We read books with children. Reading to children Reading to children

Who owns knowledge - that owns the world. In our age of information boom, this expression is more relevant than ever. Fast development radio, television, computers, etc. led to a significant decrease in children's interest in reading. This slows down processes. intellectual activity child: children read the condition of the task, exercises more slowly, forget its essence before they begin to perform. Many terms and concepts that they should have an idea about at this age are simply unknown and uninteresting to them. Experience shows that students who do not read well are doomed to underachievement in middle and high school, where educational material increases many times over. And parents, of course, want their children to learn not only to read, but also to think, fantasize, empathize. And all this contributes to the love of books. But how to instill in a child an interest in reading?

Parents need to create such an atmosphere that communication with a book in a child causes only positive emotions, and would be associated with getting pleasure from such communication. How to make the process of reading become a personal necessity for children?

1. Read aloud to children from the very beginning. early age. Do not replace a true acquaintance with the book by listening to audio recordings and video recordings of fairy tales and stories.
2. Take your children to the library with you and teach them how to use its funds.
3. Show that you appreciate reading: buy books, give them yourself and receive them as a gift. If family members do not read, but constantly spend time in front of the TV or computer, it would be strange to hope that the child will be interested in this type of activity.

4. Do a reading an exciting activity: Show that the books are full of great ideas that children can use in their lives.
5. Let the children choose their own books and magazines.
6. Buy magazines for your child, taking into account his interests.

7. Have your child read aloud to you or someone in the household.
8. Encourage reading.
9. Play board games that require reading.

10. There must be a children's library in the house. It should have different books, and not just, for example, fantasy and adventure.
11. Collect books on topics that will inspire children to read more about it.
12. Do not rush to immediately answer children's questions, it is better to advise you to look for answers in books on your own.

13. Collect at home various dictionaries: explanatory, spelling, encyclopedic, foreign words etc.; Develop in your child the habit of referring to dictionaries and working with them.
14. Invite the children to read the book the movie is based on before or after watching the movie.
15. Set up a home theatre: role-play using costumes and props.

16. Often ask the opinion of children about the books they read.
17. Children are better at reading at first. short stories, then they will have a feeling of completeness and satisfaction.
18. Read in turn: one page or passage at a time.

After reading the work, it is necessary to talk with the child about what has been read. This is very important for the assimilation of the content, and for the development of interest in reading, and for the formation moral qualities. May I ask:
- Did you like the story, fairy tale, or not, why?
- Which of the characters did you like (did not like), why?
- What actions of the hero did you like (did not like), why?
- What would you do in this case?

For younger children school age we need works that teach them to be surprised. The ability to be surprised by an event, a phenomenon, a person is very necessary for a child: interest in life, a thirst for knowledge, the ability to see beauty and cherish it are born from surprise. It is in early school age that the accumulation of feelings and experiences takes place. That's why junior schoolchildren looking for entertainment, strong emotional experiences in reading.

Remember the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky “You can live and be happy without mastering mathematics. But you can't be happy if you can't read. Those who do not have access to the art of reading, - unmannerd person, moral ignoramus".
May our joint efforts, strength, work aimed at educating children's interest in reading give good results. Let every student be able and love to read. Let every day be connected with exciting journey into the world of books, reading will become the strongest passion for children and bring them happiness!

Advice for parents

“Reading to children, reading with children”

Prepared by the teacher

Emelyanova N. A.

Pavlovo 2016

"The fate of the child depends on

what kind of grown-up people surround him"

M.K. Bogolyubskaya

Children's literature is the richest fund of domestic and foreign poems, fairy tales, short stories and novellas, designed for different age groups. Often on the end page of the book you can find a note “for parents to read to children”, “for preschool age"," for primary school age. However, at present, this segment of the market has greatly expanded: new authors, new works have appeared, books loved by parents since childhood have been reprinted. It is very difficult to understand all this abundance, because you need not only to find interesting book, but also to understand how it will be available to the child.

At first, children's interest in a book completely depends on adults, on their ability to choose a book, read it aloud, and talk about it.

Probably the most main way is reading aloud.

The duration and, so to speak, the "amount of reading" depends on the age and individual characteristics child, from the complexity of the book, from emotional mood baby at that moment and, of course, on your reading ability. But in any case, one main rule must be observed: reading a book should be a holiday for a child. Not casual entertainment, not just the acquisition of information, but a holiday, and great joy.

Reading aloud is not easy. And the difficulty here is not even so much in the ability to make the necessary pauses and divide the text into semantic pieces. It is much more important to understand and feel the author's style, to understand main idea works. And this will already prompt the necessary intonation, help to find emotional contact between the writer, the reading adult and the little listener.

There are children's books that need to be re-read several times. Sometimes this happens by itself: the child is very fond of the book, he asks to read it again and again. Sometimes this is due to the importance and necessity of the book, its deep and serious content. But in both cases, it is necessary to observe the measure. One book should not overshadow all others.

Preschoolers do not have to read only those books that can be read at a time. Children can also read voluminous books, even those with several hundred pages. There are also such books for kids, for example, for everyone famous book English writer A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all." Of course, reading big book will stretch for for a long time and the way of this reading must be special. It is necessary to read in small pieces, so that one adventure ends and the next begins, so that the children do not lose interest in the antics of the funny Winnie the Pooh. The book allows you to do this.

You need to try to make the child become like full member fabulous company, got used to the heroes of this fairy tale. Maybe a teddy bear, which until then just lay in a toy box, will help with this. Now call him Winnie the Pooh. Maybe there will be in the toys of the baby and all the friends of Winnie the Pooh, and a wonderful forest can be drawn or made from twigs, cubes, just from chairs. The child will look forward to continuing reading with great impatience and will remember everything that has been read before, especially if you play and sing cheerful grumblings, noisemakers and puffers - songs of a teddy bear:

I am Cloud, Cloud, Cloud,

Not a bear at all

Oh, how nice Cloud

Fly across the sky!

The kid will love Winnie the Pooh and will be happy to listen to this book for at least a whole year.

In general, you should always try to read to the baby "for a reason." Look at the illustrations together and talk about them. Remember similar, living, life situations - and again talk about them. Invent continuations of stories or imagine yourself in place actors, i.e. in every possible way to stimulate and awaken children's activity, children's creative imagination.

Talk about books, of course, must have and purely pedagogical orientation. How did the child remember the content of the story? How did you understand it? Will he be able to coherently retell, answer questions?

If he can, then try to invite him to dream up: compose a continuation of the story or your own story, a fairy tale. So reading will contribute to the development of memory, coherent speech, logical thinking.

Reading books to kids is very interesting. And here an adult can show all his talents and skills. Let's dream up what opportunities are fraught with, for example, the well-known Russian folk tale"Three Bears" in the processing of L. N. Tolstoy.

This tale is short, it can be read in ten minutes. Read - and all. And if you stage this fairy tale in a home puppet or shadow theater? Well, let's try. First, you need to assign responsibilities. Let dad or older brother become the main director and director; mother together with grandmother, sister and baby - dressers; let grandfather prepare the screen and decorations. And every child has dolls and a bear.

Learning the play is not difficult. Both adults and young participants in the performance will quickly learn the words of their role and will enthusiastically ask: “Who was sitting on my chair and broke it ?!”

If all this seems too difficult, you can stage a fairy tale without puppets. Come up with some characteristic piece of clothing for each performer (a jacket and a scarf for Nastasya Petrovna, a hat and jacket for Mikhail Ivanovich) and play the play right in the room, without a stage or scenery, or just read it while sitting at the table.

You can get acquainted with the fairy tale "Three Bears" in another way. First read it, and then fashion all the characters from plasticine, make it from potatoes, cones, shreds and sticks.

These examples show how you can read books to kids, read in such a way as to arouse in them the desire not to part with the characters, to continue the action of the book so that book heroes not only remembered, but also loved, so that the kid would take them into his game.

Poems that are so close to children deserve special attention. Sometimes it seems that the very rhythm of children's movement, thinking, beating is expressed in the rhythm of the verse. baby heart. This is probably why little guys can memorize so easily, effortlessly poetic lines. It happens to them as if involuntarily. But adults must intervene here too, carefully and persistently select the best examples of children's poetry for the child, make sure that the circle of the child's poetic affections expands with age. The range here is huge. From the poetic alphabet, which will help the child learn the alphabet in a fun and imperceptible way, to long plot poetic tales and literary classics.

An adult who reads a book to a child, an adult who simply chooses this book for a child, inevitably becomes a "co-author" of the writer and artist, a successor to their pedagogical and artistic ideas.

An adult, something necessary connecting link, which connects the new, newly emerged life of the baby with the endless world of creativity, the world of the book. And the importance of this connection can hardly be overestimated.

Already in the middle of the last century, scientists sounded the alarm - the inhabitants of the planet read less and less.

And now the place of books is increasingly being replaced by the Internet and television, but this replacement is not equivalent. The role of a book in a person's life is invaluable. Without it, neither education nor the formation of culture in society is possible. It is the book that stores what is in various fields activities accumulated by humanity.

Without reading, a person does not develop, does not improve his intellect, memory, attention, imagination. He does not assimilate and does not use the experience of his predecessors, does not learn to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

Reading develops a person's soul, teaches him to be compassionate, to be merciful, to feel, to use information, to explore it. And in our time, the ability to extract information, the ability to accept the correct and fast decision Based on its analysis, it is considered high professionalism. Reading develops a person's speech, makes it correct, clear, understandable, figurative, beautiful. Reading - impulse to creative insight and the creation of a new artistic creation [Gritsenko, Z.A. You tell a fairy tale to the children ... A method for introducing children to reading. - M .: Linka - Press, 2003.].

Reading skills, like most others, are laid in home. It has been proven that reading aloud is the basis on which love for a book grows. When instilling a culture of reading, it should be remembered that parents are the most prime example for a child.

There is no substitute for shared family reading from an early age.

For a long time it was obligatory not only in noble estates and palaces, but also in modest philistine houses and apartments. in almost every library and school, the slogan "Reading is the best teaching" was placed.

Today, in many families, the picture is different: parents spend evenings at the computer or TV, introducing the kids to this. Experts have calculated that 90% of schoolchildren read not at will, but out of necessity, exclusively within the framework of curriculum. Meanwhile, it is literature that places the emphasis on the spiritual values ​​and moral priorities of the individual.

Preschoolers simply need to be unobtrusively led to the wonderful world of reading, book wonders and mysteries.

The process of familiarization with the spiritual heritage through the book is quite long, but if the initial stage is successful, then over time the number of young people who love the book will increase significantly. Family reading is very important not only during the period when the child cannot read, but also at a later age. Psychologists recommend reading aloud to children under the age of 12. This allows you to stretch a kind of thread from older to younger, to support communication in the family. In order for a child to grow up comprehensively healthy, he needs full communication with his parents, and not just while cooking dinner or watching TV.

At the same time, through the book, the child perceives various models behavior (the ability to make friends, achieve goals, resolve conflicts), which can be useful in various life situations. Best effect is achieved when reading is supplemented by a joint discussion with the child about what he liked, what was close, what scared, and what amused.

As a rule, in families where parents often read a lot to their children, a harmonious and friendly atmosphere reigns.

tradition family reading it is important to renew and save as long as possible. Is there anything nicer than taking little man armpit, sit down with a book and go on an unforgettable journey to other times and countries.

How can parents help their children find books that are neither too hard nor too easy, but just right? Teaching children to read can take place both in the process of reading aloud, and in joint reading, during which you will help your child, explain to him the essence of what is happening, and also talk about the meaning individual words. Children love to read books, but you need to help them choose the right literature for their age. How to do it? Here are a few useful tips, which can be used both in the case of reading aloud, and in joint reading. If a we are talking about the second option, then you can use the five-finger rule, which will be discussed later, not for yourself, but for the child. The same applies to the questions that you will need to ask: you can ask them not to yourself, but to the child, if he has a desire to try to read on his own.

five finger rule

  1. Choose a book that you would like too.
  2. Read the second page.
  3. Count each word that would be difficult for you to explain to your child, that is, those that you do not know or are not sure about. At the same time, on each such word, bend the finger of one hand.
  4. If there are five or more of these words on one page, you should choose another book.

If you still think a book might be right for your child, try using this rule on a few pages to make sure.

Choose the book that suits you

First of all, when choosing a book to read to a child, you need to focus on yourself. You want to be a role model for your baby, so it's always a good idea to check everything for yourself, including the books you want to read to your child. Therefore, you need to make sure that a particular book is the most suitable for you. How to do it? Now you will know about it. You need to read two or three pages of this book and then ask yourself some questions.

Will it be a light and fun book that is a pleasure to read?

First question: Do I understand what I'm reading? It is very important to answer it, because it will depend on whether your child will understand the essence of the book, and also whether you will be able to explain everything to him if he has problems with understanding.

Second question: do I know almost every word? It is also very important question, since the child may have difficulties not only with understanding the essence of what is happening in the book, but also with the meaning of individual words. Remember that your child learns as he reads, so you need to be able to explain every word he has trouble with.

The third question is: when I read aloud, can I do it well? You should listen to yourself in advance before you start reading the book directly to your child to understand how good your reading sounds. Practice in a way that your child enjoys listening to, however each book is different and some may not be suitable for reading aloud. So choose the ones that will sound the best.

And the fourth question: do I think that this topic will interest me? The fact is that it is necessary to combine business with pleasure, and if the book you have chosen does not arouse your interest, then you should refuse it, even if you think that it will be very useful for the child. There are millions of books in the world, so you will always have plenty to choose from. If all or most you answered yes to these questions, then the selected book will be ideal option for you and your child.

Will this book be too difficult for me?

Separately, you should ask yourself whether a particular book will be too difficult for you. After all, if this is so, then for a child it will generally become unbearable. How to check it? Again, you need to answer a few questions.

First question: Are there five or more words on one page of this book that I don't understand? This has already been discussed above: if there are too many unknowns or difficult words, then you will not be able to explain them to your child, which eliminates the benefits of reading.

The second question is: is this book difficult to understand? Does she cause confusion? This question is at the core of the entire book. If you cannot catch the general meaning, follow all the turns of the story, then you should also refuse to read such a book, since your child will be interested in the plot, and you will not be able to clarify the situation.

Third question: When I read a book out loud, do I stumble? Am I reading too slowly? If you answered yes to this and at least one of the two previous questions, then the selected book will be too difficult for a child to read. You should wait before you start reading this book with your child.

What if the child cannot understand the word?

If your child is having difficulty understanding a word that you have read to him or that he is trying to read himself, here is what to say to him:

  • Can you pronounce it?
  • Show him.
  • Which sound is first and which is last? What word do they fit?
  • Is there anything in this word that you can learn from other words?
  • Where does the word begin?
  • Which word beginning with these sounds would make sense here?
  • Swipe your finger under the word as you pronounce it.

These instructions will help the child quickly deal with an unknown and incomprehensible word to him, as well as master it and use it to understand further constructions.

What to do if a child wants to read a book that is too difficult?

Sometimes situations may arise when your child will feel like reading a book that is not suitable for him. You should not allow him to do this, because the experience gained in the process may turn out to be sharply negative, and this will push the child away from reading. Here is what you need to say to him in this case:

  • Let's read this book together.
  • This is a book that you will enjoy much more if you put off reading it until next year.
  • When people read books that are too difficult for them, they often skip important points. You will enjoy this book more if you wait until you can read it with ease.

The answer to the question "when to read books to a child" is two-sided. First, than earlier child get acquainted with the book, the faster he will love it. But on the other hand, how can a six-month-old child understand something. Therefore, the beginning of reading is a purely individual process. Is it worth rushing this process? Why not! After all, there are books for the little ones, in which there are a lot of funny pictures and just a couple of words. Remember that the book helps to develop speech skills faster. Experts recommend that children read books in their native and understandable language. Statistics say that children of the 21st century began to talk six months later than our mothers and grandmothers. Perhaps the reason for all this is the low attention to reading books?

Reading carefully helps a lot. Remember that you need to read slowly so that the child captures the essence and follows the plot. You may have to reread the text several times. After reading the text, it would be nice to discuss the plot with the baby, ask him to retell the text, or even play a small scene or performance.

Before reading, it is very important to set the child up for a serious moment. To do this, you can invite the baby to close his eyes and imagine that now he will go to fairyland, where he learns a lot of interesting and useful things. Make sure the young listener is comfortable.

Never force a child to read, if he says "no", then he will not listen to you carefully, and this will not bring any benefit. Wait until he asks you to read to him.

You need to read slowly so that your words become a pleasant and long-awaited stream of words. If you know the plot of this fairy tale or story by heart, periodically take your eyes off the book and look at the child. After each story or fairy tale, do not forget to ask the children for their opinion about what they have read. If the child begins to be distracted and spin, you need to give him the opportunity to rest a little.

When a child begins to invent something of his own, do not scold him or correct him. Give him some space to let his imagination run wild.

Most often, parents start reading books with their three-year-old children. Know that at the age of three, a child already knows the purpose of objects. The most important thing for him is the game, he lives in it, likes to change something and rearrange it. That is why it is worth choosing fairy tales and stories in which the opposite is true, for example, fables. Why do babies often need interesting communication with adults, so you need great attention to read about nature, fiction, perhaps even materials from children's encyclopedias. AT readable texts good and evil must compete so that the child begins to understand what is good and what is bad.

The child always strives to inherit adults in everything. Pay attention to those books in which there are independent children, for example, Prostokvashino. At 4 years old, children have a certain need for scientific facts. They are very interested in what, how and why works. In such cases, books by authors such as D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, V. Skryabitsky and others will suit you. As many adults know, a child is a creature that spends almost all of its time in motion. Therefore, he will be very interested in books with abrupt changes in plots and events. (K. Chukovsky)

By the age of 4, the child is occupied with stories that are supposedly told on behalf of one person. Very often the baby looks up to him. Also, tongue twisters and rhymes where a play on words takes place are no less useful at this age. Your child's main activity is play. In it, you can invent anything, without limiting your imagination. Therefore, fairy tales will be very relevant, where events are greatly embellished, for example, "The Three Little Pigs", "Puss in Boots".

For younger preschoolers, it will be useful to read books with goodies. It can be myths, legends, epics. Preference is best given to such authors as V. Kuhn and A. N. Afanas'eva. It will not be superfluous to familiarize children with texts on moral and ethical topics. In these texts, there is often a conflict between the characters, it tells about what is good and what is bad, what is friendship, etc., stories about Kuzya, Uncle Fyodor, etc. will become interesting. At this age, children begin to understand jokes and humorous stories and story.

Need to know simple truth, which is not so important when you start reading. It is important that you lead your child by example.