Where to go if you are in Maryino? Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army. Bakhmetevsky bus depot

Maryino is one of the youngest and largest districts of Moscow. Mass construction on the site of the former Lublin irrigation fields began in the late 1980s, and in a couple of decades a quarter of a million people settled here - like in a real Russian regional center. Oppositionist Alexei Navalny lives in Maryino, there are two metro stations and, of course, his own "Auchan" - the center of district life, and in the notoriety Shura, the Kraski group and other faded stars of the late 1990s perform at the Thirst Club. On March 1, 2015, the March "Spring" will be held in Maryino. The Village found out from local residents where they go regularly and what to do in Maryino after the march.

Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow

Photo: PKIO 850th anniversary of Moscow

The Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow, stretching along the river for five kilometers, is the main (if not the only) attraction of the area, which offers an excellent view of neighboring Brateevo. In the western part of the park there is a pier for motor ships, near the Brateevsky bridge - an amusement park and a paintball field, further to the east - tennis courts. One of the first bike paths in Moscow winds through the park, from the Maryino metro station to the oil refining area in Kapotnya. Why go there is a rhetorical question.

dusseldorf park

Photo: PKIO 850th anniversary of Moscow

In the autumn of 2012, in one of the yards along Bratislavskaya Street, residents of Marin and residents of other regions of Russia planted seedlings of maple, oak and Altai cedar in the form of the word “Love” - but, unfortunately, they simply did not take root. It's okay: there are so many parks and wide boulevards with ponds in the area. One of the centers of Maryin is a huge circle of the park named after the famous journalist Artyom Borovik, who died in a plane crash almost 15 years ago. However, it is better to go to the Dusseldorf park next door - there is a BMX velodrome.

Ice Palace Maryino

Address: Myachkovsky Boulevard, 10, bldg. 3

In Bratislava Park, opened in 1998, you can see an unusual gazebo on an artificial hill or go skating: at the intersection of Novomaryinskaya Street and Myachkovsky Boulevard, there is a district ice palace. Most weeks spent there free classes hockey and figure skating for children, but on Sunday evenings, anyone can ride inside. Ice, according to reviews, is excellent.

Aquapark "Fantasy"

Address: Lublinskaya st., 100

Maryino also has its own water park, one of the first in Moscow. The water park was opened back in the early 2000s, and by modern standards it looks modest, but there are no alternatives in the southeast of the city. Kids will love it, adults will most likely be bored.

Library No. 30

Address: st. Pererva, 56, building. 2

A photo: Library 30 in Maryino

One of the pilot projects for the renovation of Moscow libraries is located not far from the Bratislavskaya metro station: in December, the district library No. 30 was opened after repairs. Have you been to Chistye? Everything is exactly the same there: fresh design, places for work and cultural events, instead of dusty shelves - public space.

Craft beer shop "A couple more"

Address: Bratislavskaya st., 13, bldg. one

A photo: A couple more

There are John Gilroy's and Punch & Judy pubs in Maryino, but for The Village craft beer go to the Another Couple store near the Artyom Borovik park. Inside there are 400 types of beer and 40 taps with a draft drink at good prices. In addition is this the only place in Moscow, where you can get American craft.

Temple "Assuage My Sorrows"

Address: Maryinsky Boulevard, 1

Photo: Ewik / Wikipedia

The area is also home to the first Orthodox church Moscow, built already in our century: the church "Satisfy my sorrows" in Maryina was created with private donations in the early 2000s. True, one can hardly expect a spectacular view from a rare sacred receptacle in a residential area. This is a rather boring building, imitating the pseudo-Russian style.

Monument "Good Angel of the World"

Photo: Yuri Mashkov / TASS

Another sacred corner of Maryin is located on the eastern outskirts of the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. Formally the author of the tasteless memorial complex with a monument to an angel is the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Pyotr Stronsky. And at the same time, this is perhaps the main creation of Oleg Oleinik, the president and co-owner of the charitable movement " Kind people peace”, thanks to which any wealthy person for significant charitable donations could receive both pompous, but meaningless orders, and busts in the Muzeon park. Around the ten-meter stele, opened in 2007, there were plaques with the names of Alexander Lukashenko, Kim Jong Il and hundreds of conceited Russian businessmen who decided to cast their names in eternity. In 2013, all commemorative plaques were dismantled.

School of karting "Maryino"

A photo:

The luxurious palace of the Maryino estate in the Kursk outback on the coast of the Izbica River completely destroys the notion that pompous buildings in Russia were built only in Moscow and St. Petersburg or their immediate environs.

architectural chic and natural landscape combined into a harmonious composition, embodying one of the exquisite pearls of Russian architecture of the XIX century.

According to the results of an online vote held at the end of 2015, Maryino's estate was in the top three after the museum-estate of S. Rachmaninoff "Ivanovka" near Tambov and the museum-reserve "Divnogorye" near Voronezh.

Briefly about the history of the estate

Also in early XVIII centuries, the lands of the present Rylsk region were donated by Peter I to the Ukrainian hetman I. Mazepa, who had to flee Russia after Northern war because he was leading fighting on the side of the Swedes. The estate, consisting of two buildings of stone chambers and outbuildings, went to the royal favorite A. Menshikov. Having found himself in disgrace at the court after the death of Peter I, Menshikov went into exile, and his Kursk property had a new owner - the first wife of the sovereign E. Lopukhin. Soon the estate was granted to Count N. Golovin, Admiral of the Fleet, and then, as a dowry, passed to Holstein-Beck and Baryatinsky.

The real heyday of the estate began after the entry into the inheritance of I. Baryatinsky, a bright representative of the “golden youth”, who, according to contemporaries, has a charming appearance, brilliant European education, musical talent and agronomic abilities. Prince Ivan Ivanovich, while in the diplomatic service in London, married the daughter of Lord Sherborne, Maria Detton, who died immediately after the birth of her daughter. With his second wife, nee Countess Maria Keller, the prince lived his whole life and raised seven children.

In 1811, the owner of the estate started the construction of a new palace in the Kursk estate, intended for the main residence of his family. The authorship of the project belongs to the architect K. I. Hoffman. The construction of the building continued until 1820, a beautiful park was laid near the palace, and a pond was built on the river, which later became known as Bolshoi Maryinsky. The estate itself was originally called the Izbitsky house, but later Maryino took root - in honor of both wives of the prince.

After October revolution the interior of the palace and rich collections were looted or taken to the capital. The building housed an agricultural college, after civil war- a rest house, then a sanatorium of the Central Executive Committee. In the 30s of the last century, the Intercession Church and the family tomb were destroyed princely family Baryatinsky. Before World War II, a school of commissars functioned in the palace. During the occupation, a German owner appeared at the estate - General G. Guderian, who received it as a gift from Hitler himself.

After the liberation of the Kursk region in the estate of Maryino, health-improving institutions replaced one another. Today, in the former estate of the princes Baryatinsky, there is a sanatorium of the Administration of the President of Russia and a museum. Room rates different category from 2700 to 9400 rubles per day.

At the beginning of 2015, the Maryino estate acquired the status of a protected object cultural heritage federal significance.

Structural compositions of the Maryino estate

The key object of the estate is a majestic three-story palace, to which one-story outbuildings adjoin on both sides, forming two household yard. Them inner space narrows to the entrance gate, guarded by watchful sculpted lions.

On the round island of the Bolshoy Maryinsky Pond, a rotunda under a spherical roof seems to be floating above the water. Inside it once flaunted a white marble Venus. The rotunda served as a bath for the princely family. On the oval island, a Lutheran church was built especially for Princess Mary. Through the efforts of shipbuilders ordered from St. Petersburg, a whole river flotilla for walks along the pond and the river Izbice. Later, the islands were connected to the coast by bridges - Gorbaty and Krasny.

Among the sculptures of the park, the monument to Alexander Ivanovich Baryatinsky, the heir to Maryino, who led the Russian army in Caucasian war. The symbol of victories, the cast-iron eagle, reminds park visitors of his glorious military campaigns against the highlanders, which ended in the capture of their leader Shamil.

The interior of the palace after the October Revolution and during the civil war was heavily looted by peasants from the surrounding villages. There is little left of the historical interior now, for example, a massive closet, which simply turned out to be impossible to budge. The unique cherry-wood spiral staircase looks very fragile today - they are not allowed to walk on it, an exception is made for newlyweds who arrange photo shoots on it. Marble fireplaces have also not been preserved, they were restored according to old plans and sketches. A special solemn atmosphere reigns in the blue hall. All visitors to the palace are shown a room with amazing acoustics - a room where they whisper: softly spoken words are heard only by a person who is in the diagonally opposite corner from the speaker. Everyone else in the room can't hear the whisper.

Excursion service for tourists is carried out by museum guides, the price is 150 rubles per person.

Sanatorium treatment and rest in the estate of Maryino

Treatment in a sanatorium includes consultations with doctors and various studies for diagnosing diseases - X-ray, endoscopic, ultrasound and laboratory, as well as medical procedures, including electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, mud therapy, massage, inhalation sessions, acupuncture and others. Especially popular are SPA procedures carried out under the programs "Improvement", "Weight optimization", "Relaxation", "Detoxification". The sanatorium also has a cosmetology and dental office, a hairdressing salon, a library, a dance hall, an equipped beach, next to which there is a boat station offering boat or catamaran trips along the river and pond. An exotic adventure for most vacationers in the resort is sleigh rides or phaeton rides, depending on the time of year. Movie lovers spend time in the cinema hall, addicted board games- in the billiard room. Those wishing to explore the surroundings of the estate rent bicycles and set off on specially designed cycling routes or learn horseback riding.

Sights of the surroundings of the estate Maryino

Near the estate they show everyone century oak- a natural relic of the village.

In the village of Ivanovsky near Maryino, the ruins of the chambers of Hetman Mazepa, erected by the famous Moscow architect O. Startsev, have been preserved. From here, the hetman managed his Kursk estates - Stepanovka, Mazepovka, named after the patronymic and surname of Mazepa, and other villages founded on his instructions - Korenevo, Obukhovka, Studyanka, Amonya. Repeated attempts have been made to restore the monument of Russian architecture, one of such projects is under development today.

On the site of the old Church of the Intercession, destroyed in the 30s of the last century by order of M. Kalinin, who was resting in Maryino, a new brick church with a wooden dome was built in Ivanovsky. In the surrounding villages of the Rylsky district, churches of the 18th-19th centuries have been preserved: the icons of the Mother of God of Vladimir in Kostrovo, the icons of St. George the Victorious in Kozino, the icons of the Mother of God of the Sign in Begoshcha.

Where to stay near Maryino estate

In addition to accommodation in the sanatorium itself, which occupies the main part of the former princely palace, for sightseeing, you can stay in nearby hotels and recreation centers. Dacha Yakushino - a hunting lodge in a forest thicket on the coast of the Seim River, 17 km from the Maryino estate, is chosen by admirers of silence, fishing, hunting, friendly gatherings in nature near a fire with barbecue. Price per room - from 3000 rubles.

You can visit Maryino by staying in one of the hotels in Lgov (23 km from Maryino) - MAG or Svetofor with price offers from 200 rubles. AT district center Rylsk, located 17 km from Maryino, several hotels - Chaika, Rylskaya, Mechta, Irina's, Rylsk, the cost of living in them is 500 - 1200 rubles per day per person.

How to get to the Maryino estate

Russia, Kursk region, Rylsky district, Maryino village, Centralnaya street, house 1

Coordinates (G): 51°35′11″ s. sh. 34°56′37″ E d.

The most convenient way to get to Maryino is by train from the Kursky railway station in Moscow to the Lgov station, from which the sanatorium bus runs. The fare is from 825 rubles, the travel time is 9 hours.

You can get from Moscow to Rylsk by bus from the Novoyasenevskaya bus station or the Kyiv metro station, the ticket price is about 1000 rubles. From Rylsk to Ivanovsky, a bus ride will cost 47 rubles. Approximately the same cost of tickets from Ivanovsky to Lgov.

With their own transport, they follow the E38 highway from Kursk towards Lgov and Rylsk for about 120 km to the village of Ivanovskoye, then another 3 km to Maryino.

Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow
The forest park strip of the Maryino district, part of which is the park named after the 850th anniversary of Moscow, is truly unique. Today it is one of the most ecologically clean districts of Moscow, and not every resident of the city knows that for many years there were treatment facilities through which passed wastewater from all over the city.
The area has changed in just ten years, according to the new master plan city ​​development. The opening of the park in the area of ​​Porechnaya Street and Bataysky Proyezd took place in 1997, the year of the city's 850th anniversary. The park was named in honor of this date, evidence of this is a memorial stone laid in the park on the opening day.
Of the attractions of the park, of course, it is worth highlighting the sculptural composition “Monument to Student Signs”. Made according to the sketches of students of the Moscow architectural institute, the monument was erected in the park in 2008. It is a granite "pyatak" - 5 kopecks, issued in 1978, located on the ground, around which the abbreviations of Moscow universities are engraved. The composition is complemented by granite record book with the inscription “5 (exc.)” and large granite shoes. As conceived by the authors, for a successful session, you should get up in your shoes and, making a wish, throw a coin in the direction of the “penny”. Success awaits those who fall. To secure it, the shoes and the "record book" should be rubbed, again making a wish.
Of the entertainment in the park, there is an amusement complex “Luna Park”, go-karting, playgrounds.

Park "Bratislava"
In 1998, the Bratislavsky Park was opened (3rd microdistrict, Maryinsky Park development). Bratislavsky Park is located near the Bratislavskaya metro station towards Myachkovsky Boulevard (along Myachkovsky Boulevard and Novomaryinskaya Street). This park has an artificial pond and a playground.
Park them. Artem Borovik
It was founded in 2000 on the circle of Bratislavskaya street, not far from the exit from the Bratislavskaya metro station, towards the beginning of Bratislavskaya street. On the central platform of the Artyom Borovik park there is commemorative sign in honor of the deceased journalist (the gymnasium No. 1562 operates in the district near this park and there is a museum in memory of A. Borovik).
On the territory of the park. Artem Borovik houses playgrounds, and winter period there is a large skating rink with skates for rent.
dusseldorf park
It was founded in 2006 and at first was called the park of the 10th microdistrict of Maryinsky Park. Current name received on January 20, 2009 in honor of Moscow's long-term partnership with Düsseldorf (North Rhine-Westphalia), which became Moscow's sister city back in 1992. Landscape designers and builders invited from Germany worked on the creation of the park.
Solemn ceremony The opening of the park took place on April 18, 2009 with the participation of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Mayor of Düsseldorf Dirk Elbers.
Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Assuage My Sorrows"

On Maryinsky Boulevard there is the main spiritual attraction of the Maryino district - the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Assuage my Sorrows”, which was built in 2001 by “the whole world” - largely due to charitable donations from construction, commercial organizations and residents of the area.
The temple was founded on September 2, 1999, construction was completed in 2001. On February 24 of that year, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia performed the rite of small consecration of the temple. This object was solemnly opened by the then mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.
The temple in Maryino is the first temple built in the 21st century in Moscow. The architect of the temple is Andrei Obolensky. The building was financed by residents, organizations and enterprises of the city and the region.
Archpriest Anatoly Rodionov, who is also the dean of the Petropavlovsk District (South-Eastern District of Moscow), was appointed rector of the temple.
At the main temple there is a small wooden temple built in 1996. The first divine service was performed in it on January 5, 1997.

Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow

The park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow was opened in 1997, on the anniversary of the 850th anniversary of the city. The length of the park along the banks of the Moscow River is 4 km. Its area is 71.6 hectares. A design plan for the third and fourth stages of the park has been developed. After the construction of the third and fourth stages, the area of ​​the park will be about 200 hectares.

The park has 11,918 trees and 19,783 shrubs. The area of ​​paths and paths is 103 thousand square meters.

There is a monument in the park Student signs"- the first and only one in Russia. The monument was made according to the sketches of students of the Moscow Architectural Institute and is a granite "pyatak" - a coin of 5 kopecks issued in 1978, around which the abbreviations of Moscow universities are engraved.

On June 8, 2007, the opening of the Architectural and Park Complex "Kind Angel of the World", designed to perpetuate the names of patrons of different eras.

In 2008, a memorial stone was installed on the territory of the park, where it was supposed to build architectural ensemble from characters and literary heroes fairy tales H.K. Andersen.

In 2012, one of the first bicycle paths in Moscow was laid in the park, 8 km long, winter time a ski track will run along it from the Maryino metro station to the Kapotnya area, rental points (bicycles and skis) will operate, which will allow residents of these areas to get to the metro without traffic jams and keep fit.

In 2012, 3 modern playgrounds were built in the eastern part of the park, as well as the Workout sports ground.

Park "Bratislava"

Bratislava Park by historical standards was created not so long ago, at the end of the 20th century, in 1998, the park was named after the capital of Slovenia, Bratislava. The initiator of its creation was the Ministry of Culture, as the inscription on the memorial stone on the territory of the park.

The total area of ​​the park is 5.6 hectares. Green spaces in the park 35459 sq.m. There are 668 trees, 2340 shrubs, flower beds area 305.3 sq.m., lawn area 29270 sq.m.

The park is equipped with children's sports and play complexes. The football field in the park is used for various sporting events. The park is isolated from the surrounding houses by a hedge of shrubs unpretentious to air pollution. The landscaping of the park territory was carried out in accordance with the functional zoning and ecological features site.

The hill on the bank of the pond is crowned with a rotunda, for an additional vertical accent of the relief. The landmark of the park is a lime tree planted by the mayor of Bratislava, Milan Ftacnik, on September 2, 2011, and the Swans bench, donated on September 1, 2012 in honor of friendship between Bratislava and Moscow.

Park them. Artem Borovik

Founded in 2000 on the circle of Bratislavskaya street, in the area of ​​Maryino South-Eastern Administrative District Moscow at the intersection of st. Bratislava and st. Break.

Name of famous journalist, writer, public figure, President of the Sovershenno Sekretno holding Artyom Borovik was assigned to the park in September 2001. Members of the Moscow Government, heads of the district, district and close relatives, friends, colleagues of A. Borovik attended the opening of the memorial sign

The park has a memorial sign made of granite in the shape of a feather, symbolizing the journalistic talent of Artyom Borovik. Letters are engraved on it: "Park named after Artyom Borovik."

The total area is 10.2 hectares. The lawn area in the park is 25030 sq.m., trees 513 pcs., shrubs 4777 pcs., the area of ​​flower beds is 1672 sq.m.

In 2012, the park was redesigned with a device walking paths, children's playgrounds, stages for performances and various events, gazebos, a bicycle path, a ski track, basketball and volleyball courts, rental point and ice rink, as well as lighting systems throughout the territory.

dusseldorf park

Founded in 2006, total area is - 9.4 hectares, the name was given on January 20, 2009 in honor of Moscow's long-term partnership with Dusseldorf, which became Moscow's sister city back in 1992. Landscape designers and builders invited from Germany worked on the creation of the park.

In the center of the park there is a symbol of Düsseldorf - a radschleger (German: radschleger), a sculpture of a boy making a coup with a wheel. There is also a modern cycle track on its territory. A special commemorative plaque has been installed in the park with following text: “Düsseldorf park. Named in 2009 in connection with the 15th anniversary of the establishment of partnerships between Moscow and Düsseldorf (Germany)” and the original oak bench “Gift of the German-Russian Friendship Society”.

The solemn opening ceremony of the park took place on April 18, 2009 with the participation of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Mayor of Düsseldorf Dirk Elbers.

The park is a man-made hill with planted trees and an artificial pond. During the construction of the park, elements of architectural and landscape design characteristic of German cities.

The temple in Maryino is the first temple built in the 21st century in Moscow. The architect of the temple is Andrei Obolensky. The building was financed by residents, organizations and enterprises of the city and the region.

Archpriest Anatoly Rodionov, who is also the dean of the Petropavlovsk District (South-Eastern District of Moscow), was appointed rector of the temple.

At the main temple there is a small wooden temple built in 1996. The first divine service was performed in it on January 5, 1997.