We set global life goals and successfully achieve them. Abstract: The global goal and the goals of the functioning of a particular organization

I don’t know about you, but when I was given the task of setting my goals for a year, for 5 years, for 10 years and for life, this caused me some panic and a feeling that it was simply impossible to do. If you dig a little further, it became clear that I just do not know what I want. I could set goals for a month, for half a year, if the goal was global, or plan an expensive purchase (but here everything came from my resources), that's fine, but to determine what I want in life in global scale, put me in a stupor. I used to live with the hope that “up there” everything was determined for me and that what they determined would meet my expectations. But, there will come a time in life when you find yourself in a new environment for yourself, you will see how other people live, not from your environment. And it makes you think: “Have I chosen the right path? Am I living the life I want?

You start going to all sorts of well-being trainings, reading motivational books, and there the same stumbling block appears as before, they tell you, decide what you want in life, set goals.

I was already rather fed up with this and, in the end, I decided to finish off this topic, once and for all dropping this burden from my shoulders. But how do you decide what you want in life? In previous articles, the “goals and desires flow” technique has been described, when we write a list of everything that we would like for ourselves. This allows us to turn on our creative vein, and look at the world a little differently. Free yourself from the shackles of our being and allow yourself to dream. Ignoring the absurdity and unreality of their dreams and desires.

Over the past days from that article, I have done this technique, probably 5 times. And I got just a huge list with my desires and goals. Leafing through a notebook with a list, I noticed that some desires are repeated "with different sauces." It seemed interesting to me, and I systematized my desires, generalizing them to one denominator.

As a result, without knowing it, I formulated global goals and directions in life in which I want to move.

Moreover, cataloging my desires, in this way, I already answer the recommended question in advance: why do I need this? Each global desire grows out of smaller and more pressing ones. And the frequency of repetition of desire determines its strength of embodiment, how much I need it.

It turned out very well. If we take into account that in the beginning there was just a mess in my head and all sorts of unthinkable desires, such as peace in the world, and travel without end and edge.

There is given direction, there is a division into stages, with the possibility of adjustment within the specified time frame. Is there a rationale, for myself, why do I need all this? As soon as such a question arises, you can go over the steps, and if you don’t like something, correct it.

So, the goal setting technique is as follows:

  1. Learning to generate desires. We make a list of 100 wishes
  2. We analyze the result and reduce everything to common denominators. As a result, we get directions in which it is worth working.
  3. We work through the stages at time intervals of 1 year, 5 years, 10 years or more.
  4. We start to act.

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In countries with developed market economies in the 60-70s. 20th century developed the theory of strategic planning. This was the beginning of a new stage in the development of the theory of management and planning.

Strategic planning is designed to ensure long-term, high performance of the enterprise, and is also designed to explore new business opportunities.

In relation to the economy, strategy should be understood as the optimal set of rules and techniques that allow achieving the global or local goals of the enterprise. The terms "strategy" are often used. economic management», « economic strategy". In fact, these terms are synonyms.

Each enterprise determines the goals of its economic and production activities. Goals are divided into global and local.

Global- this is common goals enterprises that are the foundation, the basis of its activities, its global strategy. Global goals are long-term goals.

A number of textbooks erroneously noted the expediency of developing a unified strategy. To a certain extent, this was justified by the conditions of a planned economy, when prices, sales of products, delivery times, suppliers and consumers were guaranteed. In market conditions, the conditions for the operation of the enterprise are “variable”, little predictable, and it is advisable to adhere to economic activity market economy axioms: multivariate enterprise development strategies, taking into account changes in the internal and external environment.

Local targets is a set of mutually reinforcing goals, the implementation of which is aimed at achieving global goals.

The combination of global and local goals is the basis of strategic planning.

New market relations in Russia give rise to new, appropriate external conditions, strategies.

In a planned economy, the strategy of concentration of production operated. This strategy was fully consistent with public ownership of the means of production, small enterprises were united, jobs were created at large and medium-sized enterprises.

In a market economy based on private property, in conditions of economic crisis Russia is currently operating a different strategy - the strategy of diversification of production.

In today's conditions economic situation in the country are:

1. Diversification of monetary capital, i.e., their distribution among various investment objects, in order to reduce the risk of capital losses or income from it.

2. Horizontal diversification - expansion of the range through new analogue products to increase interest in the product.

3. Concentric diversification - a strategy for releasing new products in addition to existing ones.

4. Diversification of foreign exchange reserves, i.e., their distribution between various banks and various freely convertible currencies.

5. Export diversification - the distribution of the country's export resources between a large number consumer countries.

6. Diversification of jobs, i.e. encouragement of small enterprises where jobs are created.

Importance in development methodological foundations enterprise strategies (strategic planning) are developed by B. Kariof, who singled out 9 key elements strategies:

Corporate mission (global goal of the enterprise);

Competitive advantages;

Business organization;



Structural changes;

development programs;

Culture and competence of management.

The culture of the enterprise today is characterized by its attitude towards a number of values: attitude towards people, customers and employees; attitude to work; attitude towards success and failure; attitude to product quality problems; attitude towards business risk.

Topic: Statement of global purpose and purpose of operation specific organization

Type: Test | Size: 64.91K | Downloads: 38 | Added on 12/08/12 at 01:23 | Rating: 0 | More Examinations

University: Financial University

Year and city: Kirov 2012

Option 1

Introduction 3

1. Formulation of the global goal and the purpose of the functioning of a particular organization 4

2. Build a tree of goals for a specific organization. Describe the goals of each level. Identify and formulate quantitative and qualitative goals 5

Conclusion 15

References 16


The relevance of this topic is determined great importance setting goals at the enterprise, because how correctly the goal is set depends on its perception by the interlocutor, and hence the achievement of the main goal of the enterprise itself. The presence of a goal makes the activity of the manager, his subordinates, and hence the company as a whole more efficient. Therefore, the relevance of studying issues correct setting goals is undeniable and now.

The purpose of the test is to analyze and identify goals in the wellness studio "Figuria".

The tasks of this control work:

  1. The formulation of the global goal and the purpose of the functioning of a particular organization
  2. Build a goal tree for a specific organization. Describe the goals of each level.
  3. Identify and formulate quantitative and qualitative goals.

Object of study: wellness center "Figuria".

  1. The formulation of the global goal and the purpose of the functioning of a particular organization

global goal- one of the stages on the way to the ideal picture.

Many textbooks and teaching aids it is stated that the main purpose of the enterprise in the market is to make a profit. In my opinion, this statement is true, but hardly complete enough. Not less than important goal any enterprise in the market is to ensure stable financial stability in its work. This is a more difficult goal to achieve, which includes not only making a profit, but also making it sustainable, and this is not so easy to achieve.

I work in the wellness center "Figuria". And in order to formulate the global goal of the “Figure”, it is necessary to look at the reasons for its creation.

The wellness center was created specifically for women who want to always look slim and attractive, as well as be always in good shape and lead healthy lifestyle life.

That's why global goal the wellness center is still getting the maximum profit, but not sustainable, since the work of the wellness center shows that it would be possible to make each service available separately, and not in a complex. By making services available individually, we attract many new customers. In this way, we could make our profits more sustainable.

The objectives of the functioning of the wellness center:

  1. Satisfying the needs of customers, namely the achievement of results in weight loss without harm to health.
  2. ensure the competitiveness of the wellness center, maintain a high image
  3. Conduct a flexible pricing policy.
  1. Build a goal tree for a specific organization. Describe the goals of each level. Identify and formulate quantitative and qualitative goals

Bringing the goals to each level of management and their comprehensive assessment require building a tree of goals. A goal tree is a structured, hierarchically structured set of goals. economic system, program, plan, in which the general goal (top of the tree) and its subordinate subgoals of the first, second and subsequent levels (tree branches) are highlighted. An organization's goal tree is usually built in several stages. At the first stage, the main, global goal of the company, or mission, is formed. At the second stage, the main goal of the organization is decomposed into the goals of the second level. At the third stage, the decomposition of the goals of the second level is carried out in accordance with specific technological tasks within each target program. As an example, consider the following fragment of the goal tree (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Fragment of the goal tree

The goal tree of the wellness center "Figuria" (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Tree of goals of the wellness center "Figuria"

Global Goal:

The top of the goal tree is the global goal, which determines the subsequent goals, the strategy of action. Any commercial organization in modern world is aimed at obtaining maximum profit in order to continue to exist in the market.

First level goals:

Subsequent goals are detailing parts or predecessors of the same larger goal.

  1. To ensure the competitiveness of the wellness center "Figuria", to maintain a high image - this is necessary in order to remain on the service market in order to establish itself as a prestigious institution.
  2. To pursue a flexible pricing policy is simply necessary to attract new consumers and to awaken old ones.

Second level goals:

  1. Availability of highly qualified staff - for complete customer satisfaction and their own safety, staff must be very well trained, even better with a medical or sports education.
  2. To stay on the service market, you need to always keep up with the times and follow the latest in simulators, introduce new technology and equipment.
  3. It is very important that the client is always satisfied after visiting the club, by satisfying the client, he can bring us his acquaintances and so on, thus we increase the number of visitors to the wellness center.
  4. By making services available separately, we also expand the circle of potential customers. Clients have the opportunity to try each simulator separately, check its effectiveness for themselves, and understand whether it is worth taking a subscription. And we also increase our profits by attracting additional customers.
  5. Promotions can serve to promote the brand's image in the long term, increase brand awareness and increase the number of loyal customers.

Goals can be set both quantitatively and qualitatively. Therefore, their classification, as a rule, reflects the indicators by which goals are formulated. For example, goals set for financial indicators such as sales or production will be quantitative. In contrast, some goals are characterized by indicators that are intangible and difficult to accurately measure. quantification. These are, for example, work efficiency, satisfaction with one's job and position, increased dedication to work, commitment. These goals should be classified as qualitative. As a rule, quantitative goals are easy to define (mathematically) and can be easily measured.

For the wellness center "Figuria", the quantitative goals are:

  1. Getting the maximum profit
  2. Transfer administrators to salaries and bonuses
  3. Flexible pricing policy
  4. Various promotions, prizes
  5. Make services available individually.

Quality Goals:

  1. Ensure competitiveness, maintain a high image
  2. Availability of highly qualified personnel
  3. Systematically introduce new and modern equipment
  4. Customer Satisfaction
  5. Conduct individual consultations(fitness - counseling)

A task

Give a description of the formal and informal groups (using the example of your organization).

Specify the composition, goals and objectives of the informal group; how they coincide with the goals and objectives of the formal organization. What should be the actions of the manager (leadership of the organization) in relation to the informal group and its leaders in order to achieve the goals facing formal organization.

Depending on the purpose of the association, two types of groups are distinguished:

  • formal;
  • informal.

Formal groups are created to carry out production activities in accordance with the chosen strategy at the behest of the leaders of the organization. They have a formally appointed leader, a formal structure, a position within the group, their tasks and functions are described and formally fixed in the relevant documents. These groups can be created on a permanent or temporary basis.

There are three types of formal groups: management teams (command subordinate group of the leader), working groups and committees.

First of all, the management team top management, consists of the head and his direct subordinates (deputies), who, in turn, can also be heads. A typical command group is the head of the organization and his deputies, who lead various functional areas. On the example of "Figures" - the director.

Working groups are formed and function as separate structural subdivisions created to perform specialized functions that emerged in the process of division of labor in production and management. These are functional working groups. Formal groups may be formed to work on a specific project or problem. After the task is completed, they can be disbanded or assigned to work on another project, problem. These are task forces. On the example of "Figures" - a group of administrators.

Committee - a formal group to which powers are delegated to perform any task or set of tasks. Types of committees can be commissions, councils. The main difference between a committee and other formal groups is its group decision-making. An example of a committee is a meeting of administrators.

Along with formal groups, informal groups arise and operate in the organization. They are created by the members of the organization themselves.

People know well who is in their informal group and who is not. Informal groups usually have their own unwritten rules and norms of behavior. There is a certain distribution of roles in them and the status of each member of the group is defined. In an informal group, as a rule, there is an explicit or implicit leader.

For example, administrators form an informal group among themselves, communicating with each other at work, having lunch together, meeting outside the wellness center (clubs, cafes, gym), celebrate holidays. And some are close friends.

Differences between formal and informal groups:

  • In the form of relationships between members of the group. In the formal it is official, in the informal it is unofficial.
  • The structure of relationships between group members. Formal group - vertical subordination; informal - equal friendly relations based on friendly relations, or on common interests, hobby.
  • A leader leading a group. Accordingly, in the formal - the leader; in the informal - an informal leader who has the necessary influence, power over the members of the group.
  • Form of regulation of relations in the group. Formal - rules, charter; informal - norms of behavior.
  • Ways to bring the behavior of group members in line with the rules and regulations. Formal - rewards and fines; informal - sanctions.
  • The source of the leader's power. Formal - delegated by management; informal - personal, comes from the group.

Non-formalized service relations can develop spontaneously in addition to the existing management structure (in this case, one speaks of an informal management structure). They exist in parallel with the formal organization, complementing it.

Interpersonal connections can arise due to mutual attraction, sympathy, common views on life, habits, hobbies, out of touch with functional necessity. It could be partnerships.

As a rule, managers have a negative attitude towards the existence of informal groups, consider them the result of ineffective management and do not see their potential advantages.

As a member of a certain informal group, the employee works within the organization. Loyalty to the group can develop into loyalty to the organization, which will manifest itself in the results of the employee's activities for the benefit of the organization.

Leaders must understand that, regardless of their will, informal groups exist, it is useless to fight them, they must be reckoned with, ways to effective interaction, use them strengths to achieve the goals of the organization.

Potential Benefits informal group:

  • improves communications;
  • serves as a "valve" for the emotions of employees, helps to reduce stress;
  • contributes to increased job satisfaction and stability of work groups;
  • promotes cooperation and cooperation.

Possible problems associated with the activities of the informal group:

  • contributes to the emergence of unwanted rumors;
  • creates a favorable atmosphere for the formation of unwanted attitudes;
  • makes it difficult to implement changes, reinforces ingrained stereotypes;
  • can initiate conflicts;
  • negatively affects the behavior and self-esteem of some employees;
  • can reduce motivation and job satisfaction.

So, informal, or shadow, groups exist in every organization. They invariably "grow" out of friendships and relationships not defined by an organizational chart. It is important for the organization that informal groups do not dominate.

The support of the informal leader is the recognition of his group. The sphere of influence of the informal leader may go beyond the administrative framework of the formal organization.

The informal leader performs two primary functions: helps the group achieve its goals, supports and strengthens its existence.

The existence of informal groups in an organization is quite normal phenomenon. Such groups are often reinforced labor collective, and the formal head of the organization should support them.

An organization's leadership for interacting with informal groups should recognize their existence and focus on working with them; determine the attitudes and norms of behavior adopted in them; Before taking any action, evaluate possible consequences, first of all, negative ones; involve them in the process of discussion and decision-making; listen to the opinion of members and leaders of informal groups.

Create such working atmosphere, where constructive criticism helps the case, jointly analyze acute problem situations give everyone the opportunity to speak; listen calmly, without emotion various points vision. Try to give out the necessary reliable information as quickly as possible. Avoid unnecessary threats against members and leaders of informal groups, do not settle personal scores with them. Do not seek to destroy the informal group. Always remember: in place of the destroyed one will definitely appear a new group, and its attitude towards the official leadership will be deliberately negative.


Specify the defining principle of the linear management structure:

  1. full control;
  2. adaptation;
  3. unity of command;
  4. decentralization;
  5. democratization.

(3) Linear organizational structure management characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a one-man leader, endowed with all powers and exercising sole leadership of subordinate employees and concentrating all management functions in his hands.

(4) In a linear management structure, decisions are passed along the “top-down” chain, and the head of the lower level of management is subordinate to the head of a higher level above him, a kind of hierarchy of leaders of this particular organization is formed. AT this case the principle of unity of command operates, the essence of which is that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers, bypassing their immediate superior.


The goal must be achievable - to serve to increase the effectiveness of the organization. Setting a goal that exceeds the capabilities of the organization, either because of a lack of resources or because external factors, can lead to catastrophic consequences. If the goals are not achievable, the desire of employees to succeed will be blocked and their motivation will weaken. Because in Everyday life It is common to associate rewards and promotions with the achievement of goals, unattainable goals can make the means used in an organization to motivate employees less effective

I analyzed and identified the goals in the wellness studio "Figuria". It can be seen from the entire control that the main objective wellness center is achievable and now you can raise the bar and make the organization even more popular among consumers.


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