Big fireball in the sky. How dangerous are fireballs in the sky

It often happens that a meteor particle that has flown into the earth's atmosphere has quite large sizes. It no longer weighs fractions of a gram, but kilograms and tons. It is no longer a particle, but meteoroid. When a meteoroid flies into the atmosphere, a fireball called a bolide is seen from the Earth rapidly rushing across the sky. A fiery tail stretches behind him, sparks scatter, and then a faintly luminous foggy trail remains.

The car flies by for a few seconds, and the trace left by it can be observed for tens of minutes or even more than an hour. It constantly changes its shape, bends in all directions, and then breaks into pieces. The reason for this phenomenon is the hurricane wind, which always blows in the upper atmosphere. The wind blows and breaks the track of the fireball. During the flight of the car, the area is illuminated by a bright flashing light.

Sometimes, especially when flying a bright and large fireball, a roar with rumblings is heard a few minutes after its disappearance. In ancient times, the flight of fireballs caused superstitious fear among the people. with their fiery tails and writhing footprints superstitious people mistaken for fiery serpents or dragons.

A rather rare phenomenon is called a bolide - fireball flying across the sky. This phenomenon is caused by the intrusion into the dense layers of the atmosphere of large particulate matter called meteoroids. Moving in the atmosphere, the particle heats up due to deceleration, and an extensive luminous shell is formed around it, consisting of hot gases. often have a noticeable angular diameter and are visible even during the day. superstitious people took such fiery balls for flying dragons with fire-breathing mouths. From strong air resistance, the meteoroid often breaks up and falls to the Earth with a roar in the form of fragments. The remnants of meteoroids that have fallen to Earth are called meteorites.

A meteor body, which is small in size, sometimes completely evaporates in the Earth's atmosphere. In most cases, its mass decreases greatly during the flight, and only the remnants reach the Earth, usually having time to cool down when space velocity already extinguished by air resistance. Sometimes a whole meteor Rain. When flying, meteorites melt and become covered with a black crust. One such "black stone" (Kabba) in Mecca is built into the wall of the temple and serves as an object of religious worship.

Meteorites are stony or iron bodies that fall to Earth from interplanetary space; are the remnants of meteoroids that have not completely collapsed while moving through the atmosphere.

Falls of meteorites to the Earth are accompanied by light, sound and mechanical phenomena. A bright fireball called a bolide sweeps across the sky, accompanied by a tail and flying sparks. Along the path of the fireball, a trail in the form of a smoky strip remains in the sky, which from a straight line under the influence of air currents takes on a zigzag shape. At night, the fireball illuminates the area for hundreds of kilometers around. After the car disappears, after a few seconds, explosion-like shocks are heard caused by shock waves. These waves sometimes cause significant shaking of the ground and buildings.

Meteorites can fall out in those cases when the speed of the meteor body invading the earth's atmosphere does not exceed 22 km/s and if this body has sufficient mechanical strength. Encountering air resistance, the meteoroid slows down, kinetic energy it turns into warmth and light. As a result, the surface layer of the meteorite and the formation around it air envelope heated to several thousand degrees. The substance of the meteoric body evaporates after boiling, partially splashes into tiny droplets. Falling to the Earth almost vertically, the fragments of the meteor body cool down and, upon reaching the ground, turn out to be only warm. They are covered with a hardened melting crust. In the place where meteorites fall, depressions are formed, the size and shape of which depend on the mass of meteorites and the speed of their fall.

The largest meteorite was found in South West Africa in 1920. This meteorite, named Goba (names are given according to locality, closest to the place of impact), iron, its mass is about 60 tons. Such large meteorites rarely fall. As a rule, the masses of meteorites are hundreds of grams or several kilograms.

To the largest meteorites refers to the iron Sikhote-Alinsky, which fell in the USSR in 1947. Even in the atmosphere, it split into thousands of parts and fell to Earth as an "iron rain". When hitting the ground, parts of the meteorite crushed the rocks, forming craters and funnels in them. 200 craters and funnels with a diameter of 20 cm to 26 m were discovered. The mass of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite is estimated at 70 tons, more than 23 tons were collected.

Meteorites are made up of the same chemical elements that are also found on Earth. These are mainly the following eight elements: iron, nickel, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, aluminum, calcium and oxygen. The remaining elements are found in meteorites in very small quantities. Combining with each other, these elements form various minerals in meteorites, most of which are also found on Earth. But there are meteorites with minerals unknown on Earth.

Iron meteorites are almost entirely composed of iron combined with nickel and a small amount of cobalt. Stony meteorites contain silicates - minerals, which are compounds of silicon with oxygen and an admixture of other elements (magnesium, aluminum, calcium, etc.). Found in stone meteorites and nickel iron in the form of grains scattered throughout the mass of the meteorite. Stony iron meteorites are composed of almost equal amounts stony and nickel iron.

If you look at the fracture stone meteorite, then you can see rounded particles - chondrules. They have the form of balls with a diameter of 2-5 mm. In different places of the Earth, tektites were found - glass pieces of small size, weighing several grams. It has now been established that tektites are frozen spray terrestrial matter ejected (sometimes over vast distances) during the formation of meteorite craters.

The Earth encounters only those meteor showers whose orbit intersects the Earth's orbit. With a closed swarm, a shower of meteors is observed annually around the date when the Earth passes the intersection point. Depending on the flow thickness, i.e. from its age, the time of observation of meteor showers lasts from several hours to several weeks.

When the Earth encounters a stream of meteor particles, meteors are observed with almost parallel trajectories in the atmosphere (meteor stream). For a terrestrial observer, due to the perspective, such trajectories look like coming out of a single point in the sky, which is called the radiant. Meteor showers are named after the constellation ( Latin name) in which their radiants are located. The most interesting meteor showers: Quadrantids (observed annually on January 3), Lyrids on April 20-24), Aquarids (May 1-9), Perseids (August 5-18), Draconids (October 10), Orionids (October 20-24) ), Leonids (November 15-17), Geminids (December 10-16). Most major meteor showers do not have a high spatial density of particles in a swarm, but move towards the Earth and therefore have a high relative speed. As a result, even numerous small particles able to generate meteors available for observation. In the swarms of some weak streams catching up with the Earth, the density of particles is greater than in the swarms of the main meteor showers. Most meteors are called sporadic, that is, random, but in fact they belong to weak, unidentified streams. Several times a century, the Earth encounters particularly dense parts of meteor swarms, and then short-term "meteor showers" lasting 1-2 hours are observed.

It is estimated that about 100 tons of meteoric matter falls to Earth per day. .

Great secrets of the Universe [From ancient civilizations to the present day] Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

What are dangerous fireballs in the sky?

This book has already talked about the mysteries that the Martian region of Cydonia poses to mankind. There are giant pyramids up to 500 meters high and the equally huge Sphinx. But no less mysteries were given out by another region of Mars - Acidalia, located on the other side of the Red Planet.

Geologists are still scratching their heads about the structures found at Acidalia. In this area, corrugated pipes run in the gorge between the Martian rocks. They are huge. Their diameter is sometimes three hundred meters. Length - up to forty kilometers. The ends of the pipes go underground or into the rock. Pipes are bent under the landscape, joined, sometimes at right angles. These objects were called the "Land of tunnels". Or Martian "glass worms". Astrophysicist Kirill BUTUSOV says:

“Yes, they are like glass worms, but in reality they are giant pipelines. Either these are transport pipelines, or water is pumped through them, we do not know. In other words, we don’t know anything about what’s going on there.”

Objects on Mars shaped like corrugated pipes, known as "Tunnelland" or "Glass Worms"

From the ancient texts, one gets the impression that at first the gods fought in heaven, and this did not concern people in any way. However, then the theater of operations moved to Earth.

This, of course, is hard to believe, but for the theory of the ancients nuclear explosions exist quite real evidence. For example, it is generally accepted that craters tens and hundreds of meters in size are traces of meteorite impacts. But not a single shard was found in many craters space bodies. But there they find tektites - pieces of earth rock melted at a monstrous temperature. Scientists cannot answer the question of how this could happen. In the Sahara desert, in Libya, there is a place where the sintered surface has generally turned into solid green glass. All this could happen only at unimaginable temperatures and pressures. Nothing but thermonuclear explosion, the emergence of such phenomena science is not yet able to explain.

But in this case, the question arises: where did the nuclear bomb come from on Earth in ancient times? There are two possible answers to this question. Or nuclear bomb someone dragged her from the future into the past and blew it up there. Or representatives of a certain civilization arrived, which already had nuclear technology. And they had some kind of conflict.

All over the planet there are structures that have been destroyed by something like this. In Bolivia, there are mysterious ancient ruins - Puma Punku. This is one of the most perfect buildings. Latin America. Stone blocks weighing two hundred tons are cut by an unknown method with jewelry precision.

Puma Punku - a complex of megaliths in Bolivia

Scientists say: at that time there were no such technologies on Earth. This means that the aliens brought them with them and with their help built the foundation of some structure. And that foundation was destroyed. Now it all looks like an incredible weapon was used to blow it all up. Today we see only a heap of ruins and traces of a large platform, which is no longer there today. We can only assume that there was a foundation of a now non-existent structure, and this foundation has been destroyed.

The remaining megaliths are laid without a bonding solution so that it is impossible to insert a razor blade between them. Even modern engineers are not capable of this. Historian, traveler Natalia CHERNIGOVSKAYA reflects:

"Without computer technology it's impossible to calculate it. And most importantly, such a foundation, where each pebble weighed more than two hundred tons, was put up right away. That is, they collected it, and then put it. But in order to put such a block, it is necessary to remove the Earth's gravity for some time. And they probably owned it, they could work with gravity.

The appointment of Puma Punku is not clear. And in the center of the complex - strange hole. One of the blocks is torn out and turned, it sticks out of the ground at an angle of 45 degrees. The result is a sinkhole that no flood could have made. The only thing that comes to mind is a powerful explosion, and it is in the center of the structure. Very similar to the result of a pinpoint missile strike.

On the same continent, in Peru, in the sacred valley of the Incas, many traces of similar destructions have also been found. Sacsayhuaman is a mysterious fortress founded by the legendary first Inca, Manco Capac, who came from the Gate of the Sun to Tiwanaku. It looks like it was hit by a targeted bombardment.

According to scientists, there are currently about sixty evidences on Earth that our distant ancestors used some kind of destructive weapon. For example, the archaeological site of Kenko is a labyrinth in the rock, carved at an altitude of 3500 meters. The flat platform goes inside the mountain and branches into galleries. Its purpose is not clear to modern historians.

Many of the mysterious ancient structures are suggestive of their military purpose. However, opponents of the hypothesis of ancient nuclear weapons lead boolean argument. To create any high-tech weapon, a serious industrial base. Uranium mines, factories, test sites. Thinking about it candidate historical sciences Andrey ZHUKOV:

“The production of nuclear weapons is a very branched and extensive production chain, from uranium mines to state-of-the-art laboratories. Such traces have never been found on the planet. Or even similar structures that could be interpreted as the remains of the corresponding industries of the ancients.

At the other end of the world - in India - 3500 years ago at mysterious circumstances died whole city. He went down in history under the name of Mohenjo-Daro, which in Sindhi means Hill of the Dead. The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata speaks of powerful explosion. There was blinding light and lights without smoke in the sky. Everything caught fire, water boiled in the rivers, houses were burned, and all people died. And for many thousands of years this place was abandoned ... Head of laboratory alternative history Andrey SKLYAROV testifies:

“In the Mahabharata there is a description of several types of weapons, among which is the mention of bright flashes. This is clearly similar to ours. nuclear weapon. And outbreaks that destroy entire cities at once. And there are, say, references to the destruction of Mohenjo-Daro - this is now the territory of Pakistan - that a funnel was allegedly discovered there. Unfortunately, now this funnel is almost impossible to see because of the restorers who took the trouble to create Disneyland there.”

In 1922, archaeologists found the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro. No traces of the virus were found in the remains of the inhabitants. The skeletons lay as if people were calmly walking the streets before the catastrophe. Some of the remains have been examined in detail. It turned out that the norm radiation background in the bones of the ancient Hindu was exceeded 50 times! The question is, where could a person thousands of years ago gain such a level of radiation?

At the same time, the stones kept traces of instant melting, explosion and fire. The disaster came unexpectedly and very quickly. However, there is another version of the death of Mohenjo-Daro. The description of the catastrophe in the ancient Indian epic is very similar to what happened during the Tunguska explosion. The sky lit up in the same way, fireballs appeared in it, and then there was an explosion. Director of MITSUFI at the Academy national security Russia Valery UVAROV comments:

“We find in Mohenjo-Daro a trace of the colossal power of the explosion that melted the stone. And it is important that the text tells about the appearance of a certain radiant ball that arose in this place. And then a colossal explosion occurred over this place, which led to the death of the city and to the consequences that today researchers assess as an explosion of a nuclear device of colossal power.”

Ruin ancient city Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan

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In September 2011, there was an explosion in Buenos Aires. The cause of this explosion is believed to have been a fireball that fell from the sky. As a result of the mysterious explosion, one person died and six were seriously injured. A business office, two residential buildings and several cars were also destroyed.

This incident happened late at night. According to eyewitnesses, shortly before the explosion, a fireball flew to the ground from the sky.

AT recent times similar mysterious fireballs are observed by the inhabitants of the Earth very often. Thus, a brilliant fireball swept over the Canadian province of Ontario at the end of September. Eyewitnesses claimed that the unusual ball was many times brighter than the moon. A sparkling mysterious ball was also observed in northern Germany. mysterious object crumbled into pieces right in the sky and silently fell to the ground in a few seconds.

Also known is such an unusual phenomenon as the "February fireballs" over the United States. A similar phenomenon was observed in the 60s of the last century. However, in this year this phenomenon has puzzled experts, as fireballs penetrate the atmosphere unusually deep and slow this February. American astronomers are puzzled not so much by the number of balls as by their trajectory and appearance. According to Professor Peter Brown and his colleagues, these celestial bodies break into the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 15 km / s, rapidly lose speed and cease to exist at a distance of about 50 kilometers from the earth's surface.

So, on February 1 of this year, a fireball lit up the sky over the state of Texas, arranging an unprecedented show in terms of brightness and duration. The balloon crossed the sky in just eight seconds. According to eyewitnesses, as it slowed down, the ball exploded like fireworks or firecrackers and shattered into many pieces. Then it flickered several times and slowly burned out. The fireball gave no less brightness than the moon. His appearance was recorded by NASA video cameras in the state of New Mexico. According to management experts, space object it could be about 2 meters wide.

Fireballs set puzzle scientists for many decades now. Set Watch Messages fireballs that fall from the sky came from eyewitnesses from all over Texas. Similar phenomena have also been observed in Kentucky. Modern scientists do not have a single point of view on the nature of the origin of these balls. Some researchers believe that the ball is an energy clot that is formed in the atmosphere due to the impact solar wind. For others, the fireball is a form of fireball that has yet to be explored. But now there are new rather original hypotheses. In particular, Vasily Kropochev, an employee of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that fireballs are the result of the strongest geomagnetic emissions resulting from movements tectonic plates. Ufologist Dmitry Prytkov claims that such an anomaly is directly related to the problem. extraterrestrial civilizations. Is it really something to do with UFOs?

The existence of UFOs has been debated, and will always be debated. Public opinion during heated discussions was divided into two camps - some are convinced that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and their mysterious vehicles periodically appear in the field of view of earthlings, while others constantly refute any evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Adherents of the version of the existence of UFOs are much more active than skeptics. Eyewitness accounts that prove the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization are multiplying every day.

One of the recent arguments in favor of the existence of aliens is the case that occurred in Kyrgyzstan. On the night of January 13, Kolbek Ryspaev was returning with his family from the guests, he was driving along the high-mountain road Bishkek-Osh. Somewhere at three in the morning, he witnessed a strange sight - two mysterious flying objects were clearly visible in the sky, which in form very much resembled traditional descriptions of UFOs. At first, the Ryspaev family mistook the gizmos hovering in the sky for airplanes, but then Kolbeck appeared on this account vague doubts. He had a video camera with him, on which he filmed what was happening. The result was an eight-minute story, which was subsequently shown to representatives of the local media. According to the employees of the Vecherniy Bishkek newspaper, two unidentified brightly luminous flying objects were clearly visible in the sky, shaped like a classic alien saucer.

Skeptics, of course, chuckle, but the weight and number of evidence is constantly growing. Some ufologists are trying to find an explanation for the purposes for which UFOs come to us. According to the most common theory, extraterrestrial beings have been periodically arriving on our planet for hundreds of years for the purpose of control. Proponents of this theory claim that the inhabitants of Bristol saw a strange sight above the city in 1270. aircraft. They also note that one of the inhabitants of this apparatus left it and as a result suffocated in earth's atmosphere. Residents of Nuremberg in 1561 noticed how several objects having a round shape, enveloped in fire, fell to the ground, and then disappeared into the fog. The famous astronomer Edmund Halley in March 1716 noted the appearance of the brightest celestial body that lit up the sky. The object radiated so bright light that it was possible to read with him. In the Persian Gulf in May 1879, the sailors of a British warship observed two giant glowing object in the sky. They had a round shape and, rotating very slowly, dropped almost to the sea surface. mysterious objects were very clearly visible for half an hour.

However, despite all this, the alignment of forces that support and refute the version of the existence of UFOs is unlikely to change. Believers do not need to prove anything anyway, and skeptics can even call a living alien a "Hollywood special effect."

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