Peculiarities of population distribution in Africa. IV

What are the features of population distribution in Africa


The population of Africa is divided into two large parts: representatives of the Caucasian and Negroid races. The first live mainly in the north of the mainland, these are the Arabs inhabiting Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia. A small part of Caucasians are immigrants from European countries: Holland, Great Britain, living mainly in southern Africa. Indigenous population of central and southern Africa - representatives negroid race. There are many ethnic groups that differ in appearance and cultural development. Pygmies living in equatorial forests basin of the Congo, are distinguished by their small stature and a specific yellowish skin tone. Their way of life and culture remained the same as they were centuries ago. The Bantu people living in the western part of the mainland are much more civilized. Bushmen, inhabitants of the savannahs and deserts of southern Africa, are short and nomadic, following the herds of animals they hunt. In the history of the settlement of Africa, first of all, it is worth noting such a terrible phenomenon as the slave trade. More the developed countries(Portugal, England, Holland, USA) took away Africans, turning them into slaves. For the entire time of the slave trade, about 100 million people were taken out of the country, most of of which settled in the North and Central America. European states created their colonies in Africa, and in the middle of the 20th century only Egypt, Liberia, South Africa and Ethiopia were independent countries. Since 1960, the struggle for independence began, and in 1990 the last African colony - Namibia - became an independent country.

Africa is a huge continent, the population of which is very uneven and does not at all correspond to its size. The reason for this is in the peculiarities of its history and geography. Most of the mainland is occupied by two deserts - the Kalahari and the Sahara, in which it is impossible for a person to live. In addition, long slave system and colonial domination also influenced the uneven distribution of residents.

Currently, there are about a billion people. A significant part of it is concentrated around the basins of the large Nile, Senegal, Niger, on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Nigeria is the most densely populated state, where one square kilometer accounts for about a thousand people.

The population of Africa is constantly increasing, and its inhabitants are getting younger. On the this moment Most Africans are under the age of 15. The process of population growth in Africa is much more intensive than on other continents. According to scientists, by the middle of this century, the population of Africa will be a quarter of total number inhabitants of the planet.

Representatives of the three equatorial, Caucasoid and Mongoloid live on this continent. The vast majority of the inhabitants belong to the representatives of indigenous peoples.

Caucasians make up the majority of the population North Africa- these are Arabs and Berbers who live in the territory of Algeria, Morocco and Egypt. Outwardly, they can be distinguished by dark skin, dark eyes and hair, a narrow nose, an elongated skull and an oval face.

South of the Sahara, representatives of Negroids, an African offshoot of the equatorial race, predominate, which can differ significantly from each other in skin tone, size and shape of the skull, facial features, physique and height.

For example, the highest Negroids are the Tutsi and Himni tribes, who live in the savannah in northern Africa. Their height averages 180-200 cm. And in another region of the continent, small pygmies live - their height does not exceed 150 cm.

In the western part of the mainland, stocky, athletic people are most often found, and distinguishing feature the inhabitants of the upper reaches of the Nile - very dark, almost blue-black skin color.

In the southern part of the mainland live tribes of Bushmen and Hottentots. They are distinguished by yellowish skin color and a flat face, therefore they resemble Mongoloids. These peoples are mostly short and thin-boned. Ethiopians are classified by many scholars as an intermediate race. Their skin is light, with a reddish tinge, and appearance speaks of proximity to the southern branch of the Caucasians. The inhabitants of Madagascar are Malagasy, they are a mixture of Mongoloids and Negroids.

The alien population of Africa, whose number is insignificant, is mainly Europeans, and they live in places with the most favorable climate. So, in the northern part of the mainland, along the coast mediterranean sea, in the former you can meet a lot of Europeans French descent. And in the very south of the mainland live white Afrikaners - the descendants of the Dutch and British who moved here several centuries ago.

Most have very ancient culture. In Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, crafts, construction, science, religion developed five or seven thousand years ago, and the architectural monuments of those times still amaze with their monumentality.

The population of Africa has come a long way of development and has made an invaluable contribution to global development. Now, after the end of a protracted period of colonial domination, African culture is beginning to develop again.

The ethnic composition of the modern is different great complexity. The continent is inhabited by several hundred large and small ethnic groups, 107 of which number more than 1 million people each, and 24 exceed 5 million people. The largest of them are: Egyptian, Algerian, Moroccan, Sudanese Arabs, Hausa, Yoruba, Fulbe, Igbo, Amhara.

Anthropological composition of the population of Africa

AT modern population Africa is represented by various anthropological types belonging to different races.

Northern part of the continent up to southern border inhabited by peoples (Arabs, Berbers) belonging to the Indoras (included in the large Caucasoid race). This race is characterized by a swarthy skin color, dark eyes and hair, wavy hair, a narrow face, and a hooked nose. However, among the Berbers there are also fair-eyed and fair-haired.

To the south of the Sahara live peoples belonging to a large Negro race, represented by three small races - Negro, Negrillian and Bushman.

Among them, the peoples of the Negro race predominate. These include the population of the Guinean coast, Central Sudan, the peoples of the Nilotic group (), the peoples of the Bantu. These peoples are characterized dark color skin, dark hair and eyes, a special structure of hair, curling in spirals, thick lips, a wide nose with a low nose bridge. A typical feature of the peoples of the Upper Nile is high growth, exceeding in some groups 180 cm (world maximum).

Representatives of the Negril race - Negrils or African pygmies - are undersized (on average 141-142 cm) inhabitants of the tropical forests of the river basins, Uele, etc. In addition to growth, they are also distinguished by strong development tertiary hairline, even wider than that of Negroids, a nose with a strongly flattened nose bridge, relatively thin lips and lighter skin color.

To the Bushman race belong the Bushmen and Hottentots living in the Bushmen. Them distinctive feature is lighter (yellowish-brown) skin, thinner lips, flatter face and such specific signs as wrinkling of the skin and steatopygia (strong development of the subcutaneous fat layer on the thighs and buttocks).

Reunion - 21.8 ppm,
South Africa - 21.6 ppm,
- 18.0 ppm,
- 16.7 ppm.

Generally higher odds birth rates are typical for Western and, and lower rates for zones of equatorial forests and regions.

Mortality is gradually reduced to 15-17 ppm. Most high performance mortality observed:

Distribution of the population of Africa

The average population density of the continent is low - about 30 people/km2. population distribution is affected not only natural conditions, but also historical factors, primarily the consequences of the slave trade and colonial rule.

  • 1. Features of the population of Africa:

  • Population Characteristics Plan

  • Ancestral home of mankind

  • Races

  • Indigenous and alien population

  • peoples of africa

  • colonial past

  • 2. Working with cards

Introduction to the plan

  • Introduction to the plan

  • (Textbook, p.279 or 313)

  • Many scientists consider Africa the ancestral home of modern man.

  • Now DNA confirms this: our most distant ancestors were all Africans, and each of us has a drop of "black" blood.

  • In the region of Dikika (Ethiopia), which is apparently the ancestral home of mankind, in 2000 the remains of a girl were found, which belongs to the species Australopithecus afarensis. The girl Selam ("for peace" in the North Ethiopian dialect) older than Lucy for several hundred thousand years lived about 3-3.3 million years ago.

  • The remains of Australopithecus Boyce were found by the son of Louis and Mary Leakey Richard Leakey in Kenya on a cape that the locals call Koobi Fora.

  • In Central Africa, in a desert region in the north-west of the state of Chad, a unique skull of a humanoid creature was discovered that lived here 6-7 million years ago. This discovery is capable of overturning all modern ideas about human evolution.

  • Modern man appeared in Africa about 11 thousand years ago. Races were formed under the influence of local conditions.

  • Almost every ethnic group has its own language, with the exception of Arabic, which is spoken by one fifth of the African continent.

  • 8 largest nations, numbering over 10 million people: Hausa, Fulbe, Yoruba, Igbo, Amhara, Oromo, Rwanda, Malagasy.

  • A collective name applied to several indigenous South African hunter-gatherer peoples who speak the Khoisan languages. The total number is about 100 thousand people.

  • A group of undersized Negroid peoples living in the forests of tropical Africa

  • Lead by a semi-nomadic African indigenous people living in the savannah of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania.

  • The Masai are perhaps one of the most famous tribes in East Africa. Despite the development of modern civilization, they have almost completely preserved their traditional way of life.

  • A group of peoples of Semitic origin who speak many dialects of the Arabic language and inhabit the states of Western Asia and North Africa

  • The general name of the indigenous inhabitants of northern Africa conquered by the Arabs in the 7th century and converted to Islam from Egypt in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west and from Sudan in the south to the Mediterranean Sea in the north.

  • Bedouins (from the Arabic "badauin" - desert dwellers. The word "Bedouin" in Arabic has another meaning - nomad) is a common name given to all the tribes and peoples of Arabia, who, unlike the settled inhabitants, lead a nomadic, free life .

  • Africa has always had a high birth rate, but for several centuries the population has been declining. The reason is the slave trade, which began in the 15th century, and the most severe exploitation of the population.

  • Almost all of Africa has been turned into colonies by England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Germany.

  • The main process of decolonization began after World War II.

  • 1960 was declared the year of Africa - the year of the liberation of the largest number of colonies.

  • Highly developed original culture

  • In the ninth century in the upper reaches of the Niger - the oldest African state of Ghana

  • In the XIII century. the state of Mali appeared, which in the XV century. actively traded with the peoples of North Africa

  • Africans tamed animals, cultivated valuable plants

  • Since ancient times, Africans have their own music and songs, original crafts and much more, which enriches and complements the culture of the peoples of the world.

  • Identify areas of highest and lowest population density

  • Compare the population density of different zonal landscapes. Explain the reasons

  • There are more than 55 states on the modern political map of Africa.

  • Most of them achieved independence and became independent only in the middle of the 20th century.

  • Which European countries had the largest colonies? Compare them with the area of ​​the countries themselves.

  • Determine the largest states by area.

Name and show the countries:

  • Name and show the countries:

  • a) on the coast of the Indian Ocean

  • b) the Atlantic Ocean

  • c) continental countries

  • Name the largest cities in Africa by population. Are there common features in their geographical location?


  • Wikipedia

  • Free Russian encyclopedia "Tradition"

  • Africa. Encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 1987. 670s


  • "Knowledge is power" - Izvestiya nauki


  • Mulattos are descendants of mixed marriages of representatives of the Negroid and Caucasian races.

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Goals: to introduce students to the population of Africa - its characteristics, racial and ethnic composition, outward signs, location on the mainland; continue to develop skills and abilities to work with geographical maps, tables, diagrams; bring up tolerant attitude to people with different color skin.

Equipment: map "Peoples and population density of the world", multimedia projector, presentation, atlases, contour maps, diagrams - clusters.

Conduct forms: repetition of known and familiarity with new terms and concepts; independent work with the text of a textbook about the peoples inhabiting Africa; practical work with a thematic map of population density, with a contour map, a table "Peoples of Africa"; a conversation with students and a teacher's story about the history of the appearance of people in Africa, about the past and current situation the indigenous population of the mainland; a conversation with students about the distribution of the population in Africa.

Terms and concepts: races - Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Equatorial (Negroid); location and population density, colony.

Geographic features: the Nile Delta, the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Guinea, Sahara, Egypt, Liberia, Ethiopia.

Names: N. Mandela, P. Lulumba.

Textbook: Geography of continents and oceans. Grade 7. Authors: V.A. Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenev. Bustard, 2009.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Mobilization of students, communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Watching the video clip "Tutsi Dance Rwanda>"

  • Guys, you watched the video, and now tell me, who will be discussed in the lesson today?
  • That's right, today in the lesson we will talk about the population of Africa. We will get acquainted with the population of Africa - its characteristics, racial and ethnic composition, location on the mainland; we will continue to work with maps, tables and diagrams.
  • What distinguishes the indigenous people of Africa?
  • Do you think that only dark-skinned Africans are the original inhabitants of Africa?

III. Learning new material.

1. Africa - the ancestral home of man - teacher's story. SLIDE № 3,4

The vast majority of scientists call Africa the ancestral home of man. On this continent, most of the discoveries of human ancestors were made, and just in Ethiopia and Kenya, where rift valley(break in earth's surface). In ancient times, active volcanic activity was observed in this valley, and many rocks have increased radioactivity. It is possible that mutations under the influence of radioactivity led to the emergence of Homo sapiens. And not "divine power" at all.

In the second half of the XX century. in East Africa in layers rocks, having an age of about 27 million years, the remains of a man and his tools were found.

2. Races and peoples - conversation. SLIDES #5-22 ( teacher's choice)

  • European race ( indigenous people): Arab peoples - Algerians, Moroccans, Egyptians; Berbers.
  • Caucasoid race (alien population): in the north - the French, in the south - Afrikaners or Boers.
  • equatorial race: peoples of the savanna - Tutsis, Nilote, Masai; equatorial forests - pygmies; semi-deserts and deserts South Africa Bushmen and Hottentots.
  • Intermediate race: Ethiopians and Malagasy

3. Primary consolidation of the studied material - filling in the cluster: Characteristics of the population of Africa - group work(Appendix 1)

4. Population Location and Density - Analysis of the Africa Population Density Thematic Map SLIDES #23-24


  • How is the location of the population shown on the map?
  • How are uninhabited areas depicted on a map?
  • Where on the mainland is the population density more than 100 people per 1 km2? Show on the map.
  • Where on the mainland is the population density less than 1 person per 1 km2? Show on the map.
  • What is the population density in the Congo Basin?
  • What is the population density in the east of the mainland?

CONCLUSION: Africa has about 1 billion people. The coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Guinea and the southeastern coast of the mainland are relatively densely populated. The population density is high in the Nile Delta, where there are 1000 people per 1 km 2. In the Sahara Desert, which occupies ¼ of the mainland, less than 1% of the total population lives, and in some areas it is completely absent.
5. The colonial past of the mainland - independent work of students with the text of the textbook. SLIDE #25

EXERCISE: read the text of the textbook on pages 134-135 "The mainland's colonial past" and select in the card true statements(Annex 2)

More about the leaders of the national liberation movementstudent's story (advance task)

Nelson Holilala Mandela(born July 18, 1918) - the first black president of South Africa from May 10, 1994 to June 14, 1999, one of the most famous activists in the struggle for human rights during the existence of apartheid, for which he spent 27 years in prison, laureate Nobel Prize world 1993. Honorary member of more than 50 international universities.

After Mandela left the presidency of South Africa in 1999, he became a vocal advocate for greater coverage of HIV and AIDS. According to experts, there are now about five million HIV carriers and AIDS patients in South Africa - more than in any other country. When McGahoe, Nelson Mandela's eldest son, died of AIDS, Mandela called for fighting the spread of this deadly disease.

Patrice Emery Lumumba(July 2, 1925 - January 17, 1961) - Congolese political and public figure, first prime minister Democratic Republic Congo after the declaration of its independence in June 1960, national hero Zaire, a poet and one of the symbols of the struggle of the peoples of Africa for independence. Founder (1958) and party leader national movement Congo.

Removed from the post of prime minister by the President of the Congo, then arrested during the Congo crisis in September 1960. Killed on January 17, 1961.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material

1. Practical work in contour map: SLIDE #26

  • Designate the boundaries of the placement of races.
  • Color the areas in the appropriate colors.
  • Set up signs.

2. Questions on the topic studied: SLIDE No. 27

  • What continent scientists consider the ancestral home modern man?
  • What race are the indigenous people of North Africa?
  • What peoples live in the semi-deserts and deserts of South Africa?
  • What race is the majority of the population of Africa?
  • These "forest people" are distinguished by a yellowish skin color, a very wide nose, small stature?
  • Where does the alien population of the Caucasian race live within the mainland?
  • What is the population of Africa?
  • What is the name of a country deprived of political and economic independence?

3. Filling in the table (e If there is time left in the lesson - choose one of the three options) SLIDE № 30-34

V. Summing up the lesson

Evaluation test - writing in a notebook(selective check, mutual check) SLIDE No. 28-29

    a) less than 500 million,
    b) 500 million - 850 million,
    c) about 1 billion
    a) negroid
    b) European
    c) Mongoloid.
    a) Malagasy
    b) Arab peoples,
    c) Bantu peoples.
    a) pygmies
    b) midgets,
    c) bushmen.
    a) Egypt, Libya, Algeria,
    b) Nigeria, Gabon, Chad,
    c) Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia.
    a) Bushmen
    b) Maasai
    c) Arabs.
    a) at the equator
    b) on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea,
    c) on the north and south coasts.

CORRECT ANSWERS: 1. c 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b7. in

VI. Homework.

§ 30, pp. 132-135, prepare a description of the peoples of Africa according to the plan:

  1. Name of the people
  2. Features
  3. Areas of residence


  1. - photo by P.Lumumba
  2. photograph by N. Mandela
  3. Korinskaya V.A., Dushina I.V., Shchenev V.A. Geography of continents and oceans. 7th grade. Toolkit. M., Bustard, 2000
  4. Elkin G.N. Geography of continents and oceans. 7th grade. Lesson planning. S.-P., Parity, 2001