Independent study of the Russian language. Teaching Russian as a non-native language

Russian is the most widespread of the Slavic languages ​​and the 6th total number carriers. Therefore, many seek to learn Russian for work and career prospects, some need it for education, and someone wants to get to know Russian culture better.

In this article, we will give you 10 good advice which will help in learning Russian and make this process interesting and exciting.

1 - Start with the simplest

The first step to learning Russian is to master its alphabet. Cyrillic, unlike Latin, is based on the Greek alphabet. Because of this, many letters, although similar, mean different sounds, and some are completely unique. So, for example, the Russian letter "Р" is similar to the English "R", and the Russian "Н" is nothing more than the English "N". If you devote enough time to the alphabet and the basics of phonetics from the very beginning, then further study of many aspects of the language will become easier and will move much faster.

Children's fairy tales are well suited for teaching reading, a list of them can be found on Wikipedia. They are written in simple and correct language and easy to understand. Such reading will help you feel the basics of the language, learn how to build sentences beautifully and correctly. More complex things are best left for later.

2 - Repetition is the mother of learning

So says the old Russian proverb. Glue pieces of paper with Russian names on pieces of furniture, appliances, dishes and everything that surrounds you in all places where you spend a lot of time: at home, in the office, in the car. This will help you always keep new words in front of your eyes and, over time, remember them without resorting to boring memorization.

3 - Record everything

Don't always rely on your memory. Especially if you are in another country and everything that surrounds you is often new phenomena. Always keep on hand notebook, or mobile phone, where you can quickly and conveniently take notes. At the end of each day, review your notes, among them there will certainly be something worth remembering.

4 - Always stay in touch

VKontakte is the Russian analogue of Facebook, which is much more popular than its older brother in many post-Soviet countries. Russian-speaking users happy to make new acquaintances with foreigners, which can be very useful for language practice. Thanks to communication in social networks, you can quickly improve your knowledge spoken language, and learn someone else's network culture. In addition, sometimes, friends and acquaintances during such informal communication can much better teachers explain some phenomena and concepts.

5 - Cinema and music

For many the most interesting way learning another language is watching movies and listening to music. In the case of the Russian language, it will be a great help official channel of the Mosfilm concern, where all old Russian films are collected. The channel has a separate playlist with movies with subtitles.

Far From Moscow is a great platform where you can find a lot of Russian music from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. All genres and directions are represented here, and there is a lot of content that can be legally listened to and downloaded.

These resources will help you not only improve your language skills, but also find new topics to talk with your friends.

6 - Read in Russian

Reading develops language skills very quickly. Try to read as much Russian as possible, such as news websites and Russian-language blogs. So you will improve your knowledge of the language and be able to delve deeper into the Russian mentality, culture and everyday life. In the end, it's just interesting to read how the same events are written about in different countries.

7 - Never turn down invitations

Russians sometimes seem not quite friendly and cold, but this is only until you find yourself at their house. If you were invited to a party, or just for tea, then be sure that you will be treated to the best food and shared with you the most unusual stories. Such a lively and relaxed communication - great way improve your speaking skills, learn new things about the culture and make friends.

8 - Visit a Russian speaking country

Full immersion in the language environment is the most the right way start speaking fluent Russian. In the open spaces former USSR The Russian language is very common, it is not necessary to go directly to Russia - you can find cities in other countries where Russian will be one of the main languages ​​of communication. Such a place can be found even in European Union. For example, the city of Daugavpils in Latvia: for 80% of its inhabitants, Russian is their native language, and 96% of the inhabitants speak Russian fluently. In Daugavpils, standard modern Russian without any accent is used as the main language for communication, which makes this city a very attractive place to study it.

If possible, it is better to live not in a hotel, but in a family where the main language of communication is Russian. Many language training programs provide this opportunity. So you'll never fall out language environment, and you will be forced to speak Russian, which over time will definitely bear fruit.

9 - Find a companion

Finding an interlocutor for whom Russian would be native is not so difficult. You can use social networks, but if you're in a Russian-speaking country, be sure to find someone to hang out with. This will not only help new friendship, but it will also help you to quickly get involved in learning the language.

The main thing to remember is that if your goal is language, then you should not forget about the need to write down and memorize everything new. Analyze each time your meetings, learn new words and expressions. Thus, with each subsequent “lesson” you will feel more confident, which means you will be ready for more difficult things.

10 - Find a new hobby

Love to cook? Ask a friend to teach you how to cook some traditional dishes. Are you into music? Learn a few traditional songs and several modern Russian compositions popular among the people. Dive deeper into Russian culture. This will make you even more interesting interlocutor and will allow you to better understand the Russian mentality. This way you can find faster mutual language with Russian-speaking people and you can get a much greater conversational experience.

Russian culture and language, which is an integral part of it, are incredibly interesting and, therefore, attract many. We are sure that the tips we have given you will simplify the process of learning Russian. If you are interested in learning this language courses, which provide a unique cultural experience and practice, be sure to read the information from our website. Do not be afraid of difficulties and learn Russian!

The Russian language rightfully takes the place of the most complex language in the world. Russian speaking students language schools who stubbornly study German, French, English and other languages, probably do not fully understand how complex and extensive the language they already know. Approach to the study of Russian is versatile and with all the attention.

Learn Russian Language

The channel contains detailed materials for learning Russian as a foreign language, which are suitable for beginners in Russian and those who already have basic knowledge. The channel boasts a rich archive of instructional videos with subtitles, which is updated weekly. Videos are provided in the form of a monologue by the presenter or in the form of understandable presentations. These lessons are suitable for those who have just started learning and want to learn Russian slowly. For those who have mastered the basics of the language, there may also be useful materials. The host of the channel is actively practicing colloquial speech and dialogues.

Lingua Baikal

The channel of the authors of the textbook Russian as a foreign language. Here you can find several informative lectures recorded in the classroom with students and an experienced teacher. Students act as students, during the lecture they answer questions from the teacher and perform pronunciation tasks. For advanced level students. During lectures, the student will be able to put correct pronunciation and replenish vocabulary required for a foreigner planning to visit Russia or Belarus.

RFL for everyone

The main emphasis in the submitted material is on the most difficult thing - the grammar of the Russian language, which is presented in illustrations and understandable examples. The authors of the channel try to present the material in such a way that it is understandable to students who know different levels knowledge. Information is conveyed through clear presentations with audio accompaniment. Students will learn numbers, cases, pronouns, adjectives.

Free apps to learn Russian as a foreign language

To make language learning as effective as possible, you should give every free minute to the process of learning or repetition. Mobile apps can help with this.

Mondly: Learn English FREE- a versatile application that trains the skills of writing, speaking, reading and listening. The app will be interesting for both elementary and advanced learners, it will be useful in travel and business. Download application for , for

Learn Russian with Babbel- offers to learn Russian through short lessons designed to qualitatively raise the level of language proficiency of a potential student. It will be useful for beginners and advanced students. The authors of the lessons are experienced teachers and native speakers. Pronunciation training is possible through the speech recognition function. Download application for , for

6000 Words - Learn Russian Language for Free- an application created to replenish the student's vocabulary, has a rich dictionary library. For ease of use in the application, the words are divided by difficulty levels and topics, you can listen to a new word. Mini-games have been created to make it easier to remember. Download application for , for

If in doubt how to write this or that word, you can always check it on the old and respected portal. To do this, the site has a search form in web dictionaries. In addition, offers visitors text course"Online tutor" with spelling and punctuation rules, as well as interactive dictations and other tasks to consolidate the material covered.

2. "Glazary of the tongue"

This program, which was created with the participation of professors from St Petersburg University, is an original collection of short articles about history, syntax, phonetics, stylistics and other sections of the Russian language.

Because of the hyperlinks that link the texts, the format of the guide resembles Wikipedia. After launching the program, its wonderful design catches your eye: it looks unusually stylish for its theme.

"True words" - children's interactive textbook of the Russian language. Accessible and boring materials of this resource, written by professional educators, will help your child fill in the gaps in the knowledge of the school curriculum.

The site uses game mechanics and bright design to draw the child into educational process and learn to write without mistakes. The system evaluates students using tests and provides parents with statistics on progress. The site is paid, but trial lessons are freely available.

4. "Russian language - literate"

Within this program - more than 16,000 test tasks spelling, punctuation and more. According to the developer, experts in the Russian language took part in the preparation of the questions. When faced with a difficult test, you can request help - the program will display the theory section related to the question.

"Spelling" allows you to improve your knowledge of the Russian language in practice. If you have to write a lot of texts, then you can check them in this service. The system analyzes what is written taking into account the numerous norms of the language, points out errors and displays the rules associated with them. The service works on a paid subscription, but the cost of tariffs is unlikely to scare off an interested user.

6. Punctuation

With this program you can check and, if necessary, improve your knowledge of punctuation. It works like this: you are shown offers from famous books and you put punctuation marks. The system evaluates the result and comments on errors.

Only 20 offers can be processed for free, another 200 are available for a symbolic price.

On this resource of the City methodological center Department of Education of Moscow appear dictations based on the works of prominent Russian writers. There are gaps in each text - you need to insert the missing characters, choosing them from the options provided. Upon completion, the system counts the number of errors made and gives the result.

8. "Spelling"

Apparently, Spelling is a program from the developer of the already mentioned Punctuation. The applications are very similar, but if the previous one was devoted to punctuation marks, then "Spelling" helps to pump up the spelling skill.

The system shows sentences with missing letters. You fill in the blanks, and the app points out your mistakes and gives you the spelling rules associated with them.

25 offers are available to each user for free. A few hundred more can be bought for a small amount.

How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language and remember them forever? The answer to this question is of interest not only for students, but also for those who have long graduated from school. There is hardly a person who would not like to write and speak correctly. The tips in this article will help you to cope with this task.

Where to begin

How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language? To begin with, you should stock up on a textbook and a collection of tasks, the implementation of which will help consolidate what you have learned. Proper preparation practice is the key to success. You need to tune in to remembering the rules. In no case should you learn them in a hurry, under the influence of certain distractions (music, TV, and so on). Best time for assimilation new information- Morning and evening hours.

Also, a person must understand why he is going to learn this or that rule, whether he will need it in later life and in what situations. The right motivation is the key to success.


How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language and apply them successfully? The mistake is made by those who try to remember the text without understanding the essence of its content. To begin with, you should carefully read the rule, while each word is clearly pronounced aloud. Then you need to determine the meaning of each word.

Then you need to try to reformulate the rule. Let's assume it has following structure: "We do ... when there is ...". You can say this: “If there is ..., then we do ...”. Next, highlight keywords, for example, with the help of color. This will ensure participation in the memorization process. You can also represent the rule graphically, for example, in the form of a table or diagram. The more actions a person performs with the text, the higher the likelihood that he will remember its content.

How to quickly learn the rules in the Russian language, consisting of several points? First you need to understand the content of each part. Then all the points must be connected together.

We connect fantasy

People who have developed imagination, can take advantage of this when remembering the rules. This method is widely used by teachers. primary school, kindergarten teachers. If a person can figuratively imagine the content of the text, he will remember it better.

Fixing the material

How to learn the rules of the Russian language? Many people forget the importance of reinforcing what they have learned. You can not neglect the exercises, the implementation of which will help to apply the rule. It is advisable to choose a variety of types of exercises, this will allow you to remember all the possible nuances. During the execution of the work, it is necessary to pronounce the content of the rule again and again.

Retelling of the studied material - shortest way to memorization. The content of the rule can be told to yourself or to someone from the household. It is also useful to answer someone's questions regarding the material studied. For example, an assistant can ask a person about the case in which something specific is done or written, and he must name the condition. If there is no opportunity to resort to someone else's help, you can ask questions to yourself and answer them.

Read and write

How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language on your own? Reading books is the shortest way to achieve this goal. It's about specifically about books, and not about texts on the Internet, which are often crowded grammatical errors. best choice will become classic literature. Works while reading books visual memory, and pronouncing the text aloud allows you to use sound memory. A person not only expands his vocabulary and develops the skill of combining and combining lexical items. His brain also fixes correct writing different concepts and terms. This reduces the number of spelling errors.

Rewriting books is another way to remember the rules of the Russian language. It is quite laborious, but the result is worth it. By rewriting one page a day, a person can as soon as possible become more literate. During this task, be sure to work with the text. It is necessary to track the familiar rules that are found in sentences, to control the correct placement of punctuation marks, spelling of words. However, even if a person simply rewrites texts, the rules will begin to be deposited in his subconscious without additional effort.

Mnemonics - a quick way to learn the rules of the Russian language

Mnemonics is a memorization technique that has been used since before our era. This method was used by ancient orators who needed to learn their long speeches. Most researchers attribute its invention to Cicero. So what is the most fast way learn the rules of the Russian language? Practical examples below will help you figure it out.

  • How to remember the use of the verbs "to put on and" to put on "? "I put on Hope, putting on clothes."
  • “It’s not great, not wonderful, but dangerous and terrible to write the letter “t” in the words “interesting” and “tasty” in vain. Such text will help you better remember seven words that do not use the letter "t".
  • How to remember the cases of the Russian language? A funny tongue twister will help to cope with this task. For example, "Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag a diaper." Or "Ivan Chopped Firewood, Varya Stoked the Stove."
  • How to quickly learn prefixes that need to be written together? It is enough to remember the word "avtomotovelofotoradiomonter".
  • After the letter "C" is always written "I", however, there are exception words. It’s easy enough to learn them: “Gypsy tiptoed chicken chicked chick.”

How funnier phrase the easier it is to remember. For example, “Whoever writes “CA” in verbs is a real sheep.”

Creative Methods

Using mnemonics is a quick way to learn the rules of the Russian language. Of course, there are other creative methods. For example, you can try to sing a rule that is difficult to remember. In this case, it will certainly crash into memory.

Another effective method- Speak complex text into a voice recorder. This recording should be regularly listened to before going to bed. Finally, the text of the rule can be shouted out, this also contributes to memorization.

You have been studying Russian for more than a month, but you still can’t say a word, and you can’t talk about watching movies? You are probably just learning Russian incorrectly.

Let's talk about simple but effective rules which will help you to speak Russian in just a few lessons!

Rule 1. Learn Russian with the immersion method. Listen to the radio, watch movies, look for video tutorials in Russian. An intermediary language prevents you from concentrating on the language you are learning, and, accordingly, slows down the process of mastering Russian. If you want to speak Russian or understand this language, communicative technique will give you much more than any grammar book.

Rule 2. Try to memorize phrases, not individual words. Along with the phrase, you also learn grammar. How to use this or that word in this context and in this situation, how to build sentences, how to ask questions - all this comes not with cramming the rules, but with memorizing the most used phrases in the Russian language.

Rule 3. The aspect of the language that you pay the most attention to when learning will be the one you develop the best. For example, if you only do grammar tasks, inflect words, conjugate verbs, you will be a master in this matter. But you will never speak unless you try to speak. Do you want to watch Russian films? Watch movies! Do you want to speak with Russians fluently? Try to talk, find a teacher or interlocutor and practice, and you will speak! Can't play on musical instrument if you only watch others play. Practice needed!

Rule 4. Give Russian lessons at least ten minutes, but every day. If you hear Russian speech and try to speak, the results will not be long in coming. Repeat the material covered, try to speak with Russians. Regularity is very important in the process of learning a language.

Rule 5. Find your motivation. If you don't know why you need Russian, you will quit your lessons very soon. Read Dostoevsky in the original? A great reason to learn Russian! Travel all over Russia alone? Great, you need to know at least basic phrases to survive. Watch Russian comedy shows and understand the Russian mentality? Great motivation. Or maybe you want to find your love in Russia? Or conquer the Russian speakers distant relatives your family? Look for your personal motivation, and you will not refuse to study the Russian language!

Listen, speak, read and join our large Russian-speaking family!