How to understand that the heart is open. Signs of a closed heart and a smart way to open it

to whom. OPEN HEART to whom. Obsolete Declaration of love. [ Kochkarev:] So, you already opened your heart to her? [Podwheelsin:] Yes, except that the heart has not yet opened. [Kochkarev:] Here are those stories! Why didn't you open it? [Podwheelsin:] Well, how do you want, without talking about anything before, to suddenly say from the side of the cake: “Madame, let me marry you!”(Gogol. Marriage).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Open Heart" is in other dictionaries:

    open heart- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    open / open heart- to whom, in front of whom. Razg. Tell someone frankly and sincerely. about yourself, about your thoughts, feelings. F 2, 27 ...

    a heart- Chest, soul. Her chest was shy with melancholy. And it aches and whines, it hurts zealously. Rings. His whole inside was frozen. Turg. The spirit freezes from one thought. Potter. See the soul .. ache with the heart, take by the heart, take to the heart, pour into the heart, crash into ... ... Synonym dictionary

    A HEART - big heart. Razg. Responsive, kind, sincerely generous. FSRY, 420. Throw someone out of the heart. Gorky. Forget someone. BalSok, 29 Razg. Force yourself to forget who l., what l. FSRYA, 96; ZS 1996, 303; BTS... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    A HEART- A HEART. Contents: I. Comparative anatomy........... 162 II. Anatomy and histology ........... 167 III. Comparative physiology .......... 183 IV. Physiology .................. 188 V. Pathophysiology ................. 207 VI. Physiology, pat. ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    midnight heart- Heart Of Midnight Genre Thriller Director Matthew Chapman Screenplay Matthew Chapman ... Wikipedia


    OPEN EVERYTHING, YOUR SOUL- who to whom, in front of whom Frankly, sincerely share with whom l. their cherished thoughts, feelings, experiences. This means that a person (X), trusting another person (Y), trusts him with his innermost thoughts and feelings. Speaks with... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    COME UNDONE- who to whom, in front of whom Frankly, sincerely share with whom l. their cherished thoughts, feelings, experiences. This means that a person (X), trusting another person (Y), trusts him with his innermost thoughts and feelings. Speaks with... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    OPEN YOUR HEART to someone. OPEN YOUR HEART to whom. Book. Express. Same as a href="/dict/frazslov/article/3/6409.htm" to open your soul/a to whom. This worthy, amiable man opened his heart to me: it ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language


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The indicated statistics are of course just personal observations, therefore they cannot be objective and accurate, but they may show some trends.

If you look at the kids preschool age, you can see that almost all of them have soft auras of the order of 20-30 cm around the body. It is for children born that the heart and the source are simply open, their soul is open, they are ready to radiate joy, share smiles, just like that, because this is their essence. Yes, they all have already imposed ego programs. Yes, they already have their own I and desires. But the light of the soul remains intact until a certain moment. Of course, there are exceptions when parents go too far and instill obedience and upbringing from childhood. Then the children cringe, and their aura is almost pressed against the body, although it is still there. I saw children from relatively large field, but this is more the exception than the rule.

If you look at schoolchildren, then almost none of them has a field and an aura. They all become energetically empty. The variant when 0, 1, or 2 girls in high school have a field is common, boys have not been seen with a field at all. The main reasons, in my opinion, abrupt change situations with age are: a huge amount of information and tasks that are showered on children, the development of the mind, the development of the ego, the socialization of children. They form rather a competitive environment within their teams, instead of unity. Moreover, the so-called "stars" in the class darken the fastest, because inside they have a great need for attention, and they also influence others by their example, forcing them to play games, where and what is cool. And schoolchildren almost stopped loving and falling in love. Because hearts have closed and minds have opened. If they love, they love with the mind.

If you look at adults, then about 5% of men and 20% of women have an open heart. Still, as they grow up, motherhood, fatherhood, they go through some experience that again allows you to open your heart. As a rule, the experience of relationships with children, with the opposite sex. Children teach their parents with their spontaneity, open their hearts. Parents, lovers show care, tenderness, affection, this is what comes from the inside from the soul. Women's nature is more accepting, so among women there is a much larger percentage of open hearts. The masculine principle is more active, it acts, achieves, helps, but most often these are just programs of the mind and desires of the ego. Men are less accepting, by nature. And their suffering is often greater.

Open-hearted tweeters have white-golden or golden auras.

There are practitioners who have sufficiently cleared their consciousness and have almost transparent auras, but do not use the source at all. Those. their heart may be completely closed, or have no soul at all. I saw 100 meter fields of ajna chakra, with great mental power. All such practitioners are cold rational thinking and no warmth. Despite the size of the field, their aura is cold and can have different colors, including purple. Many are inflated by egregors, whose face they are.

People who have large auras do not necessarily have pure consciousness. In fact, no one has a completely pure consciousness yet. Everyone has these or those elements of the ego, as well as deep-seated programs and scars of the soul. But their heart is open, and despite these flaws, they are ready to share their warmth with others.

In other words, the field or aura is just some indicator that the person is rather positive inside and the soul is open. The size of the aura is comparatively small matter. All people who get inside such a person are simply partially under his field and this partially softens the work. negative programs inside, but it does not allow the hearts to be opened. Those. such a passive effect on the masses of people.

And yet this field can serve as a kind of protection for the owner. Not everyone can penetrate this field due to the high frequency. But if there is darkness and programs inside, then under certain circumstances even a person with a huge aura can pick up demons and entities that will cling to these dark places. Only a crystal clear, purified consciousness provides complete protection from dark forces.


Before talking about the source, the soul and the window, a theoretical digression is necessary, due to the fact that current physics does not explain in any way that a huge flow of energy can flow from a person’s chest. It arises, from the soul, from 0, from the source, from the window. And it goes in all directions, as if bursting a person from the inside, although most often the energy moves forward in a cone through the chest.

The picture approximately reflects the essence, although the physical location of the soul is 3-5 cm higher. For the soul is located in the middle of the chest 5 cm above the heart chakra.

The concept of a window is associated with distorted physics. Physics considers that gravity is a property of the masses of matter. But, all fields are nothing but energy flows. What is magnetic, what is electrical, what is wave, what is gravitational. Simply each with its own form of flow. And what is commonly considered as gravity is nothing but a stream rushing into the window, at 0. There is a window inside the sun. There is a window inside the earth. Inside a person there is a window - this is his soul.
The window is the gateway to the creator, to 0, to the source. Movement inside the soul of the person who receives. The window works in both directions. There is a direct flow inward, which then goes somewhere to another window according to the needs of the universe, and there is a reverse flow - flowing from the window, which we call light, radiation. Ideally, these flows are balanced. How much goes in, how much comes out. And so in every window. Acceptance and return are equal.
Inside the earth there is a sun with a size of 600 km. But it is weak, and when it spews out rays and matter, it cannot throw it far into space, and it solidifies in the form of a crust at a certain distance from inner sun. There between the core and the sun gaseous medium. Similarly, a person has an open heart. Warmth and light come from the soul.
The window is hyperspace, it is the creator itself, it is 0. This is the place where space-time shrinks into 0. Where there is no time, there is no space, but at the same time there is all time and all space. Each is just a window to 0. Like a person, like the sun, like a porthole from inside the one.
The whole world is inside you! Those. when you go deep into the heart, you go inside your soul, the gate, in the direction 0, then you get into hyperspace. There are all the windows of all people, suns and everything that exists. It is one window common to everything that exists. And so from there you can go anywhere. Leaving another window. That's how when someone's melody sounds, I get inside when I jump. But there is no physical jump. The soul of one and the soul of the other are two windows that are actually one when they are combined. I am you, you are me. And the whole universe inside too.

Yes, the window is not physical, it's just physically located where the heart is. Chakras are the gates of the body external environment, what already exists in our reality, and interaction with this reality. A window, a soul is, as it were, a chakra into hyperspace, and the whole universe is there, literally.

From what moment you begin to feel everyone inside the body, earlier you feel outside, like threads to them. And here the threads are not visible, because it seems that the person is right inside you. Because all windows are united and combined. This is unity. I am in everyone. Everyone in me.

Personal experience of disclosure.

Any opening of the heart is primarily a matter of inner choice. Love or pull on yourself. He who draws love upon himself, craves it, will always suffer. Even when they give him love. He is unable to take it. For craving and acceptance are opposites. Conversely, the one who forgets himself, the one who simply begins to love, acquires the love of others. Perhaps not as expected at first, but she always comes. For the one who pulls on himself creates and generates dense vibrations, in which it is difficult, and the lover - light vibrations, in which it is easy. And people easily feel heaviness and lightness. In other words, you just need to overcome yourself, cast aside fear and stop pulling. Remove the negative, which is traction, and find the positive, which is radiation.

In my case, after long suffering and being alone, emptiness, it flowed from my chest, and immediately it became easier. But everyone has their own version, the common thing is a crisis that changed the basis.

Further breakthrough was through internal solution- let harmonize everything around through the free flow of energies that enter inside you, that come from the source. Stop telling the source where to flow, but unblock it, do not hold back anything from the inside, but at the same time do not control it. If it started flowing, then it should be so, if it is worth it, then it should be so, if some people or situations appeared, then it should be so. Be in the flow, be the flow. And at the same time, be calm and watch how everything flows in and out. Ideally, there should be no squeezing of energy out of the window. Although sometimes this is applicable when protecting against attacks, or for forcibly opening a window. As a method of protection - to demolish everything with radiated energy. Acceptance is very important. Through the legs and the top of the head flows into the window, out of the chest goes out. If the flows are balanced, then they have achieved some purity of consciousness and balance. If we give more, or receive more, then there is an imbalance somewhere.

Blocks in the pelvis and back, and even partially on the back of the head, were associated with an imbalance in the second chakra. The desire to give back the secondary chakra energy, to fill the woman, and at the same time not to receive the reciprocal female energies. As a result, the second chakra is not full, and the creation of a precedent for sexual hunger, regardless of the number of exchanges.

The first level is the level of sweetness in the heart. Easily flowing energy from the source passes through the thymus and is filled with emotions of sweetness, partly chemical. This can be achieved by those who are fond of energy practitioners. Those. if a person concentrates on the heart chakra or heart, then he may well pump himself with sweetness, even if the source is closed. Met those.

The second level is high frequency heat from the heart, often huge currents from the heart. Initially, the window is a small hole in the chest, 1 cm in size or a little more. Where does the energy come from. And only in rare moments. But as the flow increases, the window expands. This usually occurs in sudden jumps. A sharp increase in both the window and the flow from the window, and immediately a sharp heat in the chest. This is the process of clearing the window, clearing blocks on the chest, clearing the subtle body around the window. When the window is cleared, then the energy begins to acquire warmth and become softer. Like a river flows. The window size can be 50-100 cm even for those whose source barely works at rare moments. It just leaked for one reason or another. Then the window is minimized to 0.

The third level is the level of tenderness. Tenderness is a very high-frequency energy, but at the same time it is soft. This is the level from which the softening of the heart begins, both of one's own and of others. Those. if tenderness flowed during the exchange, then it begins to act on the blocks of the other, like boiling water on ice. They all start to crack and fall apart. Those that are visible, of course. And only then some changes begin in a person inside. Those. sweetness can attract a person, high frequency and strength of the flow - to endure unnecessary blocks, but without awareness. And tenderness is something after which a person begins to melt, he gets what he has been waiting for and longing for, and at such moments you can remove a huge number of layers, or shift consciousness from dead center for some choice.

The level of tenderness is also the level from which a person can no longer ignore their own problems. Those. in the beginning, when the source is opened, you can say to yourself - look at the world, solve the problems of the world, forget yourself, because you will not move from the dead point, love and find the love of others. At the same time, you can simply assume that all the structures that you see are not your own, but are mirrored from others. Which is actually true and there is a way not to see anything of your own. It is important in the beginning to start and feel the power of love. But his own tenderness melts his blocks, and begins to expose his own spiritual wounds. So it's impossible to ignore it. You have to go through pain and suffering. And here the support of others or mentors / teachers is important. They will soften this process with their love, because you can always return to constant suffering again and close your heart.

The fourth level is the level of steam, the subtlest streams of energy. The energy becomes more and more refined, and it almost ceases to interact with the physical body. You seem to melt all by yourself. Physically. This is the same level of softening of everything inside the body, but chemical reaction there can be almost no tenderness. A window starts to form around the body, it gets bigger and bigger. First, you yourself will be inside the window, then, when it becomes 5-10 meters, everyone can enter there, radiating, together. This is the level when the scan stops showing people outside, everything seems to be inside you, inside the window. You no longer need to "send" energy out. You are, as it were, inside one or many people at once, and you can through their windows, from inside their hearts, as if through portholes, to conduct energy outward, into their own worlds, as into your own.

At some point in subtle body almost everything was cleaned with high-frequency energy, except for the back of the head. The back of the head is his Bottom part- this is the basic program of the ego, embedded in every person. I see her in everyone. It cannot be removed by energy flows. Only awareness. All other programs and blocks are derivatives of this program. I saw it in reptiles when I was inside them. At first I thought that this was some way to control them, to keep them under control. But everything is simpler - by giving the ego you make anyone manipulated and controlled. Scraping out the ego and property derivatives is actually key function purification of consciousness, because this is all that pulls on itself.

With tenderness, a large block on the collarbone and neck floated up. An image surfaced - 2.5 years ago at one of the moments I said to myself. "I seem to empty place for a person." Two people competed in drawing attention to themselves. But it became clear later. One won, not me. After that, the fear of losing a person arose, which was later realized with great pain. Together with fear, this giant block arose, periodic jealousy, considering everyone as competitors, an attempt to constantly do something for another. And what is more sad - the unconscious hanging of collars on the neck of another. I met such collars as an unconscious reaction of some people to others very often. There is a flash of rejection, fever and the release of the collar. In essence, these are ownership programs, an attempt to control others. But in each collar you can deduct what's there. As a rule, there is a word - love, or treatment. Those. a person needs something from another, perhaps temporarily.

The collar cannot be burned, it can only be removed by changing the selection. You cannot allow yourself to limit the power and potential of others because of your own fears. Through you and your fear, they will manipulate not only you, but also restrain and control others. We must not allow our power to be limited by attachment. However, if the collar is removed, then he can unconsciously put on again in this or that situation under the influence of even deeper programs.

There were also 3 huge scars on the chest associated with the block on the collarbone and neck, which were closed by this program. In fact, the scars are always covered with blocks and therefore are not visible, and some blocks shield other blocks like layers of cabbage. They were healed by removing the source of pain.

But that turned out not to be all. A few days later, a plate surfaced over the heart through the entire chest. Plate image. I'm in a sports camp, 8 years old - they put me to play with the older guys in the team. They didn't consider me a player and never gave me a ball or a pass during the game. I start sobbing. An older boy comes up and says - only whiny girls do that. Men do not cry. As a result, I never cried again, but my heart was blocked by this plate. And he never showed his feelings again. Though tenderness can and could go, for high frequencies go through everything.

Then, after a few days, the property programs are activated again and there is an understanding that in moments of weakness, in moments of a huge number of alien or earthly attacks, you begin to intuitively seek help and find it in the love of another person, whom you become critically missing. You cling to him and put the collar back on. And the whole thing turns out to be in another program - which floated under the plate. A huge scar on the entire chest at the level of the soul.

Image - a boy of three years. Something happened in kindergarten, or violence against me, or something else. There are no events in memory. Some sort of fight with someone. The image of an indifferent father. No help. Formation basic program sobbing and crying as a way to draw attention to yourself and receive love, care, protection. This little boy sometimes they see me even now. Again, then the crying was blocked by a plate, but this scar program was connected by threads with another program on the head: temple-crown-temple. Apparently without showing any kind of offense at everyone, looking for protection, you unconsciously begin to use the power of thought and influence on others, which is imprinted on the top of your head.

Scar also has a program of possession. Those who can help are taken for exclusive use. And if they see - restrict others in access. In fact, this is one of the root programs of the ego - to have everything we want, if we can. I watched the children - in fact, all children have it - jealousy for one of the parents. And apparently adults too. It is overcome only by choice - by accepting the free will of another. As well as changing settings. First, the program of possession instantly interrupts its own flow from the source, depriving itself and the other of the love of the creator. Secondly, the worldview is too imprinted in us - all relationships are only in pairs. One to many is not allowed. Although at the informational level - it's all in the order of things. On the energy level so in general the exchange can be carried out calmly - one to many at the same time. There are always many souls near a great source of love. In fact, a strong energy is too great to be possessed by one person, or for someone to possess it. Energy exchanges one to many, many to many through the soul-soul channels, the second chakra-second chakra work quite normally. Even simultaneous group orgasms work perfectly quietly in unity.

The scar, again after the realization, was healed by the teacher. And they said - that's not all. Again, a conscious choice is required - you can’t pull love, protect others from the outside. Love always comes from one source, from 0. And this source is inside you. Just like inside others. First, yours closes due to falling into negativity. More often waterborne, because it is highly suggestible. As the negativity leaves the window opens again, and immediately it becomes easier. Second, you can't solve every problem on your own. Trust that help will come from others is extremely important. In fact, one more inner solution is needed - to allow unity, others to heal all your inner scars, inner pain, remove the distortions of the mind and program, fill you with love. You are in an accepting state. Energy comes either from others, or from the universe, or from within you. Everything fills, you don’t know how it will come, you just let the universe know that you allow yourself to be filled. Relax is what the teacher says most often. The desire to decide for yourself - it is from distrust, which means that there is no way to get away from the ego. After all, the ego is independent choice beyond trust in God and his laws. Rejection general laws the flow of the energies of the universe.

A closed heart is the worst of prisons (c) Pope John Paul II

Who are they talking about "a man with a closed heart"? Many will come to mind the image of a cold and prudent egoist or disappointed, " broken by life» loners.

But it is not so. Actually, closed heart problems are much more varied and paradoxical, and are very common.

Perhaps you even have them?

So. closed heart is a BLOCKED heart chakra.

It's not only energy deficit in this zone (which is most often called the closed heart), but also excess energy in the region of the heart.

In both cases, the human heart is closed from real contact with their feelings and from adequate interaction with other people.

This is fraught with various negative consequences. Let's consider both cases.

Lack of energy in the heart and its consequences

When the heart chakra is deficient, the flow of energy through it is severely restricted.

Cardiac chakra remains empty, constricted and useless.

This is a classic manifestation closed heart". Such a person does not understand his feelings as if he doesn't feel anything at all.

This has a devastating effect on his health, relationships with others and worldview.

1.1. Rejection of love

This is the main problem of the "deficit". As a result of any injury, you disappointed in love. And, more precisely, that you can fall in love or someone will fall in love with you.

At some point, it was so painful that you decided - it's better than nothing. However, it could be in such a deep childhood that the decision is forgotten. There is only coldness and emptiness in the chest.

People with a deficiency in the heart chakra find rationale for this state of affairs. For example, “Love is evil”, “Love is fiction”, “Sex is not a reason for dating”, “Women are mercantile and love only money”, etc.

1.2. Fear of deep relationships, loneliness

You can formally not be alone and, it seems, meet someone and even live.

But it will only appearance of relationship, for the sake of social status, sex or other benefits.

There is no sincerity, trust, understanding in such relations.

A person with a deficiency in the heart chakra, by the way, usually suffering in this situation.(understanding it or not). After all We all have a basic need for love., and if it is not there, it is very bad for any person.

But he, most likely, will blame the partner for this and the fact that " real love only happens in fairy tales.

This often leads to real loneliness and even isolation from people.

1.3. Coldness, detachment

Because of these qualities, it is difficult for people with a lack of energy in the heart chakra to build trusting relationships.

Due to a misunderstanding of other people's feelings, you consciously or unconsciously manipulate people(especially those who have excess energy in the heart chakra).

This may help you achieve some career or personal goals, but it does not make you happier.

1.4. Judgment and criticism of others

It seems that in your troubles blame others. They behave incorrectly and unworthily, and because of this, all the problems.

But you know exactly what they need to do.

If you noticed this in yourself, you have a closed heart ...

1.5. Self intolerance

Alas, the root of judging others lies in not accepting yourself.

Sometimes it's even hard to admit it. But people with a lack of energy in their hearts do not love themselves, they scold, they constantly try to prove to themselves and others that they are “worth something”.

This may help in career achievements, but, again, it does not satisfy and does not make you happy.

1.6. Depression

An extreme form of a closed heart. You don't see the point in life, you have nothing to lean on, everything seems gray and empty.

May become addicted to alcohol computer games and other ways of escaping reality.

1.7. congestive health disorders

Energy moves poorly, which means that blood and oxygen do not enrich this zone enough.

Health problems in such people are associated with "stagnation", "containment" and "inhibition".

These are hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, risk of heart attack, etc. Feel emptiness and cold in the heart.

  1. Excess energy in the heart and its consequences

With excessive activity (hyperactivity) of the heart chakra the energy is too messy to function normally.

A suitable metaphor for this case: traffic jam, when the movement of cars is blocked due to their large number.

It would seem that since the chakra is moving so actively, is the heart open? But no, this delusion.

If a deficient chakra can be called a stagnant swamp, then an overactive chakra is a whirlpool, a turbulent flow that is difficult to control.

From this flickering, it may seem that the life of such people is rich and interesting. But, in fact, "hyperactive" people suffer no less than "deficient".

2.1. Fixation on love and, as a result, its loss

This is the main sign of a closed heart of a hyperactive type. You propagandize that love is everything, that for the sake of love you are ready for anything, that love-love-love ...

Eventually, your love is suffocating and obsessive, partners simply run away from such relationships, and you suffer again and again.

2.2. Constant need for love, approval

We said that the energy in such a chakra does not hold. You always receive love from the world and loved ones, but it "leaks through your fingers."

From this, it always seems to you that you have little love, and you demand more and more ... No matter how much love you are given, it will fly like a pipe, and you will experience constant hunger for love.

Also, you will be insecure and need constant approval from the outside. You overreact to criticism- if a person made at least one remark to you, you think that he does not approve of you, which means that he does not love you.

2.3. Demanding, thirst for possession, jealousy

This point follows from the previous ones. You believe that you have invested a lot of love in your partner (a suffocating lot), but he gives “not enough”.

This gives you a permanent irritation, jealousy(suddenly he takes away the love due to you to the left?), desire is completely own a partner.

2.4. Weak boundaries, sacrifice

One of the options for "willingness for love for anything." You give your partner or people "all of you", sometimes neglecting their time, desires, interests.

You expect the same “love” in return, but alas. Usually people of a scarce type are attracted to you, who manipulate you to complete exhaustion.

Healthy partners, on the other hand, can’t stand it very quickly, because they don’t need a victim nearby.

2.5. Health problems

In "hyperactive" people, a whole range of diseases of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels can occur. The most common are asthma, arrhythmia, varicose veins, angina pectoris. Feel "too enlarged" heart, pressure inside.

Debunking the Myths of the Closed and Open Heart

In materials on the Internet people with a closed heart are often condemned, they are called callous, prudent and hypocritical.

And, allegedly, they manipulate people with an “open” heart all the time for their own benefit.

This is an imprecise approach.

Actually, a person with a really open heart is very difficult to manipulate He is sensitive to his feelings and honest with himself and others.

Any manipulation does not stand up to his courage, sensitivity and sincerity.

And the victims of manipulators are people with a closed heart of a hyperactive type. We wrote above that sacrifice is in their nature, and they always attract tyrants, deceivers, etc. to themselves.

It is not worth blaming the coldish "deficit" for all mortal sins. They, in fact, have a hard life (although this does not relieve them of responsibility for some actions).

It's important to understand this: what will you do if you see yourself or your loved ones signs of a closed heart.

The best way is to admit that there is a problem and start opening your heart, strengthening and harmonizing the vibrations of love.

If you think that the problem is not with you, but with your partner, please note that people are attracted in a compensatory manner(for example, the manipulator and his victim). That is, there is something in you that attracted this person.

But. As soon as you start working on your heart, automatically the energy of the relationship in a couple will change This means that your partner will also begin to change (or you will simply get out of a frankly destructive relationship).

But, most importantly, you yourself will feel more whole, calm and filled with love. I wish each of you dear readers, learn live by heart and trust yourself!

General provisions always need to be clarified, otherwise it will be possible to interpret them very freely, and practically it will become almost impossible to use them. In traditional Sufi texts, a lot of space is given to reasoning about the heart and its role in human life, but for the most part these reasoning are rather vague and leave room for guesswork and different kind speculation. At the same time, it is also impossible to say that they do not reflect the essence of what is happening in the Heart, in the energy center, which is usually called the “spiritual heart”.

“The heart is a city located between the possessions of Unity and the land of plurality ... The heart is the area of ​​all comprehension and perfection of the spirit; this is the area where revelations of God-manifestation take place various levels Essences (of God). Arabic word Kalb (rotation) indicates its middle position between the nafs and the spirit” (Javad Nurbakhsh, “Psychology of Sufism”). Interestingly, the Arabic name for the heart - kalb - is very close in meaning to the chakra - which is translated from Sanskrit as a circle or wheel. That is, something that rotates. A lot has been written about the heart in Sufi literature, but most of what has been written suffers from excessive poetry and little scientific content. However:

Manifestation of Divine Mysteries
And a reflection of divine light
Are not in the physical heart
And in a true heart
("Seven Thrones", Abd ar-Rahma-na Jami)

Sufis do not write about the physical heart, but about an energy center in which both the divine Light and infinity can mysteriously be reflected (“the immensity of the region of the heart”), hence the rotation due to which this center can be activated. To work with energy centers (mainly with the heart, but also with others), the Sufis used the practice of focusing on certain points of the body, latifas, and many ways of working with them were invented. As a result of the efforts made, the dervish had to begin to feel and see the light in his heart, as well as to experience many other effects of a mystical nature.

In those days, there was no talk about the open Heart, then it was simply indicated that the spiritual heart was activated through it, and thanks to it, a person can perceive and experience extraordinary things. In our age, the level general knowledge became such that it is possible to explain in more detail and clearly the essence of work with the heart center and the features of its functioning. First you need to understand the difference between spiritual and mystical practices. Directing attention to the heart center or its corresponding latifs with or without visualization of flowers is a spiritual practice, because we use energy in it. own attention, your Consciousness. Thus, the heart center is activated, that is, its perception of energies and the ability to radiate and receive energies from the outside expand. Since the heart center (spiritual heart) is located in ethereal body, then the sensitivity grows at first in it - that is, they begin, for example, to feel the emotions of those around them or the state of their energies, suppressed and unexpressed. The heart center area may begin to warm up with varying degrees intensity, and energy reactions of this kind become regular. All this is not what the Sufis talk about, and to an open Heart these effects do not have direct relation. They say that you managed to activate the energy center, bring it to a normal working state, which most people do not have due to the fact that they live as if apart from physical body they have nothing. Due to the suppression of emotions, desires and feelings, the centers of people "clog" and cannot work normally. Therefore, the perception of most people becomes very rough, and they have no idea that they have some energy centers and thin bodies.

The activation of the heart center is done through the efforts of the person himself, and it is available to almost everyone, provided that these efforts are applied correctly. The opening of the Heart cannot be initiated by the seeker, because it is a mystical act carried out from above. The seeker can only create a situation in which discovery becomes possible; he can prepare himself for it, but nothing more. It is known for certain that the opening of the Heart contributes internal acceptance their circumstances, therefore, the less a person has desires and the greater the acceptance of himself, people and the world, the higher the likelihood that his Heart will open. However, you can prepare yourself for discovery, but you cannot cause it by your own efforts, and it is best not to become obsessed with the idea of ​​discovery, because any obsession is the opposite of accepting what is. And the attraction of the Ascending Stream of Creation is best felt and affects a person precisely when he is not crushed by desires, no matter how “bright” or “good” they may be.

The opening of the Heart is a breakthrough, and it is impossible not to notice such an event. At the same time, at first it only opens a little, and at first there are no all those possibilities of perception that come with a completely open Heart. The full opening of the Heart takes time, and it can be different for each person. And here it should be understood that the time of the full opening of the Heart usually takes years - from two to four years, and in some cases, the opening process may take longer. Patience and acceptance are the two main keys at those stages of the Path where you can no longer do anything yourself, but you can not interfere with what is happening to you. The closer you are to the Ascending Stream, the greater the obstacle becomes your will, your self. And if you want to know all the greatness of God - you need to come to a state of allowing, in a state of surrender, but before that you must definitely feel His Presence, otherwise you will surrender to your fantasies. An open Heart is the key to surrendering oneself and the main condition for passing the Sufi Path to the highest stages of interaction with God.

When it opens, usually the first experience is the experience of Light. Prior to this, all arguments about Darkness and Light are nothing more than speculative, and only the Heart, as an ajar door to Infinity, gives a person the first true experience of the beyond. heavenly light. In the beginning, the Heart is just an ajar door, and only then does it become a channel for miracles and connection with God. I would say that there are stages of the full opening of the Heart, and I can clearly identify three of them. The first is the discovery itself, when in projection chest of a person, a new space appears, filled bright light which cannot be redeemed. This is the first breakthrough to the other side, to God, to the very core of universal Being.

The second stage of the opening of the Heart is connected with the unfolding of the space inside it - the seeker begins to feel infinity within himself, and it is felt precisely in the Heart. I still remember the day when an infinite space suddenly opened up in my Heart, into which I could dive by simply directing my attention to it. It cannot be adequately described, but it is possible to experience it. It happened almost a year after a very small space opened inside me, located right in the projection of the physical heart. There are versions of the description of the difference between the physical and spiritual hearts, and they usually agree that the spiritual Heart is located on the right, in fact, mirroring the position of its physical counterpart. Similar statements can be found in the sayings of many famous mystics, both Sufi and otherwise. What can you say? The heart can open in different ways, and for someone the space of Light appears in the projection of the chest on the right. Hence, opinions arise that the spiritual heart of a person is located there. In fact, it's not like that. Man has no spiritual heart. There is a heart center, which, being open, connects a person with other levels of reality and with the Source of Being, which we usually call God. Almost the same can be said about the latifs, which seekers focus on while doing Sufi practices to open the Heart. The points to which attention should be directed in the practices of lataif are not that they do not exist or do not matter - but they certainly do not carry the mysterious function that tradition usually endows them with. Working with them is designed to open the Heart, and that's it. mysterious words just create a student required level motivation to keep them focused. The Open Heart includes all these points, and it makes no difference where Rukh or Sirr is.

One way or another, I would call the second stage of the opening of the Heart the experience of an infinite space that suddenly appears in it, but I cannot assert with full confidence that all the stages I describe will pass for each person in the same sequence in which they happened to me.

The universe and everything in it
Like everything called wisdom,
constituting His world,
Lost in the immensity of the region of the heart;
This is just a drop in the heart, in the Red Sea.
("Seven Thrones")

The third stage relates directly to the perception of the existence of God, His truth and reality. When it comes, a person begins to absolutely clearly feel his connection with the Source. Moreover, this connection is precisely the connection with the Source of Being, not with the Creator, not with the Creator, which could have some personality traits, but with that point (infinitely distant) from where we ourselves arose, as well as everything that we know, and everything that we do not know, too. It is difficult to describe this phenomenon - but the person with whom this happened absolutely clearly sees and feels this connection and in fact can communicate directly with God from that moment on, no matter how fantastic it may sound. Of course, sincere prayer achieves its goal even without an open Heart, but when a person begins to feel a connection with the Source, the possibilities of interaction with God become much wider. For example, one can accept the Will of God, becoming its conscious conductor in the world and discovering for oneself the very essence of mystical ministry.

An open heart can be developed to the full extent, or it can remain slightly ajar - it all depends on how and how hard a person continues to work on himself. Behind recent times I saw several people following the Sufi Path, whose Heart was open. At the same time, I also saw that they did not really understand the essence of their condition and were overly external activities, due to which this achievement may be the last major achievement on their path. The opening of the Heart does not at all guarantee you further automatic progress towards God, and if you stop internally, enjoying the mystical space that it brings, then you may get stuck in it. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the principle “never stop”, that is, do not consider your state - no matter how high, in your opinion, it may be - final and ultimate, do not strive to absolutize the experience you have received and understand what one peak on the Path is always followed by another, opening up new levels of experience, understanding and being for you. If you do not really understand what is happening to you, you move at random, you are tempted to start teaching others without entering the stage of following the Will of God - or even not having much high level awareness - then, even with an open Heart, you can get stuck at this stage of the Path for a very long time. So no guarantees open heart does not give to anyone, and it is desirable to understand this with all possible clarity. This is the first serious step on the mystical path, and much more must follow. serious steps. Although in Sufi literature the open Heart is glorified as a kind of ultimate dream, but this is understandable, because it is possible to sing the stage of following the Will, but for poets it does not provide much food, and not all authors have managed to reach it. But one can speak of the stage of disappearance in God only negatively, in terms of absence, and here one cannot run away at all. Therefore, much has been written about the Heart, and it so happens that it occupies the main place in the Sufi Path, which is written about by various researchers of Sufism and some Sufi teachers speak about it.

The heart is certainly important in every religion that has God at its center. It is only through the heart center that we come to know His reality and can embark on the Path of conscious service to Him and following His Will. The true experience of connection with God and God in general comes to us through the Heart and nothing else. If you work not with the fourth center, but, for example, with the seventh one, and by the Grace of God you manage to open it (not activate, namely, open it), then you will have an experience of infinity, in which there is no essence of God, but there is that the very non-duality, the unity of everything, about which true Advaists speak. A person has several doors through which he can come into contact with the Highest Reality, and depending on which door he leaves through, such it will be revealed to him. On the higher stages Sufis also learn the truth of Advaita from their own Path, but first they pass the Path, which is revealed to them through the Heart. Considering how difficult it is to overcome the pressure of the Downdraft, the pressure of desires and fears, and the dream of identifications that they generate, the exit through the Heart, in my opinion, is one of the easiest. The path of interaction with God, which, of course, does not exclude one's own efforts, gives a person more possibilities than the desire for enlightenment or awakening only at the expense of oneself, at the expense of one's own strength. But here everyone chooses at his own discretion and according to his inclinations. After all, the Lord loves variety - both in Creation and in regard to the Paths to Him.