Good habits of rich people. Statistics of the rich in Ukraine

What is important for successful business: idea, finance, sales market? What is the difference between businessmen and people who are employed? Does business need support, protectionism from the state? Should those who want to open a business be afraid of a crisis? To questions Pravda. Ru was answered by the founder of the Mister Dors company, a member of the Party of Growth, businessman Maxim Valetsky.

Are businessmen born or made? It seems to me? all businessmen have something in common, and in the biography of a future businessman there is always a spoon or several fly in the ointment. I'm right?

- Of course, they are right. A businessman cannot but be an adventurer, because starting any business is, of course, an adventure. Of those businesses that I started, survived, God forbid, 15-20 percent. And these are not only my statistics, these are the statistics of most entrepreneurs. And if we take it as a whole, then out of 100 started companies, 95 die. Therefore, a person who climbs into history, where with a probability of 95 percent his business will fail, .

Does he usually know about it?

- Everyone believes that they will be in the five percent who will be successful.

- When you first found yourself in these 95 percent that burn out, what did you experience?

- It hurts, it's a shame, you start to analyze your mistakes. This is very big blow by self-love. I know a lot of people can't stand it. Moreover, I will say that most people failed, as a rule, they turn away from business and go to work for hire.

- And what makes you do business again and again, after the first failure? Love for money as such, or love for the freedom that money usually seems to give? Or a person simply cannot live without it?

- The basis is the feeling of a start, when there is an idea, when everything starts, everything starts to run. Start, drive, some new people, new ideas, new knowledge. It seems to me that this natural need adrenaline man. Entrepreneurs, in addition to money, have a thirst for adrenaline. But the desire for money is certainly, because entrepreneurs who do not want money are unsuccessful entrepreneurs. You can play sports, but still the measure is a medal. So, for businessmen, money is a kind of medal.

- Can it be that a person wants to do business, but does not know how?

“Over the years in business, I have developed one clear belief: the idea is nothing, the execution is everything. Since the scientific and technological revolution, which began to take place gradually in the 19th century, no one has really come up with any new business. All businesses are either trade in goods, or trade in information, or advertising. Everything that someone wanted to come up with has already been invented. Maybe the most genious idea ruined in the bud by a terrible execution.

— Renowned entrepreneur Warren Buffett, when asked by students prestigious colleges what kind of business is better to do in given time, said people will always have basic needs, therefore, he calls for investments, in particular, in the food industry. It's always 100 percent.

Absolutely, that's exactly what I wanted to say. He took over the investment formulas. He has a set of ten rules by which he invests. It must be an everyday need: Coca-Cola, or Insurance Company, or a large furniture network. That is, what is eternal, what is clear, what is transparent, and where good management. That's where he invests. What's genius here? On the contrary, the simpler the better. It would seem that it could not be easier. The whole idea is in execution. The simplest person who does everything right, is confident in himself and goes right to the goal, can achieve a result simply through good execution.

- Could you specifically answer why the remaining 95 percent of business projects fail?

— Because somewhere, something slows down. Mistakes happen, and a lot depends on how well you fix them. Everyone makes mistakes. What matters next is what you did when this error happened to you. You sat down, lowered your arms and said: “I didn’t succeed as a businessman, I’ll go and retrain as a house manager.” Or you say: "No, it's just a mistake. Now we are closing everything and reopening everything." That is, we must fight, seek, find and not give up.

- Now all over the world economic crises Does this mean that it is practically useless to start a business today?

— No, absolutely. On the contrary, whenever something closes, something opens. For example, now you can help people save money. This is also a business. As Ostap Bender said, one of my favorites literary heroes: "My business is honestly taking money from the population." In honest! People have always had, have and will have needs, so we need to look for those needs that arise now. Suppose people are bad with money, then you need to become a consultant on how to deal with debts.

- If we take such a topic as business and the state, now a lot of businessmen go into politics. What is it connected with?

You see, we live in an extremely difficult political times, This is clear. I'm always for compromise. You can stand in strong opposition to the existing mindsets in society, and this is also a position, I respect it. But I believe that a more fruitful attitude is to cooperate, where possible, with existing government while defending their own interests. In my opinion, the system is changing from within, and not in a tough confrontation. In general, in Russia, the classical political indicators have changed a lot. I would most accurately define myself and my personal views as an "anarcho-capitalist". Anarcho-capitalism is the desire that the regulation of life should be minimal.

- That is, this is the "free hand of the market"?

- Yes, in many respects "the free hand of the market". I believe that any story that begins regulation almost automatically becomes ineffective. Let's even assume that no one steals. The Martians arrived and occupied all the posts where you can steal - and no one steals, but still there is a lot of coordination. For any official, the main thing is the validity of his own post, for this he will come up with regulation where it is not needed.

But, of course, I believe that the state is a house manager. A good house manager does not get into your apartment, is not interested in what you are doing there, who ate what, who goes where, with whom you live, with an official wife, or you are not scheduled, and so on. But he monitors everything that concerns the house itself, he eliminates accidents, makes sure that the roof is repaired on time, that there is order around the house, so that no one takes your land from the neighboring house. That is, in political sense the protection of borders, the protection of order is important. For me, the ideal state is a good house manager.

- Other businessmen say: "The state sets some goals, now - import substitution, for example. So let it support me." They cite the example of Europe, where farmers are strongly supported. To what extent is government support needed?

- I can say, my business specifically. Imagine that our business is one cell of a huge country. You cannot help one cell in the body, you have to do it in such a way as to help all the cells, the circulatory system of the body must work. Circulatory system economics is finance. Head economist of our Party, Yakov Mirkin says that in recent times abbreviated . Do you understand that entrepreneurs across the country simply have nowhere to go for a loan now? If blood does not flow through the veins, you cannot help one single cell, it is useless. The blood must move. That is precisely the task of the state.

We were told about funds that this is good, because the money will remain there for some critical times. Well, this money remained, they spent it not in this crisis, but in the next one. But at the same time, this money was not invested in roads, this money was not invested in infrastructure projects.

We will also be glad to see you in our communities in

The main measure of success can be called an “outside view”, that is, an external criterion. What do strangers think about your state of affairs? What are the grannies talking about at the entrance, seeing you off with their eyes? if you have good flat, a well-paid job, a car, a dacha, family and children, then, according to most of the inhabitants, you successful person. It is noteworthy that wealth usually placed in the first position. People who remember the post-war famine and devastation put wealth at the forefront as the most important indicator of success.

Inside view. So, according to the external criterion, you are a successful person. Do you really feel like that? The decisive criterion for evaluating success is not external, but internal indicator. How does a person feel in life, is he in his place?

Types and parameters of success.

Money - career - success.

Are you satisfied with your work, do you feel needed? Are you sure you are doing your job? Do you realize yourself as a professional, do your job duties with pleasure, do you feel satisfaction watching the results of your work? You can be congratulated, you have achieved success in the professional field! If at the same time you earn decent money, then you are doubly successful, both according to external and internal criteria. But does this mean that you are generally a successful person? No, life is multifaceted, let's look at other sections.

Relationship success.

Loneliness is a terrible ordeal. People need society. You have a loved one, your couple has a wonderful relationship, there is no place for misunderstanding. This is another plus in the treasury of success. If your partner is handsome, has two arms and legs, and is wealthy, then the public votes for it.

This also includes parent-child relationships and friendship. The mechanism is clear. Well-bred children are the delight of grandmothers, “bad company” is a minus. Yes, the gossips at the entrance know better what kind of friends you have.

Health is success.

If you are distinguished by good health, immediately attribute this to yourself as a plus. And unconditionally on both criteria. Perhaps this is the only point on which there can be no discrepancies.

Personal growth is success.

An important indicator of success is the self-development of a person. If you are religious or highly spiritual without intermediaries, engaged in self-improvement and spiritual enlightenment, you are no doubt on the path to success. By the way, self-development and spirituality can go completely unnoticed by outsiders, but for an internal criterion, this important indicator. As far as you are in harmony with yourself, satisfied with your position and moving on, you are so successful.

Dual understanding of success.

Relying only on external or only internal criteria for success is a futile exercise. What looks like the pinnacle of success from an external criterion, from an internal point of view, can turn out to be a complete disappointment.

Success examples.

Researcher in the prime of life. He is dressed casually, is not interested in everyday life, earns little, but his eyes are burning. Busy doing what you love, halfway to scientific discovery. If at the same time there is a wife - a friend and comrade-in-arms, healthy children, then we have an absolutely successful person from the point of view of an internal criterion. Outwardly, it looks like this - a healthy man suffers from nonsense for a penny, and his wife was not lucky.

Business man. Long hard work, as a result - good income, life is arranged on high level, dinners in expensive restaurants, trips twice a year, beautiful companions. But loved one no, he rarely sees children and. Externally - a person at the pinnacle of success, but internally - emptiness, sadness.

Conclusions suggest themselves, there is no single concept - a successful person. This is a set of parameters that everyone can look for, think about, study. It is not at all certain that researcher from the first example there are also children, rather they are not there, he is lonely and depressed. And only at work he comes to life, he is successful in his Business, but not in general, he cannot be called just a successful person. And of course, it is not at all necessary that a wealthy businessman suffer from loneliness, not at all. But he may at some point realize that you can’t make money all the time. He will look around and see how many destitute, unfortunate people are around, how many people with disabilities. And he wants to help, to give charity. And this will be his first step towards personal growth, to spiritual development and to success.


Such introspection, analysis of the pros and cons that are available is very useful and is actually a remedy for discouragement. Just think about how many successful things you have in your life. Are you secured? Great, a lot of people dream about it. You a good relationship with parents? Remarkably, few people can boast of sincere and kind communication with the older generation. Maybe you have funny children, you gave them happy childhood? It's just amazing, your children will grow up self-sufficient and. Are you complaining about your health? Great, you can move mountains! And if you are a thinking, thinking person, then you will definitely achieve your success. You understand that the most important thing is your inner criterion. You are able to understand yourself and understand what you still lack in order to be a truly successful person!


Name at least one historical figure, a prominent figure, scientist or painter, who can no doubt be called successful person in terms of both external and internal criteria. There are such? Use the search engine, look through the biography. Now what do you say?

Don't be afraid to take a step forward. perfect people never happens, there is always something to work on. You will succeed, the main thing is to realize what exactly you want and what real success is for you!

From time immemorial, a rich person can afford a lot, while most people survive on the last pennies. What are the statistics of rich people in Russia and what does the list look like poorest countries peace?

Statistics of poor and rich regions in the Russian Federation

In 2016, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and YNAO were recognized as the richest regions of Russia. Such an expert opinion was obtained by assessing the level of average wages by region, taking into account unemployment. At the same time, the income of Russia was compared with the subsistence minimum in each region under study, in order to display real amounts and a more visual representation. The obtained indicator on average in Russia reaches 3.9 points.

The leaders were:

  1. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, where the average is almost 6 times higher than the established subsistence level (5.76).
  2. Yamal - the indicator under consideration is 5.65.
  3. KhMAO - 5.18.
  4. Tyumen region - 4.93.

Among the poor regions in Russia were:

  1. Sverdlovsk region - the indicator used for comparison is at around 3.91 (average for Russia).
  2. Perm Territory - the situation here is somewhat worse - 3.59.
  3. Smolensk region - 2.73.
  4. Crimea - occupies last place by income (2.37).

City Data

The statistics of the rich and poor cities of Russia show a different picture, which does not coincide with the figures given by region:

  1. In 1st place is Primorsk, Leningrad region– medium wage in the city is 9 times higher than the subsistence level.
  2. Nadym - average salary 90.4 thousand rubles, which is significantly higher than in any other region of the country.
  3. New Urengoy.
  4. Lyantor.
  5. Naryan-Mar.
  6. Surgut.

The poorest cities in the Russian Federation are recognized:

  • Yuryuzan - an indicator of 1.81;
  • Armavir.

unemployment statistics

At the end of 2016, it reached 4.1 million people (5.4%). Most low level unemployment was recorded in Moscow (1.5%). Good level Yugra also showed that there are 3.5 unemployed per thousand people working in the city.

The main outsiders in this indicator are Ingushetia (more than 20% of the unemployed) and Chechen Republic(149.2 unemployed per 1000 inhabitants). The number of economically active population, according to estimates at the end of the year, amounted to 76.7 million people (52% of total residents of the country). Unemployment dynamics from 2000 to 2016:

Statistics of rich people in Russia

To whom in Russia to live well? and statistically rich? According to the research, a list of the most profitable professions has been compiled:

So how many rich people are in Russia in 2016? The statistics contain data on an increase in the number of wealthy Russians by 18.5% per year. According to estimates, 513,000 families currently have more than $1 million in their budgets. It can be concluded that in total 90% of Russia's national wealth is in the hands of 10% of the population. Forbes published the statistics of rich people in Russia. The list includes mainly businessmen. The first places are occupied by:

  1. Leonid Mikhelson with a fortune of 14400 million US dollars (for the year his fortune increased by 2700 million dollars). Leonid is the chairman of the board and at the same time a shareholder of PAO Novatek (gas company) and Sibur (petrochemical holding).
  2. Mikhail Fridman with a fortune of 13,300 million dollars.
  3. Alisher Usmanov. Today, his fortune is estimated at 12,500 million dollars.

wealthy countries statistics

Mira is led by Qatar, which lives off oil production. Following him are:

  1. Luxembourg- the leader in terms of the ratio of GDP per capita to purchasing power.
  2. Singaporerichest country Asia, rapidly developing its market economy with low taxation.
  3. Ireland.
  4. UAE.
  5. USA. GDP per capita in America is more than 47 thousand dollars. The country lives mainly on income from the sale of oil, steel and cars.
  6. Kuwait.
  7. Netherlands- a country with a population of about 17 million people lives comfortably at the expense of Agriculture, as well as , gas and metal.
  8. Austria– metallurgy, food industry and construction provides a comfortable life for residents with a relatively small population (8.5 million people). GDP per capita in the country is at the level of 40 thousand dollars.
  9. Sweden.
  10. Switzerland- high GDP is provided primarily by tourism and chemical industry. Switzerland is also a country that annually attracts the attention of thousands of investors from all over the world.

Statistics of the richest people in the world

According to Forbes, the richest people in the world are:

  1. Bill Gates- a fortune of 87.4 billion dollars (Microsoft shareholder).
  2. Amancio Ortega, entrepreneur, founder and former president of Inditex. His fortune is estimated at 66.8 billion dollars.
  3. Warren Buffett, entrepreneur, owner of Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett's fortune at the beginning of 2017 is estimated at $60.7 billion.

Statistics of the rich in Ukraine

Forbes presented a list of the richest Ukrainians:

  1. Rinat Akhmetov despite the decline in last year by 4.6 billion dollars, the assets of the oligarch are estimated at 2.3 billion dollars. He occupies a leading position among the rich. Experts associate the decrease in his capital with a decrease in the metal and iron ore that have been established in the world.
  2. Igor Kolomoisky. Over the past 5 years, his fortune has decreased by more than 2 times and amounts to 1.3 billion dollars.
  3. Gennady Bogolyubov- the state is estimated at 1.3 billion dollars.

In addition to long-standing honorary positions in the ranking the richest people Ukraine, new faces appeared:

There are also those who did not make the list this year:

The poorest countries in the world

A country is considered poor if its per capita GDP is less than $750. The list of the poorest countries in the world in 2016–2017 is as follows:

  1. CAR- The republic's GDP is $542, despite the huge reserves of oil, gold and diamonds. Continuous wars and epidemics do not allow the state to develop properly. Today, the Central African Republic survives on the help of other countries and charitable organizations.
  2. Burundi– GDP 642 dollars. The country is agricultural (exports coffee and tea), the industry is practically not developed.
  3. DR Congo Almost 70% of the population is forced to starve.
  4. Liberia– GDP is $703.
  5. Eritrea– GDP is only $707. The economy was completely destroyed during the hostilities. The inhabitants of the country survive through agriculture, as well as animal husbandry and fish farming.

A difficult situation is observed in India, where a record unemployment rate of 5% was recorded last year. At the same time, the difference between the levels of employment in the city and the countryside remains. Unemployment in the city is kept at around 5.1%, in the countryside - 4.9%. Women suffer the most from unemployment (7.8%, while among men the figure is much lower - 4.2%).

As you can see, the statistics of the rich in the world show a heterogeneous distribution of money even within the country. At the same time, an increase in wealth in the hands of one person does not always affect the well-being of the country's population.

People who reach great success in life, as a rule, they achieve a lot and in their personal development and this is natural, since without self-development success is not possible.

Many people look at famous film actors or millionaires with great lust, they see only the external attributes of success, some even envy. Everyone absolutely forgets that instead of being envious, you can direct your energy in a more positive direction, believe that they have the opportunity to become successful and rich.

If you look at American statistics, then out of the majority of rich people, about 60-70% of people earned their money themselves, and only about 20-30% inherited their wealth.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rules, for example, despite the outward manifestation of a person’s success, he is not a carrier of certain successful qualities which are necessary. The worst thing is that in such a situation a person refuses to further development necessary qualities and it is quite possible that in the future it may fall into the trap of ignorance and inability to do something for further development, or even lose everything.

For example, one working man won a million dollars in the lottery, he immediately quit his job and end result died a year later. Why? After winning, he just lay on the couch, drank beer, and watched TV, as we know, such a lifestyle ultimately does not lead to anything good, and as a result, he died of heart fat. But it could have been different.

Those people who are at the top or are very talented and smart, which is impossible without development, or else they got everything as a result of life circumstances.

It should also be noted that stable success and prosperity in life is a combination of both external and internal factors which are balanced. A person may be at the top of prosperity, but this may not bring him satisfaction.

Everyone knows the successful American billionaire Bill Gates, but not everyone knows that he left his post as president of the company to his friend and took on more creative activity, the one that he prefers, he began to write programs.

Success in life should include not only having what is important to you, but also the constant joy of this possession, which is constantly within you. Thus, even if you were born in a rich and prosperous family this does not mean that you are a successful person. That's when you build your own joy in life, having developed all the qualities necessary for this, then you will full confidence you can say about yourself that you are quite successful.

There are two types of successful people. The first type is people who can be called creators or creators of their own success. The second type will be called hostages of success.

Creators are people who understand the importance of developing personal qualities to achieve their own goals and desires. To the hostages of those who do not understand or do not want to develop for one reason or another.

The scenarios for the development of life of these two types also differ significantly, the creator in the process of his formation goes through a period of difficulties and trials, as a result of which he consolidates his personal qualities and sooner or later reaches the set peaks in harmony with himself, rejoicing in the external benefits received, which are well deserved.

The second type is divided into two more categories, the first category is people who, when faced with difficulties, do not use them for their own good and often blame others for their failures. The second category manages to reach certain peaks without self-development, achieving quite decent external manifestations. Usually this happens at the expense of parental connections or people who are equally dependent on power and money, who are trying their best not to fall out of their circle.

In any case, these two categories do not achieve complete harmony, which is manifested in inner feeling joy and outward manifestation success.

The skill of planning is one of the key to achieving the goals. However, the vast majority of people do not do this. According to statistics, in our modern world less than 3% of people achieve more than the other 97% combined.

And this seems to be true. For example, you can take the Forbes list and calculate that approximately, just about 3% of people own almost all the financial benefits of the world. Of course, this is an indicator of success, but only a reflection on one of our areas - financial. But many of them are very harmonious personalities and succeeded not only in financial terms but also in all other industries. Many of them devote a lot of time to my spiritual and physical development. So these numbers are true.

And this is well demonstrated by a visual experiment. In 1953, an experiment was conducted at Harvard University. All graduates were asked if they have a goal in life and if they tend to strive for it. It turned out that just less than 3% of all respondents have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it. The rest could not clearly articulate what they want from this life. Over the next 25 years, observing the success of these graduates showed that it was these 3% who managed to achieve much more than everyone else.
As we understand it, goal setting is very useful tool to achieve success.
But as a rule, at this step there is whole line difficulties and many of them are cut off.

For example:

  • They just forget to plan.
  • They do not use any planning tools, even the simplest ones - they keep everything in their heads, as a result, everything goes astray.
  • They set impossible tasks and do not even start their implementation. I want to buy a villa and I will live in the same way.” - the man says, lying on the couch, seeing a beautiful picture on TV.
  • They keep postponing everything. I'll do it tomorrow, I'm tired today.
  • They don't prioritize. They want to learn a language, for example, but all hands just don’t get to start, do you know?

A number of rules follow from this:

Set a goal.
I often meet people who want to do one thing in life, but for one reason or another they do completely different things, and all because they either have no goal. Here it is important to catch the difference, they each have a dream! And there is no goal. For example, they dream of a villa, but they do not have a goal to buy this villa.
I described how to set a goal in a previous article. Now it is only important to understand the difference between a dream and a goal. The goal implies the intention to achieve it and for this you need a path! The path, in turn, consists of many small steps - tasks that need to be solved on the way to the goal. We solve these tasks every day, if we fulfill them every day, we are one step closer to our goal every day.
Learn to prioritize.
There is a priority square from which all cases are divided into Urgent / Not urgent, Important / Not important.

(Fig. 1 table of importance of cases. Priority order: 1->2->3->4)

So first you need to understand which quadrant your current tasks and goals. Once you prioritize your goals, how important they are to you. Tasks related to this goal will have the corresponding priority of importance. You should make your schedule giving preference to Important things. The sequence is:

Important urgent -> Important not urgent -> Urgent not important -> Not urgent not important.

Moreover, you need to strive to get rid of the last two points, either to throw these tasks out of your schedule altogether, or to entrust them to someone. Good example, these are household chores, why do the laundry yourself, when you can take things to dry cleaning, and focus on your goals yourself. Appreciate your time and effort!

For example, your goal is to learn foreign language: You have set for this goal and the tasks associated with them High priority. In your calendar for today there is a task - "Make the 2nd lesson from the textbook, from 17.00 to 18.00." For you it is important, but not urgent task. The cherished hour has come, you sat down at the textbook and then it started ... the phone rings, the best friend calls, she got bored. You can't help but answer the phone, how can that be. Then friends begin to write to Contact: “How are you, what are you doing?” You have to answer, but that's not good. And then a neighbor comes and forgive just for a minute to go help him, hold the shelf. Why not help your neighbor! Was there something similar?
As a result, you get pulled apart by “urgent and important” things that are actually neither urgent nor important! And there is no time left for what is really important for you. Of course, this example is greatly exaggerated for clarity. But this is how everything happens in life, because of the inability to prioritize, we very often devote our time to things that are not important and not urgent, but we do not pay due attention to what is really important.

And all this happens due to the fact that a person does not see his goal, and if he does, he does not pay due attention to it! Therefore, he distributes his attention, energy and strength to what is important not for him, but what is important for others, and they impose this importance on you, and you accept it. Here plays important role level of human awareness. I'll tell you what it is another time. Here I will only note that the higher your level of awareness, the easier and more pleasant it is to go through life.

Learn to set goals for yourself and manage your time.
At this stage, we come to the fact that we need to learn how to set ourselves small doable tasks and do them. I will tell you in detail about how to set tasks for yourself another time. Now I would like to focus your attention on the tracking tool for these tasks. Be sure to get yourself an "assistant" it can be:

  • Notebook
  • diary
  • Notebook
  • Organizer
  • Some kind of program

The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and convenient to use it, namely, to perform two key actions: "put" tasks there and "track" their implementation. It is likely that it will take you some time and effort and time to find such a convenient tool, but in the long run it will pay off.
I tried a lot of things and eventually settled on Google Calendar, it is synchronized with the phone, it can be accessed from any gadget. And the best part is he sends reminders of upcoming event. And one more bonus, there you can share cases and tasks.
But you can choose what is convenient for you.

And so to sum up: How to set tasks for yourself correctly:

  • Select target
  • Prioritize this goal
  • Break down goals into tasks
  • Every day, track the progress of your tasks, according to their priority.

These simple principles will make your way to the goal shorter and more joyful.

I will be glad to your comments, remarks, suggestions.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, I hope they were helpful.