Human design determine the type in Russian. Core Concept in Human Design: How to Find Your Inner Source of Truth in Decision Making

You have already completed step number 1 - you entered your data and the system calculated your Human Design card for you, great. It remains only to decipher it according to the rules. Types, Authority, Profile, centers, channels, gates, planets, etc. I tried my best to write this article in plain language. Study, enjoy my dear.

Human Design Types

First of all, deciphering your card must begin with an understanding of your type. The type lays down the matrix of what kind of person you will be and how others will react to you. You will also understand which manifestation of yourself is most beneficial for you on the path of life. There are 4 main types: Manifestors - initiators, Generators - supporting, Projectors - guides, Reflectors - observing. There is one more additional type: Manifest Generator. Already by the name it is clear what it is: a Generator with the qualities of a Manifestor, but in the depths it is still a Generator.

Our electromagnetic fields- aura

All four Types are divided into energy, these include generators and manifestors, and non-energy - these are projectors and reflectors. Conventionally, the world can be divided into those people who give and those who receive. Therefore, it is important to understand what type you are in order to properly use your natural strength and not be disappointed in the future.

Type Generator

Description. Their aura is enveloping, soft. 35% of the world's population is like Chinese hahaha. Generators are the engines of the planet, they cannot sit idle and they constantly need to put their energy somewhere from the sacred center, the only question is where!? I will write about the centers later.

Generator power. The essence of the Generators is that their basis is an inexhaustible source of activity - the sacred center. The advantage here is that, unlike the others, Generators are always charged and are in the process of constant improvement. They can become masters of almost any task, project, skill.

Generator problems. The energy of the sacral center is strong, but blind, so it is very important to understand how to deal with it. Otherwise, a strong, but "blind" Generator will plow on anyone, but not for its own good. Therefore, the Generator sometimes needs a worthy guiding hand in order to competently talk to him and ask around about his life. Another problem of the manifestation of the blind power of the Generator is a mental stuck on some topic. The generator "spuds" it from different sides, and the exhaust has long been gone. The solution here is similar - you need someone from the outside to switch.

Tip: The generator should seek his happiness in his favorite activity, whatever it is, it should become its continuation. ..

Type Projector

Description. Their aura is focused and absorbing. 21% of the population. Projectors are a new archetype on the planet that arose after 1781, it is non-energy and therefore it is the hardest for him to tune in to his theme of design living. The projector is a born manager of the human factor. He sees through everyone, if at first he is able to see himself and recognize his natural gift.

The power of the projector. The administrator of the new order, this is his main place in life. Designed to feel and guide others in the right direction. This is the person after a conversation with whom you know what to do. I repeat - the main thing is that the projector lives its design, and not the generator. To do this, you need to slow down.

Projector problems. Since the type is not energetic, he really wants to be like the rest - constantly busy and initiate some kind of activity. This is a false self. The task of any projector is to decondition from the influence of the majority and stop following the same strategies as generators and manifestors, otherwise you will experience constant bitterness in life. Study your design and you will understand a lot.

Advice: stop messing with your I know, I can, etc. Take care of yourself and wait for an invitation. When the Generator is completely confused, and the Manifestor has a wall of misunderstanding and resistance from others, then these two will come running to you with real requests and you will reveal yourself and your talents. ..

Type Manifestor

Description. Their aura is repulsive and closed. You are 10% of the total population. The true Manifestor is the type that everyone aspires to and emulates. The awakened Manifestor is the dictator of his life. He wants to do everything in his own way, so that no one climbs to him and does not interfere.

The power of the Manifestor. You do not need help, you are autonomous and give the command to start to everyone else. You are real doers and initiators of new processes. You are the one they follow and listen to.

Manifestor issues. They try to control you, like no one else, because it is not clear what to expect from you. People sometimes have a hard time with you and feel disrespected. Due to constant control and resistance from others, Manifestors sometimes become ordinary people and cease to express their self, which in fact further destroys your natural power to do what you want.

Tip: to reduce the stress of others, inform them about what you are going to do and do. Watch how much easier it will be for people from your information. In this way, you will remove your fears and allow your own strength to manifest.

Type Reflector

Description. Only 1% of the population. There is no one to read these lines, I write in vain). A reflector is a collection of everything that happens around. Family, company, work, all mental and emotional processes around pass through the aura of the Reflector. These people are mirrors.

Reflector Power. Calmness, insight and adaptation. Life constantly throws you new sensations, thoughts and even a different worldview. You are constantly different different people and in different places. You are an irreplaceable person in any team, and you, without straining at all, can be aware of everything that is happening around you. You are an ideal assessor of both the collective "temperature" and the private one. Any of your words or feelings is worthy of being relied upon and accepted as the most objective version of what is happening. I have one familiar reflector (a former client) - this is a miracle of philosophy and psychology. With such a pleasure to talk.

Reflector problems. In view of this openness to the world, there is a potential weakness in it. You are very susceptible various influences in which you yourself sometimes get confused. You cannot find yourself and rely on something specific. You need to be able to work with this and your map has many answers for the future.

Type Manifest Generator

Description. Their Aura is almost identical to regular Generators. Total people with this type are about 35% more to the rest of the Generators. Total 70%. That's why I wrote that there are a lot of them like the Chinese. I myself am the Manifesting Generator. These people like to move quickly and switch from one thing to another. They like life at speed and they hate to go back to what has already been passed. It kills them because it's boring.

Power of the Manifesting Generator. This type does not stick to one thing, unlike ordinary Generators. They have more chances to Manifest and try themselves everywhere, feeling this life from all sides. This is usually funny people, which, like the Generators, are constantly busy with something. They differ from simple Generators in more “lively” energy, which immediately hits the throat from the stomach through channel 20-34 (Channel of Charisma) and this person is already saying or doing something without noticing it. These people are strong, but you need to learn how to manage this power, otherwise life will be wasted and will go "on top".

Problems of the Manifesting Generator. Much is overlooked. Haste is not always good. Depending on the situation in your map, you should have talents that need to be rolled in from different directions. Only in this case, your usual speed will benefit you. Otherwise, such people are very restless, without much incentive and live more in material world by shutting yourself off from the inside, which is much deeper and more interesting.

Tip: Just like regular Generators, you sometimes need a guiding hand. Your arrogance can play a bad joke on you - you will stagnate in one place with the illusion of change. It is useful for you to engage in various slowing down practices, such as yoga, qigong, stretching (at least sometimes). It will slow down your psyche. ..

Human Design Test

Strategy and authority

The second most important when deciphering a card, a person's design is authority. When calculating the Human Design card, it is listed immediately below the type. Authority is our unique truth for making the right decisions in life. And the Strategy is a tool with which we can feel this truth and take it as the basis for making decisions.

What do you think prevents a person from feeling happy and gaining confidence in decisions? Of course it's the mind! It is so strong, loud and fascinating that we simply do not "hear" our intuition and the signs that our body sends us. As a result, uncertainty can only grow, although a person initially has everything for him to feel and show his uniqueness, without comparing himself with anyone.

Our beautiful mind constantly wants to keep everything under its control and suffers from this when it does not see the way out. Arrogance is a dead end for the development of mindfulness. Our dissatisfaction, worries, fears, shame and insecurity are an illusion. own mind is called the "false self" in Design. When a person tries to be anything but himself.

Deciphering the Human Design card means teaching a person to live from his true authority, so that he makes decisions that are correct for him and live his nature. With Human Design, you can make your mind an ally, not an enemy. You let him relax and just enjoy the theater and various scenes of life. When we deliberately use our strategy and authority, we align with our unique geometry in time and space, our true selves are revealed. A person understands what it means to "be yourself."

Hierarchy of authorities

Authority Solar plexus. Has authority over everyone else. Consider that this is your second brain, which often works against your will. This is a factory of emotions not controlled by your mind. First you do it, and then you figure out who needs it, what you did. It often happens that no one, including you. Therefore, the skill of managing this center requires special diligence, because biochemistry is very strong in the moment (like a drug from which one cruelly rushes).

Strategy: it makes no sense for you to draw conclusions and accept important decisions being held hostage by their biochemistry. You need clarity of thought and then a competent decision will come. Don't jump to conclusions about anything until the waves are good and bad.

Sacred Authority. This is your access to natural power. In order not to slip and not waste your life time for nothing, you need to learn how to use it and not drain your charge anywhere. This is akin to learning esotericism, where you need to learn to feel, not understand.

Strategy: the sacral center works according to simple principle yes / no, he makes guttural sounds like uh-huh or nope. Watch how children who have even less pure minds respond. When asked whether you like it or not, the first thing you should do is pay attention to your lower abdomen and the first impulse that your body will give you. Experiment with it - it really works and in a magical way answers your questions - should you do something or not.

Splenic Authority. This is the intuition pure form, and therefore it requires more more sensitivity to your body's internal signals. For each situation/challenge, it works only once and it is uncompromising - you either trust or you go further with your mind.

Strategy: This authority is the most difficult to feel, as it is based on the vibrations of what is happening around. You need to constantly experiment with it and notice its manifestations in the subtle physiological signals of your body. This center greatly develops your courage and confidence.

Ego authority. Your power is in speaking and influencing people, so it's important for you to hear what "You" say to them, not what your mind says. There is a difference in this - when you try to filter your speech, you thereby distrust yourself, but you are a Manifestor and you first need to learn to inform others, in whatever form it is.

Strategy: learn to say what comes out of you without thinking about anything. Observe what happens as a result of this, how far you are progressing in your plans and goals. When your heart motor speaks, instead of the mind constantly interfering, then you are living your nature. Your task is to learn how to boldly inform and thereby relieve tension from your path.

When we tune in to our inner authority with practice and experience, we connect to the real source of the wisdom of our body. If we do not introduce our mental distortions into the work of these centers, we will always clearly and clearly receive the information that we need. This is verified by personal experience.

Map interpretation - Centers

Since 1781, humanity has entered a new era of its evolution, where the 7-center beings have been replaced by new 9-center beings, much wiser and in tune with their higher self. Our main difference is that the 9-center person has shifted his external authority for development: laws, religions, kings, gods and so on, which people used to rely on, now come to naught and a person is more inclined to focus on himself. However, despite this evolutionary breakthrough, a person still lives in past fears and focuses too much on his mind. This is not correct, but such is the strategy of evolutionary transition!

Real awareness is our vehicle in this world it is our body, and specifically the energy centers in it. Human Design has surpassed the Hindu Chakra system in its depth and precision in the interaction of the 9 center beings. From 2027, another evolutionary period will begin for us, and I personally believe in this, because I also found out something about this world when I lived on the islands.

Centers and Not-Self in Bodygraph

Each of the 9 centers has its specific function and purpose. The main thing is to learn to understand their mechanics, that is, to be aware of their strength, limitations and in no case fight them. This struggle occurs in most people because of their own illiteracy and inability to feel their potential.

When deciphering the Human Design card, you will find filled and unfilled centers. Their professional name is definite and indefinite centers. The difference is that a certain center has its own own strength and has an impact both on the individual and on those around him. This certainty manifests the strength of man and limitation at the same time. For example, a certain center of the Spleen is lymphatic system and immunity, it reads the vibrations of space and gives a person a sense of physical security, confidence in what is happening, intuition. The limitation here is that a person, because of his arrogance, may not feel sorry for his body, and at one fine moment it will specifically break down.

In the case of open Center of the Spleen (I have one), the situation is different. Since there is no energy of its own there, this center absorbs everything that happens around it indiscriminately. As if thousands of sensors all over the body are trying to count the vibrations of the surrounding space in order to understand what is happening at the moment. People who do not understand the mechanics and functions of this center can be very suspicious and shy. In most cases, what the “open spleen” feels from others (fears, insecurities) it takes for itself. You get the feeling that something is wrong with you. This is called the manifestation of the "False Self" in the open centers. Each center has its own jokes. About this I.


The “False Self” is what stresses and scares you in life. This is what gives you painful and false illusions of what your life should be like and what kind of person you should be. That is, instead of reality, a person lives in a house of cards of his unjustified ideas about his existence.

There is only one way out into reality - through your authority and strategy, in other words, through feelings and sensations. All the wisdom of life lies just in the open centers, which are incredibly sensitive to what we really need. Out of 9 centers, I have only 3 identified: sacred, connected to the throat and center G.

Deciphering the nine centers of the map

Parietal Center. Pineal gland. A filter of what we think about and what impresses us. Creates pressure to seek answers and solve life's mysteries. It is our fuel for thinking and conceptualizing life.

Ajna Center. Neocortes and pituitary. Responsible for the schematic processing of information: opinions, concepts, theories. This is the empirical mind of a person who weighs all the pros and cons. However, it makes no sense to build plans for your life with the help of it - you will be disappointed. Life has something more interesting for you, just don't stop it from showing itself. While you are trying to realize the illusions of your mind, you are closing yourself off from truly experiencing your uniqueness, and life can become boring and monotonous.

Throat Center. Thyroid. Responsible for Communication and Manifestation. In a word, interaction with the world. A lot depends on the Throat Center, its channels and gates. For example, your ways of expressing yourself individually. If your "Throat" is defined, but not connected via a channel to any of the motors (Sacred, Emotional, Ego), then your words will be just words, not the beginning of actions. The throat center has the most topics for the manifestation of itself, respectively, and the way of manifestation of the False Self is the same. Let's take for example the channel connecting the center of the Throat and the center of Ajna: "Channel 17-62" (the channel of Acceptance). For the future: any channel consists of two gates, each of which has its own number and creates for a person his behavior and certain qualities of character. In this case, let's consider on my Bodygraph the topic for expressing the Throat center in the 62 gates.

This is the gate of detail, the excellence of the small. That is, people with such a gate give weight to any concepts through details and facts. They help others make out the undecipherable. Take out of the process what others took for granted and did not notice before. Whether it is a person's worldview, his behavior or the organization of business processes. With the help of clear and well-marked details throat center through the 62nd gate, any mechanism will put it on the shelves and put it back in an improved version. People with a certain throat center and such a gate have a “sharpening” to disassemble everything into its components. They are very valuable to those around them.

Ego Center. A heart, digestive system. Willpower and self-esteem. Those with a defined Ego are the least affected by the opinions of others and they have more developed willpower. This center is one of the three motors. If the Ego center is open, then the person has a very changeable willpower and tries to constantly assert himself in life. The open center has special way without stress, you have to grope for it, either on your own, or I will help you - I have it open.

Voices of the False Self of an indefinite center: I must be brave. If I don't, then I'm worthless. The rest should notice my value. I have to prove that I am a valuable and worthy person. In short, a constant empty struggle.

Emotional Center. Solar plexus, nervous system. Responsible for emotional behavior, passion, desires and moods. This is a second brain, a biochemical factory that will manifest its full force by 2027. Our spirit will express itself through this center, especially if it is defined. The emotional center is very strong, and those who have it have the advantage of being uncompromising. As I mentioned earlier, the limitation here is this: under the waves of their biochemistry, these people lose their mind and they do not realize what they are doing. Therefore, they may later regret their deeds for a long time.

Those whose Emotional Center is open, on the contrary, are not very emotional. They need very little to be good. However, with such susceptibility to feelings and various states, such people are “squeezed” in the event of any conflict situation when there is a lot of negativity in the other person. In an open Emotional Center, any emotion is doubled. This can be managed in the future, but you need to know the keys.

Voices of the False Self of the vague center: I don't want to go there, there may be conflict. You shouldn't say this so as not to upset this person. I won't go there because I might be disappointed and rejected.

Sacred Center. Ovaries and testicles. Vital energy, sexuality, fertility. The main force of evolution is through man. This is the same blind force that moves the Generators, reproduces offspring and does not allow inactivity. As it was written earlier, Generators in most cases smear this power throughout their lives without getting satisfaction. The path to it is the body's response to any question. Thus, our unconscious lets us know if we have real power to perform this or that work, or if it is just another dummy to drain some of our energy. When a Generator catches a positive response, it actually does the right thing for it and gets real satisfaction from doing it. The problem is that Generators almost always agree to everything.

Those with no Sacral Center defined (Projectors, Manifestors, Reflectors) do not have access to this vital energy, but it is very seductive for these people and impresses with its constant involvement in life.

Voices of the False Self of the indefinite center: I must say yes to this, otherwise I will miss my chance. I can do it too. No problem, I'm not tired yet. Let me do it for them. I can continue, just give me a cup of coffee.

G - Center. Liver and blood. This Center is responsible for a special love of life. This is the chair of our Higher Self. It sets the general background and works as a gps navigator in time and space. Depending on the activated gates and channels, it, like all other centers, will manifest itself differently in this world.

An open center may be subject to false identification of its path and self-determination, or not to have it at all. The pluses are that life is always deeply different for you and you don’t have to try to decide what true love is in this world. The places you live and the people you interact with determine that!

Root Center. Adrenal glands, adrenaline system. Life fuel of a simpler order. It helps to move and express yourself through the throat, as well as to cope with difficult life situations. (hit/run). Makes us release our unconscious stress to evolve and adapt. For some, this pressure is realized through sexuality (Sacred Center), for others through feelings, need (Emotional Center) or through recognition of crooked strategies in life (Spleen Center).

Those who have no defined Root Center tend to be in a constant rush to finish everything at once. In their thoughts and actions, they run in an unknown direction and, accordingly, they will never come running, because the stress occurs inside, not outside. This is again a false I demonstrates itself to us - I want something, I don’t know what. The wisdom of an open center is that its owner can enjoy living his design at his own pace and enjoy it. An open Root Center relieves a person of habits and promotes harmony for the whole organism.

Voices of the False Self of the Indefinite Center: What Can I Do to Improve My Life? I want to get this over with quickly. I have to start something new now. Where can I be useful? Where is my passion? I want a new experience.

Deciphering profiles in Human Design

After calculating and independently deciphering 1 part of the card, the design of a person proceeds to complication. We will understand what a Human Design profile is. The profile is the image through which we show all our qualities. Through the profile, our energy is embodied in the material, in life.

There are 6 main themes for expressing yourself in this world, they are called lines in Design. But since the Human Design system counts not only conscious person like Astrology, but also the unconscious (the human body), so there are two lines in each profile. The first number is the conscious expression of the person, the second number is the unconscious of the person.

There are only 12 profiles and each has its own sharpening for implementation. The name, the profile itself already says a lot.

For example, those who have 1 line in their profile will constantly look for something, dig and explore. They have a well-developed natural empathy.

Those who have 2 lines in their profile, like mine, are hermits. Each 2 has its own talents, which are so natural for her that only those around them see them, but not the owner himself. It is good for the owner when no one climbs into his hole, and he is busy with something of his own.

3 line - distinguished by eternal experiments. They will constantly face life. They will try, make mistakes and improve their experience.

Line 4 - build their lives through a circle of acquaintances and influence them with their authority. How spiders weave their webs.

5th line - These are universalizers of social knowledge. Such people bring innovations that allow others to live better and more productive lives.

6th line - These are slightly flying creatures. They look at life as a "sandbox" in which the rest play. These are philosophers for life and administrators of processes.

More in-depth information about each.

Meaning of the Planets in the Bodygraph

Now let's touch a bit on the gates and planets in Human Design. There are 64 gates, which corresponds to the number of hexagrams of the Chinese book of changes I-Ching. In the middle of the last century, scientists proved that hexagrams are in full accordance with human DNA. If we talk about the gate again, then it is they who are called upon to reveal the features of a person’s behavior and almost all the traits of his character.

It would seem that even a gate in the amount of 64 pieces is a lot. But, there are 1080 options, since the hexagram is divided into 6 lines, under them - 6 colors and 5 more bases. All this suggests that even if the gates of some people are the same, then the qualities of character will still be different for everyone, only the internal configuration of a person will remain the same. You should also know that you can not evaluate the habits, habits and character of a person, looking only at the gate. All elements of the Bodygraph need to be summed up, as it were, and only after that you can find out the full picture.

When you begin to understand what a gate is, you come to the realization that the Bodygraph (Human Design card) is a unique and inimitable treasure trove of knowledge about yourself. It contains thousands of tips for self-realization. But even many analysts cannot see them.

But I assure you, even just by reading about the gates of your Bodygraph, you will be able to see in them a reflection of your nature and its features.

Planets in Human Design. As mentioned earlier, each gate is influenced by one of the planets of our solar system.

As an example, consider the 42nd Gate of Growth. Above them, let's say, the planet Venus is located. It gives a person the desire to have the most good, is in search of abundance. And all this is achieved with the help of others. The fact is that it is Venus that is the planet that attracts useful relationships to a person, gives him protection, both his own and other people. But if Mars is in this gate, then such a person will himself take decisive and passionate actions and deeds to get what he wants, he does not need the help of others.

Operating through the 42nd gate, Venus influences the client's life through connections and relationships with other people. Moreover, the person himself seeks help and finds it. In addition, it can lead to decline, since it is natural for the owner to scatter resources, especially if Venus manifests in this gate in the fall. Therefore, its impact often negatively affects human life. But Mars in the same gate gives its owner the opportunity to perform any action in response to every opportunity given to him. If the gate is conditioned by the Sun, then it gives its owner health, power, influence, strength for growth, the fulfillment of goals. At the same time, everything happens independently, without stress. Also, such people are able to make a profit through mediation. In general, the Sun in the 42nd gate is a conductor of inspiration, spiritual uplift. And allows you to develop the potential almost completely.

It turns out that one gate with two different planets, affecting a human being, gives a completely different effect and affects his life in different ways.


Human Design - A unique system of self-knowledge, based on the scientific and spiritual discoveries of our civilization, which allows, with the help of mathematical algorithm calculate your genetic uniqueness. The Universe has determined in advance where you will be most useful and has written it in your genes. All this is not just for you. own good. You are serving the good of the whole.

High-quality and detailed calculation of your Human Design card (bodygraph) with decoding and materials in Russian. Extended detailed tables time zones and schedules for switching clocks to summer and winter time across the territory of the post-Soviet space.

How to start learning Human Design on your own?

1. Create an accurate detailed Human Design rave map (bodygraph)

To calculate your rave card (bodygraph) yourself, enter the date, time and place of birth (you can locality in the same time zone) into the appropriate fields. Click on the "Calculate" button.

All data is very important. Sometimes a difference of a few minutes can give a strong discrepancy on the map, and sometimes a few hours will not matter.

2. Find your energy type

The manifestor's aura is meant to pierce, to begin. Projector - to penetrate in order to feel another person. Generator - to envelop for joint activities. Reflector - try, but do not let yourself in.

There are four energy types of people in Human Design. Each energy type has a role to play in this Game of Life.

Generator and manifesting generator (creator or creator, initiating creator)

Energy type, 70% of the world's population. You have constant access to your own energy. Great energy potential and the ability to work for a long time, diligently, with pleasure, quickly restoring your strength, but only from your favorite work.

The generator should enjoy the work and satisfaction from its results. Any activity without pleasure is frustrating, debilitating. How to find something that brings satisfaction and distinguish your work from not yours, the right person from the wrong one?

Be sure to study what “generator response” is, because. he is the key to all decisions in the life of the Generator. There is a lot of information on this topic.

Finds happiness in the things you love.

Manifestor (initiator)

Energy type, 9% of the world's population. Punching. A type in which one of the motors (Solar Plexus, Ego, Root) is connected to the throat. Can act quickly, take the initiative, has the power to influence other people. Its peculiarity is that it is necessary to inform other people about own actions before they start. Without informing meets resistance, which leads to his own anger (the theme of the false self).

Finds happiness in feeling his own calmness from anger. Knows the power of his influence on others. Without the ability to inform other people may have problems in communication.

Non energy type, 21% of the population. It has insight, can see the essence of a person. A type whose role is to be the guest guide for Generators. By receiving an invitation, the Projector thereby gains access to the management of sacred energy. If he begins to impose, advise and indicate without an invitation, he experiences bitterness (the theme of the false self).

Finds happiness in recognition of their individual competence by other people. It doesn't matter what you do, it matters who you are with.

Reflector (herald)

Non energy type, 1% of the population. Feels the difference between people, groups of people, places. A type with the ability to see what is unusual, what is out of the pattern, breaks the order and symmetry. Most of all, it is due to the influence of other people and the transits of planets. Literally reflects, mirrors the interlocutor or the team in which he is.

Very flexible and changeable. Finds happiness in seeing differences. Trying to be tough can feel a loss of novelty, a state where nothing surprises. You should not rush into making decisions.

3. How to make decisions so that they are “to your liking”, and not “as is customary”?

The main concept in Human Design is how to find your inner source of truth in decision making.

There is a very useful tool in the Human Design chart that is not found in Astrology - inner authority. It is always a feeling in the body and never thoughts and reasoning. How our Body feels what is right for us.

  • What should I do, and what is not mine,
  • With what people to be, and who is not correct for us,
  • What to agree to and what to refuse, etc.

This is something you can rely on! Trust not thoughts and reasoning, but the feeling of your body, inner authority. And for different types different centers will serve as authority.

For Generator (Creator) in Human Design the sacral center is the authority. This center has the ability to respond with simple internal sounds “Uh-huh”, “Aha”, “Nope”, “Eee”. Some psychologists call this the Aga reflex, when a person answers any question not with a word, but with sounds. So the mind will not make stereotyped decisions and the answer will come from the essence itself.

Favorite activity causes the response “Aha”: I want, I love, with pleasure. On this decision, energy, strength appears in the body, the body directly wants to do this.

If this activity does not suit you, the body will give out “Nope” to it, it doesn’t mean mine. If there is no specific response, but there is a sluggish “uh”, then this activity is indifferent to you and you will not get pleasure from it, as well as satisfaction.

If in the map inner authority Spleen - it's intuition in the moment! Feeling anxious or calm while making a decision. If you learn to hear and trust this voice, then your life will already begin to change in better side. You will stop getting into those places where you are not expected and doing what is not great to do.

If your Human Design Bodygraph defines Solar Plexus - emotional inner authority - it must be remembered that there is no truth in the moment. You always need to wait for time, mature, not act on emotions. This means that the emotional wave that is produced by a certain solar plexus always colors this or that response in accordance with the mood, so it is necessary to wait for clarity over time. It could be a day, or it could be a week.

In Human Design there is a conditional hierarchy of internal authorities. These are necessarily certain centers. If several centers, which are internal authorities, are defined, then the most “senior” manifests itself most clearly. 1 - the oldest, 5 - conditionally the youngest.

The type of authority is indicated on the person's design card.

Remember, this is the place to rely on:

sacral- response sounds
Solar plexus- wait for clarity
Spleen- the voice of intuition, taste, instinct
Self-projected authority- when discussing something with someone, listen to yourself
Ego Manifested Authority- to ask the question "what do I really want"?
No inner authority - mental projector is aware of the decision when communicating in his environment, and reflector must listen to the authority of the lunar cycle.

4. External role in life. Define your profile.

The first number in the Human Design card denotes a conscious role in life, the second number - an unconscious role (we play this role unconsciously).

Briefly about the meanings of profile lines in Human Design:

1 line - Explorer- needs a solid foundation to achieve confidence. human design, getting to the bottom of the essence to calm down. Innovator.

2nd line - Hermit- loves to do what he loves in solitude and sometimes does not even suspect about his gift. human design who wants to discover and realize his talent, and not endlessly learn new things. Not everyone will open up.

3rd line - Martyr- Trial and error, can make a discovery. human design- experimenter. Through trial and error, he gains a unique experience.

4th line - Opportunist- open to opportunities coming from the circle of friends. Friendliness and sincerity is revealed in a suitable team. In the absence of a suitable team, it can remain alone.

5 line - Heretic- projected, it is expected from him an unconventional and practical solution to the problem. Design powerful, contagious human, who catches other people with his topics, but he himself can get lost in the expectations of other people (what do they want from me? - projection).

6th line - Role Model- there is a potential after 50 to be an example of what it is to be yourself. The design of a sage or fool that other people are guided by. AT highest manifestation spiritual leader.

When we combine line values, we can talk about a common understanding of the profile.


1/3: The explorer is a martyr. A person who gains confidence by learning from his own mistakes, an experimenter and a skeptic in life. (Nicole Kidman, Freddie Mercury, Bono, Che Guevara, Van Gogh, Charlie Chaplin).

1/4: The explorer is an opportunist. A person who needs true and devoted friends with whom he can share his hobbies, interests and discoveries. (Albert Einstein, Muhammad Ali, Sid Vicious, Ewan McGregor).

2/4: Hermit is an opportunist. A person with a talent hidden for the time being, careful about his private life, in which others often see more than he would like to allow. (Nikolai Gogol, Viktor Tsoi, John Lennon, Uma Thurman, Sean Connery, Duke Ellington, Salvador Dali, Osho).

2/5: Hermit is a heretic. A person who has the gift of seducing other people, often surprising out of the box thinking and an unusual perspective on things and events. (Catherine Deneuve, Mark Twain, Kevin Costner).

3/5: Martyr is a heretic. A born rebel, an expert in making mistakes and getting into different, not always pleasant ones. The potential for influence and contagion. (Vladimir Vysotsky, Indira Gandhi, Elvis Presley, Tom Hanks, Osama Bin Laden, Krishnamurti, John F. Kennedy, George Carlin, Tim Burton)

3/6: The Martyr is a role model. A person who is here to guide others through the wisdom he has gained by making his own mistakes. (Nikola Tesla, Julia Roberts, David Bowie, Winston Churchill).

4/6: Opportunist is a role model. An objective witness who uses his communication skills and experience to teach and influence others. (Brad Pitt, Sharon Stone, Sigmund Freud, Nat King Kol, Monica Bellucci, Edith Piaf).

4/1: Opportunist - explorer. A person who will never be able to change himself and for whom a very special life path is prepared. (Natalia Vodianova, Louis Vuitton, Michael Jordan).

5/1: Heretic is an explorer. A person “for others”, able to give practical solutions, be useful, show a different point of view on any issue. (Jude Law, Madonna, Martin Luther King, Napoleon, Justin Timberlake, Catherine Zeta-Jones).

5/2: Heretic is a hermit. Closed in his own space and waiting for a specific call to show his talent in interpersonal communication. (Alexander Pushkin, Marlon Brando, Tom Jones, Robert De Niro).

6/2: The role model is the hermit. A person who often represents a role model for others and is usually surprised about this. (Viktor Pelevin, Mikhail Bulgakov, Antonio Banderas, Jimi Hendrix, Audrey Hepborn, Charles Dickens, Bruce Lee, Barack Obama, Mozart).

6/3: Role model is a martyr. A person who knows well the value of his mistakes and failures. (Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Harrison Ford, Jules Verne, Matt Damon).

5. Energy centers

In Human Design there is a concept of 9 energy centers. This is similar to the usual seven chakra system that you may already be familiar with, but here we have two additional centers.

Some centers are shaded different colors, others remain white. each center has its own name and is responsible for a specific function in the body, responsible for the functioning of an organ system or for the functioning of a specific gland.

The centers have their own characteristics and false manifestations, or false self. Most clearly, the false self is observed in open (unshaded) centers, but it can also be characteristic of a certain (shaded).

Crown: mental pressure and inspiration.

Self-generated or inspired by others, guiding us through doubt, confusion and pressure to find answers to our life's questions.

An open Parietal center is inspired by the environment, a certain (shaded) center itself gives inspiration to others.

False manifestation of the parietal center: worry about what does not concern you and think about other people's problems.

Ajna: processing and analysis of information.

Center for working with information through logic or abstract thinking. Our worldview and understanding of ideas.

The open Ajna center is determined by the information of other people, a certain (shaded) center itself affects others.

False: constantly striving to be sure of something. Be afraid of your insecurities. They pretend to be sure.

Throat: expression and action.

The open throat adapts well to the manner of speech of the interlocutor. The definite expresses itself in a fixed way.

False: try to get attention in every possible way. Very often, this is completely unwanted attention.

G area (G): love, direction and self-identification.

The open center receives direction, a sense of "who I am" from others. The definite serves as a source of direction and identification for others.

False: try to find yourself, your love, your direction in life. Find your clear self-identification once and for all “I am so-and-so.”

Ego area: willpower, self-esteem, the material world.

The open center of the Ego is sensitive to the will of others, but it is not correct for him to act on “willpower”. A certain ego center gives a strong-willed person who influences others.

False: prove something to yourself and others.

vitality, sexuality, performance.

A certain Sacral center gives us the energy type Generator - a person who dissolves in his favorite business and replenishes the spent resources quickly, if he acts in response. The open Sacral is subject to the conditioning of the environment, conditionally more “free” in the choice of activity, since it is less subject to frustration from an incorrect deed.

False: don't know when to stop.

Center of the Spleen: intuition, health, fears, instincts.

Feelings of anxiety and insecurity or calm.

A certain (shaded) center can be trusted, an open center is not recommended, since it reflects the anxiety of the surrounding people and society as a whole.

False: addiction to unhealthy habits and relationships.

Solar Plexus Center: emotionality, sensuality, passion.

The center of our mood, the biochemistry of emotions from “ heartache” to joy.

The open center is emotionally empathic, but does not itself have a constant emotional wave. Certain - determines those around you with your mood.

False: Fear of the truth, fear of conflicts, emotional manifestations.

Root Center: adrenaline pressure.

The center that regulates our stress levels.

An open Root Center is sensitive to stress and pressure. Determined - resistant to stress and pressures others.

False: always hurry.

6. Certainty and openness

Where we are hard and where we are flexible.

Definite energy center - the center, which has a color on the bodygraph, except for white, broadcasts a certain frequency into the surrounding space, its own defining program of the center's work, depending on its type. These are the places where you are clearly fixed, the way a certain center works is fixed in your birth chart.

When a gate is active at one end of a channel and at the other, automatically the channel becomes filled and the centers of these gates also become active. This means that CONSTANT energy circulates in this channel and centers. Imagine that your body graphic is a food chain. There is ALWAYS energy in the shaded parts. These are the places you can always rely on. Energy will be generated here constantly! Every minute, every second until the moment of death.

This is the only thing you can rely on! This is what allows you to be yourself. But this is the potential for hardness, inflexibility. You find it difficult to adjust to other people or circumstances in the areas for which this center is responsible. You would rather change your environment than you can change yourself.

Indefinite (open) energy center- the center, which has a white color on the bodygraph, is tuned to receive the frequency from other people, depending on the type of center, and works intermittently. In these areas, we are influenced by other people. This is something that is present in your nature impermanently, it is conditioned by those people or planets that influence your energy field at the moment.

This means that you may feel/behave differently with different people. This energy of conditioning (influencing) the open center is uncontrollable. It can only be observed and experienced. However, if you do not understand your nature, this energy can cause total self-doubt and self-flagellation. You will feel like you are someone you are not.

This is the potential for flexibility, adaptability, adjustment.

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Share your interest in Human Design with your friends! Studying the cards of friends, acquaintances and relatives helps a lot to deal with many nuances. Human Design, because you know them, you see how certain activations manifest themselves in them. First of all, I calculated everyone with whom I communicate often. Then the whole family.

It gave me an understanding of who is attracted to me and how they manifest themselves in life. Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, reflectors, profiles and defined and open centers of the BodyGraph. Moreover, those who are interested Human Design, they themselves were happy to tell me about their activations and how it works for them.

Human Design- it's new experimental science about the person and the world around. It has been developing since the late 1980s and has given people consistent and accurate information on how to live their own lives correctly.

Human Design is a system of self-knowledge, which is fundamentally different from all practices existing in the world today. It allows you to see specific map of your self and offers simple tools, allowing you to be yourself and reduce resistance in your movement through life. Human Design allows you to discover yourself, understand and accept your true nature.

What's the Difference

Human Design relies on several powerful systems. It includes the principles quantum physics, genetics, astronomy and aspects of the four esoteric systems: astrology, hindu chakra system, Judaism Kabbalah, and most of all I Ching(Chinese Book of Changes). The esoteric term "aura" in Human Design coexists with terms from physics, and the meanings of the I-Ching hexagrams with the characteristics of amino acids from genetics.

Capaciously express the essence Human Design and its postulates can one word - "heresy". This knowledge is alive, provocative, filled with information that shakes the cornerstones of many sciences, from psychology to particle physics. As a system, Human Design has many conceptual differences from other systems that claim to describe the nature of man and the world around.

Form principle

Some spiritual practices and systems of self-knowledge offer to describe the mind and behavior of a person in some kind of typology, others - to turn off the mind or transform it, still others - to develop your body and not pay attention to the raging consciousness, fourth - to subordinate the mind and body to the will, fifth - hard limit your body to purify your spirit, etc. Human Design operates on the principle of form.

This means that the form of a person determines his life and its quality, and the mind is only a "passenger" traveling in this form. Therefore, a kind of purpose Human Design- Simultaneous transformation of body and mind. As part of this transformation, a person will have to learn, firstly, to make decisions about his life and for himself from Inner Body Authority and second, stop using your mind to make a decision. The mind must learn to be a "passenger" and deal only with the analysis and synthesis of information coming to it.

Focus on your uniqueness

Human Design shows what makes you unique. This is not a system of self-development, but a system of self-knowledge. You do not need to improve anything in yourself, do exercises, set goals, pump yourself up with inspiring slogans. Your map will show you who you are and who you never were. One of the purposes of this system is to help our children in the correct development of their nature and the recognition of their talents.

The first student of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu

« Human Design System- it's not a belief. You don't need to believe in anything, you don't need to believe in me. This is not fairy tales or philosophy, but a logical, empirical system that you can test for yourself. This is a logical way of knowing yourself.

Human Design- this is mechanics and logic, this is not theoretical calculations and philosophizing. This knowledge must be put into practice to get real benefit. What makes it unusual is that, being knowledge that came as a revelation and being so-called esoteric knowledge, it is very logical and can be confirmed scientifically.

This system is something special. This is the genetic matrix, according to which life is built, and since its reliability has been scientifically confirmed, it is an effective tool for multifunctional use. Ra Uru Hu

Human Design is the science of genetic decoding and differentiation of human beings, which gives personal instructions and direction for each individual. Human Design calculations are actively used by psychologists, coaches and all those who work to unlock human potential. For its effectiveness, the doctrine of Human Design has been recognized in all developed countries and licensing in this topic in such countries costs about 10,000 dollars.

For the first time, the teaching appeared back in 1987 thanks to one American director and a mystical incident that completely changed his whole life. The Human Design system combined and strengthened several ancient teachings at once. These are Astrology, Chakra system, Kabbalah and Chinese I-Ching.

In addition to the sacred knowledge of human nature, Human Design has a direct scientific background: many of the principles incorporated in the calculation of the map repeat genetic research and knowledge of natural biochemical processes person. That is, Human Design is a unique knowledge created thanks to the spiritual and scientific achievements of our civilization. And his calculation is nothing but a guide for each of us.

Human Design Card - Bodygraph. The unique psychoenergetic architecture of your being. It reflects in detail “Who are you?”, “Why are you here?” and “Where are you going?”.

Thanks to the information from the decoding of his card, a person has the opportunity to become what nature created him initially (at the level of biochemistry) and determine his true value and direction in life. This information is not guesswork, but is an exact match of the combination of amino acids in your body and the state of the endocrine system.

Human design - calculating the map yourself

The first thing to start getting acquainted with Human Design is the calculation of the Human Design card. After entering the data, the system will set up your Bodygraph and make it free of charge.

There are three ways to decipher the "map":

  • By your own strength. This will require books on Human Design, time and desire. Not everyone has it. In addition, it is quite difficult to immediately delve into a system that has been studied for years.
  • Find a specialist and consult with him. Of course they give only paid consultations. The cost of one hour of consultation usually starts from 8 thousand.
  • Get a ready-made electronic transcript. By paying for it, you will receive the selected version (basic, advanced or full).

How is an electronic transcript of BodyGraph better than a consultation?

Electronic decoding of BodyGraph is the most convenient format. It is suitable for those who want to learn more about themselves and their Design, and for those who are just starting to practice rave card decoding on their own.

The advantages of electronic transcription are obvious:

  • Convenience. You can read the transcript when you have time, and if necessary, go back and revise individual blocks. Not a single detail will escape you, and you will have time to delve into every line. During a live consultation it is difficult to catch all the nuances, and after - a lot is forgotten.
  • structured supply . When communicating with a specialist, you receive a large amount of information without a clear structure. In the online decryption, everything is laid out on the shelves.
  • Large amount of information. Even in two consultations, a specialist will not tell you everything that you will receive in one online transcript.
  • Minimum price. Even a full online transcript will be cheaper than a live consultation.
  • Online support. If you still have questions, you can contact me with them - I will clarify everything that remains unclear, on preferential terms. Only 1350 rubles / 30 minutes.

Disadvantages of electronic settlement

Let's face it. Electronic transcription does not replace a live consultation. After purchasing the Pro version, for example, you will receive 100 pages of detailed descriptions of all the elements of your BodyGraph with examples and practical recommendations. But this does not mean that you have deciphered your Design! It will just be much easier and more interesting for you to communicate with an analyst during a consultation, since you will already perfectly understand what it is about and you will have the right questions.

Choose your option

Deciphering the Human Design card

In this article, you will learn some of what the decoding of your card can tell you. This information will help you not only to get acquainted with the depth of this teaching, but also to be convinced of its practical value for your life.

Human Design Types

What are types in human design

The best way to study Human Design is from the very basics. And the first of these foundations is understanding your Type. Being a fundamental feature of the human "I", Type determines the mode in which the body needs and must function. This is the embodiment of the auric energy of a person, as well as the way these auras interact with each other. Initially, at birth, the Type determines not only what kind of people we will grow up to be, but also how we will contact the outside world.

There are 4 main Types in total: Generator, Projector, Manifestor, Reflector, as well as one additional Type: Manifesting Generator. Each of the Types has its own direction in life, which can be briefly described in one word:

  • Manifestor - initiator;
  • Generator - performing;
  • Projector - guide;
  • Reflector - observing;


The strategy is to wait for the Response;

False Self - frustration;

Signature - satisfaction;

The Generator is the most common among all Types. More than 70% of the people on our planet belong to it. They are distinguished by their irrepressible energy and ability to work continuously. To find a life of happiness and harmony, they always need to devote enough time to doing what they love. Otherwise, their energy will remain in an unrealized state, which will cause frustration and internal conflicts.

The problem with Generators is that they must be able to properly use their innate compass, the Sacred Response. It's theirs unique tool for making correct decisions, based on response to external “irritants”. By correctly recognizing and applying the Response in his life, the Generator is able to reach unprecedented heights, enjoying the process.


Aura - focused and receiving;

Strategy - waiting for an invitation;

False Self - bitterness;

Signature - success;

Projectors make up just over 20% of the world's population. They do not have such incredible labor abilities as Generators, but they have their own unique skill. Projectors are excellent leaders. Thanks to their natural instinct, they can accurately determine the potential of the people around them. Projectors know exactly how and where to best apply the abilities of other people, and in what area they will definitely be able to realize themselves.

The problem with Projectors is that they do not have such a huge supply of internal energy as Generators or Manifestors. Projectors may experience temporary “jams” in operation. They do their best to keep in the general rhythm, trying to “adjust” themselves to the possibilities of other Types. Sometimes, instead of direction and guidance, they perform routine tasks that ordinary employees can handle. But with proper knowledge of their own Strategy, Projectors can wisely dispose of their talents.


Aura - closed and repulsive;

Strategy - initiation;

False Self - anger;

Signature - peace;

There are only about 10% of Manifestors on Earth. But at the same time, it is these 10% who are and always have been the most prominent representatives of the human race. They, like no one else, are able to take on the burden of decision-making and responsibility for them. Only they manage to implement most of their plans without looking back at the opinions of others. It is in the hands of the Manifestors that the power and driving force of humanity is concentrated. They are respected, they are listened to, they are followed. Manifestors are those who control others, but never the other way around.

The problem with Manifestors is that they have an overly closed and repulsive aura. It protects them from outside attempts to take control of them, but at the same time does not allow them to "feel" other people. Manifestors are the lone wolves of our world, accepting only their views and opinions as truth. This is their strength and this is their weakness. More and more withdrawn from others, one day in the depths of their souls they can feel the deepest longing and loneliness. And tearing them out of this closed space of their own “self-sufficiency” is a rather difficult task.

Manifesting Generators

Aura - open and enveloping;

The strategy is to wait for the Response;

False Self - frustration;

Signature - satisfaction;

The Manifesting Generator is a tandem of the Generator and the Manifestor, thanks to which a fundamentally new Type appears. Although he combines the features of both Types at once, he is still referred to as a Generator, since they have an identical aura and Strategy. Generators - 70% of the population of the Earth, and out of these 70, 33 belong to the Manifesting.

Manifesting Generators are distinguished primarily by the fact that they are able to easily cope with several things at the same time. They easily shift the focus of their attention from one task to another, managing to give them both enough attention. An incredible supply of energy is raging in them, which helps them to successfully cope with any tasks. And at the same time, they can direct their energy not only to work, like Generators, but they are also able to initiate new things on their own, like any Manifestor.

The problem with Manifesting Generators is that in their zeal they don't know when to rest and take a break. They are ready to take on more and more responsibilities as long as there is time at their disposal, regardless of fatigue. But such a rush in life can often be a problem for the Manifesting Generator. After all, the more things he has to do, the higher the likelihood of losing sight of something important, which will later need to be returned and corrected.


Aura - tasting and passing;

Strategy - waiting for the phases of the lunar cycle;

False Self - disappointment;

Signature - delight;

Reflectors are the most unique among all Types - only 1% of the world's inhabitants belong to it. Representatives of this Type are the most changeable and fickle. Their behavior and thoughts change every time they find themselves in the company of new people. Reflectors are like mirrors human soul- they reflect the features of those with whom their energy comes into contact. However, in the constant stream of other people's thoughts and projections, they can lose themselves.

The problem of Reflectors is that they sometimes perceive too personally the information that is transmitted to them from the information field of other people. They not only live other people's emotions and qualities in the moment, but also begin to identify themselves with these thoughts, losing their true nature. Reflectors have a hard time accepting the fact that they are unique, as well as the fact that they can never become like others. And because of this, they feel disappointed because of their own homelessness.

But their unique gift for reflecting other people's energy is the way they can draw other people's attention to their own, in their opinion, imperfection. In Reflectors, others often see themselves, and therefore they can learn a lot about themselves, and sometimes not too good. Spending a lot of time with Reflectors, other people imperceptibly change, trying to get rid of the shortcomings reflected by Reflectors.


Have you ever wondered how to take right decisions? And what exactly does “right” mean? In order not just to predict the desired outcome, but to achieve what you really want? And if all your goals are an illusion imposed from the outside, then what? Indeed, often, having achieved what we want, we do not at all feel the satisfaction that we dreamed of. What then can really be called “correct”?

From a Human Design perspective, the right decisions are those that are made in harmony with your inner nature. It has nothing to do with the thoughts and desires of the majority. This is a unique truth, available only to you alone. There are no “logical” reasons for it. You just want to do something, and having done it, you feel happy. But among the pile of thoughts that constantly arise in the head, it is very difficult to determine what will really bring satisfaction. And for making the only right decisions, each person has his own Authority.

Authority in Human Design is something you can rely on to make decisions. This is a kind of astral assistant that helps you make the right choice. He is not influenced by the arguments of the mind, he cannot be persuaded or persuaded. Authority is one of the most significant aspects of our personality in your Bodygraph, shaping our “I”. And what he will lead you to always leads to harmony.

The outer is your mind. This is a collection of all the information that you learn during your life. And often, the mind tries to create an opinion that it is he who is your “I”. But this is just a layering of other people's opinions, views and attitudes, intertwined together in your mind. By identifying yourself with the mind, you voluntarily give control of your personality/life to the False Self, which was not really you, but only played this role. It will never become the true "I", but will stubbornly convince you of the opposite.

Inner Authority is that which lies beyond the mind. This is the opinion of your true being, combining the reactions of the body and consciousness. Something deeper in our “I”, which we sometimes deny in ourselves, are trying to change. In the constant chaos of thoughts of consciousness, it is quite difficult to feel the presence of Authority. After all, he is present silently, and uses completely unusual ways of communication for us. What will be left of us if we suddenly manage to remove all thoughts imposed by the mind? Only your Inner Authority can answer this question. And you need to learn to recognize it.


The strategy primarily depends on your Type. If Type is the embodiment of your auric energy, then Strategy is the way in which this energy should be used.

A strategy is a sequence of actions that you must follow in order to gain access to your energy. By and large, it can be called an instruction that comes with you at birth. It describes the techniques and methods by which you should control your body in order to achieve minimal resistance in life. The strategy can be called a style of being on Earth, tuned to optimal life.

This is a technique of living under the auspices of your true Self, untainted by false ideals and desires. By capitulating to your own Strategy, by consciously limiting your attempts to go against it, you make room for harmony in your life. In doing so, you let go of everything that you used to identify with, but that you never were. The strategy helps a person to discover in himself what has long been lost, forgotten, and pushed into the farthest box of your soul. It opens up access to the life trajectory that you should follow, which was determined for you from birth.

Type Strategies:

  • Generator - waiting for a Response. The bottom line is that the Generator should not initiate anything in his life himself. He has to wait until someone starts his Sacred Center. Some question from outside that the Generator could respond to. If the answer is yes, then the Generator will be able to cope with the case and enjoy it. If negative, then it makes no sense to take on this, otherwise you will only experience unnecessary frustration and inability to complete what you started. Generators like to imitate Manifestors, initiating new beginnings on their own. This brings numerous conflicts and resistance into their lives, which they are sometimes unable to cope with.
  • Manifestor - initiation. The manifestor, on the contrary, must independently initiate everything in his life. By nature, this is the most purposeful Type, who can achieve everything he wants. But different living conditions may lead the Manifestor to believe that he must wait until something happens to him. As a result, he wastes his internal energy, doing something other than what he was intended for.
  • Projector - waiting for an invitation. Unlike Generators, Projectors must only expect an invitation from a specific person or to a specific action. They must have a personal interest in this, otherwise they will not be able to fully apply their talents. But most of the Projectors are ready to take on any business and respond to any call, so as not to remain idle. This exhausts them and prevents them from truly expressing their abilities and gaining recognition.
  • Reflector - waiting lunar cycles. There are no certainties on the Bodygraph of Reflectors, and therefore it is very difficult for them to make the right decisions. To do this, they must rely on moon calendar- A 28-day journey of the Moon through the Mandala, and only on the basis of the changes that have occurred to him during this period, to answer a request from the outside. This is long way which must be passed in order to make the correct decision. But many Reflectors naively put on the masks of other people, trying to think and act like them. This only leads to unnecessary disappointment, and rarely is such a “game” worth the candle.

False "I"

The key thesis in understanding the term False “I” is the concept of “conditioning”. Conditioning is the process by which we identify ourselves more with our thoughts than with our body. Many people are accustomed to believing that their “I” is a collection of their own and other people’s thoughts about themselves. But this is just a product of the mind, rarely reflecting an adequate reality. If we were as well versed in ourselves as we used to think, then the world would hardly be overflowing with unhappy people, which is what we are seeing. And there is no point in denying this fact - just look around.

The false self is a process of substitution. Your true thoughts and desires are suppressed by the mind and public projections, and they are replaced by others that do not cause any inner satisfaction in you. You stop counting your own aspirations meaningful, focusing more on public approval. If in the process of becoming human species the similarity of each member of the tribe to each other was necessary, but now it is becoming a real scourge of the 21st century. This happens because we have ceased to consider our own "I" as something really important. Since childhood, we have been taught to do what we want. Now we only do what needs to be done. But how can a person who does not respect himself and his desires find happiness by fulfilling other people's dreams?

Human design teaches how to get rid of the oppression of the Not-Self, brought up during a long life in society. This science gives people a chance to reconnect with themselves. It demonstrates that there is nothing more important in life than one's own happiness and harmony, and provides the tools to implement such a statement.


There are 9 energy centers indicated in the Bodygraph. If two of them are intertwined with each other with the help of at least one channel, then this means that you have defined one or another center. Definitions - the number of fragments of your personality map that are combined into one whole.

There are 5 main types of definitions depending on your Design:

  • There are no certainties - this is one of the rarest species belonging to the Reflectors. This means that there is nothing permanent, unshakable in their life. Reflectors do not have access to their energy alone - they must draw it from communication and interaction with others;
  • A single definiteness is a case in which all activated centers are interconnected and represent a single circuit. In fact, this means that such a person stands out for his self-sufficiency. He does not need attention and communication with others - everything he needs is inside him. These are the most independent people, often gaining a reputation as loners;
  • Double certainty - in this case, a person has two groups of activated centers that are not interconnected. Such people may have the feeling that two personalities live inside them, replacing each other from time to time. It's like two halves of one whole, which, however, can never become a single whole. Therefore, people with double certainty may feel that something is missing in them. And to fill this void, they need contact with other people. Only in this way can they feel whole and complete;
  • Triple certainty is when there are three groups of activated centers independent of each other in the Bodygraph. These are truly amazing people who take a long time just to get to know themselves. By communicating with different people, they can understand their own inner world much better. And to their surprise, they discover that with each person they can behave differently, as if changing the masks of their personality. The main feature for such people is independence, because in a stable relationship they fail to fully know their multifaceted "I". They seem to consciously limit their potential, choosing only one of the many possible behaviors;
  • Quaternary certainty - this means four parts of the Bodygraph that do not have a connection with each other. They also cannot fully realize themselves in a relationship with only one single chosen one. But in the case of quaternary certainty, we are talking about the person who does not love public places with a lot of strangers. They prefer close communication with people - whether it be friendship or relationship, it is important for them to trust a person. Otherwise, they are simply not interested in contact.

The more certainty a person has, the more difficult it is usually for him to make any decisions. This happens because he has to think and reflect from the position of several of his “personalities” at once, taking into account the needs and desires of each of them. And if a person with single certainty knows exactly what he needs to do, then he will definitely follow the plan. If we take a person with triple or quaternary certainty, then he can repeatedly change his decisions before he comes to the only correct answer. And even in this case, he may continue to doubt: “Did I really take into account all the details?”.

Profile in Human Design

A profile is a set of unique qualities and characteristics that form the basis of your true self. Profile Traits lie deep within and can sometimes show up in your life without you noticing. However, people around you often notice them, trying to draw your attention to them as well. A profile is like in a car - like the initial “configuration” of your personality, which remains unchanged no matter what. The qualities prescribed in it will always be expressed in your words and actions, and you only need to learn to live with them in accordance, leaving futile attempts to correct yourself.

There are 12 main Profiles, which are built based on the combination of Lines in it. Each Profile includes two Lines - one conscious (indicated first), and one unconscious (indicated second). This means that we can discover some characteristics in ourselves, understand and develop them if we wish. While others will show up on unconscious level, ignoring the participation of consciousness. That is, you may not even notice what influence this Line has on you.

6 lines:

Line 1 - Explorer - first of all, in this Line we are faced with the fear of uncertainty. Uncertainty about the future creates an urgent need for a sense of security. To do this, such people plunge headlong into “research” - because the more they know about the subject of their interest, the easier it will be for them to predict the possible outcome of events.

2 Line - Hermit - people with the Line of the Hermit in the Profile have natural gift. They are ready for anything, if only there was an opportunity to do what they love in solitude. Their merits are sometimes underestimated, often surprised at how highly others evaluate their abilities.

Line 3 - Martyr - they do not recognize outside authorities, they try to pass any experience through themselves. They prefer to learn from their own mistakes rather than those of others. Martyrs love to experience fundamentally new experiences in any field. Taught by life and their failures, they are able to solve problems in an original, one known way.

Line 4 - Opportunist - very friendly people who can easily make new acquaintances. Due to their natural openness and goodwill, they influence others, sometimes without noticing it themselves. Opportunists move through life using the opportunities that their social circle offers them.

Line 5 - Heretic - people with the Heretic Line have a very influential aura. They often come to them for advice, because they know how to masterfully solve other people's problems. In them, other people see their saviors, hoping to get help from them. And the Heretics are really always ready to offer non-standard, but effective ways overcome any obstacles.

Line 6 - Role model - detached people whose transformation process ends only in adulthood. Going through many difficulties, they gain rich life experience and become role models. These are the most respected people, looking at which one gets the impression that they have experienced much more in life than everyone else.

The lines are divided into two trigrams: upper and lower. Lines from 1 to 3 belong to the lower one, and Lines 4 to 6 belong to the upper one. The lines of the lower trigram reflect personal processes that occur mostly in solitude. They are more attuned to the process of self-discovery, and other people are not needed to implement their program.

The lines of the upper trigram are more collective, transpersonal. They are interested in contact with other people, because only in this way can they fulfill their destiny.

Combining with each other, two Lines form a Profile. In total, there are 12 Profile options, and each of the 7 billion people belongs to one of them.

12 Profile options

1/3 Researcher-Martyr - self-absorbed people who, through much trial and error, can find new means to solve problems. They prefer to immerse themselves as deeply as possible in the subject of interest to them in order to gain confidence in their own knowledge of it. And according to the results of their research, they are easily ready to discard everything unreliable, on which it will not be possible to build a strong foundation.

2/4 Opportunistic Hermit - People whose favorite pastime is to do their favorite thing alone. They do not need other people's assessments or approval - only the opportunity to create, so that no one distracts. But often, they are ignorant of their own talents and may not take them seriously. Solitary activities are their private, even intimate hobby. While in campaign, Opportunist Hermits are transformed, showing a completely different manifestation.

2/5 Hermit-Heretic - people who find harmony in solitude. Although in society they show their amazing communication and seduction skills, they recuperate in solitude. For them, their own thoughts and beliefs are most important, and they do not allow anyone to influence them. At the same time, the Heretic Hermits themselves have a strong influence on others, demonstrating their sharp, out-of-the-box thinking.

3/5 Heretic Martyr - Such people are called rebels. They never accept conventional wisdom as the only true one, and always look for their own way of solving problems. During their lives they get used to mistakes and losses, using them as a useful life experience. They are distinguished by their undying optimism, with the help of which the Heretic Martyrs easily make friends.

3/6 Martyr Role Model - A person who is not afraid to try and fail. Carrying life lessons through all their youth, subsequently become wise mentors for others. Their whole life is a series of constant trials and difficulties that transform and change the Martyrs-Role Model beyond recognition. They change their mind about life dozens of times, and only towards maturity do they finally come to the right answer.

4/6 Opportunist-Role Model - Witnesses of human lives. Although such people have dozens of friends in their assets, they never get too close with someone. Always keeping a little aloof, they play the role of mentors of life for their circle of friends. They help solve the problems of those around them. wise advice that comes to them through their own experience. And although for some people with a profile 4/6 may seem like close friends, in fact this is only a superficial impression that rarely reflects reality. Profile 4/6 can perfectly understand others, but rarely anyone can understand him.

4/1 Opportunist Explorer - very unusual people, whose mood changes dramatically in solitude and in company. In everyday life, they feel unsociable, but as soon as they get into society, they are immediately transformed. Sometimes, even to their own surprise, they find friends in unusual circumstances. Combining extraordinary research abilities and the ability to convey information to other people, they become amazing teachers and mentors. Always ready to give helpful advice if the subject matter is within their area of ​​interest.

5/1 Heretic Explorer - such people prefer their own experience available knowledge. From the outside, they look very serious and scrupulous - they plan their every step, trying to take into account all the details. Even if they make mistakes, they are not upset because of them, trying to come to the right decision through a series of failures. Heretic Explorers have a reputation for always knowing more than the rest. Therefore, they often come to them for advice, to which they offer a non-standard, but effective solution.

5/2 Heretic Hermit - a person who prefers to learn everything by practice. Friends see him as someone who can solve all their problems, and therefore often come to him for help. People a priori place their hopes on him, and also like to bear responsibility. Thus, more is expected from the Heretic Hermit than he originally agreed to give. Although he himself prefers a quieter, more secluded pastime, he is constantly crowded around by those who need help.

6/2 The Hermit Role Model is a person who goes through very different and interesting stages of transformation in life. Fate prepares him various adventures and life difficulties in order to teach the necessary lessons. Over time, they learn to overcome all circumstances with the detachment of Buddhists, perceiving everything that happens with pleasure. Thanks to their worldview, for their acquaintances, they become those who know what the secret of life is. And to the Hermit Role Model's own surprise, many of his friends will seek to associate with him in order to gain a modicum of his wisdom.

6/3 Martyr Role Model - Optimistic, looking at everything with a positive attitude. Constant hardships and problems brought up in them an unyielding will to follow their ideals. And despite all their failures and mistakes, they never lose heart, creating an impression of themselves very strong people. They are very comfortable to spend time with, as people with the Martyr Role Model Profile never complain, trying to find pluses in everything. Wise from birth, growing up, they gain an excellent understanding of life and teach others by their example.

Centers in Human Design

There are 9 energy centers through which our life force is transformed. These are indicated in the Bodygraph - some of them may be colored (definite), while others remain white (indeterminate). Those centers that are defined in you are what is given to you from birth. This is your way to influence the world. Uncertain centers are openness to conditioning. It is the world's way of influencing you, and your reaction to such influence.

  • The root center is physically connected to the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline. People with a certain center can skillfully use their adrenaline as a source of energy - they easily and habitually cope with work in stressful situations, sometimes demonstrating in such conditions much top scores. People with an indeterminate root center are vulnerable to the influence of adrenaline - they do not know how to cope with stress, and must wait out periods of internal tension in order to make the right decision.
  • The sacral center is the energy that is accessed through the Response. You need to be able to consciously restrain yourself until the moment when you are asked a specific question or offered something that you can answer with the voice of the Sacral. Physically, the Sacral is associated with the testicles in men and the ovaries in women. People with a certain Sacred Center should fully realize their energy reserves per day, and then move on to a good rest. And for those who have the Sacral open, you need to finish the activity before the first signs of fatigue. Otherwise, the probability of exhaustion of the body is high.
  • The center of the Solar Plexus - here we are talking about sensuality, emotionality. This center is connected with the pancreas, nervous system and kidneys. People with an indefinite center tend to experience the whole gamut of emotions and experiences while in the company of other people. The fact is that being in society, they are able to perfectly feel the mood of others and pass these emotions through themselves. In solitude, as a rule, they are calm and reasonable. People with a particular Solar Plexus Center often experience mood swings, sometimes independent of external stimuli. They have poor control over their emotions, as a result of which they can often face the consequences of hasty decisions. Thus, they need to learn to control themselves, and make responsible decisions only after the emotional wave subsides.
  • Center of the Spleen biological level it is associated with the lymphatic immune system. He is responsible for survival and intuition, giving signals through the occurrence of sensations in the body. People with a specific Spleen are different good health always filled with strength and energy. They are able to convey good health to others through communication alone. If the Spleen is not defined, then a person should carefully monitor their health. He should be wary of spontaneous decisions, because they can be harmful to health, on a physical or mental level.
  • The heart center is associated primarily with the heart, as well as with the gallbladder and stomach. It symbolizes the energy of the ego, willpower and own self-esteem. People with a certain Heart Center tend to be very strong-willed and self-confident. They are always thought of as very fair and self-sufficient people. They do not prove their worth to others, but if they already promised something, they will keep their word at any cost. People with an indefinite Heart Center feel very well that they sometimes lack willpower. That is why they try to prove to themselves and to the whole world the opposite, sometimes giving impossible promises and setting themselves impossible tasks.
  • G-Center - biologically associated with blood and liver. This center symbolizes the process of self-identification of a person. People with a certain G-center know very well what they are. They are able to reflect on their behavior, analyze it, understand the reasons for their actions. If the G-center is not defined, then the person experiences difficulties in the process of self-knowledge. To do this, he needs the right environment, in communication with which he can learn a lot about himself.
  • The throat center is self-expression through speech, action. Biologically associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands. People with a certain throat center have their own, special way of expressing themselves. They only need a couple of words or actions for others to understand what kind of person is standing in front of them. If the throat center is not defined, then we see the opposite picture, in which it is difficult to form an opinion about a person by his actions or words. They do not know how to express themselves, and therefore they try to imitate others or unnecessarily attract their attention to themselves.
  • Ajna center - this center is responsible for processing incoming information. Associated with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Those with an Ajna center are usually accustomed to using the same way of processing information. This can be called a well-established thinking pattern that helps them make decisions quickly. They easily exert mental pressure on others, but they themselves are immune to it. And sometimes, due to constant mental activity, it is difficult for them to concentrate. People with an indefinite Ajna center are very flexible and non-standard thinking. They can easily perceive someone else's way of thinking, temporarily adopting it and using it. Able to reject their own mental patterns and concepts at any time if they do not reflect adequate reality. Through this, their open minds gain the ability to think at a much deeper level, contemplating and filtering options from an ocean of possibilities. But a person who is under the control of the False “I” always feels the internal inconsistency of his thoughts. He is inclined by his words and deeds to convince others of his stable position, although inside he feels exactly the opposite. And because of this unstable mental behavior, he tries to compensate for this by demonstrating to others a strong confidence in his judgments and actions.
  • The parietal center is a source of inspiration and mental pressure. At the biological level, it is associated with pineal gland. People with an indefinite Parietal Center have a unique source of inspiration deep within their Self. They constantly feel inside themselves a stream of thoughts and ideas, each of which is potentially capable of transforming the world around. But in most cases, these are just ideas that need implementation. And the pressure of the need to bring their ideas to life can be a heavy burden on their soul, giving rise to anxiety. If the Parietal Center is not defined, then the person does not have a permanent way of processing information. He can easily get lost in the stream of his thoughts, which lead him further and further from the solution of the issue before him. And so they tend to jump from one task to another, hoping in this way to find a source of inspiration.

Contour groups

In your BodyGraph you can see how your Centers are connected by a bizarre network of Channels. Connecting into groups, these Channels form Circuits - networks through which energy circulates in your body. Understanding the circuits helps us understand the amazing nature of the flow of life force that circulates within us.

There are three main groups of Circuits that divide humanity according to the principle of their fundamental interaction with each other:

  • Individual - people for whom self-knowledge is a top priority, own goals and desires;
  • Collective - those for whom the most important questions are about humanity as a whole. These are the people who care about the progress of our entire species;
  • Tribal - for these people, the most important thing in life is their family and the nearest community. For them, the most important idea is the survival of their own tribe, for the sake of which they are ready to sacrifice their personal interests, and the interests of strangers.

Depending on the group to which your channels belong, you will perceive interaction with the outside world and the people inhabiting it in one way or another. And such divisions give rise to some difficulties in the relations of those who belong to different groups.


The Bodygraph contains 36 Channels that connect energy centers with each other. The unique plexus of Channels gives birth to that unique personality that you are. It is like a blueprint for your Self that defines your behavior, principles, values, and thinking. It is on the Channels that your unique features, which you can call "permanent" in itself. But this does not mean at all that having a certain Channel will necessarily give you the qualities contained in it. These are only opportunities that require purposeful development. And many life lessons will only be aimed at ensuring that you realize these traits in yourself.


The gate is transferred to the Bodygraph from the outer circle of the Rave Mandala. They exactly correspond to 64 Hexagrams from the ancient Chinese book of changes I-Ching and amino acids human body. And if we talk about the Human Design card, here the Gates demonstrate the potential for the development of one or another character trait.

And you need to understand that the Gate itself does not give a person any quality. If they are in undefined centers, then their characteristics will not always appear in everyday life. However, when interacting with those people who have a Center that contains these Gates, they will be activated and they will show their qualities. It turns out that such Gates not activated by the center are present inside, but as if in a sleeping state, waiting for someone who can launch them.

Another thing is when the Gate is in a certain center. Then their qualities are as if in a “working” state. You will be able to feel their impact on your life, and for this you will not need the help of other people. But it is important not only to know about it, but also to help these qualities develop. Only in this way will you be able to fully experience the effect of the presence of this Gate in your Design.

Hexagrams from the ancient Chinese book of changes I-Ching correspond to the Gates indicated in the Bodygraph. Each of them has 6 Lines, which differ in 6 colors, 6 tones and 5 bases. All this together creates 1080 interpretations of the Gate, and this is the main reason for the uniqueness of each person. Overlapping each other, mixing in an amazing combination, they create a unique picture of our “I”.

Knowing the characteristics of the Gate is one of the indispensable aspects of the process of studying Human Design. These small details create that holistic image of “I”, who you really are. These little things are like pieces of a puzzle - only by putting them together can you create a complete picture of your unique personality. But even by the presence of some fragments of this mosaic, it will be easy for you to learn a lot about yourself.

We are accustomed to independently form an opinion about ourselves, based on mental self-perception. But similar way often, only leads a person away from understanding his own reality. Only by learning about the characteristics of the Gate that belongs to you, you can fully approach the disclosure of your uniqueness. You will see which qualities are originally yours, and which ones you forcibly “instilled” in yourself, but did not find spiritual consonance with them.

Enhanced qualities

Each person combines many amazing qualities, however, not all of them are developed at the same level. Something may prevail, while other features, on the contrary, are not particularly pronounced. But there are also those that can be called fundamental. They are created on the condition of connecting the unconscious certain Gates with the conscious ones. Thus, they complement and improve each other, bringing to light enhanced quality.

Simply put, these are the traits by which it is easiest to identify you. Let's say you need to talk about your friend using only his most pronounced and memorable qualities. What you are more likely to come up with is this combination of the unconscious and conscious manifestation of the Gate. Enhanced qualities are the dominant traits that form the basis of your self-image.


Each of the Gates is influenced by one or another planet. This knowledge helps to dive much deeper into the study of your Bodygraph, and learn about the larger facets of your "I". Each of the planets determines the vector of development of the qualities of certain Gates.

The sun is the self-expression of the Self, the life force. This is how you perceive yourself, what qualities of your personality you bring into this world. The Sun and Earth in Design are the archetypal roles of father and mother. This is fundamental concepts about Yang and Yin in our lives. An expression of who a person really is and who they want to look like to others.

Earth is earthiness. This is the archetype of the mother, her genetic heritage, the balance of Yin, standing in the Human Design mandala opposite the Yang Sun. Everything that is indicated under the sign of the Earth is a projection of the qualities of design and personality, which determines the characteristics of behavior and the manner of perceiving the surrounding reality. The position of the Earth shows balance and support in your life. These are the traits and qualities in which we want to maintain our balance.

The moon is the driving force of our "I". If you have the Moon activated in some aspect of your Rave Card, this is exactly what guides you through life. This is your deep need, which you are ready to achieve by any means. Under the light of the moon, any hobby develops almost into a physical necessity, from which the direction in life will be built.

The north lunar node - moving in this direction represents what a person has already understood to some extent about what life is like. This is a kind of maturity that demonstrates what you need to keep in your life, and what you should get rid of once and for all. This is a movement forward, into the future, in which there is no place for anything burdensome.

South lunar node - symbolizes early period life. A period of trial, error and regret. This is the stage of development and immaturity, in which we are only gaining the first experience. This also includes our vision of the world during youth and prosperity, and how we perceive the life around us. The south lunar node is gradually moving into the north, thereby symbolizing the movement from immaturity to adulthood.

Mercury - symbolizes self-expression. The way our "I" is in contact with the outside world and other people. The position of Mercury indicates what should be expressed by you to the outside world, and not hidden inside. This is one of the best ways to prove the existence of your "I", and at the same time it determines how you can most easily interact with people.

Venus is the basis of morality, its own concept of honesty, justice and spiritual values. This female energy is like a pointer on the border, which reflects a person’s opinion about the concepts of “good-evil”. Venus defines those aspects of the personality that form the foundation of a person's moral values. This is what people rely on when trying to find the most fair solution to issues. Where Venus is on your Rave chart, you can find the foundations of your own morality.

Mars is an energy that is in an unbridled state. It reflects human behavior in conflict situations. A masculine energy that helps find a solution to a problem during times of stress and adrenaline rush. A powerful but uncontrollable energy that can help protect oneself, but lead to very negative consequences. And not only for others, but also for themselves.

Jupiter - inner rod person, something that he can rely on in his life. This is the law of man, applicable only to him alone and only to himself. There is no place in it for the concepts of “right” or “wrong” - they should only be as indicated in the Bodygraph, and nothing else. He stands above his own needs and desires, and attempts to violate this unshakable truth will be punished by punishment.

Saturn - symbolizes what happens to those who transgress the law of Jupiter. Saturn indicates the apostasy of man from the immutable law, and determines what will be the punishment for this. And the further you go from observing the law of Jupiter, the stronger will be the punishment of Saturn, expressed in diseases, resistance and trials. Remember - where Saturn is indicated, there you can incur punishment. His only reward offered for living his own Design is that Saturn will leave you alone.

Uranus - symbolizes the unique talents of man. These are the places where the unique aspects of your Bodygraph reside, your uniqueness. Some qualities under the auspices of Uranus can only be seen by people around you, while others you can see in yourself.

Neptune is primarily a person's intuitive skills, his ability to perceive spiritual teachings. Neptune indicates those traits and qualities that are perceived in a certain mystical way. These are points of spiritual growth, where you do not need to keep everything under control, but you just need to be and pass them through yourself. If you allow this to happen, then you can enjoy an esoteric experience designed exclusively for you.

Pluto is the point of transformation of a person's own truth. Where it is listed on the Bodygraph is your special truth, which can take a lifetime to explore. This is not a public, but a very intimate feature, hidden from prying eyes. The true thoughts and motivation of a person, stimulating his movement through life.


Our life is largely dependent on our environment. And it is not only about the people around us, but also from the place where we are. I think everyone has experienced the feeling that you work better somewhere, while in other places you can't even collect your thoughts. There is a surprising aspect of personality - some people find it much easier to concentrate in noisy places, and being alone at home, they cannot force themselves to work.

The environment in Human Design is more than what surrounds you. It is connected primarily with the processes taking place inside. So, for example, a habitat called "Kitchen" does not necessarily mean a kitchen in the usual sense of the word. This means spending time in an atmosphere in which something is being reshaped or cooked. That is, there is a cyclical process of transforming one into another.

There are 6 Habitat Colors, and 2 Tones. Left Tone - Includes 1 to 3 Colors. It is a natural environment that encourages physical activity. Right Tone - Includes 4 to 6 Colors. It is an artificial environment that encourages passive contemplation.

Let's take a closer look at each color:

1 Color - Caves. Since the dawn of the human race, we have sought refuge from danger in caves. This is a place in which it was possible to at least briefly protect yourself from predators and harsh weather conditions breathing a sigh of relief. In principle, the role of the caves has not changed at all. At least their purpose. Even now, "caves" are used to hide from something. It is like a corner of safety in which a person feels calm.

A cave can even be an ordinary room - it is only important that a person has the ability to control access to his shelter. That is, for the “cave dwellers” it is best to arrange their own premises so that the door to it is always closed and it is desirable that it be the only one. Thus, they can control access to their personal space and are always ready to meet strangers.

If you do not know your surroundings, then there is a risk of living its replacement - in this case, the Color of the Caves is replaced by the Mountains. Such people will try to climb as high as possible to influence the world from this perspective. Instead of taking care of their own safety, they deliberately go out into open spaces, where they will feel their own vulnerability.

2 color - Markets. Markets are primarily understood as a space where there is a constant flow of people. It is not at all necessary to trade anything at the same time, because the exchange of information is also essentially a way for people to interact with each other.

For market lovers, it is very important to have other people around you. They must see constant movement around them - noisy cities, streams of cars, a constant hubbub of people. All this serves as nourishment and proof that life does not stop even for a second. A measured and slow existence, as, for example, in a village, does not suit them. There they begin to wither and fade away.

The second Color is dual to the fifth, in which case Markets are replaced by Valleys. Instead of a noisy and busy place, a person will, on the contrary, strive for peace and quiet. But such a practice is only a conscious limitation of one's own capabilities, which appear when interacting with many people.

3 Color - Kitchens. Here, first of all, the process of flowing something from one state to another is understood. That is, a set of operations aimed at achieving a specific goal. For example, the same workshop or factory where the process of manufacturing the final product takes place. And even the most ordinary kitchen is also a clear example of this habitat.

Color 3 people always like to be involved in the process of creating something. These are collective players who prefer to take certain role in the overall mechanism. They enjoy watching the flow of energy from one state to another, and they experience the deepest sense of satisfaction from this.

The third Color is dual to the sixth, and instead of the Kitchen, a person will strive for existence in the zone of the Shores. This is the practice of replacing the False Self, in which a person ceases to take an active part in the transformation of energy, taking the position of an indifferent observer. Instead of spending time in an atmosphere of industrialization, such a person will try to start the life of a wanderer who does not stay anywhere.

4 Color - Mountains. Here we are talking not so much about mountains in the usual sense, but about the perspective that can be found from the peaks. People with this habitat prefer high places from where they can look down on the world. They give pleasure and inner harmony to the idea that despite their high position, they are also part of this vast, boundless world.

Therefore, people with 4 Colors prefer to settle on the upper floors in order to enjoy the view from the window. This is comparable to the feeling of an explorer when you see something that is not available to others. As if this view from above is your personal treasure, just for you alone. And often, the solution to many problems for people of this color comes when they can climb higher and spend time contemplating the picture from above.

Just as 4 Color is dual to 1, the reverse observation is also true. Under the yoke of the Not-Self, people with the habitat of the Mountains will aspire to life in the Caves. This means that instead of being on top of the world, from where an amazing prospect opens up, a person will try to get as deep as possible into his “cave”. Thus, limiting your potential and depriving yourself of the most important source of motivation.

5 Color - Valleys. What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word “valley”? From a Design point of view, this means “to be on the same level with all the surroundings”. That is, for the inhabitants of the valleys, the most important thing is to be in the center of events. Where all life, all movement takes place, and you can not only follow this from a distance, but also take part if you wish.

Generally speaking, the Valleys are places where there is a lively movement of people. All sorts of cafes, small lanes and boulevards. Where you can meet a stranger and talk to him. The people of the Valleys are always ready to discover new experiences through communication. They know how to look at life through the eyes of others, and therefore perfectly perceive and remember the stories of other people.

With the dominance of the false "I", people with the 5th Color of the habitat will strive to leave the Valleys intended for them in order to find themselves in the atmosphere of the Markets. But such a replacement will not bring any satisfaction, because the Markets often offer only one, fixed point of view. Here, a person with the 5th Color will never feel the multifaceted experience that is inherent in his correct habitat.

6 Color - Coast. In the usual sense, the coast is the border at which the sea turns into land. So in Human Design it means the place of transition from one to another. Such people find pleasure in constant travel. They do not like to linger in the same place, so they constantly strive forward without looking back.

These people don't have a home. That is, places where they would like to return. They move on, meet and communicate with new people, participate in new events. And all this helps them to know themselves better. But constant moving is not the way to find something specific. So they try to find the difference that distinguishes one place from another.

The main feature of the 6 Colors is the endless potential for self-knowledge. Being in different places, such people are able to learn a lot about the environment and their inner world. But under the yoke of the False Self, they may try to limit themselves by changing the Shores to the Kitchens. Instead of a variety of conditions and situations, monotonous activities that do not bring spiritual satisfaction.


There are several different ways from each other to look at things around - perspective. It affects how you perceive the events happening to you, what to pay attention to and in what way to think about what you encounter along the way.

Perspective is determined by the Color and Tone of the Lunar Nodes of the Personality. Tone determines the goal itself, while Color is the way to achieve it.

6 Tones

  1. Security - here the basis for a harmonious existence is, first of all, security, as a fundamental feeling;
  2. Uncertainty - symbolizes concern about the current situation and needs additional actions to clarify the state of affairs;
  3. Action - here the need for any action is firmly felt;
  4. Meditation - a state of concentrated mind is felt as a necessity;
  5. Judgment is only the beginning of the thought process, which subsequently transforms into speech and its expression;
  6. Acceptance is the feeling of accepting or rejecting something.

There is also such a quality as the outer and inner orientation of the Color. With the outer, a person seeks contact with others, while the inner means deep self-sufficiency. Tones 1 to 3 create an outward orientation, while tones 4 to 6 create an inward orientation.

6 Colors:

1 Color - Survival. The primary need is to find ways to ensure survival. This is a vision of the qualities of the people around them that contribute to their survival. Whether a person is strong, whether he is cunning, or whether he has great intelligence. With an external orientation, a person is inclined to work in a team, with an internal orientation, an individualist who survives solely at the expense of himself.

2 Color - Opportunity. There are already far greater needs than ordinary survival. Possibility sees what could be in the place of what is. First of all, this is a probability, not supported by anything. This is a vision of potential. The outer orientation believes in the possibility of someone embodying one's own thoughts, while the inner one thinks of it as a mere possibility, nothing more.

3 Color - Strength. Trying to find in outside world sources of power. This is the division of the world into losers and winners. The vision that there is a certain hierarchy, and we all belong to it. The inward orientation chooses its own leadership, while the outward orientation seeks to follow other leaders.

4 Color - Missing. Looking for something that should help to give the world a complete picture and integrity. A vision of someone who lacks something, what is lacking in a given situation. The internal orientation is able to dispose of what is already available, while the external one tries to find the missing fragment in something more.

5 Color - Probability. It is the process of evaluating the most likely outcome. A vision of fate, of what a man is walking. And it's not just a possibility, as in the case of 2 Colors. Here we are talking about the probability of a certain percentage. The outer orientation uses this knowledge to influence others, while the inner one itself perceives this as a sign of its own destiny.

6 Color - Personal. Here a person observes how others position themselves in society. But in this context, we are talking about a deeper level than just financial situation. Here we see in people something more than what can be seen with the naked eye, something transcendent. The external orientation looks at the positions of the surrounding people, and the internal one feels other people's views on itself.


Motivation in Human Design means a little more than in the usual context. In this case, we are talking about the deep need of the human "I", having found which, he will be able to go further along the path of his own transformation. Simply put, this is the correct behavior in which you align with the "geometry" of your personality. And a person of each color is accompanied by his own vision of happiness, as well as a way to be motivated to achieve it.

This characteristic depends on the Color, as well as the Tone of the personality. Tones are arranged in exactly the same way as in vision - 1 to 3 create a left color orientation, while 4 to 6 create a right one.

1 Color - Fear - when making decisions, first of all thinks about safety. With the left Tone, he tries to come to a successful outcome, relying on the actions of the group. A person with the right Tone relies solely on his abilities.

2 Color - Hope - the main engine of action is the inner confidence that everything will be fine. With the left Tone, there is hope for any miracle in this world, while the right Tone considers only proven methods.

3 Color - Desire - no additional incentives are needed for any action, only desire in the depths of the soul. The Left Tone desires to be in the lead and personally guide others, while the Right Tone seeks to follow those who can make dreams come true.

4 Color - Need - any action comes at the call of need. It is important to understand what exactly is needed to achieve the goal. The Left Tone seeks to show others what he is. The Right Tone wants to continue self-development without being distracted by others.

5 Color - Guilt - almost any action is performed out of guilt. The Left Tone shifts the blame to others, seeking to find someone who can fix the situation. The Right Tone prefers to take the blame and rely on himself.

6 Color - Innocence - this is innocence, bordering on childish spontaneity. Such people do not need to desire and act at all - everything comes to them by itself. The Left Tone simply tries to use every moment to make the most of it. The Right Tone itself strives to become a part of this moment, so that it is perceived as one with the situation.

In Motivation Colors, as in all Design, there is a principle of duality. That is, if we live in inconsistency with our program, then a process of substitution takes place. In this case, this will be expressed by the replacement of Colors, when 1 becomes 4, 2 into 5 and 3 into 6. The reverse relationship is also true.

For example, if a person should be motivated by fear, then instead he begins to use need. Instead of being afraid to miss an event, he will begin to feel the need to attend it. Fear for him is a natural motivation that helps make important decisions. It is due to the participation of this emotion that such a person can fully live his Design. But the rejection of this feeling will only bring intense need, devoid of intelligence. In this case, it is in no way incapable of motivating, and brings only uncomfortable thoughts and worries.


There are 6 dietary regimens that determine the correct eating style for you. And in this knowledge lies not only the process of eating a person, but also how the mind “absorbs” something. That is, how he assimilates information, in what situations and with what people he gets. Here you need to think as broadly as possible, trying to consider what is said and written with the maximum more corners.

1 Color - Hunter - This is a primitive food system for hunters. Its main postulate is: “One product at a time”. That is, you should not mix and match anything. To some extent, this can be called a separate diet, when the stomach needs time to digest the old product before proceeding to the new one.

2 Color - Gatherer - This is a restricted diet, in which you should give preference only to those foods that taste good to you. That is, you should choose them yourself, based only on your opinion. And if you want, you can fixate on only one and the same food, and do not let anyone dictate to you what is right and what is not.

3 Color - Thirst - this diet involves manipulating the temperature of the food. Some prefer cold food, while others prefer hot. It should be understood that washing down food is also, to some extent, manipulation with temperature. As, for example, some people prefer to drink hot tea with everything, while others choose compote or juice.

4 Color - Touch - here we are talking primarily about the environment that is around you while eating. Some prefer to have dinner with friends, while others like to eat alone when they can restore order in their thoughts.

5 Color - Sound - Sensitivity to ambient noise. It is not so much the process of eating that is important here - it fades into the background. Much more importance is given to whether there will be background noise during lunch, or silence.

6 Color - Light - this is the difference between day and night diet. That is, we are talking about sunlight. Someone likes to eat when the night is outside the window, and there is nothing harmful in this for them. Others cannot bring themselves to eat until the sun rises.

In the first three colors, preference is given to what product will be on the table. And the other three are more dependent on the environment in which they will eat.

incarnation cross

Each of us appears in this world not just like that, but to fulfill the program intended for us from birth. Any esoteric teaching or religion will tell you about the meaning of life in one form or another. But Human Design will not say what exactly is the purpose of your existence. Instead, it will help you find the right direction, following which you will definitely find your own special meaning.

There are three types of incarnation crosses:

  • Right-angled - this is the lot of singles. Such crosses belong to people who always and in everything take responsibility only for themselves, not relying on anyone else;
  • Left-angled - here, on the contrary, the main focus is on life outside, and not inside. That is, all interest is directed to others - such people easily make new acquaintances and sometimes understand others better than themselves;
  • Juxtapositions are primarily about the fact that fate people like that determined in advance. The cross will guide the man through the row life circumstances designed to teach a lesson. And sometimes the meaning of these lessons becomes clear only years after the situation happened. In certain time periods of their lives, such people can be either alone or surrounded by friends. That is, there is no rigid attachment to one of the two styles.

In total, there are 768 crosses, according to which key events in a person’s life will develop. It will show you the direction in which you should move, as well as the possible rewards for living in the style of your Design.

I sincerely hope that this article has been useful to you and that it has shown you the practicality of the teachings of Human Design. If you are interested in transcribing your Bodygraph, then choose the appropriate electronic transcription option for you and enjoy the realization of your uniqueness and ways to express it.

Human Design is the science of making decisions that are right for you.

Human Design is such a deep and comprehensive system that it is very difficult to give a general idea of ​​it. This is a mixture of knowledge of astrology, the Hindu chakra system, deep knowledge of quantum physics, genetics, Kabbalah, Judaism and knowledge of the Chinese Book of Changes.

Despite its mystical origin, the logic of this Knowledge is impeccable. It merged modern scientific discoveries and the wisdom of the ancients.

The Human Design System is a practical means of finding our individual rhythm and place in the universe. The time of events in our life is already predetermined. While we cannot predict these developments, we can get a fairly accurate overview of our unique growth patterns. But by falling into the stressed rhythms, we can find a smoother flow and a deeper meaning to our daily lives. We can start moving with the flow instead of fighting it. As a result, we can always be in right place at the right time, while our lives become easier, simpler and we put in less effort.

The quantum physics

Human Design describes the effect of neutrino streams passing through solar system and programming the human body and DNA.


The Human Design System uses a model of the Human Genome to show what is stamped on each individual genetic matrix.


The cosmic clock of the universe began its strict countdown from the Big Bang, and Human Design states that the human personality and body are the product of this mechanics.


Human Design, like M-theory, suggests that our universe is not the only one, and that other, higher dimensions may exist beyond its visible boundaries.


For its calculations, Human Design uses the principles of Astrology, but it does so more accurately.

I Ching

Thanks to the Chinese book of changes I-Ching, Human Design deepens and expands the astrological understanding of the influence of the planets on man.

Chakra system

Instead of Chakras, Human Design uses the concept of "energy center". Unlike Chakras, they are not 7, but 9


Like the branches of the Tree of Life of Kabbalah, the channels in Human Design connect the personal map of a person into a single energy system.

Life is a series of decisions. Correct decisions lead to correct life. A life in which you experience healthy success and satisfaction from who you are and what you do. Human Design is a unique knowledge that allows you to bring clarity to all areas of life from business to personal. Find simple and practical answers to daily questions. Start your experiment and you will never need psychology again, because you yourself will become an expert in your life. In Human Design, this is called following your inner authority.

Gone are the days of teachings and gurus to follow in the hope of finding yourself. The most important guru and teacher is within you. Human Design is just a manual, a technical passport to your personality. As a synthesis of astrology, genetics, quantum physics, the I Ching and the Kabbalah, Human Design fully describes all aspects of human nature. See for yourself, arm yourself with this knowledge. This is truly the ABC of a new era.

But first of all it is an experiment!

From all kinds of Internet resources, you can learn about the origin of this system and its deep meaning. But this is useless for those who just want to take a fresh look at themselves and their lives.