Articulation gymnastics exercises for children and adults. Games and exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills

GBOU School No. 1375 TO No. 6 Moscow.

Methodological material for teachers and parents

Development games and exercises articulatory motility.

One of the indicators of successful speech development child are formed skills of correct sound pronunciation. To do this, the baby needs to learn how to control organs. articulation apparatus be able to listen to yourself and others. Articulation training, especially with children early age, carried out in game form. The child, being carried away by the game, does not notice that he is being taught. And this means that the process of development of articulatory motor skills will proceed more actively, faster.

The main condition for the effectiveness of this work is a positive emotional background activities, the intrigue of the game. Pantomime exercises (“Show how frogs smile”), exercises in combination with movements (“Phonetic Rhythm”), exercises based on picture material find the greatest response in young children.

Exercise "Frogs smile"

Kwaka loves to smile
Pull lips straight to ears
Kwaki's mouth to the ears
Frogs love it
At least sew on the ties.
Smiling, laughing
And their eyes are like saucers.
Exercise "Fence"
We close our teeth exactly and we get a fence
And now let's part our lips - count our teeth.
Exercise "Elephant Trunk"
I imitate an elephant: I pull my lips with a trunk ...
Even if I get tired, I will not stop pulling them.
I will keep it like this for a long time, strengthen my lips.
Exercise "Tube"
My lips - a tube - turned into a pipe.
I can blow loudly: Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

Speech exercises to consolidate the sounds of early ontogenesis

Delayed speech development is not only a poor, primitive vocabulary, gross violation syllabic structure, sound filling, but also a violation, and most often the absence of even those sounds of the Russian language, the pronunciation of which does not require subtle differentiated movements of the organs of articulation. Children with normal speech development easily cope with the reproduction of these sounds. Of course, talking about the exact pattern of appearance speech sounds in a young child it is impossible, since the process of sound pronunciation takes place individually. However, some regularities still exist.

Many young children correctly and clearly pronounce sounds:

- vowels A, O, U, I;
- consonants M, N, P, T, D, B, F, C, K, G, X (and their soft variants)
- diphthongs yA, yU, yO, yE.

Therefore, it is necessary to fix (or evoke) the sounds of early ontogeny in poems and games, causing their correct pronunciation with active articulation. Of course, the process of working with sound should take place only if the baby wants to play. You must use the entire arsenal playing tricks, visibility, actions with fingers, etc.

Exercise "We walk on the bridge"

Tu-tu-tu, tu-tu-tu we walk along the bridge.
Children walk in circles
Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta, oh what a height.
You-you-you, you-you-you are not afraid of heights.
At-at-at, at-at-at I walk like a soldier.

Exercise "Machine"

BBC - the car is humming
"Motor" - the cams quickly spin around each other
Knock-knock-knock - the motor knocks Cams knock on each other alternately
We go, we go, we go, we go - "Motor"
He speaks so loudly. "Cams"
Tires rub against the road. rub your palms
Shu-shu-shu they rustle.
The wheels are spinning fast. Arms bent at the elbows move back and forth
Ta-ta-ta - hurry forward. stomp their feet

Games for the development of gross motor skills

The higher physical activity child, the better his speech develops. The relationship between general and speech motility has been studied and confirmed by the research of leading scientists. Speech development begins with the formation of motor skills, basic and general developmental movements. Until the age of three, a child must learn to walk, run, jump, crawl, act correctly. various subjects, control hands, fingers, perform movements in accordance with the accompanying text, control muscle tension, organize movements in accordance with the rhythm of the sounds of toys, claps, onomatopoeia, accompanying movements.

In the process of movement, the child naturally, without stress, assimilates a colossal amount of information about the world around him. Muscular joy is the basis for the ability to perceive and process this information. In the process of movements accompanied by words, the tasks of the baby's speech development are solved: impressive speech develops, the active vocabulary expands, grammatical forms of words are formed.
Thus, a focused, systematic course motor exercises, games, tasks in combination with the text accompanying these movements (preferably poetic) is powerful, and most importantly, natural remedy education correct speech during its normal development and in cases pathological formation speech functions.

An exercise

1,2,3,4,5 - went for a walk in the forest.
On the winding paths slowly we will go.
Maybe we will find a sweet berry under a leaf.
The children stood up on their toes and ran along the path.
And we'll go on heels, we'll cross the puddles.
Where are you hiding, fungus? Get in the box.

An exercise

We're going in circles, look.
And we walk together: one, two, three.
We gallop along the road, changing legs frequently.
They jumped, they jumped: jump, jump, jump.
And then, like a stork, they stood up - and be silent!
Mobile games with speech accompaniment

Young children are still very fond of playing short outdoor games with funny verses that actively stimulate the development of their speech. Toddlers are happy to repeat words, intonation and movements for adults, anticipating a familiar ending.

The more fun and interesting the speech accompaniment, the more game like children and the greater the effect in the development of speech.

Logorhythmic games with self-massage


The frogs stood up, stretched and smiled at each other.
Bend backs, back-reeds.
They stamped their feet, clapped their hands.
Let's tap the palms on the handles a little.
And then, and then we will beat the breast a little.
Clap-clap here and there and a little on the sides.
Clap your hands on our legs.
Stroked hands and arms and legs.
The frogs will say: “Qua! Jump fun, friends!
Clap, palm!
Here we have a game! Clap, palm, clap, another!
With the right palm we slapped on the right leg.
And then with the palm of your left, you clap louder.
And then, then, then we’ll beat the right one with the left.
Up palms! Clap clap.
Slap on the knees, slap!
Now pat your shoulders. Slap yourself on the sides!
We can clap behind! Let's clap in front of us!
Right we can! We can go left!
And fold our hands crosswise!

Imitation games with speech accompaniment.

As already noted, the basis of early childhood education is the desire of kids to imitate the actions of an adult. Imitation of movements, facial expressions, intonation contribute to the development of the prosodic components of speech. Prosody - common name for super-segmental properties of speech, such as rising and falling tone, acceleration and deceleration of tempo, rhythmic characteristics, spacing logical stresses, soft attack voices, strength, sound duration, smooth speech exhalation, clarity of diction, intonation, timbre color. Without all these qualities, our speech would turn into the speech of a robot.

Young children with normal speech development already at 6-7 months understand perfectly the intonation of adults and, accordingly, do not react to it. The lack of response to the prosodic properties of the language when communicating with a young child indicates a problem in his speech development. Therefore, the development of prosodic components of speech must be given Special attention. From our point of view, this happens most effectively in imitation games, where, along with the development of impressive and expressive speech, the expansion active dictionary, the formation grammatical forms words, the intonation, timbre, etc. are especially felt, which contributes to the assimilation of the prosodic properties of the language.

Exercise "Birdyard"

Our ducks in the morning - “Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!”
Our geese by the pond - “Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!”
Our gulenki at the top - “Gu-gu-gu! Gu-gu-gu!
Our chickens in the window - "Kho-kho, kho-ko-ko-ko-ko!"
And our Petya-cockerel is early, early in the morning
We will sing "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Exercise "Neighbours"

A dog lives above our apartment
The dog barks and does not let sleep: -Av-av-av.
And above the dog the cat lives
The cat meows and does not let sleep: -Meow.
Well, a mouse lives above the cat.
The mouse sighs and does not let sleep: -Sh-sh-sh-.
At night, an evil rain knocks on the roof.
That's the only reason the mouse doesn't sleep Sh-sh
And the cat doesn't sleep, Meow.
And the dog doesn't sleep. Av - av. And the whole house does not sleep.

Exercise "Forest Noise"

Shu-shu-shu, shoo-shu-shu, we heard a noise in the forest Children take the unfinished ribbed
Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha, the leaves are rustling. pencil and roll it between the palms
Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi, this is a mouse rustling, in turn: in front of him,
Shu-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo, the wind is making noise. then next to each ear.
Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh - this bear is sleeping. Put a pencil, palms under your head.
Ts-s-s finger to lips.


1. Dateshidze T.A. The system of work with children of early age with delayed speech development. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004
2. Miklyaeva N.V., Polozova O.A., Rodionova Yu.N. Phonetic and logopedic rhythm in DOW: A guide for educators and speech therapists. - M .: Iris-press, 2004
3. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythm for kids: Scenarios for classes with children 3-4 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004
4. Grigoryeva G.G. We play with kids: Games and exercises for young children: A guide for preschool educators and parents. M.: Enlightenment, 2003

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Vereshchagin boarding school for students with intellectual disabilities»

A set of games and exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills, breathing on lexical topics

Speech therapist: Ugleva Tatyana Pavlovna

Theme "Autumn"

1 .Articulation gymnastics
- "Fence"
- "Smile"

    The wind blew - "Whoo!" The leaves turned yellow, trembled - "F-f-f!" They flew to the ground - “P-p-p!” They rustled - "Shh, Shh!".

    Development of fine motor skills

4. Coordination of speech with movement

Subject: "Family"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Tube"
    - "Shovel"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Grandmother climbs the stairs, it's hard for her:

“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Woo-woo-woo!"
We teach little brother say syllables:

“Ka-ha, ko-go, ku-gu. Who-who, who-who"

    Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement


Home Theme

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Smile"
    - "Tube"
    - "Shovel"

2. The development of speech breathing

We pin window frames. We drill holes with a drill.

Pronounce the sounds on one exhale: “T-t-t-t-t, d-d-d-d-d”, and then the syllables: “Ta-da-ta-da, you-you-you-dy, knock -Knock-Knock".

We walk through the floors.

pronounce the wordsfirst, second, third, fourth, fifth, raising your voice, accompanying with the movement of your hand (we go up the stairs), lowering your voice (we go down).

Pronounce sentences with different intonations: “Oh, what a house!”, “What kind of house is this?”, “This is such a house!”.

3. Development of fine motor skills

Reading a poem is accompanied by facial expressions, actions of fingers and hands. .

Knock, knock with a hammer,

We are building a new house.

This house is for Masha,

This house is for Sasha,

This house is for Dasha,

This one is for Natasha.

This house is for Ksyusha,

This one is for Andryusha.

All the neighbors

All friends.

They cannot live without friendship.

4. Movement coordination

Depict a crane, a loaded dump truck, a brick thrown on the road, a concrete mixer, an electric drill and other tools.

Depict a house abandoned by the owners; ruined hut; house where newcomers move in.

Imagine yourself with a saw, a cloth, a drill. Show the purpose of these tools.

Theme: "Vegetables"

1 . Articulation gymnastics
- "Smile"
- "Tube"
- "Shovel"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Vegetable talk. Tomato (
    boastfully ), Cucumber (resentfully )
    Tomato boasts to Cucumber: “Pa-poo, po-po!”
    Cucumber: "W-would be, in-bo"
    Zucchini tells Eggplant that he is tired of lying in the garden: “That-you-that”

3. Development of fine motor skills

4. Coordination of speech with movement
Children go to the garden
Where vegetables grow
Children tilt their backs
And they pick peas

Theme "Fruit"

    Articulation gymnastics

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    The girls came to the garden, saw a lot of fruits and were surprised:


Heard fruit talking. The Apple is angry with the Caterpillar:


Cherries ask the Starlings not to peck them:

"Pta-pty-pto, pta-ptu-pty."

Apples fall on the grass


    Development of fine motor skills
    The finger is thick and large
    I went to the plum garden.
    Pointer from the threshold
    Showed him the way.
    The middle finger is the most accurate:
    He knocks plums off the branch.
    The nameless eats
    And little finger mister
    Plants bones in the ground.

    Coordination of speech with movement

- Apple tree! Apple tree!
Where are your apples?
Did the frost freeze them?
Or did the wind blow them away?
Or did the lightning strike?
Or were they beaten by a hailstorm?
Or have the birds pecked?
Where did they disappear to?
- The frost did not freeze them,
And it wasn't the wind that took them away
Did not burn them with fire,
There was no hail with rain,
The birds didn't bite them.
The kids broke off.

Children walk in a circle, holding hands,
The leader is in the center of the circle.
They stop, one finger is bent for each line,
the driver shakes his head.

They shrug.
Again, bend one finger at a time.
The children run away.

Theme "Mushrooms"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    They saw a big mushroom and were surprised: “Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!” They found a wormy mushroom, they were upset: “Ah-ah-ah!”

    Development of fine motor skills

(alternately bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)

    Movement coordination

Theme: "Toys"

1. Articulation gymnastics
- "Fence"

- "Shovel"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    - Katya doll came to visit us today. The doll dances and sings a song: "LA-LA-LA! LA-LA-LA!" Let's sing along with Katya!

3. Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement

This ball, round ball,
Red ball, smooth ball.
He loves to jump the ball.
That's the ball, round ball.

Theme "Man"

1. Articulation gymnastics

- "Fence"
- "Smile"

2 . Development of speech breathing and voice power

We got lost in the forest, everyone shouted: “Au-u-u!” (Loudly.) No one answers, only the echo answers: "Au-u-u!" (Quiet.)

The baby is learning to speak.

Pronounce the syllables: "Mna-mno, me-mnu, pi-pya-pe, bi-bya-by."

    Development of fine motor skills

Four fingers are folded into a fist. The thumb, making a request, touches each one in turn. In response, each of the fingers straightens and bends again.

- Brother, bring firewood!

- Headache!

- Medium, will you chop wood?

- I'm not well today!

- Well, will you heat the stove?

- Oh, my heart hurts!

- You little one, cook dinner!

- I have no strength!

- Well, I'll do everything myself, But I won't give you lunch!

Ready to starve?

We are already healthy!I. Lopukhina

4. Movement coordination

Nose, wash up!

Faucet, open!

Nose, wash up!

Wash right away

Both eyes! Wash your ears

Wash your neck!


Wash, wash,

pour yourself

Dirty, wash off!

Theme: "Clothes"

1. Articulation gymnastics
- "Tube"
- "Shovel"

2. Development of speech breathing and voice power "Sewing clothes »
We sew and sing songs:

"La-li-le, li-la-lu."
Pricked a finger. Blow on the sore spotprolonged exhalation through mouth ),

pronounce the syllables in one breath:


and then suggestions:

“Oh, oh, oh, my finger hurts!”,

"Uy-uy-uy, you blow on your finger!".

    Development of fine motor skills
    On Monday I cut
    And on Tuesday - sewed a dress.
    On Wednesday - embroidered an apron,
    And on Thursday - washed clothes:
    All your handkerchiefs.

    And brother socks.
    And Friday, Saturday.

    Rested from work.

    Coordination of speech with movement

Theme: "Dishes"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Tube"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    We blow on hot tea, lips with a straw.
    Puffing teapot.
    Say: “Puff-puff-puff! Puff-puff-puff-puff! ".

    Development of fine motor skills

At the fluffy squirrel
round plate,
With a striped cat
Little bowl!

    Coordination of speech with movement

Theme "Winter"

  1. Articulation gymnastics

- "Fence"
- "Smile"

2. Development of speech breathing and voice power

Winter storm.

Old, gray-haired, with an ice stick, Blizzard hobbles Babayaga.

The blizzard howls: "Z-z-z-z-z-z." (With sound boost.)

The forest groaned from the blizzard: "M-m-m-m-m-m." (Quietly, in a high voice.)

Oaks groan heavily: "M-m-m-m-m-m." (Loud, low voice.)

The birch trees are moaning: "M-m-m-m-m-m." (Quietly, in a high voice.)

Spruces are making noise: "Sh-sh-sh-P1-Sh-P1."

The blizzard subsides: "S-s-s-s-s-s."

3. Development of fine motor skills

We went for a walk in the yard

One, two, three, four, five,

(Bend fingers one at a time.)

We came to the yard for a walk.

They made a snow woman.

(Imitate the modeling of lumps.)

The birds were fed with crumbs,

(Crush bread with all fingers.)

We then rode down the hill.

(Keep with index finger right hand on the palm of the left hand.)

And they rolled in the snow.

(Put your palms on the table with one side or the other.)

Everyone came home in the snow

(Shake hands.)

We ate soup and went to bed.

(Make movements with an imaginary spoon, put your hands under your cheek.) N. Nishcheva


Theme: "Furniture"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Tube"
    - "Shovel"
    - "Watch"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    We nail the door to the cabinet.
    Say on one breath:

“T-t-t-t-t-t, d-d-d-d-d. Ta-ta-ta-ta-da, you-you-you-dy, knock-knock-knock"

    Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement

Here is Kiryushkin's bed,

To sleep Kiryushka sweetly,

To grow up in a dream
To become big soon.

^ Raise your arms to the sides.

Squat, put folded palms under the left cheek.

They rise slowly.

They stand on their toes, stretch their arms up.

Theme "Migratory and wintering birds"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Bullfinch: "Fu-fu-fu"
    Seagull: "Gah-ak-ag-ag, gre-gri"
    Titmouse: "Kick-kick-kick"
    Sparrow: "Chick-chi-rick"

    Development of fine motor skills
    - Where did the sparrow dine?
    - In the zoo with animals.
    I ate first
    Behind the bars at the lion.
    Refreshed at the titmouse,
    I drank some water from the walrus,
    Eating a carrot from an elephant
    I ate millet with a crane,
    Stayed with a rhinoceros
    Bran ate a little...
    Was at a dinner party
    At the furry bear
    A toothy crocodile
    Nearly swallowed me.

4. Movement coordination

Jumping nimble tit
She doesn't sit still
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
It twirled like a top.
I sat down for a minute
She scratched her chest with her beak,
And from the track - to the wattle fence,
Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.

Children jump around the room on two legs.
rub fingers on chest
run away to places
Sitting, waving the hands

Subject: " New Year. Christmas tree. Winter fun»

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Tube"
    - "Shovel"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Old, gray-haired, with an ice stick, Blizzard hobbles Baba Yaga.
    The blizzard howls: "Z-z-z-z-z" (
    with sound amplification )
    The forest groaned from the blizzard: "M-m-m-m-m-m" (
    quiet, high voice )
    Oaks groan heavily: "M-m-m-m" (
    loud, low voice )
    Spruces are noisy: "Shhhhh"
    The blizzard subsides: "S-s-s-s-s-s"

    Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement

^ They walk in a circle holding hands.
They stop, stretch their hands up.
Again they walk in a circle, holding hands.

Theme "Tools"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power "Pump"
    Who among you likes to ride a bike? What about by car? Everyone loves. But sometimes the wheels of cars and bicycles are punctured and blown away. Let's take the pumps and pump up the wheels - like this! "S-S-S" - the pumps are working!

    Development of fine motor skills

4. Movement coordination

Topic: "Pets"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Sound imitation of animals. Change the voice in strength and height.
    Cow: "Moo-o-o-o, milk to whom?" (
    loud, low voice )
    Calf: "Moo-oo-oo-oo" (
    quiet, high voice )
    Cat: "Meow-meow-meow" (
    quiet, high voice )
    Kitten: "Meow-meow-meow" (
    quiet, high voice )

    Development of fine motor skills
    Two kittens met: “Meow-meow!”,
    Two puppies: "Av-av!",
    Two foals: “Igo-go!”,
    Two tiger cubs: “Rrrr!”,
    Two bulls: "Mu!".
    Look what horns.

    Coordination of speech with movement
    That will rot
    It will arch your back
    Pull the leg forward
    It makes charging
    Our Marquis -
    Fluffy cat.
    He scratches himself behind the ear,
    He blinks his eyes and growls.
    Marquis is fine.
    Claws, hair and appetite.

Theme: "Wild Animals"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    The wolf howls: "U-u-u-u-u-u-u" (speak softly and loudly )
    The hedgehog puffs: "Puff-puff-puff."

    Development of fine motor skills

tip thumb right hand alternately touch the tips of the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger.
Do the same with your left hand

    Coordination of speech with movement
    Bunny in the grass skok-skok.
    The bunny jumped behind a bush.
    A brave bunny is not afraid
    Do not catch him to the fox.

Theme: "Shoes"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Smile"
    - "Tube"
    - "Shovel"
    - "Watch"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Let's sing songs. Here is the first song:


Dial more air- inhale the air. The song must be long.
- Here is the second song:



"Oh-Oh-Oh!", "I-I-I!", "E-E-E!"

    Development of fine motor skills
    Let's count for the first time
    How many shoes do we have.
    Shoes, slippers, boots
    For Natasha and Serezha,
    And more boots
    For our Valentine
    And these boots
    For baby Galenka.

    Coordination of speech with movement


Tema: "Parts of the body and face"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Tube"
    - "Shovel"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    "Blow on your fingers."
    Fold your fingers into a pinch, and taking an energetic breath through your nose, blow on your fingers with short exhalations, working with the abdominal muscles.

    Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement

^ Show first the left, then the right eye.
They take the left ear first, then the right ear.
The left hand shows the mouth, the right hand shows the nose.
The left hand is placed on the back, the right hand on the stomach.
^ Extend both hands, clap twice.
Put your palms on your hips, stomp twice.
The right palm is passed over the forehead.

Topic: "Food"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Tube"
    - "Shovel"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    One, two, three, pot, cook!
    The porridge is being cooked. "SH-SH-SH"
    Fire is added. "Sh-Sh-Sh" (at an accelerated pace).
    One two Three,
    Pot, don't boil!

    Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    A light breeze is blowing - f-f-f... And it shakes the leaf like that - f-f-f... The exhalation is calm, even.
    A strong breeze is blowing - ffff... And it shakes the leaf like that - ffff... Active exhalation.
    Leaves sit on branches, autumn leaves say to children:
    Aspen - ah-ah-ah ...
    Rowan - and-and-and ...
    Birch - oh-oh-oh ...
    Oak - woo...

    Development of fine motor skills

(alternately bend your fingers to the palm, starting with the little finger)
(open the cam, wide
fingers apart.)

    Movement coordination Left, right
    Left, right!
    To the parade
    There is a detachment.
    To the parade
    The squad is coming.
    The drummer is very happy.
    An hour and a half
    The drum... is already full of holes!

T ema: "Professions"

    Articulation gymnastics

    Development of speech breathing and voice power Trumpeter.
    Slowly exhaling, loudly pronounce "pff". Repeat 4-5 times.

    Development of fine motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement "Builders"
We planed, we planed
The boards are smooth steel.
We drank, we drank
For everyone to be equal.
We put them side by side
Beaten with a hammer
It turned out to be a bird house.
We go to the street
Let's take him high.
For the birds to fly
And the kittens did not get

Theme "Transport"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"
    - "Shovel"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    The tire of the car was punctured: shhhh.
    Let's pump up the tire: sssss.
    Cars drive along the road: sha-shu-shi.
    The car honks: beep beep beep.
    The train is buzzing: tu-tu-tu-tu.

    Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement.

The truck is carrying sand.
People are surprised:
"That's so miracle-miracles,
It has sand under the sky!

Theme "Spring"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"
    2. Development of speech breathing and voice power

Dialogue of Winter and Spring

Spring says:

- Sister, it's time for you to leave! And Winter to Spring in response:

- Not! Not! Not! Not! Spring says then:

- Is water dripping from the roof?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

- Are the slides melting in the yards?

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

- Did the ice crack on the river?

Like this! So here it is!

3. Development of fine motor skills

Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals open.

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers

Close the petals

Sleeping quietly

They shake their heads.

T. Tkachenko

    Movement coordination

Bubbling drops,

Icicle cried:

- I wanted to sit higher

I wanted to climb on the roof

I stepped on the ledge

And I'm afraid to fall down!

Cap! Cap! Cap!

Theme: “Spring. Mom's holiday "

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power.
    Spring says:
    "Sister, it's time for you to leave!" And Winter to Spring in response:
    - Not! Not! Not! Not! Spring says then:
    Is water dripping from the roof?
    - Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
    - Are the slides melting in the yards?
    - Ah! Oh! Oh! Oh!
    - Did the ice crack on the river?
    - Like this! So here it is!

    Development of fine motor skills

    Coordination of speech with movement

Tema "Pisces"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Let's sing songs. Here is the first song: "A-A-A-U-U-U!" Get plenty of air - the song should be long. And here is the second song: "U-U-U-A-A-A!"

    Development of fine motor skills

The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air. .

The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform a "diving" movement with them.

We swing with closed palms (negative gesture).
We turn the palms to the back of one of the hands (the fish is sleeping).

We quickly shake our palms (trembling).
The wrists are connected; palms open and join (mouth).

Quick wave-like movements with closed palms (the fish swim away).


Theme "Household appliances and tools"

1. Articulation gymnastics

- "Fence"
- "Smile"

2. Development of speech breathing and voice power

Sounds of working electric machines: vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, washing machine. "J-j-j-j-j-j", "Dz-z-z-z-z-z".

Conversation of the Refrigerator with the Mixer: “Hla-hlo-hlu” - “Vzhi-vzha-vzho”.

3. Development of fine motor skills

Perform actions and movements in accordance with the content of the poem.

What's the noise in this kitchen?

We will fry meatballs

We'll take a meat grinder

Let's check the meat quickly.

Stuff together with a mixer

Everything you need for a cream.

To bake a cake soon

We turn on the electric stove.

Electrical appliances are amazing!

It would be hard for us to live without them.

4. Movement coordination

Convey by movement, facial expressions or otherwise functional purpose electrical appliances and household machines: a refrigerator filled with food and an empty one, a working vacuum cleaner, a boiled electric kettle, a TV turned on, a mixer running, etc.


Theme "Wild animals of hot countries"

1. Articulation gymnastics
- "Fence"
- "Smile"
2. Development of speech breathing and voice power

The growl of a tiger and a tiger cub.

Pronounce sound loudlyrrrr: the tiger - loudly, in a low voice, the tiger cub - quietly, in a high voice.

Say the phrase "I saw a crocodile!" with different intonation and feeling (fear, joy, surprise).

3. Development of fine motor skills

Camel. Clench the fists and connect them at the crook of the fingers.

Here is a camel - a living miracle.

The camel has two humps. .Marshak


Open and close folded palms with fingers curled into the palm.

A toothy crocodile

Nearly swallowed me.S. Marshak


Clench your fingers into a fist, slightly raising your little finger and index finger.

4. Movement coordination

The giant giraffe takes out the branches of a tall tree.

Raise your head up (neck is tense). Lower your head down (relaxation).

The neck of a giraffe is long and flexible,

Branches giraffe takes out condescendingly.N. Stozhkova

The elephant waves its trunk.

Turning the head to the side. When turning - inhale through the nose. When returning to the starting position, exhale through the mouth.

The elephant nods its head

He sends a bow to the elephant.S. Marshak

The lion shakes his mane.

Head shaking.


Theme "Insects"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power
    Rotating the index fingers in front of the chest, exhale for a long time: "zh-zh-zh".
    Bee, buzz, fly into the field.

    Fly from the field, bring honey. Well...

    Development of fine motor skills

    Movement coordination

(straighten your back, rise; sway slightly to the right and left; take your hands back - “wings grow”) ("fly", imitating the movements of a butterfly)


Theme: "Summer"

    Articulation gymnastics
    - "Fence"
    - "Smile"

    Development of speech breathing and voice power

Summer blowing light wind (quiet) :


A strong wind blewloud ):

"U-u-u-u-u-u." (3 times )

We got lost in the forest, we shouted:

"Ay!" (loud quiet );

Summer leaves hang on branches, autumn leaves say to us: “A-o-o-o”, “O-o-o-o”, “O-o-o-o”, “E-a-o-o ".

3. Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics"On the lawn"

On the green lawnChildren depict playing the balalaika )

The balalaika played.

The flute played, (Depict playing the flute )

Dudochka - a horn.

In a red sundress(“Dance” with fingers on the table top )

Nastenka danced.

4. Movement coordination


We went down to the fast river, (Children go to the center of the circle.

They snuggle, rub their faces with their hands)

Bent over and washed.

One two three four - (For each line four

hand movements towards the face)

That's how nicely refreshed.


And now they swam together. (Walking in a circle holding hands

You need to do this by hand:

Together - since this is a breaststroke, (Show "breaststroke", "crawl",

One, the other is a crawl.moving around)

All as one we swim like a dolphin (They go around in circles,

doing hands "breaststroke" or "crawl")

Went ashore steep (Walking away from the center of the circle )

And we went home.




    Anischenkova E.S. - Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers: a guide for parents and teachers / - M .: AST: Astrel. 2006. - 60,

    Nishcheva N.V. - Card file of exercises for automation correct pronunciation and differentiation of sounds different groups. - St. Petersburg: "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD - PRESS ", 2009. - 160p.

    Nishcheva N.V. - The program of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group kindergarten. - St. Petersburg. "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2006 - 192s

    Rybina A.F. Correction of sound pronunciation in children: speech material. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010 - 110s.

    Budennaya T.P. – Speech therapy gymnastics. Methodological guide. - St. Petersburg. "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005

Many people, not even connected with public speaking as such, it is often necessary to take on the role of a speaker, presenter or entertainer. It can be a project presentation or a report, an event or just a story. interesting history with friends. What can we say about those for whom performances are a profession? But it doesn’t matter at all whether a person performs professionally, is only learning this skill, or has nothing to do with it at all, in any case correct articulation will always play into his hands, tk. thanks to her, all spoken words will sound distinct, clear and precise, and the speech will be beautiful and memorable. In particular, this, of course, applies to those people who are directly related to the speeches. In this article, we present to your attention 10 effective exercises to improve articulation.

Each of the exercises is aimed at training muscles speech apparatus and improve their mobility. When performing, it is important to pay special attention to the fact that the load should be directed to specific muscle groups. It is also important that the muscles of the cervico-shoulder region can work freely, and the pace of exercises should be slowed down - this helps to get from the exercises the greatest effect. Before performing the exercises, it is imperative to perform warm-up exercises of the speech apparatus. You can devote only 5-7 minutes to it, but the quality of the practice will improve significantly.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics differs in types:

Gymnastics for cheeks

  1. Retraction and inflation of the cheeks alternately
  2. Distillation of air from one cheek first to the other cheek, then under the lower lip, then under the upper lip
  3. The tension of the cheeks and lips with an attempt to push out of oral cavity air
  4. Retraction of the cheeks and simultaneous closing and opening of the lips

Gymnastics of the lower jaw

  • Fists on the lower jaw and jaw pressure on the fists
  • Various movements of the lower jaw: up and down, back and forth, circular

Gymnastics of the soft palate

  1. Yawning with an open mouth
  2. Movement of the tongue, collected in the "scapula" to the soft palate and return to the alveoli - the base of the upper lower teeth
  3. Pronunciation of vowels with yawns
  4. Imitation gargling

Lip gymnastics

  • Tight smile with closed teeth and puckering of the lips with a straw
  • Various movements of the lips with closed teeth: up-down, left-right, circular
  • Lip chewing
  • Pulling the lips over the teeth and the subsequent smile with the sliding of the lips over the teeth
  • Pulling up the upper lip, exposing the upper teeth, then lower lip with lower teeth exposed
  • snort

Gymnastics of the tongue

  1. Rotation of the tongue in a circle in the space between the lips and teeth and retention of the tongue under the right and under the left cheeks alternately
  2. Tongue chewing
  3. Patting tongue with lips
  4. Pulling the tongue forward with a "needle"
  5. Attempts to reach the tongue to the chin and to the nose
  6. Folding the tongue with a “tube”, moving the “tube” back and forth and blowing air into it
  7. Turning the tongue on different sides
  8. Holding the tongue against the upper palate

After the articulation gymnastics is over and you are convinced that all parts of the speech apparatus are developed, you can proceed to the main exercises to improve articulation.

Articulation exercises

Exercise 1

An exercise in feeling the tip of the tongue - its hardness and activity in pronunciation. To do this, use your imagination: imagine that your tongue is a small hammer. Then beat him in the teeth with the tip, saying: yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. After that, practice pronunciation of the letters "T-D".

Exercise 2

Exercise to release the larynx and tongue. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to quickly take a short breath through your nose and exhale completely through your mouth. The exhalation should also be sharp and should be accompanied by the sound "Fu". The same exercise can be supplemented with an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the larynx: say the letters "K-G" several times.

Exercise 3

Exercise for quick activation of the labial muscles. You need to puff out your cheeks and dump the air you have taken in with a sharp pop through pursed lips, while pronouncing the letters “P-B” vigorously.

Exercise 4

An exercise to develop the skill of gaining air before each new phrase. Take any poem or piece of work and consciously take a breath before each new phrase. Try not to forget about it so that a habit develops. And you also need to take into account three points: breathing should be silent, at the beginning of each phrase, you should keep your lips a little open, and after the end of each sound, you should immediately close your mouth so that the ending does not “chew”.

Exercise 5

exercise on correct distribution air. As a rule, more breathing is required for a person to speak loudly, but speaking softly often involves more control of exhalation. Practice pronunciation of phrases quietly and in a loud voice and determine how much air you need for each of them. Combine this technique with the previous one.

Exercise 6

Exercise for the smooth pronunciation of vowels in a single stream and a clear pronunciation of consonants within this stream. Choose any poem (or several lines from it) and do as follows: first, exclude all consonants from the lines and pronounce only the vowels evenly, stretching them out a little. After that, start inserting clear and fast consonants into the vowel stream, trying to ensure that the vowel stream remains the same sonorous.

Exercise 7

Diction exercise. It is a simple reading of tongue twisters. Choose for yourself a few tongue twisters with different letter combinations and start honing your pronunciation. At first slowly, slowly. Then increase the pace. Watch the rhythm, control diction, intelligibility and expressiveness.

Exercise 8

Another exercise to improve diction. It consists in the fact that at the end of each word, special attention should be paid to the sharp underlining of its ending. This will make the pronunciation of the word clearer and more expressive.

Exercise 9

An exercise to improve the pronunciation of sounds. It is used for those sounds that are most difficult for you to pronounce. Take a dictionary, open the letter that is causing you difficulty, and read all the words in a row that have a sound that is difficult for you, listening carefully to it. Through repeated repetitions, pronunciation will improve. In addition to this exercise, you can use a voice recorder to track your progress: write down all the spoken words, then listen to the recordings and work on the mistakes.

Exercise 10

An exercise to develop the timbre and acoustic properties of the voice. It includes the development of the muscles of the pharynx and tongue. It is necessary to silently pronounce the letters “A-E-O” 10 times, while trying to open not the mouth, but the cavity of the pharynx.

And as small bonus another great one and effective reception to improve overall quality not only articulations, but also introductions in general - this working with a mirror. Choose a passage of prose or a poem that you remember and read it while watching your reflection in the mirror. Track your facial expressions, the movement of lips, eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones. Listen to your voice. The main evaluation criteria should be aesthetics, naturalness, harmony, as well as psychological and physical comfort. You must achieve that you like yourself, so that the sound of your voice is pleasant for you, and facial expressions and gestures evoke only positive emotions.

Naturally, these exercises are not exhaustive and unique. And they should serve you only as pointers in the work on your articulation. If you wish, you can find great amount similar exercises on the Internet or specialized literature. But to sum it up, one can short summary and highlight a few key principles:

  • Of particular importance in the training of articulation are the systematic training and their conscious control.
  • It is very important to work regularly in front of a mirror.
  • In the process of training, you must be demanding of yourself, be able to look (listen) to yourself from the side
  • It is imperative to do numerous repetitions of unpronounceable sounds until you feel a state of complete comfort when pronouncing them.
  • Particular attention should be paid to working with muscle and emotional clamps.
  • Progress significantly speeds up listening to audio and watching videos with recordings of people with excellent articulation

Be guided in your practice by these principles, and desired result will make itself known very soon. And the first tangible effect will appear already on initial stage. Remember that it is recommended to develop articulation not only for singers, professional presenters, lecturers, speakers or actors, but for any person in general, if only for the simple reason that we all live in society, and we constantly have to interact with other people.

We wish you good luck with your articulation work. Speak beautifully!

To train articulation and cheer up, we suggest you take a short test:

  1. Try it without using your hands and with closed mouth turn the lower lip inside out
  2. Try to do the same, but with your mouth open
  3. Repeat step #2 at the mirror

| |
Difficult vowels: e; e; yu; i | e; y; e; s; a; o; e; i; and; yu |
Statement of consonant sounds and letters: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Difficult consonants: b;p | w;w | h;s | g;k | s;c | w;f | r;l | p;l | r;p;l | s;s;ts | h;zh;sh;shch;ts;x |

Some speech therapy problems can only be eliminated with the help of a speech therapist. It is better to study often and in short portions than to arrange long lessons, but with long breaks. Here on the site () you will find exercises for setting all the sounds of the Russian alphabet, and also teach your child to read. On the individual lessons with a speech therapist, work is underway to develop articulatory motor skills, The work of a speech therapist must be comprehensive and systematic. Speech therapy children need purposeful systematic care. Following the recommendations of the speech therapy section of the site will allow you to get positive dynamics development and correction of children's speech. and subgroup speech therapy classes, children with similar speech disorders unite. On this site you will find special cards for classes.

The development of the articulatory apparatus of children

plays important role when a child learns to speak. The articulatory apparatus develops when the child eats solid food (for example, an apple), sucks. For his training, you can use the game:

Bubble. blow out bubble together with the child.

Birdies. Cut out a bird and tie a thread 15-20 cm long to its back. "Look, this is a bird. I'll blow it, it will fly. Like this. Fly bird." Blow. Invite your child to do the same. Similarly, you can make a flying plane.

Show tongue. When the child eats some colorful food (jam, cottage cheese), invite him to look in the mirror. Show how far you can stick your tongue out.

Articulation gymnastics and correct pronunciation of sounds

The importance of articulatory gymnastics for children cannot be overestimated. It is similar to morning exercises: it increases blood circulation, develops the flexibility of the organs of the speech apparatus, and strengthens the muscles of the face. Also, articulatory gymnastics is very important for children with a correct, but sluggish pronunciation of sounds, i.e. those who have "porridge in their mouths."

Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers is best done in a playful way. Small ones work well for this. poetic forms. Articulation gymnastics in verses is not only an increase in the child's interest in a particular exercise, but also a countdown of the exercise time and determining the rhythm of performing dynamic exercises.

In this article, I presented exercises and poems for them, which I directly use in my work.

Causes of speech problems

  • rickets
  • injury
  • frequent somatic diseases
  • organic lesion of the articulatory apparatus in its peripheral part (thick, inactive lips, big tongue, short bridle, malocclusion, sparse or missing teeth, high or low palate)
  • unfavorable speech environment

Concomitant conditions: increased excitability, lethargy of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, physical weakness of the child.

Active games with a child and the development of the speech apparatus

Speak your actions while playing. Encourage your child to use the names of objects as well as necessary action. "Our Masha wants to eat. Let's cook dinner for her. What will she eat? Probably pasta. Let's take a pot. Pour water. What will we pour? Put it ... Where will we put it? On the stove. The water will boil. We will salt it. What will we do? and .etc.

Muscles and sound reproduction

In addition to the mobility of the organs of articulation, kinesthetic (muscular) sensations are very important. The kinesthetic sense accompanies the work of all speech muscles. Thus, various differentiated muscle sensations arise in the oral cavity, depending on the degree muscle tension when moving the tongue, lips, lower jaw. The directions of these movements and various articulation patterns (positions of the tongue) are felt when pronouncing certain sounds.

Susanna Polyakova
Consultation for parents "Development of the articulatory apparatus in children"

Advice for parents


Teacher speech therapist the highest category MBDOU №2 "Okay"

Polyakova S. S.

In order to form the correct sound pronunciation children, necessary develop articulatory apparatus.

articulatory apparatus consists of three main departments: oral, nasal and voice-forming. All of them are parts respiratory system. Moreover, speech requires abdominal breathing. Breath top chest always makes speech difficult.

We pronounce correctly various sounds due to good organ mobility articulation, which include tongue (1, lips (2, lower jaw(3, soft palate (4, small uvula (5, teeth (6, their bases (7), hard palate (8, alveoli (9) (cusps behind upper teeth) (Fig. 1).

Accuracy, strength and differentiation of movements of these organs develop the child gradually, in the process speech activity. Great importance in the development of articulation organs is played by articulation gymnastics.

It should be noted that before starting classes, introduce the child to those speech organs that are in the mouth. Examine them with him in front of a mirror, and for clarity, let him feel them with his finger. (especially those that are hard to see).

articulatory gymnastics are special exercises for mobility development, dexterity of the tongue, lips, cheeks, frenulum.

Target articulatory gymnastics - the development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of organs articulation apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Conduct articulatory gymnastics is needed daily to produce children motor skills were fixed, became more durable. It is better to do it 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Do not offer children more than 2-3 exercises at a time. articulatory gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position.

The child must see the adult's face well, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, the child and adult during the articulatory gymnastics should be in front of a wall mirror. Also, the child can use a small hand mirror (approximately 9-12 cm, but then the adult should be opposite the child facing him.

Articulatory gymnastics will help to gain purposefulness of tongue movements, develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of organs articulation apparatus. It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way.

If the child performs some exercise not well enough, you should not introduce new exercises, it is better to work out old material. To consolidate it, you can come up with new game techniques.

In progress articulatory gymnastics, it is important to remember to create a positive emotional mood The child has. You can not tell him that he is doing the exercise incorrectly, this can lead to refusal, to perform the movement. Better show the child his achievements ( “You see, the language has already learned to be wide”, cheer ( “Nothing, your tongue will definitely learn to rise up”). An adult who deals with a child must independently familiarize himself and learn a set of universal exercises for the lips and tongue. When performing exercises, you can use toys for which the tongue shows exercises, and various fairy tales about tongue.

Speech therapist distributes parents hand mirrors and offers to get acquainted with the complex of universal exercises for the lips and tongue with the help of "Tales of the Merry Tongue".


The Tongue lived in the world. He had his own house in the world. The house was called a mouth. The house opened and closed. Look how the house closed. (An adult slowly and clearly closes and opens his teeth.)

Teeth! The lower teeth are the porch and the upper teeth are the door. Tongue lived in his house and often looked out into the street. He opens the door, leans out of it and again hides in the house. Look! (An adult shows a wide tongue several times and hides it.) The language was very curious. He wanted to know everything. He sees how the kitten laps milk, and thinks: "Give me a try". He sticks out his wide tail on the porch and hides it again. Slowly at first, then faster. Just like a kitten does. Can you do that? Come on, try it! He also loved to sing songs. He was cheerful. What he sees and hears on the street, he sings about. Hear the children scream "ah-ah-ah", open the door wide, wide and will sing: "A-a-a". Hear the horse neigh "i-i-i", a narrow crack in the door will make and will sing: "I-i-i". Hear the train hum "u-u-u", make a round hole in the door and will sing: "U-u-u". So at the Tongue imperceptibly and the day will pass. The Tongue gets tired, closes the door and goes to sleep. Here is the end of the story.

Classes for development of mobility of articulatory motility in children may be purely imitative. Give your child some "monkey": You you will show movements with lips, tongue, and he will repeat after you.

To form the correct pronunciation, it is also necessary breath development. There is speech breathing, which is formed in the process of human speech. Well-placed speech breathing provides clear diction and a clear pronunciation of sounds. Preferably before each complex articulatory gymnastics perform 1-2 exercises. All these exercises will help you achieve a smooth exit and master hard-to-pronounce sounds faster.

It is important to observe the parameters of speech breathing:

Exhalation is preceded by a strong inhalation through the nose - "gaining a full chest of air";

Exhalation occurs smoothly, not in jerks;

During exhalation, the lips are folded into a tube, one should not compress the lips, puff out the cheeks;

During exhalation, air exits through the mouth, air should not be allowed to exit through the nose (if the child exhales through the nose, invite him to cover his nostrils with his palm so that he feels how the air should exit through the mouth);

Exhale should be until the air runs out;

While singing or talking, you can not get air with the help of frequent short breaths.

To development speech breathing of the child was interesting and exciting, you can invite him to blow on a turntable, blow soap bubbles, air balloons, blow on multi-colored ribbons, cotton balls, on paper boats floating on the water, blow leaves or snowflakes from the palm of your hand.

3-5 repetitions are enough. Repeated performance of such exercises can lead to dizziness.

Without a voice, there is no sound. Necessary develop voice box child. good helper in this matter, phonetic rhythm can become - a combination of breath, sound and movement. For example, you can do the following exercises.

Exercise number 1.

"ah-ah-ah." "draw" circle around the waist. Pronouncing the sound [a] stimulates the lungs, trachea and larynx.

Exercise number 2.

The starting position is arbitrary. The arms are stretched forward in front of the chest. The fingers are clenched into fists. index fingers directed upward. Inhale deeply and exhale loudly and drawl out the sound "i-i-i.". Pull as long as possible. At the same time, slowly raise your hands up.

Pronunciation of a sound "and" cleanses the vessels of the brain, ears, eyes, improves hearing and stimulates the thyroid gland.

Exercise number 3.

The starting position is arbitrary. Hands pressed to the chest. The fingers are clenched into fists. Index fingers point up. Inhale deeply and exhale loudly and drawl out the sound "uuuuu.". Pull as long as possible. At the same time, slowly stretch your hands forward.

Pronouncing the sound [y] enhances the function of the respiratory and speech centers of the brain, helps prevent muscle weakness and diseases of the hearing organs.

Exercise number 4.

The starting position is arbitrary. The arms are stretched forward in front of the chest. Inhale deeply and exhale loudly and drawl out the sound "Ltd.". Pull as long as possible. Hands at the same time "draw" a circle that closes above the head.

Pronouncing the sound [o] stimulates working capacity, helps prevent vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as diseases of the central nervous system associated with dizziness and gait disturbances.

Exercise number 5.

The starting position is arbitrary. Hands touch the shoulders. Elbows are down. Inhale deeply and exhale loudly and drawl out the sound "s-s-s.". Pull as long as possible. At the same time, connect your elbows and bring your shoulders closer to each other.

Pronouncing the sound [s] has a positive effect on the overall tone organism: relieves fatigue, increases efficiency. Daily Exercise on the development of the articulatory apparatus will help to form the correct, clear pronunciation in the child.