling more than 800 people. In each group, in each pair of people, there was an effect of raising the emotional state immediately after establishing contact and, after some time, in the absence of activity on the part of the second participant in communication, a decline in the emotional level with uncomfortable sensations from the beginning of communication. The critical threshold for the transition from comfort to discomfort looks like this:

    Thus, we receive a gift that must be used very, very quickly. If we wait more than 3 seconds, then we will need to spend more resources or spend more time, which will ultimately affect the effectiveness of all communication. Here we are faced with the traditional mistake of a young seducer, who at this stage starts his own internal dialogue, skipping everything that is given to him. How to improve efficiency in this case? One method is known to me with absolute accuracy. It's work and experience. And remember about the epigraph to this part.


    -Girl, what is the melting point of asphalt?

    -87 degrees Celsius

    from the classics

    In fact, acquaintance begins from the very moment you open your mouth. How you will build your acquaintance is not important to me. I can only tell you that the concept of efficiency exists at this stage of communication as well. The main purpose of dating is to attract attention to yourself, create a positive impression of your presence and create a positive reserve for further communication. And the worst thing is that you have exactly 12 seconds for everything. You have just so much time to translate the process of dating into the process of communication. That is why I leave the pioneers to come up with super dating templates for 35 words and 18 actions. We have 12 seconds of efficiency, which must be used to the fullest. It is clear that launching an internal dialogue is strictly prohibited here. What remains? There is just enough time left to say exactly what you think. The usual phrase that first came to mind. For example: “You are awesome. Let's go for a walk".

    In a huge way, the effectiveness of this stage raises your naturalness, which is also very desirable to develop in yourself. Evil NLPers call this naturalness the word "Congruence".

    Additionally, your appearance and the creation of rapport at this stage increase the effectiveness of this stage. At a minimum, join by body position, movement speed, and currently preferred modality.

    Another important factor useful for preliminary analysis of the “Contact-Acquaintance” step is that a woman makes a decision about the sexual attractiveness of a man in the same 15 seconds. The form of this decision is approximately the following: “I could sleep with this man”, in this version. If the form is “I want this handsome man”, then what are you doing here?


    - I told him: tell me.

    -So what?

    - Well, he told me the history of the Moscow metro.

    -How is your virginity?

    - I'm moving in that direction.

    - We must not move, we must move

    "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Block"

    So, you've already got to know each other. Now you are in communication. I understand that your effectiveness implies setting a goal from meeting directly BEFORE meeting, right? Okay, I was just asking, just in case. I assume that you want to get a very resourceful and positive period of aftertaste from another person with whom you are now communicating, which you need to start forming right now. The peculiarity of this stage of communication is that there are no more gifts from our subconscious in the form of bonus resources. Further development of communication occurs from the starting state obtained during the acquaintance. What will help us at this stage? The most important thing, of course, is to establish rapport. Moreover, the rapport is the maximum possible for this situation. A sufficient indicator of excellent rapport is adherence to the logical level of values. There are many ways to do this:

    1. models of indefinite language according to Milton Erickson (probably for skiers it can be very important sometimes to be in nature).

    2. You can use the pattern of walking through logical levels "What does this mean to you?" (And when you are in a state of erotic arousal, what does that mean to you?).

    3. The card splitting pattern "Absolutely, maybe" (Absolutely, group sex can be very important for achieving nirvana).

    Once we have created the required depth rapport on several levels, including verbal and non-verbal, we can remember that it is important to make some kinesthetic contact during communication as well. At this stage, he is in the right place. After all, what could be more natural than giving a woman a hand while walking? Although yes, other times, other customs. Well, bite her on the ear. I don't mind.

    What is required of us next? Further, in a state of deep rapport, we bring a person into a state of resource. Here you will need the skills of leading in a state of rapport. The resource state is generally useful in life, and in communication it plays, if not the most important, then the second role. We draw a graph.

    Ideally, this graph should be symmetrical. And this is what we should strive for. I will talk about this further.


    From the standpoint of efficiency, parting in time should coincide with the acquaintance stage, and the optimal time is 10-15 seconds for a kiss on the cheek and taking a phone number. Of course, if you did not take the phone number before. Such a farewell launches much more active process aftertaste than a simple “Bye…bye…. Bye… meow… bye….”


    This is a time of experiencing, a time to process your kinesthetic experience. This is the time when you can finally start this internal dialogue with a bottle of beer to think about this very communication. It's time to think about tactics further action and selection of a further scenario for the development of relations. Flight time for your fantasy. In general, I have no recommendations here. You'll figure it out yourself.

    The final structure of effective communication

    Scheme of the ideal structure of communication (Spherical communication in a vacuum)

    To maintain the effectiveness of the communication stage, a resource is constantly introduced into the situation, trying to maintain the maximum resource communication for both participants.

    State change

    When I fell to the very bottom, there was a knock from below

    Another law human psyche, which should be taken into account when analyzing the structure of communication is the law of overflow emotional states. A person cannot always be either in comfort or in discomfort. Comfort is always followed by discomfort, and discomfort is always followed by comfort. Man needs both positive emotions, as well as negative ones. In the form of a graph, it might look like this (spherical overflow of emotions in a vacuum):

    Thus, the change of emotions occurs constantly. Returning to the graph of the ideal structure of emotions, it is easy to understand that in order to keep emotions in a constant plus, a constant input of a resource is required, that is, everything will be required from you more strength and energy to make the girl feel comfortable with you all the time.

    That is why you should not delay the stage of communication - as soon as you understand that maintaining this level of efficiency will require you to overspending resources (more than you are ready to spend now), you should move on to the stage of parting. Get a good connection resource state to you. In other words, you showed up - she feels good. You left - she's bad. Such a good plus for further relations.

    Consequences from the theory

    Once again I will briefly and clearly state the main points of the long theory.

    1. Touching a girl while talking is one of the main tools in seduction women.

    2. If you see that “the party has already died down”, that is, the girl is already communicating with you not as well as before - pick up the phone and get off, or transfer communication to another quality level. In another room, in another plane.

    3. The more time you spend getting to know each other, the more effort it will take you to seduce a woman.

    Dedicated to my mother and Galina Yakovenko.

    To two women who turned my worldview upside down.


    This book was supposed to come out in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the publication of the book was briskly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was reworked. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

    I remember the first RMES workshop, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people have passed it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, gave answers to my ideas, tested my assumptions and, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you study with me - know. It is to you that I am writing this gratitude, it is from you that I learned.

    And now this book is almost exactly what RMES is now. "Almost" - because the exercises that we do in the seminars, not all can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown, or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can break seven sweats. And only then will it be easy.

    Special thanks I want to say to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

    I want to thank my teachers, from whom I had the honor to study:

    Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farelli, Frank Pucelik, Sergey Gorin, Andrey Koenig, Tatiana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gauden.

    Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

    Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Szandor LaVey (r.i.p), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konere Andreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Brandenburg.

    Thanks to these teams for the sounds that I have been working on this book for seven years:

    Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergei Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream , catharsis.

    Many thanks to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

    Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Julia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalia, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Julia.

    An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands

    Well, I can only congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I did not learn what I know now somewhere by my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those space rakes that lie in wait for an ordinary young man with the first five or six girls.

    After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven, we are sure that children are found in cabbage, up to 12 we know that from dad and mom, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at thirteen we will see the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of about twenty (whoever to whom later) we are lucky to know the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem in such a long period of time from the first viewing of pornography to the first performance of it live is the lack of training. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

    There are sources of information, but what are they? A movie where, at best, they will show a couple of banter dialogues, at worst, the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you yourself, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

    Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until the age of twenty, and after twenty years you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I generally keep quiet. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they cannot even wipe their asses in the toilet. The paper is hard.

    And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such an injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where to look for that Seneca to modern man? Correctly. Now it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up party in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means a quick pick-up of a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born, for the first time the idea was thrown to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this party began to slowly die down, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, they will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

    In late 1998, I created the first prototype of www.lover. , and already in 1999 he was known throughout Russia. Interesting people began to gather at the project forum, we began to meet actively, and in early 2000 the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches can be typed, but none of them reflects a complex model from and to. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating a relationship, from creating a relationship to breaking up.

    And then the most interesting began. It turned out that each of those people who stood at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has an almost unique set of techniques and personal qualities that work practically only for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.

    We lived and live in different cities and different countries, but we were able to meet periodically and exchange experiences. Bit by bit, a model of what is now RMES was born. And here are the people who stood at the very beginning, generating ideas and transferring their experience to my knowledge box:

    Andrey Alikberov (Moscow), Andrey Afanasiev (Chelyabinsk), Anton Matorin (Ryazan), Bulat Ziganshin (Naberezhnye Chelny), Semyon Paramonov (Moscow), Evgeny Stolyarov (Moscow), Konstantin Zverev (Munich), Alexey Stepanov (Tomsk), Roman Kuznetsov (Moscow), Arseniy Metelin (Moscow), Lev Dolgachev (Tallinn), Mikhail Kuznetsov (Moscow), Mikhail Cheremisinov (Moscow), Alexander Gordeev (Moscow), Alexey Titov (Peter), Alexey Khizhnyak (Minsk), Kirill Batalov ( Moscow), De Cavallo Daniel (Moscow), Konstantin Viktorov (Moscow), Valery Yamshanov (Chelyabinsk), Boris Kharitonov (Novosibirsk).

    Maybe I missed or forgot someone. It is possible that this did not happen out of malice, but now that the gingerbread is distributed, let's move on to the most important question:

    what is the Russian Model of Effective Seduction

    The answer to this question is best given point by point. Let's start with the first one.

    Russian. The main idea of ​​creating RMES is that we created it for Russian girls and Russian boys. In the conditions of our time and our Russian mentality, in terms of speaking in Russian and communicating with Russian people. It was possible to take the works of Jeffreys or DiAngelo (both from the States) as a basis, but the methods that these respected people preach do not work anyway without adaptation. And after adaptation, they become very similar to what we ourselves have come to.

    Model. The idea of ​​the model is that we don't come up with numerous theories and test them on rats (as clinical psychologists often do), but we take a person who does something and start thinking about why he does it. Roughly speaking, we take a skill and begin to disassemble it into small cogs, adding new details and observing the result. And one person can have five such skills in communicating with a girl. And the other person does not have these skills, but women still give him. Why? How? And it turns out that you can come to bed in different ways. And here the most interesting begins. What skills are more useful? What is more - a kilogram or light? Moreover, not every woman has a perception of the skill that is. And what happens in the end? A big, drop-dead chest with screwdrivers, but only her own will suit each particular woman. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the model is that you and only you will decide which of the ideas and features described in this book will work for you. Try to apply: like it, take it for yourself. If you don't like it, leave it in the book. You yourself can build any house from that brick machine that is here.

    Effective. Well, of course. You can beg one woman for five years to become your wife, or you can beg one woman for five years to stop introducing you to new girlfriends, because your schedule is full for a couple of months in advance. Efficiency is the achievement of results at a lower cost than before. And what will be the result - you decide. Do you want to find a wife, or seduce a particular woman, or get fucked for twenty years in advance, it's up to you. Here I explain and teach techniques that will help you seduce any woman with equal ease, I repeat any woman. The only question is the cost of your effort, time and money on it.

    Seduction. Yes exactly. Basically, what does a man want from a woman? Of course, but laundry and cleaning after seduction, and if before, then this is called a "coming housewife." There are many people who offer to teach you anything because it helps in seducing women too. "Sex magic" alone is worth a good-natured banter, but what about more primitive things? About those guys who consider themselves "pick-up artists", that is, they know how to get acquainted with girls. They do it cool, fun, cool. And very rarely do they call the phone she gave him. We know that acquaintance is a small, short step on the path to seduction, and not an end in itself. We place accents in the direction we need, and we teach how to achieve goals. Seduce women.

    Conclusions: This book is ambiguous. There is no instruction “take a step, turn your left breast counterclockwise until it clicks, then ...”. Seduction cannot be described in terms of sequence and cause and effect. Seduction can be described with the word "creativity" and only in this way.

    How to read this book

    This book is a close intertwining of theory and practice. On the other hand, this is not a textbook on higher mathematics, which is studied chapter by chapter, strictly sequentially. Here, almost every chapter is a complete study and describes the application of one skill or talks about a specific idea. Therefore, you can start reading the book from anywhere, but it is better to start with the table of contents in order to know where and what is located.

    The book has several large parts. The first part is purely theoretical, it tells what and how to do, and what, why and how it happens. The first part gives the basic ideas that you will benefit from reading and confirming with your own experience.

    The second, third, fourth, fifth parts are a step-by-step presentation of the structure of seduction with tools that can be applied precisely at this stage of seduction.

    There is also a part called "Theory of 100 Points", which describes in great detail exactly the creation of male sexual attractiveness.

    And also part of the "cookbook". In this part, simply answers to the questions “why and how” are collected. Answer and question, theory elsewhere.

    And there are a couple of apps. Or maybe there are a couple of parts that are already forgotten, or not specifically named, so that it would be more interesting for you to read.

    Yes, by the way, a big request. Draw conclusions from the book only after you have read it. fully read. Otherwise, it will turn out, as in the old days, “the writer’s work was not read, but we deeply condemn it.”

    P.S. If you come across an unfamiliar term, then everything is fine. There are many of them. See the "dictionary of terms" or look for this term in the table of contents. Everything is there.

    Part 1
    The basis of the foundations, or the basic concepts of RMES

    This part discusses both the general laws of communication (communication) between men and women, as well as the simple skills that are necessary for this very communication within the framework of effectiveness. You can safely skip this chapter and read it last when you want to find answers to your “why” questions. On the other hand, starting reading the book from this chapter, you will receive answers to many questions that you have not even asked yourself. This part has what is called a "base". The basis of our communication, the basis of our effectiveness, the basis of the Russian model of effective seduction.

    Chapter 1 Communication Structure

    ... during the battle, the commander automatically switches to the mat, and the information content of speech increases threefold ...

    from a lecture on ergonomics.

    Somehow we men yearn for women. This is how it happened. And at the same time, we try to be as efficient as possible. And there are still people who think in this direction. For example me. Today I will be boring, drive all sorts of smart nonsense and draw graphics. I will talk about the structure of relationships. I will talk about the strategy of establishing a relationship with a woman. And at the same time, I will sincerely believe that I am right. The rest you can try to figure out for yourself.

    Part I - Communication.

    Who invented the Rubik's Cube?

    Question from a collection of riddles for blondes.

    Any of our communication with a woman falls under the definition of communication. This is how it seems to me. There is a concept of the structure of communication, or a certain sequence of actions by which communication occurs. These steps are only 5, they are simple and clear. Here they are:

    1. Making contact

    2. Acquaintance

    3. Communication

    4. Parting

    5. Experience the impressions of communication.

    These steps follow one after the other, and they are. Let's take this structure as a basis and move it to a more general level. Consider this structure as communication with a woman. There is something in it, right? Especially if you replace the word in the third paragraph with “sex”. Let's look further. Namely, on the standard and socially established scheme of communication with a woman with the help of many external factors of influence.

    Now you can think about how to apply this communication scheme, and why it is needed. Like any other law of human communication, it has consequences and applications at a higher or simpler level of communication. As an example, this scheme is suitable both for the process of getting to know a woman in general, and for describing the entire process of the relationship between a man and a woman. Now let's move on to a detailed schedule of the steps of the communication structure. For example, dating a woman.


    She made a good impression. Smart, educated, has a sense of humor.

    And then we decided to meet. It would be better if she stayed on her Internet.

    From life stories

    Establishing contact is an important part of communication. Moreover, how this contact will be established is not important in this case. I can assume that the standard contact pattern will be visual. Or, in other words, we establish contact with a glance. It is highly desirable that the contact be mutual, so that you are seen in the same way as you are her. Otherwise, your acquaintance will begin with a fright, when on the street you touch the girl's ass. However, rare exceptions only confirm the rule.

    For example, in the case of meeting a girl on the street, the contact phase begins with the fact that you singled out this particular girl from a wild heap of other people, you turned your attention to her. Everything, contact is established. What will happen next?


    At the stage of acquaintance, we receive the first feedback from a person. The person shows us that she noticed us, he also singled us out from the crowd, he let us know that contact was on his part too installed. If you used to think that acquaintance is to give your name and pick up the phone, then this is the topic of the next paragraph.


    At this stage of communication, information is collected and this information is exchanged between the participants in communication. It is important to note that information is transmitted not only with the help of words (verbally), but also with the help of the body, facial expressions, gestures and other non-verbal factors. And that the non-verbal flow of information is much greater than the verbal one. It is recommended to think about this.


    We cannot always communicate with another person. That's the way we are. And we will part. When to do it? The most accurate strategy in this case is that parting follows immediately after the fulfillment of the purpose of communication for which this communication was. If you talked with a girl in order to get her phone number from her, then it is very desirable to leave immediately after performing this action. Was there a purpose for communication? What the hell were you talking about?


    The very train of emotions that remains with us after we have finished communicating with a person. The impression this man made on us. Those thoughts that encourage us to make a couple more loops of communication with this person. Our experience, our emotions. The period of time when it is permissible to think about communication.

    And after I have described here for some reason the structure of spherical communication in a vacuum, we will move on to how to make this communication much more effective.

    Part 2 - the effectiveness of the communication structure.

    What is efficiency anyway? For me, this is the cost of fewer resources to achieve a greater result per unit of time. The less resources we spend to achieve the result per unit of time, the higher the efficiency. Mathematically, this can be written as E=C/T*R, where E is efficiency, C is the Goal (result), T is the time spent to achieve the goal, R are the resources required to achieve the goal. In this case, the goal is determined in advance, and it is easy to understand that the more time we spend on achieving the result, the less efficiency drops. The same is true with resources. In this case, we can say that resources are our emotions or material values ​​that we spend to achieve the goal.

    Establishing contact

    In the family of a knight, they do not click the visor.

    Medieval proverb.

    The effectiveness of communication can be increased at each individual step of this structure. Even at the contact stage. Let's start with some theory - we have three main senses, which NLPers call VAK, or Sight, Voice, Sensations (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic parts of experience). Each perception system has its own characteristics in terms of the speed and volume of transmitted information, and even in terms of the range of information transmission. It is very easy to check this if we try to establish kinesthetic contact - it is limited by the length of our arms. If we summarize the features of each perception system, we get the following picture:

    Vision - the perception of a large number of units of information, the maximum range, the maximum transmission rate.

    Sensations - the perception of one unit of information at the same time, the slowest speed, the smallest radius.

    This stage of communication is most effective when all perceptual systems are involved. That is why I insist on the importance of kinesthetic contact in the first moments of acquaintance. Although it is already difficult to establish auditory and kinesthetic contact here, it will rather be an addition to the experience from communication with sensations. More on that below.

    As I wrote above, maximum efficiency is achieved, among other things, with minimal time. In support of this point, there is the following observation, which was summarized in group studies. In total, I have data from 24 groups, totaling more than 800 people. In each group, in each pair of people, there was an effect of raising the emotional state immediately after establishing contact and, after some time, in the absence of activity on the part of the second participant in communication, a decline in the emotional level with uncomfortable sensations from the beginning of communication. The critical threshold for the transition from comfort to discomfort looks like this:

    Thus, we receive a gift that must be used very, very quickly. If we wait more than 3 seconds, then we will need to spend more resources or spend more time, which will ultimately affect the effectiveness of all communication. Here we are faced with the traditional mistake of a young seducer, who at this stage starts his own internal dialogue, skipping everything that is given to him. How to improve efficiency in this case? One method is known to me with absolute accuracy. It's work and experience. And remember about the epigraph to this part.


    -Girl, what is the melting point of asphalt?

    -87 degrees Celsius

    from the classics

    In fact, acquaintance begins from the very moment you open your mouth. How you will build your acquaintance is not important to me. I can only tell you that the concept of efficiency exists at this stage of communication as well. The main purpose of dating is to attract attention to yourself, create a positive impression of your presence and create a positive reserve for further communication. And the worst thing is that you have exactly 12 seconds for everything. You have just so much time to translate the process of dating into the process of communication. That is why I leave the pioneers to come up with super dating templates for 35 words and 18 actions. We have 12 seconds of efficiency, which must be used to the fullest. It is clear that launching an internal dialogue is strictly prohibited here. What remains? There is just enough time left to say exactly what you think. The usual phrase that first came to mind. For example: “You are awesome. Let's go for a walk".

    In a huge way, the effectiveness of this stage raises your naturalness, which is also very desirable to develop in yourself. Evil NLPers call this naturalness the word "Congruence".

    Additionally, your appearance and the creation of rapport at this stage increase the effectiveness of this stage. At a minimum, join by body position, movement speed, and currently preferred modality.

    Another important factor useful for preliminary analysis of the “Contact-Acquaintance” step is that a woman makes a decision about the sexual attractiveness of a man in the same 15 seconds. The form of this decision is approximately the following: “I could sleep with this man”, in this version. If the form is “I want this handsome man”, then what are you doing here?


    - I told him: tell me.

    -So what?

    - Well, he told me the history of the Moscow metro.

    -How is your virginity?

    - I'm moving in that direction.

    - We must not move, we must move

    "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Block"

    So, you've already got to know each other. Now you are in communication. I understand that your effectiveness implies setting a goal from meeting directly BEFORE meeting, right? Okay, I was just asking, just in case. I assume that you want to get a very resourceful and positive period of aftertaste from another person with whom you are now communicating, which you need to start forming right now. The peculiarity of this stage of communication is that there are no more gifts from our subconscious in the form of bonus resources. Further development of communication occurs from the starting state obtained during the acquaintance. What will help us at this stage? The most important thing, of course, is to establish rapport. Moreover, the rapport is the maximum possible for this situation. A sufficient indicator of excellent rapport is adherence to the logical level of values. There are many ways to do this:

    1. models of indefinite language according to Milton Erickson (probably for skiers it can be very important sometimes to be in nature).

    2. You can use the pattern of walking through logical levels "What does this mean to you?" (And when you are in a state of erotic arousal, what does that mean to you?).

    3. The card splitting pattern "Absolutely, maybe" (Absolutely, group sex can be very important for achieving nirvana).

    Once we have created the required depth rapport on several levels, including verbal and non-verbal, we can remember that it is important to make some kinesthetic contact during communication as well. At this stage, he is in the right place. After all, what could be more natural than giving a woman a hand while walking? Although yes, other times, other customs. Well, bite her on the ear. I don't mind.

    What is required of us next? Further, in a state of deep rapport, we bring a person into a state of resource. Here you will need the skills of leading in a state of rapport. The resource state is generally useful in life, and in communication it plays, if not the most important, then the second role. We draw a graph.

    Ideally, this graph should be symmetrical. And this is what we should strive for. I will talk about this further.


    From the standpoint of efficiency, parting in time should coincide with the acquaintance stage, and the optimal time is 10-15 seconds for a kiss on the cheek and taking a phone number. Of course, if you did not take the phone number before. Such a farewell starts a much more active aftertaste process than a simple “Bye ... bye .... Bye… meow… bye….”


    This is a time of experiencing, a time to process your kinesthetic experience. This is the time when you can finally start this internal dialogue with a bottle of beer to think about this very communication. This is the time to think about the tactics of further actions and the selection of a further scenario for the development of relations. Flight time for your fantasy. In general, I have no recommendations here. You'll figure it out yourself.

    The final structure of effective communication

    Scheme of the ideal structure of communication (Spherical communication in a vacuum)

    To maintain the effectiveness of the communication stage, a resource is constantly introduced into the situation, trying to maintain the maximum resource communication for both participants.

    State change

    When I fell to the very bottom, there was a knock from below

    Another law of the human psyche that should be taken into account when analyzing the structure of communication is the law of the flow of emotional states. A person cannot always be either in comfort or in discomfort. Comfort is always followed by discomfort, and discomfort is always followed by comfort. A person needs both positive emotions and negative ones. In the form of a graph, it might look like this (spherical overflow of emotions in a vacuum):

    Thus, the change of emotions occurs constantly. Returning to the graph of the ideal structure of emotions, it is easy to understand that in order to keep emotions in a constant plus, a constant input of a resource is required, that is, you will need more and more strength and energy so that the girl is constantly comfortable with you.

    That is why you should not delay the stage of communication - as soon as you understand that maintaining this level of efficiency will require you to overspending resources (more than you are ready to spend now), you should move on to the stage of parting. You will get a good binding of the resource state to you. In other words, you showed up - she feels good. You left - she's bad. Such a good plus for further relations.

    Consequences from the theory

    Once again I will briefly and clearly state the main points of the long theory.

    1. Touching a girl while talking is one of the main tools in seduction women.

    2. If you see that “the party has already died down”, that is, the girl is already communicating with you not as well as before - pick up the phone and get off, or transfer communication to another quality level. In another room, in another plane.

    3. The more time you spend getting to know each other, the more effort it will take you to seduce a woman.

    Philip Bogachev

    Russian Model of Effective Seduction

    Tutorial for training successful men.

    Dedicated to my mother and Galina Yakovenko.

    To two women who turned my worldview upside down.


    This book was supposed to come out in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the publication of the book was briskly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was reworked. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

    I remember the first RMES workshop, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people have passed it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, gave answers to my ideas, tested my assumptions and, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you study with me - know. It is to you that I am writing this gratitude, it is from you that I learned.

    And now this book is almost exactly what RMES is now. "Almost" - because the exercises that we do in the seminars, not all can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown, or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can break seven sweats. And only then will it be easy.

    Special thanks I want to say to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

    I want to thank my teachers, from whom I had the honor to study:

    Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farelli, Frank Pucelik, Sergey Gorin, Andrey Koenig, Tatiana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gauden.

    Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

    Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Szandor LaVey (r.i.p), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konere Andreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Brandenburg.

    Thanks to these teams for the sounds that I have been working on this book for seven years:

    Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergei Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream , catharsis.

    Many thanks to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

    Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Julia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalia, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Julia.

    An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands

    Well, I can only congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I did not learn what I know now somewhere by my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those space rakes that lie in wait for an ordinary young man with the first five or six girls.

    After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven, we are sure that children are found in cabbage, up to 12 we know that from dad and mom, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at thirteen we will see the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of about twenty (whoever to whom later) we are lucky to know the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem in such a long period of time from the first viewing of pornography to the first performance of it live is the lack of training. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

    There are sources of information, but what are they? A movie where, at best, they will show a couple of banter dialogues, at worst, the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you yourself, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

    Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until the age of twenty, and after twenty years you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I generally keep quiet. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they cannot even wipe their asses in the toilet. The paper is hard.

    And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such an injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where to look for that Seneca to modern man? Correctly. Now it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up party in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means a quick pick-up of a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born, for the first time the idea was thrown to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this party began to slowly die down, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, they will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

    In late 1998, I created the first prototype of www.lover. , and already in 1999 he was known throughout Russia. Interesting people began to gather at the project forum, we began to meet actively, and in early 2000 the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches can be typed, but none of them reflects a complex model from and to. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating a relationship, from creating a relationship to breaking up.

    And then the most interesting began. It turned out that each of those people who stood at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has an almost unique set of techniques and personal qualities that work practically only for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.