Become a disciplined and tidy woman. Your brain resists drastic changes

It has long been known that motivation will not go far. In addition to the desire to start doing something, it is necessary to develop these undertakings. Below are simple but effective techniques strengthening self-discipline in 21 days.

Start taking care of yourself

For 21 days, watch yourself: what you do, how you stand, how you talk, what you are distracted by, how you walk and dress. Control yourself completely. Do not pick anywhere, watch your posture, the position of your arms and legs. Mark the moments when you start to unravel. Even when you are alone, be collected.

It doesn't matter where you are: in the country, at work or in the gym - you should look 100 percent and radiate positive and confident. Create your own for comfort reasons, stick to it.

The more you think about personal charm, the more you will have it. Imagine that every day you are under the guns of cameras and you can’t look bad, you need to be on top all the time so that you don’t blush in front of the audience later.

A simple exercise for every day will help you learn to control yourself - stand Marine. You approach the wall, press against it with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of your head and elbows. In this position, you need to stand for at least 10 minutes daily. After a few days, you will notice that your back begins to straighten.

This small complex helps to develop, as you train yourself to control your behavior and not be lax. Remember, you are doing this for yourself, not for others.

Create a morning ritual

Our productivity and composure depend entirely on how we get up in the morning. You can hardly get out from under the covers after the eighth alarm signal and think only about how to quickly get back to bed at the end of the day. You can get up just before leaving the house, fussily get ready, stuffing some kind of sandwich into yourself, and jump out into the street, not understanding what is happening around and in your head. But it is best to prepare yourself in advance for, to feel your biorhythm and the breath of a new day.

You must come up with a morning ritual that will set you up for the start of a new day.

Here's a simple option: get up on the first alarm, charge with a little physical activity, contrast shower, healthy breakfast, reading. The whole thing will take you about an hour. And 21 days is enough for it to become a habit.

Set yourself challenging tasks

Choose one really challenging task per week and do each no matter what. Weather, circumstances, mood do not matter.

Are you doing 50 pushups a day? Go to 80, 90 or even 100 - there is no limit. Writing one article in a couple of days? Write two. Are you spending a lot of money? generally for at least a few days. Weak?

If you didn’t calculate your strength and chose a task that you simply can’t cope with, imagine that this is an order, like in a war! You must do it, there is no other way.

Can't make it through the day? Postpone other tasks until you have done everything necessary.

This task is difficult, because you can not let yourself down in any case. When you complete it, you will be overwhelmed with confidence that you can do a lot - if not all - on the shoulder. After all, the limits are only in your head.

Focus on results

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but here you choose a goal, make a plan, and calculate the time and resources needed to complete your plan.

Try to achieve something in 21 days: create a website, write a book chapter, lose 3 kilos, finish big project… Almost immediately you will realize that people, circumstances, mood, entertainment, the Internet and much more prevent you from meeting deadlines. But don't despair.

You must be on your goal, see it at the end of the path, think about it, not about distractions.

Use smart phone or computer reminders to remember what you need to do to achieve the result.

No need to start from existing opportunities: so you, like most people, will never believe in yourself and begin to move towards success. Look to the future, attract it.

Remember that formation takes time and effort, but then they will lead you to your dream through any obstacles.


The human brain is designed in such a way that it resists drastic changes. If you set a goal and perform complex "titanic" work, such as: "Tomorrow I - new person!”, then there is a high probability that you will burn out. To burn out means to go back to the previous state, the so-called “yo-yo” effect (like a toy), when you need to go from state “A” to state “B”, but as a result you are in “A”.

Gradually, step by step, start getting out of your comfort zone. This method is the most stable.

Change step by step, and in a year you can become a completely different person.

The trick is that the brain accepts a small change as a base point, which means that it will be easier to take the next step. Use this rule!

« + » the brain is more accepting of small changes

« » the brain resists drastic changes


It is easier to get used to many small changes than one big one.

Example: which will be easier to transfer?

  • one huge stone weighing 100 kg;

  • many pebbles weighing no more than 20 kg alternately.

A few light stones seems like an easier task, right?

Overcoming new small changes leads to huge results.

Example 2: You set a goal to run, but already at the 5th minute you run out of breath, the “small steps” technique will be an effective technique.

Run the first day - 5 minutes, run the next day - 10 minutes, the next day - 15 minutes, adding only 5 minutes to the new workout in this way, you can easily reach the 120-minute mark.

Just 48 days to go from a 5 minute run to a 2 hour run!

REMEMBER! The brain resists abrupt changes and accepts small ones more easily.


We realized that we can implement Huge changes in our lives, dividing them into small pieces, and manage them. The brain will not even think of resisting such changes, it will be comfortable for it.

The rule of gradualness works in many aspects of our lives:

  • the child learns to walk step by step, day by day…;

  • reading books begins with the alphabet from "A to Z";

  • writing is a skill that is achieved by training, first with letters, then with words;

  • when getting a job at a new place of work, a trial period is given so that you can gradually wedge into work processes;

Think of your own real life examples.


The judo method (the gentle way) will help you learn how to manage your time.

It is not easy to control time, so we suggest doing it gently and dosed.

Example: Are you wasting time on the Internet for social networks? Replace internet with:

  • reading books 15-30 minutes a day;

  • cleaning the room - 15 minutes;

  • help or communication with relatives / friends - 30 minutes or more;

  • training (running, horizontal bars, cycling, etc.) - 30 minutes or more;

  • meeting new people (dating by interests, hobbies, with the opposite sex).

And by the end of the day, go to the Internet - social networks and make sure that nothing global has happened during the day. Just do not sit for a long time, 30 minutes will be enough.

This is how the exclusion rule works. Eliminate things from life that are not of particular benefit to you and those around you.

REMEMBER! A sharp change in habits is met with a sharp resistance of the brain. Softly and dosed, we introduce changes into our lives.

Through time learning the processes of self-discipline, one begins to notice that:

  • lying on the couch is not cool (it’s better to do useful things);

  • a TV with ads is stupefying (in most cases);

  • there is life outside the internet!

  • I am changing.


Even after the introduction of all the techniques, sometimes the body and head will resist.

A few examples:

  1. You add 5 minutes to each new running workout and have already reached the hour of running, but the head and body begin to resist. The head says that an hour is a long time, the body says that it is difficult.

What to do?

Help your head and body, tell yourself: “I will only wear a running suit and running shoes,” don’t even think about running. Have changed? Okay, now it would be foolish not to run, and the body has already tuned in to run, because they know that training begins with sportswear.

  1. You have a first date, you are terribly worried, worried, a lot of thoughts come into your head with or without: I am short, I am too long and thin, I have little money, smells from my mouth, bald, fat, etc.

Indeed, there are plenty of reasons to worry.

What will help?

Understanding that most likely the other person is also worried, and that similar thoughts come into his head. He is the same as I am. And finally, there are only 2 development options after the first date:

a. He (she) will meet a second time;

b. He (she) will not meet again;

Given that the 2nd option can choose you yourself?

Use such a psychological technique “brain help” and it will be easier to discipline yourself.


This is a practical exercise that helps relieve fatigue, stress, brain overload, if required.

Spend 10 minutes in silence and alone with yourself during the day. No phone, no computer, no distractions.

In the morning for 1-2 hours, use the informational diet (no television, radio, computer), unless you read a book.

How to discipline yourself? This is a question that worries individuals who do not know how to obey external, or their own established rules in achieving goals. When a person really wants something, this desire will discipline him. A disciplined person is a person who is capable of obeying the rules that he establishes in order to achieve a set goal.

Thanks to discipline, a person is a socially adequate person who is capable of maintaining order, since he recognizes the presence common law and should certain rules and norms. If it is difficult for a person to discipline himself, it is difficult to realize the meaning of the word "order", then it is impossible for him.

One who can discipline himself, control behavior, so much so that external negative factors they cannot distract him, and if such a person can submit himself to the current order, then he can consider himself a disciplined decent person.

Discipline has many enemies. Disciplining yourself is more difficult if impulsiveness and distractibility are inherent. Outwardly, you can also determine an undisciplined person - he is fussy, has a lax gait, is not collected, does not control his statements, often complains and takes the position of a victim, constantly makes excuses and refers to external circumstances.

A person who knows how to discipline himself is not late, remembers and fulfills promises. It is a little more difficult for a person to discipline himself with the onset of evening, as fatigue takes its toll.

Some people find it very difficult to discipline themselves, that it takes a lot of effort. However, do not dramatize, you can turn the process of disciplining yourself into a creative one. fascinating process. A disciplined person is an individual who is respected in a circle educated people. Therefore, along with the ability to discipline oneself, a person also acquires respect, recognition and the ability to always achieve the intended goal.

How to become disciplined

How to become a disciplined person? To start working on this issue, you should take the time, and this is already the first step in how to make yourself disciplined. In complete peace of mind, you need to think over a plan for. Actually, in order to discipline yourself, the goal is not so important, it is important to stick to the developed plan according to it.

It is necessary to create a plan for the actions that need to be taken to implement the plan. The plan must have a title, it is the goal, it can be called: "Discipline yourself." Next, there should be columns with titles: actions, beginning, likely difficulties, strategies for overcoming difficulties, report.

Actions are the steps to achieve a goal. For example, discard habits that take time, look for information on your issue, ask for advice. It can be several actions, so it's worth thinking through and writing them down.

The beginning is the time convenient for doing all the activities. You can schedule it for any day and time. You can not put off time and stretch it, at first it will not help to discipline yourself. But while adhering to the deadline, the goal must be fully realized, subject to any time constraints that may arise. For example, a person decided that he wants to start going to the gym, it is necessary to write down the nearest time for performing this action, otherwise this desire will simply disappear. Over time, as it reappears, a person will begin to feel remorse that he did not do it earlier.

Possible difficulties need to be well thought out, to predict any obstacles. If you want to get used to getting up at 7.00 in the morning, but you know for sure that you will fall asleep when the alarm rings, then you should write “I will fall asleep again” in this column. By anticipating such obstacles now, it will be possible to increase the chances for the long term.

Coping Strategies - Seeking advice or taking in, these ideas are good options in coming up with ideas for this column. Later, those methods that previously contributed to solving the problem will be peculiar patterns of action in different circumstances. If a person knows that some of the experience is unlikely to be useful as a strategy, then it is better to immediately abandon this method. Therefore, it is better to apply new methods, to come up with more effective ones. For example, if a person is going to discipline himself, enter new habit get up at 6.00 in the morning, but every time he turns off the alarm and continues to sleep, then the alarm itself can be set a little further from the bed. So, in order to turn it off, you will have to get up, that is, to perform the very unpleasant action that makes you wake up.

The report is a part of the plan that does not need to be planned, since only after all the actions of the plan have been completed can it be described. The report should record how successful the implementation of the plan turned out to be, how quickly the result was achieved.

To discipline yourself, it is not enough just to make a plan. Once a plan has been drawn up, it must be carried out. The main thing is to act with strict observance of all actions, and gradually record notifications of completion. The plan needs to be revisited all the time, reading notes on completion, crossing out what has been achieved, and emphasizing what to pay attention to. It is also worth abandoning strategies that have proven ineffective and only include those in your behavior that have proven useful. It is necessary to extract all the useful experience and introduce it into the compilation next plan. Making plans will help a person discipline himself, in time he will be able to abandon them.

If a person reveals that he did not manage to achieve a perfect result completely at once, he does not need to lose heart. Do not be discouraged. You need to discipline yourself precisely in order to own your own. Learning involves the presence of errors that lead to new experience.

You can discipline yourself if you start getting rid of bad habits, those that take away a person's precious time (constant TV viewing, frequent use of the Internet). Having freed up this time, a person will be able to discipline himself, to do more productive things.

If a person is trying to discipline himself, then he must track his own progress daily. This tracking allows you to see how many steps are left to take towards the goal. Effort to make homework becomes great at the right time practical way to discipline yourself. Because many people find it hard to discipline themselves and boring, they need to change their minds. If a person thinks how boring it will be to master the whole process in order to discipline himself, he needs to restructure his thoughts in order to think what result and benefit the completed work will bring.

How to make yourself disciplined? Sleeping on a schedule helps discipline yourself. Need to install yourself best time for falling asleep and getting up. Each individual knows how much sleep he needs to sleep well. Also, everyone knows when it is best for him to wake up and have time to calmly, without fuss, pack up and have time to leave. Everyone is different, so you need to make yourself an individual schedule. So, a person will get enough sleep, do everything and be able to discipline himself. How less people will deviate from the established schedule, it will be easier to comply with it.

Regular exercise will help you become a disciplined person. If sport is taken seriously, it will discipline. You need to find your favorite sport, sign up for the appropriate section. It is the awareness that you need to go to class at the appointed time that helps to discipline yourself. Compliance with the training schedule teaches a person to discipline himself also in other areas of life.

If there is no opportunity to go in for sports, visiting sections, you can start doing it yourself. Set yourself the time at which a person will be engaged, and set aside for this also certain time. However, it is harder to discipline yourself by doing home workouts, because there is no external control and the person relaxes more. Sports will teach a person to be disciplined, they will also give health and beautiful body, which will strengthen the self-confidence of a person.

A person will be helped to discipline himself by such a technique as writing on stickers the tasks necessary to complete and attach them to visible places, for example, on a monitor, if you have to work at a computer for a long time. Keeping a list of things to do in plain sight, a person will remember them, they will seem inevitable until they are carried out. So, he will want to get rid of the obsessive list as soon as possible, he will begin to work and cope faster. The sticker will be such a flag in the reminder, and the head will be freed from some of the information. This is a good way to discipline yourself.

How to become a disciplined person? You should work on concentration, because distraction is the enemy of discipline. If you are doing one thing, you can not be distracted by another. When a person interrupts one thing for the sake of a short break for another, concentration is lost. It will take time for him to get back to the first case. As a result, a lot of time is wasted.

You can find many methods for developing concentration of attention, or just every time you want to be distracted from the main task, start mentally scolding yourself and immediately return to work, this method will help discipline yourself. If a person has responsibility, then the feeling of shame will overcome his desire for distraction, which will allow him to discipline himself.

How to make yourself disciplined? The ability to control your finances and discipline in this direction will help you discipline yourself in other areas. Financial discipline is very in a good way discipline yourself, since the issue of finance is very often decisive. Often people buy unnecessary things for themselves, guided by momentary impulses. Of course, it can be hard to resist another tempting purchase, but it is naturally possible to moderate impulsiveness in purchases. Therefore, it is important to discipline yourself in the desire to buy a thing for yourself, before reaching the checkout hundreds of times to think about how important it is, where it can be applied, whether it has a long-term effect.

How to discipline a child

Parents who have managed to discipline themselves must now teach this to the child. The approach to him, of course, looks different, due to age differences.

To teach a child to discipline himself, do not use methods of physical punishment. They harden children, making them irritable and aggressive. Children should be praised and rewarded if they behaved well. To make it easier for a child to discipline himself, it is necessary to give him a reward only after he has done it. "Payment" made before the action will relax the child, he will not perform it on full force. The child must understand that the parents responsible people, can discipline themselves and learn from their example.

To discipline a child, you need to strengthen him good behavior, voice praise when he really deserves it. Children always expect that their actions and behavior will be approved by their parents. Every time, if the child takes the right step and deserves praise, you need to hug him, kiss him and smile. Say phrases of approval: "You're done", "You did it very skillfully." Be sure to comment on all the actions of the child. He must know that all actions have consequences, this understanding will help him discipline himself.

When the opportunity arises, the child should be given the right to choose (wash the dishes or take out the trash). This will bring a sense of personal independence, and discipline him in his duties. The child is obliged to know that he has responsibilities in the family, which are only under his responsibility. Therefore, it is necessary to establish mandatory daily work. For example, helping with setting the table, cleaning up. This also includes such actions: take a bath, brush your teeth. Instilling these habits early years help the child discipline himself.

Parents are required to create favorable environment which would facilitate the fulfillment of duties. You need to be friendly, smiling and transform the process of doing things into game process, for example, arrange a competition, who will wash the most dishes in a certain time. So the child will learn to fulfill duties and discipline himself, and it will be easier for him to fulfill certain work because the parents were able to transform it into a fun process.

To discipline a child, you need to set clear limits on his age. If a child wants something transcendental, at the same time he starts to cry, you can’t follow his lead. Crying is normal reaction child younger age to the dissatisfaction of his needs, it is better to ignore him and the child himself will calm down, seeing that there is no reaction to crying. So the child will be able to discipline himself, and he will grow up with the understanding that not everything is always allowed.

It is necessary to rephrase common phrases, such as: "do you want to eat now?" to "lunch time for everyone!". Probably, in the first case, the child will want to say no, but in the second he has no choice. The child should be encouraged and punished immediately, otherwise he will forget what he has done and will not understand the actions with which he will be approached to punish or praise, because for him this situation will become irrelevant.

When the child did not hear the command sent to him for the first time, or heard, but ignored, you need to repeat it again, and with an amendment, say that failure to complete the task entails backfire. If another time there is no reaction of the child, then it is necessary to move on to the consequences. Fear of the consequences and responsibility for them will help the child to discipline himself.

With each disobedience, you need to have a conversation with the child, parents should do this in turn, so that the child does not take offense specifically at any of them. It is necessary to explain to him what is expected of him, how important it is, and show the mistakes of his behavior and explain how to behave next time.

When people come across the word "discipline", they resent it. Many went through in their childhood an attempt to discipline them. Often those who resisted were severely punished. Our parents tried to instill in us good quality However, their methods were so unpleasant and cruel that everyone developed a negative attitude towards discipline - a quality that helps in achieving goals. And here the question arises, how to discipline yourself.

Let's start with the definition of discipline - what is it? This is a kind of self-restraint, which involves adhering to certain rules. A person takes a subordinate position in relation to certain algorithms, rules, laws, etc. Discipline can be compared with law-abiding - when a person knows the laws and adheres to them, does not violate them. However, a breach of discipline is not always punished, especially if we are talking about an adult.

To date, the cult of freedom has become widespread. A person must be free.. Many people understand freedom as the ability to do whatever they want. However, psychologists consider freedom a person's ability to live to please his desires, to achieve them. Feel the difference between doing whatever comes into your head and making your desires come true.

A natural question arises: why become disciplined? This quality, according to psychologists, helps in the realization of their desires. In other words, a disciplined person becomes successful, happy. He can achieve whatever he wants, and not just spend time trying to prove that he has freedom.

A disciplined person free man because he can have whatever he wants. Precisely those people who avoid discipline but cry out for their freedom are miserable and narrow-minded. They are not free from their freedom, while a disciplined person becomes free, achieving his goals through the use of discipline.

What is discipline? This is the observance of specific rules that help achieve the goal. A person simply performs those actions that will lead him to the goal, and controls this process. This is self-discipline.

How to discipline yourself?

To discipline yourself, you need to have a goal. Desire disciplines a person, because it forces him to adhere to specific rules if he wants to achieve something. Rules are external and internally established. For a disciplined person, it doesn't matter who invented them. If they help him achieve his goals, then they need to be followed.

Disciplined people are people of order. They understand that everything in this world is natural. If you do not follow the order, then everything will collapse, go "somehow", not be in the control zone. People striving for freedom live somehow. And people who keep order gradually achieve the life they want to live.

Successful people become those who know how to discipline themselves. They know how to control the process, translate negative events into beneficial ones, maintain balance and order. This may seem boring to some. However, mastery is achieved only by establishing certain rules and compliance with them. Here you need to be able to obey those laws that help in achieving goals.

A leader, chief, commander, manager, president, etc. is a person who is at the head of some structure that must work under his leadership and achieve certain goals. Thus, a leader is not just the ability to command someone (as many people dream of organizing their own business), but also the ability to make plans, follow them clearly, be responsible for all the actions of their subordinates and, accordingly, get the results to which he brought his structure. A skilled leader must have certain qualities of character, knowledge and willpower. Also, the leader adheres to certain rules.

Self-discipline is a faithful assistant in achieving any goals. How to bring it up in yourself? This does not require iron will and nerves. You just need to clearly define your goals and plans to achieve them. As soon as you have a concrete picture of what you are going to move towards, then self-discipline arises as if by itself, and emotions and desires replace iron will. And when you set goals for yourself, be sure to complete them. However, this process is tedious to control, as a person sometimes wants to get away from his own affairs in order to goof off.

Be your own boss and subordinate. As a leader, you should not think that others will do your work instead of you, as then you turn out to be an extra link. You must be able to develop a strategy, give instructions and control the course of events, and put plans into practice, perform routine work and obey your own instructions. Any excuses and references to difficulties should be immediately cut off by you, as a boss. You must control that your old habits, which are inherent in the subordinate, do not allow you to retire. Otherwise, how can you manage others if you cannot manage yourself?

The leader sticks to one more special rule, which is not inherent in all people, is to be honest with yourself. If you lie to yourself and try to somehow justify yourself, then you will not get any constructive results. this lesson won't bring. As long as you deceive yourself, you will not be able to see the situation as a whole, which will close you from various opportunities to achieve goals in any business. You can pretend that you are busy all day, but if this does not lead to positive results, then you are really deceived. The leader always adheres to the rule of being honest with himself, otherwise he simply will not be able to see other opportunities to promote any business, because he is running away from reality in attempts to deceive himself.

Ask yourself every evening the question: “What did I do today for constructive results?”. You should focus on today's result, and not the one that was 5-10 months ago. Be honest with yourself about how productive you were today.

It is very easy to deceive yourself. You promise yourself something, make some plans in your head. Days go by and your memory blurs some of your promises depending on whether you kept them or not. It will seem to you that you really did a lot, although it was just your memory that erased some unfavorable plans for you. Therefore, any leader leads his plans and goals in writing. It is your notes that will help you really look at how you keep your own promises. AT this case self-justification and excuses will no longer help you, since what is written and done will clearly show the results of your activity or inactivity.

Self-criticism and self-praise are inherent in a leader who really looks at the state of affairs in his structure. Criticism allows him to improve himself, and praise allows him to experience pleasant feelings for the work done. But this is only in the case when the assessment of a person is objective, and not far-fetched.

rules good leader available to all people. However, it depends only on you whether you reach any heights in own business or you will continue to fail due to self-deception. If you really aspire to something, then you will have to take the position of a leader who adheres to certain rules.

How to become disciplined?

To become disciplined, you must adhere to a certain routine, which is established solely by you, depending on the goals that you wish to achieve. The goal requires the performance of certain actions in exact time and subject to conditions. If all this is not adhered to, then the goal will not be achieved. If a person understands this, then he himself sets the rules that he will adhere to, whether they were invented by him or taken from outside.

Written records will help you maintain discipline:

  1. Goal - state what you want to achieve.
  2. A list of actions that need to be taken to achieve the goal.
  3. The time of their accomplishment - when will you begin to take the necessary actions?
  4. Possible difficulties that may overtake you when performing specific actions.
  5. Ways to overcome these difficulties, if they arise.
  6. Report - what did you do, what happened, how did you deal with it?

After drawing up a plan, you need to move on to its implementation. Take action, take notes, reread your notes. If something is not going in the direction of your goal, you need to rethink your plan of action. Perhaps something was not taken into account, it is necessary to act differently. Stick to the plan, but be flexible if your strategy doesn't work.

If the goal is not achieved, do not lose heart. Discipline includes control own emotions a person who does not lose heart, but reconsiders his strategy in order to draw up new plan actions.

To discipline yourself, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Refuse unnecessary things that take time and energy.
  • giving yourself good rest, sleep and nutrition to have enough energy.
  • Praise yourself for the first results achieved to mark the correctness of the actions taken.
  • Stick to the rules that tell you what to do to get what you want.
  • Learn to focus on the important things right moments, cutting out everything else.
  • Control your emotions, do not allow yourself liberties and relaxation.
  • Manage your life and resources on your own, not allowing anyone else to do it for you.

How to discipline a child?

Discipline is usually instilled from childhood. All parents want to discipline their children. However, as already mentioned, many do it wrong. The main mistake in teaching a child is cruel punishment him for disobedience and lack of discipline. Ultimately, this leads to negative attitude child to this quality.

To discipline a child, adhere to the following principles:

  1. Praise your child for his achievements. Do it only after what has been achieved.
  2. Give the child the right to choose so that he feels independent and responsible for the promises he made.
  3. To create or train the child to get into a favorable environment in which the implementation of the planned actions will lead to the desired result.
  4. Create rules and restrictions for the child within the family, adhering to which he will receive praise. He must understand that only by performing the “right” actions will he achieve the desired result. Here it is necessary to be interested in what the child wants to receive in a given situation.


Discipline is a state that a person himself chooses, who wants to live the way he wants. Free people go with the flow, and disciplined individuals get a boat and oars and row in the direction they want to go.

A person who possesses these virtues is doomed to receive high results in career, family, and other areas. Few people use them. These virtues are not taught at school, they are not taught at the university, they are only slightly reminded at work. They make up 25% of success. What are these virtues? What are their names? I'm talking about self-discipline and organization. No matter how vile it may sound, but this is what makes up a quarter of yours in any business. And here we will talk about what self-discipline and organization are, how to become disciplined and organized person and why it is so important.


Self-discipline has many definitions. I will name just a few. self-discipline It's the ability to get things done to the end. Self-discipline is a skill, regardless of your internal state. Self-discipline is when a person subjugates himself, he does it no matter what. A person with this quality achieves a lot in life and why this happens, I will tell you below.

But becoming a disciplined person is not so easy, because there are many things that distract a person. For example, instead of doing homework, a student plays a console. This is not discipline. Now, if Petya told himself that I would play the console only when the lessons were done, this is discipline. That is, Petya will never sit down at the game until he solves five problems in mathematics, and he also learns literature. In this case, a person controls himself, and not he is controlled by circumstances, personal desires and interests.

Unfortunately, in order to possess this quality, one has to sacrifice one's own personal interests. After all, a person throughout life is always faced with a choice, to do this or that. For example, an extra hour to work out or go home to rest, skip class and go for a walk or forcefully visit it, wash the floors or go drink beer with friends. Therefore, many people believe that discipline and self-discipline is difficult, vile and disgusting.

But in fact, this is not entirely true. If a person, if he sees, then discipline appears, or even is brought up by itself. For this you need, the achievement of which will inspire you. After all, when a person knows why he does it, moving towards the goal becomes much easier. In my case, I know perfectly well that if I write useful and unique articles every day, then the project's traffic will increase. Increase attendance - grow and revenues. And if you write every day, then in three years the site will add 1095 articles. Therefore, it is easy for me to make efforts and share with you. In order for the work to go smoothly every day, you need to not only become a self-disciplined person, but also organized.

Organization or self-organization- almost the same as discipline and self-discipline. But there is one difference. Organization is the ability to do your job and time, and follow the tasks set without being distracted by anything. Organization is the ability to competently distribute one's strength and time, it is punctuality and diligence. A person with this quality, as a rule, makes good career, as he knows how to solve problems in time, create a favorable image of the company. An organized person is able to concentrate on the main tasks. Nothing distracts an organized person. An organized person, unlike an unorganized one, knows how to manage his time. A disorganized person is always late, never gets things done, and wastes time.

For example, Petya graduated from high school and decided to enter a university. To do this, every day, as a disciplined person, he sits down at the table and prepares for the entrance exams. Organized, Petya turns off the phone, closes the door to the room, warning his family that he will be busy for a while and that he should not be distracted. An organized Petya knows that he will start with mathematics first, then with Russian, and then with history. In 120 minutes he needs to do the number of tasks. And so he does every day, until the onset of entrance exams. And I am sure that this Petya will do it, because it is such people who achieve everything.

And now let's look at Vanya, Petya's friend. He does the opposite. He thinks he should start studying for his exams. Sits down at the table, turns on the computer, opens the word with exam questions, is reading. Then he gets bored and opens social network VK.COM and starts chatting with all your friends online there. Only Peter is offline. After an hour of correspondence, he reads the ticket again and thinks, why not go and drink coffee for him. He goes to the kitchen, warms up the kettle, and sees how the TV series begins on TNT "University". He sits down at the kitchen table, sips coffee and watches uni. An hour later, it ends, evening comes, and Vanya goes for a walk. A day passed, and nothing was done to enter the university. Why? Because Vanya was distracted and did not focus on the main thing.

I hope these two examples have explained to you what organization is. Organization allows a person to do everything on time, without being distracted by anything. I already spoke about it. Self-discipline is self-management. Together, these two virtues lead a person to success.

For clarity, another example. In one book, I do not remember which one, it was said that success and failure obey the same laws. For example, if a person works as a sales manager and makes calls every day, then he can make them either more or less. For example, Petya makes 112 calls a day, and Vanya makes 78. Who has the advantage? I think it's obvious! But that is not all. Petya decided to make even more calls. And now he makes 122. Vanya got too lazy, and he thinks like, well, think, today I’ll make five calls less, because it’s not so big difference. Vanya is right, the difference is not big. And if he makes fewer and fewer calls throughout the year, then their number will reach a hundred! A difference of 100 is already a lot. So it turns out that Petya, by his actions, is going to success, and Vanya is not going to success.

How to become a disciplined and organized person?

As I said above, in order to become a disciplined and organized person - a long-term goal should be set that moves. When I studied at the institute, I noticed how most of the students are not organized and not disciplined people. They don't know what they are studying for. More precisely, they know - to get a diploma, but most, including me, do not know where they will go next with this diploma. There is no vision of the future, which means that discipline is not needed. That is, you can continue to skip classes, accumulate debts, then take them somehow and so until you fly out of the university.

Another example. A girl or a guy knows that if he gets a red diploma, then he will then be hired to work in a very prestigious place. His salary will be high, vacation twice a year and promising career. It ignites him or her, inspires, pleases, and the person begins to make every day specific actions towards achieving this goal. A promising and motivating goal is the most The best way become an organized and disciplined person!

self-discipline, organization, how to become disciplined, how to become organized
