1814 1841 years of the life of which writer. M

Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich (October 3 (15), 1814 - July 15 (27), 1841) - a great Russian poet.

Born in Moscow in the family of army captain Yuri Petrovich Lermontov (1787-1831) and Maria Mikhailovna Lermontova (1795-1817), nee Arsenyeva, the only daughter and heiress of the Penza landowner E. A. Arsenyeva (1773-1845). The marriage, entered into against the will of Arsenyeva, was unequal and unhappy; the boy grew up in an environment of family disagreements. After the early death of Lermontov's mother, his grandmother herself took up his upbringing, completely removing his father.

Lermontov's childhood passed in the estate of Arsenyeva "Tarkhany" in the Penza province. The boy got a capital home education, has been fluent in French since childhood and German. In the summer of 1825, my grandmother took Lermontov to the waters in the Caucasus; childhood impressions of the Caucasian nature and the life of the mountain peoples remained in his early work ("Caucasus", 1830; "Blue Mountains of the Caucasus, I greet you! ..", 1832). In 1827 the family moved to Moscow, and in 1828 Lermontov was enrolled as a half-boarder in the 4th grade of the Moscow University noble boarding school, where he received a liberal arts education. Already in Tarkhany, Lermontov's keen interest in literature and poetic creativity. Already in the boarding school, Lermontov's predominant orientation to A. S. Pushkin, the Byronic poem, is determined. The Byronic poem becomes the foundation early creativity Lermontov. In 1828-1829. he writes the poems "Corsair", "Criminal", "Oleg", "Two Brothers" (published posthumously), " Last son liberties", "Izmail Bay", "Demon". In the center Byronic poem- a hero, an outcast and a rebel who is at war with society and tramples on its social and moral standards; "sin" gravitates over him, a crime usually cloaked in mystery and outwardly presented as suffering.

In March 1830, the Moscow boarding house was transformed into a gymnasium by decree of the Senate. In 1830 Lermontov retired "by request" and spent the summer in estate near Moscow Stolypin Serednikovo; in the same year, after passing the exams, he was enrolled in the moral and political department of Moscow University. By this time, Lermontov's first strong youthful passion for E. A. Sushkova (1812-1868), whom he met with his friend A. M. Vereshchagina, dates back to this time. The lyrical "cycle" of 1830 is associated with Sushkova ["To Sushkova", "The Beggar", "Stans" ("Look how calm my gaze is ..."), "Night", "Imitation of Byron" ("I did not forget at your feet ..."), "I do not love you: passions ..."]. Apparently, somewhat later, Lermontov experienced an even stronger, albeit short-lived, feeling for N. F. Ivanova (1813-1875), the daughter of the playwright F. F. Ivanov. During these years (1830-1832) the formation of the poet's personality takes place, and changing love interests are in many ways an attempt at personal self-affirmation. The genre of "excerpt" arises - lyrical reflection, in the center of which certain moment continuous introspection and self-understanding. The poems of 1830-1831 contain both social motifs and themes. Political lyrics in literally Lermontov is rare; socio-political problems, as a rule, appear in his system of philosophical and psychological reflections. This is especially noticeable in Lermontov's lyrics of the early 1830s. Moscow University lived philosophical and political interests, student circles and societies functioned in it (I. V. Stankevich, A. I. Herzen, V. G. Belinsky). There is no information about Lermontov's connection with them, but he may have shared the spirit of political opposition characteristic of them and even took part in a student action (expulsion from the audience of Professor M. Ya. Malov). These ideas found expression in him in The Turk's Complaints (1829) and a series of poems dedicated to European revolutions 1830-1831 ["July 30. (Paris) 1830", "July 10. (1830)"], the events of the Great french revolution("From Andrei Chenier", 1830-1831) and the era of Pugachevism ("Prediction", 1830). This is how the problems of Lermontov's first prose experience - the novel "Vadim" (1832-1834) with a wide panorama peasant uprising 1774-1775

The addressee of Lermontov's lyrical poems during this period was V. A. Lopukhina (1815-1851), in the marriage of Bakhmetev, the sister of a university friend Lermontov. Lermontov's feeling for her turned out to be the strongest and most lasting. Lopukhina was the addressee or prototype both in early poems ["To Lermontov" ("I did not forget others at the feet ...", 1831), "She is not proud of her beauty ...", 1832, and others], and in later works : "Valerik", dedication to the VI edition of "Demon"; her image passes in the poem "No, I do not love you so passionately", in "Princess of Lithuania" (Vera). In 1830-1831, early lyrical creativity the poet reaches the top; then the decline begins.

After 1832, Lermontov turned to the ballad ("Reed", 1832; "Desire" - "Open the dungeon for me", 1832; "Mermaid", 1832) and prose.

In the poems of Lermontov at that time, two thematic groups: one tends to medieval Russian history ("The Last Son of Liberty", 1831; "Litvinka", 1832), the other - to exotic Caucasian themes ("Izmail Bay", 1832; "Aul Bastuidzhya". 1833-1834; "Khadzhi- Abrek", 1833).

In 1832 Lermontov left Moscow University and moved to St. Petersburg, hoping to continue his education at St. Petersburg University; however, he was refused credit for the courses he took in Moscow. In order not to start training again, Lermontov accepts the advice of his relatives to choose a military field; in November 1832 he passed exams at the School of Guards ensigns and cavalry junkers and spends two years in military educational institution, where military service, duty, parades left almost no time for creative activity(the life of the school was reflected in a roughly naturalistic form in the so-called Junker poems - "Peterhof Holiday", "Ulansha", "Hospital" - all 1834). It revived in 1835, when Lermontov was released as a cornet in the Life Guards Hussar Regiment (September 1834); in the same year, the poem "Khadzhi Abrek" was published - the first appearance of the Lermontovs in print (according to legend, the manuscript was referred to the journal without the knowledge of the author). Lermontov censored the first edition of the drama "Masquerade", works on the poems "Sashka", "Boyarin Orsha", begins the novel "Princess Ligovskaya". It is known about Lermontov's acquaintance with A. N. Muravyov, I. I. Kozlov and S. A. Raevsky and A. A. Kraevsky close to the emerging Slavophil circles. In the novel The Princess of Lithuania (1836; unfinished; published in 1882), Lermontov for the first time turns to social life writing, anticipating the "physiology" of the 1840s. At the same time, Lermontov was working on "Masquerade" (1835-1836), the first work that he considered worthy of publication, he submitted it to dramatic censorship three times and remade it twice; the drama, however, was banned.

In the period 1836-1837. Lermontov creates "Boyar Orsha" (1835-1836), the first original and mature poem. Orsha - Lermontov's first attempt to create historical character- a feudal lord of the era of Grozny, who lives by the laws of boyar honor. This theme was continued in "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, young oprichnik and daring merchant Kalashnikov" (1838). A kind of analogue of "Songs ..." in Lermontov's lyrics was "Borodino", a response to the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino (1837) - a "micro-epos" about people's war 1812.

In 1835-1836 Lermontov was not yet included in the nearest Pushkin circle; he is also unfamiliar with Pushkin. All the more fundamental is his poem "The Death of a Poet" (1837; published 1858), written immediately upon receipt of the news of Pushkin's death. February 18, 1837 Lermontov was arrested; began a political case about "impermissible verses." Under arrest, Lermontov writes several poems: "Neighbor" ("Whoever you are, my sad neighbor"), "Prisoner", which marked the beginning of a brilliant "cycle" of his "prison lyrics": "Neighbour", "Captured Knight" (both - 1840) and others.

In February 1837 he was given highest order on the transfer of Lermontov as an ensign to Nizhny Novgorod dragoon regiment to the Caucasus; in March he left via Moscow. Having caught a cold on the road, he was left for treatment (in Stavropol, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk; on the way to the regiment, he "traveled the Line all along, from Kizlyar to Taman, crossed the mountains, was in Shusha, in Kuba, in Shemakhi, in Kakheti, dressed in Circassian style, with a gun over his shoulders, spent the night in an open field, fell asleep to the cry of jackals ... ", was in Tiflis in November. In 1837 he writes folk tale about Ashik-Kerib ("Ashik-Kerib"), trying to convey the flavor of oriental speech and the psychology of the "Turkish" narrator; folk character the poet revealed in "Gifts of the Terek", "Cossack lullaby"," The Fugitive ". In Pyatigorsk and Stavropol, he meets with N. M. Satin, whom he knew from the Moscow boarding school, Belinsky, Dr. N. V. Mayer (the prototype of Dr. Werner in "Princess Mary"); meets the exiled Decembrists (S I. Krivtsov, V. M. Golitsyn, V. N. Likharev, M. A. Nazimov) and closely converges with A. I. Odoevsky ("In memory of A. I. Odoevsky", 1830).

During the exile and later, the artistic talent of Lermontov, who had been fond of painting since childhood, was especially revealed. He owns watercolors, oil paintings, drawings - landscapes, genre scenes, portraits and caricatures; the best of them are related to the Caucasian theme. The Caucasian link was shortened by the efforts of the grandmother through A. X. Benckendorff. In October 1837, an order was given to transfer Lermontov to the Grodno Hussars (in the Novgorod province), and then to the Life Guards Hussars, stationed in Tsarskoye Selo. In the 2nd floor. January 1838 Lermontov returns to St. Petersburg. 1838-1841 - the years of his literary glory. He immediately falls into the Pushkin literary circle, gets acquainted with V.A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Vyazemsky, P. A. Pletnev, V. A. Sollogub, adopted in the Karamzin family. At the Karamzin Lermontovs the day before last link read Clouds. In 1840, in St. Petersburg, the only lifetime collections"Poems" and "Hero of Our Time".

By 1840, Lermontov's legacy already included about 400 poems, about 30 poems, not counting dramas and unfinished prose works. The vast majority of Lermontov's works were published posthumously. In 1838-1840, the poet was a member of the "Circle of Sixteen" - an aristocratic youth society, part of military environment, united by the laws of corporate behavior and the political opposition of the participants. During this period, Pushkin's beginnings seem to come to life in his poetry and prose. However, the foundations of Lermontov's prose (as well as poetry) are in many ways the opposite of Pushkin's; he is not characterized by the laconicism of Pushkin's prose and the poetics of "harmonic accuracy" in poetry. Lermontov does not develop close relations with Pushkin's circle: Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, and Pletnev are far from accepting everyone in his work. Just as "selectively" accept it and emerging Moscow Slavophile circles. For his part, Lermontov kept an eye on the activities of future Slavophiles (A. S. Khomyakova, Yu. F. Samarin), maintained personal ties with them, published the ballad "Dispute" in "Moskvityanin" (1841), but remained cold to socio-philosophical the foundations of their teachings ("Motherland", 1841). The strongest relations are established by Lermontov with the journal "Domestic Notes". It is there that most of the lifetime and posthumous publications of Lermontov's poems appear, as well as "Bela", "Fatalist", "Taman".

In February 1840, at a ball at the Countess Laval, Lermontov had a clash with the son of the French envoy E. Barant; the immediate cause was secular rivalry - the preference given to Prince Lermontov. M. A. Shcherbatova, whom Barant was interested in and Lermontov was attracted to in 1839-1840. The quarrel, however, outgrew a personal framework and acquired the significance of an act of protecting national dignity. On February 18, a duel took place, ending in reconciliation. Lermontov was nevertheless brought to court-martial; under arrest he is visited by friends and literary acquaintances. Under arrest, a new explanation of Lermontov and Barant took place, which worsened the course of the case. In April 1840, an order was given to transfer the poet to the Tengin Infantry Regiment in active army to the Caucasus. In June, he arrived in Stavropol, in the main apartment of the commander of the Caucasian line, General P. Kh. bloody battle at r. Valerik.

In early February 1841, having received a two-month vacation, Lermontov arrived in St. Petersburg. He is presented for an award for bravery, but Nicholas I rejects the submission. The poet spends 3 months in the capital surrounded by attention; he is full of creative plans, hoping to get resigned and surrender literary activity. He is interested in the spiritual life of the East, which he came into contact with in the Caucasus; in several of his works, he deals with the problems of the "eastern world outlook" ("Tamara", "Dispute"). April 14, 1841, not receiving a reprieve, Lermontov returned to the Caucasus. In May, he arrives in Pyatigorsk and receives permission to stay for treatment at mineral waters. Here he writes a number of poems: "Dream", "Cliff", "They loved each other ...", "Tamara", "Date", "Leaflet", "I go out alone on the road ...", " sea ​​princess"," The Prophet ". In Pyatigorsk, Lermontov finds a society of former acquaintances, including his comrade from the School of Junkers Martynov. At one of the evenings in the Pyatigorsk Verzilin family, Lermontov's jokes hurt Martynov. The quarrel led to a challenge; not attaching importance to the quarrel, Lermontov accepted it, not intending to shoot his comrade, and was killed on the spot.Buried in the family crypt in Tarkhany.

Lermontov M.Yu. - biography Lermontov M.Yu. - biography

Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich (1814 - 1841)
Lermontov M.Yu.
Russian poet, writer. Born in Moscow on the night of October 15 (according to the old style - October 3), 1814. The Russian branch of the Lermontov family dates back to George Lermontov, a native of Scotland, taken prisoner during the siege of the Belaya fortress. Since 1613 he has been listed on " State service"and owns estates in the Galich district. To early XIX in. the Lermontov family was already considered seedy. Mikhail's father, Yuri Petrovich, was a retired infantry captain. His estate, Kropotovka, in the Efremov district of the Tula province, was located next to the Vasilyevsky estate, which belonged to Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, nee Stolypin. The beauty and metropolitan gloss of Yuri Petrovich captivated the only daughter of Arsenyeva Maria Mikhailovna, and, despite the protests of a proud mother, Maria became the wife of a poor " army officer"Constantly ill, Lermontov's mother died in the spring of 1817. Lermontov's grandmother, Arsenyeva, transferred to her grandson all her love for dead daughter, but the worse she began to treat her son-in-law, the hostility to which lasted until his death: already on the 9th day after the death of his wife, Yuri Petrovich was forced to leave his son and leave for his estate. Arsenyeva moved with her grandson to the Tarkhany estate, Penza province. A serious illness, which chained the child to bed for a long time, taught him to be alone. When the boy was 10 years old, he was taken to the Caucasus, to the waters. Here he first learned the feeling of love when he met a girl of 9 years old. Lermontov's first teachers were a fugitive Greek, home doctor Anselm Lewis and a captive officer of the Napoleonic Guards, a Frenchman Cape, who had the most strong influence. Later teachers were the French emigrant Shandro and the Englishman Windson. In 1828, Lermontov entered the Moscow University Noble boarding school, where in "Morning Dawn", one of the handwritten journals compiled by students, he became the main employee and placed the first poem "Indian Woman". In the spring of 1830, the Noble Boarding School was transformed into a gymnasium, and Lermontov left it. In the autumn of 1830, he entered Moscow University in the "moral and political department", where he stayed for less than two years. The professors, remembering his brash antics, cut him off in public examinations. Not wanting to stay for a second year, he moved with his grandmother to St. Petersburg. Lermontov did not get to St. Petersburg University, because. he was not credited for a two-year stay in Moscow and was offered to take the entrance exam for the first year. On the advice of his friend Stolypin, he decided to enter the school of guards cadets and ensigns, where he was enrolled on November 10, 1832, "first as a non-commissioned officer, then as a cadet." Almost simultaneously with him, his future killer, N.S., also entered school. Martynov, in whose biographical notes the Junker poet is depicted as a young man, "so much superior to his mental development all other comrades, that it is impossible to draw parallels between them. "Lermontov stayed at the school for "two terrible years", plunging into the "revelry" that reigned at the school. in Tsarskoe Selo. He is in society, where he amuses himself by driving women crazy and "unsetting parties", for which he "plays out of himself in love." Lermontov's first appearance in print dates back to 1835, when one of his comrades, without him knowing, he gave the story "Hadji Abrek" to the "Library for Reading". The story was a success. When the news of Pushkin's death spread, some, "especially ladies, justified Pushkin's opponent", finding that "Pushkin had no right to demand love from his wife his own, because he was jealous, bad-looking." Indignation seized the poet and a poem appeared, ending with the words: "And his seal is on his lips." When Stolypin began to blame Pushkin under Lermontov, he wrote a passionate challenge in a fit of anger " haughty descendants"(Last 16 verses). The poem was understood as a" appeal to the revolution. "The case began, and a few days later (February 25), by the Highest order, Lermontov was transferred to the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment, which operated in the Caucasus. Thanks to the connections of my grandmother, On October 11, 1837, he was transferred to the Life Guards of the Grodno Hussars, to Novgorod, and on April 9, 1838, to his former Life Guards Hussar Regiment. Lermontov returns to " big light", where he again plays the role of a" lion ". On February 16, 1840, at a ball at the Countess Laval, there was a quarrel with Barant, the son of the French envoy. As a result, a duel ended successfully, but entailed a transfer to the Tengin Infantry Regiment in the Caucasus. In two campaigns - to Small and Big Chechnya - Lermontov attracted the attention of the head of the detachment "by his quickness, fidelity of sight, ardent courage" and was presented with a golden saber with the inscription: "for courage". In January 1841 he received leave and left for St. Petersburg, and returning, he stopped in Pyatigorsk, where there was a fatal quarrel with a retired major Martynov, ending in a duel. Lermontov's funeral, despite all the efforts of friends, could not be performed according to the church rite. The official announcement of his death read: "June 15, around 5 o'clock in the evening, a terrible storm broke out with thunder and lightning; at that very time, between the mountains of Mashuk and Beshtau, M.Yu., who was being treated in Pyatigorsk, died. Lermontov". According to Prince Vasilchikov, in St. Petersburg, in high society, the death of the poet was greeted with the words: "He is dear there." In the spring of 1842, Lermontov's ashes were transported to Tarkhany, and in 1899 a monument to Lermontov was erected in Pyatigorsk, erected on an All-Russian subscription.
Among the works - poems, dramas, poems, novels: "Indian Woman" (1828, poem), " Prisoner of the Caucasus"(1828, poem, first published - 1859, in full - 1891), "Corsair" (1828, poem, first published - 1859, in full - 1891), "Demon" (1829-1834, 1837-1838, poem), " A strange man"(1831, drama), "Angel of Death" (1831, poem), "Strange Man" (1831, drama), "Izmail Bay" (1832, poem), "Hadji Abrek" (1834, poem), " Panorama of Moscow" (1834), "Boyarin Orsha" (1835, poem), "Masquerade" (1835 - 1836, drama), "Princess Ligovskaya" (1836, novel), "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov" (1937?, poem), "Borodino" (1837), "The Death of a Poet" (1837), "A Hero of Our Time" (1838-1839, novel), "Mtsyri" (1839, poem), "Testament" ( 1840), "Motherland" (1841), "Farewell, unwashed Russia"(1841)," Tamara "(1841),
Information sources:
"Russian Biographical Dictionary"
Encyclopedic resource www.rubricon.com (Large soviet encyclopedia, encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron, Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg", Encyclopedia "Moscow")
Project "Russia congratulates!" - www.prazdniki.ru

(Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom." www.foxdesign.ru)

Consolidated encyclopedia aphorisms. Academician. 2011 .

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Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is a famous Russian poet. More than 170 years have passed since his death. And the works still find a response in the hearts of people. His work lives in performances, films, books. At school, students read the immortal novel "A Hero of Our Time". Even though teachers read this work every year, they still discover something new for themselves. The life of Mikhail Lermontov contributed huge contribution in the development of Russian literature.

Birth and childhood

The poet came from a wealthy family. Maternal grandfather, Mikhail Vasilyevich Arseniev, a retired lieutenant of the guard, married Elizabeth from the powerful and wealthy Stolypin family. In marriage, they acquired the village of Tarkhany. The father of Elizaveta Stolypina was elected for several years by the Penza provincial marshal of the nobility.

But the father of the famous poet, Yuri Petrovich Lermontov, could not boast of his origin, he really did not have money and influence in society. He retired with the rank of infantry captain. Maria Mikhailovna Arsenyeva, the writer's mother, married against the will of her parents, for love. But the husband did not live up to expectations, drank and spent the dowry on women lung behavior, so living together the couple did not ask. The writer was born in Moscow in 1814. His birth did not correct the tense situation in the family. Already at the age of four, the boy experienced great grief. His mother died. Mikhail was brought up by his grandmother, Elizaveta Arsenyeva. The child spent all his childhood in the Penza province in the village of Tarkhany. The father received a generous compensation and did not interfere in the upbringing of the child at the request of the mother-in-law. The boy was very sickly and frail, so elderly woman constantly took care of his health, limiting the activity of his grandson and vigilantly supervising him.

Youth and education

The young man in 1828 entered the Noble boarding house at Moscow University. Later he studied in it at the moral and political faculty, but did not graduate from it. Mikhail Yurievich had a desire to leave to study at St. Petersburg University. But he couldn't do it.

As a result, the poet studied at the school of guards cadets and ensigns, where life introduced him to his future executioner, Nikolai Martynov. In 1834, Mikhail was sent to serve in the hussar regiment.

History of success

First works

The early work of the poet is based on the works of Alexander Pushkin: the poems "Circassians" and "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Mikhail Yurievich considered the year 1828 to be the beginning of the journey. In that year, the poems "Autumn", "Cupid's Delusion", "Poet" were written. The author began with a description of nature, then he became interested in love and rebellious lyrics, and at the end of his life more attention paid philosophical topics and civic motives.


Lermontov was very fond of the work of Alexander Sergeevich. He did not think that he would take a piece of the fate of the great poet. Even fame touched Lermontov when the people heard the poem “On the Death of a Poet” dedicated to the sun of Russian poetry. This work shocked secular society. Details from this period of his life we ​​described .

Lermontov, like a warrior, came to Russian literature. Therefore, his creative world teaches readers to reject any obstacles and treat themselves strictly. The lyrical hero of the poet stands at the crossroads between the real and the ideal world. His rebellious nature is often immersed in daydreams.

The story of the poet Lermontov began not only with recognition, but also with punishment: for free-thinking lines he was sent into exile.

Personal life

Varvara Lopukhina

Throughout his life, the poet was accompanied by an unhappy love for Varvara Lopukhina. Varya came from of old kind. The writer met the girl on the way to the Simonov Monastery for the vigil. Lopukhina was the sister of his friend Alexei. Lermontov fell in love with her character. Varvara was a cheerful, sociable and smiling girl, a wonderful muse. Mutual feeling gave the young poet inspiration, but, unfortunately, the paths of the lovers did not merge into one.

Rumors broke the crystal and pure love young. In 1832, Mikhail went to St. Petersburg to study at the cadet school. New life eclipsed the image dear to the heart of Barbara. Stories about the stormy and passionate romance between Lermontov and Sushkova reached the girl. Lopukhina decided to take a desperate step - she married, at the request of her parents, not a young, but rich Bekhmetov. Parents were sure that the daughter pulled out lottery ticket in life - a happy marriage. But they were wrong. Their daughter never found out what family happiness is, which all ladies dream of. Bekhmetov's jealousy knew no bounds, so Lopukhina was like a bird in a cage.

The poet regarded the wedding of his beloved as a betrayal. Mikhail was jealous of Varvara, but he could not do anything. I suffered, but time could not be returned back. The pain of the soul remained only on paper. The life tragedy changed the character of the young man. In the Caucasus, he dedicated poems to Lopukhina-Bekhmetova, painted her portraits. Over time, the zealous egoistic love of Lermontov was replaced by a merciful one. The poet was happy that he knew such a beautiful girl. He did not blame her, but wished only the best.

Ekaterina Sushkova

The author's heart belonged to Lopukhina, but there were other women in his life too. Mikhail really liked Sushkova. She was an orphan, so her aunt was involved in her upbringing. Catherine had a girlfriend, Alexander Vereshchagin. She has a young lady in her house and met the writer.

Lermontov dedicated to his beloved "Sushkov's cycle" of eleven poems. Catherine mockingly treated bright youthful feelings. Four years later, their paths crossed in St. Petersburg. Even then, Mikhail became an officer in the Life Guards of the Hussar Regiment. And the beautiful Catherine flirted with men, but was going to marry Alexei Lopukhin. The poet's love for Sushkova grew into resentment and a desire for revenge. The poet fell in love with an almost married lady, disrupted her wedding. He inspired her with hope for a happy future together, and then broke up with her.

Other women Lermontov left not like that deep trace in his life and work, so we can only say that his love story did not end with a happy ending: he was not married, he died young. He didn't have children.

  1. In 1840, the only lifetime edition of Lermontov's works was published. Censorship prohibited the publication of many of his works.
  2. The midwife looked at the newborn Misha and said that he would not die a natural death.
  3. People learned about the duel between Martynov and Lermontov. They thought that Nikolai would be killed, because he was a scythe and did not shoot well. But it was in a duel with famous poet he didn't miss. Not surprising, because Mikhail Yuryevich constantly ridiculed him in society, and a friend harbored a grudge for a long time.
  4. Lermontov was an interesting poet, fine artist and was good at math.
  5. Mikhail is the second cousin of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, the famous reformer.
  6. Mikhail Yurievich had terrible character: he was a bilious joker, a cynic and closed person. He hated the service, but he could not find another occupation for himself.
  7. Lermontov was very offended by his grandmother because she forbade them to see their father.


The image of Lermontov in the lyrics

The image of the poet in the lyrics is tragic. He lost faith in the feasibility of his dream of an ideal. Mikhail Yuryevich in his poems seems to be trying to break through the wall of misunderstanding between himself and the world.

His lyrical hero- a rebellious and underestimated person. He most often complains to women, because even in life a man lacked their attention. He associates himself with a beggar, a hermit, a wanderer, etc. In each main character of Lermontov's works, we see the features of the author himself. The unhappy childhood of Mtsyri echoes the fate of Mikhail Yuryevich himself, separated from his father. In the character of Pechorin, we see the same uncertainty of goals and objectives, the same disdain for women, the same fatal wit as that of the writer himself.

Main topics

The poet in his work affects different topics: loneliness, homeland, the relationship of the crowd and the poet, love, etc. The first two themes are common. The poet raises the theme of loneliness in the poems: “Sail”, “Prisoner”, “Loneliness”, “Both boring and sad” and in many others. Lermontov always considered himself a stranger in any company. Society did not understand and did not accept him.

The theme of the motherland is found in the works: “Farewell, unwashed Russia”, “Borodino”, “I ran through the countries of Russia”. The poet revealed this theme through the struggle for freedom with the slave chains of autocracy or through confrontation with the real invader of his native land.


Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov could not even imagine that he had known his executioner for a very long time. Nikolai Martynov - close friend and a killer. The death of the poet is a mystery because there are many versions. One of the causes of death is the very caustic language of the poet. He knew weak sides of your surroundings. Once Lermontov decided to play a trick on Martynov. He called him "a man with a dagger", "highlander", drew cartoons, people laughed for a long time. But Mikhail did not even mean that a cruel joke would be the beginning of the end of life. Martynov asked not to joke in front of the ladies, but Lermontov continued. After that, Nikolai set the date for the fight, but none of those around him took this statement seriously. Mikhail could have reconciled with an old friend, but for some reason he did not dare to take this step. They tried to dissuade Nikolai Solomovich from the duel, but the mood was resolute. Lermontov's friends thought that the duel would end in reconciliation. Even the conditions were violated: there was no doctor, there were no allocated seconds, there were spectators. Martynov was afraid of the ridicule of society, so he shot in the chest, once and for all.

The famous poet died instantly after being wounded. He was buried on July 17 at the Pyatigorsk cemetery. Grandmother quarreled with the authorities to give permission for the burial of the body in Tarkhany. There he was buried after 250 days.

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Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is a Russian prose writer and poet. He was born on October 15, 1814 in Moscow. He is known throughout the world for his works, as well as for the influence that his work had on the painting and cinema of that time. He became one of the few authors whose works influenced the formation of writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. He skillfully combined in them personal and philosophical ideas, as well as issues that worried society.

According to unconfirmed reports, the Lermontov family is rooted in Scotland, which was repeatedly reflected in the works of Mikhail Yuryevich. In addition, in adolescence he claimed that his family was descended from the Italian figure - Francisco Lerma. Similar fantasies were later displayed in the work "Italians".

Interesting facts from the biography of M. Yu. Lermontov

The life of the Lermontov family was constantly filled with scandals and intrigues. Mikhail Lermontov's grandfather often cheated on his wife with a neighbor whose husband long time was in another country for work. The grandfather's life ended tragically: he drank poison when he found out about the return of his mistress's husband home. After that, the estate and serfs, which at that time were already more than 600 people, began to manage the grandmother of the future poet - Elizaveta Alekseevna from the Stolypin family.

Mikhail's father lived in a neighboring village, which was located next to the Lermontov estate. That is how he met Maria Arsenyeva (the poet's mother). Family happiness lasted very little, as frequent betrayals and misunderstandings began. As a result constant stress Lermontov's mother died at the age of 21 (the girl got married at the age of 17). After that, the boy's father ran away, leaving his son to be raised by Elizaveta Alekseevna (grandmother).

Thanks to clear mind and the erudition of his grandmother, who loved her grandson very much, Lermontov received an excellent education at home. She tried to invest everything she could in her grandson, his development and improve his naturally weak health. At the same time, she completely cut off contact with Mikhail's father, who did not even try to take part in the upbringing. All these events are described in detail in the poet's work called "Menschen und Leidenschaften", which he wrote as a teenager.

Lermontov was a rather sickly boy who constantly struggled with various serious diseases. All this is displayed in the story in the work "Tales", where the double of the author himself acts as the main character. Here you can find stories about his communication with his father and grandmother, memories of childhood. It also means that for the treatment and care of a constantly ill boy, the grandmother hired a French doctor, who was engaged in restoring the health of young Lermontov.

Childhood years of the future poet

Grandmother took up the education of her grandson very seriously, inviting the best teachers for the study foreign languages, literature and exact sciences. Unfortunately, the boy himself did not have a childhood, since all his time was occupied with learning. This is what led to distrust of the world around and strong disappointment in it, becoming the main "inspirer" for writing numerous works.

Lermontov was very fond of nature and mountains, he was a dreamy and romantic boy who constantly tried to escape from real world in his invented. Also with early age he got involved in literature. The boy could read books for hours famous authors, which were collected in a huge library in Tarkhany.

Lermontov's further education took place at the Noble University Boarding School, where the boy entered the 4th grade immediately. It was here that he was instilled with a taste for literature and taught to correctly express his experiences through writing. As a result, already in 1829 the first essays on the "Demon" appeared and a large number of poems.

A year later, becoming interested in the works of Byron, the poet writes the poem "Prediction", in which he compares himself with English writer. At this time, he also met the beautiful Natalia, to whom he would later devote more than 30 poems. But their relationship soon ends due to the girl's betrayal, which is also reflected in the poems, most of which talk about pain and emotional experiences poet.

After entering Moscow University, Lermontov begins to attend thematic circles and actively write new works. Here he writes the student drama "Strange Man", the protagonist which is the embodiment of the author himself. Of course, this was not the only drama written by Lermontov during his studies, since during this period his talent began to actively mature. But after two years of study, he has to leave his studies at the university and move to St. Petersburg.

Lermontov's adult life

After moving to St. Petersburg, Lermontov wants to go to university again. But he is refused to count 2 years of study in Moscow and enroll in the 1st year again. Under pressure from relatives and grandmother, the young man therefore has to go to the Cavalry School. The time spent here, he later called "ill-fated years", expressing his experiences in the text of "Junker Prayers" and the novel "Vadim". At the same time, Lermontov began to take an interest in drama, as a result of which numerous works in this genre appeared.

After graduating from college, Mikhail Yurievich became a cornet in the Hussar regiment. At that time, he liked to play the role of a tyrant of women's hearts, which led to the idea of ​​​​taking revenge on the girl who rejected and cruelly acted with the lover Lermontov while still living with her grandmother. The young man breaks up the family of his former lover, after which he leaves her and exposes their romance to the public.

At this time, for the first time, the author's works, "Khadzhi Abrek", were published. But the debut was unsuccessful and Lermontov agreed to the publication of his works only a few years later. A Hero of Our Time is a novel that was published next. And already in 1840, his only lifetime edition was published, consisting of 26 poems and several poems.

AT next year, July 15, Lermontov died during a duel with Nikolai Martynov. The main reason for the challenge to the duel, Martynov pointed out "frequent barbs and ridicule in his direction," which Lermontov uttered at each meeting. The poet was buried on the territory of the old Pyatigorsk cemetery on July 17, 1841.

On the night of October 2 to 3, 1814, in Moscow, in the family of army captain Yuri Petrovich Lermontov and nineteen-year-old Maria Mikhailovna (nee Arsenyeva), a boy named Mikhail was born, for whom fate had prepared a great, but dramatic future.

Mikhail Yuryevich on his father's side is a Scot, on his mother's side he is Russian.

In Scotland, where the Tweed merges with the Leader, the ruins of Ersildoun Castle are still intact, which are now called the Lermontov Tower. The most distant ancestor of the Lermontovs in 1061 was the leader of King Malcolm and participated in the struggle against Macbeth, who inspired the great Shakespeare, whose drama is still admired and amazed by the audience of all culturally developed countries.

The marriage of the parents of the future poet, concluded against the will of the mother of the bride, the Penza landowner Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, was difficult to call happy.

In 1817 Mikhail's mother died. The father was not allowed to see the boy, and Misha spent all his childhood under the care of his grandmother, who loved him madly, did not spare any money for his upbringing. Misha loved his grandmother, but she never became a close person to her grandson.

What is it like to live without parents - it is not worth talking about it in detail. This fact, and the mutual enmity between the grandmother and the father of the future poet, caused the child considerable suffering, and in the end, all this affected his character, state of mind. Misha was sick a lot, experienced a lot of bodily torment.

He often plunged into an unreal world of dreams and dreams, worries and sadness.

For the purpose of recovery in 1825, the grandmother took her grandson to North Caucasus, for treatment mineral waters. wonderful pictures opened to Lermontov in the Caucasus. He fell in love with this marvelous land with all his heart.

In 1827, Mikhail Lermontov and his grandmother, Elizaveta Alekseevna, went to Moscow to study. In 1828, Mikhail entered the Noble University Boarding School. The teachers (mostly professors of Moscow University) turned out to be beyond praise.

In 1829, M.Yu. Lermontov brilliantly completed his course at the Noble Boarding School.

Grandmother won Michael from his father before the age of sixteen. The father patiently withstood this period. Previously, he rarely saw his son. But in Moscow, while the boy was studying at a boarding school, Yuri Petrovich often met him and often even took part in his classes, became very close to him and decided not to yield his son to his grandmother.

The fight began. Grandmother did not want to part with her pet, reminded him of loneliness, that she would not survive separation, that her life would be aimless if he left her and went to his father. Misha felt sorry for both his grandmother and his father; he was terribly agitated, extremely irritable; but a feeling of compassion for the old woman took over, and he stayed with his grandmother. Father, excited, shocked by this, left Moscow for his village and soon died there.

Then a bitter epitaph poured out from under the pen of Mikhail Yuryevich. A sixteen-year-old boy became disillusioned with people - he has a number of gloomy poems. He makes sure that the world does not correspond to his cherished thoughts, and, looking back at his short past and seeing clearly the present, he says: “I feel lonely among people; in my mind I created another world and other images of existence.

At this time, he, looking more vigilantly at himself, finds that he is marked by fate, that the earthly world is cramped for him, and begins to live exclusively on his own. inner world, with his inspiration and love for nature, which is what he lives for for a short time. Even then it already seemed to the young man that everything was changing him, only the sounds of the lyre could not be changed ... inspiration saves from petty worries. He believes in the depths of his soul that his "mind is not trivially striving for something secret."

In the spring of 1830, M.Yu. Lermontov entered Moscow University, but he did not stay there for long. In 1832, the future poet, against his wishes, was drawn into a story with one of the professors, and therefore left the university and Moscow and moved with his grandmother to St. Petersburg.

At Petersburg University, he was offered to start classes again from the first year. This seemed to the young man tedious and boring, and he entered the school of the guards junkers.

Strict discipline and a certain emptiness of life worried him. Military prowess did not capture Mikhail - in his soul he was completely different. At young man there were many enemies, since often his caustic ridicule, witticisms, sharp as a razor, irritated. Inspiration, poetic daydreams saved him here too. He went into his work, only then he was himself. Life dragged on monotonously, but time flew by quickly.

In November 1834, Lermontov graduated from the cadet school and was promoted to cornet of the Life Guards Hussars, stationed in Tsarskoye Selo. At this time, without his will, his poem "Khadzhi Abrek" appeared on the pages of the "Library for Reading" magazine.

In the military circle, Mikhail Yuryevich was already known as a poet, but general fame came to him in January 1837.

It was difficult time- Lermontov was extremely restless when the sad news (the poet Pushkin, wounded in a duel by Dantes, died) reached him. What happened deeply shocked him. The aspiring poet passionately loved Pushkin from childhood, and the bitter news stirred his soul, and he abandoned secular society mine iron verse, doused with bile, which later became known to everyone and everyone: "The poet died ...".

The poem also reached Emperor Nicholas I. Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich also read it. He, smiling, said: "Oh, how did he (Lermontov) disagree."

Glory came, but the poet was transferred from the cornets of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment as an ensign to the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment, which was stationed in the Caucasus, where he was supposed to retire.

Again, before Lermontov, the Caucasus, dear to his soul, again shines with eternal snow before his eyes, Elbrus - Shat-mountain, leaving in the clouds. Marvelous images, wonderful poetic dreams capture his soul, and he writes a lot, quickly, with inspiration. His wonderful epic “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov” was also written there.

The fame of the poet is growing; but he feels his loneliness more and more and moves further away from people. Grandmother intercedes for her pet, he is returned back to St. Petersburg, assigned to the Grodno Hussars, then transferred to the same one in which he served before exile. 1839 and the beginning of 1840 are coming. Many of his major works in verse and prose are published and accepted with enthusiasm.

And suddenly, at the beginning of 1840, a new unpleasant story for M.Yu. Lermontov: an insignificant conversation that took place at the ball at the ball of Countess Laval with Barant, the son of the French envoy to the Russian court, led to the fact that Barant challenged Lermontov to a duel. This duel ended in nothing - Lermontov shot into the air, and the opponents remained safe and sound.

But the poet was again sent to the Caucasus, where he was transferred to the Tenginsky Infantry Regiment. In April, he left the capital and went to the mountains dear to him, this time sadly parting with St. Petersburg. Longing and heavy forebodings crushed his heart.

In this, 1840, Lermontov took part in military expedition against the highlanders, where he distinguished himself by courage at the river Valerik and wrote a poem there under this name. That year, several poems and two new stories were published from his pen: "Maxim Maksimovich" and "Princess Mary".

At the end of 1840, at the request of his grandmother, Mikhail Yuryevich was allowed to leave for St. Petersburg, where he spent certain time, and then again went to his regiment, to the Caucasus, having been in transit for several weeks in Moscow. This was his last trip to the mountains, where a few months later, at the sole of a shaggy, like a Persian hat, Mashuk, near Pyatigorsk, on July 15, 1841, in the evening, in a terrible thunderstorm, he was killed in a duel by Captain Martynov.

Thus, another “sun of Russian poetry” set - just as the genius Pushkin was killed, the same fate befell Mikhail Lermontov.