Biography and creativity of the block interesting facts. Interesting facts from the life of Alexander Blok

In Russia, 2015 was announced Year of Literature. The event in the world of literature is unprecedented, since it opens up enormous opportunities for the knowledge of this richest world beauty, education of the senses.

The Year of Literature is a time of discoveries, including in literary criticism. After all, what to say, even the most experienced researchers admit that about life and work the greatest artists very, very little is known about the words that immortal literary masterpieces left behind. Alexander Blok, whose biography is filled with interesting facts, can be attributed to a cohort of little-studied personalities of Russian literature.

Blok's biography: interesting facts from Blok's life

Blok's biography: interesting facts

The poet who became one of the recognized geniuses Silver Age, did not live the longest life. He died at 41, but since the heyday of his work fell on a very important historical turning point that happened in the fate of Russia, the poet left behind poetic works that still evoke literary critics mixed reactions and scientific controversy. Interesting facts in Blok's biography are a tangled ball of human relationships.

Alexander Blok was born on November 16, 1880. Having reached the age of five, he unconsciously began to compose poetry. Of course, it was difficult to call them serious, most likely, the test of the pen of a very small Sasha was imitative. Nevertheless, from year to year, the passion for literature became stronger, and already at the age of 11, young Blok dedicated a small cycle of poems to his mother.

At the age of 17, when every young man falls ill with romanticism, he meets and falls in love with a woman much older than himself. It happened in Germany, when Alexander was on vacation with his mother. By the way, according to one of the questionnaires, which, according to the rules of the institution, the guests filled out, Alexander Blok was very fond of beer and simply adored ice cream. But back to an interesting fact in his biography - first love.

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Alexander Blok, Interesting Facts from whose life are given in the article - one of the most famous

It all started like this

In the house of the Beketovs, where the future poet spent his childhood, poetry was loved and appreciated. They were written in the family, some in jest, some seriously, almost everyone. In this regard, we can cite the first interesting fact from life and According to the poet, the test of the pen refers to approximately five years of age. Little Sasha composed small poems, stories that are neat, block letters, rewrote in albums. In the latter, everything was as it should be: tables of contents, bright pictures. The boy dedicated almost all the children's "collections" to his mother, as evidenced by the inscriptions he made.

At the age of nine, Sasha began to "release" the monthly magazine "Ship", which fit in an ordinary notebook. Later, in the 1994-97s, he “was the editor” of the home handwritten Vestnik, in the publication of which all relatives participated. By the way, there was a lot of young Blok here. But Alexander began to take creativity seriously only at the age of eighteen. At that time, there were already about eight hundred poems in his "piggy bank".

Interesting facts from Blok's life: gymnasium

From the very birth, the Beketovs protected Sasha from everything bad that happened around. Therefore, entering the Vvedensky gymnasium, located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, at the age of eleven, became a real horror for him. From a calm benevolent home furnishings talking about art, he ended up in a place with a crowd of loudly screaming shorn boys. The teachers also made a painful impression on the neat and well-mannered Sasha. It is no coincidence that after the first day of his stay at the gymnasium, he said that he was most struck by the people. Subsequent visit educational institution turned into a duty for the boy, and the first friends appeared only in such interesting facts from whose life they help to look at him as an ordinary person.

Poet's first love

All lovers of Blok's work know about his wife, L. D. Mendeleeva, to whom the collection "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" was dedicated. But not everyone knows that the first muse of the poet was not she, but thirty-seven-year-old K. M. Sadovskaya.

Their acquaintance took place in Bad Nauheim, a German town, where a seventeen-year-old boy arrived with his mother and aunt. For a month, before the departure of K. Sadovskaya, Alexander bought her roses every morning and accompanied her everywhere. This romance continued in St. Petersburg and lasted until, in August 1998, Blok was inflamed with a passion for Lyubochka Mendeleeva. And although already in November of the same year, lines about a “long-forgotten mistress” appeared in one of the poet’s poems, their correspondence, mainly reduced to a showdown, would continue until the summer of 1901. After August of this year, they no longer saw each other and did not communicate. And in 1909, the poet again ended up in Bad Nauheim, where, as a memory of a former hobby, the cycle of poems “After twelve years” was born. These are interesting facts from the life of Blok connected with his first love.

Poem "Twelve"

Blok accepted the revolution with enthusiasm. And even when they burned his beloved Shakhmatovo, he told everyone who expressed regret and sympathy that it was necessary. And he added: a poet should not have property. Full of hope for the future, on January 8, 18, he sat down at the Twelve. I worked all day, after which there was a long break. Finally, on January 27-28, the work was completed, and Blok wrote: "Today I am a genius."

Here you can cite interesting facts from the life of Blok, related to the perception of the poem by contemporaries. Thus, the soldiers and workers, in front of whom Blok personally read the work, were moved to tears and violently expressed their delight. Although it should still be noted that later the commissioner who led the Theater Department advised the poet to do without public recitations - he associated this with the image of Christ.

However, almost the entire intelligentsia, including people close to the poet, took up arms against him and did not even shake hands when they met. And Z. Gippius, who had previously been on friendly terms with Blok, wrote down his name as the second in the list of traitors and defectors, who for her were “not people”. A little later, in May, she sent the poet her new compilation, imbued with hatred for the Bolsheviks, in which she put a leaflet with a poem “Block. A child lost by all ... ". The poet wrote her an answer in a similar form on the last page of the little book with Scythians and Twelve. When, in 1921, Blok was advised to go abroad for treatment, one of the reasons for the refusal was that he could meet Russian emigrants there.

The phrase thrown by Kolchak when he learned about Blok's correspondence with Gorky is also indicative. Both one and the other are talented, but when they meet, both will have to be hanged - this is its meaning.

Last performance

Numerous articles citing interesting facts from the life of Blok always mention the evening arranged in his honor by the House of Arts. This happened on April 25, 1921. About two thousand people gathered in the Bolshoi Drama Theater. The evening was opened by K. Chukovsky. In his speech, he called Blok the greatest of his contemporaries, which caused the poet's displeasure: "How to go on stage now?"

Alexander Alexandrovich appeared before the public thinner, gloomy, in black clothes. And only at the very end, before reading the poem “The girl sang in church choir…”, appeared with a white flower in his buttonhole.

All evening his voice, which was heard magnificently in all corners of the hall, sounded low and distinct. The spectators, who felt the special significance of the evening, left without haste. And against the background of general silence, a prophetic phrase sounded: "This is some kind of commemoration." In fact, the Petersburgers never saw Blok speaking again: since mid-April, his condition worsened from an incomprehensible illness.

Concerts in Moscow

It was at the beginning of May. The poet felt bad, but still did not cancel the planned trip. Difficult, with a stick, going on stage. Reading poetry through force. Often alien in spirit, sometimes even hostile audience. Alexander Blok performed under such conditions - interesting facts from life famous people sometimes associated with the fact that, perhaps, for the hero of the story was unpleasant. So, during one of the Moscow speeches, the poet heard in his address: “Yes ... these are the poems of a dead man!” They were spoken by A. Struve, who thus decided to settle long-standing scores with Blok. Alexander Alexandrovich did not argue, but only calmly said: "Yes, I am a dead man." And he remembered his trip as a nightmare and a difficult dream. He still had two painful months ahead of him and the realization that he was dying.

So extraordinary person was Blok Alexander Alexandrovich, interesting facts from whose life are given on the basis of the book by V. N. Orlov “Gamayun (the life of Alexander Blok)”.

Blok's work, like his biography, is unique. The fate of the poet intertwined with historical events that took place on turn of XIX and XX centuries. Historical trends found their vivid reflection in his lyrics. In place of light symbolism, filled with romance, through Blok, realism comes into poetry with its heavy tread.

Brief biography of Blok. Young years

Before proceeding to the analysis of the poems of Alexander Blok, the features of his work, it is useful to pay attention to the biography of the poet. Blok was born on November 16, 1880. The mother of the poet Alexander Beketov left the family immediately after the birth of her son due to a difficult relationship with her husband, Alexander Lvovich Blok. In 1889, she married a guards officer and settled with the baby on the banks of the Bolshaya Nevka in the vicinity of what was then St. Petersburg.

Blok himself began to compose poetry at the age of five. At the age of 9 he was sent to study at the gymnasium, where he stayed until 1898. In 1897 future poet survived his first love. The object of passion of the young Bok was Ksenia Sadovskaya. His feelings did not fade for several years, which gave rise to several lyric poems. At the age of 17, Blok became interested in theater. The poet seriously intended to become an actor. In 1989, he met Lyubov Mendeleeva, the granddaughter of the great scientist, whom he then takes as his wife.

In 1901 the poet is translated into Faculty of Philology Petersburg University. At this time he creates a large number of poems - about nature, love, Motherland. In the spring of 1903, for the first time, his works were published in the magazine " New way».

The events of 1905 had a great influence on him. The poet realizes himself as a citizen, takes part in demonstrations. revolutionary mood are reflected in the work of this stage.

Mature age

Blok graduated from the university in 1906. After that it opens new page in his life - writing success comes, his growth as a poet begins. Blok gains fame, fans of his work appear all over the country. In 1907, the poetic collection "Unexpected Joy" was published, in 1908 - "Earth in the Snow". In 1909, a drama called The Song of Destiny was released. However, it was never staged in the theatre.

In 1907-1908, Blok departed from symbolism. Anxiety and difficulties lead the poet to own way. In 1909, Blok traveled through the cities of Germany and Italy, which inspired him to write a cycle of works called Italian Poems.

During the First World War, the poet served in the engineering and construction squad, which was engaged in the construction of fortifications in the area of ​​the Pinsk swamps. During this period, the poet found the news of the end of the era of autocracy in Russia.

In May 1917, the poet takes Active participation in commission of inquiry, the purpose of which was to investigate the activities of tsarist officials. Based on the materials of interrogations, Alexander Alexandrovich writes the book “The Last Days of Imperial Power”. He perceives the revolution of 1917 with enthusiasm and hope. But gradually the new government brings disappointment to the poet.

Their recent performances poet committed in 1921 in Petrograd and Moscow. However, a hungry existence full of difficulties leads Blok to depression and illness. In May 1921, he began to have heart problems. Blok died in August of the same year. In 1944, the ashes of the poet were transferred from Smolensky to the Volkovo cemetery.

Direction of creativity

The poems of Alexander Blok are attributed by literary critics, among other things, to the direction of modernism. After all, one of the main missions of the poet was to shift to more modern way culture of the past. Despite the aesthetics and spirituality of his poetry, Blok focuses on echoes of melancholy, despair, loss. life value, a sense of inevitable tragedy. Perhaps it was these tendencies that gave Anna Akhmatova a reason to call Blok "the tragic tenor of the era." However, the poet still remained a romantic.

Main topics

Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok wrote poems mainly in following topics:

  • The fate of a single person and the Motherland in important historical eras.
  • The revolutionary process and the role played by the stratum of the intelligentsia in it.
  • Loyalty in love and friendship.
  • Fate, fate, feelings of anxiety in front of impending hopelessness.
  • The place of the poet in society.
  • The connection of nature with its offspring - man.
  • belief higher power, the universe.

The poet's ability to translate the subtle nuances of inner experiences was embodied in the genre diversity of his work. He wrote poems and poems, songs, spells, romances, sketches.

Genuine human values are revealed in the poems of Alexander Blok only in kinship with the indissoluble unity of the reality of the world. A bright future can only be realized as a result of a harsh daily routine, a person's readiness for a feat in the name of the prosperity of the Motherland. This was Blok's worldview, reflected in his work.

Image of the Motherland

One of the main lyrical themes in Alexander Blok's poetry is Russia. In the homeland, he finds inspiration and strength to continue life. She appears before him simultaneously in the form of a mother and a beloved woman.

Literary critics emphasize that in the poems of Alexander Blok, the image of the Motherland undergoes a kind of evolution. At first, the reader sees Russia as a mysterious, covered with a mysterious veil. The native country is perceived through the prism of a beautiful and elusive dream: extraordinary, dense, magical.

AT later poet accepts and loves his tormented country unconditionally, with all its plagues. After all, he knows that in front of him is the same dear Motherland. Only now she is dressed in other clothes - dark, repulsive. The poet sincerely believes that sooner or later his homeland will appear before him in bright clothes of dignity, spirituality, morality.

In the verse of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, “Sin shamelessly, soundly ...”, the line separating love and hatred is very accurately outlined. The work presents the image of a soulless shopkeeper, who in his life got used to the deep sleep of the mind. This image repels the reader. His repentance in the temple is just hypocrisy. At the end of the work, the “cry of the soul” of the poet is heard that even in such an image he will not stop loving his dear and dear homeland.

Blok sees Russia in dynamic movement. For example, in the works of the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”, she appears before him in the proud, majestic image of a “steppe mare”, which rushes forward. The path to a happy future for the country is not easy, filled with difficulties.

In the work "On railway» poet compares hard fate countries with a tragic female fate:

“How long will mothers grieve?

How long will the kite circle?

The flame of the revolution illuminates the work of the poet, scorches his secret dreams. Passions in Blok's soul do not cease to boil: every now and then they disobediently splash out from under his poetic pen, exposing the enemies of the fatherland, the oppressors of the common people.

Alexander Blok. Poems about Russia

In the poet's work, love for his native country was fully embodied in a cycle called "Motherland". The very beginning of one of the most revealing poems in the cycle - "Motherland" - echoes the famous Gogol digression about "Rus-troika" in " Dead souls". In this retreat, the horses rush into the distance, but where exactly - there is no answer. Literary critics suggest that it is in connection with this analogy that Alexander Blok's verse "Russia" opens with the word "again":

Again, as in the golden years,

Three worn out harnesses fray,

And painted knitting needles

In loose ruts...

The image of Gogol's troika frantically rushing forward appears in the reader's imagination. He is followed by a piercing confession of feelings for his homeland, "impoverished Russia", its "gray huts". The reader rightly asks: why love this country, which can give nothing?

Why does the poet love his homeland

Blok has an answer to this question. AT this work once contained more stanzas. There were twice as many of them in the first publication as in subsequent ones. The poet decided to remove a number of stanzas from his work. Others have been modified by them.

What was removed in the verse of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok "Russia" by the poet himself? First, it is worth paying attention to two stanzas where we are talking about minerals:

"You promise mountains of gold,

You tease with the marvelous darkness of the depths.

Russia, impoverished Russia,

Your promised land is generous!

At first glance, this is an irrefutable truth. After all, even Nekrasov wrote about the Motherland: "You are poor, you are abundant." However, for Blok it turned out to be more important not to associate love for his native country with its wealth. He decides to accept her in humiliation and poverty, demonstrating in his work true love:

“Yes, and such, my Russia,

You are dearer to me than all the edges.

It is easy to love a country for its inexhaustible riches. But Blok's lyrical hero is noble. His love is born not at all by mercantile motives. For him, feelings for the Motherland are like "the first tears of love."

The motive of Christian asceticism

An analysis of Alexander Blok's verse shows the connection of his work with another tradition of Russian classics, which consists in association with the feat of Christ. This is shown by the lines:

"I can't feel sorry for you

And I carefully carry my cross ...

What kind of sorcerer do you want

Give back the robbery beauty!

Obediently bearing your cross means resigning yourself to your fate. A person lives everything that is destined for him from above. And who was destined to appear in Russia, Blok believes, should link his fate with this beautiful country.

The image of a woman in the works

traditional image home country associated in poetry with the image of the mother, and therefore they say: "Motherland". But Blok went further and created new image: Motherland-wives. And therefore, in his loving work, there is a recognition of feelings for native land it is in this perspective: the poet loves the "Motherland-wife" for what it is - obstinate and wayward.

Here the reader has the opportunity to get in touch with a purely Blok miracle: the image of a woman is transformed into the face of the Motherland and vice versa. Blok's Russia is a beauty, but here she is not sleeping, as it was in the work "Rus". The poet characterizes her beauty with the word "robbery". That is why, even being under the yoke of the "sorcerer", she will not disappear.

At the end of the work, the motive of the road that rushes into the future sounds again. The poet believes in the good, in the fact that "the impossible is possible."

Short poems by Alexander Blok

Sharp, as if chopped off lines sparingly tell about life common man. Some of Blok's works, despite their conciseness, are quite difficult to learn, they are difficult to understand. However, the short poems of Alexander Blok clearly express the worldview that the poet laid in them, and many readers will certainly like them. For example, the following work tells about mental throwing lyrical hero.

Climbing the first steps

I looked at the lines of the earth.

Merkley days - gusts of frenzy

They went out, they went out in the pink distance.

But we still languish with the desire of grief,

The spirit wept, - and in the starry depths

The fiery sea parted

Someone's dream whispered about me...

These lines reflect the poet's desire to return the past, although it was filled with grief. And the next poem tells about the unbearable suffering that causes the grief of the “born spirit” to the lyrical hero.

Every sound breaks my heart.

Oh, if suffering were to end

Oh, if I were from these torments

Gone to the Land of Remembrance!

Nothing gives mercy

When a dear spirit suffers,

And the flying sound will die

In the soul of unbearable longing ...

Those looking for light poems by Alexander Blok for children will like the following work, which describes nature after a thunderstorm:

The storm has passed, and a branch of white roses

Through the window I breathe the aroma ...

Still the grass is full of transparent tears,

And thunder rumbles in the distance.

Schoolchildren who need to find a work for a literature lesson will also like the poet's poem about a crow:

Here is a crow on a sloping roof

So from the winter and remained shaggy ...

And in the air - spring bells,

Even the spirit took over the crow...

Suddenly jumped to the side with a stupid lope,

Down on the ground she looks sideways:

What turns white under the tender grass?

Here they turn yellow under a gray bench

Last year's wet shavings...

These are all toys for the crow.

And so the crow is happy

It's like spring, and it's free to breathe! ..

The theme of love in the poet's work

The first love poems of Alexander Blok are full of delight. They are dedicated to L. Mendeleeva, who inspired him for many years. These are such works as "Virgo", "Dawn", "Incomprehensible".

In his younger years, before his marriage to Mendeleeva, Blok dedicated the works of Ksenia Sadovskaya, who was much older than him. These are such verses as "Amethyst", "Your image seems involuntarily ..." and others. In 1905, Alexander Blok's collection "Poems about beautiful lady". It is believed that the works of this cycle are dedicated to L. Mendeleeva. But in the works of this collection there is no real image - only the idea that such a woman can exist in romantic world filled with dreams and daydreams.

Transformation of the female image in the work of the poet

The theme of love was developed in the collection "Snow Mask", which was dedicated to the actress N. Volokhova. Now this is no longer a deifying worship - the Beautiful Lady has changed, becoming the Snow Maiden. And consequently, the feeling of the lyrical hero was also transformed. They lost their luminous power, becoming like a snowstorm, taking the hero of the works into dark, unknown distances.

Consider a few fun facts from the biography of Alexander Alexandrovich:

  • Blok died at 41.
  • The poet's wife was the granddaughter of the chemist Mendeleev.
  • The poet is credited with an affair with A. Akhmatova.
  • Before his death, Blok was delirious.
  • At 11 years old young poet dedicated a cycle of his works to his mother.
  • Blok's works gained worldwide fame.
  • Since 1920, the poet began to suffer from depression.
  • After his death, the body of the poet was cremated.

Blok's lyrics have not lost their significance even now. After all, joining high culture feelings, learning examples emotional experiences poets, a person learns inner subtlety and sensitivity, which is so necessary in the modern world.

The poet was born at the end of the nineteenth century in St. Petersburg. His parents belonged to the local intelligentsia. Father, Alexander Lvovich, was a professor at Warsaw University. Mother, Alexandra Andreeva, worked as a translator. Parents did not live long in marriage.

After the divorce of his parents, Alexander lived with his mother.

The childhood of the great poet took place at my grandfather's house. It is this place that evokes the warmest memories of the poet. The nature around was just magical. This greatly inspired the young Alexander.

Relationship with mom were warm, trusting and sincere. Blok loved his mother with all his heart, because it was she who laid in him a craving for poetry.

The first person to see Blok's poems was, of course, my mother. It was she who was both a kind critic and a support for the young author. The mediation of the mother was very great, and the contribution to the formation of the poet was difficult to assess.

Alexander was educated at the Vvedenskaya gymnasium, and later left with his mother for the Nemean resort of Bad Nauheim.

First love Blok was Sadovskaya. She won the heart of a young man, but there could be no relationship. They had a huge age difference, about ten years.

It was Ksenia Sadovskaya who was the muse for Alexander. Many of his works are dedicated to a beautiful woman.

After graduating from high school, Blok entered the University in his hometown. Initially, he studied at the faculty of jurisprudence, and later moved to another faculty related to history.

The beginning of the creative path of Alexander Blok

The first impulses of creativity began at a young age. Author wrote the first poems at the age of five. With early age he was an inquisitive boy: he read many books, went to theaters and was an art lover.

Blok began to actively engage in creative work in the early years of the twentieth century.

First time, Block began publishing his creations in the New Way magazine owned by Merezhkovsky and Gippius.

Alexander immediately loved the symbolism. He strove for experimentation, the destruction of stable stagnation and risk. The author rejected realism, paying great attention only to symbolism. After the author's poems appeared in the "New Way", he began to be published in the almanac "Northern Flowers".

In 1903, the cycle of works "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" was published. The woman was one of the key themes in Blok's works. He considered the fair sex to be a real source of goodness and light.

Revolutions in Blok's work

This historical process left a peculiar imprint on Blok's work. The events that took place during the revolution greatly influenced the poet and his worldview. The theme of love faded into the background.

Blok began to try himself in the role of a playwright, writing the play "Balaganchik", which was staged on the stage of the theater in 1906.

The main theme of the 1920s was the problem of the relationship between the common people and the intelligentsia. It was a trend in creativity - to write about what excites the soul so much. All his poems about the Motherland were imbued with patriotism and individuality. Each of them had an identity.

Block was not categorical to Soviet power. He even collaborated with her. All the events of those times are reflected in his poetry. Block was easy-going and quickly adapted to new events in life.

It was at this time that Blok wrote the verse "Scythians" and the famous poem "The Twelve".

The last years of the poet's life

After October revolution began a difficult stage in the life of the poet. Alexander began to get sick often. He suffered from diseases such as asthma, heart disease and scurvy.

Alexander Blok is considered one of the most significant figures in Russian poetry. His fate was not easy, but he left deep trace in the history and culture of Russia.

The red date of the calendar for Russian symbolism in poetry was November 28/16, 1880, when in northern capital Alexander Alexandrovich Blok was born in Russia. The father (Alexander Lvovich) of the future poet worked as a teacher at the University of Warsaw, and his mother (Alexandra Andreevna) was engaged in translations. Despite the good sign of the same names of parents and own name, the fate of Blok was not favorable from childhood, since the boy was raised by his grandfather Andrei Beketov, due to a parental divorce even before his birth.

Adolescence and first verses

The childhood of Alexander Blok took place in the Shakhmatovo estate, and adolescence also passed there. Alexander's company included his cousins ​​and second cousins, and the first poems came out from the poet's pen at the age of 5. Simple quatrains became the foundation of one of the loudest names in Russian poetry and a clear dominator in the style of symbolism.

In 1889, the family of Alexander's mother connects her fate with a guards officer and they, together with a 9-year-old boy, move to St. Petersburg, where the young Blok begins his studies at the Vvedenskaya gymnasium. After graduating from the gymnasium, Blok, in 1898, entered the University of St. Faculty of Law, however, jurisprudence does not appeal to the future poet, and in 1901 he moved to the Faculty of History and Philology. At the beginning of the century, Blok makes friends with the symbolists Bryusov and Bely, at this moment he is becoming a symbolist poet, although he is still far from fame.

Alexander Blok marries Lyubov Mendeleeva in 1903. She will survive Blok and subsequently write a book of memoirs, where she will describe interesting pages their lives. It was Mendeleev Blok who dedicated the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”.

Alexander graduated from the university in the Slavic-Russian department in 1906, and his first edition was published a little earlier, in 1903, the year the poet's poems were published by the journal Novy Put. Following the first lines, the light sees the second, printed in the almanac "Northern Flowers". The cycle in the almanac is called “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, in which sprouts of symbolism are already beginning to make their way to the reader.

During the period of the revolution, the time of the formation of the poet fell, from 1905 to 1908, poems were published that brought the first glory to the poet. Let's note " The Stranger" and "Snow Mask" - these are the first poems by which the author began to be recognized. Well-known magazines in St. Petersburg circles collaborate with the young poet, in one of them, in the Golden Fleece, the poet has been conducting his critical section since 1907.

The heyday of creativity

In 1909, Blok was already a well-known poet in Russia, readers are waiting for the release of his new poems, and a circle of admirers is formed around Alexander. Having received an inheritance in 1909 after the death of his father, Blok decides to get to know the world better and goes on trips with his head.

From 1909 to 1913 Blok traveled around Europe three times. He visited France and Italy, Germany and Belgium, but not only the interest in European traditions and lifestyle excites the poet during his travels. Alexander Blok is actively working abroad. During these years, the cycle of poems "Italian Poems", the collection "Night Hours" and the play "Rose and Cross" were published. The poet clearly shows that there is Europe, and there is Russia, from which he is not going to renounce. Strings:

And in a new, unlike life,

Forget my old dream

And I will also remember the Doge,

As now I remember Kalita.

The army service also did not pass Blok, the poet was drafted into the army in 1916 and served as a timekeeper near Belarusian Pinsk. From bloody battles Blok was spared, as the revolution soon came and "everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house." The king was gone, there was no one to fight for, and Blok returned to St. Petersburg. Here the most controversial years in the biography of the poet begin, because never expressing obvious sympathy for the communists, Blok takes their side and serves them, albeit without much servility, but true.

At the beginning of 1918, the poem “The Twelve” appears, where Blok puts Jesus Christ in front of the twelve red soldiers, thus signing full loyalty to existing government. This can also be attributed to the fear for one's own life in the era of the upheaval of consciousness, then the lines:

“Do you remember, Katya, the officer - he did not leave the knife”

Written in the same poem, it is difficult to associate with loyalty, here one can also see his own conviction that the authorities are right.

Immediately after this poem, "Scythians" appear, where the lines:

“Comrades! We will become brothers!

Yes, and many other points also speak of the Bloc's support for Soviet power.

“You can’t serve two Gods,” this can be attributed to the period of Blok’s biography from 1918 to 1921, when the poet did not write anything original, being content with reports at meetings of the Free Philosophical Organization and comic lines that did not arouse much interest from anyone.

The rethinking of the present begins in 1921, unfortunately, the poet did not have much time left to live, and he hardly managed to say half of his thoughts and do part of his deeds. In 1921, the poet wrote a poem "To Pushkin's House", in which notes of testament and repentance are visible. Since 1920, he has been the chairman of the Petrograd Council of Poets, Blok does a lot for young talents, but, unfortunately, there are not many of them in this dashing time. Block also becomes a shield for famous poets and critics, for example, he has long stood as a shadow between the NKVD and Gumilyov, and other writers and poets are grateful to him. Mass purges, bloody purges began precisely after the death of Alexander Blok.

Poet's sunset

The Soviet government does not touch Blok, but does not have much respect for him either. For example, in 1921, the Politburo refused to travel to Finland for treatment, although Blok's condition was already critical. The heart disease progressed, plus Blok fell into a deep depression. AT last days Blok's life was unconscious, he tried to destroy the poem "The Twelve", it seemed to him that it was only written and not printed. "Destroy all copies, all." What was it - madness, resentment for being denied a visa for treatment or rethinking life - a question that has no answer. AT different sources the last days of Blok are described in different ways, so let's leave it in the closed casket of history.

Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok died on August 1, 1921 and was immediately buried in the Smolensk churchyard, from where the ashes were transferred to the Volkovskoye cemetery in 1944.

Life at the turn of the century and the break in consciousness left its own typos on Blok’s work, but despite all the complexity and ambiguity life path Blok was and remains one of the greatest Russian poets. It was he who recalled the truth in wine, it was he who put Christ ahead of the Bolsheviks, this he taught to accept even for torment and death:

"For torment, for death - I know

It doesn't matter: I accept you!"

In the house, on Decembrists street, where last years Blok lived and died, there is a museum-apartment.

Film "I'm going crazy"