Differentiation to g logopedic lesson. Speech therapy lesson "Differentiation K - G


(speech therapist: N.V. Nekrasova, MS (k) OUVIIIspecies)



learn to distinguish sounds [G] - [K];

highlight the sounds [G] - [K] among other sounds, syllables, words;

refine the acoustic articulation characteristics given sounds, hold comparative analysis; at

to determine the position of a sound in a word;

learn to differentiate the letters G - K in writing.

Corrective: develop phonemic awareness phonemic perception.

Developing: develop operational skills phonemic analysis and synthesis; develop visual perception thinking, auditory and visual memory.

Equipment: cards - symbols, cards with a written task for each child, notebooks, ICT.



Subject : Differentiation sounds G-K, G'-K'

(teacher-speech therapist: N.V. Nekrasova, MS (c) OU VIII type)



learn to distinguish sounds [G] - [K];

highlight the sounds [G] - [K] among other sounds, syllables, words;

clarify the acoustic and articulatory characteristics of these sounds, conduct a comparative analysis; at

to determine the position of a sound in a word;

learn to differentiate the letters G - K in writing.

Corrective: develop phonemic awareness, phonemic perception.

Developing: develop skills in the operations of phonemic analysis and synthesis; develop visual perception, thinking, auditory and visual memory.

Equipment: cards - symbols, cards with a written task for each child, notebooks, ICT.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizing time. (Slide 1)

Respiratory gymnastics.

Lesson topic message.

Guess the riddles:

Sound [K]:

I am a pied, I am a corydalis.
Where-where! I shout briefly.
I scream, and the street hears:
Laid an egg ... (Chicken)

Sound [G]:

Strives to pinch the legs,
I drive him out of the way:
"Get out! I'm not afraid of you!"
"Ha-ha-ha!" - laughs ... (goose)

What sounds do words begin with?

II. Main part. (Slide 2)

  1. Refinement of the acoustic-articulation characteristics of sounds [G] - [K].

Tell me, is the sound [Г] a consonant or a vowel? Why?

Voiced or deaf? Why?

Is the sound [K] a consonant or a vowel? Why?

Voiced or deaf? Why?

So the sounds [G] - [K] are paired.

  1. Differentiation of sounds at the syllable level: (Slide 3)

Work in a notebook (task 1.2): (See the appendix to the abstract)

Determine which symbol refers to which sound?

Find all the letters G and K. Underline the voiced consonant sound G with two lines, the voiceless consonant K with one line.

  • Guess the syllables made up with vowels and symbols, name them.
  • Syllables:

A E I

YU O A

Ball game.

The speech therapist throws the ball to the child, calls the syllable with a ringing sound. The child must return the ball to the speech therapist and name a syllable with a dull consonant sound.

Ga - ka, go - ko, gu - ku, gi - ki ... etc.

Game in the store. (Slide 4)

The gnome went to the store. Help him buy only those things in the names of which there are sounds G - G '. Write down the words.


  1. Differentiation of sounds at the word level:

Game "Beehive"

Gnome's friend Gosh the bear cub breeds bees, help the bees find their hive. (Work in notebooks).

Insert the missing syllable GA or KA. Write in a notebook. (Slide 5)

DU ... (GA), RU ... (KA), BUT ... (GA), DORO ... (GA), MOUNTAIN ... (KA), FORK ... (KA), MYSTERIES ... (KA), RADU ... (GA), VET ... (KA), RO ... (GA), BEL ... (KA), VERYOV ... (KA), ANSWER ... (GA).



  1. Differentiation of sounds at the level of a phrase.

Card work

Make phrases with the Gnomefrom the words of the first and second columns, write off, underline the letters G and K:

red sausage

high tie

smoked cockerel

Check yourself (Slide 7)


  1. Differentiation of sounds at the text level.

Read the text, fill in the missing letters. Write the text, underline the letters G and K.(Slide 8).

The dog gnaws ... awns. On Thursday, ... awns will come to us. Grisha loves bread ...orca. On Monday, the whole class went to ... orca. An interesting and ... ra was going on in the yard. Very useful black and ... ra. Alina is blooming in the garden. Katya's friend's name is ... Alina.

Frontal speech therapy lesson for children of the preparatory group "Differentiation of sounds G - K".

(first lesson on the topic)

Objectives: 1. Fixing the correct pronunciation of the sounds G and K in syllables, words and sentences, comparing and distinguishing these sounds, separating them from the composition of words.

2. Consolidation of the skill of sound-syllabic analysis disyllabic words with consonants.

3. Work with words-paronyms with the sounds G and K in a poetic text.

4. Drawing up sentences of five words using reference pictures, followed by drawing up a diagram of one sentence.

Equipment: Individual mirrors, object pictures, a gnome in a blue cap, symbols of voiced and unvoiced consonant solid sound for each child to play "Voiced - Deaf" , symbols of vowels and consonants of hard and soft sounds for playing "Live Sounds" , character sets for framing sentences, "houses" voiced and unvoiced sounds to play "Sit in your house" , magnetic letters allowances "Losharik" , doll Galya and kolobok.

Lesson progress:

I.Org. moment: mimic gymnastics on the carpet. Speech therapist: Galya baked a bun. When he was born, he was very surprised. Show how surprised the bun is (children show the surprise of the bun), and then he saw Galya and was very happy. Show how happy he is (children show joy). But when the bun found out that it was baked to be eaten, he got scared. Show how scared he is (children show facial expressions of a frightened hero). Seeing this, Galya became sad. Show how sad Galya (children show sadness) and decided not to eat the kolobok. That's when the bun was happy again. Show his joy (children smile and, at the command of the speech therapist, take their seats).

II. Articulation gymnastics. Speech therapist reads a poem about the tongue,

Children perform articulation exercises.

The tongue lives in the mouth.
Never gets tired.
He sees: sponges are very flexible.


Deftly stretch in a smile.
And now vice versa:


The lips move forward.
Was on a swing.


It flew up and went down.
The tongue is a little tired.


And calmly lay down.
The tongue became a painter.


Carefully paint the house.
He suddenly turned into a cup:


One, two, three and went down.
Guess who could.


Our tongue is like a fungus.
The tongue became an accordion,


I played and didn't get tired.
Tired of transformations:

"Delicious jam"

Licks tongue jam.
He loves to eat sweets.

"Horse" After jumping like a horse.

III. Acquaintance with the sounds that came to class. Speech therapist: with a Galya doll and a kolobok, two sounds came to our lesson today. They are very similar, so we will compare and distinguish between them. Guess what those sounds are. (Speech therapist pronounces words with sounds K and G):

dove, beep, slide, hammock, gulp, gnome, light, viper, truck, carnation, header. (Children guess what sounds came to class)

2. Comparison of sounds K and G. Children pronounce sounds, looking in the mirror, putting the back of their hand to their throat, compare these sounds.

Difference: K - deaf (palm lies still), and G - voiced (palm shaking).

Similarity: a) both sounds are consonants, b) solid, c) the tongue works the same way: it is pressed against the back of the palate and under the action air jet bounces.

3. Game "Voiced - Deaf" The speech therapist pronounces the words: chicken, head, window, juice, fire, leg, apple, wagon, branch, hammock. Children raise the symbols of sounds K or (and) G.

4. Game "Remember and Repeat" . The speech therapist pronounces syllables, individual children repeat:



5. Game "Say the opposite" . The speech therapist pronounces syllables and words with sounds: K and G. Children should replace the sound K with G or vice versa - G with K: ha, gu, quo,

deep, ha-ka, cat, goal, class, mountain, caviar, voice, viburnum, bone.

6. Game "Sit in your house" . The speech therapist hangs on the board two houses with symbols of voiced and deaf sounds. Children go to the board, take pictures from "wonder tree" subject picture, name it, report the location of the desired sound (beginning, middle or end of a word) and hang it in the house.

Pictures are used: a bow, a gate, a wreath, a dog, a parrot, pigeons, nails, pencils, lips, a button, a gingerbread man, a penguin.

7. Game "Live Sounds" . The speech therapist lays out large symbol cards on the table: red (vowel), blue (consonant hard sound) and green (consonant soft sound) colors, calls the children and tells each child what sound it will be. Children must choose the right symbol for themselves. The speech therapist says the word: gnome, asks all the children to slap syllabic structure words and "live sounds" collect word. Then the speech therapist gives the task "vowel sounds" raise your symbols. One of the children tells the rule about the syllabic role of vowels. In conclusion, the children determine the stressed syllable.

8. Logo-rhythmic musical warm-up "Giraffes" :

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
There are on the noses, on the stomachs, knees and socks.
Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There are on the noses, on the stomachs, knees and socks.
And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
There are on the noses, on the stomachs, knees and socks.

9. Game "End the poem with a rhyming word" . Speech therapist pronounces a rhyme without finishing the last word. Children pick up right word wishing to repeat the entire rhyme. Then the speech therapist asks to highlight from the rhyme similar words- paronyms and asks what sounds these words differ in? Poems for the game:

Wheat - spikelet,
Singer – …………… (voice).
Gosha scored a goal today!
And tomorrow he will receive ……… (count).

Behind the high mountain
Cedars with thick…………… (bark).

10. Compilation of sentences from five units using reference

words: Galya, bun.

The speech therapist asks the children to make a sentence of five words. Sample sentences: Galya baked a bun in the oven.

Speech therapist: Guys, who can remind us of the rules for writing sentences? One of the children tells the rules:

  1. The sentence is capitalized.
  2. All words in a sentence are written separately.
  3. Put a dot at the end of the sentence.

Speech therapist: To consolidate these rules, we will draw up a diagram of one sentence.

All children work individually. One child works at the blackboard: in parallel with all the children, he collects a sentence scheme on the blackboard, and then pronounces his actions, explaining them.

III. Outcome. What sounds are heard today? How are these sounds different?

What games do you like?

(When children remember the game "Live Sounds" , the speech therapist asks the children to remember the word that they collected and

invites one of the children to assemble it from letters "Losharika" ) at a time when other children list their favorite moments of the lesson. In conclusion, all children check the spelling of the word and read it on the board.

Surprise moment. Speech therapist: Galya has prepared a surprise for you.

It's in the music box. (Galya distributes sweets to the children to the music).

K. G. U "Special (correctional) boarding school

for children with handicapped»

City of Ridder Department of Education

East - Kazakhstan region

Speech therapist: Shamonaeva E.V.

Ridder 2012 - 2013 academic year

Topic: Differentiation of sounds [ to] and [r]

Educational: consolidate children's knowledge of the differentiation of sounds [ to] and [g], learn to distinguish sounds [ to] and [r] in an isolated form, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and in coherent speech. To form the ability to correctly complete the tasks proposed by the teacher.

Developing: develop, phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking, spelling vigilance, students' dictionary, organs of articulation, sensory sphere.

Correct speech skills

Educational: educate interest in the right sounding speech, interest in the subject through the use different methods and tricks.

During the classes:

    Org. PPN moment

The bell rang and class began.

    Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Today our lesson will not be quite ordinary, because many guests have come to us, and we will arrange competitions. And before the competition, athletes always warm up, that is, they prepare, and we will also do a little warm-up now.

    Finger gymnastics(sort the beans by color: white on one plate, red on another)

    Articulation gymnastics: doing exercises in front of a mirror - “Delicious jam, Painter, Brush your teeth (inside and out), Hill”

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    Here we are prepared, warmed up and ready for the competition, but let's remember

What is our speech? (sounds, syllables, words, phrases, sentences, connected speech).

For which two large groups share sounds? (vowels and consonants)

What are the consonants? (hard and soft, voiced and deaf)

What two groups are vowels divided into? (showing softness and hardness of consonants).

7 . Clarification of the articulation of sounds [ to] and [r]

BUT) clarification correct articulation sound [r]

1) lips in a smile

3) the tip of the tongue is lowered down, the back of the tongue touches the hard palate.

5) Characteristics of the sound G - consonant, sonorous, hard, soft.

B) clarification of the correct articulation of sound [ to]

1) lips in a smile

2) teeth are close together, but open

3) the tip of the tongue is lowered down, the back of the tongue is lowered to the soft palate.

5) Characteristics of the sound K - consonant, deaf, hard, soft.

1 task "Listen carefully"

A sound row is offered if students hear the sound [g] - raise the red circle if the sound [ to] - raise the blue circle.


Task 2 "Say the opposite."

The speech therapist pronounces syllables, children should name the syllable in reverse





3 task "Encryption"

Where can there be a sound in words (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end)

ABKEVGAERMIOUTM ( aquarium, hippo)

WOLGIUTRKEATS(snail, cucumber)

PBOAPBUOGCHAKYA ( parrot - butterfly)

SCAOPMOPGAIS(boots, compass)

RYABDLUOGKAO(rainbow, apple)

GPIETRASRIAK(guitar - peach)

UGTUKS(duck, goose)

GKLAORBTUAS(globe, map)

4 task "Truck"

Children perform a task on a computer, and in parallel work in progress by cards - connect the pictures in the title, which have a sound with the corresponding letter.

5 task "Literacy"

Recall the spelling rule for paired consonants. Words are offered, children must insert the missing letter and pick up test word.

Task 6 "Make phrases"

What groups are words divided into?

Compose phrases

prickly pear

clay rainbow

square cucumber

yellow jug

brick parrot

Sour Boots

talking cube

colorful hedgehog

salty garage

    task "Come up with a proposal"

Come up with sentences with the word combinations.

8 task "Talker"

Learning tongue twisters

We bought Yegorka a sled for a slide

All winter Yegorka rode a hill.

7 . The result of the lesson, awarding the winners. What sounds did we work with today, how are these sounds similar, how do they differ

Introspection of the lesson

Topic: Differentiation of sounds [k] and [g]

This is frontal lesson, which was attended by students of grade 3, with diagnoses: OHP level 3 and a violation of sound pronunciation


Educational: to consolidate children's knowledge of the differentiation of sounds [k] and [g], to learn to distinguish the sounds [k] and [g] in an isolated form, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and in coherent speech. To form the ability to correctly complete the tasks proposed by the teacher.

Developing: to develop, phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking, spelling vigilance, student vocabulary, organs of articulation, sensory sphere.

Correct speech skills

Educational: to cultivate interest in correctly sounding speech, interest in the subject through the use of different methods and techniques.

This topic planned in common system speech therapy work. speech material corresponds to the topic and objectives of the lesson, which was built logically and consistently. Activations mental activity the form of conducting and methods of the lesson contributed to the students, which made the lesson a single whole, captured the feelings of the children. At the lesson she taught to think constantly, helping with questions and assignments. During the lesson, observed protective regime and the methods and techniques used did not cause overwork in children. The lesson was carried out individually - differentiated approach- could be traced while working on a computer. The tone and speech of the teacher were friendly, conducive to communication and joint work with kids. The children were very active in the class and did the tasks with great pleasure. The theme of the lesson is revealed, the goals are achieved.

Olga Shesterikova
Abstract of the frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic "Differentiation of sounds [G] - [K]"

Target: differentiation of sounds [k] - [g] according to sonority-deafness and letters K G when reading and writing


Learn to differentiate the sounds [k], [k] - [g], [g] by sonority - deafness in syllables, words and sentences and the letters K - G when reading and writing;

improve sound analysis and synthesis, to train the ability to determine the position of given sounds in words;

Fix the rules for writing paired voiced and deaf consonants at the end of a word,

Improve the ability to correlate sound and letter;

Continue teaching correct use in the speech of unchangeable words;

keep teaching sound-letter analysis the words;

To improve the coherent speech of children;

Develop articulatory motor skills, prosodic elements of speech;

improve cognitive processes: visual and auditory perception, memory, thinking, logic;

Develop a common and fine motor skills, graphomotor skills, coordination of speech with movement;

To instill in children the desire for cooperation, initiative, interest in learning to read and write.

Game "Handshake"

Speech therapist: In the land of consonants

Big Trouble

The king is sad in the morning

Sighs, "Oh, yes, oh."

The king invites us

Visit your castle

Help him order

Restore in the country.

Children walk along the paths and sit down.

(Lesson topic message).

Speech therapist: Here the gates open, adventures begin.

(The speech therapist puts two clowns on the magnetic board).

Two brothers live in the country

deaf and ringing sound

It gets very difficult

Distinguish them by ear.

Those brothers at each other

They are so similar

What's deaf? Where is the voice?

The king cannot understand.

Speech therapist: Consider pictures. What is drawn on the balls of the clown on the left? (faucet, cat, brushes, whale) What sounds do these words begin with? (From consonant sounds k, k).

What is drawn on the balls of the clown on the right? (guitar, goose, pear, kettlebell). What sounds do these words begin with? (From consonant sounds r, r).

Speech therapist: What sounds can't the king hear? ([k], [k] - [g], [g]).

Comparison of sounds [k], [k] - [g], [g],

Speech therapist: Pronounce the sound [r]. First loudly, then in a whisper.

Speech therapist: What sound did the sound [g] turn into?

Let's explain to the king how it happened?

(Similarly with the sound [g]).

How do the sounds [k], [k] differ from the sounds [g], [g]?

Children: The sounds k, ky are deaf, they are pronounced without a voice, and the sounds [g], [g] are voiced.

Speech therapist: How to check that the sounds [g], [g] are voiced?

Children: You need to put your hand on your throat and make a sound.

If the throat trembles

So the ringing sound is running.

Speech therapist: We ended up in the palace garden. There are many coniferous trees and shrubs here. What is the name of the fruit coniferous tree? (Cone). Take the bump, let's massage our hands.

Children roll a bump between their palms, saying:

At the pine, at the fir, at the Christmas tree

Very sharp needles.

But even stronger than the spruce forest,

The juniper will prick us.

Speech therapist: Listen to the phrase and say in which word both the voiceless and voiced sound are hidden. The tree has needles.

Children: The sounds [k] and [g] are hidden in the word needles.

D / I “Determine the place of the sound in the word” [k], [k] - [g], [g].

The king has a magic tree in the garden. Various birds like to rest on it. But the clown brothers were so naughty that the birds fluttered from their familiar branches and now they don’t know which one to sit on.

Speech therapist: Consider word patterns.

(The diagrams indicate the place of sounds [k], [k], [g], [g].

Speech therapist: According to the scheme, determine which branch the birds will sit on (swallow, crossbill, chaffinch, bullfinch, dove, parrot).

Children: The dove will sit on the upper left branch, because at the beginning of the word there is a sonorous sound Mr.

D / I "Say a word"

The mischievous brothers confused the king. Help him figure out what he's talking about.

Today (guests) came to us. - The dog has a bowl (bones).

Here is a high (mountain). - The birch has (bark).

Swims in the sea (whale). - And the tourists are led (guide).

Speech therapist: Guys tell me who is the guide?

(A guide is a person who accompanies tourists and tells them about the sights.)

Speech therapist: Now I will be your guide, we will visit the royal castle.

Finger gymnastics

On the steps we walk the middle and forefinger right hand

We remember everything around: they “walk” along the bent fingers of the left

AT royal castle the fingers of both hands are connected

Lancet arches. pads, palms do not touch

And the columns are slender, hands are clenched into fists

The pediments are triangular. Fingers folded into a triangle

All the trees above - the left hand is clenched into a fist

Spire on a sharp roof. The right hand is placed on the fist.

Fizminutka in a circle

White cloud children hold hands, forming a narrow circle

Rose above the roof raise your hands above your head

The cloud rushed to Pull itself up with its hands; smooth

Higher, higher, higher swinging arms overhead from side to side

The wind is a cloud Hands describe through the sides down

Caught on a twist. big circle and lower them;

The cloud turned to join hands and make a wide circle.

Into a thundercloud.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's blow in such a way as to dispel the thundercloud.

Breathing exercise "Wind"

We take air with our nose,

We do not raise our shoulders.

Cheeks do not puff out

The air is exhaled.

Mobile game "Live syllables"

Children have multi-colored plates of different geometric shapes. Syllables are written on the tablets. Children march through the group scattered to the music. As soon as the music stops, the children should form groups according to the color and shape of the signs. Then the children should stand in this order to make words (cactus, jackdaw, checkers, chess, reel, boots, reeds, cannon, sword, cat, dog, mouse)

good weather again

Syllables went for a walk.

The music barely subsides

Assemble into words.

You have to stand up right.

Mastering the rules for writing a consonant at the end of a word.

Speech therapist: Guys, the king is confused. The mischievous clowns hid the letters g - k from the names of the pictures. Let's remind the king how to check which letter to write. (Children read a poem, a speech therapist puts pictures on a magnetic board).

A voiced sound at the end of a word

He pretends to be his brother.

It sounds almost silent

That is, it is deafening.

To write correctly

You need to check the letter.

You, my friend, do not yawn,

Feel free to change the word:

Poppy on poppies, meadow - meadows.

You will always be smart.

Exercise "Enter a letter"

Let's help the king choose the right letters.

Pie - pies, spider - spiders, boots - boots, wolf - wolves.

What is in the picture? (stack, haystack).

What letter should be added at the end of the word? (letter g)

How to check? (We need to change the word. One stack, two stacks), etc.

Speech therapist: Now let's close our eyes.

And we will return to the garden from the fairy tale.

Do you remember where we were, what we did? (We visited the city of consonant sounds. We helped the king to distinguish between the sounds k and g, ky and gy.

Related publications:

Differentiation of sounds [C] - [W]. Letter Sh. Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group SUMMARY OF A SPEECH THERAPY IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP TOPIC: Differentiation of sounds [С] - [Ш]. Letter Sh. OBJECTIVES: Strengthen the muscles of articulation.

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group "differentiation and automation of sounds Zh-Z". TOPIC: Differentiation and automation sounds F-Z. Purpose: 1. Correct pronunciation and the distinction of sounds Zh-Z. 2. Exercise in use.

Synopsis of frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group. Topic: Differentiation of sounds [b] and [b] Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between sounds [b] and [b] in syllables and words. Tasks: 1. Develop the ability to distinguish and distinguish between sounds [b] and [b] by ear;.

The course of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment. The children enter the room. Fizminutka "Invented by someone ..." Invented by someone simply and wisely At a meeting, say hello:.


1. To consolidate the ability to differentiate consonants k-r in oral and written speech.

2. Development of phonemic perception.

3. Development and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.

4. Development of coherent speech.

Equipment: signal cards, cards for mnemonic reception, sets of cards for individual work, Schulte tables, number series,

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Kinesiology exercises ("rings", "lizginka", "ear-nose", pretics).

2. Repetition of the material covered.

What sounds did you work with in the last lesson?

Characteristics of sounds. What is the similarity, difference?

Comparison of the articulation of sounds with their graphic representation (mnemonic device: the letter k is a stork carrying a straw in its beak, a crane, the letter g is a goose, a hook).

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

In the lesson, we continue to learn to distinguish between consonants k-g in oral and written speech.

4. Consolidation of the material covered.

1) Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

a) Listen syllable chains and repeat in the same sequence:

ka-ka-ga ku-gu-ku ga-ka-ga ko-ko-go go-go-ko gee-ky-ky

ki-gi-ki kyu-kyu-gyu gya-gya-kya kyo-gyo-kyo ge-ge-kyo gya-kya-kya

b) Write the syllables in two lines in different colors (with the letter G - blue ink, with the letter to - with a simple pencil):

gee. you


2) Differentiation in words.

a) Work with signal cards: bitter, labial, loud, small, buckwheat, blue, red, beautiful, hot, deep, accordion, porridge, ribbon, milk, onion, city, voice, goslings, well.

b) Game "Merry family" /development of phonemic representations, development of phonemic analysis, mental activity/

c) Cross out the number corresponding to the place of the given sound in the word.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 holidays

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fireman

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 dahlia

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 frog

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 kangaroo

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 bike race

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 calculator

Verification: compare with writing on the board

G) Game "Decipher the word": rainbow, bell, napkin, shop, jump rope, matryoshka.

e) Work on individual cards.

Insert the missing letters k, g in different colors:

s...az...a, ...amen, ...refin, for...hell...and, ...ro....odil, ...mouth, po...ode , ... olub ... a


Physical pause

3. Differentiation in phrases

To the words from the first column, match the words from the second in meaning to make phrases:

Write down the resulting phrases. Letters k, g underline with different colors.


4. Differentiation in sentences.

Work on individual cards.

Correct the words in the sentence:

A red crib grew under the tree. A gray hornbeam crawled onto the shore. Goth licks milk. The pirate buried a glade under an oak. The boy screamed at the top of his voice. Loves Lyubochka gompot. A bite is pinching us by the heel. There is a bark in the yard, this crust is made of ice.

5. Differentiation in connected speech.

Reading the fairy tale "How to cook compote":

A cat, a goat, a chicken, a cow and a rabbit lived in the same yard. Once a cat came out into the yard and shouted: "Listen everyone, I read in old book how to cook compote!

"Well, how do you cook it?"

"Bring everyone all the most delicious, the rest - for me."

The whole company went to look for the most, the most delicious. And the cat, meanwhile, made a fire and hung a cauldron of water over it. The goat came first and brought a cabbage stalk. Then a hen came and brought five grains of corn. The cow brought watermelon peels, and the rabbit brought clover. The cat himself took out a piece of sausage from his pocket. When the water boiled, the cat threw the stalk, watermelon peels, corn, clover and sausage into the cauldron and closed the lid. After a while he rang the bell:

"Done! Eat to your health!"

Friends tried, they spit:

"Compote is called! Eat yourself!"

"Why did it turn out so tasteless" - the cat thought gloomily.

Why do you think the cat failed compote?

When you read the text, which letter did you most often meet K or G? Remember and name the words with the sound K, the sound G.

Answer the following questions about the content of the story:

1) Who lived in the yard?

2) What did the cat tell his friends?

3) What did the animals bring to the cat for compote?

4) Did your friends like the treat of the cat?

Fairy tale retelling.

5. Bottom line. Reflection.

You did a great job in class today. I am proud of you because you took another step towards success today. And now with applause answer my questions:

Have you been successful?

Did you feel comfortable?