How smart (smart) goals are set for the year: methodology and examples. Health and sports

Benjamin Hardy

Blogger, Ph.D. at Clemson University. His articles have been featured in publications such as TIME, Psychology Today, Huffington Post, business insider, New York Observer, Thought Catalog, and many more.

Humans are fundamentally different from animals.


Animals are a direct product of the environment. They react to external circumstances and adapt to them, thus changing over time. The process of their evolution is slow and random.

Humanity is an indirect product of the environment. Although it is the means by which people have adapted and changed, our personal choices largely determine environment. This is the fundamental difference between man and animal.

We decide on the direction and strength of personal evolution by intelligently constructing the environment around us.

You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. You are what you make. Your life is measurable: it is directly proportional to the importance of the problem you are trying to solve. So choose wisely.


Psychological research shows that the fear of waiting is almost always perceived as worse than the actual experience.

It always amuses me when people say things like, “You have three adopted children and you were able to get a Ph.D.? I could never do that." Or: "I can never get over the death of a loved one." The fact is, they can. If their loved ones died or if they had to do something difficult (we all face difficulties), they would find new strength in themselves, solve problems and surprise themselves. Of course, sometimes life brings suffering. But we go through them, become stronger and, hopefully, smarter than we were before.

I recently met a woman with 17 children, eight of her own and nine adopted. She brings them up with her husband. You may find this strange. But, if you want, you can handle it just as well. By the way, their family is thriving, not just surviving.

No matter what difficulty we face, we can adapt to everything.

We can take a lot more than we think. So when it comes to , we deliberately prepare for something daunting.

Although most people are looking for a way least resistance and thus become accustomed to ease and idleness, you should look for trials and hardships. To give an example, trees that begin to grow in windy, forceful circumstances are forced to put down their roots as deep as possible and therefore become invulnerable to the environment.

Call to action

Don't avoid problems. Seek and meet them. You will grow as a person more if you decide large quantity problems.

You can achieve your goals in 3 months

Use tenfold thinking

Before writing the first chapter of Harry Potter, JK Rowling planned out seven years at Hogwarts. As a result, the Harry Potter story has become the most readable book of all time.

Before making the first Star Wars in 1970, George Lucas had planned at least six films, so he started with Episode 4 instead of Episode 1. As a result, almost 40 years later, the whole world goes crazy when new “ Star Wars". This would not have been possible if Lucas had not had such a thoughtful and ambitious plan.

Exercise reduces the likelihood of depression, anxiety and stress. They also affect career success. If you don't take care of your body, other aspects of your life will suffer as well.

Conclusion: Build a Life, Not Just a Career

One overdeveloped muscle can impede overall health and strength. You have probably seen guys from the audience with huge arms or broad shoulders and "chicken" legs.

Focusing on just one area of ​​your life is like going to the gym and working the same muscle over and over again while ignoring every other aspect of your body.

As you plan your year, think about something bigger than just success at work. Plan relationships and all important aspects your life, such as travel, experiences, goals, spirituality, personal development- in general, everything that interests you.

Many of my goals for this year have nothing to do with work.

The basis of the goal can be a dream or just a hope. By setting the right goal, you can outline the path to achieve it. Setting goals is not only useful, but also quite exciting. results psychological research showed that setting goals gives us a sense of confidence, even if these goals cannot be achieved in a couple of weeks. Once a Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." You can take this first step by setting realistic goals.


Part 1

Formulate a goal

    Think about what is important to you. Research results show that the likelihood of achieving goals is highly dependent on the level of motivation. Consider what areas of your life you would like to change. At this stage, the goal can be quite broad.

    Try to figure out what you want to be in the future. This image will bring some positivity and happiness into your life, as well as help you understand what goals are most important to you. To understand what you want to become in the future, you need to take just two steps: imagine yourself in the future when all your goals are achieved, and then understand what characteristics and skills you need to have in order to become who you want to be.

    • Imagine a future where you have achieved your goals. How will you look? What will be most important to you now? Focus on what you want to achieve, not on what friends or relatives expect from you.
    • Try to imagine every detail. Be optimistic, you can fantasize whatever you want. For example, if you work as a baker, you can imagine your own bakery. How she looks like? Where is? How many employees do you have? What product?
    • Write down all the details of your dream. Think about what characteristics and skills would help you achieve such a result? For example, if you want to open your own bakery, you must understand this business, you must be able to manage money, interact with people, negotiate, follow the demand for bakery products. Write down all the skills you need to achieve this goal.
    • Consider what skills and characteristics you already have. Be honest with yourself and don't judge yourself. Then think about what characteristics and skills you need to develop.
    • Think about ways in which you can develop these skills. For example, if you really want to open your own bakery but don't know much about the business, take a business or financial management course.
  1. Set your priorities. Once you have made a list of areas of your life that you would like to change, try to understand which ones are most important to you right now. If you try to succeed in all areas at once, you will most likely fail. You will feel overwhelmed and your goals will seem unattainable.

    • Divide your list of goals into three categories: common goals, goals of the second and third orders. In the category "general goals" should be the goals that are most important to you. Break down the rest of the goals in order of importance into the other two categories. Usually in the category "general goals" they write down specific goals.
    • Perhaps the most important goals for you are: "improving well-being", "improving family relations" and "vacation abroad". In the second category, you will have goals: "make friends", "be a good housewife", and in the third category: "learn to knit", "succeed at work", "play sports".
  2. Now start getting specific. Once you have identified the areas of your life that you want to improve, set more specific goals. To do this, ask yourself questions: “how?”, “What?”, “Why?”, “When?”, “Where?”.

    It is very important to understand that you are responsible for achieving this goal. Likely for most purposes key role your perseverance plays a role, but in some, for example, "spend more time with family", your relatives should also participate. Therefore, it is important to determine who is responsible for what goals.

    • For example, the goal to "learn to cook" applies only to you, so only you will be responsible for it. But if your goal is to "hold a party," then you will only have part of the responsibility.
  3. Try to specify the goal by answering the question “what?". Understand what kind of result you want to get. For example, the goal of "learn to cook" is too broad. Think about what exactly you want to cook. For example, the goal should be “learn how to cook Italian food for friends” or “learn how to cook chicken noodles.”

    • The more specific the goal, the clearer the steps you need to take to achieve it.
  4. Answer the question "when?". Break down your goals step by step. Set a rough time frame for achieving each goal.

    • Be realistic. The goal of "losing weight by 10 kg" is hardly achievable in a couple of weeks. Consider how long it will take you to reach your goals.
    • For example, the goal “learn how to bake chicken in batter until tomorrow' is hardly a realistic goal. Because of this goal, you will begin to worry and be nervous, because you do not have enough time to learn something.
    • And the goal of “learning how to bake chicken in batter by the end of the month” is a fairly achievable goal, because you will have enough time to learn something and practice. However, it is better to break this goal into several stages, because this greatly increases the likelihood of your success.
    • For example, this goal can be broken down into more small steps: “I want to learn how to bake chicken in batter. By the end of the week I'll find a few good recipes. I will cook chicken according to each of these recipes. Then I will choose what I liked best, cook chicken and invite my friends over for dinner.”
  5. Answer the question "where?". Thus, you can decide where exactly you will work to achieve the goal. For example, if you plan to exercise 3 times a week, you need to decide whether you will go to the gym, work out at home, or run in the park.

    • In our case, if your goal is "to learn how to bake chicken in batter", consider whether you will take additional cooking classes or cook at home.
  6. Answer the question "how?". By answering this question, you will understand how you are going to achieve each of the stages of your goal. This step is needed so that you understand what actions you will have to take in order to achieve your goal.

    • Let's go back to our chicken example. To achieve this goal, you will have to find some good recipes, buy chicken and other ingredients, prepare dishes and utensils, and take the time to practice.
  7. Answer the question "why?". As mentioned earlier, the more motivated you are, the faster you will reach your goal. You must understand why this goal is so important to you. By answering this question, you will understand what motivates you. Think about what it will give you to achieve this goal?

    Try to be positive about your goals. Research has shown that a goal sounds more realistic when it is stated in a positive tone. In other words, you will reach your goal faster if it is something that you strive for, and not something that you are trying to avoid.

    • For example, if you are going to eat right, then the goal is to “stop eating junk food” will be worded in negative tones. Such a formulation unconsciously sets you up for the need to limit yourself.
    • Instead, formulate the goal in a different way: "Eat at least 3 times a day vegetables and fruits"
  8. You should set goals when you know exactly what result you want to achieve. Achieving your goals will require you to work hard, as well as feeling motivated. Therefore, make sure once again that these are exactly the goals for which you are ready to try. Remember that you are only responsible for your actions, so you cannot control the achievement of a goal if someone else is responsible for it.

    • Try to focus on what you can do to achieve this goal. This will help you not to lose heart if you fail at some stage. Feeling successful, you will be able to achieve a certain result, and even if it is not exactly what you planned, you will still be happy with it.
    • For example, the goal of "becoming president" depends not only on you, but also on the actions of other people (in this case on the willingness of voters to vote for you). You have no control over these actions, so this goal is theoretically achievable, but not under your responsibility. Nevertheless, being among the candidates is quite achievable goal. Its achievement depends on more from you and your efforts. Even if you didn't win the election, but got into the number of candidates, you can already consider it as a success.

    Part 2

    Develop an action plan
    1. Think about how you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Make a list of the tasks you need to complete in order to reach your goal. To do this, pay attention to the answers that you gave (to the questions “where?”, “What?”, “When?” And so on).

      • For example, you might have a goal like this: “I want to go to college and study law so I can become a lawyer and help my family win cases in court.” This is a specific goal, but it is quite difficult to achieve it. To make it easier to navigate and start somewhere, break this goal into several subgoals.
      • Here are some example subgoals:
        • To graduate school
        • Participate in debates
        • Select university
        • Enter university
    2. Set a time frame. Some goals are easier to achieve than others. For example, the goal of "walking in the park for an hour 3 times a week" is pretty easy, you can start working on it today. But some goals are achieved over the years.

      • For example, it will take more than one year to achieve the goal of “becoming a lawyer”. You will need to achieve several sub-goals and go through several stages that will lead you to this main goal.
      • Take into account possible troubles and other life turns. For example, the goal of “choosing a university” must be achieved before you are going to enter there, and there will be little time for this. Also keep in mind that each university has its own requirements and its own time frame for submitting documents.
    3. Turn subgoals into tasks. Once you've broken down your goal into multiple subgoals, try to set goals for yourself that will lead you to those subgoals. Set a time frame for completing each task.

      • For example, if your goal is to "become a lawyer," then the first subgoal is "to graduate well." high school» can be divided into several stages. For example, "sign up for extra classes by law and history" and "to go to additional courses rights".
      • Some subgoals have specific time frames. This is important to remember in order to always be motivated. If some sub-goal does not have a time frame, we advise you to allocate yourself certain interval the time it takes you to complete this task.
    4. Turn tasks into responsibilities. Soon you will feel that achieving your goal is not so difficult! Research has shown that specific goals broken down into tasks lead to increased productivity, even if the tasks themselves are quite difficult. Completing these tasks can be a lot of hassle, especially if you are not completely sure that you are really striving to achieve this goal.

      • For example, if you have a task to "sign up for law and history classes," you can limit it to a time frame by dividing it into subtasks. You might end up with the following subtasks: “find out the class schedule”, “negotiate class attendance with the teacher”, “sign up for classes by [date]”
    5. List the sub-items that you have already completed. Perhaps you have already achieved some subgoals or are about to achieve them. For example, if you want to enroll in Faculty of Law, you should be more interested in news and changes in legislation.

      • Make a list of even the smallest actions that can help you achieve your goal. You will realize that many of the items on the list have already been completed or are being performed. This will give you a sense of motivation and progress.
    6. Think about what you need to learn and develop. If you have many goals, you may not be able to develop all the qualities in yourself at once. Think about what skills and knowledge you already have. The exercise of visualizing yourself in the future will help you.

      • If you realize that you need some more qualities, start developing them in yourself.
      • For example, if you want to become a lawyer, you must develop the ability to speak to the public and the ability to build your speech. If you are very shy, you will have to develop the skills to communicate with other people in order to achieve your goal.
    7. Make a to-do plan for each day. Most people put off important things “for later”, “for tomorrow”, in the end, never starting to deal with them. Even if it is something very small, but you can do it today - do not delay. This will help you get a little closer to your goal.

      • Tasks completed today will move you further. For example, if you need to agree on something with someone, then you first need to collect enough information about this someone. And if your goal is to “walk 3 times a week”, then first you need to buy comfortable shoes. Even the smallest actions will motivate you to move on.
    8. Think about what's stopping you. In fact, there are not so many real obstacles to achieving the goal in the world. Think about what is holding you back from progress. This will help you deal with this “brake” more effectively. Make a list of obstacles to your goal and think about what you can do to overcome them.

So, down the course there will be a list born in torment and suffering) This list is my first-born, my first such large-scale list of plans and goals in my life.

To be honest, I don't think I made it right. I read that to make a list, you need to take the time to sit down and listen to yourself, and in the process of this ritual, answers to the questions "what do I really want?" and "What do I really want to do?" Of course, things went the other way.)

I compiled it because I set myself the goal of "come up with a list of goals" (). Of course, I want almost everything from this list (well, except for the water park))), but how much more I want, ooh, you would know! And how many things I want, about which I myself don’t know yet ... And something was written there, so to speak, for extras. In general, I think that this list is far from final and over time it will change: items may be added, or may be replaced by others - for example, I will not go to Italy, but to Spain and this will be considered legal)

Let's move on to the second part - there are many goals, and time, as is often the case, is limited. Initially, the idea was this: to implement all this within a year, i.e. until 07/15/2015, except for the list of improbability (see last section), but you need to face the truth - I will strive very much, of course, but it’s not a fact that I will mentally, physically and financially master it all in such a short period of time. Of course, I could create a list of plans not for a year, but in general, but I believe that one of the conditions for translating a goal into reality is the presence of a time frame, albeit approximate. On this occasion, I decided this - everything that does not submit to me in a year will be transferred to the next list.

Actually, here he is, the hero of the occasion:


  1. Get an annual Schengen
  2. Get a UK visa
  3. Pass on rights
  4. Get tanned :)
  5. Do strangers compliments
  6. Walk more -
  7. Become feminine
  8. Achieve balance in all areas of life
  9. Write down your new goals, dreams and ideas and add them to this list


  1. Travel - abroad at least 1 time in 3 months, in Ukraine - 1 time per month
  2. Travel to London for a week to choose a language school
  3. Go skiing in Zakopane
  4. Surf school in Portugal
  5. Stay in all regional centers Ukraine
  6. Visit Moscow and St. Petersburg
  7. Travel to Greece
  8. Travel to Istanbul
  9. Journey to Italy
  10. NEW-
  11. NEW - Complete a collection of 100 Starbucks traveler cups

Work and Finance

  1. Earn $3000 per month
  2. Make a wp framework for Themeforest
  3. Find a designer(s) to collaborate with
  4. Earn $10000 on Themeforest
  5. Explore Themeforest Alternatives
  6. Work in a way that allows you to travel
  7. Think about what else I would like to do, look for alternative sources income
  8. Set aside 10% of every income for a brighter future
  9. Don't work weekends

Professional development

  1. Explore Design
  2. Learn JavaScript
  3. Learn Canvas
  4. Learn PHP
  5. Learn to make mobile apps
  6. Upgrade your layout skills,
  7. Upgrade your layout skills, learn sass
  8. Upgrade Your WordPress Skills
  9. Periodically attend specialized conferences
  10. Write and defend a dissertation


  1. Fluent English
  2. A month of language courses in London
  3. English courses for groups
  4. Continue individual sessions English
  5. Start learning Italian
  6. Start learning French
  7. Summer language classes Spanish/French/Italian
  8. Start learning Portuguese
  9. Portuguese language courses in Porto

family and home

  1. Dedicate an apartment
  2. Support parents financially
  3. Every week, prepare a new dish - and
  4. Invite your parents to dinner at a restaurant at least once a month
  5. Invite friends over more often
  6. Buy a cottage
  7. Make repairs at the place of residence
  8. Grow some exotic plant in a cup
  9. Inspire your man
  10. Get rid of all unnecessary things


  1. Learn to take professional photos
  2. Find some other lists of recommended books and read them
  3. from these lists
  4. Paint
  5. Learn how to make macaroons
  6. Read and listen to uplifting literature
  7. - e.g. leaf skeletonization
  8. Learn how to massage

Sports, health and beauty

  1. Do stretching exercises
  2. To take dance classes
  3. Normalize the daily routine
  4. Eat properly -
  5. Start running -


  1. Spend more time with friends - meet at least once a week
  2. Go to the cinema at least once a month
  3. Go to a new restaurant/cafe at least once a month
  4. Study the events that take place in our city and attend at least one a month
  5. go to night club, shake the old days)
  6. Go to the water park (although this is stressful for me, not fun)
  7. love some board game and play it from time to time.
  8. contemplate the stars
  9. Go to the zoo - haven't been in 100 years
  10. Stay at the aquarium
  11. NEW - Ride on a yacht

Tell the world about yourself

  • Cruise to Antarctica
  • Travel all over Mexico
  • Stay in Japan
  • Visit all countries of the world -
  • Participate in a marathon
  • learn to surf
  • Learn to fly an airplane
  • Buy property in Europe
  • Trip around the world
  • Arrive at the airport and buy a ticket no one knows where
  • NEW - Travel all over South America -
  • Now about the problems - to be honest, I have not yet decided how it would be more convenient to outline my achievements in this regard. Throwing it all away is not an option. Conducting all the goals at once separately is also not an option, it seems to me that in this case, the description of the process will take more time than the process itself.

    So far I've decided to do this:

    • select one global and create a separate goal for it;
    • highlight several smaller goals (1-2-3) and regularly write a report on your achievements on them in this goal, say, once a week;
    • once a month write a report on the entire list of goals.

    those. there will be no stages for all items on the list yet, I will add stages gradually.

    Let's start on that positive note.)

    Which best advice can be given to anyone in life? "Don't lose sight of your dreams!" Why is it so important?

    Most people succumb to the flow of fate, not trying to resist and not choosing a direction. They just live day after day without a single direction. Today a person is carried in one direction, and the next day in the opposite direction. As a result, they achieve nothing in life, remaining close to the starting point.

    But it is worth believing that, despite all the accidents, you can “design” your life. Or, if someone likes it better, become her designer. To do this, you just need to set a goal for yourself and not turn away from it at any life turns. Better yet, make a list of your highest priority goals and keep it in front of your eyes. This method became even more widespread after the release of the film The Bucket List (in Russian translation - “Not yet played in the box”) with the participation of Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.

    It must be emphasized that the simple compilation of a list is not a task, but only its formulation. This list can be a good start for designing a lifetime. Think about it, maybe it's time to streamline those big, small and great desires that I would like to fulfill.

    Almost every person for the new year makes a list of things that he wants to do next year. Most often, these are short-term and not too ambitious desires. Why not make a list of 100 life goals that can determine the meaning of all life? Let some of them be short-term, and they can be completed almost immediately. But among them there should be those, the implementation of which is worth devoting a lifetime to!

    Think about it. And make a list of hundreds of wishes that will be exciting for you personally. After all, if you are not delighted with your own goals, then why strive for them? But if they are your real goal, then you need to strive for their implementation, leaving aside doubts and not being distracted by momentary interference.

    Now I will try to give as an example a hundred own desires. They have both basic and a little strange, but interesting to me personally. I encourage every reader to make their own list. And look at yourself from the side through the prism of your aspirations. So:

    My 100 life goals.

    - To start a family.

    - Take care of your health.

    - Every year to go on a trip to new country to visit all continents.

    - Make an invention and patent it.

    - Get a degree.

    - Contribute to the preservation of peace on the planet.

    - Go on a sea voyage.

    - Fly into space to feel the state of weightlessness and look at the earth from space.

    - Jump with a parachute.

    - Run a full marathon.

    - Create own source passive income.

    “Change someone else's life forever.

    - Take part in the World Championship or the Olympic Games.

    - Go to Israel as a pilgrim.

    - Become a parent and raise a child.

    Try to be a vegetarian for a month.

    - Read the entire Bible.

    - Dine with a successful and famous person.

    - Give a talk in front of a large meeting or at a conference with more than 100 participants.

    - Write and publish a book.

    - Create your own website on the Internet.

    - Write a song.

    Buy a motorcycle and learn how to ride it.

    - Start your own business project.

    - Climb a mountain peak.

    - Start tennis training.

    - Master the technique of digital photography.

    - Become a blood donor.

    - Become the owner of the land.

    - Feed the shark.

    - Go diving, and if possible - ride a submarine.

    - Ride an elephant or a camel.

    - Fly over the city hot-air balloon or by helicopter.

    - Swim in the sea with dolphins.

    - View all top 100 movies.

    - Go to the Oscars.

    - Take the kids to Disneyland.

    - Canoeing through the Amazon.

    - Attend all the games of the season of your favorite football/hockey/basketball team.

    - Visit all big cities of their country.

    Go a month without TV.

    - Live a month in a monastery or a secluded skete.

    - Learn Kipling's poem "If" by heart.

    Buy or build your own house.

    - Go a month without a car.

    - Fly in a jet fighter.

    - Practice milking a cow.

    - Adopt a child.

    — Learn foreign language(Chinese or Spanish).

    - Travel around Australia.

    - Learn to dance belly dance.

    — Found charitable foundation or organization.

    - Do your own repairs in the house.

    - Drive through all the countries of Europe.

    - Sign up for rock climbing.

    - Learn to knit or sew on a sewing machine.

    - Maintain your own garden.

    - Go hiking in unexplored places.

    - Become the owner of a black belt in one of the types of martial arts.

    - Play a role in a local amateur theater.

    - Go to the movies.

    - Visit the Galapagos Islands.

    - Learn archery.

    - Learn to sing (take vocal lessons).

    - Try each dish national cuisine- Mexican, French, Indian, Japanese and so on.

    - Write a poem about yourself.

    - Learn to ride a horse.

    - Visit Venice and ride a gondola there.

    - Learn how to drive a boat or a motorboat.

    - Learn to tap dance or waltz.

    - Visit the headquarters of Apple, Google and Facebook.

    - Live on a desert island.

    - Go for a full Thai massage.

    - Try therapeutic fasting - eat only water and juices for a month.

    - Buy shares of a profitable company.

    - Pay off all your debts.

    - Reach financial independence through passive income.

    – Learn to invest in real estate or gold.

    - Volunteer at the hospital for free.

    - Travel around the world.

    - Get a puppy.

    - Learn to drive a racing car.

    - Conduct family history research.

    - Build a tree house for the children.

    - Take care of your grandchildren.

    - stay in South America, Monaco, Tahiti or Fiji.

    - Participate in a dog sled race in Alaska.

    - Go surfing.

    - Do the splits.

    — Go to ski resort in Aspen.

    - Get yourself a professional photo session.

    - Go to live at least for a month in another country.

    — Visit the North Pole, see Pyramids of Egypt and Niagara Falls, visit eiffel tower, walk along the Great Chinese wall, look at the Sistine Chapel and the Coliseum.

    - Take classes on survival in the wild.

    - Buy your own plane.

    - Be happy.

    Have you looked at my list? Compose your own!

    At this moment, many people have a question: why so many points? Why do you need to set as many as 100 goals? The fact is that such a number of goals is a test of your motivation. As well as the opportunity to show their talents in many areas. Life is so multifaceted that all these goals should show your desire to cover all its directions. And also to demonstrate readiness for any turns, responsibility and discipline in achieving them.

    You must take control of your life, and the goals will become beacons that will not let you leave the main direction. They will show you which way to go. In the process of achieving simpler goals, you will gain confidence in your abilities. Once one goal is achieved, it's time to move on to the next.

    Looking back through time, you will see what a long way you managed to go, and how much you have achieved. Goal setting will Starting point success. The main thing is to start. After all good start is half the success in any business!

    There is absolutely no doubt that many people are interested in the topic of self-development and personal growth. Most, of course, understand why this is necessary. However, there are people who do not clearly understand the goals of these processes, even being involved in them, not to mention those who are not interested in such things at all. In fact, the development of its potential has great value in Everyday life and can offer significant benefits to every individual. Let's take a look at the features of the process of a person's development of his personality and answer the questions: why is this needed at all and what does it give?

    To begin with, it is worth clarifying what self-development is and personal growth.

    Self-development - it is conscious and carried out by a person without the assistance of any external forces a process aimed at developing their potential and realizing themselves as individuals. Self-development always implies the presence of clear goals, certain beliefs and attitudes.

    Personal growth - this is, firstly, psychological concept used various directions. And secondly, the process of cultivating by a person the special qualities of his personality and increasing the level of his personal efficiency and productivity in order to increase personal potential and achieve a higher life result in all its manifestations.

    The concepts of "self-development" and "personal growth" can be considered identical to each other, because they, by and large, pursue the same goals. But such goals as increasing potential, developing qualities, etc. look rather abstract to serve as a worthy definition of why a person needs to develop himself and grow personally. Let's try to specify them.

    So, the main goals of self-development and personal growth, as a rule, are:

    It should also be said that a person engaged in self-development masters, among other things, a number of very useful skills in life, namely: the basics and time management, learns the basics, and also learns to think through their achievement and, ultimately, achieve. The fact is that the person who cares about him comprehensive development, automatically comes to acquaintance with a variety of various sources different knowledge: , audio and video materials, seminars, courses, Internet resources and, of course, with interesting and developed personalities. By the way, meeting and communicating with new people is another advantage of self-development. This may well not be the goal, but when a person begins to develop, he begins to “grow” out of the circle of those with whom he communicated before. As a result, there is a need for new people. And it is realized in many cases spontaneously, because. a person with a certain level of development begins to attract people with the same level or superior to him, and he himself is attracted to them.

    And the last thing I would like to touch upon is that personal growth not only stimulates the development of a person’s potential, but also contributes to the harmonization of his life, in general. developing man, along with the fact that he learns a lot of information that allows him to improve his, so to speak, outer life, ennobles and enriches its inner and spiritual world, feeds it with all kinds of knowledge about any spiritual aspects of life, teachings and practices. He begins to look at the world with completely different eyes, to see in it what he had not seen before, to notice what others do not notice, to appreciate every moment he lives, relatives, loved ones, friends more. As a result, his whole life becomes more harmonious, bright, full and happy.

    Based on all this, we can conclude that self-development should be done by everyone and everyone who wants to become a “better self”, to maximize their intellectual, spiritual, creative and personal potential, as well as change their life or just make it better.

    Develop, friends, grow as individuals and improve yourself! Do it first real step towards yourself and, believe me, then you simply won’t be able to stop.